Observation For Khadeeja l3

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Appendix 2: MCT/MST Observation Feedback Form (template)

Course Code: EPC 4406 – Practicum 4a

Trainee Name: Khadeeja Ahmed AlHosani School: No TP School

8 Attendees

MCT/MST Name: Student teacher: Ahlam Date: 18 November, 2020

Mohammed Al Hammadi
The MCT and MST will use this form to formally observe the trainee’s performance and to give feedback
based on the selected teaching competencies.
NOTE: Refer to the course-specific, teaching competencies-based rubric included in section D of the TP Booklet

Commitment to the Profession F D C B A


The teacher submitted her lesson plan on time.

The teacher welcomes the students by greeting each other.

No issue on punctuality in TP attendance was observed.

Khadeeja check attendance of the classroom.

Planning for Learning F D C B A


The teacher starts to ask the students (What do you about living and non-living things)

The students guess the answer wrong, but the teacher keep encourage the student to be good for the
next time.

Teacher use clip video to interduce the lesson for the students. I think this is the good way because
the children have a strong memory to remember things and pictures also the song.

Managing Learning F D C B A

Khadeeja has a good sense of time management.

Teacher keep asking the pupils after each slide of the ppt if they are understood or no, if so, she can
re-explain the part for them.

Teacher keep waking up the students, this is a good way to get their attention and to not ignore her.

Implementing Learning F D C B A
The teacher use Padlet and she give the students five minutes to do the activity, she keeps observing
student’s work to see who is work and who is not.

Creative materials were utilized

Teacher reminds the pupils of (what are the living things) she keeps using examples like: they grow
like plants, we can give water, food and they can breathe.

Teacher divided the students into groups.

Teacher reminds the pupils of the time of the activity (you have 2 minutes left).

Assessment F D C B A

At the end of the Padlet activity the teacher asks the groups to answer their work. Group 1 were
doing very well because they give many examples of their work.

Enough activities were implemented of the objective.

Reflection on Practice F D C B A

Overall, the teaching was undertaken well. No minute was wasted in the teaching. Khadeeja are able
to teach in the future and she can control the class and the students, I think she have enough
knowledge to teach online lesson as a first time for her. She can handle the class remotely and check
all the students work after each activity.

Action Plan:

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