Developing A Strategy For Red Cell Antigen Typing AND Matching of Blood For Chronic Transfusion

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Jennifer Mary Davies

A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of

the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences
University of the West of England, Bristol for the degree of
Professional Doctorate in Biomedical Science

This research program was carried out in collaboration with the

School of Biomedical and Healthcare Sciences
Plymouth University Peninsula Schools of Medicine and
Dentistry, Plymouth
The Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust, Exeter

Submission date: July 2018


Red cell allo and autoantibodies have the potential to cause haemolytic

transfusion reactions and can also create challenges with subsequent

compatibility testing, sourcing compatible blood, delays in the provision of

blood and cost implications. This is particularly relevant in patients who

are dependent on chronic transfusion support; such as those with sickle

cell disease, thalassaemia, haematological malignancies and renal

disease. A retrospective review of chronically transfused patients with

haematological malignancies and renal disease, treated at the Royal

Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust (RD&E), revealed considerably

higher costs associated with provision of blood for patients with red cell

allo/autoantibodies than for non-immunised patients, providing new

evidence to support the cost effectiveness of extended antigen matching

for these groups of patients.

The risk of development of red cell allo/autoantibodies could be reduced

by a type and match strategy for, at least, Rh (CcEe) and K antigens as

well as the standard ABO and RhD match. To support this strategy a

novel technique was validated for high throughput extended automated

red cell antigen serological phenotyping suitable for use in the hospital

transfusion setting.

Red cell genotyping assays can also support a type and match strategy;

however, these assays have not been evaluated for use in the hospital

transfusion service setting in the United Kingdom (UK). A platform for this

technique was evaluated; the results compared well to the serological

assay, and the assay showed some potential for routine use.

A large scale randomised controlled trial to investigate the benefit and

cost effectiveness of a type and match strategy has not been attempted

in the UK, therefore a pilot study was performed in which patients were

randomly assigned to a standard care or intervention (type and match)

group. The pilot study demonstrated the feasibility of a larger scale trial

and provided new evidence supporting the potential to implement a type

and match strategy within the hospital transfusion service, using routine

blood stocks.

Implementation of an extended type and match strategy, utilising the new

assay for extended serological phenotyping and the lessons learned from

the pilot study, has been implemented for patients with haematological

malignancies and renal disease at the RD&E. Patients identified as

potential recipients of chronic transfusion support are serologically

phenotyped for Rh (CcEe) and K antigens prior to transfusion. Changes

have been made to the red cell stock storage area and the laboratory

information management system to support provision of matched blood

for transfusion. The program is being monitored for its effectiveness in

reducing both allo/autoimmunisation rate and the cost of provision of



1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................... 1
1.1 Blood and blood components for transfusion ............................... 1
1.2 Blood component support in chronic transfusion ......................... 4
1.3 Blood group systems and red cell antigens ................................. 9
1.3.1 Blood group systems ............................................................. 9
1.3.2 Biochemistry, genetic basis and function of blood groups
systems............................................................................................ 15 ABO system .................................................................. 15 Rh system ..................................................................... 18 Kell system ................................................................... 22 MNS system ................................................................. 25 Duffy system ................................................................. 26 Kidd system .................................................................. 29 Diego system ................................................................ 30 Dombrock system ......................................................... 33 Colton system ............................................................... 35 Yt system ...................................................................... 37 Lutheran system ........................................................... 37
1.4 Antibodies to red cell antigens and their clinical relevance ........ 40
1.4.1 Clinical relevance of red cell antibodies .............................. 40
1.4.2 Laboratory relevance of red cell antibodies ......................... 42 Group and antibody screen........................................... 44 Antibody Identification ................................................... 45 Serological red cell phenotyping ................................... 46 Direct Antiglobulin Test ................................................. 47 Serological crossmatch ................................................. 47
1.5 Serological red cell phenotyping ................................................ 49
1.5.1 Principles of direct agglutination in tube technology ............ 50
1.5.2 Principles of the Column Agglutination Test (CAT) ............. 52

1.5.3 Principles of automated phenotyping methodology on the
Immucor NEO® analyser ................................................................. 56
1.5.4 Grading reactions in phenotyping techniques ..................... 61
1.6 Red cell antigen genotyping ....................................................... 63
1.6.1 Principles of the BLOODChip blood group genotyping assay .
............................................................................................ 66
1.6.2 Principles of the Luminex xMAP analyser ........................... 71
1.7 Risk of alloimmunisation in chronic transfusion ......................... 73
1.8 Red cell autoantibodies.............................................................. 75
1.9 Extended red cell antigen matching of blood in chronic
transfusion ........................................................................................... 76
1.10 Aims and Hypothesis ............................................................. 80
2 MATERIALS AND METHODS ......................................................... 82
2.1 Overview of the project .............................................................. 82
2.2 Retrospective review of chronically transfused patients ............ 83
2.2.1 Sample size for retrospective review ................................... 83
2.2.2 Patients with haematological malignancies ......................... 83
2.2.3 Patients with renal insufficiency .......................................... 85
2.3 Comparison of manual and automated red cell phenotyping ..... 86
2.3.1 Manual red cell phenotyping ............................................... 87
2.3.2 Automated red cell phenotyping using the NEO analyser ... 93
2.3.3 Extended phenotyping profile result interpretation on the
NEO® analyser .............................................................................. 101
2.3.4 Quality control testing ........................................................ 102
2.4 Blood Group genotyping .......................................................... 107
2.4.1 DNA Extraction .................................................................. 107
2.4.2 IDCOREXT test ................................................................. 108 IDCOREXT Workflow ................................................. 108 DNA Amplification ....................................................... 109 Hybridisation of amplified DNA to allele specific probes
111 Fluorescent labelling of hybridised DNA ..................... 113
2.4.3 Luminex xMAP Analyser ................................................... 115 Luminex® X-Map system analysis .............................. 115
2.5 Randomised Controlled Trial ................................................... 118
2.6 STATISTICAL ANALYSIS........................................................ 121
2.6.1 Retrospective review of haematology and renal patients .. 121

2.6.2 Comparison of the manual and automated red cell
phenotyping results ........................................................................ 122
2.6.3 Comparison of the serological phenotyping and genotyping
results .......................................................................................... 122
2.6.4 Review of the pilot study – randomised controlled trial...... 123
3 RETROSPECTIVE REVIEW RESULTS ........................................ 124
3.1 Introduction .............................................................................. 124
3.2 Patients with haematological malignancies.............................. 126
3.2.1 Antibodies and disease conditions .................................... 127
3.2.2 Antibody Specificities ........................................................ 132
3.2.3 Antibodies and patient factors ........................................... 135 Gender and immunisation rates .................................. 135 Age and immunisation rates ....................................... 137 Immune suppression and incidence of immunisation . 139 Number of transfusions and incidence of immunisation ....
.................................................................................... 143 Time between transfusions and the incidence of
immunisation .....................................................................................
.................................................................................... 147
3.2.4 Transfusion Reactions....................................................... 149
3.2.5 Cost of additional testing ................................................... 151
3.3 Patients with renal insufficiency ............................................... 153
3.3.1 Antibody Specificities ........................................................ 154
3.3.2 Antibodies and patient factors ........................................... 157 Gender and immunisation rate.................................... 157 Age and immunisation rate ......................................... 159 Immune suppression and immunisation rate .............. 161 Number of transfusion episodes and incidence of
immunisation ............................................................................... 163 Time between transfusion and the incidence of
immunisation .....................................................................................
.................................................................................... 165
3.3.3 Transfusion Reactions....................................................... 167
3.3.4 Cost of additional testing ................................................... 169
3.4 Comparison of renal patients and haematology patients ......... 171
3.4.1 Gender and the incidence of immunisation ....................... 171
3.4.2 Number of units transfused and immunisation rate ........... 173

........................................................................................ 174
3.4.3 Age at first transfusion and incidence of immunisation...... 175
3.5 Discussion ................................................................................... 177
4 AUTOMATED RED CELL PHENOTYPING ................................... 194
4.1 Introduction .............................................................................. 194
4.2 Results of the automated phenotyping validation .................... 196
4.3 Comparison of test costs for manual and automated serological
phenotyping ....................................................................................... 209
4.4 Discussion ............................................................................... 212
5 BLOOD GROUP GENOTYPING ................................................... 216
5.1 Introduction .............................................................................. 216
5.1.1 Rh system CcEe................................................................ 224
5.1.2 Kell system ........................................................................ 225
5.1.3 Kidd system ....................................................................... 226
5.1.4 Duffy system ..................................................................... 226
5.1.5 MNS system ...................................................................... 227
5.1.6 Diego system .................................................................... 228
5.1.7 Dombrock system.............................................................. 228
5.1.8 Colton system ................................................................... 229
5.1.9 Yt system .......................................................................... 229
5.1.10 Lutheran system ............................................................ 230
5.2 Study design ............................................................................ 233
5.3 Results ..................................................................................... 234
5.3.1 DNA extraction .................................................................. 234
5.3.2 Cost of testing ................................................................... 236
5.3.3 Comparison of phenotyping and genotyping results.......... 238
5.4 Discussion ............................................................................... 246
6.1 Introduction .............................................................................. 252
6.2 Results of the randomised controlled pilot study ...................... 258
6.2.1 Number of patients transfused in each study group .......... 259
6.2.2 Time spent in trial for patients in each study group ........... 260
6.2.3 Comparison of the number of transfusion episodes and units
given for patients in each study group ........................................... 263
6.2.4 Disease conditions in the pilot study patients .................... 266
6.2.5 Matching red cell antigens for transfused patients in the
intervention group .......................................................................... 268
6.3 Discussion ............................................................................... 277

7 COST ANALYSIS .......................................................................... 284
7.1 Introduction .............................................................................. 284
7.2 Automated extended serological phenotyping ......................... 284
7.1 Genotyping Assay .................................................................... 288
7.2 Cost comparison of serological phenotyping and genotyping
techniques ......................................................................................... 288
7.3 Discussion ............................................................................... 291
8 FINAL DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS.................................. 294
9 REFERENCES .............................................................................. 311
10 APPENDICES ................................................................................. 1
10.1 Appendix 1: Raw data for retrospective review of haematology
cohort ................................................................................................. 1
10.2 Appendix 2: Raw data for retrospective review of renal cohort ...
............................................................................................... 47
10.3 Appendix 3: Programmed cut off values for the serological
phenotyping profiles on the NEO analyser .......................................... 88
10.4 Appendix 4: Raw data for genotyping results ......................... 90
10.5 Appendix 5: Patient information leaflet given to the participants
in the pilot study ................................................................................ 290
10.2 Appendix 6: Consent form signed by participants in the pilot
study ............................................................................................. 295

List of figures

Figure 1.1 Structure of the ABO antigens ............................................... 17

Figure 1.2 Diagrammatic representations of the RhD and RhCE antigen

structures ................................................................................................ 21

Figure 1.3 The Kell and Xk heterodimer ................................................. 24

Figure 1.4 The Duffy glycoprotein ........................................................... 28

Figure 1.5 The Kidd glycoprotein ............................................................ 30

Figure 1.6 Diego antigens located on band 3 glycoprotein ..................... 32

Figure 1.7 Dombrock antigens on the ART4 glycoprotein ....................... 34

Figure 1.8 The Colton glycoprotein structure .......................................... 36

Figure 1.9 Structure of the Lutheran glycoprotein ................................... 39

Figure 1.10: Principles and reactions of the direct agglutination assay

tube technique for the determination of red cell antigen status ............... 51

Figure 1.11: Principles of the column agglutination assay ...................... 53

Figure 1.12: Reaction patterns of the column agglutination assay .......... 55

Figure 1.13: Principles of the solid phase phenotyping assay ................ 60

Figure 1.14: Comparison of reaction patterns in phenotyping assays ..... 62

Figure 1.15: The principles of the IDCOREXT Assay .............................. 67

Figure 1.16 Principles of the Luminex xMAP analyser ............................ 72

Figure 2.1: Rh and K antigen phenotyping by column agglutination ....... 89

Figure 2.2: Manual Serological phenotyping for Fy (a and b), Jk (a and b)

and s antigens by column agglutination .................................................. 91

Figure 2.3: Reaction patterns generated by automated red cell antigen

phenotyping for Rh(CCwcEe), K, M and N antigens ................................ 97

Figure 2.4: Reactions patterns generated by automated red cell antigen

typing for Fya, Fyb, Jka, Jkb, S, s and k antigens ................................... 100

Figure 2.5: NHSBT ten cell ID panel profile .......................................... 104

Figure 2.6: NHSBT three cell screen profile product ............................. 105

Figure 2.7: NHSBT titration cell set profile ........................................... 106

Figure 3.1: Correspondence analysis of the association between disease

types and antibody types in the haematology cohort ............................ 131

Figure 3.2: Incidence of antibody specificities within the haematology

cohort .................................................................................................... 134

Figure 3.3: Immunisation rates in males and females within the

haematology cohort .............................................................................. 136

Figure 3.4: Influence of age at first transfusion and allo/autoantibody

development within the haematology cohort ......................................... 138

Figure 3.5: Influence of immune suppression (platelet requirement) on

allo/autoantibody development in the haematology cohort ................... 140

Figure 3.6: Influence of immunosuppression (irradiated requirement) on

allo/autoantibody development in the haematology cohort ................... 142

Figure 3.7: Influence of the number of transfusion episodes on the

development of all/autoantibodies in the haematology cohort .............. 144

Figure 3.8: Influence of the number of red cell units transfused on the

development of allo/autoantibodies in the haematology cohort ............ 146

Figure 3.9: Influence of the frequency of transfusion episodes on the

development of allo/autoantibodies in the haematology cohort ............ 148

Figure 3.10: Incidence and specificity of allo/autoantibodies in the renal

cohort .................................................................................................... 156

Figure 3.11: Influence of gender on the development of

allo/autoantibodies in the renal cohort .................................................. 158

Figure 3.12: Influence of age at first recorded transfusion on the

development of allo/autoantibodies in the renal cohort ......................... 160

Figure 3.13: Influence of immunosuppression on the development of

allo/autoantibodies in the renal cohort .................................................. 162

Figure 3.14: Influence of the number of transfusion episodes and number

of units transfused on the development of allo/autoantibodies in the renal

cohort .................................................................................................... 164

Figure 3.15: Influence of the frequency of transfusion episodes on the

development of allo/autoantibodies in the renal cohort ......................... 166

Figure 3.16: Comparison of the influence of gender on the development

of allo/autoantibodies in the haematology cohort versus the renal cohort

.............................................................................................................. 172

Figure 3.17: Comparison of the number of red cell transfusions given in

the haematology and renal cohorts ....................................................... 174

Figure 3.18: Comparison of age at first transfusion and incidence of

immunisation in the haematology and renal cohorts ............................. 176

Figure 4.1: The influence of reagent temperature on the reaction strength

of automated serological phenotyping testing ....................................... 204

Figure 4.2: Influence of age of sample and temperature of reagent on the

reactions strength of automated serological phenotyping ..................... 205

Figure 5.1: DNA analysis report generated by the Luminex XMAP

analyser ................................................................................................ 239

Figure 6.1: Comparison of number of patients transfused in the pilot study

groups ................................................................................................... 259

Figure 6.2: Recruitment rates for pilot study patients ............................ 261

Figure 6.3: Number of red cell units transfused to patients in pilot study

.............................................................................................................. 264

Figure 6.4: Number of transfusion episodes for patients in the pilot study

.............................................................................................................. 265

Figure 6.5: Disease conditions in the pilot study patients ..................... 267

Figure 6.6: Frequencies of Rh phenotypes in patients recruited to the pilot

study ..................................................................................................... 276

List of tables
Table 1.1: World Health Organisation (WHO) classification of lymphoid

neoplasms, myeloid neoplasms and acute leukaemia .............................. 6

Table 1.2: The blood group systems with the gene symbols as recognised

by the HUGO (Human Genome Organisation) Gene Nomenclature

Committee and the ISBT (International Society of Blood Transfusion) ... 11

Table 1.3: Likely clinical significance of red cell alloantibodies ............... 48

Table 2.1: Reagent volumes required to produce the PCR mix using the

IDCOREXT ........................................................................................... 109

Table 2.2 Amplification program details for IDCOREXT ....................... 111

Table 2.3 Thermal cycler program for denaturation and hybridisation .. 113

Table 2.4 Fluorescent labelling mix....................................................... 114

Table 3.1: Allo/autoantibodies and disease conditions ......................... 128

Table 3.2: Red cell antibody type in relation to disease ........................ 130

Table 3.3: Transfusion reactions in the haematology cohort ................. 150

Table 3.4: Cost of additional testing in the haematology cohort ............ 152

Table 3.5: Transfusion reactions in the renal cohort ............................. 168

Table 3.6: Cost of additional testing in the renal cohort ........................ 170

Table 4.1: Consistency of automated screening reactions with

homozygous and heterozygous expression of red cell antigens ........... 198

Table 4.2: Phenotyping anomalies in automated and manual assays .. 201

Table 4.3: The frequency of antigens found in samples selected for

validation of the automated serological phenotyping assays ................ 208

Table 4.4: Breakdown of test costs for the manual serological

phenotyping assay. ............................................................................... 210

Table 4.5: Breakdown of the test costs for the automated serological

phenotyping assay ................................................................................ 211

Table 5.1: Blood group system alleles detected by the BLOODChip ID

COREXT assay ...................................................................................... 219

Table 5.2: The red cell antigen types determined by the IDCOREXT

assay. ................................................................................................... 231

Table 5.3: Concentration and quantity of DNA extracted from whole blood

samples ................................................................................................ 235

Table 5.4: Cost of Blood Group genotyping .......................................... 237

Table 5.5: Antigen phenotypes by serological analysis and genotyping241

Table 6.1 Optimum stock of red cell units held in RD&E stock ............. 257

Table 6.2: Provision of Rh (CcEe) and K matched blood for transfused

patients in the intervention group .......................................................... 269

Table 6.3: Rh and K types of patients recruited to the pilot study ......... 273

Table 7.1: Cost effectiveness of serological phenotyping and genotyping

techniques ............................................................................................ 290


Typing and matching blood for chronically transfused patients – a pilot

study. Davies, J. Transfusion Medicine (2016), 26 (Suppl.2): 35.

Blood Group Genotyping Using the BloodChip ID Core XT: Potential for

Use in the Hospital Transfusion Setting. Davies, J. Transfusion Medicine

(2014), 24 (Suppl. 2), 39.

Developing a strategy for red cell antigen typing and matching of blood

for chronic transfusion. Davies, J. Transfusion Medicine (2013), 23,

(Suppl. 2): 43.


AHG Anti-human globulin

ALL Acute lymphocytic leukaemia

AML Acute myeloid leukaemia

ANCOVA Analysis of covariance

APML Acute pro-myelocytic leukaemia

BCSH British Committee for Standards in Haematology

BMT Bone marrow transplant

C3d Complement component 3

CAT Column agglutination test

CD Cluster of differentiation

CI Confidence interval

CLL Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia

CMML Chronic myeloid/monocytic leukaemia

DAT Direct antiglobulin test

DARC Duffy antigen chemokine receptor

DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid

DSTR Delayed serological transfusion reaction

EDTA Ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid

EPO Erythropoietin

ESRD End stage renal disease

FAB French-American-British

HEA Human erythrocyte antigens

HLA Human leukocyte antigens

hrEPO Human recombinant Erythropoietin

HUGO Human Genome Organisation

IAT Indirect antiglobulin test

IgG Immunoglobulin G

IgM Immunoglobulin M

IPS Integrated Pathology System

ISBT International Society of Blood Transfusion

ITP Idiopathic thrombocytopaenic purpura

JPAC Joint United Kingdom Blood Transfusion and Tissue

Transplantation Services Professional Advisory


LISS Low ionic strength saline

MALDI-TOF MS Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption/ionisation

Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry

MDS Myelodysplastic syndrome

MPD Myeloproliferative disorder

MPN Myeloproliferative neoplasm

MPS Massively parallel sequencing

NCABT National Comparative Audit of Blood Transfusion

NEP Nonexofacial polymorphism

NGS Next Generation Sequencing

NHL Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma

NHS National Health Service

NHSBT National Health Service Blood and Transplant

NICE National Institute for Health and Care Excellence

NIHR National Institute for Health Research

NRES National Research Ethics Service

NTD Not determined

PBS Phosphate buffered saline

PCR Polymerase chain reaction

PRV Polycythaemia rubra vera

QC Quality control

RCT Randomised controlled trial

SAPE Streptavidin R-phycoerythrin

SCD Sickle cell disease

SD Standard deviation

SNP Single nucleotide polymorphism

SSP-PCR Sequence specific primer – polymerase chain


UK United Kingdom

VAT Value Added Tax

VWD Von Willebrand’s disease

WW1 World War 1


I would like to express my gratitude to the following people who

have supported me in the completion of this project:

Dr Ruth Morse and Dr Paul White at the University of the West

of England. Dr Morse for her help and support as my supervisor

and Dr White for his assistance with the statistical elements of

the work.

Dr Neil Avent and Dr Tracey Madgett at the University of

Plymouth for their support with the blood group genotyping


Dr Paul Kerr at the Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation

Trust for his support and assistance with the pilot study.

Stacey Flay at the Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust

for recruiting the patients to the pilot study.

The Exeter Leukaemia Fund at the Royal Devon and Exeter

NHS Foundation Trust for donating funding to support the

purchase of the blood group genotyping assay kit.

The Molecular Genetics Department at the Royal Devon and

Exeter NHS Foundation Trust for DNA extraction work.

John Herbert for creating the diagrams of the red cell antigen

structures in section 1.3.2.


1.1 Blood and blood components for transfusion

The collection and storage of blood for transfusion was introduced during

the First World War (WW1) in 1917 (Robertson, 1918; Makins, 1922).

Blood was collected from “lightly wounded” soldiers and mixed with a

preservative/anticoagulant solution of sodium citrate with glucose,

allowing storage for up to 14 days. This process became known as blood

banking and it gave the army the ability to transfuse close to the front line

with lifesaving effects (Makins, 1922). The birth of the modern blood

bank, with blood collected from volunteer donors from the general

population is attributed to Percy Lane Oliver, who, in 1921, received a

request for an emergency donor and within five years had recruited 400

volunteers to a donor panel (Starr, 1999).

In the interval between the First and Second World Wars, methods for the

separation of whole blood into its component parts (red cells and

plasma), led to the clinical use of plasma for treating severe infections by

Strumia and his group in 1927 (Strumia and McGraw, 1941). The

introduction of plastic bags for the storage of blood in 1950 (Walter and

Murphy, 1952), rather than the glass bottles as originally used, facilitated

further separation of the donated blood. This enabled the separation of

whole blood into the blood components (including fresh frozen plasma,

platelet concentrates, and cryoprecipitate) available today. The

availability of these blood components enables targeted therapy for

specific deficiencies of blood constituents in patients, caused by inherited

or acquired conditions.

Blood and blood components are used in a wide variety of medical and

surgical conditions and their life saving qualities are without question. In

the United Kingdom (UK) more than 50% of the red cell components

collected, processed and distributed by the National Health Service Blood

and Transplant (NHSBT) are transfused for non-surgical conditions

(JPAC, 2014). A national audit of blood use in medical patients conducted

in 2011 in the UK (NCABT, 2011) revealed that the majority of red cells

were transfused to patients with haematological diagnoses (28%), despite

the audit restricting the number of patients with those conditions that were

included within the review. Other recipients of red cells were patients with

acute or chronic gastrointestinal haemorrhage (17%), non-haematological

cancer (15%), patients in intensive care units (7%) and patients with renal

failure (4%). A later audit in 2014 (NCABT, 2014) revealed that medical

usage accounted for 67.4% of all red cell units used in the UK, with

haematological and non-haematological (including renal failure) anaemia

being the largest user (54.5%) Other blood usage was seen in

gastrointestinal bleeding (12%), obstetrics and gynaecology (6%),

cardiothoracic surgery (6%), gastrointestinal surgery (4%), trauma (4%)

and orthopaedics (4%). Thus, a large proportion of the approximately two

million red cell components collected annually in the UK are given to

patients requiring chronic transfusion support, namely those with

haematological malignancies, non-haematological cancers and renal


At the Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust (RD&E) the red

cell usage is broken down as follows; medical conditions (78%), surgery

(21%) and obstetrics/gynaecology (1%). The majority of red cell usage is

for patients with haematological (41%) and non-haematological anaemia

(27%), followed by gastrointestinal bleed (8%) and trauma (8%). The

RD&E clinical haematology department has an inpatient and outpatient

service providing care for patients with haematological conditions, and

also performs autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplants for

patients with conditions such as myeloma and lymphoma. A

comprehensive day case, inpatient and outpatient renal service is

provided at the main hospital site and in five satellite hospital units. The

service provides treatment for patients with acute (usually reversible) and

chronic (usually irreversible) kidney failure, and those with kidney

transplant. The fact that the majority of red cells are transfused to patients

with haematological or renal anaemia provided the rationale for the focus

on these cohorts within the research work. The non-emergency nature of

blood transfusion in chronic anaemia, compared to that in gastrointestinal

haemorrhage and trauma, would, in theory, allow for antigen typing and

extended matching of blood for these patients.

1.2 Blood component support in chronic transfusion

Cancer is the one of the most common causes of mortality in the

developed world (Cartwright et al., 1999; Ferlay et al., 2007; Office for

National Statistics, 2012). In 2012 lymphoid cancer, a haematological

malignancy, accounted for 2.6% of the death rate in males (Office for

National Statistics, 2012). In addition to the substantial mortality rate for

this type of cancer, and other haematological malignancies, treatment

costs can also be high, including prolonged hospitalisation,

chemotherapy, drugs and other specialised support such as blood

component therapy (Yu et al., 2007).

The haematological malignancies are a diverse group which were

originally divided into the leukaemias/myelodysplasias, coded by the

French-American-British (FAB) classification (Bennet et al., 1976) and the

Morphology Immunology Cytogenetic classification (Van den Berghe,

1988), and the lymphomas, which historically were subjected to a

multitude of classifications (Gerrard-Marchant et al., 1974; Lukes and

Butler, 1986; Harris et al., 1994; Chan et al., 1994; Chan et al., 1995).

They were classified according to lineage by the World Health

Organization Clinical Advisory Committee (Swerdlow et al., 2008) in an

attempt to present a classification system that is recognised worldwide.

The classifications have been more recently revised in 2016 for lymphoid

neoplasms (Swerdlow et al., 2016) and myeloid neoplasms and acute

leukaemia (Arber et al., 2016). A simplified version of the World Health

Organisation (WHO) classification of lymphoid neoplasms, myeloid

neoplasms and acute leukaemias is shown in table 1.1.

Table 1.1: World Health Organisation (WHO) classification of lymphoid neoplasms, myeloid neoplasms and acute


The table shows a simplified version of the WHO classification of lymphoid neoplasms (Swerdlow et al., 2016) myeloid neoplasms and
acute leukaemia (Arber et al., 2016). For the purposes of this study the table only includes the major subtypes (in bold type) and
categories seen in the patients included within the retrospective review (chapter 3) and the pilot study (chapter 6). The full
classifications can be found using the hyperlinks for lymphoid neoplasms and myeloid neoplasms and acute leukaemia.
Lymphoid neoplasms Myeloid neoplasms Acute leukaemia

Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) Myelodysplastic/myeloproliferative Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML)

neoplasms (MDS/MPS)

Hairy cell leukaemia (HCL) Chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) (B-

(CMML) cell or T-cell)

Waldenström macroglobulinemia Chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML)

Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL)

Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL)

Hodgkin lymphoma

Plasma cell myeloma

Morbidity and mortality rates have historically been high in patients with

haematological malignancies, with mortality rates reaching 75.6% in

certain countries (Grais, 1962). In England and Wales during the years

1945 to 1957, mortality rates were found to range between 19.8% for

chronic myeloid leukaemia to 59% for acute leukaemia (Court-Brown and

Doll, 1959). Recent advances in the treatment of patients with

haematological malignancies, using chemotherapy or high dose

chemotherapy combined with bone marrow or stem cell transplantation,

have increased the survival rate in this group of patients (Champlin and

Gale, 1987), with complete remission rates of more than 80% seen in

young adult patients with acute lymphocytic leukaemia (Dombret and

Gardin, 2016). However, the intense treatment regimens directed at the

progenitor cells within the bone marrow result in anaemia and

thrombocytopenia, which, if untreated, are also life threatening conditions,

consequently the patient’s survival becomes dependent on blood

component support (NICE 2003).

Patients with acute or chronic kidney disease may also suffer from

anaemia caused by the disease (Brugnara and Eckardt, 2011) and be

dependent on blood transfusion for periods of time. Anaemia is common

in patients with kidney disease, which is caused by decreased synthesis

of erythropoietin, a hormone produced by the kidneys that stimulates the

bone marrow to make red blood cells (Erslev, 1953; Jacobson et al.,

1957). The identification and treatment of anaemia in this group of

patients is important because anaemia has the potential to cause adverse

effects including reduced oxygen utilisation, increased cardiac output and

left ventricular hypertrophy, increase in the progression of the disease

and reduction in immune responsiveness (NICE 2011). A study in

diabetic nephropathy, the leading cause of end stage renal disease

(ESRD), found that even mild anaemia increased the risk of progression

to ESRD and that anaemia was an independent risk factor for disease

progression (Mohanram et al., 2004). For patients with ESRD a common

treatment option is haemodialysis, however, this process can cause blood

loss during the processing stage within the haemodialysis machine,

exacerbating the extent of anaemia (NIH, 2016). The prevalence of

anaemia in chronic kidney disease in the UK is approximately 12% (NICE

2011). A review in the United States estimated that anaemia in patients

with kidney disease ranged from 2% in the early stages to over 70% in

ESRD (Astor et al., 2002).

The Canadian Hemodialysis Morbidity Study found that for patients with

ESRD on haemodialysis the probability of surviving 12 months without

receiving a blood transfusion was 47.2% for males and 27.5% for females

(Churchill et al., 1992). Although blood transfusion therapy in patients

with renal disease has dramatically reduced over the last 20 years since

the introduction of human recombinant erythropoietin (hrEPO) therapy,

blood transfusion is still a treatment option if clinically indicated (NICE

2011; Mikhail et al., 2010) especially during haemodialysis. In addition

approximately 10% of patients become resistant to the effects of hrEPO

(Van der Putten et al., 2008) for various reasons including iron deficiency,

infection/inflammation, severe hyperparathyroidism and inadequate

dialysis (Drüeke, 2001; Priyadarshi and Shapiro, 2006; Ribeiro et al.,


1.3 Blood group systems and red cell antigens

1.3.1 Blood group systems

The term blood group refers to variations and polymorphisms in the

blood, related to red cell surface antigens (Daniels, 2013). The most well-

known system is the ABO system and the most well-known antigen is the

RhD, due to their use in the blood donor setting. Variations in the

antigens on the red cell surface can only be called a blood group if they

are defined by an antibody.

The ABO blood group system and corresponding antibodies were first

discovered by Landsteiner in 1900 using direct agglutination techniques

(Landsteiner, 1900 cited in Daniels 2013). However, not all blood group

antibodies are able to directly agglutinate red cells, and it was not until

the development of the indirect antiglobulin test (IAT) in 1945 (Coombs et

al., 1945a; Coombs et al., 1945b) that other, so-called “incomplete” red

cell antibodies could be identified, and their corresponding blood group

systems and antigens named. New DNA based technologies have

facilitated the identification of new blood group systems and allowed

mapping of the genes controlling the expression of the antigens within the

system to the chromosomal location. As such, the number of recognised

blood group systems is ever increasing. A standard nomenclature for

these blood groups and their antigens was first developed by the

International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT) Working Party on Red

Cell Immunogenetics and Blood Group Terminology in 1980. Each blood

group system is assigned a number, the system name which, for the well-

known systems may be the historically assigned name, the system

symbol and the symbol for each gene within the system (table 1-2). To

facilitate international standardisation of gene symbols, each gene

symbol for the blood group families are recognised and approved by the

Human Genome Organisation (HUGO). Application of this nomenclature

on an international scale ensures that publications including information

on blood group systems have standardised terminology, facilitating

literature searches for researchers. In order for a red cell antigen to be

named as a blood group system it is required to fulfil the criteria set out

by the ISBT; it must be defined by a corresponding human alloantibody, it

must be an inherited character, the gene encoding the antigen must have

been identified and sequenced and its chromosomal location must be

known (Daniels et al., 2004).

An explanation of the structure, molecular basis and function of blood

group systems relevant to this study are given in section 1.3.2. This

includes blood group antigens detected using the serological phenotyping

assay (chapter 4) and/or the genotyping assay (chapter 5) described in

this study. As such, the section will focus on the following blood group

systems; ABO, Rh, Kell, Kidd, Duffy, MNS, Diego, Dombrock, Colton, Yt

and Lutheran.

Table 1.2: The blood group systems with the gene symbols as recognised by the HUGO (Human Genome

Organisation) Gene Nomenclature Committee and the ISBT (International Society of Blood Transfusion)

Table of the blood group systems with the gene symbols as recognised by the HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee (

updated October 2012) and the ISBT. Approval by the HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee ensures that each gene symbol is unique thus

facilitating electronic data retrieval from publications and databases. The nature of the encoded protein is included; if unknown this is denoted in the

table. Key:N/A = not applicable

No. System name System No. of Gene symbol(s) Chromosomal CD number Nature of the encoded protein

symbol antigens location

001 ABO ABO 4 ABO 9q34.2 N/A Galactosyltransferase and N-


002 MNS MNS 48 GYPA, GYPB, 4q31.21 CD235 Unknown


003 P1PK P1PK 3 A4GALT 22q13.2 N/A Galactosyltransferase

004 Rh RH 55 RHD, RHCE 1p36.11 CD240 Unknown

005 Lutheran LU 22 LU 19q13.32 CD239 Adhesion molecule

006 Kell KEL 36 KEL 7q34 CD238 Metalloendopeptidase?

No. System name System No. of Gene symbol(s) Chromosomal CD number Nature of the encoded protein
(continued) (continued) symbol antigens (continued) location (continued) (continued)

(continued) (continued)

007 Lewis LE 6 GUT3 19q13.3 N/A Fucosyltransferase

008 Duffy FY 5 DARC 1q23.2 CD234 Chemokine receptor

009 Kidd JK 3 SLC14A1 18q12.3 N/A Urea transporter

010 Diego DI 22 SLC4A1 17q21.31 CD233 Anion exchanger

011 Yt YT 3 ACHE 7q22.1 N/A Acetylcholinesterase

012 Xg XG 2 XG, MIC2 Xp22.33 CD99 (MIC2 Adhesion molecule


013 Scianna SC 7 ERMAP 1p34.2 N/A Adhesion molecule?

014 Dombrock DO 7 ART4 12p12.3 CD297 ADP ribosyltransferase

015 Colton CO 4 AQP1 7p14.3 N/A Water channel

016 Landsteiner- LW 3 ICAM4 19p13.2 CD242 Adhesion molecule


017 Chido/Rodgers CH/RG 9 C4A, C4B 6p21.3 N/A Complement factor

018 H H 1 FUT1 19q13.33 CD173 Fucosyltransferase

019 Kx XK 1 XK Xp21.1 N/A Membrane transport protein?

No. System name System No. of Gene symbol(s) Chromosomal CD number Nature of the encoded protein

(continued) (continued) symbol antigens (continued) location (continued) (continued) (continued)

(continued) (continued)

020 Gerbich GE 11 GYPC 2q14.3 CD236 Cytoskeletal element

021 Cromer CROM 19 CD55 1q32.2 CD55 Complement cascade regulator

022 Knops KN 9 CR1 1q32.2 CD35 Cell surface receptor

023 Indian IN 5 CD44 11p13 CD44 Adhesion molecule

024 Ok OK 3 BSG 19p13.3 CD147 Plasma membrane protein

025 Raph RAPH 1 CD151 11p15.5 CD151 Adhesion molecule

026 John Milton JMH 6 SEMA7A 15q24.1 CD108 Adhesion and signalling molecule?


027 I I 1 GCNT2 6p24.2 N/A N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase

028 Globoside GLOB 1 B3GALT3 3q26.1 N/A N-acetyl galactosaminyltransferase

029 Gill GIL 1 AQP3 9p13.3 N/A Water channel

030 Rh-associated RHAG 4 RHAG 6p21-qter CD241 Ammonium and carbon dioxide

glycoprotein transporter

031 FORS FORS 1 GBGT1 9q34.13 N/A Unknown

No. System name System No. of Gene symbol(s) Chromosomal CD number Nature of the encoded protein

(continued) (continued) symbol antigens (continued) location (continued) (continued) (continued)

(continued) (continued)

032 JR JR 1 ABCG2 4q22 N/A Unknown

033 LAN LAN 1 ABCB6 2q36 N/A Unknown

034 Vel VEL 1 SMIM1 1p36.32 N/A Unknown

035 CD59 CD59 2 CD59 11p14-p13 CD59 Unknown

036 Augustine AUG 2 SCL29A1 6p21.1 N/A Unknown

1.3.2 Biochemistry, genetic basis and function of blood groups


Blood group antigens are either protein determinants, which represent the

primary products of blood group system genes, or carbohydrate

determinants on glycoproteins or glycolipids, in which the products of the

genes controlling antigen expression are glycosyltransferase enzymes

(Daniels, 2013). The following subsections explain the biochemistry,

molecular basis and function of the blood group systems and antigens

important to this study. Unless otherwise referenced, the information in

sections to is taken from the Human Blood Groups

reference book by Daniels (2013). ABO system

The ABO blood group system comprises of four antigens, the H antigen

encoded by the FUT1 locus on chromosome 19 and the ABO antigens

encoded by the ABO gene on chromosome 9. The H allele produces

α1,2-L fucosyltransferase at the FUT1 locus, this enzyme catalyses the

transfer of L-fucose to its acceptor substrate, D-Galactose, resulting in

the H determinant. The ABO blood group type is determined by alleles at

the ABO locus. The product of the A allele is α1,3-N-acetyl-D-

galactosaminyltransferase, which attaches N-acetylgalactosamine to the

H determinant and the B allele produces α1,5-D-galactosyltransferase,

which attaches D-Galactose to the H determinant. The third allele at the

locus, O, does not produce an active enzyme and so the H determinant

remains unchanged. ABO antigens are expressed on carbohydrate

chains on glycoproteins, mainly the poly-N-acetyllactosaminyl N-glycans

of the band 3 or band 4.5 proteins. Expression of the antigens is

dependent on the presence of specific monosaccharides attached to a

precursor disaccharide at the non-reducing end of a carbohydrate chain,

shown in simple diagrammatic form in figure 1.1. The carbohydrate

chains are built up by the sequential addition of monosaccharides

catalysed by a specific glycoslytransferase. It is these

glycoslytransferases that represent the primary products of the ABO


The function of the ABO antigens is unknown; however, the carbohydrate

structures which carry the ABO red cell antigens form part of the

glycocalyx, an extra-cellular matrix acting to protect the cell from damage

or invasion by pathogenic micro-organisms (Viitala and Järnefelt, 1985;

Kościelak, 2012). The ABH determinants on the red cells are carried,

mainly, on the anion exchange protein, band 3, and band 4.5 which is a

glucose transporter.

Figure 1.1 Structure of the ABO antigens

Red cell membrane

The diagram shows the immunodominant sugars in the ABO blood group

system. The L-Fucose sugar denoting the blood group O is, more

correctly, known as the H determinant, if this sugar is not present then A

or B antigens cannot be expressed, even if the genes are present. This

results in the rare H-deficient (Bombay) phenotype. Expression of A and

B antigens is determined by enzymes produced by alleles at the ABO

locus which catalyse the attachment of the relevant sugar determinants to

the H structure. (Adapted from Diamed, cited in Immunobase 1,

17 Rh system

The Rh blood group system is a highly complex system, with 55 antigens

encoded by two homologous, closely linked genes on chromosome 1

(ISBT 004 RHCE alleles v4.0_20180208). The RHD gene produces the

RhD antigen, and the RHCE gene produces the Cc and Ee antigens. C

and c, E and e represent two pairs of antithetical antigens, with

polymorphisms controlled by RHCE. The C/c and E/e phenotypes arise

as a result of a single amino acid substitution; serine to proline at position

103 for C/c and proline to alanine at position 226 for E/e.

Each antigen has been allocated a number, for example, RH1 (D), RH2

(C), RH3 (E), RH4 (c), RH5 (e) and RH8 (Cw). The alleles are inherited as

haplotypes, often referred to using the Fisher-Race or Wiener

terminology. The Fisher-Race terminology was based on the premise that

the Rh phenotype was controlled by three closely linked loci on each

chromosome of a homologous pair, each of which has its own set of

alleles; Dd, Cc and Ee (the d antigen does not exist but is used in this

terminology to denote the absence of the D antigen). They postulated that

the loci were so closely linked that the three genes on chromosome were

always inherited together (Fisher, cited in Race, 1944). Wiener,

conversely, theorised that there was only one gene complex with eight

alleles, Ro, R1, R2, Rz, r, r', r", ry, controlling the Rh phenotype (Wiener,

1943). Both theories are too simplistic to explain the Rh system antigens

and resultant phenotypes but they are commonly used for the

interpretation of serological reactions within hospital transfusion services.

The Rh system antigens (RhD, C, c, E and e) are carried on hydrophobic,

non-glycosylated proteins which cross the red cell membrane 12 times

(Daniels, 2013)(figure 1.2). An associated protein, the RhAG glycoprotein

forms complexes with the Rh protein within the cell membrane. The exact

functions of the Rh and RhAG proteins are not yet known, but there is

some evidence to suggest that the RhAG is involved in the transport of

ammonium ions and carbon dioxide (Marini et al., 1997; Endeward et al.,

2008). The RhD negative phenotype is a result of the total absence of the

RhD polypeptide from the red cell membrane, in Caucasian populations

this is usually as a result of homozygosity of a deletion of RHD. In black

Africans, however, the D negative phenotype is often caused by the

presence of an inactive RHD called the RHD pseudogene, or a hybrid

gene RHD-CE-Ds. The hybrid genes do not produce a D antigen, but

probably produce an abnormal C antigen, and are associated with the

VS+V- phenotype (Daniels, 2013). There are many variant antigens

within the Rh system, as described by Daniels (2013), which create

challenges for serological phenotyping and genotyping assays. The most

common variants in the UK involve the D antigen, recommended practice

in hospital laboratories is to test the patient cells against an IgM

monoclonal anti-D reagent that does not detect the DVI variant (BCSH

2012). This practice is recommended as individuals with the DVI

phenotype are likely to produce anti-D if transfused with D positive red

cells, whereas other D variants are at less risk of developing anti-D.

Variants to other Rh antigens are rare, particularly in Caucasian

populations, and so testing is not included in serological phenotyping

assays. However, assays for some of these variants are included in

genotyping assays (see chapter 5). The Rhnull phenotype, in which neither

RhD nor CcEe antigens are expressed on the red cell surface, is

extremely rare. There are two types of Rhnull; the amorph type, which is a

result of inactivating mutations in the RHCE and deletion of the RHD, or

the regulator type, in which the Rh genes are normal but there are

inactivating mutations in the RHAG gene.

Figure 1.2 Diagrammatic representations of the RhD and RhCE

antigen structures

C/c E/e
Ser103Pro Pro226Ala

Red cell membrane

The RhD and RhCE proteins span the red cell membrane and are similar,

differing by only 32 to 35 amino acids, the sections of the protein above

and below the cell membrane are denoted by dotted lines on the diagram.

RhD is composed of many different epitopes (highlighted in the oval

above the cell membrane). The RhD variant phenotype occurs when one

or more of these epitopes are missing. The RhCE protein carries the Cc

and Ee antigens, two pairs of antithetical antigens that differ by a single

amino acid change. At position 103 C antigen expression is result of

serine and c antigen expression by proline, and at position 226 E results

from proline and e from alanine. (Diagram adapted from Westhoff, 2007)

21 Kell system

The Kell system comprises of 36 antigens encoded by a single gene

(KEL) on chromosome 7 ((ISBT 006) blood group alleles v4.0 160701).

The system includes seven sets of antigens with allelic relationships: K

and k; Kpa, Kpb and Kpc; Jsa and Jsb; K11 and K17; KEL14 and KEL24;

KEL25 and KEL28; KEL31 and KEL38. The antithetical antigens arise as

a result of single amino acid changes at different positions on the Kell

glycoprotein. The Kell antigens are located on CD238, a red cell

transmembrane glycoprotein, which is closely associated with another

protein, Xk (see figure 1.3). The Kell-Xk heterodimer is part of the red cell

membrane complex that contains band 3, the Rh complex and

glycophorin C.

The prevalence of the commonly encountered Kell antigens differs by

ethnic group: for example, K positive is more common in Caucasian

samples and less often seen in African-Americans; Kp(a+) phenotype is

almost always found in whites; and Js(a+) is almost exclusively found in

individuals of African ethnicity (Westhoff and Shaz, 2013). Similar to the

RhD antigen, the K antigen is strongly immunogenic and the antibody is

clinically significant, hence it is recommended in the UK to select K

negative red cells for transfusion in females of child bearing potential

(BCSH 2012). The Kell-null phenotype (K0), in which none of the Kell

antigens are expressed on the red cell, is a result of homozygosity for

KEL inactivating mutations. In the Kmod phenotype, which also results

from KEL mutations, the antigens are present but expressed weakly.

The function of the Kell glycoprotein is unclear, although suggestions

have been made regarding possible physiological functions in heart, red

cell ion transport, neovascularisation in tumours and motor function (Zhu

et al., 2009) and a role in erythropoiesis (Belhacene et al., 1998).

Figure 1.3 The Kell and Xk heterodimer

a b
Js /Js


Cell membrane

The Xk protein and the Kell glycoprotein are linked by a disulphide bond.

The diagram shows the approximate locations of the antithetical antigens,

K/k, Jsa/Jsb and Kpa/Kpb on the Kell glycoprotein. The antithetical

antigens arise as a result of single amino acid changes in the

glycoprotein; K/k change at position 578 (threonine to methionine),

Jsa/Jsb at position 597 (leucine to proline) and Kpb/Kpa at position 281

(arginine to tryptophan). The Kx system consists of one antigen which is

encoded by the X-linked gene, XK, and located on the Xk protein. The

glycoprotein structure also carries a pentameric zinc-binding motif,

HELLH. Picture adapted from Slideshare



24 MNS system

The MNS system is another highly complex blood group system, with 48

antigens included in the system, encoded by three genes (GYPA, GYPB

and GYPE) located on chromosome 4 (MNS (ISBT 002) blood group

alleles v4.1 170119). M and N determinants are carried on glycophorin A

(GPA), the major red cell sialic acid-rich glycoprotein. The M and N

antigen status of red cells is defined by an amino acid sequence

polymorphism at positions 1 and 5 on Glycophorin A. The M antigen has

serine at position 1 and glycine at position 5, whereas, the N antigen has

leucine at position 1 and glycine at position 5. In addition, the first 26

amino acids of the Glycophorin B protein on the red cell surface are

identical to those of the N antigen on Glycophorin A (Daniels, 2013). This

gives rise to an antigen denoted “N” to distinguish it from the N antigen on

Glycophorin A, this antigen is present on almost all human red cells,

irrespective of their MN status.. Rarely, individuals may lack the GPA,

and cannot express M and N antigens, this is known as the En(a-)


The S and s antigens are located on Glycophorin B (GPB); the S antigen

has methionine at position 29, whereas the s antigen has threonine.

Individuals deficient in GPB do not express the S, s or the high frequency

U antigens. The S-s- phenotype is very rare in Europeans but is noted

with a higher frequency in African populations.

Mur is a low incidence antigen, part of the, now obsolete, Miltenberger

series, which arises as a result of a replacement of a small section of

GYPB with a 55 base pair section of GYPB. This gives rise to a hybrid

glycophorin GP (B-A-B) expressing the Mur antigen. Although the Mur

phenotype is rare in white populations, it is relatively common in Asia and

is important in terms of clinical significance (see section 1.4.1), hence

testing for the antigen is a useful addition to genotyping assays.

GPA and GPB cross the cell membrane once, and probably exist in their

monomeric and dimeric forms. GPA is closely associated with band 3 and

is part of the band 3/Rh macrocomplex. Glycophorins have a long,

glycosylated extracellular domain, which carries a negative charge. It is

thought that the function of the glycophorins may involve prevention of

aggregation of red cells, protection against mechanical damage and

microbial attack. It is known that individuals with the En(a-) phenotype

and those with S-s- have red cells that are less susceptible to malarial

invasion. Duffy system

The Duffy blood group system consists of five antigens encoded by a

single gene (DARC) located on chromosome 1 ((ISBT 008) blood group

alleles v4.1 160816). The system includes the antithetical antigens Fya

and Fyb, which are polymorphic in both black and white populations, and

the high frequency antigens Fy3, Fy5 and Fy6. The Fy(a-b-) phenotype is

common in the African population as it confers resistance to the malarial

parasite, Plasmodium vivax. This phenotype is caused by homozygosity

for a mutation within an erythroid-specific, GATA-1 transcription-factor

binding site upstream of the coding region of the Duffy gene. The Duffy

antigens are located on a glycoprotein which acts as a chemokine

receptor (Pruenster and Rot, 2006) (see figure 1.4), hence it is often

referred to as the Duffy antigen receptor for chemokines (DARC). DARC

is N-glycoslyated and appears to be a member of the band 3, Rh, Kell/Xk

macrocomplex. The GATA mutation prevents the expression of the Duffy

glycoprotein on the red cells. The Fya/Fyb polymorphism is a result of an

amino acid change from glycine to aspartic acid at position 42. Fy3 and

Fy6 are high frequency antigens expressed on red cells of all Duffy

phenotypes and Fy5 is similar to Fy3, with the exception that it is not

expressed on Fy(a-b-) and Rhnull cells. The Fyx phenotype, which is

encoded by the FY*X allele results in an amino acid substitution in the

intracellular domain of the glycoprotein. This phenotype, which is

relatively common in white populations, behaves as a weak expression of

the Fyb antigen. It is also associated with reduced expression of Fy3, Fy5

and Fy6, suggesting that it is a product of reduced levels of DARC in the


Figure 1.4 The Duffy glycoprotein

N-terminal domain

C-terminal domain

A diagrammatic illustration of the Duffy glycoprotein showing how the

structure spans the red cell membrane seven times, the cylindrical

shapes represent the area of the glycoprotein that passes through the cell

membrane. The Fya/Fyb polymorphism is located at position 42 near the

N terminal. Fyx is expressed in the intracellular component at position 89

and is thought to be associated with reduced levels of DARC. The

approximate positions of the Fy3 and Fy6 antigens are shown on the


Adapted from Genome Research


28 Kidd system

The Kidd blood group system comprises of three antigens encoded by

the SLC14A1 gene on chromosome 18 ((ISBT 009) blood group alleles

v4.0 160705). The antigens include the antithetical pair, Jka and Jkb and

the high incidence antigen Jk3. The Kidd antigens are carried on a

glycoprotein that spans the red cell membrane 10 times (figure 1.5). The

antithetical antigens, Jka and Jkb, are differentiated by a single amino acid

change on the fourth extracellular loop of the glycoprotein (aspartic acid

to asparagine at position 280).

The null phenotype, Jk(a-b-), is rare in most populations, with the

exception of the Polynesians. It is caused by homozygosity, or compound

heterozygosity for a variety of inactivating mutations in the SLC14A1

gene. Another rare cause of the Jk null phenotype, seen in a Japanese

family was considered to be the result of a dominant inhibitor gene that is

not inherited at the JK locus.

The Kidd glycoprotein is known to be a urea transporter (Sidoux-Walter et

al., 1999). It is very similar to another urea transporter, UT-A (Olives et

al., 1996), and it is thought that compensating activity by this urea

transporter is one of the reasons why the Kidd null phenotype is not

associated with any clinical problems.

Figure 1.5 The Kidd glycoprotein

a b
Jk /Jk

Cell membrane

Diagrammatic representation of the Kidd glycoprotein which spans the

red cell membrane 10 times. The Jka and Jkb antigen site is located at

position 280 (demonstrated by the filled circle on the diagram); the

difference between the two antigens is the result of a single amino acid

change (aspartic acid and asparagine). The Jk3 phenotype is expressed

when either Jka and/or Jkb are present.

(Adapted from:

S0065242316300518-f06-04-9780128046869.jpg) Diego system

The Diego system comprises of 22 antigens encoded by a single gene

(SLC4A1) located on chromosome 17 ((ISBT 010) blood group alleles

v3.0 160630). The system includes three pairs of antithetical antigens

(Dia and Dib, Wra and Wrb, Wu and DISK) and 16 low frequency antigens.

The Diego antigens are expressed on the red cell membrane glycoprotein

band 3, Dia and Dib, and Wra and Wrb are the result of single amino acid

substitutions, leucine/proline and glutamic acid/lysine, at their respective

positions 854 and 658. The Wu/DISK polymorphism is a result of a single

amino acid substitution, alanine/glycine, at position 565 (see figure 1.6).

The remaining low frequency antigens in the Diego system are also the

result of a single amino acid substitutions.

Band 3 is an intrinsic membrane glycoprotein acting as a structural

protein and also an anion exchanger (Tanner, 1993). Band 3 plays a vital

role in the red cell membrane which is why the Diego null phenotype

(band 3 deficiency) has not been reported.

Figure 1.6 Diego antigens located on band 3 glycoprotein

Position 565

Wra/Wrb Dia/Dib

Diagrammatic representation of the band 3 glycoprotein with associated

Diego antigens, including the antithetical antigens Wra/Wrb, Dia/Dib and

Wu/DISK antigens at positions 658, 854 and 565 respectively, expressed

as a result of single amino acid substitutions. The approximate positions

of some of the other low frequency antigens in the system are also shown

on the diagram.

(Adapted from:
jpg?sso-checked=true )

32 Dombrock system

The Dombrock system includes 7 antigens ((ISBT 014) blood group

alleles v4.0 160623) encoded by a single gene (ART4) located on

chromosome 12. The system includes the antithetical antigens Doa and

Dob, and the high frequency antigens Gya, Hy, Joa, DOYA, DOMR and

DOLG. Doa and Dob are expressed as a result of a single amino acid

substitution (asparagine to aspartic acid) at position 265. Expression of

the remaining high frequency antigens are also the result of single amino

acid substitutions, with the exception of Gya. The Gya negative phenotype

can result from a variety of different mutations in the gene, and includes

the Donull phenotype in which the red cell lacks all of the Dombrock


The Dombrock antigens are located on the ART4 glycoprotein, which is

attached to the red cell membrane through glycosylphosphatidylinositol

(see figure 1.7). The exact function of the ART4 glycoprotein is not

known, although it does belong to a family of adenosine diphosphate

(ADP)-ribosyltransferases responsible for catalysing the transfer of ADP-

ribose from nicotinamide adenine to a protein substrate.

Figure 1.7 Dombrock antigens on the ART4 glycoprotein

Cell membrane

Diagrammatic representation of the structure (shown here as a line) that

expresses the antigens of the Dombrock system. The Doa/Dob

polymorphism arises as a result of a single amino acid substitution at

position 265 (asparagine to aspartic acid). The ART4 glycoprotein is

attached to the red cell membrane via the GPI anchor which is inserted

into the red cell membrane.

(Adapted from:


34 Colton system

The Colton blood group system includes four antigens encoded by the

AQP1 gene located on chromosome 7 ((ISBT 015) blood group alleles

v3.0 160623). The system includes the antithetical antigens Coa and Cob,

and two high frequency antigens Co3 and Co4. The Colton polymorphism

is represented by a single amino acid change at position 45; alanine

gives rise to Coa and valine to Cob. The Co3 antigen is present on all cells

with the exception of the Conull phenotype Co(a-b-). The Co4 antigen is

represented by glutamine at position 47.

The glycoprotein structure that carries the Colton antigens acts as a

water channel (King et al., 2004 (a)). The structure spans the red cell

membrane six times (see figure 1.8), and includes three extracellular

loops and two cytoplasmic loops. One extracellular loop and one

cytoplasmic loop pass into the membrane to create the channel which

allows water molecules to pass.

Figure 1.8 The Colton glycoprotein structure

Model of the glycoprotein structure that carries with Colton antigens,

which spans the red cell membrane six times, as represented by the

cylindrical structures in the diagram. The extracellular and cytoplasmic

loops that create the water channel are represented by B and E. The two

antithetical antigens Coa and Cob, which result from a single amino acid

change, are expressed at position 45, the approximate position of the

antigens on the glycoprotein are demonstrated in the diagram.

(Adapted from:

36 Yt system

The Yt system consists of two antigens, Yta and Ytb, encoded by the

ACHE gene located on chromosome 7 ((ISBT 011) blood group alleles

v5.0 180207). The antigens Yta and Ytb are antithetical, and are

represented by a single amino acid change at position 353 (histidine to

asparagine). A third antigen, YTEG, a high frequency antigen, was

reported in 2017 (Laundy et al., 2017). An inherited Ytnull phenotype, Yt(a-

b-) has not been reported.

The Yt antigens are located on acetylcholinesterase (AChE), a GPI linked

glycoprotein, similar to the Dombrock antigens (see figure 1.7). The exact

nature of the red cell AChE is not known, but AChE is known to play an

essential role in neurotransmission. This essential role may explain why

the null phenotype is not seen. Lutheran system

The Lutheran system has 22 antigens ((ISBT 005) blood group alleles

v4.1 170106) and is encoded by the LU gene on chromosome 19. The

system includes four pairs of antithetical antigens: Lua and Lub, Lu6 and

Lu9, Lu8 and Lu14 and Aua and Aub. These antithetical antigens are all

the products of single amino acid changes; Lua/Lub (histidine to arginine

at position 77), Lu6/Lu9 (phenylalanine to serine at position 275),

Lu8/Lu14 (lysine to methionine at position 204) and Aua/Aub (alanine to

threonine at position 539). The null phenotype, Lu(a-b-) exists as a result

of homozygosity for an inactivated Lutheran gene. Red cells of individuals

with the null phenotype lack all Lutheran antigens.

Lutheran antigens are located on glycoprotein structures which are

members of the immunoglobulin superfamily, a large family of receptors

and adhesion molecules (Isacke and Horton, 2000). The Lutheran

antigens are associated with two glycoproteins, which act as ligands for

laminin, an extracellular matrix glycoprotein (see figure 1.9).

Figure 1.9 Structure of the Lutheran glycoprotein

Red cell membrane

Diagrammatic representation of the Lutheran glycoproteins, which consist

of five extracellular domains, with a flexible linker and laminin binding site

between domains 2 and 3. Each domain is composed of two β-sheets

stabilised by a disulphide bond and consists of approximately 100 amino

acids. The position of the laminin binding site and the approximate

locations of the four antithetical pairs of antigens (which result from single

amino acid substitutions) on the immunoglobulin superfamily domains are

shown on the diagram.

(Adapted from:

1.4 Antibodies to red cell antigens and their clinical relevance

1.4.1 Clinical relevance of red cell antibodies

One of the effects of the transfusion of allogeneic blood in any group of

patients and in particular with chronic blood transfusion, is the

development of red cell alloantibodies, produced in response to antigenic

differences between the recipient and the donor red cells. As the blood

group antigens are extremely polymorphic it is almost inevitable that there

will be antigenic differences between the donor (transfused) red cells and

the recipient red cells. This can lead to the recognition of these foreign

antigens by the recipient immune system and the production of


Alloimmunisation has the potential to cause transfusion reactions in

individuals if they are subsequently transfused with allogeneic red cells

bearing the corresponding antigen. Immune mediated transfusion

reactions can be acute or delayed. Acute reactions are defined by the

Serious Hazards of Transfusion (SHOT) group as fever and other

symptoms/signs of haemolysis within 24 hours of transfusion, whereas

delayed reactions may be seen more than 24 hours after transfusion

(SHOT 2016). Transfusion reactions can result in deleterious health

effects including haemolysis, jaundice, fever, renal failure and shock, and

may be fatal in some cases (Beauregard and Blajchman, 1994; SHOT

2016). Red cell antibodies most commonly implicated in transfusion

reactions include; Anti-D, -C, -c, -E, -e, (Rh system) -K, -k, (Kell system) -

Jka, -Jkb, (Kidd system) -M, -S, -s, -U, (MNS system) -Fya, -Fyb (Duffy

system) and Wra (Diego system) (BCSH 2013). Antibodies to antigens

within the Dombrock, Colton, and Yt systems have been implicated in

haemolytic transfusion reactions, and antibodies to Lutheran antigens

may cause mild or delayed transfusion reaction (Daniels, 2013).

Alloimmunisation also has the potential to cause haemolytic disease of

the fetus and newborn (HDFN), if there is an antigenic difference between

the maternal red cells and the fetal red cells. Maternal red cell antibodies,

which may have developed as a result of transfusion or via transfer of

fetal cells to the maternal circulation, may cross the placenta and cause

destruction of the fetal red cells. Certain antibodies, notably anti-D, anti-c

and anti-K can cause severe fetal symptoms, including anaemia,

jaundice, hydrops and stillbirth (RCOG, 2014).

Red cell alloantibodies are typically IgM or IgG in nature and are usually

produced in response to a foreign red cell antigen stimulus. Others, such

as the IgM antibodies directed against the well-known A and B antigens,

are believed to be naturally occurring as there is no requirement for red

cell antigen exposure. Instead they are probably made in response to

bacterial antigens that are similar in structure to red cell antigens

(Springer et al., 1959a; Springer et al., 1959b; Springer and Horton,

1969). Some red cell antibodies, such as the IgM type anti-A and anti-B,

are capable of causing intravascular lysis of the red cell by their ability to

activate the complement cascade through the formation of the membrane

attack complex, and the subsequent release of anaphylatoxins leading to

acute systemic effects (Murphy et al., 2013). Other red cell alloantibodies,

normally IgG type, can cause extravascular destruction of foreign red

cells, in the spleen, by interacting with the Fcγ receptors on the cells of

the mononuclear phagocytic system (Murphy et al., 2013).

Red cell alloantibodies may be transient in nature, this is particularly well

known for alloantibodies such as anti-Jka and anti-Jkb. Non-persistent

antibody detection has been reported in several studies (Ramsey and

Larson, 1988; Rosse et al., 1990; Reverberi, 2008). A similar

phenomenon has also been reported for autoantibodies (Young et al.,

2004). The reasons given for this phenomenon may include; lack of

antigenic stimulus resulting in decrease of antibody production over time,

low levels of antibody production that are at the limit of the antibody

detection assays and may only be detectable on some occasions,

improvements in the sensitivity of antibody detection assays over time

and inter-batch variation within the same assay technique.

1.4.2 Laboratory relevance of red cell antibodies

In addition to having the potential to cause haemolytic transfusion

reactions, the presence of red cell alloantibodies in patient blood samples

also brings laboratory related issues. They increase the workload and

cost pressures on the hospital transfusion laboratory services by

introducing requirements for specialised testing techniques and sourcing

antigen matched blood for transfusion, which may cause delays in blood

provision. Standard laboratory testing, within the hospital transfusion

service, prior to the transfusion of red cells, includes ABO and RhD typing

of the patient red cells and a screening technique for the detection of any

atypical red cell antibodies in the patient’s plasma, commonly referred to

as a group and antibody screen. Additional testing, if atypical red cells

antibodies are detected, includes identification of the antibody specificity,

serological red cell phenotyping, direct agglutination test (DAT) and

serological crossmatch of donor red cells to determine compatibility. At

the RD&E all of these assays are performed in the hospital transfusion

laboratory. If antibody specificity or compatibility cannot be determined

using the techniques available in the hospital transfusion laboratory,

referral to a reference laboratory at the NHSBT may be required. A

simplified flow chart for pre-transfusion testing in the hospital transfusion

laboratory is shown below:

Group and

No atypical Atypical antibodies

antibodies detected

Red cells issued Antibody Serological

with no further identification phenotype

Red cells issued following

compatibility testing by
serological crossmatch

43 Group and antibody screen

Prior to any blood transfusion episode, a blood sample must be taken

from the patient for blood grouping (ABO and RhD) and antibody

screening. Blood grouping and antibody screening may be performed

using manual or automated techniques. ABO and RhD typing utilises

direct agglutination techniques with patient red cells using commercial

anti-sera. Antibody screening is performed using indirect antiglobulin

techniques using patient plasma against commercial antibody screening

cells with a known antigen profile. For the purposes of detection of

clinically significant red cell antibodies (that are known to be capable of

causing haemolysis of transfused red cells) in patient samples presented

for testing within the hospital transfusion setting the BCSH (2013)

recommend that the screening cell set employed contains the following

common antigens:

C, c, Cw, D, E, e, K, k, Fya, Fyb, Jka, Jkb, S, s, M, N, P1, Lea and Leb.

If no red cell alloantibodies are detected in the patient’s plasma there is

no requirement for further laboratory testing. Blood for transfusion is

selected that is ABO and RhD compatible for the patient and may be

issued electronically, with no serological compatibility testing between the

donor cells and recipient plasma, in accordance with BCSH guidelines

(BCSH 2013).

At the RD&E red cells are selected for transfusion dependent patients

(excluding SCD) in accordance with the BCSH (2013) recommendations;

ABO/D matched. The BCSH guidance states that additional typing and

matching for Rh and K should be a local decision. At the RD&E it has

been recommended that red cells for these patients should be K

negative, but this was not policy and there were no processes in place to

ensure that this occured.

To reduce the risk of the development of red cell antibodies known to

cause Haemolytic Disease of the Fetus and Newborn, in some countries,

including France, red cell transfusions for females with child-bearing

potential may be matched for Rh (CcEe) and K antigens (French

Transfusion guidelines cited in Moncharmont et al., 2015). In the UK it is

recommended that K negative red cell units are selected for this group of

patients, but without the requirement for K typing the patient (BCSH

2013). At the RD&E it is recommended that red cell units are selected

that are also negative for Rh c and E antigens wherever possible.

However, phenotyping has not been advocated in our institution as

transfusion is uncommon in this group of patients and suitable red cells

can easily be sourced from routine stocks. Antibody Identification

If red cell alloantibodies are detected in the antibody screening technique

further laboratory assays are required in order to ascertain the specificity

of the alloantibody. Antibody identification techniques employ the same

principles as the antibody screening techniques but using commercial

cells with an extended range of known antigen profiles. Whereas a

screening cell set is commonly composed of two or three red cell

reagents, an antibody identification set may contain more than 10, the

extended range enabling determination of the antibody specificity, rather

than just the presence of a red cell alloantibody. As with antibody

screening methodology, antibody identification may be performed

manually or on an automated system, column agglutination and solid

phase technology being commonly employed.

To avoid potential haemolytic transfusion reactions the BCSH (2013)

recommend that, for patients whose plasma has been shown to contain

clinically significant antibodies as identified in antibody screening and

identification techniques, either antigen negative blood, or unselected but

crossmatch compatible (by IAT) blood should be selected for transfusion.

As a general rule if the patient has an antibody that has been reported to

cause haemolytic transfusion reactions then antigen negative blood must

be selected, whereas the presence of an antibody with no reported cases

of transfusion reactions needs only to be crossmatch compatible (table 1-

3) (BCSH, 2013). Serological red cell phenotyping

Serological phenotyping is the identification of red cell antigens present

on the patient red cells, other than ABO/D, using commercially available

antisera. Currently available methods for serological phenotyping include

direct and indirect agglutination either by tube techniques (see section

1.6.1), or column agglutination techniques based on the principles of

Lapierre (1990) (section 1.6.2). Additionally, solid phase tests, based on

the principles of Plapp (1984) and Juji (1972) (section 1.6.3), in which red

blood cells are bound to a solid support such as a microtitre plate well,

can be used for the identification of red cell antigens. Serological red cell

phenotyping is explained in more detail in section 1.5. Direct Antiglobulin Test

Direct Antiglobulin Testing (DAT) may also be required; this test detects

the presence of antibodies or complement fractions on the surface of the

patient’s red cells. Methodology commonly employed in hospital

transfusion laboratories includes column agglutination tests or solid

phase technology, which may be performed manually or on automated

systems. Serological crossmatch

If atypical red cell antibodies are present, compatibility testing, known as

crossmatching, of each unit of blood must be performed. Testing must be

performed by IAT, either column agglutination or solid phase may be

used to ensure compatibility of the selected red cell units for transfusion

(BCSH, 2013). The technique may be performed manually or by

automated technology.

Table 1.3: Likely clinical significance of red cell alloantibodies

Likely clinical significance of red cell antibodies reported in this study and
recommendations for the selection of blood for patients with their
presence. Taken from the BCSH guidelines for pre-transfusion
compatibility procedures in blood transfusion laboratories (BCSH 2013)
and Daniels (2013).
System Antibody Likely clinical Recommendation
significance in
ABO Anti-A1 No IAT crossmatch
H Anti-H (in A1 and A1B No IAT crossmatch
patients) compatible
Rh Anti-D,-C,-c,-E,-e,-f Yes Antigen negative

Rh Cw No IAT crossmatch
Kell Anti-K,-k, Yes Antigen negative

Kell Anti-Kpa No IAT crossmatch

Kidd Anti-Jka,-Jkb Yes Antigen negative

MNS Anti-M (active at 37oC) Yes Antigen negative

MNS Anti-M (not active at No IAT crossmatch

37oC) compatible
MNS Anti-N, -Mur, -Hut No IAT crossmatch
MNS Anti-S,-s,-U Yes Antigen negative

Duffy Anti-Fya,-Fyb Yes Antigen negative

P Anti-P1 No IAT crossmatch

Lewis Anti-Lea,-Leb,-Le-a+b No IAT crossmatch
Lutheran Anti-Lua No IAT crossmatch
Diego Anti-Wra Yes IAT Crossmatch
Yt Anti- Yta, -Ytb Possible IAT crossmatch, least
incompatible for anti-
Chido/Rodge Anti-Chido-Rodgers No IAT Crossmatch
rs compatible
Knops Anti-Knops McCoy No IAT Crossmatch
Others Autoantibodies No ABO/D Rh (CcEe)
and K matched

1.5 Serological red cell phenotyping

Positive identification of a red cell alloantibody in a patient’s plasma also

includes testing the patient’s red cell antigen type. This is performed by

serological phenotyping using a combination of monoclonal and

polyclonal reagent antisera, utilising direct or indirect agglutination

techniques. Identification of alloantibody specificity can be supported if

the patient’s red cells are negative for the corresponding antigen (BCSH,

2013). Methods for serological phenotyping within the hospital transfusion

setting include direct agglutination in tube technology, column

agglutination and microtitre plates and indirect agglutination using column

agglutination and solid phase methods. However, unlike blood grouping,

antibody screening and antibody identification, serological phenotyping

methods are currently, generally performed manually, and may employ a

combination of the available techniques. Automation of these techniques

has been limited by the availability of appropriate reagents and testing

profiles that could be used on the high throughput blood grouping

analysers commonly used by hospital transfusion services in the UK.

However, manual techniques are labour intensive and are prone to errors

during sample preparation, testing, result interpretation and result

reporting stages. It is for this reason that extended phenotyping, typing

for the presence of more than the antigen implicated by the antibody

identification, has not been common practice, even though the

information gained from the extended phenotype could be used to select

blood that might protect the patient from further alloimmunisation. In

addition, extended serological phenotyping could be used for prophylactic

antigen matching of blood to prevent alloimmunisation for patients with

conditions that might require chronic transfusion in the future.

1.5.1 Principles of direct agglutination in tube technology

Direct agglutination is a well-recognised technique (as described by Issitt

and Anstee, 1998) for detecting the presence of antibodies or antigens

and is used across many applications in clinical medicine. Some

commercially available monoclonal antisera are capable of agglutinating

red cells in test tubes to determine the presence of specific blood group

antigens on red cells. In these techniques, an aliquot of a suspension of

patient red cells, with unknown antigen status, is placed in a test tube

along with the antisera. A short incubation period allows the antisera to

combine with the red cell antigens, if present, on the patient red cells.

Centrifugation of the test tube then forces the red cells together, allowing

the antisera to crosslink between red cells, causing agglutinates to form.

In the absence of the corresponding antigens on the patient red cells,

there will be no antigen-antibody reaction and no agglutinates will form

following centrifugation. The presence of agglutinates is determined

macroscopically by gently shaking the test tube after the centrifugation

stage, and the agglutination strength may be graded as shown in figure

1.10. This technique is performed manually and the macroscopic reading

of the results is subjective and dependent on the experience of the

operator. As a result of these factors the technique is labour intensive and

prone to the known errors of manual testing (Stainsby et al., 2006) in both

preparation and the result determination.

Figure 1.10: Principles and reactions of the direct agglutination

assay tube technique for the determination of red cell antigen status

Reactions are
graded from
strongly positive
(4+) through to
negative (0)

4+ 3+ 2+ 1+ +/- 0

In direct agglutination assays patient red cell suspension is mixed with the

relevant anti-serum and incubated within the test tube. Centrifugation forces

the red cells together allowing antigen-antibody complexes to form if antigen

is present on the patient red cells; reaction patterns are graded from strongly

positive (4+) to weakly positive (+/)-, as indicated in the figure. A negative

reaction is seen if the patient red cells do not carry the antigen and therefore

do not form complexes.

(Picture courtesy of Bio-Rad, cited in Immunobase 1 – Diamed,

1.5.2 Principles of the Column Agglutination Test (CAT)

The column agglutination test is performed in specially designed cards

which employ the use of either antisera within the column designed to

capture red cells with the corresponding antigen (direct agglutination), or

via agglutination of red cells through indirect agglutination techniques.

The techniques may be performed manually or using automated

methods. At the RD&E lack of automation for these tests means that they

must be performed and read manually, thus introducing the risk of error.

Phenotyping using monoclonal antisera, for Rh (CcEe) and K antigens

using the Diamed technique (Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc.), is performed on

a single card containing six separate reaction columns. Each column

contains a specific antiserum (anti-C, anti-c, anti-E, anti-e or anti-K) within

a gel matrix and a negative control well is included to confirm that any

positive reactions are due to the presence of the corresponding red cell

antigen on the patient’s cells and not false positive reactions due to auto-

agglutination. A red cell suspension containing patient cells of unknown

antigen status is added to the top of the column, the card is then

centrifuged which forces the patient red cells through the gel matrix

containing the specific antisera. If the patient red cells carry the

corresponding antigen, antigen-antibody complexes form, trapping the

cells in the column and demonstrating a positive result. Conversely, cells

lacking the corresponding antigen will not form antigen-antibody

complexes and will be forced to the bottom of the column denoting a

negative reaction (see figure 1.11). Results can be read macroscopically

if performed manually or this can be performed via an automated system.

Figure 1.11: Principles of the column agglutination assay

Patient cell suspension

is added to the column

Red cells carrying the

antigen are trapped in the
gel matrix
Anti-serum is contained in
the gel matrix
Red cells lacking the
antigen travel to the
bottom of the column

Reaction strengths are graded

from negative (-) to strongly
positive (++++)

A diagrammatic representation of the principle of the column agglutination

technique for the determination of red cell antigen status. The patient cell

suspension is added to the column and centrifugation forces the red cells

through the gel matrix containing the anti-serum. Red cells positive for the

antigen form antigen-antibody complexes and are trapped in the gel matrix.

Cells that do not express the antigen travel to the bottom of the column during

centrifugation. See section 1.5.4 for information on grading of results.

(Picture courtesy of Bio-Rad, cited in Immunobase 1 – Diamed,

Phenotyping techniques using column agglutination may also be

performed via indirect agglutination. Generally this is required when using

polyclonal antisera, which are incapable of forming antigen-antibody

complexes that can bridge between red cells forming agglutinates

directly. In these techniques, the use of antihuman globulin (antibodies to

human antibodies, usually of goat or murine extraction) is employed to

link red cells coated with the specific antiserum. An aliquot of a

suspension of patient red cells of unknown antigen status is incubated

with the specific antiserum in an incubation chamber at the top of the

column. An incubation period performed at 37 oC, simulating an in vivo

situation, allows antigen-antibody complexes to form if the corresponding

antigen is present on the patient red cells. A centrifugation stage then

forces the red cells through the gel matrix containing antihuman globulin

(AHG), if antigen-antibody complexes are present on the patient red cells

they are trapped by the AHG within the column. In the absence of

antigen-antibody complexes the red cells will travel to the bottom of the

column, denoting a negative result (see figure 1.12). The results can be

read macroscopically or via automated technology.

Figure 1.12: Reaction patterns of the column agglutination assay

Patient plasma is incubated

with the reagent red cells to
allow antigen-antibody
complexes to form

Anti-Human Globulin is
contained in the gel matrix

Reactions are given a numerical Positive reactions are seen if the

grading to denote the variations in patient’s plasma contains red cell
strength of positive reactions antibodies

A diagrammatic representation of the results seen with IAT column

agglutination technique for the determination of red cell antigen status

Patient red cells are incubated with the commercial anti-sera to allow

antigen-antibody complexes to form in the incubation well. Centrifugation

then forces the red cell/antiserum mix through the gel matrix containing

Anti-Human Globulin (AHG). If the patient red cells do not carry the

antigen being tested then the unsensitised red cells will fall to bottom of

the column. Positive reactions are denoted by patient red cells trapped in

the gel. Positive reactions are graded from strongly positive (4+) through

to weakly positive (+/-).

(Picture courtesy of Bio-Rad, cited in Immunobase 1 – Diamed,

1.5.3 Principles of automated phenotyping methodology on the

Immucor NEO® analyser

Development of high throughput automated methods for extended red

cell phenotyping would not only introduce a technique for reducing

manual testing (with its inherent risks) for patients who had developed a

red cell alloantibody, but also facilitate extended phenotyping for patients

prior to transfusion. This has the potential to allow for more specific

matching of red cell antigens on the donor blood for patients likely to

require chronic transfusion support, thus potentially reducing the risk of

alloimmunisation. Column agglutination technology may be automated,

currently available platforms that could support this type of automated

phenotyping include; the Bio-Rad IH500 and IH1000 (Bio-Rad

Laboratories Ltd., Watford, UK), the Grifols Erytra and Erytra Eflexis

(Grifols UK Ltd., Cambridge, UK) and the Ortho AutoVue ® Innova System

(Ortho Clinical Diagnostics, Buckinghamshire, UK).

The Immucor NEO Iris and ECHO Lumena automated analysers (IBG

Immucor Ltd., West Midlands, UK) offer serological phenotyping using

direct agglutination techniques in microtitre plates and solid phase

methodology. The Immucor NEO analyser is currently utilised in the

RD&E transfusion laboratory for routine ABO/D typing, antibody

screening and antibody identification, but has not been developed for

automated serological phenotyping. This study details the development

and validation of a novel, high throughput method for extended

serological red cell phenotyping using the Immucor NEO® analyser


The automated technique using the Immucor NEO® analysers employs

two distinct methods for the determination of the presence of red cell

antigens; direct agglutination and solid phase technology. In the direct

agglutination test the patient red cells are mixed with the specific

antiserum in a well of the microtitre plate, an incubation phase allows the

red cells to settle together permitting cross-linking of the IgM molecules in

the antiserum with the corresponding antigen on the red cells. This effect

is increased during a centrifugation phase enabling a quicker reaction to

occur. Direct agglutination of red cells with a particular reagent indicates

the presence of the corresponding antigen. The microtitre plate is then

gently shaken by the analyser, during this process red cells that have not

been agglutinated by the antiserum will break apart and form a loose

layer of cells in suspension, and cells that have agglutinated may stay

together forming a clump, reactions similar to those seen in direct

agglutination in tubes. The analyser captures images of these reactions

and the differing patterns are then converted into reactions grades (which

vary from negative (no agglutinates), through to strongly positive

(indicated by a tight button of cells at the bottom of the well) using in-built

computerised algorithms.

Solid phase (Capture-R) assays are based on the procedure of Plapp

(Plapp et al., 1984) and Juji (Juji et al., 1972) and are used in conjunction

with polyclonal antisera that are not capable of direct agglutination. The

individual wells of the microwell strips are coated with an affinity isolated

goat anti-murine antibody and a murine anti-RBC antibody; these are

used to support the formation of a red cell monolayer, created from the

patient sample by the automated analyser, to the microwell surface.

Reagent antiserum is then dispensed into the well, followed by low ionic

strength saline (LISS) and an incubation phase. Lowering the ionic

strength acts to increase the rate of formation of antigen-antibody

complexes, and can reduce the incubation time needed for the

complexes to form (cited in Rolih et al., 1985). During the incubation

period the antigens carried on the immobilised patient red cells are bound

to the specific IgG antibodies in the antiserum. Following incubation,

residual unbound immunoglobulins are removed from the wells by an

automated washing step and anti-human IgG coated Capture-R Ready

indicator red cells are added. A centrifugation step allows the indicator

red cells to come into contact with any antibodies bound onto the surface

of the patient’s immobilised red cells. If the patient’s cells are positive for

the antigen being identified then IgG-anti-IgG complexes will form

between the indicator cells and the sensitised patient red cells. The

indicator cells will then adhere to the surface of the immobilised patient

red cells forming a second layer of cells. If the patient cells are negative

for the antigen being determined then the indicator cells will not bind to

the immobilised cells and, during the centrifugation phase, will form a

pellet at the bottom of the well (see figure 1.13). The analyser image

capture system converts the reactions seen in the wells into reaction

grades denoting the presence or absence of the specific red cell antigen.

Figure 1.13: Principles of the solid phase phenotyping assay

Test red cells are fixed to the

microtitre well
Specific red cell antigen antisera is
added to the red cell monolayer

LISS acts as a potentiator

The reagent antiserum binds to the
antigens on the test cells if the
antigen is present (denoted by a ^) WASH

Indicator cells coated with anti-IgG will

Indicator red cells bind to any anti-sera captured on the
red cell monolayer


Unbound Indicator cells will be

forced into a button by the
centrifugation stage, interpreted as
a negative reaction by the analyser
TOP VIEW software


Bound indicator cells remain on

the red cell monolayer and are
interpreted as a positive reaction

Diagrammatic view of the solid phase technology utilised by the IBG NEO®
analyser system Red cells are bound to the microwell surface by the analyser, a
potentiator LISS (low ionic strength saline) is added which increases the rate of
formation of antigen-antibody complexes. Antibodies to red cell antigens are
“captured” on the microwell during incubation, unbound immunoglobulins are
then rinsed from the wells in a wash phase. Capture R anti-IgG Indicator red
cells are added, which “sandwich” the “captured” antibodies, making them
visible. A centrifugation phase then brings the indicator red cells in contact with
antibodies bound to the reagent red cell membranes. (Diagram courtesy of
Caryn Conway, Immucor, personal communication).

1.5.4 Grading reactions in phenotyping techniques

The reaction strengths in the different methods for serological red cell

antigen phenotyping can be graded from negative (-) through to strongly

positive (4+); a comparison of the grading reactions seen in Capture-R

Select, tube agglutination and gel column agglutination techniques is

shown in figure 1.14. The grading of the reaction strength is important as

weak, or mixed field, reactions may be indicative of the presence of

transfused red cells, or, in the case of polyclonal antisera, the presence of

a positive DAT (BCSH, 2013). In either case the true phenotype of the

patient cannot be determined until the cause of the weak or mixed field

reaction has been investigated. Grading of reaction strengths for tests

performed manually is subjective and dependent on the experience of the

individual performing the test, thus some operators may misclassify a

weak, false positive, reaction as a positive reaction and report an

incorrect result without further investigation (SHOT, 2014). Automation of

phenotyping methods, as for the column agglutination and solid phase

assays, removes this subjectivity and allows a more standardised

approach to grading, thus reducing the risk of misreading a false positive

result due to the presence of transfused cells or a positive DAT (Stainsby

et al., 2006).

Figure 1.14: Comparison of reaction patterns in phenotyping assays

A comparison of grading reaction between Capture R Select (IBG NEO

analyser), haemagglutination performed in a tube (direct agglutination)

and column agglutination (Gel/CAT). Grading ranges from 0 (negative),

no reactions between the red cells and the plasma, through 1+ (weakly

positive reactions) to 4+ (strongly positive reaction) Note: weak (+/-)

reactions shown in previous figures are not demonstrated.

(Picture courtesy of Caryn Conway, Immucor – personal


1.6 Red cell antigen genotyping

Serological red cell phenotyping in patients with a recent history of blood

transfusion is complicated by the presence of donor red cells within the

circulation. In these situations it is not possible to determine whether

positive reactions seen in serological phenotyping tests are due to the

presence of red cell antigens on the patient (recipient) cells, or on those

of the transfused donor cells. In these circumstances the red cell

phenotype may be predicted by genotyping the patient’s DNA. Genetic

testing of patient DNA to determine the red cell antigen genotype, and

thus predict the phenotype, is possible post transfusion, because DNA is

extracted from the patient’s white blood cells, which are uncontaminated

by transfused blood containing only red cells. However, this is an

expensive, labour intensive, specialised test that, currently, does not lend

itself to the hospital setting; the DNA based approaches that are available

include the BLOODChip (Progenika Biopharma SA) (Avent et al., 2007),

sequence-specific primer-polymerase chain reaction (SSP-PCR) (Renoud

et al., 2006), BeadChip (Hashmi et al., 2005; Hashmi et al., 2007), PCR-

restriction fragment length polymorphism GenomeLab SNPstream

(Denomme and Van Oene, 2005; Montpetit et al., 2006) and the matrix-

assisted laser desorption/ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrometry

(MALDI-TOF MS) (Gassner et al., 2013). The availability of some of

these techniques on high throughput platforms, such as the BLOODChip

(using the Luminex xMAP analyser) and the MALDI-TOF MS, are making

these options more attractive to the hospital transfusion service.

As discussed in section 1.3, the molecular basis of most blood group

antigens is now known. The majority of blood group polymorphisms are

caused by single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the genes that

dictate the blood group antigen; this may be the protein itself where the

gene codes for the blood protein antigen, or where gene codes for a

glycosyltransferase which then catalyses the addition of

monosaccharide(s) to the blood group oligosaccharide (Avent, 2009).

Commercial blood group genotyping techniques use polymerase chain

reaction (PCR) to amplify DNA obtained from a whole blood sample,

using target specific primers. The amplified products can then be

identified using probes corresponding to allelic pairs of blood group

SNPs. Scanning systems are employed to detect the allele specific

probes and specially designed software systems can interpret these

results into genotypes and predicted phenotypes.

High throughput, automated genotyping techniques have been available

now for more than a decade but have yet to be adopted into routine use

in the UK, either in the NHSBT for donor typing, or in the hospital

transfusion service for patient typing. One of the reasons for this slow

uptake is the cost of genotyping; new equipment would be required as the

assays could not be added to the current equipment performing

serological testing. In addition, manual steps in the PCR processing

phase remain a limiting factor in the implementation of the technique into

a busy hospital transfusion laboratory setting. A common criticism of

genotyping is that the genotype does not always reflect the phenotype

(Avent, 2009). This may be due to the null phenotypes seen in some

blood group systems, such as, Rh, ABO, Jk and Fy, or due to a new,

previously unknown allele. The length of time for genotype testing is also

considered restrictive, particularly within the hospital transfusion service

where provision of matched blood may be required urgently. The

BLOODChip IDCOREXT assay has been demonstrated to have a

processing time of less than 4 hours, which is shorter than that for other

systems including PCR-SSP and BeadChip (Finning et al., 2016).

Wagner and co-workers (Wagner et al.; 2017) have attempted to address

this by devising a novel method using PCR amplification without the need

for DNA extraction. This group have reported that, using the new method

results can be available within 40 minutes of receipt of the blood sample,

which may make the technique applicable to the hospital transfusion


This study aimed to compare the results from blood group genotyping

using one of the currently commercially available genotyping assays,

BLOODChip, with those found by traditional serological methods for a

variety of blood group antigens. Additionally, the study aimed to assess

the feasibility of implementing such a DNA based approach in the routine

hospital laboratory, including a cost comparison of the two different

approaches to red cell antigen typing and their advantages and


1.6.1 Principles of the BLOODChip blood group genotyping assay

The BLOODChip IDCOREXT (Progenika Biopharma, Derio, Spain) uses

a microarray system for the determination of polymorphisms within the

Rh, Kell, Kidd, Duffy, MNS, Diego, Dombrock, Colton, Yt (previously

Cartwright) and Lutheran blood group systems (see section 5.1).

Extracted DNA is amplified using a PCR mix containing HotStarTaq

polymerase, primers, biotinylated nucleotides and a buffer solution. The

amplification products are then hybridised to allele specific

oligonucleotide probes attached to microspheres, and then labelled with

fluorescence-conjugated streptavidin-phycoerythrin (SAPE) (figure 1.15).

The microspheres contain two distinct dyes, red and infrared, which emit

light in different regions of the spectrum. The combination of dyes in

different concentrations results in 100 unique fluorescent colour tones,

each correlating to a different spectral address defining a bead class

(Goldman et al., 2015). Quantification of the amounts of labelled PCR

products hybridised to the beads is then performed using the Luminex

xMAP analyser system (Luminex Corporation, Austin, Texas, USA).

Figure 1.15: The principles of the IDCOREXT Assay

Diagrammatic representation of the amplification, hybridisation and labelling phases in the IDCOREXT assay,
Step 1: The amplification phase separates the DNA strands allowing the target specific primers to bind to the DNA. The addition of the HotStarTaq
polymerase allows new DNA strands to be produced. The cycle is repeated 40 times to produce sufficient DNA for analysis (picture courtesy of Dr Ruth
Morse, University of the West of England, personal communication).

A: Double stranded DNA extracted from patient sample

B: The DNA strands are denatured at 96 C to create single

stranded DNA

C: The primers contained in the IDCOREXT assay kit then

bind to the DNA strand when the temperature is lowered to

50 C

D: The HotStarTaq polymerase is then added

E: The HotStarTaq polymerase then synthesises

nucleotides from the end of the primer to create a new

stand of DNA

F: The temperature is then raised again to denature the


The entire process (A-F) is repeated 40 times to amplify the

the target DNA

Step 2: The amplified DNA is then hybridised with allele specific probes attached to beads in suspension (picture courtesy of Louise Redfern, Grifols,

personal communication).

Probe specific for blood group gene of interest

Biotinylated PCR product

Bead with allele specific probe attached

Step 3: A fluorescent marker (SAPE) is then added to the bead suspension. This marker will then attach to the DNA if present on the allele specific probe

forming a dye-DNA conjugate. Excitation of the dye-DNA conjugate by the Luminex analyser then allows the bead specific emission to be quantified by the

Luminex xMAP analyser. (Picture courtesy of Louise Redfern, Grifols, personal communication).

Streptavidin R-Phycoerythrin Conjugate (SAPE)


Step 4: The sample is analysed on the Luminex xMAP analyser system. The allele specific probes are attached to beads of different combinations of red and

infrared dyes which allow the Luminex xMAP analyser to distinguish one bead set from another and hence identify the presence of specific alleles (picture

courtesy of Luminex (figure courtesy of Lawrence Rentoul, Merck Millipore, personal communication)).

1.6.2 Principles of the Luminex xMAP analyser

The Luminex xMAP analyser system uses a multiplexing system to detect

multiple nucleic acid sequences in a single reaction. In a process similar

to that of a flow cytometer, the analyser directs the beads into a cuvette

and past red and green lasers. The beads are sorted into their different

classes, in accordance with the dye concentration, by the red laser,

allowing the analyser to distinguish one bead class from another. The

green laser excites the SAPE allowing the analyser to identify the

presence of a specific allele hybridised to an allele specific probe.

Fluorescence and side scatter are measured and the information is

reported as median fluorescent intensity (MFI) (see figure 1.16). The

BLOODChip analysis software extracts this information from the analyser

and converts this into a report containing the genotypes and predicted

phenotypes. The system can test up to 48 samples in a single batch. The

manufacturer recommends that a negative and positive control is

included with each batch.

Figure 1.16 Principles of the Luminex xMAP analyser

The Luminex xMAP® technology uses fluidics, optics, and digital signal
processing combined with the BLOODChip IDCOREXT proprietary
microsphere technology to deliver multiplexed assay capabilities. The
sample is moved through the instrument and reaches the cuvette. As the
beads enter the cuvette, the sheath fluid moves at 90ul/sec and forms a
core around the beads which move at 1ul/sec. This is known as
hydrodynamic focusing. The red laser excites the red and infrared dyes of
each of the beads, the analyser collects this information to determine
where the bead falls on the bead map, and side scatter is also measured
to determine if the bead is 5.6μm. A Double Discriminator is gated to rid
the data of any outliers such as small particulates and doublet beads. The
green laser excites the reporter dye, SAPE, and the information is
interpreted to determine the analyte being tested. (Picture reproduced
courtesy of Louise Redfern, Grifols, personal communication).

Beads with attached allele

specific probes are
directed through the

The red laser excites the

dye within the bead and
the green laser excites the

1.7 Risk of alloimmunisation in chronic transfusion

The risk of alloimmunisation is dependent on the immunogenicity of the

red cell antigen, hence it has long been advocated that all blood

transfusions should be matched for the highly immunogenic RhD antigen

(Woodrow and Donohoe, 1968) as well as the standard ABO antigens

discovered by Landsteiner (1900 cited in Daniels 2013). Other red cell

antigens which may evoke an immune response, and cause a transfusion

reaction, in antigen negative transfusion recipients include those of the

Rh (CcEe), K, Fy, Jk, MN and Ss blood group systems. However, these

are only weakly immunogenic, immunising only 2-6% of transfusion

recipients (Seyfried and Walewska, 1990; Heddle et al., 1995; Hoeltge et

al., 1995) compared to the RhD antigen which has an alloimmunisation

rate of 30-90% (Freda et al., 1967; Gunson et al., 1970; Cook, 1971;

Frohn et al., 2003). The RhD antigen is particularly immunogenic as RhD

negative individuals lack the entire RhD protein from the red cell

membrane (Daniels, 2013).

Studies have suggested that alloimmunisation may also be influenced by

other factors such as; underlying disease, gender, age, inflammatory

status and the frequency and number of transfusions (Coles et al., 1981;

Blumberg et al., 1983; Blumberg et al., 1984; Fluit et al., 1990;

Hendrickson et al., 2006). Alloimmunisation rates in patients with

haematological malignancies vary. A retrospective study undertaken in

the Netherlands (Schonewille et al., 1999) found an overall

alloimmunisation rate of 9% in patients with malignant myeloproliferative

and lymphoproliferative diseases whereas another study by Blumberg

and co-workers (1983) showed rates of 16% in patients with

myelogenous leukaemias and 11% in aplastic anaemia but no

alloimmunisation in patients with lymphocytic leukaemias. Another study

demonstrated a relatively high alloimmunisation rate amongst patients

with myelodysplastic syndrome MDS; 36% of patients given more than 30

units of blood, and 64% given in excess of 100 units were found to have

developed alloantibodies (Milic et al., 2011).

More recent studies have been published regarding the alloimmunisation

rates of patients with non-haematological malignancies or renal

insufficiency. Alloimmunisation rates of 13.8% have been reported for

patients with SCD (Master et al., 2016) and 7.98% for those with

thalassamia (Abdelrazik et al., 2016). An interesting study by Türkmen

and co-workers (2016) reported an alloimmunisation rate of 0.12% in a

cohort of neonates and children up to the age of 3 years. In contrast, their

control group, comprising of adult patients aged 45 years and older, had

an immunisation rate of 3.55% after a median of 5 red cell transfusions,

rising to 10.24% after 40 red cell units. A review of the published

literature regarding alloimmunisation rates in SCD by Zheng and Maitta

(2016) revealed that the United States had a higher immunisation rate

(22.3%) compared to other regions (16.5%) including South America, the

Caribbean, Middle East, Africa and Europe. They concluded that this was

probably a result of the limited ethnicity of the donor pool, where Black

donors represent a minority. In populations where donors and recipients

are ethnically similar, such as Uganda and Jamaica, the alloimmunisation

rate is much lower (Olujohungbe et al., 2001). Differential expression of

red cell antigens are noted between Caucasian and Black populations for

many of the blood group systems, most notably for Rh (Daniels, 2013).

There is a paucity of recent publications on the alloimmunisation rates in

the UK for chronically transfused patients with haematological

malignancies or renal insufficiency, providing a rationale for this research.

1.8 Red cell autoantibodies

Patients with haematological malignancies may also make antibodies to

red cell antigens on their own cells (Timura et al., 2000; Solal-Celigny et

al., 1984) and this can also create challenges with the provision of blood

by the hospital transfusion services. The production of red blood cell

autoantibodies has been shown to be associated with blood transfusion

and the subsequent production of alloantibodies by the recipient (Young

et al., 2004). This can sometimes cause haemolytic episodes (Young et

al., 2004) but probably occurs more commonly with no ill effects in the

patient (Garratty, 2004). It has been suggested that the production of

autoantibodies in a transfused patient may be due to the presence of

donor lymphocytes in the transfused blood that produce an alloantibody

to the recipient red cells, thus mimicking an autoantibody (Ishikura et al.,

1993). In the United Kingdom (UK) there is currently no reported data on

the occurrence of red cell autoantibodies associated with

alloimmunisation following blood transfusion in patients with renal disease

or haematological malignancies and whether the presence of these

antibodies has an effect on the transfusion requirements of the patients

remains unknown.

1.9 Extended red cell antigen matching of blood in chronic


There is no current evidence on the rates of alloimmunisation and

autoimmunisation in patients with chronic transfusion requirements as a

result of haematological malignancies or renal failure in the UK and

whether there are risk factors within this heterogeneous group of patients

that could be used to predict those at greatest risk of producing allo

and/or autoantibodies during the course of their treatment.

It has been advocated by some workers (Michail-Merianou et al., 1987;

Rosse et al., 1990) that certain groups of chronically transfused patients,

for example those with sickle cell disease (SCD) and thalassaemia,

should receive blood that is matched for more than the standard ABO and

RhD antigens. In the UK the British Committee for Standards in

Haematology (BCSH) also endorse this practice for patients with SCD

and thalassaemia (BCSH, 2013) but it is not standard practice for other

groups of chronically transfused patients, such as those with

haematological malignancies. This has mainly been due to the cost

implications of performing the tests, the perceived difficulties in providing

matched blood for large numbers of patients and the lack of evidence of

the benefits of such an approach.

Blood transfusions in patients with renal disease and haematological

malignancies account for a substantial proportion of the total red cells

transfused within the hospital setting. At the RD&E this usage is

approximately 30% of the total red cells transfused. There are some

historical studies (Fluit et al., 1990; Shirey et al., 2002; Schonewille et al.,

2009; Kadar, 2010; Schonewille et al., 1999; Domen and Ramirez, 1988;

Blumberg et al., 1984) that have investigated the occurrence of red cell

antibodies in these groups of patients and the potential benefits and cost

effectiveness of strategies to reduce immunisation. However, the advent

of improvements in high throughput automated analysers in the hospital

transfusion service, allowing rapid automated red cell phenotyping, along

with novel genotyping platforms and increased red cell antigen typing of

donor red cells has now made this topic relevant to review.

This research aimed to review the current extent of allo and/or

autoimmunisation in chronically transfused patients attending the RD&E,

and review the effect that extending matching of blood for transfusion

from ABO/D to additional antigens might have on the immunisation rate. It

aimed to validate a new technique for extended serological phenotyping

using the IBG NEO analyser and investigate the feasibility of introducing

a genotyping assay into a hospital transfusion laboratory. It aimed to

review the cost effectiveness of implementing serological phenotyping or

genotyping assays to support a type and match program. In addition,

ethical approval was obtained from the National Research Ethics Service

(NRES) Committee South West - Cornwall & Plymouth (MREC

No.12/SW/0251 R&D Study No. 13017733), to recruit patients attending

the haematology clinic at the RD&E to a pilot study, a small randomised

controlled trial. Patients recruited to the study were randomly assigned to

one of two groups; patients assigned to group 1 received standard care

with regard to blood transfusions (ABO and RhD compatible blood) and

group 2 patients were to be assigned blood that was matched for Rh (C,

e, E and e) and K in addition to the standard ABO and RhD. The pilot

study was designed to investigate the feasibility of the provision of blood

matched for Rh (CcEe) and K antigens within this cohort of patients as

well as reviewing recruitment and drop-out rates. A more extensive

randomised controlled trial has been performed by Sanquin in the

Netherlands (Schonewille et al, 2016); this multicentre study aimed to

review the incidence of alloimmunisation in a general transfusion

population using a multi-centre, parallel group randomised trial.

Randomisation of study participants into one of two study arms; ABO-D

matched only, or extended match (including c, C, K, Fya, Jka and S

antigens) demonstrated a 64% reduction in alloimmunisation risk in

surgical patients. The pilot study undertaken in our institution was

designed to investigate the feasibility of performing a larger multicentre

study in the UK. The results of the pilot study could then be used to

design a larger randomised control trial with the aim of investigating the

benefits and cost effectiveness of a strategy for preventive extended

antigen matching for patients with haematological malignancies. Neither a

pilot study, nor a randomised control trial such as this, has yet been

attempted in the UK.

A type and match program for chronically transfused patients has the

potential to reduce the risk of alloimmunisation, with the subsequent

patient safety benefits of reduction of risk of transfusion reaction or HDFN

(see section 1.4). It is this hypothesis that underpins this research project.

1.10 Aims and Hypothesis

 The hypothesis underpinning this research is that allo and

autoimmunisation in chronically transfused patients can be

reduced by the provision of blood subjected to extended red cell

phenotyping and/or genotyping.

 The research aims to test the hypothesis are:

o To evaluate the frequency of allo- and autoantibodies in two

cohorts of patients with chronic transfusion requirements

using retrospective patient data from patient cohorts

transfused at the RD&E (Haematology and Renal patients)

o To identify any risk factors for the development of allo- and

autoantibodies in these two cohorts of patients with chronic

transfusion requirements using the retrospective patient


o To evaluate the use of novel fully automated, high

throughput, red cell serological phenotyping profiles on the

NEO® analyser (IBG Immucor) automated analyser

o To evaluate and compare the cost effectiveness of a

strategy of red cell phenotyping and matching blood for

transfusion in patients treated for haematological

malignancies and those treated for renal insufficiency using

information obtained from the retrospective patient data.

o To evaluate the use of the BLOODChip IDCOREXT blood

group genotyping kit and compare the predicted phenotypes

obtained from genotypes with those obtained by the

automated serological phenotyping profiles on the NEO®


o To evaluate the results of a pilot study recruiting patients

with haematological malignancies investigating the effects

of prospectively typing and matching red cell antigens for

this cohort of patients. This pilot study is designed to assist

with the protocol for a larger randomised controlled trial.


2.1 Overview of the project

An overview of the work undertaken for this research is show in the form

of a flow chart:

Retrospective review of chronically transfused patients treated at the RD&E to establish:

 Rate of allo/autoimmunisation
 Risk factors for allo/autoimmunisation
 Costs associated with allo/autoimmunisation
 Potential benefit of a type and match strategy

Validation of a fully automated high throughput serological phenotyping assay to support a type and
match strategy:
 Comparison of phenotype results with current manual methods
 Cost analysis
 Suitability for routine use to support type and match strategy

Validation of the BLOODChip IDCOREXT blood group genotyping assay:

 Comparison of IDCOREXT predicted phenotype with the serological phenotype
 Feasibility of technique for use in hospital transfusion service
 Cost analysis
 Suitability for routine use to support type and match strategy

Pilot study – randomised controlled trial:

 Feasibility of introducing a type and match stategy in a hospital transfusion service
 Identification of changes required in service provision to support the strategy

Cost analysis:
 Analysis of the costs associated with allo/autoimmunisation in chronically transfused patients
and methods for high throughput phenotyping/genotyping
 Review of cost effectiveness of a type and match strategy

2.2 Retrospective review of chronically transfused patients

2.2.1 Sample size for retrospective review

Two cohorts of transfusion dependent patients were selected for inclusion

in the retrospective review; patients with haematological malignancies

and patients with renal insufficiency. Sample size for the retrospective

review was calculated with the aim of achieving a 95% confidence level

with the minimum margin of error (<5%), whilst taking into account the

amount of historic information available in the computer records and the

timeframe of the study. The decision was taken to include a minimum of

800 patients in each study cohort, giving a margin of error of 3.4%.

2.2.2 Patients with haematological malignancies

Data were collected for 1107 randomly selected patients admitted for red

cell transfusions within the haematology ward and haematology day case

unit at the RD&E between 1995 and 2012. Patients were identified using

an in-house enquiry package designed to extract the hospital number and

name of patients who had crossmatch tests recorded in the pathology

computer system (Integrated Pathology System (IPS)) and had the

location codes of YAR (haematology in-patient ward) or YARD

(haematology day case). Patients who had received at least one unit of

blood on one occasion were included in the database. Ethical approval

was not considered appropriate for this retrospective audit as agreed at

the Cornwall and Plymouth Research Ethics Committee on the 5th

September 2012 (MREC No.12/SW/0251 R&D Study No. 13017733).

Blood samples from patients attending the haematology ward and day

case unit at the RD&E during this time period were routinely screened for

atypical red cell antibodies, using a selected set of reagent red cells for

antibody detection, as part of the pre-compatibility testing. From 1995 to

2000 antibody detection was undertaken manually using the low ionic

strength solution (LISS) gel cards (column agglutination technology;

Diamed UK). From the years 2000 to 2008 automated antibody screening

was performed by the IBG Multisampler (IBG Immucor) robotic system

using low ionic strength solution gel test cards (Diamed UK). From 2008

to the present day, antibody screening has been undertaken using

capture technology (solid phase technology) on the IBG Galileo/NEO and

Echo fully automated analysers (IBG Immucor). Over the study period,

antibody identification was performed using a variety of techniques

including column agglutination (Diamed UK) and automated Capture

Ready ID (IBG Immucor). Laboratory processes for antibody identification

also included the DAT by column agglutination (Diamed UK) and, if

appropriate, the use of column agglutination with monospecific anti-

human globulin (AHG) reagents to identify the type of antibody and/or

complement fraction coating the red cells.

Test costs were calculated using an in-house spreadsheet calculator

(Microsoft Excel) taking into account reagent costs, equipment

maintenance, consumables, quality control and staff time incurred during

the financial year 2011-2012. Total test costs for the additional testing

performed on patient samples during the retrospective review period were

calculated using current tests costs, although it is accepted that this is an

approximation of the actual costs of the tests performed and is subject to

error due to variations such as different testing techniques and inflation.

Data were collected on the gender, age at first transfusion, red cell

transfusion history, platelet transfusion history, requirement for irradiated

blood components, allo/autoantibody status and additional testing

requirements for 1107 patients admitted for red cell transfusions within

the haematology ward and day case unit at the RD&E between 1995 and


2.2.3 Patients with renal insufficiency

Data were collected for 877 randomly selected patients admitted for red

cell transfusions within the renal ward and haemodialysis unit at the

RD&E between 1995 and 2013. Patient data were collected as described

for haematology patients in section 2.2.2, with the exception that the

location codes of SID (renal in-patient ward) or CRE (haemodialysis unit)

were used in the computer enquiry. Patients who had received at least

one unit of blood on one occasion were included. Ethical approval was

not considered appropriate for this retrospective audit as agreed at the

Cornwall and Plymouth Research Ethics Committee on the 5th

September 2012 (MREC No.12/SW/0251 R&D Study No. 13017733).

Screening of patients’ samples for atypical red cell antibodies during this

time period was as for patients admitted to the haematology wards. Data

were collected on the gender, age at first transfusion, red cell transfusion

history, renal transplant history, allo/autoantibody status and additional

testing requirements for 877 patients admitted for red cell transfusions

within the renal ward and haemodialysis unit at the RD&E between 1995

and 2013.

2.3 Comparison of manual and automated red cell


One hundred patient samples, to be discarded, were selected for

comparative extended serological red cell antigen phenotyping in the

current manual systems and novel automated method. The BCSH

guidelines for validation and qualification of new techniques in the

laboratory setting (BCSH, 2012) recommend that a predetermined

number of samples are tested in duplicate with the current system,

quoting “2 weeks or 250 samples whichever occurs first” as a target

value. At the time of the validation approximately 140 samples per year

were phenotyped for Rh (CcEe) and K antigens, and less typed for Jk,

Fy, Ss and MN antigens. It was, therefore, considered that 100 samples

would be an acceptable size for comparison testing, which would test all

the reagents and provide the sensitivity required to give confidence in the

performance of the technique. All samples were collected into EDTA

anticoagulant and stored at 2-8oC until tested. Patients who had records

on the hospital computer system, of blood transfusion in the three months

prior to the collection of the sample were excluded from analysis due to

the interference caused by circulating transfused red cells in these

serological techniques. Ethical approval for this stage of the project was

not required as it was considered to be service development. Samples

had been taken for routine blood group and antibody screening and no

additional samples were required.

2.3.1 Manual red cell phenotyping

Manual red cell phenotyping for Rh (CcEe) and K antigens was

performed by column agglutination using DiaClon Rh-Subgroups and K

(Catalogue number: 50110, Bio-Rad, Watford, UK) microgel card for 100

patient samples. The microgel card contains monoclonal antibodies (anti-

C (cell line MS-24), anti-c (cell line MS-33), anti-E (cell line MS-260), anti-

e (cell lines MS-16, MS-21 and MS-63) and anti-K (cell line MS-56))

within each gel matrix and also includes a negative control well.


A 5% suspension of patient red cells was prepared by mixing 0.5mL of

ID-Diluent 2, a modified, low ionic strength solution (catalogue number

05761, Bio-Rad) with 25 µL of packed cells, in accordance with

manufacturer’s instructions.

Patient red cell suspension (10 µL) was then added to each well of the

microgel and the card was then centrifuged in an ID-Centrifuge 12 S II

(Bio-Rad) at 85xg for 10 minutes.

The results were read macroscopically, with positive reactions denoted by

red cell agglutinates visible in the gel matrix and negative reactions by a

button of red cells at the bottom of the column (see figure 2.1).

Figure 2.1: Rh and K antigen phenotyping by column agglutination

Positive reactions are

seen if the antigen is
present on the patient
red cells

Negative reactions are

seen if the antigen is not
present on the patient
red cells

Specific antiserum is
contained within the gel

Example of a patient red cell phenotype performed using column agglutination

methodology (Bio-Rad). Each column within the card contains a specific antiserum, a

suspension of the patient red cells is added to each column, and centrifugation then

forces the patient red cells through the gel matrix containing the antiserum. If the patient

red cells have the corresponding antigen then the cells are trapped in the gel matrix, if

the red cell antigen is absent then the patient cells will travel to the bottom of the

column. The patient phenotype in the example shown here is C+, c+, E-, e+, K-; the

negative reaction in the control column validates the results and confirms the absence of

any false positive reactions caused by auto-agglutination.

Manual red cell phenotyping for the Fy (a and b), Jk (a and b), s and k

antigens was performed using polyclonal reagents supplied by Lorne

(Lorne Laboratories Limited, Early, UK) in an IAT. The following reagents

were used: monoclonal anti-Fya (cell line DG-FYA-02 code 774002) anti-s

(cell line P3YAN3 code 771002) and anti-Fyb (code 317002), anti-Jka

(code 323002), anti-Jkb (code 324002), anti-k (code 320002) prepared

from pooled human sera.


A 0.9% suspension of patient red cells was prepared by mixing 10 µL of

packed red cells with 1mL of ID-Diluent 2 (Bio-Rad).

Patient red cell suspension (50 µL) was then added to each well of a

LISS Coombs Anti-IgG microgel card (Catalogue number: 50540, anti-

IgG, rabbit, Bio-Rad) followed by 25 µL of the appropriate anti-sera.

A control well was included on the microgel card by the addition of 50 µL

of patient red cell suspension to one of the wells within the Coombs Anti-

IgG microgel card.

The microgel was incubated for 15 minutes in a DiaMed-ID Incubator

37oC (Bio-Rad) and then centrifuged in an ID-Centrifuge 12 S II (Bio-Rad)

at 85 x g for 10 minutes.

The results were then read macroscopically, a positive reaction in the

control well invalidated the results (see figure 2.2).

Figure 2.2: Manual Serological phenotyping for Fy (a and b), Jk (a

and b) and s antigens by column agglutination

Incubation well

Positive reactions are seen if the

antigen is present on the patient red

In the manual column agglutination Indirect Antiglobulin Test (Bio-Rad)

patient red cells in suspension are incubated with specific antisera at
37oC to allow antigen-antibody complexes to form. Centrifugation then
forces the red cells through a gel containing anti-human globulin. Red
cells with antibodies attached are then caught by the anti-human globulin
within the gel. Negative reactions are denoted by a button of patient red
cells at the bottom of the column and positive reactions by red cell
agglutinates trapped within the gel matrix. The patient shown in this figure
has the phenotype Fy (a-b+), Jk (a+b-) and s+, the negative reaction in
the control well indicates that the reactions with the antisera are valid and
not due to the presence of a positive Direct Antiglobulin Test.

Manual red cell phenotyping for the M, N, S and C w antigens was

performed using monoclonal reagents manufactured by Millipore

(Millipore UK Ltd, Watford, UK). The following antisera were utilised; Anti-

M (cell line LM110/140), anti-N (cell line BO3), anti-S (cell line MS-94)

and anti-Cw (cell line MS-110). A 3-5% red cell suspension was prepared

by mixing 0.5mL of Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS 0.9% pH7.0, IBG

Immucor) with 75 µL of the patient packed cells. The same cell

suspension was used for all the tube techniques described below.


N antigen status was determined by adding 75 µL of cell suspension and

75 µL of anti-N to an appropriately labelled test tube.

The mixture was agitated gently and then centrifuged in an Immufuge II

(Baxter Healthcare Ltd, Newbury, UK) for 1 minute at approximately 200-

300 x g.

The results were then read by gently agitating the tube to dislodge the red

cells and examining macroscopically for agglutination.

M antigen status was determined by adding 75 µL of red cell suspension

and 75 µL of anti-M to an appropriately labelled test tube.

This was mixed well and incubated at room temperature for 5 minutes.

The tube was then centrifuged at approximately 1000 x g for 20 seconds.

The results were then read by gently agitating the tube to dislodge the red

cells and examining macroscopically for agglutination.

S antigen status was determined by adding 75 µL of patient red cell

suspension and 75 µL of anti-S to an appropriately labelled test tube.

This was mixed and then centrifuged at approximately 1000 x g for 20


The results were then read by gently agitating the tube to dislodge the red

cells and examining macroscopically for agglutination. Cw antigen status

was determined by the same methodology as the S antigen status.

All negative and weakly positive reactions for M, N, S and Cw antigens

were then incubated at room temperature for a further five minutes before

being centrifuged (Immufuge II; Baxter Healthcare Ltd) for 1 minute at

approximately 200-300 x g) again for repeat macroscopic reading.

2.3.2 Automated red cell phenotyping using the NEO analyser

Automated red cell phenotyping was performed using the fully automated

Galileo-NEO® analyser (IBG Immucor). This analyser is used within the

transfusion laboratory at the RD&E for routine ABO/D typing, antibody

screening and antibody identification techniques. It also has the capacity

for automated DAT testing and crossmatching, although these tests have

yet to be validated on the analyser at the RD&E. Reagents for red cell

antigen typing are also supplied by IBG Immucor, which are CE marked

for tube, slide and automated techniques, however, these are not used

for automated testing within the UK (personal communication from

Berndine Kokkelink, IBG Immucor). Provision of extended, automated

serological phenotyping profiles was considered to be a novel way of

introducing high throughput phenotyping technology within the hospital

transfusion service, which could then be adopted by other centres using

the same platforms. The assay would enable identification of a range of

red cell antigens in a single, automated test profile, which is not yet

available in the UK.

A profile to determine the Rh (CcEeCw), K, M and N antigen status was

set up on the NEO® analyser. Immuclone® IgM (IBG Immucor)

monoclonal reagents suitable for use on the IBG NEO® analyser system

in 96 well U-bottom microplates were utilised for this profile. The

monoclonal reagents used were; anti-C (derived from cell line MS-24),

anti-c (derived from cell line MS-33), anti-E (derived from cell lines MS-80

and MS-258), anti-e (derived from cell lines MS-16, MS-21 and MS-63),

anti-K (derived from cell line MS-56), anti-M (clone M-11H2), anti-N

(clone 1422-C7) and anti-Cw (derived from human cell line MS-110). The

reagents were loaded into a single reagent rack, enabling a simple and

fast method for reagent presentation to the analyser. The patient primary

blood sample was centrifuged in a Labofuge400 centrifuge for 11 minutes

at 2,250 x g prior to placing on the NEO® analyser.


The automated process enables the analyser to produce a red cell

suspension from the patient primary sample tube; 10μL of red cells taken

from the primary sample are mixed with 314μL of Diluent (IBG Immucor

kit, ref: 0066058).

Aliquots (40μL) of this cell suspension are then added to the first eight

wells of the 96 well U-bottom microplate in a vertical pattern.

An aliquot (10μL of anti-Cw, -C, -c, -E, -e, -K or 20μL of anti-M, -N) of the

monoclonal reagent is then added to the appropriate well of the microtitre

plate in the order shown in figure 2.3.

An incubation phase performed at 20oC for 10 minutes allows the

antigen-antibody complexes to form, if the antigens are present.

Centrifugation of the plate (30 seconds at 80 x g followed by 30 seconds

at 170 x g) enhances the antigen-antibody reaction by forcing the red

cells closer together allowing the antisera to bind red cells together as


Automated shaking of the plate for 60 seconds then disperses red cells

that have not been agglutinated, leaving a loose layer of red cells within

the microwell. Cells that had been agglutinated by the formation of

antigen-antibody complexes remained as a tight button of cells at the

bottom of the microwell.

The automated reader within the analyser is then able to interpret the

reaction patterns of the red cells, recognising a positive reaction (tight

button of cells at the bottom of the microwell) from a negative reaction

(loose layer of cells around the microwell). The pattern of cells detected

by the automated reader is then converted into a numerical reaction

strength (between 0 and 99) and a corresponding reaction grade

(between 0 and 4; figure 2.3). The user is able to view both reaction

strengths and grades; the availability of the reaction grade allows some

comparability with manual techniques that may also be employed in the


Figure 2.3: Reaction patterns generated by automated red cell

antigen phenotyping for Rh(CCwcEe), K, M and N antigens

Format of the results and reaction patterns generated by the automated

monoclonal profile on the NEO®. The left hand side of the screen shows

the laboratory number associated with the patient sample being tested

and the antigen status of the patient red cells. The right hand side of the

screen shows the image of the reaction in the well captured by the

analyser camera, the reaction strength generated by the analyser and the

grade of reaction. A negative reaction is equivalent to reaction strength of

23 or below, equivocal and positive reactions are variable and dependent

on the antisera used. The “well image” column shows a photographic

image of the agglutination of the cells (positive reaction) or the loose layer

of non-agglutinated cells denoting a negative reaction. (Picture courtesy

of Caryn Conway, IBG Immucor, personal communication).

Automated red cell phenotyping for Fy(a and b), Jk(a and b), S, s and k

antigens was performed using commercial polyclonal antisera prepared

from pools of human sera (IBG Immucor) in Capture-R Select microwell

strips (IBG Immucor ref: 006446). The reagents are loaded in a single

reagent rack, as for the monoclonal reagents. The patient primary blood

sample was centrifuged in a Labofuge400 centrifuge for 11 minutes at

2,250 x g prior to placing on the NEO® analyser.


The automated process enables the analyser to produce a red cell

suspension from the patient primary sample tube; 4μL of red cells from

the sample tube are mixed with 270μL of Diluent (IBG Immucor kit).

Aliquots (40μL) of this cell suspension are then added to the first eight

wells of the 96 well of the Capture-R Select microwell strips in a vertical

pattern. The Capture-R Select microwell is supplied as a ready to use kit

and is pre-coated with an affinity isolated goat anti-murine and an anti-

RBC antibody to immobilise red blood cells to the microwell surface.

The analyser performs a shake phase for 15 seconds to enable the

patient red cells to bind to the Capture-R Select coated microwell.

A double centrifugation stage (60 seconds at 150 x g followed by 60

seconds at 500 x g) then enables the formation of the red cell monolayer.

An aliquot (25μL) of the polyclonal reagent was then added to the

appropriate well of the microtitre plate along with 35μL of negative control

reagent (IBG Immucor) in the order shown in figure 2.4.

An incubation phase performed at 39oC (enabling a 37oC temperature

within the reaction well) for 20 minutes allows the antigen-antibody

complexes to form, if the antigens are present on the patient’s red cells.

The analyser then completes a wash cycle to remove any unbound

antibodies. Immucor Capture-R Ready Indicator Red Cells (a suspension

of red blood cells coated with murine monoclonal anti-human IgG

molecules, 50μL) were then added to the microwell.

These cells are captured by the antigen-antibody complexes in the

presence of the antigen, but remain free in suspension in the absence of

the antigen. A double centrifugation stage (30 seconds at 80 x g followed

by 30 seconds at 170 x g) followed by a shake phase and further

centrifugation (20 seconds at 15 x g) then forces free cells to the bottom

of the microwell but bound cells remained as a monolayer of cells around

the microwell.

Automated reading of the microwell plate by the analyser allowed the

distinction between the monolayer of cells, indicating a positive reaction,

or a button of cells in the bottom of the microwell indicating a negative

reaction (figure 2.4).

Figure 2.4: Reactions patterns generated by automated red cell

antigen typing for Fya, Fyb, Jka, Jkb, S, s and k antigens

Screenshot showing the reaction patterns generated by the NEO

analyser. In the Capture R Select solid phase test positive reactions are
denoted by a layer of patient red cells coating the bottom of the well and
negative reactions are denoted by a tight button of cells, this is in contrast
to the reaction patterns seen in the direct agglutination testing using the
monoclonal reagents (as shown in figure 2.3). The serological phenotype
of the patient sample is shown in the top left hand side of the screen.
(Picture courtesy of Caryn Conway, Immucor, personal communication).

2.3.3 Extended phenotyping profile result interpretation on the

NEO® analyser

A monoclonal antisera reagent profile (anti-C, Anti-c, Anti-E, anti-e, anti-

K, anti-Cw, anti-M and anti-N) was created on the IBG Immucor Galileo-

NEO® analyser (section 2.3.2, figure 2.3) along with a polyclonal antisera

reagent profile (anti-Fya, anti-Fyb, anti-Jka, anti-Jkb, anti-S, anti-s, anti-k

and auto control; all reagents from IBG Immucor, figure 2.4). The Galileo-

NEO® analyser provides the test result in three different formats; a “+” or

“-“ result, a numerical value (0 to 99) and a reaction strength value (0, 1+,

2+, 3+ and 4+). The numerical value has programmed cut-off points for

generating the reaction strength values, which vary according to the

antisera (see appendix 3). These cut-off points have been validated by

the supplier and cannot be influenced by the laboratory staff operating the

analyser. A numerical value of 23 for the monoclonal profile and 20 for

the polyclonal profile, or below generated by the analyser is set to

correspond to a negative result and borderline values between negative

and the set positive value (1+ reaction) are expressed as “not

determined” (NTD). The analyser returns an “X” in the testing well if it

detects an insufficient volume; this could be due to insufficient sample or

insufficient antisera and acts as an internal quality control system to

minimise the risk of false negative results.

The antisera used for the automated testing were all CE marked and

validated for use in automated techniques, with the exception of the anti-

N (immuClone) which was CE marked only for use in tube and slide tests.

This validation also intended to review the effectiveness of this antiserum

for use in the automated technique on the Galileo-NEO®.

2.3.4 Quality control testing

The NHSBT ten cell ID panel profile (0.8% cell suspension) in Cellstab

preservative (item code: PR143, NHSBT, UK) with known red cell

phenotypes (figure 2.5) was used to determine the accuracy of the

automated phenotyping profiles prior to commencing comparative work

with patient samples. The panel was tested on four occasions over four

weeks to determine any intra- and inter-test variation. The panel

contained a mixture of cells with homozygous and heterozygous

expression of red cell antigens. The NHSBT three cell screen profile

product (3% cell suspension) in Alsevers preservative (item code: PR122,

NHSBT) as shown in figure 2.6), selected to include all the relevant

antigens including homozygous and heterozygous expression of red cell

antigens, was tested over five separate occasions to challenge the

stability and accuracy of the antisera over an extended period. The

NHSBT titration cell set profile (0.8% cell suspension in Cellstab, item

code: PR407), including a two cell set with homozygous and

heterozygous expression of red cell antigens (figure 2.7), was tested on

two separate occasions.

The purpose of quality control for red cell antigen phenotyping is to detect

the weakest expression of the antigen, hence the requirement for

examples of heterozygous expression of antigens. Red cells that are

heterozygous express both the antigen and its antithetical counterpart, for

example Jk(a+b+). Whereas, homozygous expression is the presence of

one antigen but not the antithetical antigen, for example Jk(a+b-). There

are no clear recommendations from the BCSH (BCSH 2013) on the

requirements for quality control for phenotyping reagents, only that

suitable positive and negative controls should be included. In the

absence of any commercial quality control for phenotyping reagents, with

the exception of RhCcEe and K, the NHSBT cells were selected as they

included heterozygous and homozygous expression of the majority of

antigens and, thus, could provide both the positive and negative controls


Figure 2.5: NHSBT ten cell ID panel profile

An example of an NHSBT ten cell ID panel. Panels are available in a variety of preservative media; the ID Panel in CellStab was used for quality
control of the automated extended phenotyping technique. Antigen profiles of the red cells in the panel are denoted by a positive (+) or negative (-)
in the table. The panel sheet supplied by the NHSBT (shown in this example) also allows for result entry in the blank section on the right hand side
and for documentation of a DAT result at the bottom of the table. This sheet can then be retained as a worksheet within the laboratory as part patient
result record. (Picture reproduced courtesy of NHSBT, taken from the reagent product profiles

Figure 2.6: NHSBT three cell screen profile product

An example of an NHSBT three cell screen profile set. The product is available in different preservative media suitable for use in a
variety of antibody screening techniques; the product in Alsevers (3% cell suspension) was used for quality control of the extended
automated phenotyping technique. (Picture reproduced courtesy of NHSBT, taken from the reagent product profiles

Figure 2.7: NHSBT titration cell set profile

Example of an NHSBT two cell titration set profile. This product is available for use in techniques designed to determine the strength of a red cell
antibody by titration methods. It was selected for use as a quality control product in the validation of the extended automated phenotyping technique
as it has a selection of red cells that are heterozygous for some of the red cell antigens which were used for determination of the performance of the
automated technique with red cells of a weaker expression than homozygous cells. (Picture reproduced courtesy of NHSBT, taken from the reagent
product profiles

2.4 Blood Group genotyping

2.4.1 DNA Extraction

DNA was obtained from whole blood samples taken from 47 patients

attending the haematology clinic for routine blood samples and who

consented to have an additional sample taken for genetic analysis

(ethical approval for this was obtained from the NRES Committee South

West - Cornwall & Plymouth (MREC No. 12/SW/0251, R&D Study No.

1301733)). The BLOODChip IDCOREXT kit funded for this research

included 48 tests, 47 patient assays and one negative quality control

sample. The sample size for this study group was determined by the

funding obtained. It was not possible within the funding of the research to

include replicates to investigate the reproducibility of the results.

DNA was extracted from the whole blood samples in EDTA anticoagulant

(2.7ml) using the Autopure LS (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany), a fully

automated, high throughput analyser that uses PureGene chemistry

(Qiagen). This method gently removes contaminants and inhibitors to

enable purification of high molecular weight (100-200kb) DNA that can be

stored for analysis.

The analyser uses a red cell lysis solution (Qiagen, 15ml), part of the

Autopure LS whole blood extraction kit (used according to manufacturer’s

instructions) to remove the red cells from the whole blood sample and

then uses centrifugation (3000 x g for 5 min) to produce a pellet of white

blood cells. The white cells are then dispersed and lysed using a cell lysis

solution (Qiagen Autopure LS whole blood extraction kit used according

to manufacturer’s instructions, 5ml) and the proteins precipitated (2.2ml

Autopure protein precipitation solution, Qiagen) by mixing vigorously

(rapid tube inversions for 5 minutes). The supernatant containing the

DNA is then dispensed into tubes containing isopropanol (Autopure 100%

isopropanol 6.5ml). These tubes are rotated and centrifuged (rotated 50

times, centrifuged at 3000 x g for 5 min) to precipitate and pellet the DNA,

the isopropanol (entire volume) is then discarded and the DNA treated

with 70% ethanol (Autopure 70% ethanol, 6.5ml), centrifuged (3000 x g

for 5 min) and drained to evaporate any remaining alcohol. A DNA

hydration solution (Autopure DNA hydration solution, 300µl) is then

dispensed into the tubes to hydrate the DNA. Concentration and purity

were measured using the Nanodrop ND8000 spectrophotometer

(measured in ng/µl and ratios to indicate the purity of the samples). The

samples were then stored at -20°C until required for testing.

2.4.2 IDCOREXT test IDCOREXT Workflow

The IDCOREXT protocol consists of four steps:

 Amplification

 Hybridisation/Labelling

 Data acquisition on Luminex

 Data analysis

108 DNA Amplification

DNA preparation was undertaken in a laminar flow fume hood (Astec –

Bioquell UK Ltd, Andover, UK). The IDCOREXT PCR master mix,

containing the allele specific primers (product ref: 1020120100, Progenika

Biopharma S.A), was brought to room temperature, vortexed for 10

seconds and then spun for 10 seconds in a micro-centrifuge (13000 xg)

before use. The HotStarTaq® DNA polymerase (Qiagen) was kept frozen

until ready for use and then immediately prior to use the tube was flicked

gently and spun down in a micro-centrifuge for 10 seconds. A PCR

reaction mix was prepared using the IDCOREXT PCR master mix and

the HotStarTaq® DNA polymerase in accordance with the quantities

(volumes in μL) shown in table 2.1.

Table 2.1: Reagent volumes required to produce the PCR mix using


Reagent volumes required to produce the PCR mix (volumes in μL) using

the IDCOREXT PCR master mix and the HotStarTaq® DNA polymerase

(Qiagen). Volumes are given for sample batch sizes of 1, 8, 24 and 48.

Number of 1 8 24 48
IDCOREXT 22.5 180 540 1080
PCR master
HotStarTaq 0.5 4 12 24
(5 U/μL)

The 47 patient samples were run in three batches for ease of sample

preparation. A 96 well reaction plate (MicroAmp® Optical 96 well reaction

plate, Applied Biosystems®) (ThermoFisher Scientific, Cramlington, UK)

was used for the amplification phase. The PCR reaction mix was

vortexed and spun rapidly for 10 seconds in a micro-centrifuge, 20μL of

this mix was then dispensed into one well of the PCR reaction plate for

each sample. The frozen DNA samples were brought to room

temperature, vortexed and spun rapidly. DNA sample, 5μL,

(concentration >10ng/μL, A260/A280 ratio in the range 1.6-1.95, as

recommended by the package insert) was then added to the

corresponding wells and the resulting suspension mixed gently by

pipetting up and down.

The plate was then sealed with adhesive film (Microamp® Clear adhesive

film, Applied Biosystems®). The plate was then placed in the thermal

cycler block (Veriti® Applied Biosystems®) with a PCR compression pad

on the top. An amplification program was applied to the samples as

shown in table 2.2, which resulted in the production of the biotinylated

PCR product (Biotin labelled dCTP, included within the amplification kit).

Table 2.2 Amplification program details for IDCOREXT

Program details for the amplification stages; the denaturation, annealing

and extension phases are linked for 40 cycles and then the plates were

kept in the thermal cycler at 4°C until ready for the hybridisation phase.

Temperature Time Cycles

Polymerase 95°C 15 mins 1
Denaturation 95°C 30 sec 40
Annealing 60°C 30 sec 40
Extension 72°C 80 sec 40
Final extension 72°C 7 min 1
Hold 4°C ∞ 1 Hybridisation of amplified DNA to allele specific probes

The ID-COREXT Beads Master Mix (product ref: 1020120200, Progenika

Biopharma S.A.), a solution containing a mix of beads with allele specific

probes attached, was brought to room temperature and vortexed

vigorously for 30 seconds before use. The beads mix include probes

specific for the following alleles:

RHCE blood group: RHCE*ce; RHCE*Ce, RHCE*cE; RHCE*CE,


RHCE*CeVG , RHCE*cEFM, RHCE*ce[712G] , RHCE*ce[733G] ,

HCE*ce[733G,1006T] , RHCE*CE-D[2, 5,7]-CE,

RHCE*cE[697G,712G,733G], RHD*r’s-RHCE*ce[733G,1006T].

KELL blood group: KEL*K_KPB_JSB, KEL*k_KPB_JSB,


Kidd blood group: JK*A, JK*B, JK*B_null(871C), JK*B_null(IVS5-1a).

Duffy blood group: FY*A; FY*B, FY*B_GATA, FY*B[265T]_FY*X

MNS blood group: GYPA*M, GYPA*N, GYPB*s, GYPB*S, GYPB*Mur,

GYPB*deletion, GYPB*S_, null(230T) , GYPB*S_null(IVS5+5t)

Diego blood group: DI*A, DI*B.

Dombrock blood group: DO*A, DO*B, DO*B_HY-, DO*A_JOA

Colton blood group: CO*A, CO*B

Cartwright blood group: YT*A, YT*B

Lutheran blood group: LU*A, LU*B

This process was repeated before dispensing for each sample to ensure

that the beads remained fully dispersed within the mix. ID-COREXT

Beads Master Mix (46µL) was dispensed into relevant wells of a 96 well

Thermowell P polycarbonate clear PCR plate (Corning, New York, USA).

The PCR plate containing amplified DNA from patient samples was

removed from the thermal cycler and 4μL of the PCR product was

dispensed into the corresponding well containing the hybridisation mix;

the resulting suspension was gently mixed by pipetting up and down.

The plate was then covered with a non-adhesive sealing film (Bio-Rad

MSA-5001 film) and placed in the thermal cycler with silicone pads. A

program of denaturation and hybridisation was then applied to allow

amplified DNA to attach to the specific alleles on the beads (table 2.3).

Table 2.3 Thermal cycler program for denaturation and hybridisation

PCR amplicons from patient samples were hybridised to beads with allele

specific probes was performed by denaturation at 95°C, followed by a

hybridization phase at 52°C, the samples were then held prior to

fluorescent labelling.

Temperature Time
Denaturation 95°C 2 min
Hybridisation 52°C 30min
Hold 52°C ∞ Fluorescent labelling of hybridised DNA

The SAPE (Streptavidin R-Phycoerythrin Conjugate) mixture containing

the fluorescent marker (product ref: 000020100, Progenika Biopharma

S.A.) and SAPE Dilution Buffer (product ref: 000020200, Progenika

Biopharma S.A.) were brought to room temperature and the SAPE

vortexed and spun rapidly. A labelling mix was then prepared using the

SAPE Dilution Buffer and the SAPE reagent (volumes μL) as shown in

table 2.4. The labelling mix was then vortexed and protected from the

light by covering with aluminium foil.

Table 2.4 Fluorescent labelling mix

The hybridised DNA attached to the allele specific beads was then

labelled with a fluorescent mix for detection and quantification by the

Luminex analyser. The labelling mix using the SAPE Dilution Buffer and

the SAPE reagent (volumes μL) for different batch sizes of patient

samples are shown in the table below.

Number of 1 8 24 48
SAPE 87 696 2088 4176
SAPE 4.6 36.8 110.4 220.8

At the 52°C hold step in the thermal cycler program (shown in table 2-3)

the lid was opened, and the silicone pads and sealing film carefully

removed. Labelling mix (80μL) was then dispensed into each well of the

hybridisation plate and gently mixed by pipetting up and down. The

samples were then immediately analysed on the Luminex X-Map®

system. Fluorescent labelling is stated here in volumes rather than final

concentrations, as stated in the IDCOREXT package insert, and in

accordance with confidential, proprietary information (kit product ref:

1020120034, Progenika Biopharma S.A.).

2.4.3 Luminex xMAP Analyser Luminex® X-Map system analysis

The Luminex Gold heater block was placed on the plate holder and the

temperature was set to 52°C to correlate with the hold temperature of the

thermal cycler as rapid cooling of the samples could result in non-specific

hybridisation (it is a recommendation of the Luminex assay process that

the temperature is maintained through the process). This was done one

hour in advance of the labelling phase to enable the heater block to reach

the correct temperature.

Prior to analysis, the Luminex analyser was calibrated using the following

reagents (used as per manufacturer’s instructions, Luminex®

xPONENT® 3.1 Quick Guide, Luminex Corporation)

xMAP Classification Calibrator Microspheres (CAL 1), polystyrene

microspheres internally labelled with fluorescent dyes and intended to

normalise the kittings for the classification channels (CL1 and CL2).

xMAP Reporter Calibrator Microspheres (CAL 2), polystyrene

microspheres internally labelled with fluorescent dyes and intended to

normalise the analyser reporter channel (RP1)

xMAP Classification Control Microspheres (CON1), polystyrene

microspheres internally labelled with fluorescent dyes and intended to

verify the calibration and optical integrity for the classification channels

and the doublet discriminator channel.

xMAP Reporter Control Microspheres (CON2), polystyrene microspheres

internally labelled with fluorescent dyes and intended to verify the

calibration and optical integrity for the reporter channel.

Batches for the sample runs were created on the Luminex® xPONENT®

3.1 software (in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions) using

the Create a New Batch from an existing Protocol option in the

batches tab. The corresponding protocol (TLMX_ID-COREXT) was then

selected. The batch run was named and the sample identification

numbers were manually input into the corresponding positions on the

plate layout.

A negative control was run with the sample batch, as per manufacturer’s

recommendation. Due to the limited funding for the research it was not

possible to include a positive control as well. The negative control was

performed by setting up a test reaction with molecular biology grade

water known to be free of any DNA contamination.

The Eject icon was clicked to eject the plate holder, and the hybridisation

plate was placed into the plate holder. The Retract icon was then

selected to place the plate holder into the analyser ready for analysis.

The analysis process was then started, once the batch analysis had been

completed the data was exported as a comma separated values (csv) file

and saved into a folder labelled with the batch name.

The IDCOREXT analysis software was then used to convert the raw data

into a report including the predicted phenotype. The analyser raw data

includes internal quality control designed to identify any invalid results

and prevent reporting of potentially incorrect genotypes and phenotypes.

A “green” alert denotes a valid analysis for genotype and predicted

phenotype. Invalid results are denoted by the following alerts:

 Indeterminate genotype – the software is not able to assign a

result for one or more polymorphisms.

 Low signal intensity – the signal intensity does not fulfil the

acceptable threshold for one or more polymorphisms.

 Low bead count – the bead count does not reach the acceptable

threshold for one or more polymorphisms.

 Unknown genotype(s) and predicted phenotype(s) – a particular

combination of SNPs is not included in the software. The genotype

has not been previously described as associated to a phenotype.

In this circumstance an alternative method should be used to

confirm the genotype and serology used to predict the phenotype.

 Invalid test – the sample analysis result is not acceptable.

 Invalid reading – the raw data cannot be analysed by the software.

In the event of invalid results, a report will not be generated and the

sample(s) must be re-tested. The raw data obtained from the analysis

can be seen in appendix 4.

2.5 Randomised Controlled Trial

A total number of 60 patients were recruited to the pilot study, selected

from patients attending the haematology out-patient clinic. The number of

participants was calculated to provide 80% power to detect an

acceptance rate of 85% or lower if the true acceptance rate in the

population is 95% using a one-sided binomial test of size α = 0.05 (as

determined with Dr Paul White (University of the West of England) and in

accordance with Moore et al., 2011).

The eligibility criteria for recruitment was that the patient was an adult

capable of giving informed consent for inclusion into the trial, in

accordance with the Mental Capacity Act 2005, and that there was no

record of historic red cell antibodies on the patient’s electronic records.

The pilot study was approved by the Cornwall and Plymouth Research

Ethics Committee on the 5th September 2012 (MREC No.12/SW/0251

R&D Study No. 13017733) and patient information leaflets were provided

for all patients approached for recruitment into the trial. Recruitment

commenced on the 9th November 2012 and the required number of

recruits was reached by the 16th July 2014. Patients were randomly

assigned to one of two groups; the standard care group, who had a

standard blood group performed for ABO and RhD type and would

receive blood matched only for ABO and RhD groups or to the

intervention group, who, in addition to the standard care, also had their

blood typed for Rh (CcEe) and K antigens and were flagged on the

pathology computer system to receive blood matched for the additional

antigen types. Provision was made for the intervention group patients to

receive standard blood for transfusion should there be an emergency

situation that did not allow for additional time for the acquisition or

matching of blood with the extra antigens. Laboratory staff was requested

to create a comment on the pathology computer system (visible to

laboratory staff only) in the event that matched blood could not be

provided from the routine blood stocks in the time frame required by the

clinical team attending the patient.

Patients were assigned to the standard care or intervention group using a

modified block randomisation technique to ensure that the groups were

comparable in size and the total number of patients recruited amounted

to 60. The two groups were allocated a number (1 for the standard care

and 2 for the intervention); each number was registered on 30 separate

pieces of paper which were then sealed into 60 individual envelopes.

Upon recruitment of each patient an envelope was selected at random by

a healthcare member of staff not related to the research and the

researcher was then informed of the allocated group of the patient. If the

patient was allocated to the intervention group the researcher then

requested that the patient blood group sample was typed for Rh (CcEe)

and K antigens, in addition to the standard ABO and RhD. A clinical note

was then added to the patient electronic record on the pathology

computer system stating the patient Rh (CcEe) and K antigen type and

the antigen requirements of blood that would be required in the event of a


The patients remained in the trial until it was closed on the 31st July 2015,

at this point data were collected for each patient which included:

 Number of patients transfused in each study group

 Recruitment rates

 Underlying disease condition of the patient

 Number of units of blood transfused during the trial period

 Number of transfusion episodes

 Provision of matched red cell units for patients in the intervention


 Development of any red cell allo/autoantibodies

 Length of time that the patient had been included in the trial.

 Rh (CcEe) and K antigen type of the patient

 Frequencies of Rh phenotypes

This data was collated on an excel file and subjected to statistical

analysis in order to investigate any significant differences between the

number of units of blood transfused during the trial period, the number of

transfusion episodes, development of any red cell allo/autoantibodies and

the length of time that the patient had been included in the trial.

Ethnicity of the patients was not included in the data collection, primarily

because this data is not recorded in the pathology computer system as

part of the patient demographics. It was not felt necessary to request this

information at recruitment as part of the purpose of the pilot study was to

review the availability of matched blood from routine stocks held in the

transfusion laboratory. The region served by the RD&E does not have an

ethnically diverse population; the Exeter census profile (2011) reported

80.49% of the population to be white British. The results of the pilot study

could then be used to review the ease of providing matched blood from

the current stocks, and to direct any changes that may be required to

blood ordering and stock storage.


2.6.1 Retrospective review of haematology and renal patients

Patient information obtained from the retrospective review of

haematology and renal transfusions, excluding any personal identifiers,

was input into an excel spreadsheet and analysed using SPSS version 19

(see appendices 1 and 2). Fisher’s Exact Test was used to examine

associations between allo/autoimmunisation and categorical factors

(gender, immunosuppression) and the independent samples t-test was

used to examine any associations on numeric scale variables (age at first

transfusion, number of units transfused, number of transfusion episodes).

Correspondence analysis was used to investigate any associations

between red cell antibody type (alloantibody only, allo- and autoantibody

in combination or autoantibody only) with disease conditions within the

haematology cohort. Correspondence analysis is a multivariate graphical

statistical technique designed to depict associations in cross-tabulation

tables (Hirschfeld, 1935). The process is a decomposition of the classic

chi-squared test of association into two orthogonal components which are

plotted against one another; points which are close on the plot show

positive associations. The process is a non-parametric exploratory

depiction of potential associations and is not based on the ideas of

statistical significance. The technique allows an exploration of

relationships between multiple categorical variables at the same time,

removing the need to conduct separate chi-square tests for each pair of

variables (Sourial et al, 2010).

2.6.2 Comparison of the manual and automated red cell

phenotyping results

Red cell antigen typing results obtained using serological automated

testing were directly compared to those obtained by current manual

techniques. Red cell antigen results obtained by serological automated

testing using the NHSBT commercial red cell panels were compared to

the known antigen status as recorded on the antigen profile sheets

supplied with the panels (see figures 2.5 – 2.7).

2.6.3 Comparison of the serological phenotyping and genotyping


Red cell antigen types obtained using the automated serological

phenotyping techniques were directly compared to the antigen type

predicted by the genotyping technique, with result types being identified

as positive or negative.

2.6.4 Review of the pilot study – randomised controlled trial

Patient information obtained from the pilot study involving haematology

patients, excluding any personal identifiers, was input into an excel

spreadsheet and analysed using SPSS version 19. Fisher’s Exact Test

was used to examine any differences in the number of patients in the

standard care group that received a transfusion compared to the number

in the intervention group. The t-test was used to investigate any

significant differences between the two groups with regard to numeric

scale variables, time spent in trial, number of units transfused and

number of transfusion episodes.


3.1 Introduction

This study reports on a retrospective review of over 1000 patients

admitted for at least one blood transfusion into the haematology inpatient

ward and outpatient day case ward, and over 800 patients transfused as

a result of renal insufficiency in a National Health Service (NHS)

Foundation Trust hospital. The data collected for each patient included

the total number of units of blood transfused, number of transfusion

episodes, age at first documented transfusion, gender, diagnosis,

intensity of treatment regime and extent of immunosuppression. A

tabulated summary of the raw data obtained for the retrospective review

can be seen in appendix 1 (haematology cohort) and appendix 2 (renal


Concomitant platelet therapy and the requirement for irradiated blood

components were used as surrogate markers for severe

immunosuppression in the haematology patients, as historical studies

have suggested this may result in a tolerance to alloimmunisation

(Schonewille et al., 1999; Holohan et al., 1981; Dutcher et al., 1981;

Asfour et al., 2004; Ramsey et al., 1989). Renal transplant was used as a

marker for severe immunosuppression in patients transfused on the renal

wards. Renal transplant patients are treated with life-long or long-term

immunosuppressive drugs aimed at reducing the risk of acute graft

rejection, often using multiple immunosuppressive agents (Lee and

Gabardi, 2012). Immune suppression is achieved either by depleting the

number of lymphocytes, diverting the lymphocyte traffic or by blocking the

lymphocyte response pathway (Hallorhan, 2004). Patients receive

induction therapy of high dose immunosuppressives at the time of the

transplant to prevent acute rejection (Norman and Turka, 2001;

Hallorhan, 2004; Nashan, 2005; Terasaki and Mizutani, 2006; Cornell et

al., 2008; Gabardi et al., 2011) followed by a lower maintenance dose

using a combination of drugs (Gaston, 2001; Zhang, 2013). Suppression

of the immune system in renal transplant to reduce the risk of production

of HLA alloantibodies could also, in theory, reduce the risk of production

of red cell antibodies in transfused renal transplant patients.

The aim of this review was to identify potential risk factors and/or

protective factors related to the production of allo and/or autoantibodies

within these groups of chronically transfused patients. This information

could then be used to identify an allo/autoantibody immunisation risk

group that would benefit from extended red cell phenotyping and

matching of blood for transfusion. Risk factors for alloimmunisation, such

as the number of red cell transfusions (Zalpuri et al., 2012) and the

gender of the recipient (Hoeltge et al., 1995) have already been

suggested and, in addition, it is also known that patients who develop one

alloantibody are more likely to produce additional antibodies following

subsequent red cell transfusion (Schonewille et al., 1999; Fluit et al.,

1990). The identification of a high risk group destined for chronic red cell

transfusion therapy would help to target the implementation of a strategy

for pre-transfusion extended red cell antigen phenotyping and matching

of blood for transfusion in this group of patients. Such a strategy could

have the potential to reduce the risk of alloimmunisation, in turn reducing

the burden of additional testing for the hospital transfusion service and

the risk of transfusion reactions in the patients.

3.2 Patients with haematological malignancies

A total of 1107 records of patients admitted to the haematology wards for

transfusion were reviewed, 1006 patients for anaemia secondary to

haematological disorders, 54 with solid organ cancer and 47 for anaemia

secondary to other conditions (see table 3-1). The 1107 patients

received a total of 31,890 units of red cells during 14,013 clinical

episodes, the average number of units transfused was 29 (SD 42.1). The

average number of transfusion episodes was 13 (SD 17.1) and the age of

the patients at first recorded transfusion ranged from 13 to 99 with an

average of 72 years (SD 14.7).

Of the 1107 patients, 256 (23%) either presented with, or developed, allo

and/or autoantibodies to red cell antigens. Of the original 1107 patients

sixty patients (5.4%) presented with allo and/or autoantibodies at the first

recorded test, of these, 21 (1.9%) presented with an identifiable red cell

alloantibody only. Eleven (18.3%) of the 60 patients who presented with

red cell allo and/or autoantibodies developed additional allo and/or

autoantibodies following transfusion.

A total of 1086 patients presented with no detectable red cell

alloantibodies, 140 (12.9%) developed one or more alloantibodies post

transfusion. The average number of units given prior to the production of

allo/autoantibodies was 15.46 (maximum =270, minimum = 2, average =

5.5, SD = 6.35).

3.2.1 Antibodies and disease conditions

Allo and/or autoantibodies were most commonly seen in patients with

haemolytic anaemia (78%), aplastic anaemia (57%), Waldenström

macroglobulinaemia (42%) and chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (39%).

Within the disease groups chronic myeloid / monocytic leukaemia

(CMML), myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) and myeloproliferative

disorder (MPD), 30% of patients were found to have allo/autoantibodies.

In addition 30% of patients transfused for less common haematological

conditions (shown as “other” in table 3-1), such as amyloidosis,

sideroblastic anaemia and essential thrombocythaemia, were found to

have allo/autoantibodies. Allo/autoantibodies were less commonly seen

in patients with acute lymphocytic leukaemia (0%), Hodgkin’s lymphoma

(7%) and non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (16%). Table 3-1 shows the number

of patients with allo and/or autoantibodies in relation to disease condition.

It is important to note that in some of the groups the percentages quoted

may be high, or low, because the patient numbers are small.

Table 3.1: Allo/autoantibodies and disease conditions

A retrospective review of patients transfused within the haematology cohort (n=1107)

was performed to investigate any associations between the risk of development of

allo/autoantibodies and the disease status of the patient. This table shows the total

number of patients reviewed in each disease group, along with the number of patients in

that group found to have allo/autoantibodies and the relative percentage.

Disease Total Number of patients % with

number of with allo/autoantibodies
patients allo/autoantibodies
Acute lymphocytic 14 0 0
Acute myeloid leukaemia 145 35 24

Anaemia 26 7 27

Aplastic anaemia 14 9 57

Chronic 20 6 30
Chronic lymphocytic 57 22 39
Haemolytic anaemia 9 7 78

Hodgkin’s lymphoma 29 2 7

Lymphoma 61 13 21

Myelodysplastic 151 45 30

Myeloma 187 33 18

Myeloproliferative 23 7 30

Non-Hodgkin’s 258 41 16

Solid organ cancer 54 10 19

Other 47 14 30

Waldenström 12 5 42

Further analysis of the incidence of alloantibodies only, alloantibodies in

combination with autoantibodies, and autoantibodies only, was performed

in some of the disease conditions (Table 3-2). Correspondence analysis

was performed to investigate any associations between disease status

and antibody type (Figure 3.1). This demonstrated that haemolytic

anaemia, MDS, and MPD show an association with allo and autoantibody

in combination, whereas AML, CLL and aplastic anaemia are associated

with autoantibody production only. Four (57.1%) of the seven immunised

patients with haemolytic anaemia had alloantibodies in combination with

autoantibodies. One patient with a non-autoimmune haemolytic anaemia

developed anti-Fya and anti-Chido-Rogers. Twelve (54.5%) of the 22

immunised patients with CLL had autoantibodies only, 9 (40.9%)

developed autoantibodies in combination with alloantibodies and one

patient developed an alloantibody only. Twenty six (57.8%) of the

immunised patients with MDS had alloantibodies in combination with

autoantibodies, 11 (24.4%) had alloantibodies only and eight (17.8%) had

autoantibodies only.

Table 3.2: Red cell antibody type in relation to disease

Analysis of red cell antibody type in relation to disease within the immunised patient group (n=256) in the haematology

patient cohort (n=1107) was performed for a selection of disease groups. Antibody types are grouped into alloantibody only,

allo and autoantibody in combination and autoantibody only. The total number of immunised patients in each disease group

is represented, along with the total numbers of patients within each disease group with certain antibody types and the

representative percentages.

Total number of
Disease Alloantibody only Allo and autoantibody Autoantibody only
immunised patients
MDS 45 11 (24.4%) 26 (57.8%) 8 (17.8%)
AML 35 10 (28.6%) 11 (31.4%) 14 (40.0%)
Myeloma 33 13 (39.4%) 13 (39.4%) 7 (21.2%)
CLL 22 1 (4.5%) 9 (40.9%) 12 (54.5%)
Lymphoma 13 4 (30.8%) 5 (38.5%) 4 (30.8%)
Solid organ cancer 10 7 (70.0%) 3 (30.3%) 0 (0.0%)
Aplastic anaemia 9 2 (22.2%) 3 (33.3%) 4 (44.4%)
Haemolytic anaemia 7 1 (14.3%) 4 (57.1%) 2 (28.6%)
7 1 (14.3%) 4 (57.1%) 2 (28.6%)
CML/CMML 6 0 (0.0%) 3 (50.0%) 3 (50.0%)
5 2 (40.0%) 1 (20.0%) 2 (40.0%)

Figure 3.1: Correspondence analysis of the association between

disease types and antibody types in the Haematology cohort

Correspondence analysis showing clusters of disease types associated

with antibody type in the immunised patients within the haematology
cohort (n=256). The blue squares represent the antibody type
(alloantibody only, autoantibody only and allo and autoantibody in
combination) and the red circles represent the disease type. The
components (1 and 2) and the X and Y axes are derived from a process
known as eigenvalue decomposition of the chi-square test of association.
The “map” produced by this process will demonstrate any relationships
between the variables by the proximity of the plotted points; haemolytic
anaemia, MDS, and MPD show an association with allo and autoantibody
in combination, whereas AML, CLL and aplastic anaemia are associated
with autoantibody production only. Analysis performed by Dr Paul White,
University of the West of England.

3.2.2 Antibody Specificities

Of the 256 red cell antigen immunised patients, 70 (27.3%) developed

alloantibodies only, 101 (39.4%) developed alloantibodies in combination

with autoantibodies and 85 (33.2%) developed autoantibodies only. The

incidence of antibody specificities is presented in figure 3.2. A total of 242

alloantibodies were detected, of these 71 (29.3%) could not be identified.

Of the 171 identifiable alloantibodies 114 (66.7%) were to Rh (D, C, c, E,

e) or Kell antigens. The most common specificity was anti-E (21.5%),

followed by anti-K (11.6%) and anti-C (7.4%). Two hundred and four

autoantibodies were detected, 18 (8.8%) had definable specificities within

this group auto-anti-e was the most common (61%). Autoantibody

specificity was either confirmed at the reference laboratory (NHSBT) (11

patients) or assigned in the transfusion laboratory based on antibody

identification and phenotype results (7 patients). Antibodies to variant

antigens were not excluded for any of these patients. Of the 256 red cell

antigen immunised patients, 101 (39.2%) had alloantibodies in

combination with autoantibodies. Of these 101 patients, 80 (79.2%)

developed the autoantibody after the alloantibody, 8 (7.9%) developed

the alloantibody after the autoantibody, 9 (8.9%) presented with

alloantibody and autoantibody in combination, and 4 (3.9%) developed

allo and autoantibody in combination following transfusion. Analysis of the

specificities of patients with identifiable alloantibodies revealed 60

patients with single specificity (61.6%), 28 with two alloantibodies (25%),

11 with three antibodies (9.8%), three with four antibody specificities

(2.7%) and one patient who developed five separate alloantibodies


Patients (n=186) who presented with, or developed autoantibodies had

records detailing the type of antibody or complement fraction on the

surface of their red cells. Within this group 140/186 (75.3%) were found to

have IgG only, 17/186 (9.1%) were found to have C3d only and 29/186

(15.6%) were found to have a combination of IgG and C3d.

Autoantibodies of a transient nature could be demonstrated in 117 of the

186 patients (62.9%).

Figure 3.2: Incidence of antibody specificities within the

haematology cohort

The incidence and specificity of allo- and autoantibodies within the immunised
group of the haematology patient cohort (n=256). The specificity of the antibody
is shown on the Y-axis, alloantibodies are denoted by the antigen specificity and
autoantibodies are denoted separately. Autoantibodies showing no specificity
were most commonly seen in this cohort of patients (n=186/256), within the
group of autoantibodies demonstrating a red cell antigen specificity, auto anti-e
was the most common (n=11/18). Alloantibodies to antigens within the Rh and
Kell blood group systems were the most common (n=114/171). (AHG = Anti-
human globulin).

3.2.3 Antibodies and patient factors Gender and immunisation rates

Of the 1107 patient records reviewed in the haematology cohort, 532

were female and 575 were male. Analysis (Figure 3.3a) of the

allo/autoantibody immunisation rate in males (122/575, 21.22%) and

females (134/532, 25.19%) showed no statistical significant difference

(Fisher’s Exact Test P=0.1340). In addition, no significant difference was

seen in the rates in males (81/575, 14.10%) and females (90/532,

16.92%) with alloantibodies only (Fisher’s Exact Test P=0.1310) (Figure


Figure 3.3: Immunisation rates in males and females within the Haematology cohort


700 700
600 600
Number of patients

Number of patients
500 500
400 Patients with 400
300 300 Alloimmunised
200 Patients without 200 Non immunised
100 allo/auto immunisation 100
0 0
Female Male Female Male
Gender Gender

Graphs showing the allo/autoimmunisation rates in males and females in the haematology cohort (n=1107). The number of patients who did not

demonstrate allo/autoimmunisation is denoted by the blue bar and the number with red cell allo/autoimmunisation is denoted by the red bar.

Statistical analysis of the allo/autoantibody immunisation rate in males (122/575= 21.22%) and females (134/532 =25.19%) showed no significant

difference (Fisher’s Exact Test P=0.1340) Figure A. In addition there was no significant difference seen in the rates in males (81/575=14.10%) and

females (90/532=16.92%) with alloantibodies only (Fisher’s Exact Test P=0.1310) Figure B.

136 Age and immunisation rates

The age of patients receiving blood transfusions in the haematology

cohort ranged from 13 to 99 years (n=1107). The mean age at the first

recorded transfusion for patients with allo/autoimmunisation was 69.18

(range 13-95 years, standard deviation (SD) 14.62) and the mean age for

those patients without allo/autoantibodies was 69 years (range 18-99, SD

14.73). There was no statistically significant difference between the mean

age at first recorded transfusion and the incidence of allo/autoantibody

immunisation (t-test P=0.8637). Further review of patients to investigate

any relationship between age at first recorded transfusion and the

development of alloantibodies only revealed a mean age at first recorded

transfusion of 69.82 (SD 14.22) for those with alloimmunisation and a

mean age of 69 (SD 14.73) for the non-immunised patients (Figures 3.4A

and 3.4B respectively). Again, no statistical significance was

demonstrated (t-test P= 0.5042)

Figure 3.4: Influence of age at first transfusion and allo/autoantibody development within the haematology cohort


120 120

100 100
Age in years at first recorded

Age in years at first recorded

80 80

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
Immunised Non Immunised Alloantibody only Non Immunised

Box-and-whiskers plots showing the minimum and maximum age at first transfusion (black line), the first quartile, median (second quartile) and third quartile. This

figure shows the age at first recorded transfusion in patients in the haematology cohort (n=1107) with or without allo/autoantibodies (figure A) and with or without

alloantibodies only (figure B). There was no significant difference between the mean age at first recorded transfusion and the incidence of allo/autoantibody

immunization (mean 69.18 years, SD14.62) compared to the non-immunised group (mean = 69 years, SD14.73) (t-test P=0.8637); Figure A. Figure B shows the

mean age at first recorded transfusion in patients with alloantibodies only (mean 69.82, SD 14.22) and those non-immunised (mean = 69, SD 14.73), no significant

difference was seen (t-test P= 0.5042).

138 Immune suppression and incidence of immunisation

Concomitant platelet support and the requirement for irradiated blood

were used as surrogate markers for immune suppression in order to

investigate any relationship between immune suppression and the

incidence of immunisation to red cell antigens. In the haematology cohort

(n=1107) 534 patients were recorded as having received concomitant

platelet therapy, of these 123 (23.0%) patients had a recorded allo/auto

antibody. The incidence of allo/autoantibodies in patients not receiving

any platelet support (n=573) was 23.2%. Therefore, concomitant platelet

therapy appeared to have no influence on the rate of allo/autoantibody

formation (Fisher’s Exact Test P=1.00). Further analysis of patients with

alloantibodies only revealed that 79 (14.8%) of the 534 patients receiving

platelets were recorded as having alloantibodies and 92 (16.0%) had no

alloantibodies, also showing no statistically significant difference

(P=0.6750) (figures 3.5a and b respectively).

Figure 3.5: Influence of immune suppression (platelet requirement) on allo/autoantibody development in the

haematology cohort

700 700

600 600


Number of patients
Number of patients

400 400
Allo/auto immunised alloimmunised
300 300
Non immunised non immunised
200 200

100 100

0 0
No Yes No Yes

Platelet Therapy Platelet Therapy

Concomitant platelet therapy was used as an indicator of immune suppression. In the haematology cohort (n=1107) 534 patients were recorded as

having received concomitant platelet therapy, of these 123 (23.0%) patients had a recorded allo/auto antibody. The incidence of allo/autoantibodies

in patients not receiving any platelet support (n=573) was 23.2%. Therefore, concomitant platelet therapy had no influence on the rate of

allo/autoantibody formation (Fisher’s Exact Test P=1.00) or on the rate of alloimmunisation only (P=0.6750) (Figures A and B respectively).

A total of 362 patients in the haematology cohort were given irradiated

blood components, 91/362 (25.1%) of these patients developed an

allo/autoantibody and 165/745 (22.2%) of patients not requiring irradiated

blood components had allo/autoantibodies. Analysis of patients with

alloantibodies only demonstrated an incidence 14.6% (53/362) in patients

receiving irradiated components and 15.6% (116/745) in patients not

receiving irradiated components. Therefore the requirement for irradiated

blood components appeared to have no influence on the rate of

allo/autoantibody formation (Fisher’s Exact Test P=0.2876) or on the rate

of alloimmunisation (P= 0.6750) (Figures 3.6a and b).

Figure 3.6: Influence of immunosuppression (irradiated requirement) on allo/autoantibody development in the

haematology cohort


800 800
700 700
600 600
Number of patients

Number of patients
500 500
400 Allo/autoimmunised 400
300 Non immunised 300
Non immunised
200 200
100 100
0 0
No Yes No Yes
Irradiated requirement Irradiated requirement

The allo/autoimmunisation rate in patients with a requirement for irradiated blood components was 25.1% (91/362) compared to 22.2% (165/745)

not requiring irradiated blood components (figure A). Analysis of patients with alloantibodies only demonstrated an incidence 14.6% (53/362) of

alloantibodies in patients receiving irradiated components and 15.6% (116/745) in patients not receiving irradiated components (Figures B).

Therefore the requirement for irradiated blood components appeared to have no influence on the rate of allo/autoantibody formation (Fisher’s Exact

Test P=0.2876) or on the rate of alloimmunisation (P= 0.6750).

142 Number of transfusions and incidence of immunisation

In the haematology cohort (n=1107) the average number of transfusion

episodes recorded over the review period for all patients was 13 (range 1-

155) and the average number of units given to the patients was 29 (range


In the immunised group (n=256) the average number of transfusion

episodes was 20.3 (SD 23.68), compared to an average of 10.36 (SD

13.33) episodes in the non-immunised group (n=851), demonstrating a

statistically significant difference in the number of transfusion episodes

and the incidence of allo/autoimmunisation (t-test P=<0.0001) (figure

3.7a). Further analysis of immunised patients showed a significant

difference in the number of transfusion episodes between patients with

alloantibodies only (average 21.57, SD 24.98) and those with allo and

autoantibodies (average 45.95, SD 57.45 (t-test P= 0.0007), as shown in

figure 3.7b. In addition, a significant difference was also demonstrated in

the number of transfusion episodes in patients with allo +/- autoantibodies

(average 23.04, SD 24.93) compared to those with autoantibodies only

(average 13.37, SD 16.95) (t-test P= 0.0014), as shown in figure 3.7c.

Figure 3.7: Influence of the number of transfusion episodes on the development of all/autoantibodies in the

haematology cohort


180 180 450

Number of transfusion episodes

Number of transfusion episodes

160 400

Number of transfusion episodes

140 140 350
120 120 300
100 100 250
80 80 200
60 60 150
40 40 100
20 20 50
0 0 0
Immunised Non Immunised Alloantibody only Allo autoantibody autoantibody onlyAllo/autoantibody

Box-and-whiskers plots showing the minimum and maximum numbers (black line) of transfusion episodes (figure A) (the first quartile, median
(second quartile) and third quartile are denoted by the coloured blocks) in immunised and non-immunised patients in the haematology cohort
(n=1107). There was a statistically significant difference (t-test P=<0.0001) in the number of transfusion episodes in the immunised group (n=256,
average number of episodes 20.3, SD 23.68) compared to the non-immunised group (n=851 average10.36, SD 13.33) (figure A). A significant
difference (t-test P= 0.0007), was also seen in the number of transfusion episodes in patients with alloantibodies only (average 21.57, SD 24.98)
compared to those with allo and autoantibodies (average 45.95, SD 57.45) as shown in figure B and also between those with allo+/-autoantibody
(average 23.04, SD 24.93) and those with an autoantibody only (average 13.37, SD 16.95) (t-test P= 0.0014) as shown in figure C.

Analysis of the number of red cell units transfused within the haematology

cohort (n=1107) during the review period revealed that the number of

units transfused ranged from 1 to 382, with an average of 29 (SD 42.1).

The average number of red cell units given to patients in the immunised

group (n=256) was 46.99 (SD 59.65) compared to 23.43 (SD 32.04) in

the non-immunised group (n=851), demonstrating a statistically significant

difference (t-test P=<0.0001), as shown in figure 3.8a. This difference

was also seen in the number of units given in patients with allo +/-

autoantibodies (n=171, average number of units given 54.42, SD 65.40)

compared to those with autoantibodies only (n=85, average number of

units given 32.72, SD 42.82) (t-test P= 0.0059), as shown in Figure 3.8b.

This demonstrates that the risk of developing an allo +/- autoantibody

increases as the number of transfusion episodes and number of red cell

units given increases. However, the incidence of autoantibodies alone

does not appear to be influenced by the number of transfusion episodes

or number of units given.

Figure 3.8: Influence of the number of red cell units transfused on the development of allo/autoantibodies in the

haematology cohort


450 450
400 400
Number of units transfused

Number of units transfused

350 350
300 300
250 250
200 200
150 150
100 100
50 50
0 0
Immunised Non Immunised Allo Autoantibodies Autoantibodies only

Box-and-whiskers plots showing the minimum and maximum numbers (black line) of red cell units transfused and numbers of red cell units transfused (the first

quartile, median (second quartile) and third quartile are denoted by the coloured blocks) in immunised and non-immunised patients in the haematology cohort

(n=1107). The average number of red cell units given to patients in the immunised group (n=256) was 46.99 (SD59.65) compared to 23.43 (SD 32.04) in the non-

immunised group (n=851), demonstrating a statistically significant difference (t-test P=<0.0001) (figure A). The number of units given in patients with allo +/-

autoantibodies (n=171, average number of units given 54.42, SD 65.40) compared to those with autoantibodies only (n=85, average number of units given 32.72, SD

42.82) (t-test P= 0.0059), as shown in Figure B.

146 Time between transfusions and the incidence of


Analysis was performed on the time (in days) between transfusion

episodes for patients within the haematology cohort (n=1107). The time

between transfusion episodes for all patients ranged from 0 to 2882 days,

with an average time of 107.39 (SD 220.42) days. The average time

between transfusion episodes for the immunised patients was 113.3 (SD

192.42) days (n=256, range 0 to 1629 days) compared to an average of

102.5 (SD 228.22) days for non-immunised patients (n=851, range 0 to

2882.5 days). There was no significant difference seen in the average

time between transfusion episodes in the two groups (t-test P=0.4925), as

shown in figure 3.9. This suggests that the frequency at which the

recipients are exposed to foreign red cell antigens does not influence the

development of allo/autoantibodies.

Figure 3.9: Influence of the frequency of transfusion episodes on the development of allo/autoantibodies in the

haematology cohort


Time between transfusion episodes (days)






Immunised Non Immunised

Box-and-whiskers plot showing the minimum and maximum (black line) number of days between transfusion episodes (the first quartile, median

(second quartile) and third quartile are denoted by the coloured blocks) in the haematology cohort. The average time between transfusion episodes

for the immunised patients was 113.3 (SD 192.42) days (n=256, range 0 to 1629 days) compared to an average of 102.5 (SD 228.22) days for non-

immunised patients (n=851, range 0 to 2882.5 days). There was no significant difference seen in the average time between transfusion episodes in

the two groups (t-test P=0.4925).

3.2.4 Transfusion Reactions

Of the 1107 patient records reviewed within the haematology cohort, 24

(2.17%) were investigated for a suspected transfusion reaction, giving an

overall transfusion reaction incidence of 1 in 1328.75 units. In the

immunised group the incidence of investigation of transfusion reactions

was 11/256 (4.3%) compared to an incidence of 13/851 (1.5%) in the

non-immunised group. An approximate three fold difference was seen in

the rate of suspected transfusion reactions in the allo/auto immunised

group compared to the non-immunised group (see table 3-3). Analysis

using the Fisher’s Exact Test shows that the difference between the

groups is statistically significant (P=0.0128).

Patients included within the immunised group for review of suspected

transfusion reactions were those with known red cell allo/autoantibodies

being transfused with antigen negative and/or crossmatch compatible

blood, not patients who had suffered a transfusion reaction as a result of

development of antibodies subsequent to a transfusion. Therefore the

difference between the immunised and the non-immunised group is

suggestive that even when allo/antibodies have been detected and blood

compatible by current in vitro methods is provided the likelihood of a

transfusion reaction is higher if the patient has known allo/autoantibodies.

Table 3.3: Transfusion reactions in the haematology cohort

The number of suspected transfusion reactions reported in the

haematology cohort (n=1107) for immunised (patients with

allo/autoantibodies) patients was 11/256 and those reported in non-

immunised patients was 13/851. Fisher’s Exact Test shows that the

difference between the groups is statistically significant (P=0.0128). The

risk of transfusion reaction was higher in the immunised group despite the

fact that this group was transfused with blood that was deemed

compatible by in vitro methods.

Total Number of %
number of investigated
patients transfusion
Non- 851 13 1.5
Immunised 256 11 4.3

Total 1107 24

3.2.5 Cost of additional testing

A total of 6914 serological tests, in addition to the standard ABO and Rh

D group and antibody screen, were performed for the patients in the

haematology cohort (n=1107) at a total cost of £50,262.42. A total of 358

serological tests were performed for the non-immunised patients (n=851)

compared to 6556 additional tests for the immunised group (n=256). A

breakdown of the additional serological tests performed and the costs of

the additional testing are shown in table 3-4. Test costs were calculated,

using an in-house spreadsheet calculator (Microsoft Excel), taking into

account reagent costs, equipment maintenance, consumables, quality

control and staff time incurred during the financial year 2011-2012. Total

test costs for the additional testing performed on patient samples during

the retrospective review period were calculated using these current costs,

although it is accepted that this is not representative of the actual costs of

the tests performed due to changes in costs of staff salaries over the time

period reviewed and changes in test procedures, reagents and analysers


Table 3.4: Cost of additional testing in the haematology cohort

The number and cost of additional serological testing performed in

immunised (256/1107) and non-immunised patients (851/1107) within the

haematology cohort. The total cost of additional testing for patients with

allo/autoantibodies was approximately 32 fold greater than that for those

without antibodies.

Immunised group Non immunised group

Test Number of Cost Number of Additional

tests tests Cost
Antibody 2694 £19,181.28 0 0
Direct 2174 £9,152.54 355 £1,494.55
Monospecific 1279 £7,098.54 2 £11.10
Coombs test
NHSBT RCI 249 £12,474.90 0 0
Rh CcEe type 98 £426.30 0 0

Red cell 50 £209 1 £4.18

Autoabsorption 3 £44.88 0 0

Cold agglutinin 9 £165.15 0 0

Total 6556 £48,752.59 358 £1,509.83

3.3 Patients with renal insufficiency

A total of 877 blood transfusion records of patients admitted to the renal

wards for transfusion were reviewed. The 877 patients received a total of

11822 units of red cells during 5238 clinical episodes, the average

number of units transfused was 13.5 (SD 18.36) with a range of 1 to 246.

The average number of transfusion episodes was 5.98 (SD 7.37) with a

range of 1 to 67. The age of the patients at first recorded transfusion

ranged from 15 to 95 with an average of 68.14 years (SD 14.42).

Of the 877 patients in the renal cohort, 134 (15.3%) either presented with,

or developed, allo and/or autoantibodies to red cell antigens. Of the

original 877 patients, 41 patients (4.7%) presented with allo and/or

autoantibodies at the first recorded test, 27 (3.1%) of these presented

with a red cell alloantibody only. Five (12.2%) of the 41 patients who

presented with red cell allo and/or autoantibodies developed additional

allo and/or autoantibodies following transfusion.

A total of 850 patients presented with no detectable red cell

alloantibodies, 33 (3.9%) of these developed one or more alloantibodies

post transfusion

The average number of units given prior to the production of

alloantibodies was 9.66 (range 0 - 143, SD = 16.79). The average

number of units given prior to the production of autoantibodies was 11.46

(range 0 - 91, SD = 18.02).

3.3.1 Antibody Specificities

Of the 134 red cell antigen immunised patients in the renal cohort, 60

(44.78%) developed alloantibodies only, 55 (41.04%) developed

alloantibodies in combination with autoantibodies and 19 (14.2%)

developed autoantibodies only. The incidence of antibody specificities is

presented in figure 3.10. A total of 147 alloantibodies were detected, of

these 42 (28.6%) could not be identified. Of the 112 identifiable

alloantibodies 75 (67.0%) were specific to Rh (D, C, c, E, e) or Kell

antigens. The most common specificity was anti-E (16.3%), followed by

anti-K (11.6%) and anti-C (11.6%).

A total of 66 autoantibodies were detected, 7/66 (10.6%) had definable

specificities with auto-anti-e being the most common (3/7, 42.9%) (figure

3.10). A total of 34 (25.4%) of the 134 red cell antigen immunised patients

had alloantibodies in combination with autoantibodies. Of these patients

six (17.6%) developed the autoantibody after the alloantibody, none

developed the alloantibody after the autoantibody, 26 (76.5%) developed

the alloantibody and autoantibody in combination following transfusion

and two presented with an allo/autoantibody combination (5.9%).

Analysis of the specificities of patients with identifiable alloantibodies

revealed 38 patients with single specificity (60.3%), 18 with two

alloantibodies (28.6%), 4 with three antibodies (6.34%) and three with

four antibody specificities (4.76%). Sixty six patients who presented with,

or developed autoantibodies had records detailing the type of antibody or

complement fraction on the surface of their red cells. Sixty one (61/66,

92.4%) were found to have IgG only, two (2/66, 3.0%) were found to have

C3d only and two (2/66, 3.0%) were found to have a combination of IgG

and C3d. One patient did not have a recorded autoantibody type.

Figure 3.10: Incidence and specificity of allo/autoantibodies in the

renal cohort

The incidence and specificity of allo- and autoantibodies within the renal patient cohort (n= 877).

The specificity of the antibody is shown on the Y-axis, alloantibodies are denoted by the antigen

specificity and autoantibodies are denoted separately. Autoantibodies with no definable specificity

were most commonly detected (n=58), along with alloantibodies reactive in Indirect Anti Human

Globulin (AHG) tests with no definable specificity (n=42). The most commonly detected

alloantibody was anti-E (n= 24), followed by anti-C (n=17) and anti-K (n=17).

3.3.2 Antibodies and patient factors Gender and immunisation rate

Of the 877 records reviewed in the renal patient cohort, 339 (38.7%) were

female and 537 (61.2%) were male. The allo/autoantibody immunisation

rate in males was 11.7% (63/537), compared to 20.9% in females

(71/339) demonstrating a significant difference (Fisher’s Exact Test

P=0.0003) and indicating that females are significantly more likely to

develop allo/autoantibodies than males in this group of patients (figure


Figure 3.11: Influence of gender on the development of

allo/autoantibodies in the renal cohort

Number of

300 immunised
Female Male

Incidence of immunisation rates in males and females in the renal cohort

(n=877). The incidence of immunisation in male patients was 11.7%

(63/537) compared to an incidence rate of 20.9% (71/339) in female

patients. A significant difference (Fisher’s Exact Test P=0.0003) was seen

between allo/autoimmunisation rates in males and females in this group

of patients.

158 Age and immunisation rate

In the renal cohort (n=877) the age of the patients at first recorded

transfusion ranged from 15 to 95 years with an average of 68.14 years

(SD14.42). Within the immunised group (n=134) the average age at first

transfusion was 66.58 years (range 24 – 90, SD 14.70) and within the

non-immunised group the average age was 68.42 years (range 15 – 95,

SD 14.36). There was no significant difference between the mean age (in

years) at first recorded transfusion in the patients with allo/autoantibodies

and those without (t-test P=0.4599) (figure 3.12), indicating that age at

first transfusion does not influence the incidence of immunisation.

Figure 3.12: Influence of age at first recorded transfusion on the

development of allo/autoantibodies in the renal cohort

Age of patients (years)

Immunised Non Immunised

Box-and-whiskers plot showing the range of age at first transfusion (black line) in the

immunised and non-immunised patients within the renal cohort (n=877). The first and

third quartiles and the median (second quartile) are denoted by the red and green

blocks. The average age at first transfusion in the immunised group was 66.58 years

(range 24 – 90, SD 14.70) and in the non-immunised group the average age was 68.42

years (range 15 – 95, SD 14.36). No significant difference was seen between the mean

age (in years) at first recorded transfusion in the patients with allo/autoantibodies and

those without (t-test P=0.4599)

160 Immune suppression and immunisation rate

Receipt of a renal transplant was used as a surrogate marker of immune

suppression, within the renal cohort, in order to investigate any

relationship between immunosuppression and immunisation rate. Forty

seven patients within this group (n=877) had records indicating that they

had received a renal transplant. An immunisation rate of 2.1% (7/47) was

seen in the patients with a record of renal transplant compared to an

immunisation rate of 15.3% (127/830) in the non-transplanted patients.

Statistical analysis of the groups showed that there is a statistical

significance between these rates indicating that immune suppression in

this group of patients may have a protective effect against immunisation

to red cell antigens (Fisher’s Exact Test P=0.0029) as shown in figure


Figure 3.13: Influence of immunosuppression on the development of

allo/autoantibodies in the renal cohort


Number of patients



Yes No

Comparison of the incidence of immunisation in renal patients (n=877) with and without

recorded renal transplant, used as a surrogate marker of immune suppression. An

immunisation rate of 2.1% (7/47) was seen in the patients with a record of renal

transplant compared to an immunisation rate of 15.3% (127/830) in the non-transplanted

patients. The difference in these rates is statistically significant (Fisher’s Exact Test


162 Number of transfusion episodes and incidence of


The number of transfusion episodes and the number of red cell units

transfused was reviewed for the immunised and the non-immunised

patients in the renal cohort of patients. The average number of

transfusion episodes across the patients in this group (n=877) was 5.98

(range 1-67, SD 7.38). Within the immunised group (n=134), the average

number of transfusion episodes was 9.69 (range 1-58, SD 11.53),

compared to an average of 5.30 (range 1-67, SD 6.12) for the non-

immunised group, demonstrating a significant difference in the number of

transfusion episodes and incidence of allo/autoimmunisation (t-test P=

<0.0001) (figure 3.14a).

The average number of red cell units transfused to all patients in the renal

cohort (n=877) was 13.50 (range 1-246, SD 18.36). Within the immunised

group (n=134), the average number of units was 21.85 (range 2-143, SD

25.72), compared to an average of 11.97 (range 1-246, SD 16.26) in the

non-immunised group (n=743), again demonstrating a significant

difference (t-test P= <0.0001) (figure 3.14b)

Figure 3.14: Influence of the number of transfusion episodes and number of units transfused on the development

of allo/autoantibodies in the renal cohort


80 300
Number of transfusion episodes


Number of units transfused

40 150
0 0
Immunised Non Immunised Immunised Non Immunised

Box-and-whiskers plot showing the range (black line) of transfusion episodes and number of units given in the immunised and non-immunised patients within the

renal cohort (n=877). The first and third quartiles and the median (second quartile) are denoted by the red and green blocks. The average number of transfusion

episodes in the immunised group (n=134, average=9.69, SD 11.53) was significantly different to that seen in the non-immunised group (n=743, average=5.3,

SD6.12) (figure A). Similarly, the average number of units transfused in the immunised group (n=134, average=21.85, SD25.72) was significantly different to that

seen in the non-immunised group (n=743, average=11.97, SD 16.26) (figure B)

164 Time between transfusion and the incidence of immunisation

Time between transfusions, in days, was reviewed for the patients within

the renal cohort (n=877) to investigate any relationship between the

incidence of immunisation and the time frames for transfusion of blood

units. For all patients in this group (n=877), the time (days) between

transfusion ranged from 0 to 2120.5 days, with an average of 136.64 (SD

218.09). Within the immunised group (n=134) the average time between

transfusions was 118.6 days (range 0-931.9, SD 157.65) and within the

non-immunised group (n=743) the average was 139.5 days (range 0-

2120.5, SD 227.30), demonstrating no significant difference between the

two groups (t-test P=0.3076) (figure 3.15). This would suggest that the

frequency (time between transfusion) of exposure to foreign red cell

antigens does not influence the incidence of immunisation in this group of


Figure 3.15: Influence of the frequency of transfusion episodes on

the development of allo/autoantibodies in the renal cohort

Time between transfusion episodes (days)





Immunised Non Immunised

Box-and-whiskers plot showing the range of time in days (black line) between transfusion

episodes in the immunised and non-immunised patients within the renal cohort (n=877). The first

and third quartiles and median (second quartile) are denoted by the red and green blocks. The

average time between transfusion for the immunised group (118.6 days, range 0-931.9, SD

157.65) was not significantly different to that seen in the non-immunised group (139.5 days, range

0-2120.5, SD 227.30) (t-test P=0.3076)

3.3.3 Transfusion Reactions

Of the 877 patient records reviewed within the renal cohort, 5 patients

(0.6%) were investigated for a suspected transfusion reaction, giving an

overall transfusion reaction incidence of 1 in 2364.4 units. An incidence of

2.2% of patients were investigated for a suspected transfusion reaction in

the immunised group (n=134, 3/134), compared to an incidence of 0.3%

(n=743, 2/743) in the non-immunised group. An approximate eight fold

difference was seen in the rate of suspected transfusion reactions in the

allo/auto immunised group compared to the non-immunised group (see

table 3-5). The difference between the suspected transfusion reaction

rates between the two groups showed a significant difference (t-test

P=0.0276), although it should be noted that the number of patients in the

group that experienced reactions was very small. Patients included within

the immunised group for review of suspected transfusion reactions were

those with known red cell allo/autoantibodies being transfused with

antigen negative and/or crossmatch compatible blood, not patients who

had suffered a transfusion reaction as a result of development of

antibodies subsequent to a transfusion, therefore the difference between

the immunised and the non-immunised group is suggestive that even

when allo/antibodies have been detected and blood compatible by current

in vitro methods is provided the likelihood of a transfusion reaction is

higher if the patient has known allo/autoantibodies.

Table 3.5: Transfusion reactions in the renal cohort

Within the renal cohort (n=877), immunised patients (n=134) showed an

incidence of 2.24% suspected transfusion reaction compared to just 0.3%

in the non-immunised cohort (n=743). An approximate eight fold

difference was seen in the rate of suspected transfusion reactions in the

allo/auto immunised group compared to the non-immunised group. The

risk of transfusion reaction was higher in the immunised group despite the

fact that this group was transfused with blood that was deemed

compatible by in vitro methods.

Total Number of %
number of investigated
patients transfusion
Non- 743 2 0.27
Immunised 134 3 2.24

Total 877 5

3.3.4 Cost of additional testing

A review was performed of the additional laboratory testing undertaken

for the patients within the renal cohort (n=877). A total of 1919 serological

tests, in addition to the standard ABO and Rh D group and antibody

screen were performed for the 877 patients at a total cost of £14,604.59.

A total of 25 additional tests costing £155.53 were performed for the non-

immunised patients (n=743) compared to 1894 additional tests and a cost

of £13,094.76 for the immunised group (n=134). A breakdown of the

additional serological tests performed and the costs of the additional

testing are shown in table 3-6. The cost of testing for patients with

allo/autoantibodies was approximately nine times greater than that for the

non-immunised group, compared to the 32 fold difference seen within the

haematology immunised and non-immunised cohort. Test costs were

calculated, using an in-house spreadsheet calculator (Microsoft Excel),

taking into account reagent costs, equipment maintenance, consumables,

quality control and staff time incurred during the financial year 2011-2012.

Total test costs for the additional testing performed on patient samples

during the retrospective review period were calculated using these

current tests costs, although it is accepted that, as discussed previously

(section 3.2.5), there is a lack of accuracy due to estimates based on

current costings.

Table 3.6: Cost of additional testing in the renal cohort

The table shows the additional laboratory tests performed for patients

within the renal cohort (n=877), the test type, number of tests performed

and cost of testing is shown for the immunised and non-immunised

groups. The costs for the additional laboratory tests required for the

patients within the renal cohort were substantially higher for the

immunised group (n=134) than those for the non-immunised group


Immunised group Non-immunised group

Test Number of Cost Number of Additional

tests tests Cost
Antibody 962 £6,849.44 1 £7.12
Direct 588 £2,475.48 21 £88.41
Monospecific 221 £1,226.55 1 £5.55
Coombs test
NHSBT RCI 44 £2,204.40 1 £50.10
Rh CcEe type 51 £221.85 1 £4.35

Red cell 28 £117.04 0 0

Total 1894 £13,094.76 25 £155.53

3.4 Comparison of renal patients and haematology patients

3.4.1 Gender and the incidence of immunisation

Statistical analysis of the numbers of male and female patients with and

without allo/autoantibodies treated on the haematology wards showed no

significant differences, indicating that the sex of the patient had no

influence on the development of allo/autoantibodies. This difference,

however, was not replicated in the patients transfused on the renal wards.

In order to further investigate this anomaly the rates of allo/autoantibody

production in each of the sexes across the two disciplines were subjected

to statistical analysis using the Fisher’s Exact Test.

An immunisation rate of 21.2% was seen in the male haematology cohort

(n=575) compared to a rate of 11.7% in the male renal cohort (n=537).

Female patients showed an immunisation rate of 25.2% in the

haematology cohort (n=532) and a rate of 20.9% in the renal cohort

(n=340). A statistically significant difference was seen in the rates of

allo/autoantibody production for males (Figure 3.16a) in the two cohorts

(Fisher’s Exact Test, P=<0.0001), but this was not seen for females

(Fisher’s Exact Test, P=0.1640) (Figure 3.16b). This suggests that

females are equally likely to develop red cell all/autoantibodies whether

they are transfused for haematological malignancies or renal insufficiency

whereas males are less likely to produce red cell allo/autoantibodies if

they are transfused for renal insufficiency than they are if transfused for

haematological malignancies.

Figure 3.16: Comparison of the influence of gender on the development of allo/autoantibodies in the haematology

cohort versus the renal cohort


700 600

Number of female patients

Number of male patients

400 Allo/auto Allo/auto
300 immunised Yes immunised Yes
Allo/auto 200 Allo/auto
immunised No immunised No
100 100

0 0
Haem Renal Haem Renal
Discipline Discipline

The rates of red cell allo/autoantibody production in male patients transfused on the haematology wards (haem) (n= 575, incidence of immunisation 21.2%) and the

renal wards (n=537, incidence of immunisation 11.7%) are shown in figure 3.16a. There is a statistically significant difference in allo/autoantibody development

between the two groups (Fisher’s Exact Test, P=<0.0001). The immunisation rates in females within the haematology cohort (n=532, incidence 25.2%) compared to

the rate in the renal cohort (n=339, incidence 20.9%) is shown in figure 3.16b. No significant difference in immunisation rates was seen in these groups.

3.4.2 Number of units transfused and immunisation rate

Patients within the haematology cohort (n=1107) were transfused with an

average of 28.8 units (SD 42.10) over the review period, compared to an

average of 13.5 (SD 18.36) for the renal patients (n=877). The average

number of red cell units transfused to immunised haematology patients

(n=256) was 46.99 (SD 59.65), compared to an average of 21.85 (SD

25.72) units transfused to immunised renal patients (n=134). Non-

immunised patients in the haematology cohort (n=851) received an

average of 23.43 (SD 32.01) units of red cells compared to an average of

11.97 (SD 16.26) transfused to the non-immunised renal patients

(n=743). Analysis of the number of units transfused to patients on the

haematology wards compared to those on the renal wards demonstrated

that patients transfused for haematological malignancies received

significantly more units of blood than those transfused for renal

insufficiency irrespective of whether they had red cell allo/autoantibodies

(figure 3.17a, t-test P value P=<0.0001) or not (figure 3.17b, t-test P value


Figure 3.17: Comparison of the number of red cell transfusions given in the haematology and renal cohorts

A: Immunised patients B: Non-immunised patients

450 400

400 350
Number of units transfused

Number of units transfused


50 50

0 0
Haem Renal Haem Renal

Box-and-whiskers plots showing the range of number of transfusions given (black line) in the immunised and non-immunised patients within the
haematology cohort (n=1107) and renal cohort (n=877). The first and third quartiles and the median (second quartile) are denoted by the red and
green blocks. Immunised haematology patients received an average of 46.99 units of red cells (SD 59.65) compared to an average of 21.85 (SD
25.72) in the immunised renal patients (figure 3.17a). In comparison, non-immunised haematology patients received an average of 23.43 units (SD
32.01) compared to an average of 11.97 units (SD 16.26) in the renal patients (figure 3.17b). Patients transfused for haematological malignancies
received significantly more units of blood than those transfused for renal insufficiency irrespective of whether they had red cell allo/autoantibodies
(Figure 3.17a, t-test P value P=<0.0001) or not (Figure 3.17b, t-test P value P=<0.0001).

3.4.3 Age at first transfusion and incidence of immunisation

The average age of patients at first transfusion in the haematology cohort

(n=1107) was compared to that of patients within the renal cohort (n=877)

for immunised and non-immunised patients. Non-immunised patients

within the haematology cohort (n=851) were transfused at an average

age of 69.18 (SD 14.7) years compared to an average of 68 years (SD

14.4) in the renal cohort (n=743). For immunised patients the average

age at first transfusion was 69 (SD 14.7) years for haematology patients

(n=256) and 67 (SD 14.7) for renal patients (n=134). No statistically

significant difference was seen in age at first transfusion within the

immunised patients (figure 3.18a t-test P value = 0.2007) or the non-

immunised patients (figure 3.18b t-test P value = 0.1067).

Figure 3.18: Comparison of age at first transfusion and incidence of immunisation in the haematology and renal cohorts

A Immunised patients B Non-immunised patients

100 110
90 100

Age at first transfusion

Age at first transfusion

70 80
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
Haem Renal Haem Renal

Box-and-whiskers plots showing the range (black line) of number of transfusions given in the immunised and non-immunised patients within the haematology
(haem) cohort (n=1107) and renal cohort (n=877). The first and third quartiles and the median (second quartile) are denoted by the red and green blocks.
Immunised haematology patients received the first transfusion at an average age of 69 years (SD 14.7) compared to an average age of 67 (SD 14.7) in the
immunised renal patients (figure A). In comparison, non-immunised haematology patients received the first transfusion at an average age of 69.18 (SD 14.7)
compared to an average age of 68 years (SD 14.4) in the renal patients (figure B). No statistically significant differences were seen in the age at first
transfusion for either the immunised (Figure A, t-test P value P=0.207) or the non-immunised patients (Figure B, t-test P value P=0.1067).

3.5 Discussion

It is well accepted in the UK that patients with SCD and thalassaemia

should have extended red cell antigen typing prior to transfusion, and

should receive blood that is matched for at least Rh (CcEe) and Kell

antigens (BCSH, 2013). This strategy has been implemented in response

to the wealth of evidence that this group of patients have a relatively high

alloimmunisation rate (Coles et al., 1981; Davies et al., 1986; Michail-

Merianou et al., 1987; Rosse et al., 1990; Spanos et al., 1990; Hmida et

al., 1994; Tahhan et al., 1994; Moreira et al., 1996). Patients with SCD

and thalassaemia require frequent transfusion support over a long period

of time; the frequency of transfusion makes red cell antigen phenotyping

difficult if left until after the production of a red cell alloantibody when

transfused cells are present in the circulation. The majority of

alloantibodies produced by these patients were found to be Rh or Kell

system related (Davies et al., 1986; Rosse et al., 1990), hence the

recommendation to match for these antigens prophylactically. More

recent studies have noted that patients with SCD have high rates of

alloimmunisation despite strategies to match for Rh and Kell antigens

(Chou et al., 2013; Woldie et al., 2015). This may be related to ethnic

differences between donor and recipient populations, altered RH alleles

when the donor and recipient populations are matched, or patients

receiving transfusions in other centres where matching does not occur.

This information has reignited the debate regarding the benefits and cost

effectiveness of a prophylactic matching strategy for these chronically

transfused patients. It has also questioned whether the introduction of

genotyping, particularly for RH, would improve matching and reduce the

alloimmunisation rate.

Patients with haematological malignancies or renal failure are also likely

to require frequent blood transfusion support over an extended period,

often several years, and so it is reasonable to consider the

implementation of such a strategy for typing and matching blood for

transfusion in these groups of patients as well. There has been some

debate in the literature regarding typing and matching of blood in

chronically transfused patient groups, other than those with SCD and

thalassaemia. Initially publications reported that prophylactic matching

was either unnecessary or not cost effective (Blumberg et al., 1984;

Domen and Ramirez, 1988; Schonewille et al., 1999). However, later

studies supported this strategy in certain selected groups (Fluit et al.,

1990; Shirey et al., 2002; Schonewille et al., 2009; Kadar, 2010). A study

by Alves and co-workers (2012) found a relatively high rate of

alloimmunisation in patients transfused for surgical or clinical

emergencies. Their results suggest that a type and match strategy could

also be beneficial for non-chronically transfused patients.

To continue the debate, this retrospective study of patients who received

blood transfusions in a UK haematology ward and a renal ward setting,

collected and analysed data on the allo and auto-immunisation rates,

potential risk factors and cost of additional testing, providing new

evidence to support a type and match strategy. The retrospective review

found an overall alloimmunisation rate in patients transfused on the

haematology wards of 12.9%, which is not dissimilar to the 9% found by

Schonewille et al., (1999) and 11.8% by Fluit et al., (1990) in similar

groups of patients. In this study alloantibodies were most commonly seen

in patients with aplastic anaemia (35.7%), MDS (24.5%), solid organ

cancers (18.5%), CLL (17.5%), AML (14.5%) and myeloma (13.9%).

Other workers have found lower rates, 11% in aplastic anaemia

(Blumberg et al., 1983) and 15% (Sanz et al., 2013) in MDS/CMML.

Higher rates were seen in MDS by Milic and co-workers (2011), who

found 36% alloimmunisation rate in patients who received more than 30

units of blood and 64% in those who received more than 100 units. These

differences may be explained by factors such as, the number of patients

studied, the sensitivity of the antibody screening techniques and the

transfusion policies in place. Some studies have indicated that patients

with lymphocytic leukaemias do not develop alloantibodies (Blumberg et

al., 1983; Blumberg et al., 1984; Fluit et al., 1990; Seyfried and Waleska,

1990), however, both this study and that of Schonewille et al., (1999)

have found alloimmune responses in these patients. Correspondence

analysis of the data found in this study revealed that haemolytic anaemia,

MDS and MPD showed an association with the development of allo and

autoantibody, whereas CLL, AML and aplastic anaemia appeared to be

associated with the development of autoantibodies only.

In the cohort of 877 patients transfused due to renal failure, 15.3% were

found to have allo and/or autoantibodies, with 13% having red cell

alloantibodies. This is slightly higher than the rates seen in a similar study

by da Silva and co-workers (2013) who reported 7.4% of 393 patients

with chronic kidney disease on a transplant waiting list having red cell

alloantibodies. Sangole and Chaudhari (2013) found red cell

alloantibodies in 25% of patients with chronic renal failure who had

experienced transfusion reactions; however, this study involved a very

small number of chronically transfused patients.

Age appeared to have no influence on the alloimmunisation rate in either

the haematology patients or the renal patients, a fact supported by

Schonewille et al., (1999) and Sanz and co-workers (2013), but not by

Seyfried and Waleska (1990) who reported that the probability of

alloimmunisation is a quadratic function of age. A large study of patients

and donors in the Unites States of America found the alloimmunisation

increased with age for certain antibodies (anti-K, -Kpa, -Fya, -D, -C and –

E) and decreased with age for others (anti-Lea, -Leb, -M and -P1)

presumably due to the inclusion of increasing numbers of women

immunised through pregnancy and both sexes immunised through

transfusion (Winters et al., 2001).

This retrospective review reported only on adult patients, the youngest

patients included were 13 years for the haematological cohort and 15

years for the renal cohort. Other studies have reported much lower rates

of alloimmunisation in paediatric patients transfused as a result of SCD or

thalassaemia (Spanos et al., 1990; Aygun et al., 2002), with statistically

significant differences seen in the rate of alloimmunisation in patients

transfused before the age of three, compared to those transfused after

three years of age (Spanos et al., 1990). In a study of transfused patients

awaiting kidney transplantation, which included a patient population with

an age range of 4 to 77 years, no differences were seen in the mean age

of the immunised group compared to the non-immunised group (da Silva

et al., 2013). It would seem reasonable to assume that in a non-selective

population the incidence of red cell alloantibodies increases with age but

in transfused population this finding is not apparent after three years of


In the haematological cohort, gender appeared to have no influence on

the alloimmunisation rate, a fact supported by other studies in similar

groups of patients (Blumberg et al., 1983; Redman et al., 1996

Schonewille et al., 1999; Sanz et al., 2013). Within the renal cohort

gender did appear to have an influence on the alloimmunisation rate, with

females being more likely to produce alloantibodies. This association has

also been reported by other groups in less selective cohorts of patients

and/or blood donors (Hoeltge et al., 1995; Winters et al., 2001; Bauer et

al., 2007), and is generally believed that the greater frequency of red cell

antibodies seen in females is due to pregnancy related alloimmunisation.

The study of renal patients by da Silva and co-workers (2013) suggested

that the determining factor for the differences in alloimmunisation rates in

males and females was not only the gestations, but also due to greater

numbers of transfusions given to females (average 7 +/- 3) compared to

males (average 3 +/- 2.6). However, in this study of renal patients, no

statistically significant difference was seen between the number of red

cells transfused between males and females (average 13.51 and 13.43

respectively t-test P value 0.9499) or the number of transfusion episodes

(average 5.90 and 6.01 respectively, t-test P value 0.8296). Further

analysis of the red cell immunisation rates in males and females between

the haematological cohort and the renal cohort in this study found that

that there was no significant difference in the rates for females (t-test P

value 0.1640) but that there was a highly significant difference in the red

cell immunisation rate for males (t-test P value 0.0001). This shows that

male patients transfused for renal failure are much less likely to produce

red cell antibodies than males transfused for haematological

malignancies, suggesting that the disease status itself may put male

haematology patients on an equal footing to females with regard to the

development of red cell allo and/or autoantibodies. This apparent equality

in red cell allo/autoimmunisation could be related to the immune

dysregulation found in certain haematological malignancies (Barrett et al.,

2000; Maciejewski et al., 2007; Alfinito et al., 2010). Alternatively, it could

be related purely to the fact that patients with haematological

malignancies received, on average in this study, significantly more red

cell transfusions over the course of their treatment than the renal patients

(46.99 units vs 12.0 units t-test P value 0.0001 for immunised patients

respectively and 23.43 units vs 8.0 units t-test P value 0.0001 for non-

immunised patients).

The current study found that the requirement for concomitant platelet

therapy and irradiated blood components, used here as surrogate

markers for intensive chemotherapy and immune suppression, did not

influence alloimmunisation rates, while other workers have reported that

immunosuppressed patients are less likely to produce antibodies

(Ramsey et al., 1989; Schonewille et al., 1999; Asfour et al., 2004; Zalpuri

et al., 2014). It is possible that the surrogate markers used in this study

did not identify patients whose immune suppression was of a similar state

to those reported in the other studies. Schonewille and co-workers (1999)

reported occurrence of antibodies in patients receiving intensive

chemotherapy, whereas the patients studied by Asfour and co-workers

(2004) had received bone marrow and/or peripheral blood stem cell

transplant, and Ramsey and co-workers (1989) studied patients who

received liver and heart transplants. The comprehensive two-centre case-

reference study by Zalpuri et al. (2014) demonstrated that exposure to

immunosuppressives was associated with a considerably lower risk of

alloimmunisation. Using a case controlled study they demonstrated that,

patients taking only corticosteroids, patients taking only other

immunosuppressants, and those taking both, had a lower

alloimmunisation risk (adjusted Risk Ratios of 0.70 (95% CI, 0.42-1.16);

0.51 (95% CI, 0.04-7.10) and 0.19 (95% CI, 0.07-0.53) respectively) than

that of patients not taking any immunosuppressants (Zalpuri et al., 2014).

The surrogate markers used in this study were chosen because they

were believed to be adequate markers for patients undergoing the type of

intensive chemotherapy which would substantially suppress the immune

system. The difference seen in this study and that of Zalpuri and co-

workers (2014) may be due to the fact that in this study it was not known

if the immunosuppressive therapy was given before or after the

alloimmunisation, which may have influenced the results. In addition,

there is evidence to suggest that the transfusion of platelets can, in fact,

increase the risk of red cell alloantibody development by inducing an

inflammatory response in the recipient from infused cytokines (Yazer et

al., 2009).

Review of the transfused renal patients showed an apparent relationship

between immune suppression as a result of renal transplantation and

allo/autoimmunisation, suggesting that immune suppression may have a

protective effect against immunisation to red cell antigens in this group of

patients. However, the number of patients identified as having received

renal transplants in this study was small and it was not possible to

ascertain whether the patients had produced allo/autoantibodies prior to

or subsequent to the transplant.

The current data supports that of other studies (Sarnaik et al., 1986; Fluit

et al., 1990; Hoeltge et al., 1995; Zalpuri et al., 2012), that the

development of alloantibodies is related to the number of red cell

transfusions given; in this study both the total number of units and the

number of transfusion episodes were related to the risk of antibody

formation in both cohorts of patients. Antibodies were formed after an

average of 15.46 units had been transfused in the haematology cohort, a

figure similar to that found by Schonewille et al., (1999) and after an

average of 9.66 units in the renal cohort.

In this study a substantial proportion of alloantibodies could not be

identified; 29.3% in the haematology cohort and 28.6% in the renal

cohort. This is similar to the figures found by Schonewille et al., (1999),

Redman et al., (1996) and da Silva et al., (2013) who found 22.5%,

17.6% and 34.5%, respectively. The majority of patients formed a single

antibody specificity (61.6% in the haematology cohort and 60.3% in the

renal cohort) with 43 haematology patients and 25 renal patients forming

multiple specificities, although no patients formed more than five antibody

specificities, comparable with results found by Winters et al., (2001) in an

American population.

As in other studies (Fluit et al., 1990; Hmida et al., 1994; Redman et al.,

1996; Schonewille et al., 1999; Sanz et al., 2013; da Silva et al., 2013)

the majority of antibodies identified were Rh and Kell related, with anti-E

being the most common in both patients transfused for haematological

malignancies and those transfused for renal insufficiency. Almost all red

cell units received from the NHSBT in our institution have their Rh (CcEe)

and K antigen status documented on the unit, making these antigens the

easiest to match with phenotyped patients. A strategy to type and match

Rh (CcEe) and K antigens in chronically transfused patients with

haematological malignancies and renal insufficiency has the potential to

eliminate alloantibodies to these antigens and reduce the additional cost

burdens currently seen with alloimmunised patients.

The analysis of additional testing and the associated costs for the

patients included in our retrospective review showed that immunised

patients in the haematology cohort, in general, required approximately 19

times the number of additional serological tests than the non-immunised

patients, and that the increase in costs required were 32 fold. In the renal

cohort, the additional testing for the immunised group was approximately

75 times more than that for the non-immunised group, and the increase in

cost was approximately nine fold. The differences in the costs between

the groups is, in part, due to the higher number of some additional tests

(in particular the DAT) being performed for haematology patients as part

of routine screening for certain diseases, and regardless of immunisation

to red cell antigens. It is likely that these figures would lead to an

underestimation of projected figures, of both test numbers and costs, if

used to predict cost effectiveness of a type and match program. This is

because changes in transfusion policy throughout the study period meant

that, in contrast to current pre-transfusion compatibility guidelines (BCSH,

2013), tests for antibody identification, confirmatory antigen status and

the use of elution techniques for patients with autoantibodies were

regularly omitted from the screening process and so have not been

included in the costs. The costs of crossmatching red cell units for the

immunised and non-immunised group were not included in this study, but

would, obviously, impact on the financial burden to the hospital service as

well. Non-immunised patients may have red cells issued for transfusion

by electronic issue, whereas immunised patients always require

serological crossmatching (BCSH, 2013) with the ensuing cost


A less well documented, and not completely understood, complication of

blood transfusion is the development of red cell autoantibodies, which are

often found in combination with alloantibodies (Shirey et al., 2002; Young

et al., 2004; Ahrens et al., 2007) in transfused patients. The frequency of

auto and alloimmunisation in combination varied in these studies from

28% to 40%, not dissimilar to the figure found in this study for

haematology patients (39.4% of immunised patients) and renal patients in

this study (41.0% of immunised patients). In the majority of cases, in this

study, production of the autoantibody was subsequent to production of

the alloantibody, in accordance with results found by Sanz and co-

workers (2013), and also, in this study the autoantibodies appeared to be

clinically insignificant. Unfortunately, throughout the study period, the

transfusion policy within our institution did not require the use of an eluate

kit to determine the specificity of an autoantibody appearing post

transfusion, and so no records were available to confirm that it was not

indicative of a delayed or acute transfusion reaction. A substantial

proportion (75.3% of haematology patients and 92.4% of renal patients)

of the patients with a positive DAT had IgG demonstrable on the surface

of their red cells; elution of these antibodies would be a useful piece of

further work to investigate any potential specificities. However, the

presence of the autoantibodies did not appear to increase the transfusion

requirements of the patients, suggesting that they were not of clinical

significance. In this study, 158 patients treated on the haematology wards

with autoantibodies had follow up testing and, of these, 123 (77.9%) of

the autoantibodies were transient, a phenomenon also described by

Young and co-workers (2004). This would seem to support the theory of

Ahrens and co-workers (2007) that the alloantibody is initially of low

affinity (compared to the matured antibody) and so it cross reacts with

other structures on the red cell membrane as well as the alloantigen. A

similar phenomenon has been demonstrated in an animal model by

Weigle (1965), who demonstrated that autoimmunity could be induced in

rabbits by the injection of heterologous or chemically altered homologous

thyroglobulin. Another theory that has been put forward to explain

transfusion-induced autoantibodies is the nonexofacial polymorphism

(NEP) hypothesis. This hypothesis is based on the theory that differences

in red cell antigenic structures are present both on the surface of the red

cell and within the cytoplasmic or transmembrane domains of the blood

group molecule (Zimring et al., 2007). NEPs have been shown to exist for

some blood group systems including Duffy (Neote et al., 1994; Mallinson

et al., 1995; Olsson et al., 1998; Parasol et al., 1998), Kidd and Kell

(Zimring et al., 2007). It has been demonstrated that autoreactive B cells

specific for red cell antigens exist naturally even in the presence of a

functional tolerance mechanism (Murakami and Honjo 1996), and that

they are prevented from maturing by the thymic deletion of autoreactive

CD4+ T helper cells. Zimring and co-workers (2007) postulated that

transfusion of red cells that have the same external red cell antigens, but

different NEPs, could lead to non-deletion of the autoreactive T helper

cells, leaving them available to assist the autoreactive B cells, ultimately

leading to red cell autoantibody production. Another suggestion that has

been put forward is that the appearance of red cell autoantibodies is due

to the presence of lymphocytes from previous transfusions which have

survived and produce alloantibodies that attach to the recipient red cell,

thus mimicking an autoantibody (Petz and Garratty, 1980; Garratty, 1996;

Petz and Garratty, 2004).

The relatively high level of autoantibodies seen in the haematology cohort

of this study, with or without associated alloantibodies, is further

complicated by the original pathology of the patients within the study

group. Patients with lymphoproliferative disorders are prone to the

production of red cell autoantibodies (Kipps and Carson, 1993; Timura et

al., 2000) due to immune dysregulation resulting from the underlying

disease. Similarly, patients with MDS have also been shown to produce

autoantibodies to red cell antigens (Sokol et al., 1989; Novaretti et al.,

2001) as do patients with CML (Steegmann et al., 2003). In this study the

highest proportion of autoantibodies were found, not unexpectedly, in

patients with haemolytic anaemia (85.7%), followed by aplastic anaemia

(50.0%), CLL (36.8%), CML/CMML (30%), MDS (21.9%), AML (17.2%)

and myeloma (10.6%), compared to only 5.5% of patients with solid

organ cancer. The levels of autoantibodies present in patients with MDS

in this study is higher than that found by others; Sokol and co-workers

found just 7% (Sokol et al., 1989) with other groups finding 3.7% (Martin-

Vega et al., 1988) and 8.2% (Mufti et al., 1986), however the current data

is similar to the 21.6% found by Seitanides and co-workers (Seitanides et

al., 1988). The higher levels in this study may be due to differences in

sensitivity of screening techniques and/or the smaller number of patients

included. Red cell autoantibodies in patients with renal disease are not

so well documented. They may be related to the immune dysregulation

seen in ESRD, which is exacerbated by dialysis, and can result in

inflammation caused by immunoactivation (Deschamps-Latscha and

Chatenoud 1996; Kato et al., 2008). The relatively high rates of

autoantibodies and alloantibodies in combination, in both the

haematology and renal cohorts in this study, is in contrast to the rate

(3.8%) seen in a non-selected population of red cell immunised patients

and blood donors (Winters et al., 2001), which supports the theories that

non-clinically significant red cell autoantibodies in combination with

alloantibodies may be related to the disease condition.

Throughout the study period, no patients in either cohort were

documented as having suffered haemolytic transfusion reactions, either

acute or delayed. A small percentage (2.17% of haematology patients

and 0.57% of renal patients) of patients were investigated for suspected

transfusion reactions, slightly higher than that found in cancer patients

(0.3%) by other workers (Huh and Lichtiger, 1987). This difference may

be explained by improvements, since 1987, in the clinical observations of

transfused patients and changes in the laboratory investigations of

transfusion reactions. A large proportion of the reactions seen by Huh

and Lichtiger (1987) were febrile non-haemolytic reactions, presumably

caused by transfused white blood cells. Since November 1999, all

allogeneic red cell units in the UK have been leucocyte depleted, the UK

specification requires that more than 90% of manufactured leucocyte

depleted blood components should have less than 1 x 10 6 leucocytes and

more than 99% should have less than 5 x 106 leucocytes (JPAC, 2013).

Leucocyte depletion of red cells has been demonstrated to reduce the

incidence of febrile non-haemolytic transfusion reactions (King et al, 2004

(b)) hence, relatively small numbers of this type of reaction would have

been seen in this study. Review of the 11 haematology patients with allo

and/or autoantibodies, investigated for suspected transfusion reactions in

this study, revealed that none of these patients had developed a newly

positive DAT or newly developed alloantibody after the transfusion,

although no eluates were performed to confirm this. Delayed Serological

Transfusion Reactions (DSTR), defined by the detection of a positive

DAT and a new alloantibody specificity post transfusion, were reported as

being a frequent finding in multiply transfused patients (Ness et al., 1990),

although generally benign in nature and not causing clinical haemolysis,

however, this was not seen in our patients. Introduction of the use of

eluate testing as part of the laboratory investigation of positive DATs post

transfusion, as recommended in the BCSH guidelines (BCSH, 2013),

may increase the number of regularly transfused patients diagnosed with

DSTR in our patient population.

In conclusion, this study found that patients chronically transfused for

haematological or renal indications are at risk of alloimmunisation. The

antibodies developed by the patients are mainly to the Rh and Kell

antigens, which could, potentially, be reduced by a type and match

strategy. There are considerable costs associated with the provision of

blood in the presence of alloantibodies, and an increased risk of

transfusion reaction for the patients. Blood units supplied by the NHSBT

are typed for Rh and Kell antigens, and the information is visible on the

component label, facilitating blood selection in a type and match strategy.

However, implementation of a strategy for type and match would need a

suitable method, within the hospital transfusion laboratory, to type patient

samples for the corresponding antigens. The method would need to

support a high throughput, and have a high level of automation to reduce

the risk of error. Hospital transfusion laboratories currently use high

throughput automation for routine blood group and antibody screening, a

novel method for serological phenotyping on one of these platforms is

explored in chapter 4. Alternatively, commercial assays are available for

blood group genotyping, which could also be suitable for a hospital

transfusion laboratory. The suitability of one of these assays is explored

in chapter 5. Although red cell units for transfusion supplied by NHSBT

are typed for Rh and Kell antigens, provision of matched units from the

stocks held in a hospital transfusion laboratory could be challenging. The

challenges for the laboratory provision of blood are explored in the pilot

study, detailed in chapter 6. The high throughput assay selected to

support a type and match strategy would also need to be cost effective.

The costs for serological phenotyping and genotyping assays are

explored in the relevant sections and compared in chapter 7.


4.1 Introduction

Recent developments in the use of automated serological phenotyping

techniques in the NHSBT facilities in the UK have meant that the majority

of red cell units supplied to hospital transfusion services are now typed

and labelled not only for ABO and RhD, but also for Rh (CcEe) and Kell

antigens. The BCSH, however, do not recommend that hospital

transfusion services in the UK routinely type patients for antigens other

than ABO and RhD prior to transfusion (BCSH 2013). This is mainly due

to the lack of automated techniques available for performing these tests

within the hospital transfusion service setting and the risks associated

with performing these tests manually on a large scale. Development of a

system to perform automated red cell antigen phenotyping profiles for

pre-transfusion patients would enable hospital transfusion services to

prophylactically select and match blood for, at least, Rh (CcEe) and Kell

antigens and possibly other antigens from routine blood stocks.

The NEO® blood grouping analyser system (IBG Immucor) was

implemented in the RD&E in 2011 for blood grouping, antibody screening

and identification. The analyser also has the potential to perform rapid

automated extended red cell phenotyping profiles including Rh (CcEeCw),

K, Fy (a and b), Jk (a and b), M, N, S, s and k antigens. Although this

technology has been in widespread use throughout the UK for many

years for blood grouping, antibody screening and antibody identification,

profiles for automated serological phenotyping have not been developed

or implemented for routine use. Introducing serological phenotyping to the

system offers an opportunity for hospital transfusion services to access

large scale, cost effective extended red cell serological phenotyping. As

part of this study, development work was undertaken with the supplier to

create the assay profiles on the automated system. This involved

determination of the antisera to be used, setting the assay protocols on

the analyser software and creating a report format. The study aimed to

validate the antisera for automated use using commercially available red

cells with known antigen types. In addition, comparability of manual red

cell phenotyping, using a combination of techniques, and automated red

cell phenotyping using the NEO® blood grouping analyser (IBG Immucor)

for patient samples, was performed in accordance with BCSH guidelines

for validation (BCSH, 2012).

The study also reviewed the comparability of cost between manual and

automated red cell phenotyping, with the aim of providing a projected cost

for the implementation of a strategy for targeted extended red cell

phenotyping and matching of blood for transfusion in patients with

haematological malignancies or renal insufficiency.

4.2 Results of the automated phenotyping validation

Automated extended red cell antigen testing on the IBG NEO® using the

monoclonal reagents (anti-C, anti-c, anti-E, anti-e, anti-K, anti-M and anti-

N) with the commercial NHSBT ten cell profile (0.8% cell suspension in

Cellstab), three cell profile (3% cell suspension in Alsevers) and two cell

titration profile (0.8% cell suspension in Cellstab) over multiple occasions

(ten cell profile n=4, three cell profile n=5 and two cell profile n=2) showed

no failures and no discrepancies with the known red cell antigen types

reported in the product insert. Reaction values on the IBG NEO® were

consistently strongly positive (4+) with both homozygous and

heterozygous expression of red cell antigens.

Automated extended red cell antigen testing on the IBG NEO® with the

polyclonal reagents (anti-Fya, anti-Fyb, anti-Jka, anti-Jkb, anti-S, anti-s and

anti-k) with NHSBT ten cell profiles, three cell profile and two cell titration

profile over multiple occasions (ten cell profile n=4, three cell profile n=5

and two cell profile n=2) showed one invalidated result with the anti-k

reagent and one weak and undefinable (NTD) result during Jk a testing.

Following repeat testing, the invalidated result was positive and the weak

positive result was negative, giving expected results. There were no

discrepancies found with the known red cell antigen types reported in the

product insert. Reaction values on the IBG NEO® were consistently

strongly positive (4+) with homozygous and heterozygous expression of

red cell antigens. One cell, on one occasion, produced a 3+ result with

the anti-k reagent. The consistency of the reactions with homozygous and

heterozygous expression of red cell antigens is shown in table 4-1 using

the NHSBT titration two cell profile as an example.

Table 4.1: Consistency of automated screening reactions with homozygous and heterozygous expression of red cell


The automated profiles were tested on two occasions using the NHSBT titration two cell profile to review the consistency of the reaction
grades. The titration panel includes red cells demonstrating both homozygous (shown in green) and heterozygous (shown in red) expressions
of red cell antigens. The antigen profiles of the cells are shown in bold type and the reaction grades are shown as negative (-) or the numerical
value (graded 1- 4 by the analyser). On both testing occasions results for homozygous and heterozygous antigen expression were strongly
positive (3 or 4 strength reactions).

C c E e Cw K M N S s Fya Fyb Jka Jkb k

Cell 1 + - + + - - - + - + - + + + +
Cell1 – 4 - 4 4 - - - 4 - 4 - 4 3 4 4
test 1
Cell 1 – 4 - 4 4 - - - 4 - 4 - 4 3 4 4
test 2
Cell 2 + + + + - + + + + + + + + + +
Cell2 – 4 4 4 4 - 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
test 1
Cell2 – 4 4 4 4 - 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
test 2

One hundred patient samples were selected for automated extended red

cell antigen serological phenotyping on the IBG NEO® and comparative

testing in the manual system. A mixed field reaction, demonstrating the

presence of a dual population of cells with, and without, the E antigen,

was seen with the anti-E reagent for one patient in both the automated

and the manual testing. This type of reaction suggests interference from

red cells from a recent blood transfusion. Following discussion with the

patient it was confirmed that a transfusion has been performed at another


A weak reaction was seen with the anti-Fya reagent in both the

automated (1+ reaction strength) and the manual technique for one

patient. This sample also produced a weakly positive (2+) result with the

anti-S reagent in the automated profile; manual testing with anti-S

produced a negative result. Weakly positive results are suggestive of

interference by red cell autoantibodies, which should be identified by the

inclusion of a control test using patient cells analysed against the patient

plasma or a commercial neutral reagent. A DAT on the patient sample

confirmed the presence of a weak autoantibody.

A weak reaction (2+) was seen with the anti-Fyb reagent in automated

testing in one sample, repeat testing of this sample showed a negative

result, in accordance with the manual testing results (table 4.2). This was

considered to be a false positive reaction generated by the analyser

system. The cut off values for the anti-Fyb assay between the top end of

the “not determined” result (40.998) and the lower end of the 2+ positive

result (50.999) are relatively tight (see appendix 3). There are a number

of sample and/or analytical factors that may affect the value of a reaction

within the system, these include; insufficient centrifugation of the sample,

reagent deterioration and particles of dirt on the imaging system. These

weak reactions seen in the initial testing with commercial cells, and again

during patient testing were important in terms of recognition of false

positives. In the hospital transfusion setting it is extremely important to

reduce the risk of false positive results as these could lead to transfusion

of incorrectly matched red cell units. The information obtained from the

validation was used to determine the cut off values for reporting

serological phenotyping results. It was concluded that only strongly

positive values of 3+ and 4+ could be confidently reported as positive,

and any results between “not determined” and 2+ would be considered

invalid results requiring further investigation.

Table 4.2: Phenotyping anomalies in automated and manual assays

Anomalous results in serological phenotyping assays were seen for three patients; patient 1 demonstrated a mixed field reaction (MF) (shown
in green) with the anti-E reagent in manual testing and weak positive in the automated assay, patient 2 reacted weakly positive with the anti-Fya
reagent in both the automated and manual assays, this patient also produced a weakly positive reaction with the anti-S reagent in the
automated profile (shown in red). Patient 3 reacted weakly with the anti-Fyb reagent in the automated assay (shown in blue). The validation
determined that reaction strengths between 1 and 2 are suggestive of false positive results and should be invalidated.
Red cell antigen
E Fya Fyb Jka Jkb S s k
Patient 1 manual MF + + + + + + +
Patient 1 NTD 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
automated assay
Patient 2 manual + Weak + + + - + +
assay positive
Patient 2 4 1 4 4 4 2 4 4
automated assay
Patient 3 manual - + - + + + - +
Patient 3 - 4 2 4 4 4 - 4
automated assay
(primary test)
Patient 3 N/A 4 - 4 4 4 - 3
automated assay
(repeat test)

One discrepancy was seen with N typing for one patient, this sample

repeatedly produced a negative result in automated testing using the

immuClone anti-N and a positive result in manual testing using the

Millipore anti-N. Confirmatory testing at the Red Cell

Immunohaematology Laboratory at Filton NHSBT supported the positive

result seen in the manual testing assay, and testing of the patient sample

using the immuClone anti-N in a manual tube technique also gave a

positive result. The discrepancy was thought possibly to be due to

stability issues relating to sample storage time prior to testing. In addition,

the temperature of the reagents at testing was also considered as a

potential source of the weakened reactions (personal communication

from Berndine Kokkelink, IBG Immucor). The performance of certain

Immucor reagents, in particular LISS, are affected by temperature, and it

is noted in the manufacturer’s instructions that they should be allowed to

come to 18-20oC before use. This was not noted in the instructions for the

phenotyping antisera. However, the anti-N reagent had not been

validated by the supplier for automated use, and so it was reasonable to

exclude temperature as a cause of the discrepancy. A further 12 N

positive samples (10 M+N+ and two M-N+) were selected for stability

testing and reagent temperature testing. These samples were repeatedly

tested over a 10 day period; each day the samples were tested with

reagents taken straight from refrigerated storage and again after the

reagents had been allowed to stand at room temperature for at least 4

hours. With the exception of one N heterozygote all other M+N+ samples

tested gave negative results with the anti-N reagent at day 7 (figures 4.1a

and b). Using the manual technique, all nine of these samples were still

strongly positive with anti-N (Millipore) at day 8. The reaction strength

with anti-N (immuClone) in the automated technique for the nine samples

clearly demonstrated a reduction in strength over the testing period with

reagents taken directly from refrigerated storage and those held at room

temperature prior to testing (figure 4.2). However, investigation of the

potential effect of temperature of the reagents on the reaction strength

showed no significant difference (figure 4.2) on each day of testing and

testing was discontinued on day 8.

Figure 4.1: The influence of reagent temperature on the reaction strength of automated serological phenotyping


Sample 1
100 100 Sample 1
Sample 2 M+N+
Reaction strength reported by analyser assay

90 90 Sample 2

Reaction strength reported by analyser assay

Sample 3 M+N+
80 80 Sample 3
Sample 4 M+N+
70 70 Sample 4
M-N+ M-N+
Sample 5 Sample 5
60 M+N+ 60
Sample 6 Sample 6
50 M+N+ 50 M+N+
Sample 7 Sample 7
40 M+N+ 40 M+N+
Sample 8 Sample 8
30 M+N+ 30 M+N+
Sample 9 Sample 9
20 M+N+ 20 M+N+
Sample 10 Sample 10
10 M+N+ 10 M+N+
Sample 11 Sample 11
0 M-N+ M-N+
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10


Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
M+N+ M+N+

Reaction strengths of the automated serological phenotyping assay using monoclonal reagents over time with M+N+ and M-N+ cells using reagents
taken from refrigerated storage (A) or used at room temperature (B). The numerical value calculated by the automated analyser is shown on the Y
axis and the day of testing on the X axis. The majority of M+N+ cells reach the negative cut off value of 23 by day 7 regardless of the temperature of
the reagents.

Figure 4.2: Influence of age of sample and temperature of reagent on the reactions strength of automated

serological phenotyping

Analyser derived reaction


Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8
MONOPM 82 84 77 51 46.5 36.5 25 26
MONO 83 82.5 80 59 38.5 30.5 23.5 32.5
P value 0.8287 0.785 0.6345 0.3974 0.4607 0.5867 0.8932 0.5711

This figure (A) shows the comparison between the average numerical value for each of the nine M+N+ samples over time for serological phenotyping using reagents

directly from refrigerated storage (MONO) and those held at room temperature prior to testing (MONOPM). The numerical value calculated by the automated

analyser is shown on the Y axis and the day of testing on the X axis. T-test values for each paired results shown in the table (B) did not demonstrate any statistically

significant difference, suggesting that the temperature of the reagent during use doe not influence the reaction strength of the result.

Manual testing for Rh (CcEe) and K, Cw, M, N took approximately 25

minutes per patient, which included 10 minutes of staff time preparing the

tests and reading the results. Manual testing for Fya, Fyb, Jka, Jkb, S, s

and k required approximately 35 minutes per patient which included 10

minutes of staff time preparing the tests and reading the results. To

reduce the risk of error, best practice is to test one patient at a time and

include positive and negative reagent cell controls for each anti-serum

used (BCSH, 2013).

Automated testing incurred approximately 2 minutes of staff time to load

the reagents onto the analyser; this is independent of the number of

patient samples tested. Preparation of samples for testing took

approximately 2 minutes for 12 samples. The analyser is capable of

processing three patient samples for monoclonal profiles in 28 minutes

and three patient samples for polyclonal profiles in 50 minutes. The

analyser is capable of processing single samples and samples in batches

of various sizes.

Overall, the repeat rate for automated extended red cell antigen

phenotyping was 1/100 for monoclonal antibodies (anti-C, Anti-c, Anti-E,

anti-e, anti-K, anti-M and anti-N) and 3/100 for polyclonal antibodies (anti-

Fya, anti-Fyb, anti-Jka, anti-Jkb, anti-S, anti-s and anti-k). The repeat rate

for manual testing was 1/100 for polyclonal antisera (anti-Fya, anti-Fyb,

anti-Jka, anti-Jkb, anti-s and anti-k). No repeat testing was required for

manual tests performed using monoclonal antisera.

The frequency of red cell antigens in the tested patient samples (table 4-

3) showed percentages comparable with that reported in the literature for

Caucasian populations (Issit and Anstee, 1998; Dean 2005; Daniels and

Bromilow, 2010) demonstrating that the selection of samples for testing

was representative of the mainly Caucasian population tested in our


Table 4.3: The frequency of antigens found in samples selected for validation of the automated serological

phenotyping assays

The frequency of antigens present in the sample population selected for validation of the automated serological phenotyping assay was

representative of a mainly Caucasian population when compared to others studies performed in similar populations (Issitt and Anstee, 1998; Dean,

2005; Daniels and Bromilow, 2010;). Antigenic frequencies not stated by the reporters are denoted by NS in the table.
w a b a b
Antigen C c E e K C Fy Fy Jk Jk S s M N k

% positive in this 68.7 80.8 37.4 94.9 15.2 2.02 65.7 81.8 81.8 70.7 53.5 86.7 81.9 77.8 99


Dean, 2005 68 80 29 98 10 NS 66 83 77 74 55 89 78 72 99

Daniels and 68 81 29 98 9 NS NS NS 76 72 NS NS NS NS NS

Bromilow, 2010

Issitt and Anstee, 70 80 30 98 9 1 66 83 76.9 72.5 57 88 78 72 99.8


4.3 Comparison of test costs for manual and automated

serological phenotyping

Test costs were calculated for the manual and automated serological

phenotyping assays. Staff costs were calculated at Band 5 (Agenda for

Change, NHS pay scale 2015) pay point 20 and reagent costs were

calculated at supplier cost 2014-2015 (excluding VAT). Costs for the

relevant equipment maintenance were included, based on the proportion

of tests processed on the equipment per year, and internal quality control

costs were also included. Manual serological phenotyping assays

performed in column agglutination tests and tube tests required

approximately five minutes of staff time to prepare patient sample

solutions, set up the test and quality control, and approximately five

minutes for result interpretation and recording (table 4-4). Automated

phenotyping took approximately 2 minutes for sample preparation and

reagent preparation, with no time required for result interpretation and

recording (table 4-5). Quality control costs for the manual phenotyping

assays were based on the use of NHSBT two cell titration profile cells

used with each assay; quality control for the automated phenotyping

assay was based on the use of the NHSBT three cell profile in Alsevers,

used on a monthly basis. Test costs for automated red cell antigen

profiles processed on the NEO® analyser were considerably less than

those for manual typing, mainly due to the reduction of staff time required

for the process.

Table 4.4: Breakdown of test costs for the manual serological phenotyping assay.

Cost per test was calculated for extended phenotyping performed in manual assays, for the antigens shown in the first column. The table shows the

breakdown of the cost per test of the anti-serum, quality control (QC), consumables, diluent, equipment and staff time. The cost for equipment is

allocated as a proportion of the total tests performed on the system. The total cost for an extended phenotype performed using manual assays was


Antigen Anti-serum cost QC cost Consumables (£) Diluent 2 (£) Equipment (£) Staff time Total (£)
per test (£) (£) (£)
Fya 0.28 0.043 1.49 0.11 0.22 2.35 4.50
Fyb 0.19 0.043 1.49 0.11 0.22 2.35 4.40
s 0.31 0.043 1.49 0.11 0.22 2.35 4.53
S 1.81 0.043 0.46 NA 0.22 2.35 4.88
Jka 0.73 0.043 1.49 0.11 0.22 2.35 4.94
Jkb 0.37 0.043 1.49 0.11 0.22 2.35 4.59
k 0.24 0.043 1.49 0.11 0.22 2.35 4.45
M 0.76 0.043 0.46 NA 0.22 2.35 3.84
N 0.76 0.043 0.46 NA 0.22 2.35 3.84
Cw 0.94 0.043 0.46 NA 0.22 2.35 4.01
Rh (CcEe) and K NA 0.033 3.78 0.11 0.22 2.35 6.49
Total 50.46

Table 4.5: Breakdown of the test costs for the automated serological phenotyping assay

Cost per test was calculated for extended phenotyping performed in manual assays, for the antigens shown in the first column. The
table shows the breakdown of the cost per test of the anti-serum, quality control (QC), consumables, diluent, equipment and staff
time. The cost for equipment is allocated as a proportion of the total tests performed on the system. The total cost for an extended
phenotype performed by the automated method was £19.55.

Antigen QC cost (£) Consumables (£) Liss and Equipment Staff time (£) Total (£)
Indicator cells (£)
Fya 0.05 0.24 0.028 0.66 0.07 1.40
Fyb 0.05 0.24 0.028 0.66 0.07 1.55
s 0.05 0.24 0.028 0.66 0.07 1.42
S 0.05 0.24 0.028 0.66 0.07 1.42
Jka 0.05 0.24 0.028 0.66 0.07 1.42
Jkb 0.05 0.24 0.028 0.66 0.07 1.42
k 0.05 0.24 0.028 0.66 0.07 1.51
M 0.05 0.07 0.028 0.66 0.07 1.18
N 0.05 0.01 0.028 0.66 0.07 1.09
Cw 0.05 0.01 0 0.66 0.07 1.19
C 0.05 0.01 0 0.66 0.07 0.97
c 0.05 0.01 0 0.66 0.07 0.89
E 0.05 0.01 0 0.66 0.07 0.89
e 0.05 0.01 0 0.66 0.07 0.98
K 0.05 0.01 0 0.66 0.07 1.15
Neg control 0.05 0.24 0.028 0.66 0.07 1.09
Total 19.55

4.4 Discussion

The automated phenotyping profiles were demonstrated to be simple,

robust and rapid assays for the serological testing of Rh (CcEe), K, Cw,

M, N, Fya, Fyb, Jka, Jkb, S, s and k antigens, suitable for use in routine

hospital transfusion service laboratories. Weakly positive reactions in the

automated assay (reactions strengths between 1+ and 2+) were

suggestive of false positive results and so the assay was amended to

exclude these reactions strengths from being reported as positive.

Only one discrepancy was identified during comparative testing of patient

samples; N antigen testing of one patient sample gave repeatedly

positive results in the manual test and negative results in the automated

test. It was initially thought that this may have been caused by the

automated reagent having cross reactivity with the “N” antigen. The anti-

N reagent used in manual typing for the comparative study was a murine

monoclonal IgG reagent (Millipore (UK) Ltd), which is stated not to react

with the “N” antigen, when used by the recommended tube technique.

The anti-N used in the automated typing was also a murine monoclonal

reagent (immuClone), licensed for use in tube and slide techniques and

was also stated not to have “N” reactivity. Consequently, the discrepancy

between the Millipore and immuClone anti-N reagent reactivity with this

one patient sample was discounted as being the result of cross reactivity

with the “N” antigen in the manual tube technique, since both suppliers

clearly state that there is no “N” reactivity with their reagents. Anecdotal

evidence suggested that the strength of reactivity of the anti-N reagent in

the automated profile (verbal correspondence) may be dependent on the

age of the sample at testing and/or the temperature of the reagents. The

manufacturer of the immuClone anti-N used in the automated technique

(Immucor Gamma) stated in the product insert that Ethylenediamine

Tetraacetic Acid (EDTA) samples may be tested up to 14 days from

collection, or until the expiry of the anticoagulant, if stored at 2 – 8oC. This

particular sample was first tested at day 11, then at days 18 and 43.

Review of the reaction strengths with the anti-N reagent revealed that the

reactivity reduced from a score of 22 at day 11, 17 at day 18 and 14 at

day 43, all giving negative qualitative results but noticeably reducing with

age of sample. A stability study was then initiated to investigate this

theory. It was felt that if stability of sample was an issue with anti-N

testing, then this was most likely to affect heterozygous expression of the

N antigen (M+N+ patients). Consequently, the stability study included 10

samples showing heterozygous expression (M+N+) and two samples

showing homozygous expression (M+N-). These samples were tested

daily for up to 10 days to determine a cut-off point for sample testing. The

stability study demonstrated that, as a general rule, the reaction strength

with N heterozygous cells would reduce to a negative value by day 7, and

that to achieve the acceptable 3+ or 4+ reaction strength samples should

be tested within three days of collection. In addition, it was also

suggested (verbal correspondence) that the temperature of the reagents

during testing may affect the reaction strengths. To test this effect, the

stability study was also designed to compare the reaction strengths of the

anti-N using reagents taken directly from refrigerated storage 2 – 8oC,

with the reaction strengths using reagents that had reached room

temperature. The comparison of the reaction strength between the two

groups showed no significant difference, indicating that temperature of

the reagents does not affect the strength of the reaction.

The reason for the reduction in reaction strength of the anti-N

(immuClone) is not clear, and would appear not to affect all N

heterozygous cells, since one M+N+ cell remained strongly positive at

day 10. The fact that the nine M+N+ cells, that gave negative results in

the automated testing at day 10, still remained strongly N positive when

tested with the anti-N (Millipore) reagent in manual testing, suggests that

the N antigen itself is not affected by storage. Both the ImmuClone and

the Millipore reagents are murine monoclonal reagents, and are from

different clone lines. However, this difference was not thought to affect

the reaction strength, since the ImmuClone reagent was found to give a

strong positive reaction in the tube technique with the original discrepant

sample. The reduction in reaction strength, seen with the automated

technique over time, is possibly due to the centrifugal forces applied by

the automated analyser, or the forces applied during the shaking step

prior to result analysis. Although this validation demonstrated that the

immuClone anti-N reagent is suitable for use in automated techniques,

samples must be tested within 3 days of collection to minimise the risk of

false negative results.

Automated assays are considerably cheaper than manual assays, mainly

due to the reduction in staff time required for preparing and reading the

assays. In addition, reactions in the automated assay are graded by the

analyser in accordance with a computer generated algorithm, in contrast

to the macroscopic, human eye, reading of reactions strengths in the

manual assay which may be subject to discrepancies between individual

staff. Thus, the automated assay has the potential to standardise results

and reduce the risk of mis-interpretation.

This validation confirmed the fact that serological phenotyping assays are

prone to false positive results in the presence of transfused cells and

positive DAT. As reported here, measures can be implemented to reduce

the risk of reporting false negative results in the presence of a positive

DAT, but challenges will inevitably remain in the presence of circulating,

transfused red cells. Genotyping assays overcome the limitations of the

serological assays by testing genetic material extracted from white blood

cells in the patient sample. The red cell phenotype is then predicted from

the genotype. Thus, genotyping assays are useful when attempting to

antigen type regularly transfused patients and those with positive DAT.

The following chapter aims to assess the feasibility of DNA based assays

for use in a hospital transfusion service setting, and to compare

phenotypes predicted by genotyping with those found in the automated

serological assay.


5.1 Introduction

For patients undergoing multiple transfusions, serological phenotyping

can be complicated by the presence of transfused cells within the

circulation (BCSH, 2013). A definitive determination of the red cell

phenotype of the patient is not possible whilst donor cells are still present

in the circulation, and this makes it difficult to determine whether any

antibodies detected are alloantibodies (reacting against the donor cells)

or autoantibodies (reacting against the patient’s own cells). This, in turn,

leads to difficulties with selection of appropriate antigen matched blood

for subsequent transfusions. Serological phenotyping can also be further

complicated by the presence of antibodies bound to antigens on the

surface of the red cells, which can lead to false positive results, if using

polyclonal antisera. The benefits of genotyping techniques have already

been shown in the determination of blood groups in multiply-transfused

patients (Guelsin et al., 2010), as red cells (transfused or recipient) do not

carry DNA, only the DNA from recipient white cells is analysed. Blood

components in the UK are leucocyte depleted, the small amounts of white

cell DNA transferred to the recipient during transfusion does not interfere

with the genotyping results, and even if transfusions of non-white cell

depleted units are given this does not appear to interfere (Rozman et al.,


Advances in gene cloning and sequencing of blood group genes have

determined the molecular basis for almost all of the clinically significant

blood group polymorphisms (Daniels, 2013). The majority of genetically

defined blood group antigens are the result of single-nucleotide

polymorphism (SNP) (Castilho and Junior, 2004) which give rise to the

amino acid changes described in section 1.3.2, and determine the

antigenic phenotype. It is this knowledge that enables the use of DNA

based assays, which detect these SNPs, to ascertain the allelic variations

and predict the blood group antigens expressed on the surface of the red

cells. Information regarding the blood group systems, genotype and

allelic variations that make up the antigens of the various blood group

systems can be found in the ISBT blood group alleles database and the

Erythrogene database (Möller et al., 2016).

DNA techniques have also been shown to have a high concordance rate

with serological phenotyping techniques in blood donor and patient

samples (Karpasitou et al., 2008), although limitations are seen with null

and/or weak phenotypes, which may be detected only by serological

techniques (Drago et al., 2010). Knowledge of the molecular basis of null

phenotypes and weakened expression of antigens on the red cells allows

the inclusion of assays into the red cell antigen genotyping profiles

designed to detect the mutations silencing the expression of the antigen.

This allows the genotyping results to predict the red cell antigen

phenotype with a greater level of accuracy, as the presence of the gene

does not always lead to the presence of the antigen on the surface of the

red cell. The IDCOREXT assay, evaluated in this study, includes probes

designed to detect the SNPs responsible for null phenotypes in the Kidd,

Duffy and MNS blood group systems, thus reducing the potential for

incorrect prediction of the presence of the red cell antigens. This study

aimed to evaluate the applicability of this assay in a routine hospital

transfusion service setting, as yet untested in the UK.

The following subsections will focus on the genetic basis of the blood

group antigens predicted by the BLOODChip IDCOREXT assay, table 5.1

contains a summary of the blood group systems, genes, alleles,

nucleotide changes associated with the allelic variations and the

predicted amino acid changes included in the assay. The antigenic

phenotypes predicted by the alleles assayed by the IDCOREXT test are

shown in table 5-2. The IDCOREXT test (Progenika Biopharma S.A.) can

be used to type allelic variants which determine the blood group antigens

tested in the serological phenotyping section of this study (Rh (CcEe), Cw,

Kell (K and k), Kidd (Jka and Jkb), Duffy (Fya and Fyb), M, N, S and s),

and also includes those of other blood group systems (Diego, Dombrock,

Colton, Yt and Lutheran systems). Information regarding the

biochemistry, genetic basis and function of the blood group systems are

detailed in section 1.3.2.

Table 5.1: Blood group system alleles detected by the BLOODChip ID COREXT assay

Blood group systems in the Erythrogene database and ISBT Blood Group Alleles showing the system name, gene, allele, nucleotide change and predicted amino

acid change for the blood group antigen phenotypes predicted by the BLOODChip IDCOREXT assay Key: NA = not available in ISBT database

System name Gene Allele (ISBT) Nucleotide change Predicted amino acid change

Rh RHCE RHCE*01 (RHCE*ce) Wild type reference Wild type reference

RHCE*02 (RHCE*Ce) 48G>C 178C>T 203A>G Trp16Cys Leu60Ile Asn68ser

307C>T Pro103Ser

RHCE*03 (RHCE*cE) 676G>C Ala226Pro

RHCE*04 (RHCE*CE) 48G>C 150C>T 178C>A Trp16Cys Leu60Ile Asn68ser

201A>G 203A>G 307C>T Pro103Ser Ala226Pro

RHCE*CeCW 122A>G Gln41Arg



RHCE*ceAR 48G>C 712A>G 733C>G Trp16Cys Met238Val Leu245Val

787A>G 800T>A 916A>G Arg263Gly Met267Lys Ile306Val

RHCE*CeFV 667G>T 697C>G 712A>G Val223Phe Gil233Glu Met238Val

RHCE*CeVG 712A>G 733C>G 787A >G

Met238Val Leu245Val Arg263Gly

System name Gene (cont.) Allele (ISBT) (cont.) Nucleotide change Predicted amino acid change
(cont.) (cont.)

Rh RHCE*cEFM 697C>G 712A>G Gln233Glu Met238Val

RHCE*ce[712G] 712A>G Met238Val

RHCE*ce[733G] 733C>G Leu245Val

RHCE*ce[733G,1006T] 733C>G 1006G>T Leu245Val Gly336Cys

RHCE*CE-D[2, 5, 7]-CE 307 676 712 733 1006† NA

RHCE*cE[697G,712G,733G] 697C>G 712A>G 733C>G Gln233Glu Met238Val Leu245Val

RHD*r’s-RHCE*ce[733G,1006T] IVS3+3100G 733C>G Leu245Val Gly336Cys


Kell KEL KEL*k_KPB_JSB 578C>T Thr193Met

KEL*K_KPB_JSB Wild type reference Wild type reference

KEL*k_KPA_JSB 841C>T Arg281Trp

KEL*k_KPB_JSA 1790T>C Leu597Pro

System name Gene (cont.) Allele (ISBT) (cont.) Nucleotide change (cont.) Predicted amino acid change

(cont.) (cont.)

Kidd SLC14A1 JK*02 (JK*B) Wild type reference Wild type reference

JK*01(JK*A) 838A>G Asn280Asp

JK*B_null(871C) 871T>C Ser291Pro

JK*B_null(IVS5-1a) 1G>A in intron 5 NA

Duffy DARC FY*A; 125A>G Asp42Gly

FY*B Wild type reference Wild type reference


FY*B[265T]_FY*X 265C>T Arg89Cys

System name Gene (cont.) Allele (ISBT) (cont.) Nucleotide change (cont.) Predicted amino acid change

(cont.) (cont.)

MNS GYPA GYPA*M Wild type reference Wild type reference

GYPB GYPA*N 59C>T 71G>A 72T>G Ser20Leu Gly24Glu


GYPB*s Wild type reference Wild type reference

GYPB*S 143C>T Thr48Met

GYPB*Mur GYP(B1-136-Bψ137-204- NA


GYPB*deletion Deletion of whole gene NA

GYPB*S_null(230T) 230C>T Thr77Met

GYPB*S_null(IVS5+5t) 270+5G>T Alternative splicing

System name Gene (cont.) Allele (ISBT) (cont.) Nucleotide change (cont.) Predicted amino acid change

(cont.) (cont.)

Diego SLC4A1 DI*A 2561C>T Pro854Leu

DI*B Wildtype reference Wild type reference

Dombrock ART4 DO*A Wild type reference Wild type reference

DO*B 793A>G Asn265Asp

DO*B_HY 232G>T Gly108Val

DO*A_JO 350C>Y Thr117Ile

Colton AQP1 CO*A Wild type reference Wild type reference

CO*B 134C>T Ala45Val

Yt (Cartwright) ACHE YT*A Wild type reference Wild type reference

YT*B 1057C>A His353Asn

Lutheran LU LU*A 230G>A Arg77His

LU*B Wildtype reference Wild type reference

5.1.1 Rh system CcEe

RHCE encoding the various Rh (CcEe) polymorphisms is located on the

short arm of chromosome 1 (Avent et al., 1990; Cherif-Zahar et al., 1990).

The IDCOREXT assay includes probes for the common alleles encoding

the C, c, E, e and Cw antigens. The alleles at the locus include RHCE*01

(RHCE*ce), in which “c” is represented by 307C in exon 2 and “e” which

is associated with 676G in exon 5. RHCE*C is represented by 307T in

exon 2 and RHCE*E by 676C in exon 5. All the RHCE amplicons

included within the IDCOREXT kit are gene-specific and so no

amplification of RHD is expected. The CW antigen is produced as a result

of a single nucleotide change in exon 1 (122A>G) and is usually

associated with RHCE*Ce (Mouro et al., 1995). Rarely, Cw is associated

with RHCE*ce and RHCE*CE, the IDCOREXT assays includes probes

designed to detect the nucleotide change associated with all of these

alleles. Rhnull phenotypes are identified as a result of no amplifications of

exons 5 and 7 of RHCE.

Additional alleles assayed within the IDCOREXT test in the Rh system

include those that code for the rare V and VS antigens. VS is associated

with a single nucleotide change 733C>G in exon 5 of RHCE*ce (Daniels,

2013). The IDCOREXT assay includes probes designed to detect the

VS+V+ phenotype and the VS+V- phenotype (733C>G and 1006G>T).

The hrS and hrB antigens are associated with partial e (Shapiro, 1960;

Shapiro et al., 1972). These antigens are important as they may be

lacking in some black populations, individuals may type serologically as

e+ but make apparent anti-e. Accurate identification of individuals with

these variant antigens is of relevance in the transfusion of patients with

SCD (Chou and Westhoff, 2009). Allelic probes designed to detect the

presence of these SNPs representing these phenotypes are also included

in the IDCOREXT.

5.1.2 Kell system

KEL encoding the Kell antigens is located on chromosome 7 (7q33)

(Zelinski et al., 1991; Purohit et al., 1992; Lee et al., 1993; Murphy et al.,

1993). The K/k polymorphism arises as a result of a nucleotide change,

578C>T, within exon 10 of the KEL gene, resulting in the KEL*K (ISBT

K*01.01) and KEL*k (ISBT K*02) alleles. Additional alleles within the Kell

system include those that code for the antithetical antigens Kp a and Kpb

and Jsa and Jsb. Kpa/Kpb arises as a result of 841C>T substitution in

exon 8 and Jsa/Jsb from a 1790T>C change in exon 17.

The Kell null phenotype can result from a variety of different genetic

events (Reid, 2009) and so it is not feasible within the IDCOREXT assay

to include probes designed to detect the phenotype.

5.1.3 Kidd system

The gene encoding the antigens of the Kidd system (SLC14A1) is located

on chromosome 18 (18q11-q12) (Olives et al., 1996). The Jka/Jkb

phenotype arises as a result of a nucleotide change 838G>A in exon 9,

resulting in the JK*A (ISBT JK*01) and JK*B (ISBT JK*02) alleles.

The rare Jk null phenotype, Jk (a-b-), can be caused as a result of one of

two silencing mutations; a splice mutation causing skipping of exon 6,

SLC14A1:c.471-1G>A (Lucien et al., 1998) or a T871C substitution

predicted to disrupt a potential N-glycosylation motif (NSSNSP),

SLC14A1:c.871T>C (Sidoux-Walter et al., 2000). The IDCOREXT assay

contains a probes designed to detect both of these mutations.

5.1.4 Duffy system

DARC (ISBT nomenclature or HUGO gene name ACKR1) encoding the

Duffy system antigens is located on chromosome 1 (1q21-q22) (Mathew

et al., 1994). The Fyb/Fya polymorphism arises as a result of a nucleotide

change, 125A>G, in exon 2.

Tournamille and co-workers (1995) have demonstrated that the Fynull

phenotype, Fy(a-b-), commonly seen in African populations, is a result of

disruption of a GATA motif in the Fy gene promoter (DARC:c.-67T>C). In

addition, a weakened expression of Fyb phenotype, also known to cause

discrepancies between genotyping and phenotyping results, (Murphy et

al., 1997) was later found to be caused by an Arg89Cys substitution

(Tournamille et al., 1998), the result of a nucleotide change 265C>T in

exon 2. The IDCOREXT assay includes probes designed to detect both

of these changes.

5.1.5 MNS system

The genes encoding the MNS polymorphisms, GYPA and GYPB, are

located on chromosome 4 (4q31.21) (Kudo and Fukuda, 1990). The third

gene in the family, GYPE, does not encode detectable protein on the red

cell surface, but has been shown to be involved in some gene

rearrangements that do encode hybrid proteins (ISBT, 2017). The M/N

polymorphism arises as a result of nucleotide changes, 59C>T, 71G>A

and 72T>G in exon 2. The S/s polymorphism arises as a result of a single

change, 143T>C in exon 4.

Within the MNS system the alleles assayed include the U antigen, an

antigen associated with the S-s- phenotype (Wiener et al., 1954) and Mia,

a low frequency antigen (Levine et al., 1951). Mur and Mia antigens arise

as a result of hybrid glycophorins (B-A-B). The GYPB*Mur allele detected

by the IDCOREXT assay is a novel sequence derived from the composite

exon; GYPB 5’ pseudoexon 3 and GYPA 3’ exon 3. The nucleotide

change associated with this phenotype is GYP(B1-136-Bψ137-204-A205-


The S-s-U- phenotype occurs as a result of Glycophorin B deficiency

(Huang et al., 1987; Rahuel et al., 1991), the IDCOREXT assay includes

detection of the GYPB*deletion which gives rise to the S-s-U- phenotype.

The S-s-Uvar (weakened expression of the U antigen) is associated with

a variant Glycophorin B protein that expresses a red cell antigen known

as the He antigen (Huang et al., 1994; Huang et al., 1995; Reid et al.,

1996; Huang et al., 1997; Storry et al., 2003). The S-s- phenotype can

also rise as a result of mutations within GYPB, commonly within intron 5

or caused by a nucleotide change 230C>T substitution. Probes designed

to identify both of these are included in the IDCOREXT assay; GYPB:c.

230C>T and GYPB:c. 270+5G>T.

5.1.6 Diego system

The Diego system antigens include three pairs of antithetical antigens; Dia

and Dib, Wra and Wrb, Wu and DISK and encoded by the gene SLC4A1

on chromosome 7 (7q12-q21) (Schofield et al., 1994). The Dia/Dib

polymorphism arises as a result of a nucleotide change 2561T>C in exon

19. The IDCOREXT test includes an assay for the alleles that encode the

Dia and Dib antigens, DI*A (ISBT DI*01) and DI*B (ISBT DI*02).

5.1.7 Dombrock system

The Dombrock system antigens are encoded by the gene ART4 gene

located on chromosome 12 (12p13.2-12.3) (Eiberg and Mohr, 1996;

Mauthe et al., 2000); the assay tests for alleles that encode four of these

antigens (Doa, Dob, Hy and Joa). The Doa/Dob polymorphism arises from

a single nucleotide change, 793A>G in exon 2, resulting in the DO*A

(ISBT DO*01) and DO*B (ISBT DO*02) alleles. Hy is represented by

323G in exon 2 of DO*B and Joa by 350C in exon 2 of DO*A.

5.1.8 Colton system

The Colton blood group system consists of four antigens (Coa, Cob, Co3

and Co4), the gene encoding these antigens, AQP1, is located on

chromosome 7 (7p14) (Moon et al., 1993).. The Coa/Cob polymorphism

arise from a single nucleotide change 134C>T in exon 1. The IDCOREXT

assay includes probes designed to identify the alleles, CO*A and CO*B,

responsible for the expression of the Coa and Cob phenotypes.

Although Conull phenotypes exist, and some are represented by single

nucleotide changes, they are rare and are not included in the IDCOREXT


5.1.9 Yt system

The antigens of the Yt (previously known as Cartwright) system are

encoded by the gene, ACHE, located on chromosome 7 (7q22) (Getman

et al., 1992; Ehrlich et al., 1992). The Yta/Ytb polymorphism results from

the nucleotide change, 1057C>A, in exon 2, giving rise to the YT*A (ISBT

YT*01) and YT*B (ISBT YT*03) alleles. The allele responsible for the high

frequency YTEG antigen, YT*03, is the result of a nucleotide changes,

266G>A in exon 2.

5.1.10 Lutheran system

The Lutheran blood group system includes 22 antigens; however the

IDCOREXT assay includes allelic tests for just two of these antigens (Lu a

and Lub). The gene that encodes the antigens of the Lutheran blood

group, LU, system is located on chromosome 19 (19q12-q13) (Parsons et

al., 1997; El Nemer et al., 1997). The Lua/Lub polymorphism results from

a single nucleotide change, 230A>G, in exon 3, resulting in the alleles,

LU*A (ISBT LU*01) and LU*B (ISBT LU*02). The Lunull phenotype is

extremely rare and, as such, identification is not included in the


Table 5.2: The red cell antigen types determined by the IDCOREXT assay.

The IDCOREXT assay uses PCR amplification to obtain target sequences for alleles encoding red cell antigens from human blood samples. The

human blood group systems and the alleles assayed by the test are shown in the table below, also shown are the red cell antigen types as denoted

by their International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT) phenotype name.

Blood Group System Alleles Assayed Antigens

(ISBT Phenotype)

Rh RHCE*ce; C (RH:2)
RHCE*Ce E (RH:3)
RHCE*cE; c (RH:4)
RHCE*CE e (RH:5)
RHCE*ceCW V (RH:10)
RHCE*ceAR VS (RH:20)
RHCE*CeFV hrB (RH:31)
RHCE*CE-D[2, 5, 7]-CE


Jsa (KEL:6)
Jsb (KEL:7)

Blood Group System Alleles Assayed Antigens (continued)
(ISBT Phenotype)

Kidd JK*A Jka (JK:1)

JK*B Jkb (JK:2)

Duffy FY*A; Fya (FY:1)

FY*B Fyb (FY:2)


GYPA*N s (MNS:4)
U (MNS:5)
GYPB*s Mia (MNS:7)
GYPB*Mur N (MNS:2)

Diego DI*A Dia (DI:1)

DI*B Dib (DI:2)

Dombrock DO*A Doa (DO:1)

DO*B Dob (DO:2)
DO*B_HY Hy (DO:4)
DO*A_JO Joa (DO:5)

Colton CO*A Coa (CO:1)

CO*B Cob (CO:2)

Cartwright YT*A Yta (YT:1)

YT*B Ytb (YT:2)

Lutheran LU*A Lua (LU:1)

LU*B Lua (LU:2)

5.2 Study design

The IDCOREXT test allows a simultaneous multiplex reaction in a single well

avoiding the need for running multiple separate methods in parallel. The

results obtained from the Luminex xMAP technology are then processed using

the IDCOREXT analysis software, converting the alleles detected into a

genotype result which is then, in turn, used to predict the phenotype for each

of the allelic variants interrogated by the test (see section 1.7).

This study aimed to evaluate the IDCOREXT test for potential use as a high

throughput genotyping method suitable for the hospital transfusion setting. In

addition, this study aimed to compare the red cell phenotyping results

obtained from blood samples taken from a selection of the patients consented

from the Haematology Clinic and tested on the automated phenotyping

platform, with the genotyping results obtained by the IDCOREXT test using

DNA extracted from the same patient samples.

5.3 Results

5.3.1 DNA extraction

The concentration of DNA extracted from the whole blood samples (n=47)

ranged from 6.03ng/μL to 812 ng/μL, the average concentration was

184.75 ng/μL (SD 180.63) (table 5-3). The DNA concentration

recommended for use in the IDCOREXT assay was between 10 ng/μL

and 80 ng/μL, hence, one sample was below the recommended level.

Table 5.3: Concentration and quantity of DNA extracted from whole

blood samples

DNA was extracted from whole blood samples taken from 47 patients for
genotyping using the IDCOREXT assay. The concentration of DNA ranged from
6.03ng/μL to 812 ng/μL.
Patient number DNA concentration (ng/μL) DNA quantity
1 45.74 100
2 26.17 100
3 104.8 300
4 25.58 300
5 195.1 300
6 175 300
7 300.4 300
8 6.03 300
9 271.7 300
10 812 300
11 266.1 300
12 137.7 300
13 797 300
14 45.97 300
15 80.03 100
16 64.55 300
17 28.13 100
18 397 300
19 82.78 300
20 28.78 300
21 437.6 300
22 411 300
23 182.7 300
24 25.12 300
25 130.7 300
26 96.24 300
27 215.6 300
28 95.69 300
29 24.3 300
30 185.9 300
31 111.2 300
32 71.69 300
33 300.1 300
34 121.3 300
35 129.9 300
36 297.2 300
37 349.4 300
38 516.2 300
39 168.7 300
40 47.32 300
41 108.4 300
42 134.8 300
43 43.33 300
44 124.3 300
45 258.1 300
46 76.06 300
47 130 300

5.3.2 Cost of testing

Test costs were calculated for the red cell antigen genotyping system.

Staff costs were calculated at Band 5 (Agenda for Change, NHS pay

scale 2015) pay point 20 and reagent costs were calculated at supplier

cost 2014-2015 (excluding VAT). Costs for the relevant equipment

maintenance cost per patient test were estimated, based on the number

of patients registered as attending the Haematology or Renal wards for

transfusion at the RD&E per year, and assuming that every patient would

require a blood group genotype. True cost per test for the analyser

maintenance could not be calculated as the system is not in use in our

institution; however, estimated costs were calculated based on the

supplier quotation. However, this may lead to over representation of the

cost as the analyser system can also be used by other specialities, such

as microbiology and immunology, therefore not restricted to blood group

genotyping and, thus increasing the total throughput per year. Internal

quality control costs were also included in the cost of the consumables.

The total cost per patient test was estimated to be £73.66 (table 5-4).

Table 5.4: Cost of Blood Group genotyping

The cost per test was estimated for blood group genotyping using the IDCOREXT test. All costs shown in this table are cost

per patient sample tested. Staff time costs were estimated assuming that the testing and reporting of results would be

performed by a band 5 Biomedical Scientist. Equipment maintenance costs were based on an assumption that all patients

admitted for transfusion on the haematology and renal wards would require a blood group genotype test (n=1674 for the

financial year 2014-2015).

DNA IDCOREXT + Consumables (£) Equipment Staff time (£) Total cost per
extraction (£) kit (£) (£) patient sample (£)
8.95 45.00 1.50 0.87 17.34 73.66

5.3.3 Comparison of phenotyping and genotyping results

DNA extracted from 47 patients was analysed for the presence of known

blood group SNPs on the Luminex XMAP analyser using the IDCOREXT

kit. Whole blood samples from each of these 47 patients had previously

been analysed for serological phenotype using the automated

phenotyping method (IBG Immucor) to allow comparison of the

phenotyping result with the predicted phenotype generated by the

genotyping result. The IDCOREXT contains assays for 49 different alleles

that are used by the software to predict 37 red cell phenotypes. The

report produced by the software details the blood group system, the

alleles assayed within that system, along with the genotype result, the

corresponding red cell antigen with their ISBT phenotype notation and the

predicted phenotype (figure 5.2). The predicted phenotype, as interpreted

by the software, was then used for direct comparison with the phenotypes

reported by the automated serological phenotyping assay. The raw data

obtained from the IDCOREXT assay are detailed in Appendix 4.

Figure 5.1: DNA analysis report generated by the Luminex XMAP


An example of the report generated by the Luminex XMAP analyser for each sample of

DNA processed. The alleles assayed for each blood group system are shown, along

with the genotype result, the corresponding red cell antigen (ISBT Phenotype) and the

predicted phenotype.

No failures of testing were encountered and there were no discrepancies

seen in the serological phenotyping and genotyping for Rh (CcEeCw), K,

k, N, Fy (a and b), Jk (a and b), S and s. One discrepancy was seen in

the M antigen status for one patient (EX1300853), this patient typed as

M+ in serological phenotyping assays but produced an M- genotype

(discussed further in section 5.4). One patient (EX1312673) returned a

“not determined” result for the S antigen in the automated serological

assay. A repeat sample could not be obtained from the patient within the

time frame of the study, due to the death of the patient, but further review

of the serological assay reaction value (21) showed the result to be just

above a negative value (20.998 value for the cut off high) (see result

interpretation cut off values in appendix 3). Therefore, the serological

phenotyping result was suggestive of a negative result, in agreement with

the genotyping predicted phenotype result. Full results of the comparison

of the genotyping assay and the automated phenotyping assay can be

seen in Table 5-5.

Comparison of serological phenotype and genotype for some antigens

predicted by the IDCOREXT assay could not be performed as there were

no serological phenotypes performed, these include the antigens V, hrS,

Vs and hrB of the Rh system, Kpa, Kpb, Jsa and Jsb of the Kell system, U

and Mia of the MNS system, and antigens of the Diego, Dombrock,

Colton, Cartwright and Lutheran system.

Table 5.5: Antigen phenotypes by serological analysis and genotyping

Results obtained by serological phenotyping for the 47 selected patient samples are shown in black type and those predicted by genotyping are

shown in red type.

A single discrepancy was seen for the M antigen type for patient EX1300853 which is highlighted in yellow.

S antigen status for patient EX1312673 was not determined by serological phenotyping methods due to undetermined consistently weak positive
reactions (highlighted in yellow)

Key: P = positive result

N = negative result
ND = not determined

Red cell antigens assayed

Sample No C c E e Cw K Fya Fyb Jka Jkb S s M N k
EX1305814 P P N P N P P P P N N P P N P
EX1305816 N P P P N N N P N P P P P N P
EX1305815 N P P N N N P N P N N P N P P
EX1305817 N P P P N N P N P P P P P P P
EX1300853 N P P N N N P P P P N P P P P

Red cell antigens assayed (continued)
Sample No C c E e Cw K Fya Fyb Jka Jkb S s M N k
EX1300854 N P P P N N P P P P P P P N P
EX1303174 N P P N N N P P N P N P P P P
EX1306850 P N N P N N P N P P P P P P P
EX1307336 P P P P N N N P P N P N P P P
EX1307335 P N N P N N N P P P P P P P P
EX1307657 P N N P N N P P P P N P P N P
EX1307898 N P N P N N N P P N N P P P P
EX1307899 N P P P N P P P P P P P P P P
EX1308240 N P N P N N P P P N N P N P P
EX1308368 P P N P N N P N P P N P P N P
EX1308578 N P P P N N P P P P N P P P P
EX1308762 P N N P N N N P P N P P P N P

Red cell antigens assayed (continued)
Sample No C c E e Cw K Fya Fyb Jka Jkb S s M N k
EX1308909 P P P P N N P P P N N P P P P
EX1308908 N P N P N N P N P N P P P P P
EX1308959 P P N P N N N P N P N P P P P
EX1311437 P N N P P N N P N P N P P N P
EX1311438 N P P P N N P P P P P N P N P
EX1311988 P P N P N P N P P P P P P P P
EX1311987 P P P P N N N P P P P P P P P
EX1311986 P P P P N N P P P N P P P P P
EX1311989 P P N P N N P P P P P P P N P
EX1312296 P P N P N N P N P N N P P N P
EX1312295 P P N P N N N P N P P P P N P
EX1312294 N P N P N N P P P P N P P N P

Red cell antigens assayed (continued)
Sample No C c E e Cw K Fya Fyb Jka Jkb S s M N k
EX1312297 P P N P N P N P P N N P P P P
EX1312311 P P N P N N N P N P N P N P P
EX1312312 P N N P N N N P P P N P P P P
EX1312453 N P P P N N N P P P P N P N P
EX1312674 P N N P N N P N P P N P P P P
EX1312673 P P N P N N N P P P ND P P P P
EX1312675 P N N P P N N P N P N P N P P
EX1312967 N P P P N N N P N P P P P P P
EX1313154 P P N P N N P P N P P N P N P
EX1313155 N P P P N N P N N P N P N P P
EX1313515 N P P N N N N P P N P P N P P
EX1313516 P P N P P N P P P N N P P N P

Red cell antigens assayed (continued)
Sample No C c E e Cw K Fya Fyb Jka Jkb S s M N k
EX1313820 P P N P N N N P N P N P P P P
EX1400171 P P N P N N N P P P N P P P P
EX1400887 P P N P N N N P N P N P N P P
EX1401612 P P P P N N N P P P P N P N P
EX1401613 P P N P N P P P P N P P P N P
EX1401737 P P P P N N P P N P P P P P P

5.4 Discussion

The IDCOREXT assay was demonstrated to be a robust assay showing

good comparison with the automated serological phenotyping assay and

a low failure rate. A discrepancy in testing was seen with the M antigen

type in one patient, unfortunately it was not possible within the time scale

and funding of this project to ascertain the cause of this discrepancy. In

addition, repeat serological testing was not possible due to the death of

the patient. It is unlikely that the discrepancy was caused by human

and/or methodological error, as this would have resulted in discrepancies

involving multiple antigens. The serological M type for this patient was

confirmed as positive by a reference centre (NHSBT, Filton), in

accordance with the serological phenotype determined by automated

testing at the RD&E. Therefore the discrepancy was unlikely to be due to

any issues affecting the performance of the anti-M used in the automated

phenotyping assay. It is possible that the allele coding for the M antigen,

in this particular patient, may have an alteration such that it is not

detected by the BLOODChip IDCOREXT assay. Sequencing of the DNA

could potentially have revealed if this was the case, however, this was not

possible within the funding of the project. This type of discrepancy could

result in a false negative result being reported. This would not cause

clinically significant issues for patients within a type and match strategy

as they would be transfused with antigen negative red cells. However,

within the blood donor service this would have implications as the donor

units would be erroneously reported as antigen negative and could elicit

an immune response in a patient.

In a study by McBean and co-workers (2014b) it was noted that, although

the microarray techniques are a useful tool for the determination of blood

group genotypes, difficulties can arise as a result of a new or rare allele

not incorporated in the assay, or a complex genetic variant. In these

cases further analysis by sequence-based typing in specialist reference

laboratories may elucidate the molecular basis of the unusual blood

group phenotype (Seltsam and Doescher, 2009). McBean’s laboratory

experience suggests that up to 5-10% of complex serological cases

cannot be resolved by microarray genotyping, and of these, 1-2% cannot

be resolved by sequencing (McBean et al., 2014b).

Genotyping assays can also generate false positive results, where there

is an apparently normal allele but no corresponding antigen on the red

cells. This can be caused by silencing genes outside of the assay target

area, as seen in “null phenotypes”. The BLOODChip IDCOREXT assay

contains makers for well-known silencing genes, but hitherto unknown

ones may be missed. False positive results in genotyping assays cause

clinical issues within the transfusion service rather than the blood donor

service, in contrast to the false negative results. A false positive result for

a transfusion recipient in a type and match program would lead to

selection of inappropriate red cells. Discrepancies between genotyping

and phenotyping results may also arise if not all the alleles are known,

and many molecular events can give rise to discrepancies. The current,

commercially available, genotyping assays are restricted to testing for

known SNPs, meaning that new variants will not be recognised.

Other studies have seen higher genotype-phenotype discrepancy rates

than seen in this study, McBean and co-workers (2014a) found a

discrepancy rate of 10.4% when comparing phenotyping with genotyping

using three different genotyping platforms, the BLOODChip (Progenika),

BeadChip (BioArray Solutions Ltd) and the HemoCarta Blood Group

Typing Panel (Sequenom Inc.). However, it should be noted that the

discrepancies between genotyping and phenotyping results seen in the

McBean study and also in other studies (Drago et al., 2009; Drago et al.,

2010) were due to mutations causing weakened antigen expression or

null phenotypes. The inclusion of markers for identification of null

phenotypes and silencing genes within the commercial genotyping kits

will reduce the risk of incorrect prediction of antigen phenotypes.

A further limitation of the commercially available blood group genotyping

assays is that they may be designed for a specific population (McBean et

al., 2014b). McBean and co-workers report that the BLOODChip assay

was designed for a European population and the BeadChip assay was

designed for the African/America population. Neither of these assays,

they report, are designed for the large proportion of Asian ancestry seen

in the Australian population.

The development of massively parallel sequencing (MPS) as an

alternative approach to blood group genotyping has overcome some of

the limitations of the commercially available microarray kits. MPS is not

restricted to the identification of blood group systems with known SNPs

and, thus, allows new variant blood group antigens to be identified. MPS,

or Next Generation Sequencing, can be used to obtain information on the

whole genome, or restricted to whole exome or targeted gene

sequencing. This technique is not currently commonly used for blood

group genotyping but has been applied to resolve the genetic basis of the

Vel antigen (Cvejic et al., 2013) and that of the low frequency orphan

antigen SARA (McBean et al., 2014c). When looking to implement MPS,

ethical issues should also be considered as non-blood group genetic

information is also obtained. Methods for managing this information would

need to be in place to ensure donor and/or patient confidentiality.

One of the advantages commonly quoted for commercially available

blood group genotyping assays is their ability to provide information on

multiple blood group antigens for multiple patients on an automated

platform. In addition, the automated data analysis by the system software

removes the risk of subjective interpretation of the traditional manual

serological assays. The validation of the automated serological assay on

the IBG Immucor NEO® analyser system in this study demonstrates that

serological assays can also be fully automated and provide standardised,

non-subjective, information on a large number of blood group antigens for

multiple patients with minimal manual input. The real advantage of the

genotyping assays is that they can be used to obtain a predicted

phenotype in patients who have been recently transfused and in those

who have a positive DAT, areas where serological assays may give

inconsistent or incorrect results.

Although DNA extraction for this study was performed by an automated

system, the genotyping assay required substantial manual input for the

PCR and hybridisation phases. Not only are these manual phases

expensive in terms of labour, they also require specialist skills not

currently used by hospital transfusion scientific staff, and they are at risk

of errors in sample transposition and pipetting which may lead to incorrect

results. Automation of these phases for blood group genotyping assays is

not currently available, and it is this limitation which will hinder the

introduction of the assays into the routine hospital laboratory setting.

The evaluation of the serological and genotyping assays, as described in

this study, have demonstrated robust, accurate systems for high

throughput testing that have potential for use in a hospital transfusion

setting. In particular, the automated serological assay (IBG Immucor)

would appear to be a cost effective method that could be easily

incorporated into a type and match program. To reduce the risk of

inaccurate serological phenotyping results, patient samples would need

to be tested prior to initial transfusion, or in the absence of blood

transfusion in the previous four months. The results of the phenotyping

assay could then be used to provide blood for transfusion that was

matched for Rh (CcEe) and K in addition to the standard ABO/D

matching. The introduction of a “type and match” program would have the

potential to reduce the risk of alloimmunisation in chronically transfused

patients. The benefits of a type and match program have not been

evaluated in the UK, and would require a large number of participants

enrolled into a randomised controlled trial (RCT) to adequately address

the research question, given the incidence of alloimmunisation in

chronically transfused patients noted in this study. Prior to initiation of

such an RCT, there are other important questions that need to be

addressed. These include recruitment rates, dropout rates and, more

importantly, the ability of the hospital transfusion laboratories to provide

matched blood from routine stocks. A useful precursor to an RCT is a

pilot study, which can provide answers to some of these questions and

identify any unforeseen issues. A pilot study was initiated at the RD&E,

as part of this research project, designed to provide information that could

be used to lead into a larger RCT, and this is described in chapter 6.


6.1 Introduction

To truly assess whether typing and matching of blood for chronically

transfused patients would reduce the risk of the development of

allo/autoantibodies and realise the estimated cost benefits, a randomised

controlled trial (RCT) is required. Patients would be recruited to either a

standard care group, receiving standard ABO and RhD matched blood or

to an intervention group destined to receive blood additionally matched

for Rh (CcEe) and K antigens. This study has already demonstrated that

the development of allo/autoantibodies occurs in around 15-25% of

chronically transfused patients and that a relatively large number of

transfusions are required before this effect is seen. Therefore any RCT

designed to investigate the potential benefits of typing and matching

blood would need large numbers of patients and would take considerable

time to achieve. Given the number of patients with haematological and/or

renal conditions that would be required for recruitment it is unlikely that

this sort of RCT could be undertaken in one hospital site, but would more

likely require a coordinated multicentre trial.

A feasibility, or pilot, study is a commonly used forerunner to a large RCT,

and is described by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) as

a piece of research done before a main study to answer the question “can

this study be done?” In this way they can be used to estimate important

parameters that are needed to design the main study, such as standard

deviation of the outcome measure, which is needed in some cases to

estimate sample size required to gain statistical power; number of eligible

patients, willingness of participants to be randomised; willingness of

clinicians to recruit participants; carers or other appropriate participants;

characteristics of the proposed outcome measure. In some cases

feasibility studies might involve designing suitable outcome

measures; follow-up rates, response rates to questionnaires,

adherence/compliance rates; availability of data needed or the usefulness

and limitations of a particular database; time needed to collect and

analyse data (NIHR guidance). Pilot studies do not necessarily need to

be RCTs but the inclusion of a control group and randomisation allows

the review of willingness of the subjects to be randomised which can then

inform on the recruitment requirements of the larger trial.

Pilot studies, because of their limited size, cannot provide any definite

support for any specific therapeutic claims (Loscalzo, 2009), they cannot

be used to evaluate safety, efficacy and effectiveness and neither do they

provide meaningful effect size estimate for planning subsequent studies

due to the imprecision inherent in data from small samples (Leon et al.,

(2011); Friedman et al., 1998; Kraemer et al., 2006), however, the data

obtained can be used to design a larger RCT and they can be useful in

identifying any unexpected harm of the intervention early on in the course

of its development. The ultimate aim of the larger trial should be used to

guide the design of the pilot study and the participants or patients should

be recruited from the same study population (Hinds and Gattuso, 1991),

this will enable the researchers to test those aspects of the intended

larger trial and make any amendments in advance of embarking on any

larger RCTs. Recruitment of trial subjects can be slower and more difficult

than researchers imagine and many trials fail to achieve their intended

sample size within the planned time frame (McDonald et al., 2006; Sully

et al., 2013). Assessment of this within the pilot study may prevent issues

developing within the larger RCT. A review of pilot studies published in

seven major medical journals from 2000 to 2001 (Lancaster et al., 2004)

recommended that statistical analysis of pilot studies should be either

mainly descriptive or focus on the estimation of the sample size and that

any results from hypothesis testing should be treated with caution. Arain

and coworkers (2010) revisited this review between the years 2007 and

2008 to assess whether the recommendations made by Lancaster and

his team had produced a change in the practice of reporting pilot studies

but found that pilot studies were still poorly reported with inappropriate

emphasis on hypothesis testing. The review by Arain and coworkers

found that 81% of pilot studies published reported statistics on hypothesis

testing, they also found that only 69% of the studies included a control

group, and although randomisation was noted in 62% of the trials, only

20% of those were blinded randomisation. Teare and coworkers (2014)

recommended that pilot studies include at least 35 participants per group

(total of 70) to allow estimation of the standard deviation for a continuous

outcome and a total of 60 to 100 recruits for trials investigating event

rates. It is recommended that any estimation using confidence intervals

(CI) in pilot studies should use 85% or 75% CI rather than the commonly

used 95% CI (Lee et al., 2014). There is no set sample size for a pilot

study. The review by Arain and coworkers (2010) found a median number

of 76 participants, with an interquartile range of 42-216. Generally,

sample sizes of 30, 50 and 70 will provide 48%, 78% and 84% power to

detect an acceptance rate of 85% or lower if the acceptance rate in the

population is 95%, however it has been noted that the sample size is

often related to the funding level rather than the likelihood of achieving

the specific aims (Moore et al., 2011).

With all the benefits and caveats of pilot studies in mind, a small RCT

was designed and performed using participants from the haematology

clinics at the RD&E. It was accepted that, given the time frame in which

the pilot study was required to be completed, and to enable the

participants’ sufficient time to be given blood transfusions, that only 60

patients would be recruited to the trial. The 60 patients were randomised

to the standard care group or to the intervention group using a modified

block randomisation to ensure that there were equal numbers of patients

in each group. Patients approached for recruitment into the trial were

given information leaflets detailing the tests to be performed and the

randomised aspect to the treatment arms (appendix 5). Patients were

given time to read the information and encouraged to ask any questions

regarding the trial. Specific consent forms were signed by each patient

recruited and patients were given the option to drop out of the trial at any

time, should they wish to do so (appendix 6). The pilot study was given

ethical approval from the NRES Committee South West - Cornwall &

Plymouth (MREC No. 12/SW/0251, R&D Study No. 1301733). This is the

first time that such a trial has been attempted in the UK.

The aim of the pilot study was to review recruitment rates and dropout

rates for the patients and also to assess the ability to supply matched

blood for transfusion in the intervention group from routine blood stocks

held in a hospital transfusion laboratory. The pilot study was not powered

to investigate any differences in the rates of development of

allo/autoantibodies between the standard care group and the intervention

group. Nor was it powered to provide an estimate of the sample size

required for a larger multicentre randomised controlled trial designed to

investigate any benefits of typing and matching of blood for chronic


The blood stocks held at the RD&E during the time of the pilot study are

shown in table 6.1. The red cell units were held in ABO/D specific trays

within a walk-in cold room. There was no subdivision of ABO/D types for

Rh or Kell antigens. Orders were made to the NHSBT for red cell stocks

on a daily basis, no changes were made to the ordering procedure with

respect to particular Rh antigen types. In order to locate a matching unit

for a pilot study patient, the laboratory staff had to search the physical

stock, there is no search function for this in the laboratory computer

system. Alternatively, appropriate antigen negative blood could be

ordered from the NHSBT. As such, the results of the pilot study could

also be used to design effective changes to the way that the stocks are

arranged and ordered to support a type and match program.

Table 6.1 Optimum stock of red cell units held in RD&E stock

The optimum number of red cells and their ABO/D type are shown in the table

below. A small stock of group O and A, K negative, irradiated units are held for

patients with this special requirement. The red cell units are stored in labelled

trays in accordance with their ABO/D type. (Table taken from the RD&E

laboratory standard operating procedure for red cell ordering and stock


Blood group Optimum Red Cell Paediatric Red Cells

O RhD Pos 30 0

O RhD Neg 10 1

A RhD Pos 30 0
A RhD Neg 12 0
B RhD Pos 6 0
B RhD Neg 4 0
AB RhD Pos 4 0
AB RhD Neg 4 0
O RhD Pos Irradiated K- 4
O RhD Neg Irradiated K- 2
A RhD Pos Irradiated K- 4

6.2 Results of the randomised controlled pilot study

A total of 60 patients were recruited to the trial between the 8 th November

2012 and the 16th July 2014. Patients were recruited from the

haematology clinic with the only exclusions being individuals under the

age of 18, those not capable of giving informed consent and those with a

positive antibody screen recorded in the pathology computer system.

Initially, recruitment was restricted to patients with haematological

conditions considered likely to require blood transfusion, such as

myeloma, acute and chronic leukaemias, Hodgkin’s and non-Hodgkin’s

lymphoma, myelodysplastic and myeloproliferative disorders. However,

using these criteria only eight patients were recruited over a seven month

period. In order to recruit a sufficient number of patients in the time scale

relevant to the study, the entry criteria were widened to include any

patient attending the clinic with a confirmed haematological condition.

Only one patient approached declined to enter the trial on the basis that

they were alarmed by the thought of potential blood transfusions. All other

patients approached were satisfied with the information that they were

given regarding the trial and happy to be included.

Initially 30 patients were randomised to Group 1, the standard treatment

group, and 30 to Group 2, the intervention group. One patient in Group 2

was found to have a positive antibody screen on initial testing and so was

excluded from the trial.

6.2.1 Number of patients transfused in each study group

A total of 59 patients were included in the trial, of these 19 (32.2%) were

transfused during the trial period. A total of 13 patients received

transfusions in the standard care group, group 1 (n=30), and four patients

were transfused in the intervention group, group 2 (n=29). This

demonstrates that significantly more patients in group 1 received

transfusions than in group 2 (Fisher’s exact test p value = 0.0204) (figure


Figure 6.1: Comparison of number of patients transfused in the pilot

study groups



Number of patients

Not transfused
15 Transfused


Group 1 Group 2

Within the standard care group (group 1, n=30) 13 (43.3%) patients were
transfused, compared to 4 (13.8%) patients in the intervention group
(group 2, n=29). Significantly more patients in group 1 were transfused
compared to group 1 (Fisher’s exact test p value = 0.0204).

6.2.2 Time spent in trial for patients in each study group

Patients were recruited to the trial between the 8th November 2012 and

the 16th July 2014, the trial was closed and data collected on the 31st July

2015, consequently, in total, the trial ran over 995 days. The recruitment

process lasted 615 days, longer than anticipated due to initial difficulties

with the selection criteria. Over the 21 month recruitment process patients

were accepted onto the trial at an average rate of 2.86 per month,

however, over the first six months of the trial only seven patients were

recruited (average 1.17 per month). At this point it was realised that

insufficient patients would be recruited in the allocated time using the

stringent criteria and so the criteria were relaxed, as a result of this, from

June 2013 to November 2013 a total of 34 patients were recruited

(average 5.67 per month) (figure 6.2).

Patients in group 1 spent an average of 697.6 days (range 396 to 995

days, SD 154.8, n=30) on the trial compared to an average of 583.7 days

(range 380 to 994 days, SD 165.9, n=29) for patients in group 2 (figure

6.3). Of the first 30 patients to be recruited to the trial, 21 (70%) were

randomly assigned to group 1, this unexpectedly high number would

account for the significant difference in length of time in the trial for

patients in each of the groups (t-test p value = 0.0085).

Figure 6.2: Recruitment rates for pilot study patients

Number of patients recruited















Month and Year

Patients were recruited to the pilot study over a 21 month period (n=60).

Slow recruitment rates in the initial six month period were thought to be

due to strict selection criteria focussed on patients with disease

conditions considered to be at high risk of transfusion dependence.

Relaxation of the selection criteria and an increase in recruitment rate

was seen from June 2013 onwards, which enabled the recruitment target

to be achieved within the time scale of the project.

Figure 6.3: Comparison of the length of time spent on the trial for

patients in the pilot study groups

Time in trial (days)

1 2
Pilot study group

Box-and-whiskers plots showing the minimum and maximum numbers

(black line) of time spent in the trial (the first quartile, mean and third

quartile are denoted by the coloured blocks). Patients in group 1

(standard care group, n=30, range 396 to 995 days, SD 154.8) spent

significantly longer on the pilot study trial than patients in group 2

(intervention group, n=29, range 380 to 994 days, SD 165.9). T-test p

value = 0.0085.

6.2.3 Comparison of the number of transfusion episodes and units

given for patients in each study group

Within the standard care group (group 1 n=30) 13 patients received blood

transfusions and within the intervention group (group 2, n=29) four

patients received transfusions. The average number of red cell units

given to transfused patients in group 1 over the study period was 27.46

(range 2 to 76, SD 26.99, n=13) and the average number of red cell units

given the transfused patients in group 2 was 22.25 (range 1 to 71, SD

32.71, n=4). There was no statistically significant difference seen in the

number of red cell transfusions given to patients in each study group (t-

test p value = 0.7513) (figure 6.4).

The average number of transfusion episodes within the standard care

group (group 1) was 11.62 (range 1 to 30, SD 10.32, n=13) compared to

an average of 10.75 (range 1 to 34, SD 15.59, n=4) in the intervention

group (group 2), again this demonstrated no statistically significant

difference between the two groups (t-test p value = 0.8971) (figure 6.5).

Statistical analysis of the number of red cell units transfused and the

number of transfusion episodes for the transfused patients in each of the

study groups demonstrated that the patients in each group were well

matched despite the majority of patients recruited during the initial

recruitment phase, when selection for patients likely to require transfusion

was attempted, being allocated to group 1, the standard care group.

Figure 6.3: Number of red cell units transfused to patients in pilot




Number of units transfused







Group 1 Group 2

Box-and-whiskers plots showing the minimum and maximum numbers

(black line) of red cell units transfused (the first quartile, mean and third

quartile are denoted by the coloured blocks) to patients in the pilot study.

Comparison of the number of red cell units given to patients in the

standard care group (group 1, average 27.46, range 2 to 76, SD 26.99,

n=13) and the number given to patients in the intervention group (group

2, average 22.25, range 1 to 71, SD 32.71, n=4) showed no significant

difference (t-test p value = 0.7513).

Figure 6.4: Number of transfusion episodes for patients in the pilot



Number of transfusion episodes







Group 1 Group 2

Box-and-whiskers plots showing the minimum and maximum numbers

(black line) of transfusion episodes (the first quartile, mean and third

quartile are denoted by the coloured blocks) experience by patients in the

pilot study. Comparison of the number of transfusion episodes for

patients in the standard care group (group 1, average 11.62, range 1 to

30, SD 10.32, n=13) and those for patients in the intervention group

(group 2, average 10.75, range 1 to 34, SD 15.59, n=4) did not

demonstrate any statistically significant difference (t-test p value =


6.2.4 Disease conditions in the pilot study patients

Patients recruited to the pilot study were suffering from a wide variety of

haematological disease conditions (figure 6.6). The standard care group

(group 1) included a larger number of myeloma and non-Hodgkin’s

lymphoma (NHL) patients compared to the intervention group (group 2).

These disease conditions are considered high risk for requiring

transfusion through the course of treatment and so, as the majority of

patients in this phase were randomly assigned to group 1, this may have

introduced an element of selection bias. This would explain the larger

numbers of patients requiring transfusion within the standard care group.

Other disease conditions expected to require blood transfusions, such as

acute lymphocytic leukaemia (ALL), acute myeloid leukaemia (AML),

acute pro-myelocytic leukaemia (APML), chronic lymphocytic leukaemia

(CLL), chronic myelo-monocytic leukaemia (CMML), Hodgkin’s

lymphoma, lymphoma, myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) and

myeloproliferative disease (MPD) demonstrated a relatively more even

spread across the two study groups. Relaxation of the selection criteria

meant that conditions unlikely to require transfusion during the course of

the disease, such as idiopathic thrombocytopaenic purpura (ITP),

coagulation disorders, Von Willebrand’s disease (VWD) and

polycythaemia rubra vera (PRV) were also included in the trial groups.

Figure 6.5: Disease conditions in the pilot study patients

Number of patients in trial
Group 1
0 Group 2




Chronic Anaemia




Coagulation disorder



Hairy Cell Leukaemia











A wide variety of haematological disease conditions were seen in the pilot study patients. The number of patients recruited to the standard care group (group 1) for
each disease condition is shown on the graph as blue columns and the number of patients recruited to the intervention group (group 2) is shown by the red column.

AIHA = autoimmune haemolytic anaemia CML = chronic myeloid leukaemia MPD = myeloproliferative disorder

ALL = acute lymphocytic leukaemia CMML = chronic myelo-monocytic leukaemia NHL = non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma

AML = acute myeloid leukaemia ET = essential thrombocythaemia PRV = polycythaemia rubra vera

APML = acute pro-myelocytic leukaemia ITP = Idiopathic thrombocytopaenia purpura VWD = Von-Willebrand’s disease

CLL = chronic lymphocytic leukaemia MDS = myelodysplastic syndrome

6.2.5 Matching red cell antigens for transfused patients in the

intervention group

Patients allocated to the intervention group had Rh (CcEe) and K antigen

types performed using the automated serological method (Immuncor) and

by the manual laboratory method (Bio-Rad). For each of these patients a

note was added to the laboratory computer record stating the Rh (CcEe)

and K antigen type and the corresponding antigen negative requirements

of red cell units for transfusion. Laboratory staff was requested to record,

on the laboratory computer system, a reason if they were unable to

provide matched red cells for the patient for any of the transfusion


A total of 89 red cell units were provided for the four transfused patients

in the intervention group. Patient 1 received a total of 10 units over five

transfusion episodes, patient 2 received 71 units over 34 episodes,

patient 3 received seven units over three episodes and patient 4 received

one unit on one occasion (table 6-1).

Table 6.2: Provision of Rh (CcEe) and K matched blood for transfused patients in the intervention group

Four patients in the intervention group (patients allocated to receive red cells for transfusion matched with their own Rh

(CcEe) and K types) received transfusions during the trial period. Three patients received red cell units that were matched

with their own Rh (CcEe) and K antigen type (patient numbers 1, 3 and 4). One patient received a total of 71 units of red

cells, of which just 20 (28.2%) were typed and matched to their Rh (CcEe) and K antigen type.

Patient No Rh (CcEe) and K type Number of red cell Number of transfusion % of units matched
units transfused episodes with Rh (CcEe) and K
1 R2r (cDE/cde) K neg 10 5 100%

2 R2R2 (cDE/cDE) K neg 71 34 28.2%

3 R1r (CDe/cde) K neg 7 3 100%

4 R1r (CDe/cde) K neg 1 1 100%

All four of the transfused patients were found to be negative for the K

antigen, a phenotype shared by over 90% of the Caucasian population

(Daniels, 2013), and as such expected to be seen in around 90% of

donated red cells stored in a hospital blood bank stock. None of the red

cell units transfused to any of the four patients were K positive, giving a

matching rate of 100%.

Two of the four transfused patients (patients 3 and 4) were found to be

positive for the C, c and e antigens and negative for the E antigen, giving

them the mostly likely Rh type R1r (CDe/cde), a phenotype shared by

32.68% of the English population (Daniels, 2013). Patient 3 was provided

with seven units of blood over three transfusion episodes, and patient 4

was provided with a single unit of blood on one occasion, the Rh (CcEe)

type of all of the units matched with the patients Rh (CcEe) phenotype.

Patient 1 was found to be positive for the c, E and e Rh antigens and

negative for the C antigen, giving a most likely Rh type R2r (cDE/cde), a

phenotype shared by 10.97% of the English population (Daniels, 2013).

This patient was provided with 10 units of blood over five transfusion

episodes, all of the units provided carried the same Rh antigens as the


Patient 2 was found positive for the c and E antigens and negative for the

C and e antigens, giving a most likely Rh type of R2R2 (cDE/cDE), a

phenotype shared with just 1.99% of the English population (Daniels,

2013). This patient required a total of 71 units of blood over 34

transfusion episodes during the trial period, the laboratory were only able

to provide 20 units of blood that matched this patient’s Rh (CcEe)

phenotype. On four occasions a reason was given to explain the lack of

matched blood; it was noted that there were no units in stock that

matched. No reason was noted for the remainder of the transfusion


The Rh (CcEe) and K types of all the patients recruited to the trial were

elucidated using the automated extended serological assay (table 6-2).

The most likely phenotypes of the patients are shown in both Fisher-Race

(CDE) terminology (Fisher, cited in Race, 1944) and Wiener’s Rh-Hr

(Wiener, 1943). The D antigen status of the patients was determined

using two commercial reagents; NOVACLONE™ anti-D blend (IgM D175-

2 and IgG D145, IE4) and ImmuClone® IgM (derived from cell line RUM

1). The assays were performed using the standard D typing assay on the

NEO® analyser (Immucor).

The R1r (CDe/cde) phenotype was the most common Rh type seen in the

patients recruited to the pilot study (21/59, 35.6%), R2r was seen in nine

patients (15.2%), R1R1 in nine patients (15.2%), R1R2 in eight patients

(13.6%), rr in 7 patients (11.9%) and R2R2 in five patients (8.5%) (Figure

6.7). The R1R1 phenotype is shared by 17.68% of the English population,

R1R2 by 11.87%, and rr by 15.10% (Daniels, 2013), should the pilot

study patients sharing these phenotypes have required a transfusion the

provision of blood should not have proved difficult from routine stocks

given the frequency of phenotypes.

Table 6.3: Rh and K types of patients recruited to the pilot study

Rh and K antigen status was determined using the automated extended serological assay for all the patients recruited to the pilot
study. In the table below antigen status is denoted as positive (P) or negative (N) for the antigens C, c, E, e and K, assayed using
the extended automated serological phenotyping assay, the D antigen status was determined using two anti-D clones via the
standard automated assay (NEO®analyser, Immucor). The most likely Rh phenotype is shown in both Fisher-Race and Wiener’s

Patient Trial Antigens Probable phenotype

number Group
C c E e K Fisher-Race Wiener
1 1 P P N P P CDe/cde R1r
2 1 N P P P N cDE/cde R2r
3 1 N P P N N cDE/cDE R2R2
4 1 N P P N N cDE/cDE R2R2
5 1 P N N P N CDe/CDe R1R1
6 1 P P P P N CDe/cDE R1R2
7 1 P N N P N CDe/CDe R1R1
8 1 P N N P N CDe/CDe R1R1
9 1 N P N P N cde/cde rr
10 1 N P P P P cDE/cde R2r
11 1 N P N P N cde/cde rr
12 1 N P P P N cDE/cde R2r
13 1 P N N P N CDe/CDe R1R1
14 1 N P N P N cde/cde rr
15 1 P P N P N CDe/cde R1r
16 1 N P P P N cDE/cde R2r
17 1 P P P P N CDe/cDE R1R2

Patient Trial Antigens Probable phenotype (continued)
number Group
C c E e K Fisher-Race Wiener
18 1 P P N P N CDe/cde R1r
19 1 P P N P N CDe/cde R1r
20 1 P P N P N CDe/cde R1r
21 1 N P N P N cde/cde rr
22 1 P P N P N CDe/cde R1r
23 1 N P P P N cDE/cde R2r
24 1 P N N P N CDe/CDe R1R1
25 1 P P N P N CDe/cde R1r
26 1 P P N P N CDe/cde R1r
27 1 P P N P P CDe/cde R1r
28 1 P P N P N CDe/cde R1r
29 1 N P N P N cde/cde rr
30 1 N P P N N cDE/cDE R2R2
31 2 N P P P N cDE/cde R2r
32 2 N P P P N cDE/cde R2r
33 2 N P P N N cDE/cDE R2R2
34 2 P P N P N CDe/cde R1r
35 2 P P P P N CDe/cDE R1R2
36 2 P N N P N CDe/CDe R1R1
37 2 P P N P P CDe/cde R1r
38 2 P P P P N CDe/cDE R1R2
39 2 P P N P P CDe/cde R1r
40 2 P N N P N CDe/CDe R1R1
41 2 N P P P N cDE/cde R2r
42 2 P P N P N CDe/cde R1r
43 2 N P P P N cDE/cde R2r

Patient Trial Antigens Probable phenotype (continued)
number Group
C c E e K Fisher-Race Wiener
44 2 N P P N N cDE/cDE R2R2
45 2 P P N P N CDe/cde R1r
46 2 P P N P N CDe/cde R1r
47 2 P P N P N CDe/cde R1r
48 2 P P P P N CDe/cDE R1R2
49 2 P P P P N CDe/cDE R1R2
50 2 P N N P N CDe/CDe R1R1
51 2 P N N P N CDe/CDe R1R1
52 2 P P N P N CDe/cde R1r
53 2 P P P P N CDe/cDE R1R2
54 2 P P N P N CDe/cde R1r
55 2 P P P P N CDe/cDE R1R2
56 2 N P N P N cde/cde rr
57 2 N P N P N cde/cde rr
58 2 P P N P N CDe/cde R1r
59 2 P P N P P CDe/cde R1r

Figure 6.6: Frequencies of Rh phenotypes in patients recruited to

the pilot study


Number of patients

Group 1
4 Group 2

R1r R1R1 R1R2 R2r R2R2 rr
Most likely Rh phenotype (Wiener terminology)

The graph shows the frequencies of the Rh phenotypes of the patients

recruited to the pilot study (group 1, the standard care group (n=30) and

group 2, the intervention group (n=29)) denoted using the Wiener

terminology. The most common phenotype seen was the R1r (35.6%),

other phenotypes were seen with the following frequencies; R2r (15.2%),

R1R1 (15.2%), R1R2 (13.6%), rr (11.9%) with R2R2 (8.5%) being the least


6.3 Discussion

The pilot study demonstrated that patients responded well to the

recruitment process and the information that was provided regarding the

trial, with only one patient declining to participate. The recruitment

process itself, however, was slow, particularly when selection was limited

to patients with diagnoses anticipated to require transfusion support.

Recruitment increased when the selection criteria were relaxed to include

patients with any disease condition. However, the number of patients in

each group that actually received a transfusion was low, particularly in the

intervention group where only 13.8% (4/29) of the patients received a

transfusion. Comparison of the number of red cell units transfused and

the number of transfusion episodes for the transfused patients in the

standard care group and the intervention group demonstrated that

patients were well matched in each group. The pilot study was not

powered to investigate any differences in the rate of antibody

development in the groups and it was noted that no patients in either

group developed an allo- or autoantibody as a result of the red cell

transfusions given.

No patients requested to drop out of the trial, suggesting that recruitment

to a larger multi-centre trial would not pose significant issues, however,

two patients died during the course of the trial. When estimating

participant numbers for a multi-centre randomised controlled trial to

investigate the benefit of a typing and matching strategy for patients with

haematological conditions or renal insufficient, it should be remembered

that these patients have serious conditions and that the death rate in the

study groups may be high. In addition, the pilot study showed low rates of

transfusion in patients recruited to the trial. This was mainly attributed to a

relaxation of the selection criteria in order to recruit sufficient patients in a

relatively short space of time. In order to undertake a larger RCT,

powered to detect any significant differences in antibody development

rates in patients given standard care compared to those given antigen

matched units, it would be preferable to maintain a stricter selection

criteria based on haematological disease conditions considered most

likely to require transfusion support.

Randomisation is a technique well known and extensively used in clinical

trials to prevent selection bias during the recruitment of subjects to the

trial and also reduce the risk of accidental bias during the data analysis

(Rosenberger and Lachin, 2015). It also allows the use of probability

theory to investigate the likelihood of chance as a source for any

differences seen in the end outcome of the trial. Randomisation is

particularly useful for the investigation of different treatment or

intervention regimes; whether one particular treatment is better than

another, no worse than another or equivalent. Randomisation has the

benefit of ensuring that subjects have an equal chance of being allocated

to one group or another and that the groups are balanced with respect to

known, and unknown, confounding or prognostic variables and are an

essential tool for testing the efficacy of a treatment (Suresh, 2011). If

randomisation is not used at the start of a clinical trial then the influence

of imbalance that is introduced needs to be controlled for in the analysis

of the results in order to produce an unbiased result (Kalish and Begg,

1985; Fleiss et al., 2003), using techniques such as analysis of

covariance (ANCOVA) or multivariate ANCOVA. Randomisation is

essential to ensure that the treatment effects are reviewed appropriately.

Clinical trials that been set up with unclear or inadequate randomisation

have been reported to over-estimate the treatment effects by up to 40%

(Schulz and Grimes, 2002a). In order to further reduce the potential for

selection bias during the randomisation process, allocation concealment

can be used, a technique which shields the researcher from the

knowledge of the group to which subject will be allocated.

There are different types of randomisation that can be used for clinical

trials; simple randomisation, block randomisation, stratified randomisation

and covariate adaptive randomisation. Simple randomisation involves a

single sequence of random assignments, which can be achieved by a

process as simple as flipping a coin or rolling a dice. This technique is

useful in clinical trials involving large numbers of subjects (200 or more)

but can result in unequal numbers between the groups in trials involving

smaller numbers of subjects (Altman and Bland, 1999a). In order to

attempt to equalise the number of subjects being allocated to each group,

block randomisation can be used, the total number of subjects required

for the trial is broken down into smaller blocks with pre-determined group

assignments which has the effect of keeping the subject numbers similar

at all times (Frane, 1998; Altman and Bland, 1999b). The downside to

block randomisation is that it can introduce some bias as the groups

could then have imbalances as the subjects are recruited, such as gender

or disease type inequalities (Pocock and Simon, 1975) and it can harm

the unpredictability of treatment assignments (Schulz and Grimes,

2002b). Reduction of the bias effects that simple or block randomisation

may introduce within trial groups can be achieved by using stratified

randomisation. This technique requires that any covariates that need to

be controlled within the trial are identified prior to the selection process

and can then be applied to each participant. This approach to

randomisation can prove difficult in clinical trials where subjects are

recruited on an individual basis or if there are numerous covariates that

need to be controlled (Weir and Lees, 2003). In clinical trials involving

small to moderate numbers of subjects, covariate adaptive randomisation

can be used, where recruits are assigned to one of the treatment groups

with reference to any covariates and also assignments of previous

recruits allowing balance of a large number of covariates (Kalish and

Begg, 1985; Hu et al., 2014).

The randomisation technique used to allocate patients to the standard

care or the intervention group in this pilot study resulted in an unexpected

bias towards the standard care group for the first 30 patients recruited.

This meant that patients in the standard care group spent significantly

longer on the trial than patients in the intervention group. To reduce the

risk of this occurring in a larger RCT, a block or stratified randomisation

approach should be utilised. Stratified randomisation would allow control

of the important variables, gender and disease condition, whilst ensuring

that patients in each study group have equality in the length of time on

the trial.

This pilot study demonstrated issues with provision of antigen matched

blood from routine stocks held in a hospital transfusion laboratory for

patients with rarer Rh (CcEe) phenotypes. NHSBT blood centres test and

distribute blood donated from a very wide geographical area, as such the

blood stocks held within a hospital transfusion laboratory should

represent the distribution of phenotypes in that general population. Thus,

provision of matched blood for patients with common phenotypes such as

K negative and the Rh type R1r should be relatively easy, whereas

provision of matched blood for the less common Rh phenotype, R 2R2, is

more difficult. This is supported by a study by Klapper and coworkers

(2010) using a virtual type and match strategy which demonstrated that

blood units could be provided from routine stocks for over 90% of

requests if providing K and Rh matches. ABO blood group type will also

impact on the provision of matched blood from routine stock; patients with

blood type O will only be able to received matched blood from the stock

of group O, whereas patients of blood type A are able to receive matched

blood of type A or O, increasing the probability of finding matching blood

within the stocks held, and patients of blood type AB can receive donor

blood of type O, A, B or AB, further increasing the likelihood of finding a

match in the stock fridge. Patient 2 in this pilot study was of group O type,

as well as being a less common R2R2 Rh type; this meant that selection

of matched blood was restricted to the stocks of group O RhD positive.

Patients with haematological diseases or renal insufficiency rarely

present with emergency requirement for blood transfusion and so this

should allow laboratory staff time to order blood of the appropriate Rh

(CcEe) and K antigen type for specific patients from the NHSBT. A good

communication system between the haematology/renal clinics and the

laboratory, with regard to patients with transfusion requirement,

adherence to protocols ensuring that transfusion samples are sent to the

laboratory two working days in advance of transfusion, would help

laboratories ensure that they have appropriately matched units of blood in

the stock fridge ready for the patients. Ethnic disparity between the

donor pool and patient population would need to be taken into account

when making changes to the blood stock inventory control and ordering

system to support a type and match strategy. Some Rh types show

disparity, such as R1 which is more common in White than Black

populations, and R0 which is more common in Blacks than Whites

(Daniels, 2013). Ethnic disparity was not considered to impact on the

provision of blood in this pilot study, and no issues were noted with

provision of blood, by the NHSBT, of any particular Rh phenotype.

Improvements in provision of matched blood by the laboratory could be

achieved simply by rearranging the way that the units are stocked and

setting optimum numbers of each phenotype for blood ordering.

The results of the retrospective review noted an alloimmunisation rate of

approximately 67% for Rh and Kell alloantibodies for both the renal and

the haematology cohort. The pilot study demonstrates that a type and

match strategy for Rh and Kell antigens could be implemented to reduce

the alloimmunisation rate. Changes would be needed to the blood stock

arrangement and the ordering procedure to ensure that sufficient

numbers of each phenotype were available. There would be no cost

implications for phenotyping the red cell unit, for Rh and Kell, as this is

performed at the NHSBT; however, there are cost implications for typing

the patients which need to be explored (see chapter 7).


7.1 Introduction

This study has shown that the implementation of extended automated

serological phenotyping, or genotyping, assays prior to transfusion in

patients with disease conditions likely to require chronic transfusion

support, followed by matching of blood for, at least, Rh (CcEe) and K

antigens, has the potential to reduce the risk of development of red cell

antibodies. However, the cost of implementation of these assays needs to

be assessed and balanced against the potential savings that could be

realised if the development of red cell antibodies were to be prevented.

This study has also shown that both the extended automated serological

phenotyping assay (NEO® analyser Immucor) and the BLOODChip

IDCOREXT genotyping assay are robust and reliable techniques for the

identification of red cell antigens within the hospital transfusion service

setting. The cost effectiveness of both of these assays was assessed

using the data regarding additional laboratory testing collected as part of

the retrospective review. This is the first time that a cost analysis for a

prospective type and match program has been performed in the UK.

7.2 Automated extended serological phenotyping

The total cost of additional laboratory testing incurred by the immunised

patients in the haematology cohort (n=256/1107) was £48,752.59 (see

section 3.2.5). In addition to this cost, each unit of blood for transfusion in

this group of patients required compatibility testing by IAT assay, a test

calculated to cost £3.81/unit (RD&E 2014 cost) based on compatibility

testing (crossmatching) by IAT in Column Agglutination (Bio-Rad) by a

Band 5 Biomedical Scientist at pay point 20 (Agenda for Change, NHS

2015). During the retrospective review of the transfusion needs of the

haematology patients, data was not collected on the type of crossmatch

assay performed for each unit transfused for patients with red cell

antibodies and so it is not possible to give accurate costs for compatibility

testing for the immunised group in this patient cohort. However, using the

average number of units transfused to the immunised group (n=256),

46.99 units, and the 2014 cost for compatibility testing (£3.81), a total

cost of £45,711.87 can be estimated for this group for compatibility

testing. This figure is likely to be an overestimate as the majority of

patients in the immunised group developed red cell antibodies following

transfusion and so, initially, provision of blood would not have required

serological crossmatch by IAT. Additional laboratory testing performed for

the immunised patients in the retrospective review amounted to

£48,752.59, this figure, plus the estimated cost of compatibility testing,

gives a total cost of £94,464.46 for laboratory tests performed over the

review period. This gives a cost per head for the immunised haematology

patients (n=256) of approximately £369.00. Additional testing for the non-

immunised patients in the haematology cohort (n= 851) amounted to a

total of £1,509.83. Again, using a cost for compatibility testing based on

the average number of units given to patients in this group (23.43 units)

and the 2014 cost for provision of blood without serological compatibility

testing by IAT (electronic issue, £0.47/unit), it can be estimated that this

group incurred a total cost of £9,371.30 for compatibility testing. This

figure, together with the additional testing figure, gives a total of

£10,881.13 for the non-immunised patients, equating to a cost per head

of £12.79/patient. Overall, the cost of provision of blood (additional testing

plus compatibility testing) for the entire haematology cohort (n=1107) can

be estimated at £105,345.59, giving a cost per head of £95.16 per


Within the renal cohort (n=877) the immunised group (n=134) incurred

additional testing costs of £13,094.76 and the non-immunised group

(n=743) incurred a cost of £155.53. Using the average number of units

transfused to patients in each group (21.85 and 11.97 respectively) and

the cost of provision of blood by IAT crossmatch for the immunised

patients (£3.81/unit) and electronic issue (£0.47/unit) the total cost for

provision of blood for the immunised patients amounted to approximately

£24,250.06 and £4,180.04 for the non-immunised patients. The cost per

head for immunised renal patients can be estimated at £180.97 and for

non-immunised patients at £5.62, the overall cost per head for the entire

renal cohort (n=877) is estimated at £32.41 per patient.

Automated extended serological phenotyping for Rh (CcEe), K, M, N and

Cw antigens cost £9.43 per patient and for Jka, Jkb, Fya, Fyb, S, s and k

antigens the cost amounted to £10.14 per patient, giving a cost per head

of £19.57 per patient. Both figures are considerably less than the current

£95.16 per head for the haematology cohort and £32.41 per head for the

renal cohort for blood provision. This suggests that extended automated

serological phenotyping for all haematology or renal patients could be

justified if the patient phenotype could then be used to match blood for

transfusion and reduce the risk of allo and/or auto-immunisation to red

cell antigens. This is particularly relevant for the typing and matching of

Rh (CcEe) and K antigens, for which donor blood is automatically typed.

Automated serological phenotyping for Rh (CcEe) and K antigens only

would amount to £5.97 per patient, this is significantly less than the cost

per head estimated for the immunised haematology and renal patients

(£369.0 and £180.97 respectively) and, furthermore, less than the

estimated cost per head for the non-immunised patients in the

haematology cohort (£12.79) and similar to the cost per head for the non-

immunised renal patients (£5.62).

Manual extended serological phenotyping, at a total cost of £50.46 per

head, could be justified on a cost basis for haematology patients (cost per

head for immunised and non-immunised estimated at £95.16), but not for

renal patients (cost per head for immunised and non-immunised

estimated at £32.41). As for automated serological phenotyping, test cost

for manual Rh (CcEe) and K antigen testing (estimated at £6.49 per

patient) would appear to be a cost effective option if it could be

demonstrated that matching blood for transfusion for these antigens

prevents antibody production. However, the risks of manual testing on

this scale would need to be carefully considered if this approach was


7.1 Genotyping Assay

The cost per patient test for the IDCOREXT test was estimated at £73.66.

On a cost basis alone, this technique could be justified for all patients with

haematological conditions prior to initial transfusion, but not for renal

patients. This technique, however, required equipment that is not

currently used in hospital transfusion services, such as extraction hoods,

thermocyclers and the Luminex XMap analyser. The initial set up costs of

introducing these systems into a routine hospital transfusion laboratory

and the staff training required would also need to be taken into account.

Costs for equipment may be kept to a minimum if other disciplines within

the hospital, such as microbiology or immunology, were to share the

equipment, but this may mean that the different aspects of sample

preparation and analysis may take place in geographically separate areas

of the hospital.

7.2 Cost comparison of serological phenotyping and

genotyping techniques

Pre-transfusion phenotyping, in conjunction with a strategy for matching

for the Rh (CcEe) and K antigens, appears to be a cost effective option

when comparing the estimated cost per head for provision of blood for

immunised patients (£369 for haematology patients and £180.97 for renal

patients) with the cost per test for serological phenotyping for the Rh

(CcEe) and K antigens (£5.97 for automated technique) (Table 7-1). The

assumption being that serological phenotype prior to transfusion

combined with a type and match strategy would reduce risk of

alloantibody development and associated costs with subsequent

transfusions. Pre-transfusion genotyping appears to be cost effective but

is less easy to justify in clinical practice as described in section 7.1.

Table 7.1: Cost effectiveness of serological phenotyping and genotyping techniques

The estimated current costs for the provision of blood for immunised haematology and renal patients per head (standard practice

column), which includes the additional testing required once the patient has developed a red cell allo/autoantibody is considerably

higher than that for pre-transfusion phenotyping or genotyping. Pre-transfusion phenotyping, or genotyping, combined with a

strategy for matching for the Rh (CcEe) and K antigens, both appear to be a cost effective options with the assumption that such a

strategy would prevent the development of antibodies against these antigens.

Standard practice Phenotype for Rh (CcEe) and K antigens Extended genotype

Automated serological Manual serological
Haematology cohort Renal cohort phenotyping phenotyping Genotyping
Non- Non-
Immunised immunised Immunised immunised
£369.00 £12.79 £180.97 £5.62 £5.97 £6.49 £73.66

7.3 Discussion

The additional costs incurred for the provision of blood for patients who

have developed atypical red cell allo/auto-antibodies are considerably

higher than the cost for provision of blood for patients without antibodies,

in both the haematology cohort and the renal cohort. There is potential to

reduce this financial burden by the introduction of high throughput

methods of red cell antigen testing and then matching of blood for

transfusion in these chronically transfused patients. Manual and

automated serological red cell antigen phenotyping techniques are useful

methods which can be easily incorporated into routine hospital

transfusion laboratories. Manual techniques have disadvantages in that

they are labour intensive, making them expensive and also introducing

human error risks in the sample preparation, testing, interpretation and

reporting stages. Automated readers, interfacing to laboratory computer

systems and automated interpretation could eliminate some of these risks

but would incur costs for computer upgrades and equipment, if not

already used within the laboratory. Automated serological testing, as

validated in this study, has been shown to be a robust and cost effective

alternative to current manual systems. Interfacing to laboratory computer

systems may incur additional one-off costs, but this would facilitate the

high throughput testing required to antigen type large numbers of patients

by eliminating the need for manual transcription of results.

The main disadvantage of serological testing, manual or automated, is

that it cannot be used for recently transfused patients due to circulating

donor cells. This would not be an issue if the hospital transfusion service

chose to adopt the approach of automated serological red cell antigen

typing for all haematology and renal patients prior to initial transfusion,

but would restrict the use of the technique if used only for patients post

development of red cell antibodies. In addition, serological techniques,

manual and automated, using polyclonal anti-sera, such as those used in

the detection of antigens in the Kidd, Duffy, and Ss systems cannot be

used for patients with red cell autoantibodies due to the risk of false

positive results (BCSH, 2013). Again, if used prior to the initial transfusion

for haematology and renal patients this would not pose a significant

issue, but the considerable numbers of patients with autoantibodies seen

in both patient cohorts (186/1107 (16.8%) for haematology patients and

74/877 (8.4%) for renal patients) would restrict the use of the technique if

only implemented post development of antibodies. Genotyping

techniques, however, offer a flexible solution to red cell antigen typing

that can be used for red cell antigen typing using samples from patients

post-transfusion and from those with red cell autoantibodies (Guelsin et

al., 2010).

The potential reduction of costs for additional antibody identification tests

and serological crossmatching could not be realised unless red cell

antigen typing, serological phenotyping or genotyping, was implemented

prior to initial transfusion and the blood provided for transfusion was

matched for, at least, the Rh (CcEe) and K antigens. Such a strategy

could significantly reduce the current costs for provision of blood for

patients within the haematology and renal cohorts, if the development of

red cell antibodies to these antigens was prevented. The inclusion of

extended phenotyping techniques, to include red cell antigens within the

Jk, Fy, and Ss systems, would increase the initial costs for phenotyping.

Matching of blood for these antigens is more complex, primarily because

donor blood units are not automatically typed for these antigens but also

because attempting to match at this secondary level reduces the

likelihood of finding matched units within the routine blood stocks held by

the hospital transfusion laboratory.

In addition, other benefits to patients could be realised, such as reduction

in delays in provision of blood and a reduced risk of transfusion reactions.

Individualising patient care in this way also has the potential to improve

the patient journey, particularly for patients with haematological and renal

diseases whose care and treatment can be prolonged and emotionally



In order to implement a strategy of red cell antigen typing and matching of

blood for transfusion the hospital transfusion service requires a cost-

effective, robust, high throughput method for extended red cell

phenotyping, or genotyping, of patient samples prior to transfusion.

Current methods in hospital transfusion services for red cell antigen

testing are serological, mainly manual, or, at least, require a selection of

techniques for determination of individual antigen status. This results in a

cumbersome, costly system with all the inherent risks of manual testing

and manual input of results, which is then reserved for patient groups

where there is a national requirement for pre-transfusion testing, namely

the sickle cell disease and thalassaemia groups (BCSH, 2013).

Red cell antigen typing of patients red cells following production of an

alloantibody is generally limited to testing only for the implicated red cell

antigen, requiring a local decision regarding typing and matching for

further antigens (BCSH, 2013). Decisions need to be made in conjunction

with risk assessment, taking into account the limitations with the manual

testing system, costs, and the amount of staff time required to perform

extended typing. This study demonstrated that automated extended

serological red cell antigen typing using the IBG Immucor NEO® analyser

is a robust, cost effective method suitable for high throughput activity

within a hospital transfusion service setting, giving the laboratory access

to a robust assay for extended antigen typing. The method also lends

itself to the addition of an electronic interface from the analyser to the

hospital LIM system, removing the requirement for manual input of results

and reducing the risk of error. The automated system has built in quality

control to ensure that sufficient antisera and patient red cells are added to

the reaction mixture, a feature that is difficult to control using a manual

system where such judgments are made by macroscopic reading. Testing

of the automated system demonstrated that strongly positive reactions

are produced for heterozygous and homozygous antigen expression in

both commercial control cells (NHSBT red cell antigen cells) and patient

red cells. Red cell antigen typing using polyclonal antisera in the gel

column agglutination manual techniques employed in this study did not

demonstrate comparable differences in heterozygous and homozygous

antigen expression reaction strengths. It is possible to automate gel

column agglutination tests for red cell antigen typing and it would be

interesting to perform a further comparative study between the IBG

Immucor extended red cell antigen profiles and similar profiles created on

an automated column agglutination analyser. Weakly positive results

demonstrated in this study in the automated system were shown to be

false positives; although the numbers involved were small the specificity

of the automated system could be further improved by instructing the

analyser to invalidate any weak reaction (1+ or 2+ reaction strengths).

The automated system created for testing in this study included an auto

control (patient red cells tested against a non-reactive reagent, designed

to identify non-specific agglutination) as part of the polyclonal antisera

testing profile to minimise the risk of false positive results due to a

positive DAT. Only one patient in the study group proved to have a

positive DAT, which was identified due to weakly positive reactions in

both the automated and manual systems, not by the auto control included

in the automated profile. Further testing of a larger number of DAT

positive patients in the automated system is necessary to demonstrate

that inclusion of the auto control will identify DAT positive patients

effectively. In addition, invalidation of weakly positive results will also

reduce the risk of reporting false positive results. The monoclonal reagent

testing profile (anti-C, anti-c, anti-E, anti-e, anti-K, anti-Cw, anti-M and

anti-N) created on the IBG Immucor analyser did not include an auto

control, this was not felt to be a necessary addition as, if this profile was

included as part of pre-transfusion testing, the sample would also be ABO

and D typed by the same analyser, a test profile that already includes an

auto control.

There are currently no commercial quality control samples available

specifically for extended red cell antigen typing profiles in automated

systems. Whole blood quality control cells are available for use in the IBG

Immucor automated systems (WBCorQC), although these were tested

and found to be useful for internal quality control of the automated Rh

(CcEe) and K antisera, they are pooled cells and, as such, cannot be

used for internal quality control of the remaining antisera. The NHSBT 2

cell profile (3% suspension in Alsevers) is marketed for alloantibody

detection but was found to be suitable as an internal quality control

system for the extended red cell antigen typing profiles in this study.

However, these cells are not supplied in tubes compatible with use on the

analyser and therefore had to be transferred into suitable tubes,

introducing a potential source of error and removing the potential for any

audit trail and reagent expiry date control on the analyser. To further

improve the use and marketability of the IBG Immucor extended red cell

antigen typing profiles the production of red cell controls, containing cells

with negative red cell antigen expression and, preferably, cells expressing

heterozygous red cell antigens should be explored. Another improvement

to the automated extended red cell antigen phenotyping profiles would be

the replacement of the current polyclonal reagents (anti-Fya, -Fyb, -Jka, -

Jkb, -S, -s and –k) with monoclonal reagents. Not only would this reduce

the cost of testing but it would also allow the use of the reagents on

samples from patients with a positive DAT, currently one of the major

limitations of this assay.

Test costs for automated red cell antigen typing profiles were found to be

considerably cheaper than those for performing the same tests by manual

methods in our institution. In addition, the reduction in staff time required

for performing the automated profiles make this an attractive method for

extended red cell antigen typing in a hospital transfusion service setting.

However, the inclusion of internal quality control material for the

automated system also needs to be taken into account; decisions would

need to be made at a local level as to the frequency of reagent quality

control and the source of the material until such time as commercial cells

become available.

If one makes the assumption that typing and matching of blood for

transfusion for Rh (CcEe) and K antigens would eliminate alloantibodies

to Rh C, c, E, e and K, using patient numbers from the retrospective

study patient group (haematology patients), use of such a strategy would

have eliminated the production of Rh and Kell antibodies in 78 of the

1107 patients. Using the average number of antibody identification panels

performed for the retrospective review patients with red cell alloantibodies

(14.25), the total cost of antibody identification panels performed for the

78 patients was £7,913.88. If all 1107 patients included in the

retrospective review of haematology patients had been tested using the

monoclonal reagent testing profile the total cost would have amounted to

£9,232.38. Inclusion of costs for crossmatching (£3.81 per unit) for each

unit transfused for the 78 patients with Rh related or K antibodies, based

on an average of 46.99 units given to immunised patients in this cohort,

gives a total of £13,964.49. The total cost of antibody identification panels

and crossmatching for the 78 patients in the haematology cohort with Rh

related or K antibodies is estimated at £21,878.37, compared to a cost of

£9,232.38 for performing an automated extended phenotyping profile

including Rh (CcEe), K, M, N and Cw antigens for all the haematology

patients in the cohort. Making the assumption that pre-transfusion

phenotyping and matching of blood for Rh (CcEe) and K could prevent

the production of antibodies against these antigens, makes, in theory,

pre-transfusion phenotyping using an automated assay, a cost effective

system for patients with haematological conditions.

To realise the cost benefits of introducing a pre-transfusion phenotyping

strategy, particularly tying for Rh (CcEe) and K antigens, for patients with

haematological conditions at most risk of developing an allo/autoantibody

is recommended, this would include patients with haemolytic anaemia,

aplastic anaemia, Waldenström macroglobulinaemia, chronic lymphocytic

leukaemia, chronic myelo-monocytic leukaemia, acute myeloid

leukaemia, myelodysplastic syndrome and myeloproliferative disease,

shown to be high risk for antibody development in this study. The high

proportion of antibodies to Rh and Kell antigens seen in patients in both

the haematology cohort (66.7% of alloantibodies) and in the renal cohort

(67.0%) would support the implementation of a typing and matching of

blood for transfusion strategy for these antigens. Restriction of this

strategy to female patients within the renal cohort could further improve

the cost effectiveness of pre-transfusion antigen typing and matching of

blood, as females in this cohort were seen to have a greater risk of

antibody development than males.

Implementation of pre-transfusion testing for all patients, prior to the

primary transfusion, using the polyclonal reagent testing profile (Jka, Jkb,

Fya, Fyb, S, s, k antigens) is less easy to justify on a cost basis alone,

even if restricted to the patients at most risk of development of

allo/autoantibodies. However, it could be considered a useful addition to

the hospital transfusion service repertoire of tests for patients following

the production of a red cell alloantibody for those patients not on a regular

transfusion regime. It could also be useful, and possibly cost effective, for

those hospital transfusion services dealing with more substantial numbers

of sickle cell disease and Thalassaemia patients than those seen in our


The use of serological phenotyping methods is limited in the presence of

autoantibodies and not recommended if the patient has been recently

transfused due to interference by transfused red cells (BCSH, 2013). In

these cases the phenotype may be predicted using genotyping methods

(BCSH, 2013). In this study red cell antigen status predicted by the

BLOODChip IDCOREXT blood group genotyping technique showed a

high correlation with the serological antigen status in the 47 patients

tested. In addition, the IDCOREXT included assays covering a wider

range of red cell antigens than that covered by the automated serological

assay. Although typing and matching of blood for all antigens detected by

the genotyping system is not currently possible, the additional information

provided is useful in the event of the patient developing alloantibodies

post transfusion.

The IDCOREXT technique was simple to use, with a low failure rate and

high concordance with phenotyping results. However, the DNA

preparation phases are manual and labour intensive, and, as such, do not

currently lend them to the hospital transfusion setting where staff may not

be specialised in genetic techniques and the risk of error makes manual

testing undesirable. The advent of platforms with integrated DNA

extraction and real-time PCR, such as those used for microbiological

assays (Riedlinger et al., 2010; Le Guern et al., 2012; Dalpke et al.,

2012), may mean that these types of specialised tests can be transferred

into the routine service setting of the hospital transfusion laboratory. The

cost of blood group genotyping is also currently prohibitive for routine

use, the cost per test of the IDCOREXT assay alone is approximately £47

with the additional costs for DNA extraction, amplification, staff time and

analyser costs pushing the total cost to around £73 per patient.

Consequently, this type of assay is currently reserved for chronically

transfused patients with multiple antibodies. As DNA testing in general

becomes more mainstream and automated, it is likely that the costs will

reduce and, in the future, this may succeed serological phenotyping as

the routine test for pre-transfusion typing and matching strategies and

confirmatory testing for patients with red cell antibodies.

In the future, the potential for next generation sequencing (NGS), or

massively parallel sequencing, is being explored as current methods

detecting SNPs will only detect known blood group genotypes whereas

NGS will detect unknown ones as well (Altayar et al., 2013). NGS also

allows for very high throughput testing making it ideal for the testing of

donated blood. The use of NGS has been suggested as a potential

platform to accurately characterise the blood group phenotypes in

patients with sickle cell disease, particularly those in the African American

population who have a high RH allelic diversity (Reid et al., 2014).

Treatment of patients with haematological conditions using allogeneic

bone marrow, or stem cell, transplants may introduce a further

complication if a strategy for red cell antigen typing and matching of blood

for transfusion is implemented. Allogeneic bone marrow transplant (BMT)

replaces the recipient haemopoetic cells with those taken from a healthy

donor. This technique has been in use for over 20 years and is mainly

used as a treatment for leukaemias, lymphoproliferative disorders, solid

tumours and some non-malignant disorders (EBMT, 2011). The

conditioning regimes available, designed to eliminate malignant disease

(Gyurkocza and Sandmaier, 2014), should also eradicate immune system

cells in the bone marrow of the recipient, leaving the recipient immune

suppressed and tolerant to any foreign red cell antigens introduced by the

transplant. However, there are reports of recipient antibodies being

detected many months, and even years after the transplant (Sparkes et

al., 1979; Witherspoon et al., 1978; Korver et al., 1987; Van Tol et al.,

1996; Ang et al., 1997) suggesting that some recipient plasma cells may

survive the conditioning regime and exist long term. Izumi and co-workers

(2003) report an interesting case of a patient with pre-existing

alloantibodies to Rh E and c antigens, the patient received a bone

marrow transplant from an Rh E+ c+ donor and then suffered from

chronic persistent haemolytic anaemia, with positive DAT and IAT

present, for approximately 20 months after the BMT (Izumi et al., 2003).

Implementation of red cell antigen typing and matching of blood for

transfusion for patients prior to, during and after allogeneic bone marrow

transplantation would require special attention to the red cell phenotype

of the recipient, donor and that of the blood selected for transfusion at the

various stages of the transplant.

The pilot study performed suggested that recruitment to a larger, multi-

centre RCT would not pose any real issues, however care would need to

be taken with the estimate of the number of recruits to the trial as the

death rate of patients in the pilot study is suggestive of a relatively high

mortality rate in this cohort. Also, the recruitment process would need to

include selection for patients considered most likely to require blood

transfusion in the course of their disease treatment as demonstrated in

this study, such as myeloma, MDS, MPD, acute and chronic leukaemias,

to ensure that sufficient blood transfusions were performed in patients

within each arm of the study. Adequate numbers of patients would need

to be recruited to ensure that the trial was powered to investigate

differences in the rate of development of allo/autoantibodies in patients

receiving standard care and those receiving antigen matched blood. An

estimate of the sample size required for a two arm, binary, superiority trial

designed with a 90% power, which would allow a sample size large

enough to be reasonably confident of demonstrating that one of the

treatment arms is superior to the other, can be achieved using a power

calculator (Sealed Envelope, 2012). In such a trial the binary outcome

would have two measures, chronically transfused patients develop Rh

and Kell related antibodies or they do not develop antibodies. An estimate

of the percentage “success” in the control group and the intervention

group need to be established. In this scenario, given that approximately

25% of chronically transfused haematology patients in the retrospective

review developed allo/autoantibodies and 67% of the alloantibodies were

Rh or K related antibodies, an estimate of 16.75% of patients in the

control arm (non matched blood) would make antibodies, compared to

0% in the intervention group (given RhCcEe and K matched blood). Using

the power calculator 106 patients (53 in each arm) would be required to

have a 90% chance of detecting, as significant at the 5% level, a

decrease in the primary outcome measure from 16.75% in the control

group to 0% in the intervention group. However, it is prudent to proceed

cautiously when determining sample size to reduce the risk of under

powering the trial and being unable to make conclusions from the data.

The pilot study revealed issues with availability of antigen matched blood

for the less common phenotypes, these issues could be overcome by

improving communication between the haematology/renal clinic and the

laboratory and early pre-transfusion sample taking, giving laboratory staff

sufficient time to order red cell units with appropriate antigen types. Re-

design of stock holding could also facilitate supply of matched units; in

this pilot study no changes were made to the way that blood units are

stored in the blood stock fridge. Current local practice is to store units

according to ABO and RhD group, a small stock of c, E and K negative

(group O and A) are held separately, but there is no further separation of

blood according to Rh and Kell antigen types. Further separation of the

blood units could enable easier identification of matching units, which is

currently performed by searching through the units, and provide the basis

for an optimum order level for antigen negative units to ensure there are

always matching units available, even for patients with the rarer Rh types.

In conclusion, implementation of a strategy for red cell antigen typing and

matching of blood for transfusion in patients with haematological

conditions and renal insufficiency would appear to be an achievable and

beneficial objective. This is supported by a recent study which showed a

significantly lower rate of alloimmunisation of haematology patients who

were phenotyped and matched for Rh/K antigens compared to a group

who only received matched red cells after developing an antibody (Baia

et al, 2015). An automated platform for rapid, cost effective high

throughput extended serological red cell antigen typing, using the

Immucor NEO® analyser system, has been demonstrated to be suitable

for use in hospital transfusion services, with the potential for development

of electronic transfer of results to the host Laboratory Information

Management System (LIMS), which would allow hospital transfusion

services to implement a type and match strategy encompassing large

numbers of patients. The feasibility of introducing a method for blood

group genotyping into a routine hospital transfusion service setting has

also been assessed. Although the manual aspects of blood group

genotyping would appear to preclude this assay from the majority of

hospital transfusion laboratories, it remains a valuable tool for reference

laboratories. Advances in automated genotyping techniques may see

these assays being used in hospital transfusion laboratories in the near

future. Cost analysis of the serological phenotyping assay used in this

research has demonstrated that this technique is cost effective if used

within a type and match program for Rh (CcEe) and K antigens. The

assay for extended serological phenotyping for other blood group

systems, assessed in this research was not found to be cost effective for

a type and match program. However, this assay is a valuable tool in the

hospital transfusion laboratory for serological phenotyping for non-

chronically transfused patients with alloantibodies, and has considerable

advantages over manual techniques. The small pilot study performed

demonstrated that a type and match program for Rh (CcEe) and K

antigens can be achieved using the automated serological phenotyping

assay for chronically transfused patients. Patients can be provided with

matched blood from routine blood stocks held in the laboratory, but

provision could be improved with changes to the stock ordering and

holding arrangements. In addition, assurance of correct matching of blood

could be improved by the addition of algorithms within the LIMS. The pilot

study has also demonstrated that a large scale, multi-centre, randomised

controlled trial could be conducted in the UK to investigate the potential of

a typing and matching approach in reducing the risk of allo and/or

autoantibody production and decreasing the cost of laboratory testing in

these patient cohorts. The retrospective review of chronically transfused

patients demonstrated that these cohorts of patients are at risk of

development of alloantibodies, particularly to the Rh and Kell blood group

systems. A prospective type and match program has the potential to

reduce the transfusion complications for these patients and also reduce

the cost of provision of blood for the health service.

The results of this research have been utilised to implement a type and

match program and drive the changes required within the hospital

transfusion service at the RD&E to ensure that the program is robust and

successful. Patients have been enrolled on the program from January

2017. The automated serological phenotyping system has been

introduced within the laboratory and the LIMS has been upgraded to

incorporate information on the patient antigen status. All new

haematology, renal, oncology and paediatric oncology patients are typed

for Rh (CcEe) and K antigens prior to first transfusion, patients are

identified by the laboratory staff based on the location and/or clinical

details provided on the test request form. Previously transfused patients,

with no red cell antibodies and with no evidence of transfusion within four

months are also included on the program. The LIM system has also been

upgraded to include an algorithm for cross checking the patient antigen

requirements (included in the computer records as “antigen negative” and

detailing the RH (CcEe) and K antigen for which the patient is negative)

against the “antigen negative” status of the red cell unit selected for

transfusion by the laboratory staff. The computer system allows an

override if there is a mis-match in the antigen negative status of the unit

and the patient, for cases of emergency transfusion when matched units

cannot be supplied from the routine stock. The antigen matching

algorithm is also included in the interface for red cell units dispensed from

the remote allocation fridges, a system which does not include interaction

from the laboratory staff. The blood stock storage arrangements have

been altered to allow red cell units to be stored in individual trays with the

Rh (CcEe) and K antigen status clearly marked to enable easy and swift

identification by laboratory staff. Changes have also been made to the

blood stock ordering process to ensure that sufficient stock of each

RhCcEe and K typed units are available.

A preliminary review of the data showed that, during the 12 month period,

273 patients were identified by the laboratory staff as being in a high risk

group for chronic transfusion. None of the patients had alloantibodies and

all were suitable for serological phenotype with no record of transfusion

within the preceding four months. Of the 273 patients included in the type

and match program, only 175 were transfused (64.1%), suggesting that

identification of patients could be improved. A study by Lin and co-

workers (2017) investigating the impact of prophylactic Rh and K antigen

matching in patients with MDS also noted challenges in identification of

patients. In their study the identification of patients was performed by the

clinical staff and communicated to the transfusion laboratory, they noted

that only 62% of patients that should have received matched blood were

phenotyped. In contrast, in our institution, the identification of patients is

performed by laboratory staff and this would appear to lead to excess of

phenotyping. Further work is planned within the RD&E to address this

issue. Over the study period the patients (n=175) were transfused a total

of 773 (range 1 – 50, average 4.4) units of red cells. No cases were noted

where matching could not be achieved. At the end of the study period

(December 2017) no patients had developed antibodies to Rh or K

antigens, however, 2 patients had developed anti-Jka. This is a significant

reduction compared to the alloimmunisation rate noted in the

retrospective review of chronically transfused haematology patients (1.1%

compared to 12.9%) (see chapter 3). The study by Lin and co-workers

(2017) also noted no alloimmunisation to Rh and K antigens for patients

receiving matched blood, but noted a 6% alloimmunisation rate for non-

Rh/K alloimmunisation rate. This difference could be explained by the fact

that the patients in their study were transfused over a longer time frame

(3 years compared to 1 year) and received more red cell units (median 39

units) compared to the RD&E patients (median 2 units). It is accepted that

a type and match strategy for Rh (CcEe) and K antigens cannot eliminate

alloimmunisation to non-Rh/K antigens. However, the fact that two

patients at the RD&E developed anti-Jka after exposure to a small

number of units (one patient received 1 unit and the other received 4

units) has prompted consideration for the inclusion of typing and

matching for Jka and Jkb antigens into the program.

The cost of serological phenotyping for the RD&E patients amounted to

£1629.81. As a crude measure of cost effectiveness, the costs for

antibody identification and serological crossmatching were compared for

the same time period before and after implementation of the program.

The reduction in additional testing post implementation of the program

resulted in savings of £1728.3, although it should be noted that this may

also be affected by other factors, such as changes in the patient

population and a general reduction in blood usage.

In conclusion, a type and match strategy would appear to be both

achievable, in terms of service provision, and beneficial, in terms of

laboratory workload, cost effectiveness and patient alloimmunisation rate

for patients likely to require long-term transfusion support.


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10.1 Appendix 1: Raw data for retrospective review of haematology cohort

Key: N = No M=Male
Y = Yes F=Female

Alloimmunised No. Age at first

No. units Alloimmunised post transfusion recorded Platelet Irradiated
Diagnosis transfused at admission transfusion Gender episodes transfusion requirement requirement

Anaemia of chronic disease 53 N N M 24 81 N N

AIHA 17 N Y F 7 27 N N
AIHA 49 N Y F 23 85 N N
AIHA 4 N N M 1 66 N N
AIHA 13 Y Y F 4 50 N N
AIHA 7 N Y F 3 70 N Y
AIHA 35 N Y F 14 60 N N
AIHA 9 Y Y F 4 86 N N
AITL 6 N Y M 3 81 Y Y
AITL 15 Y Y M 7 74 Y Y
ALL 3 N N F 1 44 Y N
ALL 8 N N F 3 66 Y N
ALL 11 N N F 6 72 Y N

1|A p p e n d i x
Alloimmunised No. Age at first
No. units Alloimmunised post transfusion recorded Platelet Irradiated
Diagnosis transfused at admission transfusion Gender episodes transfusion requirement requirement
ALL 46 N N F 20 54 Y Y
ALL 38 N N M 12 38 Y Y
ALL 27 N N F 12 75 Y N
ALL 84 N N F 38 55 Y Y
ALL 3 N N M 2 72 Y N
ALL 92 N N M 43 41 Y Y
ALL 35 N N M 17 23 Y N
ALL 17 N N F 8 51 Y N
ALL 8 N N M 4 84 N N
ALL 76 N N M 31 66 Y N
ALL 52 N N M 25 66 Y N
AML 2 Y Y M 1 81 N Y
AML 2 N N F 1 67 Y N
AML 5 N N F 2 79 Y N
AML 6 N N F 4 86 Y N
AML 8 N N F 4 52 Y Y
AML 9 N N M 3 80 N N
AML 9 N N F 4 76 Y N
AML 10 N N F 4 88 N N
AML 11 N N F 4 62 Y N
AML 11 N N M 5 51 Y Y
AML 12 N Y F 6 71 Y N
AML 14 N N M 7 60 Y N
AML 17 N N M 7 55 Y Y
AML 20 N N M 10 78 Y N
AML 22 N N F 8 91 Y N

2|A p p e n d i x
Alloimmunised No. Age at first
No. units Alloimmunised post transfusion recorded Platelet Irradiated
Diagnosis transfused at admission transfusion Gender episodes transfusion requirement requirement
AML 23 N N M 10 76 Y N
AML 25 N N F 11 69 Y N
AML 28 Y Y M 13 79 Y Y
AML 28 N N M 12 51 Y Y
AML 30 N N M 16 37 Y Y
AML 30 N N M 14 36 Y N
AML 32 N N M 15 46 Y Y
AML 35 N N M 15 37 Y Y
AML 36 N N M 15 57 Y Y
AML 37 N Y F 18 63 Y Y
AML 37 N Y M 17 32 Y Y
AML 41 N N F 15 73 Y N
AML 43 N Y M 20 56 Y Y
AML 47 N Y F 22 39 Y Y
AML 48 N N M 23 69 Y N
AML 59 N N F 28 71 Y N
AML 61 N Y F 26 49 Y Y
AML 64 N Y M 29 54 Y Y
AML 64 N Y M 32 49 Y Y
AML 64 N Y M 22 68 Y Y
AML 66 N Y F 33 60 Y Y
AML 73 N Y F 35 82 N N
AML 75 N Y M 30 19 Y Y
AML 79 N N F 36 56 Y Y
AML 85 N N M 43 74 N N
AML 168 N N F 79 51 Y Y

3|A p p e n d i x
Alloimmunised No. Age at first
No. units Alloimmunised post transfusion recorded Platelet Irradiated
Diagnosis transfused at admission transfusion Gender episodes transfusion requirement requirement
AML 53 N Y M 26 42 Y Y
AML 51 N Y F 24 52 Y Y
AML 144 N Y F 67 71 Y Y
AML 14 N N F 7 73 N N
AML 53 N N F 25 74 Y N
AML 75 N Y M 34 63 Y Y
AML 32 N N M 15 40 Y Y
AML 8 N N F 4 89 N N
AML 18 N N F 9 80 Y N
AML 22 N N F 9 75 Y N
AML 56 N N M 26 64 Y Y
AML 52 N N F 26 50 Y Y
AML 44 N N F 18 60 Y Y
AML 13 N N M 6 62 Y Y
AML 8 N N M 4 80 Y N
AML 14 N N F 6 86 N N
AML 80 N N F 35 64 Y Y
AML 33 N N M 14 24 Y Y
AML 31 N N F 15 57 Y N
AML 4 N N F 2 55 N N
AML 30 N N F 13 93 Y N
AML 12 N N F 6 58 Y Y
AML 15 N N M 7 82 N N
AML 6 N Y F 3 74 N N
AML 6 N N M 3 85 Y N
AML 70 N N M 34 67 Y N

4|A p p e n d i x
Alloimmunised No. Age at first
No. units Alloimmunised post transfusion recorded Platelet Irradiated
Diagnosis transfused at admission transfusion Gender episodes transfusion requirement requirement
AML 79 N N M 34 67 Y N
AML 13 N N M 5 61 Y N
AML 14 N N M 6 76 N N
AML 25 N N F 13 49 Y Y
AML 80 N Y F 33 67 Y N
AML 94 N Y M 46 56 Y Y
AML 53 N Y F 25 56 Y Y
AML 94 N N M 39 81 Y N
AML 89 N N F 43 63 Y Y
AML 42 N Y F 18 59 Y N
AML 33 N N M 16 34 Y Y
AML 17 N N M 7 67 Y N
AML 39 N N M 18 78 N N
AML 44 N N M 19 77 Y N
AML 30 N Y F 13 65 Y N
AML 22 N N M 10 61 Y Y
AML 112 N N F 54 52 Y Y
AML 34 N N F 16 75 Y N
AML 33 N N M 16 70 Y N
AML 85 N N F 42 54 Y Y
AML 42 N N M 21 71 Y N
AML 39 N N F 18 55 Y Y
AML 69 N N F 29 30 N Y
AML 41 N N F 19 24 Y Y
AML 53 N Y F 25 51 Y Y
AML 28 N N M 10 76 Y Y

5|A p p e n d i x
Alloimmunised No. Age at first
No. units Alloimmunised post transfusion recorded Platelet Irradiated
Diagnosis transfused at admission transfusion Gender episodes transfusion requirement requirement
AML 27 N N F 12 74 Y Y
AML 31 N N M 17 64 Y N
AML 18 N N F 9 83 Y N
AML 10 N N F 4 83 Y N
AML 33 N N M 15 45 Y Y
AML 44 N N M 21 89 Y N
AML 21 N N M 10 70 Y N
AML 68 N N M 30 73 N N
AML 10 N N F 5 76 Y Y
AML 29 N N F 14 75 Y N
AML 28 N N M 13 65 Y N
AML 54 N N M 25 69 Y N
AML 10 N N F 4 72 N N
AML 35 N N F 17 54 Y N
AML 52 N N M 25 59 Y Y
AML 22 N N M 11 81 Y N
AML 157 N Y M 72 58 Y N
AML 104 Y Y F 53 66 Y Y
AML 40 N Y M 18 66 Y N
AML 15 N N F 6 84 Y N
AML 28 N N M 11 74 Y N
AML 10 N N F 6 63 Y Y
AML 10 N N F 4 48 Y Y
AML 42 N N F 21 67 Y Y
AML 166 N N M 63 71 Y N
AML 4 N N F 2 69 Y N

6|A p p e n d i x
Alloimmunised No. Age at first
No. units Alloimmunised post transfusion recorded Platelet Irradiated
Diagnosis transfused at admission transfusion Gender episodes transfusion requirement requirement
AML 18 N Y F 8 60 N N
AML 51 N N M 21 75 Y N
AML 38 N N F 17 60 Y Y
AML 4 N N F 2 70 Y N
AML 53 N N F 24 54 Y Y
AML 115 N N M 47 59 Y Y
AML 26 N N M 9 84 Y N
AML 23 N N F 12 58 Y N
AML 27 N Y F 14 72 Y N
AML 62 N N M 30 73 Y Y
AML 61 N Y F 26 73 Y Y
AML 88 N N M 39 67 Y Y
AML 2 N N M 1 78 N N
AML 18 N N F 9 65 Y Y
AML 43 N N F 21 18 Y N
AML 36 N N F 17 74 Y N
AML 50 N Y M 23 61 Y Y
AML 36 N Y M 17 81 Y N
AML 31 N N M 13 68 Y Y
AML 2 N N F 1 79 Y N
AML 22 N N F 11 61 Y N
AML 20 N Y F 10 75 Y N
AML 28 N N F 14 76 Y Y
AML 36 N N F 16 66 Y N
AML 48 N Y F 23 84 Y N
AML 65 N N F 29 69 Y N

7|A p p e n d i x
Alloimmunised No. Age at first
No. units Alloimmunised post transfusion recorded Platelet Irradiated
Diagnosis transfused at admission transfusion Gender episodes transfusion requirement requirement
AMML 8 N N M 4 85 Y N
AMYLOID 4 N N F 2 48 N N
AMYLOID 47 N N M 10 31 Y Y
AMYLOID 72 N Y F 36 55 N N
AMYLOID 4 N N F 2 49 N N
ANAEMIA 7 N N F 2 45 N N
ANAEMIA 80 N Y M 53 42 N N
ANAEMIA 60 N N M 21 71 N N
ANAEMIA 2 N N F 1 62 N N
ANAEMIA 6 N N F 3 41 N N
ANAEMIA 32 N Y F 13 74 N N
ANAEMIA 2 N N F 1 48 N N
ANAEMIA 4 N N F 2 74 N N
ANAEMIA 5 N N F 2 59 N N
ANAEMIA 34 N N F 13 71 N N
ANAEMIA 19 N N M 7 79 N N
ANAEMIA 6 N N M 2 80 N N
ANAEMIA 2 N N F 1 99 N N
ANAEMIA 9 N N F 4 83 N N
ANAEMIA 2 N N M 1 83 N N
ANAEMIA 2 N N F 1 40 N Y
ANAEMIA 6 N N F 3 81 N N
ANAEMIA 16 N N F 8 73 N N
APLASTIC 15 N N F 10 22 Y Y
APLASTIC 19 N Y F 9 87 Y N
APLASTIC 36 N Y M 14 26 Y Y

8|A p p e n d i x
Alloimmunised No. Age at first
No. units Alloimmunised post transfusion recorded Platelet Irradiated
Diagnosis transfused at admission transfusion Gender episodes transfusion requirement requirement
APLASTIC 63 N Y F 31 86 Y N
APLASTIC 107 N Y M 52 57 Y Y
APLASTIC 26 N N M 13 27 Y N
APLASTIC 10 N N M 3 80 N N
APLASTIC 68 N Y F 30 27 Y Y
APLASTIC 93 N Y F 44 58 N N
APLASTIC 88 N Y F 43 69 Y N
APLASTIC 57 N Y F 29 79 Y N
APML 15 N N M 7 44 Y Y
Autoimmune Neutropenia 6 N N F 3 80 N N

B-Cell Lymphoma 26 N N M 12 67 Y N
Cancer (solid organ) 5 N N M 2 71 N N

Cancer (solid organ) 7 N Y F 3 60 N N

Cancer (solid organ) 7 N N F 2 80 N N

Cancer (solid organ) 7 N N F 4 36 N N

Cancer (solid organ) 7 N N F 4 49 Y Y

Cancer (solid organ) 8 Y Y M 3 53 N N

9|A p p e n d i x
Alloimmunised No. Age at first
No. units Alloimmunised post transfusion recorded Platelet Irradiated
Diagnosis transfused at admission transfusion Gender episodes transfusion requirement requirement

Cancer (solid organ) 8 N N F 2 54 N N

Cancer (solid organ) 9 N N F 4 49 N N

Cancer (solid organ) 11 N Y F 5 45 N N

Cancer (solid organ) 12 N Y F 5 79 N N

Cancer (solid organ) 23 N N M 10 82 N N

Cancer (solid organ) 25 N N M 11 85 N N

Cancer (solid organ) 35 N N F 14 46 N N

Cancer (solid organ) 5 N N F 2 53 N N

Cancer (solid organ) 5 N N M 2 82 N N

Cancer (solid organ) 8 N N M 4 68 Y N

Cancer (solid organ) 16 N N F 7 56 N N

Cancer (solid organ) 20 N N F 9 35 N N

Cancer (solid organ) 11 N N M 6 85 Y N

Cancer (solid organ) 7 N N F 2 52 N N

Cancer (solid organ) 14 N N M 6 66 N N

10 | A p p e n d i x
Alloimmunised No. Age at first
No. units Alloimmunised post transfusion recorded Platelet Irradiated
Diagnosis transfused at admission transfusion Gender episodes transfusion requirement requirement

Cancer (solid organ) 3 N N F 2 65 N N

Cancer (solid organ) 2 N N M 1 63 N N

Cancer (solid organ) 8 N Y F 3 45 N N

Cancer (solid organ) 32 Y Y F 12 65 N N

Cancer (solid organ) 6 N N M 3 87 N N

Cancer (solid organ) 2 N N F 1 59 N N

Cancer (solid organ) 2 N N F 1 48 N N

Cancer (solid organ) 2 N N F 1 63 N N

Cancer (solid organ) 5 N N M 2 75 N N

Cancer (solid organ) 2 N N F 1 75 N N

Cancer (solid organ) 25 N N M 10 77 N N

Cancer (solid organ) 3 N N F 1 75 N N

Cancer (solid organ) 4 N N M 2 77 N N

Cancer (solid organ) 23 N Y F 9 63 N N

Cancer (solid organ) 10 N N F 3 31 N N

11 | A p p e n d i x
Alloimmunised No. Age at first
No. units Alloimmunised post transfusion recorded Platelet Irradiated
Diagnosis transfused at admission transfusion Gender episodes transfusion requirement requirement

Cancer (solid organ) 2 N N F 1 61 Y N

Cancer (solid organ) 2 N N F 1 51 N N

Cancer (solid organ) 9 N N M 4 74 N N

Cancer (solid organ) 6 N N F 3 66 Y N

Cancer (solid organ) 2 N N F 1 49 N N

Cancer (solid organ) 19 N N M 9 76 N N

Cancer (solid organ) 25 N N M 10 74 N N

Cancer (solid organ) 21 N N F 9 70 N N

Cancer (solid organ) 17 N N M 8 61 N N

Cancer (solid organ) 12 N N M 6 75 N N

Cancer (solid organ) 19 N Y M 9 51 Y M

Cancer (solid organ) 54 N Y M 20 80 N N

Cancer (solid organ) 14 N Y M 7 69 Y N

Cancer (solid organ) 13 N N M 6 72 Y N

Cancer (solid organ) 6 N N F 3 82 N N

12 | A p p e n d i x
Alloimmunised No. Age at first
No. units Alloimmunised post transfusion recorded Platelet Irradiated
Diagnosis transfused at admission transfusion Gender episodes transfusion requirement requirement
Cancer (solid organ) 23 N N M 8 75 N N

Cancer (solid organ) 6 N N F 3 69 N N

Cancer (solid organ) 14 N N M 7 89 N N

CLL 2 N N M 1 78 N Y
CLL 2 N N F 1 74 N N
CLL 4 N N F 1 53 Y N
CLL 6 N Y F 3 88 N N
CLL 6 N N F 3 84 N N
CLL 6 N N M 3 78 Y N
CLL 7 N N M 3 91 Y N
CLL 10 N N F 3 84 N N
CLL 11 N N M 4 85 N N
CLL 16 N Y M 6 72 N Y
CLL 17 N N M 9 90 Y N
CLL 21 N Y M 10 93 Y N
CLL 65 N N F 27 78 Y N
CLL 22 N N F 11 65 N Y
CLL 11 N N M 5 93 N N
CLL 5 N N M 2 84 N Y
CLL 10 N N M 5 82 N N
CLL 10 N N F 5 63 Y Y
CLL 12 N N M 6 71 N Y
CLL 7 N N F 3 86 N N
CLL 11 Y Y M 4 75 Y Y
CLL 1 N N F 1 91 N N

13 | A p p e n d i x
Alloimmunised No. Age at first
No. units Alloimmunised post transfusion recorded Platelet Irradiated
Diagnosis transfused at admission transfusion Gender episodes transfusion requirement requirement
CLL 8 N Y F 3 88 N N
CLL 7 N N M 3 78 N Y
CLL 15 Y Y F 7 75 N N
CLL 36 N Y M 15 68 Y Y
CLL 44 N N M 20 63 Y Y
CLL 8 N Y F 4 67 N N
CLL 39 N N M 19 71 Y Y
CLL 212 N Y M 87 68 Y Y
CLL 16 N N M 8 77 N Y
CLL 18 N Y M 5 70 Y Y
CLL 30 N Y M 15 69 Y Y
CLL 6 N N M 3 86 N N
CLL 14 Y Y M 6 72 N Y
CLL 2 N N M 1 91 N Y
CLL 5 Y Y M 2 83 N N
CLL 6 N N M 3 86 N Y
CLL 11 N Y M 5 73 N Y
CLL 34 N Y M 17 76 Y N
CLL 4 Y Y F 2 83 N N
CLL 9 N N M 4 83 N N
CLL 12 Y Y F 5 78 N N
CLL 3 Y Y F 1 87 N N
CLL 10 N Y M 4 79 N Y
CLL 2 N N M 1 68 N Y
CLL 4 Y Y M 2 66 N N
CLL 10 N N F 5 79 N Y

14 | A p p e n d i x
Alloimmunised No. Age at first
No. units Alloimmunised post transfusion recorded Platelet Irradiated
Diagnosis transfused at admission transfusion Gender episodes transfusion requirement requirement
CLL 11 N N F 4 74 Y Y
CLL 18 N Y F 9 89 N N
CLL 19 N N M 7 69 Y Y
CLL 52 N N M 24 75 Y Y
CLL 46 Y Y F 18 62 N Y
CLL 4 N N M 2 81 N N
CLL 33 N N M 17 64 Y Y
CLL 19 N N M 11 92 N N
CLL 9 N N M 4 76 N N
CML 24 N N F 11 85 N N
CML 45 N N M 20 61 Y Y
CML 22 N Y F 10 73 N N
CML 7 N N F 3 73 N N
CML 9 N N M 3 74 Y N
CML 10 N Y F 4 86 N N
CML 44 N Y F 19 74 N N
CML 10 N N M 5 39 Y Y
CML 2 Y Y M 1 62 N N
CML 40 N N F 22 63 Y Y
CML 4 N N F 2 73 N N
CMML 2 N N F 1 66 Y N
CMML 5 N N F 2 90 N N
CMML 37 N N M 25 73 Y N
CMML 37 N N M 16 82 Y N
CMML 28 N Y M 12 70 N N
CMML 63 N N M 29 76 Y N

15 | A p p e n d i x
Alloimmunised No. Age at first
No. units Alloimmunised post transfusion recorded Platelet Irradiated
Diagnosis transfused at admission transfusion Gender episodes transfusion requirement requirement
CMML 18 N N M 7 70 Y N
CMML 11 N Y M 36 77 N N
CMML 20 N N M 10 70 N N

Cold Haemagglutinin Diease 12 Y Y F 6 73 N N

Cold Haemagglutinin Diease 2 Y Y M 1 76 N N

CRF 6 N N F 2 75 N N
CRF 12 N Y M 6 83 N N
CRF 32 N Y F 13 74 N N
CRF 28 N N F 9 86 N N
CRF 22 N N F 10 76 N N
CRF 6 N N M 2 80 N N
CRF 23 N Y F 9 81 N N

Diamond Blackfan Anaemia 382 N Y F 147 13 N N

Diffuse large B –cell
lymphoma 36 N N M 17 59 Y Y
Essential thrombocythaemia 4 N N M 2 73 N N
Essential thrombocythaemia 8 N N M 4 85 N N
Essential thrombocythaemia 6 N N M 2 75 Y N
Essential thrombocythaemia 40 N N F 15 79 Y N
Essential thrombocythaemia 4 N N M 2 68 N N
Essential thrombocythaemia 5 N N F 2 74 N N
F IX DEF 13 N N M 5 77 Y N
Haemolytic anaemia 19 N Y F 7 76 N N
Hairy cell leukaemia 2 N N M 1 60 N Y

16 | A p p e n d i x
Alloimmunised No. Age at first
No. units Alloimmunised post transfusion recorded Platelet Irradiated
Diagnosis transfused at admission transfusion Gender episodes transfusion requirement requirement
Hairy cell leukaemia 14 N N M 7 68 N Y
Hairy cell leukaemia 6 N N M 3 66 N Y
Hairy cell leukaemia 6 N N M 3 79 Y Y
Hairy cell leukaemia 2 N Y M 1 76 N Y
Hodgkin's lymphoma 2 N N F 1 32 N Y

Hodgkin's lymphoma 2 N N F 1 22 N Y

Hodgkin's lymphoma 4 N N F 3 36 Y Y

Hodgkin's lymphoma 5 N N F 2 76 N Y

Hodgkin's lymphoma 6 N N F 3 34 N Y

Hodgkin's lymphoma 6 N N M 3 21 Y Y

Hodgkin's lymphoma 6 N N F 3 26 N Y

Hodgkin's lymphoma 10 N N F 6 63 N Y

Hodgkin's lymphoma 13 N N M 6 37 Y Y

Hodgkin's lymphoma 2 N N F 1 93 N Y

Hodgkin's lymphoma 5 N N F 2 31 N Y
Hodgkin's lymphoma 13 N N M 6 74 N Y
Hodgkin's lymphoma 8 N N M 4 54 N Y
Hodgkin's lymphoma 8 N N M 4 63 N Y
Hodgkin's lymphoma 4 N N M 2 63 N Y

17 | A p p e n d i x
Alloimmunised No. Age at first
No. units Alloimmunised post transfusion recorded Platelet Irradiated
Diagnosis transfused at admission transfusion Gender episodes transfusion requirement requirement

Hodgkin's lymphoma 4 N N M 2 59 N Y

Hodgkin's lymphoma 2 N N F 1 81 N Y

Hodgkin's lymphoma 10 N N M 5 85 N Y

Hodgkin's lymphoma 10 N N F 5 70 Y Y

Hodgkin's lymphoma 10 N N M 5 77 N Y

Hodgkin's lymphoma 6 N N F 3 67 N Y

Hodgkin's lymphoma 30 Y Y M 15 41 Y Y

Hodgkin's lymphoma 19 N N M 9 72 N N

Hodgkin's lymphoma 6 N N M 3 81 N Y

Hodgkin's lymphoma 2 N N F 1 52 N Y

Hodgkin's lymphoma 2 N N F 1 70 N Y

Hodgkin's lymphoma 4 N N F 2 68 N N

Hodgkin's lymphoma 4 N N M 2 29 Y Y

Hodgkin's lymphoma 50 N Y F 24 56 Y Y
ITP 8 N N M 2 68 Y N
ITP 9 Y Y M 4 69 Y N
ITP 4 N Y F 2 82 N N
ITP 19 N N M 6 84 N N

18 | A p p e n d i x
Alloimmunised No. Age at first
No. units Alloimmunised post transfusion recorded Platelet Irradiated
Diagnosis transfused at admission transfusion Gender episodes transfusion requirement requirement
ITP 4 N N F 2 72 Y N
ITP 6 N N M 2 64 Y N
ITP 4 N N M 2 82 N N
LEA 4 N N F 2 97 N N
Lymphoma 2 Y Y M 1 86 Y N
Lymphoma 2 N N M 1 81 N N
Lymphoma 2 N N F 1 87 N N
Lymphoma 3 N N F 1 26 N N
Lymphoma 5 N N M 3 45 Y Y
Lymphoma 8 N N M 4 59 Y Y
Lymphoma 10 N N M 5 75 Y N
Lymphoma 12 N Y M 6 77 N N
Lymphoma 17 N N M 8 68 Y Y
Lymphoma 20 N N M 10 81 Y N
Lymphoma 21 Y Y M 8 46 Y Y
Lymphoma 28 N N M 11 63 Y Y
Lymphoma 30 N N F 13 62 Y Y
Lymphoma 20 N N M 10 70 Y Y
Lymphoma 15 N N F 8 79 N N
Lymphoma 6 N N M 3 51 Y N
Lymphoma 5 N N M 2 62 N N
Lymphoma 6 N N M 3 74 Y N
Lymphoma 6 N N M 3 69 N N
Lymphoma 25 N N M 12 61 N Y
Lymphoma 20 Y Y F 8 70 N Y
Lymphoma 12 N N M 5 87 Y N

19 | A p p e n d i x
Alloimmunised No. Age at first
No. units Alloimmunised post transfusion recorded Platelet Irradiated
Diagnosis transfused at admission transfusion Gender episodes transfusion requirement requirement
Lymphoma 4 N N F 2 79 N N
Lymphoma 7 N N F 3 87 N N
Lymphoma 12 N N F 6 57 Y N
Lymphoma 3 N N F 2 78 N N
Lymphoma 11 N N F 7 64 Y Y
Lymphoma 10 N N F 5 86 N N
Lymphoma 3 Y Y M 1 82 N N
Lymphoma 22 N N F 11 18 Y Y
Lymphoma 4 Y Y F 2 71 N N
Lymphoma 58 N Y M 24 43 Y Y
Lymphoma 13 N N F 5 59 N N
Lymphoma 4 N N M 2 56 Y Y
Lymphoma 13 N N F 6 69 N N
Lymphoma 2 N N M 1 69 Y N
Lymphoma 51 N Y M 23 83 N Y
Lymphoma 4 N N F 2 76 N N
Lymphoma 4 N N M 2 79 N Y
Lymphoma 4 N N F 2 67 Y Y
Lymphoma 4 N N F 2 87 N Y
Lymphoma 13 N Y M 6 82 N N
Lymphoma 2 N N M 1 70 N N
Lymphoma 4 N N F 2 78 N N
Lymphoma 21 N N F 10 61 N Y
Lymphoma 28 N N F 14 67 N N
Lymphoma 4 N N F 2 85 N N
Lymphoma 6 N Y F 3 70 N N

20 | A p p e n d i x
Alloimmunised No. Age at first
No. units Alloimmunised post transfusion recorded Platelet Irradiated
Diagnosis transfused at admission transfusion Gender episodes transfusion requirement requirement
Lymphoma 4 N N F 2 87 Y N
Lymphoma 10 Y Y F 5 84 N N
Lymphoma 2 N N M 1 82 Y N
Lymphoma 19 N N M 8 63 N Y
Lymphoma 18 N N M 9 67 Y Y
Mantle cell lymphoma 2 N N M 1 62 Y Y
MDS 5 N Y F 2 94 N N
MDS 5 N N M 2 86 N N
MDS 8 N N F 3 80 N N
MDS 8 N N F 3 48 N N
MDS 8 N N M 2 93 N N
MDS 8 N N F 4 53 Y Y
MDS 13 N Y M 6 85 Y Y
MDS 13 N N F 6 85 N N
MDS 14 N N F 7 85 Y N
MDS 21 N N M 6 80 Y N
MDS 25 N N M 10 67 Y N
MDS 30 N Y M 14 84 Y N
MDS 35 N N F 46 90 N N
MDS 39 N Y M 18 95 N N
MDS 41 N N F 14 76 N N
MDS 43 N N F 19 77 N N
MDS 59 N N M 23 82 Y N
MDS 67 N N F 32 86 N N
MDS 70 N N M 27 73 Y N
MDS 74 N N F 33 85 Y N

21 | A p p e n d i x
Alloimmunised No. Age at first
No. units Alloimmunised post transfusion recorded Platelet Irradiated
Diagnosis transfused at admission transfusion Gender episodes transfusion requirement requirement
MDS 80 N N F 42 89 Y N
MDS 114 N Y M 48 67 Y N
MDS 184 N Y F 61 88 N N
MDS 209 N N F 75 72 Y N
MDS 256 N Y F 94 25 N N
MDS 310 N Y F 101 75 Y N
MDS 338 N N M 120 69 Y N
MDS 183 N N F 77 73 N Y
MDS 7 N N F 3 85 N N
MDS 8 N N M 4 97 Y N
MDS 15 N N F 6 86 N N
MDS 15 N Y F 6 73 Y N
MDS 53 N N M 23 68 Y Y
MDS 28 N N M 12 89 N N
MDS 16 N N F 8 71 N N
MDS 16 N N F 7 86 Y N
MDS 12 N N M 6 71 Y N
MDS 19 N N F 10 74 N N
MDS 6 N N F 3 72 N N
MDS 4 N N M 2 80 N N
MDS 92 N N M 37 82 N N
MDS 30 N N F 15 80 N Y
MDS 109 N N M 51 74 Y N
MDS 40 N Y M 16 76 N N
MDS 45 N N M 22 85 Y N
MDS 63 N N M 30 77 N N

22 | A p p e n d i x
Alloimmunised No. Age at first
No. units Alloimmunised post transfusion recorded Platelet Irradiated
Diagnosis transfused at admission transfusion Gender episodes transfusion requirement requirement
MDS 50 N N M 23 68 N Y
MDS 32 N N F 10 59 N N
MDS 2 N N F 1 88 N N
MDS 18 Y Y M 9 81 Y N
MDS 7 N N M 3 85 N N
MDS 58 N N M 25 76 Y N
MDS 135 N N F 55 80 N N
MDS 2 N N F 1 71 N Y
MDS 111 N N F 54 83 N N
MDS 94 N Y F 36 80 N N
MDS 61 N N F 21 74 N N
MDS 38 N N M 19 65 Y N
MDS 37 N N M 18 50 Y Y
MDS 24 N N F 12 82 Y N
MDS 32 N N F 15 87 N N
MDS 224 N N M 87 62 Y N
MDS 66 N Y M 30 79 N N
MDS 143 N Y M 58 72 Y N
MDS 119 N N M 40 79 N N
MDS 10 N N M 5 73 N N
MDS 15 Y Y F 7 82 N Y
MDS 94 N N M 38 88 N N
MDS 20 N N M 8 68 N N
MDS 49 N N M 19 67 Y N
MDS 332 N Y M 155 69 Y Y
MDS 20 N N M 9 81 N N

23 | A p p e n d i x
Alloimmunised No. Age at first
No. units Alloimmunised post transfusion recorded Platelet Irradiated
Diagnosis transfused at admission transfusion Gender episodes transfusion requirement requirement
MDS 67 N N M 28 68 N N
MDS 51 N N M 23 78 N Y
MDS 28 N N F 11 80 Y N
MDS 4 N N M 2 96 Y N
MDS 32 N N F 14 27 Y N
MDS 7 N N F 4 71 N N
MDS 6 N N M 3 83 Y Y
MDS 60 N Y M 27 84 N N
MDS 287 N N M 124 76 Y N
MDS 43 N N M 15 88 N N
MDS 10 N N M 5 78 N N
MDS 45 N Y M 22 83 Y N
MDS 226 N Y M 81 60 Y Y
MDS 3 N N M 1 81 Y N
MDS 21 N N M 10 75 Y N
MDS 35 N N F 14 82 N N
MDS 6 N N M 2 85 N N
MDS 33 N Y M 17 91 N N
MDS 10 N N M 4 82 N N
MDS 83 N N M 31 86 N N
MDS 14 N N M 7 65 N N
MDS 11 N N M 6 42 Y N
MDS 33 N Y M 16 79 N N
MDS 29 N Y M 13 76 Y N
MDS 119 N N F 60 75 N Y
MDS 69 N Y M 25 90 N N

24 | A p p e n d i x
Alloimmunised No. Age at first
No. units Alloimmunised post transfusion recorded Platelet Irradiated
Diagnosis transfused at admission transfusion Gender episodes transfusion requirement requirement
MDS 19 N N M 6 57 Y N
MDS 16 N Y M 7 74 N N
MDS 53 N N F 24 78 Y N
MDS 52 N Y M 22 78 N N
MDS 70 N Y F 25 84 Y N
MDS 38 N N M 19 92 N N
MDS 47 N N M 21 72 N N
MDS 35 N Y M 16 79 Y N
MDS 2 N N M 1 85 Y N
MDS 18 N N M 9 81 Y N
MDS 32 N N F 14 88 Y N
MDS 14 N N F 6 80 N N
MDS 61 N Y M 27 67 Y N
MDS 21 N N F 7 77 Y N
MDS 34 N Y M 17 74 Y N
MDS 124 N N M 60 81 Y N
MDS 9 N N M 5 87 N N
MDS 5 N N F 2 82 N N
MDS 19 N N M 9 89 N N
MDS 52 N Y F 24 74 Y N
MDS 24 N Y M 14 76 N N
MDS 22 N N M 11 83 Y N
MDS 166 N Y F 59 85 N N
MDS 30 Y Y M 15 70 Y N
MDS 29 N N M 15 74 Y N
MDS 11 N N F 5 73 Y Y

25 | A p p e n d i x
Alloimmunised No. Age at first
No. units Alloimmunised post transfusion recorded Platelet Irradiated
Diagnosis transfused at admission transfusion Gender episodes transfusion requirement requirement
MDS 14 N N M 7 85 N N
MDS 20 N Y F 7 80 N N
MDS 140 N Y F 63 87 Y N
MDS 12 N N M 6 85 N N
MDS 10 N N F 5 75 N N
MDS 4 N N F 2 66 N N
MDS 154 Y Y F 62 84 N N
MDS 14 N Y F 5 75 Y N
MDS 119 N Y M 45 89 N N
MDS 21 N N M 9 84 Y N
MDS 69 N Y F 29 63 Y Y
MDS 11 N N M 5 88 N N
MDS 25 N Y F 11 65 N N
MDS 16 N Y M 6 81 N Y
MDS 32 N Y F 16 81 N N
MDS 5 N N F 2 63 Y N
MDS 6 N N M 3 83 N N
MDS 8 N N M 3 79 N N
MDS 179 N Y F 70 84 Y N
MDS 7 N N F 3 78 N N
MDS 17 N N F 4 77 Y N
MDS 110 N N M 39 90 N N
MDS 8 N N M 5 93 N N
MDS 10 N N F 4 80 N N
MDS 22 N Y M 10 69 Y Y
MDS 62 N N M 27 90 N N

26 | A p p e n d i x
Alloimmunised No. Age at first
No. units Alloimmunised post transfusion recorded Platelet Irradiated
Diagnosis transfused at admission transfusion Gender episodes transfusion requirement requirement
MDS/AML 11 N Y M 5 77 Y N
MF 14 N N M 5 81 N N
MF 202 N Y M 83 69 Y Y
MF 17 N N F 8 67 Y N
MF 12 N N M 5 82 Y N
MF 80 N N M 37 68 N N
MF 33 Y Y F 11 80 N N
MF 10 N N F 5 82 N N
MF 17 N N F 11 72 Y N
MF 34 N N F 17 72 N N
MF 3 N N M 1 52 N N
MF 4 N N M 2 83 N N
MF 132 Y Y M 46 77 N N
MF 24 Y Y F 12 74 N N
MF 73 N N M 28 64 Y N
MF 134 N Y F 61 61 Y N
MF 26 N N M 10 66 Y N
MF 18 Y Y F 8 61 Y Y
MF 151 N N F 53 73 N N
MF 48 N N F 24 59 N N
MPD 55 Y Y M 22 52 Y Y
MPD 33 N N F 11 64 N N
MPD 11 N N M 4 84 N N
MPD 6 N N F 3 74 N N
Myeloma 2 N Y M 1 66 Y Y
Myeloma 2 N N M 1 58 Y Y

27 | A p p e n d i x
Alloimmunised No. Age at first
No. units Alloimmunised post transfusion recorded Platelet Irradiated
Diagnosis transfused at admission transfusion Gender episodes transfusion requirement requirement
Myeloma 2 N N M 2 76 N N
Myeloma 2 N N M 1 81 N N
Myeloma 3 N N F 1 80 N N
Myeloma 3 N N M 1 58 Y Y
Myeloma 4 N N F 2 71 N N
Myeloma 4 N N M 2 88 N N
Myeloma 4 N N M 2 61 N Y
Myeloma 4 N N M 2 75 Y N
Myeloma 4 N N M 2 89 N N
Myeloma 4 N N M 2 56 N N
Myeloma 4 N N F 2 82 N N
Myeloma 4 N N F 2 75 N N
Myeloma 4 N N F 2 54 Y Y
Myeloma 4 N N M 11 64 Y Y
Myeloma 6 N Y F 3 82 N N
Myeloma 6 N N F 3 74 N N
Myeloma 6 N N F 3 65 N N
Myeloma 6 N N F 3 55 Y Y
Myeloma 7 N N M 3 58 Y Y
Myeloma 8 N N M 4 64 Y Y
Myeloma 8 N N F 3 85 N N
Myeloma 9 Y Y F 4 76 N N
Myeloma 9 N Y F 3 84 N N
Myeloma 9 N N F 4 83 N N
Myeloma 10 N Y F 5 60 Y Y
Myeloma 10 N Y M 5 61 Y Y

28 | A p p e n d i x
Alloimmunised No. Age at first
No. units Alloimmunised post transfusion recorded Platelet Irradiated
Diagnosis transfused at admission transfusion Gender episodes transfusion requirement requirement
Myeloma 10 N N F 5 86 N N
Myeloma 10 N N F 5 57 Y Y
Myeloma 11 N Y F 6 75 N N
Myeloma 12 N N F 6 61 Y Y
Myeloma 12 N N F 6 51 Y Y
Myeloma 12 N N M 7 72 Y N
Myeloma 14 N N M 6 49 N Y
Myeloma 16 N Y F 8 68 Y N
Myeloma 16 N N M 7 78 Y N
Myeloma 19 N N F 8 62 N Y
Myeloma 20 Y Y M 11 56 Y Y
Myeloma 20 N N F 9 75 Y N
Myeloma 20 N N F 10 65 Y N
Myeloma 21 N Y F 10 53 Y Y
Myeloma 22 N Y M 10 71 Y N
Myeloma 22 N N M 10 48 Y N
Myeloma 23 N N F 10 75 N N
Myeloma 23 N N M 11 68 N N
Myeloma 24 N N F 10 70 Y N
Myeloma 25 N N F 11 69 Y N
Myeloma 26 N N F 12 89 N N
Myeloma 26 N N F 14 93 N N
Myeloma 29 N N M 14 62 Y N
Myeloma 33 N N M 15 60 Y Y
Myeloma 33 N N M 15 78 N N
Myeloma 35 N Y F 20 75 Y N

29 | A p p e n d i x
Alloimmunised No. Age at first
No. units Alloimmunised post transfusion recorded Platelet Irradiated
Diagnosis transfused at admission transfusion Gender episodes transfusion requirement requirement
Myeloma 35 N N F 6 61 Y N
Myeloma 37 N N F 19 78 Y N
Myeloma 37 N N M 16 83 Y N
Myeloma 40 N N F 17 84 N N
Myeloma 41 N Y M 16 71 N N
Myeloma 47 N N M 22 74 Y N
Myeloma 52 N N M 27 58 Y Y
Myeloma 53 N Y F 35 52 Y Y
Myeloma 55 N N M 21 61 Y Y
Myeloma 56 N N F 26 50 Y Y
Myeloma 57 N N F 24 78 N N
Myeloma 66 N N F 32 49 Y N
Myeloma 66 N N M 32 51 Y Y
Myeloma 67 N N F 25 63 N N
Myeloma 76 N N F 37 56 Y Y
Myeloma 83 N N M 42 62 Y Y
Myeloma 98 N N M 35 82 N N
Myeloma 180 N Y M 81 48 Y Y
Myeloma 23 N N F 11 70 Y N
Myeloma 3 N N F 1 76 N N
Myeloma 15 N N F 8 94 N N
Myeloma 17 N N F 9 68 Y Y
Myeloma 21 N N F 9 50 Y Y
Myeloma 4 N N M 2 78 N N
Myeloma 57 N N F 27 57 Y N
Myeloma 4 N N F 2 63 N N

30 | A p p e n d i x
Alloimmunised No. Age at first
No. units Alloimmunised post transfusion recorded Platelet Irradiated
Diagnosis transfused at admission transfusion Gender episodes transfusion requirement requirement
Myeloma 12 N N F 6 77 N N
Myeloma 21 N N M 11 69 N N
Myeloma 4 N N F 2 62 Y Y
Myeloma 21 N N F 9 80 Y N
Myeloma 4 N N M 2 72 N N
Myeloma 21 N Y F 10 49 Y Y
Myeloma 16 N N M 8 48 Y Y
Myeloma 130 N N M 49 80 Y N
Myeloma 13 N Y F 5 83 N N
Myeloma 12 N N M 6 64 Y Y
Myeloma 8 N N M 4 75 N N
Myeloma 8 N N M 4 62 Y N
Myeloma 106 N N F 51 70 N N
Myeloma 3 N N F 1 82 N N
Myeloma 48 N N F 20 72 Y N
Myeloma 39 N Y M 18 76 N N
Myeloma 26 N N M 12 56 Y Y
Myeloma 51 N N M 21 68 Y Y
Myeloma 14 N N F 7 68 Y Y
Myeloma 11 N N F 6 71 N N
Myeloma 8 N N F 4 79 N N
Myeloma 124 N Y F 61 49 Y Y
Myeloma 29 N N F 14 74 N N
Myeloma 4 N N M 2 81 N N
Myeloma 169 N N F 64 75 Y N
Myeloma 27 N N F 14 71 N N

31 | A p p e n d i x
Alloimmunised No. Age at first
No. units Alloimmunised post transfusion recorded Platelet Irradiated
Diagnosis transfused at admission transfusion Gender episodes transfusion requirement requirement
Myeloma 2 N N M 1 81 N N
Myeloma 51 N N M 26 78 N N
Myeloma 55 Y Y F 34 52 Y Y
Myeloma 13 N Y F 6 84 N N
Myeloma 4 N N M 2 80 N N
Myeloma 39 N N F 19 78 Y N
Myeloma 36 N N M 16 60 Y Y
Myeloma 7 N N M 4 63 N N
Myeloma 43 N N M 20 57 Y Y
Myeloma 134 N N M 66 50 Y Y
Myeloma 6 N N M 3 79 N N
Myeloma 23 N N F 11 84 N N
Myeloma 2 N N M 1 75 Y N
Myeloma 37 N N M 16 70 N N
Myeloma 8 N N M 4 65 N N
Myeloma 2 N N F 1 66 Y Y
Myeloma 4 N N F 2 83 N N
Myeloma 13 N N M 6 83 N N
Myeloma 19 N N M 10 82 N N
Myeloma 23 N N F 11 65 N N
Myeloma 10 N N F 5 87 N N
Myeloma 19 N Y M 9 79 N N
Myeloma 95 N N M 47 59 Y Y
Myeloma 3 N N F 2 79 N N
Myeloma 14 N N F 5 78 N N
Myeloma 10 N N M 6 84 N N

32 | A p p e n d i x
Alloimmunised No. Age at first
No. units Alloimmunised post transfusion recorded Platelet Irradiated
Diagnosis transfused at admission transfusion Gender episodes transfusion requirement requirement
Myeloma 6 N N M 3 82 N N
Myeloma 4 N N F 2 78 N N
Myeloma 60 N Y F 25 74 N N
Myeloma 3 N N M 1 70 Y N
Myeloma 73 N N F 37 52 Y Y
Myeloma 11 N N M 5 69 N N
Myeloma 21 N Y F 8 78 N N
Myeloma 2 N N M 1 71 N N
Myeloma 50 N N M 21 66 Y Y
Myeloma 4 N N F 2 83 N N
Myeloma 6 N N M 3 87 N N
Myeloma 19 N N M 9 73 N N
Myeloma 127 N Y M 59 78 Y N
Myeloma 32 N N M 14 50 Y Y
Myeloma 33 N Y M 14 51 Y Y
Myeloma 13 N N M 5 88 N N
Myeloma 2 N N M 1 78 N N
Myeloma 53 N Y M 25 76 N N
Myeloma 11 N N M 5 45 Y Y
Myeloma 2 N N M 1 85 N N
Myeloma 32 N N M 16 68 N N
Myeloma 10 N N M 5 86 N Y
Myeloma 19 N N F 5 82 Y N
Myeloma 17 N Y F 8 67 N N
Myeloma 7 N N F 3 83 Y N
Myeloma 5 N N M 2 65 Y Y

33 | A p p e n d i x
Alloimmunised No. Age at first
No. units Alloimmunised post transfusion recorded Platelet Irradiated
Diagnosis transfused at admission transfusion Gender episodes transfusion requirement requirement
Myeloma 2 N N M 1 72 N N
Myeloma 37 N N F 18 64 N N
Myeloma 27 N N M 13 74 N N
Myeloma 8 N N F 4 60 N N
Myeloma 24 N Y F 11 69 Y Y
Myeloma 177 Y Y F 67 79 N N
Myeloma 10 N N M 5 70 N N
Myeloma 208 N N M 67 76 Y N
Myeloma 4 N N F 2 87 N N
Myeloma 39 N N M 18 71 N N
Myeloma 8 N N F 3 86 N N
Myeloma 6 N N F 3 80 N N
Myeloma 10 N N M 6 60 N N
Myeloma 112 N N M 42 84 Y N
Myeloma 38 N Y M 16 69 N N
Myeloma 2 N N M 1 67 Y Y
Myeloma 40 N N F 16 88 N N
Myeloma 56 N N M 24 54 Y Y
Myeloma 8 N N M 3 68 Y Y
Myeloma 50 N Y F 23 74 N N
Myeloma 8 N N M 4 74 N N
Myeloma 41 N Y M 21 54 Y Y
Myeloma 10 N N M 6 65 Y N
Myeloma 4 N N M 2 77 Y N
Myeloma 29 N N F 14 57 Y Y
Myeloma 70 N N M 33 62 Y Y

34 | A p p e n d i x
Alloimmunised No. Age at first
No. units Alloimmunised post transfusion recorded Platelet Irradiated
Diagnosis transfused at admission transfusion Gender episodes transfusion requirement requirement
Myeloma 2 N N M 1 80 N N
Myeloma 6 N N M 3 81 N N
NHL 2 N N M 1 69 N N
NHL 2 N N M 2 62 N N
NHL 2 N N M 1 41 Y Y
NHL 2 N N F 1 56 N N
NHL 3 N N F 1 66 N N
NHL 4 N Y M 2 90 N N
NHL 4 N N F 2 73 Y N
NHL 4 N N M 4 74 N N
NHL 4 N N F 2 83 N N
NHL 4 N N F 2 45 Y Y
NHL 4 N N F 2 82 N N
NHL 4 N N F 2 64 N N
NHL 4 N N F 2 67 N N
NHL 4 N N M 2 39 N N
NHL 5 N N M 2 34 Y Y
NHL 5 N N F 2 68 N N
NHL 6 N N M 3 72 Y Y
NHL 6 N N M 2 79 Y N
NHL 6 N N F 3 75 Y N
NHL 6 N N F 3 56 N Y
NHL 7 N N M 3 74 Y N
NHL 8 N Y F 4 71 Y N
NHL 8 N Y F 2 75 Y Y
NHL 8 N N M 4 70 Y Y

35 | A p p e n d i x
Alloimmunised No. Age at first
No. units Alloimmunised post transfusion recorded Platelet Irradiated
Diagnosis transfused at admission transfusion Gender episodes transfusion requirement requirement
NHL 8 N N M 4 75 N N
NHL 8 N N M 4 45 Y Y
NHL 9 N N M 6 62 N N
NHL 9 N N M 4 78 Y N
NHL 10 N Y F 5 79 Y Y
NHL 10 N N M 5 59 N N
NHL 10 N N M 5 80 N N
NHL 10 N N F 5 81 N N
NHL 10 N N M 4 64 Y Y
NHL 10 N N M 5 54 Y Y
NHL 11 N N F 6 52 Y Y
NHL 12 N N M 6 77 Y Y
NHL 13 N N F 7 75 Y Y
NHL 13 N N M 6 74 N N
NHL 13 N N M 5 61 N N
NHL 15 N N M 7 78 Y Y
NHL 16 N N M 8 68 Y N
NHL 16 N N F 7 54 Y N
NHL 16 N N F 8 21 Y Y
NHL 19 N N F 7 59 Y Y
NHL 19 N N F 11 62 Y N
NHL 20 N Y M 11 67 Y Y
NHL 20 N N M 9 53 Y Y
NHL 20 N N M 9 73 Y Y
NHL 21 N Y M 10 80 N Y
NHL 23 N N M 12 23 Y N

36 | A p p e n d i x
Alloimmunised No. Age at first
No. units Alloimmunised post transfusion recorded Platelet Irradiated
Diagnosis transfused at admission transfusion Gender episodes transfusion requirement requirement
NHL 24 N Y F 13 60 Y Y
NHL 25 N N M 11 25 Y Y
NHL 27 N N M 11 38 Y Y
NHL 29 N N F 12 46 Y Y
NHL 32 N N M 13 64 Y N
NHL 35 N N F 17 67 N Y
NHL 35 N N M 16 81 Y Y
NHL 36 N N M 16 74 Y Y
NHL 37 N N M 19 54 Y Y
NHL 38 N N M 15 45 Y Y
NHL 39 N Y F 19 67 Y Y
NHL 39 N N M 18 63 Y Y
NHL 40 N N M 19 57 Y Y
NHL 46 N N M 8 47 Y N
NHL 59 N Y F 31 61 Y Y
NHL 91 N N M 37 84 N N
NHL 117 N N F 53 58 Y Y
NHL 31 N N M 16 73 Y Y
NHL 4 N N M 2 72 N N
NHL 16 N N F 8 70 N Y
NHL 10 N N F 5 74 Y N
NHL 6 N N M 3 89 N Y
NHL 12 N N F 6 78 N Y
NHL 2 N N F 1 93 N N
NHL 12 N N M 6 73 N Y
NHL 6 N N F 3 87 N N

37 | A p p e n d i x
Alloimmunised No. Age at first
No. units Alloimmunised post transfusion recorded Platelet Irradiated
Diagnosis transfused at admission transfusion Gender episodes transfusion requirement requirement
NHL 38 Y Y F 19 64 N Y
NHL 2 N N M 1 74 N N
NHL 61 N Y F 27 70 N N
NHL 8 N N F 4 68 Y N
NHL 5 N N F 3 84 N N
NHL 14 N N M 6 61 N N
NHL 4 N N M 2 76 N Y
NHL 15 N N M 7 73 Y Y
NHL 13 N N F 5 73 N N
NHL 12 N N F 5 79 N N
NHL 7 Y Y F 4 80 Y Y
NHL 4 N N F 2 77 N N
NHL 4 N N M 2 51 N N
NHL 25 N N M 11 88 Y N
NHL 15 N N F 7 61 Y Y
NHL 3 N N M 2 75 N N
NHL 4 N N F 2 81 N N
NHL 29 N N M 15 73 Y N
NHL 23 N N F 10 56 Y Y
NHL 10 N N M 5 84 N N
NHL 5 N N M 2 89 N N
NHL 34 N Y M 16 70 Y N
NHL 63 N Y M 26 68 Y Y
NHL 37 N N M 14 57 Y Y
NHL 6 N N M 3 68 Y N
NHL 16 N N F 8 67 Y N

38 | A p p e n d i x
Alloimmunised No. Age at first
No. units Alloimmunised post transfusion recorded Platelet Irradiated
Diagnosis transfused at admission transfusion Gender episodes transfusion requirement requirement
NHL 17 N N M 8 60 Y Y
NHL 15 N N M 7 71 Y Y
NHL 5 N N M 2 61 Y Y
NHL 10 N N M 5 58 N N
NHL 59 N N M 27 56 Y Y
NHL 26 N N F 13 78 N N
NHL 24 N N M 11 59 Y Y
NHL 30 N Y M 15 78 N N
NHL 4 N N F 2 54 N Y
NHL 6 N N M 3 84 N N
NHL 3 N N F 1 87 Y N
NHL 2 N N M 1 78 N Y
NHL 17 Y Y F 7 76 N N
NHL 8 N N F 4 65 N Y
NHL 2 N N M 1 80 N N
NHL 16 N N M 8 65 N Y
NHL 2 N N F 1 71 N Y
NHL 8 N N F 4 94 N N
NHL 8 N N F 4 65 Y N
NHL 6 N N M 3 72 N N
NHL 5 Y Y F 3 74 Y Y
NHL 10 N N M 5 29 Y Y
NHL 4 N N F 2 71 N N
NHL 2 N N F 1 80 N N
NHL 24 N N F 11 89 N N
NHL 2 N N M 1 78 Y N

39 | A p p e n d i x
Alloimmunised No. Age at first
No. units Alloimmunised post transfusion recorded Platelet Irradiated
Diagnosis transfused at admission transfusion Gender episodes transfusion requirement requirement
NHL 13 N N M 5 65 Y Y
NHL 25 N Y M 12 60 Y N
NHL 2 N N M 1 42 Y N
NHL 17 N N M 9 50 Y N
NHL 13 N N F 7 77 N Y
NHL 9 N N F 5 61 Y Y
NHL 14 N N M 6 48 Y Y
NHL 10 N Y F 4 43 N Y
NHL 49 N N F 21 63 Y Y
NHL 4 N N M 2 59 Y Y
NHL 7 N N F 4 83 N N
NHL 7 N N M 3 79 N N
NHL 17 N N M 6 87 N N
NHL 18 N Y F 7 79 N N
NHL 2 N N M 1 36 Y Y
NHL 20 N N F 10 65 Y Y
NHL 4 N N M 2 71 N N
NHL 10 N N M 5 73 N Y
NHL 13 N N F 6 63 N N
NHL 2 N N F 1 81 N N
NHL 11 N N M 5 66 Y Y
NHL 26 N N M 11 59 Y Y
NHL 20 N N M 10 63 Y Y
NHL 8 N N F 4 60 Y Y
NHL 2 N N F 1 78 Y N
NHL 24 N N F 9 32 Y N

40 | A p p e n d i x
Alloimmunised No. Age at first
No. units Alloimmunised post transfusion recorded Platelet Irradiated
Diagnosis transfused at admission transfusion Gender episodes transfusion requirement requirement
NHL 15 N Y M 7 72 N N
NHL 5 N N F 2 75 N N
NHL 14 N N M 6 65 Y Y
NHL 6 N N F 3 69 Y Y
NHL 6 N N F 3 62 N N
NHL 63 N N F 27 54 Y Y
NHL 10 N N M 5 96 N N
NHL 16 N N M 8 63 Y Y
NHL 4 N N M 2 49 N N
NHL 27 Y Y F 10 71 Y Y
NHL 2 N N F 1 69 N N
NHL 17 N Y F 6 83 N N
NHL 96 N Y F 47 65 N N
NHL 16 N N M 8 52 Y N
NHL 63 N Y F 22 63 Y Y
NHL 12 N N F 6 61 N N
NHL 10 N N M 5 65 Y Y
NHL 6 N N F 3 64 N N
NHL 13 N N F 6 80 N N
NHL 2 N N M 1 42 Y Y
NHL 15 Y Y M 6 76 Y N
NHL 41 Y Y F 8 53 Y N
NHL 2 N N M 1 77 N N
NHL 6 N N M 3 75 N N
NHL 4 N N F 2 92 Y N
NHL 6 N N M 3 91 N N

41 | A p p e n d i x
Alloimmunised No. Age at first
No. units Alloimmunised post transfusion recorded Platelet Irradiated
Diagnosis transfused at admission transfusion Gender episodes transfusion requirement requirement
NHL 46 N Y F 23 88 N N
NHL 12 Y Y M 5 87 N N
NHL 6 Y Y F 3 77 N N
NHL 6 N N M 3 78 N N
NHL 10 N N F 5 49 Y Y
NHL 2 N N M 1 76 N N
NHL 55 Y Y M 24 60 N N
NHL 2 N N F 1 79 N N
NHL 6 N N M 3 38 Y Y
NHL 8 N N M 4 72 Y N
NHL 8 Y Y M 4 65 N N
NHL 16 N N F 8 76 N N
NHL 18 N Y F 9 74 N N
NHL 18 N N F 7 75 Y N
NHL 70 N N F 27 55 Y Y
NHL 4 N N F 2 46 N N
NHL 10 Y Y M 5 79 N N
NHL 7 N N M 3 65 Y N
NHL 9 N N F 4 50 N N
NHL 8 N N M 4 71 N N
NHL 8 N N F 4 67 N N
NHL 2 N N M 1 78 N N
NHL 54 N N M 24 68 Y Y
NHL 8 N N F 3 82 Y N
NHL 4 N N F 2 35 N N
NHL 2 N N F 1 55 N N

42 | A p p e n d i x
Alloimmunised No. Age at first
No. units Alloimmunised post transfusion recorded Platelet Irradiated
Diagnosis transfused at admission transfusion Gender episodes transfusion requirement requirement
NHL 85 N N M 39 61 Y Y
NHL 8 N N F 4 75 N N
NHL 33 N N M 12 59 Y Y
NHL 4 N N F 2 77 N N
NHL 16 N Y M 7 63 N N
NHL 2 N N F 1 69 N N
NHL 14 N N M 7 77 Y Y
NHL 47 N N F 22 76 N N
NHL 2 N N F 1 79 N N
NHL 2 N N F 1 48 Y Y
NHL 26 N N M 4 67 Y Y
NHL 14 N N F 7 77 Y Y
NHL 45 N N M 22 40 Y Y
NHL 11 N N M 5 81 N N
NHL 2 N N F 1 72 N N
NHL 42 N N M 18 40 Y Y
NHL 4 N N M 2 66 N Y
NHL 4 N N M 2 70 N N
NHL 4 N N F 2 78 N N
NHL 13 N N M 6 67 Y Y
NHL 4 N N F 2 67 N Y
NHL 20 N N F 7 72 N Y
NHL 13 N N M 6 54 Y Y
NHL 20 N Y M 10 62 Y Y
NHL 11 Y Y M 4 69 N N
NHL 10 N N M 4 74 N N

43 | A p p e n d i x
Alloimmunised No. Age at first
No. units Alloimmunised post transfusion recorded Platelet Irradiated
Diagnosis transfused at admission transfusion Gender episodes transfusion requirement requirement
NHL 25 N N M 12 67 Y N
NHL 4 N N M 2 89 N N
NHL 6 N N M 4 86 N N
NHL 14 N Y M 6 80 N Y
NHL 67 N N M 33 82 Y N
NHL 2 N N M 1 73 N N
NHL 2 N N M 1 67 N N
NHL 27 N Y M 13 81 Y Y
NHL 14 N N F 7 76 Y Y
NHL 16 N Y M 5 62 Y Y
NHL 31 N N F 16 85 Y N
NHL 44 N N M 18 77 N Y
NHL 12 N N M 6 63 Y N
NHL 33 N N M 15 52 Y N
NHL 11 N N F 5 64 Y N
NHL 129 N N F 57 27 Y Y
NHL 4 N N F 2 64 N N
NHL 6 N N F 3 72 N N
NHL 2 N N F 1 83 N Y
NHL 2 N N F 1 74 Y N
NHL 2 N N M 1 69 N N
NHL 2 N N F 1 79 N N
NHL 4 N N M 2 80 Y N
NHL 12 Y Y F 6 78 Y Y
NHL 89 N N M 37 66 N Y

44 | A p p e n d i x
Alloimmunised No. Age at first
No. units Alloimmunised post transfusion recorded Platelet Irradiated
Diagnosis transfused at admission transfusion Gender episodes transfusion requirement requirement

NHL + AIHA 93 N Y F 34 56 Y Y

NHL 4 Y Y M 2 81 N N

Pancytopaenia 9 N N F 4 54 Y N

Pancytopaenia 30 N N F 10 72 Y N

Pancytopaenia 4 N N F 2 76 N N

Pancytopaenia 5 N N M 2 36 Y N

Pernicious anaemia 102 N N F 28 71 N N

Post transplant
lymphomprofilerative disease 6 N N F 3 24 N N
PRV 17 N N F 8 74 N N
PVR 9 N N F 4 70 N N

Rheumatoid arthritis 14 Y Y M 4 69 N N
Sideroblastic Anaemia 5 N N M 2 72 N N
Sideroblastic Anaemia 244 N Y M 104 66 N N
Sideroblastic Anaemia 76 N N F 28 87 N N
Sideroblastic Anaemia 124 N Y F 41 77 N N
Sideroblastic Anaemia 54 N Y M 26 88 N N
Sideroblastic Anaemia 98 N N F 39 79 N N
T cell prolymphocytic
leukaemia 68 N N M 28 69 Y Y

45 | A p p e n d i x
Alloimmunised No. Age at first
No. units Alloimmunised post transfusion recorded Platelet Irradiated
Diagnosis transfused at admission transfusion Gender episodes transfusion requirement requirement

T-cell leukaemia 45 N Y M 22 71 N N

Thalassaemia 381 Y Y M 127 25 N N

TTP 11 N Y F 3 30 Y N
TTP 3 Y Y F 1 20 N N
VWD 2 N N M 1 52 N N
WM 32 N Y M 16 71 N Y
WM 2 N N F 1 78 Y N
WM 42 Y Y F 19 61 Y Y
WM 20 N N F 12 70 Y N
WM 23 Y Y F 11 75 N Y
WM 7 N N F 3 65 N N
WM 39 N Y F 16 77 N N
WM 21 N Y F 9 73 Y Y
WM 15 N N F 8 91 N Y
WM 4 N N M 2 80 Y Y
WM 16 N N F 8 75 Y Y
WM 89 N N M 41 71 Y Y

46 | A p p e n d i x
10.2 Appendix 2: Raw data for retrospective review of renal cohort

Key: AKI = Acute kidney injury

ARF = Acute renal failure
CKD = Chronic kidney disease
CRF = Chronic renal failure
ESRF = End stage renal failure
Y =Yes
N = No
M =Male
F = Female

No Alloimmunised
units Alloimmunised post Autoimmunised Autoimmunised No. Age at first
Diagnosis given at admission transfusion at admission post transfusion Gender Episodes transfusion Transplant
AKI 94 N N N N M 43 87 N
AKI 7 N N N N M 3 40 N
AKI 3 N N N N F 1 65 N
AKI 2 N N N N M 1 85 N
AKI 2 N N N N F 1 66 N
AKI 2 N N N N F 1 80 N
AKI 8 N N N N M 3 79 N
ARF 30 N N N N F 14 36 Y
ARF 2 N N N N F 1 54 N
ARF 4 N N N N F 2 60 N
ARF 29 N N N N M 13 80 N

47 | A p p e n d i x
No Alloimmunised
units Alloimmunised post Autoimmunised Autoimmunised No. Age at first
Diagnosis given at admission transfusion at admission post transfusion Gender Episodes transfusion Transplant
ARF 6 N N N N M 3 83 N
ARF 3 N N N N F 1 71 N
ARF 6 N N N N M 3 84 N
ARF 3 N N N N F 1 76 N
ARF 4 N N N N M 1 77 N
ARF 6 N N N N M 2 75 N
ARF 4 N N N N M 2 81 N
ARF 10 N N N N M 5 77 N
ARF 4 N N N N F 2 68 N
ARF 20 N N N N F 9 53 N
ARF 2 N N N N F 1 63 N
ARF 2 N N N N F 1 41 N
ARF 14 N N N N F 6 72 N
ARF 14 N N N N M 6 61 N
ARF 1 N N N N F 1 81 N
ARF 4 N N N N M 2 78 N
ARF 5 N N N N F 2 67 N
ARF 7 N N N N F 4 66 N
ARF 15 N N N N M 6 82 N
ARF 5 N N N N F 2 74 N
ARF 2 N N N N M 1 87 N
ARF 2 N N N N M 1 76 N

48 | A p p e n d i x
No Alloimmunised
units Alloimmunised post Autoimmunised Autoimmunised No. Age at first
Diagnosis given at admission transfusion at admission post transfusion Gender Episodes transfusion Transplant
ARF 5 N N N N F 2 56 N
ARF 13 N N N N M 5 93 N
ARF 2 N N N N M 1 76 N
ARF 17 N N N N M 7 67 N
ARF 44 N N N N F 13 44 N
ARF 2 N N N N F 1 66 N
ARF 10 N N N N F 4 82 N
ARF 4 N N N N M 2 89 N
ARF 8 N N N N M 3 31 N
ARF 6 N N N N M 3 69 N
ARF 2 N N N N M 2 69 N
ARF 18 N N N N M 8 76 N
ARF 2 N N N N M 1 83 N
ARF 4 N N N N F 2 22 N
ARF 2 N N N N F 1 62 N
ARF 3 N N N N M 1 74 N
ARF 4 N N N N M 2 83 N
CKD 2 N N N N M 1 63 N
CKD 4 N N N N M 2 76 N
CKD 47 N N N N M 13 72 N
CKD 2 N N N N F 1 73 N
CKD 2 N N N N M 1 62 N

49 | A p p e n d i x
No Alloimmunised
units Alloimmunised post Autoimmunised Autoimmunised No. Age at first
Diagnosis given at admission transfusion at admission post transfusion Gender Episodes transfusion Transplant
CKD 2 N N N N F 1 46 N
CKD 4 N N N N F 2 75 N
CKD 74 N N N N M 35 70 N
CKD 2 N N N N M 1 69 N
CKD 8 N N N N M 4 52 N
CKD 2 N N N N M 1 88 N
CKD 2 N N N N F 1 75 N
CKD 4 N N N N M 2 76 N
CKD 10 N N N N M 4 66 N
CKD 14 N N N N M 7 91 N
CKD 4 N N N N F 2 24 N
CKD 16 N N N N M 8 72 N
CKD 2 N N N N F 1 87 N
CKD 8 N N N N F 4 63 N
CKD 16 N N N N F 7 76 N
CKD 36 N N N N F 14 75 N
CKD 4 N N N N M 2 85 N
CKD 25 N N N N M 13 69 N
CKD 2 N N N N M 1 69 N
CKD 2 N N N N M 1 55 N
CKD 2 N N N N F 1 84 N
CKD 6 N N N N M 3 80 N

50 | A p p e n d i x
No Alloimmunised
units Alloimmunised post Autoimmunised Autoimmunised No. Age at first
Diagnosis given at admission transfusion at admission post transfusion Gender Episodes transfusion Transplant
CKD 9 N N N N M 5 68 N
CKD 2 N N N N M 1 74 N
CKD 14 N N N N F 7 79 N
CKD 9 N N N N F 3 76 N
CKD 5 N N N N M 2 73 N
CKD 2 N N N N M 1 73 N
CKD 4 N N N N M 2 52 N
CKD 4 N N N N M 2 77 N
CKD 12 N N N N M 6 52 N
CKD 10 N N N N M 5 87 N
CKD 44 N N N N M 16 95 N
CKD 6 N N N N M 3 65 N
CKD 13 N N N N F 6 55 N
CKD 16 N N N N M 5 65 N
CKD 39 N N N N F 20 59 N
CKD 2 N N N N M 1 54 N
CKD 9 N N N N M 4 71 N
CKD 12 N N N N M 5 71 N
CKD 9 N N N N M 4 63 N
CKD 5 N N N N F 2 79 N
CKD 16 N N N N M 8 83 N
CKD 6 N N N N M 3 52 N

51 | A p p e n d i x
No Alloimmunised
units Alloimmunised post Autoimmunised Autoimmunised No. Age at first
Diagnosis given at admission transfusion at admission post transfusion Gender Episodes transfusion Transplant
CKD 8 N N N N F 4 80 N
CKD 15 N N N N M 8 71 N
CKD 9 N Y N Y M 4 69 N
CKD 2 Y Y Y Y F 1 43 N
CKD 14 N Y N Y F 7 65 N
CKD 98 N Y N Y F 40 55 N
CKD 25 Y Y Y Y M 13 74 N
CRF 29 N N N N F 13 59 N
CRF 3 N N N N M 1 37 Y
CRF 3 N N N N F 1 44 Y
CRF 7 N N N N M 3 39 Y
CRF 9 N N N N M 5 43 Y
CRF 48 N N N N M 22 55 Y
CRF 26 N N N N M 13 15 Y
CRF 4 N N N N F 2 57 Y
CRF 21 N N N N M 9 57 Y
CRF 2 N N N N F 1 69 Y
CRF 12 N N N N M 5 57 Y
CRF 12 N N N N F 5 32 Y
CRF 7 N N N N M 3 39 Y
CRF 22 N N N N F 11 67 Y
CRF 8 N N N N M 4 28 Y

52 | A p p e n d i x
No Alloimmunised
units Alloimmunised post Autoimmunised Autoimmunised No. Age at first
Diagnosis given at admission transfusion at admission post transfusion Gender Episodes transfusion Transplant
CRF 11 N N N N M 4 45 Y
CRF 2 N N N N M 1 63 Y
CRF 2 N N N N M 1 19 Y
CRF 5 N N N N M 2 41 Y
CRF 31 N N N N M 19 37 Y
CRF 12 N N N N F 6 54 Y
CRF 8 N N N N F 3 38 Y
CRF 6 N N N N M 3 51 Y
CRF 5 N N N N M 2 70 Y
CRF 5 N N N N M 3 34 Y
CRF 15 N N N N M 7 45 Y
CRF 2 N N N N F 1 70 Y
CRF 22 N N N N F 8 32 Y
CRF 5 N N N N M 3 64 Y
CRF 8 N N N N M 4 33 Y
CRF 2 N N N N F 1 49 Y
CRF 2 N N N N M 1 60 Y
CRF 22 N Y N N M 7 42 Y
CRF 143 N Y N N M 54 45 Y
CRF 4 N Y N N M 2 38 Y
CRF 4 N Y N N M 2 65 Y
CRF 8 N Y N N M 4 60 Y

53 | A p p e n d i x
No Alloimmunised
units Alloimmunised post Autoimmunised Autoimmunised No. Age at first
Diagnosis given at admission transfusion at admission post transfusion Gender Episodes transfusion Transplant
CRF 9 N Y N Y M 4 44 Y
CRF 6 N Y N N M 3 48 Y
CRF 3 N N N N M 2 84 N
CRF 2 N N N N F 1 74 N
CRF 13 N N N Y M 6 53 N
CRF 4 N N N N M 2 71 N
CRF 4 N N N N F 2 45 N
CRF 8 N N N N F 3 39 N
CRF 5 N N N N F 3 69 N
CRF 5 N N N N F 2 82 N
CRF 3 N N N N M 2 91 N
CRF 10 N N N N F 4 63 N
CRF 4 N N N N F 2 81 N
CRF 2 N N N N F 1 68 N
CRF 7 N N N N F 3 74 N
CRF 7 N N N N M 4 53 N
CRF 12 N N N N M 5 65 N
CRF 20 N N N N F 9 77 N
CRF 2 N N N N M 1 82 N
CRF 11 N N N N M 4 80 N
CRF 5 N N N N M 2 55 N
CRF 7 N N N N M 3 73 N

54 | A p p e n d i x
No Alloimmunised
units Alloimmunised post Autoimmunised Autoimmunised No. Age at first
Diagnosis given at admission transfusion at admission post transfusion Gender Episodes transfusion Transplant
CRF 21 N N N N M 9 78 N
CRF 32 N N N N F 14 58 N
CRF 11 N N N N M 5 79 N
CRF 3 N N N N M 1 81 N
CRF 3 N N N N F 2 59 N
CRF 3 N N N N M 1 84 N
CRF 6 N N N N M 3 65 N
CRF 14 N N N N M 4 65 N
CRF 4 N N N N M 1 88 N
CRF 12 N N N N M 5 68 N
CRF 4 N N N N M 2 71 N
CRF 3 N N N N M 1 66 N
CRF 7 N N N N M 3 84 N
CRF 10 N N N N F 4 80 N
CRF 2 N N N N M 1 75 N
CRF 2 N N N N M 1 82 N
CRF 6 N N N N F 2 84 N
CRF 3 N N N N M 1 72 N
CRF 6 N N N N M 2 83 N
CRF 7 N N N N M 4 76 N
CRF 11 N N N N M 5 79 N
CRF 6 N N N N F 2 32 N

55 | A p p e n d i x
No Alloimmunised
units Alloimmunised post Autoimmunised Autoimmunised No. Age at first
Diagnosis given at admission transfusion at admission post transfusion Gender Episodes transfusion Transplant
CRF 17 N N N N M 6 83 N
CRF 34 N N N N F 13 46 N
CRF 4 N N N N M 1 70 N
CRF 3 N N N N F 1 61 N
CRF 5 N N N N M 3 79 N
CRF 7 N N N N M 3 78 N
CRF 4 N N N N M 2 81 N
CRF 2 N N N N M 1 77 N
CRF 8 N N N N F 2 66 N
CRF 6 N N N N M 3 80 N
CRF 6 N N N N M 3 56 N
CRF 2 N N N N M 1 54 N
CRF 6 N N N N M 3 87 N
CRF 2 N N N N M 1 42 N
CRF 8 N N N N F 4 52 N
CRF 246 N N N N M 67 75 N
CRF 2 N N N N M 1 49 N
CRF 2 N N N N M 1 75 N
CRF 2 N N N N F 1 58 N
CRF 27 N N N N M 14 42 N
CRF 22 N N N N M 8 73 N
CRF 4 N N N N M 2 66 N

56 | A p p e n d i x
No Alloimmunised
units Alloimmunised post Autoimmunised Autoimmunised No. Age at first
Diagnosis given at admission transfusion at admission post transfusion Gender Episodes transfusion Transplant
CRF 6 N N N N M 2 83 N
CRF 8 N N N N M 3 59 N
CRF 10 N N N N F 4 76 N
CRF 6 N N N N M 3 89 N
CRF 3 N N N N F 2 68 N
CRF 7 N N N N M 3 76 N
CRF 10 N N N N M 4 64 N
CRF 66 N N N N F 26 47 N
CRF 2 N N N N F 1 70 N
CRF 17 N N Y Y F 8 76 N
CRF 2 N N N N M 1 81 N
CRF 31 N N N N F 15 68 N
CRF 12 N N N N F 6 71 N
CRF 21 N N N N F 9 67 N
CRF 8 N N N N M 4 60 N
CRF 9 N N N N M 4 78 N
CRF 4 N N N N M 3 82 N
CRF 13 N N N N F 6 35 N
CRF 4 N N N N F 2 68 N
CRF 7 N N N N M 4 76 N
CRF 75 N N N Y M 36 65 N
CRF 15 N N Y Y M 6 76 N

57 | A p p e n d i x
No Alloimmunised
units Alloimmunised post Autoimmunised Autoimmunised No. Age at first
Diagnosis given at admission transfusion at admission post transfusion Gender Episodes transfusion Transplant
CRF 13 N N N N F 5 70 N
CRF 10 N N N N M 5 78 N
CRF 5 N N N N M 2 75 N
CRF 10 N N N N F 4 54 N
CRF 16 N N N N F 8 63 N
CRF 16 N N N N M 7 88 N
CRF 24 N N Y Y M 9 81 N
CRF 46 N N N N M 18 83 N
CRF 12 N N N N F 6 55 N
CRF 56 N N N N M 24 54 N
CRF 5 N N N N F 2 73 N
CRF 6 N N N N F 3 51 N
CRF 11 N N N N M 4 82 N
CRF 62 N N N N F 28 53 N
CRF 11 N N N N M 5 75 N
CRF 24 N N N N M 9 77 N
CRF 19 N N N N M 9 67 N
CRF 50 N N N N M 21 57 N
CRF 25 N N N N M 11 65 N
CRF 21 N N N N F 10 74 N
CRF 2 N N N N M 1 65 N
CRF 18 N N N N M 9 66 N

58 | A p p e n d i x
No Alloimmunised
units Alloimmunised post Autoimmunised Autoimmunised No. Age at first
Diagnosis given at admission transfusion at admission post transfusion Gender Episodes transfusion Transplant
CRF 25 N N N N M 9 80 N
CRF 4 N N N N M 2 73 N
CRF 3 N N N N M 2 82 N
CRF 6 N N N N M 2 78 N
CRF 6 N N Y Y M 3 85 N
CRF 18 N N N N F 9 77 N
CRF 10 N N N N M 4 78 N
CRF 2 N N N N M 1 72 N
CRF 4 N N N N F 2 83 N
CRF 14 N N N N M 6 60 N
CRF 38 N N N N M 18 61 N
CRF 162 N N N N M 34 76 N
CRF 3 N N N N M 1 84 N
CRF 2 N N N N M 1 73 N
CRF 12 N N N N M 6 78 N
CRF 6 N N N N F 3 71 N
CRF 10 N N N N M 4 84 N
CRF 9 N N N N M 3 72 N
CRF 3 N N N N M 1 65 N
CRF 12 N N N N F 4 56 N
CRF 21 N N N N F 4 79 N
CRF 10 N N N N M 4 72 N

59 | A p p e n d i x
No Alloimmunised
units Alloimmunised post Autoimmunised Autoimmunised No. Age at first
Diagnosis given at admission transfusion at admission post transfusion Gender Episodes transfusion Transplant
CRF 2 N N N N F 1 78 N
CRF 16 N N N N F 7 71 N
CRF 2 N N N N M 1 84 N
CRF 5 N N N N M 2 32 N
CRF 2 N N N N M 1 75 N
CRF 2 N N Y Y M 1 66 N
CRF 13 N N N N M 6 61 N
CRF 2 N N N N M 1 80 N
CRF 9 N N N N M 4 79 N
CRF 13 N N N N M 6 48 N
CRF 5 N N N N F 2 55 N
CRF 5 N N N N F 3 56 N
CRF 3 N N N N F 1 75 N
CRF 4 N N N N F 2 63 N
CRF 2 N N N N F 1 72 N
CRF 5 N N N N F 2 79 N
CRF 31 N N N N F 13 75 N
CRF 17 N N N N F 7 65 N
CRF 2 N N N N M 1 77 N
CRF 8 N N N N F 4 72 N
CRF 3 N N N N M 1 67 N
CRF 2 N N N N M 1 83 N

60 | A p p e n d i x
No Alloimmunised
units Alloimmunised post Autoimmunised Autoimmunised No. Age at first
Diagnosis given at admission transfusion at admission post transfusion Gender Episodes transfusion Transplant
CRF 3 N N N N M 2 79 N
CRF 41 N Y N Y M 16 71 N
CRF 5 Y Y N N F 2 62 N
CRF 15 N Y N N F 7 74 N
CRF 21 N Y N N F 11 24 N
CRF 9 N Y N N F 5 73 N
CRF 12 Y Y N Y M 6 79 N
CRF 2 Y Y N N M 1 82 N
CRF 4 N Y N N M 2 58 N
CRF 3 N Y N N F 1 82 N
CRF 78 Y Y N Y F 37 67 N
CRF 36 N Y N Y M 11 77 N
CRF 12 N Y N N F 5 80 N
CRF 3 Y Y N N F 1 81 N
CRF 7 N Y N N F 3 84 N
CRF 6 Y Y Y Y F 3 76 N
CRF 16 N Y N N F 7 68 N
CRF 4 N Y N N F 2 90 N
CRF 22 N Y N N F 9 43 N
CRF 40 N Y N N M 18 49 N
CRF 14 N Y N Y M 6 43 N
CRF 3 N Y N N M 2 69 N

61 | A p p e n d i x
No Alloimmunised
units Alloimmunised post Autoimmunised Autoimmunised No. Age at first
Diagnosis given at admission transfusion at admission post transfusion Gender Episodes transfusion Transplant
CRF 12 N Y N Y F 6 44 N
CRF 23 N Y N N F 9 81 N
CRF 5 Y Y N Y F 2 76 N
CRF 10 N Y N Y M 4 77 N
CRF 8 N Y N N M 4 73 N
CRF 8 Y Y N Y F 3 80 N
CRF 7 N Y N Y M 3 86 N
CRF 12 N Y N N M 6 76 N
CRF 103 N Y N N F 51 65 N
CRF 13 Y Y N Y M 4 73 N
CRF 107 N Y N N F 58 69 N
CRF 25 N Y N Y F 11 68 N
CRF 42 N Y N Y M 18 63 N
CRF 10 N Y N Y F 5 63 N
CRF 4 Y Y Y Y F 2 62 N
CRF 10 N N N N F 5 79 N
CRF 3 N N N N M 1 49
ESRF 37 N N N Y F 17 34 N
ESRF 18 N N N Y M 8 68 N
ESRF 37 N N N N M 18 53 N
ESRF 5 N N N N M 2 38 Y
ESRF 14 N N N N M 6 38 Y

62 | A p p e n d i x
No Alloimmunised
units Alloimmunised post Autoimmunised Autoimmunised No. Age at first
Diagnosis given at admission transfusion at admission post transfusion Gender Episodes transfusion Transplant
ESRF 13 N N N N M 8 55 Y
ESRF 15 N N N N M 7 54 Y
ESRF 10 N N N N M 5 60 Y
ESRF 27 N N N N F 12 29 Y
ESRF 13 N N N N M 7 62 Y
ESRF 5 N N N N F 2 78 N
ESRF 8 N N N N F 4 56 N
ESRF 7 N N N N F 3 78 N
ESRF 2 N N N N M 1 91 N
ESRF 6 N N N N M 3 59 N
ESRF 7 N N N N M 3 78 N
ESRF 22 N N N N M 10 80 N
ESRF 18 N N N N M 9 76 N
ESRF 14 N N N N M 7 73 N
ESRF 12 N N N N M 5 61 N
ESRF 21 N N N N F 10 50 N
ESRF 10 N N N N M 5 72 N
ESRF 4 N N N N M 2 71 N
ESRF 4 N N N N F 2 76 N
ESRF 2 N N N N F 1 35 N
ESRF 10 N N N N F 5 69 N
ESRF 27 N N N N F 13 76 N

63 | A p p e n d i x
No Alloimmunised
units Alloimmunised post Autoimmunised Autoimmunised No. Age at first
Diagnosis given at admission transfusion at admission post transfusion Gender Episodes transfusion Transplant
ESRF 2 N N N N F 1 76 N
ESRF 10 N N N N F 5 67 N
ESRF 2 N N N N F 1 73 N
ESRF 13 N N N N F 6 75 N
ESRF 20 N N N N F 9 67 N
ESRF 7 N N N N F 3 64 N
ESRF 14 N N N N F 6 79 N
ESRF 18 N N N N F 8 74 N
ESRF 31 N N N N F 15 48 N
ESRF 8 N N N N F 4 81 N
ESRF 2 N N N N F 1 79 N
ESRF 16 N N N N F 8 58 N
ESRF 83 N N N N M 36 73 N
ESRF 22 N N N N F 11 58 N
ESRF 25 N N N N M 9 77 N
ESRF 7 N N N N M 4 69 N
ESRF 19 N N N N M 9 38 N
ESRF 22 N N N N M 11 60 N
ESRF 26 N N N N M 11 74 N
ESRF 19 N N N N F 7 70 N
ESRF 18 N N N N F 8 46 N
ESRF 5 N N N N F 3 62 N

64 | A p p e n d i x
No Alloimmunised
units Alloimmunised post Autoimmunised Autoimmunised No. Age at first
Diagnosis given at admission transfusion at admission post transfusion Gender Episodes transfusion Transplant
ESRF 73 N N N N M 27 75 N
ESRF 4 N N N N M 2 78 N
ESRF 6 N N N N M 3 81 N
ESRF 2 N N N N M 1 80 N
ESRF 9 N N N N M 4 65 N
ESRF 4 N N N N F 2 80 N
ESRF 6 N N N N F 3 81 N
ESRF 19 N N N N F 10 34 N
ESRF 19 N N N Y M 9 73 N
ESRF 6 N N N N F 3 41 N
ESRF 2 N N N N F 1 77 N
ESRF 10 N N N N M 5 52 N
ESRF 30 N N N N M 11 65 N
ESRF 7 N N N N M 4 78 N
ESRF 13 N N N N M 6 73 N
ESRF 4 N N N N M 2 84 N
ESRF 2 N N N N M 1 50 N
ESRF 2 N N N N F 1 73 N
ESRF 18 N N N Y M 8 78 N
ESRF 24 N N N N M 10 45 N
ESRF 11 N N N N M 5 37 N
ESRF 6 N N N N M 3 72 N

65 | A p p e n d i x
No Alloimmunised
units Alloimmunised post Autoimmunised Autoimmunised No. Age at first
Diagnosis given at admission transfusion at admission post transfusion Gender Episodes transfusion Transplant
ESRF 6 N N N N M 2 70 N
ESRF 8 N N N N M 3 71 N
ESRF 24 N N N N M 12 74 N
ESRF 8 N N N N M 4 78 N
ESRF 9 N N N N F 5 82 N
ESRF 2 N N N N M 1 68 N
ESRF 3 N N N N M 1 84 N
ESRF 5 N N N N M 2 62 N
ESRF 7 N N N N F 3 75 N
ESRF 8 N N N N M 4 52 N
ESRF 9 N N N N F 4 72 N
ESRF 4 N N N N F 2 65 N
ESRF 30 N N N N M 15 66 N
ESRF 28 N N N N M 13 67 N
ESRF 10 N N N N F 4 79 N
ESRF 2 N N N N M 2 75 N
ESRF 31 N N N N M 14 18 N
ESRF 2 N N N N F 1 76 N
ESRF 4 N N N N M 2 70 N
ESRF 14 N N N N F 5 77 N
ESRF 7 N N N N M 3 69 N
ESRF 8 N N N N M 4 72 N

66 | A p p e n d i x
No Alloimmunised
units Alloimmunised post Autoimmunised Autoimmunised No. Age at first
Diagnosis given at admission transfusion at admission post transfusion Gender Episodes transfusion Transplant
ESRF 3 N N N N M 1 80 N
ESRF 10 N N N N F 5 69 N
ESRF 12 N N N N M 6 53 N
ESRF 2 N N N N M 1 70 N
ESRF 12 N N N N F 6 75 N
ESRF 3 N N N N M 1 89 N
ESRF 19 N N N N M 9 69 N
ESRF 25 N N N N M 13 62 N
ESRF 15 N N N N M 7 82 N
ESRF 16 N N N N M 8 70 N
ESRF 8 N N N N M 4 85 N
ESRF 12 N N N N M 6 80 N
ESRF 5 N N N N M 2 71 N
ESRF 20 N N N N F 9 81 N
ESRF 69 N N N N M 34 60 N
ESRF 19 N N N Y F 5 79 N
ESRF 2 N N N N F 1 83 N
ESRF 3 N N N N M 1 65 N
ESRF 6 N N N N M 3 78 N
ESRF 9 N N N N M 4 61 N
ESRF 5 N N N N M 3 66 N
ESRF 12 N N N N M 6 88 N

67 | A p p e n d i x
No Alloimmunised
units Alloimmunised post Autoimmunised Autoimmunised No. Age at first
Diagnosis given at admission transfusion at admission post transfusion Gender Episodes transfusion Transplant
ESRF 8 N N N N M 4 82 N
ESRF 14 N N N N F 5 77 N
ESRF 4 N N N N M 2 66 N
ESRF 6 N N N N M 3 81 N
ESRF 12 N N N N F 7 79 N
ESRF 4 N N N N F 2 74 N
ESRF 4 N N N N F 2 90 N
ESRF 21 N N N N F 10 54 N
ESRF 2 N N N N M 1 81 N
ESRF 4 N N N N M 2 64 N
ESRF 2 N N N N M 1 78 N
ESRF 16 N N N N F 7 51 N
ESRF 5 N N N N F 2 81 N
ESRF 20 N N N N M 8 59 N
ESRF 2 N N N N M 1 82 N
ESRF 10 N N N N M 5 79 N
ESRF 2 N N N N M 1 84 N
ESRF 2 N N N N M 1 83 N
ESRF 21 N N N N M 11 74 N
ESRF 2 N N N N F 1 86 N
ESRF 10 N N N N M 5 74 N
ESRF 15 N N N N M 8 70 N

68 | A p p e n d i x
No Alloimmunised
units Alloimmunised post Autoimmunised Autoimmunised No. Age at first
Diagnosis given at admission transfusion at admission post transfusion Gender Episodes transfusion Transplant
ESRF 4 N N N N M 2 78 N
ESRF 2 N N N N M 1 63 N
ESRF 10 N N N N M 5 76 N
ESRF 2 N N N N M 1 85 N
ESRF 2 N N N N F 1 86 N
ESRF 8 N N N N M 4 72 N
ESRF 2 N N N N M 1 78 N
ESRF 23 N N N N F 10 58 N
ESRF 6 N N N N F 3 83 N
ESRF 6 N N N N F 3 76 N
ESRF 2 N N N N F 1 79 N
ESRF 6 N N N N F 3 82 N
ESRF 3 N N N N M 1 75 N
ESRF 8 N N N N M 4 46 N
ESRF 9 N N N N M 5 62 N
ESRF 4 N N N N M 2 71 N
ESRF 10 N N N N M 5 75 N
ESRF 21 N N N N M 10 42 N
ESRF 11 N N N N M 5 78 N
ESRF 14 N N N N F 7 71 N
ESRF 6 N N N N M 3 78 N
ESRF 2 N N N N M 1 87 N

69 | A p p e n d i x
No Alloimmunised
units Alloimmunised post Autoimmunised Autoimmunised No. Age at first
Diagnosis given at admission transfusion at admission post transfusion Gender Episodes transfusion Transplant
ESRF 11 N N N N F 6 73 N
ESRF 2 N N N N M 2 76 N
ESRF 20 N N N N F 10 75 N
ESRF 2 N N N N M 1 71 N
ESRF 12 N N N N M 6 77 N
ESRF 19 N N N N M 9 62 N
ESRF 12 N N N N M 4 84 N
ESRF 4 N N N N M 2 73 N
ESRF 11 N N N N M 4 82 N
ESRF 13 N N N N F 4 56 N
ESRF 5 N N N N M 2 86 N
ESRF 2 N N N N F 1 67 N
ESRF 8 N N N N M 5 79 N
ESRF 4 N N N N F 2 53 N
ESRF 3 N N N N M 1 87 N
ESRF 8 N N N N M 4 85 N
ESRF 10 N N N N F 5 70 N
ESRF 6 N N N N M 3 76 N
ESRF 6 N N N N M 3 74 N
ESRF 8 N N N N F 4 78 N
ESRF 12 N N N N M 6 82 N
ESRF 10 N N N N M 6 48 N

70 | A p p e n d i x
No Alloimmunised
units Alloimmunised post Autoimmunised Autoimmunised No. Age at first
Diagnosis given at admission transfusion at admission post transfusion Gender Episodes transfusion Transplant
ESRF 8 N N N N M 4 78 N
ESRF 9 N N N N F 4 71 N
ESRF 33 N N N N M 16 88 N
ESRF 6 N N N N F 3 73 N
ESRF 25 N N N N F 12 61 N
ESRF 8 N N N N M 4 55 N
ESRF 4 N N N N M 2 76 N
ESRF 2 N N N N F 1 75 N
ESRF 7 N N N N M 3 81 N
ESRF 36 N N N N M 17 65 N
ESRF 8 N N N N M 4 91 N
ESRF 4 N N N N M 2 84 N
ESRF 4 N N N N M 2 89 N
ESRF 23 N N N N F 11 77 N
ESRF 17 N N N N F 7 51 N
ESRF 14 N N N N F 3 65 N
ESRF 2 N N N N M 1 78 N
ESRF 2 N N N N M 1 75 N
ESRF 2 N N N N F 1 83 N
ESRF 12 N N N N M 7 75 N
ESRF 7 N N N N M 3 61 N
ESRF 4 N N N N F 2 17 N

71 | A p p e n d i x
No Alloimmunised
units Alloimmunised post Autoimmunised Autoimmunised No. Age at first
Diagnosis given at admission transfusion at admission post transfusion Gender Episodes transfusion Transplant
ESRF 2 N N N N F 1 86 N
ESRF 6 N N N N M 3 75 N
ESRF 8 N N N N M 4 70 N
ESRF 14 N N N N M 5 54 N
ESRF 10 N N N N M 5 72 N
ESRF 14 N N N N M 5 79 N
ESRF 6 N N N N M 3 79 N
ESRF 16 N N N N M 9 61 N
ESRF 54 N N N N M 17 49 N
ESRF 4 N N Y Y M 2 77 N
ESRF 4 N N N N F 2 64 N
ESRF 19 N N N N F 9 70 N
ESRF 2 N N N N M 1 83 N
ESRF 5 N N N N M 2 74 N
ESRF 5 N N N N M 2 65 N
ESRF 6 N N N N M 2 76 N
ESRF 6 N N N N M 3 78 N
ESRF 27 N N N N M 11 37 N
ESRF 8 N N N N F 4 80 N
ESRF 31 N N N N F 16 44 N
ESRF 6 N N N N F 3 76 N
ESRF 2 N N N N F 1 70 N

72 | A p p e n d i x
No Alloimmunised
units Alloimmunised post Autoimmunised Autoimmunised No. Age at first
Diagnosis given at admission transfusion at admission post transfusion Gender Episodes transfusion Transplant
ESRF 2 N N N N F 1 75 N
ESRF 4 N N N N M 2 67 N
ESRF 26 N N N N F 13 60 N
ESRF 5 N N N N F 3 64 N
ESRF 7 N N N N F 3 76 N
ESRF 2 N N N N M 1 86 N
ESRF 6 N N N N F 3 79 N
ESRF 8 N N N N F 4 75 N
ESRF 3 N N N N M 2 79 N
ESRF 13 N N N N M 6 77 N
ESRF 25 N N N N M 12 53 N
ESRF 23 N N N N F 10 65 N
ESRF 18 N N N N M 9 84 N
ESRF 5 N N N N M 2 87 N
ESRF 2 N N N N M 1 80 N
ESRF 132 N N N N F 58 70 N
ESRF 6 N N N N F 3 53 N
ESRF 6 N N N N M 3 76 N
ESRF 6 N N N N M 3 75 N
ESRF 9 N N N N M 4 81 N
ESRF 5 N N N N M 3 58 N
ESRF 22 N N N N M 11 82 N

73 | A p p e n d i x
No Alloimmunised
units Alloimmunised post Autoimmunised Autoimmunised No. Age at first
Diagnosis given at admission transfusion at admission post transfusion Gender Episodes transfusion Transplant
ESRF 14 N N N N F 9 85 N
ESRF 2 N N N N F 1 88 N
ESRF 8 N N N N M 4 57 N
ESRF 4 N N N N M 2 79 N
ESRF 4 N N N N F 2 73 N
ESRF 6 N N N N M 3 46 N
ESRF 6 N N N N M 3 80 N
ESRF 4 N N N N M 2 75 N
ESRF 6 N N N N M 3 78 N
ESRF 9 N N N N M 4 51 N
ESRF 2 N N N N M 1 72 N
ESRF 2 N N N N M 1 87 N
ESRF 28 N N N Y F 13 58 N
ESRF 3 N N N N F 2 60 N
ESRF 6 N N N N M 3 83 N
ESRF 4 N N N N F 2 67 N
ESRF 2 N N N N M 1 25 N
ESRF 27 N N N N M 14 72 N
ESRF 4 N N N N F 2 74 N
ESRF 17 N N N N F 9 70 N
ESRF 8 N N N N M 4 46 N
ESRF 16 N N N N M 9 62 N

74 | A p p e n d i x
No Alloimmunised
units Alloimmunised post Autoimmunised Autoimmunised No. Age at first
Diagnosis given at admission transfusion at admission post transfusion Gender Episodes transfusion Transplant
ESRF 7 N N N N F 4 85 N
ESRF 2 N N N N M 1 66 N
ESRF 28 N N N N M 13 52 N
ESRF 5 N N N N F 2 47 N
ESRF 54 N N N N M 24 68 N
ESRF 11 N N N N F 4 83 N
ESRF 7 N N N N M 3 61 N
ESRF 7 N N N N M 3 64 N
ESRF 2 N N N N M 1 82 N
ESRF 6 N N N N M 3 75 N
ESRF 19 N N N N M 9 55 N
ESRF 8 N N N N M 4 52 N
ESRF 7 N N N N M 3 63 N
ESRF 21 N N N N M 9 52 N
ESRF 8 N N N N F 4 75 N
ESRF 4 N N N N F 2 73 N
ESRF 27 N N N N M 4 57 N
ESRF 35 N N N N F 18 59 N
ESRF 3 N N N N F 2 50 N
ESRF 18 N N N N F 9 69 N
ESRF 3 N N N N M 1 82 N
ESRF 14 N N N N M 6 76 N

75 | A p p e n d i x
No Alloimmunised
units Alloimmunised post Autoimmunised Autoimmunised No. Age at first
Diagnosis given at admission transfusion at admission post transfusion Gender Episodes transfusion Transplant
ESRF 19 N N N N M 9 23 N
ESRF 12 N N N N F 7 64 N
ESRF 22 N N N N M 10 68 N
ESRF 4 N N N N M 3 65 N
ESRF 20 N N N N F 11 52 N
ESRF 20 N N N N M 9 57 N
ESRF 4 N N N N M 2 56 N
ESRF 29 N N N N M 13 67 N
ESRF 11 N N N N M 6 46 N
ESRF 31 N N N N F 12 82 N
ESRF 4 N N N N M 1 71 N
ESRF 15 N N N N M 7 71 N
ESRF 6 N N N N M 3 82 N
ESRF 5 N N N N M 2 39 N
ESRF 12 N N N N M 5 65 N
ESRF 17 N N N N M 9 66 N
ESRF 7 N N N N F 3 71 N
ESRF 16 N N N N M 6 77 N
ESRF 6 N N N N F 3 70 N
ESRF 14 N N N N M 6 41 N
ESRF 9 N N N N F 4 77 N
ESRF 2 N N N N M 1 87 N

76 | A p p e n d i x
No Alloimmunised
units Alloimmunised post Autoimmunised Autoimmunised No. Age at first
Diagnosis given at admission transfusion at admission post transfusion Gender Episodes transfusion Transplant
ESRF 15 N N N N M 8 81 N
ESRF 17 N N N N F 7 72 N
ESRF 21 N N N N M 10 67 N
ESRF 46 N N N N M 24 63 N
ESRF 16 N N N N F 8 66 N
ESRF 7 N N N N M 3 79 N
ESRF 17 N N N N M 8 50 N
ESRF 7 N N N N M 3 69 N
ESRF 9 N N N N M 4 82 N
ESRF 8 N N N N F 4 87 N
ESRF 7 N N N N M 3 69 N
ESRF 2 N N N N M 1 80 N
ESRF 49 N N N N M 21 72 N
ESRF 5 N N N N M 2 75 N
ESRF 9 N N N N F 4 58 N
ESRF 3 N N N N M 2 75 N
ESRF 4 N N N N M 2 49 N
ESRF 19 N N N N M 8 40 N
ESRF 16 N N N N M 8 68 N
ESRF 6 N N N N F 3 85 N
ESRF 22 N N N N F 10 71 N
ESRF 11 N N N N F 5 82 N

77 | A p p e n d i x
No Alloimmunised
units Alloimmunised post Autoimmunised Autoimmunised No. Age at first
Diagnosis given at admission transfusion at admission post transfusion Gender Episodes transfusion Transplant
ESRF 3 N N N N M 1 83 N
ESRF 10 N N N N F 4 77 N
ESRF 25 N N N N M 11 76 N
ESRF 16 N N N N F 7 85 N
ESRF 34 N N N N F 17 67 N
ESRF 10 N N N N M 6 65 N
ESRF 10 N N N N F 4 47 N
ESRF 37 N N N N M 18 61 N
ESRF 2 N N N N M 1 74 N
ESRF 3 N N N N M 1 63 N
ESRF 37 N N N N M 16 70 N
ESRF 51 N N N N M 19 83 N
ESRF 14 N N N N M 6 39 N
ESRF 2 N N N N M 7 69 N
ESRF 12 N N N N M 5 80 N
ESRF 29 N N N N M 10 58 N
ESRF 14 N N N N F 7 87 N
ESRF 8 N N N N M 4 84 N
ESRF 10 N N N N M 5 56 N
ESRF 15 N N N N F 6 75 N
ESRF 14 N N N N M 7 78 N
ESRF 11 N N N N M 6 84 N

78 | A p p e n d i x
No Alloimmunised
units Alloimmunised post Autoimmunised Autoimmunised No. Age at first
Diagnosis given at admission transfusion at admission post transfusion Gender Episodes transfusion Transplant
ESRF 34 N N N N F 10 60 N
ESRF 3 N N N N F 1 78 N
ESRF 26 N N N N F 10 79 N
ESRF 10 N N N N F 5 69 N
ESRF 27 N N N N M 10 77 N
ESRF 100 N N N N M 44 36 N
ESRF 12 N N N N F 5 35 N
ESRF 5 N N N N M 2 82 N
ESRF 10 N N N N F 5 80 N
ESRF 13 N N N N M 5 83 N
ESRF 8 N N N N F 3 77 N
ESRF 8 N N N N M 4 66 N
ESRF 28 N N N N F 11 73 N
ESRF 6 N N N N F 3 78 N
ESRF 14 N N N N M 6 84 N
ESRF 10 N N N N M 5 81 N
ESRF 27 N N N N M 12 64 N
ESRF 17 N N N N F 9 37 N
ESRF 6 N N N N F 3 26 N
ESRF 4 N N N N F 2 78 N
ESRF 4 N N N Y M 2 77 N
ESRF 18 N N N N F 9 51 N

79 | A p p e n d i x
No Alloimmunised
units Alloimmunised post Autoimmunised Autoimmunised No. Age at first
Diagnosis given at admission transfusion at admission post transfusion Gender Episodes transfusion Transplant
ESRF 4 N N N N M 2 70 N
ESRF 16 N N N N F 5 81 N
ESRF 15 N N N N F 7 82 N
ESRF 5 N N N N M 2 59 N
ESRF 7 N N N N M 3 79 N
ESRF 8 N N N N M 3 80 N
ESRF 2 N N N N M 1 79 N
ESRF 6 N N N N F 4 63 N
ESRF 10 N N N N M 5 69 N
ESRF 6 N N N N M 3 60 N
ESRF 12 N N N N M 6 73 N
ESRF 4 N N N N M 2 72 N
ESRF 14 N N N N M 8 69 N
ESRF 19 N N N N M 9 73 N
ESRF 28 N N N N M 13 28 N
ESRF 9 N N N N M 4 64 N
ESRF 2 N N N N M 1 86 N
ESRF 30 N N N N M 14 68 N
ESRF 14 N N N N M 6 44 N
ESRF 34 N N N N M 13 78 N
ESRF 17 N N N N F 9 56 N
ESRF 31 N N N N F 26 46 N

80 | A p p e n d i x
No Alloimmunised
units Alloimmunised post Autoimmunised Autoimmunised No. Age at first
Diagnosis given at admission transfusion at admission post transfusion Gender Episodes transfusion Transplant
ESRF 82 N N N Y M 35 76 N
ESRF 2 N N N N M 1 79 N
ESRF 31 N N N Y M 14 71 N
ESRF 14 N N N N M 6 72 N
ESRF 5 N N N N M 2 71 N
ESRF 15 N N N N M 6 82 N
ESRF 10 N N N N M 4 70 N
ESRF 18 N N N N F 8 61 N
ESRF 25 N N N N M 10 76 N
ESRF 2 N N N N F 1 86 N
ESRF 2 N N N N F 1 67 N
ESRF 10 N N N N F 4 67 N
ESRF 26 N N N Y F 13 73 N
ESRF 16 N N N N M 7 66 N
ESRF 18 N N N N M 9 68 N
ESRF 32 N N N N F 7 82 N
ESRF 5 N N N N M 2 44 N
ESRF 2 N N N N F 1 71 N
ESRF 11 N N N N M 5 30 N
ESRF 8 N N N N M 4 83 N
ESRF 8 N N N N M 4 77 N
ESRF 22 N N N N M 9 53 N

81 | A p p e n d i x
No Alloimmunised
units Alloimmunised post Autoimmunised Autoimmunised No. Age at first
Diagnosis given at admission transfusion at admission post transfusion Gender Episodes transfusion Transplant
ESRF 4 N N N N F 2 61 N
ESRF 8 N N N N M 4 80 N
ESRF 3 N N N N F 1 64 N
ESRF 2 N N N N M 1 43 N
ESRF 2 N N N N M 1 52 N
ESRF 7 N N N N M 4 77 N
ESRF 4 N N N N M 2 80 N
ESRF 9 N N N N M 4 63 N
ESRF 2 N N N N M 1 79 N
ESRF 29 N N N N F 16 77 N
ESRF 11 N N N N F 5 80 N
ESRF 5 N N N N M 2 85 N
ESRF 6 N N N N M 2 77 N
ESRF 25 N N N N M 3 65 N
ESRF 2 N N N N F 1 80 N
ESRF 38 N N N N F 18 57 N
ESRF 5 N N N N M 2 72 N
ESRF 3 N N N N M 1 87 N
ESRF 5 N N N N M 2 80 N
ESRF 22 N N N Y M 11 77 N
ESRF 35 N N N N F 17 73 N
ESRF 2 N N N N F 1 82 N

82 | A p p e n d i x
No Alloimmunised
units Alloimmunised post Autoimmunised Autoimmunised No. Age at first
Diagnosis given at admission transfusion at admission post transfusion Gender Episodes transfusion Transplant
ESRF 2 N N N N F 1 86 N
ESRF 2 N N N N M 1 75 N
ESRF 6 N N N N M 2 82 N
ESRF 10 N N N N M 5 76 N
ESRF 11 N N N N F 5 77 N
ESRF 2 N N N N M 1 87 N
ESRF 13 N N N N F 6 49 N
ESRF 8 N N N N F 4 80 N
ESRF 2 N N N N F 1 73 N
ESRF 6 N N N N M 3 82 N
ESRF 7 N N N N F 3 92 N
ESRF 19 N N N N M 9 75 N
ESRF 14 N N N N M 7 77 N
ESRF 14 N N N N M 7 79 N
ESRF 3 N N N N F 1 40 N
ESRF 3 N N N N M 1 73 N
ESRF 63 N Y N Y M 29 67 N
ESRF 5 N Y N Y F 2 62 N
ESRF 73 Y Y Y Y F 36 52 N
ESRF 13 N Y N N F 6 33 N
ESRF 4 Y Y N N F 2 83 N
ESRF 31 Y Y N N F 12 71 N

83 | A p p e n d i x
No Alloimmunised
units Alloimmunised post Autoimmunised Autoimmunised No. Age at first
Diagnosis given at admission transfusion at admission post transfusion Gender Episodes transfusion Transplant
ESRF 4 Y Y N N F 2 49 N
ESRF 11 N Y N Y F 5 49 N
ESRF 4 N Y N Y M 2 80 N
ESRF 8 N Y N N F 4 81 N
ESRF 2 Y Y N N M 1 84 N
ESRF 12 N Y N Y M 5 65 N
ESRF 6 N Y N Y M 3 61 N
ESRF 2 Y Y N N F 1 77 N
ESRF 40 N Y N N F 18 63 N
ESRF 36 N Y N N M 15 71 N
ESRF 10 N Y N N M 4 72 N
ESRF 2 N Y N N F 1 59 N
ESRF 22 N Y N Y M 10 36 N
ESRF 33 N Y N Y F 16 62 N
ESRF 16 Y Y N N M 7 79 N
ESRF 2 Y Y N N F 1 74 N
ESRF 119 N Y N Y M 53 78 N
ESRF 34 N Y N N F 17 52 N
ESRF 17 N Y N N F 7 43 N
ESRF 22 N Y N N M 9 39 N
ESRF 5 N Y N N M 2 73 N
ESRF 18 N Y N N F 8 75 N

84 | A p p e n d i x
No Alloimmunised
units Alloimmunised post Autoimmunised Autoimmunised No. Age at first
Diagnosis given at admission transfusion at admission post transfusion Gender Episodes transfusion Transplant
ESRF 20 N Y N N F 10 47 N
ESRF 15 N Y N Y F 7 72 N
ESRF 25 N Y N Y F 12 60 N
ESRF 12 N Y N N F 5 82 N
ESRF 6 N Y N N F 3 83 N
ESRF 6 Y Y N Y F 2 85 N
ESRF 2 N Y N N F 1 65 N
ESRF 10 N Y N Y F 5 89 N
ESRF 6 N Y N Y M 3 72 N
ESRF 11 N Y N N M 5 38 N
ESRF 101 N Y N Y M 45 77 N
ESRF 8 N Y N N F 4 76 N
ESRF 61 N Y N Y M 29 77 N
ESRF 8 N Y Y Y F 4 77 N
ESRF 12 N Y N Y F 5 77 N
ESRF 11 N Y N Y F 5 75 N
ESRF 22 N Y N N M 11 51 N
ESRF 48 N Y N Y F 19 31 N
ESRF 12 N Y N N M 4 53 N
ESRF 12 N Y N Y F 6 81 N
ESRF 50 N Y N N F 20 78 N
ESRF 10 N Y N N M 4 66 N

85 | A p p e n d i x
No Alloimmunised
units Alloimmunised post Autoimmunised Autoimmunised No. Age at first
Diagnosis given at admission transfusion at admission post transfusion Gender Episodes transfusion Transplant
ESRF 37 Y Y N N F 14 86 N
ESRF 24 N Y N N F 11 69 N
ESRF 4 Y Y Y Y F 2 80 N
ESRF 13 N Y N Y F 6 63 N
ESRF 22 Y Y N Y M 11 65 N
ESRF 23 N Y N N M 10 79 N
ESRF 11 Y Y N Y M 5 61 N
ESRF 57 N Y N N F 20 80 N
ESRF 16 N Y N Y M 6 60 N
ESRF 18 N Y N Y F 6 65 N
ESRF 31 N Y N Y M 14 58 N
ESRF 9 Y Y Y Y F 4 54 N
ESRF 2 Y Y N N F 1 80 N
ESRF 12 Y Y Y Y F 4 25 N
ESRF 6 Y Y Y Y M 3 80 N
HUS 6 N N N N M 3 26 N
NHL 5 N Y N Y M 3 82 N

Pyelonephritis 5 N N N N M 2 37 N
Pyelonephritis 19 N N N N M 9 75 N
granulomatosis 5 N N N N M 3 65 N

86 | A p p e n d i x
No Alloimmunised
units Alloimmunised post Autoimmunised Autoimmunised No. Age at first
Diagnosis given at admission transfusion at admission post transfusion Gender Episodes transfusion Transplant
granulomatosis 5 N N N N F 2 57 N
granulomatosis 5 N N N N M 2 46 N
granulomatosis 12 N N N N M 5 69 N
granulomatosis 39 N N N N M 12 74 N
granulomatosis 12 N N N N M 6 76 N
granulomatosis 5 N N N N M 2 57 N
granulomatosis 7 N N N N F 3 56 N
granulomatosis 4 N N N N M 2 64 N
granulomatosis 7 N N N N M 3 71 N
granulomatosis 4 N N N N F 2 82 N

87 | A p p e n d i x
10.3 Appendix 3: Programmed cut off values for the serological phenotyping profiles on the NEO analyser

Antiserum Cut off low Cut off high Antiserum Cut off low Cut off high
Negative 0.000 23.998 Negative 0.000 23.998
Not determined 23.999 27.998
Not determined 23.999 75.998 Positive (1+) 27.999 35.998
Anti-C Anti-K
Positive (2+) 35.999 50.998
Positive (3+) 75.999 80.998 Positive (3+) 50.999 80.998
Postive (4+) 80.999 99.999 Postive (4+) 80.999 99.999
Negative 0.000 23.998 Negative 0.000 23.998

Not determined 23.999 75.998 Not determined 23.999 50.998

Anti-c Anti-Cw
Positive (3+) 75.999 80.998 Positive (3+) 50.999 80.998
Postive (4+) 80.999 99.999 Postive (4+) 80.999 99.999
Negative 0.000 23.998 Negative 0.000 23.000

Not determined 23.999 75.998 Not determined 23.999 75.998

Anti-E Anti-M

Positive (3+) 75.999 80.998 Positive (3+) 75.999 80.998

Postive (4+) 80.999 99.999 Postive (4+) 80.999 99.999
Negative 0.000 23.998 Negative 0.000 23.998
Not determined 23.999 35.998
Not determined 23.999 75.998
Anti-e Anti-N
Positive (2+) 35.999 50.998
Positive (3+) 75.999 80.998 Positive (3+) 50.999 80.998
Postive (4+) 80.999 99.999 Postive (4+) 80.999 99.999

88 | A p p e n d i x
Antiserum Cut off low Cut off high Antiserum Cut off low Cut off high
Negative 0.000 20.998 Negative 0.000 20.998
Not determined 20.999 40.998 Not determined 20.999 40.998
Positive (1+) 40.999 50.998 Positive (1+) 40.999 50.998
Anti-Fya Anti-S
Positive (2+) 50.999 72.998 Positive (2+) 50.999 72.998
Positive (3+) 72.999 90.998 Positive (3+) 72.999 90.998
Postive (4+) 90.999 99.999 Postive (4+) 90.999 99.999
Negative 0.000 20.998 Negative 0.000 20.998
Not determined 20.999 40.998 Not determined 20.999 40.998
Positive (1+) 40.999 50.998 Positive (1+) 40.999 50.998
Anti-Fyb Anti-s
Positive (2+) 50.999 72.998 Positive (2+) 50.999 72.998
Positive (3+) 72.999 90.998 Positive (3+) 72.999 90.998
Postive (4+) 90.999 99.999 Postive (4+) 90.999 99.999
Negative 0.000 20.998 Negative 0.000 20.998
Not determined 20.999 40.998 Not determined 20.999 40.998
Positive (1+) 40.999 50.998 Positive (1+) 40.999 50.998
Anti-Jka Anti-k
Positive (2+) 50.999 72.998 Positive (2+) 50.999 72.998
Positive (3+) 72.999 90.998 Positive (3+) 72.999 90.998
Postive (4+) 90.999 99.999 Postive (4+) 90.999 99.999
Negative 0.000 20.998 Negative 0.000 20.998
Not determined 20.999 40.998 Not determined 20.999 40.998
Positive (1+) 40.999 50.998 Positive (1+) 40.999 50.998
Anti-Jkb Control Negative
Positive (2+) 50.999 72.998 Positive (2+) 50.999 72.998
Positive (3+) 72.999 90.998 Positive (3+) 72.999 90.998
Postive (4+) 90.999 99.999 Postive (4+) 90.999 99.999

89 | A p p e n d i x
10.4 Appendix 4: Raw data for genotyping results

Blood Antigens Predicted
Group (ISBT Phenotype
Symbol Sample CSV System Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Phenotype) Result
New Batch
Green Unknown1 4_20140514_125813.csv Rh RHCE*ce RHCE*cE C (RH:2) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown1 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*Ce E (RH:3) +
New Batch
Green Unknown1 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*cE c (RH:4) +
New Batch
Green Unknown1 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*CE e (RH:5) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown1 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*CeCW CW (RH:8) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown1 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*ceCW V (RH:10) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown1 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*CECW hrS (RH:19) +
New Batch
Green Unknown1 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*ceAR VS (RH:20) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown1 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*CeFV hrB (RH:31) 0

90 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green Unknown1 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*CeVG
New Batch
Green Unknown1 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*cEFM
New Batch
Green Unknown1 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*ce[712G]
New Batch
Green Unknown1 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*ce[733G]
New Batch
Green Unknown1 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green Unknown1 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*CE-D[2, 5, 7]-CE
New Batch
Green Unknown1 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*cE[697G,712G,733G]
New Batch RHD*r’s-
Green Unknown1 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green Unknown1 4_20140514_125813.csv Kell KEL*K_KPB_JSB KEL*k_KPB_JSB K (KEL:1) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown1 4_20140514_125813.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSB k (KEL:2) +
New Batch
Green Unknown1 4_20140514_125813.csv KEL*k_KPA_JSB Kpa (KEL:3) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown1 4_20140514_125813.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSA Kpb (KEL:4) +

91 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green Unknown1 4_20140514_125813.csv Jsa (KEL:6) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown1 4_20140514_125813.csv Jsb (KEL:7) +
New Batch
Green Unknown1 4_20140514_125813.csv Kidd JK*A JK*A, JK*B Jka (JK:1) +
New Batch
Green Unknown1 4_20140514_125813.csv JK*B Jkb (JK:2) +
New Batch
Green Unknown1 4_20140514_125813.csv JK*B_null(IVS5-1a)
New Batch
Green Unknown1 4_20140514_125813.csv JK*B_null(871C)
New Batch
Green Unknown1 4_20140514_125813.csv Duffy FY*A FY*A, FY*B Fya (FY:1) +
New Batch
Green Unknown1 4_20140514_125813.csv FY*B Fyb (FY:2) +
New Batch
Green Unknown1 4_20140514_125813.csv FY*B_GATA
New Batch
Green Unknown1 4_20140514_125813.csv FY*B[265T]_FY*X
New Batch
Green Unknown1 4_20140514_125813.csv MNS GYPA*M GYPA*N M (MNS:1) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown1 4_20140514_125813.csv GYPA*N N (MNS:2) +

92 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green Unknown1 4_20140514_125813.csv GYPB*S GYPB*s S (MNS:3) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown1 4_20140514_125813.csv GYPB*s s (MNS:4) +
New Batch
Green Unknown1 4_20140514_125813.csv GYPB*S_null(IVS5+5t) U (MNS:5) +
New Batch
Green Unknown1 4_20140514_125813.csv GYPB*S_null(230T) Mia (MNS:7) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown1 4_20140514_125813.csv GYPB*deletion
New Batch
Green Unknown1 4_20140514_125813.csv GYPB*Mur
New Batch
Green Unknown1 4_20140514_125813.csv Diego DI*A DI*B Dia (DI:1) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown1 4_20140514_125813.csv DI*B Dib (DI:2) +
New Batch
Green Unknown1 4_20140514_125813.csv Dombrock DO*A DO*A, DO*B Doa (DO:1) +
New Batch
Green Unknown1 4_20140514_125813.csv DO*B Dob (DO:2) +
New Batch
Green Unknown1 4_20140514_125813.csv DO*B_HY- Hy (DO:4) +
New Batch
Green Unknown1 4_20140514_125813.csv DO*A_JOA- Joa (DO:5) +

93 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green Unknown1 4_20140514_125813.csv Colton CO*A CO*A Coa (CO:1) +
New Batch
Green Unknown1 4_20140514_125813.csv CO*B Cob (CO:2) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown1 4_20140514_125813.csv Cartwright YT*A YT*A Yta (YT:1) +
New Batch
Green Unknown1 4_20140514_125813.csv YT*B Ytb (YT:2) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown1 4_20140514_125813.csv Lutheran LU*A LU*B Lua (LU:1) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown1 4_20140514_125813.csv LU*B Lub (LU:2) +
New Batch
Green Unknown2 4_20140514_125813.csv Rh RHCE*ce RHCE*ce, RHCE*cE C (RH:2) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown2 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*Ce E (RH:3) +
New Batch
Green Unknown2 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*cE c (RH:4) +
New Batch
Green Unknown2 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*CE e (RH:5) +
New Batch
Green Unknown2 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*CeCW CW (RH:8) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown2 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*ceCW V (RH:10) 0

94 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green Unknown2 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*CECW hrS (RH:19) +
New Batch
Green Unknown2 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*ceAR VS (RH:20) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown2 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*CeFV hrB (RH:31) +
New Batch
Green Unknown2 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*CeVG
New Batch
Green Unknown2 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*cEFM
New Batch
Green Unknown2 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*ce[712G]
New Batch
Green Unknown2 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*ce[733G]
New Batch
Green Unknown2 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green Unknown2 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*CE-D[2, 5, 7]-CE
New Batch
Green Unknown2 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*cE[697G,712G,733G]
New Batch RHD*r’s-
Green Unknown2 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green Unknown2 4_20140514_125813.csv Kell KEL*K_KPB_JSB KEL*k_KPB_JSB K (KEL:1) 0

95 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green Unknown2 4_20140514_125813.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSB k (KEL:2) +
New Batch
Green Unknown2 4_20140514_125813.csv KEL*k_KPA_JSB Kpa (KEL:3) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown2 4_20140514_125813.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSA Kpb (KEL:4) +
New Batch
Green Unknown2 4_20140514_125813.csv Jsa (KEL:6) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown2 4_20140514_125813.csv Jsb (KEL:7) +
New Batch
Green Unknown2 4_20140514_125813.csv Kidd JK*A JK*A, JK*B Jka (JK:1) +
New Batch
Green Unknown2 4_20140514_125813.csv JK*B Jkb (JK:2) +
New Batch
Green Unknown2 4_20140514_125813.csv JK*B_null(IVS5-1a)
New Batch
Green Unknown2 4_20140514_125813.csv JK*B_null(871C)
New Batch
Green Unknown2 4_20140514_125813.csv Duffy FY*A FY*A, FY*B Fya (FY:1) +
New Batch
Green Unknown2 4_20140514_125813.csv FY*B Fyb (FY:2) +
New Batch
Green Unknown2 4_20140514_125813.csv FY*B_GATA

96 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green Unknown2 4_20140514_125813.csv FY*B[265T]_FY*X
New Batch
Green Unknown2 4_20140514_125813.csv MNS GYPA*M GYPA*M M (MNS:1) +
New Batch
Green Unknown2 4_20140514_125813.csv GYPA*N N (MNS:2) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown2 4_20140514_125813.csv GYPB*S GYPB*S, GYPB*s S (MNS:3) +
New Batch
Green Unknown2 4_20140514_125813.csv GYPB*s s (MNS:4) +
New Batch
Green Unknown2 4_20140514_125813.csv GYPB*S_null(IVS5+5t) U (MNS:5) +
New Batch
Green Unknown2 4_20140514_125813.csv GYPB*S_null(230T) Mia (MNS:7) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown2 4_20140514_125813.csv GYPB*deletion
New Batch
Green Unknown2 4_20140514_125813.csv GYPB*Mur
New Batch
Green Unknown2 4_20140514_125813.csv Diego DI*A DI*B Dia (DI:1) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown2 4_20140514_125813.csv DI*B Dib (DI:2) +
New Batch
Green Unknown2 4_20140514_125813.csv Dombrock DO*A DO*A Doa (DO:1) +

97 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green Unknown2 4_20140514_125813.csv DO*B Dob (DO:2) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown2 4_20140514_125813.csv DO*B_HY- Hy (DO:4) +
New Batch
Green Unknown2 4_20140514_125813.csv DO*A_JOA- Joa (DO:5) +
New Batch
Green Unknown2 4_20140514_125813.csv Colton CO*A CO*A Coa (CO:1) +
New Batch
Green Unknown2 4_20140514_125813.csv CO*B Cob (CO:2) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown2 4_20140514_125813.csv Cartwright YT*A YT*A Yta (YT:1) +
New Batch
Green Unknown2 4_20140514_125813.csv YT*B Ytb (YT:2) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown2 4_20140514_125813.csv Lutheran LU*A LU*B Lua (LU:1) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown2 4_20140514_125813.csv LU*B Lub (LU:2) +
New Batch
Green Unknown3 4_20140514_125813.csv Rh RHCE*ce RHCE*cE C (RH:2) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown3 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*Ce E (RH:3) +
New Batch
Green Unknown3 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*cE c (RH:4) +

98 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green Unknown3 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*CE e (RH:5) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown3 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*CeCW CW (RH:8) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown3 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*ceCW V (RH:10) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown3 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*CECW hrS (RH:19) +
New Batch
Green Unknown3 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*ceAR VS (RH:20) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown3 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*CeFV hrB (RH:31) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown3 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*CeVG
New Batch
Green Unknown3 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*cEFM
New Batch
Green Unknown3 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*ce[712G]
New Batch
Green Unknown3 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*ce[733G]
New Batch
Green Unknown3 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green Unknown3 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*CE-D[2, 5, 7]-CE

99 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green Unknown3 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*cE[697G,712G,733G]
New Batch RHD*r’s-
Green Unknown3 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green Unknown3 4_20140514_125813.csv Kell KEL*K_KPB_JSB KEL*k_KPB_JSB K (KEL:1) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown3 4_20140514_125813.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSB k (KEL:2) +
New Batch
Green Unknown3 4_20140514_125813.csv KEL*k_KPA_JSB Kpa (KEL:3) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown3 4_20140514_125813.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSA Kpb (KEL:4) +
New Batch
Green Unknown3 4_20140514_125813.csv Jsa (KEL:6) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown3 4_20140514_125813.csv Jsb (KEL:7) +
New Batch
Green Unknown3 4_20140514_125813.csv Kidd JK*A JK*B Jka (JK:1) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown3 4_20140514_125813.csv JK*B Jkb (JK:2) +
New Batch
Green Unknown3 4_20140514_125813.csv JK*B_null(IVS5-1a)
New Batch
Green Unknown3 4_20140514_125813.csv JK*B_null(871C)

100 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green Unknown3 4_20140514_125813.csv Duffy FY*A FY*A, FY*B Fya (FY:1) +
New Batch
Green Unknown3 4_20140514_125813.csv FY*B Fyb (FY:2) +
New Batch
Green Unknown3 4_20140514_125813.csv FY*B_GATA
New Batch
Green Unknown3 4_20140514_125813.csv FY*B[265T]_FY*X
New Batch
Green Unknown3 4_20140514_125813.csv MNS GYPA*M GYPA*M, GYPA*N M (MNS:1) +
New Batch
Green Unknown3 4_20140514_125813.csv GYPA*N N (MNS:2) +
New Batch
Green Unknown3 4_20140514_125813.csv GYPB*S GYPB*s S (MNS:3) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown3 4_20140514_125813.csv GYPB*s s (MNS:4) +
New Batch
Green Unknown3 4_20140514_125813.csv GYPB*S_null(IVS5+5t) U (MNS:5) +
New Batch
Green Unknown3 4_20140514_125813.csv GYPB*S_null(230T) Mia (MNS:7) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown3 4_20140514_125813.csv GYPB*deletion
New Batch
Green Unknown3 4_20140514_125813.csv GYPB*Mur

101 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green Unknown3 4_20140514_125813.csv Diego DI*A DI*B Dia (DI:1) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown3 4_20140514_125813.csv DI*B Dib (DI:2) +
New Batch
Green Unknown3 4_20140514_125813.csv Dombrock DO*A DO*B Doa (DO:1) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown3 4_20140514_125813.csv DO*B Dob (DO:2) +
New Batch
Green Unknown3 4_20140514_125813.csv DO*B_HY- Hy (DO:4) +
New Batch
Green Unknown3 4_20140514_125813.csv DO*A_JOA- Joa (DO:5) +
New Batch
Green Unknown3 4_20140514_125813.csv Colton CO*A CO*A Coa (CO:1) +
New Batch
Green Unknown3 4_20140514_125813.csv CO*B Cob (CO:2) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown3 4_20140514_125813.csv Cartwright YT*A YT*A Yta (YT:1) +
New Batch
Green Unknown3 4_20140514_125813.csv YT*B Ytb (YT:2) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown3 4_20140514_125813.csv Lutheran LU*A LU*B Lua (LU:1) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown3 4_20140514_125813.csv LU*B Lub (LU:2) +

102 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green Unknown4 4_20140514_125813.csv Rh RHCE*ce RHCE*ce, RHCE*Ce C (RH:2) +
New Batch
Green Unknown4 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*Ce E (RH:3) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown4 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*cE c (RH:4) +
New Batch
Green Unknown4 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*CE e (RH:5) +
New Batch
Green Unknown4 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*CeCW CW (RH:8) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown4 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*ceCW V (RH:10) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown4 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*CECW hrS (RH:19) +
New Batch
Green Unknown4 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*ceAR VS (RH:20) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown4 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*CeFV hrB (RH:31) +
New Batch
Green Unknown4 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*CeVG
New Batch
Green Unknown4 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*cEFM
New Batch
Green Unknown4 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*ce[712G]

103 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green Unknown4 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*ce[733G]
New Batch
Green Unknown4 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green Unknown4 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*CE-D[2, 5, 7]-CE
New Batch
Green Unknown4 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*cE[697G,712G,733G]
New Batch RHD*r’s-
Green Unknown4 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch KEL*K_KPB_JSB,
Green Unknown4 4_20140514_125813.csv Kell KEL*K_KPB_JSB KEL*k_KPB_JSB K (KEL:1) +
New Batch
Green Unknown4 4_20140514_125813.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSB k (KEL:2) +
New Batch
Green Unknown4 4_20140514_125813.csv KEL*k_KPA_JSB Kpa (KEL:3) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown4 4_20140514_125813.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSA Kpb (KEL:4) +
New Batch
Green Unknown4 4_20140514_125813.csv Jsa (KEL:6) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown4 4_20140514_125813.csv Jsb (KEL:7) +
New Batch
Green Unknown4 4_20140514_125813.csv Kidd JK*A JK*A Jka (JK:1) +

104 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green Unknown4 4_20140514_125813.csv JK*B Jkb (JK:2) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown4 4_20140514_125813.csv JK*B_null(IVS5-1a)
New Batch
Green Unknown4 4_20140514_125813.csv JK*B_null(871C)
New Batch
Green Unknown4 4_20140514_125813.csv Duffy FY*A FY*A, FY*B Fya (FY:1) +
New Batch
Green Unknown4 4_20140514_125813.csv FY*B Fyb (FY:2) +
New Batch
Green Unknown4 4_20140514_125813.csv FY*B_GATA
New Batch
Green Unknown4 4_20140514_125813.csv FY*B[265T]_FY*X
New Batch
Green Unknown4 4_20140514_125813.csv MNS GYPA*M GYPA*M M (MNS:1) +
New Batch
Green Unknown4 4_20140514_125813.csv GYPA*N N (MNS:2) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown4 4_20140514_125813.csv GYPB*S GYPB*s S (MNS:3) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown4 4_20140514_125813.csv GYPB*s s (MNS:4) +
New Batch
Green Unknown4 4_20140514_125813.csv GYPB*S_null(IVS5+5t) U (MNS:5) +

105 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green Unknown4 4_20140514_125813.csv GYPB*S_null(230T) Mia (MNS:7) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown4 4_20140514_125813.csv GYPB*deletion
New Batch
Green Unknown4 4_20140514_125813.csv GYPB*Mur
New Batch
Green Unknown4 4_20140514_125813.csv Diego DI*A DI*B Dia (DI:1) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown4 4_20140514_125813.csv DI*B Dib (DI:2) +
New Batch
Green Unknown4 4_20140514_125813.csv Dombrock DO*A DO*A, DO*B Doa (DO:1) +
New Batch
Green Unknown4 4_20140514_125813.csv DO*B Dob (DO:2) +
New Batch
Green Unknown4 4_20140514_125813.csv DO*B_HY- Hy (DO:4) +
New Batch
Green Unknown4 4_20140514_125813.csv DO*A_JOA- Joa (DO:5) +
New Batch
Green Unknown4 4_20140514_125813.csv Colton CO*A CO*A Coa (CO:1) +
New Batch
Green Unknown4 4_20140514_125813.csv CO*B Cob (CO:2) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown4 4_20140514_125813.csv Cartwright YT*A YT*A Yta (YT:1) +

106 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green Unknown4 4_20140514_125813.csv YT*B Ytb (YT:2) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown4 4_20140514_125813.csv Lutheran LU*A LU*B Lua (LU:1) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown4 4_20140514_125813.csv LU*B Lub (LU:2) +
New Batch
Green Unknown5 4_20140514_125813.csv Rh RHCE*ce RHCE*cE C (RH:2) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown5 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*Ce E (RH:3) +
New Batch
Green Unknown5 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*cE c (RH:4) +
New Batch
Green Unknown5 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*CE e (RH:5) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown5 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*CeCW CW (RH:8) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown5 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*ceCW V (RH:10) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown5 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*CECW hrS (RH:19) +
New Batch
Green Unknown5 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*ceAR VS (RH:20) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown5 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*CeFV hrB (RH:31) 0

107 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green Unknown5 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*CeVG
New Batch
Green Unknown5 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*cEFM
New Batch
Green Unknown5 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*ce[712G]
New Batch
Green Unknown5 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*ce[733G]
New Batch
Green Unknown5 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green Unknown5 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*CE-D[2, 5, 7]-CE
New Batch
Green Unknown5 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*cE[697G,712G,733G]
New Batch RHD*r’s-
Green Unknown5 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green Unknown5 4_20140514_125813.csv Kell KEL*K_KPB_JSB KEL*k_KPB_JSB K (KEL:1) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown5 4_20140514_125813.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSB k (KEL:2) +
New Batch
Green Unknown5 4_20140514_125813.csv KEL*k_KPA_JSB Kpa (KEL:3) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown5 4_20140514_125813.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSA Kpb (KEL:4) +

108 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green Unknown5 4_20140514_125813.csv Jsa (KEL:6) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown5 4_20140514_125813.csv Jsb (KEL:7) +
New Batch
Green Unknown5 4_20140514_125813.csv Kidd JK*A JK*A Jka (JK:1) +
New Batch
Green Unknown5 4_20140514_125813.csv JK*B Jkb (JK:2) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown5 4_20140514_125813.csv JK*B_null(IVS5-1a)
New Batch
Green Unknown5 4_20140514_125813.csv JK*B_null(871C)
New Batch
Green Unknown5 4_20140514_125813.csv Duffy FY*A FY*A Fya (FY:1) +
New Batch
Green Unknown5 4_20140514_125813.csv FY*B Fyb (FY:2) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown5 4_20140514_125813.csv FY*B_GATA
New Batch
Green Unknown5 4_20140514_125813.csv FY*B[265T]_FY*X
New Batch
Green Unknown5 4_20140514_125813.csv MNS GYPA*M GYPA*N M (MNS:1) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown5 4_20140514_125813.csv GYPA*N N (MNS:2) +

109 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green Unknown5 4_20140514_125813.csv GYPB*S GYPB*s S (MNS:3) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown5 4_20140514_125813.csv GYPB*s s (MNS:4) +
New Batch
Green Unknown5 4_20140514_125813.csv GYPB*S_null(IVS5+5t) U (MNS:5) +
New Batch
Green Unknown5 4_20140514_125813.csv GYPB*S_null(230T) Mia (MNS:7) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown5 4_20140514_125813.csv GYPB*deletion
New Batch
Green Unknown5 4_20140514_125813.csv GYPB*Mur
New Batch
Green Unknown5 4_20140514_125813.csv Diego DI*A DI*B Dia (DI:1) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown5 4_20140514_125813.csv DI*B Dib (DI:2) +
New Batch
Green Unknown5 4_20140514_125813.csv Dombrock DO*A DO*A Doa (DO:1) +
New Batch
Green Unknown5 4_20140514_125813.csv DO*B Dob (DO:2) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown5 4_20140514_125813.csv DO*B_HY- Hy (DO:4) +
New Batch
Green Unknown5 4_20140514_125813.csv DO*A_JOA- Joa (DO:5) +

110 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green Unknown5 4_20140514_125813.csv Colton CO*A CO*A Coa (CO:1) +
New Batch
Green Unknown5 4_20140514_125813.csv CO*B Cob (CO:2) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown5 4_20140514_125813.csv Cartwright YT*A YT*A Yta (YT:1) +
New Batch
Green Unknown5 4_20140514_125813.csv YT*B Ytb (YT:2) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown5 4_20140514_125813.csv Lutheran LU*A LU*B Lua (LU:1) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown5 4_20140514_125813.csv LU*B Lub (LU:2) +
New Batch
Green Unknown6 4_20140514_125813.csv Rh RHCE*ce RHCE*ce, RHCE*cE C (RH:2) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown6 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*Ce E (RH:3) +
New Batch
Green Unknown6 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*cE c (RH:4) +
New Batch
Green Unknown6 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*CE e (RH:5) +
New Batch
Green Unknown6 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*CeCW CW (RH:8) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown6 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*ceCW V (RH:10) 0

111 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green Unknown6 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*CECW hrS (RH:19) +
New Batch
Green Unknown6 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*ceAR VS (RH:20) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown6 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*CeFV hrB (RH:31) +
New Batch
Green Unknown6 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*CeVG
New Batch
Green Unknown6 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*cEFM
New Batch
Green Unknown6 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*ce[712G]
New Batch
Green Unknown6 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*ce[733G]
New Batch
Green Unknown6 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green Unknown6 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*CE-D[2, 5, 7]-CE
New Batch
Green Unknown6 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*cE[697G,712G,733G]
New Batch RHD*r’s-
Green Unknown6 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green Unknown6 4_20140514_125813.csv Kell KEL*K_KPB_JSB KEL*k_KPB_JSB K (KEL:1) 0

112 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green Unknown6 4_20140514_125813.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSB k (KEL:2) +
New Batch
Green Unknown6 4_20140514_125813.csv KEL*k_KPA_JSB Kpa (KEL:3) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown6 4_20140514_125813.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSA Kpb (KEL:4) +
New Batch
Green Unknown6 4_20140514_125813.csv Jsa (KEL:6) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown6 4_20140514_125813.csv Jsb (KEL:7) +
New Batch
Green Unknown6 4_20140514_125813.csv Kidd JK*A JK*B Jka (JK:1) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown6 4_20140514_125813.csv JK*B Jkb (JK:2) +
New Batch
Green Unknown6 4_20140514_125813.csv JK*B_null(IVS5-1a)
New Batch
Green Unknown6 4_20140514_125813.csv JK*B_null(871C)
New Batch
Green Unknown6 4_20140514_125813.csv Duffy FY*A FY*B Fya (FY:1) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown6 4_20140514_125813.csv FY*B Fyb (FY:2) +
New Batch
Green Unknown6 4_20140514_125813.csv FY*B_GATA

113 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green Unknown6 4_20140514_125813.csv FY*B[265T]_FY*X
New Batch
Green Unknown6 4_20140514_125813.csv MNS GYPA*M GYPA*M M (MNS:1) +
New Batch
Green Unknown6 4_20140514_125813.csv GYPA*N N (MNS:2) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown6 4_20140514_125813.csv GYPB*S GYPB*S, GYPB*s S (MNS:3) +
New Batch
Green Unknown6 4_20140514_125813.csv GYPB*s s (MNS:4) +
New Batch
Green Unknown6 4_20140514_125813.csv GYPB*S_null(IVS5+5t) U (MNS:5) +
New Batch
Green Unknown6 4_20140514_125813.csv GYPB*S_null(230T) Mia (MNS:7) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown6 4_20140514_125813.csv GYPB*deletion
New Batch
Green Unknown6 4_20140514_125813.csv GYPB*Mur
New Batch
Green Unknown6 4_20140514_125813.csv Diego DI*A DI*B Dia (DI:1) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown6 4_20140514_125813.csv DI*B Dib (DI:2) +
New Batch
Green Unknown6 4_20140514_125813.csv Dombrock DO*A DO*B Doa (DO:1) 0

114 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green Unknown6 4_20140514_125813.csv DO*B Dob (DO:2) +
New Batch
Green Unknown6 4_20140514_125813.csv DO*B_HY- Hy (DO:4) +
New Batch
Green Unknown6 4_20140514_125813.csv DO*A_JOA- Joa (DO:5) +
New Batch
Green Unknown6 4_20140514_125813.csv Colton CO*A CO*A Coa (CO:1) +
New Batch
Green Unknown6 4_20140514_125813.csv CO*B Cob (CO:2) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown6 4_20140514_125813.csv Cartwright YT*A YT*A Yta (YT:1) +
New Batch
Green Unknown6 4_20140514_125813.csv YT*B Ytb (YT:2) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown6 4_20140514_125813.csv Lutheran LU*A LU*B Lua (LU:1) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown6 4_20140514_125813.csv LU*B Lub (LU:2) +
New Batch
Green Unknown7 4_20140514_125813.csv Rh RHCE*ce RHCE*ce, RHCE*cE C (RH:2) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown7 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*Ce E (RH:3) +
New Batch
Green Unknown7 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*cE c (RH:4) +

115 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green Unknown7 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*CE e (RH:5) +
New Batch
Green Unknown7 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*CeCW CW (RH:8) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown7 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*ceCW V (RH:10) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown7 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*CECW hrS (RH:19) +
New Batch
Green Unknown7 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*ceAR VS (RH:20) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown7 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*CeFV hrB (RH:31) +
New Batch
Green Unknown7 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*CeVG
New Batch
Green Unknown7 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*cEFM
New Batch
Green Unknown7 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*ce[712G]
New Batch
Green Unknown7 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*ce[733G]
New Batch
Green Unknown7 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green Unknown7 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*CE-D[2, 5, 7]-CE

116 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green Unknown7 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*cE[697G,712G,733G]
New Batch RHD*r’s-
Green Unknown7 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green Unknown7 4_20140514_125813.csv Kell KEL*K_KPB_JSB KEL*k_KPB_JSB K (KEL:1) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown7 4_20140514_125813.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSB k (KEL:2) +
New Batch
Green Unknown7 4_20140514_125813.csv KEL*k_KPA_JSB Kpa (KEL:3) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown7 4_20140514_125813.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSA Kpb (KEL:4) +
New Batch
Green Unknown7 4_20140514_125813.csv Jsa (KEL:6) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown7 4_20140514_125813.csv Jsb (KEL:7) +
New Batch
Green Unknown7 4_20140514_125813.csv Kidd JK*A JK*A, JK*B Jka (JK:1) +
New Batch
Green Unknown7 4_20140514_125813.csv JK*B Jkb (JK:2) +
New Batch
Green Unknown7 4_20140514_125813.csv JK*B_null(IVS5-1a)
New Batch
Green Unknown7 4_20140514_125813.csv JK*B_null(871C)

117 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green Unknown7 4_20140514_125813.csv Duffy FY*A FY*A Fya (FY:1) +
New Batch
Green Unknown7 4_20140514_125813.csv FY*B Fyb (FY:2) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown7 4_20140514_125813.csv FY*B_GATA
New Batch
Green Unknown7 4_20140514_125813.csv FY*B[265T]_FY*X
New Batch
Green Unknown7 4_20140514_125813.csv MNS GYPA*M GYPA*M, GYPA*N M (MNS:1) +
New Batch
Green Unknown7 4_20140514_125813.csv GYPA*N N (MNS:2) +
New Batch
Green Unknown7 4_20140514_125813.csv GYPB*S GYPB*S, GYPB*s S (MNS:3) +
New Batch
Green Unknown7 4_20140514_125813.csv GYPB*s s (MNS:4) +
New Batch
Green Unknown7 4_20140514_125813.csv GYPB*S_null(IVS5+5t) U (MNS:5) +
New Batch
Green Unknown7 4_20140514_125813.csv GYPB*S_null(230T) Mia (MNS:7) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown7 4_20140514_125813.csv GYPB*deletion
New Batch
Green Unknown7 4_20140514_125813.csv GYPB*Mur

118 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green Unknown7 4_20140514_125813.csv Diego DI*A DI*B Dia (DI:1) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown7 4_20140514_125813.csv DI*B Dib (DI:2) +
New Batch
Green Unknown7 4_20140514_125813.csv Dombrock DO*A DO*A, DO*B Doa (DO:1) +
New Batch
Green Unknown7 4_20140514_125813.csv DO*B Dob (DO:2) +
New Batch
Green Unknown7 4_20140514_125813.csv DO*B_HY- Hy (DO:4) +
New Batch
Green Unknown7 4_20140514_125813.csv DO*A_JOA- Joa (DO:5) +
New Batch
Green Unknown7 4_20140514_125813.csv Colton CO*A CO*A Coa (CO:1) +
New Batch
Green Unknown7 4_20140514_125813.csv CO*B Cob (CO:2) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown7 4_20140514_125813.csv Cartwright YT*A YT*A Yta (YT:1) +
New Batch
Green Unknown7 4_20140514_125813.csv YT*B Ytb (YT:2) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown7 4_20140514_125813.csv Lutheran LU*A LU*B Lua (LU:1) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown7 4_20140514_125813.csv LU*B Lub (LU:2) +

119 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green Unknown8 4_20140514_125813.csv Rh RHCE*ce RHCE*Ce C (RH:2) +
New Batch
Green Unknown8 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*Ce E (RH:3) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown8 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*cE c (RH:4) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown8 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*CE e (RH:5) +
New Batch
Green Unknown8 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*CeCW CW (RH:8) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown8 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*ceCW V (RH:10) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown8 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*CECW hrS (RH:19) +
New Batch
Green Unknown8 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*ceAR VS (RH:20) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown8 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*CeFV hrB (RH:31) +
New Batch
Green Unknown8 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*CeVG
New Batch
Green Unknown8 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*cEFM
New Batch
Green Unknown8 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*ce[712G]

120 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green Unknown8 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*ce[733G]
New Batch
Green Unknown8 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green Unknown8 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*CE-D[2, 5, 7]-CE
New Batch
Green Unknown8 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*cE[697G,712G,733G]
New Batch RHD*r’s-
Green Unknown8 4_20140514_125813.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green Unknown8 4_20140514_125813.csv Kell KEL*K_KPB_JSB KEL*k_KPB_JSB K (KEL:1) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown8 4_20140514_125813.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSB k (KEL:2) +
New Batch
Green Unknown8 4_20140514_125813.csv KEL*k_KPA_JSB Kpa (KEL:3) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown8 4_20140514_125813.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSA Kpb (KEL:4) +
New Batch
Green Unknown8 4_20140514_125813.csv Jsa (KEL:6) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown8 4_20140514_125813.csv Jsb (KEL:7) +
New Batch
Green Unknown8 4_20140514_125813.csv Kidd JK*A JK*A, JK*B Jka (JK:1) +

121 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green Unknown8 4_20140514_125813.csv JK*B Jkb (JK:2) +
New Batch
Green Unknown8 4_20140514_125813.csv JK*B_null(IVS5-1a)
New Batch
Green Unknown8 4_20140514_125813.csv JK*B_null(871C)
New Batch
Green Unknown8 4_20140514_125813.csv Duffy FY*A FY*A Fya (FY:1) +
New Batch
Green Unknown8 4_20140514_125813.csv FY*B Fyb (FY:2) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown8 4_20140514_125813.csv FY*B_GATA
New Batch
Green Unknown8 4_20140514_125813.csv FY*B[265T]_FY*X
New Batch
Green Unknown8 4_20140514_125813.csv MNS GYPA*M GYPA*M, GYPA*N M (MNS:1) +
New Batch
Green Unknown8 4_20140514_125813.csv GYPA*N N (MNS:2) +
New Batch
Green Unknown8 4_20140514_125813.csv GYPB*S GYPB*S, GYPB*s S (MNS:3) +
New Batch
Green Unknown8 4_20140514_125813.csv GYPB*s s (MNS:4) +
New Batch
Green Unknown8 4_20140514_125813.csv GYPB*S_null(IVS5+5t) U (MNS:5) +

122 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green Unknown8 4_20140514_125813.csv GYPB*S_null(230T) Mia (MNS:7) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown8 4_20140514_125813.csv GYPB*deletion
New Batch
Green Unknown8 4_20140514_125813.csv GYPB*Mur
New Batch
Green Unknown8 4_20140514_125813.csv Diego DI*A DI*B Dia (DI:1) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown8 4_20140514_125813.csv DI*B Dib (DI:2) +
New Batch
Green Unknown8 4_20140514_125813.csv Dombrock DO*A DO*B Doa (DO:1) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown8 4_20140514_125813.csv DO*B Dob (DO:2) +
New Batch
Green Unknown8 4_20140514_125813.csv DO*B_HY- Hy (DO:4) +
New Batch
Green Unknown8 4_20140514_125813.csv DO*A_JOA- Joa (DO:5) +
New Batch
Green Unknown8 4_20140514_125813.csv Colton CO*A CO*A Coa (CO:1) +
New Batch
Green Unknown8 4_20140514_125813.csv CO*B Cob (CO:2) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown8 4_20140514_125813.csv Cartwright YT*A YT*A Yta (YT:1) +

123 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green Unknown8 4_20140514_125813.csv YT*B Ytb (YT:2) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown8 4_20140514_125813.csv Lutheran LU*A LU*B Lua (LU:1) 0
New Batch
Green Unknown8 4_20140514_125813.csv LU*B Lub (LU:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1307335 5_20140514_171740.csv Rh RHCE*ce RHCE*Ce C (RH:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1307335 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*Ce E (RH:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307335 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*cE c (RH:4) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307335 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CE e (RH:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1307335 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CeCW CW (RH:8) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307335 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ceCW V (RH:10) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307335 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CECW hrS (RH:19) +
New Batch
Green EX1307335 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ceAR VS (RH:20) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307335 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CeFV hrB (RH:31) +

124 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1307335 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CeVG
New Batch
Green EX1307335 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*cEFM
New Batch
Green EX1307335 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[712G]
New Batch
Green EX1307335 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[733G]
New Batch
Green EX1307335 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1307335 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CE-D[2, 5, 7]-CE
New Batch
Green EX1307335 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*cE[697G,712G,733G]
New Batch RHD*r’s-
Green EX1307335 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1307335 5_20140514_171740.csv Kell KEL*K_KPB_JSB KEL*k_KPB_JSB K (KEL:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307335 5_20140514_171740.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSB k (KEL:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1307335 5_20140514_171740.csv KEL*k_KPA_JSB Kpa (KEL:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307335 5_20140514_171740.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSA Kpb (KEL:4) +

125 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1307335 5_20140514_171740.csv Jsa (KEL:6) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307335 5_20140514_171740.csv Jsb (KEL:7) +
New Batch
Green EX1307335 5_20140514_171740.csv Kidd JK*A JK*A, JK*B Jka (JK:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1307335 5_20140514_171740.csv JK*B Jkb (JK:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1307335 5_20140514_171740.csv JK*B_null(IVS5-1a)
New Batch
Green EX1307335 5_20140514_171740.csv JK*B_null(871C)
New Batch
Green EX1307335 5_20140514_171740.csv Duffy FY*A FY*B Fya (FY:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307335 5_20140514_171740.csv FY*B Fyb (FY:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1307335 5_20140514_171740.csv FY*B_GATA
New Batch
Green EX1307335 5_20140514_171740.csv FY*B[265T]_FY*X
New Batch
Green EX1307335 5_20140514_171740.csv MNS GYPA*M GYPA*M, GYPA*N M (MNS:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1307335 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPA*N N (MNS:2) +

126 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1307335 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*S GYPB*S, GYPB*s S (MNS:3) +
New Batch
Green EX1307335 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*s s (MNS:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1307335 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*S_null(IVS5+5t) U (MNS:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1307335 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*S_null(230T) Mia (MNS:7) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307335 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*deletion
New Batch
Green EX1307335 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*Mur
New Batch
Green EX1307335 5_20140514_171740.csv Diego DI*A DI*B Dia (DI:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307335 5_20140514_171740.csv DI*B Dib (DI:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1307335 5_20140514_171740.csv Dombrock DO*A DO*A, DO*B Doa (DO:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1307335 5_20140514_171740.csv DO*B Dob (DO:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1307335 5_20140514_171740.csv DO*B_HY- Hy (DO:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1307335 5_20140514_171740.csv DO*A_JOA- Joa (DO:5) +

127 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1307335 5_20140514_171740.csv Colton CO*A CO*A Coa (CO:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1307335 5_20140514_171740.csv CO*B Cob (CO:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307335 5_20140514_171740.csv Cartwright YT*A YT*A Yta (YT:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1307335 5_20140514_171740.csv YT*B Ytb (YT:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307335 5_20140514_171740.csv Lutheran LU*A LU*B Lua (LU:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307335 5_20140514_171740.csv LU*B Lub (LU:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1307336 5_20140514_171740.csv Rh RHCE*ce RHCE*Ce, RHCE*cE(10) C (RH:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1307336 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*Ce E (RH:3) +
New Batch
Green EX1307336 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*cE c (RH:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1307336 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CE e (RH:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1307336 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CeCW CW (RH:8) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307336 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ceCW V (RH:10) 0

128 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1307336 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CECW hrS (RH:19) +
New Batch
Green EX1307336 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ceAR VS (RH:20) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307336 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CeFV hrB (RH:31) +
New Batch
Green EX1307336 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CeVG
New Batch
Green EX1307336 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*cEFM
New Batch
Green EX1307336 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[712G]
New Batch
Green EX1307336 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[733G]
New Batch
Green EX1307336 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1307336 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CE-D[2, 5, 7]-CE
New Batch
Green EX1307336 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*cE[697G,712G,733G]
New Batch RHD*r’s-
Green EX1307336 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1307336 5_20140514_171740.csv Kell KEL*K_KPB_JSB KEL*k_KPB_JSB K (KEL:1) 0

129 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1307336 5_20140514_171740.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSB k (KEL:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1307336 5_20140514_171740.csv KEL*k_KPA_JSB Kpa (KEL:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307336 5_20140514_171740.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSA Kpb (KEL:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1307336 5_20140514_171740.csv Jsa (KEL:6) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307336 5_20140514_171740.csv Jsb (KEL:7) +
New Batch
Green EX1307336 5_20140514_171740.csv Kidd JK*A JK*A Jka (JK:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1307336 5_20140514_171740.csv JK*B Jkb (JK:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307336 5_20140514_171740.csv JK*B_null(IVS5-1a)
New Batch
Green EX1307336 5_20140514_171740.csv JK*B_null(871C)
New Batch
Green EX1307336 5_20140514_171740.csv Duffy FY*A FY*B, FY*B[265T]_FY*X Fya (FY:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307336 5_20140514_171740.csv FY*B Fyb (FY:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1307336 5_20140514_171740.csv FY*B_GATA

130 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1307336 5_20140514_171740.csv FY*B[265T]_FY*X
New Batch
Green EX1307336 5_20140514_171740.csv MNS GYPA*M GYPA*M, GYPA*N M (MNS:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1307336 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPA*N N (MNS:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1307336 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*S GYPB*S S (MNS:3) +
New Batch
Green EX1307336 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*s s (MNS:4) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307336 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*S_null(IVS5+5t) U (MNS:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1307336 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*S_null(230T) Mia (MNS:7) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307336 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*deletion
New Batch
Green EX1307336 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*Mur
New Batch
Green EX1307336 5_20140514_171740.csv Diego DI*A DI*B Dia (DI:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307336 5_20140514_171740.csv DI*B Dib (DI:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1307336 5_20140514_171740.csv Dombrock DO*A DO*B Doa (DO:1) 0

131 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1307336 5_20140514_171740.csv DO*B Dob (DO:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1307336 5_20140514_171740.csv DO*B_HY- Hy (DO:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1307336 5_20140514_171740.csv DO*A_JOA- Joa (DO:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1307336 5_20140514_171740.csv Colton CO*A CO*A Coa (CO:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1307336 5_20140514_171740.csv CO*B Cob (CO:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307336 5_20140514_171740.csv Cartwright YT*A YT*A Yta (YT:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1307336 5_20140514_171740.csv YT*B Ytb (YT:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307336 5_20140514_171740.csv Lutheran LU*A LU*B Lua (LU:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307336 5_20140514_171740.csv LU*B Lub (LU:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1307657 5_20140514_171740.csv Rh RHCE*ce RHCE*Ce C (RH:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1307657 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*Ce E (RH:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307657 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*cE c (RH:4) 0

132 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1307657 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CE e (RH:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1307657 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CeCW CW (RH:8) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307657 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ceCW V (RH:10) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307657 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CECW hrS (RH:19) +
New Batch
Green EX1307657 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ceAR VS (RH:20) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307657 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CeFV hrB (RH:31) +
New Batch
Green EX1307657 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CeVG
New Batch
Green EX1307657 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*cEFM
New Batch
Green EX1307657 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[712G]
New Batch
Green EX1307657 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[733G]
New Batch
Green EX1307657 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1307657 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CE-D[2, 5, 7]-CE

133 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1307657 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*cE[697G,712G,733G]
New Batch RHD*r’s-
Green EX1307657 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1307657 5_20140514_171740.csv Kell KEL*K_KPB_JSB KEL*k_KPB_JSB K (KEL:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307657 5_20140514_171740.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSB k (KEL:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1307657 5_20140514_171740.csv KEL*k_KPA_JSB Kpa (KEL:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307657 5_20140514_171740.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSA Kpb (KEL:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1307657 5_20140514_171740.csv Jsa (KEL:6) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307657 5_20140514_171740.csv Jsb (KEL:7) +
New Batch
Green EX1307657 5_20140514_171740.csv Kidd JK*A JK*A, JK*B Jka (JK:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1307657 5_20140514_171740.csv JK*B Jkb (JK:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1307657 5_20140514_171740.csv JK*B_null(IVS5-1a)
New Batch
Green EX1307657 5_20140514_171740.csv JK*B_null(871C)

134 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1307657 5_20140514_171740.csv Duffy FY*A FY*A, FY*B Fya (FY:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1307657 5_20140514_171740.csv FY*B Fyb (FY:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1307657 5_20140514_171740.csv FY*B_GATA
New Batch
Green EX1307657 5_20140514_171740.csv FY*B[265T]_FY*X
New Batch
Green EX1307657 5_20140514_171740.csv MNS GYPA*M GYPA*M M (MNS:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1307657 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPA*N N (MNS:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307657 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*S GYPB*s S (MNS:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307657 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*s s (MNS:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1307657 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*S_null(IVS5+5t) U (MNS:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1307657 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*S_null(230T) Mia (MNS:7) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307657 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*deletion
New Batch
Green EX1307657 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*Mur

135 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1307657 5_20140514_171740.csv Diego DI*A DI*B Dia (DI:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307657 5_20140514_171740.csv DI*B Dib (DI:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1307657 5_20140514_171740.csv Dombrock DO*A DO*B Doa (DO:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307657 5_20140514_171740.csv DO*B Dob (DO:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1307657 5_20140514_171740.csv DO*B_HY- Hy (DO:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1307657 5_20140514_171740.csv DO*A_JOA- Joa (DO:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1307657 5_20140514_171740.csv Colton CO*A CO*A, CO*B Coa (CO:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1307657 5_20140514_171740.csv CO*B Cob (CO:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1307657 5_20140514_171740.csv Cartwright YT*A YT*A Yta (YT:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1307657 5_20140514_171740.csv YT*B Ytb (YT:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307657 5_20140514_171740.csv Lutheran LU*A LU*B Lua (LU:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307657 5_20140514_171740.csv LU*B Lub (LU:2) +

136 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1307898 5_20140514_171740.csv Rh RHCE*ce RHCE*ce C (RH:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307898 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*Ce E (RH:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307898 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*cE c (RH:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1307898 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CE e (RH:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1307898 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CeCW CW (RH:8) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307898 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ceCW V (RH:10) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307898 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CECW hrS (RH:19) +
New Batch
Green EX1307898 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ceAR VS (RH:20) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307898 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CeFV hrB (RH:31) +
New Batch
Green EX1307898 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CeVG
New Batch
Green EX1307898 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*cEFM
New Batch
Green EX1307898 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[712G]

137 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1307898 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[733G]
New Batch
Green EX1307898 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1307898 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CE-D[2, 5, 7]-CE
New Batch
Green EX1307898 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*cE[697G,712G,733G]
New Batch RHD*r’s-
Green EX1307898 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1307898 5_20140514_171740.csv Kell KEL*K_KPB_JSB KEL*k_KPB_JSB K (KEL:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307898 5_20140514_171740.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSB k (KEL:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1307898 5_20140514_171740.csv KEL*k_KPA_JSB Kpa (KEL:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307898 5_20140514_171740.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSA Kpb (KEL:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1307898 5_20140514_171740.csv Jsa (KEL:6) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307898 5_20140514_171740.csv Jsb (KEL:7) +
New Batch
Green EX1307898 5_20140514_171740.csv Kidd JK*A JK*A Jka (JK:1) +

138 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1307898 5_20140514_171740.csv JK*B Jkb (JK:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307898 5_20140514_171740.csv JK*B_null(IVS5-1a)
New Batch
Green EX1307898 5_20140514_171740.csv JK*B_null(871C)
New Batch
Green EX1307898 5_20140514_171740.csv Duffy FY*A FY*B Fya (FY:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307898 5_20140514_171740.csv FY*B Fyb (FY:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1307898 5_20140514_171740.csv FY*B_GATA
New Batch
Green EX1307898 5_20140514_171740.csv FY*B[265T]_FY*X
New Batch
Green EX1307898 5_20140514_171740.csv MNS GYPA*M GYPA*M, GYPA*N M (MNS:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1307898 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPA*N N (MNS:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1307898 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*S GYPB*s S (MNS:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307898 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*s s (MNS:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1307898 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*S_null(IVS5+5t) U (MNS:5) +

139 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1307898 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*S_null(230T) Mia (MNS:7) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307898 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*deletion
New Batch
Green EX1307898 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*Mur
New Batch
Green EX1307898 5_20140514_171740.csv Diego DI*A DI*B Dia (DI:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307898 5_20140514_171740.csv DI*B Dib (DI:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1307898 5_20140514_171740.csv Dombrock DO*A DO*A, DO*B Doa (DO:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1307898 5_20140514_171740.csv DO*B Dob (DO:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1307898 5_20140514_171740.csv DO*B_HY- Hy (DO:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1307898 5_20140514_171740.csv DO*A_JOA- Joa (DO:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1307898 5_20140514_171740.csv Colton CO*A CO*A Coa (CO:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1307898 5_20140514_171740.csv CO*B Cob (CO:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307898 5_20140514_171740.csv Cartwright YT*A YT*A Yta (YT:1) +

140 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1307898 5_20140514_171740.csv YT*B Ytb (YT:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307898 5_20140514_171740.csv Lutheran LU*A LU*B Lua (LU:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307898 5_20140514_171740.csv LU*B Lub (LU:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1307899 5_20140514_171740.csv Rh RHCE*ce RHCE*ce, RHCE*cE C (RH:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307899 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*Ce E (RH:3) +
New Batch
Green EX1307899 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*cE c (RH:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1307899 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CE e (RH:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1307899 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CeCW CW (RH:8) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307899 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ceCW V (RH:10) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307899 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CECW hrS (RH:19) +
New Batch
Green EX1307899 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ceAR VS (RH:20) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307899 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CeFV hrB (RH:31) +

141 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1307899 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CeVG
New Batch
Green EX1307899 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*cEFM
New Batch
Green EX1307899 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[712G]
New Batch
Green EX1307899 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[733G]
New Batch
Green EX1307899 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1307899 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CE-D[2, 5, 7]-CE
New Batch
Green EX1307899 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*cE[697G,712G,733G]
New Batch RHD*r’s-
Green EX1307899 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch KEL*K_KPB_JSB,
Green EX1307899 5_20140514_171740.csv Kell KEL*K_KPB_JSB KEL*k_KPB_JSB K (KEL:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1307899 5_20140514_171740.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSB k (KEL:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1307899 5_20140514_171740.csv KEL*k_KPA_JSB Kpa (KEL:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307899 5_20140514_171740.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSA Kpb (KEL:4) +

142 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1307899 5_20140514_171740.csv Jsa (KEL:6) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307899 5_20140514_171740.csv Jsb (KEL:7) +
New Batch
Green EX1307899 5_20140514_171740.csv Kidd JK*A JK*A, JK*B Jka (JK:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1307899 5_20140514_171740.csv JK*B Jkb (JK:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1307899 5_20140514_171740.csv JK*B_null(IVS5-1a)
New Batch
Green EX1307899 5_20140514_171740.csv JK*B_null(871C)
New Batch
Green EX1307899 5_20140514_171740.csv Duffy FY*A FY*A, FY*B Fya (FY:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1307899 5_20140514_171740.csv FY*B Fyb (FY:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1307899 5_20140514_171740.csv FY*B_GATA
New Batch
Green EX1307899 5_20140514_171740.csv FY*B[265T]_FY*X
New Batch
Green EX1307899 5_20140514_171740.csv MNS GYPA*M GYPA*M, GYPA*N M (MNS:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1307899 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPA*N N (MNS:2) +

143 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1307899 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*S GYPB*S, GYPB*s S (MNS:3) +
New Batch
Green EX1307899 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*s s (MNS:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1307899 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*S_null(IVS5+5t) U (MNS:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1307899 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*S_null(230T) Mia (MNS:7) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307899 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*deletion
New Batch
Green EX1307899 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*Mur
New Batch
Green EX1307899 5_20140514_171740.csv Diego DI*A DI*B Dia (DI:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307899 5_20140514_171740.csv DI*B Dib (DI:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1307899 5_20140514_171740.csv Dombrock DO*A DO*B Doa (DO:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307899 5_20140514_171740.csv DO*B Dob (DO:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1307899 5_20140514_171740.csv DO*B_HY- Hy (DO:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1307899 5_20140514_171740.csv DO*A_JOA- Joa (DO:5) +

144 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1307899 5_20140514_171740.csv Colton CO*A CO*A Coa (CO:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1307899 5_20140514_171740.csv CO*B Cob (CO:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307899 5_20140514_171740.csv Cartwright YT*A YT*A Yta (YT:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1307899 5_20140514_171740.csv YT*B Ytb (YT:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307899 5_20140514_171740.csv Lutheran LU*A LU*B Lua (LU:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1307899 5_20140514_171740.csv LU*B Lub (LU:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1308240 5_20140514_171740.csv Rh RHCE*ce RHCE*ce C (RH:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308240 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*Ce E (RH:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308240 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*cE c (RH:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1308240 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CE e (RH:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1308240 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CeCW CW (RH:8) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308240 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ceCW V (RH:10) 0

145 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1308240 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CECW hrS (RH:19) +
New Batch
Green EX1308240 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ceAR VS (RH:20) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308240 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CeFV hrB (RH:31) +
New Batch
Green EX1308240 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CeVG
New Batch
Green EX1308240 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*cEFM
New Batch
Green EX1308240 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[712G]
New Batch
Green EX1308240 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[733G]
New Batch
Green EX1308240 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1308240 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CE-D[2, 5, 7]-CE
New Batch
Green EX1308240 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*cE[697G,712G,733G]
New Batch RHD*r’s-
Green EX1308240 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1308240 5_20140514_171740.csv Kell KEL*K_KPB_JSB KEL*k_KPB_JSB K (KEL:1) 0

146 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1308240 5_20140514_171740.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSB k (KEL:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1308240 5_20140514_171740.csv KEL*k_KPA_JSB Kpa (KEL:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308240 5_20140514_171740.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSA Kpb (KEL:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1308240 5_20140514_171740.csv Jsa (KEL:6) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308240 5_20140514_171740.csv Jsb (KEL:7) +
New Batch
Green EX1308240 5_20140514_171740.csv Kidd JK*A JK*A Jka (JK:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1308240 5_20140514_171740.csv JK*B Jkb (JK:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308240 5_20140514_171740.csv JK*B_null(IVS5-1a)
New Batch
Green EX1308240 5_20140514_171740.csv JK*B_null(871C)
New Batch
Green EX1308240 5_20140514_171740.csv Duffy FY*A FY*A, FY*B Fya (FY:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1308240 5_20140514_171740.csv FY*B Fyb (FY:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1308240 5_20140514_171740.csv FY*B_GATA

147 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1308240 5_20140514_171740.csv FY*B[265T]_FY*X
New Batch
Green EX1308240 5_20140514_171740.csv MNS GYPA*M GYPA*N M (MNS:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308240 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPA*N N (MNS:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1308240 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*S GYPB*s S (MNS:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308240 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*s s (MNS:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1308240 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*S_null(IVS5+5t) U (MNS:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1308240 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*S_null(230T) Mia (MNS:7) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308240 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*deletion
New Batch
Green EX1308240 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*Mur
New Batch
Green EX1308240 5_20140514_171740.csv Diego DI*A DI*B Dia (DI:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308240 5_20140514_171740.csv DI*B Dib (DI:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1308240 5_20140514_171740.csv Dombrock DO*A DO*B Doa (DO:1) 0

148 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1308240 5_20140514_171740.csv DO*B Dob (DO:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1308240 5_20140514_171740.csv DO*B_HY- Hy (DO:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1308240 5_20140514_171740.csv DO*A_JOA- Joa (DO:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1308240 5_20140514_171740.csv Colton CO*A CO*A Coa (CO:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1308240 5_20140514_171740.csv CO*B Cob (CO:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308240 5_20140514_171740.csv Cartwright YT*A YT*A Yta (YT:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1308240 5_20140514_171740.csv YT*B Ytb (YT:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308240 5_20140514_171740.csv Lutheran LU*A LU*B Lua (LU:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308240 5_20140514_171740.csv LU*B Lub (LU:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1308368 5_20140514_171740.csv Rh RHCE*ce RHCE*ce, RHCE*Ce C (RH:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1308368 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*Ce E (RH:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308368 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*cE c (RH:4) +

149 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1308368 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CE e (RH:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1308368 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CeCW CW (RH:8) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308368 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ceCW V (RH:10) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308368 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CECW hrS (RH:19) +
New Batch
Green EX1308368 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ceAR VS (RH:20) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308368 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CeFV hrB (RH:31) +
New Batch
Green EX1308368 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CeVG
New Batch
Green EX1308368 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*cEFM
New Batch
Green EX1308368 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[712G]
New Batch
Green EX1308368 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[733G]
New Batch
Green EX1308368 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1308368 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CE-D[2, 5, 7]-CE

150 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1308368 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*cE[697G,712G,733G]
New Batch RHD*r’s-
Green EX1308368 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1308368 5_20140514_171740.csv Kell KEL*K_KPB_JSB KEL*k_KPB_JSB K (KEL:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308368 5_20140514_171740.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSB k (KEL:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1308368 5_20140514_171740.csv KEL*k_KPA_JSB Kpa (KEL:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308368 5_20140514_171740.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSA Kpb (KEL:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1308368 5_20140514_171740.csv Jsa (KEL:6) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308368 5_20140514_171740.csv Jsb (KEL:7) +
New Batch
Green EX1308368 5_20140514_171740.csv Kidd JK*A JK*A, JK*B Jka (JK:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1308368 5_20140514_171740.csv JK*B Jkb (JK:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1308368 5_20140514_171740.csv JK*B_null(IVS5-1a)
New Batch
Green EX1308368 5_20140514_171740.csv JK*B_null(871C)

151 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1308368 5_20140514_171740.csv Duffy FY*A FY*A Fya (FY:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1308368 5_20140514_171740.csv FY*B Fyb (FY:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308368 5_20140514_171740.csv FY*B_GATA
New Batch
Green EX1308368 5_20140514_171740.csv FY*B[265T]_FY*X
New Batch
Green EX1308368 5_20140514_171740.csv MNS GYPA*M GYPA*M M (MNS:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1308368 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPA*N N (MNS:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308368 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*S GYPB*s S (MNS:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308368 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*s s (MNS:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1308368 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*S_null(IVS5+5t) U (MNS:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1308368 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*S_null(230T) Mia (MNS:7) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308368 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*deletion
New Batch
Green EX1308368 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*Mur

152 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1308368 5_20140514_171740.csv Diego DI*A DI*B Dia (DI:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308368 5_20140514_171740.csv DI*B Dib (DI:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1308368 5_20140514_171740.csv Dombrock DO*A DO*A, DO*B Doa (DO:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1308368 5_20140514_171740.csv DO*B Dob (DO:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1308368 5_20140514_171740.csv DO*B_HY- Hy (DO:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1308368 5_20140514_171740.csv DO*A_JOA- Joa (DO:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1308368 5_20140514_171740.csv Colton CO*A CO*A Coa (CO:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1308368 5_20140514_171740.csv CO*B Cob (CO:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308368 5_20140514_171740.csv Cartwright YT*A YT*A Yta (YT:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1308368 5_20140514_171740.csv YT*B Ytb (YT:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308368 5_20140514_171740.csv Lutheran LU*A LU*B Lua (LU:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308368 5_20140514_171740.csv LU*B Lub (LU:2) +

153 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1308578 5_20140514_171740.csv Rh RHCE*ce RHCE*ce, RHCE*cE C (RH:2)
New Batch
Green EX1308578 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*Ce E (RH:3) +
New Batch
Green EX1308578 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*cE c (RH:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1308578 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CE e (RH:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1308578 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CeCW CW (RH:8) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308578 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ceCW V (RH:10) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308578 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CECW hrS (RH:19) +
New Batch
Green EX1308578 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ceAR VS (RH:20) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308578 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CeFV hrB (RH:31) +
New Batch
Green EX1308578 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CeVG
New Batch
Green EX1308578 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*cEFM
New Batch
Green EX1308578 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[712G]

154 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1308578 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[733G]
New Batch
Green EX1308578 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1308578 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CE-D[2, 5, 7]-CE
New Batch
Green EX1308578 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*cE[697G,712G,733G]
New Batch RHD*r’s-
Green EX1308578 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1308578 5_20140514_171740.csv Kell KEL*K_KPB_JSB KEL*k_KPB_JSB K (KEL:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308578 5_20140514_171740.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSB k (KEL:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1308578 5_20140514_171740.csv KEL*k_KPA_JSB Kpa (KEL:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308578 5_20140514_171740.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSA Kpb (KEL:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1308578 5_20140514_171740.csv Jsa (KEL:6) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308578 5_20140514_171740.csv Jsb (KEL:7) +
New Batch
Green EX1308578 5_20140514_171740.csv Kidd JK*A JK*A, JK*B Jka (JK:1) +

155 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1308578 5_20140514_171740.csv JK*B Jkb (JK:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1308578 5_20140514_171740.csv JK*B_null(IVS5-1a)
New Batch
Green EX1308578 5_20140514_171740.csv JK*B_null(871C)
New Batch
Green EX1308578 5_20140514_171740.csv Duffy FY*A FY*A, FY*B Fya (FY:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1308578 5_20140514_171740.csv FY*B Fyb (FY:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1308578 5_20140514_171740.csv FY*B_GATA
New Batch
Green EX1308578 5_20140514_171740.csv FY*B[265T]_FY*X
New Batch
Green EX1308578 5_20140514_171740.csv MNS GYPA*M GYPA*M, GYPA*N M (MNS:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1308578 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPA*N N (MNS:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1308578 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*S GYPB*s S (MNS:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308578 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*s s (MNS:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1308578 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*S_null(IVS5+5t) U (MNS:5) +

156 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1308578 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*S_null(230T) Mia (MNS:7) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308578 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*deletion
New Batch
Green EX1308578 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*Mur
New Batch
Green EX1308578 5_20140514_171740.csv Diego DI*A DI*B Dia (DI:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308578 5_20140514_171740.csv DI*B Dib (DI:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1308578 5_20140514_171740.csv Dombrock DO*A DO*A, DO*B Doa (DO:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1308578 5_20140514_171740.csv DO*B Dob (DO:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1308578 5_20140514_171740.csv DO*B_HY- Hy (DO:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1308578 5_20140514_171740.csv DO*A_JOA- Joa (DO:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1308578 5_20140514_171740.csv Colton CO*A CO*A Coa (CO:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1308578 5_20140514_171740.csv CO*B Cob (CO:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308578 5_20140514_171740.csv Cartwright YT*A YT*A, YT*B Yta (YT:1) +

157 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1308578 5_20140514_171740.csv YT*B Ytb (YT:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1308578 5_20140514_171740.csv Lutheran LU*A LU*B Lua (LU:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308578 5_20140514_171740.csv LU*B Lub (LU:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1308762 5_20140514_171740.csv Rh RHCE*ce RHCE*Ce C (RH:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1308762 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*Ce E (RH:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308762 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*cE c (RH:4) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308762 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CE e (RH:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1308762 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CeCW CW (RH:8) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308762 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ceCW V (RH:10) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308762 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CECW hrS (RH:19) +
New Batch
Green EX1308762 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ceAR VS (RH:20) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308762 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CeFV hrB (RH:31) +

158 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1308762 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CeVG
New Batch
Green EX1308762 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*cEFM
New Batch
Green EX1308762 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[712G]
New Batch
Green EX1308762 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[733G]
New Batch
Green EX1308762 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1308762 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CE-D[2, 5, 7]-CE
New Batch
Green EX1308762 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*cE[697G,712G,733G]
New Batch RHD*r’s-
Green EX1308762 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1308762 5_20140514_171740.csv Kell KEL*K_KPB_JSB KEL*k_KPB_JSB K (KEL:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308762 5_20140514_171740.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSB k (KEL:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1308762 5_20140514_171740.csv KEL*k_KPA_JSB Kpa (KEL:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308762 5_20140514_171740.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSA Kpb (KEL:4) +

159 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1308762 5_20140514_171740.csv Jsa (KEL:6) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308762 5_20140514_171740.csv Jsb (KEL:7) +
New Batch
Green EX1308762 5_20140514_171740.csv Kidd JK*A JK*A Jka (JK:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1308762 5_20140514_171740.csv JK*B Jkb (JK:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308762 5_20140514_171740.csv JK*B_null(IVS5-1a)
New Batch
Green EX1308762 5_20140514_171740.csv JK*B_null(871C)
New Batch
Green EX1308762 5_20140514_171740.csv Duffy FY*A FY*B Fya (FY:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308762 5_20140514_171740.csv FY*B Fyb (FY:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1308762 5_20140514_171740.csv FY*B_GATA
New Batch
Green EX1308762 5_20140514_171740.csv FY*B[265T]_FY*X
New Batch
Green EX1308762 5_20140514_171740.csv MNS GYPA*M GYPA*M M (MNS:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1308762 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPA*N N (MNS:2) 0

160 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1308762 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*S GYPB*S, GYPB*s S (MNS:3) +
New Batch
Green EX1308762 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*s s (MNS:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1308762 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*S_null(IVS5+5t) U (MNS:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1308762 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*S_null(230T) Mia (MNS:7) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308762 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*deletion
New Batch
Green EX1308762 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*Mur
New Batch
Green EX1308762 5_20140514_171740.csv Diego DI*A DI*B Dia (DI:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308762 5_20140514_171740.csv DI*B Dib (DI:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1308762 5_20140514_171740.csv Dombrock DO*A DO*A, DO*B Doa (DO:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1308762 5_20140514_171740.csv DO*B Dob (DO:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1308762 5_20140514_171740.csv DO*B_HY- Hy (DO:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1308762 5_20140514_171740.csv DO*A_JOA- Joa (DO:5) +

161 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1308762 5_20140514_171740.csv Colton CO*A CO*A Coa (CO:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1308762 5_20140514_171740.csv CO*B Cob (CO:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308762 5_20140514_171740.csv Cartwright YT*A YT*A Yta (YT:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1308762 5_20140514_171740.csv YT*B Ytb (YT:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308762 5_20140514_171740.csv Lutheran LU*A LU*B Lua (LU:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308762 5_20140514_171740.csv LU*B Lub (LU:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1308908 5_20140514_171740.csv Rh RHCE*ce RHCE*ce C (RH:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308908 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*Ce E (RH:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308908 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*cE c (RH:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1308908 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CE e (RH:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1308908 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CeCW CW (RH:8) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308908 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ceCW V (RH:10) 0

162 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1308908 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CECW hrS (RH:19) +
New Batch
Green EX1308908 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ceAR VS (RH:20) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308908 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CeFV hrB (RH:31) +
New Batch
Green EX1308908 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CeVG
New Batch
Green EX1308908 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*cEFM
New Batch
Green EX1308908 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[712G]
New Batch
Green EX1308908 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[733G]
New Batch
Green EX1308908 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1308908 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CE-D[2, 5, 7]-CE
New Batch
Green EX1308908 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*cE[697G,712G,733G]
New Batch RHD*r’s-
Green EX1308908 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1308908 5_20140514_171740.csv Kell KEL*K_KPB_JSB KEL*k_KPB_JSB K (KEL:1) 0

163 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1308908 5_20140514_171740.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSB k (KEL:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1308908 5_20140514_171740.csv KEL*k_KPA_JSB Kpa (KEL:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308908 5_20140514_171740.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSA Kpb (KEL:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1308908 5_20140514_171740.csv Jsa (KEL:6) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308908 5_20140514_171740.csv Jsb (KEL:7) +
New Batch
Green EX1308908 5_20140514_171740.csv Kidd JK*A JK*A Jka (JK:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1308908 5_20140514_171740.csv JK*B Jkb (JK:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308908 5_20140514_171740.csv JK*B_null(IVS5-1a)
New Batch
Green EX1308908 5_20140514_171740.csv JK*B_null(871C)
New Batch
Green EX1308908 5_20140514_171740.csv Duffy FY*A FY*A Fya (FY:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1308908 5_20140514_171740.csv FY*B Fyb (FY:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308908 5_20140514_171740.csv FY*B_GATA

164 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1308908 5_20140514_171740.csv FY*B[265T]_FY*X
New Batch
Green EX1308908 5_20140514_171740.csv MNS GYPA*M GYPA*M, GYPA*N M (MNS:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1308908 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPA*N N (MNS:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1308908 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*S GYPB*S, GYPB*s S (MNS:3) +
New Batch
Green EX1308908 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*s s (MNS:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1308908 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*S_null(IVS5+5t) U (MNS:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1308908 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*S_null(230T) Mia (MNS:7) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308908 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*deletion
New Batch
Green EX1308908 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*Mur
New Batch
Green EX1308908 5_20140514_171740.csv Diego DI*A DI*B Dia (DI:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308908 5_20140514_171740.csv DI*B Dib (DI:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1308908 5_20140514_171740.csv Dombrock DO*A DO*A, DO*B Doa (DO:1) +

165 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1308908 5_20140514_171740.csv DO*B Dob (DO:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1308908 5_20140514_171740.csv DO*B_HY- Hy (DO:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1308908 5_20140514_171740.csv DO*A_JOA- Joa (DO:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1308908 5_20140514_171740.csv Colton CO*A CO*A Coa (CO:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1308908 5_20140514_171740.csv CO*B Cob (CO:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308908 5_20140514_171740.csv Cartwright YT*A YT*A Yta (YT:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1308908 5_20140514_171740.csv YT*B Ytb (YT:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308908 5_20140514_171740.csv Lutheran LU*A LU*B Lua (LU:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308908 5_20140514_171740.csv LU*B Lub (LU:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1308909 5_20140514_171740.csv Rh RHCE*ce RHCE*Ce, RHCE*cE(10) C (RH:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1308909 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*Ce E (RH:3) +
New Batch
Green EX1308909 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*cE c (RH:4) +

166 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1308909 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CE e (RH:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1308909 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CeCW CW (RH:8) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308909 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ceCW V (RH:10) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308909 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CECW hrS (RH:19) +
New Batch
Green EX1308909 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ceAR VS (RH:20) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308909 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CeFV hrB (RH:31) +
New Batch
Green EX1308909 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CeVG
New Batch
Green EX1308909 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*cEFM
New Batch
Green EX1308909 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[712G]
New Batch
Green EX1308909 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[733G]
New Batch
Green EX1308909 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1308909 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CE-D[2, 5, 7]-CE

167 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1308909 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*cE[697G,712G,733G]
New Batch RHD*r’s-
Green EX1308909 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1308909 5_20140514_171740.csv Kell KEL*K_KPB_JSB KEL*k_KPB_JSB K (KEL:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308909 5_20140514_171740.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSB k (KEL:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1308909 5_20140514_171740.csv KEL*k_KPA_JSB Kpa (KEL:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308909 5_20140514_171740.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSA Kpb (KEL:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1308909 5_20140514_171740.csv Jsa (KEL:6) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308909 5_20140514_171740.csv Jsb (KEL:7) +
New Batch
Green EX1308909 5_20140514_171740.csv Kidd JK*A JK*A Jka (JK:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1308909 5_20140514_171740.csv JK*B Jkb (JK:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308909 5_20140514_171740.csv JK*B_null(IVS5-1a)
New Batch
Green EX1308909 5_20140514_171740.csv JK*B_null(871C)

168 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1308909 5_20140514_171740.csv Duffy FY*A FY*A, FY*B Fya (FY:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1308909 5_20140514_171740.csv FY*B Fyb (FY:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1308909 5_20140514_171740.csv FY*B_GATA
New Batch
Green EX1308909 5_20140514_171740.csv FY*B[265T]_FY*X
New Batch
Green EX1308909 5_20140514_171740.csv MNS GYPA*M GYPA*M, GYPA*N M (MNS:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1308909 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPA*N N (MNS:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1308909 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*S GYPB*s S (MNS:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308909 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*s s (MNS:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1308909 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*S_null(IVS5+5t) U (MNS:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1308909 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*S_null(230T) Mia (MNS:7) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308909 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*deletion
New Batch
Green EX1308909 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*Mur

169 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1308909 5_20140514_171740.csv Diego DI*A DI*B Dia (DI:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308909 5_20140514_171740.csv DI*B Dib (DI:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1308909 5_20140514_171740.csv Dombrock DO*A DO*A, DO*B Doa (DO:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1308909 5_20140514_171740.csv DO*B Dob (DO:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1308909 5_20140514_171740.csv DO*B_HY- Hy (DO:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1308909 5_20140514_171740.csv DO*A_JOA- Joa (DO:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1308909 5_20140514_171740.csv Colton CO*A CO*A Coa (CO:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1308909 5_20140514_171740.csv CO*B Cob (CO:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308909 5_20140514_171740.csv Cartwright YT*A YT*A Yta (YT:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1308909 5_20140514_171740.csv YT*B Ytb (YT:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308909 5_20140514_171740.csv Lutheran LU*A LU*B Lua (LU:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308909 5_20140514_171740.csv LU*B Lub (LU:2) +

170 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1308959 5_20140514_171740.csv Rh RHCE*ce RHCE*ce, RHCE*Ce C (RH:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1308959 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*Ce E (RH:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308959 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*cE c (RH:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1308959 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CE e (RH:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1308959 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CeCW CW (RH:8) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308959 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ceCW V (RH:10) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308959 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CECW hrS (RH:19) +
New Batch
Green EX1308959 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ceAR VS (RH:20) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308959 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CeFV hrB (RH:31) +
New Batch
Green EX1308959 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CeVG
New Batch
Green EX1308959 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*cEFM
New Batch
Green EX1308959 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[712G]

171 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1308959 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[733G]
New Batch
Green EX1308959 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1308959 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CE-D[2, 5, 7]-CE
New Batch
Green EX1308959 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*cE[697G,712G,733G]
New Batch RHD*r’s-
Green EX1308959 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1308959 5_20140514_171740.csv Kell KEL*K_KPB_JSB KEL*k_KPB_JSB K (KEL:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308959 5_20140514_171740.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSB k (KEL:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1308959 5_20140514_171740.csv KEL*k_KPA_JSB Kpa (KEL:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308959 5_20140514_171740.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSA Kpb (KEL:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1308959 5_20140514_171740.csv Jsa (KEL:6) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308959 5_20140514_171740.csv Jsb (KEL:7) +
New Batch
Green EX1308959 5_20140514_171740.csv Kidd JK*A JK*B Jka (JK:1) 0

172 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1308959 5_20140514_171740.csv JK*B Jkb (JK:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1308959 5_20140514_171740.csv JK*B_null(IVS5-1a)
New Batch
Green EX1308959 5_20140514_171740.csv JK*B_null(871C)
New Batch
Green EX1308959 5_20140514_171740.csv Duffy FY*A FY*B Fya (FY:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308959 5_20140514_171740.csv FY*B Fyb (FY:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1308959 5_20140514_171740.csv FY*B_GATA
New Batch
Green EX1308959 5_20140514_171740.csv FY*B[265T]_FY*X
New Batch
Green EX1308959 5_20140514_171740.csv MNS GYPA*M GYPA*M, GYPA*N M (MNS:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1308959 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPA*N N (MNS:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1308959 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*S GYPB*s S (MNS:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308959 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*s s (MNS:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1308959 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*S_null(IVS5+5t) U (MNS:5) +

173 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1308959 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*S_null(230T) Mia (MNS:7) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308959 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*deletion
New Batch
Green EX1308959 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*Mur
New Batch
Green EX1308959 5_20140514_171740.csv Diego DI*A DI*B Dia (DI:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308959 5_20140514_171740.csv DI*B Dib (DI:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1308959 5_20140514_171740.csv Dombrock DO*A DO*B Doa (DO:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308959 5_20140514_171740.csv DO*B Dob (DO:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1308959 5_20140514_171740.csv DO*B_HY- Hy (DO:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1308959 5_20140514_171740.csv DO*A_JOA- Joa (DO:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1308959 5_20140514_171740.csv Colton CO*A CO*A, CO*B Coa (CO:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1308959 5_20140514_171740.csv CO*B Cob (CO:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1308959 5_20140514_171740.csv Cartwright YT*A YT*A Yta (YT:1) +

174 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1308959 5_20140514_171740.csv YT*B Ytb (YT:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308959 5_20140514_171740.csv Lutheran LU*A LU*B Lua (LU:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1308959 5_20140514_171740.csv LU*B Lub (LU:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1311437 5_20140514_171740.csv Rh RHCE*ce RHCE*Ce, RHCE*CeCW C (RH:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1311437 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*Ce E (RH:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311437 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*cE c (RH:4) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311437 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CE e (RH:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1311437 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CeCW CW (RH:8) +
New Batch
Green EX1311437 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ceCW V (RH:10) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311437 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CECW hrS (RH:19) +
New Batch
Green EX1311437 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ceAR VS (RH:20) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311437 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CeFV hrB (RH:31) +

175 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1311437 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CeVG
New Batch
Green EX1311437 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*cEFM
New Batch
Green EX1311437 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[712G]
New Batch
Green EX1311437 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[733G]
New Batch
Green EX1311437 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1311437 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CE-D[2, 5, 7]-CE
New Batch
Green EX1311437 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*cE[697G,712G,733G]
New Batch RHD*r’s-
Green EX1311437 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1311437 5_20140514_171740.csv Kell KEL*K_KPB_JSB KEL*k_KPB_JSB K (KEL:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311437 5_20140514_171740.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSB k (KEL:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1311437 5_20140514_171740.csv KEL*k_KPA_JSB Kpa (KEL:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311437 5_20140514_171740.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSA Kpb (KEL:4) +

176 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1311437 5_20140514_171740.csv Jsa (KEL:6) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311437 5_20140514_171740.csv Jsb (KEL:7) +
New Batch
Green EX1311437 5_20140514_171740.csv Kidd JK*A JK*B Jka (JK:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311437 5_20140514_171740.csv JK*B Jkb (JK:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1311437 5_20140514_171740.csv JK*B_null(IVS5-1a)
New Batch
Green EX1311437 5_20140514_171740.csv JK*B_null(871C)
New Batch
Green EX1311437 5_20140514_171740.csv Duffy FY*A FY*B Fya (FY:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311437 5_20140514_171740.csv FY*B Fyb (FY:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1311437 5_20140514_171740.csv FY*B_GATA
New Batch
Green EX1311437 5_20140514_171740.csv FY*B[265T]_FY*X
New Batch
Green EX1311437 5_20140514_171740.csv MNS GYPA*M GYPA*M M (MNS:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1311437 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPA*N N (MNS:2) 0

177 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1311437 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*S GYPB*s S (MNS:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311437 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*s s (MNS:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1311437 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*S_null(IVS5+5t) U (MNS:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1311437 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*S_null(230T) Mia (MNS:7) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311437 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*deletion
New Batch
Green EX1311437 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*Mur
New Batch
Green EX1311437 5_20140514_171740.csv Diego DI*A DI*B Dia (DI:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311437 5_20140514_171740.csv DI*B Dib (DI:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1311437 5_20140514_171740.csv Dombrock DO*A DO*B Doa (DO:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311437 5_20140514_171740.csv DO*B Dob (DO:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1311437 5_20140514_171740.csv DO*B_HY- Hy (DO:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1311437 5_20140514_171740.csv DO*A_JOA- Joa (DO:5) +

178 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1311437 5_20140514_171740.csv Colton CO*A CO*A Coa (CO:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1311437 5_20140514_171740.csv CO*B Cob (CO:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311437 5_20140514_171740.csv Cartwright YT*A YT*A Yta (YT:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1311437 5_20140514_171740.csv YT*B Ytb (YT:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311437 5_20140514_171740.csv Lutheran LU*A LU*B Lua (LU:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311437 5_20140514_171740.csv LU*B Lub (LU:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1311438 5_20140514_171740.csv Rh RHCE*ce RHCE*ce, RHCE*cE C (RH:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311438 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*Ce E (RH:3) +
New Batch
Green EX1311438 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*cE c (RH:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1311438 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CE e (RH:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1311438 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CeCW CW (RH:8) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311438 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ceCW V (RH:10) 0

179 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1311438 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CECW hrS (RH:19) +
New Batch
Green EX1311438 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ceAR VS (RH:20) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311438 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CeFV hrB (RH:31) +
New Batch
Green EX1311438 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CeVG
New Batch
Green EX1311438 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*cEFM
New Batch
Green EX1311438 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[712G]
New Batch
Green EX1311438 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[733G]
New Batch
Green EX1311438 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1311438 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CE-D[2, 5, 7]-CE
New Batch
Green EX1311438 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*cE[697G,712G,733G]
New Batch RHD*r’s-
Green EX1311438 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1311438 5_20140514_171740.csv Kell KEL*K_KPB_JSB KEL*k_KPB_JSB K (KEL:1) 0

180 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1311438 5_20140514_171740.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSB k (KEL:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1311438 5_20140514_171740.csv KEL*k_KPA_JSB Kpa (KEL:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311438 5_20140514_171740.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSA Kpb (KEL:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1311438 5_20140514_171740.csv Jsa (KEL:6) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311438 5_20140514_171740.csv Jsb (KEL:7) +
New Batch
Green EX1311438 5_20140514_171740.csv Kidd JK*A JK*A, JK*B Jka (JK:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1311438 5_20140514_171740.csv JK*B Jkb (JK:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1311438 5_20140514_171740.csv JK*B_null(IVS5-1a)
New Batch
Green EX1311438 5_20140514_171740.csv JK*B_null(871C)
New Batch
Green EX1311438 5_20140514_171740.csv Duffy FY*A FY*A, FY*B Fya (FY:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1311438 5_20140514_171740.csv FY*B Fyb (FY:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1311438 5_20140514_171740.csv FY*B_GATA

181 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1311438 5_20140514_171740.csv FY*B[265T]_FY*X
New Batch
Green EX1311438 5_20140514_171740.csv MNS GYPA*M GYPA*M M (MNS:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1311438 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPA*N N (MNS:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311438 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*S GYPB*S S (MNS:3) +
New Batch
Green EX1311438 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*s s (MNS:4) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311438 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*S_null(IVS5+5t) U (MNS:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1311438 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*S_null(230T) Mia (MNS:7) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311438 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*deletion
New Batch
Green EX1311438 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*Mur
New Batch
Green EX1311438 5_20140514_171740.csv Diego DI*A DI*B Dia (DI:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311438 5_20140514_171740.csv DI*B Dib (DI:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1311438 5_20140514_171740.csv Dombrock DO*A DO*B Doa (DO:1) 0

182 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1311438 5_20140514_171740.csv DO*B Dob (DO:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1311438 5_20140514_171740.csv DO*B_HY- Hy (DO:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1311438 5_20140514_171740.csv DO*A_JOA- Joa (DO:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1311438 5_20140514_171740.csv Colton CO*A CO*A Coa (CO:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1311438 5_20140514_171740.csv CO*B Cob (CO:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311438 5_20140514_171740.csv Cartwright YT*A YT*A Yta (YT:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1311438 5_20140514_171740.csv YT*B Ytb (YT:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311438 5_20140514_171740.csv Lutheran LU*A LU*B Lua (LU:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311438 5_20140514_171740.csv LU*B Lub (LU:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1311986 5_20140514_171740.csv Rh RHCE*ce RHCE*Ce, RHCE*cE(10) C (RH:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1311986 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*Ce E (RH:3) +
New Batch
Green EX1311986 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*cE c (RH:4) +

183 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1311986 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CE e (RH:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1311986 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CeCW CW (RH:8) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311986 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ceCW V (RH:10) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311986 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CECW hrS (RH:19) +
New Batch
Green EX1311986 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ceAR VS (RH:20) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311986 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CeFV hrB (RH:31) +
New Batch
Green EX1311986 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CeVG
New Batch
Green EX1311986 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*cEFM
New Batch
Green EX1311986 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[712G]
New Batch
Green EX1311986 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[733G]
New Batch
Green EX1311986 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1311986 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CE-D[2, 5, 7]-CE

184 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1311986 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*cE[697G,712G,733G]
New Batch RHD*r’s-
Green EX1311986 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1311986 5_20140514_171740.csv Kell KEL*K_KPB_JSB KEL*k_KPB_JSB K (KEL:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311986 5_20140514_171740.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSB k (KEL:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1311986 5_20140514_171740.csv KEL*k_KPA_JSB Kpa (KEL:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311986 5_20140514_171740.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSA Kpb (KEL:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1311986 5_20140514_171740.csv Jsa (KEL:6) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311986 5_20140514_171740.csv Jsb (KEL:7) +
New Batch
Green EX1311986 5_20140514_171740.csv Kidd JK*A JK*A Jka (JK:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1311986 5_20140514_171740.csv JK*B Jkb (JK:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311986 5_20140514_171740.csv JK*B_null(IVS5-1a)
New Batch
Green EX1311986 5_20140514_171740.csv JK*B_null(871C)

185 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1311986 5_20140514_171740.csv Duffy FY*A FY*A, FY*B Fya (FY:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1311986 5_20140514_171740.csv FY*B Fyb (FY:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1311986 5_20140514_171740.csv FY*B_GATA
New Batch
Green EX1311986 5_20140514_171740.csv FY*B[265T]_FY*X
New Batch
Green EX1311986 5_20140514_171740.csv MNS GYPA*M GYPA*M, GYPA*N M (MNS:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1311986 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPA*N N (MNS:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1311986 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*S GYPB*S, GYPB*s S (MNS:3) +
New Batch
Green EX1311986 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*s s (MNS:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1311986 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*S_null(IVS5+5t) U (MNS:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1311986 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*S_null(230T) Mia (MNS:7) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311986 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*deletion
New Batch
Green EX1311986 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*Mur

186 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1311986 5_20140514_171740.csv Diego DI*A DI*B Dia (DI:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311986 5_20140514_171740.csv DI*B Dib (DI:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1311986 5_20140514_171740.csv Dombrock DO*A DO*B Doa (DO:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311986 5_20140514_171740.csv DO*B Dob (DO:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1311986 5_20140514_171740.csv DO*B_HY- Hy (DO:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1311986 5_20140514_171740.csv DO*A_JOA- Joa (DO:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1311986 5_20140514_171740.csv Colton CO*A CO*A Coa (CO:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1311986 5_20140514_171740.csv CO*B Cob (CO:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311986 5_20140514_171740.csv Cartwright YT*A YT*A Yta (YT:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1311986 5_20140514_171740.csv YT*B Ytb (YT:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311986 5_20140514_171740.csv Lutheran LU*A LU*B Lua (LU:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311986 5_20140514_171740.csv LU*B Lub (LU:2) +

187 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1311987 5_20140514_171740.csv Rh RHCE*ce RHCE*Ce, RHCE*cE(10) C (RH:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1311987 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*Ce E (RH:3) +
New Batch
Green EX1311987 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*cE c (RH:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1311987 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CE e (RH:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1311987 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CeCW CW (RH:8) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311987 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ceCW V (RH:10) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311987 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CECW hrS (RH:19) +
New Batch
Green EX1311987 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ceAR VS (RH:20) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311987 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CeFV hrB (RH:31) +
New Batch
Green EX1311987 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CeVG
New Batch
Green EX1311987 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*cEFM
New Batch
Green EX1311987 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[712G]

188 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1311987 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[733G]
New Batch
Green EX1311987 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1311987 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*CE-D[2, 5, 7]-CE
New Batch
Green EX1311987 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*cE[697G,712G,733G]
New Batch RHD*r’s-
Green EX1311987 5_20140514_171740.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1311987 5_20140514_171740.csv Kell KEL*K_KPB_JSB KEL*k_KPB_JSB K (KEL:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311987 5_20140514_171740.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSB k (KEL:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1311987 5_20140514_171740.csv KEL*k_KPA_JSB Kpa (KEL:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311987 5_20140514_171740.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSA Kpb (KEL:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1311987 5_20140514_171740.csv Jsa (KEL:6) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311987 5_20140514_171740.csv Jsb (KEL:7) +
New Batch
Green EX1311987 5_20140514_171740.csv Kidd JK*A JK*A, JK*B Jka (JK:1) +

189 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1311987 5_20140514_171740.csv JK*B Jkb (JK:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1311987 5_20140514_171740.csv JK*B_null(IVS5-1a)
New Batch
Green EX1311987 5_20140514_171740.csv JK*B_null(871C)
New Batch
Green EX1311987 5_20140514_171740.csv Duffy FY*A FY*B Fya (FY:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311987 5_20140514_171740.csv FY*B Fyb (FY:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1311987 5_20140514_171740.csv FY*B_GATA
New Batch
Green EX1311987 5_20140514_171740.csv FY*B[265T]_FY*X
New Batch
Green EX1311987 5_20140514_171740.csv MNS GYPA*M GYPA*M, GYPA*N M (MNS:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1311987 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPA*N N (MNS:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1311987 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*S GYPB*S, GYPB*s S (MNS:3) +
New Batch
Green EX1311987 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*s s (MNS:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1311987 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*S_null(IVS5+5t) U (MNS:5) +

190 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1311987 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*S_null(230T) Mia (MNS:7) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311987 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*deletion
New Batch
Green EX1311987 5_20140514_171740.csv GYPB*Mur
New Batch
Green EX1311987 5_20140514_171740.csv Diego DI*A DI*B Dia (DI:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311987 5_20140514_171740.csv DI*B Dib (DI:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1311987 5_20140514_171740.csv Dombrock DO*A DO*B Doa (DO:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311987 5_20140514_171740.csv DO*B Dob (DO:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1311987 5_20140514_171740.csv DO*B_HY- Hy (DO:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1311987 5_20140514_171740.csv DO*A_JOA- Joa (DO:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1311987 5_20140514_171740.csv Colton CO*A CO*A Coa (CO:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1311987 5_20140514_171740.csv CO*B Cob (CO:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311987 5_20140514_171740.csv Cartwright YT*A YT*A Yta (YT:1) +

191 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1311987 5_20140514_171740.csv YT*B Ytb (YT:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311987 5_20140514_171740.csv Lutheran LU*A LU*B Lua (LU:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311987 5_20140514_171740.csv LU*B Lub (LU:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1311988 6_20140515_111617.csv Rh RHCE*ce RHCE*ce, RHCE*Ce C (RH:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1311988 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*Ce E (RH:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311988 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cE c (RH:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1311988 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CE e (RH:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1311988 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeCW CW (RH:8) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311988 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ceCW V (RH:10) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311988 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CECW hrS (RH:19) +
New Batch
Green EX1311988 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ceAR VS (RH:20) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311988 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeFV hrB (RH:31) +

192 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1311988 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeVG
New Batch
Green EX1311988 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cEFM
New Batch
Green EX1311988 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[712G]
New Batch
Green EX1311988 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G]
New Batch
Green EX1311988 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1311988 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CE-D[2, 5, 7]-CE
New Batch
Green EX1311988 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cE[697G,712G,733G]
New Batch RHD*r’s-
Green EX1311988 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch KEL*K_KPB_JSB,
Green EX1311988 6_20140515_111617.csv Kell KEL*K_KPB_JSB KEL*k_KPB_JSB K (KEL:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1311988 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSB k (KEL:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1311988 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPA_JSB Kpa (KEL:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311988 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSA Kpb (KEL:4) +

193 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1311988 6_20140515_111617.csv Jsa (KEL:6) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311988 6_20140515_111617.csv Jsb (KEL:7) +
New Batch
Green EX1311988 6_20140515_111617.csv Kidd JK*A JK*A, JK*B Jka (JK:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1311988 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B Jkb (JK:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1311988 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B_null(IVS5-1a)
New Batch
Green EX1311988 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B_null(871C)
New Batch
Green EX1311988 6_20140515_111617.csv Duffy FY*A FY*B Fya (FY:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311988 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B Fyb (FY:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1311988 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B_GATA
New Batch
Green EX1311988 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B[265T]_FY*X
New Batch
Green EX1311988 6_20140515_111617.csv MNS GYPA*M GYPA*M, GYPA*N M (MNS:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1311988 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPA*N N (MNS:2) +

194 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1311988 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S GYPB*S, GYPB*s S (MNS:3) +
New Batch
Green EX1311988 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*s s (MNS:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1311988 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S_null(IVS5+5t) U (MNS:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1311988 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S_null(230T) Mia (MNS:7) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311988 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*deletion
New Batch
Green EX1311988 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*Mur
New Batch
Green EX1311988 6_20140515_111617.csv Diego DI*A DI*B Dia (DI:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311988 6_20140515_111617.csv DI*B Dib (DI:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1311988 6_20140515_111617.csv Dombrock DO*A DO*B Doa (DO:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311988 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*B Dob (DO:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1311988 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*B_HY- Hy (DO:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1311988 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*A_JOA- Joa (DO:5) +

195 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1311988 6_20140515_111617.csv Colton CO*A CO*A Coa (CO:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1311988 6_20140515_111617.csv CO*B Cob (CO:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311988 6_20140515_111617.csv Cartwright YT*A YT*A Yta (YT:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1311988 6_20140515_111617.csv YT*B Ytb (YT:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311988 6_20140515_111617.csv Lutheran LU*A LU*B Lua (LU:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311988 6_20140515_111617.csv LU*B Lub (LU:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1311989 6_20140515_111617.csv Rh RHCE*ce RHCE*ce, RHCE*Ce C (RH:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1311989 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*Ce E (RH:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311989 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cE c (RH:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1311989 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CE e (RH:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1311989 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeCW CW (RH:8) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311989 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ceCW V (RH:10) 0

196 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1311989 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CECW hrS (RH:19) +
New Batch
Green EX1311989 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ceAR VS (RH:20) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311989 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeFV hrB (RH:31) +
New Batch
Green EX1311989 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeVG
New Batch
Green EX1311989 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cEFM
New Batch
Green EX1311989 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[712G]
New Batch
Green EX1311989 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G]
New Batch
Green EX1311989 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1311989 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CE-D[2, 5, 7]-CE
New Batch
Green EX1311989 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cE[697G,712G,733G]
New Batch RHD*r’s-
Green EX1311989 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1311989 6_20140515_111617.csv Kell KEL*K_KPB_JSB KEL*k_KPB_JSB K (KEL:1) 0

197 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1311989 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSB k (KEL:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1311989 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPA_JSB Kpa (KEL:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311989 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSA Kpb (KEL:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1311989 6_20140515_111617.csv Jsa (KEL:6) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311989 6_20140515_111617.csv Jsb (KEL:7) +
New Batch
Green EX1311989 6_20140515_111617.csv Kidd JK*A JK*A, JK*B Jka (JK:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1311989 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B Jkb (JK:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1311989 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B_null(IVS5-1a)
New Batch
Green EX1311989 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B_null(871C)
New Batch
Green EX1311989 6_20140515_111617.csv Duffy FY*A FY*A, FY*B Fya (FY:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1311989 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B Fyb (FY:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1311989 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B_GATA

198 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1311989 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B[265T]_FY*X
New Batch
Green EX1311989 6_20140515_111617.csv MNS GYPA*M GYPA*M M (MNS:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1311989 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPA*N N (MNS:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311989 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S GYPB*S, GYPB*s S (MNS:3) +
New Batch
Green EX1311989 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*s s (MNS:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1311989 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S_null(IVS5+5t) U (MNS:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1311989 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S_null(230T) Mia (MNS:7) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311989 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*deletion
New Batch
Green EX1311989 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*Mur
New Batch
Green EX1311989 6_20140515_111617.csv Diego DI*A DI*B Dia (DI:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311989 6_20140515_111617.csv DI*B Dib (DI:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1311989 6_20140515_111617.csv Dombrock DO*A DO*A Doa (DO:1) +

199 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1311989 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*B Dob (DO:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311989 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*B_HY- Hy (DO:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1311989 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*A_JOA- Joa (DO:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1311989 6_20140515_111617.csv Colton CO*A CO*A Coa (CO:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1311989 6_20140515_111617.csv CO*B Cob (CO:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311989 6_20140515_111617.csv Cartwright YT*A YT*A Yta (YT:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1311989 6_20140515_111617.csv YT*B Ytb (YT:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1311989 6_20140515_111617.csv Lutheran LU*A LU*A, LU*B Lua (LU:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1311989 6_20140515_111617.csv LU*B Lub (LU:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312294 6_20140515_111617.csv Rh RHCE*ce RHCE*ce C (RH:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312294 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*Ce E (RH:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312294 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cE c (RH:4) +

200 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1312294 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CE e (RH:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1312294 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeCW CW (RH:8) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312294 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ceCW V (RH:10) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312294 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CECW hrS (RH:19) +
New Batch
Green EX1312294 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ceAR VS (RH:20) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312294 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeFV hrB (RH:31) +
New Batch
Green EX1312294 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeVG
New Batch
Green EX1312294 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cEFM
New Batch
Green EX1312294 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[712G]
New Batch
Green EX1312294 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G]
New Batch
Green EX1312294 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1312294 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CE-D[2, 5, 7]-CE

201 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1312294 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cE[697G,712G,733G]
New Batch RHD*r’s-
Green EX1312294 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1312294 6_20140515_111617.csv Kell KEL*K_KPB_JSB KEL*k_KPB_JSB K (KEL:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312294 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSB k (KEL:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312294 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPA_JSB Kpa (KEL:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312294 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSA Kpb (KEL:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1312294 6_20140515_111617.csv Jsa (KEL:6) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312294 6_20140515_111617.csv Jsb (KEL:7) +
New Batch
Green EX1312294 6_20140515_111617.csv Kidd JK*A JK*A, JK*B Jka (JK:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1312294 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B Jkb (JK:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312294 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B_null(IVS5-1a)
New Batch
Green EX1312294 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B_null(871C)

202 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1312294 6_20140515_111617.csv Duffy FY*A FY*A, FY*B Fya (FY:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1312294 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B Fyb (FY:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312294 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B_GATA
New Batch
Green EX1312294 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B[265T]_FY*X
New Batch
Green EX1312294 6_20140515_111617.csv MNS GYPA*M GYPA*M M (MNS:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1312294 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPA*N N (MNS:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312294 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S GYPB*s S (MNS:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312294 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*s s (MNS:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1312294 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S_null(IVS5+5t) U (MNS:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1312294 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S_null(230T) Mia (MNS:7) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312294 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*deletion
New Batch
Green EX1312294 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*Mur

203 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1312294 6_20140515_111617.csv Diego DI*A DI*B Dia (DI:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312294 6_20140515_111617.csv DI*B Dib (DI:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312294 6_20140515_111617.csv Dombrock DO*A DO*A Doa (DO:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1312294 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*B Dob (DO:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312294 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*B_HY- Hy (DO:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1312294 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*A_JOA- Joa (DO:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1312294 6_20140515_111617.csv Colton CO*A CO*A Coa (CO:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1312294 6_20140515_111617.csv CO*B Cob (CO:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312294 6_20140515_111617.csv Cartwright YT*A YT*A Yta (YT:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1312294 6_20140515_111617.csv YT*B Ytb (YT:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312294 6_20140515_111617.csv Lutheran LU*A LU*A, LU*B Lua (LU:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1312294 6_20140515_111617.csv LU*B Lub (LU:2) +

204 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1312295 6_20140515_111617.csv Rh RHCE*ce RHCE*ce, RHCE*Ce C (RH:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312295 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*Ce E (RH:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312295 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cE c (RH:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1312295 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CE e (RH:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1312295 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeCW CW (RH:8) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312295 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ceCW V (RH:10) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312295 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CECW hrS (RH:19) +
New Batch
Green EX1312295 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ceAR VS (RH:20) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312295 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeFV hrB (RH:31) +
New Batch
Green EX1312295 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeVG
New Batch
Green EX1312295 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cEFM
New Batch
Green EX1312295 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[712G]

205 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1312295 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G]
New Batch
Green EX1312295 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1312295 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CE-D[2, 5, 7]-CE
New Batch
Green EX1312295 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cE[697G,712G,733G]
New Batch RHD*r’s-
Green EX1312295 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1312295 6_20140515_111617.csv Kell KEL*K_KPB_JSB KEL*k_KPB_JSB K (KEL:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312295 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSB k (KEL:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312295 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPA_JSB Kpa (KEL:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312295 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSA Kpb (KEL:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1312295 6_20140515_111617.csv Jsa (KEL:6) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312295 6_20140515_111617.csv Jsb (KEL:7) +
New Batch
Green EX1312295 6_20140515_111617.csv Kidd JK*A JK*B Jka (JK:1) 0

206 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1312295 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B Jkb (JK:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312295 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B_null(IVS5-1a)
New Batch
Green EX1312295 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B_null(871C)
New Batch
Green EX1312295 6_20140515_111617.csv Duffy FY*A FY*B Fya (FY:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312295 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B Fyb (FY:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312295 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B_GATA
New Batch
Green EX1312295 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B[265T]_FY*X
New Batch
Green EX1312295 6_20140515_111617.csv MNS GYPA*M GYPA*M M (MNS:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1312295 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPA*N N (MNS:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312295 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S GYPB*S, GYPB*s S (MNS:3) +
New Batch
Green EX1312295 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*s s (MNS:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1312295 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S_null(IVS5+5t) U (MNS:5) +

207 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1312295 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S_null(230T) Mia (MNS:7) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312295 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*deletion
New Batch
Green EX1312295 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*Mur
New Batch
Green EX1312295 6_20140515_111617.csv Diego DI*A DI*B Dia (DI:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312295 6_20140515_111617.csv DI*B Dib (DI:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312295 6_20140515_111617.csv Dombrock DO*A DO*B Doa (DO:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312295 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*B Dob (DO:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312295 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*B_HY- Hy (DO:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1312295 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*A_JOA- Joa (DO:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1312295 6_20140515_111617.csv Colton CO*A CO*A Coa (CO:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1312295 6_20140515_111617.csv CO*B Cob (CO:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312295 6_20140515_111617.csv Cartwright YT*A YT*A Yta (YT:1) +

208 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1312295 6_20140515_111617.csv YT*B Ytb (YT:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312295 6_20140515_111617.csv Lutheran LU*A LU*B Lua (LU:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312295 6_20140515_111617.csv LU*B Lub (LU:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312296 6_20140515_111617.csv Rh RHCE*ce RHCE*ce, RHCE*Ce C (RH:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312296 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*Ce E (RH:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312296 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cE c (RH:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1312296 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CE e (RH:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1312296 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeCW CW (RH:8) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312296 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ceCW V (RH:10) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312296 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CECW hrS (RH:19) +
New Batch
Green EX1312296 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ceAR VS (RH:20) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312296 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeFV hrB (RH:31) +

209 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1312296 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeVG
New Batch
Green EX1312296 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cEFM
New Batch
Green EX1312296 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[712G]
New Batch
Green EX1312296 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G]
New Batch
Green EX1312296 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1312296 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CE-D[2, 5, 7]-CE
New Batch
Green EX1312296 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cE[697G,712G,733G]
New Batch RHD*r’s-
Green EX1312296 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1312296 6_20140515_111617.csv Kell KEL*K_KPB_JSB KEL*k_KPB_JSB K (KEL:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312296 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSB k (KEL:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312296 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPA_JSB Kpa (KEL:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312296 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSA Kpb (KEL:4) +

210 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1312296 6_20140515_111617.csv Jsa (KEL:6) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312296 6_20140515_111617.csv Jsb (KEL:7) +
New Batch
Green EX1312296 6_20140515_111617.csv Kidd JK*A JK*A Jka (JK:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1312296 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B Jkb (JK:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312296 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B_null(IVS5-1a)
New Batch
Green EX1312296 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B_null(871C)
New Batch
Green EX1312296 6_20140515_111617.csv Duffy FY*A FY*A Fya (FY:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1312296 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B Fyb (FY:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312296 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B_GATA
New Batch
Green EX1312296 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B[265T]_FY*X
New Batch
Green EX1312296 6_20140515_111617.csv MNS GYPA*M GYPA*M M (MNS:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1312296 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPA*N N (MNS:2) 0

211 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1312296 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S GYPB*s S (MNS:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312296 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*s s (MNS:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1312296 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S_null(IVS5+5t) U (MNS:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1312296 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S_null(230T) Mia (MNS:7) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312296 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*deletion
New Batch
Green EX1312296 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*Mur
New Batch
Green EX1312296 6_20140515_111617.csv Diego DI*A DI*B Dia (DI:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312296 6_20140515_111617.csv DI*B Dib (DI:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312296 6_20140515_111617.csv Dombrock DO*A DO*A, DO*B Doa (DO:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1312296 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*B Dob (DO:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312296 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*B_HY- Hy (DO:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1312296 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*A_JOA- Joa (DO:5) +

212 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1312296 6_20140515_111617.csv Colton CO*A CO*A Coa (CO:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1312296 6_20140515_111617.csv CO*B Cob (CO:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312296 6_20140515_111617.csv Cartwright YT*A YT*A Yta (YT:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1312296 6_20140515_111617.csv YT*B Ytb (YT:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312296 6_20140515_111617.csv Lutheran LU*A LU*B Lua (LU:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312296 6_20140515_111617.csv LU*B Lub (LU:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312297 6_20140515_111617.csv Rh RHCE*ce RHCE*ce, RHCE*Ce C (RH:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312297 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*Ce E (RH:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312297 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cE c (RH:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1312297 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CE e (RH:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1312297 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeCW CW (RH:8) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312297 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ceCW V (RH:10) 0

213 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1312297 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CECW hrS (RH:19) +
New Batch
Green EX1312297 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ceAR VS (RH:20) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312297 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeFV hrB (RH:31) +
New Batch
Green EX1312297 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeVG
New Batch
Green EX1312297 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cEFM
New Batch
Green EX1312297 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[712G]
New Batch
Green EX1312297 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G]
New Batch
Green EX1312297 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1312297 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CE-D[2, 5, 7]-CE
New Batch
Green EX1312297 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cE[697G,712G,733G]
New Batch RHD*r’s-
Green EX1312297 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch KEL*K_KPB_JSB,
Green EX1312297 6_20140515_111617.csv Kell KEL*K_KPB_JSB KEL*k_KPB_JSB K (KEL:1) +

214 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1312297 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSB k (KEL:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312297 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPA_JSB Kpa (KEL:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312297 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSA Kpb (KEL:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1312297 6_20140515_111617.csv Jsa (KEL:6) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312297 6_20140515_111617.csv Jsb (KEL:7) +
New Batch
Green EX1312297 6_20140515_111617.csv Kidd JK*A JK*A Jka (JK:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1312297 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B Jkb (JK:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312297 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B_null(IVS5-1a)
New Batch
Green EX1312297 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B_null(871C)
New Batch
Green EX1312297 6_20140515_111617.csv Duffy FY*A FY*B Fya (FY:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312297 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B Fyb (FY:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312297 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B_GATA

215 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1312297 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B[265T]_FY*X
New Batch
Green EX1312297 6_20140515_111617.csv MNS GYPA*M GYPA*M, GYPA*N M (MNS:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1312297 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPA*N N (MNS:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312297 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S GYPB*s S (MNS:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312297 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*s s (MNS:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1312297 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S_null(IVS5+5t) U (MNS:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1312297 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S_null(230T) Mia (MNS:7) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312297 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*deletion
New Batch
Green EX1312297 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*Mur
New Batch
Green EX1312297 6_20140515_111617.csv Diego DI*A DI*B Dia (DI:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312297 6_20140515_111617.csv DI*B Dib (DI:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312297 6_20140515_111617.csv Dombrock DO*A DO*A Doa (DO:1) +

216 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1312297 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*B Dob (DO:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312297 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*B_HY- Hy (DO:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1312297 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*A_JOA- Joa (DO:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1312297 6_20140515_111617.csv Colton CO*A CO*A Coa (CO:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1312297 6_20140515_111617.csv CO*B Cob (CO:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312297 6_20140515_111617.csv Cartwright YT*A YT*A Yta (YT:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1312297 6_20140515_111617.csv YT*B Ytb (YT:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312297 6_20140515_111617.csv Lutheran LU*A LU*B Lua (LU:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312297 6_20140515_111617.csv LU*B Lub (LU:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312311 6_20140515_111617.csv Rh RHCE*ce RHCE*ce, RHCE*Ce C (RH:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312311 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*Ce E (RH:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312311 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cE c (RH:4) +

217 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1312311 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CE e (RH:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1312311 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeCW CW (RH:8) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312311 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ceCW V (RH:10) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312311 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CECW hrS (RH:19) +
New Batch
Green EX1312311 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ceAR VS (RH:20) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312311 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeFV hrB (RH:31) +
New Batch
Green EX1312311 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeVG
New Batch
Green EX1312311 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cEFM
New Batch
Green EX1312311 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[712G]
New Batch
Green EX1312311 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G]
New Batch
Green EX1312311 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1312311 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CE-D[2, 5, 7]-CE

218 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1312311 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cE[697G,712G,733G]
New Batch RHD*r’s-
Green EX1312311 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1312311 6_20140515_111617.csv Kell KEL*K_KPB_JSB KEL*k_KPB_JSB K (KEL:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312311 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSB k (KEL:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312311 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPA_JSB Kpa (KEL:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312311 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSA Kpb (KEL:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1312311 6_20140515_111617.csv Jsa (KEL:6) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312311 6_20140515_111617.csv Jsb (KEL:7) +
New Batch
Green EX1312311 6_20140515_111617.csv Kidd JK*A JK*B Jka (JK:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312311 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B Jkb (JK:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312311 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B_null(IVS5-1a)
New Batch
Green EX1312311 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B_null(871C)

219 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1312311 6_20140515_111617.csv Duffy FY*A FY*B Fya (FY:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312311 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B Fyb (FY:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312311 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B_GATA
New Batch
Green EX1312311 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B[265T]_FY*X
New Batch
Green EX1312311 6_20140515_111617.csv MNS GYPA*M GYPA*N M (MNS:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312311 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPA*N N (MNS:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312311 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S GYPB*s S (MNS:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312311 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*s s (MNS:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1312311 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S_null(IVS5+5t) U (MNS:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1312311 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S_null(230T) Mia (MNS:7) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312311 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*deletion
New Batch
Green EX1312311 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*Mur

220 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1312311 6_20140515_111617.csv Diego DI*A DI*B Dia (DI:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312311 6_20140515_111617.csv DI*B Dib (DI:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312311 6_20140515_111617.csv Dombrock DO*A DO*B Doa (DO:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312311 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*B Dob (DO:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312311 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*B_HY- Hy (DO:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1312311 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*A_JOA- Joa (DO:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1312311 6_20140515_111617.csv Colton CO*A CO*A Coa (CO:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1312311 6_20140515_111617.csv CO*B Cob (CO:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312311 6_20140515_111617.csv Cartwright YT*A YT*A Yta (YT:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1312311 6_20140515_111617.csv YT*B Ytb (YT:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312311 6_20140515_111617.csv Lutheran LU*A LU*B Lua (LU:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312311 6_20140515_111617.csv LU*B Lub (LU:2) +

221 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1322312 6_20140515_111617.csv Rh RHCE*ce RHCE*Ce C (RH:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1322312 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*Ce E (RH:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1322312 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cE c (RH:4) 0
New Batch
Green EX1322312 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CE e (RH:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1322312 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeCW CW (RH:8) 0
New Batch
Green EX1322312 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ceCW V (RH:10) 0
New Batch
Green EX1322312 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CECW hrS (RH:19) +
New Batch
Green EX1322312 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ceAR VS (RH:20) 0
New Batch
Green EX1322312 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeFV hrB (RH:31) +
New Batch
Green EX1322312 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeVG
New Batch
Green EX1322312 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cEFM
New Batch
Green EX1322312 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[712G]

222 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1322312 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G]
New Batch
Green EX1322312 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1322312 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CE-D[2, 5, 7]-CE
New Batch
Green EX1322312 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cE[697G,712G,733G]
New Batch RHD*r’s-
Green EX1322312 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1322312 6_20140515_111617.csv Kell KEL*K_KPB_JSB KEL*k_KPB_JSB K (KEL:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1322312 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSB k (KEL:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1322312 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPA_JSB Kpa (KEL:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1322312 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSA Kpb (KEL:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1322312 6_20140515_111617.csv Jsa (KEL:6) 0
New Batch
Green EX1322312 6_20140515_111617.csv Jsb (KEL:7) +
New Batch
Green EX1322312 6_20140515_111617.csv Kidd JK*A JK*A, JK*B Jka (JK:1) +

223 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1322312 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B Jkb (JK:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1322312 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B_null(IVS5-1a)
New Batch
Green EX1322312 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B_null(871C)
New Batch
Green EX1322312 6_20140515_111617.csv Duffy FY*A FY*B Fya (FY:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1322312 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B Fyb (FY:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1322312 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B_GATA
New Batch
Green EX1322312 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B[265T]_FY*X
New Batch
Green EX1322312 6_20140515_111617.csv MNS GYPA*M GYPA*M, GYPA*N M (MNS:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1322312 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPA*N N (MNS:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1322312 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S GYPB*s S (MNS:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1322312 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*s s (MNS:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1322312 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S_null(IVS5+5t) U (MNS:5) +

224 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1322312 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S_null(230T) Mia (MNS:7) 0
New Batch
Green EX1322312 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*deletion
New Batch
Green EX1322312 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*Mur
New Batch
Green EX1322312 6_20140515_111617.csv Diego DI*A DI*B Dia (DI:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1322312 6_20140515_111617.csv DI*B Dib (DI:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1322312 6_20140515_111617.csv Dombrock DO*A DO*B Doa (DO:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1322312 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*B Dob (DO:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1322312 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*B_HY- Hy (DO:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1322312 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*A_JOA- Joa (DO:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1322312 6_20140515_111617.csv Colton CO*A CO*A Coa (CO:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1322312 6_20140515_111617.csv CO*B Cob (CO:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1322312 6_20140515_111617.csv Cartwright YT*A YT*A Yta (YT:1) +

225 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1322312 6_20140515_111617.csv YT*B Ytb (YT:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1322312 6_20140515_111617.csv Lutheran LU*A LU*B Lua (LU:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1322312 6_20140515_111617.csv LU*B Lub (LU:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312453 6_20140515_111617.csv Rh RHCE*ce RHCE*ce, RHCE*cE C (RH:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312453 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*Ce E (RH:3) +
New Batch
Green EX1312453 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cE c (RH:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1312453 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CE e (RH:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1312453 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeCW CW (RH:8) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312453 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ceCW V (RH:10) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312453 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CECW hrS (RH:19) +
New Batch
Green EX1312453 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ceAR VS (RH:20) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312453 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeFV hrB (RH:31) +

226 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1312453 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeVG
New Batch
Green EX1312453 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cEFM
New Batch
Green EX1312453 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[712G]
New Batch
Green EX1312453 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G]
New Batch
Green EX1312453 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1312453 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CE-D[2, 5, 7]-CE
New Batch
Green EX1312453 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cE[697G,712G,733G]
New Batch RHD*r’s-
Green EX1312453 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1312453 6_20140515_111617.csv Kell KEL*K_KPB_JSB KEL*k_KPB_JSB K (KEL:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312453 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSB k (KEL:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312453 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPA_JSB Kpa (KEL:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312453 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSA Kpb (KEL:4) +

227 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1312453 6_20140515_111617.csv Jsa (KEL:6) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312453 6_20140515_111617.csv Jsb (KEL:7) +
New Batch
Green EX1312453 6_20140515_111617.csv Kidd JK*A JK*A, JK*B Jka (JK:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1312453 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B Jkb (JK:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312453 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B_null(IVS5-1a)
New Batch
Green EX1312453 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B_null(871C)
New Batch
Green EX1312453 6_20140515_111617.csv Duffy FY*A FY*B Fya (FY:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312453 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B Fyb (FY:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312453 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B_GATA
New Batch
Green EX1312453 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B[265T]_FY*X
New Batch
Green EX1312453 6_20140515_111617.csv MNS GYPA*M GYPA*M M (MNS:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1312453 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPA*N N (MNS:2) 0

228 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1312453 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S GYPB*S S (MNS:3) +
New Batch
Green EX1312453 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*s s (MNS:4) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312453 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S_null(IVS5+5t) U (MNS:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1312453 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S_null(230T) Mia (MNS:7) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312453 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*deletion
New Batch
Green EX1312453 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*Mur
New Batch
Green EX1312453 6_20140515_111617.csv Diego DI*A DI*B Dia (DI:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312453 6_20140515_111617.csv DI*B Dib (DI:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312453 6_20140515_111617.csv Dombrock DO*A DO*B Doa (DO:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312453 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*B Dob (DO:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312453 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*B_HY- Hy (DO:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1312453 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*A_JOA- Joa (DO:5) +

229 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1312453 6_20140515_111617.csv Colton CO*A CO*A Coa (CO:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1312453 6_20140515_111617.csv CO*B Cob (CO:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312453 6_20140515_111617.csv Cartwright YT*A YT*A Yta (YT:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1312453 6_20140515_111617.csv YT*B Ytb (YT:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312453 6_20140515_111617.csv Lutheran LU*A LU*B Lua (LU:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312453 6_20140515_111617.csv LU*B Lub (LU:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312673 6_20140515_111617.csv Rh RHCE*ce RHCE*ce, RHCE*Ce C (RH:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312673 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*Ce E (RH:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312673 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cE c (RH:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1312673 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CE e (RH:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1312673 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeCW CW (RH:8) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312673 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ceCW V (RH:10) 0

230 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1312673 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CECW hrS (RH:19) +
New Batch
Green EX1312673 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ceAR VS (RH:20) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312673 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeFV hrB (RH:31) +
New Batch
Green EX1312673 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeVG
New Batch
Green EX1312673 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cEFM
New Batch
Green EX1312673 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[712G]
New Batch
Green EX1312673 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G]
New Batch
Green EX1312673 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1312673 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CE-D[2, 5, 7]-CE
New Batch
Green EX1312673 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cE[697G,712G,733G]
New Batch RHD*r’s-
Green EX1312673 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1312673 6_20140515_111617.csv Kell KEL*K_KPB_JSB KEL*k_KPB_JSB K (KEL:1) 0

231 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1312673 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSB k (KEL:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312673 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPA_JSB Kpa (KEL:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312673 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSA Kpb (KEL:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1312673 6_20140515_111617.csv Jsa (KEL:6) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312673 6_20140515_111617.csv Jsb (KEL:7) +
New Batch
Green EX1312673 6_20140515_111617.csv Kidd JK*A JK*A, JK*B Jka (JK:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1312673 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B Jkb (JK:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312673 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B_null(IVS5-1a)
New Batch
Green EX1312673 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B_null(871C)
New Batch
Green EX1312673 6_20140515_111617.csv Duffy FY*A FY*B Fya (FY:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312673 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B Fyb (FY:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312673 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B_GATA

232 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1312673 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B[265T]_FY*X
New Batch
Green EX1312673 6_20140515_111617.csv MNS GYPA*M GYPA*M, GYPA*N M (MNS:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1312673 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPA*N N (MNS:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312673 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S GYPB*s S (MNS:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312673 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*s s (MNS:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1312673 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S_null(IVS5+5t) U (MNS:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1312673 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S_null(230T) Mia (MNS:7) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312673 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*deletion
New Batch
Green EX1312673 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*Mur
New Batch
Green EX1312673 6_20140515_111617.csv Diego DI*A DI*B Dia (DI:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312673 6_20140515_111617.csv DI*B Dib (DI:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312673 6_20140515_111617.csv Dombrock DO*A DO*A, DO*B Doa (DO:1) +

233 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1312673 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*B Dob (DO:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312673 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*B_HY- Hy (DO:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1312673 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*A_JOA- Joa (DO:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1312673 6_20140515_111617.csv Colton CO*A CO*A Coa (CO:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1312673 6_20140515_111617.csv CO*B Cob (CO:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312673 6_20140515_111617.csv Cartwright YT*A YT*A Yta (YT:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1312673 6_20140515_111617.csv YT*B Ytb (YT:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312673 6_20140515_111617.csv Lutheran LU*A LU*B Lua (LU:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312673 6_20140515_111617.csv LU*B Lub (LU:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312674 6_20140515_111617.csv Rh RHCE*ce RHCE*Ce C (RH:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312674 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*Ce E (RH:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312674 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cE c (RH:4) 0

234 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1312674 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CE e (RH:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1312674 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeCW CW (RH:8) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312674 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ceCW V (RH:10) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312674 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CECW hrS (RH:19) +
New Batch
Green EX1312674 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ceAR VS (RH:20) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312674 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeFV hrB (RH:31) +
New Batch
Green EX1312674 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeVG
New Batch
Green EX1312674 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cEFM
New Batch
Green EX1312674 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[712G]
New Batch
Green EX1312674 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G]
New Batch
Green EX1312674 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1312674 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CE-D[2, 5, 7]-CE

235 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1312674 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cE[697G,712G,733G]
New Batch RHD*r’s-
Green EX1312674 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1312674 6_20140515_111617.csv Kell KEL*K_KPB_JSB KEL*k_KPB_JSB K (KEL:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312674 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSB k (KEL:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312674 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPA_JSB Kpa (KEL:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312674 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSA Kpb (KEL:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1312674 6_20140515_111617.csv Jsa (KEL:6) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312674 6_20140515_111617.csv Jsb (KEL:7) +
New Batch
Green EX1312674 6_20140515_111617.csv Kidd JK*A JK*A, JK*B Jka (JK:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1312674 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B Jkb (JK:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312674 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B_null(IVS5-1a)
New Batch
Green EX1312674 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B_null(871C)

236 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1312674 6_20140515_111617.csv Duffy FY*A FY*A Fya (FY:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1312674 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B Fyb (FY:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312674 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B_GATA
New Batch
Green EX1312674 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B[265T]_FY*X
New Batch
Green EX1312674 6_20140515_111617.csv MNS GYPA*M GYPA*M, GYPA*N M (MNS:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1312674 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPA*N N (MNS:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312674 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S GYPB*s S (MNS:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312674 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*s s (MNS:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1312674 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S_null(IVS5+5t) U (MNS:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1312674 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S_null(230T) Mia (MNS:7) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312674 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*deletion
New Batch
Green EX1312674 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*Mur

237 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1312674 6_20140515_111617.csv Diego DI*A DI*B Dia (DI:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312674 6_20140515_111617.csv DI*B Dib (DI:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312674 6_20140515_111617.csv Dombrock DO*A DO*B Doa (DO:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312674 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*B Dob (DO:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312674 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*B_HY- Hy (DO:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1312674 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*A_JOA- Joa (DO:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1312674 6_20140515_111617.csv Colton CO*A CO*A Coa (CO:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1312674 6_20140515_111617.csv CO*B Cob (CO:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312674 6_20140515_111617.csv Cartwright YT*A YT*A Yta (YT:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1312674 6_20140515_111617.csv YT*B Ytb (YT:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312674 6_20140515_111617.csv Lutheran LU*A LU*B Lua (LU:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312674 6_20140515_111617.csv LU*B Lub (LU:2) +

238 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1312675 6_20140515_111617.csv Rh RHCE*ce RHCE*Ce, RHCE*CeCW C (RH:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312675 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*Ce E (RH:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312675 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cE c (RH:4) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312675 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CE e (RH:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1312675 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeCW CW (RH:8) +
New Batch
Green EX1312675 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ceCW V (RH:10) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312675 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CECW hrS (RH:19) +
New Batch
Green EX1312675 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ceAR VS (RH:20) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312675 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeFV hrB (RH:31) +
New Batch
Green EX1312675 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeVG
New Batch
Green EX1312675 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cEFM
New Batch
Green EX1312675 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[712G]

239 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1312675 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G]
New Batch
Green EX1312675 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1312675 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CE-D[2, 5, 7]-CE
New Batch
Green EX1312675 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cE[697G,712G,733G]
New Batch RHD*r’s-
Green EX1312675 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1312675 6_20140515_111617.csv Kell KEL*K_KPB_JSB KEL*k_KPB_JSB K (KEL:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312675 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSB k (KEL:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312675 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPA_JSB Kpa (KEL:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312675 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSA Kpb (KEL:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1312675 6_20140515_111617.csv Jsa (KEL:6) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312675 6_20140515_111617.csv Jsb (KEL:7) +
New Batch
Green EX1312675 6_20140515_111617.csv Kidd JK*A JK*B Jka (JK:1) 0

240 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1312675 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B Jkb (JK:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312675 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B_null(IVS5-1a)
New Batch
Green EX1312675 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B_null(871C)
New Batch
Green EX1312675 6_20140515_111617.csv Duffy FY*A FY*B Fya (FY:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312675 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B Fyb (FY:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312675 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B_GATA
New Batch
Green EX1312675 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B[265T]_FY*X
New Batch
Green EX1312675 6_20140515_111617.csv MNS GYPA*M GYPA*N M (MNS:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312675 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPA*N N (MNS:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312675 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S GYPB*s S (MNS:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312675 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*s s (MNS:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1312675 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S_null(IVS5+5t) U (MNS:5) +

241 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1312675 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S_null(230T) Mia (MNS:7) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312675 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*deletion
New Batch
Green EX1312675 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*Mur
New Batch
Green EX1312675 6_20140515_111617.csv Diego DI*A DI*B Dia (DI:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312675 6_20140515_111617.csv DI*B Dib (DI:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312675 6_20140515_111617.csv Dombrock DO*A DO*A, DO*B Doa (DO:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1312675 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*B Dob (DO:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312675 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*B_HY- Hy (DO:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1312675 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*A_JOA- Joa (DO:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1312675 6_20140515_111617.csv Colton CO*A CO*A Coa (CO:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1312675 6_20140515_111617.csv CO*B Cob (CO:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312675 6_20140515_111617.csv Cartwright YT*A YT*A Yta (YT:1) +

242 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1312675 6_20140515_111617.csv YT*B Ytb (YT:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312675 6_20140515_111617.csv Lutheran LU*A LU*B Lua (LU:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312675 6_20140515_111617.csv LU*B Lub (LU:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312967 6_20140515_111617.csv Rh RHCE*ce RHCE*ce, RHCE*cE C (RH:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312967 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*Ce E (RH:3) +
New Batch
Green EX1312967 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cE c (RH:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1312967 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CE e (RH:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1312967 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeCW CW (RH:8) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312967 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ceCW V (RH:10) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312967 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CECW hrS (RH:19) +
New Batch
Green EX1312967 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ceAR VS (RH:20) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312967 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeFV hrB (RH:31) +

243 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1312967 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeVG
New Batch
Green EX1312967 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cEFM
New Batch
Green EX1312967 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[712G]
New Batch
Green EX1312967 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G]
New Batch
Green EX1312967 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1312967 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CE-D[2, 5, 7]-CE
New Batch
Green EX1312967 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cE[697G,712G,733G]
New Batch RHD*r’s-
Green EX1312967 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1312967 6_20140515_111617.csv Kell KEL*K_KPB_JSB KEL*k_KPB_JSB K (KEL:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312967 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSB k (KEL:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312967 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPA_JSB Kpa (KEL:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312967 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSA Kpb (KEL:4) +

244 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1312967 6_20140515_111617.csv Jsa (KEL:6) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312967 6_20140515_111617.csv Jsb (KEL:7) +
New Batch
Green EX1312967 6_20140515_111617.csv Kidd JK*A JK*B Jka (JK:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312967 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B Jkb (JK:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312967 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B_null(IVS5-1a)
New Batch
Green EX1312967 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B_null(871C)
New Batch
Green EX1312967 6_20140515_111617.csv Duffy FY*A FY*B Fya (FY:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312967 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B Fyb (FY:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312967 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B_GATA
New Batch
Green EX1312967 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B[265T]_FY*X
New Batch
Green EX1312967 6_20140515_111617.csv MNS GYPA*M GYPA*M, GYPA*N M (MNS:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1312967 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPA*N N (MNS:2) +

245 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1312967 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S GYPB*S, GYPB*s S (MNS:3) +
New Batch
Green EX1312967 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*s s (MNS:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1312967 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S_null(IVS5+5t) U (MNS:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1312967 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S_null(230T) Mia (MNS:7) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312967 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*deletion
New Batch
Green EX1312967 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*Mur
New Batch
Green EX1312967 6_20140515_111617.csv Diego DI*A DI*B Dia (DI:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312967 6_20140515_111617.csv DI*B Dib (DI:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312967 6_20140515_111617.csv Dombrock DO*A DO*B Doa (DO:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312967 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*B Dob (DO:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1312967 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*B_HY- Hy (DO:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1312967 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*A_JOA- Joa (DO:5) +

246 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1312967 6_20140515_111617.csv Colton CO*A CO*A Coa (CO:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1312967 6_20140515_111617.csv CO*B Cob (CO:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312967 6_20140515_111617.csv Cartwright YT*A YT*A Yta (YT:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1312967 6_20140515_111617.csv YT*B Ytb (YT:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312967 6_20140515_111617.csv Lutheran LU*A LU*B Lua (LU:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1312967 6_20140515_111617.csv LU*B Lub (LU:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1313154 6_20140515_111617.csv Rh RHCE*ce RHCE*ce, RHCE*Ce C (RH:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1313154 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*Ce E (RH:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313154 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cE c (RH:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1313154 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CE e (RH:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1313154 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeCW CW (RH:8) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313154 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ceCW V (RH:10) 0

247 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1313154 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CECW hrS (RH:19) +
New Batch
Green EX1313154 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ceAR VS (RH:20) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313154 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeFV hrB (RH:31) +
New Batch
Green EX1313154 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeVG
New Batch
Green EX1313154 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cEFM
New Batch
Green EX1313154 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[712G]
New Batch
Green EX1313154 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G]
New Batch
Green EX1313154 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1313154 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CE-D[2, 5, 7]-CE
New Batch
Green EX1313154 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cE[697G,712G,733G]
New Batch RHD*r’s-
Green EX1313154 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1313154 6_20140515_111617.csv Kell KEL*K_KPB_JSB KEL*k_KPB_JSB K (KEL:1) 0

248 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1313154 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSB k (KEL:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1313154 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPA_JSB Kpa (KEL:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313154 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSA Kpb (KEL:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1313154 6_20140515_111617.csv Jsa (KEL:6) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313154 6_20140515_111617.csv Jsb (KEL:7) +
New Batch
Green EX1313154 6_20140515_111617.csv Kidd JK*A JK*B Jka (JK:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313154 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B Jkb (JK:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1313154 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B_null(IVS5-1a)
New Batch
Green EX1313154 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B_null(871C)
New Batch
Green EX1313154 6_20140515_111617.csv Duffy FY*A FY*A, FY*B Fya (FY:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1313154 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B Fyb (FY:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1313154 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B_GATA

249 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1313154 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B[265T]_FY*X
New Batch
Green EX1313154 6_20140515_111617.csv MNS GYPA*M GYPA*M M (MNS:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1313154 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPA*N N (MNS:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313154 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S GYPB*S S (MNS:3) +
New Batch
Green EX1313154 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*s s (MNS:4) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313154 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S_null(IVS5+5t) U (MNS:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1313154 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S_null(230T) Mia (MNS:7) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313154 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*deletion
New Batch
Green EX1313154 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*Mur
New Batch
Green EX1313154 6_20140515_111617.csv Diego DI*A DI*B Dia (DI:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313154 6_20140515_111617.csv DI*B Dib (DI:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1313154 6_20140515_111617.csv Dombrock DO*A DO*A Doa (DO:1) +

250 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1313154 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*B Dob (DO:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313154 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*B_HY- Hy (DO:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1313154 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*A_JOA- Joa (DO:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1313154 6_20140515_111617.csv Colton CO*A CO*A Coa (CO:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1313154 6_20140515_111617.csv CO*B Cob (CO:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313154 6_20140515_111617.csv Cartwright YT*A YT*A, YT*B Yta (YT:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1313154 6_20140515_111617.csv YT*B Ytb (YT:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1313154 6_20140515_111617.csv Lutheran LU*A LU*B Lua (LU:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313154 6_20140515_111617.csv LU*B Lub (LU:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1313155 6_20140515_111617.csv Rh RHCE*ce RHCE*ce, RHCE*cE C (RH:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313155 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*Ce E (RH:3) +
New Batch
Green EX1313155 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cE c (RH:4) +

251 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1313155 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CE e (RH:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1313155 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeCW CW (RH:8) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313155 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ceCW V (RH:10) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313155 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CECW hrS (RH:19) +
New Batch
Green EX1313155 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ceAR VS (RH:20) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313155 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeFV hrB (RH:31) +
New Batch
Green EX1313155 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeVG
New Batch
Green EX1313155 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cEFM
New Batch
Green EX1313155 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[712G]
New Batch
Green EX1313155 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G]
New Batch
Green EX1313155 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1313155 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CE-D[2, 5, 7]-CE

252 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1313155 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cE[697G,712G,733G]
New Batch RHD*r’s-
Green EX1313155 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1313155 6_20140515_111617.csv Kell KEL*K_KPB_JSB KEL*k_KPB_JSB K (KEL:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313155 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSB k (KEL:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1313155 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPA_JSB Kpa (KEL:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313155 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSA Kpb (KEL:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1313155 6_20140515_111617.csv Jsa (KEL:6) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313155 6_20140515_111617.csv Jsb (KEL:7) +
New Batch
Green EX1313155 6_20140515_111617.csv Kidd JK*A JK*B Jka (JK:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313155 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B Jkb (JK:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1313155 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B_null(IVS5-1a)
New Batch
Green EX1313155 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B_null(871C)

253 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1313155 6_20140515_111617.csv Duffy FY*A FY*A Fya (FY:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1313155 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B Fyb (FY:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313155 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B_GATA
New Batch
Green EX1313155 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B[265T]_FY*X
New Batch
Green EX1313155 6_20140515_111617.csv MNS GYPA*M GYPA*N M (MNS:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313155 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPA*N N (MNS:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1313155 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S GYPB*s S (MNS:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313155 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*s s (MNS:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1313155 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S_null(IVS5+5t) U (MNS:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1313155 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S_null(230T) Mia (MNS:7) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313155 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*deletion
New Batch
Green EX1313155 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*Mur

254 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1313155 6_20140515_111617.csv Diego DI*A DI*B Dia (DI:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313155 6_20140515_111617.csv DI*B Dib (DI:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1313155 6_20140515_111617.csv Dombrock DO*A DO*A, DO*B Doa (DO:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1313155 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*B Dob (DO:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1313155 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*B_HY- Hy (DO:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1313155 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*A_JOA- Joa (DO:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1313155 6_20140515_111617.csv Colton CO*A CO*A Coa (CO:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1313155 6_20140515_111617.csv CO*B Cob (CO:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313155 6_20140515_111617.csv Cartwright YT*A YT*A Yta (YT:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1313155 6_20140515_111617.csv YT*B Ytb (YT:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313155 6_20140515_111617.csv Lutheran LU*A LU*B Lua (LU:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313155 6_20140515_111617.csv LU*B Lub (LU:2) +

255 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1313515 6_20140515_111617.csv Rh RHCE*ce RHCE*cE C (RH:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313515 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*Ce E (RH:3) +
New Batch
Green EX1313515 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cE c (RH:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1313515 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CE e (RH:5) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313515 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeCW CW (RH:8) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313515 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ceCW V (RH:10) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313515 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CECW hrS (RH:19) +
New Batch
Green EX1313515 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ceAR VS (RH:20) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313515 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeFV hrB (RH:31) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313515 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeVG
New Batch
Green EX1313515 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cEFM
New Batch
Green EX1313515 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[712G]

256 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1313515 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G]
New Batch
Green EX1313515 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1313515 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CE-D[2, 5, 7]-CE
New Batch
Green EX1313515 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cE[697G,712G,733G]
New Batch RHD*r’s-
Green EX1313515 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1313515 6_20140515_111617.csv Kell KEL*K_KPB_JSB KEL*k_KPB_JSB K (KEL:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313515 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSB k (KEL:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1313515 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPA_JSB Kpa (KEL:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313515 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSA Kpb (KEL:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1313515 6_20140515_111617.csv Jsa (KEL:6) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313515 6_20140515_111617.csv Jsb (KEL:7) +
New Batch
Green EX1313515 6_20140515_111617.csv Kidd JK*A JK*A Jka (JK:1) +

257 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1313515 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B Jkb (JK:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313515 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B_null(IVS5-1a)
New Batch
Green EX1313515 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B_null(871C)
New Batch
Green EX1313515 6_20140515_111617.csv Duffy FY*A FY*B Fya (FY:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313515 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B Fyb (FY:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1313515 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B_GATA
New Batch
Green EX1313515 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B[265T]_FY*X
New Batch
Green EX1313515 6_20140515_111617.csv MNS GYPA*M GYPA*N M (MNS:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313515 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPA*N N (MNS:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1313515 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S GYPB*S, GYPB*s S (MNS:3) +
New Batch
Green EX1313515 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*s s (MNS:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1313515 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S_null(IVS5+5t) U (MNS:5) +

258 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1313515 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S_null(230T) Mia (MNS:7) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313515 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*deletion
New Batch
Green EX1313515 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*Mur
New Batch
Green EX1313515 6_20140515_111617.csv Diego DI*A DI*B Dia (DI:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313515 6_20140515_111617.csv DI*B Dib (DI:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1313515 6_20140515_111617.csv Dombrock DO*A DO*A, DO*B Doa (DO:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1313515 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*B Dob (DO:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1313515 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*B_HY- Hy (DO:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1313515 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*A_JOA- Joa (DO:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1313515 6_20140515_111617.csv Colton CO*A CO*A Coa (CO:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1313515 6_20140515_111617.csv CO*B Cob (CO:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313515 6_20140515_111617.csv Cartwright YT*A YT*A Yta (YT:1) +

259 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1313515 6_20140515_111617.csv YT*B Ytb (YT:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313515 6_20140515_111617.csv Lutheran LU*A LU*B Lua (LU:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313515 6_20140515_111617.csv LU*B Lub (LU:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1313516 6_20140515_111617.csv Rh RHCE*ce RHCE*ce, RHCE*CeCW(12) C (RH:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1313516 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*Ce E (RH:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313516 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cE c (RH:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1313516 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CE e (RH:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1313516 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeCW CW (RH:8) +
New Batch
Green EX1313516 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ceCW V (RH:10) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313516 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CECW hrS (RH:19) +
New Batch
Green EX1313516 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ceAR VS (RH:20) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313516 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeFV hrB (RH:31) +

260 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1313516 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeVG
New Batch
Green EX1313516 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cEFM
New Batch
Green EX1313516 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[712G]
New Batch
Green EX1313516 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G]
New Batch
Green EX1313516 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1313516 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CE-D[2, 5, 7]-CE
New Batch
Green EX1313516 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cE[697G,712G,733G]
New Batch RHD*r’s-
Green EX1313516 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1313516 6_20140515_111617.csv Kell KEL*K_KPB_JSB KEL*k_KPB_JSB K (KEL:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313516 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSB k (KEL:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1313516 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPA_JSB Kpa (KEL:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313516 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSA Kpb (KEL:4) +

261 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1313516 6_20140515_111617.csv Jsa (KEL:6) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313516 6_20140515_111617.csv Jsb (KEL:7) +
New Batch
Green EX1313516 6_20140515_111617.csv Kidd JK*A JK*A Jka (JK:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1313516 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B Jkb (JK:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313516 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B_null(IVS5-1a)
New Batch
Green EX1313516 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B_null(871C)
New Batch
Green EX1313516 6_20140515_111617.csv Duffy FY*A FY*A, FY*B Fya (FY:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1313516 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B Fyb (FY:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1313516 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B_GATA
New Batch
Green EX1313516 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B[265T]_FY*X
New Batch
Green EX1313516 6_20140515_111617.csv MNS GYPA*M GYPA*M M (MNS:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1313516 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPA*N N (MNS:2) 0

262 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1313516 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S GYPB*s S (MNS:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313516 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*s s (MNS:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1313516 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S_null(IVS5+5t) U (MNS:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1313516 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S_null(230T) Mia (MNS:7) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313516 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*deletion
New Batch
Green EX1313516 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*Mur
New Batch
Green EX1313516 6_20140515_111617.csv Diego DI*A DI*B Dia (DI:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313516 6_20140515_111617.csv DI*B Dib (DI:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1313516 6_20140515_111617.csv Dombrock DO*A DO*A, DO*B Doa (DO:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1313516 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*B Dob (DO:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1313516 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*B_HY- Hy (DO:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1313516 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*A_JOA- Joa (DO:5) +

263 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1313516 6_20140515_111617.csv Colton CO*A CO*A Coa (CO:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1313516 6_20140515_111617.csv CO*B Cob (CO:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313516 6_20140515_111617.csv Cartwright YT*A YT*A Yta (YT:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1313516 6_20140515_111617.csv YT*B Ytb (YT:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313516 6_20140515_111617.csv Lutheran LU*A LU*B Lua (LU:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313516 6_20140515_111617.csv LU*B Lub (LU:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1313820 6_20140515_111617.csv Rh RHCE*ce RHCE*ce, RHCE*Ce C (RH:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1313820 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*Ce E (RH:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313820 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cE c (RH:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1313820 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CE e (RH:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1313820 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeCW CW (RH:8) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313820 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ceCW V (RH:10) 0

264 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1313820 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CECW hrS (RH:19) +
New Batch
Green EX1313820 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ceAR VS (RH:20) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313820 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeFV hrB (RH:31) +
New Batch
Green EX1313820 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeVG
New Batch
Green EX1313820 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cEFM
New Batch
Green EX1313820 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[712G]
New Batch
Green EX1313820 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G]
New Batch
Green EX1313820 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1313820 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CE-D[2, 5, 7]-CE
New Batch
Green EX1313820 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cE[697G,712G,733G]
New Batch RHD*r’s-
Green EX1313820 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1313820 6_20140515_111617.csv Kell KEL*K_KPB_JSB KEL*k_KPB_JSB K (KEL:1) 0

265 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1313820 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSB k (KEL:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1313820 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPA_JSB Kpa (KEL:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313820 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSA Kpb (KEL:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1313820 6_20140515_111617.csv Jsa (KEL:6) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313820 6_20140515_111617.csv Jsb (KEL:7) +
New Batch
Green EX1313820 6_20140515_111617.csv Kidd JK*A JK*B Jka (JK:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313820 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B Jkb (JK:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1313820 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B_null(IVS5-1a)
New Batch
Green EX1313820 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B_null(871C)
New Batch
Green EX1313820 6_20140515_111617.csv Duffy FY*A FY*B Fya (FY:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313820 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B Fyb (FY:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1313820 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B_GATA

266 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1313820 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B[265T]_FY*X
New Batch
Green EX1313820 6_20140515_111617.csv MNS GYPA*M GYPA*M, GYPA*N M (MNS:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1313820 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPA*N N (MNS:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1313820 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S GYPB*s S (MNS:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313820 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*s s (MNS:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1313820 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S_null(IVS5+5t) U (MNS:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1313820 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S_null(230T) Mia (MNS:7) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313820 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*deletion
New Batch
Green EX1313820 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*Mur
New Batch
Green EX1313820 6_20140515_111617.csv Diego DI*A DI*B Dia (DI:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313820 6_20140515_111617.csv DI*B Dib (DI:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1313820 6_20140515_111617.csv Dombrock DO*A DO*B Doa (DO:1) 0

267 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1313820 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*B Dob (DO:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1313820 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*B_HY- Hy (DO:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1313820 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*A_JOA- Joa (DO:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1313820 6_20140515_111617.csv Colton CO*A CO*A, CO*B Coa (CO:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1313820 6_20140515_111617.csv CO*B Cob (CO:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1313820 6_20140515_111617.csv Cartwright YT*A YT*A Yta (YT:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1313820 6_20140515_111617.csv YT*B Ytb (YT:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313820 6_20140515_111617.csv Lutheran LU*A LU*B Lua (LU:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1313820 6_20140515_111617.csv LU*B Lub (LU:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1400171 6_20140515_111617.csv Rh RHCE*ce RHCE*ce, RHCE*Ce C (RH:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1400171 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*Ce E (RH:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1400171 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cE c (RH:4) +

268 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1400171 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CE e (RH:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1400171 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeCW CW (RH:8) 0
New Batch
Green EX1400171 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ceCW V (RH:10) 0
New Batch
Green EX1400171 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CECW hrS (RH:19) +
New Batch
Green EX1400171 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ceAR VS (RH:20) 0
New Batch
Green EX1400171 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeFV hrB (RH:31) +
New Batch
Green EX1400171 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeVG
New Batch
Green EX1400171 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cEFM
New Batch
Green EX1400171 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[712G]
New Batch
Green EX1400171 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G]
New Batch
Green EX1400171 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1400171 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CE-D[2, 5, 7]-CE

269 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1400171 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cE[697G,712G,733G]
New Batch RHD*r’s-
Green EX1400171 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1400171 6_20140515_111617.csv Kell KEL*K_KPB_JSB KEL*k_KPB_JSB K (KEL:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1400171 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSB k (KEL:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1400171 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPA_JSB Kpa (KEL:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1400171 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSA Kpb (KEL:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1400171 6_20140515_111617.csv Jsa (KEL:6) 0
New Batch
Green EX1400171 6_20140515_111617.csv Jsb (KEL:7) +
New Batch
Green EX1400171 6_20140515_111617.csv Kidd JK*A JK*A, JK*B Jka (JK:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1400171 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B Jkb (JK:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1400171 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B_null(IVS5-1a)
New Batch
Green EX1400171 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B_null(871C)

270 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1400171 6_20140515_111617.csv Duffy FY*A FY*B Fya (FY:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1400171 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B Fyb (FY:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1400171 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B_GATA
New Batch
Green EX1400171 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B[265T]_FY*X
New Batch
Green EX1400171 6_20140515_111617.csv MNS GYPA*M GYPA*M, GYPA*N M (MNS:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1400171 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPA*N N (MNS:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1400171 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S GYPB*s S (MNS:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1400171 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*s s (MNS:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1400171 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S_null(IVS5+5t) U (MNS:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1400171 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S_null(230T) Mia (MNS:7) 0
New Batch
Green EX1400171 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*deletion
New Batch
Green EX1400171 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*Mur

271 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1400171 6_20140515_111617.csv Diego DI*A DI*B Dia (DI:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1400171 6_20140515_111617.csv DI*B Dib (DI:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1400171 6_20140515_111617.csv Dombrock DO*A DO*B Doa (DO:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1400171 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*B Dob (DO:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1400171 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*B_HY- Hy (DO:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1400171 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*A_JOA- Joa (DO:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1400171 6_20140515_111617.csv Colton CO*A CO*A Coa (CO:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1400171 6_20140515_111617.csv CO*B Cob (CO:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1400171 6_20140515_111617.csv Cartwright YT*A YT*A Yta (YT:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1400171 6_20140515_111617.csv YT*B Ytb (YT:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1400171 6_20140515_111617.csv Lutheran LU*A LU*B Lua (LU:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1400171 6_20140515_111617.csv LU*B Lub (LU:2) +

272 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1400887 6_20140515_111617.csv Rh RHCE*ce RHCE*ce, RHCE*Ce C (RH:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1400887 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*Ce E (RH:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1400887 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cE c (RH:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1400887 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CE e (RH:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1400887 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeCW CW (RH:8) 0
New Batch
Green EX1400887 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ceCW V (RH:10) 0
New Batch
Green EX1400887 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CECW hrS (RH:19) +
New Batch
Green EX1400887 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ceAR VS (RH:20) 0
New Batch
Green EX1400887 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeFV hrB (RH:31) +
New Batch
Green EX1400887 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeVG
New Batch
Green EX1400887 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cEFM
New Batch
Green EX1400887 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[712G]

273 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1400887 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G]
New Batch
Green EX1400887 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1400887 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CE-D[2, 5, 7]-CE
New Batch
Green EX1400887 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cE[697G,712G,733G]
New Batch RHD*r’s-
Green EX1400887 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1400887 6_20140515_111617.csv Kell KEL*K_KPB_JSB KEL*k_KPB_JSB K (KEL:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1400887 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSB k (KEL:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1400887 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPA_JSB Kpa (KEL:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1400887 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSA Kpb (KEL:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1400887 6_20140515_111617.csv Jsa (KEL:6) 0
New Batch
Green EX1400887 6_20140515_111617.csv Jsb (KEL:7) +
New Batch
Green EX1400887 6_20140515_111617.csv Kidd JK*A JK*B Jka (JK:1) 0

274 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1400887 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B Jkb (JK:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1400887 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B_null(IVS5-1a)
New Batch
Green EX1400887 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B_null(871C)
New Batch
Green EX1400887 6_20140515_111617.csv Duffy FY*A FY*B Fya (FY:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1400887 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B Fyb (FY:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1400887 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B_GATA
New Batch
Green EX1400887 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B[265T]_FY*X
New Batch
Green EX1400887 6_20140515_111617.csv MNS GYPA*M GYPA*N M (MNS:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1400887 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPA*N N (MNS:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1400887 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S GYPB*s S (MNS:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1400887 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*s s (MNS:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1400887 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S_null(IVS5+5t) U (MNS:5) +

275 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1400887 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S_null(230T) Mia (MNS:7) 0
New Batch
Green EX1400887 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*deletion
New Batch
Green EX1400887 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*Mur
New Batch
Green EX1400887 6_20140515_111617.csv Diego DI*A DI*B Dia (DI:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1400887 6_20140515_111617.csv DI*B Dib (DI:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1400887 6_20140515_111617.csv Dombrock DO*A DO*B Doa (DO:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1400887 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*B Dob (DO:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1400887 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*B_HY- Hy (DO:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1400887 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*A_JOA- Joa (DO:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1400887 6_20140515_111617.csv Colton CO*A CO*A Coa (CO:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1400887 6_20140515_111617.csv CO*B Cob (CO:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1400887 6_20140515_111617.csv Cartwright YT*A YT*A Yta (YT:1) +

276 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1400887 6_20140515_111617.csv YT*B Ytb (YT:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1400887 6_20140515_111617.csv Lutheran LU*A LU*B Lua (LU:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1400887 6_20140515_111617.csv LU*B Lub (LU:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1401612 6_20140515_111617.csv Rh RHCE*ce RHCE*Ce, RHCE*cE(10) C (RH:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1401612 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*Ce E (RH:3) +
New Batch
Green EX1401612 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cE c (RH:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1401612 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CE e (RH:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1401612 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeCW CW (RH:8) 0
New Batch
Green EX1401612 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ceCW V (RH:10) 0
New Batch
Green EX1401612 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CECW hrS (RH:19) +
New Batch
Green EX1401612 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ceAR VS (RH:20) 0
New Batch
Green EX1401612 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeFV hrB (RH:31) +

277 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1401612 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeVG
New Batch
Green EX1401612 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cEFM
New Batch
Green EX1401612 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[712G]
New Batch
Green EX1401612 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G]
New Batch
Green EX1401612 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1401612 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CE-D[2, 5, 7]-CE
New Batch
Green EX1401612 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cE[697G,712G,733G]
New Batch RHD*r’s-
Green EX1401612 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1401612 6_20140515_111617.csv Kell KEL*K_KPB_JSB KEL*k_KPB_JSB K (KEL:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1401612 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSB k (KEL:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1401612 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPA_JSB Kpa (KEL:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1401612 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSA Kpb (KEL:4) +

278 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1401612 6_20140515_111617.csv Jsa (KEL:6) 0
New Batch
Green EX1401612 6_20140515_111617.csv Jsb (KEL:7) +
New Batch
Green EX1401612 6_20140515_111617.csv Kidd JK*A JK*A, JK*B Jka (JK:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1401612 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B Jkb (JK:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1401612 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B_null(IVS5-1a)
New Batch
Green EX1401612 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B_null(871C)
New Batch
Green EX1401612 6_20140515_111617.csv Duffy FY*A FY*B Fya (FY:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1401612 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B Fyb (FY:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1401612 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B_GATA
New Batch
Green EX1401612 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B[265T]_FY*X
New Batch
Green EX1401612 6_20140515_111617.csv MNS GYPA*M GYPA*M M (MNS:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1401612 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPA*N N (MNS:2) 0

279 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1401612 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S GYPB*S S (MNS:3) +
New Batch
Green EX1401612 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*s s (MNS:4) 0
New Batch
Green EX1401612 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S_null(IVS5+5t) U (MNS:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1401612 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S_null(230T) Mia (MNS:7) 0
New Batch
Green EX1401612 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*deletion
New Batch
Green EX1401612 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*Mur
New Batch
Green EX1401612 6_20140515_111617.csv Diego DI*A DI*B Dia (DI:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1401612 6_20140515_111617.csv DI*B Dib (DI:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1401612 6_20140515_111617.csv Dombrock DO*A DO*A, DO*B Doa (DO:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1401612 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*B Dob (DO:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1401612 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*B_HY- Hy (DO:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1401612 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*A_JOA- Joa (DO:5) +

280 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1401612 6_20140515_111617.csv Colton CO*A CO*A Coa (CO:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1401612 6_20140515_111617.csv CO*B Cob (CO:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1401612 6_20140515_111617.csv Cartwright YT*A YT*A Yta (YT:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1401612 6_20140515_111617.csv YT*B Ytb (YT:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1401612 6_20140515_111617.csv Lutheran LU*A LU*B Lua (LU:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1401612 6_20140515_111617.csv LU*B Lub (LU:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1401613 6_20140515_111617.csv Rh RHCE*ce RHCE*ce, RHCE*Ce C (RH:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1401613 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*Ce E (RH:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1401613 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cE c (RH:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1401613 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CE e (RH:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1401613 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeCW CW (RH:8) 0
New Batch
Green EX1401613 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ceCW V (RH:10) 0

281 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1401613 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CECW hrS (RH:19) +
New Batch
Green EX1401613 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ceAR VS (RH:20) 0
New Batch
Green EX1401613 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeFV hrB (RH:31) +
New Batch
Green EX1401613 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeVG
New Batch
Green EX1401613 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cEFM
New Batch
Green EX1401613 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[712G]
New Batch
Green EX1401613 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G]
New Batch
Green EX1401613 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1401613 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CE-D[2, 5, 7]-CE
New Batch
Green EX1401613 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cE[697G,712G,733G]
New Batch RHD*r’s-
Green EX1401613 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1401613 6_20140515_111617.csv Kell KEL*K_KPB_JSB KEL*k_KPB_JSB K (KEL:1) 0

282 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1401613 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSB k (KEL:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1401613 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPA_JSB Kpa (KEL:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1401613 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSA Kpb (KEL:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1401613 6_20140515_111617.csv Jsa (KEL:6) 0
New Batch
Green EX1401613 6_20140515_111617.csv Jsb (KEL:7) +
New Batch
Green EX1401613 6_20140515_111617.csv Kidd JK*A JK*A Jka (JK:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1401613 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B Jkb (JK:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1401613 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B_null(IVS5-1a)
New Batch
Green EX1401613 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B_null(871C)
New Batch
Green EX1401613 6_20140515_111617.csv Duffy FY*A FY*A, FY*B Fya (FY:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1401613 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B Fyb (FY:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1401613 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B_GATA

283 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1401613 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B[265T]_FY*X
New Batch
Green EX1401613 6_20140515_111617.csv MNS GYPA*M GYPA*M M (MNS:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1401613 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPA*N N (MNS:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1401613 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S GYPB*S, GYPB*s S (MNS:3) +
New Batch
Green EX1401613 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*s s (MNS:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1401613 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S_null(IVS5+5t) U (MNS:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1401613 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S_null(230T) Mia (MNS:7) 0
New Batch
Green EX1401613 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*deletion
New Batch
Green EX1401613 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*Mur
New Batch
Green EX1401613 6_20140515_111617.csv Diego DI*A DI*B Dia (DI:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1401613 6_20140515_111617.csv DI*B Dib (DI:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1401613 6_20140515_111617.csv Dombrock DO*A DO*A, DO*B Doa (DO:1) +

284 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1401613 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*B Dob (DO:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1401613 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*B_HY- Hy (DO:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1401613 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*A_JOA- Joa (DO:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1401613 6_20140515_111617.csv Colton CO*A CO*A Coa (CO:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1401613 6_20140515_111617.csv CO*B Cob (CO:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1401613 6_20140515_111617.csv Cartwright YT*A YT*A Yta (YT:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1401613 6_20140515_111617.csv YT*B Ytb (YT:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1401613 6_20140515_111617.csv Lutheran LU*A LU*B Lua (LU:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1401613 6_20140515_111617.csv LU*B Lub (LU:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1401737 6_20140515_111617.csv Rh RHCE*ce RHCE*Ce, RHCE*cE(10) C (RH:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1401737 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*Ce E (RH:3) +
New Batch
Green EX1401737 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cE c (RH:4) +

285 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1401737 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CE e (RH:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1401737 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeCW CW (RH:8) 0
New Batch
Green EX1401737 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ceCW V (RH:10) 0
New Batch
Green EX1401737 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CECW hrS (RH:19) +
New Batch
Green EX1401737 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ceAR VS (RH:20) 0
New Batch
Green EX1401737 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeFV hrB (RH:31) +
New Batch
Green EX1401737 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CeVG
New Batch
Green EX1401737 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cEFM
New Batch
Green EX1401737 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[712G]
New Batch
Green EX1401737 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G]
New Batch
Green EX1401737 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1401737 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*CE-D[2, 5, 7]-CE

286 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1401737 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*cE[697G,712G,733G]
New Batch RHD*r’s-
Green EX1401737 6_20140515_111617.csv RHCE*ce[733G,1006T]
New Batch
Green EX1401737 6_20140515_111617.csv Kell KEL*K_KPB_JSB KEL*k_KPB_JSB K (KEL:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1401737 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSB k (KEL:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1401737 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPA_JSB Kpa (KEL:3) 0
New Batch
Green EX1401737 6_20140515_111617.csv KEL*k_KPB_JSA Kpb (KEL:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1401737 6_20140515_111617.csv Jsa (KEL:6) 0
New Batch
Green EX1401737 6_20140515_111617.csv Jsb (KEL:7) +
New Batch
Green EX1401737 6_20140515_111617.csv Kidd JK*A JK*B Jka (JK:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1401737 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B Jkb (JK:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1401737 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B_null(IVS5-1a)
New Batch
Green EX1401737 6_20140515_111617.csv JK*B_null(871C)

287 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1401737 6_20140515_111617.csv Duffy FY*A FY*A, FY*B Fya (FY:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1401737 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B Fyb (FY:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1401737 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B_GATA
New Batch
Green EX1401737 6_20140515_111617.csv FY*B[265T]_FY*X
New Batch
Green EX1401737 6_20140515_111617.csv MNS GYPA*M GYPA*M, GYPA*N M (MNS:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1401737 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPA*N N (MNS:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1401737 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S GYPB*S, GYPB*s S (MNS:3) +
New Batch
Green EX1401737 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*s s (MNS:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1401737 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S_null(IVS5+5t) U (MNS:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1401737 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*S_null(230T) Mia (MNS:7) 0
New Batch
Green EX1401737 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*deletion
New Batch
Green EX1401737 6_20140515_111617.csv GYPB*Mur

288 | A p p e n d i x
Symbol Sample CSV Blood Alleles Assayed Genotype Result Interrogated Predicted
Group Antigens Phenotype
System (ISBT Result
New Batch
Green EX1401737 6_20140515_111617.csv Diego DI*A DI*B Dia (DI:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1401737 6_20140515_111617.csv DI*B Dib (DI:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1401737 6_20140515_111617.csv Dombrock DO*A DO*B Doa (DO:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1401737 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*B Dob (DO:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1401737 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*B_HY- Hy (DO:4) +
New Batch
Green EX1401737 6_20140515_111617.csv DO*A_JOA- Joa (DO:5) +
New Batch
Green EX1401737 6_20140515_111617.csv Colton CO*A CO*A, CO*B Coa (CO:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1401737 6_20140515_111617.csv CO*B Cob (CO:2) +
New Batch
Green EX1401737 6_20140515_111617.csv Cartwright YT*A YT*A Yta (YT:1) +
New Batch
Green EX1401737 6_20140515_111617.csv YT*B Ytb (YT:2) 0
New Batch
Green EX1401737 6_20140515_111617.csv Lutheran LU*A LU*B Lua (LU:1) 0
New Batch
Green EX1401737 6_20140515_111617.csv LU*B Lub (LU:2) +

289 | A p p e n d i x
10.5 Appendix 5: Patient information leaflet given to the
participants in the pilot study




Part 1 of the Information Sheet

1. Invitation
You are being invited to take part in a research study. Before you
decide whether or not to take part, it is important for you to understand
why the research is being done and what it will involve. Please take time
to read the following information carefully, and discuss it with others if you
wish. One of our team will go through the information with you and
answer any questions you have.

Ask us if there is anything that is not clear, or if you would like more
information. Take time to decide whether or not you wish to take part.

Normally blood for transfusion is matched for major blood groups only.
The purpose of this study is to see if it is feasible to provide blood that is
more fully matched with your blood type.

2. What is the purpose of the study?

The study will give us information on whether it is possible to provide
blood that is more fully matched with your blood type. This information
can then be used for a larger study that will look at whether giving blood
that is a closer match to your own can reduce the amount of transfusions
needed for your disease type.

3. Why have I been invited?

You have been chosen because your condition means that you will need
regular blood transfusions.

4. Do I have to take part?

No. It is up to you to decide whether or not to take part. If you decide to
take part you will be given this information sheet to keep and be asked to
sign a consent form to confirm that you understand what is involved when

290 | A p p e n d i x
taking part in this study. If you decide to take part you are free to leave
the study at any time and without giving a reason. If you withdraw, unless
you object, we will still keep records relating to the treatment given to you,
as this is valuable to the study. A decision to withdraw at any time, or a
decision not to take part, will not affect the quality of care you receive

5. What will happen to me if I take part?

 You will have the normal blood samples taken as part of the pre-
transfusion testing protocol.
 You will only need to attend as usual for your normal blood tests
and blood transfusions as required by your doctor.
 Your blood will be tested for blood type using your blood cells and
your DNA.
 This study will last for up to 3 years.
 This study is a Randomised Trial. Sometimes we don‘t know which
way of treating patients is best. To find out, we need to compare
different treatments. We put people into groups and give each
group a different treatment. The results are compared to see if one
is better. To try to make sure the groups are the same to start with,
each patient is put into a group by chance (randomly). This study
involves two groups; one group will be given blood matched to
current level and the other group will be given the blood that is a
closer match. You have a 50% chance of being in the group being
given blood of a closer match to your own type.

6. Expenses and Payment

There are no expenses or payments associated with this trial.

7. What will I need to do?

You will only need to attend as usual for your normal blood tests and
blood transfusions as required by your doctor.

8. What are the alternatives for diagnosis or treatment?

The alternative is the current practice, providing blood that is matched
only for the major blood types.

9. What are the possible disadvantages and risks when taking

No side effects are expected as a result of participation in this trial.
However, if you do decide to take part in the study, you must report any
problems you have to your study nurse or doctor. There is also a contact
number given at the end of this information sheet for you to phone if you
become worried at any time. In the unlikely event of an emergency
occurring during the conduct of the study, we may contact your
nominated next of kin.

10. What are the possible benefits of taking part?

291 | A p p e n d i x
We cannot promise the study will help you but the information we get
might help improve the future treatment of people with chronic transfusion

11. What happens when the research study stops?

You will continue to receive your blood transfusion as required and
discussed with your doctor.

12. What if there is a problem?

If you have a concern about any aspect of this study, you should ask to
speak with the researchers who will do their best to answer your
question. The researchers contact details can be found at the end of this
information sheet. If you remain unhappy and wish to complain formally,
you can do this through the NHS Complaints Procedure. Details can be
obtained from the hospital.

In the event that something does go wrong and you are harmed during
the research study there are no special compensation arrangements. If
you are harmed and this is due to someone’s negligence then you may
have grounds for a legal action for compensation but you may have to
pay your legal costs. The normal National Health Service complaints
mechanisms will still be available to you.

13. Will my part in this study be kept confidential?

Yes. We will follow ethical and legal practice and all information
about you will be handled in confidence. Any information about you which
leaves the hospital will have your name and address removed so that you
cannot be recognised.

This completes part 1 of the information sheet.

If the information in part 1 has interested you and you are considering
participation, please read the information in part 2 before making any

Part 2 of the information sheet

14. What if new information becomes available?

Sometimes during the course of a clinical trial, new information becomes

available on the procedures that are being studied. If this happens, we
will tell you about it and discuss with you whether you want to or should
continue in the study. If you decide to withdraw, we will make
arrangements for your care to continue. If you decide to continue in the
study you will be asked to sign an updated consent form.

292 | A p p e n d i x
On receiving new information, we might consider it to be in your best
interests to withdraw you from the study. If so, we will explain the reasons
and arrange for your care to continue.

If the study is stopped for any other reason, you will be told why and your
continuing care will be arranged.

15. What will happen if I don’t want to carry on with the study?
You can withdraw from the study at any time, this will not affect your care.

16. Informing your General Practitioner (GP)

Your GP will be made aware that you are involved in this trial.

17. What will happen to any samples I give?

Your samples will be tested as described in this information sheet. They
will not be used for any other research purposes and they will be
disposed of in accordance with Trust guidelines.

18. Will any Genetic testing be done?

Your DNA will be used to do blood group typing but no other genetic
analysis will be performed on your DNA and your DNA will not be used
for any other research.

19. What will happen to the results of this clinical trial?

The results of the study will be available after it finishes and will usually
be published in a medical journal or be presented at a scientific
conference. The data will be anonymous and none of the patients
involved in the trial will be identified in any report or publication.

Should you wish to see the results, or the publication, please ask your
study doctor.

20. Who is organising and funding this clinical trial?

This study is being organised by a member of staff in the Haematology
Department at the RD&E who is undertaking a Professional Doctorate at
the University of the West of England. It is being funded by the RD&E.

21. Who has reviewed the study?

All research in the NHS is looked at by independent group of people,
called a Research Ethics Committee, to protect your interests. This study
has been reviewed and given favourable opinion by
______________Research Ethics Committee.

22. Contact for further information

You are encouraged to ask any questions you wish, before, during or
after your treatment.

293 | A p p e n d i x
General information on research can be found on the Health Research
Authority website the web address is given below:

If you have any questions about this study, please speak to your research
specialist/coordinator or your haematology doctor, who will be able to
provide you with up to date information about the treatment involved. If
you wish to read the research on which this study is based, please ask
your research specialist/coordinator.

If you would like advice as to whether you should participate please

contact your research specialist/coordinator or your haematology doctor.

If you have any concerns during the study then you can contact the
research specialist/coordinator on the details given in this leaflet, or you
can contact the Haematology ward on 01392 402882.

If you decide you would like to take part then please read and sign the
consent form. You will be given a copy of this information sheet and the
consent form to keep. A copy of the consent form will be filed in your
patient notes, one will be filed with the study records and one may be
sent to the Research Sponsor.

You can have more time to think this over if you are at all unsure.

Thank you for taking the time to read this information sheet and to
consider this study.

Contact Details

Your Research/Specialist Coordinator

Name Jennifer Davies Tel. Number: 01392 402959

If you have any further questions or require clarification please feel

free to contact:
Jennifer Davies
Haematology Department
Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust
Barrack Road
01392 402959

Chairman: James Brent Chief Executive: Angela Pedder

294 | A p p e n d i x
10.2 Appendix 6: Consent form signed by participants in the pilot

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