10 1108 - Josm 09 2015 0268
10 1108 - Josm 09 2015 0268
10 1108 - Josm 09 2015 0268
Systems, networks, and
ecosystems in service research
Sergio Barile
652 Department of Management, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy
Robert Lusch
Received 8 September 2015 Eller College of Management, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA
Revised 3 February 2016
Accepted 15 February 2016 Javier Reynoso
EGADE Business School, Tecnologico de Monterrey,
San Pedro Garza García, Mexico
Marialuisa Saviano
Department of Management and Information Technology,
University of Salerno, Salerno, Italy, and
James Spohrer
IBM Research-Almaden, San Jose, California, USA
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to create awareness on the need for lifting up the level of
analysis in service research by focusing on systems, networks, and ecosystems to contribute to the
research expansion of the traditionally narrow view of service.
Design/methodology/approach – This conceptual paper is built upon three blocks. First, the viable
systems approach is revised to highlight the survival, viability, and complexity of service systems.
Second, the dynamics of service networks is discussed using an ecological view of service with a
nested, networked configuration. Third, these two previous perspectives are integrated using the
fundamentals of ecosystems thinking.
Findings – This paper outlines a novel, tri-level approach reorienting and reframing our thinking
around systems, networks, and ecosystems. Some research challenges and directions that could
expand the body of knowledge in service research are also discussed.
Research limitations/implications – The tri-level approach proposed in this conceptual paper
could be enriched with other theoretical perspectives and empirical explorations.
Practical implications – Lifting the level of analysis by focussing on service systems, service
networks, and service ecosystems would allow practitioners to expand their business perspective to better
face the challenges of complex business settings, enabling them to co-create value for all their stakeholders.
Originality/value – The paper contributes to set the foundation for the next stage of service research
by going beyond dyadic interactions to address dynamic systems, networks, and ecosystems across
different interaction patterns in complex business configurations.
Keywords Systems thinking, Service ecosystems, Service systems, Service networks,
Viable systems approach
Paper type Conceptual paper
Consider parallel trends that mark modernity. First, global flows of materials, energy,
information, money, and people are interconnected. In such a setting, complex, urgent
Journal of Service Management issues cannot be solved in isolation or from a single disciplinary perspective.
Vol. 27 No. 4, 2016
pp. 652-674
© Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Javier Reynoso would like to acknowledge the collaboration of senior researcher Karla Cabrera in
DOI 10.1108/JOSM-09-2015-0268 the preparation of this manuscript.
Challenges ranging from climate change to national-level competitiveness to business Systems,
growth require a more comprehensive, systems perspective, in which the focus shifts networks, and
from structural parts to dynamic wholes.
Second, the emerging service research domain continues to move beyond dyadic,
business-to-consumer interactions to embrace networks of interacting customers,
businesses, citizens, and governments. For example, smartphones, big data in the
cloud, and the ever growing internet of things represent elements of an evolving 653
complex infrastructure. In this context, adopting a service ecosystem view allows both
scholars and practitioners to capture business and its environment more realistically,
with less focus on analysis, planning, or control and more consideration of emergent
strategies, adaptation, and learning from feedback. That is, rather than treating the
individual (customer or employee), dyad (employee-customer interaction), or group
(service organization) as the unit of analysis, the time has come to expand service
research to understand the development of service systems, service networks, and
service ecosystems. As Ostrom et al. (2015, p. 136) assert, the “complexity of service
systems and networks requires input from disciplines and expertise outside the
traditional service research arena.”
The relevance of this paper is threefold. First, we aim to create awareness of the
need to lift up the level of analysis in service research. So, in arguing for a
generalizable view of business and social organizations as rapidly evolving service
systems, we focus on systems, networks, and ecosystems as three threads of an
emerging, deeply intertwined story. Second, in so doing, we seek and encourage
researchers to expand the narrow view of service that has developed over time
providing future research directions relevant to complex business and government
configurations. Third, we thereby aim to enable managers to navigate turbulent
conditions in ways that enable them to help co-create value for customers, suppliers,
employees, and other stakeholders.
This intertwined story is outlined as follows. First, to address service systems,
we rely on the body of knowledge of systems thinking represented here by the viable
systems approach (VSA) (Barile et al., 2012a; Golinelli, 2010), which highlights the
intrinsically systemic, dynamic nature of service in terms of the survival, viability, and
complexity of service systems. Second, by conceptualizing of the service system as a
basic abstraction, discuss the formation and change of service networks. In this view,
service ecology has a nested, networked configuration, and rules work to constrain
actor-to-actor or entity-to-entity interactions. Third, we propose that service
ecosystems integrate the two previous perspectives. In this sense, a service
ecosystem is a relatively self-contained, self-adjusting system of resource-integrating
actors or entities, connected by shared institutional logics and mutual value creation
through the service exchange (Vargo and Lusch, 2011). After outlining our novel,
tri-level approach (shown in Figure 1), we delineate and discuss some research
challenges and directions that could expand the body of knowledge in service research.
27,4 Self-
Culture Knowledge
Networked Service Systems
Business and Society
658 Knowledge
Knowledge-intensive service networks demand skills of various levels and types, held
by a population of employees or the population at large. In this regard, the
modularization of knowledge according to academic disciplines has a relevant
influence on the way service networks form and change, as well as the rise of T-shaped
professionals with boundary spanning communication breadth as well as problem
solving depth. Universities constitute especially interesting and interconnected
members of the global network; for example, their reputations correlate strongly with
their national gross domestic product, they provide a primary source of start-up
companies, and they concentrate diverse, active, disciplinary knowledge in a relatively
small space (Lella et al., 2012; Spohrer et al., 2013). Similar to other members of service
systems, universities both cooperate and compete, striving to balance consonance and
competitiveness (Golinelli, 2010). That is, their value co-creation processes (similar to
those studied in coordination theory; Malone and Crowston, 1994) include cooperation
but also well-structured competition to explore, motivate, and reward the best dynamic
configuration of resources. These configurations stem from the interactions of the
universities’ entities in context, as they seek to create both repeatable and novel
outcomes (Arnould, 2008; Morgan and Hunt, 1994; Wieland et al., 2012). These diverse
service systems thus interact with their environment and one another as they co-evolve
(Metcalfe, 2010).
Technology is a key source of capabilities for service systems; it also provides a
network infrastructure for connecting service systems and scaling up services, rapidly
and profitably (Hsu and Spohrer, 2009). Technology platforms, web service
ecosystems, servitization, technology-enabled peer production networks, and social
media all exemplify technology as a pervasive driver of service innovations (Barros
and Dumas, 2006; Barrett and Davidson, 2008; Ostrom et al., 2010).Telephone networks
were among the first networks modeled as stochastic service systems (Riordan, 1962),
though networks of people (Adam Smith’s division of labor) and nations (Ricardo’s
comparative advantage) arguably were modeled even earlier. More recent modeling
efforts focus on supply chains and service profit chains as networks (Heskett and
Sasser, 2010). Although economically efficient flows of materials, energy, information,
people, and money have been modeled, the flows of knowledge and governance rules
have not been. The efficient, complex structures that currently exist, designed to
facilitate problem solving, do not ensure effective or sustainable systemic functioning,
which requires more complex decision-making processes.
Culture – such as language, relation, and family structures – can accelerate or inhibit
the spread of ideas and influence the rate at which service networks form and change.
Addressing service systems from diverse cultural perspectives is essential to their
viability, survival, and expansion. Studies of service networks span many regions and Systems,
cultures, including Japan (Abe, 2005), Taiwan (Tung and Yuan, 2008), China (Liu et al., networks, and
2009), Germany (Riedl et al., 2009), Italy (Barile et al., 2012b), and the Nordic regions
(Edvardsson et al., 2011). The Nordic School of Service Research was among the first to
investigate service networks in the context of relational marketing and many-to-many
marketing, thus moving beyond a narrow context of direct, dyadic, customer-led
interactions (Gummesson, 2010; Spohrer and Maglio, 2010). The Italian School also is 659
working to connect the concept of service networks to systems theory, through the VSA
we introduced in the previous section (Mele et al., 2010; Wieland et al., 2012).
Ecosystem thinking
The rise of technology networks is prompting a shift, supplementing the concept of
markets with notions of trust networks (Pentland, 2014) and sharing economies (Sacks,
2011). In this setting, an ecological perspective can be informative, because biological
ecosystems consist of interdependent organisms, both generalists and specialists that
participate in flows of information and resources, during which they experience both
positive and negative interactions. However, unlike social or organizational
ecosystems, biological ecosystems are not designed or planned. They are amazingly
JOSM complex and intricate but arise without forethought; they emerge from interactions of
27,4 individual organisms with one another and their environment, resulting in the rise and
fall of populations of diverse species. There is no perfect organism or species – just
ongoing change and adaptation (Sagarin, 2011). Learning also occurs at multiple scales.
In the biological world, failure means death, and though individuals cannot learn much
from their own death, the species can adapt to dynamic environments over time.
660 Likewise, when a business or government fails, those specific entities may not learn
much of value, but the broader ecology of organizations and institutions gets shaped
by their failures over time. Following this logic, perhaps human efforts to plan and
design their ecosystems, based on the pursuit of certainty and control, have gone too
far. We need new approaches. We might gain a better understanding of the social and
economic dynamics in markets, as well as the formation and change of service
networks that we discussed in the previous section, with an ecosystem perspective that
allows service system entities (e.g. firms) to move away from a traditional analysis,
planning, and control mentality; develop a keener ability to observe (sense); permit
strategies to emerge; and use feedback to learn how to adapt better in the future.
The SDL embraces such ecosystem thinking, through the service ecosystem concept
(Lusch et al., 2010b; Vargo and Lusch, 2011). A service ecosystem is a relatively self-
contained, self-adjusting system of resource-integrating actors, connected by shared
institutional logics and mutual value creation through their service exchanges
(Vargo and Lusch, 2011). In addition, the SDL definition of a service (Vargo and Lusch,
2004) entails the application of resources (knowledge and skills) for the benefit of
another or oneself (e.g. self-service). In this sense, it aligns well with the networked
service systems.
The service ecosystem concept also has been well received by industry groups,
especially those that operate in the digital, dematerialized world or the digital
ecosystem of the internet (e.g. Apple’s, Google’s, or ALIBABA’s ecosystems).
As traditional manufacturers also increasingly produce products that include
embedded systems with digital sensors or signal processors, as well as with the
emergence of the IOT, the service ecosystem concept is expanding quickly though. In
this expansion, resource-integrating actors are not just humans but also things, such as
features that are born smart and can sense, respond, or adapt to changing
circumstances (Lusch et al., 2010b). A house or factory then can serve as an ecosystem
platform that supports the integration of many resources, often connected through
information technology.
Executives and industry groups that seek a more contemporary managerial
framework also are receptive to the ecosystem view, because it enables them to see
beyond the enterprise and perceive multiple tiers of suppliers, customers, and
stakeholders that directly and indirectly provide information and resource flows. Such
actors simply cannot be managed with an outdated manufacturing or industrial logic of
command and control that aims solely to maximize firm wealth and ignores issues of
community and social welfare. Accordingly, universities and research organizations
have begun to challenge traditional education approaches and call for a profound
rethinking of the appropriate education of future managers. A key topic, arising from
the service research community, is the education of “T-shaped” professionals, who are
endowed with both vertical competences in specific disciplines and the horizontal
capabilities to deal with various, extended, multisector, dynamic contexts effectively
(IBM, 2014; Barile et al., 2014b). A T-shaped manager should be able to develop an
ecosystems view of service (Hansen and von Oetinger, 2001) and, with this frame of
reference, readily adopt digital platforms that enable further sensing, responding, Systems,
resource integration, service exchanges, and innovation (Lusch and Nambisan, 2015). networks, and
Such digital service platforms are rapidly proliferating in the form of unified
communication, cloud computing, mobility, and collaboration platforms, leading to a
concomitant breakdown and integration of industry structure. For example, firms such
as Ford, Toyota, Hyundai, and Mercedes are collaborating far more closely with
information technology enterprises as the automobile becomes a platform for the 661
communication and coordination of human actors and providing the service of
affordable personal mobility.
Ultimately, the importance to study networked service systems has emerged
because engineering, economics, psychology, sociology, and a host of other disciplines
cannot address human-technology interactions or their co-creation activities
adequately. These features characterize service systems and their dynamic and
complex ecological evolution in service networks. To achieve this understanding,
we need a systems perspective, as presented by the VSA and informed by a service
ecosystems approach. In that regard, many research pathways are open, as we detail in
the rest of this paper.
Businesses, governments, and scientists seek new tools and methods for making better
decisions and aligning stakeholders in an increasingly interconnected world with
numerous, complex, urgent problems. To supply these tools and methods, the service
research community can leverage its unprecedented access to massive amounts of open
data about service system entities, their interactions, and outcomes, globally across
space, time, and organizational scales. Service research studies based on surveys of
hundreds or thousands of stakeholders involved in business-to-consumer interactions
have laid the foundation for the next stage of service research, going beyond dyadic
interactions to address dynamic systems, networks, and ecosystems, across various
interaction patterns (e.g. business-to-business-to-customer, business-to-government-to-
citizen, customer-to-customer-to-crowd). A pertinent challenge will be for the service
research community to organize and compile open data sets that support the ready
development of descriptive, explanatory, and predictive theories.
The development of economic, management, and marketing science has created an
impressive body of thought, some of which has been translated successfully into
practice. Overall though, approaches in the past have focussed on isolated problem
solving. Reorienting and reframing our thinking around systems, networks, and
ecosystems offers a much needed new perspective. As we move increasingly to a
perspective on the market, economy, business, and society as centered in the exchange
of service, an out-of-date industrial or manufacturing logic is not viable. Service
systems, networks, and ecosystems are far more difficult to model and understand, but Systems,
it is time for us to combine our efforts across disciplines to tackle these dynamic, networks, and
ambiguous, and uncertain environments. Much work is needed in terms of theory and
methodological innovations. This paper has provided a rich discussion about what is
next in service research lifting the level of analysis by focussing on systems, networks
and ecosystems. Opportunities thus abound.
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Further reading
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research directions and opportunities: the perspective of systems, complexity and
engineering”, Marketing Theory, Vol. 12 No. 2, pp. 213-217.
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