BS 5255 (Thermoplastic Waste Pipe and Fittings)
BS 5255 (Thermoplastic Waste Pipe and Fittings)
BS 5255 (Thermoplastic Waste Pipe and Fittings)
Specification for
Thermoplastics waste
pipe and fittings
Licensed copy:Laing O Rourke Group Plc, 28/09/2004, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI
UDC 628.245:696.122:621.643.2–036.5:678.073–462
BS 5255:1989
The following bodies were also represented in the drafting of the standard,
through subcommittees and panels:
Committees responsible Inside front cover
Foreword ii
1 Scope 1
2 Definitions 1
3 Materials 1
4 Appearance 2
5 Dimensions 2
6 Physical properties 9
7 Performance 10
8 Marking 10
Appendix A Method of test for resistance to elevated temperature cycling 12
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© BSI 02-1999 i
BS 5255:1989
This British Standard has been prepared under the direction of the Plastics
Standards Policy Committee.
It is a revision of BS 5255:1976 which is now withdrawn.
Requirements are given for waste pipes and fittings manufactured from several
different thermoplastics materials and intended to convey normal domestic
This specification is applicable to pipes and fittings in nominal sizes
of 1¼/32, 1½/40 and 2/50. The corresponding requirements for diameters and wall
thicknesses have been set to ensure that the minimum bores are
correspondingly 1¼ in, 1½ in and 2 in (31.75 mm, 38.1 mm and 50.8 mm), for
alignment with BS 5572 and approved document H of the Building Regulations,
whilst being more practicable than bore measurements for monitoring and
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Consideration has been given to the work of Technical Committee 138 of the
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in preparing a variety of
specifications related to individual materials of construction, but retention of a
specification with rationalized performance requirements is preferred.
Attention is drawn to BS 4514, which specifies requirements for unplasticized
PVC soil pipes, fittings and accessories for use in above ground drainage systems
intended for normal domestic effluents. The waste pipes and fittings specified in
this standard have higher softening temperatures and thus allow the use of
thinner walled sections and/or conveyance of hotter discharges.
Attention is drawn to BS 5572 which gives guidance on storage, handling and
installation. In addition, if pipes or fittings complying with BS 5255 are to be used
externally, those made of ABS, polypropylene or polyethylene materials may
require protection by painting or some other means and the manufacturer’s
guidance should be followed accordingly.
Attention is drawn to BS 5254, in which polypropylene pipes are specified with
slightly smaller bores than in this standard.
The major changes between this revision and the previous edition are as follows.
a) The document has been restructured so that requirements for components
made of different materials are grouped in respect of the property or
performance specified.
b) The dimensions of PE pipes and fittings and of joint sockets for use
therewith have been changed.
c) Where possible reference has been made to the methods of test described in
BS 2782.
d) Components made of modified unplasticized PVC are more clearly
distinguished and are now also subject to specified minimum Vicat softening
e) The use of 90° knuckle bends has been incorporated.
f) Information is necessary on whether or how the pipe or fittings may be
suitable for exterior use.
g) References to other standards have been updated and the terminology and
symbols used have been aligned with those given in BS 1755-1 and
ISO 1043-1 as applicable.
ii © BSI 02-1999
BS 5255:1989
A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.
Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i to iv,
pages 1 to 14, an inside back cover and a back cover.
This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had
amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on
the inside front cover.
BS 5255:1989
1 Scope 2.3
propylene [propene] plastic (1.1.951))
This British Standard specifies requirements for
thermoplastics waste pipes and fittings intended to a plastic based on polymers of propylene [propene]
convey domestic effluent and made from the or copolymers of propylene [propene] with other
following plastics: monomers, the propylene [propene] being in the
greatest amount by mass
a) acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene [ABS];
NOTE For the purposes of this standard the symbol PP is used
b) modified unplasticized polyvinyl chloride to represent materials comprising or items made from propylene
[MUPVC] (see 2.1); plastics, i.e. including but not restricted to polypropylene
c) polypropylene [see 2.2 and 3.1 c)] or propylene
plastics [see 2.3 and 3.1 c)]; 3 Materials
d) polyethylene [PE].
3.1 Pipes and fittings
It is applicable to waste pipes and fittings with
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nominal sizes of 1¼/32, 1½/40 and 2/50 which may Except for seal-retaining components (see 3.2), the
be used internally or, if suitably compounded or material from which the pipe or fitting is produced
protected (see 3.1 and clause 8) externally. It shall comprise one of the following plastics
includes requirements for jointing materials and incorporating or blended with other ingredients as
seals for use with such waste pipes and fittings. necessary to enable manufacture of a pipe or fitting
Methods of test are given in a Appendix A complying with the other requirements of this
and Appendix B. Guidance on quality control standard as applicable:
testing in the manufacture of such pipes and fittings a) acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene [ABS]
is given in Appendix C. plastic (1.1.41)), to be specified in accordance with
NOTE 1 As this standard gives requirements for pipes and BS 4935 including the designation applicable to
fittings manufactured from materials which have different the method of processing to be used for the
coefficients of expansion and design features, it is essential that manufacture of the pipe or fitting and in respect
the manufacturer’s fixing instructions are followed.
of other ingredients and/or properties as
NOTE 2 The titles of the publications referred to in this
standard are listed on the inside back cover. appropriate (see note 1);
b) modified unplasticized polyvinyl chloride
2 Definitions [MUPVC] plastic (see 2.1), to be specified in
For the purposes of this British Standard, the respect of processing characteristics and other
definitions given in BS 1755-1, BS 4118, BS 4778-1; ingredients and/or properties as appropriate
BS 4778-2 and BS 5572 apply together with the (see note 2);
following. c) polypropylene plastic (see 2.2) or propylene
2.1 plastic (see 2.3), to be specified in accordance with
modified unplasticized polyvinyl chloride BS 5139 including the designation applicable to
[MUPVC] plastic the method of processing to be used for the
manufacture of the pipe or fitting and in respect
a vinyl chloride plastic (1.1.1071)) modified by of other ingredients and/or properties as
inclusion of one or more other polymers and made appropriate (see note 1);
without addition of a plasticizer, the vinyl chloride
d) polyethylene [PE] plastic (1.1.651)), to be
being in the greatest amount by mass
specified in accordance with BS 3412 including
NOTE The symbol “MUPVC” has been retained for consistency
with terminology and marking requirements and equipment
the designation applicable to the method of
established by the previous edition of BS 5255 and used in processing to be used for the manufacture of the
BS 5572. It is not in conflict with BS 1755 and it is not to be taken pipe or fitting and in respect of other ingredients
to imply that “M” signifies “modified” in any other symbol for and/or properties as appropriate (see note 1).
polymers or their characteristics, or that the sequence of letters
“UPVC” should be used to represent “unplasticized polyvinyl The manufacturer of the pipe or fitting shall
chloride” in any other context. establish whether and how the material should be
2.2 modified and/or the pipe or fitting otherwise
polypropylene [polypropene] [PP] plastic protected for external use (see clause 8).
a propylene [propene] plastic based on polymers
made with propylene [propene] as essentially the
sole monomer
Term defined in BS 1755-1:1982.
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BS 5255:1989
Term defined in BS 1755-1:1982.
2 © BSI 02-1999
BS 5255:1989
mm mm mm mm
1¼/32 36.30 ± 0.15 2.2 1.8 2.7
1½/40 42.90 ± 0.15 2.3 1.9 2.7
2/50 55.90 ± 0.15 2.4 2.0 2.7
a See 6.1.
Table 2 — Dimensions of pipes and fittings of PE and of ring seal sockets for use with
PE pipe (see Figure 2a)
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Nominal size Mean outside Maximum wall Minimum wall Minimum dimensions of
diameter of PE pipe thickness of PE pipe thickness of PE ring seal sockets
pipes and fittings
(see 5.4.1) b c
mm mm mm mm mm
1¼/32 38.25 ± 0.15 3.17 2.9 25 3.0
1½/40 44.60 ± 0.15 3.17 2.9 25 3.0
2/50 57.30 ± 0.15 3.17 2.9 30 3.0
5.4 Fittings Except for access caps (see 5.4.2) and certain
5.4.1 General. The dimensions of fittings shall adaptors (see 5.4.3), the minimum cross section area
comply with the limits given in Table 1, Table 2 and of the bore of any fitting shall comply with the
Table 3 (see note), as applicable, except that for applicable limit as follows:
those fittings or parts of fittings not intended a) for 1¼/32 nominal size fittings, 791 mm2;
according to the manufacturer’s design to come into b) for 1½/40 nominal size fittings, 1 140 mm2;
contact with the fluid being conveyed, the wall c) for 2/50 nominal size fittings, 2 026 mm2.
thickness requirements given in Table 1 and
Table 2 shall not apply. Typical fittings with nominal size descriptions and,
as applicable, fitting angles (u) are shown in
Figure 3 to Figure 10 inclusive.
© BSI 02-1999 3
BS 5255:1989
If a fitting for use with PE pipe in accordance with 5.4.5 Threaded adaptors to metal components. If a
Table 2 is manufactured from one of the materials connection is to be made to a metal threaded
listed in Table 1, it shall comply with the wall component, the thread form shall comply with BS 21
thickness requirements of Table 1. or BS 2779, as applicable, and shall have a length of
NOTE Expansion fittings of the type shown in Figure 9 and engagement of not less than four full threads.
having dimensions corresponding to the minimum values given All threads shall have a minimum internal radius
in Table 3 are intended to operate with a maximum laying length
of 2.5 m. of 0.25 mm.
5.4.2 Access caps. For nominal If it is necessary to have a recess in the mating end
sizes 1¼/32 and 1½/40, the minimum bore shall be of a threaded adaptor to accommodate the fitting to
not less than 20 mm and for nominal size 2/50, the which it is being connected, the recess shall not
minimum bore shall be not less than 38 mm. extend under the threaded portion by more
5.4.3 Adaptors for connections to waste outlets than 7 mm [see Figure 8(b)] and the minimum wall
complying with BS 3380. The minimum cross thickness given in Table 1 and Table 2 shall not
Licensed copy:Laing O Rourke Group Plc, 28/09/2004, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI
section area of the bore of the adaptor shall comply apply at the recess.
with the applicable limit as follows: Table 3 — Dimensions of joint sockets for use
a) for 1¼/32 nominal size adaptor, 640 mm2; with pipes complying with the dimensions
given in Table 1 (see Figure 2 and Figure 9)
b) for 1½/40 nominal size adaptor, 958 mm2;
Nominal size Minimum dimensions
c) for 2/50 nominal size adaptor, 1 780 mm2.
Solvent weld Ring seal sockets and
5.4.4 Swept fittings. Except for a 90° knuckle bend, sockets multi-vane sockets
all bends and branches with fitting angles of 67½° or
greater shall be swept and shall have a swept radius a b c
of not less than 25 mm (see Figure 3 and Figure 4). mm mm mm
1¼/32 18.16 25 3.8
1½/40 21.46 25 3.8
2/50 27.24 25 3.8
NOTE See Figure 2.
4 © BSI 02-1999
BS 5255:1989
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BS 5255:1989
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6 © BSI 02-1999
BS 5255:1989
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NOTE The sealing ring type indicated is diagrammatic. Other ring designs are permitted.
Figure 4 — Unequal branches
NOTE The sealing ring type indicated is diagrammatic. Other ring designs are permitted.
Figure 5 — Reducers
© BSI 02-1999 7
BS 5255:1989
NOTE The sealing ring type indicated is diagrammatic. Other ring designs are permitted.
Figure 8 — Adaptors
8 © BSI 02-1999
BS 5255:1989
6 Physical properties
6.1 Vicat softening temperature (VST)
When tested in accordance with
BS 2782-1:Method 120B using test pieces stamped
from the pipe or fitting, as applicable, the VST of
fittings of MUPVC having a minimum wall
thickness of 2.7 mm (see Table 1) shall be not less
than 80 °C, otherwise for pipes and fittings of
MUPVC, the VST shall be not less than 90 °C.
6.2 Impact resistance of pipes
When tested in accordance with
BS 2782:Method 1108A, such that no test piece is
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°C %
ABS 120 2.5
MUPVC 120 2.5
PP 120 1.0
PE 110 3.0
See 2.3 and 3.1.
© BSI 02-1999 9
BS 5255:1989
c) for fittings with an interior ring gate, the depth 7.3 Resistance to elevated temperature cycling
of crack penetration in the area of the ring gate When tested in accordance with Appendix A,
shall be not greater than 50 % of the wall assembled pipe(s) and/or fitting(s) shall comply with
thickness at the point of measurement; the following:
d) for fittings with an end ring gate, the depth of a) no leaks shall occur during thermal cycling;
crack penetration shall be not greater than 25 %
of the socket depth. b) after completion of the thermal cycling
schedule, the maximum deflection at any place in
NOTE Weld lines may become more pronounced and exhibit
localized sinking, but this does not constitute failure if it is not the system between the two adjacent supports
accompanied by splitting. shall be not greater than 1/10 of the nominal bore
6.5 Resistance to stress cracking of individual of the pipe incorporated in the test assembly;
PE pipes and fittings c) no leak shall occur under a static head of 1 m of
When tested in accordance with water for 10 min;
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BS 2782:Method 1109A, using a reagent bath d) after completion of the wet testing, the system,
temperature of 80 ± 2 °C and a test piece comprising excluding the trap, shall allow a ball to pass
either a complete section of pipe having a minimum through which has a diameter 6 mm less than the
length of 150 mm between ends cut clean and nominal bore of the pipe incorporated in the test
square to the longitudinal axis or a complete fitting, assembly.
as applicable, the pipe or fitting shall not exhibit 7.4 Stress relief behaviour of assembled
any cracking or delamination visible without fittings
This requirement shall only be applicable to
injection moulded PE fittings which, when
7 Performance
assembled with any fastening nuts or other
7.1 General attachments in position as they would be under
The pipes and/or fittings shall comply with 7.2 to 7.4 service conditions for which they were designed and
as applicable, for each compound used and tested in accordance with Appendix C, shall not
whenever any change is made in the compound crack or show any surface degradation.
composition or design.
8 Marking
The relevant tests shall be applied to items from a
production run from which the product has complied 8.1 Each pipe, at intervals not exceeding 1 m, and
with all the preceding requirements of this each fitting shall be clearly and indelibly marked
standard. with the following:
7.2 Leaktightness of pipework assemblies a) the manufacturer’s identification;
When tested in accordance with b) the number and date of this British Standard,
BS 2782:Method 1112A, and using a test pressure e.g. BS 5255:19894);
of 0.5 bar3), any jointed assembly of fittings with c) the applicable symbol as follows:
pipes in accordance with Table 1 or Table 2, as 1) ABS for acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene
applicable, shall show no visible leakage. plastics;
2) MUPVC for modified unplasticized
polyvinyl chloride plastics;
3) PP for polypropylene and propylene plastics;
4) PE for polyethylene plastics;
1 bar = 105 N/m2 = 0.1 MPa.
4) Marking BS 5255:1989 on or in relation to a product represents a manufacturer’s declaration of conformity, i.e. a claim by or on
behalf of the manufacturer that the product meets the requirements of the standard. The accuracy of the claim is therefore solely
the responsibility of the person making the claim. Such a declaration is not to be confused with third party certification of
conformity, which may also be desirable.
10 © BSI 02-1999
BS 5255:1989
© BSI 02-1999 11
BS 5255:1989
Appendix A Method of test for NOTE 1 For example, by plugging the foot of the discharge
system (including the trap if necessary) or connecting it to a
resistance to elevated temperature standpipe and filling the system with cold water.
cycling d) a rigid ball having a specified diameter
A.1 Installation [see 7.3 d)].
Figure 11 shows a typical form of installation and The waste trap shall comply with BS 3943.
test assembly required. The installation and test The discharge pipe shall comply with BS 4514.
assembly shall include: The test assembly shall involve two fixed points
a) an assembly of test piece pipes and/or fittings, anchored at least 2.5 m apart.
as applicable, mounted between a waste trap on a NOTE These may comprise the waste trap and discharge pipe
waste outlet and a vertical bossed discharge pipe joints or other anchorages.
having centre lines at least 2.5 m apart and with A.2 Test piece assembly
a fall of between 1° and 5° along the test The test pieces shall be incorporated into the test
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Figure 11 — Typical installation and test assembly for elevated temperature cycling test
12 © BSI 02-1999
BS 5255:1989
d) rest and drain the installation for 60 s to 70 s;
a) 0.2 % (m/m) of either a sodium alkyl aryl
e) return to a). sulphonate (e.g. dodecyl benzene sulphonic acid,
A.3.2 Assessment of deflection sodium salt) or, and in case of dispute, an alkyl
After completion of the temperature cycling aryl polyethylene glycol5);
schedule, locate and measure the maximum b) 0.5 % (m/m) of margarine.
deflection at any place in the system between two B.3 Test piece assembly
adjacent supports.
Assemble the fitting to any compatible pipes or
A.3.3 Application of a static hydraulic head fittings using fastening nuts or other attachments
Subject the test assembly to a static head of 1 m of in position as they would be under the service
water for 10 min and inspect the test assembly for conditions for which they were designed.
leaks. B.4 Procedure
A.3.4 Assessment of deformation Submerge the assembled fitting in the boiling
Disengage the test assembly from the waste trap reagent (B.1.1), using sinkers if necessary.
and determine whether the ball [see A.1 d) After 30 min, remove the assembly, allow it to cool
and 7.3 d)] will pass through the assembly. without additional constraint, and examine the
A.4 Test report fitting for cracks or surface degradation visible
without magnification.
The test report shall include the following:
B.5 Test report
a) identification of the components under test;
The test report shall include the following:
b) a reference to this method of test,
i.e. Appendix A of BS 5255:1989; a) the identification of the fitting;
c) a report of any leakage observed during b) a reference to this method of test,
temperature cycling or while subjected to a static i.e. Appendix B of BS 5255:1989;
hydraulic head; c) an account of any cracking and/or surface
d) the nominal bore of the pipe components in the deterioration observed or a report that the fitting
test assembly; remained undamaged;
e) the maximum deflection of the test assembly d) the date of the test.
between adjacent supports;
f) a report of whether or not the test ball passed
through the test assembly following the wet
g) the date of the test.
For information on the availability of these reagents, apply to Enquiry Section, BSI, Linford Wood, Milton Keynes MK14 6LE,
enclosing a stamped addressed envelope for reply.
© BSI 02-1999 13
BS 5255:1989
Appendix C Guidance on quality Inspection tests are carried out during and/or
control testing following manufacture to monitor the quality of a
product item as applicable. Certain test methods
The following guidance on the nature of the and associated requirements have been included
requirements and test methods specified in this because of the practicality and speed with which
British Standard is provided to assist in the they may be performed in conjunction with a
preparation of quality plans for the manufacture of production process in comparison with some of the
individual types of waste pipes and fittings type tests.
complying with this standard.
Some of the requirements in this standard are
The applicability of specific requirements and relevant to both type test and inspection purposes,
associated methods of test to different types of pipee.g. those for dimensions. Attention is drawn to
or fitting is summarized in Table 5, in which each guidance given in 4.14 of BS 5750-5:1981
requirement is classified as being particularly concerning possible use of alternative inspection
suitable for type test and/or inspection test procedures and equipment for quality control
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All Materials 3 X
All Appearance 4 X
All Dimensions 5 See 5.1 and
BS 2782:
Method 1101A X X
MUPVC components Vicat softening temperature 6.1 BS 2782:
Method 120A X
All pipes Impact resistance 6.2 BS 2782:
Method 1108A X
All pipes Longitudinal reversion 6.3 BS 2782:
Method 1102A
BS 2782:
Method 1102B X
Moulded fittings Stress relief 6.4 BS 2782:
Method 1103A X
PE components Resistance to stress cracking 6.5 BS 2782:
Method 1109A X
Joint assemblies Leaktightness 7.2 BS 2782:
Method 1112A X
All Resistance to elevated 7.3 Appendix B X
temperature cycling
PE moulded fittings Stress relief behaviour of 7.4 Appendix C X
assembled fittings
14 © BSI 02-1999
BS 5255:1989
Publications referred to
BS 21, Specification for pipe threads for tubes and fittings where pressure-tight joints are made on the
threads (metric dimensions).
BS 1755, Glossary of terms used in the plastics industry.
BS 1755-1, Polymer and plastics technology.
BS 2494, Specification for elastomeric joint rings for pipework and pipelines.
BS 2779, Specification for pipe threads for tubes and fittings where pressure-tight joints are not made on the
threads (metric dimensions).
BS 2782, Methods of testing plastics.
BS 2782:Method 120A to BS 2782:120E, Determination of the Vicat softening temperature of thermoplastics.
BS 2782:Method 1101A, Measurement of dimensions of pipes.
BS 2782:Method 1102A, Longitudinal reversion of pipes: immersion bath method.
BS 2782:Method 1102B, Longitudinal reversion of pipes: oven method.
Licensed copy:Laing O Rourke Group Plc, 28/09/2004, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI
BS 2782:Method 1103A, Stress relief test for injection moulded fittings: oven method.
BS 2782:Method 1108A, True impact rate (TIR) boundaries of pipes.
BS 2782:Method 1109A , Resistance to environmental stress cracking of polyethylene pipes and fittings for
non-pressure applications.
BS 2782:Method 1112A, Leaktightness of thermoplastics pipes and fittings for non-pressure applications.
BS 3380, Specification for wastes (excluding skeleton sink wastes) and bath overflows.
BS 3412, Specification. Polyethylene materials for moulding and extrusion.
BS 3943, Specification for plastics waste traps.
BS 4118, Glossary of sanitation terms.
BS 4514, Specification for unplasticized PVC soil and ventilating pipes, fittings and accessories.
BS 4778, Quality vocabulary.
BS 4778-1, International terms.
BS 4778-2, National terms.
BS 4935, Specification for acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) moulding and extrusion materials.
BS 5139, Classification for polypropylene plastics materials for moulding and extrusion.
BS 5254, Specification for polypropylene waste pipe and fittings (external diameter 34.6 mm, 41.0 mm
and 54.1 mm)6).
BS 5572, Code of practice for sanitary pipework.
BS 5750, Quality systems.
BS 5750-5, Guide to the use of BS 5750-2 “Specification for manufacture and installation”.
BS 6209, Specification for solvent cement for non-pressure thermoplastics pipe systems.
ISO 1043/1, Plastics — Symbols and codes.
ISO 1043/1-1, Symbols for basic polymers and their modifications and for plasticizers.
© BSI 02-1999
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