2 Agriculture PDF
2 Agriculture PDF
2 Agriculture PDF
Ramjee Nagarajan
NH Goel World School, Raipur
Primary activity, which produces most of the food that we
consume. The word “agriculture” is derived from the Latin
words ager—meaning field—and cultura—meaning to
grow: Growing crops on the field!
An art of cultivation of soil, raising crops & rearing poultry
and livestock
India is an agriculturally important country.
Largest sector producing around 28 % of the GDP,
Largest employer providing more than 60 % of the jobs
Besides food, it produces raw material for industries
Name some
Some agricultural products like tea, coffee, spices, etc.
are also exported
• What is agriculture?
• Why is agriculture considered
important in India?
• Name three crops that serves as raw
material for industries?
Assam Scenario
Rinjha lived with her family in a small village at
the outskirts of Diphu in Assam. She enjoys
watching her family members clearing,
slashing and burning a patch of land for
cultivation. She often helps them in irrigating
the fields with water running through a
bamboo canal from the nearby spring. She
loves the surroundings and wants to stay here
as long as she can, but this little girl has no
idea about the declining fertility of the soil and
her family’s search for fresh a patch of land in
the next season.
Commercial Farming
Plantation Agriculture
Cropping Pattern
Wheat, barley, peas, gram & mustard are common rabi crops
The Zaid is the cropping season In between the rabi and the kharif
seasons; it’s the short season during the summer months.
Some of the crops produced during ‘zaid’ are watermelon,
muskmelon, cucumber, vegetables and fodder crops. Sugarcane
takes almost a year to grow
India is the largest producer & consumer of pulses in the
world. Grown in all three seasons.
Major source of protein in a vegetarian diet
Tur (arhar), urad, moong, masur, peas and gram are the
major pulses grown in India.
i. Kharif :Arhar (Tur), Urd (Blackgram), Moong (Greengram),
Lobia (Cowpea), Kulthi (Horsegram);
ii. Rabi :Gram, Lentil, Pea, Lathyrus (Kesari Dal)& Rajmas;
iii. Summer :Greengram, Blackgram and Cowpea.
Pulses need less moisture & can survive in dry conditions.
Except arhar all pulses help in restoring soil fertility--by
fixing nitrogen from the air—leguminous crops,
Mostly grown in rotation with other crops. Major pulse producing
states in India are MP, UP, Rajasthan, Maharashtra and Karnataka.
Oil Seeds
India is the largest producer of oilseeds in the world.
Grown in 12 % of the total cropped area
Main oil-seeds are groundnut, mustard, coconut, sesamum
(til), soyabean, castor seeds, cotton seeds, linseed & sunflower
Most are edible and used as cooking mediums
Some of these are also used as raw material in the production
of soap, cosmetics and ointments
Groundnut is a kharif crop & accounts for 50% of oilseeds
produced in the country. Andhra Pradesh, followed by TN,
Karnataka, Gujarat & Maharashtra
Linseed and mustard are rabi crops.
Sesamum is a kharif crop in north & rabi in south India.
Castor seed is grown both as rabi and kharif crop.
An example of plantation agriculture
Important beverage crop introduced in India by the British
Grows well in tropical and sub-tropical climates with deep and fertile well-drained soil, rich
in humus and organic matter
Requires warm and moist frost-free climate all through the year
Showers evenly distributed over the year helps in the growth of tender leaves.
Is a labour intensive industry. Requires abundant, cheap and skilled labour.
Processed within the tea garden to restore its freshness.
Major tea producing states are Assam, hills of Darjeeling and Jalpaiguri districts, West
Bengal, Tamil Nadu and Kerala.
Apart from these, HP, Uttaranchal, Meghalaya, Andhra Pradesh and Tripura are also tea-
producing states in the country
India is the leading producer as well as exporter of tea in the world.
An equatorial crop
Under special conditions, it is also grown in tropical
and sub-tropical areas
Requires moist and humid climate with rainfall of more
than 200 cm. and temperature above 25°C
Rubber is an important industrial raw material
Mainly grown in Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and
Andaman and Nicobar islands and Garo hills of
India ranks fifth among the world’s natural rubber
Fibre Crops:
Grows well in drier parts with black cotton soil of Deccan plateau
Known as the golden fibre
Grows well on well-drained fertile soils in the
flood plains where soils are renewed every
High temperature is required during the time
of growth
West Bengal, Bihar, Assam, Orissa and
Meghalaya are the major jute producing
Used in making gunny bags, mats, ropes,
yarn, carpets and other artefacts.
Due to its high cost, it is losing market to
synthetic fibres and packing materials,
particularly the nylon.
Governmental Reforms
In the 1980s and 1990s, a comprehensive land development
programme was initiated
Provision of the following were some important steps in bring
institutional reforms:
crop insurance against drought, flood, cyclone, fire and
establishment of banks for providing loans to farmers at lower
rates of interest—Grameen banks, cooperative societies and
Nationalised banks
Kissan Credit Card (KCC)
Personal Accident Insurance Scheme (PAIS)
Special weather bulletins and agricultural programmes for
farmers were introduced on the radio and television
Announcement of minimum support price,
Remunerative(Sugar) and procurement(grains) prices for
important crops to check the exploitation of farmers by
speculators and middlemen
Bhoodan – Gramdan
Vinoba Bhave was Gandhi’s spiritual heir;
After Gandhiji’s death, Vinobhaji undertook padyatra to spread
Gandhi’s gram swarajya message to the country
While lecturing at Pochampalli in Andhra Pradesh, poor landless
farmers demanded land for their economic well-being
Vinoba Ji assured them to talk to the Govt of India
Shri Ram Chandra Reddy a rich land lord stood up and offered
80 acres of land to be distributed among 80 land-less villagers.
This act was known as ‘Bhoodan’.
This encouraged some zamindars, to distribute some of their land
to the landless—known as Gramdan
Many land-owners chose to provide some part of their land to
the poor farmers due to the fear of land ceiling act.
Bhoodan-Gramdan movement initiated by Vinobha Bhave is
also known as the Blood-less Revolution
Contribution of Agriculture
Agriculture has been the backbone of the Indian
Its share in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is
declining from 1951
Provides employment and livelihood to over 63 % of
the population
Decline in agriculture will have wide implications for
Government of India is slowly modernising agriculture
Has established institutes like Indian Council of
Agricultural Research (ICAR), Agricultural Universities,
Veterinary Services and Animal Breeding Centres,
Horticulture Development, R&D in meteorology and
weather forecast, etc.
Lots of efforts are on to improve the rural infrastructure
Food Security
Food is a basic need & every citizen should have access to
Populations who do not have this access, suffers from lack of
food security
People without food security is large in some regions of our
Economically less developed states have a higher share.
Remote areas are more prone to disasters and uncertain food
To change this scenario, government has carefully designed a
national food security system with two components
buffer stock and
public distribution system (PDS).
FCI is responsible for procuring and stocking grains, while distribution is ensured by PDS
FCI procures foodgrains at the government announced minimum support price (MSP)
Govt provides subsidies for agriculture like fertilizers, power and water.
Subsidies today are unsustainable and made the use of fertilizers, power & water inefficiencient
Over use of fertilizers & water has led to waterlogging, salinity & depletion of micronutrients
High MSP, and committed FCI purchases have distorted the cropping pattern
Wheat & paddy crops are being grown more for the MSP
Punjab & Haryana are good examples. Also created a serious imbalance in inter-crop parities
Issues in Agriculture… 1
Consumers in India are divided into two categories :
1. Below Poverty Line (BPL) and 2. Above Poverty Line
Some of the so called APL slip back to BPL
With proper agricultural infrastructure, credit linkages & the
use of latest techniques, each district and block can be
made self sufficient in food grain production
Apart from rice & wheat, foodcrops with better growth
potential can be encouraged
Providing irrigation facilities, electricity, etc. may also
attract private participation
Free trade in grains will create massive employment and
reduce poverty in rural areas
Issues in Agriculture… 2
A gradual shift from cultivation of food crops to cultivation
of fruits, vegetables, oil-seeds and industrial crops has
reduced the net sown area under cereals and pulses
With a growing population, any decline in food production
puts the country’s food security in question
Pressure on land for non-agricultural uses like housing, etc.,
has reduced the net sown area
Productivity of land is showing a declining trend.
Fertilisers, pesticides and insecticides, which once showed
dramatic results, are now being held responsible for
degrading the soils
Scarcity of water has led to reduction in area under
Inefficient water management has led to water logging
and salinity.
Issues in Agriculture… 3
One important reason is land degradation
Free power has encouraged pumping of groundwater and
growing water-intensive crops in low-rainfall areas (rice in Punjab,
sugarcane in Maharashtra)
Reduced groundwater storage in aquifers: leaving wells dry,
pushing the marginal & small farmers out of cultivation
Rich farmers with deeper tubewells still have water, but many
others face a water crisis
Inadequate storage and marketing facilities also act as a
disincentive to the farmer.
Farmers are thus badly affected by the uncertainties of
production and market
Farmers suffer from a double disadvantage
pay high prices for inputs such as HYV seeds, fertilisers etc.
lack the bargaining power to fix prices in their favour
Impact of Globalisation
Globalisation is not a new… been there since colonisation
In the 19 century when Europeans came to India, for spices.
Farmers of south India were encouraged to grow Spices. Even
today it is an important export item
Cotton belts of India attracted the British, exported cotton to
Britain as a raw material for their textile industries.
Textile industries in Manchester & Liverpool flourished due to good
cotton from India
Champaran movement in 1917 in Bihar,--farmers were forced to
grow indigo, necessary for the textile industries in Britain
Farmers were prevented from growing foodgrains to sustain
Globalisation after 1990, have exposed the farmers to new
Despite being an important producer, farmers are not able to
compete with the developed countries because of the highly
subsidised agriculture in those countries