Acknowledgement: "In The Name of ALLAH The Most Beneficent and Merciful"
Acknowledgement: "In The Name of ALLAH The Most Beneficent and Merciful"
Acknowledgement: "In The Name of ALLAH The Most Beneficent and Merciful"
Management Functions
Managerial Roles
Managerial skills
Controlling: -
Controlling means monitoring activities to
ensure that they are going as planned.
“Monitoring organizational progress towards goal
In Unilever all employees are expected to avoid personnel
activities and financial interests which could conflict with
their responsibilities to the company. According to Mr.
Naseem Ahmed he tries to make sure that his department
is working according to the instructions assigned to them
and they are not involved in any time wasting activities.
He evaluates the results after every certain time to make
sure the goals assigned to him and his department is being
achieved as expected. If there is any ambiguity in work
then he informs the employee responsible and guides him
in the matter and takes action according to the
Managerial Roles: -
“Set of behavior which a person (manager) has to
perform while acquiring some specific position”
There are three different types of management roles
which a manager has to perform and they are: -
1. Interpersonal role
2. Informational role
3. Decisional role
Interpersonal Role: -
“Involve people and duties that are that are
ceremonial and symbolic in nature.”
These roles include roles of manger as a figurehead,
leader and liaison.
Informational Role: -
“Receiving, collecting and disseminating information”
These roles include roles of manger as a monitor,
disseminator and spokes person.
Mr. Naseem Ahmed has told us that for maintaining the
performance of his department effectively and efficiently
he gets new up-to-date (day-to-day) information. Since he
is a sales manager he has to stay up to date with present
world. He also has to give sales reports of his competitors
to his seniors and disseminate information to his seniors
related to the sales of products under his management.
Decisional Role: -
“Revolve around making choices and choosing
These roles include roles of manger as an entrepreneur,
disturbance handler, resource allocator and negotiator.
Mr. Naseem Ahmed has to make many decisions related
to his work just like any other manager in managerial
world. He has to make decisions related to sales strategy
and deciding how to improve company’s sale and profit
and how to motivate those workers who are not properly
working and other decisions related to sales.
Managerial Skills: -
In addition to fulfilling numerous roles, managers also
need a number of specific skills if they are to succeed.
The most fundamental management skills are:-
1. Conceptual skills
2. Inter-personal skills
3. Technical Skills
Conceptual skills:-
“Ability to work well individually or in groups”
“The manager’s ability to think in the abstract”
Inter-personal/Human skills:-
“Pertaining to people/interaction with different
As a sales manager Mr. Naseem Ahmed has to
communicate with different people for building trust of
sub-ordinates and for handling disputes among the
Managers spend considerable time interacting with people
both inside and outside the organization for obvious
In short: -
“A manager who has good interpersonal skills is likely
to be more successful”
Technical skills:-
“Knowledge about a specific field”
The skills necessary to accomplish or understand the
specific kind of work being done in an organization.