Does LEGO Serious Play Work?!
Does LEGO Serious Play Work?!
Does LEGO Serious Play Work?!
your imagination to construct a better way of managing the 21st Century organisation. Experience
the power of discovery using the LEGO Serious Play® materials and methods with an experienced
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LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® is a powerful facilitated approach for uncovering hidden approaches
to your complex problems. You will construct models from fantastic LEGO® elements and tell your
stories with the models in a process of discovery. Build a group identity or discover a new
strategy, create change or charter stronger projects and teams for your product or your
(My colleague and fellow facilitator drew this map. Thanks Michael Sahota!)
Why does LEGO SERIOUS PLAY work?!
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The LEGO® Serious Play® methods are based on the scientific learning
theories of Piaget and Papert and were developed by Johann Roos and
Bart Victor at the International Institute for Management Development
(IMD) in Lausanne.!
• See, discuss and physically touch models of abstract concepts. !
• Everyone participates. Everyone contributes. Naturally. !
• Build emotional as well as logical connections though storytelling. !
• Support both the “left-brained” and “right-brained” preferences of your
• Find constructive outcomes in tense situations by talking about the
model not the personal situation.!
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Models, like these pictured, are physical metaphors that the
team creates to see and touch. Team members will reach a
common understanding by telling stories, holding and pointing
to the models as they do. Each individual is actively listening and
participating fully.
During a full workshop you will:
• Create individual models, discover and express your unique vision of your situation
• Construct a shared team model which reflects a new understanding going much deeper than
one achieved through discussion alone.
• Uncover connections and relations with each other and with stakeholders and forces outside
the team.
• Experiment with the effects of future change by working in real-time, 4D simulations using the
strategic LEGO® models.
Your outcomes from a workshop using LEGO® SERIOUS
PLAY® materials and methodologies are a shared vision and
simple guiding principles for successfully navigating your
way over complex terrain into the future.
LEGO® is play. Your team will have fun. You’ve rarely done
such serious work in a single workshop.
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I will custom design a highly dynamic workshop plan specifically for you and your complex
situation. I bring my large kit of LEGO® Serious Play® materials with a wide and varied selection of
fanciful pieces proven useful in building serious strategic metaphors.!
I am Steve Holyer, and I am an experienced, trained, and certified Strategic Play™ !
workshop facilitator using LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®. I also am an advocate, coach, trainer and
mentor for companies looking to find a better way of working applying Agile values and principles in
a productive, fulfilling, and fun way.!
A workshop using LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® can be scheduled to last four hours or a few days,
depending on your workshop’s application and goals. !
In half a day, your team can reach a new understanding of their group identity and leave excited
about new working agreements or a new team goal.!
A project kick-off or a product strategy session may best fit in the time span of 1 or 2 days.!
Email, or call me at +41 79 606 7105, to discuss your specific needs and
arrange your workshop.!
Your custom designed workshop using LEGO® SERIOUS
PLAY® can:!
• create new insights!
• improve decision making!
• find hidden opportunities!
• stimulate entrepreneurship!
• improve project leadership!
• surface hidden issues!
• clarify values, roles and identities!
• integrate new teams and new members!
• resolve conflicts !
Arrange a free 1 hour trial workshop to get a taste of the basic building blocks used in the
full workshop.!
Read more about “The Science of LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®”: !