Notice: National Institute of Technology, Andhra Pradesh
Notice: National Institute of Technology, Andhra Pradesh
Notice: National Institute of Technology, Andhra Pradesh
Date: 03/12/2020
This is to inform all the II, III, and IV B.Tech. students of AY 2020-21 I semester that
the end semester examinations (online) will commence from 07-12-2020. The end
examinations are held in descriptive mode with cloud-based proctoring. The duration
of the examination will be for 3 hours.
13. No student will be provided any extra time beyond the time set for the exam. (3
hours which includes the time for scanning)
14. The class coordinator’s decision is final in the context of any specific problems
brought before by the students in attending the exam.
15. If the video stream of the student is not captured for the duration of the exam,
his exam shall be cancelled.
Associate Dean
(A&E -UG),
NIT Andhra Pradesh