Honeywell Ultraflow S (Heating) - K1 - 09.2008
Honeywell Ultraflow S (Heating) - K1 - 09.2008
Honeywell Ultraflow S (Heating) - K1 - 09.2008
• Heating flow sensor
• Ultrasonic flow sensor
• Compact design
• Static meter with no moving parts
• Large dynamic range
• No wear
• Exceptionally accurate
• Longevity
ULTRAFLOW® type 65-S/R is a static flow sensor The ultrasonic signal travelling with the flow direction
based on the ultrasonic measuring principle. The prime reaches the opposite transducer first. The time
area of application is as a volume flow sensor for use difference between the two signals can be converted to
with thermal heat meters such as MULTICAL® and a flow velocity and thus a volume.
A multiplug, placed beneath the seal, is used during
ULTRAFLOW® has been designed for use in heating communication and calibration.
installations where water is used as the heat-bearing
medium. A three-wire pulse cable is used to connect
ULTRAFLOW® to the calculator. This cable is used to
ULTRAFLOW® employs micro-processor technology supply the flow sensor from the calculator and also to
and ultrasonic measuring techniques. All circuits for send the signal to the calculator. The signal
calculating and measuring are collected on a single corresponds to the flow, or more correctly, a number of
board, providing compact and rational design in pulses proportional to the water volume flowing through
addition to an exceptionally high level of measuring the meter is transmitted.
accuracy and reliability.
If required a PULSE TRANSMITTER can be used to
The flow is measured using bidirectional ultrasonic supply ULTRAFLOW®, e.g. if the distance between
technique based on the transit time method, with MULTICAL® and ULTRAFLOW® is 10 m or more.
proven long-term stability and accuracy. Two ultrasonic The PULSE TRANSMITTER has a built-in supply and a
transducers are used to send the sound signal both galvanically separated pulse outlet.
against and with the flow direction.
“MULTICAL®, ULTRAFLOW® is a trademark owned by its proprietor and used by Honeywell under license"
SN01-00-2008-09-K1 1
Type approval EMC-directive 89/336/EEC
ULTRAFLOW Types 65-S and 65-R are approved by DANAK
® LV-directive 73/23/EEC (together with the
in accordance with EN1434 and OIML R75. PULSE TRANSMITTER)
PE-directive 97/23/EC
TS 27.01
113 TS 27.01
(DN50...DN100 category I,
DN150...DN250 category II)
OIML R75 DS/EN 1434 MID designation (qp 0.6...400 m 3/h)
Mechanical environment Class M1
Please contact Kamstrup A/S for further information
Electromagnetic Class E1
relating to type approval and verification.
CE-marking Ambient temperature 5....55°C, non condensing
closed location
ULTRAFLOW® Types 65-S and 65-R are marked in (indoor installation)
accordance with:
MID-directive 2004/22/EC
Technical data
Mechanical data Electrical data
Metrological class 2 and 3 Supply voltage 3.6 V ±10%
Environmental class Complies with DS/EN Battery
1434:1997/A1:2002 class C (PULSE TRANSMITTER) 3.65 VDC, D-Cell lithium
Ambient temperature 0...55°C Replacement interval 6 years @ tBAT <35°C
Protection class Power supply 230 VAC +15/-30%, 48...52 Hz
– flow sensor IP56 (PULSE TRANSMITTER) 24 VAC ±30%
– PULSE TRANSMITTER IP54 Back-up supply Integral super-cap eliminates
Temperature* of medium 15...130°C operational disturbances due to
Storage temperature short-term power-cuts.
– meter without battery -25...70°C Cable length, flow sensor Max. 10 m
– meter with battery -25...60°C
Cable length Depends on calculator
Pressure stage PN16, PN25 flange (PULSE TRANSMITTER)
Time constant 6 s, fast response meter EMC data Complies with DS/EN
* If the temperature of the medium exceeds 90°C a flange meter 1434:1997/A1:2002 class C
should be used. Additionally, MULTICAL® calculator or the PULSE
TRANSMITTER should be wall-mounted.
Nom. flow qp Nom. Meter factor 1) Dynamic range Flow @125 Hz 2) ∆p Min. cut off
[m3/h] diameter [imp./l] qi:qp qs :qp [m3/h] [bar] [l/h]
0.6 DN15 & DN20 300 1:100 2:1 1.5 0.04 2
1.5 DN15 & DN20 100 1:100 2:1 4.5 0.23 3
3 DN20 50 1:100 2:1 9 0.05 6
3.5 DN25 50 1:100 2:1 9 0.07 7
6 DN25 25 1:100 2:1 18 0.19 12
10 DN40 15; 25 1:100 2:1; 1.8:1 30; 18 0.06 20
15 DN50 10 1:100 2:1 45 0.14 30
25 DN65 6; 10 1:100 2:1; 1.8:1 75; 45 0.06 50
40 DN80 5 1:100 2:1 90 0.15 80
60 DN100 2.5 1:100 3) 2:1 180 0.01 120
100 DN100 1.5 1:100 3) 2:1 300 0.03 200
150 DN150 1 1:100 3) 2:1 450 0.02 300
250 DN150 0.6 1:100 3) 2:1 750 0.055 500
400 DN150 0.4 1:100 3) 2:1 1125 0.038 800
400 DN200 0.4 1:100 3) 2:1 1125 0.01 800
400 DN250 0.4 1:100 3) 2:1 1125 0.01 800
600 DN200 0.25 1:100 2:1 1800 0.022 1200
600 DN250 0.25 1:100 2:1 1800 0.022 1200
1000 DN250 0.25 1:100 1.8:1 1800 0.015 2000
The meter factor can be seen on the label on the side of the meter.
Saturation flow. Max. pulse frequency 128 Hz is maintained at higher flow rates.
MID marking: Class 3 and qi:qp = 1:25
Wetted parts Electronic housing
ULTRAFLOW , qp 0.6 and 1.5 m /h
® 3
Base PBT 30% GF
Housing Enkotal (alpha brass) Lid PC 10% GF
Transducers AISI 316 ( 1.4401)
Connection cable q p 0.6 to 100 m 3/h
Gaskets EPDM
Silicone cable (3 x 0.5)
Reflectors PES 30% GF and AISI 304
( 1.4301)
Measuring pipe PES 30% GF
Type summary
Nom. flow qp Size
0.6 G¾ x 110 mm G1 x 130 mm
15 DN50 x 270 mm
25 DN65 x 300 mm
40 DN80 x 300 mm
60 DN100 x 360 mm
Dimension sketches
ULTRAFLOW ® type 65-S/R, DN65 and DN80
Dimension sketches
ULTRAFLOW® type 65-S/R, DN150, DN200 and DN250
Pressure loss
qp k v4) Q@0,25 bar
Graph Nom. diameter
[m3/h] [m3/h]
A 0.6 & 1.5 DN15 & DN20 3 1.5
B 3 & 3.5 & 6 DN20 & DN25 13.5 6.8
C 10 & 15 DN40 & DN50 43 21.5
D 25 & 40 DN65 & DN80 103 52
E 60 & 100 DN100 600 300
F 150 & 250 DN150 1060 530
G 400 DN150 2050 1025
H 400 & 600 DN200 & DN250 4040 2020
J 1000 DN250 8160 4080
q=kv x √∆p
Pressure loss graphs
0,1 1 10 100 1000 10000
Flow [m³/h]
Installation angle for ULTRAFLOW ® ≤DN100 Installation angle for ULTRAFLOW ® ≥DN150
ULTRAFLOW® may be installed horizontally, vertically or ULTRAFLOW® may be installed horizontally, vertically or at
at an angle. an angle.
With ULTRAFLOW® ≤DN100 (100 m3/h), the electronics/ With ULTRAFLOW® ≥DN150 (150 m³/h), the electronics
plastic case must be placed to the side (with horizontal must be placed upwards (with horizontal installation).
installation). ULTRAFLOW® may be turned up to ±45° in relation to the
ULTRAFLOW® may be turned up to ±45° in relation to the pipe axis.
pipe axis.
Working Pressure
Straight inlet (UF 65-S)
In order to prevent cavitation the working pressure at
ULTRAFLOW® requires neither straight inlet nor outlet ULTRAFLOW® must be min. 1.5 bar at qp and min. 2.5 bar
to meet the Measuring Instruments Directive (MID) at qs (4.5 bar for DN80). This applies to temperatures up
2004/22/EC, OIML R75:2002 and EN 1434:2007. Only to approx. 80°C.
in case of heavy flow disturbances before the meter will ULTRAFLOW® must not be exposed to lower pressure than
a straight inlet section be necessary. We recommend to the ambient pressure (vacuum).
follow the guidelines in CEN CR 13582.
Examples of installation
Gland meter with MULTICAL®/PULSE TRANSMITTER fitted directly on ULTRAFLOW®.
Glands and short direct sensor fitted in ULTRAFLOW® (G¾ (R½) and G1 (R¾) only).
Torque approx. 4 Nm
NB: For meters ≥DN100 MULTICAL® or the PULSE TRANSMITTER cannot be fitted directly on the flow part.
Electrical connection
Blue (GND)/11A -> 11 Blue (GND)/11A -> 11 11A -> 11
Red (supply)/9A -> 9 Red (supply)/9A -> 9 9A -> 9
Yellow (signal)/10A -> 10 Yellow (signal)/10A -> 10 10A -> 10
3.65 VDC supply 5) -> PULSE TRANSMITTER In Out
Red (+) -> 60 Blue (GND)/11A -> 11 11A -> 11
ø4...6 mm
M16, ø4...9 mm
Order specification
The list below shows type numbers for ULTRAFLOW® type 65-S.
ULTRAFLOW® type 65-S ≤DN100 are as standard supplied PULSE TRANSMITTER – type No. 66-99-603
with 2.5 m cable, but can also be supplied with 5 or 10 The PULSE TRANSMITTER is supplied with built-in supply
m cable. for ULTRAFLOW®. Battery, 24 VAC and 230 VAC
When ordering ULTRAFLOW® with 5 and 10 m cable, supply are available. Please state the required supply
please state type No. 65-R-????-XXX 6) and the required type when ordering.
cable length.
ULTRAFLOW® ≥DN150 is supplied without cable. A 5 m or
10 m cable can be ordered and delivered, separately.
Glands including gaskets (PN16) Gaskets for flange meters
Size Type No. 2 pcs. Size Type No.
DN15, (R½ x G¾) 65-61-321 DN20 2210-147
DN20, (R¾ x G1) 65-61-322 DN25 2210-133
DN25, (R1 x G5/4) 65-61-313 DN40 2210-132
DN40, (R1½ x G2) 65-61-315 DN50 2210-099
DN65 2210-141
Gaskets for glands DN80 2210-140
Size Type No. DN100 1150-142
G¾ 2210-061 DN150 1150-140
G1 2210-062 DN200 1150-139
G5/4 2210-063 DN250 1150-141
G2 2210-065
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