Peerless Pump Company Vertical Turbine Pumps Enclosed Line Shaft Construction Installation, Operation and Maintenance Instructions

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The manual provides instructions for installing, operating, maintaining and repairing the pump. It is important to read and follow all instructions to ensure proper use and avoid damage or injury.

The pump must be installed on a suitable and adequate foundation. Proper installation will contribute to maximum efficiency and longevity of the pump.

Improper installation, air or gas in the well, erosion from sand, restarting a pump packed with sand, or failure to follow warnings can damage the pump or injure personnel.

Peerless Pump Company

Vertical Turbine Pumps

Enclosed Line Shaft Construction

Installation, Operation And Maintenance Instructions

Read this entire manual foundation as described in Section 4 of this

before attempting to install, operate, adjust, service, manual.
repair or disassemble this pump. Instructions are C. Air or gas in the well. If there is evidence
also included for installing and operating a water of air or gas, consult your Peerless Pump
level testing system using air pressure. Proper dealer.
installation and maintenance of this pump will D. Erosion of pump parts by sand in the water
contribute to maximum efficiency and a long, (sand cutting).
trouble-free life. Before starting the installation, E. Restarting of a pump whose impellers are
review the entire procedures given in this manual, packed with sand (sand locked).
omitting those sections which do not apply to the F. Failure to adhere to the warnings and
particular pump to be installed. Then, refer to it cautions which are outlined in this
step by step during the actual procedure. Failure manual.
to read and comply with installation and operating
instructions will void the responsibility of the
manufacturer and may also result in bodily injury as WARNING
well as property damage.
This bulletin is intended to be a permanent part of The pumps described by this manual are
your pump installation and should be preserved in specifically designed for pumping water, and
a convenient location for ready reference. If these must not be used to pump any other fluid,
instructions should become soiled, obtain a new particularly combustible fluids.
copy from Peerless Pump. Include the pump model
and/or serial number with your request.
These pumps must not be installed in any
manner except as specified herein, and
must not be operated at speeds, capacities,
pressures or temperatures other than those
stipulated for in the purchase order.
Peerless Pump Company cannot be held
responsible for inadequate performance of or
Lubricants which can contaminate the water
damage to a pump or for injury to personnel
to be pumped or which are soluble in water
due to any of the following causes.
must not be used in these pumps.
A. Installation of the pump in a well which
is unsuitable as tested by the procedure ANY VIOLATION OF THESE WARNINGS MAY
described in Section 2 of this manual. RESULT IN SEVERE PROPERTY DAMAGE OR
B. Installation of the pump on an inadequate GRAVE PERSONAL INJURY.

Rev. 11/08

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