United Nations Human Rights Defenders Declaration

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udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka ms<sn`oj

tlai;a cd;Skaf.a m%ldYkh

kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fs; gw;wpa
If;fpa ehLfspd; gpufldk;

cd;sl ëjr iyfhda.S;d jHdmdrh

Njrpa kPdt xj;Jiog;G ,af;fk;
National Fisheries Solidarity Movement (NAFSO)

National Fisheries Solidarity Movement (NAFSO)

No.10, Malwatta Road, Negombo-Sri Lanka.
Tel: (Office)- +94 31 22 39 750 (Mobile) - +94 77 318 4532
Fax: + 94 314 870 658
E-mail: nafsosl@gmail.com
Blog: www.nafso-online.org

YEAR: September 2020

ISBN: 978-

Herman Kumara

Sinhala - Sampath Pushpakumara (AAL)
Tamil - Deepa Subashinie Kamalanathan / Benedict Croos

Amila Darshana@adARTS

Prasanga Fernando

Awantha Atigala



2 udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka ms<sn`oj tlai;a cd;Skaf.a m%ldYkh

udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka hkq ljqreka o@

tlai;a cd;Skaf.a ixúOdkfha udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka ms<sn`o m%ldYkhg

wkqj udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka hkq —;ksju fyda wkawh iu. tlaj lghq;=
lrñka udkj ysñlï wdrlaId lsÍug lghq;= lrkq ,nk mqoa.,hka˜ fõ'
fuu mqoa.,hka ;ukaf.a jD;a;Suh yelshdjka Ndú; lrñka fyda ke;fyd;a
iafõÉPdfjka ueÈy;aùï isÿlrñka udkj ysñlï wdrlaId lsÍug odhl jkjd
úh yels h' fudjqka y`ÿkd.;yelafla Tjqka orkq ,nk ;k;=r ke;fyd;a
/lshdj fyda Tjqka wh;ajk ixúOdkh wkqj fkdj Tjqka iudch ;=< isÿlrkq
,nk ls%hdldÍ;ajh wkqj muKs' udkj ysñlï wdrlaIlhka f,i"

• udkj ysñlï W,a,x>khka ms<sn`oj fy,sorõ lrkq ,nk udOHhfõoSka'

• fiajl whs;sjdislï ms<sn`oj lghq;= lrkq ,nk jD;a;sh iñ;s


• ixj¾Ok jHdmD;s u.ska wdÈjdiS ck;djf.a bvï whs;sjdislïj,g

isÿjk n,mEu iïnkaOfhka lghq;= lrk mßirfõoSka'

udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka Tjqka úiska m%j¾Okh lsÍug n,dfmdfrd;a;= jk

udkj ysñlï idrO¾u u.ska ne`oS isák w;r tajd ms<smeoSu isÿlrkq ,nhs'
udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka úiska ish¨u udkj ysñlïj, úYaùh Ndjh iy
fnod fjkal< fkdyels njg .re lrk w;r ish¨u ck;dj" ish¨u cd;Ska
Tjqkaf.a ,sx.sl úfNaokh" l=,h" cd;sl;ajh" ,sx.sl keUqre;djh fyda fjk;a
fjkialï fkdi,ld ish¨u udkj ysñlï N=la;sú`oSug whs;shla we;s njg
ms<s.kq ,nhs' tfuka u udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka iduldó f,i yd wúysxidjdoS
f,i udkj ysñlï wdrlaId lsÍug yd m%j¾Okhg lemjkq ,nhs'

udkj ysñlï iqrlskakkaf.a ld¾hh Ndrh l=ula o@

udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka hkq tlai;a cd;Skaf.a udkj ysñlï úYaj

m%ldYkfha iy cd;Hhka;r udkj ysñlï m%ñ;Skaj,g wkqj udkj ysñlï ;u
N+ñh ;=< h:d¾:hla njg m;alsÍug fjfyfik mqoa.,hka fõ' Tjqka isú,a"
foaYmd,ksl" wd¾Ól" iudchSh iy ixialD;sl whs;sjdislï hk lafIa;%hkaj,
úúOdldr wkaoug lghq;= lrkq ,nhs'

udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka ms<sn`oj tlai;a cd;Skaf.a m%ldYkh 3

iuyr udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka iy udkj ysñlï iq/lSfï wdh;k udkj
ysñlï m%ñ;Ska l%shdjg kexùu i`oyd"

• udkj ysñlï W,a,x>khka ms<sn`o isÿùï f,aLK.; lSÍfuka"

• rch u; mejÍ we;s udkj ysñlï iïnkaO ffk;sl j.lSï bgqlsÍu

iy;sl lsÍu i`oyd iudc u;hla f.dvke.Sug iudc jHdmdr ixúOdkh
lsÍu u.ska o
odhl jkq ,nhs'

iuyr udkj ysñlï ms<sn`o lghq;= lrkq ,nk wdh;kj, ld¾hh jkafka
ck;djf.a whs;sjdislï wdrlaId lsÍug wiu;a ùu ms<sn`oj"

• iduldó úfrdaO;djhka ixúOdkh lsÍu u.ska o"

• udkj ysñlï W,a,x>khka ksrdjrKh lrñka ,sms m,lsÍu u.ska o"

udkj ysñlï wdrlaId lsÍug wiu;a ùu ms<sn`oj fy,d olsñka ck;djf.a

whs;sjdislï wdrlaId lsÍug odhl ùuhs'

fjk;a udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka"

• rg ;=< isÿjk udkj ysñlï W,a,x>khka u.ska úm;gm;a mqoa.,hkag

iy Tjqkaf.a mjq,aj,g kS;suh ksfhdackh iy /ljrKh oSu u.ska
m%dfhda.slj iyfhda.h ,ndoSu isÿ lrkq ,nhs'

• ck lKavdhï i`oyd wd¾Ól yd iudchSh whs;sjdislï wjfndaO

lr.ekSu i`oyd jHdmD;Ska wdrïN lrkq ,nhs' WodyrK f,i
wOHdmkhg yd ksjdij,g we;s m%fõYh ms<sn`o oekqj;a lsÍu'

• udkj ysñlï wOHdmkh iy oekqj;a lsÍu u.ska ck;dj Tjqkaf.a

udkj ysñlï ms<sn`oj oekqj;a lsÍu'

udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka m%dfoaYSh jYfhka cd;sl jYfhka fuka u

cd;Hka;r jYfhka o l%shd;aul fõ' .%dóh iNdjkaj, isg tlai;a cd;Skaf.a
udkj ysñlï ms<sn`o hdka;%k olajd mrdih ;=< iEu fokdf.a u udkj ysñlï
wdrlaId lsÍug iy mQ¾K jYfhka l%shd;aul lsÍu iy;sl lsÍu i`oyd wjYHh
lreKq iNdjkaj,g bÈßm;a lsÍug lghq;= lrkq ,nhs' WodyrK f,i wdydr
i`oyd jQ whs;sh fuka u lDDr jOysxid yd n,y;a ldrfhka msgux lsÍu jeks
W,a,x>kh lsÍïj,g tfrysj lghq;= lsÍu jeks ls%hdjka oelaúh yels h'

iuyr udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka ldka;djka" wdoSjdiS ck;dj fyda

iu,sx.sl ck;dj iy ixl%dka;sl ,sx.sl Ndjh ork mqoa.,hka (LGBT) jeks
moaO;s.; hdka;%kh u.ska fjkialïj,g Ndckh fjñka iudch ;=< oS

4 udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka ms<sn`oj tlai;a cd;Skaf.a m%ldYkh

idOdrK m%fõYhla fkd,efnk úfYaIs; lKavdhïj, whs;sjdislï fjkqfjka
fmkS isáñka lghq;= lrkq ,nhs' udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka ish¨ fNao mfil,d
ish¨u fokdf.a udkj ysñlï wdrlaId lsÍu i`oyd l%shdldÍ jkq ,nhs'

udkj ysñlï iqrlskakkaf.a ld¾hNdrfhka m%;s,dN ,efnkafka

ldyg o@

udkj ysñlï wdrlaId lsÍfuka fuka u udkj ysñlï iudch ;=< Ndú;djla
lsÍfuka udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka isú,a iudch Yla;su;a lsÍu isÿlrkq ,nk
w;r fuu.ska iEu fokdf.a u udkj ysñlï wdrlaId lsÍug fuka u m%j¾Okh
lsÍu i`oyd hqla;s iy.; wjldYhla ks¾udkh lrkq ,nhs' iuyr úg udkj
ysñlï iqrlskakka lDDr wudkqIsl wjukaiy.; jOysxid ;=rka lsÍug fuka
u Tjqkaf.a bvï i`oyd jQ whs;sjdislï ;yjqre lsÍug ;uka lghq;= lrk
l,dmh mqrd jHdmdrhla ls%hd;aul lrkq we;'

udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka uqyqkfokq ,nk ndOdjka fudkjd o@

fndfyda rgj, isák udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka Tjqkaf.a udkj ysñlï

l%shdldrlï ksid my; oelafjk wdldrfha ;¾ckhkag yd ndOdjkag úYh
jkq ,nhs'
• urKSh ;¾ck
• w;a;fkdau;sl isrNdrhg .ekSu
• jOysxidjg m;alsÍu
• urKhg m;alsÍu
• ksrka;r wdfõlaIKhg ,la lsÍu
• ÿrl:k iy wka;¾cd, myiqlï wjysr lsÍu
• jHdc wmrdO fpdaokd fyda ks¾udKh lrk ,o wmjdohka u.ska .¾ydjg
,la lsÍu'

j¾I 2000 isg 2005 olajd ld, iSudj ;=< udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka
yg tfrysj isÿlrk ,o tjeks wdldrfha wjodkï iys; isÿùï f,dj mqrd
ydriShlg jeä m%udKhla jd¾;d ù we;'

tlai;a cd;Skaf.a ixúOdkfha udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka ms<sn`oj fidhd n,k

úfYaI ksfhdað;f.a jd¾;djg wkqj udkj ysñlï iqrlskakkaf.a ld¾hNdrh
iSud lsÍu i`oyd ks¾udkh lrk ,o ffk;sl m%;smdok u.ska Tjqkaf.a"

udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka ms<sn`oj tlai;a cd;Skaf.a m%ldYkh 5

• iud.ufha ksoyi"
• cd;Hka;r udkj ysñlï iïfï,k i`oyd .uka lsÍu"
• wruqo,a i`oyd m%fõYh"
iSudlr we;s njg jd¾;d lr we;'

uE; ld,Skj f,dalfha fndfyda m%foaYj, ;%ia;jdohg tfrysj igka lsÍu

i`oyd bÈßm;a lr we;s wê iSudldÍ w;a;fkdau;sl kS;s fr.=,dis ;=<ska udkj
ysñlï iqrlskakkaf.a ld¾h Ndrh iSud lsÍu isÿjk w;r fuu ;;ajh Tjqkaf.a
udkj whs;sjdislñ iq/lSfï lghq;= i`oyd ksfIaOkd;aulj n,md we;'
mqrjeishka w;r ish¨u idudðlhka udkj ysñlï W,a,x>khkaf.ka wdrlaId
lsÍug rchg j.lSula we;;a isú,a ck;dj fÉ;kdkaú;j urdoeóu we;=`Mj
fndfyda udkj ysñlï W,a,x>khka fy,sorõ lsÍu wdrlaIdj jeäÈhqqKq lsÍu
i`oyd mkjkq ,nk ffk;sl m%;smdok u.ska j,lajd we;sjd muKla fkdj
udkj ysñlï iqrlskakkaf.a ld¾hh Ndrh iSud lrñka udkj ysñlï wdrlaId
lsÍfï ld¾hNdrhg ndOd muqKqjd we;'

rdcHhka ;=< udkj ysñlï iqrlskakkaf.a ld¾hNdrh jk udkj ysñlï

iq/lSu yd m%j¾Okh lsÍu fuu kS;s yd rdcHh hdka;%kfha ls%hdldÍ;ajh
;=<ska ndOd muqKqjñka Tjqkaf.a ld¾hhka iudch ;=< fodaI o¾Ykhg ,lalr
we;s njg ksÍlaIKh fõ'

• by< ;k;=re ork rdcHh ks,OdÍka úiska udkj ysñlï uyck;djf.a

wdrlaIdj wk;=f¾ fy,k hdka;%khla njg fodaI o¾Ykh lrkq ,nhs'

• ikakoaO lKavdhï iu. iïnkaO;djhka we;s njg jHdc fpdaokd lrñka

wmrdO jro i`oyd fpdaokd t,a, lsÍfuka iy uQ,Hhuh wjNdú;djhka
ms<sn`o jHdc fpdaokd t,a,lrñka udkj ysñlï iqrlskakkaf.a ld¾hh
Ndrh wmlS¾;shg m;alrkq ,en we;'

• rdcHh wkq.%yh ,nk rdcHh fkdjk ixúOdk f.dvk.d tu.ska

Tjqkaf.a rg ;=< mj;sk udkj ysñlï ;;ajh ms<sn`o rdcHhg ys;lr
iy fkdu. hjk ;;ajhka cd;Hhka;rhg úoyd olajñka iajdëk
udkj ysñlï lkavdhïj, ld¾h Ndrh iy udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka
wmlS¾;shg m;alr we;'

udkj ysñlï m%j¾Okhg tfrysj isÿlrkq ,nk kvq mejÍï iy m,s.ekSï

ksid fndfyda udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka yg Tjqkaf.a /lshd wysñ ù we;s w;r
Tjqkaf.a jD;a;Suh wOHdmksl wjia:djka wysñ ù we;' tfuka u iudch ;=<
udkj ysñlï m%j¾Okhg lemjk udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka Tjqkaf.a mjq,aj,g
yd {d;Skag ,Êcdj iy ìh f.kfok lghq;=j, fhfokakka f,ig fNaohg
,lalr we;'

6 udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka ms<sn`oj tlai;a cd;Skaf.a m%ldYkh

udkj ysñlï iqrlskakkag ndOdlrkq ,nkafka ljqreka o@

f,dalh mqrd udkj ysñlï iqrlskakkayg ndOd lrkakka f,ig"

• rch"
• ikakoaO yuqodjka"
• jHdmdßl wjYHh;djhka u; l%shd;aul jk lKavdhï"
• ikakoaO lKavdhï"
• Tjqkaf.au ck lKavdhfï idudðlhka oelaúh yels h'

by; oelafjk lKavdhï fujeks l%shdjka isÿlrkq ,nkafka udkj ysñlï

m%j¾Okh lsÍfuka mj;sk iudc jd;djrKh fuka u mj;sk iudc" wd¾Ól"
ixialD;sl fuka u foaYmd,ksl n, jHqyhg wNsfhda.hla t,a,jk njg úYajdi
lrkq ,nk ksidfjks' udkj ysñlï iqrlskakkaf.a hqla;siy.; ld¾hNdrhg
ndOd t,a, lsÍu i`oyd iy tjeks ndOdldÍ l%shdjka idOdrKSlrKh lsÍu
i`oyd ksrka;rj fhdod.kakd jHdc fya;+ka jkafka cd;sl wdrlaIdj" uyck
iduh iy iodpdrh hs'

udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka wka whg idfmalaIj ndOl iy ysßyerj,g

,laùug jeä m%jK;djhla we;s o@

udkj ysñlï iqrlsskakkaf.a ld¾h Ndrh wka whf.a ld¾hhkaj,g jvd

wNsfhda. iy wjodkï iys; fõ' f,dalfha fndfyda m%foaYj, udkj ysñlï
iqrlskakka ldka;djkaf.a whs;sjdislï .Dyia: m%pKav;ajh iy LGBT ck;dj
jeks wjodkug md;% jQ ck;dj jeks yd Tjqkaf.a mjq,aj,ska mukla fkdj mq`M,a
udkj ysñlï lKavdhïj,ska o yqol,d jQ lKavdhïj, whs;sjdislï fjkqfjka
fmkSisáñka lghq;= lrkq ,nhs' fuu ksid Tjqka fjkqfjka wka lKavdhïj,g
idfmalaIj úfYaIs; wdrlaIdjla wjYHh jkq we;'

tlai;a cd;Skaf.a udkj ysñlï ms<sn`o úYaj m%ldYkhg wkqj iy tlai;a

cd;Skaf.a udkj ysulï iqrlskakka ms<sn`o m%ldYkhg wkqj ish¨u fokdg
udkj ysñlï h:d¾:hla njg m;alr .ekSug j.lSula we;' fuu ksid iEu
fokdu udkj ysñlï iqrlskakkaf.a ld¾h Ndrh ms<sn`oj .re lsÍu isÿ l<
hq;= w;r foaYmd,k ksfhdað;hka úiska udkj ysñlï iqrlskakkaf.a lghq;=
i`oyd iyfhda.h ,nd Èh hq;= w;r Tjqkaf.a whs;sjdislï wdrlaId lsÍu isÿ
l< hq;= h'

udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka ms<sn`oj tlai;a cd;Skaf.a m%ldYkh 7

kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fs; vd;why; ahu;?
If;fpa ehLfs; rigapd; kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fs; gw;wpa gpufldj;jpw;fika
kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fs; vd;gJ> 'jdpahf my;yJ Vidatu;fSld; ,ize;J kdpj
cupikfis ghJfhg;gjw;fhfr; nraw;gLfpd;w egu;fs;" kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fshtu;.
,e;j egu;fs; jkJ njhopy; uPjpahd Mw;wy;fisg; gad;gLj;Jjy; my;yJ jd;dhu;tj;
jiyaPl;bd; %yk; kdpj cupikfisg; ghJfhg;gjw;fhf xj;Jiog;G toq;Fgtu;fshf
,Uf;fyhk;. ,tu;fis mtu;fs; tfpf;Fk; gjtp> njhopy; my;yJ mtu;fs; njhopw;g; GupAk;
epWtdk; vd;gtw;iw mbg;gilahff; nfhz;L fz;Lnfhs;tijtpl mjw;F gjpyhf
mtu;fs; r%fj;jpy; Gupfpd;w nraw;ghLfis ikakhff; nfhz;L fz;Lnfhs;syhk;.
kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fshf>
• kdpj cupik kPwy;fis ntspf;nfhz;L tUk; Clftpayhsu;fs;>
• Copau; cupik njhlu;ghfr; nraw;gLfpd;w njhopw;rq;fr; nraw;ghl;lhsu;fs;>
• mgptpUj;jpf; fUj;jpl;lq;fspd; Clhf Mjpthrp kf;fspd; fhzp cupikfSf;F
Vw;gLfpd;w mOj;jq;fSf;F vjpuhf nraw;gLfpd;w #oy;tpayhsu;fisf;

kdpj cupik ghJfhtyh;fs;> mtu;fshy; Nkk;gLj;Jtjw;F vjpu;ghu;f;fpd;w

kdpj cupikfs; ngWkhdq;fSld; njhlu;Gg; gl;Ls;sNjhL kl;Lky;yhJ mtw;iwg;
gpd;gw;wTk; nra;fpd;wdh;. NkYk; kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fs; midj;J kdpj
cupikfspd; cyfshtpa mq;fPfhuj;ijAk; kjpf;fpd;whu;fs;;. mt;thNw ,tu;fs;
midj;J kf;fspdq;fSf;Fk; mtu;fspd; ghypdk;> rhjp> Njrpak;> ghypay; Nehf;Fepiy
my;yJ gpw NtWghLfisg; nghUl;gLj;jhky; midj;J kdpj cupikfisAk;
mDgtpf;f cupikAz;L vd;gijAk; mq;fPfupf;fpd;wdu;. kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fs;
kdpj cupikfis mikjpahfTk;> td;Kiwaw;wjhfTk; gpd;gw;WtNjhL> mtw;iwg;
ghJfhj;J Kd;Ndw;Wtjw;Fk; mu;gzpf;fg;gl;Ls;sdu;.

kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fspd; nraw;gzp ahJ?

kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fs; If;fpa ehLfspd; kdpj cupik G+Nfhs ntspaPL kw;Wk;
ru;tNjr kdpj cupik juq;fSf;fikthf kdpj cupikfis jkJ ehl;Lf;Fs; ajhu;j;jkhf
khw;Wtjw;F Kaw;rp nra;fpd;w egu;fshtu;. mtu;fs; rptpy;> murpay;> nghUshjhu> r%f
kw;Wk; fyhr;rhu cupikfs; Nghd;w Jiwfspy; gy;NtW tifapy; nraw;gLfpd;wdu;.
rpy kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fs; kw;Wk; kdpj cupik ghJfhg;G epWtdq;fs; kdpj
cupik juq;fisr; nraw;gLj;Jtjw;fhf>

8 kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fs; gw;wpa If;fpa ehLfspd; gpufldk;

• kdpj cupik kPwy;fs; gw;wpa rk;gtq;fis Mtzg;gLj;Jtjd; %yk;>
• murpw;Ff; ifaspf;fg;gl;Ls;s kdpj cupikfs; gw;wpa rl;l uPjpahd nghWg;Gfs;
epiwNtw;wg;gLtij cWjpg;gLj;Jk; Kfkhf r%fj;jpy; rpwe;jnjhU fUj;ijf;
fl;bnaOg;Gtjw;fhd r%f ,af;fq;fis xUq;fikg;gjd; %yk;>

muR> kf;fspd; cupikfis ghJfhf;fhj re;ju;g;gq;fspd; nghOJ> kdpj cupikfs;

njhlu;ghfr; nraw;gLfpd;w rpy epWtdq;fspd; nraw;ghLfshf>

• mikjpahd Kiwapyhd vjpu;g;G Mu;g;ghl;lq;fis xUq;fikj;jy;

• kdpj cupik kPwy; gw;wpa Mf;fq;fis ntspapLjy;
• kdpj cupikfis ghJfhf;fj; jtwpaijf; fz;bj;J> kf;fspd; cupikfis
ghJfhf;f gq;fspg;;Gr; nra;jy;

vd;gtw;iwf; Fwpg;gplyhk;.

NtW kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fs;>

• ehl;Lf;Fs; epfo;fpd;w kdpj cupik kPwy;fspd; Clhf ghjpg;Gf;Fs;shf;fg;gl;l
egu;fSf;F kw;Wk; mtu;fspd; FLk;;gq;fSf;Fr; rl;l uPjpahd MjuT kw;Wk;
ghJfhg;ig toq;Ftjd; Clhf eilKiw uPjpahd xj;Jiog;ig toq;Ffpd;wdu;.
• kf;fs; FOf;fSf;F nghUshjhu kw;Wk; r%f cupikfis Gupe;J nfhs;tjw;fhff;
fUj;jpl;lq;fis Muk;gpf;fpd;wdu;. cjhuzkhf fy;tp kw;Wk; tho;tpl cupik
njhlu;ghfj; njspTg; gLj;jy;
• kdpj cupik njhlu;ghd fy;tp kw;Wk; njspTg;gLj;jy;fspd; Clhf kf;fis
mtu;fspd; kdpj cupikfs; njhlu;ghf tpopg;G+l;Ljy;.

kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fs; gpuNjr> Njrpa kw;Wk; ru;tNjr uPjpahfr;

nraw;gLfpd;wdu;. fpuhkpa rigfspypUe;J If;fpa ehLfs; rigapd; kdpj cupik
njhlu;ghd nghwpKiw tiuapYk; midtupdJk; kdpj cupikfisg; ghJfhj;jy; kw;Wk;
eilKiwg;gLj;Jtjw;Fj; Njitahd tplaq;fis Kd;itg;gjw;fhfr; nraw;gLfpd;wdu;.
cjhuzkhf> czTf;fhd cupikiag; NghyNt nfhLikahdr; rpj;jputijfs; kw;Wk;
gyte;jkhf ntspNaw;Wjy; Nghd;w kPwy;fSf;F vjpuhfr; nraw;gLjy; vd;gtw;iwf;

NkYk; ngz;fs;> Mjpthrp kf;fs;> Xupdr; Nru;f;ifahsu;fs; kw;Wk; %d;whk;

ghypdj;jtu;fs; (LGBT) gy nghwpKiwfspd; Clhf khw;wq;fSf;F cs;shfp
r%fj;jpw;Fs; rhjhuzkhd gpuNtrq;fs; fpilf;fg; ngwhjpUf;fpwhu;fs;. rpy kdpj cupik
ghJfhtyu;fs; Nkw;Fwpg;gplg;gl;ltu;fspd; cupikfSf;fhfTk; Kd;te;J nraw;gLtu;.
nghJthf kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fs; ghFghLfsw;W midtupdJk; kdpj
cupikfisg; ghJfhg;gjw;fhfr; nraw;gLfpd;wdu;.

kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fs; gw;wpa If;fpa ehLfspd; gpufldk; 9

kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fspd; nraw;ghl;lhy; ed;ik miltJ ahu;?

kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fs;> kdpj cupikfis ghJfhg;gijg; NghyNt

kdpj cupikfSf;fhdg; nghwpKiwfisr; r%fj;jpw;Fs; gad;gLj;Jtjhy;; rptpy;
r%fj;ij tYg;gLj;JtNjhL midtupdJk; kdpj cupikfisg; ghJfhj;jy; kw;Wk;
Kd;Ndw;Wtjw;fhd ePjpahd mtfhrj;ijAk; cUthf;Ffpd;wdu;. rpy re;ju;g;gq;fspy;
kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fs; nfhLikahd kdpjhgpkhdkw;w Kiwapyhdr;
rpj;jputijfis xopg;gjw;fhfr; nraw;gLtijg; NghyNt fhzpf;fhd cupikfis
cWjpnra;tjw;F tya kl;lj;jpyhd kf;fs; ,af;fj;ijAk; cUthf;Ffpd;wdu;.

kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fs; Kfq;nfhLf;Fk; jilfs; vd;d?

gy ehLfspy; cs;s kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fs; mtu;fspd; kdpj cupik

nraw;ghLfspd; fhuzkhff; fPo;Fwpg;gplg;gLfpd;w Kiwapyhd mr;RWj;jy;fSf;F

• kuz mr;RWj;jy;fs;
• vjpu;ghuhj Kiwapy; ifJ nra;ag;gLjy;
• rpj;jputijf;F cs;shFjy;
• nfhiy nra;ag;gLjy;
• njhlu; fz;fhzpg;G
• njhiyNgrp ciuahly;fs; kw;Wk; ,izaj;jy trjpfSf;F jilfis
• ngha;ahd Kiwg;ghLfs; my;yJ mtw;iw cUthf;Ftjd; %yk;

cyfk; KOtjpYk; 2000k; Mz;bypUe;J 2005k; Mz;L tiuahd

fhytiuaiwf;Fs; kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fSf;F vjpuhf epfo;j;jg;gl;l 400f;Fk;
Nkw;gl;l mghakhd rk;gtq;fs; mwpf;ifg;gLj;jg;gl;Ls;sd.

If;fpa ehLfs; rigapd; kdpj cupikfs; njhlu;ghd fz;fhzpf;Fk; rpwg;Gg;

gpujpepjpapd; mwpf;ifapd;gb kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fspd; nraw;ghLfis
tiuaWg;gjw;fhf cUthf;fg;gl;Ls;s rl;l uPjpahd nfhs;iffspd; Clhf mtu;fspd;>

• rq;fj;jpd; Rje;jpuk;
• ru;tNjr kdpj cupik rk;Nksdj;jpw;Fg; gazpj;jy;
• epjpf;fhd gpuNtrk; vd;gd


10 kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fs; gw;wpa If;fpa ehLfspd; gpufldk;

fle;j fhyj;jpy; cyfk; KOtjpYk; gy gpuNjrq;fspy; gaq;futhjj;ijj;
jLg;gjw;fhf epakpf;fg;gl;Ls;s rl;lj; jpl;lq;fspd; Clhf kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fspd;
nraw;ghL tiuaWf;fg;gl;Ls;sNjhL ,e;j epiyik mtu;fspd; kdpj cupikiag;
ghJfhf;Fk; nraw;ghLfSf;F vjpu; jhf;fj;ijAk; Vw;gLj;jpAs;sJ. midj;J gpui[fspd;
kdpj cupik kPwy;fspd; nghOJ mtu;fisg; ghJfhg;gjw;fhd nghWg;G muRf;F cs;sJ.
vdpDk; rhjhuz kf;fis nfhiy nra;jy; cs;spl;l Vida kdpj cupik kPwy;fis
ntspf;nfhzUk; epiyikahdJ ghJfhg;ig Kd;Ndw;Wtjw;fhf tpjpf;fg;gl;Ls;s rl;lf;
nfhs;iffspd; Clhf jLf;fg;gl;Ls;sJ. ,tw;wpd; Clhf kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fspd;
nraw;ghLfs; tiuaWf;fg;gl;Ls;sNjhL kdpj cupikiag; ghJfhf;Fk; nraw;ghl;Lf;Fk;
jilfs; Vw;gl;Ls;sd.

muRfs;> kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fspd; nghWg;Gfshd kdpj cupikfisg;

ghJfhj;jy; kw;Wk; Kd;Ndw;Wjy; vd;gtw;Wf;F mur nghwpKiwr; nraw;ghl;Lf;Fs;
jilfis Vw;gLj;jp mj; jilfspd; Clhf kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fspd; nraw;ghLfspy;
FiwghLfs; cs;snjd r%fj;jpd; Clhf NknyOg;Gtjhf fz;fhzpf;fg;gl;Ls;sd.

• cau; gjtpfspYs;s mur mjpfhupfs;> kdpj cupikfs; nghJkf;fspd;

ghJfhg;Gf;F mghaj;ij Vw;gLj;Jk; nghwpKiwahf Fw;wk; rhl;Lfpd;wdu;.

• NkYk; Nghuhl;lf; FOf;fSld; njhlu;Gfs; cs;snjd ngha;ahd Fw;wq;fis

Kd;itj;J mf;Fw;wq;fSf;fhd Kiwg;ghLfis nra;fpd;wdu;. mj;Jld; epjp
ghtidfs; njhlu;ghd ngha;ahd Kiwg;ghLfisAk; Kd;itj;J kdpj cupik
ghJfhtyu;fspd; nraw;ghLfis NkYk; mtkjpf;fpd;whh;fs;.

• mur mDruiziag; ngWk; mur rhu;gw;w mikg;Gfisf; fl;bnaOg;gp mjd;

%yk; mtu;fspd; ehl;Lf;Fs; epyTfpd;w kdpj cupik epiyikfs; njhlu;ghf
muRf;F rhjfkhd kw;Wk; vjpu;kiwahd epiyikfisr; ru;tNjrj;jpw;Ff;
Fwpg;gpl;Lf;fhl;b RahjPd kdpj cupikf; FOf;fspd; nraw;gzp kw;Wk; kdpj
cupik ghJfhtyu;fspd; nraw;ghLfis mtkjpj;Js;sdu;.

kdpj cupik Kd;Ndw;wj;jpw;F vjpuhf njhLj;Js;s tof;F jhf;fy;fs; kw;Wk;

gopthq;fy;fspd; fhuzkhf kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fspd; njhopy;fs; kw;Wk;
fy;tpf;fhd re;ju;g;gq;fs; ,of;fg;gl;Ls;sd. mt;thNw r%fj;jpw;Fs; kdpj cupik
Kd;Ndw;wj;jpw;fhf mu;g;gzpg;Gld; nraw;gLfpd;w kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fs;
mtu;fspd; FLk;gq;fs; kw;Wk; cwtpdu;fSf;F mtkhdk; cs;spl;l mr;RWj;jy;fis
Vw;gLj;Jk; nraw;ghLfspy; <Lgl;Ls;sdu; vd;w ghugl;rj;jpw;Fk; cs;shf;fg;gl;Ls;sdu;.

kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fs; gw;wpa If;fpa ehLfspd; gpufldk; 11

kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fSf;F jilfis Vw;gLj;Jgtu;fs; ahu;?
cyfk; KOtjpYk; kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fSf;F jilfis Vw;gLj;Jgtu;fshf>
• muR>
• ,uhZtk;>
• Tpahghu Njitfspd; mbg;gilapy; nraw;gLfpd;w FOf;fs;
• Nghuhl;lf; FOf;fs;
• kf;fs; FOf;fspYs;s mq;fj;jtu;fs; Nghd;wtu;fisf; Fwpg;gplyhk;.

Nkw;Fwpg;gplg;gl;l FOf;fs; ,t;thwhd nraw;ghLfis eilKiwg;gLj;JtJ>

kdpj cupikfis Kd;Ndw;Wtjd; %yk; eilKiwapYs;s r%f #oy;> nghUshjhu>
fhyhr;rhuj;ijg; Nghd;Nw murpay; fl;likg;GfSf;Fr; rthy;fs; Vw;gLk; vd
ek;GtjdhyhFk;. NkYk; kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fspd; ePjpahd nraw;ghLfSf;Fj;
jilfis Vw;gLj;Jjy; kw;Wk; mt;thwhf Vw;gLj;Jk; jilfis epahag;gLj;Jtjw;fhf
njhlu;r;rpahf Fwpg;gpLk; ngha;ahd fhuzpfshf Njrpa ghJfhg;G> rkhjhdk; vDk;
tplaq;fis Fwpg;gpLfpd;whu;fs;.

kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fs; Vidath;fis tpl jilfs; kw;Wk;

rpj;jputijfSf;F cs;shtjw;F mjpf tha;g;Gfs; cs;sjh?

kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fspd; nraw;ghLfs; Vidatu;fspd; nraw;ghLfistpl

mghafukhd kw;Wk; rthy;fs; epiwe;jjhFk;. cyfpy; gy gpuNjrq;fspy; kdpj cupik
ghJfhtyu;fs; ngz;fspd; cupikfs;> FLk;g td;Kiwf;F cs;shFgtu;fs;> LGBT Nghd;w
mtjhdj;jpw;F cs;shfpd;w egu;fs; kw;Wk; mtu;fspd; FLk;gq;fSf;fhf kl;Lky;y
jdpikg;gLj;jg;gl;l FOf;fspd; cupikfSf;fhTk; Kd;te;J nraw;gLgtu;fshtu;.
mjdhy; kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fSf;F Vida FOf;fis tpl tpNrlkhd ghJfhg;G

If;fpa ehLfspd; kdpj cupikg; gw;wpa cyfshtpa ntspaPL kw;Wk; If;fpa

ehLfspd; kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fs; gw;wpa gpufldj;jpw;F ,zq;f midtUf;Fk;
kdpj cupikfis ajhu;j;jkhf khw;Wtjw;fhdg; nghWg;G cs;sJ. mjdhy; midtUk;
kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fspd; nraw;gzpia mq;fPfupf;f Ntz;Lk;. mj;Jld; murpay;
gpujpepjpfs; kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fspd; nraw;ghLfSf;F xj;Jiog;G toq;f
Ntz;LtNjhL mtu;fspd; kdpj cupikfisg; ghJfhg;gjw;fhfTk; nraw;gl Ntz;Lk;.

12 kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fs; gw;wpa If;fpa ehLfspd; gpufldk;


“Human rights defender” is a term used to describe people who, individually or

with others, act to promote or protect human rights. Human rights defenders
are identified above all by what they do and it is through a description of their
actions and of some of the contexts in which they work that the term can best be
explained. The examples given of the activities of human rights defenders are not
an exhaustive list.


There is no specific definition of who is or can be a human rights defender.

The Declaration on human rights defenders refers to “individuals, groups and
associations … contributing to … the effective elimination of all violations of
human rights and fundamental freedoms of peoples and individuals” (fourth
preambular paragraph).

In accordance with this broad categorization, human rights defenders can be

any person or group of persons working to promote human rights, ranging from
intergovernmental organizations based in the world’s largest cities to individuals
working within their local communities. Defenders can be of any gender, of
varying ages, from any part of the world and from all sorts of professional or other
backgrounds. In particular, it is important to note that human rights defenders
are not only found within NGOs and intergovernmental organizations but might
also, in some instances, be government officials, civil servants or members of the
private sector.



No “qualification” is required to be a human rights defender, and the Declaration

on human rights defenders makes clear, as explained above, that we can all
be defenders of human rights if we choose to be. Nevertheless, the “standard”
required of a human rights defender is a complex issue, and the Declaration
clearly indicates that defenders have responsibilities as well as rights.


14 udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka ms<sn`oj tlai;a cd;Skaf.a m%ldYkh
il, f,daljdiSkau fmdÿfõ ms<s.;a udkj
ysñlï iy ish¨ uQ,sl ñksia ksoyi
j¾Okh lsÍu iy wdrCId lsÍu i|yd
jQ mqoa.,hkaf.a" mqoa., lKavdhïj,
iy iudc ixúOdkj, whs;sjdislï iy
j.lSï ms<sn| m%ldYkh'

udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka ms<sn`oj tlai;a cd;Skaf.a m%ldYkh 15

16 udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka ms<sn`oj tlai;a cd;Skaf.a m%ldYkh

tlai;a cd;Skaf.a ixúOdkfha uyd uKav,fha fhdackd wxl 53$144g

wkqj" uyd uKav,h¦ f,dalfha ish¨ rgj, Ôj;ajk ck;djf.a udkj ysñlï
iy uQ,sl ksoyi j¾Okh lsÍu;a" wdrCId lsÍu;a i|yd iïu; lrf.k
we;s tlai;a cd;Skaf.a m%{ma;sfhys i|yka wruqKq iy uQ,O¾u ms<sme§fuys
jeo.;alu kej; jrla ;yjqre ù we;'

udkj ysñlï iy uQ,sl ksoyi ms<sme§ug;a" Bg we;s fmdÿ

ms<s.ekSu j¾Okh lsÍug;a cd;Hka;r jYfhka f.k we;s uQ,sl mshjrhka
f,i ie,flk"

1' udkj ysñlï ms<sn| úYaj m%ldYKh

2' udkj ysñlï ms<sn| cd;Hka;r iïuq;Ska1
3' tlai;a cd;Skaf.a ixúOdkh ms<sf.k we;s fjk;a udkj ysñlï iïuq;s2
4' l,dmSh jYfhka ms<sf.k we;s udkj ysñlï iïuq;s3
hk iïuq;sj, jeo.;alu o kej; ;yjqreù we;'

ish¨ fokdf.a u udkj ysñlï iy uQ,sl ksoyi j¾Okh lsÍug;a" Bg

f.!rjh oelaùug ish¨ fokd Wkkaÿ lrùu;a i|yd ;ksj fuka u iduQyslj o
lghq;= lsÍu f,daljdiS ck;djf.a oeä j.lSula jk nj wjYHfhkau ms<s.;
hq;=j we;' tu j.lSu bgq lsÍfuys wka;¾cd;sl jYfhka iyfhda.h ,nd.ekSu
úfYaI jeo.;alulska hq;= ld¾Hhla fõ' tfiau fuu j.lSu bgqlsÍfuys§
cd;sh" j¾Kh" ia;%S mqreI Ndjh" NdIdj" wd.u" foaYmd,k fyda fjk;a u;hka
±Íu" cd;sl fyda iudc iïNjh" foam, iy Wm; hk lreKq u; mokïj
fyda fjk;a ´kEu wdldrhlska isÿflfrk ish¨ fjkialï m%;sfCIam l< hq;=h'

1' Bg we;=<;a oE w;r"

wd¾Ól" iudc iy ixialD;sl whs;sjdislï ms<sn| cd;Hka;r iïuq;sh
isú,a iy foaYmd,k whs;sjdislï ms<sn| cd;Hka;r iïuq;sh
isú,a iy foaYmd,k whs;sjdislï ms<sn| cd;Hka;r iïuq;shg we;=<;a l< m<uq ffjl,ams;
.súiqu urKSh oKavkh wfydaislsÍu i|yd jQ isú,a iy foaYmd,k whs;sjdislï ms<sn|
cd;Hka;r iïuq;shg we;=<;a l< fojk ffjl,ams; .súiqu
2' ksoiqkla f,i <ud whs;sjdislï ms<sn| m%{ma;sh
3' ksoiqkla f,i udkj whs;sjdislï ms<sn| hqfrdamd iïuq;sh

udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka ms<sn`oj tlai;a cd;Skaf.a m%ldYkh 17

úYajh ms<sf.k we;s" udkj ysñlï iy uQ,sl ksoyi wdrCId
lsÍug;a" m%j¾Okhg;a iudc ixúOdk" mqoa., fyda lKavdhïj,g
we;s whs;sh yd j.lSï ms<sn`o m%ldYkh
mq`M,a" oreKq fyda l%udKql+, wdldrfhka isÿjk udkj ysñlï W,a,x>kh
lsÍu f,i my; i|yka wjia:d y÷kdf.k we;'
1' ;uka i;= Okh iy iajdNdúl iïm;a flfrys ;ukaf.a mQ¾K md,k
n,;, ls%hd;aul lsÍug ck;djg we;s whs;sh m%;sfCIam lsÍu'
2' tlg Ôj;a fjñka tlg md,kh ùu i|yd ck;djg we;s whs;sh
^iajhxkS¾K whs;sh& m%;sfCIam lsÍu'
j¾KfNaojdoh" cd;sh u; mokï j fjkialïj,g n÷kalsÍu"
hg;aúð;jdoh" úfoaY wdêm;Hh me;srùu fyda hg;alr .ekSu"
m%pKavldÍ;ajh" cd;sl iajdêm;Hhg fyda cd;sl tald.%;djhg fyda
fN!ñl wLKav;djhg ;¾ckhla ùu u`.ska whs;sjdislï W,a,x>kh ùu'

ta wkqj udkj ysñlï iy uQ,sl ksoyig n,mdk ish¨u wdldrfha

whs;sjdislï W,a,x>kh ùï M,odhS f,i ;=rka lr,Sug cd;Hka;r
iyfhda.S;dj ;=<ska jeo.;a jev fldgila bgql< hq;=j we;' tfukau tu
W,a,x>kh ùï ;=rkalr,Sug mqoa.,hka" mqoa., lKavdhï iy iudc ixúOdk
u`.ska ,ndfok úYd, odhl;ajho w;sYh jeo.;a jkq we;'

cd;Hka;r iduh yd wdrCIdj;a" udkj ysñlï iy uQ,sl ksoyi

N=la;sú£u;a hk lreKq fol w;r we;af;a wLKav in|;djhls' cd;Hka;r
iduh iy wdrCIdj fkdue;sùu tl`.;djhka we;sfkdùug iudjla fkdjk
nj ta iu`. u u;lfha ;nd.; hq;=h'

udkj ysñlï iy uQ,sl ksoyi jkdyS ish¨ f,dal jdiSkag u fmdÿ fukau
fkdfnÈh yels tlla o fõ' tfiau tajd tlsfklu; r|dmj;sk iy tlsfklg
iïnkaO tajd o fõ' ;j o" iEu whs;sjdislula iy ksoyilau ls%hd;aul
lsÍfï§ lsisÿ w.;shlg m;afkdjk mßÈ tajd j¾Okh lsÍu;a" meyeÈ,s iy
idOdrK wdldrfhka ls%hd;aul lsÍu;a l< hq;=j we;'

udkj ysñlï iy uQ,sl ksoyi j¾Okh lsÍfï iy wdrCId lsÍfï uQ,sl

hq;=lu iy m%Odku j.lSu rch fj; mejfrhs'

cd;sl fukau cd;Hka;r uÜgñka o udkj ysñlï iy uQ,sl ksoyi ms<sn|j

wjfndaOh j¾Okh lsÍu;a" ta .ek Wkkaÿjla we;slsÍu;a ;ksmqoa.,hkaf.a"
mqoa., lKavdhïj, iy ixúOdkj, whs;sjdislula fukau j.lSulao fõ'

tneúka tlai;a cd;Skaf.a uyd uKav,h fufia m%ldY lr isà'

18 udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka ms<sn`oj tlai;a cd;Skaf.a m%ldYkh

midj;J cyfthrpfshYk; nghJthf
mq;fPfupf;fg;gl;l kdpj cupikfs; cs;spl;l
kdpju;fspd; midj;J tpjkhd mbg;gilr;
Rje;jpuj;ij Nkk;gLj;jp mtw;iwg;
ghJfhg;gjw;fhd jdp egu;fspd;> FOf;fspd;>
r%f mikg;Gfspd; cupikfs; kw;Wk;
nghWg;Gfs; njhlu;ghd ntspaPL

udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka ms<sn`oj tlai;a cd;Skaf.a m%ldYkh 19

20 udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka ms<sn`oj tlai;a cd;Skaf.a m%ldYkh

If;fpa ehLfs; rigapd; nghJr;rigapd; Kd;nkhopT ,y 53$144f;F ,zq;f

nghJr;rig¦ cyfpd; midj;J ehLfspYk; tho;fpd;w kf;fspd; kdpj cupikfs;
cs;spl;l mbg;gilr; Rje;jpuj;ij Nkk;gLj;jp mjid ghJfhg;gjw;fhf epiwNtw;wp
nfhz;Ls;s If;fpa ehLfspd; gpufldj;jpy; Fwpg;gplg;gl;Ls;s Nehf;fq;fs; kw;Wk;
Nfhl;ghLfis gpd;gw;Wtjd; Kf;fpaj;Jtk; kPz;Lk; cWjp nra;ag;gl;Ls;sJ.

kdpj cupikfs; kw;Wk; mbg;gilr; Rje;jpuj;ij gpd;gw;Wtjw;Fk;> mjw;fhd

nghJthd mq;fPfhuj;ij Kd;Ndw;Wtjw;Fk; ru;tNjr hPjpahf nfhz;Ls;s mbg;gil
eltbf;iffshf fUJk;>

1. kdpj cupikfs; njhlu;ghd G+Nfhs ntspaPL

2. kdpj cupikfs; njhlu;ghd rh;tNjr gpufldq;fs;1
3. If;fpa ehLfs; rigahy; mq;fPfhpf;fg;gl;Ls;s NtW kdpj cupikfs; njhlh;ghd
4. tya kl;lj;jpy; mq;fPfhpf;fg;gl;Ls;s kdpj cupikfs; gpufldk;3 Nghd;w
gpufldq;fspd; Kf;fpaj;Jtk; kPz;Lk; cWjp nra;ag;gl;Ls;sJ.

midj;J kf;fspd; kdpj cupikfs; kw;Wk; mbg;gilr; Rje;jpuj;ij

Kd;Ndw;Wtjw;fhfTk;> mjw;F kjpg;gspg;gjw;fhfTk; midtiuAk;
Cf;fg;gLj;Jtjw;fhf jdpikahfTk;> $l;lhfTk; nraw;gLjy; cyftho; kf;fspd;
nghWg;ghf Vw;Wf;nfhs;s Ntz;Lk;. mg;nghWg;ig epiwNtw;Wk; nghOJ ru;tNjr uPjpahf
xj;Jiog;ig ngw;Wf;nfhs;tJ kpf Kf;fpakhd tplakhFk;. mt;thNw ,g;nghWg;ig
epiwNtw;Wk; nghOJ If;fpa ehLfspd; gpufldj;jpy; Fwpg;gplg;gl;Ls;s ,dk;> tu;zk;>
Mz;> ngz; rkj;Jtk;> nkhop> kjk;> murpay;> khw;Wf; fUj;Jf;fis nfhz;ltu;fs;> nrhj;J
kw;Wk; gpwg;G vDk; fUj;Jf;fis mbg;gilahff; nfhz;L ve;jnthU KiwapNyDk;
epfOfpd;w midj;J tpjkhd ghugl;rq;fisAk; ehk; vjpu;f;f Ntz;Lk;.

1 mjw;Fs; cs;slf;fg;gl;l tplaq;fs;

nghUshjhu> r%f kw;Wk; fyhr;rhu cupikfs; njhlu;ghd ru;tNjrg; gpufldq;fs; rptpy; kw;Wk;
murpay; cupikfs; njhlu;ghd ru;tNjr gpufldk;
rptpy; kw;Wk; murpay; cupikfs; njhlu;ghd ru;tNjrg; gpufldj;jpy; cs;slf;fg;gl;Ls;s kuz
jz;lidia ,uj;Jr; nra;tjw;fhd rptpy; kw;Wk; murpay; cupikfs; njhlu;ghd ru;tNjrg;
gpufldj;jpy; cs;slf;fg;gl;Ls;s tplak;.
2 cjhuzkhf> rpWtu; cupikfs; njhlu;ghd gpufldk;
3 cjhuzkhf> kdpj cupikfs; njhlu;ghd INuhg;gpa gpufldk;

kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fs; gw;wpa If;fpa ehLfspd; gpufldk; 21

kdpj cupik kPwy;fs; gue;jstpYk;> jPtpukhfTk; my;yJ gbg;gbahfTk;
epfOfpd;w re;ju;g;gq;fshf gpd;tUk; re;ju;g;gq;fs; fz;lwpag;gl;Ls;sd.
1. jkf;F nrhe;jkhd nrhj;J kw;Wk; ,aw;if tsq;fs; kPJ jq;fsJ KOikahd
epUthf mjpfhuj;ij nraw;gLj;Jtjw;F kf;fSf;F cs;s cupik kWf;fg;gLjy;.
2. xd;whf Nru;e;J tho;tJld; mjid xd;whf epUtfpg;gjw;F kf;fSf;Fs;s
cupik kWf;fg;gLjy;. (RahjPdkhf jPu;khdk; vLj;jy;)
3. tu;z ghFghL> ,dj;ij mbg;gilahff; nfhz;L khw;wq;fSf;F cl;gLj;Jjy;.
ru;tNjr jiyaPL my;yJ mbikg;gLj;jy;> fhydpj;Jtk;> td;Kiw> Njrpa
,iwikf;F mr;RWj;jYf;Fs;shfpd;w fhuzpfspd; %yk; cupikfs;
kWf;fg;gLjy; vd;gtw;iwf; Fwpg;gplyhk;.

mjw;fikthf kdpj cupikfs; kw;Wk; mbg;gilr; Rje;jpuj;jpw;F jhf;fj;ijr;

nrYj;Jfpd;w midj;J KiwfspYkhd cupik kPwy;fis rpwe;j Kiwapy; xopg;gjw;F
ru;tNjr xj;Jiog;gpd; %yk; kpf Kf;fpa nraw;ghLfis eilKiwg;gLj;j Ntz;bAs;sJ.
vdNt mt;thwhd kdpj cupik kPwy;fis KOikahf xopg;gjw;F jdp egu;fs;> FOf;fs;
kw;Wk; r%f mikg;Gfspd; %yk; toq;Ffpd;w ghupa xj;Jiog;ghdJ kpf Kf;fpakhd
tplakhf fUjg;gLfpd;wJ.

ru;tNjr rkhjhdk;> ghJfhg;G kw;Wk; kdpj cupikfs; cs;spl;l mbg;gilr;

Rje;jpuj;ij mDgtpj;jy; vDk; ,uz;L tplaq;fSf;Fs; njhlu;r;rpahd njhlu;G
fhzg;gLfpd;wJ. ru;tNjr rkhjhdk; kw;Wk; ghJfhg;G ,y;yhikahdJ cld;ghLfs;
Vw;glhikf;F kd;dpf;f Kbahj tplak; vd;gijAk; mtw;Wld; epidtpy; itj;;Jf;nfhs;s

kdpj cupikfs;> mbg;gilr; Rje;jpuk; vd;git midj;J cyftho; kf;fSf;Fk;

nghJthdnjhd;whFk;. mjidg; gpupf;f KbahJ. mt;thNw mit xd;Wf; nfhd;W
njhlu;Gg;gl;ljhFk;. mj;Jld; midj;J cupikfs; kw;Wk; Rje;jpuk; vd;gtw;iwr;
nraw;gLj;Jk; nghOJ mJ ve;j tifapYk; ghjpg;Gf;F cl;glhjthW mtw;iw Kd;Ndw;wp
njspthfTk;> ePjpahd KiwapYk; nraw;gLj;j Ntz;Lk;.

kdpj cupikfs; cs;spl;l mbg;gilr; Rje;jpuj;ij Kd;Ndw;Wjy; kw;Wk; ghJfhj;jy;

vd;gtw;wpd; Kf;fpag; nghWg;G murpw;F ifaspf;fg;gl;;Ls;sJ.

Njrpa kw;Wk; rh;tNjr kl;lj;jpy; kdpj cupikfs; cs;spl;l mbg;gilr; Rje;jpuk;

njhlu;ghd Gupe;Jzu;it Kd;Ndw;WtJk;> mJ njhlu;ghf Cf;fj;ij Vw;gLj;JtJk;
jdp egu;fspd;;> FOf;fspd;> epWtdq;fspd; cupikiag; NghyNt mJ nghWg;ghfTk;

mjw;fika If;fpa ehLfspd; nghJr;rigapd; ntspaPl;by; gpd;tUk; tplaq;fs;


22 kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fs; gw;wpa If;fpa ehLfspd; gpufldk;

Declaration on the Right and
Responsibility of individuals Groups
and Organs of Society to promote
and Protect Universally Recognized
Human Rights and Fundamental

udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka ms<sn`oj tlai;a cd;Skaf.a m%ldYkh 23

24 udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka ms<sn`oj tlai;a cd;Skaf.a m%ldYkh
General Assembly resolution 53/144

The General Assembly,

Reaffirming the importance of the observance of the purposes and Principles

of the Charter of the United Nations for the promotion and protection of all of all
human rights and fundamental freedoms for all persons in all Countries of the

Taking note of Commission on Human Rights resolution 1998/7 of 3

April 1998, See Official Records of the Economic and Social Council,1998,
supplementNo.3 (E/1998/23), chap. II, Sect. A. in Which the Commission
approved the text of the draft declaration on the right and responsibility of
individuals, groups and organs of Society to promote and protect universally
recognized human rights and fundamental freedoms,

Taking note also of Economic and Social Council resolution 1998/33 of

30 July 1998, in Which the Council recommended the draft declaration to the
General Assembly for adoption,

Conscious of the importance of the adoption of the draft declaration in

context of the fiftieth anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
Resolution 2017 A (III).

1. Adopts The Declaration on the Rights and Responsibility of Individuals,

Groups and Organs of Society to Promote and Protect Universally
Recognized Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, annexed to the
present resolution:

2. Invites Governments, agencies and organizations of the United Nations

system and intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations to
intensify their efforts to disseminate the Declaration and to promote
universal respect and understanding thereof, and requests the Secretary-
General to include the text of the Declaration in the next edition of
Human Rights: A Compilation of International Instruments.

85th plenary meeting

9 December 1998


Declaration on the Right and Responsibility of individuals Groups and Organs of
Society to promote and Protect Universally Recognized Human Rights and Fundamental

The General Assembly,

Reaffirming the importance of the observance of the purposes and principles of the
Charter of the United Nations for the promotion and protection of all human rights and
fundamental freedoms for all persons in all countries of the world,

Reaffirming also the importance of the Universal Declarations of Human Rights and
the International Covenants on Human Rights Resolution 2200 A (XXI), annex. As basic
elements of international efforts to promote universal respect for and observance of human
rights and fundamental freedoms and the importance of other human rights instruments
adopted within the United Nations system, as well as those at the regional level, Stressing
that all members of the international community shall fulfill, jointly and separately, their
solemn obligation to promote and encourage respect for human rights and fundamental
freedoms for all without distinction of any kind, including distinctions based on race, Colors,
sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or Social origin, property. Birth or
other status, reaffirming the particular importance of achieving international cooperation to
fulfil this obligation according to the Charter,

Acknowledging the important role of international cooperation for, and the valuable
work of individuals, groups and associations in contributing to, the effective elimination of all
violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms of people and individuals, including in
relation to mass, flagrant or systematic violations such as those resulting from apartheid, all
forms of racial discrimination, colonialism, foreign domination or occupation, aggression or
threats to national sovereignty, national unity or territorial integrity and from the refusal to
recognize the right of peoples to self-determination and the right of every people to exercise
full sovereignty over its wealth and natural resources, Recognizing the relationship between
international peace and security and the enjoyment of human rights and fundamental
freedoms, and mindful that the absence of international peace and security does not excuse
non –compliance, Reiterating that all human rights and fundamental freedoms are Universal,
indivisible, interdependent and interrelated and should be promoted and implemented in a
fair and equitable manner, without prejudice to the implementation of each of those rights
and freedoms, Stressing that the prime responsibility and duty to promote and protect
human rights and fundamental freedoms lie with the State, Recognizing the right and the
responsibility of individuals, groups and associations to promote respect for and foster
knowledge of human rights and fundamental freedoms at the national and international



1 j.ka;sh cd;sl uÜgñka iy cd;Hka;r uÜgñka udkj
ysñlï iy uQ,sl ksoyi j¾Okh lsÍug;a wdrCId lsÍug
fukau wjfndaO lrùug;a ;ksj fyda wka wh o iu`.
fjfyi ù lghq;= lsÍug iEu mqoa.,fhl=gu whs;shla

1k; cWg;Giu Njrpa kw;Wk; ru;tNjr kl;lj;jpy; kdpj cupikfs;

cs;spl;l mbg;gilr; Rje;jpuj;ij Kd;Ndw;Wtjw;fhfTk;>
ghJfhg;gjw;fhfTk; mjid njspT gLj;Jtjw;fhfTk;
jdpahf my;yJ Vidatu;fSld; ,ize;J nraw;gLtjw;F
midj;J egh;fSf;Fk; cupikAs;sJ.

Article 1 Everyone has the rights, individually and in

association with others, to promote and to strive for
the protection and realization of human rights and
fundamental freedoms at the national and international

udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka ms<sn`oj tlai;a cd;Skaf.a m%ldYkh 27

2 j.ka;sh ish¨ udkj ysñlï iy uQ,sl ksoyi wdrCId lsÍu;a"
1 jk Wm j.ka;sh j¾Okh lsÍu;a" ls%hd;aul lsÍu;a ksismßÈ isÿlsÍu
ish¨u rdcHhkag mejreKq uQ,sl hq;=lula iy j.lSula
fõ' ta i|yd iudchSh" wd¾Ól" foaYmd,k fukau
wfkl=;a fCIa;%j,j o iqÿiq jgmsgdjla ks¾udKh l< hq;=
h' tfiau ;u foaYiSudj ;=< Ôj;ajk ck;djg ;ksj u
fyda fjk;a wh o iu`. ish¨u udkj ysñlï iy uQ,sl
ksoyi m%dfhda.slj N=la;sú£ug wjYH kS;suh wdrCIdj
rch u`.ska i,id Èh hq;=h'

2 jk Wm j.ka;sh iEu rchla úiskau fuu m%ldYkh u`.ska ,nd § we;s

whs;sjdislï iy ksoyi fyd¢ka wdrCIdlsÍug wjYH
kS;suh" mßmd,kuh iy fjk;a mshjr wjYH mßÈ .;

2k; cWg;Giu midj;J tpjkhd kdpj cupikfs; cs;spl;l mbg;gilr;

1k; cg cWg;Giu Rje;jpuj;ij ghJfhj;jy;> Kd;Ndw;Wjy;> nraw;gLj;Jjy;
midj;J muRfSf;Fk; ifaspf;fg;gl;Ls;s kpf Kf;fpa
flik kw;Wk; nghWg;ghFk;. mjw;fhf r%f> nghUshjhu>
murpaiyg; NghyNt Vida JiwfspYk; cfe;j #oiy
cUthf;f Ntz;Lk;. mt;thNw jkJ Njr vy;iyf;Fs;
tho;fpd;w kf;fSf;F jdpahf my;yJ VidNahUld;
midj;J kdpj cupikfs; kw;Wk; mbg;gilr; Rje;jpuk;
vd;gtw;iw eilKiwapy; mDgtpg;gjw;F Njitahd rl;lg;
ghJfhg;G muRfshy; toq;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;.

2k; cg cWg;Giu midj;J muRfSk; ,g; gpufldj;jpd; %yk;

toq;fpAs;s cupikfs; cs;spl;lr; Rje;jpuj;ijr; rpwe;j
Kiwapy; ghJfhg;gjw;Fj; Njitahd rl;lk;> epUthfk;
cs;spl;l Vida eltbf;iffisg; nghUj;jkhd Kiwapy;
vLf;f Ntz;Lk;.

Article 2 Each state has a prime responsibility and duty to

Subsection 1 protect, promote and implement all human rights and
fundamental freedoms. Inter alia, by adopting such
steps as may be necessary to create all conditions
necessary in the Social, Economic, Political and
other fields, as well as the legal guarantees required
to ensure that all persons under its jurisdiction,
individually and in association with others, are able to
enjoy all those rights and freedoms in practice.

28 kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fs; gw;wpa If;fpa ehLfspd; gpufldk;

Subsection 2 Each state shall adopt such legislative,
administrative and other steps as may be necessary
to ensure that the rights and freedoms referred to in
the present Declaration are effectively guaranteed.

3 j.ka;sh tlai;a cd;Skaf.a m%{ma;sfhys i|yka m%;smdok

iu`.;a udkj ysñlï iy uQ,sl ksoyi iïnkaOfhka
rcfha fjk;a cd;Hka;r ne£ï iu`.;a wkql+,jk foaYsh
kS;s rduqjla rch úiska ilid .; hq;=h' fï m%ldYkh
u`.ska lshfjk udkj ysñlï iy uQ,sl ksoyi ls%hd;aul
lsÍu l< hq;af;a;a" N=la;sú£u l< hq;af;a;a" tajd j¾Okh
lsÍu" wdrCId lsÍu iy M,odhS f,i ls%hd;aul lr.ekSu
i|yd ish¨ ls%hdldrlï fufyhúh hq;af;a;a tu foaYSh
kS;s rduqj ;=< isáñkah'

3k; cWg;Giu If;fpa ehLfspd; gpufldj;jpy; Fwpg;gplg;gl;Ls;s

gpujpgyd;fSld; kdpj cupikfs; kw;Wk; mbg;gilr;
Rje;jpuk; njhlu;ghf murpd; Vida ru;tNjr flikfSld;
nghUe;Jfpd;w Njrpa rl;lj;ij ehLfs; jahupj;Jf; nfhs;s


Ntz;Lk;. ,g;gpufldj;jpd; %yk; Fwpg;gpLfpd;w kdpj
cupikfs;> mbg;gilr; Rje;jpuj;ij nraw;gLj;Jjy; kw;Wk;
mDgtpg;gjd; %yk; mtw;iw Kd;Ndw;Wjy;> ghJfhj;jy;
kw;Wk; gaDs;s Kiwapy; eilKiwg;gLj;Jtjw;fhf
midj;J tpjkhd nraw;ghLfisAk; Njrpa rl;l vy;iyf;Fs;
nraw;gLj;j Ntz;Lk;.

Article 3 Domestic law consistent with the Charter of the

United Nations and other international obligations of
the State in the field of human rights and fundamental
freedoms is the juridical framework within which
human rights and fundamental freedoms should
be implemented and enjoyed and within which all
activities referred to in the present Declaration for the
promotion, protection and effective realization of those
rights and freedoms should be conducted.

stic H

4 j.ka;sh tlai;a cd;Skaf.a m%{ma;sfhys i|yka wruqKq iy

uQ,O¾u j,g ydks jk f,i fyda Bg mgyeks jk f,i
fuu m%ldYkfhys i|yka lsisjla f;areï fkd.; hq;=h'
;jÿrg;a udkj ysñlï ms<sn| úYaj m%ldYkfhys" udkj
ysñlï ms<sn| cd;Hka;r iïuq;sj, iy fï fCIa;%hg
wod,jk fjk;a cd;Hka;r f,aLkj, i|yka m%;smdok

30 udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka ms<sn`oj tlai;a cd;Skaf.a m%ldYkh

iSudlrk f,i fyda tajdfhys w.h wvqlrk f,i fuu
m%ldYkfhys i|yka lsisjla f;areï fkd.; hq;=h'

4k; cWg;Giu If;fpa ehLfspd; gpufldj;jpy; Fwpg;gplg;gl;Ls;s

Nehf;fk; kw;Wk; Nfhl;ghLfSf;Fg; ghjpg;ig Vw;gLj;Jk;
tifapy; ,g;gpufldj;jpy; Fwpg;gplg;gl;Ls;s tplaq;fis
fUj KbahJ. NkYk; kdpj cupikfs; njhlu;ghd
G+Nfhy ntspaPL> kdpj cupikfs; njhlu;ghd ru;tNjrg;
gpufldq;fs; kw;Wk; ,j;Jiwf;Fg; nghUj;jkhd Vida
ru;tNjr Mtzq;fspy; Fwpg;gplg;gl;Ls;s gpujpgyd;fis
Fiwj;jy; my;yJ mtw;wpdJ ngWkjpfis Fiwf;Fk;
Kfkhfg; gpufldj;jpy; Fwpg;gplg;gl;Ls;s tplaq;fs; jhf;fk;
nrYj;Jk; vdf; fUj Njitapy;iy.

Article 4 Nothing in the present Declaration shall be

construed as impairing or contradicting the purposes
and principles of the Charter of the United nations
or as restricting or derogating from the provisions
of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the
international Covenants on Human Rights and other
international instruments and commitments applicable
in this field.

kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fs; gw;wpa If;fpa ehLfspd; gpufldk; 31

5 j.ka;sh cd;sl fukau cd;Hka;r uÜgfuka o udkj ysñlï
iy uQ,sl ksoyi j¾Okh lsÍfï iy wdrCIdlsÍfï
ld¾Hd,fhys§ ;ksj fyda wka who iu`. my; i|yka
lghq;= lsÍug ieufokdgu whs;shla we;'

^w&' iduldó /iaùug"

rdcH fkdjk ixúOdk" iñ;s fyda lKavdhï
we;slsÍug iy tajd iu`. iïnkaO ùug fyda tys
jev lghq;=j,g iyNd.S ùug"

rdcH fkdjk iy wka;¾ rdcH ixúOdk iu`.
ikaksfõok lghq;= lsÍug

5k; cWg;Giu Njrpa kw;Wk; ru;tNjr uPjpahf kdpj cupikfisg;

Nghy kdpj Rje;jpuj;ij Kd;Ndw;Wjy; kw;Wk; ghJfhf;Fk;
tplaj;jpd;nghOJ jdpj;J my;yJ Vidatu;fSld;
,ize;J fPo; Fwpg;gpLk; tplaq;fSf;fhfr; nraw;gLtjw;F
midtUf;Fk; cupikAz;L.
(m.) $l;lk; $Ltjw;F>
(M). mur rhu;gw;w mikg;Gfs;> rq;fk; my;yJ FOf;fis
cUthf;Fjy; kw;Wk; mtw;Wld; xd;wpize;J
nraw;gLjy;> my;yJ mjd; nraw;ghLfspy;
mur kw;Wk; mur rhh;gw;w epWtdq;fSld;
njhlh;ghliy Vw;gLj;Jtjw;fhf>

Article 5 For the purpose of promoting and protecting

human rights and fundamental freedoms, everyone
has the right, individually and in association with
others, at the national and international levels;

(a) To meet or assemble peacefully;

(b) To form, join and participle in non-governmental

organizations, associations or groups;

(c) To communicate with non-governmental or inter-

governmental organizations.


6 j.ka;sh ;ksj fyda wkawh o iu`. my; i|yka lghq;= lsÍug
ieufokdg u whs;shla we;'
^w&' ish¨ udkj ysñlï iy uQ,sl ksoyi iïnkaOfhka
jk f;dr;=re j,g m%fõYùfï" f;dr;=re oek
.ekSfï" f;dr;=re ,nd .ekSfï" fukau f;dr;=re
ord.ekSfï whs;sjdislu N=la;s ú£ug o whs;shla
we;' fuu whs;sh foaYSh wKmk;a" wêlrKh fyda
mßmd,k moaO;sh u`.ska n,h ,nd § we;s wdldrhg
N=la;s ú¢h hq;=h'
^wd&' udkj ysñlï iy Bg wod< cd;Hka;r f,aLK u`.ska
m%;smdok i,id we;s wdldrhg wkqj ish¨ udkj
ysñlï yd uQ,sl ksoyi iïnkaOfhka wkHhka
orK u;su;dka;r" f;dr;=re iy oekqu ksoyfia
m%ldYkhg m;a lsÍug whs;shla we;' tfia u tajd
wkHhkag;a lshd§ug fyda m;=rejd yeÍugo whs;shla
^we&' ish¨ udkj ysñlï uQ,sl ksoyi kS;sfhka fukau
m%dfhda.sljo ms<sme£fuys o" th wOHhkh lsÍug"
idlÉPd lsÍug" ta ms<sn|j u;su;dka;r we;s
lr.ekSug fukau tajd ord .ekSug;a whs;shla
we;' Bg wu;rj fjk;a iqÿiq wdldrhkaf.a uyck
wjOdkh tu lreKq flfrys fhduqlrjd .ekSugo
whs;shla we;'

udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka ms<sn`oj tlai;a cd;Skaf.a m%ldYkh 33

6k; cWg;Giu jdpj;J my;yJ Vidatu;fSld; ,ize;J fPo;
Fwpg;gplg;gLk; nraw;ghLfis eilKiwg; gLj;Jtjw;fhd
cupik midtUf;Fk; cs;sJ.
m. midj;J tpjkhd kdpj cupikfs;> mbg;gilr; Rje;jpuk;
njhlu;ghf cs;s jfty;fSf;Fg; gpuNtrpj;jy;> jfty;fis
mwpjy;> jfty;fis NjLjy; vd;gtw;wpf;fhd cupik
fhzg;gLfpd;wJ. ,e;j cupikfis Njrpa fl;lisr;
rl;lk;> ePjpj;Jiw> epiwNtw;Wj;Jiwfspd; Clhf
toq;fpAs;s mjpfhuj;jpd;gb mDgtpf;f Ntz;Lk;.
M. kdpj cupikfs; kw;Wk; mjw;F nghUj;jkhd
ru;tNjr Mtzq;fspd; %yk; toq;fg;gl;Ls;s
gpujpgyd;fSf;fikthf midj;J tpjkhd kdpj
cupikfs; cs;spl;l mbg;gilr; Rje;jpuk; njhlu;ghf
Vidatu;fs; nfhz;Ls;s kdg;ghq;Ffs;> jfty;fs;
kw;Wk; fUj;Jf;fisr; Rje;jpukhf ntspapLtjw;fhd
cupikAs;sJ. mt;thNw mjid Vidatu;fSf;F
$Wtjw;Fk;> gfpu;e;jspg;gjw;Fkhd cupik
,. midj;J tpjkhd kdpj cupikfs; kw;Wk;
mbg;gilr; Rje;jpuk; rl;lj;ijg; Nghd;Nw
eilKiwapy; mtw;iwg; gpd;gw;Wk;nghOJ mjid
fw;gjw;Fk;> fye;JiuahLtjw;Fk;> mtw;iwf;
Fwpj;J kdg;ghq;Ffis nfhz;bUg;gjw;Fk; cupik
cs;sJ. mjw;F Nkyjpfkhf NtW cfe;j Kiwapy;
kf;fspd; ftdj;ij mt; tplaq;fSf;Fs; <LgLj;jpf;
nfhs;tjw;fhd cupikAk; fhzg;gLfpd;wJ.

Article 6 Everyone has the right, individually and in

association with others:

(a) To know, seek, obtain, receive and hold information

about all human rights and fundamental freedoms,
including having access to information as to how
those rights and freedoms are given effect in
domestic legislative, judicial or administrative

(b) As provided for in human rights and other

applicable international instruments, freely to

34 kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fs; gw;wpa If;fpa ehLfspd; gpufldk;

publish, impart or disseminate to others views,
information and Knowledge on all human rights
and fundamental freedoms and, through these and
other appropriate means, to draw public attention
to those matters,

7 j.ka;sh ;ksj fyda wka wh o iu`. kj udkj ysñlï ixl,am

iy uQ,O¾u j¾Okh lsÍug;a" idlÉPd lsÍug;a" tajd
ms<s.ksñka Bg mCImd;Sj l:dlsÍug;a iEu mqoa.,fhl=gu
whs;shla we;'

7k; cWg;Giu jdpj;J my;yJ Vidatu;fSld; ,ize;J

kdpj cupik vz;zf;fUf;fs; kw;Wk; Nfhl;ghLfis
Kd;Ndw;Wtjw;Fk;> fye;JiuahLtjw;Fk; mtw;iw
mq;fPfupj;J mjw;Fr; rhu;ghf fye;JiuahLtjw;Fk; midj;J
egu;fSf;Fk; cupik cs;sJ.


Article 7 Everyone has the right, individually and in
association with others. To develop and discuss new
human rights ideas and principles and to advocate
their acceptance.

8 j.ka;sh lsis÷ fjkia lulg ,la fkdjk mokula u; ;ksj

1 jk Wm j.ka;sh fyda wkawho iu`. M,odhS f,i ;u rfÜ rdcH md,khg
yjq,aùu i|yd m%fõYùug;a" fmdÿ lghq;= fufyhùu
i|yd m%fõYùug;a iEu mqoa.,fhl=g u whs;shla we;'

2 jk Wm j.ka;sh uyck lghq;= isÿlrkq ,nk rdcH wdh;k"

ksfhdað;hka iy ixúOdk fj; Tjqkaf.a ld¾Hhka ÈhqKq
lsÍu i|yd ;ksj fyda wka wh o iu`. tlaj tu wdh;k
fj; fhdackd bÈßm;a lsÍfï whs;sh we;' tfiau udkj
ysñlï uQ,sl ksoyi j¾Okhg" wdrCId lsÍug iy bgq
lr .ekSug ndOdjk Tjqkaf.a we;eï lghq;= flfrys
wjOdkh fhduqlr ùug" Bg tfrysj úfõpk bÈßm;a
lsÍfï whs;sh o we;'

8k; cWg;Giu VNjDk; ghugl;rq;fSf;F cs;shfhjgb jdpikahf

1k; cg cWg;Giu my;yJ Vidatu;fSld; ,ize;J gaDs;s Kiwapy; jkJ
ehl;by; mur epUthfj;Jld; ,iztjw;Fk;> gpuNtrpg;gjw;Fk;>
nghJr; nraw;ghLfis topelj;Jf;Fkhd cupik midj;J
egu;fSf;Fk; cs;sJ.

36 udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka ms<sn`oj tlai;a cd;Skaf.a m%ldYkh

2k; cg cWg;Giu nghJkf;fspd; nraw;ghLfis eilKiwg;gLj;Jk;
mur epWtdq;fs;> gpujpepjpfs; kw;Wk; mikg;GfSf;F
mtu;fspd; nraw;gzpfis Kd;Ndw;Wtjw;Fj; jdpj;J
my;yJ Vidatu;fSld; ,ize;J me;epWtdq;fSf;F
Kd;nkhopTfis rku;gpg;gjw;fhd cupik fhzg;gLfpd;wJ.
mt;thNw kdpj cupikfs; mbg;gilr; Rje;jpu Kd;Ndw;wk;>
ghJfhj;jy; kw;Wk; mjid epiwNtw;Wjy; vd;gtw;Wf;Fj;
jilahd mtu;fspd; rpy nraw;ghLfs; njhlu;ghf ftdj;ij
nrYj;jtjw;fhfTk; mjw;F vjpuhf tpku;rdq;fis
Kd;itg;gjw;fhd cupikAk; cs;sJ
Article 8 Everyone has the right, individually and in
Subsection 1 association with others, to have effective access,
on a non-discriminatory basis, to participation in the
government of his or her country and in the conduct of
public affairs.
Subsection 2 This includes, inter alia, the right, individually and
in association with others, to submit to governmental
bodies and agencies and organizations concerned
with public affairs criticism and proposals for improving
their functioning and to draw attention to any aspect of
their work that may hinder or impede the promotion,
protection and realization of human rights and
fundamental freedoms.

Human Rights
and Fundamental

kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fs; gw;wpa If;fpa ehLfspd; gpufldk; 37

9 j.ka;sh fï m%ldYkfhys i|yka udkj ysñlï j¾Okh
1 jk Wm j.ka;sh lsÍu iy wdrCIdlsÍu we;=<;aj udkj ysñlï iy uQ,sl
ksoyi ls%hd;aul lsÍfï§ tu whs;Ska W,a,x>kh jk
wjia:dj, ;ksj fyda wkawh o iu`. Bg M,odhS ms<shï
,nd .ekSug;a tjeks W,a,x>khkaf.ka wdrCIdùug;a
iEu mqoa.,fhl=gu whs;shla we;'

2 jk Wm j.ka;sh by; m%;sM,h lrd <`.dùu i|yd ;u whs;sjdislï

fyda ksoyi W,a,x>kh ù we;s mqoa.,fhl=g fm!oa.,slj
u fyda kS;Hdkql+,j n,h ÿka ksfhdað;fhl= ud¾.fhka
iajdëk wmCImd; iy n,h,;a wêlrKhla fj; fyda
kS;sh u`.ska msysgjQ fjk;a wêldßhla fj; meñKs,a,la
bÈßm;a lsÍug whs;shla we;' tfiau tu meñKs,a,
wkjYH m%udohlska f;drj úu¾Ykh lrjd .ekSfï
whs;sh o we;' ;j o Tyqf.a whs;sjdislï fyda ksoyi
W,a,x>kh ù we;s nj ;SrKh jqjfyd;a iqÿiq jkaÈhla o
iys;j iyk ,nd .ekSug;a wkjYH m%udohlska f;drj
wjidk ;Skaÿj ls%hd;aul lrjd .ekSug;a whs;shla we;'

3 jk Wm j.ka;sh by; m%;sM,h lrd <`.dùu i|yd iEu mqoa.,fhl=gu

;ksj fyda wkawh o iu`. my; i|yka whs;shla we;'

^w&' udkj ysñlï iy uQ,sl ksoyi W,a,x>kh lsÍu

iïnkaOfhka ks,OdÍkaf.a ls%hdjkag iy rdcH wdh;k
j, m%;sm;a;s j,g tfrysj rfÜ kS;s moaO;sh u`.ska
we;sl< n,h,;a foaYsh wêlrKhlg fyda mßmd,k
fyda jHjia:dodhl wêldßhlg fyda fjk;a ´kEu
n,h,;a wêldrhla fj; fm;aiula fyda fjk;a iqÿiq
wdldrhlska meñKs,s lsÍug whs;shla we;'

foaYsh kS;shg;a wod< jk cd;Hka;r ne£ïj,g;a
wkql+, jk f,i u;hla f.dvkexùu i|yd uyck
woyia úuiSïj,g iyNd.S ùug;a fmdÿ ld¾Hhkag
iyNd.Sùug;a fukau kvq úNd. j,g iyNd.S ùug;a
whs;shla we;'

^we&' udkj ysñlï iy uQ,sl ksoyi wdrCId lsÍu msKsi

jD;a;Shuh iqÿiqlï ,enQ kS;s{ iyh ,nd§ug;a
fjk;a wod< Wmfoia iy iyh ,nd§ug;a fukau Bg
bÈßm;a ùug;a whs;shla we;'


4 jk Wm j.ka;sh by; m%;sM,h u lrd <`.dùu i|yd udkj ysñlï
iy uQ,sl ksoyi ms<sn|j ikaksfõokh jk ldrKh
idudkH fyda úfYaI wdldrfhka ,nd .ekSug;a" tajd
i,ld ne,Sug;a" tu lreKqj,g ndOdjlska f;drj m%fõY
ùug;a" fukau ta ms<sn|j cd;Hka;r wdh;k iu`.
in|;djla we;s lr .ekSug;a wod<jk cd;Hka;r f,aLk
iy ls%hdmámdàka wkqj lghq;= lsÍug iEu mqoa.,fhl=gu
whs;shla we;'

5 jk Wm j.ka;sh ;u md,k n,;, j,g hg;a jk foaY iSudj ;=<

udkj ysñlï iy uQ,sl ksoyi W,a,x>kh ù we;ehs
úYajdi lsÍug idOdrK fya;= we;s úg rch úiska ta
ms<sn|j blauka iy wmCImd;S mÍCIKhla meje;a úh

9k; cWg;Giu ,g;gpufldj;jpy; Fwpg;gplg;gl;Ls;s kdpj cupikfis

1k; cg cWg;Giu Kd;Ndw;Wjy; kw;Wk; ghJfhj;jy; vd;git cs;slq;fshf
kdpj cupikfs; kw;Wk; mbg;gilr; Rje;jpuj;ij nraw;gLj;Jk;
nghOJ me;j cupikfs; kPwg;gLfpd;w re;ju;g;gj;jpy; jdpj;Njh
my;yJ Vidatu;fSld; xd;wpize;Njh mjw;Fg;
nghUj;jkhd gaDs;s Kiwapy; jPu;Tfis NjLtjw;Fk;>
mjid ghJfhg;gjw;Fk; midj;J egu;fSf;Fk; cupik

2k; cg cWg;Giu Nkw;Fwpg;gplg;gl;l ngWNgWfis miltjw;fhf

jkJ cupikfs; my;yJ Rje;jpuk; kPwg;gl;Ls;s egUf;F
jdpahu; my;yJ rl;l uPjpahf mjpfhuk; toq;fg;gl;Ls;s
gpujpepjpapd; Clhf RahjPdkhd kw;Wk; gf;frhu;gw;w>
ePjpkd;wj;jpy; my;yJ rl;l uPjpahf epWtg;gl;Ls;s
NtW tifahd nghwpKiwfspd; Clhf Kiwg;ghL
nra;tjw;fhd cupik cs;sJ. mt;thNw mk;Kiwg;ghl;il
jhkjkpy;yhky; guprPypj;Jf; nfhs;tjw;fhd cupikAk;
cs;sJ. mj;Jld; mtu;fspd; cupikfs; my;yJ Rje;jpuk;
kPwg;gl;Ls;snjd jPu;khdpf;fg;gl;lhy; cfe;j ,og;gPl;il
ngw;Wf;nfhs;tjw;Fk;> jhkjkpy;yhky; ,Wjp Kbit vLj;J
mjid eilKiwg;gLj;Jtjw;fhd cupikAk; cs;sJ.

3k; cg cWg;Giu Nkw;Fwpg;gplg;gl;l ngWNgw;iw miltjw;fhf midj;J

egu;fSf;Fk; gpd;tUk; cupikfs; fhzg;gLfpd;wJ.

udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka ms<sn`oj tlai;a cd;Skaf.a m%ldYkh 39

m. kdpj cupikfs; cs;spl;l mbg;gilr; Rje;jpuj;ij
kPWjy; njhlu;ghd mjpfhupfspd; nraw;ghLfSf;F
kw;Wk; mur epWtdq;fspd; nfhs;iffSf;F vjpuhf
ehl;bYs;s rl;lj;jpd; %yk; cUthf;fg;gl;l mjpfhuj;jpd;
Clhf cs;ehl;L ePjpj;Jiw> epiwNtw;Wj;Jiw
kw;Wk; rl;lkd;wj;Jiw mjpfhuj;jpw;F my;yJ NtW
mjpfhuKs;s epWtdj;jpw;F kD my;yJ NtW cfe;j
Kiwapy; Kiwg;ghL nra;tjw;fhd cupik cs;sJ.
M. Njrpa rl;lj;jpw;F mikthf ru;tNjr cld;gbf;iffSf;F
nghUe;Jfpd;w vz;zf;fUit fl;bnaOg;Gtjw;fhfg;
nghJkf;fs; fUj;J fzpg;Gfspy; gq;Fnfhs;tjw;Fk;>
nghJr; nraw;ghLfspy; <LgLtjw;Fk;> mt;thNw
Kiwg;ghLfspy; <LgLtjw;Fkhd cupik
,. kdpj cupikfs; kw;Wk; mbg;gilr; Rje;jpuj;ijg;
ghJfhg;gjw;fhf njhopw; jifikAila tof;fwpQh;fspd;
xj;Jiog;ig toq;Ftjw;Fk;> NtW Njitahd
MNyhridfis toq;Ftijg; Nghd;Nw mtw;wpw;F
Kd;epw;gjw;Fkhd cupik cs;;sJ.
4k; cg cWg;Giu NNkw;Fwpg;gplg;gl;l ngWNgWfSf;fhf kdpj
cupikfs; kw;Wk; mbg;gilr; Rje;jpuk; njhlu;ghd
njhlu;ghly; tplaq;fis rhjhuzkhf kw;Wk;
tpNrlKiwapy; ngw;Wf;nfhs;tjw;Fk;> mtw;iwf; ftdj;jpy;
nfhs;tjw;Fk; mt; tplaq;fSf;F vJtpjj; jilfSkpd;wpg;
gpuNtrpg;gjw;fhfTk; mJ njhlu;ghf ru;tNjr epWtdq;fSld;
njhlu;Gfis Vw;gLj;jpf; nfhs;tjw;Fk;> nghUj;jkhd
ru;tNjr Mtzq;fs; kw;Wk; nrad;KiwfSf;F mikthf
nraw;gLtjw;Fk; midj;J egu;fSf;Fk; cupik cs;sJ.
5k; cg cWg;Giu jkJ mjpfhu vy;iyf;Fs; kdpj cupikfs; kw;Wk;
Rje;jpuk; kPwg;gl;Ls;snjd ek;Gtjw;Fr; rhjhuzkhd
tplaq;fs; fhzg;gLfpd;w nghOJ murhy; mJ njhlu;ghf
cldbahf kw;Wk; gf;fr;rhu;gw;w Kiwapy; guprPyid
elhj;jg;gl Ntz;Lk;.

Article 9 In the exercise of human rights and fundamental

Subsection 1 freedoms, including the promotion and protection of
human rights as referred to in the present Declaration,
everyone has the right, individually and in association

40 kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fs; gw;wpa If;fpa ehLfspd; gpufldk;

with others, to benefit from an effective remedy and
to be protected in the event of the violation of those

Subsection 2 To this end. Everyone whose rights or freedoms

are allegedly violated has the right, either in person or
through legally authorized representation, to complain
to and have that complaint promptly reviewed in a
public hearing before an independent, impartial and
competent judicial or other authority established by
law and to obtain from such an authority a decision,
in accordance with law, providing redress, including
any compensation due, where there has been a
violation of that persons rights or freedoms, as well as
enforcement of the eventual decision and award, all
without undue delay.

Subsection 3 To the same end, everyone has right, individually

and in association with others, inter alia:

(a) To complain about the policies and actions of

individual officials and governmental bodies
with regard to violations of human rights and
fundamental freedoms, by petition or other
appropriate means, to competent domestic
judicial, administrative or legislative authority
provided for by the legal system of the State which
should render their decision on the complaint
without undue delay;

(b) To attend public hearings, proceedings and trials

so as to from an opinion on their compliance
with national law and applicable international
obligations and commitments;

(c) To offer and provide professionally qualified legal

assistance or other relevant advice and assistance
in defending human rights and fundamental


Subsection 4 To the same end, and in accordance with applicable
international instruments and procedures, everyone
has the right, individually and in association with
others, to unhindered access to end communication
with international bodies with general or Special
competence to receive and consider communications
on matters of human rights and fundamental freedoms.

Subsection 5 The State shall conduct a prompt and impartial

investigation or ensure that an inquiry takes place
whenever there is reasonable ground to believe that
a violation of human rights and fundamental freedoms
has occurred in any territory under its jurisdiction.

10 j.ka;sh lsisfjl= ls%hdjla lsÍu u`.ska fyda ls%hdjla lsÍug

wiu;a ùu u`.ska udkj ysñlï iy uQ,sl ksoyi
W,a,x>kh lsÍug yjq,a fkdúh hq;= h' udkj ysñlï
iy uQ,sl ksoyi W,a,x>kh jk ls%hdjla lsÍu fyda hï
fkdlr yeÍula m%;sfCIam lsÍu ksid lsisjl=g o~qjï
fkdl< hq;= h' Tyq lsisÿ w.;shlg m;a fkdl< hq;= h'

42 udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka ms<sn`oj tlai;a cd;Skaf.a m%ldYkh

10k; cWg;Giu ahNuDk; xUtu; xU nraw;ghl;il eilKiwg;gLj;jy;
my;yJ mr;nraw;ghl;lhy; Njhy;tpailtjd; %yk; kdpj
cupikfs; kw;Wk; mbg;gilr; Rje;jpuk; kPwg;gLtjw;F
,lkspf;ff; $lhJ. kdpj cupikfs; kw;Wk; mbg;gilr;
Rje;jpuj;ij kPWkhW nraw;gLjy; my;yJ kWg;gjw;F
vjpuhf ahUf;Fk; jz;lid toq;ff;$lhJ. NkYk; mtu;fs;
vJtpjkhd ghjpg;Gf;Fk; cl;gLj;jg;glf; $lhJ.

Article 10 No one shall participate, by act or by failure to

act where required, in violating human rights and
fundamental freedoms and no one shall be subjected
to punishment or adverse action of any kind for
refusing to do so.

11 j.ka;sh
;ksj fyda wka wh o iu`. ;u jD;a;sh fyda /lshdj
kS;Hdkql+,j lrf.k hdug iEu mqoa.,fhl=gu whs;shla
we;' hful=f.a jD;a;sh ksid wka whf.a udkj .re;ajhg
udkj ysñlïj,g iy uQ,sl ksoyig n,mEï we;sfõkï
tu whs;sjdislï iy ksoyig Tyq úiska .relrkq ,eìh
hq;=h' tfiau foaYShj fya cd;Hka;rj ms<s.;a jD;a;sh
wdpdrO¾uj,g .rel< hq;=h'

kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fs; gw;wpa If;fpa ehLfspd; gpufldk; 43

11k; cWg;Giu jdpahf my;yJ Vidatu;fSld; ,ize;J jkJ
njhopiy rl;l uPjpahf eilKiwg;gLj;Jtjw;F midj;J
egu;fSf;Fk; cupik cs;sJ. xUtupd; njhopy; fhuzkhf
Vidatu;fspd; khdpl nfsutj;jpw;F> kdpj cupikfSf;F
kw;Wk; mbg;gilr; Rje;jpuj;jpw;F jhf;fk; Vw;gLNkahapd;
me;j cupik kw;Wk; Rje;jpuj;ij me;egh; kjpf;f Ntz;Lk;.
mt;thNw Njrpa kw;Wk; ru;tNjr uPjpahf Vw;Wf;nfhs;sg;gl;l
njhopy; uPjpahd newpKiwfSf;Fk; kjpg;gspf;f Ntz;Lk;.

Article 11 Everyone has the right, individually and in

association with others, to the lawful exercise of his
occupation or profession. Everyone who, as a result
of his or her profession, can affect the human dignity,
human rights and fundamental freedoms or other
should respect those rights and freedoms and comply
with relevant national and international standards of
occupational and professional conduct or ethics.

12 j.ka;sh udkj ysñlï iy uQ,sl ksoyi W,a,x>kh ùïj,g

1 jk Wm j.ka;sh tfrysj ;ksj fyda wka wh o iu`. iduldój lrkq ,nk
úfrdaO;d ls%hdud¾.j,g iydh ùug iEu mqoa.,fhl=gu
whs;shla we;'


2 jk Wm j.ka;sh fï m%ldYkh u`.ska olajd we;s whs;sjdislï
kS;Hdkql+,j ls%hd;aul lsÍfï m%;sM,hla f,i hful=g
fyda hï msßilg tfrysj isÿjk ´kEu whs;sjdislï
W,a,x>khla" ;¾ckhla" m<s.ekSula" fjkiafldg
ie,lSula" mSvkhlg ,lalsÍula fyda fjk;a ´kEu
w;a;fkdau;sl ls%hdjla u.ska Tjqkag ysßyer isÿjkafka
kï ksis n,h we;s wêldßhla u.ska Tjqkaf.a wdrCIdj
iy;sl lsÍug wjYH ish¨u mshjr rch úiska .; hq;=h'

3 jk Wm j.ka;sh udkj ysñlï iy uQ,sl ksoyi N=la;s ú£ug

n,mdk rcfha ls%hdj,g iy fkdlryeÍï j,g tfrysj
;ksj fyda wkawh o iu`. iduldó wdldrfhka úreoaO
ùug fyda úreoaOj lghq;= lsÍug whs;shla we;' tfiau
;ks mqoa.,hka fyda mqoa., lKavdhï úiska lrkq ,nk
ysxidldÍ ls%hd j,g o tfrysj iduldó wdldrfhka
úreoaO ùug fyda úreoaOj lghq;= lsÍug whs;shla we;'
tfia iduldój úfrdaO;d oelaùfï§ foaYsh kS;sfhka
M,odhSf,i wdrCIdjla ,eîu i|yd iEu mqoa.,fhl=gu
whs;shla we;'

12k; cWg;Giu kdpj cupikfs; kw;Wk; mbg;gilr; Rje;jpuk;

1k; cg cWg;Giu kPwg;gLtjw;F vjpuhf jdpikahf my;;yJ Vidatu;fSld;
,ize;J mikjpahd Kiwapy; nraw;gLj;jg;gLfpd;w
vjpu;g;Gr; nraw;ghLfSf;F xj;Jiog;G toq;Ftjw;F
midj;J egu;fSf;Fk; cupik cs;sJ.

2k; cg cWg;Giu ,g;gpufldj;jpd; %yk; Fwpg;gplg;gl;Ls;s cupikfis

rl;l uPjpahf nraw;gLj;Jtjd; ngWNgwhf xU egUf;F
my;yJ FOtpw;F vjpuhf epfOfpd;w midj;J cupik
kPwg;gLjy;fs;> mr;RWj;jYf;F cs;shjy;> gopthq;Fjy;>
ghugl;rk; fhl;Ljy;> gPlizf;F cl;gLj;Jjy; kw;Wk;
rpj;jputijf;F cs;shf;fg;gLjy; Nghd;w ahNjDk; rk;gtk;
epfo;e;jhy; mjpfhuk; cs;s epWtdj;jpd; Clhf mtu;fspd;
ghJfhg;ig cWjp nraw;tjw;Fj; Njitahd midj;J
eltbf;iffSk; muRfshy; vLf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;.

udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka ms<sn`oj tlai;a cd;Skaf.a m%ldYkh 45

3k; cg cWg;Giu kdpj cupikfs; kw;Wk; mbg;gilr; Rje;jpuj;ij
mDgtpg;gjw;Fj; jhf;fj;ijr; nrYj;Jfpd;w
mur nraw;ghLfSf;F my;yJ nraw;gLj;jhjr;
nraw;ghLfSf;fhfj; jdpahfNth> my;yJ FOthfNth
Vidatu;fSld; ,ize;J mikjpahd Kiwapyhd
vjpu;g;Gfisj; njhptpg;gjw;Fk;> my;yJ mjid
vjph;;j;Jr; nraw;ghLfisr; nraw;gLtjw;Fkhd cupik
fhzg;gLfpd;wJ. mt;thNw jdpegu;fs; my;yJ FOf;fs;
%yk; epfo;j;jg;gLfpd;w td;Kiw uPjpahd nraw;ghLfSf;F
vjpuhf nraw;gLtjw;fhd cupik cs;sJ. mt;thW
mikjpahd Kiwapy; vjph;g;Gf;fisj; njhptpf;Fk; nghOJ
Njrpa rl;lj;jpy; ghJfhg;igg; ngWtjw;fhd chpik midj;J
egu;fSf;Fk; cs;sJ.

Article 12 Everyone has the right, individually and in

Subsection 1 association with others, to participate in peaceful
activities against violations of human rights and
fundamental freedoms.

Subsection 2 The State shall take all necessary measures to

ensure the protection by the competent authorities
of everyone, individually and in association with
others, against any violence, threats, retaliation, de
facto or de jure adverse discrimination, pressure or
any other arbitrary action as a consequence of his or
her legitimate exercise of the rights referred to in the
present Declaration.

Subsection 3 In this connection, everyone is entitled, individually

and in association with others, to be protected
effectively under national law in reacting against or
opposing, through peaceful means, activities and acts,
including those by omission, attributable to States that
result in violations of human rights and fundamental
freedoms, as well as acts of violence perpetrated
by groups or individuals that affect the enjoyment of
human rights and fundamental freedoms.

46 kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fs; gw;wpa If;fpa ehLfspd; gpufldk;

13 j.ka;sh fuu m%ldYfhys 3 jk j.ka;sh wkqj udkj ysñlï
iy uQ,sl ksoyi j¾Okh lsÍug iy wdrCId lsÍfï
m%ldYs; ld¾Hhg iduldó wdldrfhka ;ksj u fyda wka
wh o iu`. iïm;a wheo isàug" ,nd.ekSug fyda ta
i|yd iïm;a Wmfhdackh lsÍug iEu mqoa.,fhl=g u
whs;shla we;'

13k; cWg;Giu ,t; ntspaPl;bd; 3k; cWg;Giuf;F ,zq;f kdpj

cupikfs; kw;Wk; mbg;gilr; Rje;jpuj;ij Kd;Ndw;Wtjw;Fk;>
ghJfhg;gjw;Fk; mikjpahd topKiwfspd; Clhf
jdpahfNth my;yJ FOthfNth ntspg;gilahd
Nehf;fj;jpw;fhf tsq;fis NfhUtjw;Fk;> ngWtjw;Fk; kw;Wk;
tsq;fisg; gad;gLj;Jtjw;Fk; midj;J egu;fSf;Fk;
cupik cs;sJ.

Article 13 Everyone has the rights, individually and in

association with others, to solicit, receive and utilize
resources for the express purpose of promoting and
protecting human rights and fundamental freedoms
through peaceful means, in accordance with article 3
of the present Declarations.


14 j.ka;sh ;u foaYiSudj ;=< isák ck;djf.a isú,a" foaYmd,k"
1 jk Wm j.ka;sh wd¾Ól" iudc iy ixialD;sl whs;sjdislï ms<sn| Tjqkaf.a
wjfndaOh j¾Okh lsÍu i|yd wjYH jHjia:dodhl
wêlrK mßmd,kuh fyda fjk;a iqÿiq mshjrhka .ekSu
rcfha j.lSu jkq we;'

2 jk Wm j.ka;sh tjeks mshjrhkag my; i|yka oE we;=<;a úh hq;=h'

^w&' foaYSh kS;Ska iy fr.=,dis fuka u wod,jk uQ,sl
cd;Hka;r udkj ysñlï f,aLk myiqfjka ,nd.;
yelsjk mßÈ m%ldYhg m;a lsÍu'
^wd&' cd;Hka;r udkj whs;sjdislï iïuq;s u.ska msysgqjk
,o wdh;k ixúOdk j,g rch u.ska hjk ld,Sk
jd¾;d fukau /iaùïj, idrxY jd¾;d iy ks, jd¾;d
o we;=<;aj udkj whs;sjdislï fCIa;%fha cd;Hka;r
f,aLk myiqfjka ,nd.; yels jd;djrKhla we;s

;u foaYiSudj ;=< udkj ysñlï iy uQ,sl ksoyi

3 jk Wm j.ka;sh j¾Okh lsÍu iy wdrCId lsÍu i|yd iqÿiq wjia:dj,§
cd;sl uÜgfï wdh;k we;slsÍu iy ÈhqKq lsÍu rch
úiska iy;sl l< hq;=h' tu wdh;k Tïnqâiauka jrhd
fyda udkj whs;sjdislï fldñIka iNd fyda fjk;a ´kEu
wdldrhl cd;sl uÜgfï wdh;khla úh yel'

48 udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka ms<sn`oj tlai;a cd;Skaf.a m%ldYkh

14k; cWg;Giu jk; Njr vy;iyf;Fs; cs;s kf;fspd; rptpy;> murpay;>
1k; cg cWg;Giu nghUshjhu kw;Wk; fyhr;rhu cupikfs; njhlu;ghf
mtu;fspd; Gupe;Jzu;it Kd;Ndw;Wtjw;Fj; Njitahd
eltbf;iffisr; rl;lthf;fj;Jiw> ePjpj;Jiw kw;Wk;
epiwNtw;Wj;Jiwfspd; %yk; my;yJ NtW nghUj;jkhd
Kiwfspy; vLg;gJ murpd; nghWg;ghFk;.

2k; cg cWg;Giu mt;thwhd eltbf;iffSf;F fPo;Fwpg;gplg;gLk;

tplaq;fs; cs;slf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;.
m. Njrpa rl;lq;fisg; Nghd;Nw Fwpj;j mbg;gilr; ru;tNjr
kdpj cupik Mtzq;fis ,yFthf ngw;Wf;
nfhs;Sk; tifapy; mtw;iw ntspapLjy;.
M. ru;tNjr kdpj cupikfs; gpufldq;fspd; %yk;
epWtg;gl;Ls;s epWtdq;fSf;F muRfspd; %yk;
mDg;gg;gLfpd;w mwpf;iffisg; Nghd;Nw $l;lq;fspd;
rhuhk;r mwpf;iffs; kw;Wk; cj;jpNahfG+u;tkhd
mwpf;iffs; cs;slq;fyhf kdpj cupikfs;
Jiwapy; ru;tNjr Mtzq;fspd; cjtpAld;
ngw;Wf;nfhs;sf;$bar; #oiy Vw;gLj;jy;.

3k; cg cWg;Giu jkJ Njr vy;iyf;Fs; kdpj cupikfs; kw;Wk; mbg;gilr;

Rje;jpuj;ij Kd;Ndw;Wjy; kw;Wk; ghJfhg;gjw;fhf cfe;j
re;ju;g;gq;fspy; Njrpa uPjpahf epWtdq;fis cUthf;Fjy;
kw;Wk; Kd;Ndw;Wjy; muRfshy; cWjpg;gLj;j Ntz;Lk;.
me; epWtdk; xk;G];l;kd; mtu;fs; my;yJ kdpj cupikfs;
Mizf;FO my;yJ NtW Njrpa kl;lj;jpyhd epWtdkhf

Article 14 The State has the responsibility to take legislative,

Subsection 1 judicial, administrative or other appropriate measures
to promote the understanding by all persons under its
jurisdiction of their civil, political, economic, Social and
Cultural rights.

Subsection 2 Such measures shall include, inter alia:

(a) The publication and widespread availability of

national laws and regulations and of applicable
basic international human rights instruments;

kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fs; gw;wpa If;fpa ehLfspd; gpufldk; 49

(b) Full and equal access to international documents
in the field of human rights, including the periodic
reports by the State to the bodies established by
the international human rights treaties to which
it is a party, as well as the summary records
of discussions and the official reports of these

Subsection 3 The State shall ensure and support, where

appropriate, the creation and development of further
independent national institutions for the promotion and
protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms
in all territory under its jurisdiction, whether they be
ombudsmen, human rights commissions or any other
form of national institution.

15 j.ka;sh wOHdmkfha ish¨u uÜgï j,§ udkj ysñlï iy

uQ,sl ksoyi b.ekaùu j¾Okh lsÍu iy Bg myiqlï
i,id §u i|yd rchg j.lSula mejÍ we;' kS;s{hka"


kS;sh ls%hd;aul lrk ks,OdrSka yuqodjg iïnkaO
mqoa.,hka iy uyck ks,OdÍkaf.a mqyqKq jevigyka j,§
Bg iqÿiqjk mßÈ udkj ysñlïj, uQ,sl fldgia W.kajk
njg rch iy;sl úh hq;=h' th rcfha j.lSula o úh
hq;= h'

15k; cWg;Giu fy;tpapd; midj;J kl;lq;fspd; nghOJk;

kdpj cupikfs; kw;Wk; mbg;gilr; Rje;jpuj;ij
Kd;Ndw;Wtjw;fhd trjpfis toq;Fk; flik murpw;F
cs;sJ. rl;lj;juzpfs;> rl;lj;ij eilKiwg;gLj;Jk;
mjpfhupfs;> ,uhZtj;jpy; njhlu;Gg;gl;Ls;s egu;fs; kw;Wk;
rdr%f mjpfhupfspd; gapw;rp nrayku;Tfspd; nghOJ
mtu;fSf;F cfe;j Kiwapy; kdpj cupikfspd; mbg;gilg;
gpupTfs; njhlu;ghf fw;gpg;gjw;fhd eltbf;iffis
vLg;gjid muR cWjp nra;a Ntz;Lk;. Vnddpy; ,J
murpdJ flikahFk;.

Article 15 The state has the responsibility to promote and

facilitate the teaching of human rights and fundamental
freedoms at all levels of education and to ensure
that all those responsible for training lawyers, Law
enforcement officers, the personal of the armed forces
and public officials include appropriate elements of
human rights teaching in their training Programmes.

udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka ms<sn`oj tlai;a cd;Skaf.a m%ldYkh 51

16 j.ka;sh udkj ysñlï iy uQ,sl ksoyi iïnkaOfhka we;s
m%Yak ms<sn|j ck;dj jvd;a oekqj;a lsÍu i|yd odhl
fjñka jeo.;a jevfldgila bgqlsÍug ;ks mqoa.,hkag"
rdcH fkdjk ixúOdk j,g iy wod< wfkl=;a
wdh;kj,g mejÍ we;' ta i|yd úúO ck fldgia
úúO iudc miqìï ;=< Tjqkaf.a jev lghq;= lrk nj
fufkys lrñka wfkHdkH wjfndaOh" bjiSu" cd;Ska iy
ish¨ ckj¾. fukau wd.ñl lKavdhï w;r iduldó
iy ñ;%YS,S in|;d we;slrkq msKsi wOHdmk" mqyqKq iy
m¾fhaIK jevigyka wdÈh ls%hd;aul l< hq;=h'

16k; cWg;Giu kdpj cupikfs; kw;Wk; mbg;gilr; Rje;jpuk;

gw;wpa tpdhf;fs; njhlh;ghf kf;fis Nkyjpfkhf
tpopg;G+l;Ltjw;fhfg; gq;fspg;ghw;wp kpf Kf;fpa gzpia
epiwNtw;Wtjw;fhf jdpegh;fSf;F> mur rhu;gw;w
epWtdq;fSf;F kw;Wk; Fwpj;j Vida epWtdq;fSf;Fk;
nghWg;G ifaspf;fg;gl;Ls;sJ. mjw;fhf gy;NtW
kf;fs; FOf;fs; gy;NtW tpjkhd r%f gpd;dzpf;Fs;
mtu;fspd; nraw;ghLfisr; nraw;gLj;Jfpd;whu;fnsd
fUjp mtu;fspilNa gu];gu Ghpe;Jzu;T> nghWik> ,d>
kj Ngjkw;w midj;J FOf;fSf;fpilapy; mikjpahd
kw;Wk; el;Gzu;T uPjpahd njhlu;Gfis Vw;gLj;Jtjw;fhf
fy;tp> fy;tpg;gapw;rpfs; kw;Wk; Ma;T epfo;rpfs; Nghd;w
tplaq;fis eilKiwg;gLj;j Ntz;Lk;.

Article 16 Individuals, non-governmental organizations and

relevant institutions have an important role to play
in contributing to making the public more aware of
questions relating to all human rights and fundamental
freedoms through activities such as education, training
and research in these areas to strengthen further, inter
alia, understanding, tolerance, peace and friendly
relations among nations and among all racial and
religious groups, bearing in mind the various back-
grounds of the societies and communities in which
they carry out their activities.

52 kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fs; gw;wpa If;fpa ehLfspd; gpufldk;

17 j.ka;sh m%c;ka;%jd§ iudchl iodpdrh" uyck iduh iy
fmdÿ iqNidOkh msKsi;a" wkHhkaf.a whs;sjdislï iy
ksoyig .relsÍu msKsi;a" tu whs;sjdislï wdrCId jk
nj ksisf,i y÷kd.ekSu msKsi;a" ;ksj fyda wkawh o
iu`. fï m%ldYkfha i|yka whs;sjdislï iy ksoyi
ls%hd;aul lsÍug iEu mqoa.,fhl=gu whs;shla we;' tu
whs;sjdislï ls%hd;aul lsÍfï§ Tjqkaf.a tu whs;sjdislï
cd;Hka;r ne£u u.ska iy kS;sh u.ska olajk ,o
iSudjkag hg;a jkafkah'

17k; cWg;Giu rdehaf uPjpahd ehfuPfkpf;f rKjhaj;jpy;

kf;fspd; rkhjhdk;> eyd;Gupr; nraw;ghLfSf;fhfTk;>
Vidatu;fspd; cupikfSf;fhfTk; kw;Wk; mtu;fspd;
Rje;jpuj;ij mq;fPfupg;gjw;fhfTk;> mt; cupikfs;
ghJfhf;fg;gLfpd;wjh? vd;gjid rupahd Kiwapy;
fz;lwptjw;fhfTk; jdpahf my;yJ Vidatu;fSld;
,ize;J ,g; gpufldj;jpy; Fwpg;gplg;gl;Ls;s cupikfs;
kw;Wk; Rje;jpukhf nraw;gLtjw;fhd cupik midj;J
egh;fSf;Fk; cs;sJ. mtu;fspd; me;j cupikfs; nraw;gLk;
nghOJ mt;tplaq;fs; ru;tNjr flik kw;Wk; rl;lj;jpd;
Clhf Fwpg;gplg;gl;Ls;s tiuaiwf;F cl;gLj;jg;gLfpd;wJ.


In the exercise of the rights and freedoms referred to
in the present Declaration everyone, acting individually
and in association with others, shall be subject only to
Article 17 such limitations as are in accordance with applicable
international obligations and are determined by law
solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and
respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of
meeting the just requirements of morality, public order
and the general welfare in a democratic society.

18 j.ka;sh ksoyia mQ¾K fm!reI ixj¾Okhla we;slr.ekSu

1 jk Wm j.ka;sh i|yd m%cdj flfrys iEu mqoa.,fhl= u i;=j hq;=lula

2 jk Wm j.ka;sh m%cd;ka;%jdoh wdrCId lsÍu iy udkj ysñlï iy

uQ,sl ksoyi j¾Okh lsÍu i|yd;a" m%cd;ka;%jdoS iudc
wdh;k iy ld¾hdj,Ska j¾Okh iy jeä ÈhqKq lsÍu
i|yd;a" ;ks mqoa.,hka" mqoa., lKavdhï" wdh;k iy
rdcH fkdjk ixúOdk j,g jeo.;a ld¾HNdrhla mejÍ

54 udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka ms<sn`oj tlai;a cd;Skaf.a m%ldYkh

3 jk Wm j.ka;sh udkj ysñlï ms<sn| úYaj m%ldYkfha iy fjk;a
udkj ysñlï ms<sn| cd;Hka;r iïuq;s u.ska ,ndÿka
whs;sjdislï iy ksoyi uq¨ukskau idlaId;a lr.ekSu
i|yd idudchSh fukau cd;Hka;r iduh /flk mßÈ
iEu wfhl=f.a u whs;sjdislï m%j¾Okh lsÍug;a" iqÿiq
mßÈ odhl ùug;a ;ksmqoa.,hkag mqoa., lKavdhïj,g
wdh;kj,g" rdcH fkdjk ixúOdkj,g" jeo.;a
ld¾HNdrhla fukau j.lSula o mejÍ we;'

18k; cWg;Giu Rje;jpukhd kw;Wk; Mw;wy; mgptpUj;jpfis cUthf;fp

1k; cg cWg;Giu nfhs;tjw;fhf kf;fspd; eyd; fUjp nraw;gLjy; midj;J
egu;fspdJk; flikahFk;.

2k; cg cWg;Giu rdehafj;ijg; ghJfhg;gjw;fhf kdpj cupik

cs;spl;lr; Rje;jpuj;ij Kd;Ndw;Wtjw;fhfTk;> rdehafr;
r%f epWtdq;fspd; nrayf Kd;Ndw;wj;jpw;fhfTk;>
jdpegu;> kf;fs; FOf;fs;> epWtdq;fs; kw;Wk; mur
rhu;gw;w epWtdq;fSf;F kpf Kf;fpakhd nraw;gzp

3k; cg cWg;Giu kdpj cupikfs; njhlu;ghf cyfshtpa gpufldj;jpy;

kw;Wk; Vida kdpj cupikfs; njhlu;ghd ru;tNjrg;
gpufldq;fspd; Clhf toq;fg;gl;Ls;s cupikfs; kw;Wk;
Rje;jpuj;ij KOikahf cWjpnra;Jf; nfhs;tjw;fhf
r%fj;ijg; NghyNt cyfshtpa rkhjhdj;ijg;
ghJfhf;Fk; tifapy; midj;J egu;fspdJk; cupikfis
Kd;Ndw;Wtjw;Fk; cfe;j Kiwapy; gq;fspg;ghw;Wtjw;Fk;>
jdp egu;fSf;F> FOf;fSf;F> epWtdq;fSf;F
kw;Wk; mur rhu;gw;w epWtdq;fSf;F kpf Kf;fpakhdr;
nraw;gzpiag;Nghy nghWg;Gk; ifaspf;fg;gl;Ls;sJ.

Article 18 Everyone has duties towards and within the

Subsection 1 community, in which alone the free and full development
of his or her personality is possible.

Subsection 2 Individuals, groups, institutions and non-

governmental organizations have an important role to
play and a responsibility in safeguarding democracy,
promoting human rights and fundamental freedoms
and contributing to the promotion and advancement
of democratic societies, institutions and processes.

kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fs; gw;wpa If;fpa ehLfspd; gpufldk; 55

Subsection 3 Individuals, groups, institutions and non-
governmental organizations also have an important
role and a responsibility in contributing, as appropriate,
to the promotion of the right of everyone to a social and
international order in which the rights and freedoms
set forth in the Universal Declarations of Human
Rights and other human rights instruments can be
fully realized.

19 j.ka;sh fuu m%ldYkh u.ska olajd we;s whs;sjdislï

iy ksoyi is|oeóu wruqKq lr.;a lsisÿ ls%hdjla l<
yelsjk f,i fyda tjeks ls%hdjlg iyNd.Sùug whs;shla
,ndfok wdldrhg lsisÿ mqoa.,fhla mqoa., lKavdhula
fyda rchla fmd<Ujk wdldrfhka fï m%ldYkfha lsisjla
w¾: ksrEmKh fkdl< hq;= h'

19k; cWg;Giu ,g;gpufldj;jpd; Clhf Fwpg;gplg;gl;Ls;s cupikfs;

kw;Wk; Rje;jpuj;ijr; rpijf;Fk; tifapy; ahNjDk; xU
nraw;ghl;il eilKiwg;gLj;jy; my;yJ mt;thwhd


nraw;ghLfSf;F gq;Fgw;Wtjw;fhd cupikiag;
ngw;Wf;nfhLf;Fk; tifapy; ahNuDk; xU egu; my;yJ
FO> muR mjpy; <LgLk; tifapy; ,g; gpufldj;jpy; vJTk;
tpsf;fk; mspf;fg;glf; $lhJ.

Article 19 Nothing in the present Declaration shall be

interpreted as implying for any individuals, groups or
organ of society or any State the right to engage in any
activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction
of the rights and freedoms referred to in the present

20 j.ka;sh tlai;a cd;Skaf.a m%{ma;sfhys i|yka m%;smdokhkag

mgyeksjk f,i fï m%ldYkfhys i|yka lsisjla lsÍug
Wkkaÿ lrùug fyda iyh §ug ;ks mqoa.,fhl=g" mqoa.,
lKavdhïj,g" wdh;kj,g fyda rdcH fkdjk ixúOdk
j,g rchla úiska wjir Èhyels mßÈ fï m%ldYkfhys
lsisjla w¾:ksrEmKh fkdl< hq;=h'

udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka ms<sn`oj tlai;a cd;Skaf.a m%ldYkh 57

20k; cWg;Giu If;fpa ehLfspd; gpufldj;jpy; Fwpg;gplg;gl;Ls;s
tplaq;fSf;F vjpuhd Kiwapy; ,g;gpufldj;jpy; vJTk;
Fwpg;gpLtjw;F Cf;Ftpj;jy;> xj;Jiog;G toq;Ftjw;F
jdpegUf;F> my;yJ FOf;fSf;F> epWtdq;fSf;F mur
rhh;gw;w epWtdq;fSf;F muRfshy; mDkjp toq;Fk;gbf;F
,g; gpufldj;jpy; vtw;iwAk; khw;wpaikf;f KbahJ.

Article 20 Nothing in the present Declaration shall be

interpreted as permitting States to support and
promote activities of individuals, groups of individuals,
insinuations or non-government organizations contrary
to the provisions of the Charter of The United Nations.

58 kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fs; gw;wpa If;fpa ehLfspd; gpufldk;

udkj ysñlï ms<sn|
uyf,alïjrhdf.a úfYaI ksfhdað;hd
fj; meñKs,s bÈßm;a lsÍu

udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka ms<sn`oj tlai;a cd;Skaf.a m%ldYkh 59


udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka ms<sn|j úfYaI ksfhdað;fhla m;a lrk f,i

udkj ysñlï fldñIfuys mkia yhjeks ^56& ieisjdrfha§ tu fldñIu u`.ska
uyf,alïjrhdf.ka b,a,d isák ,§' ^2000 wfm%a,a ui 26 osk 2000$6 orK
fhdackdj&' ta wkqj 2000 wfm%a,a ui§ udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka ms<sn| úfYaI
ksfhdað;jßh f,i mlsia:dkfha ySkd ð,dks (Hina Jilani) uy;añh m;a lrk
,§' weh úiska tu ks,fhys lghq;= 2000 iema;eïn¾ ui § wdrïN lrk
,o w;r ,nd § ;sfnk n,;, wkqj wehf.a ks, ld¾hhka fmdÿfõ ms<s.;a
udkj ysñlï iy uQ,sl ksoyi m%j¾Okh lsÍu iy wdrCId lsÍu i|yd jQ ;ks
mqoa.,hkaf.a mqoa., lKavdhïj, iy iudc ixúOdkj, whs;sjdislï iy
j.lSï ms<sn| m%ldYkh u; fndfyda fihska mokïù we;' ^1998 foieïn¾
ui 09 jk Èk uyd uKav,fha 53$144 orK fhdackdj&

ySkd ð,dks uy;añh ^mlsia:dkh& udß f,da,¾ uy;añh ^wh¾,ka;h&

udkj ysñlï iqrlskakkaf.a udkj ysñlï iqrlskakkaf.a
m%:u úfYaI ksfhdað;jßh j;auka úfYaI ksfhdað;jßh
^2000 wf.daia;=& ^2020 uehs isg&

tlai;a cd;Skaf.a ixúOdkh úiska j¾I 2020 uehs ui 1 jk Èk isg

udkj ysñlï iqrlskakkaf.a ;;ajh ms<sn`oj fidhd ne,Su ms<sn`oj úfYaI
kshdAð; jßh f,i udß f,da,¾ uy;añh m;alrk ,§' weh wh¾,ka;fha §
Wm; ,nd wOHdmkh ,nk ,o w;r udkj ysñlï iy jHdmdrlrKh ms<sn`oj
iyldr uydpd¾h jßhla yd ufkdaúoHd{ jßhla o fõ' Front Line Defenders
wdh;kfhys wdrïNl wOHlaIl jßh o ^2001-2016& jk weh cd;Hhka;r
laIud ixúOdkfha wh¾,ka; wxYfha wOHlaIl jßh f,i o ^1988-2000&
lghq;= lrk ,§'

60 udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka ms<sn`oj tlai;a cd;Skaf.a m%ldYkh

iudchSh" wd¾Ól iy ixialD;sl whs;sjdislï fukau" isú,a iy foaYmd,k
whs;sjdislï o j¾Okh lsÍu" wdrCId lsÍu iy bgqlr .ekSu" Wkkaÿ lrùuo
we;=<;a lr.; yelsjk mßÈ udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka ms<sn| ks¾jpkh
mq¿,aj f;areï.; hq;= njg tu m%ldYkh u.ska y÷kdf.k we;' úfYaI
ksfhdað;jßh f,i ySkd ð,dks uy;añh wehf.a m%:u jd¾Isl jd¾;dfjys
(E/CN,4/2001/94) olajd isákafka fi!LH iïmkak mßirhlg we;s whs;sh
wdrCId lsÍu" wd§jdiS ck;djf.a whs;sjdislï m%j¾Okh lsÍu fyda jD;a;Sh
iñ;s ls%hdldrlïj,g iïnkaOùu hk ldrKd ;u n,;, ;=<g we;=<;a
lr.ekSug mq¿,a yelshdjla ;sfnk njg ;ud úYajdi lrk njhs' udkj
ysñlï iqrlskakka ms<sn| uyf,alïjrhdf.a úfYaI ksfhdað;hd i;= n,;,
udkj ysñlï fldñIfuys fhdackd wxl 2000$16 u.ska my; mßÈ olajd ;sfí'

^w&' udkj ysñlï iy uQ,sl ksoyi j¾Okh lsÍu iy wdrCId lsÍu

i|yd ;ksj fyda wka wh iu`. iduQyslj ls%hd lrk ´kEu
mqoa.,fhl=f.a whs;sjdislï ms<sn|j iy ls%hdldrlïj, ;;a;ajh
ms<sn|j f;dr;=re fiùu" ,nd.ekSu" mÍlaId lsÍu iy Bg m%;spdr

^wd&' m%ldYkh u`.ska ms<s.;a lreKq m%j¾Okh lsÍu iy m%ldYkh

M,odhS f,i ls%hdfjys fhoùu ms<sn|j rch iy ta .ek Wkkaÿfjka
ls%hd;aul jk fjk;a ls%hdldÍlhska w;r iyfhda.S;djh we;sfldg
Tjqka w;r idlÉPd fufyhùu'

^we&' udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka wdrCId lsÍu i|yd fhda.H jk Wmdhhka

ks¾foaY lsÍu'

j¾I 2000 § uq,skau udkj ysñlï fldñIka iNdj udkj ysñlï

iqrlskakkaf.a ;;ajh ms<sn`o by; olajd we;s úê ksfhda. m%;sIaGdmkh lrk
,oS' flfiafj;;a fuu úê ksfhda.hka 2020 udkj ysñlï ljqkais,fha 43$115
;SrKh wkqj kej; m%;sixúOdkh lrk ,oS' tajd kï"

^w&' rch iy wfkl=;a l%shdldÍ lKavdhï iu`. tl;=j f.dvk.d

.kakd ,o iyfhda.S;djh yd ixjdohla ;=<ska tlai;a cd;Skaf.a
udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka ms<sn`oj jk m%ldYkh M,odhl wdldrhg
ls%hd;aul lsÍu iy m%j¾Okh'

udkj ysñlñ iqrlskakkaf.a ;;ajh ms<sn`oj f;dr;=re ,nd
.ekSu iy tajdg m%;spdr oelaùu' udkj ysñlï wdrlaId lsÍu iy
m%j¾Okh lsÍu ms<sn`oj we;s wNsfhda.hka iy kj m%jk;djka
ms<sn`oj wOHhkh lsÍu'

udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka ms<sn`oj tlai;a cd;Skaf.a m%ldYkh 61

we' udkj ysïlï iqrlskakkaf.a wdrlaIdj i`oyd jvd;a M,odhS jQ
l%fudamdhka ks¾foaY lsÍu'

wE' ldka;d udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka ms<sn`o úfYaI wjOdkh fhduq

lrïka ia;%S mqreI iudcNdjh ms<sn`o ÈYdk;sh wka;¾.%ykh
lrñka udkj ysñlï iqrlskakkaf.a ld¾hh Ndrh m%j¾Okh'

udkj ysñlï iqrlskakkag tfrysj udkj ysñlï W,a,x>khka isÿjk

nj úYajdi lghq;= wdldrfhka okakd úg Bg wod< f;dr;=re ,sÅ;j
úfYaI ksfhdað;hdf.a wjOdkhg ,la lsÍu i|yd ´kEu mqoa.,fhl="
mqoa., lKavdhula" rdcH fkdjk ixúOdk" wka;¾ rdcH ksfhdað;dh;k
fyda rdcH ixúOdk Èßu;a lrkq ,nhs' úYajdiodhS iy j.lSfuka hq;= hehs
úfYaI ksfhdað;jrhd$ ksfhdað;jßh úiska i,lkq ,nk f;dr;=re weh$Tyq
úiska wod< rch fj; ,ndfok w;r ta ms<sn|j tu rcfha úfõpkhka iy
ksÍlaIKhka iys; m%;spdr weh$Tyq n,dfmdfrd;a;= fõ'

mq¿,a mrdihl isák ;ks mqoa.,hka iy mqoa., lKavdhï úfYaI

ksfhdað;jrhd$ ksfhdað;jßh fj; meñKs,s bÈßm;a lrk ksid tfia meñKs,s
bÈßm;a lrkakkaf.a udkj ysñlï jev lghq;= ms<sn|j f;dr;=re bÈßm;a
lsÍug Tjqkaj Wkkaÿ flf¾'

meñKs,s bÈßm;a lrkafka flfia o hkak ms<sn| úêu;a ld¾h mámdáhla

fkdmj;sk neúka fhda.H ldrKd wod< rchkays wjOdkhg yels ;rï blaukska
fhduq lrùu msKsi úfYaI ksfhdað;hdg$ ksfhdað;jßhg yelsjk mßÈ ksYaÑ;
f;dr;=re meñKs,af,ys we;=<;a l< hq;=h' tfia we;=<;a l< hq;= jk ksYaÑ;
f;dr;=re w;rg wod< W,a,x>khg ,la jQfha hehs lshkq ,nk mqoa.,hdf.a
wkkH;dj ms<sn| úia;r" isÿ lrk ,oehs lshk whs;sjdislï W,a,x>kh
ms<sn| úia;r" tu W,a,x>kh isÿ lrk ,o jerÈlrejka ms<sn| úia;r"
n,OdÍka úiska ta ms<sn| mshjr f.k we;akï ta ms<sn| úia;r" we;=<;a l<
hq;=h' wod< meñKs,s ,sÅ;j my; ,smskh fj; heúh hq;=h'

The Special Representative of the Secretary – General

on Human Right to Defenders
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
United Nations.
1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland.
Fax: (4122) 917 90 06.

62 udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka ms<sn`oj tlai;a cd;Skaf.a m%ldYkh

meñKs,s bÈßm;a lsÍu i|yd WmfoaYk ud,dj

udkj ysñlï iqrlskakkag tfrysj isÿlrk whs;sjdislï W,a,x>kh

lsÍï ms<sn|j meñKs,s bÈßm;a lsÍug n,dfmdfrd;a;= jkakka yels;dla ÿrg
my; i|yka iels,a, wkq.ukh l< hq;=h'

1' udkj ysñlï lvjQfõ hehs lshk úkaÈ;hdf.a úia;r

• iïmQ¾K ku
• jhi
• ia;%S$mqreI Ndjh
• jD;a;sh fyda /lshdj
• mÈxÑ ia:dkh ^fyda iïNjh ÿl fõokdj ú¢k ,o W,a,x>khg wod<
jkafka kï&
• udkj ysñlï jevlghq;= j,§ iïnkaO jQ ixúOdkhla" ix.uhla fyda
lKavdhula ;sfí kï ta iu`. W,a,x>khg f.dÿre jQ mqoa.,hdf.a
we;s in|;djh
• ixúOdkfha ix.ufha fyda lKavdhfï ku
• ixúOdkfha ix.ufha fyda lKavdhfï m%Odkshdf.a ku
• tu mqoa.,hd úiska bgq lrkq ,nk udkj ysñlï jevlghq;=j, iajNdjh
isÿ lf<a hehs lshkq ,nk W,a,x>kfha meñ‚,a, ixúOdkhlg tfrysj
lr we;af;a kï"
• ixúOdkfha ku"
• th iïnkaO ù isák udkj whs;sjdislï $ jevlghq;= ls%hdldrlïj,
• tys jevlghq;=j, úIh m:fha jmißh" ^cd;sl" l,dmSh" wka;¾cd;sl&
• fjk;a udkj ysñlï ixúOdk ;sfí kï tajd iu`. we;s in|;djh"
• ixúOdkfha m%Odkshd$m%OdkSkaf.a kï"
;ksmqoa.,hka fyda ixúOdkh úiska bgq fldg ;sfnk ld¾hfhys b;sydih
ms<sn|j wu;r f;dr;=re bÈßm;a lrkafka kï th meñKs,a,$fpdaokdj ms<sn|
;lafiare lsÍfï§ Bg msájy,la jkq we;'

udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka ms<sn`oj tlai;a cd;Skaf.a m%ldYkh 63

2' isÿ lf<a hehs lshk W,a,x>kfhys iajdNdjh

udkj ysñlï iqrlsk mqoa.,fhl=g fyda ixúOdkhlg fyda lKavdhulg

fyda ix.uhlg tfrysj lrk ,oehs lshk W,a,x>kh iïnkaOj ish¿
f;dr;=re w;rg my; i|yka oE o we;=<;a l< hq;=h'
• Èkh
• ia:dkh
• isÿùfuys$biõfjys úia;r
• ÿla fõokdfjka fm<kq ,enQ fyda ;¾ckhg ,lajQ W,a,x>kfhys
isÿlrk ,o udkj ysñlï ls%hdldrlï j,g isÿ lf,a hehs lshkq ,nk
W,a,x>kfhys ;sfnk in|;djh tu f;dr;=re u.ska fmkaúh hq;=uh'
udkj ysñlï iqrlsk ;ks mqoa.,fhl=f.a fyda mqoa., lKavdhula
w;awvx.=jg .ekSu iy fyda isr.; lsÍu iïnkaOj jk W,a,x>khla isÿj
we;akï my; i|yka oE ms<sn|j f;dr;=re wjYH fõ'
• Bg iïnkaO jqKq n,OdÍkaf.a wkkH;djh" ^;ks mqoa., iy fyda
wud;HxY fyda fomd¾;fïka;=&
• w;a wvx.=jg .;a Èkh iy ia:dkh"
• W,a,x>khg wod<j w;a wvx.=jg .;a wjia:dfõ mej;s ´kEu
• fpdaokdjka lsisjla fjf;d;a tlS iajdNdjh iy olajd isák jHjia:d
• ;ks mqoa., fyda mqoa., lKavdhï uqyqKmdk ,eìh yels o~qjï ms<sn|
• r|jdf.k isák ia:dkh okafka kï ta ms<sn| úia;r"
• r|jdf.k isák ld, iSudj"
• mjqf,a idudðlhkag fyda kS;S{ uyf;l=g$ uy;añhlg Tjqka fj;
m%fõY ùug we;s m%;smdok ms<sn| úia;r"
• mßmd,kuh fyda wêlrKuh jYfhka m%;sl¾u ,nd .ekSug .;a
W;aidyhka ms<sn|j" fuhg fmr kS;suh mshjr f.k we;s iajNdjh
yd tlS mshjr iy tfia .kq ,enQ kS;suh ls%hdud¾.hkays wÈhrhka fyda
tys m%;sM, ms<sn| úia;r"
udkj ysñlï wdrCId lsÍfï ls%hdjl § fyda Bg iïnkaO lghq;a;l§
fyda tjeks lghq;a;l m%;sM,hla jYfhka fyda hï wêlrKhla bÈßfha udkj
ysñlï iqrlskafkl=g tfrysj kvqjla f.dkqlr ;sfí kï"

64 udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka ms<sn`oj tlai;a cd;Skaf.a m%ldYkh

• kvqfjys oskh iy ia:dkh"
• kvqj úuik wêlrKh"
• wod< jk wNshdpkd ld¾h mámdáh"
• lKavdhu fyda mqoa.,hd uqyqK fok o~qjï ms<sn| úia;r oelaúh

3' isÿ lf<a hehs lshk W,a,x>kfhys jerÈlrejka

• okafka kï ku fyda kï"

• Tjqka wdrCIl yuqodj, idudðlhka jkafka kï" Tjqkaf.a ;rd;sru"
ld¾hhka" wh;ajk tallh fyda fiajdj wd§ jYfhka l=uk wxYhlg
Tjqka wh;a o hkak ms<sn| úia;r"
• Tjqka isú,a wdrCIl lKavdhul" yuqodj,g iïnkaO fyda fjk;a
yuqodj, fyda hqO yuqod lKavdhul idudðlhka jkafka kï rchg
tu lKavdhï iïnkaO fjkjdo keoao hkak ms<sn|j fyda iïnkaO
jkafka kï ta flfiao hk lreKq ms<sn| f;dr;=re we;=<;a l< hq;=h'
^ksoiqkla f,i tu jrolrejka rch iu`. mj;sk ÿiaikaOdkh fyda
Tjqkaf.a fufyhqïj, § tlaj l%shd lrk fukau" yuqod wd{d ud,dj
ms<sn| f;dr;=re o we;=<;aj rcfha wdrCIl yuqod iu. mj;sk

4' cd;sl uÜgñka ms<shï fiùu i|yd úm;g f.dÿre jQ mqoa.,hd

fyda ixúOdkh úiska fyda Tjqka fjkqfjka .kakd ,o mshjr

• meñKs,a,la f.dkq l<d o @ keoao @ hk j. iy"

• tfia kï ljodo@ fldfya§ o@ ljqreka úiskao@ iy l=uk wêldßhla
bÈßmsgo@ hk lreKq ms<sn| wod< ish¿u f;dr;=re oelaúh hq;=h'

5' wod< n,OdÍka úiska .kakd ,o mshjr

• isÿ lf<a hehs lshkq ,nk jro iïnkaOj úu¾Ykhla fyda mÍlaIKhla
wdrïN lr ;sfío@ fkdue;s kï tjeks mÍlaIKhla$úu¾Ykhla
mj;ajd wjika ;SrKhlg meñK ;sfío@
• tfia lr we;akï ta ljr n,OdÍka úiskao@ rcfha ljr wud;HxYhla
fyda fomd¾;=fïka;=jla úiskao@
• fuu meñKs,a, bÈßm;a lrk wjia:dfõ§ úu¾Ykfha fyda mÍlaIKfha
fyda ;;a;ajh iy m%.;sh ms<sn| úia;r"

udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka ms<sn`oj tlai;a cd;Skaf.a m%ldYkh 65

• fpdaokd f.dkq lsÍu msKsi fyda fjk;a kS;suh mshjrla .ekSu i|yd
tu úu¾Ykh fyda mÍlaIKh fya;= jQjdo@ keoao@ hk j."
• tfia jQfha kï m%;sM,h wi;=gqodhl ùug fya;="
• ;¾ckhg ,laùfuka mqoa.,hka wdrCId lsÍu i|yd .; yels hï
mshjrhka ;sfí kï tajd"

6' isÿjQfha hehs lshkq ,nk W,a,x>kh fndfyda úg tla isoaêhl

fyda tla wjia:djl m%;sM,hla fkdúh yelsh' tfy;a udkj
ysñlï m%j¾Okh" wdrCId lsÍu iy fyda bgqlr .ekSu i|yd
ndOdjla jk ;;a;ajhka" m%;sm;a;Ska" mßphka fyda kS;ska ksid
wLKavj isÿjk W,a,x>khka we;súh yelsh'

tjeks wjia:djl meñKs,af,ys my; i|yka oE we;=<;a l< hq;=h'

• tjeks ;;a;ajhka" m%;sm;a;Ska" mßphka iy kS;ska iïnkaOj wod< jk

ish¨ f;dr;=re"
• udkj ysñlï wdrCId lsÍu i|yd ;ks mqoa.,hka fyda mqoa., lKavdhï
jevlsÍfï§ by; i|yka l< ldrKd u; Tjqka uqyqK fok w.;s.dó
;;a;ajfhys iajrEmh"
• by; ;;a;ajhka iy kS;sh ksid fyda tjeks mßphka fyda m%;sm;a;s
ls%hd;aul lsÍfï§ udkj ysñlï iqrlskakkag ysßyer isÿ lsÍu" ìh
.ekaùu iy fyda ydks isÿ lsÍu i|yd ls%hdfõ fhdojd we;s rdcH fyda
rdcH fkdjk ksfhdað;dh;k"
• tu ;;a;ajhkag ms<shï f,i .; yels mshjr"
• by;ska oelajQ m%ldYkh u`.ska ms<s.;a whs;sjdislï j,g mgyeks
;;a;ajhka" m%;sm;a;Ska yd mßphka ksjerÈ lr .ekSug f.k we;s
ls%hdud¾. fyda kS;s m%;sixialrKhka i|yd cd;sl uÜgñka ;ks
mqoa.,hka fyda mqoa., lKavdhï úiska f.k we;s ls%hdu¾.
fuu WmfoaYk ud,dj wjidkd;aul tlla fkdfõ' fï ms<sn|j we;s
úfõpk iy fhdackd Wolau n,dfmdfrda;a;= fjuq'

66 udkj ysñlï iqrlskakka ms<sn`oj tlai;a cd;Skaf.a m%ldYkh

kdpj chpik ghJfhtyu;fs; gw;wpg;
nghJr;nrayhsupd; rpwg;Gg; gpujpepjpf;F
Kiwg;ghLfis Kd;itj;jy;

kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fs; gw;wpa If;fpa ehLfspd; gpufldk; 67


kdpj cupikr; nraw;ghl;lhsu;fs; njhlu;ghf tpNrl gpujpepjpia epakpf;Fk; gbf;F

ru;tNjr kdpj cupik Mizf;FOtpd; Ik;gj;jp MwhtJ mku;tpd;nghOJ(56) ,e;j
Mizf;FOtpd; Clhf nghJr;nrayhsuplk; Nfhupf;if tplg;gl;lJ. (2000 Vg;gpuy; khjk;
26k; jpfjp cWg;Giu 61y; Fwpg;gplg;gLk; Kd;nkhopT) mjw;fika 2000k; Mz;L Vg;uy;
khjk; kdpj cupikg; ghJfhtyu;fs; njhlu;ghd tpNrl gpujpepjpahf ghfp];jhd; ehl;bd;
`pdh [pyhdp mk;ikahu; epakpf;fg;gl;lhu;. mtu; jkJ cj;jpNahfg;G+u;tr; nraw;ghl;il
2000k; Mz;L nrg;nlk;gu; khjj;jpy; Muk;gpj;jhu;. mj;Jld; mtuJ mjpfhuj;jpw;fika
mtuJ cj;jpNahfg;G+u;tr; nraw;ghLfs;> nghJthf mq;fPfhpf;fg;gl;l kdpj cupikfs;>
mbg;gilr; Rje;jpuj;ij Kd;Ndw;Wjy; kw;Wk; ghJfhg;gjw;fhf jdp egu;> FOf;fs;> r%f
mikg;Gfspd; cupikfs; kw;Wk; nghWg;Gfs; njhlu;ghd ntspaPLfis mbg;gilahff;
nfhz;Ls;sd. (1998 brk;gu; khjk; 09k; jpfjp nghJr;rigapd; 53-144y; Fwpg;gplg;gl;Ls;s

`pdh [pyhdp mk;ikahu; (ghfp];jhd;) khhp nuhyh; mk;ikahu; (mau;yhe;J)

kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fspd; Kjy jw;Nghja rpwg;Gg; gpujpepjp
rpwg;Gg; gpujpepjp (2020 Nk khjk; njhlf;fk;)
(2000 Mf];l;)

If;fpa ehLfs; rigahy; 2020k; Mz;L Nk khjk; 1k; jpfjp njhlf;fk; kdpj cupik
ghJfhtyu;fspd; epiyik gw;wpf; fz;lwptjw;fhdr; rpwg;G gpujpepjpahf khup nuhyh;
mk;ikahiu epakpj;jdu;. mtu; mau;yhe;jpy; gpwe;J jkJ fy;tpia me;ehl;bNyNa
njhlu;e;jhu;. NkYk; mtu; kdpj cupik kw;Wk; tzpfk; njhlu;ghd cg Nguhrphpau;
kw;Wk; xU cstpayhsUkhthu;. Front Line Defenders vDk; epWtdj;jpd; ];jhgf
,af;Fduhd mtu; (2001-2016) ru;tNjr rpukh epWtdj;jpd; mauyhe;J gpuptpd;
,af;FduhfTk; (1988-2000) Nritahw;wpAs;shu;.

68 kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fs; gw;wpa If;fpa ehLfspd; gpufldk;

r%f> nghUshjhu> fyhr;rhu cupikfisg; Nghd;Nw rptpy;> murpay; cupikfis
Kd;Ndw;Wjy;> ghJfhj;jy; kw;Wk; epiyehl;Ljy;> Cf;Ftpj;jy; vd;gtw;iw
cs;slf;FkhW kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fs; njhlu;ghd tiutpyf;fzj;ij Mokhf
tpsq;fpf;nfhs;sf; $ba tifapy; mg;gpufldj;jpd; Clhff; fz;lwpag;gl;Ls;sJ.
tpNrl gpujpepjpahf `pdh [pyhdp mtu;fs; mtuJ KjyhtJ tUlhe;j mwpf;ifapy;
(E/CN.4/2001/94) MNuhf;fpakhd Kiwapy; #oYf;F cs;s cupikiag; ghJfhj;jy;>
Mjpthrp kf;fspd; cupikfis Kd;Ndw;Wjy; my;yJ njhopw;rq;fr; nraw;ghLfSf;Fj;
njhlh;Gg;gLjy; vDk; tplaq;fis jkJ mjpfhuj;jpw;Fs; cs;slf;Ftjw;fhd Mw;wy;
,Ug;gjhfTk; mjpy; mtu; ek;gpf;if nfhz;Ls;sjhfTk; Fwpg;gpl;Ls;shu;. kdpj cupik
ghJfhtyu;fs; gw;wpag; nghJr;nrayhsupd; tpNrl gpujepjpaplKs;s mjpfhuk; kdpj
cupikfs; Mizf;FOtpd; Kd;nkhopT ,y 2000/16d; %yk; Fwpg;gplg;gl;Ls;sJ. mJ

m) kdpj cupikfs; cs;spl;l mbg;gilr; Rje;jpuj;ij Kd;Ndw;wp ghJfhg;gjw;fhfj;

jdpahf my;yJ Vidatu;fSld; xd;wpize;Jr; nraw;gLfpd;w ve;jnthU
egupdJk; cupikfs; kw;Wk; nraw;ghLfspd; epiyikfs; njhlu;;ghdj;
jfty;fisj; jpul;Ljy;;> ngw;Wf;nfhs;jy;> fz;fhzpj;jy;> mjw;F kWnkhop

M) ntspaPl;bd; Clhf Vw;Wf;nfhs;sg;gl;l tplaq;fis Kd;Ndw;Wtjw;fhf

kw;Wk; ntspaPLfisg; gaDs;s tifapy; nraw;gLj;jy; gw;wp muR kw;Wk;
mJ njhlu;ghf ftdk; nrYj;jp nraw;gLfpd;w NtW FOf;fSld; xj;Jiog;ig
cUthf;fp mtu;fSld; ,ize;J fye;JiuahLjiy topelj;Jjy;

,) kdpj cupikr; nraw;ghl;lhsu;fisg; ghJfhg;gjw;fhd nghUj;jkhd

cghatopfisr; rpghupR nra;jy;.

2000k; Mz;bd; Muk;gj;jpy; kdpj cupik Mizf;FOthdJ> kdpj cupik

ghJfhtyu;fspd; epiyik njhlu;ghf Nky; Fwpg;gplg;gl;Ls;s rl;lf; fl;lisfis
khw;wpaikj;jJ. vt;thnwdpDk; ,r;rl;l fl;lisfs; 2020 kdpj cupik Mizf;FOtpd;
43/115 jPu;khdj;jpw;fikthf kPz;Lk; kWrPuikf;fg;gl;lJ. mit gpd;tUkhW>

m. muR cs;spl;l Vidar; nraw;ghl;Lf; FOf;fSld; xd;wpize;J

fl;bnaOg;gg;gl;l xj;Jiog;G kw;Wk; fye;Jiuahly;fspd; Clhf [f;fpa
ehLfspd; kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fs; njhlu;ghd ntspaPl;ilg; gaDs;s
Kiwapy; eilKiwg;gLj;jy; kw;Wk; Kd;Ndw;Wjy;.

M. kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fspd; epiyik gw;wpaj; jfty;fisg;

ngw;Wf;nfhs;Sjy;> mtw;Wf;F kWnkhop toq;Fjy;> kdpj cupikfisg;
ghJfhj;jy; mj;Jld; Kd;Ndw;Wjy; njhlu;ghf cs;s rthy;fs; kw;Wk; Gjpa
Kaw;rpfs; njhlu;ghf Ma;T nra;jy;

kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fs; gw;wpa If;fpa ehLfspd; gpufldk; 69

,. kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fspd; ghJfhg;G njhlu;ghfg; gaDs;s
nrad;Kiwfisr; rpghupR nra;jy;.

<. kdpj cupik ngz; ghJfhtyu;fs; njhlu;ghf tpNrl ftdk; nrYj;JtNjhL

Mz;> ngz; rkj;Jtepiy gw;wpa tplaj;ij cs;slf;fp kdpj cupik
ghJfhtyu;fspd; nraw;ghLfis Kd;Ndw;Wjy;.

kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fSf;F vjpuhf kdpj cupik kPwy;fs; epfOk; re;ju;g;gq;fspy;

mJ njhlu;ghdj; jfty;fis vOj;J %ykhf tpNrl gpujpepjpapd; ftdj;jpw;Ff; nfhz;L
nry;tjw;fhf midj;J egu;fs; FOf;fs; cs;spl;l mur rhu;gw;w mikg;Gfs;> ru;tNjr
mikg;Gfs; my;yJ mur mikg;Gfs; Cf;Ftpf;fg;gLfpd;wd. ek;gpf;if kw;Wk;
nghWg;Gld; nraw;gLfpd;w tpNrl gpujpepjpahy; ftdj;jpw; nfhs;sg;gLfpd;w jfty;fs;
mtuhy; Fwpj;j muRfSf;F toq;fg;gLtNjhL mJ njhlu;ghf me;j muRfspd;
tpku;rdq;fs; kw;Wk; fz;fhzpg;GfSld; $ba fUj;Jf;fis mtu; vjpu;g;ghu;fpd;whu;.

gue;j #oiktpy; cs;s jdpegu;fs; kw;Wk; FOf;fs; tpNrl gpujpepjpaplk;

Kiwg;ghLfis Kd;itg;gjdhy; mt;thW Kiwg;ghLfis Kd;itg;gtu;fspd;
kdpj cupikr; nraw;ghLfs; njhlu;ghd jfty;fis rku;gpg;gjw;F mtu;fis

Kiwg;ghLfis Kd;itg;gJ vt;thW? vd;gJ gw;wpa Kiwrhh;e;jr; nraw;ghl;L

Kiwfs; fhzg;glhikahy; nghUj;jkhd tplaq;fisf; Fwpj;j muRfspd; ftdj;jpw;F
,ad;wstpy; nfhz;Lr; nry;tjw;fhf tpNrl gpujpepjpf;F ,ad;w tifapy; jpl;ltl;lkhd
jfty;fis Kiwg;ghl;by; Fwpg;gpl Ntz;Lk;. mt;thW Fwpg;gplg;gl Ntz;ba
jpl;ltl;lkhdj; jfty;fspy; Fwpj;j kdpj cupik kPwg;gl;lJ vd Kiwg;ghL nra;Ak; egupd;
milahsk; njhlu;ghd jfty;fs;> kPwg;gl;ljhf Fwpg;gplg;gLk; kdpj cupik kPwy;> mk;
kPwiy epfo;j;jpa Fw;wthspfspd; tpguq;fs;> mjpfhupfshy; vLf;fg;gl;l eltbf;iffs;
njhlu;ghd tpguq;fs; vd;gd Fwpg;gplg;gl Ntz;Lk;. NkYk; Fwpj;j Kiwg;ghLfis
vOj;J %yk; fPo;Fwpg;gplg;gLk; tpyhrj;jpw;F mDg;g Ntz;Lk;.

The Special Representative of the Secretary –

General on Human Rights Defenders
office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
United Nations
1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland.
Fax : (4122) 917 90 06.

70 kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fs; gw;wpa If;fpa ehLfspd; gpufldk;

Kiwg;ghLfis Kd;itg;gjw;fhd MNyhridg;; gl;bay;

kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fSf;F vjpuhf epfOfpd;w cupik kPwy;fs; njhlu;ghd

Kiwg;ghLfis Kd;itg;gjw;F vjpu;g;ghu;f;fpd;w egu;fs; ,ad;wsT fPo;Fwpg;gplg;gLk;
tplaq;fs; njhlu;ghf ftdk; nrYj;jp mjid filg;gpbf;f Ntz;Lk;.

1. ghjpf;fg;gl;ltupd; tpguq;fs;
 KOikahdg; ngah;
 taJ

 ghypdk; (Mz;> ngz;)

 njhopy;

 trpf;Fk; ,lk; ( rk;gtj;jpw;Fj; Njitahapd; khj;jpuk;)

 kdpj cupikr; nraw;ghLfspd; nghOJ njhlu;Gg;gl;l mikg;G> rq;fk;> FO
fhzg;gl;lhy; mtw;Wld; ghjpf;fg;gl;l egUf;Fs;s njhlu;G
 mikg;G> rq;fk; my;yJ FOtpd; ngau;
 mikg;gpd;> FOtpd; my;yJ rq;fj;jpd; gpujhdpapd; ngau;
 me;eguhy; nraw;gLj;jg;gLk; kdpj cupikr; nraw;ghLfspd; jd;ik
 epfog;gl;l cupik kPwy; mikg;Gf;F vjpuhf epfo;e;jjhapd; mikg;gpd; ngau;
 mJ njhlu;Gg;gl;bUf;Fk; kdpj cupikfs; kw;Wk; nraw;ghLfs; njhlu;ghd
 mr;nraw;ghLfspd; gpuNjr tplag;gug;G (Njrpa> tya kw;Wk; ru;tNjr)
 NtW kdpj cupikfs; mikg;Gfs; ,Uf;FNkahdhy;> mtw;Wld; ,Uf;Fk;
 mikg;gpd; gpujhdpapd; ngau;

jdp egu; my;yJ mikg;gpd; %yk; eilKiwg;gLj;jg;gl;bUf;Fk; nraw;ghLfspd;

tuyhW njhlu;ghf Nkyjpfkhd tpguq;fs; Kd;itf;fg;gLNkahdhy; mk; Kiwg;ghL
njhlu;ghf kjpg;gPL nra;tjw;F mJ cjtpahf ,Uf;Fk;.

2. epfo;j;jg;gl;l kdpj cupik kPwypd; jd;ik

kdpj cupikiag; ghJfhf;Fk; egu;fs;> mikg;Gfs;> rq;fq;fs; my;yJ FOf;fSf;F
vjpuhf epfo;j;jg;gl;ljhf $Wk; kPwy; njhlu;ghf jfty;fisr; rku;gpf;Fk; nghOJ gpd;tUk;
tplaq;fSk; cs;slf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;.
 jpfjp

kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fs; gw;wpa If;fpa ehLfspd; gpufldk; 71

 ,lk;
 rk;gtj;jpd; tpguq;fs;
 mr;RWj;jYf;F cs;shfp Jd;GWj;jg;gl;l kPwypd; jd;ik

kdpj cupik nraw;ghl;lhsu;fshy; eilKiwg;gLj;jg;gl;l vd;d nraw;ghLfSf;fhf

cupik kPwy; epfo;e;jJ? vd me;j ,uz;L tplaq;fSf;Fs; cs;s njhlu;ig
mj;jfty;fspd; Clhff; Fwpg;gpl Ntz;Lk;.

kdpj cupikfisg; ghJfhf;Fk; jdp egu; my;yJ FOf;fis ifJ nra;jy;> rpiwapy;
itj;jy; njhlu;ghf cupik kPwy; epfo;e;jpUg;gpd; fPo;Fwpg;gplg;gLk; tplaq;fs; njhlu;ghf
jfty;fs; Njitg;gLfpd;wJ.

 mjw;Fj; njhlu;Gg;gl;l mjpfhupfspd; milahsk; (jdpegu;> mikr;R my;yJ

 ifJ nra;ag;gl;lj; jpfjp my;yJ ,lk;
 cupik kPwYf;F mikthff; ifJr; nra;ag;gl;l re;ju;g;gj;jpd; nghOJ epfo;e;j
rk;gtq;fspd; epiyik
 Kiwg;ghL nra;ag;gl;l Fw;wj;jpd; jd;ik kw;Wk; mjpy; Fwpg;gplg;gLk; ahg;gpYs;s
 jdp egu; my;yJ FOf;fs; Kfq;nfhLf;Fk; jz;lidfs; gw;wpa tpsf;fk;
 jLj;J itj;jpUf;Fk; ,lj;ij mwpe;jpUe;jhy; me;j ,lk; njhlu;ghd tpguk;
 jLj;J itj;jpUe;j fhytiuaiw
 FLk;gj;jpYs;s mq;fj;jtu;fSf;F my;yJ rl;lj;juzp xUtUf;F mtu;fisr;
re;jpg;gjw;F cs;s Vw;ghL njhlu;ghd tpguq;fs;
 epUthf my;yJ ePjpkd;w uPjpahf jPu;Tfisg; ngw;Wf;nfhs;tjw;fhf vLj;j
Kaw;rpfs;> ngw;Wf;nfhs;;s vjph;ghu;f;Fk; jPu;tpd; jd;ik> rl;l uPjpahdr;
nraw;ghLfis vLg;gjw;F Kd;G rl;l MSik kPJ vLf;fg;gl;l eltbf;iffs;
kw;Wk; mt;thW vLf;fg;gl;l rl;luPjpahd eltbf;iffspd; gbKiwfs; kw;Wk;
mjd; ngWNgWfs; njhlu;ghd tpguq;fs;

kdpj cupikfisg; ghJfhf;Fk; re;ju;g;gj;jpy; my;yJ mjw;F njhlu;Gila

nraw;ghl;bd; nghOJ ngWNgwhf ahNjDk; ePjpkd;wj;jpd; Kd;G kdpj cupikfisg;
ghJfhg;gtu;fSf;F vjpuhf tof;F jhf;fy; nra;jpUe;jhy;>

 tof;F jhf;Fjy; nra;ag;gl;l jpfjp kw;Wk; ,lk;

 ePjpkd;wj;jhy; tof;if tprhuiz nra;jpUj;jy; njhlu;ghf
 Njitg;gLfpd;w Nky;KiwaPl;L nraw;ghl;L Kiwfs;
 FO my;yJ jdpegu; Kfq;nfhLf;Fk; jz;lidfs; gw;wpf; Fwpg;gpl Ntz;Lk;.

72 kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fs; gw;wpa If;fpa ehLfspd; gpufldk;

3. epfo;j;jg;gl;ljhff; $Wk; kdpj cupik kPwypd; Fw;wthspfs;
 egiuj; njupe;jpUg;gpd; ngau;
 mtu;fs; ghJfhg;Gg;gilapd; mq;fj;;jtuhapd; mtupd; gjtp epiyik> mtu;
ve;jg; gilazpiar; Nru;e;jtu;> ve;j gpupitr; rhu;e;jtu; vd;gJ njhlu;ghd
njspthd tpguq;fs;
 mtu;fs; rptpy; ghJfhg;Gf; FO my;yJ ,uhZtj;jpw;F njhlu;Gg;gl;l
VNjDk; gpuptpyh? my;yJ jiug;gilapd; mq;fj;jtuhapd; muRld; ,f;FO
njhlu;Gg;gLfpd;wjh? ,y;iyah? vd;w tplaq;fs; cs;slf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;.
(cjhuzkhf ,f;Fw;wthspfs; muRld; vt;tifahd njhlu;Gfisf;
nfhz;Ls;sdu; my;yJ ,uhZt eltbf;iffspd; nghOJ fPo;gbjy; mt;thNw
,uhZt fl;lisr; rl;lk; njhlu;ghf jfty;fs; cs;slq;fyhf murpd; ghJfhg;Gg;
gilAldhd xj;Jiog;G vd;git Fwpg;gplg;gl Ntz;Lk;.)

4. Njrpa kl;lj;jpy; jPu;Tfisj; NjLtjw;fhfg; ghjpf;fg;gl;l egu; kw;Wk;

mikg;Gf;fspd; %yk; mtu;fSf;fhf vLf;fg;gl;l eltbf;iffs;
 Kiwg;ghL nra;ag;gl;ljh? ,y;iyah vd;gJ njhlu;ghf

mt;thW vdpd; vg;nghOJ? vq;Nf? ahuhy;? kw;Wk; ve;j ePjpj;Jiwapd;
Kd;dhy;? vDk; tplaq;fs; njhlu;ghff; Fwpg;gpl Ntz;Lk;.

5. Fwpj;j mjpfhhpfshy; vLf;fg;gl;l eltbf;iffs;

 epfo;j;jg;gl;lJ vd Fwpg;gplg;gLk; Fw;wq;fs; njhlu;ghf guprPyid my;yJ
tprhuiz Muk;gpf;fg;gl;Ls;sjh? ,y;iynadpd; mt;thwhd tprhuiz
elhj;jg;gl;L KbT vLf;fg;gl;Ls;sjh?
 mt;thW nra;jpUg;gpd; mJ ve;j mjpfhupahy; elhj;jg;gl;lJ? ve;j mikr;R
my;yJ jpizf;fsj;jhy; epfo;j;jg;gl;lJ?
 Kiwg;ghl;il Kd;itf;Fk; re;ju;g;gj;jpd; nghOJ gupNrhjid my;yJ mjd;
epiyik kw;Wk; mjd; Kd;Ndw;wk; njhlu;ghd tpguq;fs;
 Kiwg;ghl;ilr; nra;tjw;F my;yJ NtW rl;l uPjpahd eltbf;iffis vLg;gjw;F
me;j tprhuizfs; mbg;gilahdjh? ,y;iyah?

mt;thW epfo;e;jhy; ngWNgW my;yJ Njhy;tpaile;jpUe;jhy; mjw;fhd
 mr;RWj;jYf;F cs;shtjd; Clhf egu;fisg; ghJfhg;gjw;fhf vLf;f ,ad;w
VNjDk; eltbf;iffs; fhzg;gLNkahdhy; mjid Fwpg;gplTk;.

kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fs; gw;wpa If;fpa ehLfspd; gpufldk; 73

6. epfo;j;jg;gl;lJ vdf; $wg;gLfpd;w kPwy;fs; ngUk;ghYk; xU
rk;gtj;jpd; my;yJ re;ju;g;gj;jpd; ngWNgwhf ,Uf;fhJ. MdhYk;
kdpj cupik Kd;Ndw;wk;> ghJfhj;jy; kw;Wk; epiwNtw;Wtjw;Fj;
jilahd fhuzpfs;> nfhs;iffs;> rl;lq;fs; njhlu;r;rpahf
epfOfpd;w cupik kPwiy Vw;gLj;jyhk;.
mt;thwhd re;jh;g;gq;fspy; Kiwg;ghL nra;tjhapd; mtw;wpy; fPo; Fwpg;gplg;gLk;
tplaq;fs; cs;slf;fg;gl Ntz;Lk;.
 mj;jifa epiyikfs; epge;jid> nfhs;iffs; my;yJ rl;lq;fs; njhlu;ghd
midj;J njhlu;Gilaj; jfty;fs;.
 kdpj cupikfisg; ghJfhg;gjw;fhf jdpegh;fs; my;yJ kf;fs; FOf;fs; Ntiy
nra;Ak; nghOJ Nkw;Fwpg;gplg;gl;l tplaq;fis mbg;gilahff; nfhz;L mtu;fs;
Kfq;nfhLf;Fk; ghjfkhd epiyikapd; jd;ik
 Nkw;Fwpg;gplg;gl;l epiyik kw;Wk; rl;lj;jhy; mt;thwhd nfhs;iffisr;
nraw;gLj;Jk; nghOJ kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fSf;F mr;RWj;jy;> rpj;jputij
nra;jy; my;yJ ghjpg;Gfis Vw;gLj;Jtjw;fhd nraw;ghl;by; <Lgl;bUf;Fk; mur
my;yJ mur rhu;gw;w epWtdq;fs;
 me;epiyikfSf;Fj; jPu;Tfshf vLf;f Ntz;ba eltbf;iffs;
 Nkw;Fwpg;gplg;gl;l ntspaPl;bd; Clhf Vw;Wf;nfhs;sg;gl;l cupikfSf;F vjpuhd
epiyikfs;> nfhs;iffs; kw;Wk; rl;lq;fis eptu;j;jp nra;tjw;fhf vLf;fg;gl;l
eltbf;iffs; my;yJ rl;l kWrPuikg;GfSf;fhf Njrpa kl;lj;jpy; jdpegu;
my;yJ FOf;fspd; %yk; nfhz;Ls;s eltbf;iffs;

,e;j MNyhrid topfhl;bahdJ ,Wjpahdjy;y. Mdgbahy; ,J njhlu;ghf

cs;s cq;fs; fUj;Jf;fs; my;yJ gupe;Jiufs; tuNtw;;fg;gLfpd;wd.

kdpj cupik ghJfhtyh;fspd; ghJfhg;Gf;fhf ,g;gpufldk;

kw;Wk; jfty; gl;baiyg; gFg;gha;T nra;J eilKiwg;gLj;Jtjw;fhf
midthpdJk; ftdj;ij nrYj;JkhW ehk; NfhUfpd;Nwhk;.

74 kdpj cupik ghJfhtyu;fs; gw;wpa If;fpa ehLfspd; gpufldk;

Submission of Allegations to the
Special Representatives of the
Secretary – General on
Human Rights Defenders



At the fifty – sixth session, the Commission on the Human Rights requested
the Secretary-General to appoint a Special Representative on human rights
defenders (Resolution 2000/61 April 2000). Ms. Hina Jilani (Pakistan) was
appointed in August 2000. Her work on the mandate, which began in September
2000, is based largely on the “Declaration on the Rights and Responsibility of
individuals, Groups, and Organs, of Society to Promote and Protect Universally
recognized Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.”(General Assembly
resolution 53/144 of 9 December 1998).

Ms. Hina Jilani (Pakistan) Ms. Mary Lawlor (Ireland)

Special Representative of Special Rapporteur on the
Human Rights Defenders Situation of Human Rights
Defenders since 1 May 2020.

Ms. Mary Lawlor was born and educated in Ireland & is an Adjunct Professor
of Business and Human Rights a psychologist by training. She was the founder-
director of Front Line Defenders (2001-2016) & Director of the Irish Section of
Amnesty International (1988-2000)

The Declaration recognizes that the definition of a human rights defender

must be broadly understood as encompassing also those striving for the
promotion, protection and realization of social, economic and cultural rights as
well as civil and political rights. As the Special Representative, Ms. Hina Jilani,
stated in her first annual report (E/CN/.4/2001/94), she believes that the ambit of
her mandate is broad enough to include, for example, those defending the right to


a healthy environment, promoting the rights of indigenous peoples, or engaging
in a trade union activities.

The mandate of the Special Representative of Secretary General on Human

Rights Defenders, as set out in Commission on Human Rights resolution 2000/61,

a). to seek, receive, examine, and respond to information on the situation

and the rights anyone, acting individually or in association with others,
to promote and protect human rights and fundamental freedoms

b). To establish cooperation and conduct dialogue with governments and

other interested actors on the promotion and effective implementation
of the Declaration; and

c). To recommend strategies better to protect human rights defenders

Above the Human Rights Commission first established the mandate on the
situation of human rights defenders on 2000. However, the mandate was most
recently renewed by the Human Rights Council decision 43/115 in 2020.

 Promote the effective implementation of the UN Declaration on Human

Rights Defenders in cooperation and dialogue with Governments and
other actors

 Study developments and challenges on the right to promote and protect

human rights and seek, receive and respond to information on the
situation of human rights defenders

 Recommend effective strategies to better protect human rights defenders

 Integrate a gender perspective and pay particular attention to women

human rights defenders

Any individual group, non-governmental organization, intergovernmental

agency, or government organization with reliable knowledge of human rights
violations against human rights defenders is encouraged to bring the relevant
information to the attention of the Special Representative in writing. The Special
Representative will transmit information she considers credible and reliable to
the Government concerned and request that it respond with its commitment and


Because of the wide range of groups and individuals that send allegations
to the Special Representative, those submitting complaints are encouraged to
information regarding their own human rights work.

While there is no formal procedure for the submission of allegations,

certain details must be provided to enable the Special Representative to bring
the appropriate cases to the attention of the Governments concerned as soon as
possible. The information required includes the identity of the alleged victim, the
alleged violation, the perpetrator(s), and the steps, if any, taken by the authorities.
Complaints must be made in Writing and sent to:

The Special Representative of the Secretary General on Human Rights

Defenders Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights

United Nationa,
1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
Fax. (41 22) 917 90 06

Guideline for Submissions

The following outline should be followed, to the extent possible, by those

wishing to submit allegations of violations against human rights defenders.

1. Information regarding the alleged victim

 Full Name

 Age

 Sex

 Profession or Occupation

 Place of residence(or origin, if relevant to the violation suffered)

 The victims affirmation, if any with an organization, association or group

engaged in human rights work.

 Name of the organization, Association or group,

 Name of the person heading the organization, association or Group,

 Nature of human rights work the individual perform,


If the alleged violation is against an organization;

 Name of the organization,

 Nature of the human rights work/ activities it is engaged in

 Territorial scope of its work(national, Regional, International)

 Affiliation with other human rights organizations, if any

 Name of Person(s) heading the organization

Additional information on the history of the work the individual or

organization has performed, if submitted, may be helpful in assessing the
complaint/ allegations.

2. All relevant information regarding the violation allegedly

committed against the human rights defender, or organization,
association, or group including;

 Date

 Place

 Description of the events/ incident

 Nature of violation suffered or threatened

The information must indicate the connection of the alleged violation to

human rights activities performed.

If the violation involves or includes the arrest and/or imprisonment of an

individual or group of human rights defenders, information is required on;

 Identity of the authority involved (individual and / Or ministry and / Or

 Date and place of arrest
 Any circumstances under the arrest was made that are relevant to the
 Nature of the charge, if any ad the legal status invoked,
 Potential penalties the individual or group faces,
 Place of detention, if known,
 Term of detention,


 Information on the provision of access to legal counsel and family
 Steps taken to seek administrative or judicial remedy, nature of the remedy
sought, legal entity before which proceedings have been taken and stage
or result of such proceedings,

If the defender is being prosecuted in the courts for any activity if defense of
human rights or related activity, or as a consequence f such activity:

 The dare and location of trial,

 The court hearing the case.

 The relevant appeal procedures,

 The penalties the group or individual faces,

3. Perpetrator(s) of the alleged violation

 Name(s), if known

 If they are members of security forces, their rank, functions, the unit or
service, etc. to which they belong

 If they are members of a civil defense group, parliamentary or other forces

or an armed group, details on whether or how these groups relate to the
State(Ex. Cooperation with State security forces, including information
on chains of command, if available, State collusion with or acquiescence
in their operations.)

4. Steps taken by or on behalf of victim or organization to seek a

remedy at the national level

All relevant information regarding;

 Whether a complaint was filed,

 If so, when, where, by whom, and before which authority

5. Steps taken by the concerned authorities

 Whether or not an investigation or inquiry into the alleged violations has

been initiated and /or concluded


 If so, by which authority, ministry or department of the Government,

 Progress and status of the inquiry or investigation at the time of submission

of allegation,

 Whether or not the investigation or inquiry has resulted in charges or

other legal action

 If so, the reason why the result is unsatisfactory.

 Measures if any, taken to protect person(s) under threat,

6. The violation alleged may not be the result of one incident or

event, but may be a continuing violation owing to conditions,
policies, practices or laws that obstruct the promotion,
protection and / or realization of human rights.

In such cases submission must be include;

 All relevant information regarding such conditions, policies, practices or


 The nature of the prejudice suffered by an individual or group(s) working

for the defence of human rights because of the above,

 Methods used for impeding the work of human rights defenders by

adopting above,

 Agencies (State, Non State) employed for harassment, intimidation and /

or injury to human rights defenders because of these conditions and laws
or in the course of such practices and policies,

 Possible measures that can be taken to remedy the situation,

 Any action taken by individuals or groups at the national level to reverse

the conditions, policies and practices or for reform of the laws that are
contrary to the rights recognized by the Declaration.

This guidance is not final. Comments and Suggestions are welcome!



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