Crawford NPL
Crawford NPL
Crawford NPL
Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Graduation with Honors Research Distinction in
the College of Engineering of The Ohio State University
Bridget M. Crawford
Defense Committee:
Field effect transistors (FETs) are solid-state electrical devices with semiconductor channels
through which charge carriers migrate and generate current. The application of an electric field
proximal to the conductive channel causes a change in current depending on the sign and
magnitude of the field. FETs can be modified for protein sensing by deployment of antibodies as
Binding of analytes brings a layer of charge proximal to the channel surface, causing modulation
of current that is easily detectable, allowing for quantitative detection of unlabeled analytes. The
FET design may be scalable to allow for inexpensive, real-time, label-free, point-of-care
diagnostic use. The distance between the analyte and the channel is crucial as sensitivity drops
off due to counter-ion shielding, which historically was the reasoning behind assessing
immunoFETs as infeasible. Bound proteins must therefore be held within a couple nanometers
of the channel for successful detection. Following previous work showing successful detection
serum and human urine from transplant patients using AlGaN/GaN heterojunction FETs
(HFETs) modified with anti-CXCL9 IgG. ImmunoHFETs were modified with IgG antibodies
specific to CXCL9 then exposed to human urine of renal transplant recipients. Baselines and
present the detection of CXCL9 in renal transplant urine at biologically relevant levels and
correlated with rejection by renal biopsy. The presented work demonstrates the feasibility of
immunoHFET sensor operation in physiologic buffers, and shows the potential to provide real-
time quantification and monitoring of inflammatory mediators, allowing for low-cost and
I would like to thank Professor Stephen C. Lee for giving me the opportunity to work in
his lab and for his support and guidance as my advisor throughout the duration of this research
project. I would also like to thank the project collaborators: Dr. Gregg Hadley, Dr. Jon Von
Visger, Professor Wu Lu, and Professor Leonard Brillson, for the time and energy they have put
forth in this project. This research is truly collaborative and required each person for the
progress that was made. I would like to thank the graduate students Andrew Theiss and Yuji
Wang for all of their advice and support and also Dr. Patricial Casal for training me throughout
my first year within the lab. Last but not least, I would like to thank my family and friends for
Table of Contents
Abstract ......................................................................................................................................................... ii
Acknowledgements...................................................................................................................................... iv
Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................................... v
List of Figures .............................................................................................................................................. vii
List of Tables .............................................................................................................................................. viii
Nomenclature .............................................................................................................................................. ix
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 1
Motivation for Biosensing ......................................................................................................................... 1
Field Effect Transistors as Biosensors ....................................................................................................... 2
Classical ImmunoFET Model ..................................................................................................................... 3
Research Focus and Significance .............................................................................................................. 5
Background ................................................................................................................................................... 6
HFET Biosensor Development................................................................................................................... 6
Detection of Various Analytes in PBS........................................................................................................ 7
ImmunoHFET Selectivity ........................................................................................................................... 8
Experimental Procedures .............................................................................................................................. 9
Chemicals .................................................................................................................................................. 9
HFET Device Construction ......................................................................................................................... 9
Transistor Surface Functionalization and Receptor Exposure ................................................................ 10
Electrical Measurements and Sample Exposure ..................................................................................... 11
Immunosorbent Assay ............................................................................................................................ 11
Results ......................................................................................................................................................... 12
Detection of CXCL9 in Murine Serum ..................................................................................................... 12
CXCL9 Detection in Human Renal Transplant Recipient Urine ............................................................... 14
ELISA Corroboration ................................................................................................................................ 16
Future Recommendations .......................................................................................................................... 19
Bovine Serum Albumin in Sensor Testing ............................................................................................... 19
ELISA Kit .................................................................................................................................................. 20
Silane Film Thickness .............................................................................................................................. 20
Engineered Antibodies as Receptors ...................................................................................................... 21
Conclusions ................................................................................................................................................. 24
References .................................................................................................................................................. 26
List of Figures
List of Tables
Proteins, which have influence over innumerable processes in nature, are involved in host
responses to a wide variety of disease formation and defense in the human body. For this reason,
it can be diagnostically significant to identify the concentrations of key proteins and may also
facilitate the staging of disease progression. Along with many diseases, various pathological
molecules called cytokines. These small molecules (5-20kDa) are known to be heavily involved
in cell signaling within the immune system and therefore, a great deal of effort has been directed
immunosorbent assay (ELISA), western blot, bicinchoninic acid assay (BCA), etc. and while
effective, these techniques require large quantities of costly reagents and are also time and labor
intensive. As potentially pivotal devices in the clinic, biosensors have the ability to monitor
binding event into a readable signal (potentially a temperature, conductance, potential, current, or
Figure 1: Biosensor technology.
Typical field effect transistors (FETs) are three-terminal solid-state electrical devices
consisting of a source and drain, which are biased to drive current flow, and a gate, used to
modulate the current through the application of a bias proximal to the conductive channel. The
bias produces an electrical field, which effects charge carrier flow and causes either an increase
As in metal oxide semiconducting FETs (MOSFETs), the gate allows for current flow if
above (for n-type) or below (for p-type) the threshold voltage. The n-type FET, which utilizes
electrons as charge carriers, will be discussed from this point on for the purposes of this research.
As the bias is altered above the threshold voltage, more charge carriers are drawn into the
channel from the doped wells and the device current increases whereas when the gate bias moves
closer to the threshold voltage, fewer charge carriers are drawn into the channel and the current
is decreased.
As biosensors, FETs utilize a biological affinity element deployed on the sensing surface
to bind the analyte of interest and hold it in close proximity. The charge of the bound analyte
then imparts an electric field which alters current flow throughout the conducting channel. The
change in current within the channel is measured and correlated to a concentration of the specific
analyte in solution. FET-based sensors have been studied extensively since the creation of the
ion sensitive FET (ISFET) by Bergveld, et. al. in 1970. Basic ISFET operation is broadly
similar to that of MOSFETs except that the gate on the capacitance layer is replaced by enzymes
as the affinity elements whose ions provide the current modulation [9,10].
The operational properties of FET biosensors provide potential advantages for protein
sensing/detection, including label-free detection, high sensitivity, rapid response, convenient size
scalability, and low fabrication costs. By being based on intrinsic properties of analytes, FET
biosensors are also platforms for label-free detection. FET biosensors may lead to minimally-
invasive point-of-care diagnostics that are faster and less expensive than currently used
immunoassay or biopsy.
The distance between the analyte and the sensing channel is crucial as sensitivity drops
off to 6th the power of distance due to counter-ion shielding that occurs in high ionic
concentrations (150nM Na+, pH 7.4), which historically was the reasoning behind assessing the
possibility of an immunoFET as infeasible [12]. The distance from the sensing channel for
which electrostatic effects persist, the Debye length, is on the order of a few nanometers when
working in PBS meaning that beyond this, mobile ions screen out the electric fields of the bound
analytes. The classical assessment asserts that the bound analyte will be at a distance equal to
the length of an antibody (10-15nm for chemokines) from the sensing surface and thus beyond
This model hinges on the idea that antibodies uniformly adsorb onto the sensing surface
by the CH3 region (Figure 3) and orient in a manner that positions the variable domains of the
antibody at a distance further than the Debye length. This is represented in Figure 2a, however a
more realistic depiction of antibody alignment on an immunoFET can be seen in Figure 2b [7].
The classical assessment also assumes that antibodies are rigid structures when in fact
they are highly flexible. Figure 3 depicts a simplified IgG molecule consisting of four
polypeptide chains held together by disulfide bonds. Antigen binding is mediated by the variable
light (VL) and variable heavy (VH) regions while common effector functions are controlled by
the constant regions of the antibody. The portions of the antibody that add to the flexibility
include the hinge region (the disulfide linkages between constant region 1 and constant region 2)
as well as the molecular ball-and-socket region between variable and constant domains. These
regions create a large degree of conformational freedom allowing for bending and thus a wide
range of distances over which the bound analyte charges can be held from the semiconducting
Figure 3: Simplified depiction of IgG Antibody. Adapted from Casal, etl al. [7]
When taken together, the stochastic adsorption along with the flexibility of antibodies
leads to a distribution of distances over which the bound analyte charges are held from the
sensing surface. A portion of these charges are expected to be within the Debye length in
physiological conditions. This indicates that charges may be held in close enough proximity to
cause current modulation from source to drain, thus deeming the classical assessment as
Provided the theoretical flaws of the classical model of immunoFET function and
previous work for detection of various analytes in PBS, the fundamental goal of this work was to
develop immunoFET devices for use in physiological solution. Preliminary results for
immunoFET function in PBS have been published showing that signal magnitude for a fixed
analyte charge is directly related to charge proximity to the sensing channel [7, 28]. The work
presented herein focuses on the development and testing of an immunologically modified field
effect transistor for detection of the pro-inflammatory chemokine Monokine induced by
MIG increases during inflammatory responces from the normal concentrations of 40-100pM to
1-2 orders of magnitude higher, indicating the onset of acute inflammatory response. The
This study completed device and ELISA testing for renal transplant recipient urine
samples in an effort to further the progress towards the development of an immunoFET for real-
time quantification and monitoring of inflammatory mediators, allowing for minimally invasive
FETs are traditionally constructed from silicon-based substances, due to the low-cost and
high performance, and also doped with impurities that donate mobile electrons for conduction.
However, in physiological salt conditions (150mM NaCl), ions leach into this silicon substrate
developed. This technology also allows for the exclusion of doped wells and the gate terminal of
MOSFETs. This is possible because the junction between AlGaN (the highly doped supply
layer) and GaN (non-doped layer) creates a 2-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) sensitive to
changes in the electric potential (Figure 4). Dipole moments are introduced along the Ga-N and
HFETs can be modified to allow for protein sensing by deployment of affinity elements
proximal to the channel surface, causing modulation of current that is easily detectable and
protein of interest for this work. In previously published works, it has been shown that
immunoHFETs have the ability to detect human and murine CXCL9 in PBS [7]. Detection has
also been extended to analytes of varying sizes and charges including Chemokine Ligand 5
(CCL5), also known as RANTES (Regulated upon Activated, Normal t-cell Expressed, and
Secreted), as well as CXCL10 and streptavidin (SA) in PBS [28]. It has been shown that the
immunoHFET has the ability to detect relatively small proteins of positive charge as well as
larger proteins of negative charge: CCL5 (7.8kDa, +5), CXCL9 (11.7kDa, +14), CXCL10
(8.6kDa, +11), and SA (76kDa, -6). A protein has yet to be encountered that is not detectable by
immunoHFET technologies. All sensor testing was corroborated by ELISA utilizing a kit
ImmunoHFET Selectivity
In previously published works, it has been shown that immunoHFETs have the ability to
selectively bind exceedingly similar analytes in PBS. Shown by Casal, et. al, when
functionalized with anti-huMIG antibodies, huMIG was detected but murine MIG was not as
seen in Figure 5 [7, 28]. The mature proteins of huMIG and muMIG have similar amino acid
lengths (103 vs. 105 respectively) with 72% amino acid sequence homology. This work
demonstrates that device signal is driven by receptor specificity i.e. device specificity is
determined by the binding specificity of the receptor deployed on the sensing channel.
Experimental Procedures
Polyclonal anti-huMIG IgG and a Human MIG ELISA Development Kit were purchased
from Peprotech, Inc. (Rocky Hill, NJ). Triethoxysilane aldehyde (TEA) was purchased from
United Chemical Technologies (Bristol, PA) to be used as the silane polymer. Steptavidin (SA)
(PBS) containing 150mM NaCl with a pH of 7.4 are from Invitrogen, Inc. (Carlsbad, CA).
(Raleigh, NC) and underwent several microfabrication processing techniques (Figure 6). Dry
MESA etching was used to remove the exposed AlGaN region prior to electrode pattern
photolithography and metal deposition for placement of electrodes. A silicone insulator was then
placed over the electrodes to isolate them from the sensing channel.
Figure 6: AlGaN/GaN HFET Microfabrication Process
The devices were surface oxidized via inductively coupled plasma treatment (ICP) in an
Anatech 600 oxygen plasma chamber for 30 seconds (75Watts, 700mTorr) [5, 8, 7, 22]. One
hundred micrometers of the AlGaN layer were recessed in a chloride based ICP so that the
threshold voltage of the device was shifted to the -0.5V to +0.5V range [7, 28]. The conducting
channel varied from 50µm to 100µm in width and length with a fluid reservoir height of 10-
20µm. As described previously, the electrical conductivity between the drain and source was
controlled by a chemical gate, formed on the oxide and functionalized with antibodies as
following protocol for APTES deposition but exposing devices to 5% TEA in ethanol overnight
within a 50ºC water bath [21]. After a triple rinse in ethanol, devices were treated with 1µg ml-1
of receptor anti-huMIG IgG for 1 hour at 37ºC. The device was then triple rinsed in PBS and
parameter analyzer at room temperature. The Ids was modulated by the gate bias to the order of
1µA·mm-1 for detection. This was done to ensure that the device was operating in the
subthreshold regime in order to maximize sensitivity [22]. The baseline measurement was first
taken for the device by exposing to PBS only. The device was then incubated for 5 minutes
in15µl of human renal transplant recipient urine at the time of diagnostic renal transplant biopsy,
after which devices were washed three rounds in PBS. The Ids was then measured for a second
time and the changes in Ids before and after analyte binding showed how the device behavior was
Immunosorbent Assay
sensor data with anti-huMIG. The 96-well Nunc Maxisorb ELISA plates were incubated with
1µg ml-1 capture antibody anti-huMIG overnight then blocked with sterile filtered 1% bovine
serum albumin (BSA) in PBS for 1h before exposure to 100µl of standards and samples for 2h.
Standards ranging from 10 to 5000 pg/ml along with a background (no primary antibody) and
negative control (PBS only) were used for comparison. Wells were then exposed to the detection
antibody anti-huMIG for 2h prior to incubating with avidin-HRP Conjugate (1:2000 in diluent)
for 30 minutes. Wells were rinsed four times with 0.05% Tween-20 in PBS after each previous
step and then incubated with ABTS liquid substrate solution for 15 minutes. The stop solution
of 1% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) was added and the absorbances of the reacted solutions
All data was collected from testing done on the same immunoHFET sensor. We have
ion-impermeable platform (AlGaN/GaN HFET) and show signal magnitude for a fixed analyte
charge to be directly related to charge proximity to the sensing channel [7]. In work described
herein, we have presented the successful detection of the inflammatory chemokine CXCL9 in
both murine serum and human renal transplant patient urine using immunoHFET modified with
immunoHFET sensor operation in physiologic buffers as an early step in the translation of this
technology to human clinical applications. Many opportunities for increased sensitivity and
After detection of huMIG in PBS, preliminary studies were completed for detection of
huMIG in a complex physiologic buffer of murine serum [28]. Murine serum, a much higher
sample fluid complexity as compared to PBS, contains all proteins not used in coagulation as
well as hormones, electrolytes, and various antibodies and antigens. Murine serum was doped
BSA sterile filtered in PBS for 1 hour in order to block non-specific binding. Three-terminal
electrical measurements for baseline (PBS only), undoped murine serum, as well as murine
serum doped with huMIG. These results act to provide proof of concept that the immunoHFET
has the ability to detect huMIG in a complex physiological solution, murine serum.
Figure 7: ImmunoHFET detection of huMIG in murine serum. Adapted from Casal, et. al. [28].
In order to corroborate the interaction of huMIG with anti-huMIG IgG deployed on the
immunoHFET sensor surface, ELISAs were completed with a kit purchased from R& D Systems
Figure 8: ELISA Corroboration for detection of huMIG in murine serum. Adapted
from Casal, et. al. [28].
Preliminary immunoHFET sensor response to urine samples from both a rejecting and a non-
rejecting patients. Figure 9 shows early electrical measurements for urine samples from one
rejecting patient (patient 4) and one non-rejecting patient (patient 5) as compared to baseline
Figure 9: CXCL9 detection in urine of renal transplant patients.
As clinical samples were collected, more sensor testing was completed, however issues
began to arise with the results being obtained. Triplicates of each test were completed for one
rejecting and two non-rejecting patient samples. Table 1 shows the average percent change in
Throughout all testing, one sensor was utilized and subjected to surface modification for
each test performed. The act of stripping molecules from the surface of the immunoHFET and
re-oxidizing the AlGaN surface via inductively coupled plasma (ICP) reactive ion etching may
have surface damaging effects. When performed a minimal number of times, ICP at 75 Watts
and 700mTorr for 30 seconds would cause negligible damage to the surface, however the sensor
used throughout testing had undergone countless iterations of this process and was likely to have
As shown by Fang, et. al., if damage free etching is desired, photoenhanced chemical
(PEC) wet etching would be the most effective technology for surface functionalization, while
hybrid ICP/PEC etching can be used for applications requiring high etch rate and damage-free
surfaces [23]. However moving forward, surface damage by etching will not be a concern as it
Another possibility for the introduction of error could be disregarding the use of 1% BSA
sterile filtered in PBS in sensor testing. This blocking buffer was used throughout ELISAs after
deposition of capture antibody anti-huMIG in order to block the remaining binding surface from
nonspecific binding of antibodies and also in the sensing of huMIG in murine serum (Figure 7).
This reagent however was not used in sensor testing with human patient urine samples and may
be the reasoning behind the lack of correlation between sensor data as compared to biopsy
rejection status.
ELISA Corroboration
PeproTech, Inc. (Rocky Hill, NJ) in order to corroborate electrical sensor data. The procedure
provided by PeproTech, Inc. was explicitly followed including all reconstitution and storage
methods. The first set of ELISA data (patients 1-8, 9/19/2013) proved to be promising and can
be seen in Figure 11 while initial standard absorbance readings can be found within Figure 10.
As compared to Figure 9, patient 4 (rejecting) showed increased levels of CXCL9 in the
data obtained by ELISA while patient 5 (non-rejecting) did not. Increased levels of CXCL9 seen
for patients 1 and 2 also coordinate with rejection status as confirmed by biopsy.
Absorbance @ 405nm
1 10 100 1000 10000
Concentration of MIG (pg/ml)
ELISA for Patients 1-8
0.7 0.6721
0.3019 0.3247
0.1895 0.1866 0.1584 0.1576 0.1501
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
After a successful first ELISA with the Peprotech kit, we began to see complications with
the results. Although protocol states that when stored at -20ºC, aliquots are stable for up to 2
years, it can be seen in Figure 12 that as time passed, problems arose with the reagents and thus
the results of the ELISA suffered. Since the initial creation of the standards on 9/19/2013, the
Avidin-HRP was tested prior to ELISAs by adding 100µl to 100µl of ABTS substrate. If
no immediate color change occurred, streptavidin-HRP (1:2000 in diluent) was utilized with
TMP/H2O2 substrate and sulfuric acid stop solution. This occurred for the ELISA completed on
MIG ELISA Standards
Absorbance @ 405nm
2 9/19/2013
1.5 10/10/2013
1 11/21/2013
1 10 100 1000 10000
Concentration of MIG (pg/ml)
Figure 12: ELISA Standards (MIG) for each ELISA test performed
Future Recommendations
As discussed above, 1% BSA sterile filtered in PBS was utilized in detection of huMIG
in murine serum, shown in Figure 7, to block non-specific binding after the deposition of
primary anti-huMIG IgG antibodies. This blocking buffer was not used in any other sensor
testing, however it could be beneficial to know the effects of its use. By going back and
implementing the use of this blocking buffer in testing known concentrations of huMIG in PBS,
we would be able to identify if this step indeed caused the issues seen in sensor testing.
An ELISA kit and protocol from R & D Systems (Minneapolis, MN) was utilized by
Casal et. al. to corroborate immunoHFET sensor data in PBS [7,28] and was also used by Hrick
et. al. and shown to be successful in the detection of CXCL9 in human urine. In moving forward
with ELISA corroboration for sensor data, this same kit should be used as opposed to the less
expensive kit purchased from Peprotech, Inc. (Rocky Hill, NJ). Although there are only slight
differences in reagents and protocol from the currently used kit, it is expected to provide much
more appropriate results in human urine. Renal transplant recipient urine samples should be re-
The sensor used was not engineered to minimize analyte-to-channel distance and thus
maximize sensitivity. One key factor that affects this distance in immunoHFET construction is
the choice of silane. The sensor used throughout this work incorporates TEA in fabrication,
trivalent silane, it is expected that the height of the silane layer would be greater than the height
when utilizing a monovalent silane because of the likelihood to form meshworks as shown in
Figure 13a. These meshworks arise as a result of APTES-type silane monomers having the
aminopropyl dimethylethoxy silane (APDMES) would allow for a highly ordered monolayer to
be formed. APDMES-type silanes are unable to polymerize into extensive networks because of
only being able to form siloxane dimers or linkages to oxides. The decreased thickness of
monovalent APDMES as compared to trivalent APTES can be seen within Figure 14. Moving
forward, an APDMES-type silane with terminal aldehyde group should be considered in surface
Figure 14: Film thickness of trivalent (APTES) and monovalent (APDMES) silane
polymer films. Adapted from Bhushan et al [25]
The work presented herein utilized intact IgG antibodies (~10-15nm, 150-170kDa) as
immunoHFET affinity elements deployed on the sensing surface. By reducing the size of the
receptor used in device construction, the distance from sensing channel to analyte would be
The isolation of specific epitope regions of an antibody is possible and would be likely to
greatly decrease the distance from bound analyte to sensing channel of the immunoHFET device.
Single-chain fragment variable antibody fragments (scFvs) are fused proteins made of the heavy
and light variable chains of IgG antibodies and are approximately half the size of an intact IgG
antibody at 5-6nm. Single domain antibody fragments known as variable heavy-heavy (VHH)
Figure 15: Depiction of intact IgG antibody as well as single-chain fragment variable (scFv) and variable
heavy-heavy (VHH) fragmented antibodies adapted from Casal, et al. [28]
Both of these identified antibody fragment options retain full analyte recognition
properties even though they have the possibility to be as small as 10% the mass of intact
antibodies [26].
As discussed by Casal, et. al., there exists the possibility to further obviate the concerns
of ion shielding for immunoFETs by altering the protein topography via scanning circular
permutagenesis (CP) [27, 28]. CP connects the N- and C- termini of a protein via a peptide
linker and allows for the introduction of newly placed N- and C- termini at a specified location in
the protein sequence. In doing so, it is possible to control the analyte-sensing channel distance as
well as orientation as shown in Figure 16 [5]. The depictions in this figure show CP variants of
scFvs covalently attached to the sensing surface at their N-terminus. By this, it is possible to
place the site of analyte binding at a controlled (either greater or lesser) proximity to the sensing
surface. Currently, the sensitivity for successful detection of huMIG in physiological conditions
is present and for this reason, circular permutagenesis is not required however, if problems arise
Figure 16: Circular Permutagenesis of a scFv Adapted from Gupta, et. al. [5].
The engineered antibody receptors suggested here suggest further control of the distance
from sensing surface to bound analyte. As previously discussed, the control of this distance
should be useful in the optimization of sensor sensitivity and thus the ability to detect transplant
This work takes the previous knowledge of immunoHFET feasibility to detect analytes in
PBS and expands into physiological salt conditions. We have presented the successful detection
of the inflammatory chemokine CXCL9 in both murine serum as well as human urine from
transplant patients using an immunoHFET modified with anti-CXCL9 IgG. CXCL9 was
detected in renal transplant urine in biologically relevant levels, corroborated with ELISA, and
correlated with rejection by renal biopsy. The presented work demonstrates preliminary results
early step in the translation of this technology to human clinical applications. The immunoHFET
design may be scalable to allow for the potential to provide real-time quantification and
and serum) will allow for increased evidence of the feasibility of immunoHFET detection of
analytes in in vivo conditions. It is anticipated that when taking into consideration the use of
BSA as a blocking buffer, similar results to preliminary testing (Figure 9) will be reached in
testing samples from both patients undergoing acute rejection episodes as well as non-rejecting
patients. The differential CXCL9 levels should be confirmed by ELISA with the use of a kit
purchased from R & D Systems (Minneapolis, MN) and initially blinded to patient allograft
Many areas of optimization exist within the composition of the immunoHFET device
including the choice of receptor and polymer film used in fabrication. The sensors used in
preliminary studies were not engineered to minimize the analyte-to-sensing channel distance thus
maximizing the sensitivity. This critical parameter may be addressed by multiple means,
including investigating the composition of the sensor interface and silane used as well as the use
the immunoHFET allows for earlier detection of CXCL9 and therefore earlier indication of renal
transplant rejection.
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