Week 1 Calendar

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Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Week 1: Haiku 10/11 10/12 10/13 10/14 10/15

Essential Question How is voice How is voice How is voice How is voice How is voice
projected through projected through projected through projected through projected through
closed form poetry closed form closed form closed form closed form
(specifically poetry(specifically poetry(specifically poetry(specifically poetry(specifically
Haiku)? What Haiku)? What Haiku)? What Haiku)? What Haiku)? What
specific craft moves specific craft moves specific craft specific craft moves specific craft moves
enable this form to enable this form to moves enable this enable this form to enable this form to
be compelling? be compelling? form to be be compelling? be compelling?
compelling? How will it be used
in your own
creative work?

Learning Target I can understand I can understand I can develop an I can utilize specific I can understand
and identify elements that abstract idea craft moves to show how to analyze the
similarities and define the haiku through specific emotions, rather heart of my writing,
differences form. I can examples. I can than simply tell in order to make the
between open and understand the understand and them. I can utilize subject matter
closed form poetry. intricacies that utilize the impact of close-reading compelling. I can
I can make concise define each type of syllabic tone in a strategies to notice project my own
observations, using haiku. writing piece. moves in other voice in the haiku
close-reading writing to utilize in form.
strategies, to fuel my own.

Activites This class period Class will begin This class will be This class will add to Like the previous
will begin with a with a discussion of focused on a mini- the prior mini- two class periods,
quick survey the findings from lesson regarding lesson, by focusing this class will begin
question regarding the previous class. the influence of upon how to show with a mini-lesson
form, after viewing This will then lead syllables in a emotions, instead of which will help
poetry from Richard into a brief direct poem. In this way, simply telling them. students take their
Wright and Carl instruction students will be This mini-lesson is brainstorming
Sandburg.This will regarding haiku. focused upon how also adapted from materials, and
allow students to This instruction will specific language Servello’s Writing personal
begin thinking focus upon the elements can Strategies Book. experience to find
about form before different types of display an abstract Furthermore, class the “heart of the
diving deep into haikus, and the idea. I will begin will begin by story”. I will model
closed form poetry. many poets which this lesson by modeling the skill, how to find the
Furthermore, create it (named in modeling the skill. and then pushing “heart” and expand
students will then the previous Then, students will students into closely it through viewing
view several poems section). However, take abstract ideas reading Mavis Emily Dickenson’s
by Masooka Shiki, students will then from modern Pilbeam’s Haiku “If I can Stop One
Matsuo Basho, and get into groups of tankas by Tekkan Animals. This Heart From
Jack Keruoac, while three and create a Yosano, in order to collection of haikus Breaking”. This
filling out an haiku understand how will enable students poem literally deals
observation chart. collaboratively- syllables display to notice how with hearts, but also
This chart will focus each student those ideas. Pilbeam shows the expands upon the
upon the specific responsible for a Finally, students emotion of each main idea of the
syllable counts, line line. All of the will then be asked animal through poem through
lengths, and groups will share to utilize these language elements. various images-
themes within each when completed. skills to brainstorm Students will be creating a poetic
poem. Lastly, Students will each their own ideas for adding to a sticky journey. Then,
students will then submit a copy of their creative note progression students will be
discuss their the haiku, pieces, which will chart during their pushed to complete
findings with their additionally be due the reading, which asks this same
table partners- explaining the following Monday students to place procedure for their
handing in a two process of creation (10/18). As their statements on own writing piece,
dollar summary as for their own line. students leave a spectrum of initiating the
they leave. The poem, and it’s they will hand in “showing” or remainder of the
process work will their idea charts, “telling”. When class for work-time.
act as the exit and share a tip completed, students Writing
ticket. with a peer before will create their own conferences/one-
they begin drafting. animal haikus (haiku on-one meetings
(adapted from and image). Lastly, will occur during
Servalleo’s Writing students will share. this time. Lastly,
Strategies Book). students will hand
in a “snippet” exit
ticket- what is a
snippet of your
process/work that
you would like to

Success Criteria The success The success The success The success criteria The success
criteria directly criteria directly criteria directly directly correlates to criteria directly
correlates to the correlates to the correlates to the the above learning correlates to the
above learning above learning above learning targets. Each target above learning
targets. Each target targets. Each target targets. Each will have a “this targets. Each target
will have a “this will have a “this target will have a means…” statement will have a “this
means…” means…” “this means…” which will solidify means…”
statement which statement which statement which how the success of statement which
will solidify how the will solidify how the will solidify how the targets are met. will solidify how the
success of the success of the the success of the Learning Target success of the
targets are met. targets are met. targets are met. #1: This targets are met.
Learning Target Learning Target Learning Target means...students Learning Target
#1: This #1: This #1: This will complete a mini- #1: This
means...students means...students means...students lesson, and means...students
will complete an will regularly will complete an Emotional will create a “Heart
observation chart, engage in the Abstract Idea Progression Sticky Out” Google
which will display Peardeck Sticky Note Chart Note Chart- for their Drawing Document,
their findings of interactive Google which will display own work and the which displays the
closed/open form, Slides, which work that they can work of others- to heart of the story,
and the types of to practice, and distinguish ideas solidify showing and the many
haiku. reaffirm knowledge. between emotions. “veins”which bring
Learning Target Students will also examples, and Furthermore, “blood” to it. This
#2: This understand the how examples students will display will have students
means...students elements of haiku solidify ideas; visual emotion in analyze the heart of
will closely read to through creating specifically through their Animal Haikus. a story, and the
fuel their one with their the musicality of Learning Target many ways in which
observations in the peers. syllables. Students #2: This it can be expanded.
observation chart, Learning Target will utilize this chart means...students Furthermore,
thus the chart #2: This to view the work of will physically show students will
displays the means...students others, and their close reading continue to work on
process of reading will regularly own work. strategies in the their creative pieces
strategies. Students engage in the Learning Target copies of their which will utilize this
will also share their Peardeck #2: This means… readings of others, outline to expand
close-reading interactive Google students will and themselves. the most compelling
strategies, through Slides, which work closely read how This can appear in heart of the poem.
sharing their to practice, and Tekkan Yosano many different ways, Learning Target
connections to the reaffirm knowledge. utilizes syllabic but should display #2: This
text in a two dollar Students will also tone in her work, connections, means...students
summary. understand the and incorporate confusions, likes, will display the
types of haiku these same skills dislikes, and any projection of their
through utilizing into their concept which voice in their
poetic elements in brainstorming displays close creative work
their work, process. Students connection with a themselves.
explaining those will produce a text. However, this can
elements, and the Sticky Note Chart be viewed during
decision to choose for their conferences, one-
a specific form. brainstorming on-one meetings, or
ideas. share outs. Finally,
Furthermore, it will also be shown
students will share through the Snippet
their ideas with Exit Ticket.
peers in Exit Tip.

Homework The homework for The homework for The homework for The homework for The homework for
tonight includes; tonight includes; tonight includes; tonight includes; tonight includes;
● Finish ● Continue ● Continue ● Finish ● Finish
observation reading reading reading Creative
chart from Masaoka Tekka Haiku Haiku
class, if not Shiki Yosano’s Animals (pg Collection (5
completed. Collection Tanka 50-73). total poems,
● Read Jack (pg 87-101). Collection ● Create at least one
Keruoac’s ● Begin (pg 17-37). Person of each of
American reading ● Start Haiku- the three
Haiku (pg 1- Tekkan reading similar to in- types).
34). Yosano’s Mavis class Animal ● Write a brief
● Read Tanka Pilbeam’s Haiku, but is (2-3
Masaoka Collection Haiku more paragraph)
Shiki Poetry (pg 1-17). Animals (pg personal due introduction
Collection ● Compose a 1-5). to to your
(pg 1-12, Tzara's Hat ● Expand the connections poetry
24-29). haiku, Sticky Note to important collection.
● Add three utilizing Chart to a people in ● Write a brief
new poems media mind-map your life (½ page)
to the resources, of any kind. (Utilize reflection on
observation such as film, Include showing vs the poetic
chart, using podcast, additional telling). process of
tonight’s song, etc. thoughts, ● Begin forming
reading. connection transferring haiku.
s, and brainstormin
examples. g ideas into a
Narrow rough draft.
down 5-8 (3-5 poems-
overarchin 1 Haiku, 1
g ideas. Tanka, 1
Bring this Senryu).
list to class!

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