An Urban Greening Action Plan To Foster Sustainable Development of South Cities
An Urban Greening Action Plan To Foster Sustainable Development of South Cities
An Urban Greening Action Plan To Foster Sustainable Development of South Cities
Urban greening contributes notably to environmental quality, quality of life, human
health, and ecosystem services in cities. Worldwide, cities are making efforts to
enhance urban greening to achieve urban sustainability. South cities are often beset by
green space deficit especially in the old cores and neighbourhoods. Urban renewal and
new developments could fail to bring relief. Lacking appropriate institutional setup
and scientific capability pose intractable bottlenecks. Innovative public policies and
greening technologies are needed for long-term improvements. Amalgamating natural
and social sciences in a multidisciplinary approach and reinforcing the link between
science and public policies could overhaul greening endeavours in south cities.
The public and private sectors must work in tandem to insert plantable spaces and
amenity vegetation into the urban fabric. Based on extensive field studies in north and
south cities, and relevant urban ecological concepts, key domains are proposed for a
sustainable urban greening action plan. Green spaces with high degree of connectivity
forming a green network to permeate the city are hallmark features of the preferred
naturalistic design. Preservation of natural ecosystems and creation of green areas
with high nature contents and rich biodiversity offer a new dimension to green space
design. The benefits of urban greening could be effectively manifested in economic
terms to complement conventional ecological-environmental emphasis. Outstanding
trees could receive high-order conservation efforts, and trees in construction sites
warrant enhanced protection. Tree transplanting demands an overhaul in concepts
and skills. Tree care needs to be upgraded in tandem with relevant professionals and
workers. Improving roadside tree planting and maintenance offers a cost-effective way
to upgrade the townscape. Ameliorating widespread soil limitations could remove a
major hindrance to tree growth. Innovative ideas of development right transfer, street
pedestrianization, river and canal revitalization, green roofs and green walls could
mobilize hitherto underused plantable resources.
An urban greening action plan to foster sustainable
development of south cities
1. Introduction
The creation of cities since antiquity in a way marked the triumph of
humanity over perfidious and harsh nature. With freedom from the bondage
to the environment, the collective fruits of human ingenuity and inventiveness
permitted civilization to flourish. One of the undesirable collaterals of urban
living was the detachment from the pleasantries of nature represented notably by
vegetation, associated wildlife, and the salubrious ambience. When settlements
were small, nature was situated nearby, and humans could maintain frequent
contacts with it. As settlements grew to sizeable proportions, nature was
increasingly marginalized and it became scarce, distant and often degraded.
Some urbanites began to miss, consciously and sublimally, the innate
connection with nature. They endeavoured to find solace in created natural
enclaves occluded within the bounds of cities. Surrogates of nature in the form
of domestic gardens were established in the comfort of homes. With a utilitarian
bent, plants bearing edible fruits were initially domesticated and nurtured in
gardens. The universal human preference for aesthetic objects soon triggered
the adoption of plants with appealing ornamental traits, such as attractive
flowers, fruits, foliage and growth form. Trees with large and dense crowns
were cultivated for the comfort of shading from the hot sun.
Since their inception, gardens have been principally private domains for
the enjoyment of those who could afford the means and the leisure to create
and maintain them. The nobility and the aristocracy would establish them
for personal gratification and as symbols of wealth and power. In addition,
some would maintain wild or semi-wild grounds for recreational hunting. The
plebeians had no access to the blissful green spheres of the patricians. As cities
sprawled and expanded to accommodate the multitudes, the private green areas
could be occluded in the process. They become important islands of oasis in the
sea of artificial structures and roads, literally as nature-in-city gems.
The Industrial Revolution brought factories and factory-workers into
cities, together with abject poverty, low-quality housing, excessive building
density, poor hygiene and health, and degraded environmental conditions. As
a spontaneous response to the deprivation, people began to flock to the meagre
open and green spaces accessible to the public, associated with religious and
public establishments and cemeteries. In response to the increasingly poor urban
environment, governments were urged to provide formal public open spaces,
in the form of urban parks, which began to appear in the nineteenth century in
Britain. Some private green areas were acquired by municipal governments and
opened to the public. The bold and innovative idea of the government providing
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green spaces for community use (Lawrence, 1988) was soon adopted by other
cities and countries, to become an obligatory and universal amenity.
Cities in developing countries, especially those with a long history, tend to
be rather pervasively compact (Jenks et al., 1996; Burton, 2002). As the ‘north’
commonly refers to developed nations, whereas the ‘south’ developing nations,
cities in the latter are labelled as south cities. With most lands densely covered
by buildings and roads, little interstices are left for urban parks. Extensive urban
tracts are commonly beset by grave deficiency in public open spaces (Jim, 1989,
1998a). Urban redevelopments, new urban areas and new towns could be built
in haste with little regard to environmental quality (Olembo and de Rham, 1987;
Herz et al., 2003). The need to dilute the harshness of the built-up matrix with green
areas could meet with lip service or neglected altogether (Marcotullio, 2001).
Opportunities to improve environmental quality and quality of life for millions
of urban residents could be more earnestly and systematically grasped to realize
truly sustainable development and smart growth (Hestmark, 2000; Foo, 2001).
This study aimed at developing a comprehensive and operational action
plan to overcome the physical, mental and institutional barriers to green
cities. The wide range of environmental, ecological, social and economical
benefits of urban greening could be maximized by a bold and decisive
revamping of entrenched thinking and practices. An important aim is to
persuade decision makers to shift from the conventional to the innovative
mode, and to adopt an integrated approach to urban greening. To be effective,
the entire urban greening package needs meticulous attention, including
identification and allocation of plantable sites, planning, design, choice of
species assemblage, installation, maintenance, management, governance, and
probing and incorporation of community wishes (Attorre et al., 2000; Jim and
Chen, 2006a). The gaps in knowledge and practice have been identified and
targeted for proposed improvement. The contribution of urban areas to the
conservation of regional biodiversity could be included in green space design.
2. Methods
This study is based on literature review, insights distilled from the author’s
field studies in 25 countries and over 100 cities in Asia, Australia, Europe
and North America, and research and practice experience in urban greening
and urban nature over a period of 28 years. The examples and best practices,
gleaned from cities in both the north and the south nations in different parts of
the world, served as the basis and inspiration to develop this action plan that is
geared towards the compact south cities.
An urban greening action plan to foster sustainable
development of south cities
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An urban greening action plan to foster sustainable
development of south cities
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patches or corridors with the built-up matrix. Such green areas are situated
close to people, to create a nature-in-city ambience. At the urban edge where
developments interface with natural areas, tongues or wedges of peri-urban
woodlands could be preserved to extend into the built-up areas in an interfingering
pattern (Frey, 2000). Small pockets of remnant nature embedded in built-up areas
should be kept in the wild state and designated as urban natural areas (UNA)
on zoning plans. With peninsulas of nature extending from the countryside into
the city, and islands of nature punctuating the city, the landscape, amenity, air
quality of natural areas could benefit the interface area with spill-over effects
into the city matrix. In land use planning, such opportunities that permit nature
to penetrate the city should be assiduously preserved (Carr and Lane, 1993).
Existing green sites at the urban fringe could be ecologically upgraded to
augment their natural contents and benefits. Nature can best be preserved; if
not, emulated nature could be created as surrogates (Baines and Smart, 1991).
A comprehensive assessment of the urban ecological status of a city could
establish the knowledge base to prepare an optimized city-wide green space
master plan. Many such plans are based on non-ecological information and
consideration, often dictated by the overriding locational and economic
factors. To usher high-quality nature into the city, such green plans should be
contingent squarely on ecological realities and potentials. Existing areas of
high ecological value could be identified and protected. The search for suitable
sites should not focus only on large patches; small sites with notable natural
contents should not be neglected. In particular, small pockets of biodiversity
hotspots, unique habitats, remnant native vegetation, or individual heritage
trees, should be included in the encompassing protection package. Sites with
pristine or minimally disturbed ecosystems are worthwhile candidates, whereas
lightly disturbed sites could be evaluated for their recuperative potential with
or without human assistance. In neighbourhoods suffering from nature deficit,
suitable localities could be identified for future conversion into green spaces.
An urban greening action plan to foster sustainable
development of south cities
artificial. Most existing urban green spaces in south cities are tilted towards the
artificial end of the spectrum. The deeply ingrained inertia towards traditional
landscape design has perpetuated the partiality. To redress the bias, new green
spaces or modified existing ones could admit more natural elements. Nature-
oriented designs are often less expensive to build, and largely self-sustaining
with minimum maintenance needs to reduce recurrent upkeeping costs. Most
importantly, there is a strong demand for natural areas within and near cities
(Johnson, 1990) with features that many over-designed and expensive urban
parks fail to deliver (Thompson, 2002).
Conscious efforts could be introduced to enhance biodiversity in green spaces,
especially with native species that represent the regional flora (Smale and
Gardner, 1999). For relatively large green sites (say >2000 m2), not less than 25%
of the area could be earmarked for naturalistic greening. An ecological survey
could identify any existing natural vegetation types or habitats for preservation
and incorporation into the naturalistic design. For existing sites, opportunities
for species enrichment could be identified in refurbishment schemes. Different
sites could be given different functions to be fulfilled by dedicated designs with
more ecological elements, to depart from the common visual-ornamental bias.
For large new sites, the ecological park design could be adopted to create a
mosaic of different representative habitats.
Using natives in urban greening in south cities is often hampered by
a knowledge gap. The landscape profession and industry have limited
understanding or experience with native species. They tend to adhere to a
standard palette of common horticultural species for a given climatic zone.
Such a blinkered attitude would generate stereotype landscape designs and
species assemblages with a disproportionate amount of exotic species. Local
research to identify, test and extend the use of indigenous plants cannot be
more emphatically stressed. The south nations could enhance the knowledge
repertoire to make better use of their floristic endowments. The research findings
could be effectively transformed into practices, including the development of a
nursery industry to produce the native planting materials in adequate quantities,
and a landscape profession to promote their use.
Advocating native species should not be construed as an attempt to
exclude exotics. Cities are characterized by a diverse range of site conditions,
far more than its countryside, to accommodate a surprisingly varied urban
flora. Some cities register higher species richness than the surrounding natural
ecosystems. The capacity of urban green spaces to support a wide assortment
of species could be filled by a complement of natives and exotics. Natural sites
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could mainly hold natives, whereas semi-natural and artificial sites could be
shared by mixture of natives and exotics. A plant introduction office could be
established to screen systematically worthwhile exotic species from other places,
and promote suitable ones to the landscape industry. This orderly importation
could replace the random introduction, legally or illegally, of exotic plants by
companies or individuals. Such unregulated activities often operate outside the
statutory quarantine regime, and they could induce problems of phytosanitation,
transfer of pest organisms and instant pathogens.
An urban greening action plan to foster sustainable
development of south cities
species richness and leaf area index. Once established, such a green space
precision planning methodology could bring a renaissance and substantial
upgrading of landscape design with sustainable benefits to urban ecology.
To enhance understanding of urban greening benefits (Dochinger, 1980;
Nowak and Dwyer, 2000), cost-benefit analysis could extend to the economic
realm. People are more amenable to monetary than ecological values which
demand deeper understanding of nature. The benefits and amenities that nature
can bring to society could be expressed explicitly in dollars. As nature in city
is not a marketable commodity, indirect methods are used for objective and
scientific valuation (Chen and Jim, 2008). Two strands of methods have been
applied to the economic assessment of urban greening. The contingent valuation
method explores the amount of money that citizens are willing to pay to use
urban green spaces, or to pay to prevent their loss (Jim and Chen, 2006b). The
hedonic pricing method analyzes the home buying behaviour by isolating the
proportion of the property transaction price that could be attributed to urban
greening and other natural areas (Garrod and Willis 1994; Jim and Chen,
2006b, 2007). The results from these studies could be used to estimate the
worth of urban green areas, which could be compared with the establishment
and maintenance costs. The monetary values assigned to green spaces could
justify the allocation of public funds for urban greening. In times of budgetary
constraints, the findings could strength the competition for public funding.
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The entrenched practice would establish urban green spaces from scratch. In
extreme cases, natural remnants inside lands designated for urban parks could be
removed to make way for humanized greenery. Occasionally, isolated pockets of
well wooded religious sites or sacred groves could be retained and embedded in
built-up areas (Jim, 2003a). However, their original natural features of landform,
soil, water and vegetation tend to be disrupted, modified or partly replaced
(Williams et al., 2005). Urban living has probably muffled if not distorted our
value judgment of nature. Wild areas have been commonly and erroneously
construed as inferior or unsuitable urban green spaces (Mazzotti and Morgenstern,
1997). Nature has to exist in urbanized areas on human terms, to be simplified,
sanitized, contained, tamed, regimented and manicured. Rather than inheriting
and preserving precious nature in cities, we disregard, dislike, degrade and
destroy it. The persistent attitude is still very much alive, resulting in unnecessary
elimination or degradation of otherwise high calibre green spaces for both
humans and wildlife. Paradoxically, in their place we invest much public funds
to create parodies of nature that incur high capital and recurrent expenditures.
The land use zoning stage would benefit from a major revamp to rescue nature
in cities (Goldsmith, 1988; Jim, 2002a). Instead of the rather routine practice
of treating the land as a blank sheet, the new development plots in green fields
could be carefully scrutinized to identify high grade sites for designation as
urban natural areas (UNA), to be bestowed the protected area status analogous
to conservation areas in the countryside. Natural areas in the form of patches
and corridors could be preserved as far as possible in their pristine state (Henke
and Sukopp, 1986), preferably in a green network with enhanced connectivity
between sites and with the city’s countryside (cf. Section 2.1). Spokes, fingers
or tongues of linear UNA lands extending deep into built-up areas would create
a desirable spatial pattern to maximize the benefits of nature. Such greenways
(Flink and Searns, 1993) could also permit fresh air, clean water and wildlife
to enter the city in natural expressways. Residential areas could have UNA
in proximity, convenient accessibility to nature, and enjoyment of ecosystem
services. Citizens could choose between artificially created or natural green spaces
for their outdoor recreational activities. They do not need to travel long distance
to reach real nature which otherwise exists only in the far-away countryside.
Where natural areas are deficient in existing urban areas, they could be nurtured
with the help of careful site and soil preparation, and selection of native plant
species to establish the biotic composition, biomass structure and ecological
linkages of the regional wooded ecosystem (Johnston, 1990; Lee and Thompson,
2005). Disturbed natural areas could be repaired or restored by enrichment
An urban greening action plan to foster sustainable
development of south cities
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An urban greening action plan to foster sustainable
development of south cities
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An urban greening action plan to foster sustainable
development of south cities
demonstrates ample rooms for improvement (Morell, 1992). Besides the low
standard of work, which is rather pervasive, tree protection is frustrated by
the lack of supervision of site workers. Above all, the half-hearted efforts and
cavalier attitudes are linked to a common lack of commitment to protect trees.
Some site crews are inclined to take calculated risks to expedite construction
work at the expense of protected trees. Construction requirements too often
take precedence over tree protection needs. Clearly written guidelines should
be prepared and enforced (Matheny and Clark, 1998). Seminars and workshops
could be conducted to disseminate the relevant concepts, skills and regulatory
requirements. The knowledge transfer should permeate all levels from the
management to the professionals, technicians and workers. Developers and
the construction companied could be apprised of the tree-survey requirements
and preventive and precautionary measures at the earliest opportunity (Ames
and Dewald, 2003).The whole spectrum of development professionals need to
work in unison to contribute to tree protection stipulated in planning approval
conditions. The engineers and architects at the frontline of the construction
project should shoulder the pertinent responsibility of quality control and
adherence to guidelines. For tree preservation, timing and timeliness are the most
critical factor but often the weakest link. As an incentive to tree preservation,
that high quality trees could augment property value (Anderson and Cordell,
1988) should be more emphatically brought home.
A common weak link in the tree protection regime is the poor and inconsistent
quality of the tree survey reports (TSR) in relation to trees affected by
developments. The judgments and decisions on trees are contingent upon the
TSR quality. A poor or inaccurate TSR could mislead and muddle. The specific
requirements of a TSR could be clearly spelt out in a guideline, and explained with
the help of a sample report. A professional calibre TSR should cover information
on every tree situated within the work site, including tree locations marked on a
large-scale map of at least 1:1000 scale, species, dimensions (tree height, trunk
diameter and crown spread), structural integrity, health, performance, habitat
condition, tree defects and disorders, special features, future growth prognosis,
and colour photographs of the whole tree as well as its notable parts and environs.
It should contain specific recommendations and justifications for retention in situ,
transplanting and felling. Every effort should be taken to minimize transplanting
and felling. The key task of conducting the tree survey and preparing the TSR
is too important to be left to inadequately or inappropriately trained personnel.
It should only be carried out by a landscape architect or a tree specialist.
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An urban greening action plan to foster sustainable
development of south cities
badly emaciated state. It will take a long time for the injured tree to recover, and
often full recovery may not be feasible. To reduce the harmful effects of massive
root amputation in preparing the root ball, root pruning has to be implemented
in phases with intervening recuperative periods to permit the tree to overcome
the acute stresses. For a large tree, root pruning should be divided into at least
four phases, each to be separated by at least six months. It means that the
transplant work should be initiated two years in advance. Unfortunately, for
most construction projects, this advanced planning horizon cannot be realized
due to ignorance of transplanting concepts and practices.
The receiving site should be carefully chosen and prepared to make sure it
will permit the continued healthy growth of the new migrant. It should provide
adequate rooms to accommodate the tree plus extra spaces for future expansion.
As the need to reserve rooms for continued growth is often neglected, clear
guidelines on the design of receiving sites could be written to help the relevant
professionals. The soil and drainage at the receiving site should match those at the
source site to reduce the problem of poor adaptation to alien growth conditions.
Similarly, the microclimatic environment should as far as possible be matched,
so that wind and solar exposure, temperature and humidity parameters would not
unduly stress the transplanted tree. Such precision arboriculture based firmly on
tree research findings should find their way into modern urban forestry practice.
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An urban greening action plan to foster sustainable
development of south cities
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underground space in the tree strip should also be reserved for tree roots, and
buried utilities and other subsurface installation should not infringe. To ensure
that trees can grow well, the tree strip should have a soil depth of at least 1 m.
Where space is not available, a narrower roadside planting strip of 1 m wide or
less could be provided for shrubs and herbaceous vegetation.
To encourage more common occurrence of setback which is essential
in enhancing tree planting in old areas, incentives such as the transfer of
development rights of the setback strips to the remainder of the plot, or the
reward of bonus plot ratio, could be given. More importantly, wider setback
strips should be encouraged to accommodate large trees and to bring notable
landscape improvement (Jim, 1999). The planting strip land should be
accessible to the public. For sites that can provide generous setback wider than
3 m, considerations could be given to creating a road-median planting strip in
addition to the lot-frontage one to bring more notable streetcscape improvement.
Hard landscape features could accompany the new green strips or areas to make
the roadside environment more pleasant and less stressful to pedestrians. South
cities could establish a comprehensive and integrated approach to introducing
greenery into old city areas. It should be added that roadside trees are the most
cost-effective and conspicuous way to significantly enhance the cityscape.
An urban greening action plan to foster sustainable
development of south cities
1992). There is a widespread misconception that any soil can grow trees, and
soil deficiencies can be easily rectified. As a result, urban trees are commonly
planted in poor site soil without the benefit of improvement. Inferior soil trapped
in the urban landscape after construction of buildings and roads is difficult to
ameliorate or replace. The intractable deficiencies in the growing medium will
linger. Trees growing in such poor soil cannot be expected to perform well
and may incur heavy management liabilities. As soil materials are relatively
inexpensive, poor site soils should be replaced by a good soil mix before trees
are planted. Soil replacement should cover a broad area down to about 1 m
deep (Lindsey and Bassuk, 1991). Localized improvement within a tree pit will
not help, as the small improved soil volume will soon be outgrown by the tree.
At roadsides, a continuous soil corridor could be installed, with a reinforced
concrete cover to return walkable surface to pedestrians. Adjacent trees can
share the soil to spread its roots to enhance tree growth.
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old city areas. Some may become contaminated or clogged, and others may be
covered by a deck. They could be restored and revitalized by cleaning the water
course in conjunction with greening of the banks to create blueways bordered by
greenways. As people have strong affinity for water, particularly the land-water
interface, such transformed amenity strips could serve as linear urban parks. The
water surfaces together with vegetation could lower air temperature and ameliorate
the urban heat island effect. The waterfront area facing the harbour in some cities
could similarly be upgraded to create a green promenade with attendant benefits.
Many city areas have on-street parking spaces at the kerbside. Where such
road sections do not have sufficient spaces to plant trees in tree strips or tree
pits, the area between parking spaces could be mobilized to plant trees. If
necessary, a tree pit with a metal grille could be installed at grade to minimize
the loss of parking spaces. Alternatively, a raised planter could be placed at the
same locations, which will reduce the total number of parking spaces. In this
way, streets that are otherwise treeless could be adorned with roadside trees.
Some cities have tramways or railways laid along roads, often at the median
position. The land surfaces between the rails are conventionally paved with
concrete, asphalt or stones. Such long strips that penetrate different districts do
not need to remain hard and harsh. Instead, they could be replaced with soil
and planted with herbaceous vegetation. Besides laying a turf cover, the use of
native flowering herbs could significantly improve the streetscape. Where the
tracks are shared with other vehicular traffic, a porous paving system could be
adopted to carrying the traffic load whilst allowing for some grass growth. Many
European cities have extensive track sections greened in this manner, adding a
new dimension to the urban greening stock. South cities could learn from this
good practice, test the methods and modify them to suit local conditions.
As many south cities have pervasively compact developments, the amount of
plantable spaces available at the ground level is limited. The many thousands
of flat roof tops of existing buildings, however, remain largely barren. Such
above-ground sites could be earnestly explored for green roof installation.
Where the loading capacity is limited, the light-weight extensive green roofs
could be adopted. Where the roof slab is strong enough to bear heavy loads,
the intensive green roofs that include small trees and shrubs could provide high
quality gardens literally in the sky (Jim, 2008). The green roof sites could offer
additional recreational areas to supplement the ground-level green space stock.
Moreover, they could bring a host of environmental and ecological benefits
such as temperature cooling, air pollutant removal, noise reduction, storm water
discharge reduction, storm water quality improvement, and wildlife habitats
An urban greening action plan to foster sustainable
development of south cities
6. Conclusion
Urban greening in many south cities has a long established tradition, but it is
beset by multiple and vexing constraints. Fast urban expansion has strained the
quality of the environment and urban life. Urban greening could be degraded,
left behind and swept aside in the hasty rush towards economic development.
It is advocated that development and greening could go hand in hand to
contribute to sustainable development and smart growth. Urban greenery
could be construed as an indispensable infrastructure, rather than dispensable
elements to fill left-over, odd and confined niches. The urban planning process
would need to be overhauled to encompass this fundamental tenet. The modern
naturalistic or ecological approach could bring a new dimension to the design
of urban green spaces. Aligning the spatial pattern of green spaces with nature
in a well connected network that permeates the city could significantly improve
their benefits and functions. A pleasant bonus is the reduction in the capital and
recurrent costs of the urban greening programme.
The technical obstacles should not be difficult to overcome, but they would
need to be appropriately adjusted or modified to render them appropriate to the
local environment. People could receive training to master the relevant urban
forestry and arboricultual concepts and skills to strengthen this aspect of the
greening equation. The quality of tree professionals and workers, and associated
equipment, should be amenable to improvement. The more difficult hurdles lie
in the institutional bottlenecks and psychological barriers. To upgrade urban
greening, south cities would need to revamp its administrative and statutory
regimes. Enacting a comprehensive urban greening ordinance will provide
impetus and a structured framework to greening work. Encouraging public
participation and engagement could make urban greening relevant and welcome
by citizens. The persistent adherence to the modern and urbanized strand of
environmental determinism, that compact cities cannot become meritorious
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green cities, has stifled initiatives and enthusiasm. The general neglect of tree
care could be rectified by adopting a long-term vision of transgenerational
urban forestry and arboriculture. The inertia of sticking to the old fashioned,
anachronistic and often erroneous tree-related techniques presents another
hindrance. Cities could be compact and green, with the help of meticulous
attention to every aspect of the urban greening complex. The overriding concern
of quality has to permeate all greening plans and tasks. There are no shortcuts,
but there is the way if there is the will.
The knowledge gap in south cities, with particular reference to the use and
care of native species in urban horticultural applications, would need to be
filled by research. This would bring up the issue of adequacy in the research
infrastructure, well-trained research scientists, research funding, and an enabling
research environment. There is a pressing need to break out of the rut and to
move into the innovative and inventive mode, so as to bring tree knowledge
and practice to a higher standard. The principal factor that will make or mar the
urban greening endeavour is the quality of the clinching tripartite: researchers,
practitioners, and decision makers. If they could nurture a fruitful synergy and
excel in unison, urban greening work could move forward with facilitation and
in strides; if not, it may stall or even falter.
A major difference between a developed and developing economy is that the
former takes efforts where it is justified to find a balance between development
and nature, whereas the latter tilts very much towards development. A developed
economy also tends to put more emphasis on research and the integration
of research findings into policies and practices (Mazzotti and Morgenstern,
1997). A well-recognized hallmark of a truly liveable and sustainable city is
the embodiment of sufficient natural and green ingredients in a permeating
and intermixed configuration with the built-up matrix. The basic precept is to
include trees into a plan (Petit et al., 1995), that is wherever and whenever we
build, we also plant. It is not a Herculean task and it is entirely feasible. The
major obstacles lie in the administrative, political and policy realms (Duvernoy,
1995; Bowers, 1999). We need determination, innovative spirit and vision to
take our urban greening ideas and ideals to fruition.
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خطة عملية للت�شجري والتطوير امل�ستدام للمدن اجلنوبية
ا.د .جيم (�سي واي)
ق�سم اجلغرافية -جامعة هوجن كونغ
ت�شج�ي�ر املناطق احل�ضرية يح�سن من م�ستوى البيئة وم�ست ��وى املعي�شة و�صحة االن�سان والنظام البيئي باملدن .واملدن يف جميع
انح ��اء العامل تبذل اجلهود جتاه الت�شج�ي�ر واخل�ضرة لتحقيق اال�ستدامة احل�ضرية .اال ان املدن اجلنوبية تعاين با�ستمرار من
قل ��ة الف�ض ��اءات اخل�ض ��راء وخا�صة يف االحياء واملراكز القدمية .كم ��ا ان التجديد العمراين والتطوي ��ر احلايل رمبا لن ينجح
يف ح ��ل هذه امل�س�أل ��ة ،وقلة املعرفة تزيد م ��ن ال�صعوبات .بالتايل هناك حاج ��ة لل�سيا�سات العامة املبتك ��رة وتقنيات الت�شجري
احلديث ��ة للتح�س�ي�ن طويل االمد .والتكامل بني العلوم الطبيعية والعلوم االجتماعي ��ة يف منهجية عديدة التخ�ص�صات مع تقوية
العالق ��ة ب�ي�ن العلوم وال�سيا�سات العامة م ��ن �ش�أنه ان ين�شط جهود الت�شج�ي�ر يف املدن اجلنوبية .ويج ��ب ان يتعاون القطاعان
الع ��ام واخلا�ص اليجاد فراغات خ�ضراء وغر�س النباتات يف الن�سيج احل�ضري .واعتمادا على درا�سات مكثفة للمدن اجلنوبية
وال�شمالي ��ة ومب ��ادئ البيئة احل�ضرية يقرتح البحث حم ��اور رئي�سية خلطة عملية للت�شجري وخل ��ق الف�ضاءات اخل�ضراء .واهم
�سمات الت�صميم املقرتح هو �سل�سلة من الف�ضاءات اخل�ضراء املت�صلة لتكون ن�سيج يخرتق كافة املدينة مع احلفاظ على النظام
البيئ ��ي الطبيع ��ي وخلق ف�ضاءات متنوعة اخل�ضرة .وال بد ان ت�شمل املنفعة م ��ن التخ�ضري احل�ضري اجلانب االقت�صادي اي�ضا
ليك ��ون مكم�ل�ا للجانب البيئي .ي�شمل ذلك حماية اال�شجار يف مواقع البن ��اء واحلفاظ على اال�شجار املميزة .ويتطلب ذلك رفع
م�ست ��وى مهارات غر�س والعناية باال�شجار على جوانب الطرق ،باال�ضافة اىل حت�سني نوعية الرتبة .كذلك احلاجة اىل االفكار
اخلالق ��ة اليج ��اد مناطق امل�شاة احلرة من ال�سيارات ،واحياء القنوات واالنهار ،وا�ستخدام ا�سطح املباين اخل�ضراء واجلدران
اخل�ضراء مما ي�ضيف املزيد من امل�ساحات اخل�ضراء.