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Citect Linking to Modbus/TCP

In this topic, the Citect solution with i-8000-MTCP via the Modbus/TCP protocol will be
presented step by step. Here, we use the Citect vision 5.40 with service pack C and
modnet driver version to do this demo. So, please check the software required

Step1: Start up the Citect

Step2: Click button to create a new project

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Step3: Input “Modbus Demo” to be the name of this project, and use default value for
other parameters. Then Click “OK” to continue.

Step4: Open the Folder-“Communications” and Click the “Express I/O Device Setup”
to build a new I/O Server and I/O Device.

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Step5: Click “NEXT” to continue.

Step6: Select “Creat a new I/O Server” and input “ModbusServer” in the blank field to
be the name of I/O Server. Then Click “Next” to continue.

Step7: Select “Create a new I/O Device”, and input “Dev_883x” in the blank field to be
the name of I/O Device. Then Click “Next” to continue.

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Step8: Select “External I/O Device” to be the type of the I/O Device, and click “Next”
to continue.

Step9: Select “Modicon/TSX Quantum/Ethernet(TCP/IP)” to be the communication

protocol. Then click “Next” to continue.

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Step10: Find the IP address which is showed on the LED in the left hand side of the
i-8000 , and input it in to IP address field. Here, we fill ”” to be
the IP address of the i-8000. Then input the “502” in the Port field and click
“Next” to continue.

Step11: Click “Next” to continue.

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Setp12: Click “Finish” to finish the parameter setting of I/O Servers and I/O Devices.

Step13: In the Citect Project Editor, select “I/O Devices” to modify the parameters of
the I/O device that we build previously.

Step14: Fill the station number that displayed on the switch in the right hand side of
the i-8000. Here, we use “1” to be the station number of the i-8000. Click
“Replace” to finish the parameters setting.

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Step15: Open the folder-“Tags”, and click “Variable Tags” to create new tags.

Step16: Input the Variable Tag Name, Select I/O Device Name, select appropriate
data type, and correct address. All this parameters are shown as following table.
When finishing the parameters setting of one tag, click “Add” to build the next

Tag Name I/O Device Name Data Type Address Raw Scale Eng Scale
Do_0 Dev_883x DIGITAL 00001 X X
Di_0 Dev_883x DIGITAL 10001 X X
Ao_0 Dev_883x INT 40001 0~32767 0~10
Ai_0 Dev_883x INT 30001 0~32767 0~10

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In the Modbus protocol, the type of digital output is set to “0”, digital input is
set to “1”, analog output is set to “4” and analog input is set to “3”.
The DI and DO are declared as Boolean data, the AI and AO are declared
as unsigned integral data.
The “Starting address” begins at “0001”. Thus, if you want to use the 5th
DO, the “address” filed must be given as “10005”, and the data type must
be selected as “DIGITAL” type. If you want to use the 15th AI, you must fill
“30015” in the “address” field, and Select “INT” to be the data type.
The raw scale is used to converter a non-meaning value (0x0000 ~
0xFFFF) to a meaning value (voltage, current, temperature, etc.)

Zero scale Full scale

Raw (non-menaing) 0 32768
Eng (menaing) 0 10 (V)

Zero scale Full scale

Raw (non-menaing) 0 65535
Eng (menaing) -10 (V) 20 (mA)

Zero scale Full scale

Raw (non-menaing) 0 32768
Eng (menaing) 0 10 V

Step17: In the Citect Graphics Builder environment, click “New…” to create a new

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Step18: Click “Page” button to build a new page.

Step19: Select “normal” to be the template of page, and click “OK” to continue.

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Step20: Click button and drag-and-drop on the page to add a new button on
this new page.

Step21: In the attribution-”Appearance”, input the text-“Do Button” which will be

showed on the button. And in the attribution-“Input”, fill “toggle(Do_0)” in the
blank text box. Then click “OK” to build another objects.

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Step22: Insert a LED object by clicking button.

Step23: In the attribution-”Appearance”, fill “Do_0” to decide the symbol of this LED
object. Then click “OK” to build another LED object.

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Step24: Follow the “Step22” and “Step23” as a model to build another LED object,
and the parameters of this LED object is showed as following.

Step25: Click button to create a new Text object, and put it on the above of left
LED object.

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Step26: In the attribution-“Appearance”, fill “DO LED” into “Text” box. Then click “OK”
to create another new Text objects.

Step27: Follow the “Setp25” and “Step26” as a model, build three another Text
Objects and put them in the appropriate place. The parameter setting of these
Text objects are showed as following.

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Step28: The filished page is showed as following. Click button to create a new
number object.

Step29:In the attribution-“Appearance”, fill “Ao_0” into the numeric expression field,
and “Format” is “##.###”. In the attribution-“Input”, fill “#####ENTER” into key
sequence box, and fill “Ao_0=arg1;” into command box.

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Step30: Follow the “Step29” as a model. Build a new number object, and set the
“Appearance” attribution, but not to set the attribution-“Input”. The setting
parameters are as following.

Step31: The finished page is showed as following. Then click button to save
this page.

Step32: Input “page1” in the page field to be the name of this page.

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Step33: Click button to start the “computer setup”

Step34: Select “Express Setup” and then click “Next” to continue.

Step35: Select “Server and Display Client” and click “Next” to continue.

Step36: Select “Modbus Demo” in the “Project Name” list box and click “Next” to
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Step37: Use default value and click “Next” to continue.

Step38: Click “finish” to finish the computer setup.

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Set40: Press “F5” to run the project. Clicking “Do Button” or click AO “number object”
to input value can change the value of DO and AO.

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