Activity Description Budget Total Expenses Available
PPE's, Staffing, BCC Covid-19 Expenses
Infrared Technologies, Teleworking equipment General Government Expenses $55,229,823 $43,295,632 $11,934,191 Countywide Signs, public education messaging Other Constitutional officers Covid-19 related Expenses Food Distribution exceeding normal base expenses; Emergency Food Distribution community food programs identified in emergency feeding $32,300,000 $22,390,264 $9,909,736 plan Individual Assistance Rental and Utility Assistance $20,000,000 $19,351,506 $648,494
Family Housing Assistance Emergency Mortgage $20,000,000 $10,573,523 $9,426,478
Human Services Assistance Unmet needs $1,580,000 $1,191,127 $388,873 Restart Small Business Grant Small businesses with 25 or less employees $94,000,000 $77,063,935 $16,936,065 Business Grants Businesses with more than 25 employees $1,000,000 $663,760 $336,240 Covid-19 and Antibodies Testing , HCD medical vehicle, Countywide Testing $11,000,000 $7,311,104 $3,688,896 staffing For individuals: Non-Congregate Sheltering Test Positives for Covid-19 that require isolation $6,100,000 $5,645,773 $454,227 Have been exposed to Covid-19 and warrant quarantine Broadband Enhancements Teleworking and long distance learning capabilities $13,750,000 $12,957,843 $792,157 Childcare Childcare expenses $1,000,000 $998,162 $1,838 Cultural Programs Cultural programs affected by COVID-19 $1,025,000 $0 $1,025,000 Non-Profit Organizations Eligible NPO's affected by COVID-19 $4,240,000 $4,240,000 $0 Health Dept Contact Tracing COVID-19 contact tracing $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $0 Total $262,224,823 Reserves $1,000,000 $0 $1,000,000 Total $263,224,823 $206,682,628 $56,542,195