Poetry Unit Scoring Guide: Category

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Poetry Unit Scoring Guide

CATEGORY Emerging Proficient Strong

Student Student demonstrates Student demonstrates the Students demonstrate the
understands ways in some use of rhyme, rhythm use of rhyme, rhythm and use of rhyme, rhythm,
and/or alliteration in their alliteration in poetry they alliteratrion and other
which poetry differs poem(s) created for the have created for the elements of poetic
from other forms of iMovie. iMovie. expression in the writings
writing. they have created for the
Student Student is able to Student is able to Student is able to recognize
understands that recognize that there is recognize that the that the differences in
diversity in the projects differences in topics, style topics, style and form of the
poetry is the students have created for and form of the poetry poetry created for the
expression of an the iMovie. created for the iMovie, iMovie, reflects the diverstiy
individual. reflects the diverstiy of the of the individuals that make
individuals that make up up the class. Students are
the class. able to discuss their
understanding that poetry
can be a means of
expressing who you are.
Students have Student has made an Student has read, written Student has read, written
shown an attempted to read, write and performed poetry. and performed poetry.
and perform poetry for the Contributions to the iMovie Student work reflects not
understanding of iMovie. reflect the skills and only techniques and skills
how to read, write techniques that were that were taught, but
and perform poetry. taught for reading, writing creativity and
and performing poetry. thoughtfulness as well.
Student is able to Student has created at Student has created Student has created original
express him/herself least one original poem original poems and poems and illustrations that
and one illustration. illustrations that communicate his/her
poetically. communicate his/her thoughts, feelings and ideas
thoughts, feelings and with creativity and voice.

Student has an Student may not have Students completed all Student completed more
greater completed the required assignments and than the required
assignments, did not show demonstrated pride in assignments and
understanding of enthusiasm for his/her his/her work. Student demonstrated great pride in
how poetry can reading, writing or showed enthusiasm for his/her work. Student
enrich his or her life. performances for this sharing his/her reading, showed great enthusiasm
project. writings and performances for sharing his/her
completed for this project. completed reading, writing
and performances. Student
communicates positive
feelings about work on this

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