Identification of Resaerch Problem PDF
Identification of Resaerch Problem PDF
Identification of Resaerch Problem PDF
Research is an effort to seek answers to questions confronting the researcher. It
seeks answers to questions, which have not yet been answered. Research helps in the
development of generalizations, principles or theories, which open either new vistas of
understanding in the relevant field of knowledge, or helps in verifying the existing
knowledge. The research questions can be of quantitative or qualitative nature, and
both require collecting the relevant data, their analysis and interpretation so as to
arrive at some conclusion which provides the solution to a problem.
Research is a gateway to new knowledge that obviously depends on how meaningfully
the problem has been identified and research questions have been answered. In the
beginning, a researcher has problem blindedness and perceives a very diffused, vague
and a general view of a problem. Hence, the identification of a problem is the most
Research Ilesign important and difficult step in the research process. It is a most thoughtful effort, even
a little carelessness on the part of the researcher spoils the spirit of research. It is a
systematic attempt to obtain answers to meaningful questions about a phenomenon
through the application of scientific procedures. Problem identification and its
formulation is inventive and individualistic rather than routine and mechanical. The
identification of a research problem requires a great deal of patience and logical thinking
on the part of the researcher. A beginning researcher finds the task of identifying a
research problem a difficult one. This may be due to his limited knowledge of the
research process and his unpreparedness for identifying the problem. He may also be
unfamiliar with the areas in which research is needed and the procedure he is to follow
for selecting a suitable field for research.
In this unit you will study about the nature of the research problem and its identification
by using various sources. You will also understand the criteria for selecting a suitable
problem for research. The suggestions for formulating research questions will also be
explained to you.
Qualitative Research
'Development of Higher Education in Post-independent India' (Historical Research)
'Multicultural analysis of attitudes towards education' (Ethnographical Research)
'Metaphysical study of the literature of Swami Vivekanand' (Philosophical Research)
The essence of research, moreover, is to arrive at dependable solutions to the problem
through a well thought out scientific procedure. This purpose is only served when the
aims at arriving at dependable solutions to the problem,
makes useful generalizations and theory development,
provides insight into the hypothesis formulation,
provides the direction for the choice of research design, and
helps in wiseful choice of statistical or other relevant methods of interpretations.
Kerlinger (1 993) states the three criteria of a good problem:
It should express a relationship between two or more variables.
The problem should be stated clearly and unambiguously in question form.
Statement of a problem must be such to imply possibilities of empirical testing.
I Hence, a research problem which does not survive the above salient features can not be
considered useful and worthwhile. A large part of the solution lies in knowing what
one is trying to do. Another part lies in knowing what a problem is and especially what
Life situations, relationships established by related researchers and implications
advanced by technological advancements constitute the problem situation.
New knowledge in the field of researcher's interest coming through the new
&rivals of books, journal and researches extend a situation for research.
A survey of suggestions for further research given at the end of research reports Identification of Problem
and Formulation of
and reviews of research projects, the gaps which are there in a particular field of Research Questions
educational research are helpful in keeping the researcher informed about what
researches are going on in the field in which he has the competence and deeper
10.5.1 Theory
Scientific conceptions of the nature of things involve theories. The researcher should
have some understanding of the nature of theory and should avoid trying to build
theories that are too sophisticated. Theory is a set of generalizations amved at by
Research Design carefully analysed and studied phenomena. The inferences that are drawn from
psychological and educationaltheories when known to a researcher help in identifying
the research area.
The application of principles that are derived from theories extend an authentic ground
to locate the problem. For example, theories of learning -personality and motivation
etc. have provided research initiatives that were used to improve upon the classroom
teaching-learning situations, curriculum designing and evaluation. Therefore, the
important source of the research problem lies in the inferences that can be drawn
from various educational and psychological theories. The application of general
principles involved in various theories to a specific classroom situation makes an
excellent starting point for research and it will help to determine whether a particular
theory can be translated into actual practice and also the validity, scope and practicability
of various theories in educational situations. For example, if the 'Effect of Basic
Teaching Model on a Teacher's Performance in Class is to be studied, the theory on
which this model is developed becomes an important reference. Moreover, the theory:
explains the phenomena under research proposed,
permits the prediction of the occurancel occurrence of the phenomena,
enables the investigator to postulate and eventually to discover hitherto unknown
and unobserved phenomena,
explains the relationship among various components, facts and principles,
pinpoints the crucial aspects to be investigated and crucial questions to be
answered, and
helps the researcher to structure and restructure the domain of understanding,
Research and theory go together. If research is conducted without consulting a theory,
it means that many essential aspects of theory that could guide and control the
researcher's efforts are ignored. If the researcher intends to work in the domain of
teaching and learning, then learning theories by Pavlov, and Skinner provide a frame
of thinking as to how the researches in the area can be designed. Theory, of course,
does not provide answer but it stimulates and controls research.
10.5.2 Experience
The best single way for a researcher to find a good research problem is to attach
himself1herself to a dynamic research environment, which increases the opportunities
for finding and solving problems. Spirited intellectual discourses, in which ideas are
presented, explained, analysed and challenged is a rich source of inspiration. Attending
professional meetings particularly those in which papers are read and discussed,
conferenceswith stimulating professors, lectures by eminent educationists,discussions
with fellow research workers, part timejob in research worthy of investigation provide
clues needed for the solution of problems. Professors and research experts who have
had experience in tackling a particular type of problem can help in telling the novice
what can and what can not be successfully accomplished.
Examining the everyday experiences gives and inspires the problem. Everyday while
encountering with students, equipments, tests, text-books, guidance, discipline,parents,
curriculum and administration etc., some sorts of problems are faced. Thus, as a
result of participating in various academic activities and interacting with researchers,
fellow teachers, a researcher may confront problems of various nature, they may be
psychology based, sociological, behavioural, administrative etc. The personal experience
which the researcher gains help h i d her in the following ways:
develops insight into sharpening the focus of research,
experiences the relative usefulness of various issues that emerge in his/ her mind
for research,
explores the context for innovative researches, Identification of Problem
and Formulation of
formulate the research problem more meaningfully and practically, Research Questinns
equips the researcher with such understandings that s h e is able to identify the
I problematic situations,behaviours and issues for which solutions are not available
and which need to be researched, and
i becomes a wiser researcher.
Thus, the personal experience that the researcher gains is a potential source of research
i problems to be identified and formulated.
10.5.3 Discussion I!
/ Discussion works as a brainstorming exercise. It helps in settling a problem. While
discussing with researchers, professors and other intellectual persons, the shrinkages
/ of mind are opened and then there is a germination of a seed of a new problem.
These discussions give chances to the researcher to get into close contact with crucial
problems and issues concerningeducation. The researcher finds a group of individuals
working enthusiastically on some enterprise and some of their enthusiasm will rub off
on h i d her. Sometimes researchers have problems in their mind but they are not able
to verbalise and give proper shape to the problem. It is discussions with his/her fellows
and other senior professors that help him/ her to evolve a manageable research problem
from the one which was very vague and complex, Discussion is a very useful resource
of research problem identification.
The following are some of the advantages which the researcher gets out of discussion:
Contemporary research areas capture the mind of a researcher.
Certain gmbiguities that the researcher initially has get clarified.
The researcher is helped with new academic inputs to reflect upon problem
situations and to come out with a suitable research problem identification.
Many unknown hazards that the researcher may experience while identifying a
problem situation become known to h i d her.
The meaningfulness of the research problem in the mind is further judged, e.g.
whether this research problem will make a significant contribution to the existing
knowledge or not.
The researcher may be able to make a clear classification as to how to classify
his/ her problem-whether it will be fundamental, applied or action research.
10.5.4 Dissatisfaction
When a researcher attempts the identification of problem, sthe has to go through
various situations-some satisfying and some dissatisfying. Research is a felt need of
I a researcher. Need itself leads to inadequacy and this inadequacy activates the
researcher to design a course of action through which that need is fulfilled. The
inadequaciesand incompatibilities create dissatisfaction within the researcher for which
s/he tries to identify the problem, which clearly shows the direction to the solution of a
problem. After the researcher perceives the problem, for its proper identification and
formulation he reviews the literature, discusses with people, consults recent books
and journal and traces some flaws, gaps and inadequaciesin his thinking. He may find
it difficult to give a proper shape to his thinking and it becomes a gigantic task for him
to formulate research questions. The dissatisfaction thus created, becomes a rich
source of inspiration.
While working in the institutions, reading good books related to the problem area, the
researcher is confronted with many dissatisfying situations that makes him problem
sensitive, he then thinks about a problem, and comes out with a proper identification II
and formulation of the research problem. These days information and communication
technology has revolutionized almost every aspect of human life, and so it has deeply
entered into the orbit of an educational system, consequently posing new challenges
and input for thinking. The researcher experiences dissatisfaction in himself when he
comes out with such problem situations as, impact of these technologies on
mechanization of learning, impact on the source literature, etc.,
8. Illustrate the situations where theory helps the researcher.
9. Explain the contexts where experience helps the researcher.
Thus, the delimitations are observed in terms of variables, sample, tool, statistical i
technique etc. i
Question form
How can Computer Assisted Learning (CAI,) foster better student learning?
Relationship form
What psycho-social factors relate to cognitive development of researchers?
What is the comparative effect of inductive and deductive methods of teaching on the
achievement of 8Ihgrade researchers in mathematics?