GX-X/GX-Q Technical Data Stacker With Turret Head/Telescopic Fork

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GX-X/GX-Q Technical Data

Stacker with Turret Head/Telescopic Fork


GX-X Racking truck with turret head

1.1 Manufacturer STILL STILL
1.2 Manufacturer’s model designation GX-X GX-X

Telescopic mast Triplex mast

1.3 Drive Electric Electric
1.4 Control Stand-on/Seated Stand-on/Seated
1.5 Capacity/load Q kg 1350 1350
1.6 Load centre c mm 600 600
1.9 Wheel base y mm 1811 1943
2.1 Truck weight (incl. battery) kg 5987* 6938*

2.2 Axle load laden drive end/load end kg 1740/5597* 2103/6185*

2.3 Axle load unladen drive end/load end kg 2280/3707* 2596/4343*
3.1 Tyres Polyurethane
3.2 Tyre size drive end mm ∅ 360/140 ∅ 360/140

3.3 Tyre size load end mm ∅ 370/160 ∅ 370/160

3.5 Number of wheels (x = driven wheel) drive end/load end 1x/2 1x/2
3.6 Track width, front b10 mm 1290 1290
3.7 Track width, rear b11 mm 0 0
4.2 Height, mast lowered h1 mm 3400 3400
4.3 Free lift h2 mm - 2150
4.4 Lift h3 mm 4200 6350
4.5 Height, mast raised h4 mm 5650* 7800*
4.7 Height over overhead guard (cab) h6 mm 2200 2200
4.8 Standing height, lowered h7 mm 1050 1050
4.15 Height lowered h13 mm 60 60
4.19 Overall length (incl. forks) l1 mm 3100* 3232*
4.21 Overall width load wheel axle b1/b2 mm 1250/1500 1250/1500
4.22 Fork dimensions s/e/l mm 50/120/1200 50/120/1200

4.24 Fork carriage width b3 mm 710 710

4.25 Overall fork width min./max. b5 mm 470/640 470/640
4.27 Width over guide rollers b6 mm 1645 1645
4.29 Side shift b7 mm 1308 1308
4.31 Floor clearance under mast, laden m1 mm 40 40
4.32 Floor clearance, centre of wheel base m2 mm 80 80
4.34 Working aisle width Ast mm variable* variable*
4.35 Turning radius Wa mm variable* variable*
4.38 Distance to turret head pivot point l8 mm variable* variable*
4.39 Length of traverse arm A mm variable* variable*
4.40 Width, side-shift carriage B mm variable* variable*
4.41 Width of traverse arm F mm variable* variable*
4.42 Transfer aisle width, min Au mm variable* variable*
5.1 Travel speed laden/unladen km/h variable* variable*
5.2 Hoist speed laden/unladen m/s variable* variable*

5.3 Lowering speed laden/unladen m/s variable* variable*

5.4 Side-shift speed laden/unladen m/s variable* variable*
5.9 Acceleration time (over 10 m) laden/unladen s variable* variable*
5.10 Service brake Generator
6.1 Drive motor, rating kW 6.5 kW/S2 = 60 min
Electric engine

6.2 Hoist motor, rating kW 24 kW/S3 = 15 %*

6.3 Battery to IEC 254-2 A, B, C, No IEC 254-2; C
6.4 Battery type, voltage, Rated capacity C5 V/Ah PzS, 48 V, 1120 Ah
6.5 Battery weight ±5 % (depends on make) kg 1688
8.1 Drive control Microprocessor

8.4 Sound level, driver’s ear dB(A) 68

Figures can vary by ±10 %. The calculated drive profiles are based on our floor guidelines. Subject to technical changes.
* The figures are scaleable and conform to the customer’s individual requirements

Telescopic mast “light” with turret head

(all heights given in mm)
Type 1 Total lift from floor Total lift Main lift Height lowered Aux. lift 2 Greatest height 3
Overall height h1 h25 (h3 + h9 + h13) h24 (h3 + h9) h3 h13 h9 h4 (h3 + 2200)
4900 8655 8595 7600 60 995 9800
4400 7655 7595 6600 60 995 8800
3900 6655 6595 5600 60 995 7800
3400 5655 5595 4600 60 995 6800
2900 4655 4595 3600 60 995 5800
2400 3655 3595 2600 60 995 4800
2200 3255 3195 2200 60 995 4400

Telescopic mast with turret head

(all heights given in mm)
Type 1 Total lift from floor Total lift Main lift Height lowered Aux. lift 2 Greatest height 3
Overall height h1 h25 (h3 + h9 + h13) h24 (h3 + h9) h3 h13 h9 h4 (h3 + 2200)
4900 8255 8195 7200 60 995 9400
4400 7255 7195 6200 60 995 8400
3900 6255 6195 5200 60 995 7400
3400 5255 5195 4200 60 995 6400
2900 4255 4195 3200 60 995 5400
2400 3255 3195 2200 60 995 4400
2200 2855 2795 1800 60 995 4000

Triplex mast with turret head

(all heights given in mm)
Type 1 Total lift from floor Total lift Main lift Free lift Height lowered 1 Aux. lift 2 Greatest height 3
Overall height h1 h25 (h3 + h9 + h13) h24 (h3 + h9) h3 h2 h13 h9 h4 (h3 + 2200)
3900 8505 8445 7450 2650 60 995 9650
3400 7405 7345 6350 2150 60 995 8550
2900 6105 6045 5050 1650 60 995 7250
2400 4605 4545 3550 1150 60 995 5750
2200 4005 3945 2950 950 60 995 5150

Intermediate overall heights on request
No intermediate lift is used: h 9 = 0 mm
Without auxiliary lift the attachment overall height is 1,450 mm

Rail guidance

Inductive guidance

GX-Q Racking truck with Telescopic Forks

1.1 Manufacturer STILL STILL
1.2 Manufacturer’s model designation GX-Q GX-Q

Telescopic mast Triplex mast

1.3 Drive Electric Electric
1.4 Control Stand-on/Seated Stand-on/Seated
1.5 Capacity/load Q kg 1250 1250
1.6 Load centre c mm 600 600
1.9 Wheel base y mm 1811 1943
2.1 Truck weight (incl. battery) kg 5848* 6799*

2.2 Axle load laden drive end/load end kg 1864/5234* 2217/5832*

2.3 Axle load unladen drive end/load end kg 2344/3504* 2654/4145*
3.1 Tyres Polyurethane
3.2 Tyre size drive end mm ∅ 360/140 ∅ 360/140

3.3 Tyre size load end mm ∅ 370/160 ∅ 370/160

3.5 Number of wheels (x = driven wheel) drive end/load end 1x/2 1x/2
3.6 Track width, front b10 mm 1240 1240
3.7 Track width, rear b11 mm 0 0
4.2 Height, mast lowered h1 mm 3400 3400
4.3 Free lift h2 mm - 2150
4.4 Lift h3 mm 4200 6350
4.5 Height, mast raised h4 mm 5500* 7600
4.7 Height over overhead guard (cab) h6 mm 2200 2200
4.8 Standing height, lowered h7 mm 1050 1050
4.15 Height lowered h13 mm 380 380
4.19 Overall length (incl. forks) l1 mm 3487* 3619*
4.21 Overall width load wheel axle b1/b2 mm 1250/1450 1250/1450
Basic dimensions

4.22 Fork dimensions s/e/l mm 65/174/1200 65/174/1200

4.24 Fork carriage width b3 mm 1165 1165
4.25 Overall fork width min./max. b5 mm 545/545 545/545
4.27 Width over guide rollers b6 mm 1595 1595
4.29 Side shift b7 mm 1400 1400
4.31 Floor clearance under mast, laden m1 mm 40 40
4.32 Floor clearance, centre of wheel-base m2 mm 80 80
4.34 Working aisle width Ast mm variable* variable*
4.35 Turning radius Wa mm variable* variable*
4.38 Distance Telescopic forks - mid-point l8 mm variable* variable*
4.39 Length of Telescopic fork bed A mm variable* variable*
4.40 Width, side-shift carriage B mm variable* variable*
4.42 Transfer aisle width, min Au mm variable* variable*
5.1 Travel speed laden/unladen km/h variable* variable*
5.2 Hoist speed laden/unladen m/s variable* variable*

5.3 Lowering speed laden/unladen m/s variable* variable*

5.4 Side-shift speed laden/unladen m/s variable* variable*
5.9 Acceleration time (over 10 m) laden/unladen s variable* variable*
5.10 Service brake Generator
6.1 Drive motor, rating kW 6.5 kW/S2 = 60 min
6.2 Hoist motor, rating kW 24 kW/S3 = 15 %*

6.3 Battery to IEC 254-2 A, B, C, No IEC 254-2; C

6.4 Battery type, voltage, Rated capacity C5 V/Ah PzS, 48 V, 1120 Ah
6.5 Battery weight ±5 % (depends on make) kg 1688
8.1 Drive control Microprocessor

8.4 Sound level, driver’s ear dB(A) 68

Figures can vary by ±10 %. The calculated drive profiles are based on our floor guidelines. Subject to technical changes.
* The figures are scaleable and conform to the customer’s individual requirements

Telescopic mast “light” with telescopic forks

(all heights given in mm)
Type 1 Total lift from floor Total lift Main lift Height lowered Greatest height
Overall height h1 h25 (h3 + h9 + h13) h24 (h3 + h9) h3 h13 h4
4900 7980 7600 7600 380 8700
4400 6980 6600 6600 380 7700
3900 5980 5600 5600 380 6700
3400 4980 4600 4600 380 5700
2900 3980 3600 3600 380 4700
2400 2980 2600 2600 380 3700
2200 2580 2200 2200 380 3300

Telescopic mast with telescopic forks

(all heights given in mm)
Type 1 Total lift from floor Total lift Main lift Height lowered Greatest height
Overall height h1 h25 (h3 + h9 + h13) h24 (h3 + h9) h3 h13 h4
4900 7580 7200 7200 380 8500
4400 6580 6200 6200 380 7500
3900 5580 5200 5200 380 6500
3400 4580 4200 4200 380 5500
2900 3580 3200 3200 380 4500
2400 2580 2200 2200 380 3500
2200 2180 1800 1800 380 3100

Triplex mast with telescopic forks

(all heights given in mm)
Type 1 Total lift from floor Total lift Main lift Free lift Height lowered 1 Greatest height
Overall height h1 h25 (h3 + h9 + h13) h24 (h3 + h9) h3 h2 h13 h4
3900 7830 7450 7450 2650 380 8700
3400 6730 6350 6350 2150 380 7600
2900 5430 5050 5050 1650 380 6300
2400 3930 3550 3550 1150 380 4800
2200 3330 2950 2950 950 380 4200
Intermediate overall heights on request

Rail guidance

Inductive guidance

Telescopic forks
Two versions h13 = 180 mm or h13 = 380 mm
a21 = 90 mm
l6 x b12 pallet A a22 x l8 b3 b7 Ast Au min. Q max.
1200 x 800 450 50 298 748 1165 1350 1380 variable* 1250
1200 x 1000 550 50 298 848 1365 1350 1380 variable* 1000
1200 x 1200 650 50 298 948 1565 1350 1380 variable* 800
1240 x 835 450 30 298 748 1165 1400 1420 variable* 1250
1300 x 1300 700 50 298 998 1665 1450 1480 variable* 800

* The figures are scaleable and conform to the customer’s individual requirements

Racking truck with turret head/telescopic forks Modern efficient technology

STILL presents the modern and futuristic GX-X with OPTISPEED. - Energy recovery when braking and when lowering the main lift.
- Three-phase drive technology for peak performance with high
Here are the features for this generation of trucks: efficiency and low operating costs. Wear-free for high availability and
- Modular build design. greater handling capacity.
- Flexible in use. - Peak speeds - even when lowering unladen in auxiliary lift.
- Scaleable dimensions and performance. - Powerful low wear hydraulics.
- Ergonomic work station. - Sensitive secondary movements thanks to proportional valve
- High handling capacity. technology.
- Low energy consumption. - Powerful, effective hoist movements, pump speed regulated by on/off
- Low operating costs. valve technology.
- Innovative OPTISPEED concept is ahead of its time. - Particularly low wear due to low working pressure and integral high
pressure filter.
Driver’s compartment - Compact, stable build for optimal utilisation of space and safe working
- Roomy driver’s compartment with adjustable controls and great leg - even at extreme heights.
room. For added safety, the driver is always kept within the contours - Smaller aisle widths or greater safety clearances due to turret head
of the truck. with integral overreach.
- Damped driver’s compartment (optional) greatly reduces impacts - Integral height measurement system for precise positioning of the
and shocks from uneven floors, significantly reducing operator back forks.
problems and subsequent absenteeism. - Maximum residual capacity due to optimal matching of the truck
- Proportional seat and floor plate adjustment with electrical rail width to the aisle width.
adjustment (optional) provides ergonomic adjustment of the controls - Speedy, trouble-free entry into the aisle thanks to the variably
for the best view onto the fork tips, whatever the physique. adjustable mechanical rail guidance.
- Luxury tilting seat with individual weight and horizontal adjustments is
gentle on the neck when looking upwards at the load, or when looking
around the side of the mast.
- Open steps enable trouble free entry and exit.
- Individual storage facilities with large utensil compartments, A4
storage areas and drinks holders.
- High level of safety due to optimised visibility overhead guard with
inclined strut arrangement and superb all-round vision.
- An ergonomic joystick with maintenance-free sensor technology for
the actuation of all hydraulic functions without changing grip and
noticeable direction selection.

Steering Hydraulics
- Electric steering acting directly on the drive through a gear for easy The truck is fitted as standard with proportional valve technology for
accurate positioning. particularly sensitive and smooth control of secondary movements. The
- Free ranging, mechanically or inductively guided in the racking, with hoist pump speed controlled through on/off valves by the hoist pulse
automatic straight ahead setting of the steered drive wheel and non- controller for maximum effectiveness.
contact aisle recognition. - All movements can be separately and individually adjusted to the
application conditions.
Chassis - All end positions are approached gently and smoothly.
- Rigid steel structure with large running wheels for high driving - Up to 15 % energy recovery is possible due to the hoist motor acting
comfort. as a generator when lowering.
- Optional removable battery side plates protect the battery and round - The bypass concept when lowering allows sensitive, precise
off the overall image of the chassis design. positioning.
- Various chassis widths.
Three-phase drive technology
Masts The low wear, low maintenance drive units combined with the offload
- Telescopic mast “Light” optimised for smaller loads of up to switching MOSFET technology are the basis for an efficient, robust and
1,000 kilograms. economical drive concept.
- Telescopic mast as standard. - 48-volt drive modules.
- Triplex mast with free lift for wherever joists, doorways or fixtures - Monitoring and display of the drive states for effective preventive
make a lower closed mast height necessary. maintenance.
- Three-point mast structure, sturdy and rigid for congenial working - The enclosed air-cooled three-phase motor does not move with the
even at extreme heights. steering, so there are no cable connections under stress.
- Generously dimensioned gearbox and drive wheel for high driving
Turret head with auxiliary lift comfort and safety.
A functional group for load pick-up on three sides, with integral - High torque and peak speeds with particularly sensitive control
controller and hydraulics. Unnecessarily long connections such as for driving, independent of the load. Economical for low energy
cables and hydraulic hoses are done away with, increasing operating consumption and maintenance, with above-average performance.
reliability in the long term. Diagnosis and maintenance becomes easier
and faster.
- Great flexibility due to synchronous rotation, enabling the
operator to service the left and right hand sides of the racking
in a single pass.
- The total lift height is increased by the auxiliary lift (optional).
- Optimal space utilisation - right up to the ceiling. Higher handling
capacity due to simultaneous lowering with the main lift.
- High lowering speed even with low load weights.

Brake system Auxiliary equipment - turret head

- Generator brake as a service brake. Electrical spring-loaded brake for - Fork carriages for different pallets.
parking/securing and as an emergency stop. - Various attachment frames.
- Two independent braking systems operate practically wear free. - Overreach for turret head.
- Optional running wheel brake to increase the braking and driving - Hydraulics turret head functions.
performance. - Tooth flank guard in the area of the turret head (recommended for
bagged goods).
CAN bus - Three variants of hydraulic fork adjuster.
- All controllers, sensors and actuators are linked to each other. - Load sensing.
- Great flexibility due to central access to all units and functions. - Weight sensing.
- High level of safety due to tried and tested technology from the car - Weight measurement.
and commercial vehicle field. - Fork sideshift cut-out.
- Additional operating reliability thanks to less wiring and fewer sensors.
Battery compartment and battery
Battery compartment - Various capacities of 48-Volt battery for different power classes.
Battery changing from one side using a roller track with battery - Battery roller track for side battery changes.
changing frame. - Side battery locking device, electronically monitored.
- Cable set for replacement battery.
Auxiliary equipment in the driver’s workplace
- Hydraulically damped driver’s seat. Safety
- Proportional seat and floor plate adjustment. - Automatic braking at end of aisle, various versions.
- Tilting seat. - Hoist cut-outs and various drive cut-outs.
- Seat heater. - Integral mobile personal protective equipment.
- Workplace illumination. - Additional braking system for the load wheels.
- Working spotlights.
- Reading lamp. Automation components
- DIN A4 writing surface with document clip. - Automatic fork cycle.
- Overhead guard covers in Macrolon or mesh grid. - Lift height preselection system.
- Preparation for radio installation integrated in the overhead guard. - Semi-automatic shelf approach, OPTISPEED 4.0.
- Fork camera systems with integral colour display. - Automation interface for unmanned fully automatic operation.
- Panoramic rear-view mirror. - Materialflow Management MMS, radio data transfer with data
- Climbing aid on overhead guard leg. terminal, terminals, printer and scanner. Increases the efficiency by
- Digisound – acoustic interval signals. paperless Materialflow control.
- PIN code access authorisation through numeric key pad.
- Standardised interface for data terminal, scanner, printer.
- Dual pedal control.

OPTISPEED Version 3.x – the futuristic Features

control concept - Made-to-measure performance by the selection and suitable
The excellent performance data and optimal technical conditions of the combination of the drives.
GX-X can only be fully utilised by OPTISPEED 3.x, both for driving and - Quick load changes thanks to automatic adjustment of the
hoisting, and also for secondary movements. deceleration and acceleration ramps.
- Powerful microprocessor, drive and hoist pulse controller. - Dynamic, intelligent load diagram for greater safety in the warehouse.
The individual controls, sensors and actuators are cross linked - Increased turnover of goods due to standard synchronous slewing in
by CAN bus. the aisle and in front of the racking.
- The CAN Bus with CAN Open protocol provides high flexibility and - Increased performance due to the optional equipment:
quick service access. load sensing and weight measurement.
- The height measurement system provides the absolute fork height. - Less damage to the truck, goods and equipment due to individual
Thanks to the non-slip, reliable height detection, also incorporating adjustment of the speeds, end positions, acceleration and
the auxiliary lift, performance-optimised driving profiles and load deceleration to the application conditions.
change cycles can be realised. - Greater functional convenience/safety as all moving axes are
continuously measured and monitored.
- Effective configuration, diagnosis and maintenance through a modem
or with the Service Tool Box through a central interface
- Fast reaction time due to on-board diagnosis at the operating panel.
- Safe and fast commissioning by the „teach-in“ process for the main
functions, directly on the operating panel.
- Individual driver settings – ergonomics and driving comfort can be
specifically adjusted to the application conditions and the operator,
for truly optimised performance.
- Improved access control thanks to optional PIN code instead of key.
- Integral height pre-selection for fast, safe and comfortable height
positioning (optional).
- Automatic forks cycle for quicker and easier load changes.
GX-X/GX-Q HHe 02/19 Subject to technical modifications.

Berzeliusstraße 10
D-22113 Hamburg
STILL is certified in the following
Tel.: +49 (0)40/73 39-20 00 areas: Quality management,
occupational safety, environmental
Fax: +49 (0)40/73 39-20 01 protection and energy management.

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