Hem 4 PDF
Hem 4 PDF
Hem 4 PDF
• Annoying boys
o ‘annoying’ is the adjective and ‘boys’ is the noun being described
• Annoying girl
o ‘annoying’ is the adjective and ‘girl’ is the noun being described
Notice that 1) the same adjective may be used for words that are plural, singular, feminine, or
masculine and 2) in English, the adjective always comes before the thing being described. In
other words, the adjective (or describing word) never changes. These two cases do not exist in
َﻣﻮْ ﺻُﻮْ ﻑف and
ُ ْ’ َﻣﻮs and ﺻﻔَﺔ
Let’s try a couple examples to practice recognizing ﺻﻮْ ﻑف ِ ’s before moving forward:
1. Crooked chair
a. chair is the thing being described and thus is the َﻣﻮْ ﺻُﻮْ ﻑف
b. crooked is the descriptive word and is the ﺻﻔَﺔ
2. The funny teacher
a. the teacher is the thing/person being described; it is the َﻣﻮْ ﺻُﻮْ ﻑف
b. funny is the descriptive word and is the ﺻﻔَﺔ
3. Beautiful day
a. day is the thing being described and is the َﻣﻮْ ﺻُﻮْ ﻑف
b. beautiful is the descriptive word and is the ﺻﻔَﺔ
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Now we can finally look at Arabic. There are a few rules for ﺻﻔَﺔ
ِ ﺻﻮْ ﻑف
ُ ْ’ َﻣﻮs:
1. The thing being described is the َﻣﻮْ ﺻُﻮْ ﻑف and the descriptive word is the ﺻﻔَﺔ. ِ
2. The thing being described ( ) َﻣﻮْ ﺻُﻮْ ﻑف will always come first and the descriptive word ( )ﺻﻔَﺔ ِ
comes second.
a. Thus, if we were to look at this rule in English, it would be ‘boy smart’ instead of
‘smart boy.’
b. In Arabic, we’d say ْﺖ ﻛَﺒِ ْﻴﯿ ٌﺮ ٌ ﺑَﻴﯿ (ْﺖ
ٌ ﺑَﻴﯿ means house and ﻛَﺒِ ْﻴﯿ ٌﺮ means big). Note that the
word being described came before the descriptive word.
3. The َﻣﻮْ ﺻُﻮْ ﻑف and the ﺻﻔَﺔ must match in all four properties of ﺍاﺳﻢ
ِ ’s: Status, Number,
Gender, and Type!
a. For example, does the fragment َﺮ ْﻳﯾ ٌﻢ ِ َﺭر ُﺟ ٌﻞ ﻛ match in all four properties ( َﺭر ُﺟ ٌﻞ means
man and َﺮ ْﻳﯾ ٌﻢ ِ ﻛ means noble)?
i. َﺭر ُﺟ ٌﻞ is ﺭرﻓﻊ, singular, masculine, and common
ii. َﺮ ْﻳﯾ ٌﻢ
ِ ﻛ is also ﺭرﻓﻊ, singular, masculine, and common
iii. Therefore, these both make up a ﺻﻔَﺔ ِ َﻣﻮْ ﺻُﻮْ ﻑف fragment.
4. It is possible to have space between the َﻣﻮْ ﺻُﻮْ ﻑف and the ﺻﻔَﺔ ِ
Now that we have a general understanding of what ﺻﻔَﺔ ِ ’ َﻣﻮْ ﺻُﻮﻑفs are, let’s look at some
examples. For the following, decide if the fragment is a ﺻﻔَﺔ
ِ ﺻﻮْ ﻑف
ُ ْ َﻣﻮ. Provide the S/N/G/T (Status,
Number, Gender, and Type) for each. The first one is already completed:
1. ﺢ
ٌ ِ ﺻ ﺎﻟ
َ ﻖٌ ﺻ ِﺪ ْﻳﯾ
a. ﻖٌ ﺻ ِﺪ ْﻳﯾَ is the َﻣﻮْ ﺻُﻮﻑف and is ﺭرﻓﻊ, singular, masculine, and common
b. ﺻﺎﻟِ ٌﺢ َ is the ﺻﻔَﺔ and is ﺭرﻓﻊ, singular, masculine, and common
c. Therefore, it is a ﺻﻔَﺔ ِ ! َﻣﻮْ ﺻُﻮْ ﻑف
ِ ُﻣ َﻌﻠﱢ َﻤ ٍﺔ َﻛ
2. ﺮ ْﻳﯾ َﻤ ٍﺔ
ِ َﺎﻥن ْﺍاﻟ َﺠ ِﺪ ْﻳﯾ َﺪﺗ
3. َﺎﻥن ِ ﺍاَ ْﻟ ُﻤ َﻌﻠﱢ َﻤﺘ
4. ٌ ُﻛﺘُﺐٌ َﻛﺒِ ْﻴﯿ َﺮﺓة
5. ﺣﻴﯿَﺎﺗُﻨَﺎ ﺍاﻟ ﱡﺪ ْﻧﻴﯿَﺎ
6. ﻗَﻮْ ًﻻ ﺛَﻘِﻴﯿ ًْﻼ
7. ﺇإِﻧﱠ ُﻜ ْﻢ
8. َ ﺍاَ ْﻟﻘَﻮْ ُﻡم ﺍاﻟﻈﱠﺎﻟِ ُﻤﻮْ ﻥن
َ ﻓِ ْﻲ َﻣ ْﺪ َﺭر
9. ﺳ ٍﺔ َﻛﺒِ ْﻴﯿ َﺮ ٍﺓة
َ ِﻛﺘَﺎﺏبٌ ﺍاَ ْﻟ
10. ُﺠ ِﺪ ْﻳﯾ َﺪﺓة
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b. Therefore, it is a ﺻﻔَﺔ ِ َﻣﻮْ ﺻُﻮْ ﻑف (ُ َﺣﻴﯿَﺎﺓة is َﻣﻮْ ﺻُﻮْ ﻑف and ﺍاَﻟ ﱡﺪ ْﻧﻴﯿَﺎ is )ﺻﻔَﺔ as well as an ﺔ
ِ َ ِ ﺇإ (ُ َﺣﻴﯿَﺎﺓة
َ ُﻣ and ﻧَﺎ is ﻀﺎﻑف ﺇإِﻟَﻴﯿْﻪﮫ
is ﻀﺎﻑف َ !) ُﻣ
c. Note: َﺣﻴﯿَﺎﺓة is how it is normally written, but when attached to a pronoun, the ﺓة
takes the form of ﺕت
6. ﻗَﻮْ ًﻻ ﺛَﻘِﻴﯿ ًْﻼ
a. ﻗَﻮْ ًﻻ is the َﻣﻮْ ﺻُﻮﻑف and is ﻧﺼﺐ, singular, masculine, and common
b. ﺛَﻘِﻴﯿ ًْﻼ is the ﺻﻔَﺔ and is ﻧﺼﺐ, singular, masculine, and common
c. Therefore, it is a ﺻﻔَﺔ ِ َﻣﻮْ ﺻُﻮْ ﻑف
7. ﺇإِﻧﱠ ُﻜ ْﻢ
a. ﱠ is a ﺣﺮﻑف so it does not have a status, number, gender, or type
b. ُﻛ ْﻢ is ﻧﺼﺐ (because of )ﺇإِ ﱠﻥن, plural, masculine, and proper
c. It is not a ﺻﻔَﺔِ ! َﻣﻮْ ﺻُﻮْ ﻑف This is actually a ﺣﺮﻑف ﻧﺼﺐ and its !ﺍاﺳﻢ
8. َ ﺍاَ ْﻟﻘَﻮْ ُﻡم ﺍاﻟﻈﱠﺎﻟِ ُﻤﻮْ ﻥن
a. ﺍاَ ْﻟﻘَﻮْ ُﻡم is the َﻣﻮْ ﺻُﻮﻑف and is ﺭرﻓﻊ, plural, masculine, and proper (remember, this is an
)ﺍاﺳﻢ ﺟﻤﻊ
b. َ ﺍاﻟﻈﱠﺎﻟِ ُﻤﻮْ ﻥن is the ﺻﻔَﺔ and is ﺭرﻓﻊ, plural, masculine, and proper
c. Therefore, it is a ﺻﻔَﺔ ِ َﻣﻮْ ﺻُﻮْ ﻑف
َ ﻓِ ْﻲ َﻣ ْﺪ َﺭر
9. ﺳ ٍﺔ َﻛﺒِ ْﻴﯿ َﺮ ٍﺓة
a. ﻓِ ْﻲ is َﺟﺎﺭر
b. َﻣ ْﺪ َﺭر َﺳ ٍﺔ is both َﻣﺠْ ﺮُﻭوْ ﺭر and the ; َﻣﻮْ ﺻُﻮﻑف it’s properties are ﺟﺮ, singular, feminine, and
c. َﻛﺒِ ْﻴﯿ َﺮ ٍﺓة is the ﺻﻔَﺔ and is ﺟﺮ, singular, feminine, and common
d. Therefore, it is a ﺻﻔَﺔ ِ َﻣﻮْ ﺻُﻮْ ﻑف as well as ! َﺟﺎﺭر َﻣﺠْ ﺮُﻭوْ ﺭر
َ ﺍاَ ْﻟ
10. ُﺠ ِﺪ ْﻳﯾ َﺪﺓة ٌ ِﻛﺘَﺎﺏب
a. ٌ ِﻛﺘَﺎﺏب is ﺭرﻓﻊ, singular, masculine, and common
b. ُ ﺍاَ ْﻟ َﺠ ِﺪ ْﻳﯾ َﺪﺓة is ﺭرﻓﻊ, singular, feminine, and proper
c. Therefore, it is not a ﺻﻔَﺔ ِ ! َﻣﻮْ ﺻُﻮْ ﻑف
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