Week 6, 7 & 8: Methods of Handling Supply Air
Week 6, 7 & 8: Methods of Handling Supply Air
Week 6, 7 & 8: Methods of Handling Supply Air
I. Introduction
This lesson deals with the topics involving space air conditioning such as cooling load air
quantities and the different methods of handling supply air to a conditioned room or space. In
the cooling-load air quantities, the sub-topics include the sensible heat load; latent heat load;
total hat load; and the sensible heat ratio.In the methods of handling supply air, the sub-topics
include the all outside air supply-no recirculated air; the outside air with recirculated air supply;
and the outside air and recirculated air with external by-pass air supply.
II. Objectives
After completion of the course the student should be able to:
1. Objective 1
2. Objective 2
3. Objective 3
The complete air condition system may involve two or more of the processes . For instance, in
the air conditioning of room during summer, the air supplied must have a sufficiently low
temperature and humidity ratio to absorb the total heat gain of the space.
As air flows through the space, it is heated and humidified. If the system is closed, the air is then
returned to the conditioning equipment where it is cooled and dehumidified to the space again.
If fresh air is required in the space, outdoor air may be mixed with the return air before it goes
to the cooling and dehumidifying equipment.
The quantity of air circulated must be adequate to handle the cooling load as the air warms up
to room temperature from its supply temperature. The lower the supply temperature the less
quantity which must be recirculated, but the minimum temperature is determined by system
arrangements, the necessity of avoiding drafts and cold regions, the ceiling height and the throw
Cp = 1.0062 kJ/kg-K
q L =2501 m s ( W r−W s )
qT = qs + qL = ms (hr – hs)
qs qs 1.0062(t r−t s )
SHR= = =
qT q s +q L hr −hs
Example # 19 A theater is to be maintained at 25°C DB and 50% RH. The supply air enters the
theater at 17°C . The sensible and latent heat loads are 150 kW and 61 kW, respectively.
Determine a) the WB, RH and volume flow rate of the supply air. b) if p t = 100 kPaa,
determine the WB, RH, and volume flow rate of supply air.
qs 150
ms = = =18.63 kg /s
1.0062(t r−t s ) 1.0062(25−17)
solving for Ws ,
q L =2501 m s ( W r−W s )
qL 61
W s=W r − =0.0098− =0.0085 kg /kg d . a .
2501m s 2501 ( 18.63 )
From the Carrier psychrometric chart, at 17°C DB and 0.0085 kg/kg d.a
WBs = 13.8°C, RHs = 70%, and Vs = 0.835 m3/kg d.a.
Considering point r,
p vr 1.5845
W r =0.622 ( )
pt −p vr
=0.622 (
100−1.5845 )
=0.010 kg /kg d . a .
Considering point s:
qs 150
SHR= = =0.7109
qs + q L 150+ 61
W s Pt 0.0088 ( 100 )
Pvs = = =1.395 kPaa
W s +0.622 0.0088+0.622
Solving for RHs, pds = 1.9376 (from steam table at 17°C)
pvs 1.395
RH s=
( 100 % )=
1.9376 (
( 100 % )=71.99 % )
Solving for vs,
Example # 20 A chemical laboratory is maintained at 25°C DB and 50% RH. The sensible heat load is 21
kW and the latent heat load is 7 kW. Outside air is at 33°C DB and 24°CWB. All outside air is
supplied with reheater. The conditioned air enters the space at 18°C and assumed
saturated leaving the CDA. Determine a) the temperature of air leaving the CDA; b) the
refrigeration required; c) the capacity of the supply fan, in lps and d) the heat supplied in the
reheater, kW.
Given: An air conditioned chemical laboratory supplied with 100% outdoor supply air.
a) the t2
b) the qCDA
c) the Q3, lps
d) the qRH
W1 = 0.0153 kg v. / kg d.a.
qs 21
ms = = =2.98 kg/ s
1.0062(t 4 −t 3 ) 1.0062(25−18)
t2 = 12.26°C
Another Solution for W2, t2 and h2, using SHR line and the Psychrometric Chart
qs 21
SHR= = =0.75
qs + q L 21+7
t2 = 12.2°C
h2 = 34.8 kJ/kg d.a. W2 = W3 = 0.0088 kg/kgd.a.
a) The t3
b) The Q3
c) The qCDA
d) The qRH
ql 18
m= = =2.88 kg /s
2501(W 4−W 3 ) 2501(0.0093−0.0068)
a) For the temperature of a supply air
qs 42
t 3=t 4− =24− =9.51℃
1.0062 m 1.0062 (2.88 )
qT ( 42+18 )
h3 =h4 − =47.85− =27.02kJ /kg d . a .
m 2.88
h3 +0.026−2501W 3 27.02+0.026−2501(0.0068)
t 3= = =9.85 ℃
1.007+1.84 W 3 1.007 +1.84( 0.0068)
M (h 1−h2 ) 2.33(72.03−26.0)
q CDA = = =30.49TR
3.517 3.517
a. When the air leaving the cooling coil is not saturated, it is necessary to determine the DB
temperature of coil in order calculate the required air quantity.
m s =m3 = eq . 1
1.0062 ( DB 4−DB 3 )
m s =m3 = eq . 2
1.0062 ( 1−BPF ) ( DB 4−RADP )
equating 1 and 2,
qs qs
1.0062 ( 1−BPF ) ( DB 4−RADP ) 1.0062 ( DB 4−DB 3 )
For CDA Contact Factor (CF),
DB 4 −DB3
CF =1−BPF=
DB 2−DB 3
Also , CF =
Where, CF = contact factor
ADP = apparatus dew point temperature of the CDA, °C
DB2 = temperature of air entering the CDA, °C
DB3 = temperature of air leaving the CDA which is equal to temperature of
supply air, °C
a. The apparatus dew-point temperature of the CDA
b. The tons of refrigeration
c. The conditions of air entering the CDA
qs 78
m4 = = =9.69 kg /s
1.0062( DB 5−DB 4 ) 1.0062( 26−18)
qL 14
W 4=W 5 − =0.0096− =0.009 kg /kg d . a.
2501 m 2501 ( 9.69 )
From Carrier psychrometric chart, at W 3 = W4 = 0.009 kg/kg d.a. and RH3 = 100%
c. For the conditions (properties) of air before entering the air washer
Example # 23] An auditorium is to be maintained at a temperature of 26°C DB and 50% RH. Air is to be
supplied at a temperature not lower than 15°C DB. The sensible heat gain is 110 kW and the
latent heat gain is 37.5 kW. Take the ventilating air as 25% by weight of the air from room and is
at 35°C DB and 60% RH. Determine the refrigerating capacity ( the system hs no reheater).Note:
Board Problem October 1985.
qs 110
m 3= = =9.938 kg/ s
1.0062( DB 4−DB 3 ) 1.0062(26−15)
For the properties of the given points, from Carrier psychrometric chart,
qL 37.5
W 3 =W 4 − =0.0105− =0.009 kg /kg d . a .
2501 m 3 2501 ( 9.938 )
Solving for the mass flow rate of ventilating air or outdoor air:
Example # 24] A summer air conditioning system for a department store is being designed. The
following data are available:
qS 44
SHR= = =0.83
qS + q L 44 +9
DB 3−DB a
DB 3=1−CF = , 1−CF =BPF
DB 4−DB a
Q3 = m3v3
qs 44
m 3= = =4.15 kg /s
1.0062( DB 4−DB 3 ) 1.0062(26−15.47)
For mo,
Q o 0.95
m o= = =1.052 kg/ s
v o 0.903
m o ( DB 1 ) +m r ( DB 4 ) 1.052 ( 35 ) +3.098(26)
DB 2= = =28.28 ℃
m2 4.15
Using the psychrometric chart, at the point of intersection of the saturation curve and
the line connecting points 2 and 3, the coil apparatus dew-point temperature is
e. For the air conditioning load, in TR
q s+ q L 44 +9
Air Conditioning Load = = =15.1 TR
3.516 3.516
o In the by-pass system, part of the recirculated air is controlled by damper action in order to
make it bypass the conditioner. This by-pass air is used to reheat the air leaving the refrigerating
coil to a more suitable temperature for distribution at the grille outlets. This method produces
economical performance as compared with systems with reheat might be used.
Refrigeration Load:
qs 96
m4 = = =13.63 kg/ s
1.0062( DB 5−DB 4 ) 1.0062( 25−18)
qL 34.8
W 4=W 5 − =0.0102− =0.0091 kg/kg d . a .
2501 m4 2501 ( 13.63 )
For the enthalpy of the supply air from Carrier psychrometric chart,
DP4 = 12.6°C
Using computation,
m3t3 + mbp t5 = m4 t4
But DP3 = t3
m3 + mbp = m4
For the mass flow rate of the recirculated air, consider junction 1 – 5 - 2
m o t 1+ m rc t 5 2.726 ( 33 ) + 4.086(25)
t 2= = =28.2
m3 6.815
Alternative Solution
a. To determine t3, in the psychrometric chart, extend the line connecting points 5 and 4 until the
line intersect with the saturation curve.
b. To determine t3 and W4,Use the SHR line and the room load ratio line (RLR) in the psychrometric
qs 96
SHR= = =0.714
qs + q L 96+38.4
Therefore, t3 = 11°C
W4 = 0.0091 kg/kg d.a.