Day: Monday Date: 12/21/20

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Lesson Plan Comprehension

Day: Monday Date: 12/21/20

Subject: ELA Building Comprehension with Biographies

Duration: 2 class sessions

Common Core Standard(s):
Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and
when drawing inferences from the text.
Explain how an author uses reasons and evidence to support particular points in a text.
Objective(s): At the end of this lesson my students will be able realize authors reveal character traits by
providing action clues, verbal cues, and other clues such as physical appearance, where he or she lives,
interests, hobbies, and so forth. Students will see motives behind their person through the study of
character traits. They also will have the ability to make inferences from facts directly from their text.
They will learn how to support their opinions with details from their chosen text biography. They will
also make connections to real life experiences and connections through inferences.
Resources/Materials List:
White board/ markers
Overhead/ projector
YouTube video: (97) Helen Keller (Biography for Children) Educational Cartoon Network (Youtube for
Kids) - YouTube
Adjective list of Character Traits:
Character Trait Graphic Organizer: See below
• Write character traits on a white board.
• Tell students Character traits are all the things of a person's behavior and attitudes that make
up that person's personality. Everyone has character traits, both good and bad.
Even characters in books have character traits. Character traits are often shown with
descriptive adjectives, like patient, unfaithful, or jealous.
• Ask students to share ideas of other character traits they know. Write them around the word
character traits on the white board.
• Watch Read Aloud: Helen Keller (97) Helen Keller (Biography for Children) Educational Cartoon
Network (Youtube for Kids) - YouTube
• Model the process of the character traits graphic organizer on projector for Helen Keller.
• Give each student a character trait adjective list and a Character Trait graphic organizer. (See
• Have students go back into their biographies and find character traits that show us who the
person is.
• Have students fill out the graphic organizer pulling detail to support their opinion.
• Have every student share the person, one character trait and the evidence they found in a

Plans for differentiation:

Jaylee will talk to me with her thoughts out loud. She will be prompted by me by asking her how her
character acts. Then asking why she thinks that. My goal with her is to have her think out loud before
she writes.

Students can spread out around the classroom where they are most comfortable.

Students can ask questions amongst each other for support.

Plans for accommodation/modification:

Jaylee- will only work on one-character trait.
Javier- I will translate for him in Spanish what character traits are using google translator. I then will
have a worksheet that asks him character traits and evidence in Spanish.

Assessment: Students will be assessed using Character Trait Rubric. (See Below)
What is next? Students should have in in depth look at the characteristics and elements of biographies.
There next step is to get ready over winter vacation to dress up and present to the class their person of
interest in first person. They will be allowed to use their Biography Poster as a Visual Aid.

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