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United States Patent (19) (11) Patent Number: 5,591,802
David et al. 45) Date of Patent: Jan. 7, 1997


MELT BLENDING CARPET 2425751 12/1975 Germany.
3816894 1/1989 Germany.
76 Inventors: Donald J. David, 11 Indian Pipe La., 54-117579 9/1979 Japan.
Amherst, Mass. 10025; erauld L. 58-119821 7/1983 Japan.
Dickerson, 10165 Noreiga La., 60-185823 9/1985 Japan.
Pensacola, Fla. 32514; Thomas F. 60-206868 10/1985 Japan.
Sincock, 29 Simsburg Manor Dr., 60-219016 11/1985 Japan.
Weatague, Conn. 06089 5032888 7/1986 Japan.
63-57355 3/1988 Japan.
61-169221 2/1993 Japan.
21 Appl. No.: 512,133 5293828 11/1993 Japan.
52839 11f1993 Japan.
22) Filed: Aug. 7, 1995 wo: F5 WF).
Related U.S. Application Data OTHER PUBLICATIONS
63 Continuation of Ser. No. 400,431, Mar. 3, 1995, abandoned, "Carpet Recycling is Here!" Midwest Retailer July. 1992.
which is a continuation of Ser. No. 132,332, Oct. 6, 1993,
abandoned, which is a division of Ser. No. 37,140, Mar. 25,
Technology Alert, "Carpets form Plastic Waste" Mar,
1993, Pat. No. 5,294,384. Wagner, R. H. "A New Technology for Recycling Carpet
(51) Int. Cl. .............................. B29B 17700; C08J 11/04 Waste" Chemicfaser/Textilindustries Jul., 1978.
52 U.S. C. .............................. 525/66; 525/179; 264/37; RD 19524 Jul. 10, 1980 -Reclamation of Mixed Textiles
264/143 Waste Disclosed by Ryburn Foan, Ltd.
58 Field of Search ........................ 525/179, 66; 264/37, R. Malloy et al. Reclamation of Automotive Carpet Scrap
264/143 Mar. 3, 1992.
Watzl, A. Recycling of Textile Waste into Nonwovens
56 References Cited Products May 1992, Intl. Textile Reports.
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS Primary Examiner-Irina Zemel
3,562,373 2/1971 Logrippou. ............................... 264/118 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-John P. Foryt; Arnold, White &
4,020,020 4/1977 Appleyard et al... ... 260/2.3 Durkee
4,028,159 61977 Norris ....................................... 156/94
4,105,593 8/1978 Stavriinou et al. .. ... 260/2.3 57 ABSTRACT
4,158,646 6/1979 Benkowski et al. . ... 260/2.35 The present invention is directed to a for f
4,546,128 10/1985 Nakajima ............. ... 523/222 p process or Iorming a
4,775,697 10, 1988 Schoenhard .. ... 52(483 thermoplastic composition from carpet wherein a carpet
4,795,782 f1989 Lutz ............. ... 525/66 sample are melt blended without separating the carpet into
5,061,735 10/1991 Zielinski .............. ... 521/46.5 its component parts. The process of the present invention
5,145,617 9/1992 Hermanson et al. ... 264/37 produces a thermoplastic composition useful as a substitute
5,169,870 12/1992 Corbin et al. .... 521149.8 for virgin thermoplastics in a variety of applications.
5.240,530 8/1993 Fink .......................................... 156/94
5,278.231 1/1994 Chundury . 52566
5,288,349 2/1994 Fink .......................................... 156,72 14 Claims, 1 Drawing Sheet
U.S. Patent Jan. 7, 1997 5,591802

4.2%XXXX Sexxx
FIG. 1
1 2
THERMOPLASTIC COMPOSITION AND sary processing steps at least partially reduces the environ
METHOD FOR PRODUCING mental advantage of recycling or reclaiming.
THERMOPLASTIC COMPOST ON BY A need therefore exists for a method for processing used
MELT BLENONG CARPET carpet into a useful material without the disadvantages
described above.
The present application is a continuation of U.S. Ser. No.
08/400,431, filed on Mar. 3, 1995, which is a continuation of The present invention meets this need and achieves the
08/132,332, filed on Oct. 6, 1993, both now abandoned, O additional advantages set forth below by providing a method
which in turn is a division of U.S. Ser. No. 08/037,140, filed for recycling conventional carpet into a thermoplastic com
Mar. 25, 1993, now U.S. Pat. No. 5,294,384. position useful in a variety of conventional thermoplastic
resin applications. The process includes providing an
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION unseparated carpet sample and forming a melt blend of the
1. Field of the Invention
15 unseparated carpet material under conditions of temperature,
pressure and intensive mixing sufficient to produce a com
The present invention is directed to a method for produc position which exhibits thermoplastic properties. The result
ing a thermoplastic composition by melt blending carpet ing thermoplastic composition is characterized by properties
without separating it into its various components. More which parallel those found in virgin thermoplastic materials
specifically, the present invention is directed to a method for 20 and therefore may be used in a variety of applications.
producing a useful thermoplastic composition from used
carpet as well as thermoplastic composition produced by the BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWING
subject process.
2. Description of the Prior Art FIG. 1 is a diagrammatical representation of the respec
For many years, disposal of waste materials has been 25 tive percentage amounts of the polymeric components which
conducted in ways detrimental to the environment. It has are included in the composition of the present invention,
been burned in massive incinerators thereby polluting the with the percentages based on the total weight of the
air. It has been dumped into the ocean thereby contaminating polymeric components.
the water supply. It has been buried in landfills where it DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE
collects without decomposing for years. 30
In recent times, individuals and corporations alike have
expended significant effort on identifying environmentally The process of the present invention is useful for con
responsible methods for disposing of waste products con verting carpet into a thermoplastic material formed from a
structed from synthetic materials such as resins and plastics. 35
melt blend of the materials which originally comprised the
One important direction taken along this line is the devel carpet. The first step in the process therefore is providing at
opment of programs for collecting the synthetic materials for least one unseparated carpet sample for processing. An
recycling and re-use in other products. "unseparated' carpet sample is one that has not been modi
Many useful products, including flooring materials, are fied to remove or separate out one or more of its primary
currently manufactured from a number of different synthetic components (tufts, backingss) and adhesive) from the
materials which have varying physical and chemical char sample prior to processing.
acteristics. For example, conventional nylon carpeting The carpet sample is preferably a conventional sample of
includes three primary components: a plurality of tufts carpet comprising nylon tufts (most preferably tufts formed
formed from nylon, at least one backing formed from from nylon 6 or nylon 6.6 or blends or copolymers thereof),
polyolefins such as polypropylene and an adhesive material 45 at least one polyolefin backing material and a styrene
of styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) applied as a latex and butadiene rubber (SBR) adhesive originally applied as a
typically filled with an inorganic filler such as calcium latex. Such carpet constructions are well known in the art
carbonate. These products present particularly difficult chal and are exemplified in U.S. Pat. No. 4,643,930. The carpets
lenges to recycling efforts because of the varying chemical sample may also contain coating materials, treatment con
and physical characteristics of their individual components 50 positions or additives which impart soil resistance, stain
in their different forms. resistance, luster modification or other desirable character
The success of attempts to recycle such multi-component istics.
products has been severely limited. For example, U.S. Pat. The carpet sample is most preferably a post-consumer, or
Nos. 4,158,646 and 5,145,617 disclose methods for repro used, carpet. The used carpet sample should be reasonably
cessing fiber-containing waste materials wherein the process 55 free from dirt, dust or other contaminants, although a limited
results in a fiber-containing final product. These type of amount of these contaminants present in the sample will not
processes are restricted in utility to the limited application affect the processing of the sample or the properties of the
where composite (fiber/matrix) materials are useful. final product. In this preferred embodiment, the process of
Still other processes focus on separating out the individual the present invention provides a process for recycling pre
components. Specifically, efforts in reclaiming or recycling viously used carpet into a useful thermoplastic composition.
carpet materials, such as that disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. The process of the present invention may also be used for
4,028,159 and 5,169,870, involve separating the individual converting other carpet samples into a useful thermoplastic
materials through various processing steps and recovering material. For example, the sample may be a carpet sample
the material for re-use. These methods, while effective in which was originally manufactured with some type of defect
reclaiming individual synthetic materials, are extremely 65 and is therefore unacceptable for sale. Also, the carpet
expensive to the extent of often being cost prohibitive. sample may be a carpet returned to the manufacturer by the
Further, the additional energy required to effect the neces purchaser as an unacceptable product.
3 4
The carpet sample may have any pile weight currently
available in the marketplace. Preferably, the carpet sample Nylon 44-82%
has a pile weight of from about 20 oz/yd’ to about 50 oz/yd’. Polyolefin 10.29%
A particularly useful thermoplastic composition is formed SBR 6-37%
by the process of the present invention when the carpet
sample has a pile weight of about 40 ozlyd', a backing The specific make-up of the composition, as well as its
weight of about 8 oz/yd and an adhesive weight (SBR latex specific qualities and parametric values, is dependent upon
and filter) of 24 oz/yd’. The carpet sample may also the construction of the carpet sample, most specifically the
comprise a combination of two or more carpet samples 10
pile weight. For the process which converts a carpet sample
having different pile weights, origins, etc. having a pile weight of about 40 oz/yd a backing weight of
The next step in the process of the present invention is 8 ozyd and an adhesive weight (SBR latex plus filler) of 24
melt blending the carpet sample into a composition of the oz?yd, the resulting composition comprises the following,
materials present in the carpet sample. This step is per polymeric components based on the total weight of the
formed under conditions oftemperature, pressure and inten 15
polymeric components:
sive mixing sufficient to produce a thermoplastic composi
tion wherein all polymeric components from the carpet Nylon 72%
sample are reduced to a flowable, liquid form without Polyolefin 4%
SBR 4%
substantial degradation. This step is preferably performed at
a temperature of from about 250F.C. to about 260#C., a
pressure of from about 350 to about 450 psi, and a shear rate As SBR adhesives typically utilized in conventional car
of about 200 to 400 sec' most preferably in a conventional pet systems include an inorganic filler such as calcium
twin-screw extruder such as that commercially available as carbonate, the composition of the present invention most
Model HTO.8 manufactured by Welding Engineers, Inc. preferably further includes from about 10% to about 40% by
Other devices may also be utilized to perform this step so 25 weight of an inorganic filler based on the weight of the
long as they are able to operate at conditions sufficient to composition such that the composition comprises the fol
produce a thermoplastic composition as described above. lowing, by weight based on the total weight of the compo
Depending on the dimensions of the carpet sample and the
device used in the conversion step, the carpet sample may be 30
divided into a plurality of smaller samples which are more Nylan 35 to 63
easily and conveniently fed into the device. Polyolefin
8 to 21%
5 to 293,
Applicants have unexpectedly discovered that the process Inorganic Filler 10 to 40
of the present invention produces a useful blend of the
components found in the carpet sample. Preferably, this
process is performed in the absence of a separately added
35 For a carpet sample having a pile weight of 40 oz/yd', a
compatibilizer. A compatabilizer is characterized as having backing weight of 8 oz/yd and an adhesive weight (SBR
separate portions of its molecule each of which is soluble in latex plus filter of 24 ozlyd’, the composition comprises the
one of two immiscible phases. For example, nylon, a polar following, by weight based on the total weight of the
polymer popularly used in carpet tufts, is thought to be composition:
incompatible with non polar materials such as polyolefins
such that it would be expected that a compatabilizer would Nylon 56%
be necessary to melt blend these materials. However, the Polyolefin
present invention in its preferred embodiment surprisingly SBR 19
Inorganic Filler 22,
provides a process for producing a blend of such materials 45
without supplying a separate compatibilizer during the melt
blending step or as part of a separate step. Such compati The following examples, while not intended to be limit
bilizers may optionally be added, however, at the time of or ing, provide a detailed illustration of the process of the
prior to blending to enhance modulus or other properties of present invention.
the final product. 50 EXAMPLE 1.
The blend formed as described above may next be pro
cessed into a form more convenient for commercial appli A 50 lb. sample of carpet having a conventional construc
cation and transportation. In the preferred embodiment, the tion of nylon 6,6 tufts, polypropylene backing and calcium
blend is pelletized by conventional method such as passing carbonate filled styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) adhesive
the blend through a strand die, water bath and chopper 55 originally applied as a latex was procured. The carpet
assembled in-line with the twin-screw extruder. The blend sample had a brown color and a pile weight of 28 ozlyd.
may also be processed into other commercially acceptable The carpet sample was cut into one-inch wide strips using
forms, such as granules or powders, by using well-known a sheet metal shear and the resulting strips were fed directly
and conventional methods and devices. into the throat of a counter-rotating, non-intermeshing, twin
As the carpet sample is processed in unseparated form, the 60 screw extruder operating at about 250° C. and 240 RPM.
resulting composition includes each of the components of The melt blended sample was then passed through a con
the carpet sample. The composition is substantially free of ventional strand die, water bath and chopper to produce
the fiber form of the polymeric components of the sample good quality pellets. The pellets were dried overnight at 90
and is useful "as is' without combining it with virgin C. and then molded with an Arburg Model 320 injection
materials. The composition preferably comprises the follow 65 molder into specimens for use in the tensile and impact tests
ing polymeric components, with all percentages by weight set forth below. A 26 gram dry powder scoop was also
based on the total weight of the polymeric components: formed by conventional molding techniques.
5 6
EXAMPLE 2 The results of these impact tests are shown in Table 2
A 50 lb. sample of carpet having a conventional construc
tion of nylon 6.6 tufts, polypropylene backing and calcium TABLE 2.
carbonate filled SBR latex adhesive was subjected to the
processes described in Example 1. The carpet sample had a Impact Properties
blue color and a pile weight of 40 oz/yd’. Izod
a" Notch, IDI,
EXAMPLE 3 ft-lbs./ Inch-lbs. G
Sample inch Fal
A 50 lb. sample of carpet having a conventional construc O
Example l 0.76 20.8
tion of nylon 6,6 tufts, polypropylene backing and calcium Example 2 1.05 26.3
carbonate filled SBR latex adhesive was subjected to the Example 3 05 340
processes described in Example 1. The carpet sample had a Control 0.4 20
red color and a pile weight of 40 ozlyd. (Polystyrene)
In a control example, specimens of virgin polystyrene 15
were also molded by conventional techniques for use in the As demonstrated above, the process of the present inven
tensile and impact tests set forth below. tion produces a composition which exhibits thermoplastic
Molded test specimens formed for use in specific tensile characteristics and is therefore useful in a variety of appli
tests listed below were then tested in accordance with ASTM cations. The specific applications for which these materials
D-638 for tensile properties. The results are listed in Table are useful are dependent on the specific characteristics of
1 below: each material. These characteristics may vary slightly
depending on the specific characteristics of the carpet
sample, such as pile weight. In general, the materials pro
Tensile Properties
duced by the process of the present invention are useful as
Stress G Stress G Young's %
substitutes for virgin thermoplastic materials as their char
Yield, Fail, Modulus, Elongation (c. acteristics as shown above are comparable to the virgin
Sample psi psi psi fail material.
Example l 4490 4428 322,700 4.54
As a substitute, the material of the present invention is
Example 2 4468 4443 304,300 6.65 30
preferably used alone in thermoplastic applications such as
Example 3 3773 3743 297,700 6.68 those described above; however, it may optionally be com
Control 5000 5200 400,000 2-3 bined with virgin thermoplastics to provide a blend having
(Polystyrene) characteristics customized to a particular end use.
While the detailed description of the present invention has
The test specimens previously formed for use in the 35 been set forth above in detail, it is to be understood that
specific impact tests discussed below were then tested in various modifications which do not depart from the spirit
accordance with the procedures set forth in these tests. and scope of the present invention may be made. For
1. Notched izod impact, ASTM D-256-70; room tempera example, additives which modify the properties of the
ture sample bar cross section of 3.2 mmx12.5 mm. Notched thermoplastic material produced by the process of the
Izod Impact Classification Rating (Room temperature) on present invention may optionally be added prior to or during
which performance is based is: the step wherein the carpet sample is converted into the
blend. Examples of such additives include antimicrobials,
Low 0.1-1.5 ft. bs.fin. (0.053-0.795 J/cm) lubricants, anti-oxidants, pigments, and the like.
Mediurn 1.5-4.0 ft. lbs./inc. (0.80-2.1 J/cm) We clain:
High 4.1-9.0 ft. (2.2-4.77 JAcm) 45 1. A thermoplastic melt blend comprising the polymeric
Super Tough 9.1-20+ ft. 1bs.fin. (4.8-10.6+J/cm components of a post-consumer carpet sample, said sample
including a plurality of nylon tufts, at least one polyolefin
2. Inverted Dart Impact (IDI)--a multiaxial, high speed, backing and styrene-butadiene rubber adhesive, said com
impact test. The test specimen was 2"x2"x0.075" (5 cmx5 position being substantially free of the fiber form of said
cmx0.2 cm) prepared by injection or compression molding. 50 polymeric components of said sample.
Specimens were temperature and relative humidity condi 2. The composition of claim 1 comprising, by weight
tioned for 24 hours prior to testing. The IDI machine used a percent based on the total weight of said polymeric compo
moving specimen clamp which is driven over a fixed dart nents,
attached to a load measuring cell. The load cell output is
processed by computer which integrates the impact energy 55 Nylon 44-82%
and outputs the result at failure. Specimen temperature was Polyolefin 0.29%
20° C. and impact speed was 8000 in/min. (203.2 m/min.). SBR 6-37%.
Ten specimens constitute a representative of a formulation
with the result reported being the average for the set. 3. The composition of claim 2 further comprising a
IDI Classification Rating (20°C.) on which performance compatabilizer.
is based is:
4. The composition of claim 2 wherein said composition
is in the form of a pelletized melt blend.
Low 0-100 in lbs. (0-11.2 J) 5. Athermoplastic melt blend formed by melt blending an
Medium 101-200 in. lbs. (11.3-22.4J) unseparated post-consumer carpet sample comprising poly
High 201-300 in lbs. (22.5-33.7 J) 65 meric components under conditions of temperature, pressure
Super Tough 301-500 in. lbs. (33.8-56.2 J)
and intensive mixing to reduce all of said polymeric con
ponents to a flowable, liquid form, said sample including a
7 8
plurality of nylon tufts, at least one polyolefin backing and 11. The thermoplastic melt blend of claim 9 further
styrene-butadiene rubber adhesive. comprising a compatabilizer.
6. The composition of claim 5 comprising, by weight 12. The thermoplastic melt blend of claim 9 wherein the
based on the total weight of said polymeric components, composition is in the form of a pelletized blend.
Nylon 44-82%
13. The thermoplastic melt blend of claim 1 wherein said
Polyolefin 10.29% carpet sample is an unseparated carpet sample.
SBR 6-37%. 14. A thermoplastic melt blend comprising the polymeric
components of a post-consumer carpet sample, said sample
7. The composition of claim 6 further comprising a comprising tufts formed from nylon 6, nylon 6,6, or blends
compatabilizer. or copolymers thereof, at least one polypropylene backing
8. The composition of claim 6 wherein said composition material and styrene-butadiene rubber adhesive said com
is in the form of a pelletized melt blend. position being substantially free of the fiber form of said
9. The thermoplastic melt blend of claim 1 wherein said 15
polymeric components of said sample.
polyolefin is polypropylene.
10. The thermoplastic melt blend of claim 9 wherein said
composition is free of a compatabilizer. k ck ck ck ck
PATENT NO. 5,5918O2
DATED : January 7, 1997
NVENTOR(S) : Donald J. David, Jerauld. Dickerson, and Thomas F. Sincock
it is certified that error appears in the above-identified patent and that said Letters Patent is hereby
corrected as shown below:

On the title page, Item 73)--Assignee: Monsanto Company, St. Louis, MO.--.
In column 3, line 8, the word "filter” should be replaced with the word-filler
In column 4, line 37, the word "filter' should be replaced with the word-filler--.

Signed and Sealed this

Ninth Day of September, 1997


Attesting Officer Critissioner rif Pate its and Trade iiii ks

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