d20 - Darwin's World - Terrors of Twisted Earth
d20 - Darwin's World - Terrors of Twisted Earth
d20 - Darwin's World - Terrors of Twisted Earth
- Credits -
Editor: Chris Davis
Cover Art: V Shane
Interior Art: V Shane, Tony Parker
PDF Creator: Chris Davis
Copyright 2002© RPGObjects®
The 'd20 System' and the 'd20 System' logo are Trademarks
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terms of the d20 System License version 1.0. A copy of this
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are derived from the d20 System Reference Document.
Table of Contents
Introduction: 2
NPC Statistics: 4
Mutant Creatures: 9
Other Creatures: 51
Proficiency (medium); 15th, Expertise; 18th, dose of sustainer shot (14th – 20th), one dose of
Improved Trip. filter dose (14th – 20th), education cerebral
Class Features: 1st, first skill focus (GM’s bioelectronic implant (15th – 20th), magnetic
choice); 2 , knowledge; 5th, dirty fighter, second
shield A (16th), two power beltpacks (16th – 20th),
skill focus (GM’s choice); 6th, first exotic weapon magnetic shield B (17th), magnetic shield C (18th
proficiency (stun gun); 8th, inspire skill; 9th, – 20th), memory cerebral bioelectronic implant
identify; 10th, confusing tirade, third skill focus (19th – 20th), advanced breathing apparatus (19th
(GM’s choice); 12th, second exotic weapon – 20th), electronic skeleton key (20th).
proficiency (GM’s choice); 15th, protected by
code, fourth skill focus (GM’s choice); 18th, third NPC TRADER
exotic weapon proficiency (GM’s choice); 20th, Starting Ability Scores: Str 8, Dex 13, Con 10,
fifth skill focus (GM’s choice). Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 15.
Skills: Craft (any three), Heal, Knowledge (any Increased Ability Scores: 4th, Dex 14; 8th, Dex
three), Profession (any two). 15; 12th, Dex 16; 16th, Dex 17; 20th, Dex 18.
Armor: Studded leather (1st – 12th), ballistic Feats: 1st, Improved Initiative, Silver Tongue;
nylon (13th – 20th). 3rd, Combat Reflexes; 6th, Exotic Weapon
Melee Weapon (type varies): Ranseur (1st), Proficiency (stun baton); 9th, Weapon Focus (stun
masterwork ranseur (2nd – 17th), masterwork baton); 12th, Armor Proficiency (heavy); 15th,
spiked chain (18th – 20th). Track; 18th, Sandwalker.
Ranged Weapon (type varies): Repeating Class Features: 1st, bonus feat, protector; 2nd,
crossbow (1st – 6th), stun gun (7th), stun gun w/ spit polish; 3rd, ear to the ground; 4th, money
heavy capacitor unit (8th – 20th). talks; 5th, going once (x1.5); 10th, going once
Other Gear: 50 masterwork crossbow bolts (1st (x2), sucker every minute; 12th, read the signs;
– 5th), two stun grenades (1st – 20th), two smoke 15th, leadership; 18th, professional courtesy; 20th,
grenades (2nd – 20th), five doses of stimshot A going once (x3).
(2nd – 20th), three doses of K-O shot (3rd), Skills: Bluff, Intimidate, Sense Motive, Spot.
electronic notepad (5th – 20th), power cell (5th – Armor: Hide armor (1st – 13th), ballistic nylon
13th), power clip (7th), two power clips (8th – (14th – 20th).
20th), portable computer (10th – 20th), power Melee Weapon (type varies): Sap (1st – 6th),
pack (10th – 20th), language translator (11th – stun baton (7th – 20th).
20th), power beltpack (11th – 15th), pocket nurse Ranged Weapon (type varies): Black powder
(14th – 20th), two power cells (14th – 20th), one rifle (1st), sport rifle (2nd – 4th), sport rifle w/
Gargantuan Aberration
Hit Dice: 22d8+198 (297 hp)
Initiative: +6 (+4 Improved initiative, +2
Speed: 5 ft, burrow 15 ft
AC: 10 (-4 size, +4 natural)
Attacks: Bite +24 melee; 5 tentacles +22
Damage: Bite 4d6+12; tentacle 1d6+12 and
Face/Reach: 20 ft by 20 ft / 20 ft
Special Attacks: Stun
Special Qualities: Tremorsense
Saves: Fort +15, Ref +6, Will +8
Abilities: Str 34, Dex 10, Con 29, Int 2, Wis
2, Cha 10
Skills: Hide +20, Listen +12, Move Silently
The overall shape of this creature suggests it is a
gigantic mutation of the common harvester
The mouth is positioned in such a way as to
these dome-shaped eyes permits the creature to literally “scoop” up prey like a trawler. Curious
detect the slightest shift or movement in the diamond-shaped teeth rend flesh quite efficiently,
sand around it, warning it against subterranean mincing struggling victims in a matter of seconds.
attack from burrowing creatures that move Odd polyps, set all over the creature’s body,
beneath the surface of the desert in the manner appear to sense nearby movement through
of aquatic predators. motion in the surrounding air. Using an
Desert horses are among the more common elongated spike, the harvester impales prey,
steeds of primitive peoples, being relatively allowing it to hold a victim in place for a ghastly
abundant in the wasteland. Tribal folk, as well as feeding frenzy.
certain merchant groups, use them exclusively as
mounts and beasts of burden. Huge Vermin
Hit Dice: 5d8+5 (27 hp)
COMBAT Initiative: +1 (Dex)
A desert horse will attack furiously to free itself Speed: 60 ft
from an unexpected attack; they otherwise prefer AC: 12 (+1 Dex, +3 natural, -2 size)
to flee. Attacks: Bite, +9 melee, pincer, +4 melee
Padded Feet (Ex): Desert horses have Damage: Bite 2d6+8, pincer 1d6+8
developed special padded feet to permit easy Face/Reach: 15 ft x 15 ft / 10 ft
travel over sandy and unstable ground. A desert Special Attacks: Improved Grab
horse receives a +2 racial bonus to all Balance, Special Qualities: Vermin
Jump, and Move Silently checks on sandy terrain. Saves: Fort +9, Ref +2, Will -3
Stampede (Ex): If alarmed, desert horses flee Abilities: Str 27, Dex 13, Con 20, Int -, Wis 2,
in a random direction (but always away from a Cha 10
perceived source of danger). They literally run Skills: Spot +5, Listen +3
over anything of size Medium or smaller that gets Feats: -
in their way, dealing 1d8 points of damage for Climate/Terrain: Any plain or desert
Doom harvesters typically hunt in
large sweeping packs to overwhelm
prey. They are cunning enough to
take some and flee, with other
members guarding their retreat or
drawing away attention until captured
prey can be eaten.
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this
ability, the doom harvester must hit
with its pincer attack. If it gets a
hold, it automatically deals bite
Vermin: Immune to mind-
influencing effects.
Medium-size Humanoid
Hit Dice: 2d8 (9 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 20 ft
AC: 10
Attacks: Bite, +1 melee, 2 Claws, +0 melee
Damage: Bite 1d4, Claws 1d4
Face/Reach: 5 ft / 5 ft
Special Qualities: Dark Vision
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +3, Will -1
Abilities: Str 11, Dex 10, Con 11, Int 11, Wis 8,
Cha 3
Skills: Listen +5, Spot +2
Feats: Alertness, Blind-Fight, Multiattack
Climate/Terrain: Any urban
Organization: Solitary, pair, gang (2-5), pack
(5-20), or mob (20-40)
Challenge Rating: 1
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Always evil
Advancement: By character class
Gronts are tough, mean, and
grumpy creatures that do not shun
combat, even if outnumbered or
faced with much larger opponents.
Padded Feet: Gronts have
developed special padded feet to
permit easy travel of sandy and
unstable ground. A gront receives
a +8 racial bonus to all Balance,
Jump, and Move Silently checks on
all terrain types.
Various peoples of the wasteland
value gronts as war beasts and
guard animals. Training a gront to
recognize a master requires the
beast be willing, and the would-be
master pass a Handle Animal check
(DC 23 for a young gront, or DC 30
for an adult). A gront, used as a
steed, can fight with a rider, but
the rider cannot also attack unless
he succeeds at a Ride check (DC
Carrying Capacity: Though
seldom used as steeds, a gront
may be ridden. A light load for a
gront is up to 75 pounds; a
extended vicious snout kept constantly drooling medium load, 76-50 pounds; and a heavy load,
by seemingly over-active saliva glands. Huge 151-225 pounds. A gront can drag 1,125
jagged tusks and gnashing molars sprout from pounds.
the gront's mouth; its eyes are curiously pink and
red. It has a short naked tail, but its sturdy
horse-like legs end in hirsute pads that spread HELIOGRYPH
out to displace the beast's weight on unsteady
surfaces - such as sand. This gives the gront Another of the most bizarre creatures I have ever
much better traction and control when running come across, heliogryphs are also among the
over sand dunes. most dangerous. Thankfully they seem reluctant
The gront is a notoriously ornery creature that to live anywhere but underground.
attacks furiously even at the mere approach of On examination, the creature proves quite
other creatures. Gronts even attack their own strange. Two inflated “globes”, attached to the
kind if this personal bubble is invaded. Despite main trunk, act as bellows to propel darts of acid-
this the gront is sought after by the people of the coated cartilage at the heliogryph’s intended
wasteland as a war creature, as these vicious prey.
things can be tamed with some rigorous training A singular huge mass (which I call the “flower”)
to act as guard animals, hunting beasts, and rests atop the creature’s head and inflates or
even light riding mounts. Their toughness, deflates to maintain altitude. Through some
One cannot say with any confidence what,
exactly, these creatures evolved from.
Apparently they exist only on the outskirts of
the radiated Purple Desert.
Weird antennae growing abruptly from the
creature’s body appear to allow it “see” in all
directions. The segmented body indicates an
ability to digest numerous victims at the same
time. Stories have been told of humanoid
remains being found in the bellies of a prox, so
it seems they are indeed man-eaters.
Large Beast
Hit Dice: 2d10+6 (17 hp)
Initiative: +1 (Dex)
Speed: 30 ft
AC: 13 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +3 natural)
Attacks: Bite, +4 melee, 2 hooves +2 melee
Damage: Bite 1d8+4, Hooves 1d4+2
Face/Reach: 5 ft x 10 ft / 5 ft
Special Attacks: Improved grab
Special Qualities: Aware, blindsight, swallow
some communities, for once hollowed out make whole
perfect spherical adornments of a deep azure or Saves: Fort +6, Ref +4, Will -1
glittering black. Abilities: Str 19, Dex 12, Con 17, Int 3, Wis 8,
Cha 10
COMBAT Skills: Listen +5, Spot +2
The waddler attacks with its proboscis, which Feats: Alertness, Multiattack
slips into the skull of its opponent. Once the Climate/Terrain: Any
victim is subdued the probing waddler sucks up Organization: Solitary or pair
its mushy brains through this elongated Challenge Rating: 2
implement. Treasure: None
Dark Vision (Ex): Probing waddlers have Alignment: Always neutral
darkvision with a range of 60 feet and low-light Advancement: 3-5 HD (Large)
Paralysis (Ex): When a waddler attacks with The prox beast is a gross combination of hog,
its proboscis, a successful hit causes paralysis in horse, and lamprey. They are rare, only seen
a victim if a Fortitude save (DC 18) is failed. This now and again along the fringes of the Purple
paralysis remains until the waddler is done Desert.
feeding or is interrupted, in which case it The prox beast has the slick fleshy body of a
withdraws its proboscis and the victim is free. gigantic hog, with the hoofed legs of a horse (the
Intelligence Drain (Ex): When a waddler rear legs look a little more like those of a bull). A
attacks with its proboscis, a successful hit causes ridge of bumpy spinal protrusions run the length
a loss of 1d4 points of permanent Intelligence of the brox's back, while the head - a giant trunk
(no save), due to the brain of the victim being of thick shaggy muscle - extends out only so far
These ghoulish predators are
clearly directly descended from the
canines of the pre-Fall world.
Gaping mouth, cyst-clouded
eyes, and jagged fangs; they
suffer from many of the same
painful mutations evidenced
among men.
Medium-Size Animal
Hit Dice: 2d8+4 (13 hp)
a single ratbite will be encountered (actually just Initiative: +1 (Dex)
a forward scout), which will come very near the Speed: 35 ft
opponent and examine it, hopping about it and AC: 14 (+1 Dex, +3 natural)
summing it up with a series of curious grunts and Attacks: Bite +3 melee
chirps. The ratbite then mysteriously pulls away Damage: Bite 1d6+3
and the encounter apparently ends. Face/Reach: 5 ft by 5 ft / 5 ft
As the opponent moves on, the ratbites return Special Qualities: Pack boldness, pack
in force (usually their whole number, though mentality, scent
young seldom participate) and attack viciously, Saves: Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +1
tearing at the transgressor with their razor-sharp Abilities: Str 15, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12,
teeth and beating it with their padded legs - one Cha 6
leg supporting it like a flamingo while the other Skills: Listen +5, Move Silently +4, Spot +5,
tears at the victim's flesh. Ratbites are Wilderness Lore +1*
carnivorous, generally hunting true rats and Feats: -
other small prey, but metabolize at a high rate - Climate/Terrain: Any desert, plains, forest,
any large prey being felled would certainly be hill, mountains, marsh, underground, or ruin
used as food on the spot. Organization: Gang (2-5) or pack (5-20)
Challenge Rating: 1
Ravening hounds attack in the
manner of dogs, hounding their
prey, probing for weakness,
before moving in for the kill.
Biting is their primary form of
Pack Boldness (Ex): In
groups of three or more,
ravening hounds become
immune to fear, even fear
created by neural effects.
Medium-size Humanoid
Hit Dice: 2d8 (9 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 30 ft, burrow 10 ft
AC: 10
Attacks: Bite, +1 melee, 2
Claws, +0 melee
Damage: Bite 1d4, Claws 1d3
Face/Reach: 5 ft x 5 ft / 5 ft
Special Qualities:
Photosensitive, tremorsense
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +1
Abilities: Str 11, Dex 10, Con
11, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 3
Skills: Listen +7
Feats: Alertness, Blind-Fight,
Climate/Terrain: Any
Organization: Pack (5-20) or
mob (20-40)
Challenge Rating: 1
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Always evil
Advancement: By character
The favored class for the
elusive shadow people is
guardian. They do have
specialized “castes” for
commoners and experts also,
but these are seldom seen
outside the boundaries of their
hidden villages. Characters of
this type may come from Feral
or Primitive communities only.
Covered in a thick phlegm-like
“ooze”, the creature glistens
with obscene body
movements. The stench
produced by this ooze is
reportedly quite poisonous.
The creature drags itself
along on two powerful arms.
Its other appendages seem to
have no real purpose. Two
enormous eyes adorning the
beast appear to be utterly
The utarn is a grotesque
creature that more often
seeks to impregnate
opponents rather than eat
Blindsight (Ex): An utarn
can ascertain creatures by
nonvisual means (mostly
hearing and scent, but also
by noticing vibration and
other environmental clues)
with a range of 40 feet.
Medium-Size Humanoid
Hit Dice: 1d8 (5 hp)
Initiative: +2 (Dex)
Speed: 30 ft
AC: 12 (+2 Dex)
Attacks: Club +0 melee, javelin +2 ranged
Damage: Club 1d6, javelin 1d6
Face/Reach: 5 ft by 5 ft / 5 ft
Special Qualities: Duck, spider climb
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +4, Will -1
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 8,
Wis 8, Cha 6
Skills: Hide +4*, Jump +1, Listen +0,
Move Silently +3*, Spot +0
Feats: -
Climate/Terrain: Any ruin
Organization: Solitary, pair, bunch (2-5),
pack (5-20), or mob (20-40)
Challenge Rating: ½
Treasure: None
Alignment: Usually neutral
Advancement: By character class
Plague zombies are not particularly threatening
to a well-prepared individual, but in large packs
their sheer numbers can be overwhelming.
Without any kind of true sentience (beyond a
motivation to overcome and consume living
creatures), they move and act stupidly and
Contagion (Ex): An opponent struck by a
plague zombie bite must succeed at a Fortitude
check (DC 20) or contract the plague. The
plague remains dormant for 2d6 hours, but after
that the victim becomes weak and delirious (and
must remain bedridden). After an additional
period of 2d6 hours, he becomes a zombie, losing
all statistics, skills, feats, and other abilities and
instead taking on the characteristics of a plague
Unlike other diseases, the contagion of the
plague zombie cannot be cured by any known
drug or device of the Ancients or their survivors.
Once infected, there is no cure.
Partial Actions Only: Plague zombies can
perform only partial actions, like regular zombies.
Undead: Immune to mind-influencing effects,
poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease.
Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage,
ability damage, energy drain, or death from
massive damage.
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