Modalities For Online Examinations - Ete

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As per the Assam Science & Technology University guidelines, the following modalities will be
followed for the upcoming online End Semester Examinations (ESE):

1. The online examination will be held using the Google Classroom environment.

2. There will be separate Google Classrooms for each subject.

3. As Google Classroom can be accessed by using a Gmail account only, so all the students must have their
personal valid Gmail IDs.

4. Students have to join the respective Google Classrooms before the commencement of the examinations
(at least 10 minutes before) using their own Gmail ID with their Name and ASTU Roll Number being

5. Students will then download the Question Paper, which will appear exactly on time.

6. Students should clearly write their ASTU Roll Number, Subject Name, Subject Code, Branch,
Semester, Date of Examination and the total number of pages included in the answer script on the
first page (which should not contain any answers). Student need to use A4 size papers for writing the
examination. The format for the “First page” is attached herewith.

7. Answer must be written in student’s own handwriting and each page of answer script must contain
the date of examination, Roll Number, page number and their signature, without these data the
particular page(s) will not be considered for evaluation.

8. Students need to sign a “Self-declaration form” which is to be attached at the end of the answer script.
The format of the “Self-declaration form” is attached herewith.

9. It is advised that all the students should keep the “Self declaration form” and “First page” ready
beforehand and only write the total no. of pages used, on completion of the exam. (The page number
should be excluding “First page” and “Self-declaration” pages)

10. Both “Self declaration form” and “First page” should be hand written on A4 size paper.

11. At the end of the stipulated time frame, students will scan all the pages including the cover page
and self declaration form (must be distinct and readable) and convert them into a single pdf file using
any online resource (File Name should be ASTU Roll Number of the Student). That pdf file needs to be
uploaded on the Google Classroom by the student within half an hour (30 minutes) of completion of
stipulated time frame.

12. Students need to ensure availability of proper device (including camera) with good internet
connectivity during the examination. Internet connectivity is solely the responsibility of students.

13. Monitoring of students during the period of the examination will be done through Google Meet by
the faculty members of the department as well as the University IT Team. Camera should be ON
throughout the examination. In case of any kind of malpractice noticed and reported by the concerned
invigilator, the same will be treated as per the University regulation.

14. Students should use a laptop or a desktop for simultaneous use of Google meet and Google

15. No other person should be present in the room during the examination.

16. The examination room should be well lit.

17. Students should ensure that they do not possess any documents /books /journals /material /
unspecified electronic and other gadgets.

18. Any mode of recording by the students (video and audio) will not only debar him/her from the
examination but will also warrant a strict disciplinary action from the college. Students are advised to
strictly refrain from recording/posting any part of the online examination on the internet or on any
other forum. Please also note that some/whole part of the online examination may be recorded by the
department for internal purposes and stored for future requirements.

19. If despite all the precautions, a student gets disconnected during the examination and is unable to
upload his/her answer sheet then instead of panicking, students are suggested to contact the faculty/
coordinator of the department immediately.

20. A water bottle must be kept ready in case it is needed during the examination.

21. Bio-breaks are not recommended during the examination.

22. Students need to preserve the original answer scripts which are to be submitted to the concerned
institution after the examination is over.

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