United Nations Human Rights Defenders Declaration
United Nations Human Rights Defenders Declaration
United Nations Human Rights Defenders Declaration
ISBN: 978-
Herman Kumara
Sinhala - Sampath Pushpakumara (AAL)
Tamil - Deepa Subashinie Kamalanathan / Benedict Croos
Amila Darshana@adARTS
Prasanga Fernando
Awantha Atigala
iuyr udkj ysñlï ms<sn`o lghq;= lrkq ,nk wdh;kj, ld¾hh jkafka
ck;djf.a whs;sjdislï wdrlaId lsÍug wiu;a ùu ms<sn`oj"
udkj ysñlï wdrlaId lsÍfuka fuka u udkj ysñlï iudch ;=< Ndú;djla
lsÍfuka udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka isú,a iudch Yla;su;a lsÍu isÿlrkq ,nk
w;r fuu.ska iEu fokdf.a u udkj ysñlï wdrlaId lsÍug fuka u m%j¾Okh
lsÍu i`oyd hqla;s iy.; wjldYhla ks¾udkh lrkq ,nhs' iuyr úg udkj
ysñlï iqrlskakka lDDr wudkqIsl wjukaiy.; jOysxid ;=rka lsÍug fuka
u Tjqkaf.a bvï i`oyd jQ whs;sjdislï ;yjqre lsÍug ;uka lghq;= lrk
l,dmh mqrd jHdmdrhla ls%hd;aul lrkq we;'
j¾I 2000 isg 2005 olajd ld, iSudj ;=< udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka
yg tfrysj isÿlrk ,o tjeks wdldrfha wjodkï iys; isÿùï f,dj mqrd
ydriShlg jeä m%udKhla jd¾;d ù we;'
vd;gtw;iwf; Fwpg;gplyhk;.
• kuz mr;RWj;jy;fs;
• vjpu;ghuhj Kiwapy; ifJ nra;ag;gLjy;
• rpj;jputijf;F cs;shFjy;
• nfhiy nra;ag;gLjy;
• njhlu; fz;fhzpg;G
• njhiyNgrp ciuahly;fs; kw;Wk; ,izaj;jy trjpfSf;F jilfis
• ngha;ahd Kiwg;ghLfs; my;yJ mtw;iw cUthf;Ftjd; %yk;
• rq;fj;jpd; Rje;jpuk;
• ru;tNjr kdpj cupik rk;Nksdj;jpw;Fg; gazpj;jy;
• epjpf;fhd gpuNtrk; vd;gd
udkj ysñlï iy uQ,sl ksoyi jkdyS ish¨ f,dal jdiSkag u fmdÿ fukau
fkdfnÈh yels tlla o fõ' tfiau tajd tlsfklu; r|dmj;sk iy tlsfklg
iïnkaO tajd o fõ' ;j o" iEu whs;sjdislula iy ksoyilau ls%hd;aul
lsÍfï§ lsisÿ w.;shlg m;afkdjk mßÈ tajd j¾Okh lsÍu;a" meyeÈ,s iy
idOdrK wdldrfhka ls%hd;aul lsÍu;a l< hq;=j we;'
Reaffirming the importance of the observance of the purposes and principles of the
Charter of the United Nations for the promotion and protection of all human rights and
fundamental freedoms for all persons in all countries of the world,
Reaffirming also the importance of the Universal Declarations of Human Rights and
the International Covenants on Human Rights Resolution 2200 A (XXI), annex. As basic
elements of international efforts to promote universal respect for and observance of human
rights and fundamental freedoms and the importance of other human rights instruments
adopted within the United Nations system, as well as those at the regional level, Stressing
that all members of the international community shall fulfill, jointly and separately, their
solemn obligation to promote and encourage respect for human rights and fundamental
freedoms for all without distinction of any kind, including distinctions based on race, Colors,
sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or Social origin, property. Birth or
other status, reaffirming the particular importance of achieving international cooperation to
fulfil this obligation according to the Charter,
Acknowledging the important role of international cooperation for, and the valuable
work of individuals, groups and associations in contributing to, the effective elimination of all
violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms of people and individuals, including in
relation to mass, flagrant or systematic violations such as those resulting from apartheid, all
forms of racial discrimination, colonialism, foreign domination or occupation, aggression or
threats to national sovereignty, national unity or territorial integrity and from the refusal to
recognize the right of peoples to self-determination and the right of every people to exercise
full sovereignty over its wealth and natural resources, Recognizing the relationship between
international peace and security and the enjoyment of human rights and fundamental
freedoms, and mindful that the absence of international peace and security does not excuse
non –compliance, Reiterating that all human rights and fundamental freedoms are Universal,
indivisible, interdependent and interrelated and should be promoted and implemented in a
fair and equitable manner, without prejudice to the implementation of each of those rights
and freedoms, Stressing that the prime responsibility and duty to promote and protect
human rights and fundamental freedoms lie with the State, Recognizing the right and the
responsibility of individuals, groups and associations to promote respect for and foster
knowledge of human rights and fundamental freedoms at the national and international
stic H
rdcH fkdjk ixúOdk" iñ;s fyda lKavdhï
we;slsÍug iy tajd iu`. iïnkaO ùug fyda tys
jev lghq;=j,g iyNd.S ùug"
rdcH fkdjk iy wka;¾ rdcH ixúOdk iu`.
ikaksfõok lghq;= lsÍug
Human Rights
and Fundamental
foaYsh kS;shg;a wod< jk cd;Hka;r ne£ïj,g;a
wkql+, jk f,i u;hla f.dvkexùu i|yd uyck
woyia úuiSïj,g iyNd.S ùug;a fmdÿ ld¾Hhkag
iyNd.Sùug;a fukau kvq úNd. j,g iyNd.S ùug;a
whs;shla we;'
11 j.ka;sh
;ksj fyda wka wh o iu`. ;u jD;a;sh fyda /lshdj
kS;Hdkql+,j lrf.k hdug iEu mqoa.,fhl=gu whs;shla
we;' hful=f.a jD;a;sh ksid wka whf.a udkj .re;ajhg
udkj ysñlïj,g iy uQ,sl ksoyig n,mEï we;sfõkï
tu whs;sjdislï iy ksoyig Tyq úiska .relrkq ,eìh
hq;=h' tfiau foaYShj fya cd;Hka;rj ms<s.;a jD;a;sh
wdpdrO¾uj,g .rel< hq;=h'
udkj ysñlñ iqrlskakkaf.a ;;ajh ms<sn`oj f;dr;=re ,nd
.ekSu iy tajdg m%;spdr oelaùu' udkj ysñlï wdrlaId lsÍu iy
m%j¾Okh lsÍu ms<sn`oj we;s wNsfhda.hka iy kj m%jk;djka
ms<sn`oj wOHhkh lsÍu'
• iïmQ¾K ku
• jhi
• ia;%S$mqreI Ndjh
• jD;a;sh fyda /lshdj
• mÈxÑ ia:dkh ^fyda iïNjh ÿl fõokdj ú¢k ,o W,a,x>khg wod<
jkafka kï&
• udkj ysñlï jevlghq;= j,§ iïnkaO jQ ixúOdkhla" ix.uhla fyda
lKavdhula ;sfí kï ta iu`. W,a,x>khg f.dÿre jQ mqoa.,hdf.a
we;s in|;djh
• ixúOdkfha ix.ufha fyda lKavdhfï ku
• ixúOdkfha ix.ufha fyda lKavdhfï m%Odkshdf.a ku
• tu mqoa.,hd úiska bgq lrkq ,nk udkj ysñlï jevlghq;=j, iajNdjh
isÿ lf<a hehs lshkq ,nk W,a,x>kfha meñ‚,a, ixúOdkhlg tfrysj
lr we;af;a kï"
• ixúOdkfha ku"
• th iïnkaO ù isák udkj whs;sjdislï $ jevlghq;= ls%hdldrlïj,
• tys jevlghq;=j, úIh m:fha jmißh" ^cd;sl" l,dmSh" wka;¾cd;sl&
• fjk;a udkj ysñlï ixúOdk ;sfí kï tajd iu`. we;s in|;djh"
• ixúOdkfha m%Odkshd$m%OdkSkaf.a kï"
;ksmqoa.,hka fyda ixúOdkh úiska bgq fldg ;sfnk ld¾hfhys b;sydih
ms<sn|j wu;r f;dr;=re bÈßm;a lrkafka kï th meñKs,a,$fpdaokdj ms<sn|
;lafiare lsÍfï§ Bg msájy,la jkq we;'
• isÿ lf<a hehs lshkq ,nk jro iïnkaOj úu¾Ykhla fyda mÍlaIKhla
wdrïN lr ;sfío@ fkdue;s kï tjeks mÍlaIKhla$úu¾Ykhla
mj;ajd wjika ;SrKhlg meñK ;sfío@
• tfia lr we;akï ta ljr n,OdÍka úiskao@ rcfha ljr wud;HxYhla
fyda fomd¾;=fïka;=jla úiskao@
• fuu meñKs,a, bÈßm;a lrk wjia:dfõ§ úu¾Ykfha fyda mÍlaIKfha
fyda ;;a;ajh iy m%.;sh ms<sn| úia;r"
If;fpa ehLfs; rigahy; 2020k; Mz;L Nk khjk; 1k; jpfjp njhlf;fk; kdpj cupik
ghJfhtyu;fspd; epiyik gw;wpf; fz;lwptjw;fhdr; rpwg;G gpujpepjpahf khup nuhyh;
mk;ikahiu epakpj;jdu;. mtu; mau;yhe;jpy; gpwe;J jkJ fy;tpia me;ehl;bNyNa
njhlu;e;jhu;. NkYk; mtu; kdpj cupik kw;Wk; tzpfk; njhlu;ghd cg Nguhrphpau;
kw;Wk; xU cstpayhsUkhthu;. Front Line Defenders vDk; epWtdj;jpd; ];jhgf
,af;Fduhd mtu; (2001-2016) ru;tNjr rpukh epWtdj;jpd; mauyhe;J gpuptpd;
,af;FduhfTk; (1988-2000) Nritahw;wpAs;shu;.
1. ghjpf;fg;gl;ltupd; tpguq;fs;
KOikahdg; ngah;
kdpj cupikfisg; ghJfhf;Fk; jdp egu; my;yJ FOf;fis ifJ nra;jy;> rpiwapy;
itj;jy; njhlu;ghf cupik kPwy; epfo;e;jpUg;gpd; fPo;Fwpg;gplg;gLk; tplaq;fs; njhlu;ghf
jfty;fs; Njitg;gLfpd;wJ.
At the fifty – sixth session, the Commission on the Human Rights requested
the Secretary-General to appoint a Special Representative on human rights
defenders (Resolution 2000/61 April 2000). Ms. Hina Jilani (Pakistan) was
appointed in August 2000. Her work on the mandate, which began in September
2000, is based largely on the “Declaration on the Rights and Responsibility of
individuals, Groups, and Organs, of Society to Promote and Protect Universally
recognized Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.”(General Assembly
resolution 53/144 of 9 December 1998).
Ms. Mary Lawlor was born and educated in Ireland & is an Adjunct Professor
of Business and Human Rights a psychologist by training. She was the founder-
director of Front Line Defenders (2001-2016) & Director of the Irish Section of
Amnesty International (1988-2000)
Above the Human Rights Commission first established the mandate on the
situation of human rights defenders on 2000. However, the mandate was most
recently renewed by the Human Rights Council decision 43/115 in 2020.
United Nationa,
1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
Fax. (41 22) 917 90 06
Full Name
Profession or Occupation
If the defender is being prosecuted in the courts for any activity if defense of
human rights or related activity, or as a consequence f such activity:
Name(s), if known
If they are members of security forces, their rank, functions, the unit or
service, etc. to which they belong