Water Based Gravure Printing Ink
Water Based Gravure Printing Ink
Water Based Gravure Printing Ink
EXAMPLE 3 Amount
Component (wt.%)
A printed coated paper Sample containing an ink formu
lated according to Example 1 was produced on a Chestnut acrylic resin (Vancryl 68SN) 1.O.O
gravure printing press at a print Speed of approximately 55 water 13.0
1,000 feet per minute (fpm) to demonstrate the use of the zinc sulfide (sachtolith grade HDS) 36.5
CaCOs 1.O.O
water-based gravure printing inks of present invention on synthetic silica flattening agent 2.5
coated paper. The printing press run was carried out at polyethlene wax (AquaPoly 250) 1.O
temperatures ranging from 15-20 C. The print Samples polyester varnish (Trigloss Vehicle) 1.2
obtained from the press run were fast drying, clear and Sharp 60 acrylic emulsion (Neocryl XA-5048) 22.5
hydroxyethylethylene urea (SR-511) 1.O
with stable tack. There was no discernible toning in the ethylene glycol surfactant (Surfynol 420) 1.O
non-image area. Optical photomicrographs of the print black base (PMA-900) 0.4
Samples showed a Smoother Surface than print Samples blue base (PMA-525)(8) O.3
printed with gravure inks formulated without hydroxyeth yellow base (PMA-220)(8) O.6
ylethylene urea. These print Samples were brittle and had a 65 Total 1OO.OO
more rigid as Seen from numerous cracks on the print film
9 10
-continued What is claimed is:
1. A Single fluid water-based gravure printing ink com
(Vancryl (R) 68SN is a trademark of Air Products Corp. (a) water; (b) a macromolecular resin binder that com
AquaPoly (E 250 is a trademark of Micro Powders, Inc. prises: (i) resins Soluble in water regardless of the pH
'Trigloss is a trademark of R&A Auxiliaries. of the water, (ii) resin rosin Salts Soluble in water at a
Neocryl (R) is a trademark of ICI Industries. pH ranging from about 7.5 to about 10, and (iii) of
(SR-511 is a trademark of the Sartomer Corp. aqueous emulsion resins; (c) pigment; and (d) a
Surfynol (R) 420 is a trademark of the Air Products Corp.
PMA is a trademark of Sun Chemical Corp. hydroxyethylethylene urea re-wetting agent.
The ink was printed on the rough side of SBS board 2. The ink of claim 1 wherein the water is present in an
(available from James River Corp.) The print quality amount of from 35-50 wt.% based on the weight of the ink.
3. The ink of claim 1 wherein the macromolecular resin
observed was comparable to a comparative Solvent based
ink. binder is present in an amount of from 30-60 wt.% based
15 on the weight of the ink.
EXAMPLE 8 4. The ink of claim 1 wherein the macromolecular resin
A Screen ink System for wallpaper was converted into binders soluble in the water regardless of the pH of the water
fleXO-gravure application, the blend vehicle was modified are Selected from the group consisting of
with hydroxyethylethylene urea. Four colors of single fluid, carboxymethylcellulose, hydroxyethylcellulose,
water-based gravure inks were prepared having the follow hydroxypropylcellulose, hydroxybutylmethylcellulose, poly
ing formulation: (C-C)alkylene oxides, polyethyleneimine, polyvinyl
alcohol, polyvinyl acetate, polyvinyl-pyrollidone, polyviny
Amount (wt.%
loxazolidone and polyacrylamide.
5. The ink of claim 1 wherein the macromolecular resin
Component RED YELLOW BLUE BLACK rosin salt binders soluble in water at a pH of 7.5 to 10 are
pigment 10.5 13.5 13.5 12.3
Selected from the group consisting of methacrylic resin rosin
acrylic resin (Joncryl 67) 1.2 Salts, Styrene-acrylic resin rosin Salts, resin rosin Salts, and
nonionic surfactant O.9 1.2O 18O 18O polystyrene-Sulfonic acid resin rosin Salts.
cationic surfactant O.60 6. The ink of claim 1 wherein the macromolecular resin
aqueous ammonia
binders comprising aqueous emulsions are Selected from the
acrylic emulsion 31.15 31.15 31.15 351
group consisting of acrylic or vinyl emulsion polymers
(Lucidene 351) prepared from monomerS Selected from the group consisting
hydroxyethyl ethylene urea 5.75 5.75 5.75 5.75 of acrylic acid esters, methacrylic acid esters, acrylic acid
(SR-511)(c) 35
esters of polyhydric alcohols, methyl methacrylate, Styrene,
ethylene glycol surfactant 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 Vinyl Styrene and vinyl acetate.
(Surfynol 420)
defoamer (L-493) O.2O O.2O O.2O O.2O 7. The ink of claim 1 wherein the pigment is present in an
thickner (RM2020 NPR)(f) 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 amount of from 5-35 wt.% based on the weight of the ink.
silica (LO-VEL 27)(8) 5.60 5.6 5.60 5.60 8. The ink of claim 1 wherein the pigment is selected from
hydrocarbon wax 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 the group consisting of CI Pigment Yellows 1, 3, 4, 5, 12, 13,
(Acumist 12) 14, 17, 55, 65, 73, 83,97 and 98; CI Pigment Oranges 13,
Total 1OO.OO 10O.OO 10O.OO 10O.OO 16 and 46; CI Pigment Reds 2, 3, 4, 10, 12, 48, 48:1, 48:2,
53, 57:2, 81, 104,146, 170 and 176; CI Pigment Greens 2,
(Joncryl (R) 67 is a trademark of the S.C. Johnson Corp. 7 and 36; CI Pigment Blues 1, 15:1, 15:2, 15:3, 15:6, 16, 29,
Lucidene is a trademark of Mobay Industries. 56 and 61; CI Pigment Violets 3, 23 and 37; CI Pigment
(SR-511 is a trademark of the Sartomer Corp. 45
Surfynol (R) 420 is a trademark of the Air Products Corp. Blacks 6 and 7; and CI Pigment Whites 6, 7, 18 and 26.
(L493 is a trademark of Drew Chemical. 9. The ink of claim 1 further comprising a non-ionic
(RM2020 NPR is a trademark of Rohm & Haas Corp. Surfactant.
(LO-VEL (E 27 is a trademark of PPG Industries.
(Acumist (R) is a trademark of Allied Signal Corp. 10. The ink of claim 9 wherein the non-ionic Surfactant is
50 present in an amount of up to 5 wt.% based on the weight
The present invention has been described in detail, includ of the ink.
ing the preferred embodiments thereof. However, it will be 11. The ink of claim 9 wherein the non-ionic Surfactant is
appreciated that those skilled in the art, upon consideration Selected from the group consisting of acetylenic glycols,
of the present disclosure, may make modifications and/or ethoxylated glycols and Sorbitan esters.
improvements on the invention that fall within the Scope and
Spirit of this invention as Set forth in the following claims.