Darwin's World - Adventure - Against The Wastelords

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A Darwin’s World Adventure v1.0

Writer: Dominic and Chris Covey The ‘d20 System’ and the ‘d20 System’ logo are Trademarks
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to clear the trade routes of the valley, and even
AGAINST THE WASTELORDS communities outside of the area (the Trade Lands)
might contribute a warrior or two to the common goal
Against The Wastelords is a complete adventure of making the valley safe for trade and travel.
for the role-playing game, DARWIN’S WORLD.
The adventure is set in an indistinct corner of the Raider. Perhaps a survivor from a shattered, rival
desolate Forbidden Lands, a valley known as the gang seeking vengeance against the Wastelords, a
“Tradelands” due to the traffic of important goods raider character would make an excellent contribution
that moves through the area. The scenario involves to any group taking on this epic mission. His
the characters being hired by a merchant consortium understanding of the raider ways and their tactics
to rid the area of a powerful raider threat – the would make him a definite asset. A confrontation
“Wastelords”. with fellow killers might also make a dramatic scene
Against the Wastelords is intended as a handy for role-playing a change of heart – or a last minute
introduction to the dangerous and gritty atmosphere switching of sides! The drawback to such a character
of DARWIN’S WORLD. Consisting of an easy is that the communities of the area would be at the
means to gather disparate individuals together (as very least distrustful of his presence in the group…
players often have quite diverse concepts behind and this could cause problems when the PCs need
their characters), the scenario features a few scattered charity, healing, and trade.
encounters which soon build up to a conflict of
wide-ranging impact; battles in fact, in which the Scav. A scav character might find the opportunity
characters will be given the authority to lead the of brief employment by an established settlement
soldiers of the region against the raiders in all-out, enticing, enabling him to earn some raw corium and
large-scale war. possible trade goods (from treasure found along
This scenario features a few early encounters the way), while allowing the character to retain his
to encourage players to learn to coordinate their beloved freedom out in the wilds. Any good scav
activities because the later battles of the adventure also knows that future conflict often creates the
can get very deadly, very fast. Although the opportunity to earn artifacts and other treasures as
characters will have access to healing at various spoils of war.
points from their sponsors (the alliance of the “Three
Towns”), the individual running this adventure Thinker. A thinker would most likely be hired by
should pull no punches. Remember that DARWIN’S the merchants of Bazaar or Spilunk to lend aid to the
WORLD is a cruel and unforgiving setting, and in it group as an advisor, coordinator, or leader. Knowing
only the strong deserve to survive. full well the perils of sending a small group against
the Wastelords, the merchants would want to ensure
LANGUAGE success by hiring the canniest individuals around.
The dialogue of Against The Wastelords often Or, alternatively, a thinker character could simply
features confusing and “bad” language. This is be a native of the valley, seeking to gain prestige in
deliberate, to stress the decay of civilization and to order to further a political “career” among one of
allow the players to tell much about an individual the various communities. There is no better way to
from his speech (such as tech level, education, earn your people’s admiration than by being part of a
etc.). It is important that the GM thoroughly read heroic struggle…even if you spend most of the time
this adventure before beginning; to better play the “behind the lines”.
denizens of the wasteland and to understand the
flow and plot of the adventure. Trader. A trader character could accompany
any group as an employee of one of the Bazaar
merchants, interested as they are in thwarting the
GETTING INVOLVED Wastelords once and for all. This person would
be responsible for keeping the group on track and
There are a number of means that the GM can use to making sure any goods found are brought to Bazaar
introduce the characters to this adventure. While you to trade! In this case the trader character might well
are free to come up with your own lead-ins, a few are be the most trusted of the ensemble, and his presence
listed herein by character class: would mean better relations – and rewards – from
the coalition. As an alternative, a PC trader might
Guardian. The most obvious choice for represent one of the major factions of the Twisted
mercenaries, a guardian character could be hired by Earth (for example, the Cartel or the Clean), who
the merchants of Bazaar to clear the area of its raider have heard of the plight of the Three Towns and have
infestation, or he might actually be from one of the sent an emissary to help deal with the threat.
communities in this adventure (Bazaar, Dry Fort, or
Spilunk). The mercantile interests of each settlement
would be very apt to order some of their retainers

many powerful sandstorms that ravage the region.
ADVENTURE BACKGROUND So far from the well-traveled trade routes it would
probably have been buried again with the next storm,
For years the people of the “Trade Lands”, one of if not for a nameless, wandering scav who stumbled
many valleys crisscrossing the Forbidden Lands, upon it in the foothills of the valley’s central
have been prey to raiders and wasteland beasts. mountain spur.
Though situated on the main trade routes connecting Although he had no idea what the weapon truly was
these lands with other, wealthier regions, the towns (an air-launched nuclear cruise missile that crashed
of the Trade Lands are far enough away to lack minutes after being fired, more than two hundred
the protection and civilization of the major trading years ago), he knew that it had to be valuable to
houses. someone, somewhere. Unable to cart the whole
Years ago a major raider band began to see in weapon away, the scav combed through the relatively
the Trade Lands a convenient means of lining their intact debris until he could find a piece small
coffers with purloined goods – and to satisfy their enough to take. The piece he took, the weapon’s
bloodthirsty lust for raiding, raping, and extortion. computerized guidance system, was just sizeable
These raiders, who call themselves the “Wastelords”, enough for him to carry off – and he did, taking it to
proved themselves early on to be too much for the the small seasonal village of “Ebb” (not one of the
people of the valley towns to handle; with literally Alliance towns) where he hoped to sell it.
hundreds of raider scum in their army, and fleets of Unfortunately for the scav, the traders in Ebb did
oily vehicles, they have crushed all resistance and not see the same value in the object as he did, and
hope under their heel. they flatly refused to buy it. Incensed the scav left,
Since that time the Wastelords have made annual hoping to travel to another desert town (Sandyville)
“visits” to the Trade Lands, sweeping up from where he might make at least a few corium pieces on
southern lands beyond the mountains of the valley its sale.
to take what they want, demand tribute, and wrench The Scav’s discovery of the missile at the foot
the hard-earned wealth from the hands of the bitter of the mountains did not go unnoticed, however.
natives. Unknown to anyone, a group of strange religious
This reign of terror and humiliation has preservationists had long been living in an old
not gone without raising the ire of the local monastery constructed before the Fall, high in the
people, however. Burned by the constant mountains. Watching the valley floor regularly to
depravations and atrocities against their monitor the slow progress of civilization, they spotted
people, the natives of the Trade Lands dared the scav as he came within
to dream of a way to fight back. But alone, miles of their long-forgotten
each village was helpless to stop the yearly mountaintop citadel. Curious
attacks. as to what he was up to, they
But together they had a chance. sent a scouting party by night to
Meeting in secret, emissaries of the valley’s the missile crash site. They too
three largest towns – the strange albino found the missile, but unlike
mutants of Spilunk, the primitive the scav they immediately
but honorable warriors of Dry Fort, realized what it was - and the
and the cunning traders of Bazaar threat its uncovered existence
(largest of the three) – were able to might pose to the world.
forge a fragile alliance to hopefully These monks, pacifist by
defeat the Wastelords, and cast off nature, extracted the
their yoke of oppression warhead from the
once and for all. missile wreckage
The “Alliance of under the cover
Three Towns” (as of darkness, and
it is known) is ready hurried it back to their
for war. monastery-fortress.
Here they planned on keeping
Recently the warhead out of everyone’s
While the Three Towns prepare hands, forever.
for their epic rebellion against Fortune, however, was
their cruel overlords, other not to be so kind. The
events have occurred out in Wastelords, returning
the wasteland in recent days. from over the mountains,
A short time ago, out in the also discovered the ruins
desert, a great and ancient weapon of of the missile by chance.
unbelievable power was uncovered by one of Although not immediately

A vast expanse of dry desert skirting the eastern edges of the Big Rocks, the “Forbidden Lands” are known
throughout the Twisted Earth as a chaotic region. This is a land of canyons, gorges, dry rivers, and at times
even seas of seemingly endless dunes. The region has long been a haven to the dozens of raider gangs that
make the Forbidden Lands so treacherous, keeping away the encroach of even the most well-organized and
fortified merchant groups (the only exception being the Cartel, and even they have been cautious in their
forays into these wide open lands beneath the shadow of the distant Rockies) – and thus the foothold of any
possible civilization.
Despite the threat of horizon-spanning raider armies, smaller gangs of outcasts from the settler tribes
and clans, and many natural dangers/predatory mutants (in particular, the sandmen that dwell in unusual
abundance beneath the surface of the region), life goes on in the Forbidden Lands. People, usually traveling
in small, violently xenophobic groups, cling to life through a nomadic existence that keeps them on the move,
always a step ahead of the more powerful raider gangs. Life is harsh, pitiless, and cruel in the Forbidden
Lands. Everyone and everything serves a practical purpose; those that do not are cast out as junk (whether
person or object), for the predators to do with as they will, and buy time for the rest to get away.
In this bleak and brutal land, communities are seldom permanent; transient tent cities, temporary
encampments, and open “oasis” where no one stays long are more likely features of the region. Though few
groups welcome the sight of others here in these wastes, every now and again the various tribes, clans, or
gangs do get together at temporary “towns” (again, just tent cities or camps) to do trade for the vital things
needed to keep this fragile way of life going: food, water, ammunition, weapons, gasoline, vehicle parts, and
women change hands frequently at these much-anticipated gatherings.
Still, though the nomads of the Forbidden Lands do sometimes find a time to celebrate and join with their
fellow man in brutal entertainments (e.g. gladiatorial games) at such gatherings, their guard is never down.
The raider gangs are ever-present, ever watchful. Inevitably the gangs hear of these camps, or stumble upon
them in the desert, and their brief but important contribution to nomad society and interaction comes to an
But such is life in the Forbidden Lands. Few things are permanent. And nothing lasts forever.

aware of the potential of this ancient device, a mech The New World Order
thrall (named “Sprocket”) in the Wastelord’s employ Against The Wastelords is only the first in a planned
realized what the wreckage was and, furthermore, two-part series in the Forbidden Lands. Though
recognized that he could repair it. the PCs won’t learn of it until the ending, the true
The Wastelords understood they had a great weapon motivations behind the Wastelords wanting the
– but were discouraged to find out from their mech nuclear missile are not to terrorize the people of the
that vital components were missing. The Wastelords Trade Lands, but to resurrect the weapon so that they
realized, by the still-fresh tracks in the sand, that can turn it against their own enemy, a much more
others had been there and taken the pieces only malevolent threat to the entire Twisted Earth.
recently. They have decided it is time to pay a visit The details of this new threat, the “New World
to the villages of the region and take for their own the Order”, are to be covered in part two of this
pieces to this great, ancient weapon of destruction! adventure series…
If you wish to play this scenario by itself, however,
Starting Out Against The Wastelords presents an alternate ending
Against The Wastelords begins with the PCs being for just this purpose.
gathered to a secret meeting of the Alliance of
Three Towns in Bazaar, where they will for the first BEGINNING THE ADVENTURE
time learn of the Wastelords, the Alliance, and the
desperate plan to destroy the raiders once and for The story begins in the village of “Bazaar”, one
all. At first the PCs are merely charged with uniting of several insignificant towns in the Trade Lands
the remaining villages of the valley for the coming where life is cheap and the need for brave men is
conflict – but this effort quickly leads to the trail of constant. Times are changing in the Trade Lands;
the enigmatic scav who first found the Great Weapon, great raider armies, known throughout the region
and along a difficult quest to wrest control of the as the “Wastelords”, have terrorized the innocent
weapon from the hands of the Wastelords, with a people of the valley for too many years. Their annual
climactic ending of epic proportions! raids, which come like clockwork, will no longer be
suffered without resistance.
The PCs are about to become embroiled in an epic

struggle of terrorized peoples against a bitterly hated
the duty of your various communities. You may
or may not even be from the Trade Lands – I do
The adventure begins with the player characters
not know. But I will tell you what is happening.
being issued into a secret meeting of a council
Raiders have been much trouble over these many
of elders from the three major settlements of the
years. Time and time again junk has been taken,
Trade Lands – Bazaar, Dry Fort, and Spilunk, at the
homes destroyed, furniture – our women - stolen.
merchant’s lodge (area L) of Bazaar. Whatever their
This cannot continue. We, the people of Bazaar,
individual reasons, the PCs have been hand selected
Dry Fort, and Spilunk comprise a secret alliance
to form a party that will hopefully bring to an end
of towns unwilling to suffer this humiliation any
the reign of the Trade Lands’ most formidable threat
– the Wastelords.
His voice lingers for a moment, as if he too were
Born into this hostile world, you each have
on the verge of reconsidering.
struggled relentlessly to survive despite the best
“…are to help us win our freedom. Simple, no?”
efforts of many men and mutants. Each of you
“Ahem...” cuts in Elder Vilic. “About the…”
has a long story to tell of a childhood amongst the
“Yes, I will get to that,” interrupts Trademaster
ruins of a time your forebears don’t remember, the
Gorgel, holding up his hand, revealing his short,
shattered remains of the Ancients standing alone
stubby fingers. “As we do not know the true
and devastated in a world gone dry. The elders
strength of our enemy, we cannot risk the raiders
say water once flowed across the ground, and even
fell from the sky. These fairy tales of long ago thinking you work for us. The Wastelords, as they
are known, are legendary for their brutal reprisals.
are well-known lies, told only to children and the
You will be ‘simple wanderers’ or ‘phantoms’ if
followers of ignorant cults. Remembering back
you fail or are captured. Understood?”
to siblings who were killed during the hunt, or
“I can see worry on your faces. We must survive
caught by the disease gods as they sifted the sands
and trade is important to survival. If you help, you
to separate the weak from the strong; you have
will get much. If you do as needed, we are willing
learned, and lived. Through their weaknesses you
to give you each five hundred chunks of corium.
have grown wiser and remained strong.
In addition, the leaders of the communities will
You now find yourselves in a dusty chamber, lit
give you more…maybe.”
only through portals blocked with slowly rotating
“What do you say?”
blades, allowing a little circulation into this
dirty room. Around the walls sit chairs bearing
Of course the characters should agree to undertake
delegates from the most influential communities
the mission! This is an opportunity to make a name
of the area: Bazaar (the town hosting the council),
for themselves, earn goods for trade or survival,
Dry Fort, and Spilunk. You have been introduced
and escape the wrath of an angry mercantile
to a few of the representatives, standing in a group
in the center of the room, being examined from all
In the unlikely event that they wish to negotiate
sides like animals ready for sale.
further, it is possible to convince Master Gorgel to
“They looking like not much, eh?” states the tall
promise an extra 100 corium upon completion of the
yet withered, viscously pale form of Elder Vilic
mission, with a successful Diplomacy check (DC 18).
of Spilunk. “Are you sure will do?” he says with
a look of worry easily discernable on his hideous
face, seemingly composed of a mass of chunky QUESTIONS
tumors and subtly misplaced features.
“More like grubs than bronze, eh?” says the The characters will be encouraged to set out
handsome and cleanly white-clad Trademaster immediately; and urged only to return to Bazaar
Gorgel of the merchants. if in desperate need of aid or resupply. Before the
“Trash. All of them trash. You have wasted my characters leave, they may ask the representatives
time, Gorgel,” mutters Captain Ulz, an apparent a number of questions. The questions and answers
veteran soldier from the settlement of Dry Fort, the representatives will know are listed below for the
his proud bearing marred by deformations and GM’s convenience:
hunched back; clearly a mutant as well from his
withered nose, jagged teeth, and misaligned eyes. Who are the Wastelords?
“They answered the call. No others. Our future A great raider army, larger than any these people
may depend on these scags.” These words come have seen in more than a generation. The Wastelords
from Trademaster Gorgel of Bazaar, standing have been responsible for the destruction of
now to address all present. Standing in one of the numerous villages, temporary trade towns, and
beams of light, you see his bald dome of a head trading posts throughout the desert. At first they did
appearing as if it has never grown hair. this out of sheer brutality, but over time it seems the
“You may have come seeking profit or to answer Wastelords learned the value in merely terrorizing the

Bazaar: (Resurrectors; ruled by merchant consortium); AL N; 500 cp limit; Assets 3,500 cp; Population
140; Isolated (first-generation mutant 4, second-generation mutant 96).
Authority Figure: Trademaster Volgen, male second-generation mutant Tr4.
Important Characters: Armsmaster Tolorin, male second-generation mutant Gu6; Dust-Walker, male
first-generation mutant Sc4; Armsmaster Saur, male second-generation mutant Gu3; Armsmaster Lurin,
male second-generation mutant Gu3; Trademaster Gorgel, male second-generation mutant Tr2.
Others: Town guards, Gu2 (4), Gu1 (8); Militia, Gu1 (30); Merchant Consortium, Tr2, Tr1 (4); Sc2, Sc1
(2); Th2, Th1 (2).
… Typical Warrior of Bazaar, Guardian1: CR 4; Medium-size Humanoid (2nd Generation Mutant
Resurrectors); HD 1d10+2; hp 6; Init +2 (Dex); Spd 30 ft; AC 14 (+1 Dex, +3 studded leather armor); Atk
Police baton +2 melee 1d4+1, or sport rifle +4 ranged 1d12; SQ Defender; AL N; SV Fort +2, Ref +1, Will
+1; Str 13, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 10.
Skills and Feats: Listen +2, Speak Trade, Speak Unislang, Spot +2. Feel for Weapon (heirloom sport
rifle), Quick Draw.
Possessions: Sport rifle (30 rounds), police baton, studded leather armor, bullet bandoleer, bedroll,
blanket, signal whistle, sling bag, sungoggles, two doses of juju salve, one dose of oil of remedy.
Mutations and Defects: Accumulated Resistance (disease), Independent Cerebral Control, Sensitive
Sight, Spontaneous Electric Charge Generation, Superior Kidney Development. Adrenaline Deficiency,
Alopecia, Brachydactyly, Photosensitivity.

people – taking tribute from those larger communities of ten doses for the entire group). Captain Ulz,
that would prove to be too difficult to take head-on normally hesitant to aid those who haven’t earned his
without major casualties. These tactics have worked, trust, will grudgingly hand over a map of the area,
skinning loners, scavs, and traders and leaving their with areas of interest marked on it (see map).
bodies within sight of their respective communities. This is the only material aid the elders can offer.
The people had been culled into obedience,
surrendering foodstuffs, water, and women perhaps
once each year. THE BAZAAR
How many raiders in the army? The PCs may wish to explore Bazaar while they
“We guess two hundred or more, over the mountains. have the time, before committing to the long journey
But the Wastelords only come to the Trade Lands to the nearest town mentioned by the elders, Ebb.
in small groups. Vehicle parties assembled to cross Bazaar will also likely become a base of operations
great distances or attack caravans often number only and supply for the PCs, and so a brief overview is
ten men or so.” included herein.

Where do you think the raiders are based? The Town

“They come from the south; they must have a village “Bazaar” is the largest settlement in the Trade
of their own over the mountains. But there are other Lands region, and is the nexus of all trade passing
areas here that would make good forward bases for through the valley. Consisting of a small cluster of
their raids.” unrecognizable buildings left over from before the
Fall, the town grows exponentially in size every
How hostile is the wilderness? season when the population booms with the influx of
“Better than elsewhere. Our warriors have driven traders and others moving through the area. During
off or killed most hostile life. Raiders are the these times, wagons, carts, tents, and yurts spring up
greatest problem. In the mountains there are mutant in the open spaces filling the town out to its normal
creatures, however, that are far too deadly for a party proportions (see map).
of your size to confront.” Those wishing to do business with the caravans
which passes through the valley regularly often leave
Where do you want us to begin? their home communities and travel to Bazaar to
“The envoys of two other communities, Ebb and conduct trade, usually when the community is at its
Sandyville, did not come to the council meeting. You largest. As a consortium of merchants, the leaders
must find out why. Go to these towns and discover of Bazaar have an agreement with caravan masters
why their envoys have not made the journey.” that they stop only in Bazaar, giving the settlement
a definite edge over any other community in this
Taking them aside before leaving, Elder Vilic will area. Obviously the other settlements in the region
give each character two plastic containers, each maintain cordial relations with Bazaar (because they
containing a single dose of juju salve (a maximum rely on it to some extent), and in return the merchants

do not act aggressively to risk the profitable situation attacker. Unknown to most, the walls of bazaar
there. are actually weaker than the gates, and almost any
As one would expect from a town ruled by traders, vehicle moving at speed could potentially punch a
the law here is relatively non-restrictive but aimed hole through any section.
at generating trade while protecting those within
the walls. Hence the laws are quite strict regarding B. Guardhouses
crimes of violence and theft, while all sorts of These low concrete structures are the homes of
goods remain legal due to an “anything goes” policy the guards. Permanent structures, these buildings
towards possession. all contain cisterns, and this regular access to
Well-equipped and loyal soldiers - one of the major drinking water is one of the reasons for Bazaar’s
benefits of being an important trade center, garrison guards having such a strong sense of loyalty to the
Bazaar. The entirety of the settlement is surrounded merchants. Those miserable peasants who live in
by a wooden palisade of thick board, lashed together the shadow of the merchant house have only limited
with all manner of rope, cables, barbed wire, etc., access to this water, and must beg or pay (or submit
and reinforced by irregularly placed wooded poles to some humiliation) for a bucket or even a cup at a
(telephone poles scavenged from the desert). More time.
cables hang from these metal poles, dangling down This system encourages natives to sign up for the
into the town like the branches of willow trees. guard - or at least have cordial relations with town
Inside the walls, the poles are fitted with simple officials.
rungs, allowing lookouts to climb any of the poles to
see far into the desert in all directions. C. Stables
This establishment (an extension of area D) caters to
KEY TO BAZAAR the steeds of natives and visitors. Care here is almost
non-existent, consisting only of sparse feeding. It
A. Gates is assumed that a steed is the owner’s responsibility,
The gates of Bazaar are made from thick reinforced though with all the begging natives about, it is not
wood, but despite their formidable appearance they hard to find someone reasonably trustworthy to watch
do not present much of a barrier to a determined after a horse or mount for a paltry sum.

D. Sleeping Hall G. Gunsmith
This temporary structure appears colorful and This structure is the home of a wandering gunsmith,
fanciful despite the faded paint and weather-beaten Torus, who makes his living handcrafting muskets,
exterior of its wooden walls. It stands out against zip guns, and pipe guns for the various wasteland
the tents and wooden shacks of the vicinity, drawing communities. The merchants of Bazaar are his best
passerby from all around. Actually a series of circus customer (he maintains the weapons of the town
concession stands scavenged from the wastes, and guard and militia), and in recent years Torus has
linked together in one long building, this place now begun considering settling down for good.
serves as a “hotel” of sorts. Erected every season Torus is a skilled tradesman and has a number of
when the population of Bazaar begins to overflow, items for general sale. This is a basic list of the
the entire building can be broken down and put back goods he is willing to trade:
into storage beneath the merchant’s lodge in a matter
of hours. Owned and operated by the merchants of Item Qty Price
Bazaar, the “sleeping hall” adds more money to their Pipe rifle 2 250 cp
pockets by providing visitors reasonable shelter from Pistol, black powder 2 250 cp
the sun and the cold of the desert night. Furnishings
Rifle, black powder 2 500 cp
and other comforts, however, are virtually non-
existent; a large dirt-floor chamber serves all guests Zip gun 1 75 cp
as a common room (though by curtaining off an area, Bullets, pistol (10) 6 30 cp
one may achieve a modest degree of privacy). Bullets, rifle (10) 20 30 cp
Cartridges, pistol(10) 2 40 cp
E. Common House Cartridges, rifle (30) 3 90 cp
This sheltered extension of area D is where visiting
traders, passing wanderers, and locals alike can The gunsmith is not interested in buying arms, only
buy food and drink during the height of the trade making them and selling them to visitors, traders, and
season. The “specialties” of the house are haunches mercenaries.
of dog meat cooked over a spit (tiny portions), and a
powerful blend of liquids salvaged from the wastes
H. Carpenter
(fermented goat’s milk, horse blood, engine coolant,
This large wooden building appears to have been here
and gasoline) called othyhol.
for some time.
A meal here costs a ridiculous 25 cp - or its
The clan that inhabits this shelter is skilled enough,
equivalent in bartered goods. The owner, a member
and are credited with having built almost the entirety
of the merchants of Bazaar, is quite shrewd and
of Bazaar’s defenses (including the walls) and many
unlikely to fold under pressure or threats, or even
of the semi-permanent structures. While practicing
be tricked into accepting worthless junk by wily
what is considered a relatively humble profession
in other lands, this clan enjoys real prestige and
privilege here.
F. Hovels
Spreading out haphazardly from the base of the
I. Store
central mound, in a motley collection of wood, reed,
This building, resembling a pre-war “fruit market”,
and canvas structures in a wide state of disrepair, is a
is made of shoddy wood and painted in the gaudiest
maze of tents, pavilions, and other temporary shelters
colors. Here foodstuffs and drink are stockpiled and
erected by visiting clans and tribes from all over the
sold to the seasonal populace at ridiculous prices.
Forbidden Lands.
Things are rigidly inventoried and regulated by the
These are the homes of the huddled masses that
merchant lodge, to keep theft to a minimum.
rely upon the greedy merchants for shelter and
Those who come to Bazaar without barter goods or
protection during the trade season, or others who
corium can exchange service for goods. This usually
have come to rely on parasitic existence in the
amounts to a stint of a season or longer as a guard in
merchants’ shadow. Without wealth or power,
the Bazaar militia. This is a favorite option of many
these citizens are nothing more than slaves to
deep wilderness tribals, who in exchange for food for
the establishment, living only at the whim of the
their entire village often sell themselves (and their
merchant consortium. These folk live lives devoid
sons) into military service for the merchants here.
of cheer or potential; yet are grateful they are not
In addition to its regular business, the food dealer
exiled to the mercy of the harsh world outside and the
also enjoys a growing trade in general goods. Those
hideous mutants of the wasteland.
items for sale include: bedrolls, map cases, chains*,
While one shelter in the “barrio” can be quite
crowbars*, flasks*, hammers*, clay jugs, lamps*,
strong, the building next to it may be in severe danger
manacles, mirrors*, pitons, pole, pouches, trail
of collapse. As long as this does not interfere with
rations, hemp rope, sacks, sledges, tents, torches,
business, the local authority does nothing.
vials*, waterskins, and most clothing. Items marked

with an asterisk are all scavenged from the wasteland, items, which he may be willing to sell to individuals
and are not actually manufactured here. As such, the who visit his ‘yard.
price for these items is doubled.
Item Qty Price
J. Armorer Canned food 5 5 cp
The men who comprise the armorer clan jealously Cigarette lighter 1 250 cp
guards their rare skills – the creation and maintenance Firestarter cube 1 25 cp
of the armor for the militia of Bazaar. Their
Fragmentation grenade 2 150 cp
establishment reeks of dead animals and potent
chemicals, both of which are used in the making of Light rod 5 25 cp
the cured leather armors worn by the town guard. Rad tab 2 300 cp
The Armorers don’t normally do business with
outsiders, but may be willing to make an exception if Dust-Walker is a curious old man, with a penchant
useful goods and/or curious artifacts are offered. The for all manner of curios scavenged from the desert.
Armorers can make leather, studded leather, hide, He is likely to buy any artifact of a technological
and beast chitin armors only. nature (no matter what it really is) for a good price,
since he considers himself something of a collector.
K. Caravan Hall He has 1,000 corium pieces saved up and hidden
This large, permanent structure atop the merchant’s beneath a loose floorboard in his shack, which he will
mound is where all visiting caravans of recognized trade with if offered such an item.
merchant clans (e.g. the “Cartel”) are quartered
when stopping at Bazaar. Well-built, maintained, N. Home
and protected, only members of the merchant’s This long, well-constructed home of brick is the
consortium, or honored guests, are allowed to keep home of Armsmaster Tolorin, the captain of the watch
goods, steeds, and livestock here. of Bazaar, and his wife Tera. A skilled soldier, he has
been given his own separate home as a reward for his
L. Merchant Lodge many years of service to the merchants of Bazaar.
The entire town of Bazaar is built around a small rise, The place is quite strong, and the shutters all lock
where the merchant’s lodge sits. This lodge is a well- from the inside. If needed, this building would make
fortified structure of old weathered concrete – and a modest stronghold. Only the resident has the keys
as such is a permanent part of town, not a temporary to the sturdy locks, and greatly values his privacy.
fixture like many other buildings. This is where the Renowned in the locale as a “witch”, Tolorin’s
merchants of the consortium live and rule from. wife sells some of her concoctions to those willing to
The lodge is the government building and home to meet her outrageous prices. Her stock includes the
Trademasters Volgen and Gorgel. A tall, two-story following items of her of manufacture, as well as juju
concrete structure of great strength, the merchant’s items sold by passing merchants at her establishment:
lodge is the main defensive installation in town,
although only members of the merchant’s consortium Item Qty Price
or very special guests are allowed to take refuge here. Drink of fools 3 25 cp
During the off-season (when the town has shrunk Infusion of valor 3 100 cp
in size), the merchants remain quartered here until the
Juju salve 15 50 cp
coming of outsiders once more, several months later.
GM’s Note: The adventure begins with the Oil of remedy 4 100 cp
characters meeting at the lodge for the council’s offer Purgative 1 125 cp
of employment. From here they will be escorted Sleeping potion 1 100 cp
down the hill into town, and left to their own devices. Halazone tablets 7 50 cp
Rad-purge shot 1 375 cp
M. Home and Junkyard Ready syringes 3 5 cp
This ramshackle wood and aluminum construction
is the home of “Dust-Walker”, one of Bazaar’s most Stimshot A 2 150 cp
colorful – and skilled - scavs. Behind the decrepit Stimshot B 1 300 cp
shack a fenced-off yard contains piles of metal and
junk, the result of decades of scavenging. Other buildings in Bazaar are, as stated before,
There is little of particular interest here for of a number of different materials and conditions.
characters (except for those items shown below), as Some are empty; others are full of people or are
Dust-Walker’s activities are geared more towards establishments for some service or another. The
supplying Bazaar with raw materials and scrap to details of these structures are left to the GM to
build new structures, repairing the town walls, etc.. determine.
Despite this he has, over the years, found a few odd

One roll should be made on the table for every leg of
JOURNEY THROUGH THE the characters’ travel. For example, the characters
leave Bazaar to travel to Black Stump. One roll
WASTELAND should be made on the table to determine what event
the characters must deal with before reaching their
The environs of the Trade Lands are primarily arid destination.
desert along the central valley, which is also the trade
route that gives life to the region. To the north and D20 Encounter
south rise tall, sand blasted peaks, riddled with passes 1-5 No Event
and hidden valleys. To the far north, an ancient forest
6-8 Bones
still stands, the trees either withered by the drying
climate or mutated into more hardy forms that still 9-10 Carcass
cling to life in this inhospitable land. 11-12 Lurking Panther
The dry desert plains that allow trade are 13-14 Centipedes
susceptible to the occasional sandstorm that can 15-16 Snoffle Hog
cause a group to become lost, endangering them to
17-18 Battle of Giants
lost time or forcing to take shelter in a cave that is
already occupied by some dangerous creature. For 19-20 Sandstorm
ease of navigation, the merchant consortium of the
valley towns has arranged large standing stones and Battle of Giants (EL 4): The desert echoes with
other monuments to serve as markers for caravans the sound of battle between two giants. As the PCs
passing through the area. These “Great Markers” approach they come across an epic scene: a giant
also serve to help reduce the effects of sandstorms, mutated scorpion battling for its life against an
offering some protection to those sheltering at their equally enormous mutant spider.
bases. The two creatures will continue fighting each
In addition to the peril offered by the Wastelords, other until either makes a Spot check to notice the
the valley is home to a number of other mutant things PCs. If they notice the PCs (much smaller, and
that can spell the end of any group of survivors. To therefore much more convenient for a meal) the two
manage travel between key areas and/or scenes, the giant creatures will break off their battle and begin
GM should use the following random event table. pursuing the party instead!
… Monstrous Scorpion (1): CR 2; Large Vermin; Lurking Panther (EL 3): A lurking panther hides
HD 4d8+8; hp 32; Init +0; Spd 50 ft; AC 14 (-1 nearby and will seek to attack the characters when a
size, +5 natural); Atk 2 claws +5 melee 1d6+3, sting good opportunity presents itself. The lurking panther
+0 melee 1d6+1 and poison; SA Improved grab, will go so far as to stalk the characters and attack
squeeze, poison; SQ Vermin; AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref as soon as it has the advantage, being quite hungry
+1, Will +1; Str 17, Dex 10, Con 14, Int -, Wis 10, due to a lack of sustenance. A relentless predator, a
Cha 2. Lurking Panther will stalk its chosen prey until killed.
Skills and Feats: Climb +11, Hide +3, Spot +7. … Lurking Panther (1): CR 3; Medium-sized
… Monstrous Spider (1): CR 2; Large Vermin; Animal; HD 3d8+6; hp 20; Init +4 (Dex); Spd 40 ft,
HD 4d8+4; hp 30; Init +3 (Dex); Spd 30 ft, climb climb 20 ft; AC 17 (+4 Dex, +3 natural); Atk Bite +6
20 ft; AC 14 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +2 natural); Atk Bite melee 1d6+3; 2 claws +1 melee 1d3+1; SA Pounce,
+4 melee 1d8+3 and poison; SA Poison, web; SQ improved grab, rake 1d3+1; SQ Scent; AL N; SV
Vermin; AL N; SV Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +1; Str 15, Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +2; Str 16, Dex 19, Con 15, Int
Dex 17, Con 12, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 2. 2, Wis 12, Cha 6.
Skills and Feats: Climb +14, Hide +6, Jump +2*, Skills and Feats: Balance +12, Climb +11, Hide
Spot +7*. +13*, Listen +6, Move Silently +9, Spot +10*.
Weapon Finesse (bite, claw).
Bones: The characters come across the bleached
white bones of some huge, long-dead creature with Sandstorm: A dark smudge appears on the horizon
six legs, large armored bones, and gigantic straight as the sandstorm approaches, heralded by a hollow
tusks. A close inspection reveals that, when alive, the screaming sound, faint at first, but growing stronger
creature stood some 15 feet tall and spanned 20 feet until it is nearly deafening when the characters are
in length. As successful Knowledge (Mutant Lore) in the midst of the storm. Characters may make a
check (DC 15) reveals the remains are those of a Wilderness Lore or Knowledge (Nature) check (DC
creature no longer seen on the Twisted Earth. 12) to foresee the approaching storm. If successful
at another Wilderness Lore check (DC 15), the
Carcass (EL 2): Here, the carcass of a doom characters will be able to make it to the nearest
harvester is discovered, huge mouth agape and its merchant markers (see map) before the full force of
skin broken in a number of places. A successful Heal the storm is upon them.
check (DC 15) reveals that the creature died when a Once the full force of the storm arrives, the
number of creatures exploded from within its body. characters are blasted by sand and small debris;
If anyone approaches within 15 feet of the dead vision is reduced to 30 feet and hearing is useless due
beast, an utarn attacks from beneath the sands. The to the intense screaming of the wind as it is channeled
pregnant mutant creature has been using the corpse as through the bare-rock valley. The sandstorm deals
bait to attract a host for its own young. 1d3 points of subdual damage each round to anyone
… Utarn (1): CR 3; Medium-sized Aberration; not protected by large cover, powered Armor, or an
HD 3d8+3; hp 17; Init +6 (Dex, Improved Init); Spd enclosed vehicle. The storm lasts 1d4 days.
30 ft; AC 12 (+2 Dex); Atk Bite +2 melee 1d2; SA When the storm subsides, the deafening sound
Impregnation, paralysis; SQ Scent, Blindsight; AL N; will slowly fade, a ringing still in the character’s
SV Fort +4, Ref +5, Will -3; Str 11, Dex 15, Con 13, ears. Silence will triumph, until the characters realize
Int 5, Wis 5, Cha 5. they can hear each other speaking again. It will take
Skills and Feats: Hide +7, Jump +5. Improved a further six hours before the dust settles, allowing
Initiative. normal vision.

Centipedes (EL 3): As the PCs walk among the Snoffle Hog (EL 3): A lone, foul-tempered Snoffle
seemingly endless dunes, the sand suddenly shifts as hog has wandered into the path chosen by the
the ground erupts from below. A mass of writhing, characters, and steadfastly refuses to surrender his
segmented centipedes come scuttling up from the territory. If the Snoffle hog notices the characters, it
depths, looking for prey to consume. will attack immediately unless the characters clearly
… Monstrous Centipedes (4): CR 1; Large retreat.
Vermin; HD 2d8; hp 9 each; Init +2 (Dex); Spd 40 … Snoffle Hog (1): CR 3; Medium-sized Beast;
ft; AC 14 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +3 natural); Atk Bite +2 HD 3d10+12; hp 22; Init +2 (Dex); Spd 40 ft; AC 20
melee 1d8+1 and poison; SA Poison; SQ Vermin; AL (+2 Dex, +8 natural); Atk Gore +6 melee 1d6+6; SA
N; SV Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +0; Str 13, Dex 15, Con Quills; SQ Scent, stubborn; AL N; SV Fort +7, Ref
10, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 2. +5, Will -2; Str 18, Dex 14, Con 18, Int 4, Wis 4, Cha
Skills and Feats: Climb +10, Hide +3, Spot +8. 4.
Weapon Finesse (bite). Skills and Feats: Listen +5. Improved Bull Rush,
Power Attack.

BLACK STUMP Just as despair begins to become serious in
your ranks, up ahead a dark smudge is seen on
The trade route through the Trade Lands is marked the horizon. Minutes later, as you trudge on with
by a series of easily recognized landmarks, renewed hope, the “smudge” proves to be the
monuments that break up the otherwise monotonous remains of some giant mutant tree from ages long
and featureless desert that comprises the vast valley gone. Standing above the sands like the skeleton
basin. While unexceptional in their own right, these of a tent, the roots of the ancient tree extend deep
landmarks have been used by the traders of the region into the earth, forming a solid foundation. This
for generations to navigate the wasteland from one must be “Black Stump”, the first landmark on the
community to the other. trail to Ebb, as indicated on your map.
Each of the major landmarks is marked on the
party’s map, to also aid in finding their way to the Black Stump should be a welcome sight for the PCs.
various settlements of the alliance. Long used as a shelter and “way station” of sorts, it is
While headed for Ebb, the PCs are set to pass one possible for men and mounts to squeeze in between
of these landmarks, known as “Black Stump”. the roots of the ancient stump and take shelter in the
area underneath it. Stretching tarps over the roots
Having traveled for more than a day, the sun’s and securing them makes shelter, in effect a very
deadly rays are beginning to take their toll on your large and strong structure capable of weathering the
energy. Water, even when shared among you, most powerful sandstorms.
proves too scarce to totally take the debilitating In addition to the shelter, at the base of the old
effects of thirst away. To make matters worse, stump, in the shadow of the branches, is a shallow
even though you have a map, you afraid you may pool of fresh water that slowly replenishes by deep
be lost in this endless landscape of low sand dunes underground moisture. Here the PCs can refill most
and cracked open flats. of their canteens and waterskins, and rest for a few
hours, before moving on.

will find only a limited selection of common goods
EBB (about 50% of those items listed on page 47 of the
DARWIN’S WORLD rules, and only 1-2 of each
Like fragile bubbles of civilization that might last a item, if at all). There is also water and gasoline for
year, a month, or a single night, gatherings at the tiny sale, in relative abundance. In addition, the traders
towns of the Forbidden Lands are a much-anticipated here have a number of minor artifacts for sale,
event throughout the region. The town of “Ebb”, including the following:
temporary at best, is just one of many nomadic
camps set up along the trade routes linking the three Item Qty Price
permanent towns of the Trade Lands (Bazaar, Dry Canned food 20 5 cp
Fort, and Spilunk) with the outside world. Hologram projector 1 1,000 cp
Image cards (pornographic) 3 50 cp
Up ahead, the bleak monotony of the sandy
wasteland is finally broken. As your band comes Light rod 3 25 cp
over what seems like just one of a thousand dunes, Light stick 4 5 cp
there before you, in a small depression between Salt pills 10 10 cp
sandy hills, is a tiny cluster of tents and vehicles,
surrounded by a makeshift palisade of wood and The traders will buy any useful, practical items, up
wire. Protected from sun and wind, the miniature to 500 cp in value. All told there is no more than
settlement echoes with the sound of traders 1,500 cp (not including trade goods) in the entire
hawking goods, of bloody gladiatorial games marketplace.
being played out within, and an overall raucous
This, you surmise, must be the town of “Ebb”.
D. The Pit
When slave women are not enough to sate their
lusts (or if they lack the money to pay for an hour’s
entertainment), the locals of Ebb turn to gladiatorial
KEY TO EBB games in “the Pit”. This area is simply a slight
depression in the sand, surrounded by a wall of cars
A. Walls in which two men may battle for the pleasure of the
The walls of Ebb are merely wooden planks and spectators.
boards thrust vertically into the sand and roped Traders specializing in training pit fighters
together by hemp, cord, or wire. The barrier is often make the circuit to the various towns of the
effective in keeping out most desert animals, but Forbidden Lands to make money off their gladiators.
serves as nothing more than an amusing nuisance for One such visiting trader is Bargin (see below).
a determined attacker. In addition to gladiator fights, tribals from the
desert often use the Pit to settle feuds and other
B. Vehicles arguments. As such there is almost always some kind
Visitors (mostly traders) from the far reaches of the of fighting going on in the Pit.
Forbidden Lands come to Ebb to either do business
or simply use the village as a “way station” before E. Main Tent
moving on the Bazaar. The collection of rusted, This main tent is made of hides stretched over a
stripped-down, and horse- or slave-drawn vehicles framework of sturdy animal bones, and can be
are the property of many of these wayfarers, who packed up in a day for transport. The merchants of
park their rides wherever they like around the Ebb are nomads like any other, and their tents, walls,
compound. and other belongings all must be able to be carried by
Laden as they are with trade goods and supplies their slaves, horses, and vehicles.
for their owner’s very survival, tampering with any This main tent houses the merchant family that runs
of these vehicles is a serious offense likely to be Ebb, consisting mainly of five “elders” (ages 25-40),
punished by death. Mangy guard dogs are usually their sons, and male children. In addition to furs,
enough to dissuade thieves. blankets, trade goods, a small collection of arms and
armor, and other valuables, the tent is sectioned off
C. Market with hanging sheets to create small private rooms for
The vehicles here are inhabited most of the day, their storage or sleeping quarters. Though it is cramped
owners selling goods straight from the back seat or and smells strongly of human occupation, it is cooler
the trunk to anyone interested in buying. Each trader than outside in the sun, and protects against the
has his own specialty, and the chances of finding one prospect of sand storms.
or more selling the same goods is unlikely (though
when they do, they compete for customers rabidly).
Character interested in perusing the “market”

F. Side Tents a planning table in the central chamber, sectioned
These small tents are made of patchwork hides and off from storage spaces and sleeping alcoves by
set aside for the guards of the local merchant clan. thick blankets and furs. As you enter, the five or
Each is little more than a shelter from the elements, so elders look you over a few times with hard-
containing blankets, cooking pots and utensils, boiled stares, before they break off their talk of
clothing, etc. business to hear what you have to say.

G. Slave Tent Allow the players to role-play their address to the

Though they make money off of a set tax (20% of Trademasters however they see fit. The answers they
all money made) on traders using the village to sell receive will depend on the questions asked. The
their wares or stay overnight, the merchants of Ebb following lists the most likely questions and answers:
make most of their money off of the three or four
concubines they own and “rent” out to travelers. A The council at Bazaar was expecting a
brothel of sorts, this tent houses the miserable young representative from Ebb. Why didn’t he arrive?
women who never get a moment of free time unto “Because no representative was sent. We do not
themselves. want to risk our lives supporting the “foolish” idea of
An hour with one of these women runs about 40- rebelling against the Wastelords! Instead of getting
50 cp, paid upfront. A girl may not be rented for our people killed, we have decided to appease the
longer than 30 minutes (there is quite a demand for raiders…as usual.”
their “services”), though multiple visits are allowed,
assuming one goes to the end of the line each time. How?
Any troublemakers are likely to rouse the ire of “Payment in ‘furniture’ (women), as well as water
not only the local merchants of Ebb, but also those and gasoline. This is the standard arrangement. It it
patrons waiting their turn! is a high price to pay, but it is better than dying!”

H. Secret Tunnel What about Sandyville?

The merchants to provide a quick and easy escape, “They agree with the wisdom (and caution) of us here
in case crafty raiders manage to infiltrate the camp at Ebb, and have also refused to send representatives
and take the guard by surprise, dug this secret to the rebel council.” The elders advise the PCs not
tunnel under the sands. A large panel of sheet metal to waste their time by traveling there; they will only
conceals the tunnel. The exit, almost 50 yards away, squander their water pursuing a fool’s errand.
is concealed by trash. The tunnel can be found with a
successful Search check (DC 20). Any chance they will reconsider?
“No.” But the elders want the PCs to take a message
SEEKING AN AUDIENCE back to Trademaster Gorgel of Bazaar. “Your
actions will bring death to the tribes of your alliance,
The PCs have been sent to Ebb to find out why the and hard times to everyone else in the Trade Lands.
merchants there failed to send representatives to the Reconsider what you are about to do before damning
council meeting in Bazaar. When they arrive, they us all!”
are probably expecting Ebb to have been devastated
by attack - but instead they find the town intact and With that, the council has the PCs issued out of the
very much alive. main tent and back to the market. The audience is
When and if the PCs attempt to arrange an audience over.
with the leaders of Ebb, they must make a Diplomacy
check (DC 12), or a Bluff check (DC 15) to convince GLADIATORIAL GAMES (EL 2)
the guards outside of area E (the main tent) that they
are, in fact, emissaries from Bazaar. Even then they Just as they begin to discuss their options from here,
must surrender all potential weapons to the guards standing outside of the main tent amidst the hustle
before being allowed in. and bustle, the PCs are interrupted by a shout from
the crowds.
As you enter the main tent, you notice the
entirety of this dark and cool place is made from “You – yes you! The tiny one hiding among his
patchwork hides stretched over a temporary friends! Yes you! What’s the matter – don’t like
framework of animal bones. Little more than a being called tiny? Why, I overheard that from one
great big tent, you imagine the whole of this place of the furniture who lay with you last night! Said
could be packed up in a few hours’ time. These you were the smallest one she’d ever had to work
people are surely nomads. with! And speaking of working – she said yours
The Trademasters you seek are gathered around didn’t!!!”

Skills and Feats: Intimidate +4. Improved Hit
The shouting is coming from an average-sized
Dice, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Weapon
man in hides standing on the edge of the crowds.
Focus (heavy flail).
Though his voice is at first lost in all the cheering
Possessions: Breastplate armor, heavy flail.
coming from the gladiatorial pits, his continued
Mutations and Defects: Extreme Resilience,
slurs against one of your number draws attention.
Multiple Stomachs. Bilirubin Imbalance,
In moments the crowd is snickering and laughing
Hunchback, Atrophied Cerebellum, Under-Developed
at the butt of his jibes.
Organ (voice box).
Skag is a real piece of work. Bargin “found” him, a
The antagonist is a traveling “merchant”, a man
feral, wandering the mountains like a pitiful caveman
by the name of “Bargin”. A professional pit fight
several years ago, and barely managed to lure him
organizer, he makes his living off of individuals who
with food into his camp. It took five servants to
prove easy to anger, luring them into a fight with his
put Skag down, but the effort paid off in dividends
“prize fighter”, the aptly named “Skag”.
– Bargin has since trained the hulking brute as a
Unless the PCs show remarkable cool, Bargin will
real pit-fighter and takes him with his caravan all
continue his insults, hoping they will engage in a
along the trails (usually chained, but by now Skag
heated dialogue – which, with luck, Bargin will steer
is almost completely “domesticated”). Playing the
towards a challenge. Putting up no less than 100
townspeople along the routes as chumps, Bargin has
pieces of corium, Bargin challenges the best the party
developed a real knack at showmanship; he usually
has to offer against his fighter. If the PC wins, the
tricks the locals into fighting Skag through insult or
party gets the purse; if Skag wins, why of course the
slander, pricking at their manhood or bravery. His
PCs must surrender something of equal value (if they
fighter, Skag, has yet to lose a fight, and they seldom
don’t have 100 corium, Bargin will look them over
stay long enough in a town to suffer the repercussions
and appraise what they have, and accept the object
of sore egos.
with the highest value in their group).
The fight between Skag and the PC will continue
Once they agree to settle the fight in the pit, the
as far as the GM decides is enough – Skag is a pretty
crowds cheer and immediately enter a frenzy of
tough customer, and he may very well be more than
betting. This is a good chance for other PCs to bet
one character can handle. The GM may decide to
for (or against) their companion, to hopefully make
have the next encounter (see below) occur just as
money to spend in the market or back in Bazaar.
Skag is about to deal a killing blow, thereby saving
In any event, the fighting begins as soon as both
that character’s life “by chance”. Alternatively, the
contestants enter the Pit. No rules, no holds barred,
event could happen just as Skag has fallen to the
and the fight will continue until one combatant dies,
worthy PC instead.
is knocked out, or surrenders.
… Bargin, Trader5 (1): CR 4; Medium-size
Humanoid (1st Generation Mutant Resentful); HD A Sudden Interruption
5d6; hp 17; Init +1 (Dex); Spd 30 ft; AC 14 (+1 Dex, As the gladiatorial game nears its climax, the sudden
+3 hide armor); Atk Light crossbow +5 ranged 1d8; excitement is broken by an even more startling,
SQ Protector, spit polish, ear to the ground, money fearful event.
talks, going once going twice (x1.5); AL N; SV Fort
The horizon suddenly echoes with a strange,
+1, Ref +2, Will +6; Str 8, Dex 13, Con 11, Int 15,
unexpected thunder. At first, the gladiatorial game
Wis 15, Cha 16.
continues, with the two opponents struggling
Skills and Feats: Appraise +10, Bluff +11,
among puffs of dust kicked up by their scuffle.
Diplomacy +7, Gather Information +7, Intuit
But the audience is distracted – the noise is getting
Direction +4, Sense Motive +6, Speak Trade, Speak
louder. One by one the hard-faced, shouting
Unislang, Spot +3, Wilderness Lore +3. Silver
spectators turn from the fight and – as one – begin
Tongue, Point Blank Shot, Weapon Focus (light
running towards the flimsy palisade encompassing
the town.
Possessions: Hide armor, light crossbow, 10
crossbow bolts, 100 cp. Something is obviously afoot. The fight will continue
Mutations and Defects: Gamma-Ray Visual for another round before even Bargin calls off his
Sensitivity, Sensitive Sight. Mongoloid, Negative thrall, Skag, to find out what’s the matter. The pit
Chemical Reaction. fight effectively breaks up.
… Skag, Guardian3 (1): CR 2; Medium-size
Humanoid (2nd Generation Mutant Feral); HD
Joining the other spectators despite the scuffle,
3d12+12; hp 32; Init +6 (Dex, Improved Init); Spd
you melt into the group to see what’s going on
15 ft; AC 17 (+2 Dex, +5 breastplate armor); Atk
for yourselves. The roar has gotten louder; those
Heavy flail +9 melee 1d10+7 (used two-handed); SQ
among you familiar with them recognize the growl
Defender; AL N; SV Fort +7, Ref +3, Will -1; Str 20,
of nearly a dozen vehicle engines, getting closer
Dex 15, Con 19, Int 6, Wis 6, Cha 7.

and closer. No more suffering! No more cruelty! Surrender it
Peering over the edge of the wall, you see the now, and I may be able to prevent our leader from
bleak horizon stretching as far as the eye can see, crushing you in his anger.
but now broken by a towering smudge of dust “Surrender it. Surrender it to us!”
rising into the sky. Only a few hundred yards
away, a loose collection of ironclad motorcycles
and dune buggies are making a beeline for the If the characters did not participate in the gladiatorial
town! games, you can simply modify the dialogue above
Suddenly a nearby local – a vendor – screams a to fit whatever situation they are in just before they
single phrase: “THE WASTELORDS!” attempt to leave the Ebb compound.
More shouts echo amongst the locals. A small
number of “guardsmen” rush to the entranceway to A Little Explanation Would Be Nice
the temporary village and hastily begin closing the The Trademasters who set up this village are rightly
barricades. A few more gather outside a nearby concerned, but unless the PCs barge into their tent
tent, and dispatch muskets and spears to those for an explanation or offer of assistance, they plan
waiting. In moments, the camp has turned to utter on dealing with this themselves. Of course, any PCs
chaos – the town is under attack! worthy of the name “hero” are likely to confront
Allow your PCs to react how they will. Whatever the The following is the low-down on what the traders
result, Bargin declares the fight over; if Skag lost, in are now willing to admit; as with other conversations,
the chaos he tries to slip away without paying. If he the GM should feel free to either use this as a
won, he hastily collects before vanishing among the monologue to get things rolling, or implement the
crowds. information here as part of their conversation with the
The thunder continues, but the vehicles have
What is going on?
come to a stop – just out of range of muskets and
“We are under siege by raiders! Though the force
bows. They continue to rev and roar their engines,
outside is relatively small, it is just a scouting party.
sending impressive columns of churning black
With their vehicles and weapons, they could easily
smoke – tainted with the smell of overpowering
destroy all of Ebb!”
exhaust - into the sky.
From this distance, their faces can be seen.
What is the “device” the raiders are demanding?
Dust-covered. Sun tanned and hardened.
The traders look to each other pensively before
Grotesque tattoos emblazoned across their skin
explaining what little they know. Recently an
wherever their hodgepodge of leather and chains
unidentified scav, a true wasteland wanderer,
lets up look like a motley canvas of faded colors.
visited Ebb with a strange item of technology in
The engines finally die down as a solitary figure
his possession – a bizarre device encompassing
rises from the back of one of the vehicles. He lifts
a computerized unit and a bundle of wiring. The
an ancient bullhorn, and speaks into it.
traders are at a loss to explain what it was meant to
“Townsfolk of Ebb...” he seems amused at
do, or even if it was still functional. To them it was
using the word ‘town’ when speaking of this tiny
just a piece of rusted junk.
settlement. Beneath his voice can be detected an
underlying ruthlessness.
What happened to the “device”?
“You have disappointed us! Did you think you
Since they had no use for such a strange device, the
could really get away with trickery? The fools
traders of Ebb declined to buy it from the man. The
at Sandyville denied having the device, just like
mysterious scav left soon afterwards; he said he was
heading for Sandyville, to perhaps sell it there. He
For a moment it is quiet. Then the speaker raises
did not leave a name. That was the last the traders
the horn to his lips and continues.
heard of him.
“We laid waste to Sandyville. Now they are all
dead. Wild dogs pick at their bones as we speak.”
Who else has come looking for the “device”?
Again he lets his words sink in, before
“The Wastelords came soon after the scav departed.
They said they were tracking a scavenger, and
“I am a reasonable man. My men, they are
demanded we hand over whatever he had sold us.
reasonable warriors. And we have come such a
We swore we bought nothing. When they specifically
long way at the behest of our leader. You know
demanded the device, we vowed to them we did not
him. You know he is not a patient man. Let the
have it, but told them what the scav had said, that he
games end here and now. Surrender the device.
would go to Sandyville to try and sell it there.”
Surrender it now, and there will be no more death.

Where did the “device” come from? muskets and spears amongst them. After a heated
“We have no idea where it was found. Only the argument amongst themselves, the Trademasters
scav who found it knows. He did not reveal this offer a sum of 250 corium apiece (or, alternatively,
information either (smart scavs never do).” 5 gallons of fresh water in portable cans apiece),
payable upon safely retrieving the device, of course.
Why did the raiders attack Sandyville?
Apparently the scav never made it to Sandyville. Getting Away
When they also denied having the device, the
Wastelords must have assumed they were lying and When you leave the tent, burdened with the hopes
destroyed the entire town as retribution. of the Ebb traders, darkness is already beginning
to set. Normally this would be a bad time to travel
Why have they returned? the desert, but under these circumstances it is a
“Now that the Wastelords think we have lied to them, blessing.
they must also think we have been holding onto the One of the traders’ trusted guards, informed
device all along. If we do not give them what they of your mission, leads you not towards the front
want, they are likely to make us all pay for it with our gate, but rather towards the rear of the compound.
lives!” Surprised, you see him gather a few men and
together they clear some debris from between a
Do the Ebb traders have the device? collection of tents. Pulling back a huge sheet of
“No, not at all!” scrap steel, they reveal a secret tunnel leading off
into darkness!
A Sense Motive check (DC 10) reveals that the The trusted guard whispers to you. “With night
traders are telling the truth. They do not have the falling you may be able to escape. This tunnel
device. will take you fifty paces beyond those dunes. Be
careful not to draw attention your way. Go now!”
A Second Job Proposal
The traders aren’t quite sure what to do – certainly The tunnel is at beast a narrow escape route, running
a slugging match with the Wastelords would be just under the earth for about 150 feet. Luckily
a hideous and costly proposition. Even if they it is just large enough for them to crawl through,
could get visiting patrons and wanderers to help dragging their equipment behind them on the end of a
defend them, the entire town could still be wiped borrowed rope. Once they arrive at the end, they can
out. Instead, they are planning to organize a small spy over the crest of the dune:
group to slip out of Ebb by night and try to find the
device. By giving it to the Wastelord scouts they Looking back, the shallow valley has gotten
hope to appease their demands and prevent their own darker, but the lights of Ebb are glowing strong
destruction. – torches, lanterns, etc. The raiding party of
The traders are willing to hire the PCs on the spot Wastelords seems focused on the small compound,
– they’re certainly desperate enough! The Wastelords unaware of your escape. Making sure no one is
are bigger than ever now, with vehicles and modern silhouetted against the setting sun, you scamper off
weapons. All told, Ebb has maybe thirty-five people in the opposite direction, deeper into the desert…
of fighting ability, of all ages, and only a handful of

It is entirely possible that PCs will be unwilling to leave, even with the odds so obviously stacked against
them. If the players insist on trying to fight their way out (instead of fleeing, as the elders of Ebb suggest),
this could potentially evolve into a catastrophic fight.
If the PCs face off with the besieging raiders, assume that there are thirty raiders outside. Use the
statistics for typical Wastelords (see The Cruise Missile Site), but in addition they also have a number of
vehicles. Assume there are three motorcycles (no modifications) and a single car with statistics identical to
the “slaughterwagon” (see Final Battle At Dry Fort).
In addition, the people of Ebb themselves do not want to fight the Wastelords (after all, they weren’t even
willing to join the Alliance), and have instead put their hopes on appeasing the raiders. If the PCs start
trouble now, they won’t get any support from the villagers in an open battle!
If by some reason the PCs do manage to win against the Wastelord force, Ebb will still suffer the wrath of
the Wastelords once the group sets out to find the “device”, as reinforcements will show up in due course
to exact revenge on what they perceive to be a rebellious town. In this eventuality, the PCs will only have
themselves to blame for the destruction of Ebb.

What Next? remains of a scattered campsite can be seen, along
The PCs now realize they are on their own. It is with a collection of bones cast about here and
safe to assume Sandyville was destroyed, and thus a there.
journey there would prove fruitless (however, in case Suddenly the silence beneath the shadow of the
they do go there, a separate chapter detailing the ruins Two Trees is broken by the heavy plod of clawed
of Sandyville is included in this module) in their feet…the rustling of feathers…and the shrill
search for allies for the Three Towns. cawing of two giant mutant birds!
The PCs have a number of options – not the least
of which is probably a desire to return to Bazaar to
report on what has happened. Alternately, however, … Carrion Raptors (2): CR 2; Large Animal; HD
they may be motivated to continue along the trail 3d8+9; hp 33 and 23; Init +4 (Dex); Spd 45 ft; AC
towards Sandyville, in hopes of finding any clue 18 (+3 Dex, +6 natural, -1 size); Atk Bite +3 melee
as to where the mysterious scav (with the equally 1d10+3; SQ Tearing beak; AL N; SV Fort +4, Ref +7,
enigmatic “device”) has disappeared. Will +4; Str 14, Dex 19, Con 16, Int 2, Wis 16, Cha 6.
With Ebb now under siege, the PCs will probably Skills and Feats: Jump +5, Listen +7, Spot +9*.
be spurred on by the importance of finding the Treasure: Littered among the remains of the
“device” as quickly as possible. As such, they will campsite are a number of items (conspicuously in
head towards…Two Trees. good condition). These include two blankets, a
high quality silk rope, a climber’s kit, a firestarter
cube, and a large, shoddy sack. Inside this sack are
TWO TREES (EL 4) a variety of worthless trinkets (rusted nails, broken
links of chain, crusted pennies and nickels from
During their journey towards Sandyville (marked on before the Fall), a number of irregular chunks of
the map given them by the traders of Bazaar), do not corium (the equivalent of 54 corium pieces), two
check for encounters as normal. A few hours out of small cylinders made out of black cardboard (a pair
Ebb, the characters will either run into the lurking of concussion grenades, though one is a dud), and a
panther, utarn, or snoffle hog encounter. The desert remarkably heavy pouch.
is a dangerous place; what better way to enforce that This pouch, when retrieved and opened, proves to
mindset than to have the PCs tangle with some of the have a curious piece of machinery carefully bundled
wasteland’s native life? inside. Apparently the owner recognized (to some
After this initial encounter, the rest of the journey extent) some inherent value to the item, for it appears
should take at least a full day (approaching evening) to have been wiped clean of dust and grime and only
before the PCs arrive at the only notable landmark marginally toyed with. 12” long and almost as wide,
along the route – a site known only as “Two Trees”. a jumble of blue and white wires hang down from
the boxy device. Faded stenciling on one side is
According to your map, the site up ahead must barely visible (any character that speaks Ancient will
be “Two Trees”. Just as the map suggests, an recognize the letters “USAF”).
identical pair of trees can be seen sticking out This piece of machinery must be the device the
of the sand here, defying the harsh environment traders of Ebb spoke of!
and the winds it sends against them. Long dead, The PCs will undoubtedly attempt to find out the
their hardy nature and the dry air seem to have nature of the device, but it is assumed that with their
preserved them like bastions of the forgotten world limited experiences with such objects, it will be
before the Fall. impossible for them to discern its purpose (allow a
Knowledge, Technology check at DC 35); even if
they somehow manage to recognize the device for
Two Trees is a recognizable sight among the traders
what it is (a cruise missile guidance system), they
of the Trade Lands, used to shelter merchant convoys
will not be able to tell right away if it even works or
and their animals for the evening and from the
elements. To shelter here, one must stretch a tarp
Once they recognize the item as the device they
between the two trees and shelter behind it. The
seek, the PCs will certainly return to Ebb.
trees, stately and tall despite being withered and
ancient, show no signs of weakness, and have resisted
many a sandstorm in the past few decades. What The PCs Don’t Know Is…
When the PCs arrive, however, they will find a They are, in fact, being watched. The owner of the
strange scene – and a nesting pair of carrion raptors treasure found at the campsite (the “Scav”), having
awaiting their next meal! recently returned from a foray into the hills (and
thus missed by the Wastelord scouts), was setting
up camp when he heard the bleating of the carrion
As you approach the scene, you notice a jumble raptors in the pre-dawn darkness. Not one to risk his
of tracks that seem to suggest a recent visitor to life fighting such a powerful beast (let alone two),
Two Trees – perhaps within the last day or so. The the scav scampered off with only a few items on

his person, hoping the creatures would be gone by
Seeing you and recognizing you as agents of
morning. Instead of sniping the creatures, he hoped
the council, he sheathes his bolt-action rifle and
to save his precious ammunition and wait the ‘raptors
prepares to speak.
out. Unfortunately the creatures haven’t moved on as
planned, and the scav has been attempting to figure a The man is, in fact, a scout from Bazaar, sent to
way to either scare them off or sneak back into camp deliver word to the traders of Ebb that the Wastelords
to get the remainder of his things. are on the move, and to give them one last chance to
When the PCs arrive and fight the creatures, the join the alliance.
Scav is watching them from almost a quarter of a When the scout learns of all that has transpired
mile away. Hiding among the nearby dunes, the (including the siege, the importance the Wastelords
Scav will certainly watch while the PCs risk battle have put on finding the device, and of the destruction
with the ‘raptors. When they do finish them he will of Sandyville), he is shocked, devastated, and for a
be surprised (not suspecting them to be quite so moment seems not to know what to do. However,
powerful), and thus will hesitate to approach. regaining his composure, he turns to the PCs and
If the PCs somehow Spot the Scav (roll to see how informs them of their next task.
well he hides; he has a +13 Hide modifier), they will
see him only for a moment (as far away as he is) “There must be some lethal power to this device, if
before he bolts. the Wastelords seek it as you say. We cannot let it
Instead of attacking, even if spotted, the Scav now fall into their hands! My people, Bazaar, suspect
begins following the PCs. He will certainly make an war is imminent. Our allies at Dry Fort prepare
appearance later when his patience has run thin… their defenses even as we speak. But I suspect
nothing we have will stand up to whatever power
the Wastelords are seeking. You must travel to
RETURN TO EBB Spilunk and deliver the device to them. With their
great thinkers, they may know what the item does
Having retrieved the device, the PCs will likely make and why the Wastelords want it so badly. Go now!
haste to return to Ebb in hopes of relieving the siege. Long live the alliance!”
However, when they arrive a tragic scene confronts The rider wraps the scarf of his turban about his
them. face to shield from sand kicked up by his mount,
and then rides off over the dunes towards Bazaar.
Quickening your pace as you near the familiar You know what you must do. The fate of the
vicinity of Ebb, you are each taken totally by Trade Lands may be in your hands!
surprise as you come over the final crest. There,
laid out in the slight depression between dunes,
is what can only be described as the ruins of that
little village. Wisps of smoke still rise from the
wreckage of the walls and the burned remnants
Check for wasteland encounters as normal for the
of tents, and even from this distance you can
journey from Ebb to Spilunk. As they arrive in the
discern individual corpses scattered throughout the
vicinity (within a few miles), however, the chance of
encountering wild life drops to nil. As they approach
You have arrived too late. Ebb is gone!
the village of Spilunk itself, read the following:
The ruins prove to be utterly destroyed and
ransacked. A Wilderness Lore check (DC 13) seems The map given you by the council at Bazaar
to suggest that what the Wastelord scouts couldn’t said nothing about the dramatic beauty of this
take with them on their vehicles, they put to the torch. dangerous cliff country, and as you round the final
The destruction is so complete that nothing of use can bend leading to the cliff-town of Spilunk, you each
be salvaged take a moment to observe the unique character of
As they wander the wreckage of Ebb wondering the place.
what is to be done next, they spot a rider on the Carved by hand from pinnacles of towering
horizon. Though he lingers for a moment, the man rock that stretch into the sky, the entire town looks
rides in quick. more like a collection of lopsided clay pillars,
riddled with cave openings and holes, connected
at its various levels by treacherous wood and rope
With puffs of sand kicked up by the tread of bridges like a delicate web suspended in space.
his fraxx steed, the rider heads straight for the Almost as soon as you see the town in its full
smoking ruin of the town. As he nears, the man’s glory, the low rumble of a horn signals that you,
white armor marks him as a scout from Bazaar. too, have been spotted by the town’s own lookouts.
The man finally comes to a stop, his face etched A number of figures emerge, ready to welcome
with a look of horror at the carnage of the scene. you to this curious mountain settlement.

Spilunk: (Resentfuls; ruled by priesthood); AL NG; 100 cp limit; Assets 200 cp; Population 40; Isolated
(third-generation mutant 50).
Authority Figure: Elder Voclin, male third-generation mutant Th6.
Important Characters: Elder Vilic, male third-generation mutant Th3; Elder Zilhon, male third-
generation mutant Th3.
Others: Town guards, Gu1 (2); Militia, Gu1 (4); Sc2, Sc1 (2); Th2 (4), Th1 (8); Tr1.
… Typical Warrior of Spilunk, Guardian1: CR 2; Medium-size Humanoid (3rd Generation Mutant
Resentfuls); HD 1d10; hp 4 each; Init +4 (Improved Init); Spd 30 ft; AC 10; Atk Fist +0 melee 1d3-1; SQ
Defender; AL NG; SV Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +2; Str 9, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 3.
Skills and Feats: Concentration +4, Listen +4, Sense Motive +6, Speak Trade, Speak Unislang, Spot +4.
Fertile/Potent, Improved Initiative.
Possessions: None.
Mutations and Defects: Abnormal Joint Flexibility, Independent Cerebral Control, Neural Domination,
Neural Fear, Neural Life-Force Destruction Field, Neural Shield, Sensitive Sight, Super-Sensitive Sight.
Albinism, Atrophied Cerebellum, Neuro-Fibromatosis, Non-Malignant Tumors, Pituitary Deformation.

The Town have the skills to identify the device (and later, piece
“Spilunk” rests in a box canyon, the walls lined with the “Great Weapon” back together). In fact, the
colorful strata of ancient rock. A small, steep, and people of Spilunk are genuinely concerned for the
roughly carved stairway runs up the west side of the fate of the other, corrupted species and seek often to
canyon, leading up to jagged rock formations that convert them from their ways, hoping to save them
comprise the settlement of Spilunk. A cave in the from certain doom.
first spire is the entrance cave to Spilunk - and is
well guarded. From here, the settlement is crammed KEY TO SPILUNK
inside the tall hollowed-out spires, making use of
every bit of confined
space. Where
A. Pictographs.
Of interest to cerebral types, the walls of
one spiral is fully
the canyon in which Spilunk lies are
hollowed out, a small
painted faintly in earthen tones, revealing
wood and rope
a multitude of pictographs. These
bridge connects to
hieroglyphic scenes depict how the people
an opening in the
of Spilunk came to the canyon, including
next spire, making
images that depict how their ancestors
the community
described to their children the actual
a complex of
Fall of the Ancients, and details of
structures and caves
a strange sighting in the sky before
reaching further and further
they finally settled at Spilunk.
Details of these pictographs are
The spires do have small
included on these pages.
windows, which are used to
circulate air and as dumping
points for offal and other trash. B. Bridges.
The inhabitants of Spilunk, The bridges connecting each
are, unknown to others, a fully pinnacle spur of Spilunk is
viable new species able to breed made from wood scavenged
true. A quasi-priesthood that from the desert, lashed together
teaches that a soul is made of flesh with aging hemp rope. Railings
rules Spilunk. It is their belief of rope run the length, allowing
that what befell the Ancients was those walking on the bridge to
that they embraced technology, avoid falling. Just wide enough
leading to their forsaking their for one man to walk across,
souls and bringing upon them their each is a precarious walkway
doom. For this reason, the people perched anywhere from thirty
of Spilunk are loathe to utilize to fifty feet above the canyon
technology - but ironically, due floor.
to their extensive knowledge of
technology and its evils, they alone

C. Market. D. Alcoves.
The hollow caves of this pinnacle rock are reserved These various alcoves and caves are where the
for the Spilunk marketplace. Though it has seen inhabitants of Spilunk live out their lives. Each is
better days, there are a few goods for sale (including sheltered from the cold of the desert night by hanging
precious juju) to anyone with goods to trade. furs or hide. Few have anything larger than a small
hole for ventilation and light, while some have a
Item Qty Price small fire pit for additional warmth and/or cooking.
Basket 4 1⁄2 cp None of the chambers has anything of particular
Jug, clay 10 1⁄2 cp interest to the PCs.
Pot, iron 5 1 cp
Scale, merchant’s 1 2 cp
E. Elder Council.
This large chamber has no ceiling, allowing either
Sled 1 20 cp the bright sun or the brilliant stars to shine down on
Juju salve 12 50 cp gatherings of the Spilunk council. Pictograms of
Oil of remedy 2 100 cp simple but beautiful artistry cover every inch of the
Sleeping potion 2 100 cp walls, depicting the intricate history and belief system
of these curious people.
It is here that the PCs will be led for their meeting
There are no weapons for sale here; in fact, characters with the elder council.
will notice that no one seems to have a weapon in
Spilunk whatsoever. They will not explain why, but
the truth is each member of this small society has MEETING WITH THE ELDERS
powerful mutations with which to defend their own.
The trader in Spilunk will only accept barter Allow the PCs time to interact with the local
goods in exchange for his own merchandise, not populace, including stopping to visit the market (area
corium pieces (they have no value here). The GM C). This may be especially important if the PCs have
should decide what items he will or will not accept – taken wounds, since the marketplace of Spilunk has a
generally speaking, the trader will only buy practical, small supply of juju which may be of use.
useful goods, and not exotic artifacts or gadgets that Once they’re ready, they will be escorted to the
have no immediate use to the community. meeting with the elders of Spilunk.
Though politely given time to restock your The elders are eager to hear of news from Bazaar,
supplies and rations, it is obvious the elders of Ebb, and Sandyville. However, assuming the PCs tell
Spilunk eagerly await your counsel about the the entire story of what has happened, they become
alliance - and recent news. concerned quite quickly for the survival of the
Escorted through the village and over a narrow alliance.
and treacherous bridge, you ascend into the central
pinnacle of rock to an open council chamber. Ebb and Sandyville have been destroyed
There are one or two guards present, but their “This is terrible news. They were to provide the first
lack of physical weaponry seems to suggest that line of defense against the Wastelord armies. Now
either the mutants of Spilunk are pacifists, or they that they have fallen, the Wastelords will be able to
have alternate means of defending themselves. In strike the Three Towns with impunity – and without
any event they seem to have nothing to fear from warning.”
your group, and within moments a small group of
venerable albino elders issue into the room with The Wastelords are searching for this device
the fluttering of long robes and the hollow echo The elders are extremely curious when the PCs
of ritual quarterstaffs knocked against the earth to explain about the device, and ask them to produce it.
announce the meeting’s beginning. Taking it amongst them, they begin murmuring and
examining it.

“Whatever this device belongs to, it must be very
all carved from the stone of the cliff, and intact.
important if the Wastelords were willing to destroy
Faint movement can be seen in a few of the
two villages to find it. We will look into it and hope
windows, and there is the glittering of metallic
to identify what the item is and what it is used for.”
objects farther away from you, closer to the cliff
What should we do in the meantime?
“Identifying the device will take some time. Until
A character can make a Wilderness Lore check (DC
we can further research this ancient item, you can
20) to determine that the sand here is thicker and
help the alliance by performing a very important
more coarse than in the main valley. This less-worn
task. Now that the route to Sandyville and Ebb is
sand indicates that this valley is a very good shelter
compromised, we must find another way to keep
from the sandstorms that devastate the region.
the Three Towns in contact, to facilitate supply,
Unbeknownst to the characters, primitive wind-
messengers, and move our forces unimpeded.
powered contraptions that slowly turn, giving the
“We have long considered using the canyon
illusion that the cliff dwellings are occupied, cause
through the mountains as a means of reaching Dry
the movement in the cliff dwellings! In fact, this is
Fort. However, those scouts who attempted to blaze
an elaborate bait set by the inhabitants of the valley…
that route never returned, and so it was abandoned
years ago.
Simple artifacts left by the sandmen as the lures
“But in light of recent events, the risk must be taken
into their snares cause the glimmering seen ahead.
to open this route once more. Gather your strength
There are nine such snares, and the numerous lures
and go there with all speed. You must clear a route to
used vary widely, but none are of any value (they are
Dry Fort so the alliance can survive.”
merely shiny baubles). Examples of lures include a
half-buried chrome bumper, a hand mirror set upright
Shouldn’t we wait for your judgment on the
in the sand, etc. When a character approaches
within 10 feet of such a lure, he must make a Reflex
“No. Proceed on to Dry Fort, and help them with
save (DC 20), or fall into the chamber below (area
whatever preparations are needed for war. They are
1). Keep in mind that the soft sand forms a slight
a suspicious, warlike people, and to keep the alliance
“funnel”, barely held intact by a jury-rigged support
alive we must show that we are willing to protect
below; as a result, any appreciable weight (50 lbs.
their people as much as our own.
or more) causes the sand to fall inwards, dragging
“We will send a mounted messenger to Dry Fort
anyone standing near the lure down into the lair of
when we have reached a consensus on the nature of
the creatures. See area 1 for details.
the device. Until then there is still much to be done.”
Once inside the underground community, it is
assumed the characters make use of light sources.
What Next? If not, they are sure to be at a major disadvantage
The course for the adventurers is clear – now that the against the occupants of the under dwelling!
desert wilderness offers no guarantees against the x Funnel Trap: CR 1/3; Reflex save (DC 20) to
Wastelords, they must find and clear another route to avoid falling into the chamber below; Search (DC
Dry Fort to keep the Three Towns united. To do this 25); Disable Device (DC 20).
they will have to ascend to the Haunted Canyon, a
perilous gorge inhabited by a terrible people…
1. Entrance
Sucked into the sand, you fall a short distance
The so-called “haunted canyon” is less than a day’s
into a small cave, landing on the fallen sand,
march from Spilunk, along a forgotten wilderness
which luckily softens your fall. Noisemakers set
trail meandering through bleak sandy crag country
at the base of the shaft and on the ground cause a
and flat open desert valleys. Eventually the passage
cacophony of echoes that reverberate out of the
leads to a bottleneck of sorts, where the cliffs become
cave, into a narrow tunnel that winds away into
sheer on either side of the gorge.
total darkness. These echoes soon return, carrying
with them the sounds of strange alien hooting and
The twisting valley finally opens up into a canyon hungry howls.
with sheer cliff walls. Slow winds blow up wisps
of sand, and across the valley, what appears to be The falling sand absorbs the impact of any prey that
a mirage is visible in the shimmering distortion fall into the snares, even while the noisemakers alert
caused by the ever-baking heat of the wasteland. the sentries lurking further within the caverns. There
Set into the cliff wall is a collection of buildings, is nothing of interest in any of these chambers.

The noises of the
characters’ entry
into the warrens
have summoned a
hunting party from
the Commons (see
area 3) to slaughter
them and deliver the
meat to the rest of
the community. Here
the characters will
have their first taste in
fighting underground,
against a determined
enemy that will not
retreat or give quarter.
The sandmen will
seek to kill and
butcher the characters
as quickly as possible.
If confronted with
any light source, the
sandmen will call out
to their kin elsewhere
in the complex that
“light-bringers” are
inside the community.
… Sandmen (3):
CR 1; Medium-sized
Humanoid; HD 2d8;
hp 9, 8, and 4; Init
+0; Spd 30 ft, burrow
10 ft; AC 10; Atk
Bite +1 melee 1d4; 2
GM’s Note: If the PC(s) do not fall into the trap, claws +0 melee 1d3;
or make their Reflex saves, they may still descend SQ Photosensitive, tremorsense; AL NE; SV Fort +3,
down into the darkness with little risk of injury, if Ref +3, Will +1; Str 11, Dex 10, Con 11, Int 11, Wis
they wish. If this is the case, alter the description 12, Cha 3.
above accordingly. Skills and Feats: Listen +7. Alertness, Blind-
Fight, Multiattack.
2. Gathering Rooms (EL 3)
The narrow tunnel opens up into a larger room. A
3. Commons (EL 6)
second narrow tunnel joins the one you emerge You emerge from the passage into a larger,
from in heading away into darkness, obviously squalid chamber filled with the offal of centuries
leading to another chute. The room before you of constant occupation; bones and tattered rags,
is littered with garbage and debris of old battles. remains of old armor and bones still heavy with
Spent shell casings and broken weapons lay about meat. Trash and remains of past victims are
haphazardly, while dark splashes of dried blood scattered about the floor. Two other passages
spread about the walls, a silent testimony to the disappear into darkness; these passages are black
grim purpose of these rooms. A slight shuffling and silent.
sound is heard, and then three naked men advance. A deep chasm splits this cavern from the
These decrepit, hunched-over men have long, other half, which is at a higher elevation. An
shaggy white hair and ragged, unkempt beards. untrustworthy rope bridge spans the chasm,
Their pale bluish-gray skin is barely visible connecting the two halves.
through the layers of dirt and filth caking their A small crowd of the hideous pale blue blind
bodies. Each of these men move forward, their people has organized and now advances on you,
long claws clacking together in anticipation of a eager to defend their home and to feed. Their
feast, and grim smiles spread across their horrid milky eyes show no emotion; only the hungry
countenances. smiles on their lips betray their malicious intent.

The commons hold the mass of the sandman tribe, debating whether or not to cross the chasm, loud
populated by six sandmen males, one elderly female, shouts and screams of defiance echo from the other
and two children. Although the children are non- side. Obviously the rest of the tribe is gathering
combatants and can be easily slain, the female is somewhere beyond the limits of your vision.
the equal to the males and fights alongside them in
defending their lair. Although the bridge appears unsound, it is quite
… Sandmen (6): hp 9, 8, 7 (x2), 6, 3. strong and can handle up to twenty medium-sized
… Sandwoman (1): hp 2. creatures at once before snapping. It may please the
GM to describe the unseen depths of the chasm, and
4. The Chasm the swaying of the bridge as they cross.
This deep chasm splits the cavern, and plummets
deep down into the earth, its nearly sheer walls 6. Shrine (EL 3)
jagged and rough. No sound can be heard from A large poster on a wooden backboard dominates
within, and no measure of its depth is available, this chamber. Thick rusty nails secure it in place,
only a disturbing pitch darkness. and this piece of “art” dominates the chamber.
Small bowls and indentations in the rock hold
Any character that falls into the pit is lost and
rotting meat and small bits of bone, primitive
doomed. The pit formed by the chasm is some 90
offerings before this icon holy to the sandmen.
feet deep, and the remains of centuries of victims
Upon closer inspection, the poster offers a look
clog its bottom. Bones, bits of armor, and other
into the past, before the fall. The picture depicts a
castoffs from above are the only company for any
family of four; father, mother, son, and daughter,
who find their way to the bottom.
all sharing a sumptuous meal at a stout table in
a well-furnished room. The rest of the poster
5. The Rope Bridge effectively portrays an underground shelter, which
This rickety bridge is made of old junk and sinew seems to reassure the family as explosions and
rope, most of it probably having its origins in symbols of death, disease, and radiation indicate
the sentient beings of the upper world. While the surface.

Four sandmen wait here for any trespassers who cross 8. Spare Chamber
the bridge. Canny foes, they attempt to overwhelm
each enemy as they reach this side of the bridge, This chamber is curiously bare and devoid of all
forcing their enemies to fight at a great disadvantage. trace of the sandmen. No garbage litters the floor,
Other than the historical curiosity of the old sign no food is store; nothing at all indicates the use for
(advertising the “nuclear fallout shelters soon to be this cave.
built in this state”, to anyone who can read Ancient),
there is nothing of interest here. This chamber serves a religious purpose to the
… Sandmen (4): hp 9 (x2), 8, 7. sandmen, although the characters probably have no
way of knowing this. There is nothing of value or
7. Pantry interest here.

This grim room is decorated with corpses in 9. Chief’s Lair (EL 4)

varying degrees of decomposition. All hang from
stone hooks, carved from the walls to hold the This chamber is ankle deep in detritus and filth, a
sandmen’s meat until consumption. The most hellish hovel even in this grim domain. Hides of
recent victim is hideously mangled, his limbs all humans and mutants decorate the walls, and a pile
twisted and snapped. He is long dead, but the look of softer children’s skins marks a bed. Makeshift
of pain on his face indicates he died slowly and wooden frames hold stretched faces, decorating
deliberately at the hands of his captors. this place in a way that chills you to the bone.
It seems here the sandmen will make their final
The corpse’s armor, now tattered and soiled, is utterly
stand, as four large warriors and one particularly
worthless. It does have a few items of note, however.
strong and scarred individual wait for you to enter
Treasure: The corpse’s clothing, if searched, earns
before attacking with great fury.
the characters 65 corium pieces from various pockets,
and a Swiss-army knife (feature include a knife blade, The creatures here fight without mercy or fear,
spoon/fork, nail clippers, nail file, and corkscrew; automatically ignoring any effect that would force
worth perhaps 50 cp back at Bazaar) tucked into a their retreat.
torn and gnawed boot.

… Sandman Chief, Guardian2 (1): CR 3; but the brood that will be born (four males and a
Medium-sized Humanoid; HD 2d8+2d10; hp 27; single female) will most assuredly be raised as their
Init +0; Spd 30 ft, burrow 10 ft; AC 10; Atk Bite kin were, and will yearn to exact revenge on those
+3 melee 1d4; 2 claws +2 melee 1d3; SQ Defender, “who walk above” for their transgressions.
photosensitive, tremorsense; AL NE; SV Fort +6, Ref … “Brood Mother”, Abomination (1): CR 3;
+3, Will +1; Str 11, Dex 10, Con 11, Int 11, Wis 12, Large Aberration; HD 4d8+16; hp 28; Init +0; Spd 10
Cha 3. ft; AC 16 (+7 natural, -1 size); Atk 4 slams +6 melee
Skills and Feats: Intimidate +1, Listen +7, Spot +8. 1d4+6; SQ Accelerated white blood cell activity,
Alertness, Blind-Fight, Cleave, Multiattack, Power amorphous, dark vision, photosensitive, frightful
Attack. presence; AL CE; SV Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +1; Str
… Sandmen (4): hp 9 (x4). 18, Dex 10, Con 18, Int 5, Wis 5, Cha 3.
Treasure: Once the last sandman is killed, a search Skills and Feats: Hide +3, Listen +2, Move
will discover a small trove of items of interest: a Silently +3, Spot +2. Multiattack.
flashlight (no power cell, however), a surgeon’s Treasure: While it appears that the room is a
scalpel (caked in gore, this can be cleaned and used vast repository of useless junk, there are in fact a
as a dagger), and a broken revolver (this last item can few useful items lying around. Each item may be
be repaired with a Craft, Weaponsmithing check, DC discovered on a successful Search skill check (DC
15). There is no ammunition, however. 15). Each use of the Search skill will take twenty
minutes to achieve any fruition. The piles contain
10. Harem (EL 3) (in order of discovery): a rusted harmonica (worth
perhaps 15 cp at Bazaar), a grimy one-liter plastic
The stench of this den is overpowering. A simple bottle containing three salt pills, a capsule of hercurin
curtain of cloth, formed of captured garments in (one dose, in pill form), and a fully functional
many styles stitched together with the sinew and automatic pistol with three cartridges remaining in
tendon of numerous victims, covers the entrance. the magazine.
Within, a ghastly sight awaits you; as a dank and
dusty room filled with old garbage and worthless 11. Exit
items rise from the ankle deep refuse. Within the
piles of trash can be seen barrels, metal-spoked This area is a steeply rising ramp, which emerges
wheels, a broken clock, and other such trash. onto the surface through a sand-covered trapdoor.
A long procession of skulls lie on the floor here This exit must be the one used by the dwellers
left behind as some offering to whatever dwells below when setting their lures, and provides you
here. The skulls are easily identifiable as those with your only escape.
of surface-dwellers and their like, although a few
With the revelation of light pouring down through
animal skulls are scattered amongst the others.
the trapdoor, the characters realize they have escaped
As you investigate deeper into the caverns, you
the lightless domain of the sandmen - and may now
discover that the large cave has a natural rise
return to the relative comfort and security of the
in the center, piled high with the skins of many
blistering surface world.
animals and even sentient creatures. Atop this
bed lies a horrible thing, screaming in alarm and
outrage upon detecting intruders into its domain.
This thing is composed of two females of the
sandmen, somehow fused together side-by-side; Having cleared the route to Dry Fort from Spilunk,
conjoined twins. These females are filthy, bloody the PCs have been instructed to go on to that fortress
and swollen, in a double pregnancy, the weight of and see how they can aid the locals there. When they
which has immobilized the composite beast. The arrive they find a weather-beaten old promontory of
weak pale blue skin of the creatures’ abdomens rock on which stands the village of Dry Fort.
move with the excited movements of the unborn
within. Still nursing wounds from your terrible encounter
with the sandmen of the haunted gorge, you have
The Siamese twin “mothers” of the tribe are swollen, descended from that high country into what can
fat, and almost entirely immobile. The thing is a only be described as true badlands of sand, cliffs,
gigantic mass of pale white flesh, albino from it’s and ravines. Following your map you have finally
life underground (like all sand people), connected come to the shadow of Dry Fort – a rough fortress
by misshapen shared limbs and ropy tendon coils, made from brick, dry mud, and freestone worked
almost like a pair of identical sandmen the Creator from the sparse elements of this land. Though
smashed together in a fit on anger on the day of their simple and savage, the citadel of Dry Fort is
formation. Yet it is decidedly neither a sandman nor an impressive sight in this otherwise desolate
a monster – but a combination of both. Some players wasteland, standing high on a promontory of solid
may wish to show the wailing, helpless thing mercy, rock.

Dry Fort: (Resentfuls; ruled by warrior brotherhood); AL LN; 0 cp limit (will not trade); Assets 350 cp;
Population 70; Isolated (second-generation mutant 100).
Authority Figure: Warlord Thrakas, male second-generation mutant Gu8.
Important Characters: Captain Ulz, male second-generation mutant Gu4; Captain Razner, male second-
generation mutant Gu4.
Others: Town guards, Gu2 (4), Gu1 (12); Militia, Gu1 (16); Sc2 (2), Sc1 (4); Th2, Th1 (2); Tr2, Tr1 (2).
… Typical Warrior of Dry Fort, Guardian1: CR 1; Medium-size Humanoid (2nd Generation Mutant
Resentfuls); HD 1d10+2; hp 8; Init +1 (Dex); Spd 25 ft; AC 18 (+1 Dex, +5 beast chitin, +2 large steel
shield); Atk Battleaxe +4 melee 1d8+2; SQ Defender; AL LN; SV Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +0; Str 14, Dex 13,
Con 15, Int 13, Wis 11, Cha 8.
Skills and Feats: Handle Animal +1, Listen +3, Ride +5, Speak Gutter Talk, Speak Unislang, Spot +3.
Mounted Combat, Weapon Focus (battleaxe).
Possessions: Battle axe, beast chitin armor, large steel shield, backpack, bedroll, blanket, three doses of
juju salve, light horse with trappings.Mutations and Defects: Aberrant Endoskeletal Encasing, Abnormal
Joint Flexibility, Accelerated White Blood Cell Activity, Extreme Resilience, Sensitive Sight. Cystic
Fibrosis, Hunchback, Mongoloid, Under-Developed Organ (nose).


The village of “Dry Fort” rests on a small steep- A. Gate
sided rise in a wide-open area, allowing the residents The front gate of Dry Fort is reached by a sloping
to clearly see for a great distance in any direction. ramp that leads from the desert floor up the natural
A low-rounded wall completely encircles the rock promontory to the entrance. The slope is
settlement; this wall is made of dried mud reinforced gradual enough for carts and wagons to navigate, and
with thick wood and steel bar, or any other material also serves to buy time for the garrison to rain arrows
that lends strength to the structure. Windows with and other missiles down on attackers who have to
upward-swinging slats provide ventilation and ascend the slope.
observation areas. A steep ramp leads up to the gates, When the PCs arrive they will be acutely aware that
which are crafted of old rusted iron bars. solemn, unfriendly faces watch them as they ascend
Inside, Dry Fort is made up of another ring much the ramp towards the gate…
like the outer wall. The only entrance is at the
opposite side as the front gate, making any assault B. Ring
difficult, as the same shutters circumnavigate the The inner ring is an open area behind
inner wall, allowing the defenders to attack any the first mud wall, where soldiers of
trespassers with short bows kept on hand. Dry Fort can remain under cover
This inner ring opens up into a central while firing on attackers below.
courtyard where the day-to-day life Shuttered windows and arrow slits
of the village occurs. The folk of provide a good 360-degree view of
Dry Fort live communally, with a the approaches to the village.
large central fire pit. The inner
ring is pierced on the inside with
the curtained off arches leading C. Inner Gate
into the private residences of the The inner gate is a narrower opening
natives. than the main gate, but still large enough
Dry Fort is ruled by a proud and for wagons and carts. It can be closed up in
fierce warrior brotherhood that drills times of war by materials kept within the
rigorously in anticipation of any inner compound.
future conflict. These warriors have
absolute authority over every aspect D. Communal Area
of life in Dry Fort, including During the day this open area is home to
ownership of property and the numerous warriors, womenfolk, and
distribution of food. The few children, as well as many mangy dogs,
non-combatants that live in which are kept by the people of Dry
Dry Fort do so at the mercy of Fort as additional guardians and watch
their benefactors, and must animals. The smoke of smoldering
contribute some skill to the fires, with traces of the morning’s
community or are cast out to meal, lingers here for hours. When
face the perils of the world. not cooking or preparing the next meal,

those present in this open area will be telling tales full, however), while the meat of rare game is salted
of Dry Fort’s past, reliving old battles, sparring for and hung here for preservation. Most of the foods
future conflicts, repairing weapons and armor, or consumed by the people of Dry Fort comprise tough
fletching scores of new arrows to replace those lost hardy roots and various forms of cactus, though they
by hunting parties. also have honey in relative abundance (Dry Fort has
access to the Dry Forest, which has bees).
E. Alcoves
These primitive alcoves are little more than mud Dry Fort does not have a market, and they are not
dens. Some have an opening in the roof for interested in trading any goods to “outsiders” now
ventilation or permitting sunshine in, though some that war is imminent. The PCs will be unable to
are completely enclosed. Each houses a warrior’s restock or resupply while they are here.
family and belongings; animals also live communally
with the populace.
None of these chambers has anything of particular MEETING WITH CAPTAIN ULZ
interest to the PCs.
As you near the compound of Dry Fort, it is clear
that news of the Wastelords’ destruction of Ebb
F. Warlord’s Hall and Sandyville has reached every corner of the
The chief of Dry Fort (known as the “warlord”) desert. The warrior people of Dry Fort are busy
resides in this, the largest and most spacious den in preparing their defenses, repairing the damage to
the village. It is reserved for his family, including the stonework caused by last year’s sandstorms.
loyal sons and favored concubines. As you approach, a few humorless faces turn
from their solemn work to stare down at you.
G. Cistern And Stores Watchmen, standing atop the walls, stare without
This cool, enclosed mud den is used to store any sign of hospitality as you ascend, breathless, to
perishable foods and water. A cistern shaft has been the gate to their village.
sunk to a depth of thirty feet (it is only a quarter But at least they’re not shooting at you…

Though not exactly greeted as heroes (they have yet “There may be something you scags can do.
to prove themselves), the PCs are at least recognized Maybe. We need our warriors here to build and
as agents of the council and permitted sanctuary keep lookout. If Wastelords attack, we need all
and shelter at Dry Fort. When they announce their our warriors here. But we need more iron to build
intention to give word of recent events, only a single up defenses. The scrap mine a day away in the dry
guard can be spared from the fortification effort to forest. We go once each year to fetch scrap, but
escort them to meet with Captain Ulz. this year we cannot spare warriors to make trip.”
The PCs are escorted into the central yard, where Ulz’s eyes glimmer.
Captain Ulz is overseeing the construction plans for “You will do this. You will take cart to dry
his commander, the warlord of Dry Fort. Ulz, who forest, retrieve enough scrap metal, and bring
met the PCs at the meeting of the Council of Three back. Then defenses will be complete.
Towns (see introduction), is surprised to see them, “Do this, and maybe you will earn respect as
but will reluctantly set aside time to hear what they warriors of Dry Fort.”
have to say.
Once they inform him of recent events, he will
cool his natural suspicion of them and consider their
Captain Ulz strokes his chin. The “scrap mine” used by the people of Dry Fort is
“You scags learn much in short time. This located some distance from that settlement, high up
device…what purpose for it? What good I ask in the crag country that leads to more monumental
you? Nothing. Spilunk wastes time figuring it out. peaks further north. The “mine” itself is located
It junk, like other junk of Ancients. Worthless. deep within the Dry Forest, an ancient hinterland of a
Bah. And Bazaar’s busy counting its beans. They unique kind in this part of the world for its trees and
traders, not warriors. We are warriors. But we not animal life.
ready. Storm season has done much damage to When the PCs finally come to the edges of the
Dry Fort. What, we supposed to fight whole war forest, read the following:
by ourselves?!? The broken crag country you have traveled
“Now they send you to us. What good can you through finally ends at a wall of trees. Dry and
do? You little more than pups...” naked, the trees resemble stands of kindling
He continues to rub his chin, apparently very waiting to catch fire during the next lightning
disappointed at the state of affairs in the alliance. storm. Fallen husks of tree trunks vanish into

tall stands of golden grass, and weird fungi of 2. Wall Sections
white and orange colors sprout all over the upper Here and there is evidence that someone has been
branches of many of the trees. The distant calls building some kind of wall, digging holes in the
of birds echo through the dry woods, but beyond forest floor and placing fallen tree trunks upright to
these odd sights and sounds the forest seems create a makeshift barrier.
Captain Ulz of Dry Fort said the scrap mine is The wall structure is only marginally complete; given
to be found at the heart of this ancient woodland. time, however, the terminals are likely to fence off
Though there are trees everywhere, enough the entire village and scrap mine to prevent outside
distance between each withered trunk means your intrusion.
wagon can pass easily into the forest. On your
guard, you proceed with caution. 3. Village (EL 7)
The forest is not, in fact “dead”, but rather a refuge The forest thins as it approaches a clearing, where
for many forms of life that have escaped the harsh apparently some primitive tribe of people has
conditions of the desert wasteland for a dwindling created a village motley huts and lean-tos made
existence among the sheltered trees. These include from fallen tree limbs, trunks, and leaves. The
small birds, hawks, insects of all kinds including bees smoking remains of campfires offer evidence that
(the honey of which the people of Dry Fort harvest the village was recently occupied…
each year) small mammals (or deformed variations)
and a particular tribe of terminals.
The status of the village when first encountered
There will be no major encounters in the Dry Forest
depends on whether or not the PCs have been heard
(except perhaps for rare sightings of hawks hunting
approaching. Lookouts for the village make take a 10
smaller birds overhead, or the flash of a squirrel
on their Listen checks (for a total of 11), which must
running past on a high treetop), unless the PCs near
defeat the Move Silently checks of the approaching
the site of the “scrap mine”, when they will stumble
group. If any snares or pit traps have been triggered,
upon the defensive traps of the terminal village.
the villagers are automatically alerted to the PCs’
KEY TO THE DRY FOREST Alerted: If the terminals are alerted to the presence
of the PCs, the entire tribe will arm themselves, and
1. Traps retreat into their huts. Two gronts, domesticated by
Those areas marked as traps on the map indicate the tribe to serve as beasts of burden, will be left to
either clever snares or concealed spiked pits, attack the PCs when they are roughly in the center
constructed by the terminals to catch wild animals of the settlement. Once distracted by the gronts, the
(for meals) as well as trespassers in the vicinity of the entire terminal population will come pouring from
village. Snares are marked with an orange circle; all over the village to attack the intruders from all
spiked pit raps are marked with a red circle. directions.
x Snare: CR 1/3; no attack roll necessary; Reflex Not Alerted: If they weren’t already alerted to the
save (DC 18) to avoid being immobilized; Search PCs’ presence through their various snares and spiked
(DC 18); Disable Device (DC 18). pits (or through their ability to listen), the occupants
x Spiked Pit Trap (10 Ft. Deep): CR 1; no of the village will be found in the various huts or
attack roll necessary (1d6), +10 melee (1d4 spikes around the dwindling fires, cleaning the carcass of
for 1d4+1 points of damage per successful hit); unidentifiable animals, making twine and leather
Reflex save (DC 18) avoids; Search (DC 18); Disable from the same, or using stone tools to create spears,
Device (DC 18). spikes for their pits, etc.
GM’s Note: A character caught in a snare is If encountered in this manner (i.e. taken off guard),
instantly hurled 20’ into the air and dangled upside this gives the PCs more leverage when attempting
down. He must make a Reflex save (DC 18) or also to prove their intentions are benign. In this case the
drop anything held in the hands. He is effectively PCs receive a +5 circumstance bonus to Diplomacy
immobilized while snared. checks when trying to arrange a peaceful solution to
Bells worked into the snares and pits will be the scrap problem.
triggered when the trap is set off, alerting the … Gronts (2): CR 4; Large Beast; HD 4d10+28;
terminals in the village that a trespasser has been hp 35; Init +4 (Improved Init); Spd 30 ft; AC 16 (-1
caught. A scouting force of three to six terminals will size, +7 natural); Atk Bite +10 melee 1d8+10; AL N;
arrive in 1d4+2 rounds. SV Fort +11, Ref +4, Will +1; Str 25, Dex 11, Con
25, Int 2, Wis 2, Cha 10.
Skills and Feats: Balance +1, Climb +1, Jump +1,
Move Silently +2. Improved Initiative, Iron Will.


Despite the inherent difficulties, you may want to award players who persist in attempts at making peace with
the terminal village with success, instead of leading them into a potential bloodbath.
A Diplomacy check, DC 15, is enough to convince the tribe that the PCs mean them no harm. However,
though this will stave off attack, it is a far cry from getting the terminals’ cooperation. Even though they may
be able to prove they mean no harm, the terminals wish to be left alone.
Any request to investigate the site of the “scrap mine” will anger the terminals and rouse their suspicions,
and the PCs will thereafter be shadowed to ensure they do not violate that sanctuary.
With a Diplomacy check at DC 20, however, the PCs may be able to convince the terminals that the steel
is needed for the very survival of the Three Towns alliance. Though the terminals have no love for the
Three Towns (who shut their doors to them), stories of the depravations of the Wastelords make it clear to
the terminals that unless something is done to stop them, they might be among the villages destroyed in the
If successful, the terminals will finally relent and let the PCs take enough scrap to fill one wagonload. But
they tell the PCs to return to Dry Fort and tell the warriors there that the “scrap mine” has new owners, and
any further attempts to take metal from the site must be negotiated with them. They will expect some kind of
payment or compensation from now on to appease the “Sky God”.
Finally, if the Diplomacy check to convince the terminals about the Wastelord threat was made by a margin
of more than 5, the terminals become so concerned that they offer to send some of their warriors to join the
alliance of the Three Towns. This force will consist of half the tribe (six terminals and one gront), who will
appear later in the scenario during the war with the Wastelords.

… Terminals (12): CR 1/2; Medium Humanoid; The terminals have made for themselves a small
HD 2d8-2; hp 7 each; Init -1 (Dex); Spd 30 ft; AC village with adequate defenses, and have begun to
9 (-1 Dex); Atk 2 claws +3 melee 1d4+3, javelin -1 learn how to hunt for the benefit of the entire tribe,
ranged 1d6+3 (smeared with small centipede poison); as well as to make important items such as javelins
AL CN; SV Fort +1, Ref +1, Will -2; Str 16, Dex 8, and spears. They have learned to treat their injured
Con 8, Int 6, Wis 6, Cha 6. instead of eating them, and have come to feel a
Skills and Feats: Listen +1, Move Silently +0, Spot sense of uncanny camaraderie among their fellows.
+0. Though fragile at best, their attempt at living separate
Treasure: Only if the terminals are killed off from the world is working.
will the PCs be able to take stock of their meager
possessions. These consist of some thirty javelins, Complications
six slings, four short spears, and some ten extra Unfortunately for the alliance, the terminals have
doses of small centipede poison for smearing on their decided to make their village near the “scrap mine”.
weapons. In addition, a rusted set of night vision The terminals, having only recently arrived, do not
goggles (treat these as infra-red goggles) are also realize the value the scrap mine has to the people of
in their possession, recovered from the wreckage of Dry Fort, and instead of using it for parts and scrap
their “Sky God” a few months ago (the terminals do metal, have themselves taken to “worshipping” it.
not know how it works, however, and thus keep it Believing the ancient aircraft to be the remains of a
solely as a curiosity). winged god from long ago, they perform monthly
sacrifices of burnt animals there in a semblance of
4. Scrap Mine primitive worship.
See “The Scrap Mine” for details. This fact may pose a major problem in any attempts
at diplomacy with the terminal tribe. Under no
Diplomacy circumstances will they allow “outsiders” (even ones
Normally the creatures called “terminals” are not with a previous claim to the site, such as the people
known for their civility, and the occupants of the of Dry Fort) to violate their religious site or take from
village are no exception. Their story is a rather it.
sad one: a collection of outcasts driven from the The terminals would make useful allies of the Three
communities of the Trade Lands, they banded Towns alliance, but convincing them that the party
together and left the valley for the protection and isn’t hostile would be a difficult challenge to say the
relative abundance for the forest. Though they least. Trespassing onto what the terminals consider
are promised only short and miserable lives, the their “last chance at peace”, as well as ransacking
terminals of the tribe have sworn to live out what their holy site (the “scrap mine”), the PCs will likely
little time they have away from the hatred and be seen as enemies rather than potential friends.
prejudice of the outside world.

You find its presence a bit odd, since Captain Ulz
THE SCRAP MINE never mentioned a cairn…
Beyond the cairn the forest dwindles into a
Though so far in the future no one is left to recognize broad clearing bathed by the sun, wherein rests
it for what it is, the so-called “scrap mine” is in fact an enormous metallic hulk, longer than any metal
the wreckage of a B-52 that crashed in the mountains structure you have ever seen, left bare and naked
during the Fall, just as it launched the last of it’s air- to the elements by the lack of trees. Rusted over
launched nuclear cruise missile payload. Though in many parts, and much of its surface overgrown
shielded against EMP detonation, the intensity of with dry vegetation, it is a truly impressive sight.
airbursts at distant NORAD and Denver caused
enough disruption to bring the bomber down. Atop the cairn rests a small wooden bowl, its
The bomber crash-landed relatively intact, though concave surface turned black by fires lit within. An
the crew was killed instantly on impact. The examination reveals a collection of sooty animal
wreckage has remained in place for hundreds of bones, apparently burned here as some kind of
years, the forest slowly rebuilding itself around the religious “offering”.
metallic hulk. When the PCs arrive, it will seem just If the PCs have not yet encountered the inhabitants
another leftover from the time of the Ancients. of the terminal village, they will now have reason to
If the PCs avoid the terminal village, or even if suspect that others live in the vicinity of the scrap
they approach from a direction that means they don’t mine…
discover it, they may come to the scrap mine without
encountering the local inhabitants of the forest. If 2. Engine Pod
this is the case, keep in mind that any activity here
that makes loud noise (including loading scrap A huge metal object, almost as large as a house,
into the wagon) has a good chance of alerting the sits here exposed to the elements. The metal
terminals of the party’s presence at their religious casing of the thing is torn and battered, and the
site. heat of some ancient fire seems to have burned it
black. Twisted debris extends from this point on;
the growth of grass and wild flowers throughout
KEY TO THE “SCRAP MINE” seems to indicate that this wreckage has been here
for generations.
1. Sacrificial Altar
There is nothing of interest to be found here.
Up ahead a cairn of stones stacked one on top of
the other seems to mark the spot of the scrap mine.

3. Bomb Bay
This part of the wreckage appears to be the focus
of the scavenging efforts of the scrap miners of Assuming they are able to secure a wagonload of
Dry Fort. scrap for Dry Fort’s defenses, the PCs will quickly
head back to Dry Fort.
There is ample room here for the characters to pull up If he has not already made an appearance, the Scav
the cart and begin work immediately. Extracting steel who has been tailing the PCs since they recovered the
from the wreckage is a difficult and time-consuming “device” will now make his move.
process that involves prying off the bent and twisted The Scav has picked out the perfect spot to ambush
plating of the plane’s fuselage, hauling it to the cart, the characters, among a maze of crags and boulders
and securing it. that if anything resembles the surface of Mars or
The effort should take three hours for four some alien planet. Hidden among the heights, he can
reasonably strong characters working non-stop. snipe at approaching PCs while keeping his position
Keep in mind that activity here is likely to draw hidden. Because of the echoing effect of the crags
the attention of the terminals at the village, unless country, his opponents must make a Listen check
measures are taken to be as quiet as possible. (DC 12) to hear the direction from which the attack
came. A second Spot check (DC 15) is required to
4. Front Section pick out where the Scav is among the shaded niches
of the hundreds of boulders.
Climbing into this confined front part of the Characters taking cover once he opens fire may
aging metal structure, you are confronted by choose their concealment (from none to total), but
a rusted, ruined interior, the only light coming those who do not know where the Scav is located
through a number of portals in the far end. Coarse have a 50% chance of being completely exposed
vegetation such as vines and ivy have grown (after all, not knowing where he is, they may be right
through these windows and covered much of the in his sights)!
metallic consoles and machinery cluttering the If characters fail to hear or spot the Scav, he may be
place. The stench of rot is heavy here. able to pick them off one by one until it is too late!
… “The Scav”, Scav5 (1): CR 3; Medium-size
This area was once the cockpit and electronics Humanoid (1st Generation Mutant Feral); HD 5d8+5;
monitoring station of the bomber; there are three hp 37; Init +3 (Dex); Spd 30 ft; AC 15 (+3 Dex, +2
rotted seats, two in the front with a third (facing aft) leather armor); Atk Scimitar +4 melee 1d6+1; or
behind the pilot seat. Skeletal remains are evident in sport rifle +8 ranged (+9 when stabilized) 1d12; SQ
each of these seats, but time and the elements have Nature sense, sneak attack (+2d6), radiation sense;
stripped them of any identification. AL N; SV Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +3; Str 12, Dex 16,
Treasure: A thorough Search (DC 18) will Con 13, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 7.
uncover a power pack with about an hour’s charge Skills and Feats: Hide +13, Intuit Direction +8,
left in it, concealed beneath some panels. Wires Move Silently +11, Search +4, Spot +10, Wilderness
– which can be safely disconnected with a Craft Lore +12. Far Shot, Forsaken, Point Blank Shot.
(Electronics) check at DC 15 (each failure induces a Possessions: Sport rifle w/ bipod and target
shock for 1d4 points of electricity damage) – appear weapon modifications +2 (8 shots), scimitar, one dose
to connect this pack to a computer screen in the of stimshot A in ready syringe, map (see detail), and
electronic monitoring station (behind the pilot). leather armor.
Any character making a Knowledge (Technology) Mutations and Defects: Accumulated Resistance
check, DC 13, will be able to turn the console on. (disease). Cystic Fibrosis.
Sputtering to life, the small glass screen displays the
last few moments of the bomber’s flight course and
its missile launching activity (see player aid).
GM’s Note: Black out the written messages if
none of the PCs present speaks Ancient. Also, do When the PCs return to Dry Fort, they will receive
not explain what any of this information actually a much more hospitable welcome, having earned
means! Clever players, however, will probably note the title of “allies” for the risk they took to retrieve
the general contours of the mountains and, cross- the scrap for their town’s defenses. Though having
referencing with their map of the Trade Lands, come gained their appreciation, their friendship is another
to realize a nuclear cruise missile crashed into the matter, but in general they will be greeted as useful
hills south of Dry Fort! members of the alliance and accorded the respect due
This respect includes being allowed to trade for a
hot meal, and secure lodgings for however long they
plan on staying to help with the construction.

For his part Captain Ulz will immediately order the
But if you can catch that horse before him, you
scrap be put to use bolstering the outer wall and the
earn the right to sit at the head of the feast, in his
shutters defending the arrow slits. If he learns about
place. Consider it…a game.”
any conflict with the terminals (and assuming they
were wiped out, ending their threat to scavenging
The hunt begins immediately. There are fifteen desert
efforts in the Dry Forest), the warlord of Dry Fort
horses in the herd, at a distance of 40 feet from the
has Ulz reward the PCs with six doses of juju salve
hunting party, which will instantly scatter and begin
and a pouch filled with twelve pistol cartridges and
to run when the group moves to attack. The hunting
two shotgun slugs (since they don’t have firearms
party must try to divide and corner the individual
themselves, these items are of no use to the warriors
desert horses and attempt to net them; this is not an
of Dry Fort).
easy task. Throwing a net is a close-range effort, and
without the Mounted Archery feat there are serious
THE HORSE HUNT (EL SPECIAL) penalties. If a character misses with his net he must
stop and retrieve it, costing him valuable time (and
The next day a group of warriors from Spilunk, possibly letting the horses get away).
led by Warlord Thrakas and Captain Ulz, set out to A desert horse, if netted, will stop running away and
engage in the annual round-up of new mounts for the will fight with hooves and bite. They normally attack
tribe’s cavalry. While this important undertaking has the mounts of the PCs, but a PC who gets off his
evolved into as much a sport as a necessity over the horse will be fair game. PCs are expected to grapple
years, with the impending war with the Wastelords and/or subdue the horse, not kill it (to do so brings
the need for additional mounts adds immediacy to the great shame, since the horses are quite valuable). If
event. a horse is netted, it cannot be “stolen” (that is, other
The PCs are invited to attend the ritual round up riders cannot try to take it from the PC that netted it).
of these new mounts, assuming they are up to it. To complicate things, however, part of the “sport”
Warlord Thrakas, who has so far declined to meet the of the horse hunt is competition. Warlord Thrakas
PCs, wants to see how they handle a horse first hand. will expect the PCs to take up his challenge for the
The invitation is nothing more than an invitation, silver stallion. But the challenge involves more than
meaning that if the PCs decline there will be no hard just beating him to the target; Thrakas will ride up
feelings. alongside the challengers to his claim and beat them
If the PCs choose to join the hunt, they are each senseless with his sap! The PCs may, of course,
given a light riding horse (unless they have steeds of fight back, but during the course of the sporting,
their own) for the event, as well as rope, sap, and a inflicting anything other than subdual damage will be
weighted net for ensnaring the wild desert horses of considered very poor sportsmanship.
the wasteland. With no further instruction, Warlord If Warlord Thrakas is beaten to the stallion, or
Thrakas, Captain Ulz, and two other riders from knocked unconscious, he will laugh despite losing,
Dry Fort ride off to catch up with a herd spotted this having thoroughly enjoyed himself. The PCs will be
morning only miles from the village. hailed as true warriors for having bested the Warlord
of Dry Fort!
The Hunt … Desert Horses (15): CR 1; Large Animal; HD
3d8+9; hp 30 (x1), 22 (x2), 21, and 20 (x2); Init +5
The hunters finally come to a stop on a small (Dex, Improved Init); Spd 60 ft; AC 14 (-1 size, +1
sandy crest, overlooking a broad open plain. As Dex, +4 natural); Atk 2 kicks +4 melee 1d3+3, or bite
you catch up you see a herd of desert horses –1 melee 1d3+1; SQ Scent, stampede, tremorsense;
milling about in the open, the hot summer wind AL N; SV Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +2; Str 16, Dex 13,
catching their manes in a gentle gale. One of the Con 17, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 6.
horses, a proud male with a silvery color, looks up Skills and Feats: Listen +3, Spot +10. Improved
as if keeping a wary eye on your hunting party. Initiative.
Captain Ulz speaks. … Warlord Thrakas, Guardian5 (1): CR 5;
“The object of the hunt is to catch as many Medium-size Humanoid (2nd Generation Mutant
horses as possible. Each man in the party will be Resentful); HD 5d10+15; hp 45; Init +1 (Dex); Spd
expected to catch at least one horse. If you catch a 25 ft; AC 18 (+1 Dex, +5 beast chitin, +2 large steel
horse, you will share tonight’s meal with the other shield); Atk Sap +7 melee 1d6+2, or net +6 ranged
warriors of the tribe, for this rite will initiate you special; SQ Defender, called shot (+1d6); AL LN; SV
as one of us.” Fort +6; Ref +2; Will +1; Str 14, Dex 13, Con 16, Int
Warlord Thrakas finally speaks. 13, Wis 11, Cha 8.
“That one there. The silvery stallion.” Skills and Feats: Handle Animal +8, Listen
Captain Ulz explains. +2, Ride +8, Sense Motive +4, Spot +2. Mounted
“Warlord Thrakas has called his choice. Normally Archery, Mounted Combat, Ride By Attack, Trample,
no warrior would dare interfere with his choice. Weapon Focus (battleaxe).

Possessions: Net, sap, beast chitin armor, large
The first messenger speaks.
steel shield, light horse with trappings.
“This device is what the Wastelords seek. Our
Mutations and Defects: Aberrant Endoskeletal
elders have looked back through the mists of the
Encasing, Abnormal Joint Flexibility, Accelerated
past to discover what it is. We think it is called a
White Blood Cell Activity, Extreme Resilience,
‘guidance system’, a device that through unknown
Sensitive Sight. Cystic Fibrosis, Hunchback,
magic guides a great fiery weapon of untold power
Mongoloid, Under-Developed Organ (nose).
unerringly to its target.”
… Light Horses (one for each party member):
As the man speaks, his arms make a great motion
CR 1; Large Animal; HD 3d8+6; hp 19 each; Init +1
as if recreating the rising sun.
(Dex); Spd 60 ft; AC 13 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +3 natural);
“It is a piece of one of the Great Weapons of the
Atk 2 hooves +2 melee 1d4+1; AL N; SV Fort +5,
Ref +4, Will +2; Str 13, Dex 13, Con 15, Int 2, Wis
Warlord Thrakas’ eyes glimmer, but for a
12, Cha 6.
moment he says nothing. Captain Ulz, at his side,
Skills and Feats: Listen +6, Spot +6.
leans in and whispers. Eventually he speaks.
GM’s Note: Award the PCs normal experience
“With this weapon they destroy any of our
points for capturing and subduing the desert horses.
villages. With this weapon they destroy the
The messenger is quick to cut in.
MESSENGERS ARRIVE “We must find where they keep the weapon.
They seek the guidance system as we speak, so as
Whether or not the PCs participate in the horse hunt,
long as we keep it from them we buy ourselves
for the next few days the PCs will be expected to get
down to serious business and lend a hand in readying
“We must get the weapon for ourselves…” says
Dry Fort for the inevitable war.
Warlord Thrakas.
The GM can use this time to allow the PCs to
“The leaders of my community, Spilunk, and
recuperate from their injuries, to train (and level
also those of Bazaar, agree,” replies the messenger.
up), or make plans once their duty here is complete.
“With it we will be able to destroy the Wastelord
It will also give the PCs a chance to make firmer
threat and win our freedom once and for all.”
contact with the warriors of Dry Fort, and engender
Warlord Thrakas whispers with Captain Ulz for a
a sense of camaraderie that could do wonders for
fortifying relations between the allied Three Towns
“These men,” he says, motioning to your party,
for generations to come.
“have proven themselves to all of the Three Towns
Eventually a group arrives at Dry Fort from
in the alliance. We nominate them for this task.”
Spilunk. Bearing important news, they are taken
The messenger looks to you, then nods.
immediately to Warlord Thrakas’ presence to inform
“Assuming they are willing…”
them of the news.
The PCs, who have been recuperating at the village
(and hopefully earning the trust of the people of Dry Now might be a good time re-negotiate their
Fort), are given a chance to join the meeting of the contract! Players who think of it may have their
messengers and the leaders of the village. characters strike a deal with the allied representatives
for a bolstering of their original pay. If they make
a Diplomacy check (DC 18), they may be able to
Meeting within the hall of the Warlord of Dry Fort
convince the leaders to throw in an additional 500
is like descending into a cave from prehistoric
corium apiece, as well as enough food and fresh
times. Torches on the wall create a smoky, biting
water to get the PCs out of the Trade Lands and to the
air, while colorful scenes painted on the rock are
nearest civilized nexus once the war is won.
reminiscent of Spilunk – but depict victorious
hunting forays against monstrous prey, or past
deeds of valor by the elite of the village. Furs
cover parts of the floor where young boys sit THE CRUISE MISSILE SITE
sharpening their spears with bits of sharpened flint.
The messengers from Spilunk stop murmuring (EL 7)
amongst themselves before finally moving over
to the stump in front of the imposing figure of Unless they missed them, there are clues to lead
Warlord Thrakas, leader of Dry Fort. One of them the PCs to the site of the crashed cruise missile,
pulls back his cloak and opens a satchel beneath, fortunately located only a few miles to the south
pulling out the device and placing it before of Dry Fort. The computer display in the crashed
Warlord Thrakas. bomber (see “The Scrap Mine”) shows the direction
The warlord, staring down from his perch on a and distance from the Dry Forest crash site, and the
stony throne, seems unimpressed. shoddy map carried by the Scav haunting them since
they retrieved the device also has an enigmatic “X”

labeling the same area as being of particular note.
The journey to the site is wrought with uncertainty, wind. Taking cover behind a huge boulder, you
with the pressure of knowing that the Great Weapon cautiously sneak forward between bits of stony
they seek to steal from the hands of the Wastelords cover to see beyond, perhaps 100 yards in the
is of a kind lost to antiquity. Characters may know distance.
nothing of the nature of the weapon, or may have There, in a shallow gully, is what appears to be a
heard legends of such great devices used during the large “arrow”, broken in a number of pieces, rusted
Fall, but to actually find one intact and turn it against and battered from the countless ages since the Fall.
the raiders is a terrifying prospect. For a moment your minds imagine that the wind
Roll for random encounters as normal during the is not just raging without purpose, but carrying
trip. Following a roughly straight line south from the whispers of the Ancient dead, beckoning you
Dry Fort, they will soon find tracks (Wilderness Lore, to revive the weapon and utilize its destructive
DC 12) left by the Wastelords leading to the resting powers to rule the world.
place of the Great Weapon. But it must be your imaginations running wild.
Sudden movement in the gully distracts your
It is almost twilight. Here, in the boulder-strewn silent awe. There appears to be a camp set up in
foothills of the mountainous spur dividing the the depression, complete with many tents, where
Trade Lands, the sky seems to take on a much a large group of raiders in leather, chains, and a
deeper and more ominous red color, with the hodge-podge of gear studded with wicked barbs
stars barely visible like the eyes of the Ancients mingle about. They appear to have been pursuing
themselves luring you to the resting place of their work on the Great Weapon, for a glow can be seen
forgotten, infernal weapon. Towering cliffs and from the front hatch of the fallen machine where a
pillar-like formations of rock serve to channel the worker might be welding or making repairs from
wind into a deafening gale, buffeting you and your inside.
mounts as you ascend further up the slopes. You grip your weapons nervously, knowing that
A series of strange noises echoes through this today you will be firing the first shots in a war that
eerie countryside, barely audible over the roaring could tear the Trade Lands apart.

There is a force of eight Wastelords at the missile
KEY TO THE CAMP salvage site, including seven warriors and a single
– but invaluable – mech (“Sprocket”) in their
1. Main Camp “employ”.
This area is merely a collection of tents and lean-tos Three of the raiders will be on guard, taking a 10
temporarily used by the Wastelord raiders while they on their Spot and Listen checks to avoid being taken
ready the missile for firing. by surprise. Another guard is off to the side, playing
Treasure: A search of the Wastelord camp (DC with the camp’s radio attempting to get it to work
12) will reveal some important items. These include (the power cell has just run out of power; this fact
a collection of books and magazines about WII will prevent the raiders from alerting the rest of the
rocketry (worth a total of 100 cp outside of the Trade Wastelords of the PCs’ attack).
Lands; worth 250 cp to members of the Paradise The remainder of the raiders are moving around
Believers cult, a major faction of the Twisted Earth), assisting the mech in repairing the missile, but are
a logbook, and a single communicator (a hand-held not far from their weapons. Whether discovered first
walkie talkie, worth 500 cp), though the power cell or not, a battle to the death will occur when the PCs
has just run out of power. emerge from hiding.
The log vaguely reveals that the Wastelords are … Sprocket, Thinker3/Mech5 (1): CR 9;
indeed “from the south”, beyond the mountains Medium-size Humanoid (1st Generation Mutant
and that they are using the Dry River to move their Visionary Reinventor); HD 8d4; hp 20; Init +4 (Dex);
vehicles in the Trade Lands undetected. Not only is Spd 30 ft; AC 14 (+4 Dex); Atk Light crossbow +7
this the only pass through the mountains, but also the ranged 1d8 (smeared with poison); SQ Knowledge,
hard-packed earth of its bed does not create a dust- repair mechanical damage (1d8+5), growing toolkit
cloud when a large force moves over it. (+5), identify, artifice (8,000 cp or more), minor
The radio allows the raider patrol to communicate helper; AL N; SV Fort +2, Ref +11, Will +2; Str 7,
with other Wastelord forces in the Trade Lands, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 19, Wis 10, Cha 10.
giving the entire army a decisive advantage over the Skills and Feats: Appraise +6, Bluff +4, Craft
natives of the valley. (mechanics) +14, Craft (technician) +14, Decipher
Script +15, Disable Device +14, Knowledge (ancient
2. Missile lore) +10, Knowledge (computers) +15, Knowledge
The “Great Weapon”, originally an air-launched (technology) +15, Knowledge (weaponsmithing) +11,
AGM-86 cruise missile, crashed here, by some trick Speak Ancient, Speak Computer, Speak Unislang.
of fate suffering only minor damage. It has been Dodge, Mobility, Skill Focus (craft, mechanics),
stripped somewhat, however; first by the Scav who Vulture.
found the wreckage (he took the only part he could Possessions: Light crossbow (folds down so can be
carry, the guidance system), then by the people of concealed within a coat; springs open when a switch
Monastery under cover of night. The entire missile is is hit), 12 bolts, four poisoned bolts smeared with
almost 15 feet long and weighs nearly 2,000 lbs. terinav root (see DMG) in special quiver, two ready
syringes of stimshot A.
3. Launch Ramp Mutations and Defects: Abnormal Joint Flexibility,
The Wastelords have built a ramp out of scrap metal, Accumulated Resistance (disease). Bilirubin
rocks, and wood. The ramp will hopefully allow the Imbalance, Terminal Limb Deficiency (genitals).
missile to be launched (not unlike some archaic “V- Sprocket looks completely out of place among
weapon” from WWII). the other raiders: small, weak, and snot-nosed. He
GM’s Note: If you are playing with part two of wears a pair of cracked glasses on his thin face that
this campaign, the PCs will notice that the ramp was look more like magnifying lenses, and his hair has
built facing south, not towards any known settlement been completely shaved off on one side of his head
in the Trade Lands. Though they don’t know it, this - the other dyed a vibrant blue (so that the raiders
is because the Wastelords are in fact attempting to use can keep track of him in battle). He usually wears a
the missile against a much greater threat to the world, long, soiled, military-style trench coat, within which
on the other side of the mountains, from which they he conceals his various tools, equipment, and folding
themselves come. crossbow.
If this adventure is being played stand-alone, the Sprocket came into the “employ” of the Wastelords
missile ramp is built facing towards Bazaar. after being found thirsting to death in the wastes. He
begged to be spared, and only the timely breakdown
4. Witnesses of one of the raiders’ cycles (and it’s subsequent
Two scouts from Monastery are hiding here, watching repair by Sprocket) saved his life. Since then he
the battle. See later for details. has been mistreated and bullied, but he considers
the Wastelords his “family” despite their horrific

treatment of him. Though considered little more than
Panting heavily from the fighting, you wonder if
a “slave”, he is nonetheless loyal to the army.
the sight that caught your eye was just an illusion
Sprocket will surrender if reduced to 5 hits points
brought on by wounds and fatigue. But as you
or less.
look up, there among the rocks you see a pair of
… Wastelords, Raider1 (7): CR 4; Medium-size
huddled figures wearing curious robes of black,
Humanoid (2nd Generation Mutant Resurrectors); HD
perhaps fifty yards up the slopes of the nearest hill.
1d10+1; hp 6 each; Init +6 (Dex, +4 Improved Init);
Realizing they have been spotted, the two take off
Spd 30 ft; AC 16 (+2 Dex, +1 chains and chaps, +3
at once. But though you prepare to chase them,
studded leather armor); Atk Dagger +3 melee 1d4+2,
fearing them to be more Wastelords, the flap of
or automatic rifle +3/+3 ranged 1d12; SQ Chains and
one’s robe parts revealing a grotesque body more
chaps (+1); AL LE; SV Fort +3, Ref +2, Will -1; Str
resembling a segmented spider than any human.
15, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 10.
Stunned (and unable to pursue), you can only
Skills and Feats: Listen +3, Speak Ancient, Speak
watch as they vanish up into the mountains.
Unislang, Spot +3, Wilderness Lore +3. Improved
Possessions: Automatic rifle (60 shots), studded Though they don’t know it, these two are scouts
leather armor, dagger, backpack, bedroll, blanket, from Monastery, a secluded community high in the
web belt. mountains. Witnesses to the efforts of the Wastelords
Mutations and Defects: Abnormal Joint Flexibility, to salvage the missile, they possess the third – and
Accelerated White Blood Cell Activity, Interior most important – part of the Great Weapon. The
Moisture Reservoir, Multiple Stomachs, Sensitive scouts (monks), having witnessed the battle, return
Sight. Bilirubin Imbalance, Cystic Fibrosis, by secret trails up to their mountain fortress to spread
Hemophilia, Immune System Abnormality. news that more enemies seek the Great Weapon – and
to put their people on alert.
GM’s Note: If the PCs are somehow able to
Unexpected Witnesses
intercept the fleeing scouts, these prove to be two
As the ambush at the missile site nears its bloody end,
monks from Monastery (see that chapter for details),
allow each PC in the group to make a Spot check at
armed with carbines. They will fight to the death to
DC 10. If successful, they notice more figures hiding
defend the secret location of Monastery, and will die
among the crags, watching the scene as it unfolds
rather than be interrogated.

Examination Of The Missile Site In addition to this fact, the PCs have learned two
Once the Wastelords have been killed to a man, the very important things. The first is the intelligence
cruise missile site can be further examined. in the journal captured from the Wastelord patrol,
It is immediately obvious that the Wastelords have which gives details on how the raiders move into the
yet to fully complete the repair and reconstruction of Trade Lands from across the mountains. This will
the missile, for it is still in a number of fragmented prove an important piece of information, allowing
parts. Work seems to have focused on the fuselage of the council to plan an ambush on the next batch of
the AGM-86, as if the Wastelords were trying to find reinforcements coming into the valley. By cutting
something in particular amongst the wreckage, to no off this road, they can prevent the Wastelords from
avail. bolstering their numbers with more men and their
If the PCs captured the mech, Sprocket, an infamous iron-clad vehicles, which without access to
Intimidate check (DC 18) may be used to extract the riverbed will be unable to cross the mountains.
more information about their progress: Most mysterious of all, however, is the sighting of
unidentified figures near the missile site. Whoever
The weasel of a man cowers, bloody and wounded, they were, and whatever community they belonged
raising his hands feebly to fend off more blows. to, their appearance so close to the salvage efforts
Apparently he is willing to talk. makes them prime candidates for having taken the
“Our leader says the weapon must be made missing warhead. With this in mind, the PCs are
ready soon. I…I…I have been working night and instructed to follow the mountain trail and discover
day! Your people…you savages have destroyed where they came from…
everything! You have the guidance system…and A few of the Spilunk thinkers will remain with
the warhead. Without them we cannot complete the PCs, to help recover the warhead if and when
our reconstruction effort.” it is found. They will not participate in the battle,
however, unless things go really bad. They strongly
If asked about the warhead, he looks surprised. suggest the PCs arm themselves with powerful
automatic rifles of the fallen Wastelords, which will
“Surely one of your tribes took it…it isn’t here!” come in handy against whatever threat the alliance
Hands in the air, he scrambles over to the camp must now face.
to retrieve a soiled magazine. Flipping the pages
frantically, he opens to a page covered in writing
and a depiction of the Great Weapon.
“See…see…AGM-86…W-80 nuclear
warhead…250 kiloton yield…it looks like a…
“Monastery” is a tiny community founded high in the
large metal…cylinder…but it isn’t here. We’ve
rocky, wind-swept hills overlooking the desert valley.
dissected the entire missile and it is gone. Just a
Monastery has stood here for generations; it has
hollow cavity. If you don’t have it, and WE don’t
certainly stood since before the Fall, evidenced by
have it…then someone else has it!”
the aging masonry depicting mourning angels, tearful
cherubs, and the images of long-forgotten Christ
Sprocket knows nothing more about the missile, or
figures all over its broken façade.
who took it. Under no circumstances will he tell why
Erected long ago as a monastic retreat for the
the Wastelords want the bomb, and will let the PCs
Carmelite order, Monastery was picked for its
assume it is for use against them (if you are playing
isolation among high peaks, and the stunning views
this scenario stand-alone, however, you can assume
of the valley below, to remind its faithful inhabitants
this is the truth).
of the beauty of God’s Creation. Home to no more
than thirty or so monks before the Fall, the retreat
WHAT NEXT? was all but forgotten when the Great War broke out
– a war that erased all remains of humanity.
Having secured the site, a handful of thinkers from
Spilunk and Bazaar arrive later that night to examine Their Involvement
the wreckage more thoroughly (and confirm what The mutants of Monastery are directly descended
Sprocket knew) and make plans to have the missile from the Ancients who originally inhabited the
taken back to Dry Fort where they can install the monastery. Quiet, withdrawn, and benevolent, when
guidance system and make final repairs. A ramp, the Fall came they survived the nuclear exchange by
similar to the one the Wastelords built here, will also virtue of their relative isolation, atop this mountain.
be constructed at Dry Fort. In time the monks of the original monastery
However, it is clear that the task the PCs set out attempted to leave their high retreat and find out what
to do – secure the Great Weapon so it can be turned happened to the rest of mankind. Sadly they were
against the Wastelords – is not yet complete. The unable to survive among ruthless traders, raiders,
warhead is missing! and the more savage societies that dominated the
rest of the world outside of the region. Most of
the scouts sent out to make friendly contact
met with mysterious fates. Only a handful
returned, some with men and women willing
to follow them back, speaking of horrors they
were subjected to by the anarchist gangs that
now ruled the world. Civilization, to them,
was gone. They took in who they could, and
prepared to shut their doors forever.
Giving up on the world, the monks made
the Monastery their home for generations to
come. Over time they began to mutate, and in
their isolation changed from humans into truly
monstrous things.
The breed of horrible mutants living in
Monastery came not only to fortify the old
Monastery over time, but also plumb its
ancient secrets to keep the ways of the old
order alive. With the passing of the years,
the simple mutant creatures have kept up the
manner and dress of the old Carmelite monks
that were their ancestors, in some disjointed
attempt to resurrect a way of life more suitable
to their withdrawn existence. This way of
life has proven fruitful; fasting from meats
and cheeses meant they did not need to keep
animals (which would complicate the delicate
balance of resources on the mountaintop), and
a general abstinence from sex has kept the
population from exploding out of control.
In time, the inhabitants of Monastery evolved
into a deeply ritualistic, isolated community of
a quasi-monastic, reclusive nature, but one that
was entirely self-sufficient.
The Monastery would have remained a
lost secret, content in its retreat, if not for
the observations of the monks of the valley
floor in the days and weeks past. Seeing
the movements of the Wastelords by day (in
snaking columns of dust kicked up by their
armies), and watching the movement of others
through a primitive spy glass, they came to
realize something was up in the valley. Earlier
observation of the movements of a single
figure (the Scav, who first found the crashed
missile site) alerted them to the presence of
the wreckage – a terrible, apocalyptic weapon
they recognized from the old writings they
had wisely protected in the Sacristy library.
Something had to be done!
After much debate, the mutant monks (and
“nuns”, who are equal members now) decided
they could not stand idly by while one savage
faction or another from the valley fought over
the ancient weapon – it would certainly end
up in the bomb’s detonation, and the issuance
of another era of death and misery. In the
end, they decided to send a small party out
by night and into the valley, to retrieve the
most dangerous part of the old weapon – it’s
warhead – under the cover of darkness.
Dragging it off, they brought it back to Monastery clergy (a cunning fellow who studied extensively the
where they now hide it, seeing their actions as science of the Ancients). The spy glass is mounted
protecting the entire valley from it’s devastating on a swiveling ring, allowing it to look out any of the
potential. openings, in all four cardinal directions. It’s range is
Unfortunately, though ultimately benevolent in roughly ten miles on a clear day; it can certainly be
nature, the decrepit mutants of Monastery have long used to spy on the various towns and villages across
learned not to trust outsiders of any kind. Sadly, they the valley. The spy glass itself weighs a hefty 50 lbs,
will no doubt view the PCs with the same distrust, and would difficult to port around without risking
and thinking them to be a party of cutthroats come to damaging it.
steal the warhead, will certainly shoot first and ask
questions later to defend their mountain stronghold. 3. Seminary
The seminary is the domicile of the monks and nuns
Irony of the community; it was also once a school, but the
The irony of the whole encounter is, of course, the old books were long ago removed to the Sacristy
fact that the monks and nuns of Monastery are not library to better protect them.
actually a threat to the PCs. The monks sought out Though many of the interior walls have long
the weapon and stole the warhead for one simple ago crumbled away, the outer walls of this stately
but dedicated reason – to keep it out of the hands building remain intact, creating a shelter from the
of the raiders of the valley. To this end they have high winds and cold winters on the mountain. Here
committed themselves to defending the warhead the monks and nuns live, on blankets and sleeping
against all comers – PCs included. bags on the floor, like some decrepit refugee camp
Sadly their well-meaning resolve will only spell that has stood for generations.
their undoing, and even more tragically, at the hands Living, sleeping, cooking, and laundry are all
of none other than the PCs themselves. Though done in the same communal area (on all three floors,
they may approach with goodwill, the monks and including the attic); as such there is very little privacy
nuns believe the characters to be nothing more than for the occupants – though none is needed. The
a raider scouting party and will fire at them on first monks and nuns live in harmony here and do not
sight. covet each other’s meager belongings, or even each
other’s mate (a rare decency in this world indeed).
KEY TO THE MONASTERY Cooking fires add smoke to the cavernous ruined
seminary building, but the strictly vegetarian food
supply is adequate and the company more than
1. Front Gate enough to make life here tolerable, if not in many
The wall surrounding the ancient Monastery has been ways truly “utopian”.
kept up with the best efforts of the monks and nuns
of the settlement, using natural stone and mud bricks
wherever infrequent sandstorms or rockslides have 4. Rectory
claimed parts of the structure. This building once served as a refuge and gathering
At the end of the mountain trail there is an opening place for the monks for years, but a fire several
leading into the Monastery compound. However, the decades ago effectively damage the structure beyond
walls here have been constructed with arrow slits and use, collapsing the second level in on the first and
loopholes, permitting defenders to rain fie down on killing several monks and nuns residing there.
those advancing up the mountain. The inhabitants of the Monastery no longer come
GM’s Note: Defenders firing from behind the here, leaving the building abandoned.
cover of these loopholes receive three-quarters cover
(+7 cover bonus to AC, +3 cover bonus to Reflex 5. Sacristy
saves). This building has seen better days, but the monks of
Monastery try to maintain it the best they can. Most
2. Seminary Tower notable is the library found on the bottom floor.
This rather impressive stone tower serves as the From these books the “monks” of the Monastery
primary lookout for the occupants of the Monastery, continue to educate new generations about the way
overlooking the only navigable route up the of life of their ancestors in the order, keeping their
mountainside to the fortress. It can be reached from society alive. Though their understanding of religion
the ground level by a stone stairwell leading straight and the monastic way of life is not entirely accurate
up to the upper level lookout, or from the second any more (due to losses of books over time), they are
floor to the Seminary proper. determined to adhere to the order’s strictures as best
Treasure: Located at the top of the seminary tower they possibly can.
is a makeshift spy glass made from old metal parts Treasure: The library is the real “treasure” of
and glass scavenged from the valley wasteland, and the monks (to them, even their powerful weapons
assembled by a past member of Monastery’s mutant are little more than tools, and nothing with any

real value); it is stocked with almost 250 religious monks, being their only real source of replenishing
books and preserved texts from the time of the water on the mountain.
Ancients. These range from old decaying Bibles Treasure: The water here is only minutely
to hagiographical texts on the lives and miraculous contaminated by sediment from the rock, certainly
deeds of long-forgotten Christian saints. Magazines not enough to cause any adverse effects. All told,
and newspapers are also in abundance here, and there are about 5,000 gallons of water remaining in
give a fragmented and dramatic history of the weeks the cistern well (replaced naturally at a rate of about
before the Fall in faded print. 100 gallons each year).
Though the books are cumbersome and make
an unlikely treasure hoard, groups such as the 8. Gardens
Foundation or other preservationists would certainly The pride of the Monastery inhabitants is their
like to acquire them. The entire collection would garden. Here, high up in the mountains, a number of
be worth at least 2,500 cp, though extracting the hardy, stubborn vegetables can efficiently be grown
collection could be difficult and time consuming. – something not often seen in the wasteland at lower
elevations. With their nurturing care, the monks have
6. Chapel turned what was once a dusty field into a modest
Having forgotten its original purpose, the monks have garden, growing potatoes, yams, tomatoes, squash,
used the old Chapel building (for the past generation cucumbers, and zucchini. Their crop, though small
or so) as an armory and workshop in which they and fragile, has grown to be more than adequate to
tinker with, catalogue, and repair items they have feed their diminutive population year-round, so long
recovered from the wasteland. Years of combing as they strictly abide their rationing and continue
the deserts by night, their movements lit only by the to store excess vegetables in the cooler catacombs
stars, have allowed the monks and nuns to secretly beneath the monastery for consumption in winter.
recover a number of powerful weapons from the low Treasure: Should the characters defeat the garrison
country. Though generally picked from the carcasses without damaging the gardens; they may be able to
of raiders or others who have perished by some comb the fields for edible foods. There are enough
misfortune in the sands, these weapons serve the vegetables growing here at the moment to feed 30
monks well in their defense of the Monastery. people for about a week.
Treasure: The monks keep the Chapel in relatively GM’s Note: The gardens could easily become
good order, with racks of weapons and ammunition victim to the stamping boots of intruders, stray
distributed only in times of attack (a very, very rare explosives and gunfire, and other misfortunes of
occurrence). Sentries in the Seminary Tower are an engagement on the monastery grounds. The
usually armed with carbines at all times, however, GM should stress the fragility of this microcosm,
and scouting parties (such as the one sent to recover and having it burn down as a result of careless
the warhead) are armed with a combination of arms, actions would be a tragic but appropriate end to the
as needed. Monastery.
The following items are kept here: two gauss
rifle Mk1s, 11 carbines, automatic shotgun, two 9. Catacombs
submachine guns, six power clips, 330 carbine Access to the Monastery catacombs is via a small
cartridges, 240 submachine gun cartridges, 15 stone building at the center of the Gardens. This
shotgun shells, five shotgun slugs, two photon building is empty except for a tight, narrow set of
grenades, power beltpack, four Molotov cocktails, 80 stone steps that descend into darkness below.
gauss projectiles, and eight doses of juju salve. The catacombs beneath the old Monastery were
Subtract weapons found on defending monks and carved out of solid rock by the hands of the local
nuns from this total, as well as ammunition used up monks well before the Fall, and was used for
in the battle. countless decades as a repository for their dead. The
Other objects kept in the Chapel (for repairing tunnels are rough and poorly hewn, in some places
and maintaining these items) include masterwork just high enough for a man to pass stooped over,
weaponsmith tools (+2 circumstance bonus to craft, and riddled with niches and burial alcoves where
weaponsmith checks) and a UV sterilizer linked to a bare bones and skulls sit in silent repose, staring out
power pack with half charge. through empty sockets at stunned passerby.
The catacombs would normally be quite difficult
7. Bath House to navigate, if not for a series of dim oil lanterns
This dilapidated old building was once a bath house installed by the monks along one particular passage.
and cistern. Into the solid rock of the mountaintop The lights are spaced just close enough so that the
was sunk a deep shaft, which collects natural light of one can be seen from the other – effectively
moisture in the form of runoff from the mountain to leading towards the cave where the monks have
keep itself full. Though the three shallow baths have secreted the warhead.
long been left to dry up (the water is too precious to If any monks retreat to the catacombs during the
squander), the cistern is meticulously cared-for by the battle, they will extinguish the lanterns and hide in
various alcoves, only emerging to ambush the party
if they near the warhead room. They do this hoping PLAYING OUT THE BATTLE
that the PCs will fear getting lost in the darkness and
turn back – and not figure out that the warhead is, in The battle at Monastery can take any number of
fact, down here. directions, depending on how the characters come
to attack the Monastery. The following is only the
expected course.
10. Food Stores Upon first sighting the party’s approach (through
A few alcoves near the entrance to the catacombs the spy glass in the Seminary Tower), the Monastery
have been set aside for the storage of surplus will go on silent alert. Before the PCs even reach the
vegetables from the gardens. Kept in sacks hung summit of the mountain, the Chapel will be broken
from the ceiling, these consist mainly of potatoes and open and the armory’s contents spread out among the
yams. monks and nuns for defense.
Treasure: If taken, the food reserves here would Two sentries (monks) will remain in the Seminary
constitute about three month’s rations for at least 30 Tower to snipe with carbines those who approach
people. the walls, at a distance of 600 ft., taking a –4 to their
attack roll. This penalty drops to –2 at 400 ft., and –0
11. Warhead Storage at 200 ft. and closer.
This last cave was once a communal burial chamber, A force of four more monks and both superior
and even now it’s many alcoves and niches are monks will move to the walls and fire through the
littered with bones and small wooden boxes filled loopholes (benefiting from their cover) in support.
with remains. But in the center of the room is the Molotov cocktails and photon grenades will only be
most dominant feature – a large metal-cased cylinder, used on attackers outside the walls, for fear of the
only slightly dented, with a faded trefoil stenciled on spread of fire or damaging the precious Gardens.
the exterior. This is the warhead. If defense of the courtyard is compromised, the
If they haven’t made their move yet, any remaining defenders from the wall retreat into the compound.
monks and nuns will attack the PCs in a last-ditch Those in the Seminary Tower, if still alive, will
effort to make sure the warhead doesn’t fall into their provide cover, as will two nuns on the second floor
hands. For them, it is do or die time. of the Seminary itself (firing down from above from
their own loopholes, windows, etc.).

Although this adventure doesn’t cover it, players may be upset at the idea of having to destroy the benevolent
community at Monastery to wrest the warhead from their control – especially when, at a later date, they
discover it to be a dud. Because you can never predict how your players will react (or what they will do),
you will have to play potential negotiations by ear.
Keep in mind that at all times the monks and nuns will absolutely refuse to give up the warhead, pure and
simple, because they believe it will destroy the entire valley. They cannot be convinced otherwise. Even
when presented with evidence of the Wastelords’ deprivations against the people of the valley, the monks of
Monastery cannot bring themselves to relinquishing such a powerful weapon – even if it is to be used for the
cause of the greater good.
On top of this, the thinkers who joined the PCs from Spilunk will be a source of prodding. Though they
don’t want to see anyone die over it (and would also prefer peace over violence), these men know time is
short and the resistance of Monastery, even if justified, may mean the death of not only their tribe, but all the
tribes of the valley.
The choice will be a difficult one. But if by some means the PCs can come up with a clever way to trick
or deceive the monks of the Monastery (perhaps by slipping in when their guard is down, and stealing the
device), the fragile mountain community’s total destruction may be averted.
One other way out might be for the players to think up the idea of “bluffing” the Wastelords by pretending
the Alliance has the warhead (when in fact they do not), but let the players come up with this idea on their
own – and reward them for averting the needless slaughter of the Monastery population!

The remaining monks in the courtyard will make 1d4; hp 3; Init +1 (Dex); Spd 30 ft; AC 11 (+1 Dex);
use of this covering fire to retreat to the Seminary, Atk Carbine +1 ranged 1d10; AL LG; SV Fort -3,
shutting the doors behind them. Here they will turn Ref +3, Will +2; Str 10, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 14, Wis
the building into a fortress, using the numerous 14, Cha 13.
loopholes and defenses on the bottom floor to repel Skills and Feats: Craft +6, Decipher Script +3,
the onslaught of the PCs. Knowledge +5, Listen +3, Profession +6, Sense
From the moment the alarm is raised, the abbot, Motive +4, Speak Gutter Talk, Speak Unislang, Spot
abbess, and the two trusted monks (and the two +4, Wilderness Lore +3. Skill Focus* (specific craft),
remaining nuns) will descend into the catacombs, Martial Weapon Proficiency (carbine).
extinguish the lights, and prepare to make a last ditch Possessions: Filthy black habit, carbine (30
defense of the warhead. rounds).
Of course, this well-practiced battle-plan may not Mutations and Defects: Multiple Stomachs,
go as planned, and the PCs may find other ways of Neural Telepathy, Sensitive Sight, Superior Kidney
attack and infiltration. Sneaking up under the cover Development. Aberrant Deformity, Adrenaline
of darkness may be moderately successful; a raid Deficiency, Cystic Fibrosis, Skeletal Deterioration.
from the air (assuming one of the PCs can fly) would … Trusted Monks, Thinker4 (2): CR 5; Medium-
certainly take the monks and nuns by surprise. size Humanoid (3rd Generation Mutant Resentfuls);
… Abbot, Thinker4 (1): CR 5; Medium-size HD 4d6; hp 14 each; Init +1 (Dex); Spd 30 ft; AC
Humanoid (3rd Generation Mutant Resentful); HD 11 (+1 Dex); Atk Gauss rifle +3 ranged 3d6; SQ
4d6; hp 14; Init +1 (Dex); Spd 30 ft; AC 11 (+1 Dex); Knowledge; AL LG; SV Fort -1, Ref +5, Will +3; Str
Atk Automatic shotgun +3/+3 ranged special; SQ 11, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 15, Wis 14, Cha 13.
Knowledge; AL LG; SV Fort -1, Ref +5, Will +3; Str Skills and Feats: Craft +8, Decipher Script +5,
11, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 15, Wis 14, Cha 13. Knowledge +6, Listen +5, Profession +7, Sense
Skills and Feats: Craft +8, Decipher Script +5, Motive +5, Speak Gutter Talk, Speak Unislang, Spot
Knowledge +6, Listen +5, Profession +7, Sense +5, Wilderness Lore +5. Skill Focus* (specific craft),
Motive +5, Speak Gutter Talk, Speak Unislang, Spot Improved Hit Dice, Martial Weapon Proficiency
+5, Wilderness Lore +5. Skill Focus (specific craft), (gauss rifle).
Improved Hit Dice, Martial Weapon Proficiency Possessions: Burlap robes, gauss rifle Mk1 (20
(automatic shotgun). gauss projectiles), two power clips.
Possessions: Burlap robes, automatic shotgun (15 Mutations and Defects: Multiple Stomachs,
shells). Neural Telepathy, Sensitive Sight, Superior Kidney
Mutations and Defects: Multiple Stomachs, Development. Aberrant Deformity, Adrenaline
Neural Telepathy, Sensitive Sight, Superior Kidney Deficiency, Cystic Fibrosis, Skeletal Deterioration.
Development. Aberrant Deformity, Adrenaline … Superior Monks, Thinker4 (2): CR 5;
Deficiency, Cystic Fibrosis, Skeletal Deterioration. Medium-size Humanoid (3rd Generation Mutant
… Abbess, Thinker1 (1): CR 2; Medium-size Resentfuls); HD 4d6; hp 14 each; Init +1 (Dex); Spd
Humanoid (3rd Generation Mutant Resentful); HD 30 ft; AC 11 (+1 Dex); Atk Submachine gun +3/+3

ranged 1d10; SQ Knowledge; AL LG; SV Fort -1,
Ref +5, Will +3; Str 11, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 15, Wis THE WARHEAD SECURED
14, Cha 13.
Skills and Feats: Craft +8, Decipher Script +5, With the warhead secured, the thinkers from Spilunk
Knowledge +6, Listen +5, Profession +7, Sense who joined the PCs enter the compound and help the
Motive +5, Speak Gutter Talk, Speak Unislang, Spot characters bring the weapon back up to the surface
+5, Wilderness Lore +5. Skill Focus* (specific craft), from the catacombs (it requires some six men to
Improved Hit Dice, Martial Weapon Proficiency transport, due to its weight). Here they load it onto a
(submachine gun). cart, and prepare to take it back to Dry Fort with the
Possessions: Burlap robes, submachine gun (40 rest of the missile wreckage.
rounds). The PCs are expected to join them, though at
Mutations and Defects: Multiple Stomachs, this point they may go back to Bazaar instead if
Neural Telepathy, Sensitive Sight, Superior Kidney they like, to recuperate, train, trade (they now have
Development. Aberrant Deformity, Adrenaline considerable items with which to barter, assuming
Deficiency, Cystic Fibrosis, Skeletal Deterioration. they raided the Chapel armory), and prepare for the
… Monks, Male Thinker3 (6): CR 4; Medium- storm on the horizon. With the raider salvage party
size Humanoid (3rd Generation Mutant Resentfuls); having been slaughtered, and the missile now in the
HD 3d6; hp 11; Init +1 (Dex); Spd 30 ft; AC 11 (+1 Alliance’s hands, all-out war with the Wastelords is
Dex); Atk Carbine +2 ranged 1d10; SQ Knowledge; inevitable.
AL LG; SV Fort -1, Ref +4, Will +3; Str 11, Dex 12,
Con 14, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 13. WHAT’S NEXT?
Skills and Feats: Craft +7, Decipher Script +4,
Knowledge +5, Listen +5, Profession +6, Sense From this point the PCs have a number of options of
Motive +5, Speak Gutter Talk, Speak Unislang, Spot where they can go. They can return with the warhead
+4, Wilderness Lore +5. Skill Focus* (specific craft), to Dry Fort and fill in Captain Ulz and Warlord
Improved Hit Dice, Martial Weapon Proficiency Thrakas, or they can return to Bazaar and inform the
(carbine). Trademasters. While they have newfound ties to
Possessions: Burlap robes, carbine (30 rounds), Dry Fort, a return to Bazaar might well be in order to
Molotov cocktail or photon grenade. stock up on supplies, new weapons, and ammunition,
Mutations and Defects: Multiple Stomachs, which could be vital in the near future. Now would
Neural Telepathy, Sensitive Sight, Superior Kidney also be a good time to allow the PCs to train and
Development. Aberrant Deformity, Adrenaline advance in level, as the new abilities, hit points, and
Deficiency, Cystic Fibrosis, Skeletal Deterioration. skills will be important to surviving the War With The
… Nuns, Female Thinker1 (4): CR 2; Medium- Wastelords.
size Humanoid (3rd Generation Mutant Resentfuls);
HD 1d4; hp 3; Init +1 (Dex); Spd 30 ft; AC 11 (+1
Dex); Atk Carbine +1 ranged 1d10; AL LG; SV Fort WAR WITH THE WASTELORDS
-3, Ref +3, Will +2; Str 10, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 14,
Wis 14, Cha 13. Since your return, the elders of (Dry Fort, Spilunk,
Skills and Feats: Craft +6, Decipher Script +3, or Bazaar, depending on where the PCs went) have
Knowledge +5, Listen +3, Profession +6, Sense pondered the facts of your intelligence gathering
Motive +4, Speak Gutter Talk, Speak Unislang, Spot for a day and a night – and the implications the
+4, Wilderness Lore +3. Skill Focus* (specific craft), theft of the missile will have once the Wastelords
Martial Weapon Proficiency (carbine). realize what has happened. Though given a
Possessions: Filthy black habit, carbine (30 chance to re-arm yourselves and heal whatever
rounds). wounds you suffered through rest and medicine,
Mutations and Defects: Multiple Stomachs, secretly you find yourselves yearning to finish the
Neural Telepathy, Sensitive Sight, Superior Kidney job and once and for all destroy the savage raiders
Development. Aberrant Deformity, Adrenaline known as the Wastelords.
Deficiency, Cystic Fibrosis, Skeletal Deterioration. Representatives of each community in the
GM’s Note: The monks and nuns of Monastery alliance have made the journey to your present
are grotesque human mimics. Each has a spidery, refuge (including a representative of the terminals,
deformed body frame (the result of a weakened if they were recruited) to discuss what steps are
skeleton), grossly-bloated mid-section (to house to be taken. An air mixed with excitement, dread,
their multiple stomachs), and a set of three lucid and indefatigable hope lingers into the evening,
blue eyes, set side-by side in a row across their faces and everyone is on edge. Everyone knows the
– faces which have only the vaguest, most diminished council is poised to make a decision that will
vestigial human features.
Clad in heavy robes or habits, they present a
horrifying sight!

change the fate of the Trade Lands forever.
Finally, word comes from the council chamber.
It is time to declare war.
Of all the warriors in the alliance, your party has
(EL 11)
been singled out and called into the presence of the Traveling all night, the journey to the Dry River will
elders of the Three Towns. Your devotion to the be eerie, silent, and uneventful. This is fortunate,
cause, whether for money or loyalty, has proven because the PCs will need all of their strength for the
you able men. Your counsel will be invaluable in coming battle…
planning the decisive stages of the war against the
Wastelords. You crouch down in concealed positions,
As you enter, Captain Ulz of Dry Fort, convinced you have chosen the best spot along the
Trademaster Gorgel, and Elder Vilic of Spilunk raider’s route through the dry riverbed to ambush
are found gathered around a table, across which is them.
splayed a map painted on the leathery hide of some Minutes seem to stretch into hours. Hours
unknown beast. Marked on it are the locations feel like an eternity, with the hot sun of morning
of the Three Towns, the trade route, its many turning to afternoon, and blazing unrelentingly
landmarks, and the Dry River. down on each of you.
“They come,” says Captain Ulz, drinking from a In time, however, the misery of waiting is
tin cup. shattered by the sounds of an approaching force
Elder Vilic nods in acknowledgement, as does of men on foot, accompanied by a gas-guzzling,
Trademaster Gorgel. Gorgel is quick to sum up stripped-down transport truck. This must be the
the situation. first group sent north as reinforcements. You are
“The time for open war has finally come. With certain the truck is filled with supplies.
what you men have learned in your travels of the Readying yourselves and taking cover, you spot
wasteland, the Wastelords were close to perfecting the large force of raiders, perhaps a dozen in all,
the Great Weapon. With much of the work already all armored and heavily armed. You know that you
done for us, hopefully we can use it to destroy the have the advantage of surprise and will therefore
Wastelords – or threaten them into abandoning be able to even the odds, but still you remain
their cruel campaigning in the Trade Lands. The unsure of who will live today, and who will die.
thinkers of Spilunk work on it feverishly even as They are close enough now to see individual
we speak. faces. The groan of the truck moving along the
“Though it is now being repaired at Dry Fort, dry riverbed drowns out all noise. The first raider
we will not let on where we have hidden the seems totally oblivious, singing some bawdy tune
Great Weapon. This will buy us some time, as the drowned out by the truck’s engine. The second
Wastelords will be forced to scout out each town’s raider, with a more authoritative presence, seems
vicinity before finding the weapon and making alert and wary – but he isn’t looking your way.
their final move. The group of raiders has passed the first of your
“We can assume by now the Wastelords are concealed positions and is now in the “kill zone”.
aware the salvage party at the site are dead. This They are unaware as you catch them completely
act has sealed our fate, for better or worse. The by surprise!
Wastelords are sure to bring the full might of their
armies against us.”
“Our first task must be to find a way to prevent BATTLE INFORMATION
reinforcements from entering the Trade Lands.
They have a vast army, and if we can cut off their The characters are considered to have refocused
route into the Trade Lands, we will only have a (taken a 20 on initiative) on the first round. Initiative
small part of their army to deal with. The logbook will be determined normally after this first opening
you found on the raider scouts details the route round.
the raiders use to travel over the mountains. By The characters begin hidden and are considered to
attacking them there we will hopefully cripple have some degree of cover and concealment. It is up
their supplies and curb any chance of them to the characters to determine where each deploys.
reinforcing their brother scum already in our lands. The following bits of cover are available at the
“Your group will perform the ambush. We will ambush scene:
send men to bolster your position once the battle Old tree trunk: One character may utilize this
has commenced. Go now to the dry bed. feature. The old tree trunk grants one-half cover.
“Long live the alliance!” Piles of rocks: Two characters may utilize this
feature. The piles of rocks grant one-quarter cover to
each character.

Prone and covered with sand: Though not cover Initiative, Room Broom.
per se, any number of characters may utilize this Possessions: Automatic rifle (30 shots), chain shirt,
defense by having their companions half-bury them tear gas grenade, dagger, backpack, bedroll, blanket,
in sand. This defense grants the characters one-half web belt.
concealment on the first round of combat and one- Mutations and Defects: Abnormal Joint Flexibility,
quarter concealment every round thereafter, unless Accelerated White Blood Cell Activity, Interior
the character moves (at which time the concealment Moisture Reservoir, Multiple Stomachs, Sensitive
is negated). Sight. Bilirubin Imbalance, Cystic Fibrosis,
Hemophilia, Immune System Abnormality.
ALLIANCE FORCES … Wastelords, Raider1 (10): CR 4; Medium-size
Humanoid (2nd Generation Mutant Resurrectors); HD
The Alliance forces assembled for the ambush consist 1d10+1; hp 6 each; Init +6 (Dex, +4 Improved Init);
of the PCs, as well as two warriors from Dry Fort Spd 30 ft; AC 16 (+2 Dex, +1 chains and chaps, +3
sent with them as part of the ambush team. Due to studded leather armor); Atk Dagger +3 melee 1d4+2,
an unexpected delay getting ready to move out, the or automatic rifle +3/+3 ranged 1d12; SQ Chains and
reinforcements promised the PCs will arrive after the chaps (+1); AL LE; SV Fort +3, Ref +2, Will -1; Str
battle. 15, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 10.
… Warriors of Bazaar, Guardian1 (2): CR 4; Skills and Feats: Listen +3, Speak Ancient, Speak
Medium-size Humanoid (2nd Generation Mutant Unislang, Spot +3, Wilderness Lore +3. Improved
Resurrectors); HD 1d10+2; hp 6 each; Init +2 (Dex); Initiative.
Spd 30 ft; AC 14 (+1 Dex, +3 studded leather armor); Possessions: Automatic rifle (60 shots), studded
Atk Police baton +2 melee 1d4+1, or sport rifle +4 leather armor, two concussion grenades, dagger,
ranged 1d12; SQ Defender; AL N; SV Fort +2, Ref backpack, bedroll, blanket, web belt.
+1, Will +1; Str 13, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 8, Wis 12, Mutations and Defects: Abnormal Joint Flexibility,
Cha 10. Accelerated White Blood Cell Activity, Interior
Skills and Feats: Listen +3, Spot +3. Feel for Moisture Reservoir, Multiple Stomachs, Sensitive
Weapon (heirloom sport rifle), Quick Draw. Sight. Bilirubin Imbalance, Cystic Fibrosis,
Possessions: Heirloom sport rifle (30 rounds), Hemophilia, Immune System Abnormality.
police baton, studded leather armor, bullet … Transport Truck: Gargantuan vehicle; AC 16;
bandoleer, bedroll, blanket, signal whistle, sling bag, hardness 10; 75 hp; Spd 50 ft.
sungoggles, two doses of juju salve, one dose of oil Treasure: The transport truck is loaded with
of remedy. ammunition, fuel, and supplies. These include three
Mutations and Defects: Accumulated Resistance automatic rifles, 600 rifle cartridges, six concussion
(disease), Independent Cerebral Control, grenades, four Molotov cocktails, and 100 gallons of
Sensitive Sight, Spontaneous Electric Charge gasoline (which can be sold for a total of upwards of
Generation, Superior Kidney Development. 2,500 cp in Bazaar or outside the Trade Lands).
Adrenaline Deficiency, Alopecia, Brachydactyly, GM’s Note: The Wastelords will attempt to flee if
Photosensitivity. reduced to below half their number, or if the transport
truck is destroyed. Any that manage to escape will be
present in the second battle (The Battle of Big Rock).
The enemy consists of nearly a dozen raiders, and AFTERMATH
a truck. The Wastelords, realizing that the Three
Towns have decided not to “behave”, have called up At the battle’s conclusion, read the following:
reinforcements. These men are the first of many.
As the sounds of battle subside, you realize you
Nine men are on foot, including one veteran raider.
have won. Lowering your weapons, you look
Two raiders are in the cab of the truck, and thus
about to check the condition of your comrades.
receive three-quarters cover.
Looking to the horizon instinctively, you see
… Veteran Wastelord, Raider2 (1): CR 5;
a trail of dust. A group of riders, accompanied
Medium-size Humanoid (2nd Generation Mutant
by a large number of warriors on foot, approach.
Resurrectors); HD 2d10+2; hp 12; Init +6 (Dex, +4
Calling out to your companions, you all prepare to
Improved Init); Spd 30 ft; AC 17 (+2 Dex, +1 chains
meet this new threat.
and chaps, +4 chain shirt); Atk Dagger +4 melee
After a short time, a rider in white armor atop a
1d4+2, or automatic rifle +4/+4 ranged 1d12; SQ
horse rides up to your position. Calling out, you
Chains and chaps (+1); AL LE; SV Fort +4, Ref +2,
show yourselves and he dismounts with a laugh,
Will -1; Str 15, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha
apparently overjoyed at your victory. The other
warriors gather as well.
Skills and Feats: Listen +3, Speak Ancient, Speak
Unislang, Spot +3, Wilderness Lore +3. Improved

The raider force, led by a powerful NPC (“Big Bert”),
“How did the battle go? Scum all dead?” the
is aggressively advancing, and is wasting no time in
messenger asks, and waits to hear your story, a
their effort to reach the cover of Big Rock as well.
look of respect and admiration etched on his young
Do not roll for random events for this journey; the
face. With short, stubby fingers, he unwraps
characters will need their strength for the coming
the strips of cloth from his baldhead, and you
recognize him as a native of Bazaar.
The other men in his group move over to the
You have moved as quickly as possible from the
captured truck, and retrieve as many arms and
region of the dry riverbed out into the open wastes.
supplies as they can.
The closest shelter will be Big Rock, somewhere
“Armsmaster Tolorin has sent me to you. Scouts
to the northeast, and the eerie silence and stillness
have seen large numbers of raiders approaching
only seems to magnify your fear of being caught
Bazaar from the southeast. There must have been
when the storm finally comes.
a camp in those hills that we missed. But without
Several hours later, the silence has diminished
vehicles, the raiders there will take a long time to
with a steadily growing wind. As the gale builds
reach Bazaar. Our scout has watched their route,
to a true storm of colossal proportions, the dust of
and we believe it will intersect the Trade Road
the desert is kicked up in a mighty tempest, turning
here...” The messenger bends down, and draws a
the air into a dusty soup of choking dust - reducing
rough map of the valley in the sand. You can see
visibility to perhaps 200 feet or less.
Bazaar, and your current position. Then he shows
You are finally relieved when you see Big Rock
you where the raiders were and where they are
up ahead.
now expected to be, to the east. Then he draws an
“Big Rock” is a gargantuan boulder that
X in the sand.
juts straight out of the sands, towering above
Looking up, the messenger continues, “This
the shifting dunes. On the north face of this
is Big Rock, one of the Great Markers. It is
monstrous rock is a broad crack that opens up
important that you get there before raiders do.
into a small cave below. As you near, you see it is
Elders of Spilunk report a large storm coming
littered with the trash left by the many who have
from the west. You are in the open. Make it to
stayed here over the decades.
Big Rock and ambush raiders when they look for
Alas, as fate would have it, more shapes can
cover. If raiders no make it, they will maybe lose
be seen approaching from the southeast. This is
warriors in the sands. That is good for us.”
a large group of footmen, with a singularly huge
“I have brought men to relieve you and keep the
individual leading them on despite the intense
riverbed in our hands. We will kill anyone trying
to come through.
“These four other riders with us come from Dry
Fort. They reinforce you.” He says, gesturing
to the group of riders, who nod seriously to you, BATTLE INFORMATION
demonstrating that you are in command. “These
four footmen come from Bazaar and will aid as Both opposing forces of the allied Towns and the
well. The rest will stay here to hold the pass.” raiders have reached Big Rock at the same time,
“Luck to you, and long live the alliance!” and as such a battle for shelter begins as the faint
screaming sound of the coming sandstorm begins to
The messenger is willing to lend aid to the characters
Since this battle is not just a skirmish between
before they depart for Big Rock, giving them one
opposing groups, but a struggle to secure shelter,
dose of juju salve each, two stimshot As (total) from
there is no possible retreat for any of the NPCs.
a leather pouch strapped to his leg, and a compass.
None wish to be stranded in the storm and all will
The messenger then marks the compass with a strip
fight to the death.
of tape, and cuts a thin line into the tape. He informs
the characters that this line will lead them to Big
The Alliance forces consist of the player characters,
THE BATTLE OF BIG ROCK four warriors of Dry Fort, and four warriors of

(EL 10) Bazaar. Allow the players to control these additional

forces for this battle.
… Warriors of Bazaar, Guardian1 (4): CR 4;
Since they are needed for the war (and cannot remain Medium-size Humanoid (2nd Generation Mutant
as a garrison of the pass), the characters must now Resurrectors); HD 1d10+2; hp 6 each; Init +2 (Dex);
travel to Big Rock (the nearest shelter), making all Spd 30 ft; AC 14 (+1 Dex, +3 studded leather armor);
haste to avoid being trapped in the coming storm. Atk Police baton +2 melee 1d4+1, or sport rifle +4

ranged 1d12; SQ Defender; AL N; SV Fort +2, Ref
+1, Will +1; Str 13, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 8, Wis 12, OPPOSITION FORCES
Cha 10.
Skills and Feats: Listen +3, Spot +3. Feel for The Wastelord force is led by a legendary raider
Weapon (heirloom sport rifle), Quick Draw. warrior of untold brutality that goes by the name of
Possessions: Heirloom sport rifle (30 rounds), “Big Bert” (named after a plush doll in the shape of
police baton, studded leather armor, bullet a big yellow bird he has carried since birth), and a
bandoleer, bedroll, blanket, signal whistle, sling bag, troupe of eight Wastelord warriors.
sungoggles, two doses of juju salve, one dose of oil Having received word of the Three Towns’
of remedy. rebellion, they will not be taken by surprise when the
Mutations and Defects: Accumulated Resistance PCs attack, instead being quite eager for battle.
(disease), Independent Cerebral Control, … Big Bert, Raider4 (1): CR 7; Large Humanoid
Sensitive Sight, Spontaneous Electric Charge (2nd Generation Mutant Feral); HD 4d10+20; hp
Generation, Superior Kidney Development. 55; Init +0; Spd 30 ft; AC 16 (+3 natural armor, +1
Adrenaline Deficiency, Alopecia, Brachydactyly, chains and chaps, +3 hide armor, -1 size); Atk Huge
Photosensitivity. hammer +11 melee 2d8+10, SQ Chains and chaps
… Warriors of Dry Fort, Guardian1 (4): CR (+1), boarding party; AL CE; SV Fort +9, Ref +1,
4; Medium-size Humanoid (2nd Generation Mutant Will +1; Str 25, Dex 10, Con 20, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha
Resentful); HD 1d10+2; hp 8 each; Init +1 (Dex); 5.
Spd 25 ft; AC 18 (+1 Dex, +5 beast chitin, +2 large Skills and Feats: Concentration +7, Jump +2,
steel shield); Atk Battleaxe +4 melee 1d8+2; SQ Listen +2, Speak Unislang, Spot +7, Wilderness Lore
Defender; AL LN; SV Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +0; Str +3. Combat Reflexes, Exotic Weapon Proficiency
14, Dex 13, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 8. (huge hammer), Weapon Focus (huge hammer).
Skills and Feats: Handle Animal +3, Listen +2, Possessions: Huge hammer, hide armor, backpack,
Ride +5, Spot +2. Mounted Combat, Weapon Focus bedroll, blanket, plush doll.
(battleaxe). Mutations and Defects: Gigantism, Interior
Possessions: Battle axe, beast chitin armor, large Moisture Reservoir, Neural Life-Force Destruction
steel shield, backpack, bedroll, blanket, three doses Field, Neural Shield, Sensitive Sight. Bilirubin
of juju salve, light horse Imbalance, Non-Malignant Tumors, Sensitivity (acid
with trappings. and sonic weapons).
Mutations and … Veteran Wastelords, Raider2
Defects: Aberrant (2): CR 5; Medium-size
Endoskeletal Humanoid (2nd Generation Mutant
Encasing, Abnormal Resurrectors); HD 2d10+2; hp 12
Joint Flexibility, (x2); Init +6 (Dex, +4 Improved
Accelerated White Init); Spd 30 ft; AC 17 (+2 Dex,
Blood Cell Activity, +1 chains and chaps, +4 chain
Extreme Resilience, shirt); Atk Dagger +4 melee 1d4+2, or
Sensitive Sight. Cystic automatic rifle +4/+4 ranged 1d12; SQ
Fibrosis, Hunchback, Chains and chaps (+1); AL LE; SV Fort +4,
Mongoloid, Under- Ref +2, Will -1; Str 15, Dex 14, Con 13, Int
Developed Organ (nose). 12, Wis 8, Cha 10.
… Light Horses (4): CR 1; Skills and Feats: Listen +3, Speak
Large Animal; HD 3d8+6; hp 19 Ancient, Speak Unislang, Spot +3,
each; Init +1 (Dex); Spd 60 ft; Wilderness Lore +3. Improved Initiative,
AC 13 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +3 Room Broom.
natural); Atk 2 hooves +2 Possessions: Automatic rifle (30 shots),
melee 1d4+1; AL N; SV Fort chain shirt, tear gas grenade, dagger,
+5, Ref +4, Will +2; Str 13, backpack, bedroll, blanket, web belt.
Dex 13, Con 15, Int 2, Wis Mutations and Defects: Abnormal
12, Cha 6. Joint Flexibility, Accelerated White
Skills and Feats: Listen Blood Cell Activity, Interior
+6, Spot +6. Moisture Reservoir, Multiple
Stomachs, Sensitive Sight.
Bilirubin Imbalance, Cystic
Fibrosis, Hemophilia, Immune
System Abnormality.

… Wastelords, Raider1 (6): CR 4; Medium-size Although the remaining forces are better equipped
Humanoid (2nd Generation Mutant Resurrectors); HD to deal with the environment, they are still dirty and
1d10+1; hp 6 each; Init +6 (Dex, +4 Improved Init); haggard - but have suffered only minor losses up to
Spd 30 ft; AC 16 (+2 Dex, +1 chains and chaps, +3 this point.
studded leather armor); Atk Dagger +3 melee 1d4+2, Also paralyzed by the storm, the Wastelords were
or automatic rifle +3/+3 ranged 1d12; SQ Chains and not able to take advantage of the PCs’ absence. The
chaps (+1); AL LE; SV Fort +3, Ref +2, Will -1; Str Alliance, however, has taken the time bought by the
15, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 10. storm (three days) to continue work on the Great
Skills and Feats: Listen +3, Speak Ancient, Speak Weapon.
Unislang, Spot +3, Wilderness Lore +3. Improved Still, the war has only begun. After regrouping,
Initiative. cleaning their gear, and attending to other tasks, the
Possessions: Automatic rifle (60 shots), studded remaining Wastelords have decided to send out three
leather armor, two concussion grenades, dagger, parties of scouts to locate the Great Weapon and
backpack, bedroll, blanket, web belt. report in – before joining the rest of the army for a
Mutations and Defects: Abnormal Joint Flexibility, final assault.
Accelerated White Blood Cell Activity, Interior
Moisture Reservoir, Multiple Stomachs, Sensitive
Sight. Bilirubin Imbalance, Cystic Fibrosis, SHOOTOUT AT SHINY HOUSE
Hemophilia, Immune System Abnormality.
(EL 10)
AFTERMATH On your return to Bazaar you are met by a small
group of riders with urgent news. You are told
Once the battle for cover at Big Rock is over, read the that now that the sandstorm has subsided, the main
following to the players: body of the Wastelords has been seen advancing
steadily from the desert east of Ebb, towards Black
Almost as soon as the last raider falls, an immense Stump, possibly with the intention of striking
wall of speeding sand assaults you and almost north to Dry Fort! Scouts report that this force
blows you with it into the empty oblivion of the of Wastelords is well equipped and also possess
desert. Struggling against the unrelenting force, armored vehicles, bristling with weapons! In
you hasten back to the cover of Big Rock and set addition, smaller scouting parties mounted on
up what shelter you can and prepare to wait out the similar vehicles have been reported being seen
storm. near Spilunk, Dry Fort, and Bazaar.
For three solid days you lurk in miserable Though unfortunate, it is safe to assume the
confinement beneath the shadow of the great raiders now know where the Great Weapon is
boulder, pressed into the large cave in its lee, – Dry Fort. The main body of the raider army,
shielded by the canvas brought by the warriors heading northeast, must be coming to make a final
sent to aid you. Sand slowly builds up in the retributive strike.
shelter, falling in from the storm above, almost Though certainly willing to die for the alliance,
threatening to suffocate you all in the shelter you the brave cavalrymen of Dry Fort will not be able
have been forced into. You wonder if the storm to stand against such a show of force for long.
will ever end – and marvel at the cool headedness Though the Spilunk thinkers scramble to get the
of your allies who seem used to the ferocity of the Great Weapon ready for when the Wastelords
roaring sands. arrive for a final showdown, it will be cutting it
After a time, the horrible sound fades and within close.
hours your normal hearing returns. You dig your Your party will be mounted on the spare horses
way out to the freedom of the open sky and take the messengers have brought, and rushed to Dry
deep breaths of the still, dusty air, forcing you to Fort to meet the combined armies of Bazaar,
cough as your lungs struggle. Spilunk, and the ‘Fort for what can only be the
The landscape has changed subtly; there are no decisive battle of the war.
bodies, no familiar sights at all, everything buried
under several feet of newly blown sand.
It seems as though the horrible desert gods have This encounter occurs when the PCs come up the trail
claimed the battle dead as their spoils. from Bazaar. They will stumble upon a desperate
scene at one of the Trade Route’s navigational
markers: “Shiny House”.
With their double defeat at the Dry River and
Big Rock, the Wastelords have lost substantial The shelter of Shiny House glitters for miles
reinforcements and their sole supply route, and are in every direction, a beacon of safety from the
now forced to press on their campaign of retribution sandstorms of the valley. As you draw close you
despite being scattered across the valley by the storm. see how this place got its name: Shiny House

reveals itself as the remains of an ancient camping … Warriors of Bazaar, Guardian1 (4): CR 4;
trailer, gutted and looted, yet structurally intact. A Medium-size Humanoid (2nd Generation Mutant
haunting place, one can see their reflection in the Resurrectors); HD 1d10+2; hp 5 (x2), 4, and 1; Init
silvery metal from a considerable distance. +2 (Dex); Spd 30 ft; AC 14 (+1 Dex, +3 studded
But all is not well at Shiny House. The dunes leather armor); Atk Police baton +2 melee 1d4+1, or
echo with the sound of gunfire, and a dark smudge sport rifle +4 ranged 1d12; SQ Defender; AL N; SV
of oily smoke rises from the ruins of a crashed Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +1; Str 13, Dex 12, Con 15, Int
Wastelords’ scout car. A ring of wagons has been 8, Wis 12, Cha 10.
set up around Shiny House, in its shadow, as Skills and Feats: Listen +3, Spot +3. Feel for
defenders from Bazaar blaze away at a force of Weapon (heirloom sport rifle), Quick Draw.
Wastelords who apparently have them under siege. Possessions: Heirloom sport rifle (10 rounds),
As you appear, the warriors behind the makeshift police baton, studded leather armor, bullet
stockade cheer, praying that you will be their bandoleer, bedroll, blanket, signal whistle, sling bag,
much-anticipated relief. sungoggles, one dose of oil of remedy.
Mutations and Defects: Accumulated Resistance
(disease), Independent Cerebral Control,
BATTLE INFORMATION Sensitive Sight, Spontaneous Electric Charge
Generation, Superior Kidney Development.
Only a few hours ago a convoy of reinforcements Adrenaline Deficiency, Alopecia, Brachydactyly,
from Bazaar, making its way to Dry Fort, came under Photosensitivity.
attack by Wastelord scouts packed in their roaring,
gas-guzzling vehicle. Having spied the launch ramp OPPOSITION FORCES
outside of Dry Fort and having radioed its location in,
they were returning to the main body of the Wastelord The Wastelords have greater numbers, but are totally
army when they came across an opportunity to deal exposed out in the open. They must make a Spot
the Alliance a costly blow. check (against the PCs’ Hide) to notice the characters
Camping out near Shiny House just long enough approaching from behind. If they fail, they will be
to water their horses before moving on, the Bazaar taken totally off guard when the PCs attack.
soldiers were taken totally by surprise. Though … Veteran Wastelords, Raider2 (3): CR 5;
several were cut down in the ambush, a lucky shot by Medium-size Humanoid (2nd Generation Mutant
one of the defenders destroyed the Wastelord vehicle, Resurrectors); HD 2d10+2; hp 12 and 10 (x2); Init +6
somewhat evening the odds. (Dex, +4 Improved Init); Spd 30 ft; AC 17 (+2 Dex,
The current situation is a stalemate. The warriors +1 chains and chaps, +4 chain shirt); Atk Dagger +4
from Bazaar are pinned down behind a makeshift melee 1d4+2, or automatic rifle +4/+4 ranged 1d12;
barricade formed by their wagons, in a rough circle SQ Chains and chaps (+1); AL LE; SV Fort +4, Ref
with Shiny House in the center. The Wastelords, now +2, Will -1; Str 15, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 8,
dismounted, are scattered in a broader circle outside Cha 10.
of this, keeping the defenders pinned down with Skills and Feats: Listen +3, Speak Ancient, Speak
sporadic gunfire. Unislang, Spot +3, Wilderness Lore +3. Improved
When the PCs arrive, they come from a Initiative, Room Broom.
southeasterly direction. Assuming you are using Possessions: Automatic rifle (15 shots), chain shirt,
miniatures, use a small box or other rectangular dagger, web belt.
object (such as a box of playing cards) to represent Mutations and Defects: Abnormal Joint Flexibility,
the trailer that is Shiny House. Place three six-sided Accelerated White Blood Cell Activity, Interior
dice stacked end to end (or playing cards) around this Moisture Reservoir, Multiple Stomachs, Sensitive
to represent the four wagons of the Bazaar caravan. Sight. Bilirubin Imbalance, Cystic Fibrosis,
The defenders set up behind this cover (which counts Hemophilia, Immune System Abnormality.
as three-fourths cover). … Wastelords, Raider1 (6): CR 4; Medium-size
Outside of this the attackers set up no closer than Humanoid (2nd Generation Mutant Resurrectors); HD
40 feet, with at least 20 feet between each raider. The 1d10+1; hp 6 (x4), 3 (x2), and 2; Init +6 (Dex, +4
PCs enter from the southeast side of the “battlefield”. Improved Init); Spd 30 ft; AC 16 (+2 Dex, +1 chains
and chaps, +3 studded leather armor); Atk Dagger +3
ALLIANCE FORCES melee 1d4+2, or automatic rifle +3/+3 ranged 1d12;
SQ Chains and chaps (+1); AL LE; SV Fort +3, Ref
The Alliance forces consist of four surviving +2, Will -1; Str 15, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 8,
defenders inside the improvised perimeter. They are Cha 10.
in various states of injury, with low ammo supplies Skills and Feats: Listen +3, Speak Ancient, Speak
– and will be glad to see the PCs! Unislang, Spot +3, Wilderness Lore +3. Improved

Possessions: Automatic rifle (30 shots), studded
Dry Fort looms in the background, its mud
leather armor, dagger, web belt.
ramparts looking for the entire world like the
Mutations and Defects: Abnormal Joint Flexibility,
insurmountable barriers of some Ancient-era
Accelerated White Blood Cell Activity, Interior
citadel. Steel shutters raised, you can see stern-
Moisture Reservoir, Multiple Stomachs, Sensitive
faced men and womenfolk staring out with bows
Sight. Bilirubin Imbalance, Cystic Fibrosis,
in hand, ready to lay down punishing fire to protect
Hemophilia, Immune System Abnormality.
their bastion.
A flag is slowly raised over the fort, combining
AFTERMATH the colors of all three communities in the Alliance.
The sun is bright and brilliant. It is high noon.
Once the battle is over, read the following: The wind is beginning to pick up and the horizon
echoes with another form of thunder altogether.
With the deaths of the last raiders, the defenders The men, only moments ago squatting to rest,
behind the wall of wagons rise (despite being stand up to get a better look. Even you have to
bloody and exhausted) to celebrate your victory. shield your eyes from the sun to see out to the
You have saved them from certain death at the great distance of the approaching force.
hands of the Wastelords, who had ambushed them There, stretching in a line at least three hundred
only an hour or so before you showed up. As you yards wide is a truly massive force of raiders,
approach they run to embrace you, and to give perhaps 100 or stronger. Mounted on vehicles or
solemn thanks for your timely arrival. marching on foot, these are your mortal enemy.
One of the men doesn’t seem as happy as the The Wastelords!
others, however. Nursing his arm, bleeding from Though you catch yourselves shivering, you
a bullet wound, he walks up to inform you of what stand ready.
can only be bad news. It is time to free the people of the Trade Lands
“I fear the enemy were already able to radio once and for all!
what they knew, even before we destroyed their
vehicle…they came from the direction of Dry Fort. This, then, is the decisive moment that will decide
They must have seen the Great Weapon there. the fate of the Trade Lands. Will the towns, bastions
Now the entire Wastelord force will be converging of free trade and civilization, fall to the savage
on the citadel there for a final battle.” onslaught of the powerful raiders - or will the
You take a moment to assure the brave warrior characters prevail and lead the settlements to a great
that you already knew this, and that he and his victory?
men did not fail the Alliance. Soothed by this When they join ranks with the army forming in the
assurance, he asks for your help in getting the shadow of Dry Fort prior to the battle, the characters
wagons hitched. are permitted to share in the defenders’ resources of
“If we hurry we can make it to Dry Fort before meds. They may use up to twelve doses of juju salve
the rest of the raiders do!” and eight stimshot As to heal themselves before the
coming engagement.


With the defeat of the enemy at Big Rock, and the
cutting off of their escape route via the Dry River, In this battle, no quarter will be asked nor given. The
the Wastelords finally realize that they have lost allies of the Three Towns see this as the opportunity
control over the people of the Trade Lands. Fearing to end the raider threat once and for all that they have
the rebellion of the Three Towns has the potential to been waiting for their entire lives. The Wastelords,
overwhelm them, they have coalesced into one large for their part, are desperate to reclaim the Great
force, and are making for Dry Fort at top speed for a Weapon (for their own reasons; see the alternate
final confrontation. endings at the end of this module for details).
The PCs will be engaged in only a small part of the
large scale conflict whirling around Dry Fort. Still,
The noise of horse hooves echoes across the desert their success (or failure) will dictate how the rest
landscape, as more than a dozen riders from Dry of the battle fares for the Alliance. As such, their
Fort arrange themselves along the nearest dusty participation is crucial in deciding the difference
rise. Elsewhere the sands are pockmarked with between victory and total defeat.
countless men and boys from Bazaar, clad in their The battlefield should be prepared ahead of time
untarnished white armor and grasping rifles, while by the GM, who should roll a number of d6s on the
behind this human crescent can be seen your allies playing surface (depending on your playing area, this
from Spilunk, their own albino faces formed into could be a tabletop or a floor), leaving the dice where
grim countenances of determined resistance. they lie to represent boulders strewn about the desert

landscape near Dry Fort. … Warriors of Bazaar, Guardian1 (6): CR 4;
The number on the each die will show the size (and Medium-size Humanoid (2nd Generation Mutant
cover given) of each boulder, should anyone seek Resurrectors); HD 1d10+2; hp 6 each; Init +2 (Dex);
cover. Consult the following chart to determine the Spd 30 ft; AC 14 (+1 Dex, +3 studded leather armor);
cover: Atk Police baton +2 melee 1d4+1, or sport rifle +4
ranged 1d12; SQ Defender; AL N; SV Fort +2, Ref
Roll Cover +1, Will +1; Str 13, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 8, Wis 12,
1 No appreciable cover Cha 10.
2 One-quarter Skills and Feats: Listen +3, Spot +3. Feel for
3 One-half Weapon (heirloom sport rifle), Quickdraw.
Possessions: Heirloom sport rifle (30 rounds),
4 Three-quarters police baton, studded leather armor, bullet
5 Nine-tenths bandoleer, bedroll, blanket, signal whistle, sling bag,
6 Total sungoggles, two doses of juju salve, one dose of oil
of remedy.
Mutations and Defects: Accumulated Resistance
ALLIANCE FORCES (disease), Independent Cerebral Control,
Sensitive Sight, Spontaneous Electric Charge
The Alliance forces in the immediate area of the PCs Generation, Superior Kidney Development.
consist of six warriors from Bazaar, four warriors Adrenaline Deficiency, Alopecia, Brachydactyly,
from Dry Fort, two warriors from Spilunk, and Photosensitivity.
any survivors from the Shootout At Shiny House. … Warriors of Dry Fort, Guardian1 (4): CR
In addition, if the PCs managed to convince the 4; Medium-size Humanoid (2nd Generation Mutant
terminals of the Dry Forest to join the Alliance, they Resurrectors); HD 1d10+2; hp 8 each; Init +1 (Dex);
will have sent six warriors and a gront for this final Spd 25 ft; AC 18 (+1 Dex, +5 beast chitin, +2 large
engagement against the Wastelords, all of which will steel shield); Atk Battleaxe +4 melee 1d8+2; SQ
be under the PCs’ command. Defender; AL LN; SV Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +0; Str
14, Dex 13, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 8.

Skills and Feats: Handle Animal +3, Listen +2,
Ride +5, Spot +2. Mounted Combat, Weapon Focus OPPOSITION FORCES
Possessions: Battle axe, beast chitin armor, large Cut off from their supplies and reinforcements, on
steel shield, backpack, bedroll, blanket, three doses of their last tanks of gasoline, and desperate to reclaim
juju salve, light horse with trappings. the Great Weapon, the Wastelords are here at Dry
Mutations and Defects: Aberrant Endoskeletal Fort in force. Though the enemy lines are extensive,
Encasing, Abnormal Joint Flexibility, Accelerated the PCs face the primary thrust of the attacking army.
White Blood Cell Activity, Extreme Resilience, Army group commander “Kyren”, a force of
Sensitive Sight. Cystic Fibrosis, Hunchback, twenty-four Wastelords - and the “Slaughterwagon”
Mongoloid, Under-Developed Organ (nose). personally command the enemy that engages the PCs’
… Light Horses (4): CR 1; Large Animal; HD sector of the front lines.
3d8+6; hp 19 each; Init +1 (Dex); Spd 60 ft; AC 13 Note that the Slaughterwagon has a crew of four
(-1 size, +1 Dex, +3 natural); Atk 2 hooves +2 melee Wastelord warriors, one of which drives the vehicle,
1d4+1; AL N; SV Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +2; Str 13, one who crews the ring-mounted machinegun, and
Dex 13, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6. two that fight from within.
Skills and Feats: Listen +6, Spot +6. … Kyren, Raider6 (1): CR 9; Medium-size
… Warriors of Spilunk, Guardian1 (2): CR Humanoid (2nd Generation Mutant Resurrector); HD
2; Medium-size Humanoid (3rd Generation Mutant 6d10+6; hp 60; Init +6 (Dex, +4 Improved Init); Spd
Resentfuls); HD 1d10; hp 4 each; Init +4 (Improved 30 ft; AC 19 (+1 Dex, +1 chains and chaps, +7 plastic
Init); Spd 30 ft; AC 10; Atk Fist +0 melee 1d3-1; SQ plate armor); Atk Dagger +8/+3 melee 1d4+2, or
Defender; AL NG; SV Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +2; Str automatic pistol +8/+3 ranged 1d10+4 (1d10+6 with
9, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 3. glazer rounds); SQ Boarding party, chains and chaps
Skills and Feats: Intimidate +0, Listen +4, Sense (+1); AL LE; SV Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +1; Str 15,
Motive +4, Spot +6. Fertile/Potent, Improved Dex 15, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 15.
Initiative. Skills and Feats: Intimidate +7, Listen +2, Speak
Possessions: None. Ancient, Speak Unislang, Spot +9, Wilderness Lore
Mutations and Defects: Abnormal Joint Flexibility, +2. Improved Initiative, Rip A Clip, Room Broom,
Independent Cerebral Control, Neural Domination, Track.
Neural Fear, Neural Life-Force Destruction Field, Possessions: Plastic plate armor, hi-powered
Neural Shield, Sensitive Sight, Super-Sensitive automatic pistol +4, 10 glazer pistol cartridges,
Sight. Albinism, Atrophied Cerebellum, Neuro- 20 regular pistol cartridges, four ready syringes of
Fibromatosis, Non-Malignant Tumors, Pituitary stimshot B.
Deformation. Mutations and Defects: Abnormal Joint Flexibility,
… Terminals (6): CR 1/2; Medium Humanoid; HD Accelerated White Blood Cell Activity, Interior
2d8-2; hp 7 each; Init -1 (Dex); Spd 30 ft; AC 9 (-1 Moisture Reservoir, Multiple Stomachs, Sensitive
Dex); Atk 2 claws +3 melee 1d4+3, javelin -1 ranged Sight. Bilirubin Imbalance, Cystic Fibrosis,
1d6+3 (smeared with small centipede poison); AL Hemophilia, Immune System Abnormality.
CN; SV Fort +1, Ref +1, Will -2; Str 16, Dex 8, Con … Veteran Wastelords, Raider2 (4): CR 5;
8, Int 6, Wis 6, Cha 6. Medium-size Humanoid (2nd Generation Mutant
Skills and Feats: Listen +1, Move Silently +0, Spot Resurrectors); HD 2d10+2; hp 12 each; Init +6 (Dex,
+0. +4 Improved Init); Spd 30 ft; AC 17 (+2 Dex, +1
… Gront (1): CR 4; Large Beast; HD 4d10+28; hp chains and chaps, +4 chain shirt); Atk Dagger +4
35; Init +4 (Improved Init); Spd 30 ft; AC 16 (-1 size, melee 1d4+2, or automatic rifle +4/+4 ranged 1d12;
+7 natural); Atk Bite +10 melee 1d8+10; AL N; SV SQ Chains and chaps (+1); AL LE; SV Fort +4, Ref
Fort +11, Ref +4, Will +1; Str 25, Dex 11, Con 25, Int +2, Will -1; Str 15, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 8,
2, Wis 2, Cha 10. Cha 10.
Skills and Feats: Balance +1, Climb +1, Jump +1, Skills and Feats: Listen +3, Speak Ancient, Speak
Move Silently +2. Improved Initiative, Iron Will. Unislang, Spot +3, Wilderness Lore +3. Improved
… Covering Fire (3): In addition to those forces Initiative, Room Broom.
above, the Allied forces receive covering fire of Possessions: Automatic rifle (30 shots), chain shirt,
arrows from the defenders in the fort. At the start of tear gas grenade, dagger, backpack, bedroll, blanket,
each round the players may make three free missile web belt.
attacks, each at +2, doing 1d6 damage (short bows); Mutations and Defects: Abnormal Joint Flexibility,
keep in mind that these attacks are done without the Accelerated White Blood Cell Activity, Interior
benefit of any special feats (such as Precise Shot), Moisture Reservoir, Multiple Stomachs, Sensitive
and thus should not be used without some thought. Sight. Bilirubin Imbalance, Cystic Fibrosis,
Hemophilia, Immune System Abnormality.

… Wastelords, Raider1 (20): CR 4; Medium-size B wraps up the epic conflict with heroic closure, with
Humanoid (2nd Generation Mutant Resurrectors); HD details of final rewards for the brave PCs.
1d10+1; hp 6 each; Init +6 (Dex, +4 Improved Init);
Spd 30 ft; AC 16 (+2 Dex, +1 chains and chaps, +3 ENDING A
studded leather armor); Atk Dagger +3 melee 1d4+2,
or automatic rifle +3/+3 ranged 1d12; SQ Chains and As if bending under the mighty threat of the
chaps (+1); AL LE; SV Fort +3, Ref +2, Will -1; Str Great Weapon, in moments the last vestiges of the
15, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 10. raider army slowly retreat, then break into a rout.
Skills and Feats: Listen +3, Speak Ancient, Speak Within five minutes all that remains is a swirling
Unislang, Spot +3, Wilderness Lore +3. Improved dust storm in their wake – and a long period for
Initiative. friendly forces to count the dead.
Possessions: Automatic rifle (60 shots), studded The raiders have been defeated. But as they
leather armor, two concussion grenades, dagger, retreat over the dunes and out of sight, there is a
backpack, bedroll, blanket, web belt. loud BANG from the Great Weapon, as the entire
Mutations and Defects: Abnormal Joint Flexibility, contraption – roped together with bundles of wire
Accelerated White Blood Cell Activity, Interior – falls apart in a pile of junk.
Moisture Reservoir, Multiple Stomachs, Sensitive One of the surviving warriors from Spilunk turns
Sight. Bilirubin Imbalance, Cystic Fibrosis, and grins, as if finally able to let you in on his
Hemophilia, Immune System Abnormality. community’s private joke.
… Slaughterwagon (Medium Car): Huge vehicle; “The warhead was a dud all along. We found
AC 18; hardness 5; 70 hp; Spd 50 ft. The ‘wagon that out after we brought it here. We tried to fix it
is modified with a mounted weapon (a machinegun, but…but it saved the Alliance nonetheless.”
with 500 rounds of ammunition). Since this a feature The bluff – an unbelievable stroke of bravado -
of the vehicle, if the ‘wagon is destroyed the weapon seems to have worked.
and ammunition will also be destroyed. As you search the area following the
Wastelords’ retreat, a loud buzzing sound alerts
you. Following the noise, you soon come to
AFTERMATH the wreckage of an armored vehicle. Sitting
there you see a knobby metal box with dials and
Once the final battle for Dry Fort seems won, read the
wires sticking out of it, sitting on the seat next
following to the players:
to the dead driver. The buzzing appears to be
The battle rages all around you, and though there coming from the small round screen in the face
are dead Wastelords everywhere, there seems to be of the artifact. Soon, the buzzing gives way to a
an equal amount of slain defenders strewn about crackling, and then a voice booms out, “Yup, heard
the field of battle. ya. We’re coming.”
Having stopped the Wastelord advance in your Looking to one another, you listen further, as
area, you use the moment’s respite to withdraw another voice continues, “Yeah, passed through the
back to the launch site of the Great Weapon, where riverbed a while ago. Mopped up some pathetic
the last remaining thinkers from Spilunk can be resistance. We’re almost there. We’ll be there in
seen struggling to activate it. about five minutes...There’s about a hundred of
As you run up to offer your assistance, lending us...(pause)...You hear me?…(pause)...Dammit!
your great strength to move the Great Weapon into Answer me, scumbag!..(pause)...
position, one of the thinkers takes up a bullhorn “Ahhh, I see. Well, well, well. I guess you
and shouts over the din of battle. savages won. If you are listening…there’s no
“Wastelord scum! The Great Weapon is ours! escape.”
And you thought you could use it to terrorize us! Staring at one another in wide-eyed disbelief,
We have turned it to face the lands from which you you realize that the raiders had called for
come! Surrender now or we will use it to destroy reinforcements, a force far larger than the Alliance
your people!!!” ever imagined. Those reinforcements have broken
the bottleneck at the dry riverbed and are almost
upon you.
Depending on whether or not you plan to play this
You quickly gather your gear, but the condition
adventure as part of the intended two-part series,
of the alliance armies (though victorious) forces
precede with either Ending A or its alternate, Ending
you to realize that you don’t have a chance of
surviving another wave of attackers.
Ending A provides a link from this vital climax to
The huge dust cloud soon reveals a large group
the beginning of the great adventure in party two of
of raiders, many more than you just defeated. The
the series, The New World Order.
Wastelords form a crescent that slowly encircles
Use Ending B if you have been playing Against
the whole of Dry Fort, as they close around you.
The Wastelords as a stand-alone adventure. Ending
So far no one has fired, and your surviving allies

The leader won’t explain anything until he has
slowly lower their weapons, hoping for mercy
been given a decision. The characters now have
in the face of this huge force. The fact that the
a choice to make. If they refuse, they face a force
raiders have not yet engaged you seems to indicate
equal to the original wave, but armed with automatic
they have something else in mind…
rifles, shotguns, and at least two flamethrowers in
The Wastelords approach alert and heavily
the sedans. For the time being use the statistics for
armed. The new reinforcements are in possession
Kyren to represent the true “Wastelord”. Fighting
of a number of armored vehicles, including four
would now be foolish, and would probably spell the
motorcycle-sidecar combinations, three sedans,
end of the Three Towns.
and a minibus. All are heavily modified with
If they accept the Wastelords’ offer, they will
armor plate, mesh window armor, spikes, and ram-
(for the time being) save the Three Towns from
plates. Two of the sedans have open roofs and a
destruction, and spare their own lives. They are now
ring mount equipped with a flamethrower. Wary
ready to continue with part two of this adventure
looking Wastelords point these heavy weapons at
series, which picks up after a fragile alliance is forged
you, the group nearest their lines.
with the Wastelords to fight…The New World Order.
As they come to an unexpected stop, one of the
raiders gets off the last sedan’s hood and walks
towards you. He raises his hand, and the other ENDING B
raiders seem to relax - a little. It seems this one
As if bending under the mighty threat of the
wants to talk. Looking at the unrealistic odds, you
Great Weapon, in moments the last vestiges of the
decide to hear what he has to say.
raider army slowly retreat, then break into a rout.
“Well, well, well. What a bunch of bronze.
Within five minutes all that remains is a swirling
Kinda ruined my little operation here, didn’t you?
dust storm in their wake – and a long period for
No problem,” he says, taking a long, slow breath
friendly forces to count the dead.
from a wrapped up, stinking weed in his mouth.
The raiders have been defeated. But as they
“Guess you guys are good.”
retreat over the dunes and out of sight, there is a
Looking at him, it is obvious this well-armed and
loud BANG from the Great Weapon, as the entire
armored individual is sizing you up. “Damn! I
contraption – roped together with bundles of wire
gotta give it to you guys. How the hell did you kill
– falls apart in a pile of junk.
One of the surviving warriors from Spilunk turns
“What about Big Bert?” says one of the raiders,
and grins, as if finally able to let you in on his
casually holding a pump-gun.
community’s private joke.
“Hell yeah. Big Bert too.” Says the true
“The warhead was a dud all along. We found
Wastelord leader. Then he looks over to the
that out after we brought it here. We tried to fix it
remains of the Great Weapon, crumbled and
but…but it saved the Alliance nonetheless.”
The bluff – an unbelievable stroke of bravado -
“Looks like you ruined our one big chance…”
seems to have worked.
“Here it is. Seems we got the same problems,
A thorough search of the destroyed raider
you and us. Can’t say sorry or anything about
vehicles and the scores of their dead reveals a
being a raider, you know how it is. Anyways, you
journal, kept by their leader. Flipping through
guys have earned my respect. You’re lucky I don’t
it, you find that the “Wastelords” were in fact a
just kill you; you’re in no shape to fight back.
splinter group of a larger raider group that is based
“So I got a prop for ya. Since you destroyed
far to the south, known as the “Ravagers”. There
our weapon, you gotta solve our problem…
seems to have been a falling-out almost a decade
’manually’. Not only will we let ya live, we may
ago. The Wastelords fled before being killed,
even pay you when you’re done. Whaddya say?”
and ever since have moved across the wasteland
With that, a number of the raiders cock their
striking in one region during the dry season, in
weapons and level them at you. The sight of more
another during the season of storms. Thanks to
raiders flanking the settlement of Dry Fort makes
you, their threat to the Trade Lands – and the
the sheer futility of resistance sink home.
world as a whole - is finally ended.
Still in shock, one of you speaks up. “What
There was much gained from your work;
about the Great Weapon? If not for destroying
in addition to the bounty taken from the dead
us…what was it for?”
raiders and from the many foes you have defeated
“Handling our ‘little problem’. What, you
in your effort, you no doubt will be rewarded
chuckleheads thought we went through all of this
upon your return to Bazaar. Perhaps even more
to conquer your puny tribes? Ha! Not a chance.
importantly, you have earned the respect of the
There are a hundred villages like yours on the
three communities of the Trade Lands.
other side of the mountains that we could prey on.
This, by itself, is a near priceless reward.
No. We’ve got bigger fish to fry…”

Upon returning to Bazaar, the characters will find If you’re playing Against The Wastelords as part of
that the merchants are grateful for their contributions the planned two-part series, Ending A provides a
to the war of liberation. They are given their 500 relatively seamless introduction to part two, The New
corium pieces, as promised, and celebrated as heroes. World Order.
In addition, the characters are given the offer of If you’re playing Against The Wastelords as a
what is known as “female access”. In exchange stand-alone adventure, the ending can be an excellent
for forfeiting 250 corium from their reward, the springboard into other adventures. Assuming that
characters will be allowed to “attempt to contribute this was the characters’ first adventure (considering
to the gene pool” of the community and enjoy the the low level of Against The Wastelords, this is
attention of one of the town’s “furniture” for a night. probably the case), leaving the Trade Lands for the
Ironically, any goods bought in Bazaar by the PCs outside world on a journey of discovery would make
from now on will have their prices raised by 20% an excellent ending (or beginning, depending on how
- a barely concealed attempt by the merchants to get you choose to see it). Having done such heroic deeds
some of their currency back! Though appreciative for the people of Bazaar, Dry Fort, and Spilunk, they
of the sacrifices the PCs made for the people of will always be able to call the Trade Lands home,
the Trade Lands, it was a deal based on profit after even when they are far away in such places as Styx or
all (for both sides), and when all is said and done, the Far Desert.
business is still business! If by some unfortunate circumstance the PCs failed
The same treatment will not be felt in Spilunk or to thwart the Wastelords in the final battle (a quite
Dry Fort, however, where the PCs’ selfless deeds is possible occurrence, considering their numbers and
not so readily forgotten. relative power), the ending might be very different.
The delegate from Dry Fort, Captain Ulz, survived Captured by the raiders, their failure may become a
the war with minor injuries and a kill count rivaling realistic introduction to, say, Death By Corium Light,
that of the best PCs. Still serious in demeanor despite where the characters play the roles of slaves and
the baptism of fire they shared, not even a smile prisoners sold to the corium miners of Lil’ Vegas.
breaks his grim countenance when he finally meets Whether or not they choose to escape and start their
up with the PCs in Bazaar or Dry Fort. He comes to lives anew with their shame behind them, or escape
express the sincere thanks of his people, and gives from Lil’ Vegas and return with their experiences and
each of the characters two full waterskins (filled with treasures to finally defeat the Wastelords, Against
pure uncontaminated water), and offers the group a The Wastelords can be an excellent introduction to
number of desert horses (if any were caught while adventures elsewhere.
staying at Dry Fort, these will include any the PCs
personally subdued), one for each character! A great
reward indeed! The horses are, of course, handed
over with all the necessary trappings.
Elder Vilic of Spilunk is also happy to see the
triumph of the characters, and insists on buying them
a round of fermented othyhol from the common-
house in Bazaar. Only before leaving for Spilunk
will he give the characters their reward: a pair of
working shock gloves and a fully charged power
beltpack to go with it. If asked about the items, Elder
Vilic will simply state that his people have no need
for such “junk”; with the end of the Wastelords they
have decided to give up the ways of war once and for
all, and from now on will seek a peaceful lifestyle in
a manner not unlike those mysterious folk who died
at Monastery for the good of the Trade Lands.
This concludes the adventure, Against the

The defenders used this low stone building as a
SANDYVILLE last-ditch “bunker”, in which they could keep their
women and children and fight off attackers. Sadly,
It is unlikely the PCs will ever go as far as visiting due to the surprise nature of the Wastelords’ attack,
Sandyville, once they learn the village has been few made it to the shelter of the redoubt. Those who
destroyed by the Wastelords in their search for one of did attempted to fire back with the muskets kept
the parts of the “Great Weapon”. If they do decide within, until one of the Wastelords threw a Molotov
to visit, however, this section is meant to detail the cocktail through one of the firing positions. Flailing
ransacked remains of that unfortunate community. about, the poor defender caused the black powder
This can be especially important if you feel the kept inside the bunker to ignite, killing everyone
characters are lacking in experience, as the small inside.
encounter in Sandyville may be enough to give them Entering the redoubt, one finds only the charred
the experience they need to reach 3rd level by the time remains of humanoid bodies, and a few broken and
they can train at Dry Fort (see later for details). burned weapons.
Attacked in a surprise raid, the defenders of Treasure: A Search check (DC 15) uncovers one
Sandyville were unable to do much more than annoy black powder rifle, still operable despite a thick
the determined Wastelords. The ruins of Sandyville coating of ash.
are now quite desolate, the bodies of the recently
massacred locals left to rot in the sun. 3. Water Shed
A pack of wild dogs from the desert have sensed the
death and decay here and moved into the ruins for the This building appears to have been a storage shed
time being, content on feeding off of the carrion for for the locals’ water supply.
a week or so. When the PCs approach, these animals
will make themselves known, and will fight to defend The corrugated metal door barring entrance to this
what they consider “theirs”. precious cache was torn off its hinges, the lock blown
away by rifle fire. Inside, broken shelves that once
held plastic containers, metal jerry cans, and clay
KEY TO SANDYVILLE jugs of water were stolen. Not a single drop of water
1. Wrecked Compound
4. Burned-Out Buildings
The ramshackle wooden walls that once protected
the compound of Sandyville seems to have fallen Whatever this building was once used for, it is no
in recent days. Collapsed or bulldozed in certain longer clear. Burned black, the roof having caved
areas, it is obvious vehicle-mounted attackers in on itself, the interior is merely a collection of
simply plowed through the defenses to slaughter unrecognizable cinders.
the innocent people hiding on the other side.
It is apparent that these buildings burned down during
As you step cautiously through the broken wall
the attack (a tear grenade was thrown through the
into the compound, you are immediately assaulted
windows of each, and the buildings soon caught fire).
by a nauseating stench of decayed flesh. A mass of
Nothing of interest is found within either.
humanoid bodies lay strewn about the area, rotting
in the searing sun, their flesh recently picked at by
scavenging animals. 5. Gas Station
The bodies of more than a dozen men are scattered all The main building seems to have been abandoned
about this place, taken off guard when the Wastelords long ago, due to extensive damage, even before the
attacked. Only a handful were able to make it to the attack that massacred the inhabitants of Sandyville.
redoubt (area 2); the rest were cut down in the panic. Bits of stone fall from the cracked and leaning
A search of the bodies uncovers nothing; apparently roof, suggesting that it might even topple in the
the Wastelords were quite thorough in taking next sand storm.
everything of use for their army. All that remains is a
grisly monument to their savagery. The locals, for fear of its collapse, left this building
empty. Over the years they risked venturing in to
2. Redoubt scavenge what they could; as such, nothing of interest
remains inside.
Whatever this was, one can only guess. A low
stone building, much of the brickwork has cracked
and blackened, no doubt due to some explosion or

6. Den … Dogs (9): CR 1/3; Small Animal; HD 1d8+2;
hp 6 each; Init +3 (Dex); Spd 40 ft; AC 15 (+1 size,
A large hole in one side of this nondescript +3 Dex, +1 natural); Atk Bite +2 melee 1d4+1; SQ
outbuilding is all the damage it seems to have Scent; AL N; SV Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +1; Str 13,
suffered over the years. A pack of wild dogs sits Dex 17, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6.
near this entrance, making good use of the shade Skills and Feats: Listen +5, Spot +5, Swim +5,
offered by the building while keeping an eye out Wilderness Lore +1*.
for trespassers on their territory. Treasure: Inside the den, a few of the younger
When the PCs approach the ruins of the compound, pups have dragged a corpse to playfully nip at. This
the animals here will attempt to Spot them. If they corpse still wears a stainless steel wrist watch (the
detect the party’s intrusion, the entire pack will power cell has about a year left on it).
move to area 1 as a group, barking and growling
in an effort to scare them PCs off. If they persist in
advancing, the animals will fight defend the carrion
at the site.

Player Map

Scav Map

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spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical or
supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any System Rules Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.;
other trademark or registered trademark clearly identified as Product identity Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on original
by the owner of the Product Identity, and which specifically excludes the material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson
Open Game Content; (f) “Trademark” means the logos, names, mark, sign,
motto, designs that are used by a Contributor to identify itself or its products Darwin’s World Copyright 2002, RPGObjects; Authors Dominic Covey and
or the associated products contributed to the Open Game License by the Chris Davis.
Contributor (g) “Use”, “Used” or “Using” means to use, Distribute, copy,
edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative Material of Metal Gods Copyright 2002, RPGObjects; Authors Dominic Covey and
Open Game Content. (h) “You” or “Your” means the licensee in terms of this Chris Davis.
Against the Wastelords Copyright 2003, RPGObjects; Author Dominic
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that Covey
contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used
under and in terms of this License. You must affix such a notice to any Open
Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added to or subtracted from OPEN GAMING CONTENT
this License except as described by the License itself. No other terms or
conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content distributed using this Designation of Product Identity: The following terms are designated as
License. product identity as outline in section 1(a) of the Open Gaming License:
Darwin’s Word, Twisted Earth, Denizens of the Twisted Earth, Terrors of the
3.Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Twisted Earth, Artifacts of the Ancients, Cave of Life, Ferals, Primitives,
Your acceptance of the terms of this License. Ritual Preservationist, the Ancients, Resentful, Degenerates, Ressurectors,
Visionary Reinventors, Hedonists, Advanced, Good juju, Benders, Brethren,
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this Brotherhood of Radiation, Cartel, Children of the Metal Gods, Clean Water
License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, Clans, Far Traders, Enthropist, Foundationist, the Movement, Paradise
non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Believers, Ravagers, Savants, Doomriders, Brethren Follower, Brotherhood
Game Content. Force Master, Cartel Trademaster, Foundationist Paladin, Juju Doctor, Sister
of the Desert, Death Sentinel, Doom Harvester, Ethereal Flyer, Fraxx Steed,
5.Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original Gront, Heliogryphs, Mutagon, Othydont, Plague Zombie, Purple Angler,
material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your Contributions are Slime Mole, Shadow People, Utran.
Your original creation and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights
conveyed by this License. Designation of Open Gaming Content: The following sections of Against
the Wastelords are designated as open gaming content expect for terms
6.Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE define as product identity above. All illustrations, pictures, and diagrams are
portion of this License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT Product identity and property of RPGObjects™.
NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are copying, modifying or
distributing, and You must add the title, the copyright date, and the copyright All monster, npc, and trap statistics blocks are open content. All other
holder’s name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open Game content is closed.
Content you Distribute.

7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity,
including as an indication as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed
in another, independent Agreement with the owner of each element of that
Product Identity. You agree not to indicate compatibility or co-adaptability
with any Trademark or Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work
containing Open Game Content except as expressly licensed in another,
independent Agreement with the owner of such Trademark or Registered
Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content does not
constitute a challenge to the ownership of that Product Identity. The owner
of any Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights,
title and interest in and to that Product Identity.

8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly

indicate which portions of the work that you are distributing are Open Game


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