Ann Nesley's Personal Strategic Plan For Year 2020 - 2029: Strategic Areas of Focus Strategic Anchors

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Ann Nesley’s Personal Strategic Plan for Year 2020 – 2029


Family, Friendship and Finance Work and Community Health, Adventure and Art

VISION: A woman that excels

in her chosen field and pursues
her interest and passion
A. Help my family to have a better life A. Purse my interest in public service A. Maintain good physical fitness
wholeheartedly. Goal 1: Have an internship in and diplomatic affairs and structure
Department of Foreign Affairs and Goal 1: Finished my bachelorette degree Goal 1: Have a 30 minutes to 1 hour
PURPOSE: Encourage and finished my study and pass the Civil Service Examination. work out twice a week,
lead people to live a life that Goal 2: Find and get a stable job to Goal 2: Apply and get a job in Goal 2: Be part of gym or fitness club
provide financial support to my family government agencies such as DFA. and enrolled in fitness program
contributes in making the Goal 3: Save money and partner with my Goal 3: Pursue masters in Diplomatic Goal 3: Have well- balanced diet.
world a better place to live in. brother to start a family business affairs or related field. Avoid junk food.
Goal 4: Get my parents their own house
B. Be a Foreign Service Worker B. Pursue my other interest
B. Stay in contact with my high school Goal 1: Finish my Master’s Degree and Goal 1: Learn martial arts
and college friends complete all the necessary requirements Goal 1.A: Attend/Enroll in
Goal 1: Interact with them in social Goal 2: Be more updated in current and martial arts class
TOP 5 CORE VALUES media by messaging or reacting to their international affairs. Read or watch local Goal 1.B: Earn martial art
post. and international news every day. Join belt
Goal 2: Invite or meet with them to have group or online discussion about current Goal 2: Learn music/theater
a meal or bonding twice a month and international affairs production
Goal 3: Have a three-day out-of-the-town Goal 3: Attend review center. Study all Goal 2.A: Attend or be part
with them. the necessary reviewers and topics. of a Music or Theater group
Peace Goal 4: Pass the Foreign Service Goal 2.B: Practice and
Integrity C. Save money for future investment Examination participate in writing music
Goal 1: Open another bank account and scripts
Compassion Goal 2: Avoid unnecessary expenses C. Participate in volunteer work or Goal 2.C: Have a mentor or
Goal 3: Have a weekly plan or monthly humanitarian work. coach for guidance
Humanity budget plan to observe spending of Goal 1: Be part or member of a volunteer C. Discover and experience new
Self-love money group in the community things
Goal 4: Have my own business for other Goal 2: Participate in meetings or Goal 1: Take a backpacking trips to
source of income volunteer group that is scheduled by the local places with friends
Goal 5: Get myself a house or an group Goal 2: Visit other countries with
apartment family or friends at least once or twice
a year
Goal 3: Try some physical activities
such as triathlon or hiking
NAME of RATER: Bacay, Ann Nesley D.
Direction: Using the elements of strategic planning rate each element based on the degree of your satisfaction. Put a check mark on the corresponding degree you
best believe about the strategic plan
5- Outstanding (O)
4- Very Satisfactory (VS)
3- Satisfactory (S)
2- Needs Improvement (NI)
1- Poor (P)

Elements of Strategic Planning Outstanding Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Needs Improvement Poor
(O) (VS) (S) (NI) (P) 

1- Personal purpose statement

2- Personal vision statement
3- Top 5 personal core values
4- Strategic focus areas
5- Objectives and SMART goals for each focus
area /
 Computation of Grade: 4.6 = 100%

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