CBM Assignment
CBM Assignment
CBM Assignment
1) Investment in new technologies: Banks are moving away from brick and motor store
to online platform in form of digital payments, digital investments, mobile banking,
internet banking etc. India's mobile wallet industry is estimated to grow at a CAGR of
150% and would ultimately reach US$ 4.4 billion by 2022. Also, mobile wallet
transactions would also touch Rs 32 trillion by 2022.
2) Diversification: Indian banking companies are going into various other segments like
insurance, Asset management company (Mutual Fund), securities lending, financial
advising etc. e.g. SBI, the largest public bank, has already started insurance and
mutual fund business. Various other bank like axis bank, HDFC bank, ICICI bank has
started equity research services, investment banking services etc.
3) There is a healthy mix of public and private banks in India. Currently there are total
34 banks in India in which 12 are public banks and remaining are private bank. This
ensure that there is enough competition in market. Moreover, the securities market
of India is continuously growing wherein
4) Reduced exposure to market risk: Even today ~40% of the saving are still invested in
saving and deposit account with banks.
5) Establishing and maintaining close relationship with its customers: Along with
lending and saving banks undertake various other dealing like future, forwards,
swaps, foreign exchange etc. This keeps them in maintaining close contact with
As far as the other financial institutions are concerned - NSE and BSE formed and working
under the regulatory guidance of SEBI is ensuring high mobilisation of savings from
individuals to corporates. In case of insurance sector as well, there has been much growth.
After the ease of foreign investment regulations in insurance sector, there is high
expectation of strong growth. In case of asset management industry as well there has been
significant growth with a CAGR of ~32%. All this indicates that the emerging economy of
India is dependant on each of financial institution, which are ensuring stability. The biggest
among them is banks. Therefore, it can be said that bank financial design is serving the
expected growth and strength to Indian financial system and is thus the right choice.