Information Questions ANSWERS (Respuestas)

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High School of the State of Yucatan

Campus Halacho-Cepeda



NAME What’s your name? - My name is… /I’m…

FIRST NAME What’s your first name? - My first name is…/It’s …
LAST NAME What’s your last name? - My last name is…/ It’s …
FULL NAME What’s your full name? - My full name is… /It’s …
SPELLING How do you spell your name? It’s …
(DELETREO) Cómo se deletrea tu nombre?
AGE How old are you? I’m …. (years old)
PHONE NUMBER What’s your phone number? -My phone number is…/It’s …
DATE OF BIRTH -When were you born? -I was born on…
- What’s your date of birth?
ADDRESS What’s your address? -I live on …./It’s on…
ZIP CODE What’s your zipe code? It’s …
(CÓDIGO POSTAL) Cuál es su código postal?
ORIGIN/nationality Where are you from? I’m from…
CITY/TOWN Where do you live? I live in…
E-MAIL What’s your e-mail? -My e-mail is…/It’s ….
OCCUPATION What do you do? I am a/an…


Cardinal Ordinal
- Age - Dates ( September 2nd )
- Phone numbers - Numbers of streets (13th street, 23rd street,
- Years (1997, 2013…) 25th street, etc.)
- Numbers of places and houses
- Zip code

Practice: Answers these questions.

1. What’s your full name?

2. How old are you?
3. Where are you from?
4. What’s your date of birth?
5. What’s your address?
6. What do you do?
7. Where do you live?


Partial 1 of English 1
High School of the State of Yucatan
Campus Halacho-Cepeda


NAME What’s his name? What’s her name?

His name is… Her name is…
FIRST NAME What’s his first name? What’s her first name?
His first name is ... Her name is…
LAST NAME What’s his last name? What’s her last name?
His last name is … Her last name…
FULL NAME What’s his full name? What’s her full name?
His full name is… Her full name is…
AGE How old is he? How old is she?
He is… She is…
PHONE NUMBER What’s his phone number? What’s her phone number?
His phone number is… Her phone number is…
DATE OF BIRTH 1. When was he born? 1. When was she born?
2. What’s his date of birth? 2. What’s her date of birth?
1. he was born on... 1. she was born on…
2. It’s on…(his birthday is on..) 2. It’s on…(her birthday is on...)
ADDRESS What’s his address? What’s her address?
-He lives on …. -She lives on ….
- It’s on… - It’s on…
ORIGIN/NATIONALITY Where is he from? Where is she from?
He is from… She is from…
OCCUPATION What does he do? What does she do?
He is a/an… She is a/an…

Practice: Answer these questions

1. Who is your father? 1. Who is your mom?

2. What’s his full name? 2. What’s her last name?
3. How old is he? 3. What’s her date of birth?
4. What does he do? 4. What does she do?
5. What’s his phone number? 5. Where is she from?
6. When was he born? 6. How old is she?


Partial 1 of English 1
High School of the State of Yucatan
Campus Halacho-Cepeda

- My name is Diana Mut and I’m 36 years old. I’m Mexican, I am a teacher…
- He is my father, his name is Juan Mut and he is 65 years old. His phone number is
9987453637. He is a farmer.
- She is my mother, her name is Maria Euan and she is 59 years old. Her phone number is
99874535677. She is a merchant.

Partial 1 of English 1

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