Machine Begins To Think AI Winters

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A History of Artificial Intelligence

AI Winters
Machine Begins to Think
Government spending and interest plummets
The first advancement in the field made by due to heavy criticism
Alan Tring through the Turing Test. It said if a
machine could carry on a conversation that
2nd AI Winter Period
could not be differentiated from that of a
The interest in the field
human, then the machine had begun “thinking”
diminishes again in this period

1974 1980 1987

1950 1956 – – –
1980 1987 1993

Fresh Funding & Revival

AI emerged as a field in The British government started funding AI
Computer Science. The again to compete with the Japanese. 1st
term was coined in the popular AI film ‘Terminator” was released
Dartmouth Conference
A History of Artificial Intelligence (contd…)

2nd Revival of AI IBM Watson & Apple Siri

The field picked up again as IBM’s Deep IBM’s Watson wins “Jeopardy”, and Apple introduces
Blue computer beat the reigning world Siri in October
champion Garry Kasparov in chess
Amazon Echo

1997 2001 2011 2012 2014

Steven Spielberg releases “A.I.

Artificial Intelligence”, a tech Google Now
noir/drama on a robotic boy who Google launces its voice assistant, its
dreams to be human version of Siri, “Google Now”

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