As A Grade 11 Studdent, in What Way Can I Show A Sense of Adaptability To The Diverse Philippine Literary History?
As A Grade 11 Studdent, in What Way Can I Show A Sense of Adaptability To The Diverse Philippine Literary History?
As A Grade 11 Studdent, in What Way Can I Show A Sense of Adaptability To The Diverse Philippine Literary History?
We live in a country wherein literature is valued and appreciated. The richness and
diversity of literature suh as folk speeches, folk songs, folk narratives, and other form of
writings and indigenous rituals and mimetic dances have been evolved side by side with
the country’s history.
Before Spanish and Americans colonization, Filipino inhabitants have their own
literature. Provinces and ethnic groups have their own form of literature in different
languages or dialect. Each of them have their own famous folk speeches, folk narratives,
proverbs, folk songs, epics and many more. These are the reason why we are rich not
only in natural resources but in culture, tradition and literature as well.
Literature in Spanish period is more on religious prose and poetry such as “pasyon,
novena and other form of religious poetry. It was their big contribution to Philippine
literature. On the otherhand, Americans introduced the free verse, the modern short
story and the critical essay. American influenced that English was used as the medium
instruction in all schools, literary modernism writer’s individuality and social