Brandon Mark Magnan 9:20-mj-08001-DLB
Brandon Mark Magnan 9:20-mj-08001-DLB
Brandon Mark Magnan 9:20-mj-08001-DLB
Ff LED BY....5.....
<?_ _ D.C.
for the
Southern District of Florida JAN O6 2020
United States of America ) S.O. OF FLA. - W.P.B.
v. )
) Case No. 20-8001 -DLB
I, the complainant in this case, state that the following is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
On or about the date( s) of _ _ _ _ _0_1_/0_5_/2_0_2_0_ _ _ _ _ in the county of ____P_a_lm_ B_e_a_c_h _ _ _ in the
Southern District of ____ d a_ _ _ _ , the defendant(s) violated:
Date: 01/06/2020
Judge's signature
City and state: West Palm Beach , Florida Hon . Dave Lee Brannon U.S. Ma
Printed name and title
Case 9:20-mj-08001-DLB Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 01/06/2020 Page 2 of 8
Case No. 20-8001 -DLB
Your affiant, Samuel Ivanovich, first being duly sworn, does hereby depose and state as
1. I am a Special Agent of the United States Secret Service ("USSS"), and I have
been so employed since March, 2017. I am presently assigned to the West Palm Beach Resident
Office and have received extensive training in the investigation of counterfeit currency, identity
theft, check fraud, bank fraud, and access device fraud, threating statements toward USS S
protected persons, secure grounds or buildings among other things. I am an investigative or law
investigations and to make arrests for felony offenses, under the authority of Title 18, United
information obtained from other law enforcement personnel, and other individuals who have
personal knowledge of the facts. The information set forth herein is provided solely for the
of the United States, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 91 2. Because this
affidavit is submitted for the limited purpose of establishing probable cause, it does not include
which your affiant knows to be located at 3 800 Southern Blvd,, West Palm Beach, Palm Beach
County, Southern District of Florida, to secure the building and grounds in preparation for the
Case 9:20-mj-08001-DLB Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 01/06/2020 Page 3 of 8
departure of President of the United States from West Palm Beach, Florida, to Washington, D.C.
Road blocks and identification checkpoints manned by uniformed Palm Beach County Sheriffs
Office (PBSO) Deputies in marked vehicles, U.S. Secret Service Special Agents, and Uniformed
4. Your affiant is aware from his training and experience that in addition to Air
Force One, the President of the United States is also transported on shorter trips by helicopter.
The helicopter used for that purpose is designated Marine One, and is piloted and protected by
members of the United States Marine Corps (USMC). This unit is designated HMX-1 and is
composed of both USMC pilots, ground crew, and USMC military police security officers. Your
affiant is further aware that USMC Military Police are officers and employees of both the
Department of the Navy and the Department of the Defense. Your affiant is aware that on
January 5, 2020, members of HMX-1 were present at the Palm Beach International Airport in
accompanied by a male in the passenger seat, subsequently identified as "SR," made contact with
PBSO deputies manning the exterior road block and check point located in the vicinity of
Southern Blvd. , and Kirk Road, West Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, Southern District of
Florida. According to deputies, MAGNAN orally identified himself as HMX-1 security and
presented a credential case that purported to certify and identify MAGNAN as a "LAW
ENFORCEMENT OFFICER" of the USMC, and bearing both the seals of the United States
Marine Corps and the United States Marine Corps Executive Flight Detachment. Based on these
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front of Atlantic Aviation and stated he worked in HMX-1, and presented the aforementioned
Based on those representations, MAGNAN was permitted to proceed onto the grounds of
Atlantic Aviation.
approached by another PBSO deputy who requested to see MAGNAN's credentials. Noting that
MAGNAN was not attired in USMC uniform, as is common practice during active presidential
travel, the PBSO Deputy contacted actual members of the HMX-1 unit who immediately
identified MAGNAN's credentials as counterfeit, based on numerous factors. The PBSO Deputy
further noted that pinned to the exterior of the credential case presented to the deputy by
MAGNAN was a gold-colored Military Police badge bearing the Seal of the United States
claimed to be "retired" HMX-1 personnel. However, an NCIC query conducted by the United
approximately 2010, following his conviction at Court Martial for serious offenses.
stated he understood and signed a written waiver. Thereafter, in a recorded interview MAGNAN
admitted to having been dishonorably discharged and not being a current member of the United
10. Wherefore, in view of the foregoing facts , your affiant respectfully submits that
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probable cause exists to charge Brandon Mark MAGNAN, with the offense of False Personation
of an Officer or Employee of the United States, and acting as such, in violation of Title 18,
~ ~cL
Case 9:20-mj-08001-DLB Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 01/06/2020 Page 6 of 8
Case No.:
- -20-8001
- - --DLB
Counts# 1
Max. Penalty: 0-3 years' imprisonment; maximum fine of $250 ,000 ; 0-1 year term of
supervised release ; and , a $100 .00 special assessment.
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What Facility :
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -I
1. Did this matter originate from a matter pending in the Miami Office of the United
States Attorney's Office prior to July 20, 2008?
Yes X No
2. Did this matter originate from a matter pending in the Northern Region of the United
States Attorney's Office (West Palm Beach Office) only prior to December 18, 2011?
Yes X No
3. Did this matter originate from a matter pending in the Fort Pierce Office of the
United States Attorney's Office prior to August 8, 2014?
Yes X No
Respectfully submitted,
J HN C. McMI~ ~
SSISTANT UNITED ..,....,._,_+-t--r""" S ATTORNEY
Admin. No. A5500228
500 S. Australian Ave., Suite 400
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Office: (561) 820-8711