Linux Training L1
Linux Training L1
Linux Training L1
F Necessary Commands
F Directory Introduction
F Installation
F Swap Partition
F Users, Groups and Permissions
F Network Configuration
F Printing
F Mounting and Driver Installation
F Vi Editor and Backups
F Directory Sharing
F Changing Run Level
F File Transfer Protocol
F Telnet
F Troubleshooting
F Contacts
F Linux Origins
F Why Linux
In Windows In Linux
F Terminals Changing
In linux there are seven terminals f rom F1 to F6 are the text base
terminals and F7 is the grap hics terminal. We can log any
terminal by pressing Ctrl key + Alt key + F1 for 1 no. terminal,
Ctrl + Alt + F2 for 2 no. terminal etc ….
If we already logged the text terminal (i.e. F1 to F6) and can jump
into graphical terminal by pressing Ctrl+Alt+F7.
If we want to logout from text base terminal then simply type the
command --
# logout.
In graphics mode just clic k the open terminal after that type the
command --
# system-config-date
# system –config-time
now we can edit our date and time.
F Create a Directory and File
# mkdir dirname
# touch filename
F Rename a Directory/File
# mv olddirname/filename newdirname/filename
F How to copy
# cp source destination
# cp –f for forcefully
# cp –a for all
F /dev
Devices contains files that point to the hardware.
F /boot
The boot loader files are stored here.
F /etc
The folder contains various configuration files that can be manually
edited to effect the system.
F /home
It contains the users files.
F /root
This is the home directory of the root user.
F /lib
Library files frequently used system files needed by program or the
operating system are stored here.
F /mnt
All storage media other than Linux partitions are mounted here.
F /opt
It stores add on components such as desktop environments, data base
F /tmp
This is the temporary directory.
F /usr
Non critical system files are stored here.
F /var
It contains log files, spools etc.
F /proc
It contains all hardware information.
In Linux at least three partition required that is root,
boot and swap partition
# mount -a
# swapon -a
# free See the Swap Memory Increases or Not
F How to Create a User
# useradd username
# passwd username
F Permission
4 for r – read 2 for w – write 1 for x – execute
# chmod 771 dirname That is group and user get read, write,
execute permission and others only get
the execute permission.
F How to Ping
# ping ipaddress
Click new
Click forward
Name : printer (give any name for local)
Click forward
Select the locally connected
Click forward
Select the printer driver ( that is HP, Epson etc.)
Click forward
Click finish
# cd /tmp
# tar xvf e1000.tar (e1000.tar is a driver file name)
# cd e1000
# cd src ( src folder is found under the e1000 dir
where is make file located )
# pwd
# make install
# modprobe e1000
# kudzu
now follow the steps which is appears on the screen
Using Restore
# restore –rf /dev/st0
F How to Share a Directory into the Network
# mkdir /test ( /test is the directory name)
# chmod 777 /test
# export –a
For testing
# showmount –e ipaddress
From Client
# service nfs restart
# chkconfig nfs on
# showmount –e ipaddress ( Share PCs ipaddress)
Now all the datas are mounted under the /mnt directory from the
share directory /test
F Number of Run Level
There are 7 numbers of run level from 0 to 6.The default run level is 5
F How to Login
# ftp ipaddress