Analyzing Security of Authenticated Routing Protocol (ARAN)
Analyzing Security of Authenticated Routing Protocol (ARAN)
Analyzing Security of Authenticated Routing Protocol (ARAN)
authentication point of view active attacks are more This form of attack does not require the attacker to have
dangerous. Some common types of active attacks are: any knowledge of the cryptographic keys.
Stage 2 The second operational stage of the protocol Let D’s next hop to the source be node C .
ensures that the intended destination was indeed reached. D C : [[ REP, IPA, NA] KX- ] KD- , cert X, cert D
Each node must maintain a routing table with entries that C validates D 's signature on the received message,
correspond to the source-destination pairs that are currently removes the signature and certificate, then signs the contents
active. The route discovery of the ARAN protocol begins of the message and appends its own certificate before
with a node broadcasting a route discovery packet (RDP) to unicasting the REP to B
its neighbors. C B : [[ REP, IP A, NA] KX- ] KC- ,certx, cert C
A brdcst: [RDP, IPX, NA] KA-, CertA Each node checks the nonce and signature of the previous
The RDP includes a packet type identifier (“RDP”), the IP hop as the REP is returned to the source. When the source
address of the destination X (IPX ), A 's certificate (cert A) receives the REP, it verifies the destination' s signature and
and a nonce NA , all signed with A 's private key. Note that the nonce returned by the destination.
the RDP is only signed by the source and not encrypted, so b) Route maintenance
the contents can be viewed publicly. The purpose of the When no traffic has occurred on an existing route for that
nonce is to uniquely identify an RDP coming from a source. route' s lifetime, the route is simply de-activated in the route
Each time, A, performs route discovery it monotonically table. Data received on an inactive route causes nodes to
increases the nonce. generate an Error (ERR) message. Nodes also use ERR
Each node validates the signature with the certificate, messages to report links in active routes that are broken due
updates its routing table with the neighbor from which it to node movement. All ERR messages must be signed. For a
received the RDP, signs it, and forwards it to its neighbors route between source A and destination X}, a node B
after removing the certificate and the signature of the generates the ERR message for its neighbor C as follows:
previous node (but not the initiator’s signature and B C : [ERR, IPA, IPX, Nb ] KB- , certb
certificate). This message is forwarded along the path toward the source
Let B be a neighbor that has received from A the RDP without modification. A nonce ensures that the ERR
broadcast, which it subsequently rebroadcasts. message is fresh. It is extremely difficult to detect when
ERR messages are fabricated for links that are truly active
B brdcst: [[RDP, IPX, NA] KA-] K B-, CertA, CertB and not broken. However, the signature on the message
Upon receiving the RDP B’s neighbor C validates the prevents impersonation and enables non-repudiation. A
signatures for both the RDP initiator, and B, the neighbor it node that transmits a large number of ERR messages,
received the RDP from, using the certificates in the RDP. C whether the ERR messages are valid or fabricated, should
then removes B’s certificate and signature, records as its be avoided
predecessor, signs the contents of the message originally Key Revocation
broadcast by Y and appends its own certificate C then In the event that a certificate needs to be revoked, the
rebroadcasts the RDP. trusted certificate server, T, sends a broadcast message to
C brdcst: [[RDP, IPX, NA] KA-] KC_, CertA, CertC the ad hoc group that announces the revocation. Calling the
Eventually, the message is received by the destination X, revoked certificate cert X, the transmission appears as:
who replies to the first RDP that it receives for a source and T brdcst : [ revoke, certT] K T-
a given nonce. This RDP need not have traveled along the Any node receiving this message re-broadcasts it to its
path with the least number of hops; the least-hop path may neighbors. Revocation notices need to be stored until the
have a higher delay, either legitimately or maliciously revoked certificate would have expired normally. Any
manifested. In this case, however, a non-congested, non- neighbor of the node with the revoked certificate needs to
least-hop path is likely to be preferred to a congested least- reform routing as necessary to avoid transmission through
hop path because of the reduction in delay. Because RDP’s the now un trusted node.
do not contain a hop count or specific recorded source route,
and because messages are signed at each hop, malicious SECURITY ANALYSIS
nodes have no opportunity to redirect traffic a) Attacks by dropping the packets: Nodes can drop the
After receiving the RDP, the destination unicasts a Reply packets for no-reason, as there is no mechanism to
(REP) packet back along the reverse path to the source. Let prevent from this attack.
the first node that receives the REP sent by X be node D.
X D: [REP, IPA, NA] KX-, certx b) Attacks Using Modification of Protocol Message:
The REP contains the address of the source node, the ARAN specifies that all fields of RDP and REP packets
destination’s certificate, a nonce, and the associated remain unchanged between source and destination.
timestamp. The destination node signs the REP before Since the initiating node signs both packet types, any
transmitting it. The REP is forwarded back to the initiating alterations in transit would be detected, and the altered
node by a process similar to the process described for the packet would be subsequently discarded. Repeated
route discovery, except that the REP is unicasted along the instances of altering packets could cause other nodes to
reverse path. exclude the errant node from routing, though that
possibility is not considered here. Thus, modification malicious node is already on one of many quick routes
attacks are prevented. This prevents the attacks that to the destination. Malicious nodes also have the
alter routing messages while in transit or creates routing opportunity in ARAN to lengthen the measured time of
loops. a path by delaying REPs as they propagate, in the worse
case by dropping REPs, as well as delaying routing
I) Redirection with Modified hop-count: ARAN after path instantiation. Finally, malicious nodes using
packets contains only destination address, it do ARAN could also conspire to elongate all routes but
not contain field for hop-count, which prevents it one, forcing the source and destination to pick the
from this attack. unaltered route.[5]
II) Denial of service: Denial-of-service attacks
can be conducted by nodes with or without valid CONCLUSION
ARAN certificates. In the certificate less case, This paper has presented the authenticated routing protocol
all possible attacks are limited to the attacker' s for securing the routing protocols of wireless networks. The
immediate neighbors because unsigned route study has demonstrated that inherent characteristics of ad
requests are dropped. There are more severe hoc network such as lack of infrastructure network, rapidly
attacks available at the MAC and physical layer changing topology adds difficulties to already complicated
than ARAN provides. Nodes with valid problem of secure routing [6]. Additionally, the flexibility
certificates can conduct effective attacks, of ad hoc networks enables them to be deployed in diverse
however, by sending many unnecessary route application scenarios. Each application has its own set of
requests. Because these are broadcast and security requirements and places unique demands on the
forwarded across the network, an attacker can underlying routing protocol. Hence, an additional difficulty
cause widespread congestion and power-loss to in designing a secure protocol lies in the application
all nodes in the network. Because it is difficult to scenario that is going to be protected, and how well the
infer the node' s intent at the network level, it can protocol can handle scenarios different than the scenario for
be hard to differentiate between legitimate and which it has been designed.
malicious RREQs. Authenticated routing protocol requires trusted third party
for obtaining certificates. Therefore is preferable for
c) Attacks using Impersonation: Route discovery packets applications where we can took help of some already
contain the certificate of the source node and are signed existing infrastructure.
with the source' s private key. Similarly, reply packets ARAN protocol is based on Ad hoc on demand distance
include the destination node' s certificate and signature, vector routing so as to take benefit of high performance and
ensuring that only the destination can respond to route low cost due to its on reactive nature.
discovery. This prevents impersonation attacks where In this paper, we have introduced active attacks on AODV.
either the source or destination nodes is spoofed. This paper then discusses 5 types of active attacks.
Generally, active attacks can be avoided by this use of
d) Attacks using Fabrication: Since all routing messages stringer authentication methods This paper firstly presents
must include the sending node' s certificate and the complete working behind ARAN. As some limitations
signature, ARAN ensures non-repudiation and prevents are also attached with every advantage, so is the case for
spoofing and unauthorized participation in routing. ARAN. Apart from achieving so many security goals, it is
ARAN does not prevent fabrication of routing also sufferer of weaknesses. For example ARAN does not
messages, but it does offer a deterrent by ensuring non- have any mechanism that deals with black hole attack,
repudiation. A node that continues to inject false wormhole attack, Denial of service attack.
messages into the network may be excluded from future
route computation.[4]
In this paper we identified different attacks on
e) Securing Shortest Paths: Securing a shortest path
Authenticated Routing Protocol. ARAN has solution for
cannot be done by any means except by physical
some attacks but it is also silent about some attacks like
metrics such as a timestamp in routing messages.
black hole attack, denial of service attack etc. some research
Accordingly, ARAN does not guarantee a shortest path,
can be done to add functionality to ARAN that is also able
but offers a quickest path, which is chosen by the RDP
to combat with above said attack.Areas in secure ad hoc
that reaches the destination first. Malicious nodes could
network routing that have been explored are trust
save some processing time by not verifying the
establishment [7, 8, 9, 11], key generation [10], nodes that
previous hop' s signature on the RDP packet, thus
maliciously do not forward packets [14], and security
increasing their chances of being on the quickest route.
requirements for forwarding nodes [13]. These areas are
However such an attack is likely to succeed only if it is
beyond the scope of this paper. Routing protocol intrusion
executed by multiple malicious nodes on a route, or if a
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