Adventure Framework Collection 1

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Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Author Stephen J. Grodzicki, Copyright © 2019 Pickpocket Press.

Layout, Proofing, Stephanie Grodzicki

Art Curation

Artwork Cover art copyright Gary Dupuis, used with permission.

Box splashes copyright Daniel Comerci, used with permission.

Cartography copyright Maciej Zagorski, The Forge Studios LCC, Pawel Dobosz,
The Forge Studios RED, Dyson Logos, and Ramon Mur (aka S0ulafein).

Some art copyright Dean Spencer, Matt Morrow, Maciej Zagorski The Forge
Studios LCC, Earl Geier, Publisher’s Choice Quality Stock Art © Rick Hershey
/ Fat Goblin Games, Claudio Cassini, Jacob Blackmon, Ship Map copyright 2018
Toby Lancaster of Dark Realm Maps, Shutterstock, Randy M (all Call of the
Colossus art), Krysdecker @deviantart, 123RF, JEshields, William McAusland,
Bartek Blaszczec, Roman Mur aka S0ulafein, Tamas Baranya, Ramon Lucha,
David Guyll, Lawrence van der merwe, Jason debit, Brett Neufeld, Critical-Hit
(website, Headless Hydra Games - artist Peter Szmer, Art of
War Games, Dave Allsop, Kimagu, Luigi Castellani, Scott Harshbarger, John
Kapsalis, Jeremy Hart. All art used with permission, all rights reserved.

Websites Low Fantasy Gaming:





Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

How to Use this Book 3 Hive of the Mudmen 126

A Debt Unpaid 6 Last of the Longbeards 137

A Perilous Voyage 16 Red Moon Harvest 148

Call of the Colossus 28 Rooftop Rumble 163

Carnifexum 47 Ruins of Ashabat 170

Cultists in Crow’s Keep 55 Shadows & Dust 178

Curse of the Salt Queen 65 Vault of Goblin Dreams 191

Den of Thieves 74 Vengeance at Trollbridge 203

Fane of the Frog God 85 Whitestone Tower 213

Folds Between Worlds 97 Riddle of the Golden Rat 223

Halls of the Dwarf Lord 105 Dungeon Flip: More Skulls for Ulgoth 232

Hanging City of Nenchagi 116

Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Welcome Wanderer. These adventures use the Low Fantasy Gaming
system, and are set in the Midlands Low Magic
You hold in your hands a compilation of twenty Sandbox Setting by default. They are easily
two B&W Adventure Frameworks (no’s 12, 18, adapted to other d20 based systems and medieval
23, 28-46, ie all of the B&W adventures post worlds.
Midlands Low Magic Sandbox Setting) providing
a range of short, independent, episodic adventures What’s Missing
set in common locations such as cities, forests,
mountains, hills, swamps and underground. Consistent with Low Fantasy Gaming’s open world
philosophy, there are no level guides for
Specifically designed for low prep, improvised adventures. If your intended system does not
play, each framework comes with hooks or include a Party Retreat rule of some kind, you
rumours, a core scenario, NPC details & statistics, might consider implementing one. Some
random encounters, and B&W line art. Nineteen adventures are clearly more difficult than others
of the adventures include hand drawn maps. however, and ballpark “danger” guides are
provided below.
Armed with this compilation, filling your sandbox
with small to medium sized adventures has never Finally, frameworks do not include “read aloud”
been easier. Browse through the frameworks, text. Every time a GM reads boxed text, an ad-lib
throw out a few hooks, and let the players bite fairy dies, and we've too much blood on our hands
where they may. Whichever direction they take, already. Paraphrasing and natural speech from the
you'll be ready to handle it with aplomb. GM keeps players guessing what's pre-planned,
and what's off-the-cuff-I-totally-planned-that
awesome. And we wants that awesome, precious.
We wants it.


Every few generations, a powerful fey sends an
Moderate agent of destruction into the world, seeking
1 A Debt Unpaid 6 Forest
to High vengeance for a past wrong. This time the PCs
are its target.
As the PCs sail to another location, this side
trek hits them with a terrible storm, a washed
A Perilous
2 16 Lake Moderate up corpse, and a horrifying virus. As the crew
become infected, madness and mutation
follow... Drink up me hearties, ho ho!
A Zero Level Ordeal designed for 12 - 16 zero
Call of the level PCs, most of whom won’t survive. Will
3 28 Hills Special
Colossus the PCs emerge victorious against the perils of
the bronze Colossus?
Carnifexum, the Great Games, are upon the
Low to shackled city of Melek once more! Perhaps
4 Carnifexum 47 City
High the PCs will compete in the Ogorien Fighting
Pits, the chariot races, or brave wild beasts

Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

from across the realm? Fame and fortune are
up for grabs.
A missing "orphan" child, a lord in need of
Cultists in Low to discrete inquiries, and a dark night full of
5 55 City
Crow’s Keep Moderate terrors - man made or otherwise. Can the PCs
locate the child before it's too late?
The PCs are hired to clear out an abandoned
Curse of the mine, but Agueda (an exiled witch and
6 65 Forest Moderate
Salt Queen Medusa) and her Urgot worshippers, have
other ideas.
In Port Brax, the Sumptown Rats have
declared war on their criminal rivals the
7 Den of Thieves 74 City Moderate Dungart Dukes. The PCs are recruited as
extra muscle to protect Jester, the Dukes’ guild
The PCs escort Master Rovos, a wealthy
Fane of the explorer, bent upon exploring the submerged
8 85 Forest Moderate
Frog God ruins of an elven temple, now home to hostile
Something strange is happening in Yellow
Cliffs Grove, and rival holy factions want to
Folds Between
9 97 Mountains Moderate know why. Can the PCs navigate religious
politics, escort an old druid to the cliffs, and
sort out the Tentacle Spawn lurking below?
An archaeologist hires the PCs to investigate
Halls of the the Fortress of Dûmora, a lost dwarven hall,
10 105 Forest Moderate
Dwarf Lord defended by Cyclopes and the Barrow Wight
PCs search for the Mask of Distant Suns, said
Hanging City Moderate to be lost in a subterranean city beneath the
11 116 Underground
of Nenchagi to High Argos Plateau (occupied by mutants and their
aberrant “god” Xochnomogu).
The PCs investigate Mudmen sightings along
Hive of the Moderate
12 126 Underground Northgate’s borderlands, leading back to a
Mudmen to High
hidden hive and progenitor overmind.
Dwarven slaves from Dol-Karok have escaped
Last of the Low to into the Lost Roads beneath the Ironhull
13 137 Underground
Longbeards Moderate Mountains. The PCs are tasked with retrieving
Interdimensional aliens are kidnapping
Red Moon
14 148 Swamp Moderate outlying farmers to harvest their organs; can
the PCs solve the mystery and end the threat?
The PCs become embroiled in a rooftop
15 Rooftop Rumble 163 City Moderate
chase scenario, seeking to apprehend

Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

notorious assassin Skanta Claws (comedic
xmas theme).
PCs seek a magical gem in a ruined
16 Ruins of Ashabat 170 Mountains mountaintop city, occupied by three vying,
to High
monstrous factions.
PCs accompany Drar Fjorg in his search for
Moderate the ancient citadel of Ortu Menon, and the
17 Shadows & Dust 178 Mountains
to High Altar of Resurrection said to be hidden within.
The citadel is under an Undead curse.
The Druvtog (goblins), slumber in their
underground vault in the depths of Wistwood.
Vault of Low to
18 191 Underground Can the PCs sneak into the complex for some
Goblin Dreams Moderate
stealthy looting, or will they accidentally rouse
the vault’s guardians.
Thraani, last of her barbarian tribe, wants only
Vengeance at one thing: vengeance against the trolls that slew
19 203 Hills Moderate
Trollbridge her kin. But she can't do it alone. Do the PCs
have mighty thews enough to join her quest?
In the skies above Vorngard, a winged beast is
causing trouble, killing messenger ravens and
Whitestone outlying sentries. The monster lairs in a
20 213 Forest Moderate
Tower decrepit tower, once home to a long dead
sorceress. Will the PCs investigate and end the
A cursed rat idol “treasure” shrinks the party
Riddle of the
21 223 Any Moderate to tiny size and swallows them. Can the PCs
Golden Rat
escape from the inside out?
This is a “reverse dungeon”; players control
Dungeon Flip:
the monsters and their underground lair,
22 More Skulls 232 Special Special
whilst being invaded by a band of merciless,
for Ulgoth
treasure hungry NPC adventurers.

Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

A Debt Unpaid
won, and perhaps, just maybe, a favour earned
Wrong place at the wrong time. Sometimes bad from a power strange and incomparable. Given
things happen to good adventurers. And bad the forced introduction however, and the danger
adventurers. And the rest. Helm on, sword up, level of some foes, GMs might reserve this
you’ll be right. Just remember, if it looks too scenario for 4th level PCs and above.
dangerous to fight, it probably is.
In this adventure, the PCs are inexplicably marked
as the Gorrog’s prey; an unfortunate consequence
The Gorrog & the Bruhga of being in the Forest of Drelnor (or other large
In the Elder Forest, where some thuel tribes woodland) at the wrong time. Perhaps an
stretch back to before the founding of the walled extraplanar conjunction whilst camped on a leyline
cities, there are skalds that remember the oral or fey graveyard? A tragic prophesy? A cursed
histories of the primeval world; secret accounts of bloodline or eldritch debt? Whatever suits the
hidden spirits and portents, unheard of by civilized GM’s purposes. What really matters is what the
men. PCs are going to do about it.

One such tale involves the Gorrog; a dreadful

beast of frightful wrath, born of the unseelie in
their struggle against the mortals of the First Age.
When the last unicorn died, the Bruhga of Still
Dreams reanimated the corpse with her grief,
infusing it with hatred stronger than the bones of
the earth.

Every few centuries, as the skalds well fear, the

Bruhga unleashes her twisted pet upon Drelnor
Forest, slaying humans across the woodland in a
fever of bloodied vengeance, undulled by
generations of slaughter. Single minded and
unforgiving, the Gorrog must have its fill of mortal
life before returning across the Veil.

Star Crossed & Ill Fated

Sometimes the PCs go looking for trouble, but
every now and then, trouble comes looking for
them. This is one of those times.

Aye, grip firmly to your rail carts, gentlemasters;

this scenario dumps the PCs into a situation not to
their liking, nor making. But things aren’t all bad;
there are exciting monsters to be faced, treasures

Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

A Warning is capricious beyond mortal understanding. Fond
The first warning that the party have been marked of games of all kinds, the unseelie is willing to turn
by the Bruhga, and are now prey of the Gorrog, is this hunt into a contest of sorts, and provide clues
a lack of shadows. that might assist the prey.

During the witching hour, while sitting on sentry The next morning, after the party get underway to
duty, one of the PCs notices their shadow detach wherever they’re heading, the PCs are visited by a
and slip away into the darkness, faster than they herald of the hunt; an animated 20 ft “treeman”
can follow. At about the same time, other PCs’ that communicates with a creaking, wind addled
shadows also detach and depart in the same rustling.
The treeman is non-violent (unless attacked). It
does not speak, but sprouts a single green leaf on
the tip of its finger, and leans down to one of the
party, showing it to them. The leaf turns yellow
then drops off of its own accord, drifting lazily to
the ground. The herald then departs.

If the leaf is inspected, a map of sorts if revealed,

formed with the leaf’s veins and mottled
colouration. Holding the leaf tip high, the map

1. A Heart icon in the centre.

2. Waterfall icon to the north.
3. Dead Tree icon to the east.
4. Ruins icon to the south.
5. Skull icon to the west.

The heart refers to the PCs present location, and

An Int (Arcane Lore) check by a trained character the other icons locations to the north, south, east
recalls vague legends about fey spirits tracking and west of the party, where their shadows are
humans by stealing their shadows, using them as being held captive. If the party travel to the sites,
links to scry on their flesh and bones. A great they might find ways to retrieve their shadows and
success reveals some fey used such clairvoyant break the connection with (or weaken) the Gorrog.
techniques to not only spy upon, but also hunt,
human prey. A Pierce the Veil spell resonates Naturally the PCs are free to simply ignore all this
divination magic from the shadows and each of the and go on their way (perhaps heading to the
PCs. Sever Arcarnum suspends the divination nearest outpost or city for protection). Wherever
effect for 2d6 rounds, but does not dispel it. they roam, however, the Gorrog will come for
them eventually.
The Bruhga despises humanity, particularly those Herald of the Hunt, AC 18, HD 12, 2 Batter 3d6,
armed with iron weapons, but like all unaging fey 19: special, S22 D10 C20 I3 P13 W17 Ch4, L11,
Mv 20 ft. The herald is immune to nonmagical

Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

weapons, except those of cold iron. Causes 4. The forest suddenly drops away into a
Injuries on a natural 19-20 attack roll, 10 ft reach. steep ravine, with a rope bridge crossing
Fire causes double damage and sends it into a rage, (of ancient thuel construction). The
gaining Off Turn Attacks. bridge is old and worn, but safe enough.
There is a 50% chance 1d4+1 Giant
Random Encounters Eagles or Dire Bats swoop down to attack
Travelling to and locating the waterfall and other those who cross.
shadow locations takes 1 day from the PC’s
current, central position. Travelling diagonal 5. In an especially dark portion of the forest,
routes from say the northern waterfall to the a clump of rare Scaleburn mushrooms are
eastern cave takes 1.5 days. An Int (Wilderness growing (1 ft, lumpy charcoal coloured
Lore) check reduces these times by half a day (a top, with lighter spots). An Int
great success also reduces the chances of a random (Apothecary) check may harvest 2d4
encounter by 20%). doses of Scaleburn powder (poison, air
vector, throw up to 30 ft, affects 5 ft radius,
There is a 40% chance of a random encounter Luck (Con) save or 2d6+3 damage for 2
every 12 hours, increasing by 10% each morning rounds). A failed Apothecary check
(max 80%). If a random encounter occurs, roll accidentally triggers a defensive spore
1d8, adding +1 for each day that has passed since puff, causing 1d6 damage to the PC.
the PCs’ shadows departed.
6. A pair of Giant Serpents are nesting here,
1. 4d6 Skorn (aka Beastmen) are sleeping watching over their clutch of 2d6 infant
nearby in a small clearing, nestled under snakes (3 ft, 2 hp, 1d3 poison damage).
ferns and bracken. Their sentry, and two Scattered thuel bones conceal some loot
prisoners (rival skorn children, trussed up (1 x Carry Loot).
and gagged) have also fallen asleep. They
all look exhausted. 7. A winged Sprite named Mew (golden
haired, silver wings, carries a tiny wooden
2. 1d4+2 Giant Scorpions can be heard sword) has taken a liking to one of the PCs
skittering and chittering beyond the next (highest Cha, or perhaps demonstrated a
grove of trees. They are hungry, but wary love of wilderness or games in the last few
of foes with large amounts of metal. They days), and is spying on them from nearby
will attempt to snatch up one PC and back treetops (Perc check to spot). If treated
away, retreating to their nest (where 3d6 kindly, Mew warns that “the Gorrog
hatchlings await, 1 HD). comes” and encourages the party to “fly
now, fly away!”.
3. 2d6 Ogres led by Sebbor (a staggering 11
ft female, tiny eyes, huge jaw, dual axes, 7
Mew is most exasperated if told that the
HD) are on their way to “talks” with a rival
PCs don’t have wings, and no, they aren’t
ogre clan (ie armed to the teeth with their
hiding them beneath their cloaks. Mew
biggest, spikiest clubs). Some fresh
can also reveal that the party’s “shiny
mansnacks would impress their brutal
pointers” (swords) and “hard shells” (steel
(and doubtless hungry) kin.
armour) won’t help them. The Gorrog
causes such things to “dull, crack,

Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

crumble”. If the party has anything rusty, surface. Careful inspection for a short period
she points to it for emphasis, “like that”. identifies the shadow’s owner, and suggests it is
If charmed (magically or otherwise), Mew “asleep”; stretching and rolling over, as if in bed.
gives the party 1d3 doses of pixie sleep
poison (“dreaming dust”) before But the shade is not asleep. It is a puppet of the
departing. Bruhga and very much awake, hoping to lure one
or more PCs into the pool. If arrows or similar
ranged weapons are fired at the pool or shadow, if
“awakens” and flees into the waterfall,
disappearing behind it.

If one or more PCs enter the pool, the shade

eventually strikes, seeking to wrap icy hands
around one adventurer’s throat (ideally the owner)
and drag them beneath the pool to drown them.

Shadow, AC 12, HD 6, Strangle 1d8+1, 19: the

target suffers a moderate madness (Will check
resists), S16 D15 C15 I10 P13 W10 Ch7, L8, Mv
30 ft inc walls, ceiling, etc. The shadow is infinitely
flexible but not incorporeal and cannot fly. It is
immune to non-magical weapons except for silver,
cold iron, fire and holy water. On a hit, the target
is automatically grabbed by the throat, and a Str
contest required to avoid being dragged
8. The party sees/hears trees snapping and
breaking 2d4 rounds before the Gorrog
suddenly arrives. It looses an ear drum The shadow is utterly silent, ink black and
shattering roar, then charges directly at the featureless, but for its overall shape (which
closest PC (see page 12). conforms with the owner). If reduced to zero hp,
it vanishes instantly, reappearing at the side of its
owner (completely normal, non-magical; an Int
Dragon Falls (Waterfall icon) (Arcane Lore) check confirms an absence of
The northern water fall is fed by a steady stream magic, as does Pierce the Veil (for that PC and
cresting a high rise, dropping down 40 ft into a their mundane shadow, but not other PCs whose
shallow 80 ft pool, before being carried away by shadows are yet to be restored).
underground rivulets. At its peak ancient rocks are
carved in the likeness of a dragon’s head with open Behind the waterfall is a small 10 ft cave, sacred to
jaws, through which some of the stream flows. The local barbarian tribes. It contains a small rock and
pool and surrounds are lush and verdant, teeming moss shrine, plus a few years’ worth of offerings (1
with greenery and speckled with sunlight, x Carry Loot, 1 x Valuables, 1 x Trinkets &
somehow penetrating the canopy above. Curios). If the shadow fled here, it hides behind
the shrine, striking when the opportunity arises.
One of the PCs’ shadows (determine randomly)
appears to be floating on a calm patch of the pool’s


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Crucifixion Tree (Dead Tree icon) falls apart, burning away part of the tree, prying out
The eastern dead tree icon refers to a squat oak the wooden spikes and cutting away the vines, etc.
tree, long dead and leafless, in the centre of a small
30 ft clearing. Visibility here is particularly dim and The skeleton was once Annash, a female thuel
the air cold; adventurers without a light source warrior captured by skorn, tortured and devoured.
suffer disadvantage on vision checks. Annash died horribly, but her suffering did not
end there; her soul blighted and bound to her
The tree at the centre has a skeleton nailed to it, earthly remains as a Ghost. Local thuel and skorn
wooden stakes hammered into the hands and tribes are aware of the spirit, and do not venture
forearms pinning it upright. Over time, vines have here.
grown up around the bones, further securing them
in place. If her skeleton is disturbed, Annash’s ghost is
summoned from beyond the Veil. She is wholly
insane, wracked with fury and despair, but how she
responds to the PCs depends mostly on how they
interact with her bones.

If the skeleton is wantonly and significantly

damaged or defiled (cut to pieces, set on fire, etc),
Annash goes into a merciless, psychotic rage,
seeking to slay every living thing she finds. But if
the bones are recovered with respect, and
particularly if buried or given funeral rites, her soul
is released, and the PCs gain 1 Luck (may
temporarily exceed normal maximum).

Annash, Ghost, AC 12, HD 8, Touch 1d4 +

special, 19: the target ages twice as much as usual,
S- D15 C- I10 P13 W17 Ch3, L9, Mv 30 ft flying.
Incorporeal (LFG p.94). A ghost’s awful caress
instantly ages the target 3d10 years (no Luck save)
and requires a Luck (Will) save to resist a serious
madness. A target aged more than its expected
One of the PCs’ shadows is bound to the bones of lifespan dies a desiccated husk.
the skeleton (determine randomly). If the owner
approaches within 40 ft, the shadow manifests, Either way, once the bones are removed from the
spreading out from the ribcage to envelop most of tree, the PC’s shadow is freed and instantly returns
the skeletal structure. It rattles the bones like a to its owner (as in Dragon Falls above).
puppet, trying to get free of the tree, but unable to.
Temple Ruins (Ruins icon)
The only way to free the shadow is to release the The southern ruins icon is reference to a
skeleton from the tree. This might be done a crumbling temple dating back to the Second Age,
number of ways, including for example hacking off sandstone blocks dangerously cracked by sun and
the skeleton’s arms, shooting it with arrows until it


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

rain. A recent wildfire has cleared much of the the usual benefits. May spend an action to exert
undergrowth that had reclaimed the area. control and issue orders to wolves and dire wolves,
which are compelled to obey. Rudimentary dark
The civilization responsible for the temple is long vision, advantage when detecting danger or scents.
erased, with no surviving books or obvious Skorn lycanthropy cannot be spread to non-skorn.
identifying paraphernalia. Searching the ruins
completely might turn up a few preserved Dire Wolf, AC 13, HD 3+4, Bite 2d4+1, 19: a wolf
inscriptions or sigils (Perc (Detection) check at (60%) or dire wolf (40%) comes to aid the dire
disadvantage, suggesting perhaps it was a wolf, S18 D15 C17 I2 P13 W14 Ch6, L6, 60 ft.
compulsory “refuge” for unwanted half-elves, Advantage when tracking and on attack rolls when
spirited away by their xenophobic, and much flanking.
longer lived, forebears (Int (General Knowledge)
check, great success required). The keyed locations are as follows:

In any event, the site is currently occupied by small 1. Temple Ruin, missing most of the ceiling,
warband of Skorn; scouts from the prevalent housing 2d6+12 skorn. One or more
Shezgak (fleshfeasters) tribe, identified by their cookfires are burning. 50% chance of one
dark purple warpaint. or both sisters. Stacked around a broken
altar are stolen goods (1 x 4 HD Lair
The warband is led by twin sisters Mogru and Treasure). In the southern towers, 1d4
Ormus; 7ft, powerfully built warriors with shaved skorn keep watch with primitive bows.
heads tattooed purple. The sisters are “blessed”
with wolf lycanthropy, and command a pack of 2. Dire Wolf Kennels. 1d6+1 Dire Wolves
Dire Wolves. lair here, compelled by the authority of
the sisters. If the sisters are slain, the
The Bruhga has no power or influence over the wolves turn on the skorn, exacting
skorn. She has however concealed one of the PCs’ vengeance for past cruelties. There is a
shadows with one of the dire wolves; it appears as 50% chance the wolf with the PC’s shadow
part of the beast’s shadow, as if it were riding it. So is here.
far, none of the skorn have noticed (indeed, if this
is pointed out to them, they immediately attack the 3. Dire Wolf Kennels as in Area 2. If the
beast – correctly assuming it is cursed with shadow wolf is not in Area 2, it is here.
forbidden sorcery). Killing the dire wolf releases
the shadow (same as earlier sites). 4. Shaman’s Hut. This ruin houses the
skorn witchdoctor, Raakma (5 ft, squat
Skorn, AC 11, HD 2, Club 1d6+1, 19: the target is and obese, greasy, blood dyed hair, facial
clubbed in the head, losing its next action (Luck scarring). Raakma has 5 HD, grants Adv
(Will) save resists), S15 D10 C13 I7 P12 W8 Ch8, on nearby skorn morale checks, and
L5, Mv 30 ft. Rudimentary dark vision, advantage carries a random Potion.
when detecting danger or scents.
5. Prison. This largely intact stone outhouse,
Mogru & Ormus, Werewolves, AC 13, HD 6+4, patched up with crude wooden panels,
Bite 2d6, 19: a wolf (60%) or dire wolf (40%) houses a prisoner; Miridine, the only
comes to the lycanthrope’s aid, S18 D14 C14 I10 survivor of a caravan set upon by the
P15 W13 Ch8, L8, Mv 30 ft. Lycanthrope with all


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)



Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Shezgak. She is delirious with lack of food seen as a darkness flickering in their ribcage. All of
and sleep, badly injured and obviously the skeletons must be destroyed in order to free
tortured. Her left hand has been bitten the PC’s shadow. The skeletons target the owner
off. Miridine is actually quite wealthy and of the shadow above all others, mindlessly risking
will pay the party 600 gp if freed and opportunity attacks to position themselves to
returned home (and will owe them a great strike.
debt of gratitude).
Skeletal Mercenary, AC 13, HD 2+2, Sword/Axe
6. Rog, an exiled Ogre, lives in these ruins. 1d8, 19: another skeleton emerges from the
He is particularly dull (Int 3), and is ground to aid this one, S15 D13 C14 I- P14 W-
effectively the sisters’ enforcer. Rog enjoys Ch, L6, Mv 40 ft. Undead (LFG p.95),
tormenting the smaller skorn, and the automatically sense the living within 60 ft and are
sisters enjoy using him to keep the immune to piercing weapons such as arrows. If the
warband in line. He is a status symbol for skeletons are defeated, up to 1d6 pieces of armour
the sisters, and doubles as an effective or weapons may be scavenged, in addition to 1 x
porter. 1 x Carry Loot may be found here. Carry Loot and 1 x Valuables (LFG p.136, 147).

Locating the Shadow The Gorrog Appears

Finding the PC’s shadow in this location is like The Gorrog appears when the triggered on the
looking for needle in a haystack. If they observe random encounters table. If the party have left the
the wolves however, a Perc (Detection) check great wilderness and are safely ensconced in an outpost
success notices it. Alternatively, if the PCs are here or city, it waits for them to leave before resuming
during twilight (dusk or dawn), the shadow owner the hunt.
experiences a slight but tangible pull in the
direction of their shadow. A series of Perc checks If the party manages to retrieve all of their shadows
will lead them to it. Killing the wolf, or the sisters before the Gorrog is triggered, they manage to
(and releasing the wolves from their compulsion), avoid the fell beast altogether (it likely eats a tribe
frees the shadow (as earlier). of barbarians or skorn instead).

Battlefield (Skull icon) The Gorrog bears no likeness to the unicorn it

The western skull icon represents the overgrown once was. At 30 hands high (approx 15 ft tall), the
remains of a bygone battlefield, where some hairless creature towers over horses and men,
chartered explorers, and their mercenary heavy as an elephant, with a single jagged horn and
protectors, fought a terrible battle with barbarian twin, razor toothed jaws.
forces, leaving both sides decimated.
The Gorrog, Boss Monster, AC 15, HD 13 (96
The dead have lain buried for centuries, their hp), Horn 2d6 + special, Bite 2d6+2, and Stomp
armour stained and pitted, the site avoided by 3d6, 19: the target’s metal weapon, shield or
superstitious thuel. With the Gorrog’s return, the armour turns to rust and is destroyed (even
Bruhga has infused the remains with fey anima, chance, no Luck save unless a magical item), S21
granting them supernatural grace of movement. D8 C23 I- P10 W- Ch-, L13, Mv 30 ft and leap 20
ft. Boss Monster with the usual benefits (LFG
The 4d6+20 skeletons now house one of the PCs’ p.95). The Bruhga imposes disadvantage on Party
shadows, split up into each of them, which can be Retreat tests. Horn attack requires a Luck save to


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

avoid a metal weapon, shield or armour If destroyed, the Gorrog decomposes within
(randomise) turning to rust and being destroyed. moments in a swarm of buzzing flies, until only the
beast’s horn remains (substitute for unicorn horn,
worth 3d6 x 100 gp, or may be fashioned into a
For each PC shadow retrieved, the Gorrog loses
magic weapon that causes the monster’s rust effect
one of the following special abilities (even chance): as part of an action, once every 1d3 days).

1. Corroding Hide: metal weapons striking Aftermath

the Gorrog turn to rust and are destroyed If the party defeat the Gorrog, the Bruhga is
(Luck save resists). outraged, but also bound by cosmic accords to
offer the party a boon for defeating her champion
2. Venomous Bite: the bite attack causes 1d2 (equivalent of a single spell up to 5th level, that may
Str loss (Luck (Con) save resists). be called on at some future time, by invoking the
Bruhga’s title seven times). The unseelie imparts
3. Fey Roar: When staggered, the Gorrog this understanding to the party during the next
unleashes a maddening roar; all enemies twilight, appearing in a fleeting vision as a 7 ft dryad
within 30 ft suffer Malediction of Lunacy surrounded by curling vines.
(as the spell, Luck (Will) save resists).
If the PCs simply flee the forest, without some or
4. Bruhga’s Kiss: when reduced to zero hp, all of their shadows, the Gorrog waits for them in
all enemies within 60 ft of the Gorrog woodland outskirts. The next time they leave
suffer a serious madness (no save). civilization, it attempts to resume the hunt.
Destroying the Gorrog releases any shadows not
yet freed.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)



Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

A Perilous Voyage
Weathering the Storm
Word about the docks is Maddie Croke, Captain After twelve hours of darkening skies, fierce winds
of the privateer ship Gale Cutter, is seeking and flashing lightning, a terrible storm is unleashed
hardened mercenaries for a trade voyage across across the vast lake. Ten metre waves relentlessly
Lake Argos. hammer the Gale Cutter, forcing all hands below
deck and the hatches sealed.

Bad Blood Efforts to safeguard the ship, whilst being tossed

A Perilous Voyage is a water based side trek that around in the hull, require a Luck (Con) save to
occurs whilst the party is sailing to reach another avoid 1d2 Con loss due to exhaustion or injury.
adventure location. The check is made at advantage if the PCs take
precautions to minimise their risk of damage.
When the side trek begins, the party has booked
several days passage aboard the Gale Cutter, a
carrack (large, pirate like vessel, with 2d6+20 crew)
operated by privateer Captain Croke and her
quartermaster Barnabus. The party departs Port
Brax on the western side of Lake Argos, headed
for eastern shores, a voyage of 2-3 days (weather
depending), where some lost ruin or other
unrelated adventure hook awaits.

Unfortunately for all concerned, a terrible storm

almost sinks the vessel 24 hours from port. When
the storm ends (ideally at night or pre-dawn), the
crew emerge from battened down hatches to
discover the body of a bizarre sea monstrosity
tangled in damaged rigging.

Seemingly dead, the abomination’s presence has

tainted the ship, contaminating it with a horrific
parasite; a quasi-sentient virus of the First Age that
spreads mutation and madness.
As the storm subsides, when the waves no longer
The adventure then proceeds on a timer, with crash onto the deck, characters in the mess (Area
certain events triggering until the party either 4) notice a black fluid dripping through the boards
destroys the virus and its infected hosts, or they above. The fluid is similar to oil (does not mix with
succumb in the attempt. water), but is warm. Some NPCs in the mess (and
any PCs that took shelter there) are exposed to the
airborne virus at this time. There are 1d6+1 crew
in the area who become infected with the virus.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Any PCs require a Luck (Con) save to avoid Virus Events
contamination. After the body is discovered, the following
timeline unfolds, subject to the PCs’ actions and
The Body random encounters. A Virus Event occurs every
After a few hours, the storm abates, allowing the few hours (GM discretion).
crew and passengers to return topside. The deck
is in disarray, but more concerning is the limp
body of a bizarre looking lifeform, tangled in torn
rigging on the port side of the forecastle. The +2 A nest of rats mutates and attacks a random
creature is approximately 11 ft long, bulbous, hrs PC (see Random Encounter 6).
rubbery white flesh spotted with hard nodules. 1d3+1 of the crew, Womat, Eisen, Lo Mai
The body is covered with smooth (suckerless) and Juggers (who were in Area 4 during the
tentacles, the head reminiscent of a giant catfish. storm, or moved the corpse/scrubbed the
Black blood oozes from the monster’s mouth, +1d3 deck) are infected, and begin exhibiting
hrs madness (see Madness table). One of them
forming a large pool (and dripping into the Mess
destroys the rowboats in the forecastle with
in Area 4).
an oil fire (whispering “into the flames” over
and over).
The monster is almost, but not completely, dead.
Infection spreads to 50% of the crew, all of
Any attempt to move it causes it to latch onto
+1d3 whom exhibit madness. If the original
nearby humans with its tentacles (3 attacks, +8 to
hrs 1d4+1 infected are still alive, they suffer a
hit), before pulling them in close (Str contest vs Str
mutation (see Mutation table).
19), and vomiting black blood over them
A mutiny occurs. The infected, now
(automatic infection). The abomination then
composing 75% of the crew, attempt to
shudders and dies. +1d4
seize control of the ship. If Captain Croke
or any officers live, they barricade
Closer inspection of the corpse suggests it died due themselves in Area 8, barring the door.
to air exposure, or perhaps some form of internal All infected are mutating and take control
injury (most of the blood comes from the +2
of the ship. The entire crew is infected
mouth/throat, other wounds are minor). The hrs
unless the PCs somehow stem the tide.
curious nature of the blood is also revealed (black, The infected are now more virus than man,
oil like quality). If the blood is kept in a jar or vial, +1d3
incapable of sailing the ship. The Gale
after an hour it manifests a strange bubbling hrs
Cutter careens off course (see End Game).
quality, as if trying to escape. In another 1d4 hours, The virus achieves its final iteration and
the blood turns ashen grey and “dies”. +1d3 merges into a single abomination. The
hrs monster tears the boat apart before sinking
Cutting the beast open autopsy style reveals the beneath the waves.
creature is almost drained of blood, despite no
obvious cause (Int (Apothecary) check). On a great Guarding against Infection
success, the PC also locates three tiny eggs in what PCs might come up with various ways of protecting
appears to be a redundant bowel. The eggs contain against infection, including quarantining
embryos in the form of (i) a similar monstrosity, themselves, cleansing the infected with fire,
(ii) a gilled bird with tentacles instead of legs, and wearing face masks, etc.
(iii) a starfish like mass bearing five eel headed


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

The virus is spread by contact and air vectors, but deck? I must get below. As low, and as
PCs taking precautions gain advantage on any deep, as I can.”
saves. A PC that successfully resists need not make “Know ye this: our skin is alive. So too our
another save until re-exposed to the virus after 4 hearts, our lungs; every part of us. Yea
hours has passed (or other period determined by especially that part. They have their own
the GM). 8 thoughts, of a kind. Desires, hates. They
have been sleeping, aye, for the longest
A PC forced to swallow any part of an infected time. But they are waking, and I fear we will
(blood, saliva, severed finger, etc) automatically not like what they have to say.”
contracts the disease. “There is something very wrong with
Barnabus. Look it! See how he skitters
Madness across deck. Like a crab? His hands:
NPCs suffer a Pervasive madness after the first few 9 pinchy. Like a crab. Is Barnabus a crab?
hours. A PC may make a Will check to postpone He looks a crab to me. Hard shelled, is he
lunacy until the next Virus Event. Each check after not? Aye, a crab, a crab, Barnabus is a
the first suffers a cumulative -1 penalty. If madness crab!”
occurs, roll 1d10: “The water, she calls to me. Do you hear it
also? The playful beckoning of the waves;
10 see how they frolic! Why do we linger here
MADNESS on this wretched boat? This wooden cage.
“I hear my blood coursing inside my veins. This coffin.”
Do you hear it too? Hmm, now that I listen
1 closer, I sense the squeezing and squelching Mutation
of your organs. You have a loud liver, Characters suffering a mutation roll 2d6 on the
landlubber.” following table. Mutations are permanent barring
“The wood of this ship is utterly delicious. excision or Purge the Accursed. A special herbal
Particularly this patch where the sea medicine (correct herbs and Int (Apoth) check)
2 creature’s blood split. I must consume it. grants PCs (only) a Luck (Con) save to shake off
Who has taken my whittling blade, you the virus. Mutations occur painfully over 1d4
pack of dogs?” hours (or as the GM determines).
“Why should I bother conversing with any
3 of you lumpy fleshsacks? The change is All mutants suffer an ongoing compulsion to
upon me, I ascend to a higher form!” spread the virus by biting or mating with other
“The mists are the ghosts of sailors past, living creatures (excluding Barnacle Forms). A
don’t ye know? We must know this, here Will check suppresses the urge for 1d6 x 10
on this boat. We will be joining them soon minutes. Each check suffers a cumulative -1
enough.” penalty until triggered (resets to zero).
“One of us. One of us. One of us”
(whispering to self, nodding).
“Ye know, I cut off part of the beast before MUTATION
they burnt it/threw it overboard/etc. It is Character mutates into a Fleshpod (see
6 2-3
most pleasant when roasted. You should try below).
some. You must try some. I insist.” Character mutates in a Vomitor (see
“The sun burns my eyes, the wind grates my below).
skin. How can you stand it here above


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

The character becomes a Hybrid. A body gain gills, a leg change might halve movement rate,
part is transformed or sprouted, roll tentacle might gain adv on grabs, etc).
1d10: (i) arm change, (ii) leg change, (iii)
genitals change, (iv) grow tail, (v) grow Vomitor, AC 11, HD 3, Vomit 2d4+2 (20 ft range,
arm, (vi) grow leg, (vii) grow head, (viii) Luck (Con) save or infected), 19: spews on target’s
6-8 hybrid head change, (ix) torso change, (x) face, disad on infection save, S13 D8 C13 I7 P11
eyes & mouth change. W14 Ch1, L6, Mv 30 ft. When reduced to zero
hp, explodes in a 10 ft radius (as Vomit).
Roll 1d8 for form: (i) fish, (ii) shark, (iii)
octopus, (iv) crab (v) eel, (vi) coral (vii) Vomitors might be mistaken as humans from a
starfish, (viii) ooze. distance or in half light, but up close their sunken
Character mutates into a Spinehost (see eyes, sagging skin and gurgling breath gives them
below). away. Human skeletons surrounded by virus
Character mutates into Barnacle Form slough, encased in skin, the walking virus spews
(see below). acidic contagion on its targets.

Fleshpod, AC 12, HD 6, Bite 3d6 (Luck (Con)

save or infected), 19: Psychic scream; Luck (Will)
save or cannot regain hp from short rests for 24
hours, S15 D15 C14 I4 P10 W17 Ch1, L8, Mv 30
ft inc up walls etc. Fleshpods are 4ft horrific
gestalts of quivering flesh, eyes and claws, with
boundless hunger. Immune to surprise and
piercing damage, double damage from fire.

Barnacle Form, AC 19, HD 5, Slashing Arm 3d6,

19: Bear hug for an extra 3d6 damage and lose 1
Con, S18 D10 C17 I3 P10 W17 Ch1, L8, Mv 20
ft (inc swimming). Barnacle Forms are 6ft
humanoids encased in iron like barnacles with
sharp edges, brought into being to protect other
virus forms. They move slowly but purposefully,
attacking threats to the virus until they or the threat
are destroyed. Amphibious, Off Turn Attacks.

Spinehost, AC 14, HD 3, Spines 2d6, 19: Poison

spine, Luck (Con) save or Slowed, S14 D6 C15 I3
P9 W14 Ch1, L6, Mv 30 ft inc swimming.
Spinehosts are 4 ft blobs of urchin like spines,
crawling about on human arms. They display
supercharged echinoderm regenerative ability,
Hybrids use the same stats as Crew, but 2+1 HD, healing all damage at the start of their turn (unless
and some other change related to their mutation reduced to zero hp, in which case they decompose
(not all beneficial, but for example, an extra arm into a foul smelling, pulpy puddle). Fire suspends
might allow an extra attack, a head change might their regeneration for 1 round.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Random Encounters
In between each Virus Event, roll 1d8 (+2 after the
first crew are infected) or choose from the random
encounters below.

1. A small, mysterious island is found,

recently risen from the depths after a brief
volcanic eruption. In the centre of maze
like coral is a giant clam, worshipped by a
tribe of Toadmen. Within the clam lies an
orb sized pearl (2d6 x 500 gp).

2. 2d6 Argosan Stranglers (Midlands) latch

onto the hull (ideally during the night),
and clamber aboard. They attack non-
infected in preference to infected. After
1d4 rounds of combat with infected, they
instinctively flee.
Leech Vermin, AC 13, HD 3, Bite 1d8+2, 19: a
3. The ship is becalmed, with nary a gust of nearby light source is smothered by the swarm, S5
wind for 2d6 hours. After this period, the D14 C6 I3 P10 W8 Ch4, L6, Mv 15 ft inc up walls
party may make a group Luck save to etc.
determine whether the winds return.
Leech Vermin are treated as a single swarm entity:
4. A thick fog rolls in, enveloping the ship one attack against all adjacent foes, half damage
overnight and persisting until mid from weapons, double damage from AoE attacks.
morning. Visibility is reduced to 30 ft. The swarm splits in two when Staggered (once
Stealth checks above deck gain a +2 only, 2 HD each half). The virus makes them
bonus. fearless, and they see as well in darkness as in light.

5. A half mile line of water is releasing large 7. The decaying remains of a half sunken
pockets of deep water gas (huge bubbles wreck is spotted on the horizon, washed
burst on the surface), causing light onto a shallow reef. Searching the wreck
headedness. Crew must make a Luck scavenges 1 x Carry Loot in and a locked
(Con) save or suffer 1d2 Dex loss. box with 1 x Valuables within. There is a
50% chance of a Giant Octopus lurking
6. A nest of infected rats (and/or Mr within the deeper corridors of the reef.
Rumples) on the lower deck mutate into
Leech Vermin, dropping onto an 8. An enormous Sea Serpent (12 HD, Bite
unsuspecting PC from the rafters at an 3d6, Swim 90 ft, water breathing) can be
opportune moment (eg: when asleep). seen undulating across the waves towards
the ship, before disappearing below. It
attempts to eat 1d4 crew before departing,
its hunger satiated.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

9. An infected crew member mutates and • Cadence (5’ 6”, Midlander, stocky, raven
attacks a PC, ideally when they are alone haired, a short gaff hook on her belt.
(in their cabin, somewhere below deck, Impulsive and fiery).
• Seigfinna (6’ 4”, Varnori, blazing red hair,
10. A Hybrid mutates into a Vomitor, missing some teeth. Gambler in both love
Fleshpod, Spinehost or Barnacle Form, and cards).
either in a PC’s presence, or ambushes
them from hiding (ideally when the PC is • Roper (5’ 9”, Midlander, brawny and
alone, or the party is split). tireless, stern gaze. Practical and non-
Crew & Politics
When the adventure begins, the crew are slowly • Hughes (Midlander, medium build, 50’s,
splitting into two camps: the Captain’s men grey haired, peg leg with hidden blade
(supported by Navigator Thorne), and a mutinous compartment. Fearless).
faction led by Quartermaster Barnabus.
• Mr Rumples (a rusty brown rat with long
Recent smuggling trips (on the side of the Gale whiskers; the ship’s “lucky” mascot.
Cutter’s legitimate cargo business) went astray, Greedy and inquisitive).
causing a number of deaths, and half the men
think Barny could do a better job. Barny agrees, The Gale Cutter
and is biding his time to seize control. The Gale Cutter is a large carrack, approx 105 ft
long and 55 ft wide at her broadest point, armed
Crew stats and a handful of brief NPC descriptions with twin ballistae (port and starboard) and twin
appear below, for easier GM improv. The vast onagers (bow and stern), manned by 2d6+20 crew
majority of the crew are Midlanders or Varnori. (excluding Captain Croke, Quartermaster
Barnabus, Surgeon Mariata and Navigator
Crew, AC 12, HD 1, Cutlass/Axe 1d8, 19: as Thorne).
weapon, S12 D13 C11 I10 P10 W10 Ch10 L4,
Mv 30 ft. Also armed with knives, 20% chance of The boat is old, creaky, and smells like the lake
a light crossbow and 10 bolts. (or sea). She is made of solid oak and in fine
condition. In rough waters, staying upright might
• Rumbelly (5’4”, sunburnt Midlander, require a Dex check (at advantage unless in
rotund, booming voice. Amiable combat). Con checks might also be required to
alcoholic). suppress sea sickness for land lubbers.

• Hilders (6’, Varnori, hook hand. Mute; Area 1 – Nautical Gear

had his tongue cut out. Mysterious). This 15 ft triangle storage area contains shipping
equipment such as nets, rigging, lines, hooks,
• Alsun (Midlander, slim and wiry, with belaying pins, and so on. The door is unlocked.
grey-brown hair pulled back in a ponytail.
Whimsical, ladies’ man).


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Area 2 – Galley Area 5 – Guest Quarters
The ship’s kitchen is run by Briccus the cook These 20 ft quarters are usually occupied by
(dark skinned Nydissian, short and lean, goatee, Navigator Thorne, but have been vacated for the
always in his black apron, belt festooned with party. Captain Croke arranges for bunks, blankets,
various cooking knives, stats as crew but Cha 15). pillows and a low table to be set up. The door may
No-one makes a bitier fish guts stew. The galley be locked and the party are given a key. If the PCs
has enough food, water, wood and oil to last one have any valuables they want specially secured, the
day, further provisions are kept in Area 15. Captain is willing to store them in her strongbox in
Briccus generally keeps the galley free of rats and Area 7, or the Valuables Store in Area 15.
bugs (occasionally serving up “Squeek onna stick”
and “Fried crunch pie”). Area 6 – Main Deck
The main deck is approx 90 ft by 55 ft at its widest
Area 3 – Infirmary point, with stairs up to the forecastle and
This approx 15ft by 12 ft cabin usually houses ship sterncastle in each corner. The enormous main
surgeon/apothecary Mariata (overweight albino mast, sails and rigging stretch overhead, up to the
Karok with darting eyes, stats as crew but Int 14, Crow’s nest 80ft high (enough room for two
knife with Ghoulsheen poison), with an extra bunk people).
for any current patient. The surgeon knows of the
crew’s unrest, and Barnabus’ plot, but has yet to Near the main mast, stairs descend to the hold,
choose a side. and a large 8 ft grate covers the Small Hold below
(Area 14). Twin ballistae on 180 degree swivel
With the party on board, Navigator Thorne (tall, mounts are positioned port and starboard (750 ft
black haired Midlander, usually at the helm range, vs humanoids Luck (Dex) save or reduced
steering the ship, stats as crew but 2HD and Int 14) to zero hp (for giant creatures, 6d8). 2 actions to
is also sleeping here. The bunks are hard but reload, ineffective against enemy hulls).
functional. Chests of personal items contain 1 x
Carry Loot each. Mariata’s herbs, tinctures, Area 7 – Captain’s Quarters
healer’s kit, scalpels, etc are here. The door has a Captain Croke (5’ 10”, long black hair, athletic,
lock, Mariata has the key. eyepatch, left hander) sleeps in this 12 ft by 15 ft
bedchamber, containing a wide bunk, table and 3
Area 4 – Mess Hall chairs, shelving (ledgers, quills), and wardrobe.
The 20 ft by 12 ft mess hall contains a number of
small bench tables and liquor barrels. A serving The single door is heavily reinforced, with a quality
window is set into the northern wall. Mugs, plates lock (-3 penalty to pick, or requires a Str (Ath)
and utensils are generally scattered about. 1d6 great success to break down). A locked strongbox
crew will generally be in here eating, socialising or in the wardrobe contains 1 x Carry Loot, 1 x
scheming. If the PCs are in here during the storm, Valuables and 1 x Trinkets & Curios.
black, bubbling blood drips through the beams
above, contaminating the room (airborne vector, Croke is shrewd, with more than enough
check for infection) until scrubbed clean with gumption to put down a mutiny, if only she sees it
alcohol and vinegar. coming. Preoccupied with guilt over recent crew
deaths during a smuggling operation gone wrong
(including Jakob, whom she had a brief fling with),
she might be blindsided.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Captain Croke, AC 14, HD 4 (18 hp), Cutlass Barnabus, AC 12, HD 4 (24 hp), Axe 1d8+3, 19:
1d8+1, 19: Disarm, S14 D15 C12 I14 P12 W16 as weapon, S17 D10 C16 I12 P13 W14 Ch14 L9,
Ch15 L10, Mv 30 ft. Croke has Off Turn Attacks. Mv 30 ft. Barnabus has Minor Exploit Protection.
Backstab, Skirmisher and Finisher abilities like a Fighter Adaptable ability, with the Charger style
4th level Rogue, may choose from the following (may swap styles three times per combat). When
tricks three times per combat: Choking Dust, staggered, Barnabus gains a free melee attack
Hidden Blade, Quick Reflexes. against everyone in range.

Area 8 – Officers’ Hall

This 20 ft by 10 ft chamber has a handful of tables
and chairs, along with some barrels of wine, rum
and water. Ordinarily, only the officers are allowed
here (Captain, quartermaster, navigator, surgeon),
or crew by invitation. The door is lockable,
banded with steel, and has a barring beam
(requires significant time to break down, ideally
with an axe/hammer and 3 x Str (Ath) great
successes). In case of mutiny, officers use the stern
as a panic room.

Area 9 – Captain’s Study

The Captain’s 30 ft by 20 ft study contains a desk,
chairs, small bar, as well as a cupboard. Charts,
maps and nautical instruments are spread about.
The door has a lock (Croke has the key).

Area 10 – Quartermaster’s Cabin

Quartermaster Barnabus (6’3”, muscular, dark
green bandana, knife bandolier, gruff, respected)
resides in this 12 ft x 15 ft chamber (well
appointed, with an extra stash of small rum barrels,
lockable door). He is the second highest ranking Area 11 – Smuggling Hold
officer on deck, managing provisions, arms, This 15 ft triangular space stores incidental
sleeping arrangements and discipline. Like the supplies and gear such as crates of dry clothes,
Captain, Barnabus receives a double share of any barrels of bait, blankets, hooks, lines, etc. A
profits. hidden compartment in the floor (removable
panel, expertly fitted and concealed, Perc check
Barnabus and half the crew are plotting to seize great success to notice) serves as the smuggling
control of the Gale Cutter in the near future. hold.
Indeed a mutiny is imminent (per the Virus Event
table), but not in the way Barnabus expects! At the GM’s option, a chest of 2,000 counterfeit
gold coins (Karok Orots) are stashed within (only
known to Croke, Barnabus, and deckhand Rico
(blonde haired Varnori, tattoo of the Deep One,
addicted to cards and dice)).


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Area 12 – Crew Hammocks An assortment of weapons are also stacked here,
Oversized double hammocks hang here in parallel including 20 x swords/cutlasses/axes, 1 x shield, 5
rows (one beneath the other), capable of sleeping x light crossbows, 1 x heavy crossbow, 30 bolts, 5
16 men. Bedrolls, a small card table and sitting daggers, and 1d6 fire pots.
barrels are also present. Crew effects are generally
bundled up under pillows or stored under A locked chest includes 1 x 3 HD Lair Treasure.
removable floorboards (1 x Carry Loot). The storeroom is locked (good quality lock, -2
penalty on attempts to pick, the officers and the
Hidden beneath one floorboard is a hankerchief Cook have keys).
(hummingbird motif – belongs to Croke),
wrapped around a red mahogany ring (2d6+30 gp). Area 16 – Main Hold
The ring was Jakob’s (see Area 7, he stole it), who At the GM’s option, the 20 ft by 18 ft main hold is
was planning on gifting it to the Captain as a sign either mostly vacant (but for a few empty
of affection. Jakob was unaware the ring is barrels/crates, with the intention of picking up
enchanted. If attuned to, the user may gain the goods at a destination port), or stacked with trade
benefit of a Life Leeching potion once per week goods (forming a tight knit “maze” of heavy boxes,
(during which time, his/her eyes glow red and issue barrels and baskets, holding a mix of bound
brimstone like smoke). fabrics, jars of foodstuffs and spices, pottery,
woodwork, fancy metal utensils, intricate tiles, etc,
Area 13 - Brig total value 500+ 2d4 x 100 gp).
The brig has two bunks and a latrine, with a quality
lock (-2 penalty to pick). There is a 50% chance Area 17 – Steerage
one of the crew, Morton (scabby rough nut, Str 15, This partitioned off 25 ft corridor is stacked with
with a long moustache, rage issues) is serving two crates, barrels and shelves of common goods
days for insubordination. He is sullen but might be (smoked fish, blankets, spare clothes, oars, tools
befriended if engaged with. and timber for temporary ship repairs, lines, gaff
hooks, etc). The door is unlocked.
Area 14 – Small Hold
This 20 ft square storage is mainly used for fresh Areas 18, 19, 20 – Crew Cabins
fish or sealed goods that don’t mind a bit of water These 20 ft or 15 ft crew cabins contain small
splashing on them from the main deck’s large bunks, bedrolls, and chests of personal effects. 1d4
grate. At the time of the adventure, the small hold crew are in each compartment if not on duty.
is stacked with sealed barrels of charcoal (50%) or Emptying the chests (poor quality locks, pick with
raisins (50%), tied down with water resistant oilskin Adv) garners 1 x Carry Loot.
Area 15 – Valuables Store The forecastle area is approximately 45 feet wide
This 20 ft by 10 ft storeroom holds the ship’s more at its broadest point, and 50 ft long. Two 12 ft
important commodities, including water, dried rowboats are lashed to the deck and foremast. An
beef, hardtack, salt, spices, spare charts, rum onager (small catapult) on a 270 degree swivel
barrels, brandy bottles, oil (2 drums), textiles, and occupies the nose (shoots flaming pitch up to 750
other trade goods (glassware, pottery, etc). ft.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Sterncastle Final Form, AC 15, HD 20+4, Slap 15 ft reach
The sterncastle is 55 ft wide at its broadest point, 2d10+5 and Bite 4d6, 19: the target is absorbed
and approx 30 ft long. 75% of the time, Thorne and instantly slain (Luck (Dex) save negates), S20
will be here at the helm, otherwise Croke is D5 C22 I4 P10 W19 Ch1 L14, Mv 30 ft. The
steering. An onager (similar to the forecastle) is Final Form has Major Exploit Protection and Off
located at the rear. Turn Attacks.

End Game Once joined, the Final Form grows larger and
If the virus hosts are not killed and burnt, or larger, tearing the boat apart within 4d6 rounds.
removed from the ship, the infected eventually The vessel sinks into the darkest trenches of the
gather in the main hold, merging into a single, lake, and the abomination with it.
terrifying gestalt of slapping, slurping flesh. The
incalculable horror of the virus’ final form burns a Aftermath
hole into the human psyche, requiring a Luck If the PCs survive the wreck, a group Luck save
(Will) save to avoid turning catatonic (helpless) for results in a merchant caravel passing by within
1d4 rounds. On a successful save, the PC gains a hours, retrieving any survivors from the flotsam.
madness instead (1d6: 1-3 minor, 4-5: moderate, Whether the virus survives, or is ever seen again,
6: serious). is a matter for the GM.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)



Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Call of the Colossus
choices: (i) follow the ogre tracks and rescue the
The noble leant forward, his one good eye fixed captives (leading to the ancient temple, Womek,
upon the shrinking informant. “Silence pitiable and his cultists), or (ii) press on to Therg’s End
slud. I know of the tavern incident, I was there, (two days trek), the outpost their caravan was
remember? What I want to know is who are they? originally bound for.
Where did they come from? And what binds them
together, so that I might unbind them.” Investigating the Colossus requires facing a
number of dangers, including random encounters,
traps, monstrous guardians and cultists, as well as
Zero Level Ordeal the sorcerer Womek.
Warning: This adventure framework is not your
usual mini adventure; it is intended for
approximately 12 – 16 “zero level” characters
(each player controls 4 PCs), the majority of which
are not expected to survive. Those that live are
awarded with 1st Level in a class of the player’s

If the GM already has a developed party, this

adventure might be used as a one off experiment,
or perhaps to create hirelings or henchmen for the
PCs. Alternatively it is easily adapted as an
ordinary introductory adventure for low level PCs.

Adventure Overview
When the adventure begins, the PCs are the only
escapees of a caravan massacred by ogres in the
Ulgoth Foothills. Womek, a mutant sorcerer and
cultist, has an arrangement with the Gruutar ogre
clan to deliver captives to him for sacrifice at the
Colossus; a 150 ft Temple of Yargoth (long
forgotten goddess of wealth, commerce, and
accords), about a day’s march distant. A number
of NPC travellers are taken prisoner by the
giantkin, and conveyed to the Colossus. Heading to Therg’s End for reinforcements leads
to disappointment. The outpost has been recently
The scattered party has the opportunity to group raided by barbarians, decimating the population
up and (perhaps) take down the last few scavenging and protectors. With so few guards remaining,
ogres before combing the battlefield for supplies. there is no help to be found. Furthermore, half the
After this they are presented with two obvious outlanders are secret cultists (including Overseer
Kinnon), and careless PCs might end up victims of
the sect.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

As the label “Zero Level Ordeal” might suggest, same time in combat, and (ii) allowing only one
most of the PCs will not survive the adventure. Yet PC per player to attempt checks to recall lore, etc,
those that do will have braved great peril, fought with a +2 bonus if another PC is helping.
for not only their lives but the lives of others,
acquired treasure, and undergone experiences that Note that as zero level PCs do not have skills like
transform them into fully fledged level 1 classed a 1st level PC, skills are not referenced in this
characters. Best of all, surviving such a trial by fire adventure. At the GM’s option, if a PC’s
forges organic party bonds, “show not tell” background is relevant to the task at hand, they
backgrounds, and a unique attachment between a gain a +1 bonus on their roll, and may spend a
player and their neophyte adventurer(s). point of Luck to reroll a failed check (once only).

Zero Level Rules Lastly, (i) when testing to see if a zero level PC is
The process for creating zero level characters for All Dead or Mostly Dead, they require a successful
LFG is outlined below (assuming 4 PCs per Luck save instead of a Con check, and (ii) when
player): using the Party Retreat rule, zero level PCs always
treat their Luck score as 10.
1. Roll 4 sets of Attributes.
2. Luck is set at 4. HP is 4 + Con bonus. Pre-Gen Characters
3. No class attack bonus, Reroll Pool or For tables that prefer to jump straight into the
Skills. action, the (free) DTRPG Call of Colossus PDF
4. Roll 4 times on the Background table. includes 21 pregen characters in the back (plus six
5. Allocate one background to each PC blank templates). Participants need to name their
(background might be usable in lieu of pre-gens, but otherwise they’re ready to print and
skills, see below). play. Relevant stat modifiers for HP, AC and
6. Roll for Bonus Gear. weapons are already included in the pregens.
7. Choose culture(s) if any.
8. Name your PCs. 1. Roll for Attributes
Attributes are randomly generated by rolling 4d6
As might be surmised, initial character creation is and dropping the lowest die. Numbers are
a highly unpredictable affair; which classes might allocated in order, that is Str, Dex, Con, Int, Per,
ultimately be available for the player to choose Will and Cha. At the GM’s option, one randomly
from is subject to the dice and decisions made determined attribute is automatically 15
during the adventure. Be assured however that this (determine before rolling the remainder).
adventure has been crafted to provide
opportunities to engage with various class related 2. Roll on the Background Table
roles, laying the foundation to develop into any of Players roll 1d66 (1d6 twice, the first die is the
the LFG classes (including magic users, monks, tens, the second die is the ones) on the
cultists, and artificers). If using PC races other than Background table to determine their PCs’ recent
human, players will need to choose/randomly history and default starting gear. Characters also
determine which. start with 1d6 days rations, a waterskin, and 2d4
silver coins.
To simplify dealing with many PCs, GMs might
consider (i) having all of a player’s PCs act at the


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

BACKGROUND Pickaxe (as battle axe)
46 Miner
Lantern (half full)
11 Pickpocket Knife, Secret pocket Good scissors
Spikepole (as spear) 51 Weaver (as dagger)
12 Rat Catcher
Cheese Ball of yarn
Shovel (as club) Wick pole (as staff)
13 Grave Digger 52 Lamplighter
Rope 30 ft Flask of oil
Crutch (as club) Alchemist’s
14 Beggar 53 Knife, Acid flask
Bitey Dog Assistant
Big knife Bonesaw
15 Trapper (as shortsword) 54 Organlegger (as shortsword)
Bear trap Diseased kidney
16 Cook Skillet (as club), Spices Mattock (as battle axe)
55 Ploughman
Gaff hook Bag of seeds
21 Fishmonger (as shortsword) Shortbow, 10 arrows
56 Hunter
Fishing rod Trip wires
Pruning shears 61 Busker Knife, Instrument
22 Gardener
(as dagger), Anti-toxin 62 Swineherd Staff, Burly Pig (as dog)
23 Slave Sling, Chain 6 ft Surgical blade
24 Brigand Shortsword, Ale flask 63 (as dagger)
25 Lay Preacher Staff, Holy symbol Healer’s kit
Amateur Wrench (as club) Rolling pin (as club)
26 64 Baker
Tinker Crowbar Bag of flour
Cleaver (as light axe) Shovel (as club)
31 Butcher 65 Gong Farmer
Salted meat Wheelbarrow
Broom (as staff) Hangman’s axe
Street 66 Hangman
32 Lucky coin (as battleaxe), 30 ft rope
(1 use reroll)
3. Roll for Bonus Gear
Pitchfork (as spear)
33 Farmer In addition to their default starting gear, each PC
1d3 Chickens
Yellow Lotus Knife, Yellow receives one piece of bonus gear (1d66):
Addict Lotus powder
35 Outcast Light axe, Ferret BONUS GEAR
Cutlass (as longsword) 11 10 ft pole 41 Ferret
36 Mutineer
12 Javelin 42 Deck of cards
Iron bee smoker
41 Beekeeper (as club) 13 Mirror 43 1d3 oil flasks
Jar of bees Fireblood
42 Wagoneer Whip, Lantern (full) 14 poison 44
ink and quill
Iron tankard (as club) (1 dose)
43 Brewer 15 2d4 torches 45 Iron pot
Small barrel of spirits
44 Pilgrim Staff, Scriptures Bag of
16 Backpack 46
45 Deserter Light mace, Shield


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

2d4 iron Blind luck allowed them to survive when
21 51 Lockpicks many did not, including the PC’s parent,
Battered partner, child, or other ward (1d4 or
22 Warhorn 52
shield player’s choice).
Holy water
23 53 Chain 10 ft
vial 2. Left for dead on the battlefield, rolled off
Heirloom Signet ring a corpse pyre or accidentally missed by
24 54
bastard sword (2d6+15 gp) ogre scavengers. Presently playing
25 Manacles 55 Compass possum, and hoping for an opportunity to
26 Sack of flour 56 2d4 candles escape into the forest. Lying nearby is the
body of a favourite pet, uncle/aunty, niece
31 1d2 firepots 61 60 ft rope
or nephew (1d4 or player’s choice).
32 Healer’s kit 62 Bedroll
33 Tent 63 Fishing net 3. Driven or fled into the trees, separated
34 Chalk sticks 64 Tripwires from the ogres by an out of control fire.
Light Fortunate winds blew the flames towards
35 Iron tongs 65 Crossbow their pursuers, allowing the characters to
6 bolts escape. Through the smoke, the PC saw
Roll on the three ogres making off with the caravan
Lantern and master’s heavy strongbox (containing a
36 66 Trinkets &
2 oil flasks large sum of gold, silver and trade jewels).
Curios table

Ambushed! 4. By sinew and grit, the character drew on

From the outset, the PCs are thrust straight into reserves of courage they never knew they
the action; their caravan to the isolated outpost of had, fighting off an ogre before using a
Therg’s End has been ambushed by ogres, and the horse to escape! Alas, the PC’s close
party are the only (free) survivors. But for a friend, mentor, student or good natured
handful of captives taken away by the ogres, the rival (1d4 or player’s choice) was captured
balance of the caravan are dead. by ogres (dragged from another horse).
The PC’s mount later succumbed
Womek (50s, balding, sorcerer with a corrupted (arrows, struck lame, set loose to act as a
crabclaw arm, when in town he wears a sling as if decoy, etc).
lame), a cult leader living in Therg’s End, has an
arrangement with a local ogre clan to deliver 5. Caravan Master Harriman (bald, pock
human sacrifices to Yargoth’s Colossus; a nearby marked and powerfully built), fought a
temple in the shape of a forgotten goddess. rearguard allowing the PC and others to
escape. Harriman and his retinue were
The ambush location is a thickly wooded area slain. His wife Kiriana was captured in a
adjacent to a river and 150 ft waterfall. Players roll crude net, slung over an ogre’s back, and
1d6 to determine how their each of their PCs carried away shrieking.
survived the massacre:
6. Unbeknownst to the rest of caravan, the
1. Driven, fell or jumped off the edge of the sorcerer Vorgrist was secretly among
waterfall, plunging into the river below. them. Unstable magic caused purple
vapours to envelop the west flank,


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

enabling the PC to escape into the trees, Unexploded Brooch
but not before inhaling some of the foul 13 43
Firepot (2d6 gp)
mist (Con check or roll for a moderate 14 Flask of oil 44 Dented helm
madness, and bags under eyes turn 1d4 days 1d4 days
purple). Vorgrist himself choked to death. 15 45
rations rations
16 Backpack 46 Box of nails
Depending on their rolls, different PCs will end up
in different groups. As fortune would have it, each 21 2d4 spikes 51 Sack of salt
group of PCs (or lone individuals) are within either Splintered
22 Warhorn 52
sight or earshot of at least one other group or shield
individual, allowing them to reform as a single, 23 Child’s ragdoll 53 Chain 6 ft
larger band when the time is right. Attribute checks Notched Keepsake of
24 54
might be required to spot friendlies and/or longsword friend, etc
successfully sneak away from loitering ogres at the 1d4 days Grappling
25 55
GM’s option. rations hook
Waterproof Charred
26 56
1d3 Ogres remain on the battlefield, slaughtering boots healing herbs
the dying, looting corpses, and ensuring the last 31 2d4 torches 61 20 ft rope
wagons burn to ash. The giantkin are fearsome Keepsake of
32 62 Bedroll
opponents, but widely scattered about the site, and friend, etc
might be picked off by PCs working together. 1d4 days
33 1d4 gold 63
Ogre, AC 12, HD 4+3, Spiked Club 2d8, 19: Pipeweed
34 Mirror 64
special, S19 D8 C15 I6 P7 W8 Ch7, L7, Mv 40 ft. pouch
When staggered, an ogre enters a murderous rage, Heavy
Iron pot with
gaining a free attack against every foe within reach. 35 65 Crossbow
heavy lid
On a 19+ attack roll, the target rolls on the Injuries with 1d4 bolts
& Setbacks table (Luck (Con) save resists). 10 foot Lantern Vorgrist’s
36 66
reach. (half full) spellbook

By and large, the battlefield is a wasteland of Where to Next?

smoking carts, charred (and often half devoured) After picking the battlefield clean (or simply
corpses, and damaged gear. Whatever the ogres fleeing deeper into the forest), the party has a
couldn’t (or wouldn’t) steal has been bent, decision to make.
smashed or defiled, leaving little in the way of
salvage. Clearing an area of ogres however allows In terms of orienting themselves, the PCs know
the PCs to do a thorough search, granting a roll on they are about two days march east to Therg’s End,
the salvage table: or one week back west to their originating city of
Crow’s Keep. The ogre war party (approx 30)
made no attempt to conceal their southerly tracks
and are easily followed (no check required). Also
Spear impaled south, rising above nearby hills, is an ancient and
11 41 2d4 candles
in a corpse colossal statue; rusting and broken (a woman,
12 Leather armor 42 2d10 sp missing its head and one arm), towering 150 ft tall.
The statue is approximately one day distant.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

1. 3d4 Wolves begin tracking the party.
They might be appeased with food or
scared away with fire.

2. A lone Griffon dives out of the clouds

with a screech, hoping to pick up one of
the PCs and fly away with them (dropping
them onto rocks before devouring them).
It avoids characters with long weapons
such as spears.

3. 2d4 thuels (barbarians of the xenophobic

White Hoof clan) can be heard
approaching on horseback, from a nearby

4. A heavy storm lasting 2d6 hours saps the

party’s strength, turning the ground to
sucking mud and slippery pools. 2d4 PCs
lose 1 Str (Con check negates). The
party’s travel speed is halved for 12 hours
(Int check negates).
Depending on the characters’ massacre survival
rolls, a number of hooks arise with respect to 5. Despite landmarks the party loses its way
following the ogres (leading to the Colossus): in a series of narrow ravines, requiring
(i) revenge for the attack and slain friends/family, them to double back, wasting half a day’s
(ii) mounting a rescue effort to free captives, (iii) travel. There is a 50% chance of a nest of
reclaiming Harriman’s strongbox, and/or (iv) 2d4 Giant Trapdoor Spiders (Dex vs Perc
reckless curiosity. to notice the trapdoor) lairing in one of
the valleys.
Alternatively, the party might head for Therg’s
End (for their own safety, or to gather 6. An injured Brown Bear (as Owlbear but 5
reinforcements - in either case they will be sadly HD), with two arrows in her flank, is dying
disappointed). For GMs wishing to add increased from infected wounds. Her soft moaning
time pressure, an Int check reminds PCs that ogres can be heard from outside a wide
generally eat human captives (after tormenting mouthed cave (Perc check). She is in such
them for a time). a state that she barely resists anyone trying
to aid her (she swipes at someone once, at
Random Encounters disadvantage).
Wherever the party goes, there is a 40% chance of
a random encounter in the hills every 12 hours. If If patched up by a PC with a healer’s kit
an encounter occurs, roll 1d8: or animal/apothecary background (Int
check), she swiftly recovers (and might
make an appearance later in the
adventure as a surprise ally).


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

7. 1d3 Giant Worker Ants and 1d2 Giant Temple Map
Soldier Ants are carrying some dead ogres
back to their nest. Some human snacks
would also be welcome.

8. Tersuda, an outcast Cyclops (9 ft,

bandaged left leg, 25 ft speed instead of 40
ft), is sleeping beneath a low overhang, a
sack of coins by his side (2 x Carry Loot).

The Colossus is a towering, 150 ft statue of stained,
yellow-orange bronze, heavily corroded with green
verdigris and spotted with dark creeper vines.

Once a temple to Yargoth, goddess of commerce,

wealth, and accords (a precursor entity to what
would later be subsumed into Argona, goddess of
wealth, health and happiness), shameful greed and
corruption eventually brought the priesthood to
ruin. Sacked during a civil uprising, the site was
abandoned to rust and decay; a poignant reminder
of the evils of excess, and the fate awaiting those
who succumb (indeed, the interdiction of male
priests of Argona can be traced back to the
Yargoth catastrophe).

Long abandoned, the bronze doors sealing the

entry tunnel buckled twelve months ago, allowing
access for the first time in centuries. Womek, a (tracks of dragging via ropes/nets end here – the
warlock hidden in Therg’s End, was the first to ogres handed over their captives to Womek).
investigate and attune himself to the temple.
Unlocking the secrets of the Palm of Sacrifice, There are two entrances into the temple. The first
Womek soon turned half the outpost into Yargoth and obvious entrance is the tunnel (Area 1). Both
worshippers. Cultists experience prophetic entrances are protected by a Copper Gargoyle,
dreams that come true if they are willing to pay the which likes to perch between the Colossus’
price (generally blood sacrifice, often people; see shoulder blades. The guardian has keen hearing
Area 9). and will investigate any potential intruders.

The ogre trail leads to the tunnel entrance at the Copper Gargoyle, AC 14, HD 3+3, 2 Claws
temple base, then continues southward. An Int (1d3+1), Bite (1d4+1) and Gore (1d4+1), 19: the
check suggests the giantkin gathered at the tunnel target’s weapon shatters against the gargoyle’s
for a time before moving on without their captives supernatural hide (Luck save resists, blunt


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

weapons are immune to this effect), S16 D14 C20 edges of the wall panels. Womek maintains the
I10 P14 W13 Ch3, L6, Mv 30 ft or 60 ft flying. A chamber, which is reasonably clean, and free of
natural 1 or 2 attack roll against the Gargoyle the blood of past victims. Careful studying of the
requires a Luck save or the weapon shatters (blunt walls (Perc check) reveals this area is cleaner than
weapons are immune). most. The trap is sprung via a pressure plate (50%
chance), causing 2d6 damage (Luck (Dex) save to
The second entrance is the door to Area 8; avoid).
(heavily corroded, green and discoloured, can be
spotted from ground level with a Perc check,
situated in the colossus’ right bicep). The door has
no obvious handle, but a Perc check reveals a
hidden switch beneath a false panel.

The door is approximately 90 ft off the ground.

Climbing the statue is possible (there are many
corroded pockets to act as handholds) but taxing:
3 x Str (Athletics) checks are required to reach it
(climbing approx 30 ft per check, or 45 ft on a
great success). A failed check means a fall to the
ground (and probably death, unless precautions
are taken, such as roping to another pc or pitons

If the gargoyle notices climbers, it attempts to

snatch them up and drop them at high altitude.

Area 1 – Entry Tunnel

The bronze doors that once sealed the entry
tunnel are clearly buckled, and pulled closed. A
Str check is required to drag them open. Obvious
scuff marks on the ground suggest the doors have
been opened/closed recently. Area 2 – Narthex
The 20 ft narthex to the temple has an alcove
The interior of the tunnel is cool, lit by flickering housing a 7 ft idol in the northern wall. Beside the
candleholders (maintained by Womek and the southern wall is a 3 ft copper urn. Stairs lined with
cult). The tunnel is 10 ft high, 10 ft wide and 50 ft bronze panels ascend to the west.
long, the floor lined with rusting, iron plates that
clatter or crunch underfoot. Bronze sheets The idol is approximately 7 ft tall, carved of
(perhaps once shined to a mirror finish, but now granite, simplistic in form with twin malachite
green with corrosion) line the walls. The far end of gems for eyes (shades of dark green, 1d4 x 100 gp
the corridor opens into a larger chamber. total). A pressure plate built into the right shoulder
of the idol causes it to swing outwards, revealing a
About 20 ft into the tunnel is a trap; a series of closet of 3d6 yellow, hooded robes, adorned with
scything blades that swing out from the connecting Yargoth’s symbol (a trail of coins).


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

The copper urn is inscribed with prayers to long Area 4 – Silver Door
forgotten Yargoth in ancient common. An Int This extremely steep staircase is lined with bronze
check deciphers the words as litanies professing plates, continuing from Area 2. The door at the
the holiness of tithes, and the unholiness of failing top is inlaid with silver (worth 1d6 x 10 gp if
to meet one’s spiritual obligations. extracted) and well preserved, lacking any
significant corrosion. It is decorated with a young
Placing coins or other small objects of monetary man’s face with eyes downcast (an old Yargoth
value in the urn invokes a magical boon, gaining 1 symbol for etiquette, manners and respect; an Int
Luck (may exceed normal maximums, works check great success recalls such).
once only). Inside the urn are 4d100 gold coins.
The urn ceases to function if removed from the The door is unlocked. Opening it without first
temple. activating the safety switch (Perc check; depressing
both eyes) causes the stairs to drop flat, sending
PCs ascending the stairs without making an PCs tumbling back down, causing 1d3 points of
offering, or stealing from the urn or idol, suffer a damage. Furthermore, one random PC lands in
spiteful curse. Roll 1d4: the doorway of Area 3 (if still open), which
immediately slams closed, automatically crushing
1. Ominous thunder echoes from outside the victim to death (Luck (Dex) save to roll 1d6 on
(attracts cultists from Area 6). the Injuries & Setbacks table instead of dying).

2. All current light sources in the vicinity are Area 5 – Cells

snuffed out and will not relight for 24 The secret door in Area 6 reveals stone steps
hours (other torches etc are fine). winding 30 ft down into candle lit darkness. Moans
can be heard emanating from below. The steps
3. Suffers a serious madness, Will check lead to an iron portcullis, sealing 2d6 captives in a
resists. 15 ft cell.

4. Roll on the Dark & Dangerous Magic Most of the captives are injured, and all in a drug
table. addled stupor, in no condition to fight (unless the
party is severely depleted already, in which case
Area 3 – Iron Door the GM might make some captives available to
This iron door is marked with the icon of a fight if a PC inspires them into action with a
battered shield with wings (an archaic symbol for successful Cha check). One captive is particularly
determination, resilience and persistence). unusual: Lopai, a one eyed, 80 year old Shenzu
pilgrim with a penchant for cursing (see
Pulling or pushing on the door will not open it. Aftermath).
Instead, the door must be raised up into a vertical
recess where it locks in place (Str check, or by There is a 50% chance each of the PC’s kidnapped
depressing a secret stud button on the left border; friends/partners/mentors etc are alive, as well as
Perc check). The door locks into place before Kiriana (and PCs kidnapped by Therg’s End
lowering itself after 10 minutes. Banging or cultists, if any). If the PCs do not head straight for
attempting to break down the door draws attention the Colossus after the ambush, each day of delay
from Area 6. increases the risk of death by 5% (max 90%).
Check for each potential survivor individually.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Those that did not survive were either eaten by the covered with a hanging tapestry, depicting Yargoth
ogres or sacrificed by Womek in Area 9. Opening raining gold down on her followers).
the locked cell requires a Dex check and a
lockpick, or the key (which Womek carries). In the southwest corner of the chamber is a secret
trapdoor. If the floor is searched, a particularly
Area 6 – Worship Nave uneven floor panel stands out (Perc check), which
In ancient times, only the ordained clergy of may be opened by pulling on it (see Area 5).
Yargoth were permitted into the primary worship
chamber. 40 ft square, with a 60 ft ceiling, the walls Area 7 – Flaming Stairs
are hung with panels painted in silver and gold The final set of stairs is dimly lit, with widely
(1d6 x 100 gp if taken), lorded over by an imposing spaced candles. About half way up is a tripwire
40 ft statue of Sersulamor, martyred High Priest (Perc check at -2 penalty) that causes a barrel of oil
and immortal saint of the Golden Goddess (Int to pour onto the first two people in the stairwell,
check). A sealed sarcophagus is adjacent to the catching one of the candles, and setting them on
western wall. fire for 2d4 damage (Luck (Con) check for half).
If the trap is detected, a Dex check allows a PC to
3d6 cultists are present here, participating in rituals disarm and scavenge/repurpose the barrel.
of blessing and devotion, preoccupied with their
chanting, the air thick and hazy with pungent Area 8 – Secret Entry
incense. As noted earlier there is a secret door allowing
access to the temple in the colossus’ right bicep
If the PCs have kept quiet, and disguised (approx 90 ft up). The entry is trapped with a
themselves in the robes from Area 2, they might swinging log, which activates when the door is half
take the ritualists by surprise (Group Dex check). opened (Womek disarms the trap with a safety
Any attempt to talk to the cultists leads to requests catch on the inside when he uses it). A character
to see their holy brands (coin icon on forearm, see opening the door with their hands is knocked off
Therg’s End), as the devotees don’t recognize the the colossus and falls to the ground (9d6 damage,
PCs’ from prior cult ceremonies. Luck (Dex) save avoids).

Cultists, AC 11, HD 1, Ceremonial Knife 1d4, 19: Beyond the door is a steep 30 ft staircase leading
poison causes 1d6 extra damage (Luck (Con) directly to Area 10 (the High Priest traditionally
check for half), S11 D10 C10 I9 P10 W12 Ch10, used this sacred corridor to reach the Palm of
L 4, Mv 30 ft. The cultists are fanatical and fight to Sacrifice). The staircase has shelf recesses
the death. containing candles, but they are unlit. At the top of
the stairs is a door with a pull handle.
If Womek hears the sounds of battle below (Perc
check), he will appear from Area 10 in 1d4+1 Area 9 – Palm of Sacrifice
rounds to aid his brethren. If the cultists are The enormous clawed hand of the Yargoth
defeated, 1 x Carry Loot and 1 x Valuables may be Colossus cradles the bones of several recent
looted from the sarcophagus (crumbling remains sacrifices; some of whom were
of Sersulamor). friends/mentors/relations of the PCs until
butchered by Womek - see the captives entry in
PCs investigating behind the statue find a Area 5). If the bones are sorted through, 1 x
concealed stairway leading up (a narrow archway Trinkets & Curios may be retrieved.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

The Hand is enchanted and the source of the
cult’s power. When a person is ritually sacrificed,
all genuine cultists receive a vision of what they
must do to make a prophetic dream come true
(typically blood sacrifice, beast or human). The
cultists inevitably develop signs of madness, and if
exposed long enough (as Womek is), mutation.
The true source of this “blessing” is uncertain and
left for the GM to determine.

Area 10 – Golden Sanctum

The main door to the sanctum is inlaid with gold
(worth 2d6 x 20 gp if extracted), adorned with
iconography of coins falling into cupped hands
(one of Yargoth’s symbols).

The door is unlocked. There is also a secret door Womek, AC 12, HD 5+1, Heavy Mace (1d8+1)
in the western wall, which may be opened by and Claw 1d6+1 or spell, 19: Womek invokes a
pressing on a golden panel (careful inspection word of power; roll on the Dark & Dangerous
reveals handprints, leads to Area 8). Magic table, S13 D15 C9 I14 P9 W14 Ch14, L8,
Mv 30 ft. May choose from the following spells
The room beyond is 25 ft by 20 ft, with a 10 ft three times per combat (5th level): Lash of
ceiling, lined with panels of tarnished gold (worth Unerring Pain, Fusing of Flesh, Shennog’s
2d100 + 100 gp) and lit by a hanging lantern. A Blessing, Gaze of Beguilement, Strands of
broken bookshelf is in the northwest corner, and Ensnarement, Tainted Vigour, Runic Rite of
Harriman’s strongbox beside the southern wall Wonderment, Call Forth Simulacra I.
(locked, may be picked or broken open with
sufficient time/crowbar, 1 x 4 HD Lair Treasure).
On Womek’s person is the key to Area 5 and a
If the party have been quiet, Womek is here pouch containing one dose of Blackbile Fungus
kneeling over a drugged captive, cutting runic tincture (highly rare, potent hypnotic, if imbibed
symbols into their flesh in preparation for sacrifice victim enters a drug addled stupor for 2d6 hours,
(50% chance it is an NPC related to a PC). A Dex Luck (Con) save resists).
vs Perc contest (at disadvantage for Womek) will
allow the party to take him by surprise. If the bookshelf is searched, a hidden
compartment behind it (Perc check) may be
If Womek knows the party is coming, he casts found. Within is the Nova Scriptora, or Book of
Tainted Vigour upon himself (+4 bonus on melee Stars, containing the discoveries of an anonymous,
damage instead of +1), and then stands at one side long dead Yargoth Confessor (spell casting
of the door, hoping to ambush them. exorcist), worth 2d4 x 200 gp to the right collector.

A PC interested in becoming a 1st level Cultist or

Magic User may do so gleaning secrets from this
tome (see Aftermath).


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

THERG’S END Area 2 - Barracks
Therg’s End is 18 months old, with about 50 Captain Sully and her 2d6 guards are all that
current residents. When the PCs arrive, the remain of the 45 men-at-arms once protecting
outpost’s situation is precarious; almost all the Therg’s End. The captain was expecting
guards are dead, and less than half the original reinforcements with the PCs’ caravan, and is
number of occupants remain. Without the visibly shaken to learn none survived the ogre
caravan’s men and supplies, there is every chance assault. Sully explains that they cannot hold the
the outpost will have to be abandoned. outpost with so few, and they will likely have to
abandon the settlement. The barracks includes
Additionally, about half of the residents are secret some basement cells. Ordinarily, there would also
Yargoth cultists, fanatically loyal to Womek and be a cache of spare weapons and armour, but these
his teachings. Every cultist is marked with a coin have already been distributed to residents.
brand on their forearm; ostensibly part of a
“traders’ guild”, but in reality a sign of their Area 3 – Brass Badger Inn
devotion to the lost goddess of greed. If Womek Overseer Kinnon (short, moustached, grim and
is dead when the PCs arrive, all of the resident humourless, unfond of dwarf related jokes),
cultists have received a vision of his death. This controls the outpost, and is also owner of the Brass
will create some tension/confusion among them Badger Inn, along with his wife Ymelda.
(who will be the new cult leader?), and they will be Importantly, both are Yargoth cultists loyal to
suspicious of the PCs. Womek. A still and full barrel of Widow’s Grin
whiskey may be found out back.
Guard, AC 14 (chain & shield), HD 1, Longbow
1d8 or Sword 1d8, 19: as weapon, S14 D10 C12 With so few residents, the tavern is empty apart
I10 P12 W10 Ch10 L4, Mv 30 ft. The guard’s from the PCs, whom the owners are grateful to
shield may be used to negate one attack. receive as guests (there are plenty of rooms
upstairs). Kinnon & Ymelda are genuinely
distressed at the ambush (they knew of Womek’s
Outlander, AC 10, HD 1d4 hp, Club or Big Knife
1d6, 19: another outlander comes to aid this one,
S10 D10 C11 I10 P10 W10 Ch10 L3, Mv 30 ft.

Cultist, AC 11 (leathers), HD 1, Knife 1d4, 19: the

cultist invokes Yargoth, 50% chance of rolling on
the Dark & Dangerous Magic table, S10 D10 C11
I10 P10 W11 Ch10 L4, Mv 30 ft. Cultists are
fanatical and immune to morale checks.

Area 1 – Wooden Palisade

The original 8 ft wall was burned down by
barbarian invaders, and is in the process of being
rebuilt, with 15 ft towers. Work is far from
complete, but each tower provides ¾ cover (+4
AC). With the depleted guard numbers, there is
only 1 archer keeping watch in each tower.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Outpost Map


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

arrangement with the ogres, but slaughtering the are secret Yargoth cultists (but not Leonora, who
entire caravan was never agreed to!) and project would be quick to brain them or throw them in the
stoicism in their resolve to rebuild. An Int or Perc barracks’ cells). The miners avoided the barbarian
contest vs either NPCs’ Cha suggests they are
slaughter because they were in the hills
hiding something (body language cues, slightly
faltering voice, odd twitch in the neck, etc). prospecting for silver. Every now and then, a
miner dies in a freak “accident” (ritually murdered
The pair are always on the look out for new by cultists). Searching the home reveals a handful
sacrifice victims, and might target any late night of yellow cloaks with coin symbology concealed
drinkers, loners or suspicious investigator types beneath some floorboards (Yargoth vestments).
with a sleeping draught (Con check or comatose;
they end up a captive in Area 5 of the Colossus, Area 6 – Herbalist
delivered there by Calix (see Area 9) – treat as an Two herbalists Ercan (6 ft, rail thin) and Gijord
NPC until/if they are rescued). If the owner’s (northerner, long blond beard, black cloak), and
bedroom is searched, two yellow robes adorned their families live in this house, collecting rare
with coin icons may be found hidden beneath their herbs in the nearby woods and hills. They are
mattress (symbols of Yargoth). normally escorted by a handful of guards, but
recently have been forced to make short
Area 4 – Hugo’s (General Store) expeditions alone. They can supply healing herbs
Hugo (medium build, clean shaven, purple vest, (as Healer’s Kit) and anti-toxin for trade or
always smoking a pipe) runs the general store, reasonable prices. PCs affected by sleeping
which always smells of pipeweed. The place is draughts or similar can be cured here.
crowded with shelves, but without the latest
caravan shipment, most of them are empty. Hugo Area 7 – Weaver
is one of the cultists, probably the most avaricious The charming Einid (20s, brunette female,
man in the outpost, and his prices exorbitant (twice athletic, easy manner) and her twin children, live
normal). and work as weavers, making clothes and baskets.
Einid's husband Gray died in a tree felling accident
Hugo will be (genuinely) outraged that the caravan six months earlier (a dream prophecy of Tybalt
was destroyed, and keen to ensure sacrifices are come true, see Area 13).
swiftly made to help maintain his uncanny
prosperity. If possible, he will hatch a plot with Area 8 – Potter
Kinnon, Ymelda, Tybalt and Calix to deliver one Burty (Burton) the potter (stubbled alcoholic, fond
or more of the PCs for sacrificing. If the PCs want of whiskey, rotund, often wearing an apron) and
to buy or trade, use the following percentages to his extended family live in the pottery, which has
determine whether Hugo has the goods available: shelves of bowls, plate, jars, urns etc. PCs
interested in creating Molotov cocktail devices
• Common: 70%, quantity 1d6 could do so with whiskey (from Area 3), rags and
• Uncommon: 40%, quantity 1d3 some of Burty’s jars (throw 40 ft, 1d6 fire damage
• Rare: 10%, quantity 1 in a 5 ft area).

Area 5 – Miners’ Domicile Area 9 – Archaeologist (Womek’s home)

4d6 miners live in this double story domicile, led Womek lives here masquerading as an
by Leanora (albino Karok, hulking female with Str archaeologist, making armed expeditions into
and Con 15, blunt and impatient). Half of them forgotten places in the search for lost relics. The


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

sorcerer struck gold in Therg’s End, gaining access charcoal drawings, schematics and formulae in a
to the Colossus and a ready supply of sacrificial journal in her bedroom (including a partial
victims. formula for something referred to as
“firepowder”). Indeed, one of her successful
The house is locked and empty of people (Dex devices may still be found in the smithy (a sword
check with lockpicks to open, or by breaking (Str pommel in a box, that shoots a small dart 20 ft by
check). If the PCs visit here, Womek is at the pressing a trigger stud; no damage itself, but might
Colossus (with a number of cultists assisting him deliver poison). A PC interested in taking the
on an “expedition”; either engaging in blood Artificer class might unlock their potential with the
rituals or dead if the party have dealt with him). journal (see Aftermath).

Searching the house reveals a box beneath a Area 12 – Leatherworker

wardrobe false floor (trapped with a poison Leatherworker Sulraa (6 ft, 50’s, tireless energy,
needle; Luck (Con) check or dead (Perc check to red haired Thuel (barbarian) female, broken
spot, Dex check to repurpose the device or harvest common), rents here with 3d6 others (mostly
1 dose of poison). Inside the box are 1 x Valuables, labourers). Most of the house are cultists,
1 x Carry Loot and a hooded, yellow robe with including Sulraa, who has personally murdered a
coin icons (Yargoth vestments). number of people to receive her blessings (inc her
unflagging endurance). Sulraa’s money pouch is
Area 10 – Stables crafted from the skin of her mentor Rinnley (the
The stables and horse yard are overseen by Calix interior bears parts of his nose and eye, a
(dark skinned Nydissian, dyed blonde hair, thick loathsome keepsake that she likes to caress from
beard, reckless extrovert), a long time member of time to time). A search of her locked valuables
Yargoth’s sect. He currently has 2d6 horses and is trunk reveals a hooded, yellow robe with coin
happy to trade or sell them at reasonable prices. icons (Yargoth vestments).
From time to time, the Overseer has Calix convey
drugged captives to the Colossus for sacrifice. A
thorough search of the stable loft reveals 1 x Carry
Loot, yellow Yargoth vestments, blood stained
ropes, and a set of manacles.

Area 11 – Abandoned Blacksmiths

The old blacksmith’s is currently abandoned; the
last family member suddenly perished a week ago
due to disease, and the property is in limbo,
awaiting the Overseer’s decision as to what to do
with it. Salvageable weapons and armour have
already been handed out to inhabitants, but there
are enough materials to forge one object or tool Area 13 – Beekeeper
such as a crowbar, spear or axe head, caltrops, Tybalt the beekeeper (thin, large lips, receding
crude manacles, etc. hairline, often wearing his heavy work robes and
hooded mesh veil). An early cultist, Tybalt’s bee
The blacksmith’s daughter, Riann, was gifted with colony has greatly prospered and his honey is
an inventive mind, and left a number of insightful prized in Crow’s Keep.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Eight months earlier, Tybalt’s prophetic dreams L4, 60 ft. Advantage when tracking and on attack
led him to a monstrous Skull Mask, buried at the rolls when flanking.
base of a dead tree. Wearing the mask turns the
user into a frenzied half man, half wasp horror, Area 15 - Graveyard
with enormous compound eyes and buzzing Many recent burial mounds and cremation urns
wings. “Yargoth” has conveyed to Tybalt that if he mark this large graveyard. Perusing the headstones
murders at least one of the PCs, his dreams of reveals epitaphs such as “All are equal before
making Einid his wife (Area 7) will come true. If Baal”, “Here lies Wendolyn Cinders; Hunter of
the party split up, the beekeeper will seize his Monsters and Men” and “Vengeance is a pit,
chance if he thinks he can get away with it. justice a door”.

Wasp Monstrosity, AC 13, HD 4+1, Stinger 2d4 + PCs wanting to rob the graves will find 1 x Carry
poison (Luck (Con) save or paralysed for 2d6 Loot and a cold iron longsword buried about the
rounds) and Claw 1d4+1, 19: target is severely various plots. One recent corpse however is
stung, roll 1d6 on the Injuries & Setbacks table, swollen with foul gas and Flesh Grubs. If
S19 D15 C12 I5 P13 W16 Ch7, L7, 30 ft or 60 ft disturbed, the corpse ruptures, showering the PC
flying. If there are no enemies to fight, but the with the flesh burrowing grubs (Luck (Con) check
duration has not yet expired, the wearer must or the PC dies in 1d4 rounds when the grubs reach
make a Will check to resist attacking an ally and their heart). Only fire or acid can kill the grubs, but
end the transformation. requires an Int check to apply correctly, and
causes 1d4 damage to the subject in the process.
The mask is hidden in an empty wax pot. If worn,
the user immediately feels angry and aggressive. If Aftermath
attuned (takes several weeks), the wearer may Without Womek to hold the cult together, the last
spend an action to transform into the Wasp sect members turn on each before being ousted
Monstrosity (duration 2d6 rounds, usable once and hung by the remaining outlanders. In this case,
every 2d6 months). Activating the mask Therg’s End is almost certainly is abandoned, and
automatically requires a roll on the Dark & the site razed by barbarian, ogre and skorn forces.
Dangerous Magic table. A PC interested in taking
the Barbarian class (but without an appropriate If Womek lives, the outpost thrives and expands,
background or other event), might find this ancient rising to 90% cultists. The sect spreads to the
relic unlocks their inner rage (see Aftermath). closest city, swiftly recruiting followers from the
poor and merchant quarters. With time and
Area 14 – Hunters’ Hall increasing popular support, the cultists leverage
2d6+2 hunters live here, some with families the Church of Argona into recognizing Yargoth as
(statistics as Outlander, but with longbows), and a lost saint of The Starmaiden, legitimizing their
2d6 hounds. Half of the hunters are new cultists place in Midlander theology. The truth behind
(might be turned, with the right persuasion). A “Yargoth” is left to GM determination.
search of the premises garners 1 x Carry Loot but
no yellow robes (they are stored in Area 2 of the As far as the surviving PCs are concerned, they
Colossus). gain 1st level in a class of the player’s choice.
Players and/or GMs preferring a clear connection
Hound, AC 12, HD 1+2, Bite 1d4+1, 19: target is between the PC’s actions and their chosen class
knocked prone, S13 D14 C15 I2 P12 W10 Ch6,


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

might consider the following (in addition to the • Fighter – Fighting enemies, handling real
PC’s background): weapons, showing leadership, feats of
athleticism, wearing armour.
• Artificer – Disabling/repurposing any
traps, detecting/opening any secret doors, • Magic User – Tainted by Vorgrist’s purple
“MacGuyvering” any other object to assist cloud, cursed by the magic idol (Colossus
the party (eg Molotov cocktails in Outpost Area 2), being affected by a Dark &
Area 8), studying Riann’s schematics Dangerous magic effect, studying the
journal (Outpost Area 11). Nova Scriptora or Vorgrist’s spellbook.

• Barbarian – Fighting enemies, handling • Monk – Lopai, the elderly easterner in

real weapons, showing fury or rage Colossus Area 5, is willing to teach one
especially during combat, decrying PC his dying order’s secret fighting
sorcery, feats of athleticism, pathfinding, techniques. Whether Lopai passes away
tracking, hunting, wilderness survival, of natural causes shortly thereafter is left
wearing the Skull Mask (Outpost Area to the GM to determine.
• Ranger – Fighting enemies, sneaking
• Bard – Fighting enemies, handling real around, spotting dangers/secret doors,
weapons, inspiring or entertaining the spotting clues, pathfinding, tracking,
party/NPCs (including Colossus Area 5), hunting, wilderness survival, sneaking or
wearing armour, learning/spreading new assisting the injured bear.
culture, tales or lore.
• Rogue – Fighting enemies, sneaking
• Cultist - Fighting enemies, helping injured around, spotting, disarming, or
allies, handling real weapons, wearing repurposing traps/secret doors, spotting
armour, recalling or learning any spiritual clues, looting, stealing, opening locks,
lore (eg Colossus Area 2, 4, 6), praying to being deceptive, climbing things.
the gods, or studying the Nova Scriptora
Area 10). Special Thanks to Randy M who created all of the
incredible art in this adventure! See more of
Randy’s work at:


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)



Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

On this occasion the games are to be held in
Carnifexum, the grand celebration of Nydissian Melek, City of Shackles, ruled over by the newly
blood sport, is due to commence in a few weeks’ appointed Imperator Setirus. The streets of Melek
time. Contenders from across the realm will are stone paved, marked with drains, and often
descend on the southern city of Melek, hoping to accompanied by footpaths. Buildings are
win fame, fortune and glory. predominately stone, decorated with arches,
pillars, statues and obelisks. The larger villas
display icons of the golden eye, the formal sigil of
Carnifexum is the pinnacle of Nydissian spectacle; the Lucentum, the ruling power behind the
two weeks of gladiatorial blood sport, chariot Nydissian Empire. Dedicated to logic and reason,
races, wild beasts, witch burnings and grand lucents eschew “fragile” emotions such as
theatre - a public display of such magnitude it is compassion and empathy, focusing above all on
marshalled only once between decades (if not the “greater good” of the imperium (which often
longer). means trampling the rights of the individual).

As it happens, the Great Games are due to return, Disciples of the Lucentum are agnostic or atheist,
or at the GM’s option have been brought forward and worship no gods. Magic is considered a clear
to mark an important event (eg: military victory, and present danger that cannot be ignored; casters
important marriage, child born to the Empress, and magic items are hunted by inquisitors of the
etc). Ordo Malefactos.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Magicians are generally killed on sight, or taken in fierce and determined, fighting in the borderlands
chains to await the Lucentum’s judgment. for years, Setoya has forged a name for herself as
Enchanted objects are confiscated on behalf the a dangerous mercenary.
Empire and “safely secured”.
Setoya, AC 15 (heavy armour), HD 6 (42 hp), 2
The PCs might become involved in this adventure Swords 1d8+2, 19: disarm, S15 D14 C14 I9 P9
as (i) indentured gladiators, (ii) tourists in the right W15 Ch13 L8, Mv 30 ft. Setoya has Major Exploit
place at the right time, (iii) voluntary competitors, Protection, Causes Injuries on criticals and has
or (iv) out of family rivalry concerning Grandfather advantage on underhanded tactics such as tripping,
Rebus’ will. kicking sand in eyes, employing poison, etc.

Family Rivalry The Great Games

Grandfather Rebus, one of the PC’s blood Carnifexum takes place in three primary locations
relatives, passed away some time ago. An intrepid within Melek’s fortified walls. The gladiator
explorer, Rebus made his fortune in the Southern combat occurs in the Ogorien Fighting Pits (a huge
Empire and through his will left a spacious villa (or colosseum like structure), the chariot race runs
perhaps tavern, or public baths, worth many throughout the city streets, and the theatre shows
thousands of gold aurums) to one of his family and wild beasts are held in the Grand
members… whomever is able to get the furthest in Amphitheatre.
the next Carnifexum as a gladiatorial competitor!
The players might involve themselves in any of the
three primary events (gladiator combat, chariot
race [entry fee 300 gp], or wild beasts show), or
simply explore the city at large.

During the games the population swells with both

spectators and traders, making it easier to find
items of rare worth, including black market items
(generally shifts item rarity down one grade).

If the party wanders the city at large, the GM might

wish to roll on the following table every eight

Street Encounters
2d4 legionaries throwing dice
down a side alley. One has a
1 particularly large grin and
declares “Hah! The fates are with
me brothers!”
A gang of 4d4 slavers decide to
Assuming the PC wishes to compete, there is only waylay the party, attacking them
one family member that poses any real 2 in a side street (as guard, but with
competition, a female cousin named Setoya; 1d4 doses of the highly rare
Black Lotus poison (Luck (Con)


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

save or unconscious for 1d3 Two horses, carriages or chariots
hours). If the party are are racing down the street, young
incapacitated, they awake in nobles from rival families
chains as indentured gladiators. (Dusertes and Prifex) at the reins.
Lusicrix, an elderly female with A religious zealot is preaching
wispy hair, is selling ornate togas from atop a wooden stool,
at a side stall. She is an expert inviting passers-by to prepare for
seamstress, and thief, happy to the end of days, repent, and
sell her “special range” to the 10 embrace the Old Ways (contrary
right buyer (garments with secret to the secular credo of the
compartments, silent foot Lucentum). A grim faced
coverings, etc). legionary brandishes a stout club
Oppressive heat and humidity and stalks toward the zealot.
has forced most people indoors. A diminutive tax collector,
4 PCs engaged in pit fights or races Dominus Cruxus, bearing the
today must make a Luck (Con) Imperator’s seal, makes a bee
check or suffer 1d2 Con loss. line for the travellers and asks to
6d10 slaves are in open revolt see their weapons & armour
against their masters, aided by licences.
1d6 masked men who are A large, white tabby cat meows at
5 distributing knives and clubs. one of the travellers, moving
Some of the 4d6 guards have close to brush against his or her
dropped their whips, and are legs if given the chance. Both of
readying spears and swords. the cat’s ears have been cropped.
A middle aged merchant named If befriended, the cat becomes
Astartes is selling books and extremely loyal and has excellent
maps from a covered stall. He is hearing, eyesight and instincts for
also an excellent forger and danger. He is happy to nap
produces false party invitations, during the day and stay up at
letters of introduction, identity night, keeping watch over his
documents and so on for discreet human.
clientele. 1d4 teenagers are painting
A skilled hypnotist, Arrix the symbols of a twin headed serpent
Mysterious, is performing a show (a symbol of the Old Gods) on a
for an appreciative crowd. In building wall. Down a side ally,
addition to his mundane skills, the travellers can see a squad of
7 Arrix has recently learnt to cast armed legionaries approaching.
Gaze of Beguilement once per Both parties are unaware of the
day. Nearby, a member of the other.
Ordo Malefactos watches with a An elderly farrier, Ugalos, is
suspicious stare. mending horse shoes in a half
A small monkey has escaped her barn. His wife has passed, he has
enclosure and springs from no children, and he wishes to
behind a barrel, wriggling into an pass on his lucky shoe to a
adventurer’s backpack to hide. A 14 deserving stranger. If the
8 handsome but furious travelling travellers impress him, he gifts it
performer appears moments to them. The shoe is indeed
later at the end of the street with fortuitous, and restores 1 Luck at
a small net, obviously searching a time of the owners choosing
for something. once per adventure.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

A band of organised pick pockets a knockout tournament. A duel ends when either
target the street or square the combatant reduces their opponent to zero hp or
party are moving through. A Perc otherwise incapacitates them. At the GM’s option,
(Detection) check vs Dex 14 is if more than one PC wishes to duel, the party
required to avoid losing a small
members might fight together in pairs vs an equal
random item/pouch.
Dominus Carrex (young noble, or similar number of opponents.
goatee, fine clothing) staggers in a
16 At the conclusion of any combat, there is an even
cluttered ally and collapses. A
pool of blood quickly forms. chance the crowd cheers for the defeated’s death
A plague of mimes descends on (crowd indicates thumbs down) or mercy (crowd
17 the street. Their performances indicates thumbs up). Particularly flamboyant or
range from poor to painful. otherwise entertaining gladiators might sway this
Alchemist Octavius Scaevola chance at the GM’s discretion.
(“Scaev”) is hawking fire pots
stacked up by the half dozen. Mid
way through his sales pitch, a
legion patrol appears at the end
18 of the street. Scaev quickly
scoops his pots into a sack and
replaces them with
undergarments instead, giving
any potential customers a
knowing nod.
A long haired Midlander bard
with a handlebar moustache,
19 Ander Excelsior, offers to make a
ballad about the party’s exploits
(for a reasonable fee).
Inquisitor Gaius (Monk 7) is
striding down the street in a
sleeveless toga, flanked by 3d4
veteran legionaries (Fighter 3-4).
Any obvious “adventurer” types
may draw his attention,
particularly if he suspects they
might possess any magical items.

Gladiator Bouts
The gladiatorial games take place in the Ogorien
Fighting Pits, a colossal, stone arched arena
allowing thousands of spectators in the tiered
galleries and overhead rope walkways that
crisscross the fighting grounds. The central sands PC gladiators are required to fight a total of seven
may be configured in a number of different ways, bouts of combat, one battle every 48 hours, with
including a series of “pits”, segmented by the final occurring on the last day of the games.
mechanical stone walls that rise out of the floor. PCs may wear any armour, but must use the
weapons allocated to them each bout - roll 1d10:
A PC involved in the gladiator games (either as a
free warrior or slave) must fight a series of duels in (i) trident & net, (ii) twin shortswords, (iii) spear &
shield, (iv) axe & dagger (v) great hammer, (vi)


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

mace & shield, (vii) whip & dagger, (viii) flail, (ix) 5. Tomen, Disgraced Knight; helmet,
staff (x) polearm. breastplate & greaves, braided ponytail
tied with black ribbon.
The first four battles are randomly determined;
roll 1d6 (reroll any repeats): AC 16 (heavy armour), HD 5, Greatsword 1d12+2
19: daze, S15 D13 C14 I10 P13 W12 Ch13, L8,
1. Semper, Unblooded Slave; olive Mv 30 ft. Tomen has advantage on damage rolls
skinned, whip scars, obviously nervous and crits on 19-20 attack rolls.
and unskilled.
6. Khron, barbarian of the Skull Drinkers
AC 10 (no armour), HD 1d4 hp, Great Axe 1d12, tribe; chainmail arms, helmet, genuine
19: daze, S11 D10 C10 I10 P10 W10 Ch10, L3, contender for champion.
Mv 30 ft. The unblooded slave must make a
morale check when wounded to determine AC 14 (helmet & chain arms), HD 9 (56 hp), 2
whether he surrenders, hoping for mercy from the Axes 1d8+3 19: cause injury, Luck save resists, S17
crowd. D15 C17 I12 P11 W16 Ch11, L10, Mv 30 ft.
Khron may rage like a 9th level Barb, and crits on
2. Gordaal, Hopeful Mercenary; a tall, lanky 19-20 attack rolls.
northerner. Left hander.
The final three duels are as follows (in order):
AC 14 (chain & shield), HD 2, Spear 1d6+2, 19:
tripped, S14 D10 C12 I10 P10 W10 Ch10, L5, • 5th battle; Cousin Setoya.
Mv 30 ft. The hopeful mercenary may negate one
attack with his shield. In the fifth combat, the PC must face off against
their mercenary cousin, Setoya. For her part,
3. Ortu, Veteran Slave; a bald southerner Setoya holds nothing back, ruthless in her attempt
with tribal markings. to seize victory.

AC 13 (hardened leathers & shoulder plate), HD • 6th battle: “Twister” Slade, master thief of
3, Spiked mace 1d8+2, 19: prone, S14 D13 C12 the Red Hooks guild; 5 ft 8”, bundle of
I10 P10 W12 Ch10, L6, Mv 30 ft. The veteran muscle, incredible acrobat.
slave fights with a flourish if he can, to better
entertain the crowd. AC 15 (ornate leathers), HD 8, 2 x Daggers 1d6+2,
19: Twister gains a bonus attack, S15 D18 C10 I13
4. Double Trouble. The PC must face off P15 W11 Ch11, L9, Mv 30 ft. The wily thief has
against two steely eyed, female Nydissian Major Exploit Protection, Backstab, Skirmisher
twins with ornate breastplates (Veltrix & and Finisher abilities like a 8th level Rogue, and
Simba). may choose from the following tricks four times
per combat: Choking Dust, Hidden Blade, Flash
AC 16 (breastplates and leather skirts), HD 3, Powder, Unseen Whip. Amazing Acrobat: once
Scimitars 1d8+1, 19: disarm, S13 D15 C12 I10 per combat Twister may make a Dex check to
P10 W14 Ch10, L6, Mv 30 ft. The twins never negate an attack.
check for morale, and each may attempt one
Rescue benefiting the other (breaking the usual PC • Final battle: Lofvirr, towering 7 ft
only Rescue rules). northmen and ex-champion gladiator, has
come out of retirement to reclaim his title.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

AC 18 (horned helmet, breastplate and greaves), user to grab/trip the target at range, or possibly jam
HD 9 (70 hp), 2 maces 1d8+3 19: prone or push chariot wheels at GM discretion).
10 ft, Luck save resists, S17 D17 C14 I13 P9 W11
Ch10, L10, Mv 30 ft. Lofviir has the Fighter The race may be resolved as a Chase, with
Adaptable ability, with the Dual Weapons style. modifications as follows:
He may change styles four times per combat. The
ex-champion may negate an attack with each mace (a) Each chariot driver makes an Int, Cha or
as if they were shields, and perform one Major Dex (Animal Lore) check to coax their
Exploit per combat (an ability normally restricted horses faster. The best check increases
to PCs only; PC targets may make a Luck save to their lead against the rest of the pack, or
resist). closes the gap on the leader, by 2d6 ft.

As might be expected, the final duel opens to great (b) There are 1d4+4 other chariots in the race
fanfare, including music, dancers and primitive (other players might like to control some
fireworks, and includes Imperator Setirus of them to assist the GM). The NPC
(Melek’s ruler) in the audience. riders are as Guard (Dex 15).

Defeating Lofviir in combat earns the PC the title (c) The race lasts 2d4+5 legs, the leader at the
of Victorem (see below). end of the final leg is the victor.

(d) If a Chase Event occurs, there is an even

chance the event affects the PCs or the
leader (or one of the pack if the PCs are

(e) Event hazards and obstructions might

include: a child or animal running onto
the street, a spectator shooting a crossbow
at the PCs to skew gambling odds, large
pothole, stacked barrels forming an
impromptu wall, spectators showering the
racers with garbage/ale mugs/flowers,
chariot collision, etc.

The winner of the chariot races earns the title of

Victorem (see below), or alternatively there might
be a few preliminary heats that lead to a final race.
Chariot Race
The great chariot race is held on Day 7, mid way Great Beasts
through the games, and involves a circuitous route On various days throughout the games, wild beasts
through the city streets. Each chariot has two are on display in the grand Amphitheatre,
horses and two riders. One of the riders must steer including rare polar bears, dire wolves, western
the vehicle whilst the other may employ one panthers, giant serpents, winged snakes, feathered
weapon (chose from: bow with 5 arrows, 3 javelins, maws, hammer snails , etc.
or a net [may be thrown 30 ft, no damage, allows


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

During the second week, courageous warriors are Victorem
sought to fight the beasts, either as athletic displays Champions of the gladiator battles, chariot race
to first blood (as the owners do not want their and great beasts earn the title of Victorem and
expensive beasts killed), or brutal death matches awarded golden urns marked with the Lucentum’s
(drawing the greatest crowds and massive gambling sigil (a flaming eye), worth 1d4 x 500 gp. Victorems
stakes; the owners are richly rewarded). If PCs garner lifelong fame, opening many doors in
wish to get involved in fighting the great beasts certain circles, and significant political influence.
(either as volunteers or slaves), roll 1d8: Champions retain their titles for approximately 10
years, or until the next Carnifexum. They might
1. Polar Bear (as Owlbear) also, from time to time, draw challengers or attract
2. Feathered Maw (Midlands)

3. Dire Wolf

4. Winged Snake (Midlands)

5. Giant Serpent

6. Giant Wasp

7. Hammer Snail

8. Mammoth

Defeating the relevant beast in single combat (or

perhaps even taming it by some miracle of animal
handling), earns the title of Victorem (see later).

Theatre & Other Celebrations Aftermath

The Great Games are marked by a number of free If the party manages to earn a champion title, the
or discounted plays (primarily comedies and PC becomes famous overnight, unable to walk
tragedies), musicals, poetry readings and dances. Melek streets without fans approaching them to
Additionally, up to 1d6 witches/warlocks are ask enthusiastic questions or congratulate them.
publicly burnt at the stake by the Ordo Malefactos, Significant political and business opportunities are
and 2d6 other high profile serious criminals likely, as various power brokers seek to leverage
beheaded, lashed or otherwise dealt with by the the Victorem’s goodwill with city residents (free
Lucentum. and slave).

The executions draw large, jeering crowds, If Setoya is bested in the gladiator bouts, the PC
overseen by highly trained legionaries. Any earns Grandfather Rebus’ villa/baths/tavern; worth
attempt to intervene is met with overwhelming, many thousands of gold coins. If Setoya was killed,
deadly force. there will be fallout with other family members,
some of whom may seek a blood debt or other


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)



Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Cultists in Crow’s Keep
Many wonder at Morgaine’s remarkable
Word on the street is that Lord Conlon, the improvement, hoping that they or their squires
patriarch of an old and respected family of Crow’s might mimic her success, but the knight’s rise is
Keep, is looking to recruit some discrete not the result of training with the captain of the
investigators, with a handsome reward on offer. Crow’s Guard.

Sinister, more dangerous forces are at work.

Crow’s Keep Morgaine belongs to a secret cult that uses blood
Crow’s Keep is the capital of Midlander society, magic to merge with alien entities from beyond,
situated on a high plinth of rock overlooking the granting them supernatural boons. In Morgaine’s
Great Lake, Forest of Drelnor and the Trackless case, the symbiosis augments her strength, speed
Moors. Within these fortified walls, the elderly and stamina.
King Uldred holds court, thwarting the schemes of
rivals and fending off enemy incursions.

The city is built in familiar western medieval style,

architecture reminiscent of the Middle Ages, with
a moderate to warm climate. As might be
expected, the most powerful noble families are
here in great numbers, manoeuvring for position
before Uldred passes. The gods, and their mortal
representatives, also wield great influence, with
throngs of faithful attending the great temples.

Cult of Bok’Surrpesh
Morgaine (early twenties, athletic build, brunette
with a prominent chin) is the third born daughter
of the Everton noble family, an old, enduring and
well respected highborn line in Crow’s Keep.
Greedy, impatient, and of limited business
acumen, Morgaine resents that her elder siblings
will inherit most of the family’s wealth, and that as
the third born, she is expected to uphold the
crown’s interests as a knight in the armed forces.

Two years ago, few would have put any stock in

Morgaine’s fighting ability; awkward and
unbalanced, with no gift for strategy, she seemed
destined for an early grave at the end of a As might be feared, such power comes at a steep
barbarian’s spear. Yet in recent times Everton’s price. The forbidden rituals are fuelled by blood
third daughter has achieved a miraculous magic and madness, with the youngest sacrifices
turnaround; swift and deceptively strong, coupled procuring the greatest results.
with deadly swordplay and brazen confidence.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Conlon’s Bastard (olive skinned, tall, broad shouldered, dark locks,
Lord Conlon’s 11 yr old secret bastard son, unusually green eyes), with had a pox scar on his
Merrick, lived in the back alleys of the Rookwood chin.
slums until a week ago, when he was unwittingly
kidnapped for sacrifice by the cult. Argonan Orphanage
Merrick’s mother passed away years earlier and
the boy ended up in an orphanage run by
Despite appearances, Lord Conlon loved his son priestesses of Argona (god of health, wealth and
dearly, and is willing to pay 500 crowns (gp) to find happiness). Priestess Lividia (5 ft 6, slim, dark hair,
out what happened to him. Given the need for white cowl, necklace with the shield & star of
strict discretion, involving the city watch is out of Argona) administers the charity with a number of
the question. junior initiates and volunteers. Approximately fifty
kids live in the three storey building, who benefit
from two meals a day and a safe place to sleep.

Try as they might, there are far too many kids for
the priestesses to keep an eye on, and many of the
youngsters spend their days exploring the city.
Lividia is aware that Merrick is missing, as is his
female friend Drini (a northerner; pale, blonde,
blue eyes, heavy accent), and has reported such to
Captain Larsen of the city watch. The two went
missing at the same time, and Lividia is not sure
whether they have simply run off together.

If the party quizzes the kids, they learn the

following (Charisma (Persuasion) checks might be
required depending on the PC’s approach/GM

1. Demi (6 yr old female, dark hair, very

Late one night, Lord Conlon arranges a covert skinny) tells them that Merrick & Livia
meeting with the party at the Sewer Sack, one of were best friends and always hung out
the quieter drinking holes on the outskirts of the together.
slums (wooden two storey, cheap ale but expensive
food, mostly regulars and a few pick pockets, 2. Morgurr (12 yr old male, blonde hair,
proprietor is Crawjack; 5ft, exasperated, narrow scratches himself) tells the party the pair
eyed, robust fellow). had a few favourite locations they would
visit in the city, in particular Busker’s
Conlon is in his 50’s, a dark haired and pragmatic Point, Westside Markets and the
retired warrior (Fighter 2). He impresses upon the Abandoned Tower.
party the need for the utmost discretion, but is
desperate to reunite with his son, or at least find 3. Alise (8 yr old female, very short, dark
out what happened to him. hair, shrewd and practical) charges 1 silver
florin for her advice. She can tell the party
Conlon last saw Merrick at the Argonan that she was the last person to see the pair,
Orphanage on Leadlight Row. If the party manage about midday a week ago, at South
to return Merrick to him, or exact vengeance in Stables.
his name, Conlon will double their fee and owe
them a favour the party can call on at some future
time. His son has many similarities to his father


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Random Encounters is also set upon. Whatever the
Whilst exploring the city, there is a 50% chance of outcome, the surviving leader, Ratnak
a random encounter every two hours. If an “Lockjaw” (Northerner), does not
encounter occurs, roll on the following table: forget.
2d6 overzealous followers of Argona
CROW’S KEEP accost the travellers, berating them for
1d20 their wicked ways of violence and
Two farmers, Mort and Jeraal, are greed. They threaten natural disasters
1 brawling over livestock, foodstuffs or and eternity trapped in the void if the
cotton. party does not make amends.
A gaggle of ducks, chickens or other A 3d6 member performing troupe
fowl scatter across the street, causing has gathered a small crowd here. The
2 havoc. There is a 50% chance a pick 9 troupe has knowledge of the local
pocket, Riva “Homeslice” takes region. There is a 30% chance of pick
advantage of the diversion. pockets working the crowd.
A merchant, Egbert “Sell me own A pigeon pie seller, Ghirk Galak, is
mother” Cruthers, is selling an 10 on the corner. Ghirk is a little known
assortment of weapons on a gilded street informant.
table in the street, watched over by his A justicar is presiding over an
muscle, Juke (Fighter 4). For the execution in the square. Three
3 middle aged criminals are to be
discreet inquirer, he might also have
access to more specialized gear, such hanged. A small crowd has gathered.
as hidden sheaths, spring-blade 3d6 guards are in attendance, along
pommels, caltrops, lockpicks and with the burly, hooded executioner.
knife boots. There is a 50% chance of a rescue
4d6 guards patrol the street, eyes wary attempt by 4d6 ne’er do wells.
for thieves. If it’s a slow day, they A whipcord teenager with red hair
might accost any foreign or dangerous (Bjernvin, northerner) sprints towards
looking adventurers, inquiring as to the travellers with a pouch clutched in
their business, the duration of their one hand. 200 ft behind, a portly stall
4 keeper struggles to keep up, yelling
stay, boarding house, and whether
they have any information they wish “Thief! Thief!”
to share with the authorities. Impolite A small crowd has gathered around
or cheeky responses are unlikely to be two nobles (Lord Armont and Lord
well received. Brand) arguing in the street, when
2d4 Knights of Graxus (war god) are Armont draws his sword and
trotting down the street in full battle 13 demands a duel. Lord Brand, elderly,
5 armour. Bystanders quickly clear a appears shocked at first, but quickly
path, fearful of being knocked aside casts his gaze about the crowd. “I seek
by their 17 hand destriers. a champion. You know my name.
A funeral procession winds slowly Who will fight for me?”
down the street, bearing the standards A procession of 3d6 druids of Soliri
6 of the noble Cildorn family, including (nature god) are making their way
pall bearers, cultists of Baal (death, down the road, offering blessings of
suffering), and sorrowful relatives. the World Tree to passers-by.
3d6 thugs of rival gangs (Alley Smiths A trio of axemen are selling firewood
and the Hatchetmen) clash over turf and kindling. They haven’t noticed
7 lines, stabbing at each other with that one of the split logs is hiding a tiny
knives and axes. Lingering witnesses, fey behind a hinged knot.
or anyone who attempts to intervene,


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

3d6 off duty soldiers are halfway very interested to know why the party want
through a pub crawl and quite drunk. to find Merrick, anyway?
16 They are very angry about a recent
enemy skirmish, and will take it out 2. Busker’s Point is known for its many
on the next southerner they see. street entertainers, located near the
A man in hooded black robes bearing bustling eastern markets. Singers and
the crescent moon symbol (a priest of musicians are most common, but poetry
Shennog – madness, night, mystery), readers and mimes are not unheard of.
approaches the party. He whispers There is a 50% chance of a pickpocket
17 something (“the darkest corners (Perc (Detection) vs Dex 14). One of the
conceal the greatest secrets”) before singers, Markos (14 yrs, long dark hair,
handing one of the adventurers a poor but enthusiastic singer), can indicate
broken hand mirror. He then scuttles (for a few coins) that Merrick & Drini were
swiftly away. here a week ago, during the afternoon.
A beggar, Sivros, is begging for alms They said they were heading to Thirston
when a chamber pot is emptied from Alley to see Ratcatcher.
an upper storey and splashes onto
him. He curses and splutters “Skin 3. Thirston Alley is a gloomy and winding
the silver wolf!”, before redoubling his collection of motley buildings, known in
call for alms. Sivros has a good ear for certain circles as the headquarters of the
the street, and has connections with Hatchetmen thieves’ guild (primarily
certain thieves’ guilds. protection rackets, break and enters, and
A stray hound, dark muzzled and fencing loot). 4d6 thieves (Bandit) are on
thin, with one cloudy eye, approaches hand here at any time, along with their
the party. If they treat her well, the boss, Ratcatcher.
hound becomes a fearless ally, willing
to give her life for her new packmates. Ratcatcher (40s, albino Karok with silver
At the GM’s discretion, the hound buzz cut hair, missing his right hand, “cut
may automatically succeed in a single off for thievin, innit”). Ratcatcher can
rescue of a PC, dying in the process. confirm the pair met with him a week ago
A town crier is ringing his bell and in the late afternoon. He sent them to
20 declaring “The King is dead! The deliver two messages (one to Tight Noose
King is dead!” tavern, then later to Westside Markets).
Ratty won’t spill to just anyone, however,
On the Trail and has a soft spot for the two “young
The party might follow the leads the kids at the delinquents”. If the party want the
orphanage provide, put their feelers out with other information from him peacefully, they’ll
contacts to catch wind of Merrick and/or Drini, have to (i) tell him who wants to know, (ii)
use magic, or employ some other strategy the grease his palms with a few crowns, and
writer hasn’t thought of. Either way, a number of (iii) owe him a personal favour (“don’t go
likely avenues of inquiry appear below, some of leavin’ town now, will ya.”)
which provide clues to finding Merrick.
Ratcatcher, Boss Monster, AC 13, HD 5, Dagger
1. Captain Larsen. The captain has little 1d4+3, 19: Disarm, S13 D16 C9 I14 P13 W13
interest in allocating resources to find Ch10 L8, Mv 30 ft. Ratcatcher is a Boss Monster
Merrick. He’s in the pocket of many a with all the usual benefits. He has Backstab,
wealthy merchant, with their own agendas, Skirmisher and Finisher abilities like a 5th level
and he’s up to his eyeballs investigating a rogue, and may choose from the following tricks
series of murders on Ripton Way (gang three times per combat: Choking Dust, Hidden
related). He’s put the word out to his men, Blade, Quick Reflexes, Smoke Bomb, Flash
but can’t promise anything. He is however Powder, Unseen Whip, Glue Pot.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

4. Dawncliff is a (technically illegal) lookout, Snevorgug, AC 15, HD 6, Claw 1d6+1 and Bite
situated on the outside of Crow’s Keep’s 1d4+posion, 19: target rolls on the DDM table,
north eastern walls, overlooking the huge S14 D16 C10 I14 P15 W14 Ch14 L8, Mv 40 ft
watery expanse that is Lake Argos. High flying. Imps are Demons with the usual benefits. A
up on the rocky cliff, the view is bite causes 1 Luck drain and amnesia for 1d4
spectacular, none more so than at dawn. hours (Luck (Will) save resists). Snevorgug may
One of Merrick’s favourite hangouts, it choose from the following spells three times per
requires a Dex (Athletics or Acrobatics) day: Shennog’s Blessing, Waking Dream,
check to successfully climb (else fall 20 ft Soothing Edict and Strands of Ensnarement. 50%
to a lower shelf) to the sitting ledge, which magic resistance.
is wide enough to accommodate five
adults. At the GM’s option, patrolling city
watch might also harass any characters
putting their lives at risk here. Drini might
be found watching the sunrise here (50%
and see later), but otherwise there are no
clues to be had.

5. Westside Markets are a bustling amalgam

of traders, hawkers and peddlers, selling
any manner of thing to any manner of
person. If the PCs ask around, they might
learn from Vermile (tall female blonde,
well dressed, arms always crossed) that she
sold the pair some fresh cut flowers for a
silver. She overheard them talking about
Dawncliff and the South Stables.

6. The Abandoned Tower was once the

home of a secret wizard who died on
account of a summoning gone wrong. The
creature’s rampage left the tower in a
derelict state, and it is scheduled for
demolition in coming months. The kids
often take turns daring each other to enter 7. South Stables is run by Letonia, a dark
its darkened halls and climb all the way to skinned southerner with wild hair and a
the top. None have yet made it that far. genuine love of animals. The stables have
Merrick & Drini are not in the tower, but a number of horses, as well as several
it is not completely abandoned. In the hounds lodging. Letonia is happy for the
highest room is an Imp, Snevorgug, bereft children to pet the animals and sometimes
of its master but bound to guard his study allows them to ride a friendly nag named
for another 234 years. Riggs. Merrick and Drini did come past a
week ago to visit. They mentioned going
Snevorgug greets the PCs with “Hi los ni to Thirston Alley, which Letonia warned
fin drog” (you are not the master), and “Su them against, but they needed the money
tada womuda” (no mortals in this place). (as message runners for the guild). One of
If the Imp is defeated, the study contains Letonia’s dogs, Wicket, was a favourite of
1 x 3 HD Lair Treasure and 1 x Scroll. Merrick, and might be helpful for tracking
his scent.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

8. Underhang is a secret hideout for various In this case, Drini is in hiding because she
street kids and orphans, including witnessed Merrick being assaulted, knocked
Merrick & Drini. Located beneath the unconscious, stuffed in a sack, and conveyed to the
middle of Crow’s Keep’s enormous entry
Bald Bison tavern about 2 am a week ago.
bridge. Access is via small drains on the
northern side, leading to a natural cave.
Drini is here (see below). Drini would have been taken too, but for some
drunken sailors turning the corner of the alley at
Cult Interference the right moment. Drini managed to stealthily tail
Each time the party visits a location searching for the kidnappers back to the tavern, who emerged
Merrick, or for every 3 hours that passes, there is some hours later, without Merrick. She waited all
a cumulative 1 in 10 chance that the cult’s spies night to no avail, until set upon by two men (the
hear about the party’s inquiries, and take action to same men, or others, she couldn’t be sure?) later
nip them in the bud. that morning as she surveilled the Bison. Barely
escaping with her life, Drini fled to Underhang,
The cultists organise 3d6 slavers to intercept the and has been in hiding ever since.
party, slap them in chains, and put them on the
next ship leaving Crow’s Keep. The slavers are led Drini is scared but not alone – she has 1d3 street
by Nox (30s, dark skinned, shaved head, large gold friends (not from the Orphanage) with her in the
hoop earrings and dragon tattoos down both cave when the PCs arrive. The kids immediately
arms). If the slavers are defeated, they have 1 x suspect the party are up to no good, and brandish
Carry Loot. Nox does not know anything about knives. If the party can convince Drini that they are
any cult, but he had specific orders to target the on her side, she will tell them her story, and pleads
PCs. with them to find out what happened to Merrick.

Slavers, AC 11, HD 1, Baton 1d6+1, 19: knocked Street Kids, AC 10, HD 1 (1d4 hp), Knife 1d4, 19:
prone, S14 D10 C10 I9 P9 W9 Ch9 L8, Mv 30 ft. 1d3 street kids appear at the cave mouth to assist,
The slavers carry batons and large sacks to stuff S8 D13 C10 I10 P12 W11 Ch11 L3, Mv 30 ft.
unconscious would be slaves in. The street kids look after their own, gaining
advantage on morale checks.
Nox, Boss Monster, AC 13, HD 5, 2 x Fists
1d6+1, 19: knocked back 10 ft, prone or disarm, The Bald Bison
S14 D16 C13 I10 P10 W16 Ch9 L8, Mv 30 ft. The Bison is a wooden, single storey drinking
Nox is a Boss Monster with all the usual benefits. hole, tucked away in a quiet corner a few blocks
He has Martial Arts like a 5th level Monk, and may from the shipyards. Large flagstones are set into
choose from the following techniques three times the common room floor, the plaster walls
per combat: Fork the River, Formless Water, Iron decorated with mildewed pictures of old or distant
Fist, Deflect Projectile, Impossible Leap. landscapes. The ale is not particularly good, nor
cheap, which keeps most of the customers away,
and that suits the cult just fine.
Finding Drini
Drini is hiding in the small cave colloquially
known as Underhang, a secret safehouse the
orphan kids (and other children) sometimes


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)


Area 1 – Common Room 2. Preternatural Toughness: 4 HD.

The bar is attended by 2d4 patrons whilst open,
half of whom are cultists. After closing (midnight), 3. Endless Defiance: Nearby cultists never
there is a 25% chance a ritual is being performed check morale.
in the secret tunnels below, involving 2d4 cult
4. Gifted: Cast one random combat related
spell (1st level (60%), 2nd level (30%), 3rd
Jeffrey (50s, balding, skinny fellow with yellowed
level (10%)).
teeth, sickly looking, his boon was to stave off
terminal illness) owns the establishment, and is a
5. Otherworldly Aegis: AC increases to 18.
cult member, as is his serving wench Melindra
(brunette, portly, bright eyes, pregnant – her boon
6. Thought Eater: Once per combat may
– but pregnant with what?).
force a target within 20 ft to make a Luck
(Will) save or suffer a serious madness.
Cultists, AC 11, HD 1, Knife 1d4, 19: disarm, S10
D10 C10 I9 P11 W9 Ch10 L8, Mv 30 ft. The
7. Time Slip: Once per combat may take 4
cultists carry knives. For any group of cultists, 1d2
actions or moves (or a combination)
of them has a boon relevant to combat. Roll 1d8:
instead of 1 of each.

1. Unnatural Strength of 19, and Causes

8. Doom Pact: When reduced to zero hp,
Injuries on 19+ attack roll.
roll on the Dark & Dangerous Magic table
entry 11.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

If the party asks about Merrick and the three Area 6 – Trap
kidnappers from the week before, Jeffrey and the This section of long 5 ft wide corridor is trapped
cultists don’t remembering seeing anything of the with poison gas that issues out of tiny holes in the
kind. If probed carefully, the PCs might notice one cracks between flagstone, expanding to 20 ft (Luck
of the cultists seems nervous, a bead of sweat (Con) save or unconscious for 1d6 hours).
forming along his hairline (Int (Insight) vs Cha). Clanging bells are also triggered, alerting cultists.

Area 2 – Back Room Characters studying the floor gain a Perc

The sizable back room is filled with the usual bar (Detection) check to notice hairline cracks of the
paraphernalia; casks, bottles, foodstuffs, plates, trigger tiles, which activate if stepped on.
cutlery, etc. Similarly, studying the southern wall might reveal
a loose tile and pull ring that opens a secret door.
The back door is locked most of the time (Dex The small cavity beyond houses a gas cylinder
(Traps & Locks) check to open). A thorough which can be dismantled and used as a weapon (or
search of the area however might unearth a dark reset as a trap elsewhere, effects as above. Requires
cowl, fallen behind one of two massive ale barrels a Dex (Traps & Locks) check to repurpose).
(Perc (Detection) check or by player description).
If Drini is present, she believes it identical to the Area 7 – Merging Chamber
cowls of the three kidnappers. This 40 ft by 45 ft chamber can only be accessed
by finding the secret latch in the northern wall
Area 3 - Bedroom (Perc (Detection) test), that allows part of the wall
This 15 ft by 30ft room is extra storage (bottle to slide aside. The interior has arcane runes carved
racks, casks) and a sleeping cot and small into all surfaces, and shackled to the floor is a
wardrobe for Jeffrey, who lives on site. The naked woman, Patrice (30s, athletic build,
trapdoor in the northeast corner is covered by a prominent nose, bedraggled), in a delirious state.
rug and the cot. It is kept locked (Jeffrey has the
key). Patrice is not a prisoner. She is a cultist in the
throes of fusing with an otherworldly entity, a
Area 4 – Waiting Room painful and disorienting process that often results
This 15 ft by 25 ft room is perfectly plain, white in disciples manifesting temporary bruises, welts,
plaster walls and flagstone floor tiles. A hanging and madness. Interfering with the merging is
lantern provides light. Each of the three wooden dangerous; unshackling Patrice has a 50% chance
doors is painted with what appears to be blood, in of transforming her into a Gibbering Terror.
runic sigils. An Int (Arcane Lore) check great
success (must be skilled) recognises the runes as Gibbering Terror, AC 14, HD 8, Bite 2d8, 19:
archaic and highly rare eldritch symbols for disturbing howl, enemies within 20 ft must make a
watching (northern doors) and welcome (southern Luck (Will) save or suffer a moderate madness,
door). S16 D7 C16 I3 P10 W14 Ch1, L9, Mv 30 ft. The
Terror has the usual benefits of its kind (LFG
Area 5 – Initiates’ Rooms
1d3 Cultists are living in these two chambers, new
Area 8 – Prison Shrine
inductees studying forbidden scriptures day and
The cultists store their sacrifices here, shackled in
night for a period of weeks. They are quick to
small cells, preparing them for ritual sacrifice. The
investigate any loud disturbances in the complex.
centre of the chamber which is inlaid with a
If the rooms are looted, 1 x Carry Loot and 2 x
glittering, white quartz pentagram. Anyone
Trinkets & Curios are found.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

entering the inscribed circle immediately feels on Area 9 – Tabernacle
edge, breaks out in a cold sweat, gets goosebumps, This secret compartment is adjacent to two cells
etc. that are used as storage for wicked torture and
dissecting devices, iron rations, spare bedding and
When the party arrive Morgaine is here with other odds and ends. The secret doors are
1d4+1 fellow cultists, about to commence a magically locked (Wizard Lock at 5th level) and
ritual/in the middle of performing a ritual/just only open to a hymn of praise to Bok’Surrpesh
finished a ritual (GM’s choice, or 33% chance of (can be deduced via an Int (Arcane Lore) check at
each) involving Merrick. By this time, the 11 yr old disadvantage).
is dehydrated and drug addled (if alive) or horribly
dismembered (if dead). Stored in the tabernacle is an unnamed tome of
white leather, full of scrawled ramblings and
dementia, but also genuine rites of alien
invocation, used by the cult to call their demons.
A person studying the tome for some years might
be able to replicate the cult’s ceremonies, but gains
an incurable serious madness.

The tome is worth 1d6 x 500 gp to the right buyer.

Also stored in the tabernacle are the cult’s tithes,
amounting to 1 x 5 HD Lair Treasure.

If Merrick is rescued and returned to Conlon, he
is overjoyed, and pays the party the bonus, with an
additional reward (1 x Valuables) if the cultists
were slain. Although Conlon cannot publicly extol
the party’s deeds, he is sure to surreptitiously send
work their way, and will owe them a debt as long
Either way, the cultists can’t allow the party to as he lives.
reveal their secret, and attempt to kill or shackle
them for future sacrifice. If Morgaine and her cult are not destroyed, they
relocate elsewhere and continue their practices,
Morgaine, Boss Monster, AC 14, HD 7 (61 hp), with more adults and children going missing from
Ritual Blade 1d8+4, 19: special, S17 D17 C17 I10 time to time. Eventually they open an orphanage
P10 W13 Ch10 L9, Mv 30 ft. Morgaine is a Boss of their own, and begin experiments with merged
Monster with all the usual benefits. She has the children and the unborn.
Fighter Adaptable ability, with the Single Weapon
style. She may change styles three times per Some merges are quite successful, at least for a
combat. On a 19+ attack roll, Morgaine triggers a time, but joining with a Bok’Surrpesh sentience
roll on the DDM table. fundamentally transforms the host; the person
they were is no longer. Over time they become
If defeated, the cultists carry 1 x Carry Loot. increasingly insular, callous and wholly uncaring
towards non-cultists, considering them primitive,
mewling meat sacks, good for only two things:
sacrifice or merging.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)



Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Curse of the Salt Queen
with writhing, reptilian hair, and a gaze that
House Vorrox is looking for capable warriors to transforms flesh into salt!
scout and secure a lost electrum mine situated on
the banks of the Fennorn River. Filled with anguish, and in the grip of unbridled
horror, the Medusa reaped bloody vengeance
In the journal of a dead Shenzu explorer is upon all nearby; every miner, scout, guardsman,
reference to the Xaolung blade (Sun Dragon horse and hound were brutally and wantonly
Sword), an enchanted scimitar of the Wing Mai slaughtered, or transmuted into salt and scattered
Dynasty. The journal suggests the blade last to the winds.
belonged to Aguera Zargor, an exile said to be
buried in Fennorn’s Run. Now the Morduke family, overseers of the
prospecting venture, want to know what has
happened to their caravan. They are willing to pay
Fennorn’s Run 600 crowns, or provide some rare information the
Two hundred years ago, House Zargor of the party desires (the Mordukes are known for their
Karoks (a mountain people of great wealth and trade in hard to get information and secrets), in
long age, slavers of the last remaining dwarves) return for securing the mine.
abandoned a small but productive mine of rare
electrum1 known as Fennorn’s Run, situated along
the banks of the Fennorn River.

The mine was forsaken because Agueda Zargor,

noble daughter of the House, was ousted as a
witch, and fled into the deep shafts to escape the
pyre. Despite Agueda’s best efforts, bounty
hunters eventually cornered her, and in
desperation the sorceress locked herself in magical
stasis forever. Or so she believed.

12 months ago, unwitting prospectors from Crow’s

Keep reopened the mine, clearing blocked
passages and breaking the hidden rune seals
maintaining the stasis.

Agueda awoke, but where a striking woman once

slept, now emerged a twisted figment of
blasphemous sorcery; a half serpent abomination,

In this deposit, the alloy of gold, silver and copper
exhibits a reddish-yellow hue; electrum weapons count
as silvered, but not armour.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

The PCs might become involved in this adventure 1d6 rounds of fighting, a further 2d4
by (i) being hired by Arna Morduke (40’s, female, reinforcements appear from a random
short brunette hair, piercing green eyes, fond of direction.
headscarves) to clear the complex as noted above,
(ii) following up an old text about Agueda the 3. An injured Griffon is curled up by a large
Accursed and the Xaolung scimitar, which she was tree, a thuel (barbarian) arrow stuck
said to possess, or (iii) stumble across the mine in between its shoulder blades. The beast is
their travels. obviously in pain, but unable to remove
the arrow itself.
Wilderness Encounters
The mine is located deep in the Drelnor Forest, 4. Bones of ancient travellers are scattered in
nestled between a little known branch of the a thick grove, devoured by some monster
Fennorn River. of the distant past. The bones have
already been picked over, but careful
The forest is an ancient woodland, a prodigious searching (Perc check) reveals something
mix of gigantic oak, yew and willow trees, its buried (1 x Trinkets & Curios).
enormous canopy thick and lustrous with age. The
occasional beam of sunlight stretches to the 5. Some of the trees in this area are truly
overgrown floor, but for the most part, the trees enormous, trunks wider than huts and
and nettled undergrowth are dim and shrouded in taller than can be seen, the canopy
half-light. The air here is cool, loud with insect blocking out the sun entirely. PCs will
calls and strong with the scent of mouldering need their own light source to see here.
leaves. Lurking in the high branches are 3d6
hungry Giant Spiders. There is a 50%
Travel time on foot is approximately 8 days trek, chance of a Broodmother (HD 9, L10,
or half that by ship or boat. There is a 30% chance 3d6 + poison, Boss Monster) dozing by
of a random encounter every 12 hours. If an her eggs. If the spiders are destroyed, web
encounter occurs roll on the appropriate table shrouded corpses conceal 1 x Carry Loot.
below (add 2 during the last two days of travel if on
foot) 6. Amongst cluttered trees an elder obelisk
may be seen. Aged, grey crumbling steps
descend to a small flagstoned courtyard,
Forest Travel (d8):
long overgrown. In the centre stands a
stone door of glass like obsidian, covered
1. A series of 2d4 tree snares have been
in moss, lichen and creepers. If the moss
concealed nearby, rigged to hoist targets
is scraped clear, elvish script from
10 ft into the air (Dex (Acrobatics) check
antiquity is revealed (long dead and
negates). A trapped character must make
forgotten dialect). The writing might be a
a Luck (Con) save or lose 1 Con due to
warning, a blessing, a name, or
muscle strain.
instructions on how to open the door.
There is a 50% chance of Fey Creeper
2. A hunting party of 4d6 Skorn (aka
guardians (Midlands).
Beastmen) are laying in ambush, hoping
to pepper the PCs with javelins before
7. Grinding and snapping noises may be
moving in to brain them with clubs. After
heard in nearby trees (Perc (Detection)


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

check), along with quiet arguing. Sugarth, 10. 1d3+1 human size pillars of salt are
an Ettin (LFG p.108) is talking to itself present in a sheltered grove, recent
while it sucks the marrow from a pair of victims of Agueda. The once lifelike
dead thuels. The giant carries a sack of statues have been rained upon and greatly
spoils (1 x Valuables). eroded. Careful examination (Perc
(Detection) check) might reveal tell tale
details however (an ear, a button, etc).

River Travel (d8):

1. Reroll if more than 1 day from a city,

otherwise swift pirate ship the Amarest
seeks to board (carrack, 2d10 + 40 crew,
as Bandit LFG p.114). Captain Hawker
(Rogue 5) will take prisoners if he thinks
he can ransom or sell them, or flee is
reduced to 50% crew. If the pirates are
defeated, 1 x 4 HD Lair Treasure (and
perhaps the Amarest).

2. 2d4 canoes, each carrying 1d4 Thuels

(Berserker) armed with bows and spears,
appear from around a bend or launch
from overgrown shore to intercept the PC

3. 2d6 Argosan Stranglers (Midlands) swim

beneath the water to latch onto the ship’s
8. 3d10 Thuels (Berserkers) of the hull. They strike at night or when an
Stonetree tribe are hunting in this area, opportunity presents itself. If the party
and will not allow outsiders passage. Their vessel is small, they attack immediately
leader, Khugo (female, Barb 4), might be instead.
persuaded otherwise with gems or other
obvious valuables. If battle breaks out, the 4. 1d4 Giant Eagles appear from high
thuels sound their horns, drawing another overhead cloud. If there is a person in a
4d10 reinforcements with bows and axes. crow’s nest/rigging, they swoop down,
2 x Carry Loot if defeated. hoping to grab him/her and fly back to
their nest.
9. Gorgarsa, the Witch of Drelnor (Magic
User 7, Midlands) is nearby. On the 5. A rotting 18 ft Giant Crocodile corpse
ground by a pile of stacked stones is the floats by, severed in two by something
bloody corpse of a small child, its throat truly colossal.
cut. Pierce the Veil used in this area
radiates abjuration and necromancy. The 6. In the darkest part of the night, an ink
witch’s tracks are about half a day old black form rises from the depths; the spirit
(Perc (Wilderness Lore) check to follow). of a drowned sailor. Slowly but surely,


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

other spirits rise, humanoid shapes but The Salt Queen
lacking any identifying details. The Drawn as they are to all things dark and
accursed crew glide through the supernatural, Agueda’s twisted form soon called to
ship/vessel, as if searching for something, an urgot tribe (mutant humans with cursed
then depart. Passengers require a Luck bloodlines, suffering under ancient pacts with dark
(Will) save to avoid touching the shades, forces) hiding in remote corners.
which cause 1d2 level loss until the
adventure ends (striking at them with Emerging from the gloom, the accursed humans
silvered or magical weapons only draws took to worshipping the medusa as their capricious
their ire). If the spirits are presented with goddess, offering tithes and sacrifices for her
a new map, they disappear immediately favour and protection. Over time, the urgot
(gain 1 maximum Luck permanently). developed a taste for Agueda’s salt, and now
greedily imbibe it at every opportunity (the salt’s
7. The ship becomes caught on a hidden eldritch composition somehow infuses the
reef, tearing open the hull. Without the mutants with a manic like vigour). In this instance,
proper tools and supplies, there is no the urgot’s mutation manifests as grey skinned,
prospect of the ship continuing its hairless humanoids, mouths filled with sharp
journey. A Group Luck save reduces the canine teeth. A dull oil is exuded through their
damage to a manageable level, but pores, giving off a unpleasant stench (Agueda is
doubles travel times. immune).

8. An ancient wreck appears in the morning

fog, the derelict remains of some ancient
mariner. Searching the wreck turns up 1 x
Valuables. 50% chance of 1d6 Giant Sea
Serpents inside (as Giant Serpent but
Swim 120 ft).

Fennorn’s Run
The mine is located at a branch in the Fennorn
River, a series of connected wooden structures
perched beside a 50 ft waterfall. The buildings are
now old, weather beaten and greatly decayed,
although there are signs of recent repair (the urgot
have made some improvements over the last year,
see below). Seeking to scale the outside, rather
than use the climbing stairs and platforms is
certainly possible, but requires a Str (Athletics)
check (or fall 1d4 x 10 feet into the water). The
river is fast and will swiftly carry away swimmers
(Str (Athletics) check if against the current, and a
Con check to avoid losing 1 Con).


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)


Urgot, AC 11, HD 1+4, Club 1d6+1 or Bite Unmarked Chambers

1d6+1, 19: as weapon, S13 D13 C16 I7 P9 W12 If the party explores an unmarked chamber, the
Ch6, L5, Mv 30 ft. A group of urgot may issue a GM might wish to roll 2d6 to determine the
simultaneous howl or chitter once/day, causing contents:
creatures within 20 ft to suffer a minor madness
(Luck (Will) save resists). Moving within 5 ft
requires a Luck (Con) save or the urgot’s stench
imposes disad on the target’s next roll (a successful 2 Electrum ore vein worth 1d6 x 200 gp.
save renders the target immune to urgot stench for Lurking monster (1d4): (i) Giant Spider,
½ hour). 3-4 (ii) Giant Centipede, (iii) 1d4 Xornlings,
(iv) Rock Grinder bursts out of a wall.
The urgot did have an Urgozer when they first Mushroom pod. If ingested, 50% chance
encountered Agueda, but she was one of the first grants adv on Perc checks due to
to be turned to salt, and devoured by the rest of 5 enhanced senses, otherwise imposes
the tribe. disadvantage (clouded senses). The effect
lasts 1d2 months.
6-8 Dry Vein. 30% chance of 2d4 Urgot.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Lurking monster (1d4): (i) Giant Serpent, centuries before. The ore veins here are all dry,
(ii) 1d6 Giant Centipedes, (iii) 2d4 but flecks of electrum can be seen in the roughly
Xornlings, (iv) Rock Grinder bursts out of hewn walls. Iron rails for (long unused) mine carts
the floor or ceiling. are set into the floor, which has a noticeable
A recent victim was turned to salt here, decline and runs northwest. The carts are
11 traces of which remain on the floor (most operated by pushing, but will pick up speed on
of the salt has been eaten by urgot). downhill runs. They might provide mobile cover
Agueda. The medusa is about to enter this in a firefight.
area, or is already here, on an errand,
12 looking for intruders, or on the way to Area 3 – Living Area
Area 1, 5, or 10. This 30 ft by 60 ft cave is used by the urgot as one
of two living areas (the other being Area 8),
Area 1 – Wooden Cabins decorated with furs and straw mats. 3d6 urgot are
Entry to the mine is via a tunnel at the top of the here at any one time, sleeping, eating, socializing
50 ft wooden cabins structure (or Area 6 tunnel), or fighting. There is a 50% chance of 1d4 wolf pets
made up of several connected buildings and also present (see Area 9). If searched, this area
walkways. Most of the stairs have been repaired by turns up 1 x Carry Loot.
the urgot but the occasional plank is rotted
through, and will fall away if stepped upon (noisy, Area 4 – Snake Nest
but not dangerous). This 30 ft by 20 ft chamber is home to 2d4+2
Giant Serpents that have been charmed by
Entering the cabins via the dock will almost Agueda, and semi-domesticated by the urgot. The
certainly be noticed by 1d4 urgot sentries. At least serpents will be confused about ordinary humans,
one of these will alert others in the complex, while and uncertain whether to attack, or allow
the remainder stay behind to observe the PC’s themselves to be petted.
approach. If they get the chance, the sentries will
drop heavy rocks on the PCs as they ascend (Luck Giant Serpent AC 13, HD 5, Bite 2d8 + poison,
(Dex) save or 2d6 damage). Concealed at the base 19: special, S19 D16 C13 I3 P10 W12 Ch5, L8,
of the dock are 2d4 canoes, which the urgot use to 30 ft. Poison causes 1d6 damage and 1d4 Str loss
travel the river if they must. (Luck (Con) save resists). On 19+ the target is
constricted and helpless (spend action to make
Sunlight filters into the cabins well enough, but on opposed Str test to break free).
a moonless night torches and fireplaces are used
to create enough light for the urgot to see by. The Area 5 – Larder
cabins hold 3d6 urgot at any one time. They will The urgot larder includes barrels of briny water,
come to assist any fighting on the river, nearby salted meat cuts on bedrock shelves, and hanging
cliffs or tunnels. Clearing this area garners 1 x carcasses.
Carry Loot and 1 x Trinkets & Curios. The highest
most cabin conceals stone cut steps that lead into Shackled to a rock pillar are 1d3 thuel captives
the mine proper. (Sudar, Gimock and Norwuc), tortured to within
an inch of their lives (indeed, 50% chance for each
Area 2 – Entry Tunnel of dying before the party arrives). If freed, the
A large iron grate operated by a winch on either emaciated prisoners will help fight if given
side allows access to a 30 ft wide tunnel, excavated


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

weapons (if the urgot are not killed, they do not Area 9 – Wolf Den
expect they can outrun any pursuit). This 20 ft by 40 ft cave houses 2d4 Wolves that
have been semi domesticated by the urgot. The
Area 6 – Alternate Entry/Bulette Den pack is still relatively wild however, and could
This 50 ft cavern has a 20 ft sinkhole in the centre, easily be turned against their “masters” by a PC
the result of a hibernating bulette 80 ft below. A competent in Animal Lore.
tunnel also extends 100 ft upwards to the surface
(difficult climb, Str (Athletics) check at disad Wolf, AC 12, HD 1+2, Bite 1d4+1, 19: target is
unless using gear). The monster has not risen in knocked prone, S13 D14 C15 I2 P12 W10 Ch6,
weeks and the urgot are careful not to disturb it L4, 60 ft. Advantage when tracking and on attack
(although they might, if forced into a situation of rolls when flanking.
extreme desperation).
Area 10 – Treasure Room
Bulette, AC 18, HD 9+4, Bite 3d6, 19: the target This 30 ft cavern is used to store goods stolen from
is dragged underground and begins asphyxiating. barbarians, skorn and other travellers, as well as
A Str check at disadvantage is required to dig free, items discovered in ruins across the elder forest.
S22 D13 C19 I2 P13 W14 Ch3, L10, Mv 30 ft inc One small box is trapped with an obvious arcane
when burrowing. Detects movement tremors rune (triggers a Feeblemind spell if opened, inside
within 120 ft, Causes Injuries on critical hits. is a Scroll. Searching the room gains 1 x 5 HD Lair
Area 7 – Sleeping Quarters
The majority of the urgot tribe use this series of 3 Area 11 – Medusa’s Lair
chambers as their sleeping quarters. There are 3d6 Agueda’s lair is approx 60 ft in diameter, the floor
urgot in each chamber, including 50% children. covered in scattered salt. There is a 50% chance of
The urgot are always hungry, and will likely view a recent barbarian victim; a life like salt sculpture
any humans as a welcome meal. (the salt is well set but will break if pressed
PCs concealing themselves in urgot clothing
(ragged cloaks, furs, etc) and rubbing themselves Agueda Zargor, Medusa Boss Monster, AC 13,
with the mutants’ foul smelling secretion might HD 8 (99 hp), Xaolung 1d8+2 and Snake Hair
pass themselves off as kin if they keep to half lit Attack 1d3 + poison, 19: the target’s weapon or
corners (Cha (Deception) check vs Perc armour (even chance) turns to salt, S10 D15 C12
(Detection) check). Each chamber conceals 1 x I15 P13 W15 Ch8 L9, Mv 30 ft. Agueda may
Carry Loot and 1 x Potion hidden amongst activate her gaze at any time, causing onlookers to
sleeping furs, piles of old clothes, small sacks, etc. make a Luck (Con) save each round or be
transmuted into salt. On their turn, PCs may
Area 8 – Living Chamber choose to fight blind to avoid making a save. Snake
This 100 ft by 60 ft chamber is the biggest in the hair poison causes 2d6 damage and 1d4 Dex loss
complex, with a number of large rock pillars (Luck (Con) save for half). If reduced to zero Dex,
towards the centre. The mutants use the area of the target turns to salt.
their main living chamber, and 4d6 urgot are here
at any one time; eating, fighting, etc. Looting this Agueda casts spells like a 5th level Magic User, and
chamber reveals 1 x Carry Loot. may choose from the following spells four times
per combat: Gaze of Beguilement, Mantle of


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Many Faces, Hand of the Void, Bestial Aftermath
Communion, Solace of Argona, Waking Dream, If the mine is secured, the Mordukes pay the
Curse of Searing Steel, Wings of the Starless agreed fee and spread word of the party’s talents,
Abyss, Runic Rite of Wonderment. earning them some fame amongst the merchant
class and highborn.
Agueda wields Xaolung, a 3,000 year old scimitar If Agueda is not defeated, she gathers increasingly
of the Wing Mai dynasty, infused with the spirit of discontent where she is. Eventually she takes
its Sun Dragon namesake. The blade causes control of a ship, intending to sail to Dol-Karok,
1d8+2 damage. The first attunement grants the and learn the fate of her House. Whether she
ability to cast Firebreath once per week (as makes it that far, and/or whether such a monster
Channel Lightning but fire). The second can survive in such a place, is left for the GM to
attunement grants Scaled Wings (as Rightful determine.
Ascension) once every 1d4 days. The third
attunement grants Sudden Transmogrification
once per month. Any further attunements are at
the GM’s discretion. Agueda has access to the first
two attunements.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)



Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Den of Thieves
Jester, the charismatic boss of a gang of Port Brax
thieves down by Dungart Way, is seeking fierce
warriors to respond to recent attacks on her crew.

Udan the Slip, guild boss of the Sumptown Rats,

has declared war on their criminal rivals the
Dungart Dukes. Rumour has it the dukes are
looking to recruit extra muscle to bolster their

Dungart Dukes
“Jester” (5½ ft blonde, left leg limp, never without
a knife somewhere on her person) leader of the
Dungart Dukes, a small but expanding cutpurse
gang in Port Brax, needs help. Her crew of
miscreants has crossed knives with the Sumptown
Rats (the largest and most proliferate gang in the
city, controlled by Udan the Slip, Rogue 6,
inhumanly agile Dex 19) one too many times, and
now Udan wants her dead.
masquerade as a single person - going by the name
In recent weeks, twelve of Jester’s gangers have Belor.
been murdered; stabbed in back alleys, strangled
in steam baths, tossed off rooftops, etc – grizzly, At the start of the adventure, two of Jester’s most
public deaths meant to intimidate and undermine trusted henchmen (Griego and Morgara) have
Jester’s leadership. been killed in the last four days (Griego thrown
from a rooftop, Morgara cut down in a back alley).
And the strategy has been successful; more than Word on the street is that both were killed by a
half of the dukes have gone into hiding or intend lone warrior.
to depart the port on the next ship out. Those that
remain believe in Jester’s leadership, and will fight Jester is offering 1,000 gp to hire competent
with her (expecting to be made trusted lieutenants, mercenaries with a range of skills to (i) protect her
should the gang survive), but all agree more swords and her remaining lieutenants (Corben, Lucia and
are needed if the dukes are to endure. Brohk), (ii) identify and locate the assassin, and
(iii) kill him with extreme prejudice.
For his part, Udan has decided enough “brother
thieves” have died, and now means to target Jester The guild boss is convinced that Udan’s assassin
and her top lieutenants directly. To this end, he knows all of the dukes, and that the only way to get
has hired a highly secretive and successful trio of close to the hitman is via (expendable) third
cold blooded killers – identical triplets that parties.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Jester, AC 13 (leather), HD 5, Knife 1d6+2, 19: Raised voices, followed by ringing
special, S10 D16 C10 I14 P15 W15 Ch15, L8, Mv 4 steel, can be heard from around the
30 ft. 2 knives, 1d3 doses of Ghoulsheen corner of a narrow side alley.
Admixture, caltrops. Jester causes critical hits on a A motley assortment of 2d6 pirates
are swaying down the street, rum
19-20 attack roll. Backstab, Skirmisher and
5 bottles in hand. They are all crew of
Finisher abilities like a 5th level Rogue, may the Dreadnought, an infamous and
choose from the following tricks three times per feared raiding galleon.
combat: Blinding Powder, Hidden Blade, Quick Muffled voices can be heard from a
Reflexes, Smoke Bomb, Rapid Dose. very dark, sheltered alleyway. Shining
a torch inside reveals two men
Lieutenants, AC 12, HD 2+2, Shortsword 1d6+1 lowering the body of a third into a
sewer manhole. They look to be in a
19: disarm, S13 D15 C10 I11 P13 W9 Ch10 L4,
hurry. Any onlookers receive a curt
Mv 30 ft. 1d2 firepots (LFG p.102). “Get outta here, scob” along with an
angry gaze.
Where to Begin? Eddie “Two Shanks”, a ganger with
The nature of this adventure is open ended. PCs the Red Hooks, sidles up to one of
might approach their task in a number of ways, the party. He introduces himself,
hands the character a white fishing
some of which are outlined below. The Belor 7
hook, and says “Message from the
assassins have a plan and intended timetable, but boss. He wants a word. Don’t go
like all plans, it won’t survive beyond first contact leavin’ town without droppin’ by”,
with the PCs. and departs.
Storm clouds are rolling in fast. The
Random Encounters wind has picked up dramatically, and
great peals of thunder begin to echo
As the PCs navigate the city, there is a 30% chance
off Lake Argos.
of a random encounter every 12 hours (or other 3d6 Dockside Valkyries are lounging
interval of the GM’s choosing). If an encounter about outside the Moontide Inn, “No
occurs, roll 1d20: 9 room at the inn today” one remarks,
giving the party a wink and a “move
along” thumb motion.
1d20 PORT BRAX ENCOUNTERS 1d6 priests of Shennog (night
goddess) are moving slowly down the
A body crashes to the ground in front
road, followed by 4d10 members of
of the travellers with a horrendous 10
the Sunless with a coffin on a small
1 thud! Looking up, 1d3 humanoid
wagon. They are humming a sombre
shadows can be seen making a quick
getaway across the rooftops.
2d4 Warriors of the Unbroken are on
6d10 gangers (a mix of Red Hooks,
patrol, slowly moving down the road.
Sumptown Rats and Dockside
11 Passers by either nod at them with a
Valkyries) have broken into a massive
2 smile, or shrink away down side
fisticuff, turning the street to chaos.
No-one has drawn steel yet, but things
are escalating quickly. A desperate fight between 5d6
Sumptown Rats and Red Hooks has
A blustering wind is blowing today,
broken out at this cross road. Knives
swaying the elderly and tipping objects 12
3 are flashing and iron cudgels
off tables. Leaves and dust whirl
smashing. Locals are running for
across the ground.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

A large number of temporary market Gathering Information
stalls have been erected along this If the PCs wish to seek out information about the
street. Along with clothing and spices, assassin, there are at least three ways of going about
some vendors also offer a range of
illegal goods (hidden blade sheathes,
poisons, etc).
Two commoners, Rabby and Wilcott, 1. Tavern Rumour Mill. The PCs visit
are arguing over a cage of chickens. various watering holes, primarily but not
14 Rabby says the chickens are his and exclusively in the murder districts
were stolen from him. Wilcott says he (labourer and residential quarters),
bought them fair and square. piecing together information from tidbits
While walking the street, the sound of
and second hand accounts. One or more
15 laughing voices can be heard from a
sewer grill nearby. Cha (Information Gathering) checks, and
5d6 Red Hooks make a beeline for 2d6 gp, may be required for each attempt
the party. Guska (Rogue 3), the at the GM’s discretion.
16 leader, has decided the party should
pay a “weapons tax” for crossing their 2. Inquiries with Contacts. Certain contacts
turf (5 gp per weapon). might be canvassed for relevant
This street is a bottleneck for two
information (eg: members or associates of
major roads and is especially
17 crowded, with travellers having to the Sumptown Rats (or their rivals, the
squeeze past each other. There is a Red Hooks and Dockside Valkyries), city
50% chance of pickpockets. watch, beggars and other street folk with
3d6 Grey Skulls (minor thieves’ guild) their ear to the ground, etc. One or more
are running a high stakes dice table in Cha (Persuasion) or Str (Intimidate)
18 a sheltered alcove. The leader, Addar checks, and/or 1d6 gp, might be required
(Rogue 4, patchy bleached blonde
for each attempt.
hair) welcomes anyone with gold.
A street urchin, Narfex (Nydissian, 8
yrs old, Dex 15) approaches the party 3. Inquiries with Eye Witnesses. If the PCs
and asks them to lean in close. If they visit the vicinity of the murders to speak
19 do, he whispers that a man in beggar’s with potential eye witnesses, they may
clothes is following them. He then make checks similar to (2) above.
looks at them expectantly (hoping for
a coin).
If the information gathering process is a success,
Highlord Ipsgrave (city ruler) is in this
square with 4d10 city watch (Fighter 1- the party learns one useful piece of information (or
2) and 2d4 Unbroken (Fighter 3-4). A two on a great success). Roll 1d4:
20 small crowd has gathered. Ipsgrave is
opening a new gallows, building 1. The murderer is a clean shaven, olive
goodwill with plenty of amicable chit skinned Midlander/Argosan (or other
chat, hand shaking and baby kissing. culture fitting the GM’s world), with light
brown hair.

2. The murderer is approx 6 ft tall, medium

build, with a scar on his forehead (Belor 2
& 3 have replicated the scar that Belor 1
suffered years earlier).


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

3. The murderer fought with twin swords, Tipping off the Assassins
and wore leather armour with steel At the GM’s option, each time a PC makes
shoulder pauldrons. inquiries about the assassin, there is a 30% chance
word gets back to the Belors (who have
4. The murderer defeated his mark with informants, including members of the Rats,
little trouble. The victim grew increasingly keeping an ear to the ground about potential
unco-ordinated as the fight progressed. reprisals from the dukes). On a terrible failure, the
chance increases to 60%. Roll 1d6:
If the party searches for physical clues at either of
the lieutenants’ murder sites (in an alley off 1. Attacked. 4d6 Sumptown Rats are sent to
Warbrin Way, and thrown off the roof of the kill or injure the PCs, led by Miscra
Gilded Goat tavern), some useful details might be (shaved head Varnori female with thievery
revealed. Dried blood of the victim, as well as the brands, 4 HD, 1d2 doses of Ghoulsheen
murderer, is present at one scene. Admixture).

If the blood is tested (Int (Apothecary) test with the

proper gear and 2d6 hours), the character learns Sumptown Rat, AC 12, HD 1, Shortsword 1d6 19:
that one blood splatter was poisoned (the victim’s; disarm, S10 D13 C10 I11 P13 W9 Ch10 L4, Mv
Elderberry Toxin, LFG p.33), and the other blood 30 ft. Sumptown Rats have a 40% chance of
(Belor 3) shows residual traces of an old retrovirus carrying 1d2 firepots.
linked to respiratory disease (Greybeard’s Huff,
which Belor 3 suffered when young, the other
triplets did not contract the disease).


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

2. Followed. Belor 3 locates and shadows gangs meet at, run by Morrigan, a female
the party for half a day (or night), of breathtaking beauty, Bard 6).
observing their activities and attempting to
gauge their threat level before reporting Belor 2 goes to meet with the party to
back to his brothers. Note Belor 3 is an personally attempt to persuade them to
expert infiltrator and gains adv on hiding ditch their assignment with Jester. Under
related checks (see p.84). If discovered, no circumstances will Belor attack. When
he flees. it is time to leave, a stablehand appears
with a swift horse for Belor to depart on
3. Poisoned. A cook, bar wench, etc on (if the party pursues him and he needs to
Udan’s payroll and working at the inn escape, you might adapt the Rooftop
where the PCs are staying, attempts to Rumble encounter below).
poison one of the PCs (Golden Scorpion
toxin in food/drink; ingested, 1d4 hours, 6. Pre-emptive Strike. The Belors decide the
reduces target to zero hp and causes 1d4 best strategy is to kill the PCs ASAP. They
Str loss. (Luck (Con) save to negate hp launch an ambush as the PCs are
loss). The toxin admixture manifests as travelling the streets, Belor 1 from the
stroke like symptoms. An apothecary rooftops, Belor 2 surges out of a sewer
examining the victim might determine the grate, and Belor 3 in disguise as an old
real cause (blood test, 2d6 hours, Int lady. The triplets strike to kill, but will flee
(Apothecary) test at disad unless familiar if clearly outclassed or if any of them are
with the remote Suurat Jungle scorpion or slain.
rare poisons).
Setting a Trap
The PCs might try to draw the assassin into a trap,
perhaps by parading one or more of the
lieutenants (and/or Jester) in public, hoping to bait
him into attacking. The various dukes are reluctant
to play bait however, and understand that being
herded together increases the risk of attack. They
will take some convincing to co-operate with such
a plan (Cha (Persuasion) check at disad vs Will).

If this strategy is adopted, Belor 1 attempts to kill

one or more of the targets at whatever public
venue the PCs lure him to (per timeline p.83).
4. Warning. The cook referred to in entry 3
leaves a message in the PC’s room, a
Belor 1 may or may not suspect a setup,
scrawled parchment note (Belor 2’s
depending on how conspicuous the PCs are, and
handwriting): “Leave the city by dawn or
whether the Belors have obtained any intel on
we’ll bury you in the sewer.”
them (eg: due to the PCs making inquiries, etc). If
he suspects a trap he brings back up (3d6
5. Meeting. The assassins send a messenger
Sumptown Rats). Either way, Belor 1 prefers to
to the party, making arrangements to meet
attack the target with a heavy crossbow and
at Morrigan’s Den (Midlands, a tavern
poisoned bolt (1d3 doses of Purple Worm venom,
considered “neutral ground” that rivals


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Luck (Con) save or dead), shooting from a rooftop The house is half brick, half wood, similar to early
at 300 – 400 ft range. Tudor houses. The front and back doors are
reinforced oak, with master locks (disad on
After taking his poisoned shots, Belor 1 flees. The picking attempts) and may be barred (5 x Str
GM might transition this to the Rooftop Rumble. checks at disad to break). Entry is via the front or
back door, the many windows with wooden
Hole Up shutters, or by removing roof tiles to enter the roof
If the PCs decide to hole up with cavity.
Jester/Lieutenants and wait for the assassins to
come to them, Jester can offer a little used Doors and windows are not marked on the map,
safehouse as the site; an empty merchant’s home excepting the front and back doors. Every room or
on Butterwood Lane in the market quarter. hallway with an external wall will have one or more
The Rats recently took ownership of the building
but have rarely used it, except to stash the Room key:
occasional piece of stolen property. Alternatively
the PCs might arrange their own bolthole. (1) Entry Hall (grand entry chamber,
appointed with painting and vases on
alabaster plinths).

Butterwood Map

If the PCs use the Butterwood site, they are free to

make changes to the interior of the house (2) Sitting Room (some comfortable reclining
(including setting traps, etc), but are not permitted couches and tea table)
to change the exterior (which must continue to (3) Music Room (collection of medieval
blend into the neighbouring homes, hiding in plain instruments)
sight). (4) Study (walls and bookcases of books,
secondary stairs in corner)
(5) Kitchen (benchtops, pantry, chairs)


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

(6) Dining Room (long table, chairs, crockery hooks or use the tower’s internal stairwell (city
cupboard) clerks are inside the belltower, and will protest
(7) Games Room (card tables, darts) adventurers barging in).
(8) Secondary Bedroom (small bed,
wardrobe, desk, door may be locked) Rooftop Rumble
(9) Master Bedroom (large bed, walk in robe, Assuming there is some kind of confrontation on
desk, chair, expensive rug and paintings the rooftops, the following map depicts the streets
(1d6 x 300 gp), door may be locked). and buildings for the battle to range across.

If the PCs hole up here for long enough, Note many of the buildings are close enough
eventually the Belors come for them (Day 4+), together that a PC can attempt to leap across (Str
attempting to sneak in through the rooftop. They (Athletics) or Dex (Acrobatics) check or fall,
bring 3d6 Sumptown Rats with them (who remain buildings are 1d3 x 10 ft high). Additionally, the
atop nearby buildings) as backup, a fighting map includes ladders/planks positioned across
rearguard, or to provide a distraction. gaps, sturdy eaves, and other outcroppings to assist
with movement (left by chimney sweeps, burglars,
Disrupting the Next Attack etc).
The PCs might wish to follow (secretly or
otherwise) one or more of Jester’s lieutenants, or If one or both of the Belors are slain, the
Jester herself, hoping to be on hand when an remainder flee, seeking to escape. The brothers
assassination attempt is made. are experts in disengaging, and if not grabbed or
otherwise restrained, may make a Dex check at the
Further to the Belors’ timetable, this strategy is end of a round to transition into a Chase scene.
eventually successful, with Belors 1 & 3 attempting
a quick kill and getaway. Subject to the target being For the purposes of a Chase, the following
on the street at some point, the attack comes from complications might ensue:
above, shooting poison bolts at the victim until the
PCs intervene. • Large Crowds
o Street: Funeral procession,
The exact time and location of the attack is shepherd with herd of bison,
flexible, but the default is at dusk below Korrin’s packing up street stall.
Belltower in the residential quarter; a particularly o Rooftop: Chimney sweeps
crowded district of winding alleys. The assassins playing cards, meeting of star
attack from the rooftop of the belltower and gazers, flock of bats.
nearby buildings, shooting at the target and PCs,
before eventually making their escape across the • Dangerous Hazards
rooftops of the city. o Street: a boisterous bar fight
engulfing passers by, gang of
The belltower is 80 ft high and scaling it requires a 1d6+2 thugs, falling debris from
Str (Athletics) check (half movement, or at disad above, starving or rabid dog pack,
for 2/3 movement). Failing a check results in a fall startled horse kick, glass from a
from about halfway through the current broken window.
movement. Alternatively, PCs might simply o Rooftop: barbed wire, collapsed
return fire, scale nearby buildings, throw grappling chimney rumble, poison snake


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

• Rooftop Map

Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

o nest in drain, Sumptown Rat The brothers are loyal to themselves, their guild,
rearguard take pot shots at the and no-one else. Ruthless and methodical, they
PCs, 1d3 bear traps to discourage mean to engage in sufficient murder for hire to fill
their coffers, then retire to a quiet life beyond the
break & enters).
sea. If all goes well, this will be their last job.

• Obstructions The triplets’ plan is straight forward, but like most

o Street: horse and cart, chain link plans, will change in response to their opponents.
fence, stack of barrels or crates, In this case, the Belors’ strategy is as follows:
slippery from overflowing drain
or other spill. 1. On the day the PCs are hired, another
o Rooftop: faulty roof tiles, broken duke is slaughtered, ostensibly by a single
lantern oil slick, caltrops dropped assassin.
by the assassins/rats derelict roof
in danger of collapse, 1d4+1 2. On Day 2, the assassins seek out the
private sentries on duty. location of one or more lieutenants.

• Third Parties 3. On Day 3, a lieutenant is attacked and

o Street: 1d4 beggars, 1d6 city killed, unless prevented by the PCs. If
watch, an overly amorous prevented by the PCs, they learn 1d4
drunkard, tired woman a with hours later that a different lieutenant (or
broom trying to separate two other duke) was killed at the same time,
fighting cats. elsewhere in the city (descriptions suggest
o Rooftop: depressed money the same assassin that the PCs foiled, but
lender, 1d3 rats fire crossbows at in truth another of the triplets).
the party, cranky old gent
smoking his pipe (“get off my 4. On Day 4 the assassins seek to locate
roof!”). Jester (75% chance each day, modified by
actions taken by PCs to hide her,
The Assassins assuming they can convince her to go into
The Belors are in their early 20’s, identical triplets, hiding).
heralding from another city where they trained as
assassins during their teens, under the auspices of 5. Assuming the Belors locate Jester, all
a secret assassins’ guild. They take great pains to three assassins come for her the same
masquerade as a single person and conceal their night.
individual identities. The brothers are relatively
unknown in Port Brax, except to high ranking Ambushing the Party
underworld figures such as Udan. If the Belors are aware that the PCs are hunting
them, they might seek to lure the party into a trap
While on a mission, the triplets dress the same or by using Belor 2 as bait, particularly if the PCs
wear disguises as other people. They may or may
appear oblivious to the fact that there are three of
not carry the same weapons as their brothers,
depending on their need at the time. On some them. When the trap is sprung, all three Belors
occasions the brothers will carry identical heavy attack, along with 3d6 Sumptown Rats.
crossbows, but at other times will be armed with
their favoured loadout.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Belor Stats
Belor #1, AC 13 (leather), HD 6, Heavy crossbow
4d8+2, 19: special, S15 D15 C11 I14 P14 W13
Ch9, L12, Mv 30 ft. 1d3 doses of Fireblood poison
(LFG p.33), climbing gear, caltrops, hand axe,
shield slung over back.

Belor #1 is an expert sniper, ignoring long range

penalties and inflicting double damage dice (inc
above). On a Nat 19 the target must roll on the
Injuries & Setbacks table (players may choose to
make a Luck save to negate). Major Exploit
Protection, Backstab, Skirmisher and Finisher
abilities like a 6th level Rogue, may choose from
the following tricks three times per combat:
Choking Dust, Cat’s Grace, Blind Sense, Quick
Reflexes, Smoke Bomb, Rapid Dose.

Belor #2, AC 13 (leather), HD 8+4, 2 x

Greatsword 1d12+3, 19: daze, S16 D15 C11 I14
P14 W13 Ch9, L10, Mv 30 ft. Dagger, climbing
gear, caltrops.

Belor #2 is a fearsome close combatant. He has If the brothers suspect they are walking into a trap,
Major Exploit Protection and the Fighter they arrange for 3d6 Sumptown Rats to
Adaptable ability, with the Two hander style. He accompany them as backup.
may change styles four times per combat. Gains
Off Turn Attacks when staggered. Aftermath
The Belors do not give up as long as they live. If
Belor #3, AC 14 (leather), HD 7, 2 x Scimitars they are driven away, they retreat to safety, bind
1d8+1, 19: disarm, S12 D17 C11 I14 P14 W13 their wounds, recruit more rats and/or other
Ch15, L12, Mv 30 ft. Dagger, climbing gear, mercenaries to aid them.
caltrops, disguise kit, 1d2 doses Whisperfog.
If all three are killed however (3 x Carry Loot and
Belor #3 is an expert in infiltration, impersonation 3 x Valuables), Udan decides he has expended
and disguise, gaining adv on Deception and Stealth enough energy (and funds) on the dukes, and
related abilities. Belor #3 has the Bard abilities magnanimously allows them to be (for now).
Inspire Greatness and Rally, which he may choose Unless the PCs went out of their way to kill Rats,
from up to 4 times per combat. May parry missile Udan considers them competent mercenaries, no
weapons by making a Luck (Dex) save. Major more, no less, and might even offer them work in
Exploit Protection. the future. If the PCs did slaughter more rats than
necessary, Udan takes note and holds a long


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)



Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Fane of the Frog God
At the start of this adventure, Master Rovos (30s,
Rumour has it in Port Brax that Master Rovos, an half Varnori, with blonde hair, sizable chin,
explorer and collector of elven artefacts, is seeking oblivious close talker) of Port Brax, a collector of
fearless mercenaries to accompany him on an elven antiquities, believes he has discovered the
expedition into the Forest of Drelnor. location of the lost temple. Rovos is seeking
capable mercenaries to escort him to the site to
Elven Relics investigate.
Early in the Second Age, during the fall of the last
elven city of Yûln Varsune, an assassin named
Moloceth rose to prominence. Notorious in
certain circles for her capacity for murder, man
and giant alike prayed to avoid her shadow.

In truth, whilst an accomplished impersonator and

swordsman, much of Moloceth’s success stemmed
from an elven relic in her possession; the Boots of
Formlessness, granting her unnatural powers of

After Moloceth was slain by marauding

serpentmen, the boots were discarded in the
Fennorn River, somewhere in the Forest of
Drelnor. Washing up on her shores years later, the
relic passed briefly among beastmen and thuel
tribes before being reclaimed by the elves, who
secured them in a local temple to the Bruhga of
Winter Light.

After the elves became extinct, the forest temple

was taken over by the Myurp Croakers; a tribe of
intelligent frogmen. Located along a remote river
inlet, the croakers converted the shrine into their The explorer is offering 400 gp up front, plus an
amphibian lair, riddled with mud nests and equal share in any liberated treasures. He will not
flooded halls. let on that a prior team of adventurers departed
two months ago and never returned. A successful
The Myurp are gangly, humanoid anurans, 5 ft tall, Perc (Insight) vs Cha (Deception) contest might
with elongated limbs and protruding eyes. Their reveal his holding back. Alternatively time spent
smooth skin tends toward dappled grey or green, researching their potential employer may reveal
and secretes a toxic sheen. Technically omnivores, his recent dealings (perhaps a Cha (Gather
the croakers prefer to eat meat if available, and Information) check at his local watering hole, the
have no qualms devouring humans. Rack & Spindle, or questioning appropriate PC
contacts (fences, sages of old civilizations, etc).


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

1. Hooting, jeering, and human screams can
be heard distantly through the trees. Some
scouting reveals 4d6 Skorn (beastmen)
encamped, torturing a pair of human
barbarians over a roasting fire (distracting
their sentry).

2. A yellow-grey Giant Serpent skin is found.

At first it appears to be a single 9 ft body-
tail section, recently shed. Further
investigation however reveals an
additional 12 ft length, including a
fearsome 3 ft wide skull. There is a 50%
chance the 11 HD monster is nearby and
hungry (as Giant Serpent but Str 20,
2d8+poison, Luck 11, Off Turn Attacks).

3. A huge clearing, devoid of trees but

choked with long grasses. The exposed
roots of trees lurk around the perimeter,
as if afraid to encroach. Sunlight or
Rovos, AC 14, HD 2 (13 hp), Longsword 1d8+1 starlight shines brightly from above, and a
or Heavy Crossbow 2d8+1, 19: as weapon, S13 cool breeze blows. Something glitters in
D13 C10 I13 P10 W12 Ch11, L10, Mv 30 ft. the clearing’s centre, but it’s hard to make
Rovos wears heavy leathers with a shoulder out, masked by the fanning grass.
pauldron, arm and leg braces. He has the Fighter
Adaptable ability, with the Ranged style. He may 4. Strangle cooing noises sound overhead as
change styles twice per combat. 1d4 Giant Eagles land on some of the
sturdier branches in the high canopy,
Forest Trek engaged in some manner of mating ritual.
Drelnor Forest is ancient and lush, filled with oak, Leaves and smaller limbs fall to the forest
yew and willow trees. The deeper one travels, the floor. The eagles are attracted to any
larger the tree trunks, until they are as broad as movement below.
houses. The canopy above is thick and intricate,
often obscuring direct sunlight, casting the forest 5. A low rumbling sound forewarns of a
floor in cold, dark shadows. The noise of insects narrow river ahead, blocking the party’s
and birds is constant. path. The waters are not overly deep (up
to about 5 ft), but fast flowing and
The ruined temple is located at least 5 days into treacherous (Str check to wade across, or
the woods, with a 30% chance of a random lose 1 Con due to exhaustion). Some trees
encounter every 12 hours. If an encounter occurs, on the far shore have been painted red
roll 1d10: (blood); marking the territory of the Red
Jaw thuels (they paint their jaws red). 2d4
barbarian sentries (Berserker with
warhorns) patrol the area.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

6. An odd 18 ft long, 5 ft wide and 3 ft high
mound is located here, overgrown with
grasses and small trees. A small amount of
digging reveals large stones form a cairn
beneath. An ancient inscription (in Giant
tongue) confirms it is the grave of
Judermok (a giantess). Looting the bones
produces 1 x Valuables, but also invokes
a curse: the next time the PC fumbles an
attack roll, their weapon shatters into
thirteen pieces (Luck (Will) save resists; if
a magical weapon it is damaged instead).

7. A staggeringly enormous tree can be seen

ahead, trunk as wide as a house, the
highest branches dwarfing the canopy. A
5 ft wide hollow is situated on the western
side, from which a faint glow emanates. A
muffled singing, or perhaps praying or
chanting, can be heard emanating.

8. Roaring, screeching and the snapping of Freakish Batbeaks are 4 ft alien entities from
branches can be heard before two fighting another dimension; hideous amalgams of
Owlbears burst into view. octopod, bat and netherworldly horror. Their
overriding instinct is to feast upon or impregnate
9. An ancient elven dream spire stands in a mortals with their vile, squirming larvae.
cluttered grove; a curling 7 ft horn of white
stone, marked with sorcerous runes. The 10. A band of 1d6 Green Croakers (with
grove is located on a leyline crossing. 3d6 shortbows) riding Giant Dragonflies are
Freakish Batbeaks guard the area, patrolling here, determined to drive off
recently spawned from a twist in the Veil. any humans they encounter.
The abominations cannot venture more
than 1,000 ft from the spire. Giant Dragonfly, AC 15, HD 4, Stinger 1d6 +
poison, 19: random limb paralysed for 2d6 rounds
Freakish Batbeaks, AC 14, HD 3, Acidic tentacle (no save), S14 D19 C14 I3 P10 W10 Ch4 L7, Mv
2d4+1, 19: special, S8 D16 C10 I4 P13 W10 Ch2 120 ft flying. The giant dragonfly’s poison causes
L6, Mv 60 ft flying. On a 19+ attack roll, the paralysis for 1d6 x 10 mins (Luck (Con) save
batbeak attaches itself to the target’s head and resists).
vomits larvae down their throat (Luck (Con) save
resists). The target dies 2d4 days later when a fully
grown batbeak bursts out of them. An Apothecary
may perform surgery to remove the parasite (Int The Myurp occupying the temple come in three
(Apoth) test at disadvantage, if successful the target varieties according to skin colouration; green, grey
lives, but requires 2 weeks recovery). and black.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Green Croaker, AC 14, HD 1, Knife 1d4+2, 19: The passage is approx. 5 ft in diameter, shut with
special, S10 D15 C10 I10 P13 W8 Ch8 L4, Mv 30 a wooden door, and concealed with leaves etc
ft inc swim/climb. On a 19+ attack roll, the green (Perc (Det) check to find, Str (Ath) check to force).
croaker chokes its victim with elongated fingers, The tunnel slopes downwards 90 ft before
poisoning it with toxic secretions (Luck (Con) save becoming submerged. After swimming
or 1d3 Con loss). A croaker may spend an action underwater for 3 rounds, the passage climbs back
coating their knife with their natural toxin (lasts up then emerges into the south east corner of Area
2d6 rounds or until used). 13.

Grey Croaker, AC 13, HD 3, Club 1d6+2, 19: The underground complex is generally dark and
special, S15 D13 C12 I10 P10 W12 Ch8 L6, Mv damp, with the sound of constant dripping and
30 ft inc swim/climb. Grey croakers are bulkier splashing. The croakers have good night vision,
than their green cousins, with stronger hindlegs. but are blind in complete darkness, and keep the
On a 19+ attack roll, the grey croaker launches interior lit with luminous moss, glow bugs, torches
itself at the target, causing 2d6 extra damage, and and self made lamps (using oil extracted from
pushing them 15 ft (no save). If the target is pushed plants).
into a wall or similar, they are also knocked prone.
The temple is constructed of expertly cut
Black Croaker, AC 13, HD 5, 2 x Sword 1d8+2, sandstone, 8 ft high ceilings shored up with
19: disarm, S15 D15 C12 I13 P15 W13 Ch10 L8, petrified beams of forest oak. Elven runes of
Mv 30 ft inc swim/climb. Black croakers are more foresight, protection, winter and inspiration are
intelligent than their kin, and highly agile. When carved into some pieces, including petrified
staggered, they emit an ribcage rattling croak, wooden doors.
causing humans within 20 ft to be stunned (lose
next action, Luck (Will) save resists).

Lost Temple
Situated in a wind sheltered valley, little remains of
the above ground portion of the temple (a few
crumbling structural walls, fallen blocks, etc), most
of which are concealed by heavy overgrowth.
Pinpointing the ruins requires an Int (Wilderness
Lore) check. Once in the correct area however
one structure is readily apparent; a dark green
trapdoor of malachite, decorated with an ice crown

The slab is free of grass/vines, and recently used

(looking for tracks reveals humanoid prints). The
trapdoor leads to Area 1. There is a 50% chance
1d2 Green Croakers on sentry duty, hiding
nearby. Besides the trapdoor, there is a second
entrance about 200 ft south; an old, unused tunnel
constructed by the croakers in case of emergency.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)



Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Much of the temple is flooded with water (noted for a few moments (care of the Colossal
in grey on the map), due to a rising underground Frog in Area 8).
river (ultimately joining up with the Fennorn).
Unless otherwise noted, the cloudy water is about 7. A translucent 6 ft elf with antlers flows out
waist deep, chillingly cold, and beset with pond of a nearby wall, crosses the
insects such as mosquitoes (halves PC movement). passage/room, then disappears through
The occasional freshwater fish, turtle, eel, etc will the opposite wall. The phantom might
tend to make themselves known (eating surface have useful information to provide if
bugs, gliding past a PC, etc). interacted with (eg temple layout or the
contents of Area 6 or 18). The ghost
Temple Encounters believes it is still alive and living in the long
Whilst exploring the temple, there is a 30% chance forgotten past, somehow mistaking the
of a random encounter every 20 minutes. If an party for visiting pilgrims.
encounter occurs, roll 1d10:
8. A surge in the underground river causes
1. 1d3 Grey Croaker acolytes in hooded the water levels to rise to chest height. PCs
robes from Area 12 are enroute to check suffer -1 to hit with slashing or
bludgeoning weapons.
on the tadpoles in Area 13, the chief in
Area 17, or to exit the temple via Area 1.
9. Yor’f, an attractive (relatively speaking)
male croaker, is hiding in a murky nook,
2. 2d6 Green Croakers, returning from a desperately trying to avoid the attentions
surface hunting expedition, carrying two of Sm’ubb (see 10).
unconscious Skorn (beastmen; to be
shackled in Area 16). 10. Sm’ubb, the Chief from Area 17, is
wading through the halls, looking for a
3. Emerging from the underground river in specific male frogman she wishes to spawn
Area 8, a Giant Lake Serpent (a pet of the with. She is quite cranky and distracted,
Myurp) is looking for food (as Giant munching on a giant leech.
Serpent but swim 30 ft). It will attempt to
strike from ambush, and quietly drown its Area 1 – Main Entry
prey. The trapdoor opens to reveal descending
sandstone stairs, 10 ft wide, lit by flickering oil
4. 3d6 Stirges can be heard buzzing down a
lamps. The walls are set with tiled mosaics of
nearby passage. The swarm has detected leafless trees, icy rivers and stormy skies.
the party’s heat signature and is hunting
them (they ignore the cold blooded
If there were no sentries above ground, there are
croakers, who sometimes eat them as
1d2 Green Croakers here, lounging in waist high
snacks). water at the base of the steps. A quiet party might
take them by surprise (they are expecting a
5. 1d3 frogmen Tadpoles from Area 13
returning scouting party, not PCs), but if not, they
swim around the next corner, splashing as
croak loudly to alert their kin in Area 3.
they playfully leap out of the water.

6. An incredibly loud, stomach turning

croaking echoes throughout the complex


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Area 2 – Reception Hall If accepted, the PC ages 5d6 years (an
This 25 ft by 20 ft waiting area is filled with cloudy, inconsequential price for an elf), and gains the
waist high water and surface skimming bugs. The following boon (roll 1d4):
walls and ceiling are painted with faded murals of
7 ft naked elves with antlers, their skin the colour i. Fey Joining: Once per adventure, may
of autumn leaves. increase a single physical attribute by 4 (no
action, max 19, excluding Luck) for 2d6
Area 3 – Croaker Dens rounds.
These 20 ft square rooms were originally acolyte
chambers, now converted into croaker dens. ii. Quicksilver: Once per adventure, may
Prayers are still inscribed on some of the walls, take an extra move and action during their
reading right to left, the old elven way. Mud and turn.
straw nests cover most of the room. There are 1d6
Green Croakers in each area. iii. Nature’s Chosen: Immune to poison and
disease (magical or otherwise), as well as
Area 4 – Deep Drop Undead related drain (attribute, level,
The southern two thirds of this 35 ft by 25 ft aging, etc).
chamber have been excavated by the croakers to
make it 15 ft deep. The northern section has waist iv. Storm Soul: may cast Channel Lightning
height water before the sudden drop off. If the once every 1d4 months.
complex has been alerted to the party, 2d6 Green
Croakers will be hiding here in ambush. If possible The mirror activates but once every year and
they will attempt to grapple and drown the PCs. requires a check for a DDM effect (like any other
magic use).
Area 5 – Mirror Shrine
This 20 ft octagonal chamber has a high 15 ft roof Area 6 – Secret Vault
and water 4 ft deep. In the centre is a half A secret door in the western wall may be opened
submerged, intact mirror, its border shaped like by pressing on the lips of a male elf depicted in a
swirling clouds. The surface is stained and spotted faded mosaic (black armoured, antlers growing
with mould, but searching below reveals elven from his head, hands outstretched over a mass of
runes along the bottom (Perc check required to kneeling humans). The lips depress with an
read them in the murk, translating as “Give of the ominous “snick”, then the wall slides aside (Perc
future to bless the present”). check to notice the slight join around the lips).

The mirror is enchanted and immovable, a true The sealed 12 ft by 18 ft chamber beyond is
relic of the fey, impervious to mundane damage. unknown to the Croakers, and has not been
The frogmen sense the magic here and are fearful opened for thousands of years. The water from the
to enter. Cleaning the mirror, then staring deeply corridor pours in, swiftly rising to just below waist
into one’s own eyes might activate it (Will check height.
required). If successful, the user instinctively
understands a supernatural offer is being made to The interior is painted with vistas of distant lands,
them: they may sacrifice part of their future to gain or perhaps distant times, depicting snow clad fir
an immediate gift. trees, mountain peaks, and elves riding triceratops.
In one corner of the room is a submerged chest
containing 1 x 5 HD Lair Treasure (consisting of


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

elven coinage/trinkets) and the Boots of 50 ft above (beyond the range of ordinary
Formlessness. torchlight). Water levels on the northern bank
(extending 35 ft out) are about chest height,
The boots grant up to 3 attunements over time: spotted with softly glowing algae.

1. Once every 1d4 days the wearer may The columns are approx. 5 ft wide, carved with
spend an action to cast Globe of Silent elven prayers that have been defaced by the
Contemplation. croakers and covered with blasphemous litanies.
Blood, bile and faeces have been employed to
2. Once every week, the wearer may spend paint images of anurans fighting, fornicating and
an action to transform into shadow (as feasting, interspersed with leering icons of
Cradle of Formlessness, but cannot fly, Tebu’saat, the Croaking God.
however may move along any surface).
An old elven skiff is located near one of the rock
3. Once every three months, the wearer may columns, now petrified, but sealed well enough
spend an action to summon a Shade that that it still floats. The frogmen sometimes use it for
obeys commands for 1d6 x 10 minutes. If sleeping and spawning, evidence of which can be
the wearer is knocked unconscious, the found inside.
shade goes uncontrolled.
3d6 Green Croakers and 1d6 Grey Croakers are
A non-elf attuned to the boots inevitably develops socialising in the sacred cavern, paddling, diving
extreme haughtiness (as Elf racial trait, subsides in for fish, or spawning in lurid mating rituals unfit
1d6 months if the attunement ends). for human experience (the throaty croaking and
stinking, frothy egg pools are especially revolting).
They will be incensed at any intrusion.

Area 8 – Sacred Pool Proper

The greater pool is more than 40 ft deep,
extending approx. 160 ft north to south. The
subterranean river filling the complex originates
from here, flowing deep below the complex. In
addition to the croakers in Area 7, a 20 ft Colossal
Frog is hibernating on the pool floor. If combat
breaks out in the cavern, the croaker’s pet
behemoth awakens to aid them in 2d6 rounds.

Colossal Frog AC 14, HD 13, Bite 4d6, 19:

special, S20 D8 C18 I3 P9 W14 Ch5 L14, Mv 50
ft inc swimming and jumping. Major Exploit
Protection, Off Turn Attacks. 10 ft reach. On a
19+ attack roll, a humanoid target is swallowed,
Area 7 – Sacred Pool, Northern Bank suffering 3d6 damage on the frog’s turn. A
This area is a huge underground cavern (about swallowed target may attack the monster’s guts with
200 ft wide at its broadest point), with towering a small weapon such as a dagger.
rock columns that reach all the way to the ceiling


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Area 9 – Frog God Altar
This 30 ft by 25 ft raised section is mostly
unworked stone, but includes a tiled area at the
back where the croakers have constructed a giant
toad altar to Tebu’saat, illuminated by a flickering
torch pole. Whatever elven idol once stood here
are rubble, replaced with the frog god’s image.

Area 10 – Ante-room
This large ante-room once housed the elven
priests ceremonial gear, including robes, sticks of
incense, oils, and so on. All of it has been damaged
or destroyed by the croakers, but some remnants
are woven into their straw/mud nests. 1d6 Green
Croakers reside here.

Area 11 – Shaman Sanctum

What was once the elven priest’s sanctum has
been taken over by the croaker’s shaman Cr’noop.
The walls and floor are covered with hard mud,
painted with symbols of Tebu’saat.

Cr’noop is a 7 ft Black Croaker, wearing a beaten

gold torc (300 gp), and carrying a staff topped with
a giant bird skull. He is arrogant, overbearing, and
speaks common (thickly accented and
interspersed with gurgling). Depending on how
dangerous the party seems, he might seek to Area 13 – Tadpole Nursery
negotiate their withdrawal (or his own freedom). These smaller chambers were once pilgrim
Cr’noop knows about the prisoners hidden in domiciles, but are now used as infant croaker
Area 16 for example, and the sealed chamber in nurseries. There are 2d4 Croaker Tadpoles
Area 18. He does not have any genuine magical lurking about. The 3 ft tadpoles have been taught
ability, but is well versed in the history and to speak common by the shaman Cr’noop (Area
religious lore of his kind. 11), and will be curious about the PCs (“what ya?”,
“why ugly eyes?”, “uughh hair!”, etc).
Area 12 – Frogmen Archives
This 30 ft by 20 ft room belongs to 1d4+1 Grey Croaker Tadpole, AC 10, HD 1 hp, Bite 1d3, 19:
Croaker acolytes (in ragged, hooded robes) of the the tadpole trips the PC by swimming between
shaman Cr’noop (Area 11). Hardened mud their legs, S4 D15 C6 I6 P13 W4 Ch7 L3, Mv 30
tablets are stacked on shelves, detailing the history ft inc swim/climb.
of the frogmen in the region (albeit in their own
language). The histories are prized by the In the south eastern corner of Area 13 is the
croakers, and might provide a bargaining chip for underwater tunnel leading to the surface (5 ft
PCs. diameter). If battle is going poorly for the frogmen,


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

they may seek to escape this way, taking any easily (Will) save resists), S15 D10 C13 I7 P12 W8 Ch8,
carried treasures with them. L5, Mv 30 ft. Rudimentary dark vision, advantage
to sense danger or detect scents.
Area 14 – Living Chamber
What was once a library is now a converted In their weakened state, it may be possible to
croaker living area, scattered with nests, half eaten persuade or coerce the beastmen into aiding the
fish/humans/beastmen. 2d6 Green Croakers are party.
here at any one time. The room is poorly
ventilated and smells terrible. Area 17 – Hall of Idols
This 40 ft by 20 ft mirrored hall is mildewed and
The double doors allowing entry may be sealed mud stained, lined with stone idols of the Frog
tight with a barring beam leaning in one corner God in his many guises (eating, sleeping,
(requires 3 x great success Str checks to break fornicating, fighting, etc). Various nests fill the
down, or significant time with the right tools). The common area, including the large and brightly
frogmen, or PCs, might hole up here for a time, decorated nest of the croaker chief, Sm’ubb.
depending on how matters unfold.
Sm’ubb is 6 ft tall, a particularly skinny Black
Area 15 – Storage Croaker with slender fingers well acquainted with
The old reading and meditation room is now a choking the life out of her enemies. She speaks
storage area, littered with sundry items useful to common, similar to Cr’noop (Area 11), and will
the croakers (barrels of rotting meat, bundles of not be pleased to find interlopers in her personal
straw, mud bricks, cut logs, rope, tools, etc). The domain. Sm’ubb has survived as chief by bullying
northern corner is conspicuously empty of clutter and outwitting her rivals, and will attempt to do the
and dirty footprints disappear into the “wall”. same with the PCs.
Examining the area reveals a spring loaded secret
door, and 40 ft corridor to Area 16. Sm’ubb, AC 13, HD 7, Sword 1d8+2 and Bite
1d10, 19: disarm or bites off random limb below
Area 16 – Prison the joint (Luck (Dex) save resists), S15 D15 C12
The original purpose of this secret room is I14 P15 W16 Ch11 L8, Mv 30 ft inc swim/climb.
unclear, but the croakers have converted the area Sm’ubb has Major Exploit Protection. When
into a holding pen for prisoners. A human staggered, she emits an ear splitting croak, causing
barbarian named Drunmot (60’s, heavily scarred, humans within 20 ft to be stunned (lose next
with Crow Biter tribe warpaint) and 1d3 Skorn are action, Luck (Will) save resists).
shackled to the walls, starving, beaten and dying
(all on 1d3 hp). Searching the nests recovers 1 x Carry Loot and 1
x Trinkets & Curios.
Drunmot, AC 10, HD 1, 19: as weapon, S13 D10
C13 I10 P10 W12 Ch11, L4, Mv 30 ft. Drunmot Area 18 – Sealed Chamber
is a berserker with S13, +2 to attack, and never The stone double doors leading to this chamber
checks for morale. He will gladly help the party kill are magically sealed, decorated with a scene of fog
any croakers they find. cloaked trees, cut through with beams of morning
Skorn, AC 10, HD 2, as weapon 19: the target is
clubbed in the head, losing its next action (Luck


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

The doors are impervious to mundane tools, and Shield of Winter
may only be opened via Sundering Sign, Sever 2nd Level
Arcarnum, by the hand of an elf, or a person Range: Self
blessed by the mirror in Area 5. Duration: 2d6 hours or until expended

The 40 ft corridor beyond has not been set foot in As Arcane Aegis, but the disc is made of magical
since the Second Age, dusty floor tiles of blue and ice. If the shield is used to negate a physical attack,
white portraying a winding river with ice floes. The the attacker must make a Luck (Con) save or be
corridor is completely dark, quiet, and smells frozen (helpless) for 2d6 rounds. If the caster is
stale/musty. subject to fire based attack, the Shield of Winter
automatically negates the attack, then ends.
If anyone other than an elf (or person blessed by
the mirror) approaches the east/west doors, a Aftermath
hissing sound is heard (as ice binding golems in If Rovos is able to retrieve any genuine elven
each chamber swiftly melts, issuing large clouds of artefacts he considers the expedition to be a
steam from beneath the doors). In 2d4 rounds, the success (especially any of the items in Areas 6 and
doors swing open to release twin Sandstone 18), and will recommend the party to others. If
Golems upon any intruders. The golems do not Rovos dies, word eventually gets back to Port
communicate, and will not stop until all non-elves Brax, tarnishing the PCs’ reputation there.
are driven from the temple.

Sandstone Golem, AC 14, HD 6, Fist 2d6, 19: the

targets weapon is crushed (magical weapons are
immune), S19 D11 C17 I- P13 W- Ch-, L8, Mv 20
ft. The statues are Golems with the usual benefits.
They have 50% Magic Resistance, except against
Stone to Flesh, Melt Crag & Ridge, Bending the
Stone or Master of Earth & Stone which cause 6d8
damage (once only).

The final chamber is 30 ft square, with a 15 ft

ceiling, decorated with large tapestries of elven
history (battlefields, city scapes, an elven magus
queen with antlers dating back to the First Age).
The tapestries are faded and delicate, but have
been semi preserved by magic, and worth a small
fortune to the right buyer (2d4 x 300 gp).

In the centre of the room is a prayer mat and

private altar to the Bruhga of Winter Light (2 ft
diameter column, sandstone inlaid with onyx,
1,500 gp). The altar is inscribed with various
prayers, including a lost elven spell:


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)



Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Folds Between Worlds
It is clear to Fendrel that something unnatural is
Fendrel, a well known and respected druid of occurring, and as druid responsible for Yellow
Soliri, is looking to hire competent explorers to Cliffs grove, it is his duty to remedy the situation.
escort him into the wilds for an urgent task. The two other druids of his circle (Murte, 80’s
mostly senile, and Janeta, robust young female
with a musical laugh, bright eyes) are not
The World Tree Provides convinced there is a problem (and even if there is
Soliri is one of the Midlander’s Seven Ancients, one, are unwilling to tackle it themselves). Fendrel
goddess of the sun, weather, nature and creation. is able to offer 400 gp, plus some free healing
Implored to bless harvests, encourage fertility, and poultices/anti toxin brews, to escort him (Cultist,
to repel ferocious beasts, Soliri is commonly with staff) to the cliffs and sort out the problem.
depicted as a female faced sun, a swarm of leaves,
or a giant world tree. A Disturbance Below
The druid hopes that the source of the fauna’s
aggressiveness is tied to poisoned water, or some
manner of rare disease, but in his heart senses
something more devious is at work.

Fendrel’s instincts are correct. In the natural cave

complex beneath Yellow Cliffs, a rupture in the
Veil has allowed a Tentacle Spawn (name
unspeakable, telepathically it presents as three
metallic moons orbiting a pulsating flesh sack,
coated in malodourous mucus) to enter the world
from a distant dimension. Fascinated with this new
realm, the creature is prolonging the rift as it
explores its subterranean surroundings.

The elderly druid Fendrel (70’s, slight hunch, The rift’s direct link to Three Moons’ dimension
wispy white hair, miraculously fit and able to walk is affecting surrounding life forms (animal, plant
for days) is a devotee of the Sun Goddess, living and mineral), upsetting and unhinging all creatures
behind the safety of city walls, making occasional of sentience.
sojourns to sacred groves for ritual blessings.
Shennog’s Eye
Over the last few months, the druid has noticed an Fendrel is not the only party interested in the
alarming shift in animal behaviour in the vicinity of strange disturbance. Keeper Eldenee, a priestess
Yellow Cliffs. Bears, wolves and hunting birds are of Shennog (goddess of darkness, mystery and
more savage, and even normally timid creatures deceit) secretly prophesised the shift in the Veil,
such as hares seem to be growing more aggressive. and has dispatched agents to investigate on her
Even more worrying, monstrous creatures such as behalf. Unlike Fendrel, Eldenee has no interest in
owlbears, giant spiders and skorn are increasing in wildlife, but is keen to understand what has
frequency. occurred, an in particular whether there is any


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

prospect of harnessing the power of the rift, which cliffs on foot. They are searching for two
she refers to as “Shennog’s Eye”. lost twins.

2. The corpses of a family of hares are

strewn about this area. Their warren holes
were torn open by something with large
claws. The carcasses are uneaten.

3. A flock of 4d6 + 30 Ravens descends from

the sky or nearby trees, intent on tasting
the party’s blood.

Raven, AC 11, 1 hp, Peck 1d2, 19: Luck (Con)

save or suffer an eye or ear injury (Injury table,
entry 1 or 4, even chance), S4 D16 C5 I3 P13
W13 Ch10 L3, Mv 120 ft flying. The tainted flock
has advantage on morale checks.

4. A terrific thunder storm rolls in for hours,

drenching the party and turning the
ground to sucking mud. Each party
member must make a Con check or lose
Eldenee’s agents belong to Rutger’s Crew, 2d4+8 1 Con.
well paid and heavily armed mercenaries that the
priestess has successfully used on a number of 5. A Ranger Patrol (2d6 members, as bandit
prior occasions. with bows, swords), from the nearest city.
They might provide information or
Rutger’s Crew, AC 16 (heavy armour + shield), additional security for a time.
HD 3, Sword 1d8+2, 19: disarm, S14 D10 C13
I10 P10 W13 Ch9 L6, Mv 30 ft. Rutger’s Crew are 6. A party of 3d6 Cyclopes have ventured
steely eyed veterans, well paid and loyal to their down from nearby mountains, sent by
captain (Rutger, northerner, 7 HD, Polearm their tribe’s shaman to investigate the rift.
1d10+2, trained in Leadership, Arcane Lore). They are low on salted meat, and relish
They have advantage on morale checks as long as human flesh.
Rutger lives.
7. An enormous 16 ft Giant Serpent (10
Cliffside Trek HD) is dozing on nearby rocks, a large
The journey to Yellow Cliffs is three days on foot, bulge in its centre (a dissolving wolf). If it
through steep and rocky terrain, overlooking the detects the party, it is immediately hostile,
great lake, with scattered windswept trees. There is but feigns docility, hoping to draw the
a 40% chance of an encounter every 12 hours. If party in close before striking.
an encounter occurs, roll 1d8:
8. If day, 4d10 Skorn have broken out into a
1. A particularly aggressive band of 4d6 horrific intra tribal brawl, killing each
thuels (barbarians) are ranging across the other with jagged knives, bows and clubs.
If they detect the party, the survivors (3d6)


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

turn on them immediately, their natural Harpy, AC 12, HD 3, 2 Talons 1d4, 19: Luck
bloodlust heightened by the rift. (Will) save or suffer a minor madness, S9 D15
C10 I10 P12 W13 Ch15 L6, Mv 60 ft flying.
Yellow Cliffs Whilst tainted Sleemi has advantage on morale
Yellow Cliffs is so named for the sulphur tinged checks. The harpy’s song encourages a target to
rockface overlooking the expansive Lake Argos, unbuckle their climbing gear and jump into her
providing a magnificent, wind tousled view. arms, resisted with a Luck (Will) save. Sleemi’s
Situated on a high plinth are six yellowed stone touch imparts a Gaze of Beguilement effect, and
columns, which the druids have venerated for drains 1d4 Str (once per day per target).
generations as a sacred circle. Once a year,
Fendrel makes a secret sojourn here to enact The entry cave is round in shape, approximately 5
rituals passed from one druid to the next. ft in diameter at its widest point. The tunnel
beyond is quiet, cool, and pitch black.
Magic users (or others trained in Arcane Lore)
might detect that a ley line passes through the Catacomb Encounters
stones (Int (Arcane Lore) check). Using any A number of the chambers in the winding
genuine magic here increases its effect and catacombs are unmarked. At the GM’s option, roll
duration by 50%, but incurs a 3 point increase in 1d8 to determine what is within in these locations,
the Dark & Dangerous Magic test instead of 1. or when the party lingers in one spot for more than
thirty minutes.
More importantly, a successful check reveals that
the true power of the site is emanating from The natural passageways are generally unlit, dark
underground. The sulphurous columns extend as pitch, cold and prone to exaggerated echoes.
down many hundreds of feet to Area 10. Looking PCs will need their own light source to navigate the
over the nearby cliff’s edge, a small ledge and cave tunnels.
can be spotted about 200 ft below.
1. Empty aside from some carapace worms
Area 1 – Entryway undulating in a dimly phospherant mould
In order to reach the entry passage, the party will (harmless).
need to descend 200 ft down the rock face.
Climbing the cliff requires an Athletics (Str) check 2. Rutger’s Crew appear from a nearby
without climbing gear, or is automatic with passage (sneaking, fleeing from
appropriate gear and enough time. something, waiting in ambush, or arguing
about whether they should press on).
Part way through the descent however, the party is Depending on how the party reacts, they
set upon by Sleemi, a young and impetuous harpy might join forces for a time.
with a strong connection the ruptured Veil. Once
the party is in the midst of the climb, Sleemi flies 3. The rift in Area 10 widens, sending a
in close to sing her sorcerous song, tempting shudder throughout the entire complex.
individual PCs to jump into her arms. Any PC that Dust and small rocks fall from the ceiling,
does jump falls to their death, the body scooped thin cracks appear in walls, etc.
up by the harpy (taken back to her remote eyrie
for devouring). 4. 2d4 tainted Rock Grinders (Midlands)
burst from a nearby wall, ceiling or floor,
intent of dismembering the party.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)


Area 2 – Grey Ooze Trap

5. An impossibly low, drawn out half growl,
This 30 ft diameter chamber has a raised 10 ft dais
half sucking noise reverberates
in the centre. Beside the dais are 1d4 dead and
throughout the complex.
decaying barbarians, their faces locked in grimaces
6. A patch of 2d4 Yellow Mould is growing of terror.
on the ceiling, wall or nearby passage.
A Grey Ooze in league with Three Moons is
7. A freak gust of wind (originating from the hibernating in one corpse. If a PC approaches
rift) tears through the catacombs. Exposed within 60 ft, it awakens in 1d3 rounds, eager to
torches or other light sources have a 75% feast.
of being extinguished. If the party is left in
darkness, there is a 50% chance the Morg- Grey Ooze, AC 12, HD 6, Tunnelling
Tor from Area 6 appears. Pseudopod 2d4 + special and Emotion Burst, 19:
a psychic lash drains 1d4 Int (Luck (Will) save
8. Three Moons (see Area 10) is resists), S18 D16 C16 I4 P14 W16 Ch1, L8, Mv
approaching from a nearby passage, 40 ft inc walls, ceiling etc. Emotion Burst 120 ft
enroute to commune with the Morg-Tor range, Luck (Will) save or suffer a moderate
in Area 6, or checking on the Grey Ooze madness, 40% chance recharge each hour. May
in Area 2. project basic emotions up to 120 ft at will.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Area 3 – Thought Eater Morg-Tor, Boss Monster, AC 14, HD 8, 4
Dozing in this 20 ft by 10 ft cavern is a bulbous, Claws 1d6+1 and Bite 2d4+2, 19: the target has a
vaguely humanoid ooze; a rolling black mass of random limb below the joint torn/bitten off (Luck
amorphous folds with a single, glistening eye. (Con) save resists), S19 D10 C19 I5 P10 W12
Ch5, L9, Mv 40 ft. The Morg-Tor is a Boss
Thought Eater, AC 11, HD 9, Oozing Slap 2d8, Monster and Aberrant Terror with the usual
19: the target is subject to Confusion (as the spell, benefits, but Causes Injuries on criticals.
Will check resists), S17 D8 C15 I4 P10 W15 Ch3,
L10, Mv 30 ft. Thought Eaters are Aberrant If defeated, the Morg-Tor’s den contains the half
Terrors with the usual benefits. Anyone looking at eaten remains of many barbarian and beastmen
the eater is subject to its gaze attack on their turn victims (1 x Carry Loot and 1 x Trinkets & Curios).
(Luck (Will) save or suffer a pervasive madness. A
PC may avert their gaze or otherwise fight blind to
avoid this effect.

Area 4 – Ley Line Chamber

The natural stone of this 20 ft chamber has a glass
like sheen to it, transmuted by the tainted ley line
passing through the centre of the room. A PC
studying the area may make an Int (Arcane Lore)
check to sense the ley line, and on a great success
understands it is tainted. Whilst living creatures
linger in this space, check for a Dark & Dangerous
Magic effect each round, increasing the chance by
1 each time. Using magic here automatically
invokes a DDM effect.

Area 5 – Gas Pocket

This 30 ft by 25 ft junction smells strongly of
sulphur. A pocket of toxic gas (heavier than air)
has formed at the lowest point of the cavern (in a
nook on the southern side of the ledge). Careful
inspection of the nook reveals the near invisible
gas (a very slight distortion can be seen via
torchlight). Passing through the area stirs up the
invisible fumes, requiring a Con check to avoid
losing 1 Con. The gas is not flammable. Area 7 – Dual Sinkholes
This 30 ft by 15 ft cavern has two large sinkholes
Area 6 – The Morg-Tor that disappear into the underdark. The remains of
This 20 ft diameter chamber is the sleeping den of strange monstrosities litter the area (rended
the Morg-Tor, an alien entity that followed Three bulbous fleshy sacks, dismembered eyestalks,
Moons through the rift. 10 ft tall, with six limbs, a crushed chitinous claws, etc).
gigantic vertical maw and prehensile tongue, the
Morg-Tor serves the tentacle spawn as a labourer If the party enter this chamber, 1d6 Void Gropers
and guardian. (2 ft tall albino aberrations with three drooling
faces, hoofed feet and flapping, oily tentacles; they


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

make baby like cooing noises as they attack) dumped in Area 8. A party of juicy humans
emerge from each of the sinkholes at the end of however will quickly lure them out.
each round. After the latest round of gropers
appear, there is a 25% chance they stop emerging. Giant Centipede, AC 13, HD 2, Bite 1d3 and
Blanketing the sinkholes with fire, acid or a cave Stinger (Luck (Con) save or suffer 1 Con loss), 19:
in increases the chance to 75%. extra strong dose of poison requiring two Luck
saves instead of one, S14 D14 C10 I1 P10 W10
Void Gropers, AC 12, HD 2, 3 Tentacles Ch2, L5, Mv 30 ft. An adventurer has a 25%
(special) and 3 Bites 1d4+1, 19: another Void chance of harvesting one dose of poison from a
Groper crawls out of the sinkhole, S9 D13 C9 I2 dead centipede.
P12 W9 Ch3, L5, Mv 30 ft. Void Gropers are
Aberrant Terrors with the usual benefits (LFG Area 10 – The Rift
p.98). A tentacle attack imposes the Void Sloth This 50 ft by 50 ft cavern has a high 30 ft ceiling,
curse (fumble chance increases by 1, up to a and is decorated with six sulphurous columns,
maximum of 5, lasts 1d6 days, Will check resists). each 3 ft wide, that extend up into the ceiling. In
the centre of the columns is a 10 ft shaft that
Area 8 – Dumping Cavern descends 100 ft before coalescing as the ink black
This 15 ft by 20 ft cavern is situated in the centre rift to Three Moons’ home dimension.
of the catacombs, used as a dumping ground for
Three Moons’ victims. Piled against one wall are Around the edge of the hole are 2d6 pink,
the decaying bodies of numerous beastmen and pulsating brains (Rift Anchors), with curling
barbarians, they skulls broken open and brains tendrils that extend around the shaft perimeter
removed. Looting the area turns up 1 x Carry Loot and into the depths. The tentacle spawn maintains
and 1 x Valuables. There is a 50% chance of 2d4 the portal by feeding the rift anchors a steady diet
Plague Worms feasting on one or more of the of foreign emotions, leeched from its humanoid
corpses. victims.

Plague Worm, AC 17, HD 3, Batter 2d4+1, 19: The portal may be closed by (i) destroying the rift
special, S17 D10 C13 I3 P10 W10 Ch5, L6, Mv anchors, (ii) slaying Three Moons (if the tentacle
30 ft or 5 ft burrowing. On a 19, the target suffers spawn is killed, the rift anchors starve within
Worm Fungus (skin hardens and cracks painfully, hours), or (iii) successfully casting Sever Arcarnum
causing one random limb to become unusable for on the anchors.
1d4 weeks, per Injuries & Setbacks table, entry 2
or 3). Jumping into the shaft without a rope or other
means of restraint, prior to the rift being closed,
Area 9 – Centipede Nest causes a PC to pass through the portal, requiring a
This enormous 30 ft wide cavern has a 25 ft ceiling Luck (Con) save to survive the journey. The
and extends north into Area 10. In the centre is a specifics of Three Moons’ home dimension are
10 ft wide sinkhole that disappears several left to the GM to determine.
hundred feet into the earth, branching out into
smaller tunnels and winding passageways. Rift Anchor, AC 10, HD 4, Tentacle 2d4 + special,
19: the target is helpless, constricted by a tentacle,
A nest of 3d12 Giant Centipedes lives in the hole, spend an action to break free (Str contest), S15
for the most part studiously avoiding the recent D13 C6 I4 P11 W17 Ch3, L7, Mv immobile. Rift
influx of aberrations. They have been sustaining Anchors are Aberrant Terrors with the usual
themselves on smaller insects and the bodies benefits (LFG p.98). Their tentacle attacks have a


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

100 ft reach, but take 1 action to detach from the Rift Closure
rift before they can be used. A successful tentacle If Three Moons is killed, or no living anchors have
attack causes Confusion (as the spell). tentacles attached to the rift, it closes with a
deafening sucking noise (Luck (Con) save or suffer
Three Moons, Boss Monster, AC 13, HD 10+2 effective deafness for 2d6 days).
(87 hp), 2 Tentacles 1d8 + special, 19: psychic
blast, target loses next action (Luck (Will) save As the portal closes, any humans in the vicinity
resists), S13 D16 C14 I19 P19 W19 Ch15, L10, momentarily connect with Three Moons’ world,
Mv 30 ft. Tentacle Spawn are Aberrant Terrors experiencing a dark and dreadful vision (manifests
with the usual benefits. If both Tentacle attacks hit, telepathically as tables of tentacle spawn in a
the target must make a Luck (Con) save or die on gigantic hall of emerald green stone, where
the monster’s next turn (brain devoured), unless compliant Midlander humans shuffle out and sink
the two are somehow separated. Spend an action to their knees before their alien masters, prior to
to project a mental blast of abject horror in a 60 ft having their brains extracted). Whether the vision
cone, 20 ft wide at the base, causing 1d4 Int loss is true, and/or past, present or future, is for the
and imposing a serious madness (Luck (Will) save GM to determine. At the GM’s option, a Will
resists, 30% recharge chance). Spend an action to check may be required to avoid a minor madness.
produce each of the following spell effects once
per day: Gaze of Beguilement, Affliction of the Aftermath
Eyeless Host, Monstrous Subjugation, Ineffable If Feldren lives and the rift is closed, his fellow
Force and Strange Joining. druids hold the party is high esteem and offer free
anti toxins, healing herbs and other support in the
Three Moons has a genius (if alien) intellect and future. The party garners a degree of fame as world
will attempt to fight in a manner most spreads, particularly amongst Soliri’s faithful.
advantageous to it. If a PC is rendered helpless by
an anchor, the spawn will attempt to eat their If the party incapacitate or otherwise frustrate
brains while they are helpless. If Three Moons is Rutger’s band, they may make an enemy of
wounded, the Morg-Tor in Area 6 immediately Keeper Eldenee, depending on whether there are
senses this, and comes to help if possible. any survivors.

If battle goes poorly, Three Moons will attempt to If Three Moons is not killed or driven back into
flee through the rift, or into the sinkholes in Areas the rift, it continues to explore the underground
7 or 9. Depending on the circumstances, it might catacombs. As a tentacle spawn, the creature is
attempt some kind of telepathic parlay with the overwhelmed by wide open spaces, and cannot
party, or Keeper Eldenee’s agents if they are leave via Area 1. Given sufficient time, and
present; offering some manner of alien assuming Eldenee learns about the creature, she
technology, extra-terrestrial metal or other eventually strikes a deal with it, supplying brains in
desirable item in exchange for a truce or retreat. return for alien technology (perhaps mind reading
or suggestion effects), vastly increasing her
The precise details are left to the GM to personal power and order’s political clout. Over
determine, and might be of interest to Captain time, the tentacle spawn draws more of its kind
Rutger/contrary to Feldren’s/PCs’ interests. through the portal, excavating an outpost in the
depths of the cliffs.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)



Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Halls of the Dwarf Lord
of the Viridian Woods and report back to him, or
A young but cowardly archaeologist believes he (iv) wandering into the area while travelling the
has deduced the location of the lost Fortress of woods at large.
Dûmora; a dwarven hall of the Second Age. He
wants someone to comb part of the Viridian
Woods looking for it, and report back to him.

A number of frontier woodsmen and sentries have

reported animated skeletons walking the outer
perimeter of the Viridian Woods. The area is
clearly cursed, but the nobles still want someone
to investigate. A band of reckless, expendable,
gold hungry adventurers are just the ticket.

Halls of Dûmora
In the Second Age, long before the last of the
dwarves were made slaves to trading houses of
Dol-Karok, the Fortress of Dûmora stood on the
border of Griffon Rock and the Viridian Forest, a
testament to Stonelord Tolbren’s wealth and

Lost to antiquity, the halls sat silent for centuries

until the great doors were recently breached by the
Kraagoi cyclops tribe. The cyclops’ have lived in
the halls for generations, damaging or defiling
most of the dwarven artefacts, but some valuables Viridian Woods
still persist in a secret vault. This expansive woodland surrounds the small
mountain known as Griffon Rock. The forest is
During the past year, the Barrow Wight Gorvex primarily pine and fir trees, with an undergrowth
has taken control of the halls, cowing the tribe with of moss and thick bracken. Bears, wolves and a
sorcery and his undead minions. The wide variety of game are common, as are beastmen
necromancer is slowly building an undead army, and barbarians.
killing and animating any beastmen, barbarians or
other humanoids he encounters. At 110 years of Travelling to Dûmora is a trek of approximately
age, the wight is quite mad, and filled with three days, assuming the party takes the shortest
delusions of grandeur. route to the mountain. There is a 30% chance of a
random encounter every 8 hours. If an encounter
The party might become involved in this occurs, roll 1d8, adding 2 if the encounter is during
adventure by (i) reading about Dûmora’s Axe in a the last day of travel.
lost dwarven scroll, (ii) being asked to investigate
sightings of skeletons in the Viridian Woods, (iii) 1. A border patrol of 3d4 Centaurs can be
being hired by a young archaeologist to survey part heard thundering towards the party before


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

they appear. The adventurers are 9. 1d6 Cyclopes from Area 7 are returning
approaching centaur territory, and they from a recent raid, carrying sheep and
are not welcome. children in heavy nets (for eating).

2. A Bloodroot Treant is masquerading as a 10. 2d10 of Gorvex’s Skeletons are walking

large pine tree. The bones of two boars this area, looking for humans to kill and
are entangled in its roots. return to their master for animating.

3. 4d6 Skorn (Beastmen) are tending to a Crossing the River

sacred grove, lined with the skulls of The narrow but deep and fast flowing Silverwash
exulted warriors. To observe this secret River runs by the keep. Stoney steps lead up
ceremony means death to outsiders. between two colossal granite statues, depicting
ancient dwarf lords of the Second Age. The left
4. 1d4 Dire Bats are hanging in the treetops statute is heavily damaged and missing its upper
or flying overhead. Upon detecting the third. Faded dwarven runes can be still be read
party, they swoop in for an opportunistic about the base of the statues, commemorating
meal. their construction 1,200 years ago.

5. An ancient Harpy (9 HD, Off Turn The bridge is in good repair, 20 ft wide, 120 ft long
Attacks) named Ebecinzyr lives here high and 60 ft high. It has a 3 ft lip on either side to
in a grand pine tree. She has sung her prevent falling off. The river is about 60 ft wide
beguiling song for over a century and beneath the bridge, and 40 ft wide at its narrowest
devoured more beastmen and barbarians point further south.
than most creatures in the forest. She will
be intrigued by a party in heavy armour In addition to the bridge, further upriver is a
and foreign garb, and might be inclined to collection of fallen mountain rocks that have
talk to them, rather than eat them. The formed a makeshift ford. Crossing here requires a
old harpy knows many secrets of the Dex (Acrobatics) check to navigate the slippery
woods. rocks, and a Str (Athletics) check to swim some of
the submerged sections.
6. 5d4 Giant Rats spring from cover, intent
biting chunks out of the PCs before Swimming the river to cross at the narrowest point
fleeing into the undergrowth! requires a Str (Athletics) check at disadvantage due
to the powerful currents. A character that fails a
7. 2d6 Griffons are wheeling overhead, swimming check is dragged down river into rapids,
screeching to each other while they search banged into rocks, and almost drowned, causing
for meals between the trees. A party of 2d4 damage and 1d3 Con loss.
adventurers is exactly what they need, if
they can find them.

8. A Minotaur has detected the party’s scent

and is waiting to ambush them. He carries
a boulder to throw before charging into


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

However the party cross the river, a hazard is Dûmora Random Encounters
waiting for them. If they use the bridge, 2d4 Whilst exploring the fortress, there is a 30%
Griffons sweep down from high atop the mountain chance of a random encounter every 20 mins. If
to attack. If they cross via the ford or swimming, a an encounter occurs, roll 1d8:
gigantic 18 ft River Serpent tries to make a meal of
one of them before retreating. 1. 1d4+1 Cyclopes (see Area 7) are making
their way down the hall, drinking from
Griffon, AC 14, HD 4, 2 Claws 1d4+1 and Bite frothy mugs. They are outrageously
2d4, 19: special, S19 D15 C16 I2 P14 W13 Ch8, drunk, swaying and singing. They might
L7, Mv 120 ft flying. On a natural 19-20 a mistake the party for skeletons,
humanoid target is grabbed and may be flown depending on how they act.
away with (victims may use their action to make a
Str or Dex Contest to break free). 2. A unit of 3d4 Skeletons (see Area 1) have
been stationed here by Gorvex for some
Gigantic River Serpent, AC 13, HD 10, Bite reason (1d4: (i) to alert him to intruders,
2d6+1 + poison, 19: special, S20 D14 C16 I3 P10 (ii) to bar further passage, (iii) to attack any
W13 Ch5, L10, Mv 30 ft or 40 ft swimming. On a non-cyclops, or (iv) to seize and hold any
natural 19-20, a target is constricted and rendered non-cyclops intruders until he comes to
helpless. A trapped victim may spend their action check on them, which frankly, could be
to make an opposed Str check to break free. days).


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

3. A freezing chill settles over the area as the calling for aid and brandishing a large
spirit of a long dead dwarven housemaid knife from his belt.
suddenly emerges from one of the walls.
It floats across the corridor, glancing 8. Gorvex is heading to Area 4 to check on
briefly at the party (half her face has been his bubbling brews, or Area 5 to check (or
torn off, her blouse bloody), then feed, if they are getting too loud and
disappears into the opposite wall. annoying) his zombies. He is escorted by
his Dwarven Skeletons (see Area 13).
If a PC attempts to interact with the spirit,
it either (a) (50%) shrieks, causing those Area 1 – Entry
within 20 ft to make a Luck (Will) save or The face of the fortress is carved from the
suffer a moderate madness, or (b) smiles mountainside, expertly cut and fashioned by the
sadly before softly touching the PC on the dwarven masons of old. The 10 ft stone doors that
arm (gain 1 Luck). The GM might change once barred entry to Dûmora lie on the ground,
these percentages depending on the speckled with lichen. Scraping away the moss
approach the party takes (if any). reveals the anvil and moon sigil of the dead
Tolbren clan (Int (General Lore) check at
4. Kronlump (from Area 7) appears from disadvantage to recognise).
around the corner, cursing her kin; they
doused her with urine and set her hair on The interior of the fortress is cold and stark, the
fire. She is in a furious mood. If the party air relatively still beyond Area 3. Straight lines,
speak with her (she speaks broken geometric patterns and dwarven runes are cut into
common), she will gladly aid them in most walls and floors. The ceilings are generally 7
killing her despised clanmates. After ft to 10 ft high. Torches and lanterns provide light
everything is done, however, she will for the cyclopes that live inside. Doors are made
probably still want to eat the fattest PC. of granite unless noted otherwise, slowly sliding
back and forth into wall recesses.
5. 1d4 Giant Centipedes have snuck into the
fortress, crawling along the ceiling to avoid 2d4 skeletons guard this area at all times, standing
skeletons and cyclopes. They have been inside the small east and west alcoves. They
hiding in a darkened crevice, but are automatically detect any living creature within 60 ft
growing hungry. and move out to investigate any intruders. The
skeletons’ orders are to kill any living creatures that
6. 3d6 Skeletons (see Area 1) are dragging attack them, or move within 20 ft of the entrance.
dead barbarian and beastman bodies
along the corridor, making their way to Skeleton, AC 11, HD 1, Spear 1d6+1 & Shield,
Area 12. 19: other nearby bones (or a defeated skeleton)
animate to aid this skeleton, S13 D13 C10 I- P13
7. Bronhoc (Area 10) is swaggering down the (special) W- Ch-, L4, Mv 120 ft flying. Skeletons
passage with a female cyclops on each are Undead with the usual benefits and are
arm, whispering soft murmurings in their impervious to piercing damage from arrows, etc.
ears. The females don’t look impressed, Skeletons automatically sense any living creature
but he drags them along with him within 60 ft. These skeletons are all armed with
regardless. He will be incensed at the sight shields, enabling them to negate the first hit they
of humans in the complex, immediately suffer. The skeletons are carrying 1 x Carry Loot.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)



Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Area 2 – Welcome Hall Area 4 - Laboratory
The northern end of this 20 ft wide, 30 ft long This 15 ft by 35 ft chamber was previously a
chamber has a 7 ft cobalt statue of a dwarven barracks, but has been converted into a
warrior brandishing a heavy axe. An Int (General library/laboratory. Multiple small tables line the
Lore) check reveals the weapon is a replica of the walls, cluttered with scientific glassware (some of
Axe of Dûmora (See Area 15). which are bubbling away quietly), bowls, books,
parchments and star charts. There is a random
Corridors branch off to the east and west. A 10 ft magical scroll or potion somewhere amongst the
wide corridor runs about 100 ft east, partially mess.
clogged with large piles of rubble fallen from the
ceiling, ending in a door. About 50 east a door is Area 5 – Dungeon
set into the northern wall. Entry to this 30 ft asymmetrical chamber is via
locked doors to the north and west (Gorvex has
To the west, the floor is heavily cracked and pitted the keys). The room is dark and unlit, dominated
(but safe). About 60 ft west is a small alcove by a 15 ft diameter barred pit (12 ft deep),
containing some kind of bronze floor plaque. originally used as a dungeon.

Hiding in the rubble to the east are 2d4 Xornlings Gorvex uses this chamber as a Brain Eating
(they caused the cave in). If they remain hidden, Zombie holding pen. Locked in the pit are 4d6
they follow the party by climbing along the roof, brain eating zombies, horrific, fast moving variants
waiting for an opportunity to drop onto their of the walking dead. If an adventurer enters this
backpacks and steal/eat their gold/gems/metal room, the zombies immediately begin moaning,
before slipping quietly away. climbing each other to reach through the grate,
thumping their fists and biting the bars.
Xornling, AC 15, HD 1d4 hp, Bite 1d2 + special,
19: bites a chunk from the target’s weapon, The grate can be wound open by using a winch on
reducing the damage die by one category until the ground nearby. Releasing the zombies would
repaired, S6 D17 C9 I4 P13 W12 Ch9, L3, Mv 20 be an extraordinarily bad idea for any nearby
ft inc climbing walls, etc. Xornlings “hear” gems humans (or cyclopes).
and metals within 120 ft and will eat 1d10 coins,
gemstones, or a chunk of a metal every few hours. Brain Eating Zombie, AC 11, HD 2+2, Bite 1d6 +
Xornlings are natural chameleons and gain 2, 19: special, S15 D10 C14 I- P12 W- Ch-L5, Mv
advantage when hiding. Bites cause 1 Str loss 30 ft. On a natural 19, the target must make a Luck
(Con) save or become infected, transforming into
(Luck (Con) save resists). An adventurer reduced
a brain eating zombie in 2d4 hours (Purge the
to zero Str is turned to stone. Accursed or similar transform them back). An
adventurer reduced to zero hp must be recovered
Area 3 – Memorial Plaque from a zombie in one round or they die.
An 8 ft bronze memorial plague is set into the floor
here, marked with old dwarven runes. If none of Some of the undead still wear jewellery, carry
the party speak dwarven, an Int (General Lore) pouches, etc. Looting them returns 1 x Carry Loot
check at disadvantage deciphers the gist of it. The and 1 x Trinkets & Curios.
plaque commemorates the Battle of Ank’rmon, a
subterranean complex infested with aberrations, in Area 6 – Audience Chamber
which many dwarven soldiers perished and were This 45 ft by 30 ft audience chamber was once
ultimately repelled. If the plaque can somehow be used as a waiting or receiving area for visitors. The
removed from the floor, it is worth 500 gp. northern section has a two stepped tiers where


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

dwarven guards once stood. The three sectioned Area 7. Adventurers will need their own light
door in the northern corridor has been broken by source to proceed much further.
the cyclops and no longer functions.

The cyclops use this room as another living area.

When the PCs enter here, roll on the Random
Encounters table to find out what happens.

Area 7 – Hall of the Ancestors

This irregularly shaped hall is 60 ft long, 30 ft wide
and 12 ft high. Stonework and faded frescos depict
the beautiful geometric patterns of the longbeards,
flanked by six 7 ft dwarven statues. The statues are
of various stonelords of the Tolbren line.

In conjunction with Area 10, the hall serves as the

main living area for the cyclopes, who like the high
ceilings. There are 3d6 cyclopes socialising or
sleeping here at any one time. The room contains
sleeping mats, wooden tables, chairs, shelves and
so on.

One of the cyclopes, Kronlump, despises Gorvex,

along with most of her kin who treat her very
poorly. She might be persuaded to turn on her
fellows with the right incentive (not the least of
which includes killing Bronhoc (Area 10) and/or A white alabaster statue depicting a human female
Gorvex). Searching the hall garners 1 x Carry Loot holding a sword stands in the eastern alcove. If
and 1 x Valuables. inspected carefully (Perc (Detection) check), an
adventurer might notice the sigil of Renley Shogu,
Cyclops, AC 12, HD 7+2, Giant Club 2d8+1, 19: a human artist from the Second Age famous for
special, S19 D12 C16 I6 P8 W10 Ch9 L9, Mv 40 puzzles and hiding secrets within her art (Int
ft. Cyclopes have disadvantage on ranged attacks, (General Lore) check). The statue is worth 500 gp.
Cause Injuries on a natural 19-20 attack roll and If the statue is broken into pieces, a preserved
have a 10 ft reach. They retain vestiges of augural scroll is found inside. The scroll marks the
ability and gain a free attack on a natural 19 or 20 location of Varn Karagoss (the “Place of Ending”;
attack roll. a frost giant burial ground of antiquity).

Area 8 – A Statue in the Dark Area 9 – Antechamber

The western and southern stone doors to this This 25 ft x 20 ft antechamber is used by the
intersection are locked (Gorvex has the key, or cyclopes as an eating area and larder, with a
they may be opened with a Dex (Traps & Locks) number of wooden tables, chairs and shelves
check). spread about. A recently butchered and salted
human corpse is packed onto one shelf. There is
The 25 ft by 20 ft intersection is unlit (as are Areas a 50% chance of 1d4 Cyclopes eating or socialising
5, 11, 14), apart from whatever light filters in from here (if just one, he/she is asleep).


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Area 10 – The Forges Area 12 – Stonelord’s Tomb
This large 25 ft by 70 ft chamber is littered with This 30 ft by 20 ft tomb has three large marble
ancient forges, stained and blackened with fire and sarcophagi within, expertly cut and inscribed with
molten steel. Large ventilation chutes run up into many of the Tolbren clan’s victories, defeats and
ceiling vents long since closed to the outside world. other important milestones. Laid to rest in the
Smithing tools of all kinds can be found on iron three sarcophagi were Stonelord Tolbren, his wife,
benches and hanging from wall hooks. and second wife. All three have been exhumed
and animated by Gorvex. Any personal treasures
The cyclopes use this chamber as their second once buried with the dwarves have been relocated
main living area, similar to Area 7. There are 3d6 to Area 14.
Cyclops’ (see Area 7 for stats) lounging or working
here (wrestling, repairing clothes, etc) at any one

The cyclopes leader, Bronhoc (45 hp) will usually

be found here. This foul tempered dictator leads
the clan by being the strongest and the meanest,
breaking the bones of any challengers before
feeding them to the brain eating zombies in Area
5. He dislikes Gorvex, and does not trust him, but
is prepared to work with him until he finds a way
to be rid of him. It isn’t all bad, after all; the
skeletons often bring them fresh meals.

Area 11 – Corridor of Relics

This 50 ft by 10 ft corridor is unlit and silent. The
six alcoves each display a small urn, bowl, idol,
necklace or other art object on a stone pedestal.
The bronze, silver and gold antiques are worth 300
gp each.

Gorvex has trapped the corridor with a small patch

of Yellow Mould on the ceiling of the second
eastern alcove (the cyclopes are not permitted
here). It is easily spotted by anyone looking in the

Yellow Mould, AC 10 (automatic hit in melee),

HD 3, Projectile Spore (see below), 19: the spore
bursts in 10 ft radius, S6 D- C16 I2 P14 W- Ch- Area 13 – Throne Room
L6, Immobile. Projectile spores burst in a 5 ft This very oddly shaped, approximately 50 ft by 50
radius, requiring a Luck (Con) save or the victim ft chamber was the throne room of Stonelord
dies a horrible choking death in 1d6 rounds. An Tolbren, where the family held court and received
apothecary with the right herbs can delay the spore other clan nobles. A simple, but perfectly cut
poison for 3d6 hours. Yellow mould suffers throne, formed from the mountain itself, is
double damage from fire. situated at the northern end. The walls of this


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

chamber are covered in the geometric patterns The barrow wight is never without his bodyguard
favoured by the Tolbrens. of 1d4+1 Dwarven Skeletons (as Skeleton, but AC
16 (heavy armour and shield), 4 HD, Battle Axe
1d8+1, and immune to magic).

After approximately 110 years of undeath and

sorcery, Gorvex is quite insane. He is driven by a
deep, inexplicable need to conquer and kill,
animating the dead to grow his “army” of eternal
drones. He has delusions of ridding the entire
region of all living things, crafting a glorious
Empire of the Unliving. There is no prospect of
Gorvex negotiating with the party in any genuine
manner, but he might parley with them as he
manoeuvres into a better position to attack.
Sorcery has left Gorvex hunchback and riddled
with black spines. The cyclopes sometimes refer
to him as Churgoza or “Spineboss”.

Gorvex, Barrow Wight, Boss Monster AC 14 HD

5 (68 hp), Claw 1d6 + level drain, 19: the wight’s
touch imparts dark sorcery, the target rolls on the
Dark & Dangerous Magic table, S17 D14 C14 I14
P16 W15 Ch8, L8, Mv 30 ft. Gorvex is Undead,
and a Boss monster, with the usual benefits. He is
immune to non-magical weapons except those of
cold iron. A Claw attack causes 1 level loss until
the next adventure. A target drained to zero levels
Since taking over the fortress, Gorvex uses the rises as an obedient skeleton or zombie in 1d4
throne room as his residence and main work place hours. Gorvex may cast up to 4 spells per day
(as a Wight, he does not sleep). Some changes chosen from the following: Arcane Aegis, Fetid
have been made to the room, adding vicious Fog of the Rotting Horde, Thunderous
looking metal spikes to the walls and twin column. Invocation, Channel Lightning, Rightful
Anyone impaled into on the spikes suffers 2d6 Ascension, Infernal Calling of Baal.
damage and must make a Luck (Con) check or roll
on the Injuries & Setbacks table (LFG p.54). Note Gorvex carries no significant valuables, but he
that Gorvex is immune to these non-magical/cold does have the keys to several Areas. His treasure
iron blades. is stored in Area 14.

Additionally, two pits have been placed between Area 14 – Defiled Chapel
the columns (Luck (Dex) save to avoid, or This 30 ft by 45 ft chapel has been destroyed by
plummet 20 ft. The “lid” of the pit then springs the cyclops’, the altar broken and holy frescos
back up and locks into place (Dex (Traps & Locks) smeared and defaced. Only the two large holy
check to open, or break open with a Str check at a water basins attached to the two pillars remain
-1 penalty at disadvantage). unbroken, filled with treasures and trinkets of the
current residents (Gorvex uses the chamber as his


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

treasure room). There are sacks of coins, check at disadvantage to open. Additionally, the
gemstones, art pieces, etc scattered randomly chest is warded with the equivalent of a Rain of
about the place: 1 x 5 HD Lair Treasure). Stone spell (triggered if the chest is opened). The
magic has faded over time however and is weak,
3d4 Ogre Skeletons stand alongside the walls of granting advantage on the Luck save.
the chapel, with orders to slay any living creature
(other than cyclops’) that enters the area, or attacks Inside the chest is 1 x Carry Loot, 2 x Valuables,
them. and the Axe of Dûmora. The battle axe is magical,
with a steel blade that never dulls and is inscribed
Ogre Skeleton, AC 12, HD 4, Spiked Club 2d8, with the dwarven runes of its legendary namesake
19: other nearby bones (or a defeated skeleton) (a dwarven warrior who never tired, and once
animate to aid this skeleton, S13 D13 C10 I- P13 cleaved a wyvern skull in twain). The first
(special) W- Ch-, L4, Mv 120 ft flying. Ogre attunement grants the bearer advantage on all
Skeletons have 10 ft reach, are Undead with the checks to resist fatigue, and may invoke a
usual benefits, and are impervious to piercing Thunderous Invocation effect once every 1d4
damage from arrows, etc. Skeletons automatically days. Any further attunements are at the GM’s
sense any living creature within 60 ft. discretion.

Area 15 – Secret Vault Aftermath

This hidden vault is accessed via a secret door on If Gorvex is not destroyed, it is likely that Bronhoc
the western wall of Area 13 (a single tile of and his cyclopes will eventually be made into
concentric circles, part of the geometric pattern on undead thralls. The barrow wight will continue to
the wall, is slightly “out of sync” with the others (Int add to his skeleton/zombie ranks, wiping out local
or Perc check to notice if the wall is studied). barbarian and beastmen tribes before setting his
Pressing the tile opens the secret door with a loud sights beyond the woods. If Gorvex and the
grinding noise. cyclopes are slain, barbarians or beastmen are
likely to claim Dûmora for their own (or perhaps
The vault consists of a large stone chest. The chest the party, depending on how far they want to be
is locked and requires a Dex (Traps & Locks) from civilization).


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)



Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Hanging City of Nenchagi
Xochnomogu as it bides its time in the remote
Rare texts refer to the Mask of Distant Suns, a underworld.
magical artifact said to imbue the wearer with
psychic powers of domination. The mask was last
reported in the Hanging City of Nenchagi.

The Chaagi and Xochnomogu

Deep below the Argos Plateau, hidden from moon
and sky, lies a sprawling network of natural tunnels
and caverns. Known to local thuels as Nebechek,
or long night, the barbarians shun the unlit
passages as a fool’s maze; a place only the mad or
desperate venture into.

But for adventurers seeking fame and fortune,

there might be good reason to delve the perfect
black. Referenced in crumbling tomes, the Mask
of Distant Suns is said to originate from a foreign
dimension or star system, granting the wearer
potent powers of mind control. Silver sheened,
inset with otherworldly crystals, the artifact was last
seen in the Hanging City of Nenchagi.

Centuries earlier, the Chaagi withdrew to their

subterranean “city” beneath the plateau, fleeing
the devastation of the Cyclopes wars.
Unfortunately for the humans, their retreat soon As for the Chaagi, only a few hundred remain,
became their prison, enslaved by an Aberrant whittled away by decades of human offerings and
Terror erringly conjured by the mask’s magic. isolation. Marred by gangly, elongated limbs,
clawed hands, and sunken skin, the urgot are
Xochnomogu (or “Eternal Eye”) is a 10 ft sack of wholly devoted to their unsleeping god.
floating, rubbery flesh, with a large central eye,
snapping tentacles, and ray emitting stalks. More The party might become involved in this
than a thousand years old, the ageless abomination adventure by (i) finding a tome referring to the
became the Chaagi’s “god”, transforming them mask’s last location, or (ii) being hired by a wealthy
into cursed Urgot. archaeologist to find, and map, the subterranean
Alien and uncaring, Xochnomogu still rules
Nenchagi, feasting on human sacrifices while it Underground Journey
contemplates secrets unintelligible to humans. Delving the winding depths of the underworld is
Devoid of urgency, the years mean nothing to not for the faint hearted. For the most part, the


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

tunnels are low (approx 5 ft high, requiring One PC loses/uses up a random
bending down), cold, and eerily silent, but for the 7 mundane item or bundle of items
party’s footfalls and crackling torches. (climbing gear, rope, torches, etc).
One PC suffers exhaustion, losing 1
Encased in stone for days on end, a fine powdery 8 point of Str, Dex or Con (equal
dust clings to the PCs, smothering them with an chance).
earthy, claustrophobic smell. Light is fundamental
9 A random encounter occurs.
and in short natural supply. In the absence of
luminous moss/fungi (occasionally found), the 1d4 PCs’ rations/water supplies are lost
utter blackness is oppressive and impenetrable. or used up (parasites, etc).
Adventurers will need significant light provisions One player regales the group with a
(torches, lanterns, oil, etc) to complete their quest. 11 travel montage, a tale about their
background, or other worldbuilding.
Travel to the “city” is abstracted below. The A random encounter occurs, then roll
journey takes 5 days, assuming the party doesn’t again.
get lost. Every 12 hours (or other time period
determined by the GM), check for Navigation, Terrain & Conditions
Terrain & Conditions, and Random encounters. There is a 50% chance of a change in terrain and
conditions. If a change occurs, roll 1d8:
At least one party member, the navigator, makes TERRAIN & CONDITIONS
an Int (Wilderness Lore) check to ensure the party
is heading towards the city, and doesn’t become 1d8 Change
lost. If they do become lost, roll 1d12. Warm and/or more humid (nearby hot
springs, magma currents or rising
WHILE YOU WERE LOST crevasse thermals). Other living things
will be attracted to the area, increasing
1d12 Event the chance of random encounters by
1 Roll on the Terrain & Conditions table. Slippery. Similar but with greater
The party loses another day whilst lost. rubble and scree scattered about.
2 2 Making a double move in the area
Roll again.
requires a Dex check to avoid falling
3 A random encounter occurs. prone part way through the movement.
1d4 mules or other animals are lost, Overall similar conditions, but the
4 injured or fall ill (equal chance, not nearby passages are more or less
including ranger pets). 3 frequently used by others (+/- 10%
1d2 hirelings or NPCs are lost, injured chance to random encounters, even
5 or fall ill (equal chance, not including chance).
important NPCs). Gas. Marked by pockets of harmful gas
or fungi spores. A Luck (Con) save is
6 A random encounter occurs. 4
required to avoid 1d2 Con loss (Miner’s
Lung) or 1d3 Int (Scob Spore).
Wet (dripping limewater, large puddles
and rivulets, underground stream or


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

river, subterranean moss forest). Other Giant Mud Crab, AC 17, HD 3, 2 x Claws 1d6+1,
living creatures will be attracted, 19: the target is grabbed and automatically suffers
increasing the chance of random claw damage at the start of its turn (action and Str
encounters by 20%, plus an additional contest to break free), S14 D10 C12 I3 P10 W8
1d3 creatures. Ch7, L6, Mv 30 ft inc up walls. Giant mud crabs
Colder. This area is surrounded by are 4 ft wide, with strong claws and grey
particularly dense rock, insulating it brown/green carapaces. They are immune to
6 from distant underground heat sources. fire/heat damage.
Resting here is more difficult, imposing
a -2 penalty on Short Rest recoveries. 2. Large webs begin cluttering passages.
Still. These tunnels are especially still Whilst many are old and patchy, as the
and quiet, lacking the barest hint of party proceeds they become increasingly
7 subterranean breezes. The echoes are thick and resilient. A single particularly
incredible. Advantage on any hearing old Giant Spider lairs here, living on large
based Perception tests. worms or making forays to the surface (as
Luminous. This sector is high in Giant Spider but 6 HD, Bite 1d8+1 +
luminous moss/fungi, light reflecting poison, Luck 10. Boss Monster with 45
stone, crawling glow bugs, etc, allowing hp).
8 the PCs to see (dimly) up to 100 ft. PCs
may harvest temporary light provisions 3. Scattered fungi, growing in size until large
(1d2 days’ worth, spoiling after 2d4 enough to fill passageways completely
days; moss shrivels, glow bugs die, etc).
(requiring cutting through), lead to a
colossal underground forest, 500 ft across.
Journey Encounters
The breadth of fungi here is immense,
Check for an encounter (30% base chance). If an
from tiny 2 inch Red Cap mushrooms to
encounter occurs, roll 1d8, plus 2 after the first 24
immense black and gold Yellow Curtain
hours of travel.
treeshrooms, tendrils clinging to the 100 ft
1. A bubbling sound forewarns the party of
the enormous 200 ft cavern (50 ft high) Cultivating the forest are alienesque fungi
ahead of them. Hot, burbling mud pools pods with sucking, feeler like limbs
litter the area, regularly spraying scalding lurching about. The pods are quasi
mud into the air (a hazy steam fills the sentient and aware that a human corpse
cavern). makes for a fertile spawning vessel.

Crossing the cavern requires a Luck (Dex) Fungi Pod, AC 11, HD 4, Tendril 1d10, 19: puff
check to avoid being randomly scalded for of toxic spores causing 1d4 Dex loss (Luck (Con)
3d6 damage (taking precautions, such as save for half), S12 D10 C17 I3 P12 W16 Ch4, L7,
moving past geysers just after they’ve gone Mv 30 ft inc up walls and ceilings. Fungi Pods are
off, grants advantage). Living within the 4 ft tall balled masses of toadstool, bowl and
pools themselves are 3d6 heat resistant branch fungi, with elongated tendrils dragging
Giant Mud Crabs, hungry for soft flesh. them forward. A PC reduced to zero hp must be
recovered in one round, or the body is lost
(infested with toxic fungi spores, which grow to
maturity in 2d4 weeks).


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Careful searching of the forest might Inside are a series of simple tombs and
reveal the exceedingly rare Morrigan’s cairns, seemingly quickly erected, yet
Bloom (Perc (Apothecary) check, if sturdy enough to bear the ages.
trained may harvest 2d4 doses, a powder Engravings spouting virtues of dwarven
tincture that grants the user a Hunger for grit, fearsome temperament and
Blood effect for 1d4 rounds, at the end of impressive beardiness can be found on
which they lose 1d2 Will). most of the tombs (“As fulsome in beard
as in courage”, “As fiery in life as she wert
4. This series of winding passages grows in death”, “No stone unturned, no skorn
increasingly narrow, until the way onward unhewed”, etc).
is barely a foot wide. Characters in bulky
armour or otherwise heavily encumbered If searched, most of the tombs contain
will have to remove their gear and pull it something of value (total 1 x Carry Loot).
behind them to squeeze through. The One tomb in particular (“Toegrun
slim corridor continues in this way for Craghammer, quick to charge, slow to
several hours, making travel very retreat. Rest in pieces my young friend.”)
uncomfortable (Con check or 1 Str loss contains a blemish free steel warhammer;
due to severe cramps). “Khezek-Nor” or “Rising Wrath” is
magical. If attuned to, the user causes +5
5. Whilst navigating a fissure like corridor, damage on hammer crits. Any further
there is a 50% chance of 3d6 Rock attunements over time (if any) are at the
Burrowing Annelids bursting from the GM’s discretion. Such a user invariably
walls/ceiling/floor, drawn to the party’s grows a rampant beard of quarrelsome
movement vibrations. PCs fighting in tangles (grows to 6 inches by the end of
cramped conditions may only use small the day even if shaved off, including
weapons, and suffer a penalty on attack females).
rolls (-2 or disad, depending on the
weapon). 7. As the party approaches this massive
chamber, the floor becomes damp, and
Rock Burrowing Annelid, AC 10, HD 1, Acidic loud dipping noises can be heard from
body slap 1d6, 19: target’s weapon or armour ahead. The massive 600 ft cavern beyond
(100 ft roof) is mostly taken up with a
damaged per Injuries & Setbacks table, S5 D6 C10
subterranean lake. The waters are jet
I2 P15 W16 Ch4, L4, Mv 20 ft or burrow 5 ft.
black and still, but for regular drops falling
Rock burrowing annelids are 5 ft long, 6 inch thick
from a multitude of ancient stalactites
sinuous worms, with circular sucker maws, overhead.
covered in highly potent acid (strips rock, steel,
flesh, etc). They subside on smaller burrowing The lake is too deep (30 ft) to wade across,
creatures but prefer to gorge on juicy mammals but can be swum (if in heavy
when possible. armour/encumbered, requires a Con
check to avoid 1 Con loss due to
6. The arched entry to this 50 ft cavern is
adorned with simple dwarven runes (Int In the middle of the lake is a patch of
(General Lore) check reveals themes of perfect darkness; a floating 15 ft miasma
protection and remembrance). of utter black that somehow seems to
absorb torchlight. Anyone touching the


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

water there feels a gentle pull. Anyone gold or any gems, the xornlings follow
entering it is sucked into a Veil portal and them, hoping for a chance to sneak into
instantly transported to the Black Lake their packs (perhaps when the party sleep,
(Midlands p.286, Area 5). or if they discard their packs to mine the
ore vein).
8. Stuck to the ceiling and walls of this area
are large splotches of dark green slime,
caked in a layer of fine dust. The colony
of 2d6 Green Slime has been dormant for
years. They awaken 2d4 rounds after the
party approaches within 120 ft.

9. A 200 ft chamber lined with twisting

pillars from floor to ceiling. Spread about
the floor are the carcasses of plague
worms, rock scorpions and one or two
Urgot (Chaagi), covered in a hard semi
opaque residue. 2d6 Tentacle Crawlers
use the chamber as a lair, excreting their
foul carcass preserving saliva over victims.

Tentacle Crawlers, AC 13, HD 3, 2 x Choke/Claw

1d6+2, 19: special, S15 D10 C12 I2 P11 W10
Ch6, L4, Mv 30 ft or burrow 5 ft. Tentacle crawlers
are subterranean omnivores, and generally only
hostile if their lair is attacked. On a Nat 19, one of The Hanging City
the creature’s face tendrils injects 1d3 crawler Once home to more than 2,000 Chaagi, the
larvae (about half an inch long) into the target population has dwindled over the years to 3d20 +
(using a needle like proboscis concealed in the 150 residents. Much of the “city” is abandoned,
tendril and leech like anaesthesia). If undetected the people scattered across its many levels,
(Perc (Det) check at disad, or Int (Apoth) check), forming small circles of sub-tribes. No matter the
the victim vomits up foot long infant crawlers (1 clan however, all of the Chaagi worship the
hp) in 1d4 days (causing 3d6 damage and a Will undying Xochnomogu.
check to resist a minor madness).
Xochnomogu AC 17, HD 12, 2 x Tentacles 2d4,
10. A relatively small chamber contains a 3 plus 1d4+1 eye rays, 19: central eye 40 ft long 20
metre vein of silver ore (worth 2d4 x 100 ft wide cone psychic blast (Luck (Will) save or
gp if extracted, taking some hours with the Confused), S14 D12 C14 I16 P16 W19 Ch1, L12,
right tools). Careful study of the vein Mv 30 ft flying. Xochnomogu is an Aberrant
reveals that parts of it appear to have been Terror with the usual benefits, Minor Exploit
chipped away (on a Perc (Detection) great Protection, Reroll Pool and Off Turn Attacks (one
success, it looks more like tiny bite random eye ray). At will Strange Joining (does not
marks). 3d4 Xornlings are nearby, using speak). Its eye ray attacks are (i) Viridian Ray of
their chameleonic abilities to hide from Unmaking, (ii) Monstrous Subjugation, (iii)
the party. If the PCs have large stores of Affliction of the Eyeless Host, (iv) Lash of


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Unerring Pain, (v) Glimpse the True Gods (vi) 5d10+20 Urgot are present farming the
Insidious Slumber, (vii) Flesh to Stone, (viii) mushrooms at any one time. Searching the stone
Ineffable Force (each eye stalk projects two huts is unlikely to return much other than farming
different coloured rays). tools, baskets of preserved foodstuffs, and workers
clothes (greeny grey tabards with many pockets).
Urgot, AC 11, HD 1+4, Club/Claw etc 1d6+1, 19:
the target is cursed and loses 1 point of Luck, S13 (2) Worship Cavern
D13 C16 I7 P9 W12 Ch6, L5, Mv 30 ft. Moan 500 ft wide, entry to the worship cavern is via crude
once/day, all creatures within 20 ft suffer a minor stone steps cut into the walls, descending to the
madness (Luck (Will) save resists). The urgot see cavern floor 100 ft below. Scattered stalagmites
better than humans in the dark, but still require provide limited ground cover. In the centre of the
light to see in complete darkness. room is a raised 30 ft high dais of igneous rock.

The urgot generally go about their daily life either Unless already encountered or drawn away
half naked or in coarse robes weaved of fungi plant elsewhere, Xochnomogu is here, meditating above
fibres, some quite colourful. The “priests” wear the Mask of Distant Suns. In addition to the
bleached white robes, spotted with black eye aberrant terror, 2d6+5 Chaagi cultists are present,
designs, and deep hoods. intoning sacred litanies to their demigod. One of
them, Ochnimyru, is an Urgozer.
The city itself can be broadly separated into five
enormous subcaverns as outlined below. Unless Ochnimyru, Urgozer, AC 11, HD 3+3, Dagger
otherwise indicated, the caverns are mostly 1d4+2, 19: uncontrolled magic, roll on the Dark &
cloaked in darkness, with occasional luminous Dangerous Magic table, S10 D14 C16 I14 P14
moss or mushroom oil torches/slow burning W14 Ch9, L7, Mv 30 ft. May choose from the
“lantern” bowls. following spells twice per combat: Insidious
Slumber, Riddle of Bones, Shennog’s Blessing,
Sneaking about the caverns is entirely possible, in Lash of Unerring Pain (as 3rd level).
the sense that most spaces are unoccupied. Bright
light sources give away PCs or resident urgot from The Mask has four levels of attunement, granting
a distance, but creeping about with phospherant the following effects. Whether the mask if magical,
moss, shuttered lanterns, or dim glow stones a device of high technology, or something else
allows greater stealth. entirely is a matter for the GM.

(1) Mushroom Farm 1. The user may invoke Strange Joining

This enormous cavern is 1,000 yards wide with a three times per day.
200 ft ceiling. Crude stone buildings ring the
boundary of a huge mushroom plantation. The 2. The user may invoke Soothing Edict once
fungi are a rainbow of colours, from muted browns every 1d4 days.
to golden yellows, growing to as high as 8 ft, all of
them edible (although some might need distilling, 3. The user may invoke Monstrous
cooking or other treatments in order to remove Subjugation once every 1d4 days.
certain toxicities).


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

4. The user may invoke Ineffable Force bore ooze is somewhat akin to a leech, sucking the
once per week. blood from victims until it turns scarlet then drops
off in a sluggish torpor. Generally speaking, bore
A character attuned to the mask has disadvantage ooze are not deadly, but many are infected with
on checks to resist madness. Scumpox (foul smelling boils which pop to ooze
thick white puss; causes 1d4 Dex loss over 1 week,
(3) Abandoned Complex a Luck (Con) check resists).
One particularly large cavern, approximately 800
yards across, has been abandoned by the Chaagi. Bore Ooze AC 10, HD 1, Blood drain 1d3, 19:
The interior of assorted huts and hanging caves are the ooze splits into two (full HD), S6 D6 C14 I2
in a derelict state, and great fissures and cracks P10 W15 Ch1, L4, Mv 20 ft inc walls, ceiling etc.
litter the ground. Few Chaagi live here for any Bore ooze are immune to weapon damage but
extended period, except perhaps for a few exiles, suffer double damage from fire. They drop off a
including the wily Nunbusu (3 HD, Int 14, Dex victim after causing a total of 3 damage. There is a
15, advantage on stealth related checks). 50% a particular Bore ooze carries Scumpox
The complex has been taken over by a colony of
slow moving Bore Ooze; shiny, slick looking 2 ft
undulating putrescenes of white colouration. The


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)


(4) Hanging Caves (5) Underground River

This 1,500 foot cavern has a 250 ft ceiling A powerful underground river supplies the Chaagi
supported by huge rock columns, excavated by the with water, and often acts as their garbage disposal,
Chaagi to form hanging caves. More than a carrying waste downstream to wherever the river
hundred pillars include homes of approx 30 - 50 leads. The river shore is never empty, with at least
ft wide with 5 ft ceilings and open 3d6+20 Chaagi here gathering water in pots,
archways/windows. Many have rope and wood washing clothes, bathing, socialising etc. Parts of
(hardened fungi material) bridges connecting the white sand river banks are stained red; from
them, forming a criss crossing network 100 ft off time to time sacrifices are made here, particularly
the ground. Mushroom oil braziers and torches exiles, whose bodies are dumped and swept away.
are more common in this cavern than any of the
others, but large swathes of darkness and shadow Random City Encounters
remain. There is a 40% chance of a random encounter
every hour spent within the “city” caverns. If an
2d20 + 80 Urgot are present here when the PCs encounter occurs, roll 1d8:
arrive (sleeping, eating, socialising, etc). Of those
who are awake, approx half will be inebriated with 1. 3d6 Urgot lugging sacks of mushroom
Mokmo, a mind altering snuff dust that causes harvest, their legs stained with dark soil
euphoria and Slowness (as Incantation of from the knee down.
Exhaustion) for 1d4 hours.
2. 1d4+2 urgot children, watching from
Looting huts produces (roll 1d8): (i) 1 x Carry Loot nearby shadows. One of them lets out a
(twice only), (ii) mushroom oil flask, (iii) fungi squeak of fear, tipping off the group’s
foodstuff, (iv) robes/cloaks/ceremonial garb, (v) location.
random weapon, (vi)–(viii) nothing of
consequence (just furniture, bedding, etc).


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

3. An old, drunken urgot with oversized 7. 3d6 Urgot warriors with chitin armour,
eyes, sleeping off a fermented fungi binge. shields and steel weapons, returning from
Yun’nupp is groggy if woken. He speaks a week long border patrol (as Urgot but
only Chaagi, and will betray the party at AC 15, sword 1d8+2, Will 13, shield may
the first opportunity. negate one attack).

4. 1d4 Plague Worms burrow up from the 8. From or in a remote, shadowed area, 3d6
surface, hungry to feast on the party. If Flying Lizards (as Vampire Bat, but scaled
pressed hard, they attempt to retreat into and spined) dive bomb the party for their
their burrow holes. If any escape, they life giving blood.
return 4d6 minutes later with 3d6
reinforcements. Aftermath
Whether or not the mask is retrieved, if
5. A serious tremor rocks the complex, Xochnomogu lives, its encounter with the party
causing large shards of rock to drop from galvanizes it into action. It sends cultists to the
above. All PCs must make a Luck (Dex) surface, scouting for slaves and breeding stock.
save to avoid 4d6 damage, and a roll on
the Injuries & Setbacks table.

6. The party stumbles upon an exceedingly

rare adamantine vein, hidden behind a
recently collapsed wall. If harvested (takes
1d4 hours with the right tools) it is worth
2d4 x 200 gp, enough to make a single


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)



Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Hive of the Mudmen

Grand Librarian Bridonna, Disciple of Wodon, is fluid based attacks, and lose 1 HD per round if
offering good coin to investigate recent rumours of submerged in water. They see as well in darkness
mudmen appearing along Northgate’s as in light.
The subterranean Core, a 50 ft tall, 70 ft wide
Outlanders are reporting strange, humanoid mound of ancient mud in a colossal cavern, is
creatures seemingly made of mud, traversing the where the mudmen spawn from, seeping into
borderlands of Northgate. As the months go by, being via a kind of mitosis. The Core itself is a
the appearances grow closer and more frequent. living entity in its own right; an overarching
intellect that binds all of the mudmen together,
East of the city of Northgate, beneath the foothills supporting and directing their activities.
of the Ironhull Mountains, are the hidden
catacombs of a unique tribe of sentient
humanoids; the Mudmen.

Mudmen are 5 ft, humanoid creatures, with

earthy, sludge like flesh that oozily drips from their
arms and torso. They have no legs, instead sliding
across the ground (or wall, or ceiling) like a rolling
wave. Mudmen possess insect like intelligence,
communicating via chemical signals they exude
through their skin, but are otherwise silent. Each
member is an intrinsic part of a single,
interconnected hive mind, exchanging
information via touch, shape and pheromones.

Mudman, Drone, AC 13, HD 3+1, 2 Fists 1d6+1

or Throw Glob 1d8 (120 ft), 19: special, S16 D8
C12 I2 P9 W13 Ch7, L6, Mv 30 ft (inc up walls, In this adventure, the Core has recently awoken
ceiling, etc). On a nat 19, a random body part is after generations of hibernation, and commenced
trapped in heavy, solidified mud (roll 1d6: (i) head, spawning. During the last few months, mudmen
(ii) left arm, (iii) right arm, (iv) left leg, (v) right leg, have begun appearing along Northgate’s
(vi) chest) and effectively petrified for 1d4 hours borderlands, but disappear before rangers are able
(action to break free, Str contest vs Str 16). to investigate further. The Core has detected an
Mudmen may squeeze through narrow cracks at earth node suitable for transmogrification into a
half normal speed, suffer double damage from secondary core somewhere near (or beneath?)


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Northgate, and wants to know what it will have to easy going, but soon develops into sloping hills
contend with once its drones create a sinkhole with pockets of forested woods. There is a 30%
there. chance of a random encounter every 8 hours. If an
encounter occurs, roll 1d8 (+2 during the last day
The PCs might become involved in this adventure of travel):
by (i) being hired by Grand Librarian Bridonna
(disciple of Wodon, god of knowledge) to 1. 6d6 Skorn (Beastmen) are performing a
investigate the mudmen, or (ii) accidentally cannibalistic rite, devouring their elderly
running across the sinkhole leading to the hive and sick. The screams of the dying can be
while exploring the foothills at large. heard well before the party draws near.

A Hive Mother, you say? 2. A pack of 3d4 Wolves are prowling the
Grand Librarian Bridonna (50’s, silver haired, area, on the hunt for some easy prey. The
stern but insightful, Bard 3), of the Tower of pack is led by two ferocious white Dire
Wodon, is offering 500 gp to investigate the recent Wolves (a male and female).
appearance of the mudmen. She is concerned that
the Anointed (a religious order controlling 3. Cedric, the sole survivor of a ranger patrol
Northgate) are not taking the threat seriously, and that ventured too far, is dozing under a
has decided to organise a response of her own. stony ridge. He is bloodied and
dishevelled, in a state of persistent shock,
The librarian has researched the creatures, and unable to process the horrors he
whilst her information is patchy at best, believes witnessed.
the mudmen spawn from a controlling “hive
mother”; a large subterranean monstrosity almost 4. The occasional red flower with crescent
certainly resistant to conventional weapons. shaped, purplish leaves appears from time
Bridonna has therefore commissioned three to time in the party’s vicinity. An Int
backpack sized, alchemical bombs to deal with the (Wilderness Lore) check reveals they are
monster (configured with one minute mechanized rare Pepperblood plants (one flower may
timers). Bridonna would be content if the PCs be converted into a poison with 3d20 gp
return with some concrete information re the scale worth of herbalism ingredients (contact,
of the mudmen threat, but if they find the immediate effect, causes agony in living
progenitor, they are to destroy it if possible (500 targets imposing disad on attack rolls, lasts
gp bonus). Bridonna is able to provide the general 1d4 rounds, Luck (Con) save resists).
area the mudmen were last seen by rangers.
5. A colossal shadow darkens the sun as a
Traveling the Foothills Roc (if day) or Gargantuan Bat (if night,
The GM decides how long the journey is to the blocking the moon, as Roc but with
hive site, somewhere in the foothills of the echolocation) swoops overhead. The
Ironhull Mountains. The terrain is initially flat and monster is either on the hunt (50%) or


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

returning to the nest with a kill (a Chase rules). If caught, it silently fights to
struggling bison). the death, never uttering a sound. It leaves
chemical signals for its kin, warning them
6. 3d10 Thuels (barbarians) are scouting this of humans approaching (will not be
area, searching for the rare Pepperblood picked up for 1d8 hours, when the next
plant (see entry 4). They’ll settle for mudman appears to take over sentry
robbing the party of any obvious steel or duty).
other valuables before turning them loose
in the wilds, however. The Sinkhole
The entrance to the hive is a 30 ft diameter
7. A swarm of flying, 3 inch mosquitos sinkhole situated at the lowest confluence of three
plague the party, requiring a Luck (Con) steep, tree lined hills. A number of trees close to
save to avoid contracting Fleshsmear the gaping hole tilt precariously (clambering onto
Rash; infecting the skin with painful, them requires a Luck (Dex) check to avoid
blotchy bruises (lose 1 Cha or Con (even dislodging and sliding into the hole).
chance) every 48 hours, new Luck save
every 1d6 days to shake the illness). The sinkhole is damp, approx 400 ft deep, and the
bottom cloaked in darkness. Climbing down is
8. The skeletal remains of 1d3 unfortunate somewhat dangerous, as sections of the walls are
explorers are half buried in long grass, prone to sloughing away, but careful placement of
mud or rocky scree. The corpses are pitons (Int (Athletics) check) and/or tying off to a
absent limbs, heads or large parts of their sturdy tree will avoid falling. Free climbing the
torso, clearly torn out by monstrous teeth hole is spectacularly dangerous, requiring a series
or claws. The explorers gear (1d3 random of Str (Athletics) checks to avoid falling to one’s
weapons and 1d3 misc equipment), a death. Either way, negotiating the climb is taxing,
circular shield, and 1 x Carry Loot may be and requires a Con check to avoid losing 1 point
scavenged from the site. of Str or Dex (even chance) due to exhaustion.

9. An odd, and very loud clicking noise There is a 40% chance of 1d3 Mudmen climbing
heralds the approach of the Bald Dread up the sinkhole as the party descend (they are
Worm (see Area 2). It is out hunting, about to set off on scouting mission). If they spot
tracking the party via scent/echolocation. the party, one attempts to flee back down and warn
its fellows. The others attack, seeking to drive off
10. As the party crests a steep rise, they spot a the invaders.
Mudman keeping watch on the next hill (a
group Luck (Dex) check allows the party If the party reaches the bottom, they enter Area 1.
to duck down and remain hidden from The hive is dark but generally lit by phospherant
view). If the mudman notices the party, it moss (disad on sight checks), cool, and damp. The
flees, heading for the sinkhole (use the tunnels appear naturally formed, about 6 ft in


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Upper Map

diameter, and slick with mud. Humans running 2. 2d4 Mudlings (see Area 9) are oozing
through the passages require a Dex check to avoid their way around this chamber, practicing
falling prone part way through their movement. their chemical signals and body
morphing. Their progress is being
Random Encounters in the Hive monitored by 1d3 Mudmen.
The following table provides some possible
random encounters while the party explores the 3. The hive has Sensor Tubercles spread
hive’s winding passages and chambers. GMs about it, implanted by mudmen drones,
might like to roll on the table (1d10) when the with hidden tendrils connecting back to
party lingers in one spot for too long, or when the Core. The tubercle here appears as a
entering a chamber that is not otherwise detailed. dry patch of mud that weeps a black, tar
like substance.
1. 1d4 Mudmen are in this area, or enter it
from a side passage, carrying random The nodule is immobile, senses living
pieces of equipment (weapons, armour, creatures up to 60 ft (Perc 13), and can
trinkets) with them. They are on their way emit/receive chemical signals. If the
to/from Area 5. nodule detects the party, that information
is immediately known by the Core. If
damaged, the nodule has 10 hp, and


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

belches toxic smelling gas causing 3d6 chamber). It takes one round for the
damage (Luck (Con) save for half). monsters to be “squeezed” out of the
sphincter like opening. The creatures are
4. Petrifying Spray Trap. This chamber or invariably ravenous and very angry. Roll
passageway is trapped with a 15 ft section 1d6: (i) 1d6 Giant Scorpions, (ii) 2d4
of bubbling, hive-mud, that spews forth Stirges, (iii) 3d4 Skorn, (iv) a
quartz like muck that hardens to stony Hammersnail, (v) 1d6 Dire Wolves, (vi)
foam near instantly (Luck (Dex) save 2d4 Giant Centipedes.
negates, else helpless for 1d6 x 10 mins,
may by broken free by causing 4d8 hp 8. Quicksand Prison. A nearby area is
damage). The trap connects to the Core trapped with quicksand (appears as
via hidden tendrils and alerts it to any normal mud, but a Perc (Detection) check
intruders. If the trap is activated, 3d4 at disadvantage might notice the mud is
mudmen appear within 2d4 rounds. extra “fluid”) that sucks a PC down a 15 ft
passage and into a 7 ft diameter prison
5. Mud Geyser Trap. This section of passage cave (Luck (Str or Dex) save resists). If a
or entryway is trapped with a searing hot PC is sucked down, the quicksand and
mud geyser. The sphincter like opening of tube hardens to stone in 1d4 rounds. If
crusted mud vents steam from time to the PC is not rescued before this, he/she
time (30% chance, automatically noticed is likely to starve if not dug out (takes
by PCs, otherwise Perc check to spot the many hours).
vent on the ceiling). Passing by has a 50%
chance of setting off the geyser, causing 9. 3d4 Mudmen patrolling the hive and
5d6 damage (Luck (Dex) save negates). checking scent markers. They attack the
The geyser fires once every 1d4 hours. party on sight, and silently fight to the
6. Dead End Blockage. This chamber or
passage includes a Sensor Tubercle (see 10. 2d4 Xornlings, of no interest to the
Entry 3). If humans are detected, it mudmen, are passing through this area,
activates a cave in, preventing further attracted to the party’s precious metals.
passage in this direction. Digging through They will attempt to scuttle onto the roof
the mudslide is possible, but would take and drop into PC backpacks, hoping to
hours even with the right tools. feast on any silver, gold, gems, etc.

7. Monster Chute. This area includes a Area 1 – Entry Cavern

Sensor Tubercle (see Entry 3), which if About 400 ft down, the sinkhole opens up into a
activated opens a nearby chute to deposit 40 ft by 30 ft cavern, the western third of which
some monsters (which the mudmen continues to drop into the black depths. Where
previously trapped, and store in a hidden the sinkhole finally ends is for the GM to
determine, but dropping a rock into the hole does


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

not generate any sound indicating the bottom. If the worm is defeated, the detritus of unfortunate
Slick mud covers the floor of this entire chamber, barbarians and skorn are lumped together at the
and criss crossing mudmen tracks cover the walls. back of the cave (1 x Carry Loot, 1 x Valuables).

Area 3 – Sentries
This approx 30 ft cavern is 20 ft high with a 5 ft
wide passage branching off to the west. Most of the
space has been naturally formed but sections have
been crudely dug out by the mudmen (which are
able to dissolve rock/earth, given sufficient time).
2d4 Sentry Mudmen (larger, 6 ft, specially
spawned for this purpose) wait here. They will
attack any intruders and attempt to push them
down the hole in Area 1.

Mudman, Sentry, AC 15, HD 5+1, 2 Fists 1d8+1

or Throw Glob 2d6 (180 ft), 19: special, S18 D11
C15 I2 P15 W13 Ch7, L8, Mv 30 ft (inc up walls,
ceiling, etc). On a nat 19, target’s weapon is
engulfed in hardened mud and stuck to the floor
(1d4 minutes to break the weapon free). Mudmen
Area 2 – Bald Dread Worm may squeeze through narrow cracks at half normal
speed, suffer double damage from fluid based
A Bald Dread Worm (a pasty skinned, eyeless, 25
ft invertebrate with enormous jaws) lives in this attacks, and lose 1 HD per round if submerged in
chamber, largely ignoring the mudmen which it water. They see as well in darkness as in light.
can’t eat. The monster mostly sleeps, but will
detect the scent of any nearby humans with a If the party defeat the mudmen, it becomes
successful Perc check (or alternatively might be apparent that the creatures are not entirely made
automatically woken by the party if they are loud). of “mud”; they have a skeleton of a kind (albeit an
The worm attacks immediately, eager to feast on extremely flexible one), with a spine, skull and
the party’s delicious juices. arms/hands.

Bald Dread Worm, Boss Monster, AC 15, HD 11 Area 4 – Mud Baths

(80 hp), Bite 2d10+2, 19: special, S21 D10 C19 I2
This approx 60 ft by 50 ft cavern has a 40 ft ceiling
P13 W10 Ch4, L11, Mv 40 ft or burrow 5 ft. Boss (beyond the reach of most torches), and is filled
Monster with Major Exploit Protection, Off Turn with steam. In the middle of the chamber is a
Attacks, Causes Injuries. On a nat 19, the target is sluggish, popping river of hot mud (hot enough to
swallowed (victim may attack the monster’s guts make steam, but not hot enough to burn), that
with a small weapon such as a dagger, auto flows northwest before dropping down a 60 ft
suffering 2d10 crushing and acidic damage on the “mudfall” and continues on.
monster’s turn). Echolocation 240 ft.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

This area is primarily used for socialising; the black, glutinous muck that the mudmen find
mudmen clean themselves, bathe in the mud river, delectable. There is a 50% chance the geyser is
groom each other, exchange chemical signals, and active when the PCs are near, its chemical
eat here (they ingest certain kinds of signature drawing 2d4 mudmen to the chamber to
dirt/mud/stone). There are 5d4 mudmen engaging feast. PCs observing this might be able to bottle
in the above behaviours at any one time. If the some of the slush and release it later as a
residents here have been alerted to PCs’ presence, distraction (or cover someone in it, and lead the
they will assist the sentries in Area 3, and/or send mudmen on a chase), or trigger the geyser to erupt
a messenger to inform the Core. If possible the through magic, explosives (including fire pots or
mudmen will try and drown the PCs in the mud one of the backpack bombs provided by
river (the mudmen do not breathe in the usual Bridonna, or other means at the GM’s option).

If the PCs surveil the mudmen, they will notice

they occasionally get carried upriver by the sluggish
stream and disappear beneath the northwest
rockface. The mud river carries them to Area 8
(Lower Map). The swim takes 15 rounds, which
might require Con checks from some PCs to avoid
drowning (no other way to reach the lower level).

Area 5 – Storage Chamber

Although the mudmen drones have no real
intellect, the Core exhibits a degree of creativity,
cunning and growing understanding. It
remembers, in millennia past, the fleshy bipeds
that tried to destroy it, driving it deep below
ground to escape. As a result, the mudmen
intrinsically seek to exterminate blood & bone
humanoids at every turn.

Whilst the core does not comprehend the nature

of human equipment, it is beginning to learn, and
the mudmen store various stolen artefacts in this
chamber (1d6 random equipment pieces, 1 x
Area 7 – Strange Statue
Carry Loot, 1 x Valuables and 3 x Trinkets & This 20 ft chamber can only be reached by passing
Curios), which the mudmen study from time to through two primitive, hardened mud doors (Str
time. check to move aside). In the centre of the cave is a
dirty and seemingly ancient 4 ft statue of fire topaz
Area 6 – Food Geyser (worth 2d4 x 500 gp, but extremely heavy),
depicting a humanoid creature with a bulbous
This 15 ft cavern is marked by a 2 ft wide hot mud
nose, large teeth, and a single stump like
geyser, that occasionally spurts out torrents of
appendage instead of legs. If the mud is scraped


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

away from the base, barely perceivable hieroglyphs Area 9 – Mudling Cave
of a long dead language may be read. A PC with This approx 20 ft by 60 ft cavern has an enormous
Arcane Lore might recognise the iconography for pillar of rock in the centre, dividing it into a kind
Norlebsorgu (a demon, or perhaps alien force, of oval circuit. In the southern section are 3d6
thought to be connected with evolution, rebirth Mudlings; infant 2 ft mudmen that were recently
and transmogrification). The mudmen were in fact spawned, shuffling about and eating, being
once humans, then cursed Urgot, and finally after monitored or groomed by 1d6 Mudmen (located
many millennia, devolved into the insect like in the northern section). The newly formed
mudmen. When mudmen “die” of old age, they monstrosities will not understand what a human is,
come here and dissolve into the floor, walls, etc. and will simply mistake them for strange smelling
Area 8 – River of Mud
The sluggish mud river emerges from the rockface Mudling, AC 11, HD 1, Bite 1d4 or Throw Glob
into the large cavern of Area 10. A 20 ft long, 5 ft 1d4 (90 ft), 19: special, S10 D4 C10 I2 P6 W8 C5,
wide natural stone bridge spans part of the river, L4, Mv 20 ft (inc up walls, ceiling, etc). On a nat
low enough that a PC could reach up and climb 19, the mudling’s attack tears itself apart. Mudlings
out (Str check). If a PC remains in the mud flow may squeeze through narrow cracks at half normal
until the northeast corner, they are dragged under
speed, suffer double damage from fluid based
and suffocate (the river does not resurface again).
attacks, and die if submerged in water. They see as
A Dex (Athletics) check allows one last chance to
well in darkness as in light.
grab onto the rockface to avoid such a fate.

Lower Map


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

The various tunnels branching off from this main Core Hiveguard, AC 18, HD 7+1, 2 Fists 2d6+1
chamber lead to a multitude of warrens, drone or Throw Glob 3d6 (240 ft), 19: special, S19 D11
caverns, steam baths, and whatever else the GM C18 I2 P10 W17 Ch5, L9, Mv 40 ft (inc up walls,
might wish. Many hundreds of mudmen live and ceiling, etc). Hiveguard have Major Exploit
work in these tunnels; attempting to clear the Protection. On a nat 19, a random body part is
entire hive would be almost certain death.
transmuted into a shower of mud (ie destroyed,
Whether the PCs might be able to block one or
Luck (Dex) save resists or roll 1d6: (i) head, (ii) left
more tunnels by some means is left to GM
arm below elbow, (iii) right arm below elbow, (iv)
discretion, but certainly one of Bridonna’s
backpack bombs would do the trick (one bomb left leg below knee, (v) right leg below knee, (vi)
per tunnel). genitals. Hiveguard may squeeze through narrow
cracks at half normal speed, suffer double damage
Area 10 – The Core from fluid based attacks, and lose 1 HD per round
This large 150 ft by 70 ft cavern has an 80 ft ceiling, if submerged in water. They see as well in darkness
five large 10/15 ft wide pillars supporting the as in light.
ceiling, and is filled with steam emanating from the
mud river. In the centre of the chamber is the The Core, Boss Monster, AC 21, HD 20 (227 hp),
Core; a 70 ft wide (at its base), 60 ft high, hive like Acid Mud Spray 3d10 range 240 ft, 19: the Core
mound of flexing, creaking, hardened mud with disgorges a Core Hiveguard, S- D- C24 I3 P10
oozing cracks, connected to the various sensor W20 Ch10, L16, Mv Immobile. The Core is a
tubercles spread about the complex via rootlike Boss Monster with all the usual benefits. It is
immune to non-magical weapons except silver and
At the time the PCs arrive here, there are 3d4
Carer Drones milling about, cleaning the Core,
feeding it via its enormous frontal tube, grooming
Mudmen Reinforcements
it, etc (same stats as mudmen, but 2 HD, As soon as the Core thinks it is in trouble, it
effectively blind non-combatants, making their way summons waves of mudmen to aid it. Resolve this
by touch and pheromone only, they do not leave as 2d4 mudmen appearing from nearby
the cavern). tunnels/mud river at the beginning of every round
until either the PCs are dead or the Core
The Core has 1d3 Sensor Tubercles (see entry 3 destroyed.
growing on it with 120 ft range, and senses
chemical pheromones to a similar distance. If the Backpack Bombs
PCs douse themselves in mudmen “flesh”, and PCs wishing to use the backpack bombs might do
masquerade as mudmen, they might fool it, but a so in the number of ways, for example:
Dex Stealth check vs Perc is required at disad each
round. (i) Destroying at least 3 of the 5 pillars
will cause a cave in (one bomb per
As soon as the Core detects the party, it disgorges pillar),
1d4 Core Hiveguards (lumbering 8 ft mudmen
with hardened plates) from its feeding tube to (ii) Strapping at least 2 bombs to nodules
attack: on the Core (placing them nearby will


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

not sufficiently punch through the zero hp. PCs caught in a cave-in must make a Luck
monstrosity’s armour), or (Dex) save at disadvantage to escape, otherwise
they are reduced to zero hp.
(iii) Carrying at least 1 bomb into the
monster’s frontal feeding tube (just Naturally, the Core does not want to be destroyed,
throwing a bomb at the maw causes and will take steps to defend itself. Although it is
the monster to instinctively close it, beginning to learn about human technology, it is
and the bomb bounces away). Being far from understanding it, and will not appreciate
inside the tube automatically causes the danger it is in if bombs are attached to it, etc.
3d10 crushing damage on the Core’s
turn, and requires an action to However, its Carer Drones recognise the bombs
squeeze out (Str contest vs Str 24). as foreign, and will spend an action to pull them
off, and take them to the river to dispose of them
The bombs have a set timer of one minute (approx (ie PCs will need to keep the carer drones away
10 rounds; the time required for the chemical from the bombs).
reaction). At the GM’s option, a PC might be able
to hotwire the device to explode in 30 secs (5 Aftermath
rounds) or later up to 4 mins (Int check, at disad, If the PCs manage to get some useful information
requiring specialised tools that an artificer or about the size of the hive to Librarian Bridonna,
inventor might carry). she is happy and pays them as agreed, keeping
them in mind for future work. If the party manages
If the bombs explode as noted above, the Core is to destroy the Core, she is thrilled, pays the bonus,
automatically destroyed, along with all of the and spreads word of their competence to other
mudmen (they turn catatonic, then dissolve into important NPCs. If the Core is not destroyed, a
piles of mud and bone over 1d4 hours). PCs sinkhole eventually appears in one of Northgate’s
within 10 ft of an exploding bomb are reduced to quarters, and mudmen invade the city.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)



Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Last of the Longbeards
Trade occupies every waking moment in the
House Invero of Dol-Karok is seeking explorers mountain fortress, with ambassadors from far and
to locate some misplaced property in the Lost wide bargaining for precious metals, gems and
Roads. They are offering a very handsome finder’s other rare goods the mountain folk control.
The last of the dwarves languish here, numbering
Dol-Karok in their hundreds, toiling endlessly in the mines
Dol-Karok, the Mountain Fortress, is the beneath the whips of their albino masters.
subterranean city of the albino Karoks, an old, Overcome by a combination of racial gold lust and
wealthy and decadent human culture that has indoctrinated despair, the branded servitors (as
persisted since the Second Age. they are known) bear no resemblance to the grand
longbeards of yesteryear.
The city is located within a colossal cavern,
connected to many smaller chambers, tunnels and Yet not all servitors are resigned to their fate. Two
grottos like branching veins. Pyramids and years ago, a band of fifty dwarves escaped into the
ziggurats of the Great Houses and other tunnels of the Lost Roads. House Invero has
landmarks rise above the smaller flat roofed finally managed to locate their slaves’ hidey hole,
buildings of the lower castes, the streets straight and wants someone expendable to retrieve their
and expertly carved, with perfectly fashioned tiles “property” so that the House can make an
and breathtaking bas reliefs. example of them.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Like all the great houses, Invero has its fingers in The journey to the servitor’s hiding place, an
many pies, but their speciality is servants and ancient temple of a dead civilization, is at least five
slaves, reflected in their shackle sigil. The newest days trek into the mountain. There is a 40%
member of the Circle of Five (the ruling council of chance of a random encounter every 12 hours. If
the city), Invero is in the middle of fending off a an encounter occurs, roll 1d10:
hostile takeover by a trio of smaller houses, and
securing the lost slaves would go a long way to 1. A Gelatinous Cube fills a section of this
restoring face since the escape two years earlier. 10 ft wide tunnel, distorting the air with a
slight opaqueness (Perc (Detection) check
Mithri Invero (elderly, silver hair with a hunch to notice). It has been a long time since
back and walking cane) is offering 200 gp for each the hibernating cube fed. Its body is
live slave, or 50 gp for their heads. He can provide devoid of bones or other tell tale remains
a guide (Horgak, a dark skinned barbarian tracker of past victims.
in the house’s employ, Ranger 2) to the dwarves
last known location (as of a week ago). If the Mithri 2. A small ore deposit of mithral (70%) or
fears the party might not take up the work because adamantine (30%) can be seen in the
of “slavery” issues, he will increase the bounty up ceiling here if the light catches it correctly
to double, but no more. If the party still aren’t (Perc (Detection) check). With time and
interested, so be it. the right tools, the vein may be extracted;
enough to fashion a breastplate, shield or
The Lost Roads similar.
The Lost Roads are a winding complex of tangled,
unpatrolled and primeval tunnels that extend
beyond the edges of Dol-Karok’s garrisoned
borders. Few explorers brave these shafts, as most
do not return, but those that do report veins of
iron ore ripe for the taking.

Unfortunately, they also report plague worms,

acidic oozes, choking spore fungi and worse
besides. Legend suggests the Lost Roads
eventually make their way to the northern side of
the ranges, and the White Drifts beyond. But if
that be so, no human has made the journey in

The passages and caverns of the Lost Roads are

completely dark, breezeless and stifling to those
unused to confined spaces. After 3 days of
navigating the tunnels, a Will check is required by
foreign PCs to avoid gaining a moderate madness:
“The stink of the mountain stifles me; its grit and
dust, the cloying air heavy on my lungs. It is hard
3. 3d10 Skeletons guard a large cavern, an
to breathe, is it not? By the gods, I cannot linger
ancient leyline site “blessed” by a long
much longer in the smothering black. I must out,
dead druid.
I tell you, and soon!”


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

4. 2d4 five ft Fungoids are living in a winding corner, covered in dust. It has been
corridor, hiding amongst a miniature hibernating for some months.
forest of mundane fungi.

Fungoid, AC 10, HD 5, 2d6, 19: special, S15 D5

C14 I1 P10 W8 Ch4, L8, Mv 20 ft and may climb
walls, ceiling etc. As an action, may spew sticky
strands over a single target within 10 ft, preventing
them from moving away (target may spend an
action to make an opposed Str check to break
free). On a natural 19, the toadstool blasts the
target with toxic spores, causing 1 HD loss every
24 hours for 1d3 days. An apothecary with the
right healing herbs may be able to neutralise the

5. Bergrim (Ranger 3, blonde beard,

scarred, with a powerful build) is one of
Invero’s escaped servitors, fairly deranged
(paranoid: he believes a sorcerer is
searching for him to cut out his heart) and
had a falling out with his kin. Bergrim
makes his own way in the tunnels,
sneaking about and subsisting on
monstrous worms and other “dark
delicacies”. Craziness aside, Bergrim is a
careful and resourceful subterranean
ranger. He is extremely lonely, and might 9. The ceiling or floor of this tunnel is
prove a useful guide for a time. dangerously fragile, care of a Bulette’s
recent burrowing. A Group Luck (Dex)
6. 1d6 Plague Worms (see Area 15) are save is required to avoid a partial roof
burrowing through the tunnels nearby, collapse or 20 ft pitfall, causing 2d6
tracking the party with tremor sense. damage.

7. The skeleton of a long dead giant 10. A Grey Ooze begins tracking the party
scorpion is here, brittle with age. Its skull from behind, attempting to lure a PC away
is caved in by means of blunt trauma. Two with its telepathic abilities.
human skeletons are also present, armour
broken and torn. One lies slumped again Temple of Nogerzu
the wall, a hammer by its side (still in The Nogerzu were a race of goatmen, proficient in
excellent condition, random permanent stonework and bronze metallurgy. Their main
magical item). civilization thrived in the high mountains, but
explorers also scouted new southern lands. The
8. A truly enormous 12 ft Giant Centipede temple served as a stop over while journeying the
(but 7 HD, Luck 9, 2d6+1 damage, deep roads, and as a marker of the goatmen’s
poison causes 1d3 Dex loss, Off Turn southernmost boundary.
Attacks), is curled up into a ball in a


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)



Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Wiped out early in the Second Age, the Nogerzu Generally speaking, the interior of the temple is
temple still remains, hidden a few days journey crudely worked stone, with large flagstones set into
beyond the borders of Dol-Karok. the floor. Ink based murals are faded but still
readable, depicting scenes of goatmen dancing,
hunting or mating. Great mountains and bonfires
feature prominently. Pictures of men are rare, but
when they appear relate to scenes of war and
feasting. Doors are unlocked, ancient wood, brittle
and easily broken (automatic for Str 12+,
otherwise advantage).

The dwarves keep the temple lit with cultivated

gloomspore, which gives off an eerie green
luminescence. Occasionally lanterns and torches
are also used, periodically restocked via
sympathetic contacts within Dol-Karok.

Temple Encounters
Whilst exploring the unnumbered sections of the
temple complex, there is a 30% chance of an
encounter every 15 mins. Roll 1d6 or select from
the following:

1. 1d3 Dwarves turn the corner, dragging ore

to or from Area 5 in large sacks. At the
There are two entrances to the temple. One to the sight of the PCs, they drop the sacks and
south (formal entry, Area 1) and one to the north reach for their hammers/picks.
(back entry, Area 15). The party’s guide, Horgak
is aware of the front entrance, and suspects there 2. An infant Bulette, befriended and
may be a back entrance, but is uncertain (he adopted by the dwarves, comes burrowing
ventured nearby Area 15, tracking Bergrim out of the wall, uncertain what to make of
(random encounter 5 above), but fled from the the PCs (as Bulette but 4 HD, 2d6
Plague Worms). Horgak can lead the party damage, S19).
through some winding tunnels that connect to
Area 15 however if they wish (takes two extra 3. Shuzar, the partner of Gimric, is on patrol
hours of travel). in the halls with 1d3 other dwarves (as
Dwarf but 2 HD and S16). He and his
If the party asks Horgak how he knows the crew will attempt to capture the PCs and
dwarves are within, he explains he followed two take them to Gimric.
different servitors to the front entrance. He did
not venture into the entry way itself however, as he 4. This area is very poorly lit, most of the
could hear multiple voices coming from within gloomspore has been recently consumed
(which he surmised were guards, after a few by a Green Slime that spawned from
attempts). By then he felt he had accomplished his cracks in the ceiling.
mission, and reported back to the Mithri.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

5. A gentle tremor rocks the tunnel, 6. A Speckled Ooze is hiding behind some
releasing a cloud of noxious gas. The PCs rubble, waiting to ambush a meal.
must make a Luck (Con) check or lose 1
Con. The gas dissipates in 1d4 rounds. Speckled Ooze, AC 13, HD 7, Pseudopod 4d4
+ special, 19: the ooze puffs out a toxic cloud, 15
6. Gimric (Area 4) is travelling the corridors, ft radius, causing 1d6 Int or Will loss (50/50
certain that he has picked up the scent of chance, Luck (Con) save resists), S18 D14 C17 I2
some curious precious metals. The scent P14 W15 Ch1, L9, Mv 5 ft burrow or 30 ft (inc
leads him to the PCs. walls, ceiling, etc). On a hit, victims suffer 1d8
damage due to painful flesh melting for the next
Cavern Encounters 1d4 rounds (alcohol negates).
Whilst exploring the unnumbered sections of the
caverns, there is a 50% chance of an encounter Area 1 – Front Entrance
every 30 mins. Roll 1d6 or select from the A 10 ft wide, 50 ft long arched tunnel with
following: iconography of dancing goatmen marks the front
entryway to the temple. The doorway to the west
1. 1d3 Plague Worms from Area 15 are cannot be opened, the chamber beyond collapsed
exploring here, curious about the ground centuries earlier. Two dwarves are on sentry duty
vibrations the party are causing. here at all times (30% chance both asleep, in a
drunken stupor or amorous tryst).
2. 1d10 Stirges have grown restless and are
out hunting without the rest of the swarm Dwarf, AC 15 (heavy chain), HD 1, Axe 1d8+1
in Area 12. (two handed), 19: as weapon, S11 D9 C13 I10 P10
W10 Ch10, L4, Mv 30 ft. Advantage on checks vs
3. A single Tentacle Spawn has ventured up magic or poison. The sentries each carry warhorns
from the deep tunnels and is exploring and a single fire pot.
this near surface region (it bypassed the
Plague Worms using its mental blast). If the sentries detect the party, they do not attempt
to fight, but rather rush to Area 5 for
4. A growing tremor culminates in a sudden reinforcements. If trapped they will blow their
explosion of rock, heralding the arrival of warhorns.
a colossal Purple Worm! The behemoth
thrashes its way across the corridor, Area 2 - Trap
massive jaws snapping, before burrowing The dwarves have trapped this corridor junction
through the opposite wall and beyond. with an extremely large and heavy dropstone. A
1d3 PCs must make a Luck (Dex) save or pressured plate in the floor sets it off. All the
be swallowed by the monster as it passes. dwarves know about the trap and fastidiously avoid
The beast’s tunnel collapses behind it as it it. Examining the floor might reveal hairline cracks
departs. outlining the plate (Perc (Detection) check),
otherwise moving through here has a 50% chance
5. A Giant Spidercrab is exploring this area, of setting off the trap (Luck (Dex) save or reduced
scuttling across the ceiling, hiding in large, to zero hp).
shadowed recesses (as Giant Spider but
with 2 Claw (1d6+2) attacks as well as the Area 3 – Travellers’ Quarters
usual Bite). This 20 ft by 60 ft hall has partially collapsed, with
tonnes of rubble filling the eastern side, which


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

originally housed guest quarters for goatmen
explorers (or other allied humanoids). The
western wall depicts various war scenes with the
goatmen triumphant, burning their enemies in
great, smoking conflagrations.

Area 4 – Living Quarters

This 100 ft by 40 ft hall is decorated with crudely
carved goatmen statues in various poses; holding
weapons aloft, frolicking, gazing skywards and so
on. At the northern end is a 30 ft by 20 ft pit, 4 ft
deep, that the Nogerzu once used as a mating pit.

The dwarves are aware of the secret door in the

north eastern corner (triggered by pressing a
section of the wall inwards), but also know about
the stirges and will only use it if desperate.

Presently 4d4+3 dwarves live here, with sleeping

bags, weapons and heavily patched clothes
scattered about. These are the bulk of the
surviving servitors, branded with House Invero
shackle icons on their forearms.

The dwarves are led by Gimric (50’s, thick beard

with a silver clasp, steely eyed stare), a traditionally If defeated, 1 x Carry Loot may be scavenged from
stoic, determined and utterly humourless steward this chamber. In addition, Gimric’s axed is forged
of his people. Gimric and the dwarves take their of cold iron.
freedom very seriously, and returning to servitude
is almost unthinkable. Area 5 – Storage Hall
This 50 ft by 30 ft waiting hall has a 15 ft ceiling
However, if battle is joined, and the outcome and two large pillars decorated with the painted
seems adverse, Gimric and 1d4 others will seek a skulls of the goatmen’s enemies. A bronze wall
truce and offer to return with the PCs if they let the hanging on the northern side depicts a raging
remainder go (an almost certain death sentence, bonfire with smoke like, horned spirits rising
but a price Gimric and his lieutenants are willing upwards (400 gp, but bulky).
to pay if the others go free).
The dwarves currently use this hall as storage and
Gimric, Boss Monster, AC 15 (heavy chain), HD a secondary living space, cluttering it up with
5 (45 hp), Great axe 1d12+2, 19: as weapon, S17 various small piles of metal ore (mostly iron,
D13 C17 I13 P10 W15 Ch14, L8, Mv 30 ft. mined from the tunnels, 1d6 x 10 gp worth), a
Gimric is a Boss Monster with the usual benefits. collection of recently forged tools (picks, axe
Advantage on checks vs magic or poison. heads, armour pieces) and some circular rock
stools (very heavy) that must be tilted onto one
edge to move (by rolling). At any one time there
are 2d4 dwarves in here, tidying piles or gossiping.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Area 6 – Forge and work room The rising smoke is obviously eldritch in nature (it
This 20 ft by 30 ft chamber is being used by the appears seemingly from nowhere, and vanishes
dwarves as a workroom, and includes a crude after a few brief moments). The dwarves consider
forge, a deep well, several craft tools and a large this room cursed (rightly so) and do not enter here.
stone bench with an iron top. Flues and vents from A thick layer of dust has settled over everything.
the forge protrude through the northern wall into
Area 11. 1d4+1 dwarves are here at any one time, Non-goatmen moving into this chamber feel a
forging or crafting tools or weapons. The door to definite chill run through their body. Progressing
Area 11 has been reinforced with iron banding (Str beyond the last two pillars requires a Will check to
check at disadvantage to break down, requires 3 resist dropping prostrate before the idol, unable to
successful attempts). 1d4 random weapons may be approach further. Entering the altar’s inner
scavenged. sanctum unleashes the curse; the trespasser is
overwhelmed by urges to kill all non-goatmen
Area 7 – Worship Chamber (lasts 1 hour, Luck (Will) save resists). There is no
This 100 ft by 40 ft room remains the original treasure in this room (see Area 8).
worship hall, with five wall pillars decorated with
bronze glyphs. At the northern end is a massive, Area 8 - Tribute Vault
18 ft stone idol in the likeness of a monstrous This square 30 ft chamber has four pillars carved
goatman skull. Steps carved into the floor lead to in the likeness of blazing bonfires in the corners.
a concealed, red stained altar at the base. A In the centre of the room is an 8 ft bronze statue
disturbing grey green smoke wafts upwards from of a monstrous goat with six horns standing on its
the idol, quickly dispersing into the air. hind legs. The statue is a Goat Golem that protects
the treasure vault in the western alcove. Non-
goatmen entering the chamber are attacked.

Goat Golem, AC 15, HD 8+3, Horns 2d6+1, 19:

target is thrown 20 ft and stunned (Luck (Con) save
resists), S19 D14 C19 I- P12 W- Ch-, L9, Mv 40
ft. The goat golem has 60% Magic Resistance,
except vs Speak with Animals which charms it for
1d10 minutes. The goat golem has Off Turn
Attacks and Major Exploit Protection.

In the stone vault (unlocked) is 1 x 6 HD Lair


Area 9 – Priest’s Vestibule

This 30 ft by 20 ft chamber has a statue of a
goatman in a skull motif tabard, with a cowl pulled
up over her head, a stern and searching gaze on
her bovine face. A number of stone chests hold
the rotting remains of priestly vestments, and
yellowed tomes that crumble to dust if opened.
One book however does not crumble; a weighty 2
The worship chamber is protected by unholy ft tome encased in bronze flecked with bone.
blessings that have endured for thousands of years.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

no enemies left to fight, the closest ally. The
Brutox causes critical hits on a natural 19+ attack

Numerous metal bracelets, head bands and

similar adornments may also be scavenged, worth
1 x Carry Loot.

Area 10 – Elemental Nook

This 10 ft by 15 ft cave conceals a Small Earth
Elemental, which is slowly gathering strength from
the nearby stone. It is in a hibernation like state,
but will awaken if it detects any humans within 60
ft (Perc check). The elemental has naturally
formed, and is not inherently hostile, but will sense
any precious metals the party have and wish to
absorb them.

Small Earth Elemental, AC 19, HD 5, Fist 2d6,

19: the target is knocked prone and momentarily
stunned, losing its next action (Luck (Con) save
resists), S19 D10 C22 I3 P10 W16 Ch3, L16, Mv
40 ft inc burrowing. Earth elementals may pass
through earth like water or burrow and leave a
tunnel. Immune to mundane weapons, except
those of cold iron, which affect it normally.

Area 11 – Fungi Field

This 80 ft by 50 ft cavern has high 30 ft ceilings,
An Int (Arcane) check recognises it as the Bronze the walls and floor littered with mushrooms, some
Fusicarnum; an artefact of the First Age, said to as large as a man. The dwarves harvest the fungi
house the soul of a ferocious demigod. A PC must and eat it as a major part of their diet. Some of the
attune to the book to read its spidery scrawl. Doing mushrooms are poisonous if not prepared in the
so allows the user to transform into the Brutox proper manner, causing nausea (Con check or -3
once per month, an 8 ft naked behemoth of penalty on physical activities for 24 hours). The
hunchbacked rage, as noted below. Each round highly rare Striped Moonshroom is growing here,
the user may end the transformation by making a enough to make 1d6 doses of poison by a skilled
Will check, otherwise the duration is up to 1 apothecary (contact or ingestion, Luck (Con) save
minute. Invoking the tome’s power requires an or blind for 1d4 hours).
automatic roll on the Dark & Dangerous Magic
table. Area 12 - Stirge Nest
A swarm of 3d10 Stirges nest in the ceiling here,
The Brutox, AC 13, HD same hp as PC, 2 x Fists fluttering and buzzing to each other. The swarm
2d6+1, 19: special, stats as PC but S19 I5 Ch4, Mv flies through the caverns seeking out worms, Dol-
40 ft. On its turn, the Brutox must attempt to Karok patrols or other denizens to feed upon.
attack the closest enemy in melee, or if there are They are always hungry.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Stirge, AC 12, HD 1d4 hp, Sting 1d3 + blood apothecary with the right healing herbs might
drain, 19: blood disease, 1d4 Str loss over 1d6 reduce this time by half.
hours (Luck (Con) save resists), S4 D16 C6 I2 P10
W5 Ch4, L3, Mv 60 ft flying. Aftermath
If the party retrieve at least some of the servitors
Area 13 – Detritus pile (alive or dead), Mithri Invero is content and pays
A large and mouldering pile of plague worm the agreed fee. If most are returned alive, he is very
detritus is lumped here, incorporating the last happy, paying a bonus (GM discretion) and
remnants of many a Dol-Karok patrol or other lost recommending the party for future endeavours to
roads venturer. Sifting through the pile reveals 1 x important Mithri of other houses, gilding the
Carry Loot, 1 x Valuables and 1 x Trinket & party’s reputation.
Curios. There is a 50% chance of 1d2 Plague
Worms making a deposit here at any time. If the party fail to return any servitors (alive or
dead), or worse, ally with them to ensure their
Area 14 – Isolated Retreat escape elsewhere, Invero either blacklists them
This 20 ft by 40 ft room was excavated as a retreat (fail to return any) or sends assassins after them (if
for the Nogerzu holy men, a place to meditate and they positively assisted the dwarves).
conduct rituals away from the main temple. The
door to this room is well preserved and subject to
a None Shall Pass spell (bars entry to non-
goatmen, 3rd level).

The interior is greatly decayed, a wooden cot and

bookshelf broken and collapsed, with a few metal
trinkets in the debris (1 x Trinkets & Curios). In a
crumbling chest is a runestone carved of bone (as
random Potion).

Area 15 – Plague Worm Den

This roughly 40 ft cavern is the den for a brood of
2d6 Plague Worms, who retire here to sleep for
days before venturing into the wider caverns for
food. When the dwarves first arrived, they fought
a great battle with the worms, with many dying on
each side. Since then, the worms have stayed in the
northern tunnels, seeking easier prey.

Plague Worm, AC 17, HD 3, 2d4+1, 19: special,

S17 D10 C13 I3 P10 W10 Ch5, L6, Mv 30 ft or 5
ft burrowing. Plague worms are slick, 8 ft chitinous
worms that burrow through rock and soil. On a
natural 19, the worm smears contaminated mucus
on the target, infecting it with Worm Fungus (skin
hardens and cracks painfully, causing one random
limb to become unusable for 1d4 weeks (per
Injuries & Setbacks table, entry 2 or 3). An


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)



Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Red Moon Harvest
to new dimensions and fresh, compatible flesh
Frontier farmers are going missing on the donors.
southern borderlands of Crow’s Keep, but not in
the usual way. Homes are left abandoned, open The adventurers might become involved in this
and unsecured, with unfinished meals still lying on
adventure by (i) hearing rumours about the lost
tables. The tracks of the missing are also curious;
trailing off into the Trackless Moors alone, with mansion of an old noble family, (ii) being hired by
no sign of bloodshed or struggle. The guard want the patrol captain to solve the farmer mystery, or
to know why, and are willing to pay good coin to (iii) running across the ruined manor on an
find out. unrelated expedition beyond the borderlands.

Rumour has it a ranger recently discovered a

crumbling manor about two days trek into the
Trackless Moors. Flickering torchlight within
drew her attention, but as she approached,
beastmen appeared from the entrance, and
barbarians fired upon her from high windows.
The prospect that halfmen and barbarians might
have formed an alliance is unheard of, and
extremely worrisome if true.

Beyond the borderlands, on the outskirts of lost

territories of the fortress city of Crow’s Keep,
stands an old and crumbling manor.

Once home to the prestigious Magnus family, the

house fell into ruin after beastmen raiders seized
the region, eating the last of the Magnus’ and
eliminating humans from the area. Sacked by the
halfmen, the manor stood empty for decades,
falling into disrepair.

Recently a number of frontier farmers have gone

missing, their patrolled lands seemingly
abandoned, but without any sign of bloodshed or
struggle. Naturally, the local patrol captain wants
this mystery solved, but would prefer not to risk
her own men if she doesn’t have to. The N’tarc
The N’tarc, or Flesh Harvesters are approx 8 ft tall
In fact, truly exceptional events are in train, far aberrants with bulbous, pufferfish like heads and
beyond the mundane scenarios that the captain beaked, toothy maws. They float with unnatural
imagines. The farmers have been kidnapped by locomotion, folding space to jerkily slip from one
alien entities known as N’tarc; cosmic organ place to another, long mucus covered tentacles
harvesters that trawl the multiverse, seeking access caressing the ground as they pass.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

N’tarc bend space and time in ways humans mucus, and curious, wriggling marks in loose earth
cannot understand, and in their home dimension near places where the humans stopped to empty
age as slowly as the elves. In the material world their bladders).
however, they decay rapidly and die within a few
short decades. Their objective is therefore highly The Trackless Moors
time sensitive; none of the harvesters wishes to To reach the manor, the party must first locate it
remain here longer than necessary. in the Trackless Moors by following the humans’
The aberrant species is on the verge of extinction.
The last remnants are unable to reproduce, but The moors are an immense region of scrub and
they stretch their lifespans by replacing failing wetlands, fed by run off from nearby hills and
organs with those of compatible races, one of lakes. Heather, bracken and crowberry cover most
which is humans. Driven by this fundamental of the grounds, interspersed with pockets of
imperative, a small band of n’tarc have returned to willow, birch and ash trees. Over the centuries, a
the Midlands to discreetly harvest some farmers. thick layer of peat has built up, enabling bogs and
fens to form. Fungi of a wide range of toxicity can
N’tarc, AC 13, HD 5, Bite 2d6 + age 1d10 years, be found throughout.
19: special, S13 D13 C9 I15 P15 W14 Ch5, L8,
Mv 30 ft flying. N’tarc may invoke a Temporal Beastmen and the barbarian clans tend to avoid
Warp up to 120 ft, causing a single target to age the moors, preferring nearby forests and foothills,
3d10 years (Luck (Con) save for half). This ability but small nomadic clans (particularly outcasts) are
has a 25% chance of recharging at the start of the not unheard of. Parasites such as mosquitoes and
N’tarc’s turn. On a natural 19, the target loses their leeches are present in large numbers, and unlucky
next turn, trapped in a déjà vu state (repeating their travellers might also encounter their giant sized
last action over and over). N’tarc may invoke the cousins. Of all the fens creatures however, none
following spell like abilities once/day: Strange are more terrifying than the moor trolls. Hideous
Joining, Bound by the Black Spiral, Globe of 10 ft humanoids with elongated arms and crusty,
Silent Contemplation, Monstrous Subjugation noduled skin, these fetid carnivores sometimes
(lasts 2d6 days, and subjects also become friendly hibernate in shallow pools until something warm
to other victims of this power), Delusions of Dark and juicy awakens them.
Recall, Ineffable Force.
Reaching the mansion is a 2 day trek through the
Missing Farmers fens, with a 40% chance of a random encounter
It’s a simple matter for the party to learn which every 8 hours. If an encounter occurs, roll on the
farmers have gone missing in recent weeks, and table below (adding 2 during the last day of travel):
where their farms lie. Investigating their homes
reveals that some were left unlocked, with meals 1. 2d12 Giant Centipedes are sifting through
left uneaten, and so on (the n’tarcs used their the muck, looking for something to eat.
Monstrous Subjugation power to lure the humans They will spread out and attempt to
overwhelm the party with numbers. They
away before incapacitating them).
are afraid of fire.
A Perc (Detection) check locates human tracks 2. 3d4 Wolves (70%) or 2d4 Dire Wolves
leading beyond patrolled fields into the Trackless (30%) are on the hunt, and have caught
Moors. A great success also notices some other the party’s scent. Their gathering howls
odd tracks seeming to accompany them (tops of can be heard an hour before they appear.
ferns and scrub brushed ever so lightly with a clear Normal wolves might be deterred by fire


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

and steel, but the dire wolves are fiercely 6. In a flash, a small flying creature (not a
hungry and will not give up easily. bird) wizzes overhead. A Perc (Detection)
test notices the direction it went before it
3. 4d6 Beastmen (50%) or 2d6 Urgot (50%) disappears. On a great success, the
are camped in this area with 1d3 sentries observer can tell it is a small humanoid
on duty. They are tracking a bear for its with wings (a flying Sprite). The sprite toys
pelt, but will not hesitate to skin the party with the party over the next few hours,
instead. playing hide and seek with them. If
befriended, the pixie warns the party of
4. A massive brown bear is scavenging for Runk in (7) below and the trolls in (8).
food and will attack the party if goaded.
She is being hunted by those in entry 3 7. An Ogre outcast named Runk is camped
above. Alternatively the party might on a small wooded rise, a smoke trail
encounter 3 & 4 at the same time. curling into the sky. Runk is in a foul
mood, and devilishly hungry. There is a
Brown Bear, AC 11, HD 4+2, 2 Claws 1d6+1 and 50% chance he is downwind of the party,
Bite 2d4, 19: bear hug, S19 D8 C15 I3 P12 W15 and comes to investigate.
Ch7, L 7, Mv 40 ft. If hit with both claw attacks,
8. 1d12 Moor Trolls are lurking in 1 ft deep
the target is caught in a crushing hug, requiring a pools, hibernating. They awaken in 1d4
roll on the Injuries & Setbacks table (Luck (Con) rounds if the party moves within 60 ft
save resists). (possibly attacking with surprise as they
lurch upwards).
5. The weather turns gloomy and a thick fog
rolls in, reducing visibility to 90 ft. Strange 9. One of the missing farmer’s rotting
howls can be heard on the wind, but they corpses is here. The body’s eyes and one
are distant. For now. lung have been savagely torn out (eaten


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

by one of the N’tarc, which transmutes the 7. A servant kitchen, kitchenette or pantry,
cells to repair its own sight and breathing most of the foodstuffs stolen or long
organs). There is a small amount of rotten. 50% chance of a flask of
glistening, clear mucus still on the body
flammable cooking alcohol or oil.
(most of it has already broken down).

10. 1d3 N’tarc are hiding in a nearby copse of 8. Bathroom, water closet, privy, steam bath,
willow trees, spying on the party. If one of etc. Bloodstained and defiled, 90%
the PCs becomes isolated, they will chance of a skeleton with 1 x Carry Loot.
attempt Monstrous Subjugation to kidnap
them. If not, they soon move off, seeking 9. Loungeroom, decorated with broken
easier prey. couches and what were once luxurious
chairs. 50% chance of a solitary Giant
Ruined Manor Spider, newly arrived and hidden in the
The old Magnus manor house sits on a low hill in high rafters.
one of the moor’s drier regions. Once a proud
and imposing outpost on the borderlands, what 10. Music room containing a variety of wind,
remains is a silent ruin; dark stone walls worn and string and drum instruments, most of
crumbling, evidenced by numerous piles of which have been broken. 50% chance of
collapsed brick, fields and gardens completely locating an intact, rare oak flute, worth
overgrown with shrubs and weeds. 1d6 x 50 gp.

Scouting the area reveals the tracks of several 11. Reading room with a small desk and some
humanoids, leading to the front door (a great sitting chairs, most of them badly burnt,
success on the Perc (Detection) test also spots along with walls and floor. The ceiling is
some mucus droplets). badly smoke stained. 50% chance of a
headless skeleton still wearing an ivory
Sunlight penetrates the outer rooms during the ring (2d6 x 10gp).
day, but at night the interior is mostly unlit, barring
lantern light from Areas 4 and 11. Inside are 12. Servants dining room with a largely
wooden floorboards, tiles and masonry walls and undamaged table. Whatever chairs were
ceilings with exposed beams. GMs will note that once in here have been removed. 1d4+1
many of the interior rooms are not numbered on charmed barbarians or beastmen (50/50
the map. For unnumbered rooms, roll 1d20 and chance) are here, drinking, boasting
consult the following table below to determine and/or wrestling.
their nature:
13. Guest room with one more single beds, a
1-5 Spare or empty room (possibly in “mid clothes chest and small table, all of which
renovation” when the manor was sacked); have chopped into pieces by some kind of
nothing of interest. axe. There is a 30% chance of 1 x Trinkets
& Curios in the debris.
6. A small bedroom or sitting room,
decorated in feminine style, most of the 14. Wine cellar or small brewery room,
furniture broken or otherwise defiled. containing empty racks or broken barrels
50% chance of 1 x Trinkets & Curios. with no remaining fluids. The barrels are
still highly flammable despite the passage
of time.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

15. Map room with an assortment of desks 20. Exercise room (used for callisthenics,
and tables, and many ruined maps and dancing, martial techniques) containing
scrolls. Most of the reading material has some rudimentary weights, wooden
been burnt or torn up, but there is a 50% weapons and dancing shoes. The wooden
chance of a valuable, historic map of the weapons are charred and burnt and the
far eastern realm of Shenzu, in a tube shoes broken. The weights are heavy and
fallen beneath a damaged table (1d6 x 100 would crush a man’s skull if dropped
gp to a collector). from above.

16. Chapel to Argona (Goddess of health, Random Encounters

wealth, happiness & hope) decorated with Whilst the party are exploring the manor, there is
bright tiles and scripture extracts a 30% chance of a random encounter every 15
ruminating on crops, exploration and minutes. If an encounter occurs, roll 1d6:
protection. A shattered idol depicting the
starmaiden lays in pieces, along with a 1. 1d4+1 Barbarians turn the corner ahead,
broken altar. A secret compartment chicken legs and bread rolls in their
beneath the idol base is locked (the key hands.
long lost). Inside is a pouch containing 1 x
Valuables. 2. 1d4 Beastmen can be heard fighting in a
room or hallway nearby, hooting, yelling
and throwing things.
17. This room (originally a spare room) is
piled with skeletons of dead humans,
3. The Troll from Area 9 appears, sniffing
many of which still wear rotting clothes
the air. It has caught the party’s scent and
and other finery. 1d4 of the larger
has come to investigate.
skeletons wear damaged chainmail, and
there is one suit of half plate. Rings, 4. The newly arrived Giant Spider in
necklaces, bracers and other jewellery unnumbered room Entry 9 above is
items have already been scavenged. There moving about on the ceiling and freezes as
is a 90% chance of a 3d4 Giant Rats the party come into view.
sniffing about the pile.
5. A loud, discordant ringing noise echoes
18. Storeroom containing broken crates, through the manor for a moment, setting
chests and wooden troughs, the content of everyone’s teeth on edge (a farmer was
which were plundered long ago, but for just transported through the portal in Area
some coal and bags of salt. There is a 50% 17).
chance of 2d4 Xornlings hidden amongst
the coal. 6. An n’tarc appears from around the
corner, it’s vision focused elsewhere in
19. Aviary containing a series of large and time as it surveys the house. It is
small bird cages, empty but for timeworn automatically surprised by the party.
feathers and a few small falcon skeletons.
One of the cages is silvered, and might be
remade into a weapon with the proper
forging techniques (750 gp).


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Ground Map

Upper Map


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Basement Map The back door accessible via the long balcony, and
the single door to Area 6, are both broken down,
allowing for easy access to the interior.

Area 3 – Welcome Hall

This 20 ft welcome hall still displays broken
picture frames, toppled wooden plinths and
mouldy carpet. Parts of the greenery from outside
has made its way into the foyer, curling about
sections of the stairways that lead up to Area 12.

Humanoid boot tracks lead in all directions from

this room, and there are several smears of clear
n’tarc mucus. A number of charmed humanoids
(barbarians, beastmen, farmers) have passed
through recently.

Area 4 – Guardroom
This 15 ft room was once a small sitting room, and
contains old stools, motheaten chairs and a
Area 1 – Entry reading desk. 1d4+3 charmed Skorn wait here,
Entry to the manor might be via several means: the sentinels for their new alien friends. They will
overgrown path leads to the front door which was attempt to scare the party away with a show of
broken down decades ago. Alternatively, there are strength (loud hooting, lifting something heavy or
wall breaches large enough to squeeze through to breaking a chair) before resorting to actual
the north, east and west, or the back door (also violence. They understand that their friends do
broken down) might be utilised. Explorers keen to not wish to be disturbed by outsiders, but not
enter by unconventional means might also scale much more than that.
the building (Str (Athletics) check) and enter via a
window or ceiling hole (of which there are several, Skorn (Beastmen), AC 11, HD 1, Club 1d6+1, 19:
or tiles might simply be pulled up to make a new the target is clubbed in the head, losing its next
hole). action (Luck (Will) save resists), S15 D10 C13 I7
P12 W8 Ch8, L4, Mv 30 ft. Advantage on checks
Area 2 – Back Gardens to sense danger or detecting scents.
The rear gardens include large willow trees and
what were once sculpted hedges, well overgrown Area 5 – Secondary Pantry
into a huge tangle of wild plant life. A pack of 3d4 This 12 ft by 8 ft room was once a storage room or
Wolves (including 25% cubs) have made their den secondary pantry, and still has a number of old
beneath the shrubbery, and will defend it against barrels and empty crates within. Most of the
encroachers, growling menacingly. barrels are broken, or contain salt, but one tucked
away at the back contains potent whiskey. If the
Wolf, AC 12, HD 1+2, Bite 1d4+1, 19: target is brew can be conveyed to a dealer, it is worth 1d4
knocked prone, S13 D14 C15 I2 P12 W10 Ch6, x 100 gp.
L4, 60 ft. Advantage when tracking and on attack
rolls when flanking. A nest of small poisonous vipers are hidden
amongst the largest crates. Disturbing them risks a


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

frightened bite (Luck (Dex) save or suffer 1 point Area 8 - Laboratory
of damage, and 1d2 Str loss). The small vipers will This 18 ft windowless chamber was once an
try to hide between the barrels and resist being enclosed laboratory. The iron door that permits
drawn out into the open (where they are easily entry is still locked. A Dex (Locks & Traps) check
dispatched). at a -2 penalty opens the lock.

Area 6 – Bear Den The laboratory within consists of tables, glassware,

This 20 ft by 15 ft room was once part of the drips, an iron stove/forge, flues, an anvil and fine
servants quarters, particularly the gardeners. Old metal working tools. Spread on the main table is a
bunks and beds remain, some still intact, their clockwork device that looks like a thick silvery
sheets threadbare. A few metal tools (shovels, (mithral) armband. If a nodule on the band is
shears) can be found scattered about under debris. pressed however (no action), a small buckler
shield fans out from one side (treat as a mithral
An intimidating Brown Bear has made its home in shield). The mithral shieldband is worth 2,500 gp
this room, curling up atop some mounded sheets. to the right collector.
The beast has been charmed by the n’tarc, and will
aggressively repel any intruders. Area 9 - Kitchen
This 10 ft by 20 ft galley style kitchen contains an
Brown Bear, AC 11, HD 4+2, 2 Claws 1d6+1 and iron stove, fire place, broken benches and shelves.
Bite 2d4, 19: bear hug, S19 D8 C15 I3 P12 W15 No food remains, but two human half skeletons
Ch7, L 7, Mv 40 ft. If hit with both claw attacks, are stuffed into the open oven. As search of the
the target is caught in a crushing hug, requiring a charred remains finds a small golden ring with a
roll on the Injuries & Setbacks table (Luck (Con) dove motif (1d10 x 10 gp).
save resists).
There is a 75% chance of a charmed Moor Troll
If this room is thoroughly searched, 1 x Carry Loot in this room, pulling out bones in the stove and
and a flask of anti-toxin may be found. gnawing on them.

Area 7 – Lower Barracks Troll, AC 13, HD 7, 2 Claws 1d4+1 and Bite

This 18 ft diameter tower was once a small 1d8+1, 19: a pet/henchmen of the target is eaten
barracks, and is fitted with a broken weapons rack by the troll (or has a limb torn off), S19 D12 C17
and some benches, most of which have been I6 P7 W8 Ch7, L9, Mv 30 ft. Trolls regenerate all
smashed. Stone stairs lead up to Area 11, and damage at the start of their next turn, or in 1d6
down to the Area 18 basement. rounds if reduced to zero hit points. Damage from
fire or acid is not regenerated. A troll reduced to
This chamber was thoroughly looted by beastmen zero hit points and completely burnt or buried
decades ago, but a fixed iron safe proved does not regenerate. 10 ft reach.
impervious to their primitive weapons. The safe
remains locked (a Dex (Traps & Locks) test opens Area 10 – Dining Room
it), containing employment contracts, personal At the rear of the mansion is a 25 ft by 12 ft dining
papers of a long dead captain, 1 x Potion and 1 x room, complete with a largely intact feasting table,
Carry Loot. and a series of broken chairs. Faded paintings and
torn tapestries are hung on the walls. The north
western corner of the room has a large hole in it,
the floor cluttered with rock and scree.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

The n’tarc did not travel to the Midlands entirely Area 11 – Upper Barracks
alone; they brought some guardian creatures to The top level of the barracks is 15 ft in diameter,
accompany them, including the 3d4 Skitter Eyes with a single stone staircase winding up from Area
protecting Area 10. 7. Benches, a small table and broken armament
shelves make up the room. 2d4 charmed
barbarians stand watch here, and will fire their
bows at encroachers, seeking to drive them away.

Barbarians, AC 13, HD 1, Spear 1d6+1 or Long

Bow 1d8, 19: as weapon, S12 D10 C13 I10 P10
W12 Ch11, L4, Mv 30 ft. 10% of the barbarians
are berserkers with S13, +2 bonus to attack, Spear
1d6+2, and never check for morale.

If defeated the barbarians have 1 x Carry Loot, and

an intact silvered dagger with a wolf motif (200 gp)
can be found behind the shelves.

Area 12 – Stairs
This approximately 12 ft by 12 ft room is
essentially an oversized landing for the western
Skitter Eye, AC 13, HD 1 hp, 2 x Claws 1 + stairs (an equivalent room mirrors the eastern
poison, 19: special, S5 D14 C7 I4 P17 W15 Ch3, stairs). The walls are panelled wood and dark
L4, Mv 30 ft. On a natural 19 attack roll, the target black stains mark the floor from some desperate
is momentarily hypnotised by the pulsating eye, battle decades before. A Perc (Detection) check
losing its next action (Luck (Will) save resists). The notices small mucus droplets on the floor, leading
skitter’s poison causes 1d3 Will loss (Luck (Con) into the northern hallway, then trailing off towards
save for half). the east wing.

Skitter Eyes are 5 inch blood red mutants from If the barbarians in Area 11 are aware of the PCs,
another planet, the bizarre merging of a furtive, they take up barricading positions here, firing their
yellowed eyeball and six spindly, insectoid legs. bows and dropping large stones from above (Luck
They skitter across the floor, walls and ceiling with (Dex) save to avoid 3d6 damage).
surprising celerity, leaping up to 10 ft to attack
their prey. A skitter’s foot claw injects a numbing Area 13 – Grand Hall
poison; targets reduced to zero Will are rendered This 35 ft by 15 ft hall is richly appointed with leafy
unconscious. Skitters have animal like intelligence, frescos, elaborate cornicing and moth eaten (but
and if raised as a hatchling may be trained as site once luxurious) dark blue curtains. A lavish
guardians or concealable bodyguards. fireplace adorns the western wall, set with a life size
alabaster statue of a man holding a book and staff
If the aliens are defeated and the room searched, (a tribute to a long dead historian and reputed
a two inch yellow fibrous cocoon is located wizard).
beneath the large table. 1d4 half inch scarlet skitter
eggs are inside (males only). They are due to hatch The walls, ceiling and floorboards are badly
in 3d4 weeks. If sold, a collector of rare insects damaged; indeed a large 5 ft hole occupies the
might pay up to 500 gp per egg/hatchling. central floor. The room otherwise appears empty.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

In fact, the statue at the western end conceals a years, Mimette has grown quite mad, and will
secret compartment: the “book” slides out from mutter to herself constantly (PCs might catch
the statue to reveal a small nook, hiding a magic phrases such as “at last, the fleshy ones return”,
talisman (1 x Permanent Magic Item). The “they’ll help me, they must”, “they want me, yes, I
talisman is an heirloom of the Magnus family, can tell”, etc), but will not talk to them directly.
rarely invoked due to the dangers of sorcery,
secreted here before the house fell to the Mimette gestures for the PCs to inspect the statue,
beastmen. hoping they will locate the hidden compartment.
The spirit is not able to mimic fine movements,
The talisman has a guardian however; Mimette, but will do its best to pantomime pulling on the
the ghost of a female hand servant who coveted it book. If the PCs acquiesce, the secret
for herself. Butchered by the feral halfmen, the compartment is found. If not, something snaps
spirit has lingered here for decades, unable to inside the ghost and she goes into a wild rage,
leave the talisman but equally unable also to allow attacking maniacally.
another to claim it. The n’tarc are aware of the
ghost and their charmed allies have been warned If the talisman is retrieved, Mimette hovers over it,
not to enter. eyes agape and tearing. She reaches out … only to
have her hand recoil from it painfully. There is a
Mimette will reveal herself to the party if they enter 50% chance she then dissipates, released from her
the room, materialising as a translucent, comely decades long curse (PC holding the talisman
female servant, with pretty hair and a terrible restores 1 Luck). If not, Mimette adopts a grimace
bloody gash across her left shoulder. Over the of unbridled rage and she attacks mercilessly, until


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

the PCs are dead or she is destroyed. The spectre sunlight into the room. Two small storage sheds
is not able to leave the confines of the hall are set into the eastern wall. Whatever once grew
however, so she is easily escaped if need be. in here however is long dead, shrivelled and
desiccated plant husks lay in dozens of large clay
Mimette, Spectre, AC 15, HD 7, Touch 1d8 + pots and troughs. The plant remains are extremely
level drain, 19: the spectre and target vanish to a fragile and crumble if touched.
nightmare realm of dark sorcery to finish their
duel. If the spectre is destroyed, the target Not everything in the room is dead, however. A
reappears, S- D15 C- I10 P13 W15 Ch8, L9, Mv hibernating Crimson Mould is hidden inside a
30 ft in any direction. Incorporeal Undead, passes servant corpse lying in northern storage shed. The
through solid objects like water. A spectre’s icy mould awakens 1d4 rounds after the party enter
touch drains one level until the end of the the room.
adventure (a Luck (Will) save resists). An
adventurer reduced to zero levels dies, and rises as
a subservient wraith in 1d4 days.

Area 14 - Library
This roughly 15 ft x 25 ft chamber was once a
library, its many bookshelves and reading desk
broken, shattered or burnt. Most of the tomes and
maps are ash, all but one: an archaic map from the
prior age, written in a dead language. If translated,
the map ostensibly reveals directions to Yusu
Kherra, sunken city of the underlake.

One of the n’tarc’s alien guardians has made this

room their rest chamber; an 8 ft, gaunt, milk white Crimson Mould, AC 10 (auto hit in melee), HD
furless hound with a flat skull, needle like teeth 4, Projectile Spore (special), 19: the spore is extra
and an undulating tail. There is a 50% chance the strong, bursting in a 10 ft radius, S7 D- C16 I2 P10
alien hound is slumbering when the party arrives, W- Ch-, L7, Mv Immobile.
otherwise it smells them coming and hides behind
some shelving pieces to ambush them. Crimson mould is immobile but attacks by way of
projectile spores up to 60 ft that burst in a 10 ft
Furless Hound, AC 12, HD 6 (40 hp), Bite 2d6, diameter. The spores are sticky and extremely
19: the hound goes into a frenzy, making an attack acidic, causing 1d4 damage and requiring a roll on
against all creatures in range, S19 D12 C16 I4 P13 the Injuries & Setbacks table (Luck (Con) negates
W13 Ch5, L8, Mv 40 ft. The hound makes Off the injury roll). Crimson mould spreads by
Turn Attacks. Its body is incredibly resilient spawning inside corpses.
against non-magical weapons, reducing damage by
3 points. When Staggered, the hound swells in If the greenhouse is searched, a number of rare
muscle mass and grows 2 ft larger, increasing its dried herbs can be found in the southern storage
AC to 14 and causing 3d6 damage with its Bite. shed (worth 1d6 x 50 gp), and 1d4 doses of Slug
Brain poison (ingestion, Luck (Con) save or
Area 15 – Greenhouse Malediction of Lunacy effect for 2d4 rounds).
This 15 ft by 30 ft chamber is a greenhouse with a
glass ceiling, allowing inordinate amounts of


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Area 16 – Main Bedroom 2d4 n’tarc are present, milling back and forth
The 18 ft upper eastern tower was the bedroom of around the portal in some unfathomable ritual.
Lord and Lady Magnus, decorated with an ornate The space between the arch wavers like a heat
poster bed, a fine desk and wardrobe, valuable haze, and a Perc (Detection) test might somehow
paintings and trinkets. The entire room is in ruin; discern a shimmering red moon in black starlit
furniture smashed or burnt, paintings torn and space. A discordant droning emanates from the
baubles broken, bent or ground into dust. portal, causing one’s hairs to prickle up.

A single n’tarc is meditating in the tower room As long as the n’tarc portal stands, the aberrants
when the party arrive, its consciousness elsewhere have a connection back to their home dimension,
in space and time, sensing somehow the terrible which allows them to remain manifest in the
history of the house, and the atrocities that Midlands (and send the occasional farmer back
occurred here. The alien is in a highly distracted through it).
state and will not notice the party unless they
provide some obvious impetus. If the n’tarc is Damaging the portal beyond repair requires
snapped out of its reverie, it is automatically 3d10+40 hp damage (the structure is immune to
surprised and reacts hostilely. piercing based damage, such as arrows, and
reduces all other non-magical damage by 3 points).
If the portal is destroyed, the n’tarc are instantly
sucked back into the void, never to return. Any
humans in the room must make a Luck save to
avoid being sucked in with them (instantly killing
PCs, or at the GM’s discretion, leading to strange
adventures in another reality).

If the n’tarc are defeated, some scattered pieces of

the portal remain. One particular segment of grey
alien rock is lined with pulsing red veins, and may
be attuned to (whether this is magic, psionics or
some form of high technology, is up to the GM).

The keystone fragment allows the user to make a

Luck (Will) check to shape the future, choosing a
single event to occur in the immediate present
from an expansive range of alternate time lines
(GM discretion, eg an enemy being decapitated by
a sword blow might be possible, or winning a card
game (no doubt for a small fortune), but not a
Area 17 – Alien Portal tower being struck by a meteor out of the blue, or
The original purpose of this 30 ft by 30 ft chamber a shower of diamonds from the sky).
has been erased by the aliens, who have cleared it
and covered most surfaces in viscous, glistening Once activated, the event automatically occurs
mucus. At the back of the room is a 10 ft, cut stone within the next minute (user chooses when), and
runed archway, the apex of which is somehow the fragment vanishes into the void with a painful
suspended in the air, spinning freely. echo. Using the keystone imposes a permanent
minor madness which cannot be removed by


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

mortal magic (“The Red Moon invaders are Area 19 – Secret Vault
already hiding among us. They must be rooted out The secret door to this 8 ft square room can be
and destroyed.”). located by searching the corridor and making a
Perc (Detection) check, or by pressing on the
Area 18 – Torture Chamber hidden pressure plate located at the base of the
Stone steps from Area 11 descend from the wall beside the door. With a crisp snick, the wall
barracks to the dungeon level. This section of the slides aside to reveal the treasure vault. Inside the
tower is 15 ft in diameter, with two iron crow’s vault, various coffers contain 1 x 6 HD Lair
cages hanging either side of the eastern archway. Treasure and 2 x Valuables.
The western archway leads to the torture room,
containing a broken rack and tables, with metallic One of the coffers is rigged with a poison gas trap,
implements bent or discarded on the red stained triggered by opening it without first twisting the
floor. metal handle 90 degrees. Barely perceptible marks
around the handle provide a clue to the trap (Perc
A single N’tarc is within this chamber, silently (Detection) check at disadvantage, and/or a Dex
hovering, jerkily moving about touching the (Traps & Locks) check to disarm, or by player
various implements. It is in a highly distracted description). If the trap is set off, a cloud of
state, its senses focused elsewhere in time, and is noxious gas fills the room, causing 3d6 damage
easily surprised. and 1d4 Str loss (Luck (Con) save for half).

If the creature is brought out of its contemplative Area 20 – Dungeon

state, it seeks to escape up the stairs to warn its kin This 12 ft by 12 ft bare stone dungeon is dark,
in Area 17. cold, and locked with a barred gate (a Dex (Traps


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

& Locks) check opens it). Most of the missing At the GM’s discretion, one n’tarc (and perhaps
farmers are inside, absent any poor souls sent some aberrant bodyguards) might be exiled here,
through the portal and corpses the party might and left to die. What strange revenge it might
have found. The survivors are dehydrated and in unleash on the region is left for the GM to
the process of starving. 1d3 of them are missing determine.
limbs, eyes, ears or other organs, and are delirious
or dying. The farmers are exhausted but clearly If the n’tarc are defeated without destroying the
overjoyed at the prospect of rescue. Up to 1d3 of portal, it remains open. Whether it naturally closes
them are strong enough to fight alongside the party over time, allows other aliens, aberrants or other
if there are weapons to spare. dark and dangerous creatures through is up to the
GM. If the party wish to venture through the
Aftermath portal, the GM decides where it takes them, and
If the n’tarc are defeated, they are not seen again whether the environment is consistent with human
in the Midlands for generations, instead choosing life.
to harvest from other, less hostile worlds. If the
n’tarc are not defeated, more farmers go missing
over the next few months, and more n’tarc arrive
to assist in the harvesting process. Ultimately
however they wish to remain secretive, and will
disappear as quietly as they came once their
harvest quota is achieved.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)



Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Rooftop Rumble
The scenario starts as a Chase scene, across the
It’s a cold night in Northgate, lit by a full moon rooftops and streets, using a customised version of
when the party suddenly hear a horrible, gurgling the Low Fantasy Gaming RPG chase rules as
death wail from the baron’s keep. Looking up, outlined below. Assuming the party catch up to
they spot notorious assassin, Skanta Claws, fleeing Skanta, a merry show down with his little helpers
across the rooftops! If the party can catch him, ensues.
he’ll fetch a fat bounty.
Baron Krampus fears for his safety and has hired • The chase has two sides: Skanta Claws
the adventurers as extra body guards. One cold and the party.
night, as the party is about to relieve the current • The GM determines the starting gap
shift, they hear a horrible death wail from the between the two sides (alternatively
baron’s chambers. One of the guards bursts open 6d10+60 ft).
the door to reveal Krampus’ headless body • The chase is broken down into 3d6 legs
sprawled on his bed. The window sash is up, the (rolled secretly). The timescale for each
roof all of a clatter. It’s abundantly clear that leg is flexible, from ten seconds to a few
something’s the matter! minutes.
• If the party reduce the gap to zero before
Baron Krampus was a naughty boy this year and the end of the last leg, Skanta is caught and
the infamous assassin, Skanta Claws, has come for tries to fight his way out. Otherwise Skanta
him. The mini adventure begins with Krampus escapes. The GM might also rule that
dead in his keep and Skanta making his escape Skanta escapes if he opens a wide enough
across the moonlit rooftops, trying to reach his gap (eg: 200 ft).
getaway skiff Jingle Coins across town.
Resolving the Chase
(1) At the start of each leg, both sides choose
one character to lead them. No character
may lead a second leg until all allies have
lead a first leg, and so on.

(2) The two leaders make opposed Con

(Athletics) checks. The winning side
widens or closes the gap by 1d10 ft per 10
ft movement rate of the leader (rounding
up). Eg: a 25 ft movement rate = 3d10 ft.

(3) The player controlling the leader rolls on

the Chase Event Table. There is a 50%
chance the result applies to the leader
and/or party, otherwise it affects the
opposing side.

(4) Repeat until the chase ends.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Large Crowd
A large group of creatures impedes the progress of the characters in a non-violent manner
(eg: Street - a funeral procession, farmer herding cows, Rooftop – gaggle of chimney
sweets, group of star gazers, flock of bats). One or more characters may (amongst other
things) attempt to persuade or intimidate the group to assist them (GM discretion). If the
crowd is not managed or bypassed, the opposing side rolls to widen or close the gap.
Dangerous Hazard
The GM improvises a physical threat of some kind (eg: Street - a boisterous bar fight
2 engulfing passers by, gang of 1d6 thugs, Rooftop – poison snake nest in drain, mad
inventor crash lands defective flying machine). 1d4 characters must make a Luck (Dex)
save or suffer 2d6+level damage.
The GM improvises a physical obstruction of some kind (eg: Street: a horse & cart, chain
link fence, Rooftop – faulty roof tiles, massive 25 ft jump to next building). If the characters
cannot bypass or resolve the obstruction, the opposing side rolls to widen or close the gap.
Snap Opportunity
Randomly nominate 1d4 characters from both sides. Those participants may take an
action to assist themselves or act against the opposing side, provided they declare their
action within a 5 second count down! The GM adjudicates what kinds of actions are
possible in the circumstances, but might include making ranged attacks, casting spells,
attempting to lasso a quarry, dropping caltrops, etc.
Random Setback
Roll 1d6:
• 1 – Drop something: The character accidentally drops something valuable.
Depending on the item, the GM might require a check to notice the loss.
• 2 – Fatigue: The character is overcome by unexpected fatigue and suffers 1 Con
loss. If an NPC, the character drops out of the chase.
• 3 – Head Strike: The character is struck on the head by an object. The character
must make a Con check or be stunned and drop out of the chase.
5 • 4 – Fall: The character trips and falls, suffering a setback improvised by the GM
(eg: falls down stairs, injured knee, damaged object, etc).
• 5 – Hostile Third Party: The character is beset upon by a hostile random
encounter (angry drunkard, thug, determined harlot, vicious dog, etc). The
character must make a Dex check or drop out of the chase and deal with the
random encounter.
• 6 – Lost: The character is somehow separated from any others. The character
must make an Int check or become lost (momentarily or otherwise) and drop out
of the chase.
Third Party
A single or small number of creatures impede the characters’ progress in a non-violent
manner (eg: Street - 1d4 beggars, a drunk woodsman, Rooftop – depressed moneylender,
1d4 playful baby owls). One or more characters may (amongst other things) attempt to
persuade or intimidate the creatures to assist them (GM discretion). If the creature(s) is
not managed or bypassed, the opposing side rolls to widen or close the gap.
Dangerous Hazard
The GM improvises a physical threat of some kind (eg: Street - falling debris from an
upper storey window, starving dog pack, Rooftop - collapsed chimney/rubble causing
tripping hazard, barbed wire strung across the rooftop edge). 1d4 characters must make a


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Luck (Dex) save or suffer 1d6 + level damage. There is a 50% chance that a random piece
of equipment is lost, damaged or destroyed (not including permanent magical items).
The GM improvises a physical obstruction of some kind (eg: Street – stacks of crates,
8 slippery sewerage from open drain, Rooftop – caltrops 2, large barrels lined along the
edge). If the characters cannot bypass or resolve the obstruction, the opposing side rolls
to widen or close the gap.
Snap Opportunity
Randomly nominate 1d4 characters. Those participants may take an action to assist their
side or act against the opposing side, provided they declare their action within a 5 second
count down! The GM adjudicates what kinds of actions are possible in the circumstances,
but might include making ranged attacks, casting spells, attempting to lasso a quarry,
dropping caltrops, etc.
Cross Paths
A random chaser gets lucky with a shortcut and catches up to Skanta for a moment before
he breaks away. Each character may make a single melee attack against the other, or take
some other action, before being separated again.
Hidey Hole
Skanta locates a viable hiding place and may make a Dex (Stealth) check opposed by the
11 party’s group Perc (Detection) check. The GM might impose modifiers on the checks
depending on distances and other circumstances. If Skanta succeeds he escapes. If not he
is caught. Either way the chase ends.
Snap Opportunity
Randomly nominate 1d4 characters. Those participants may take an action to assist their
side or act against the opposing side, provided they declare their action within a 5 second
count down! The GM adjudicates what kinds of actions are possible in the circumstances,
but might include making ranged attacks, casting spells, attempting to lasso a quarry,
dropping caltrops, etc.
Major Obstruction
The GM improvises a major physical obstruction of some kind (eg: Street – busy night
markets/packing up, city watch blockade responding to an unrelated incident, Rooftop –
derelict rooftop in danger of collapsing, 1d4+1 private guards on sentry duty). If the
characters cannot bypass or resolve the major obstruction, the opposing side rolls to widen
or close the gap.
Dangerous Hazard
The GM improvises a physical threat of some kind (eg: Street - startled horse kick, shower
14 of glass from a broken tavern window, Rooftop - a band of Skanta’s Little Helpers waiting
in ambush swoop in to stab the party, bear traps are strewn across the area to discourage
thieves). 1d4 characters must make a Luck (Dex) save or suffer 3d4+level damage.
Burst of Speed
15 The characters are inspired to dig deep and put on a final burst of speed. The characters
roll to widen or close the gap.
Random Setback
Roll 1d6:
• 1 – Drop something: The character accidentally drops something valuable.
Depending on the item, the GM might require a check to notice the loss.
• 2 – Fatigue: The character is overcome by unexpected fatigue and suffers 1 Con
loss. If an NPC, the character drops out of the chase.

Dropped by Skanta or his helpers.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

• 3 – Head Strike: The character is struck on the head by an object. The character
must make a Con check or be stunned and drop out of the chase.
• 4 – Fall: The character trips and falls, suffering a setback improvised by the GM
(eg: falls down stairs, injured knee, damaged object, etc).
• 5 – Hostile Third Party: The character is beset upon by a hostile random
encounter (angry drunkard, thug, determined harlot, vicious dog, etc). The
character must make a Dex check or drop out of the chase and deal with the
random encounter.
• 6 – Lost: The character is somehow separated from any others. The character
must make an Int check or become lost (momentarily or otherwise) and drop out
of the chase.
Snap Opportunity
Randomly nominate 1d4 characters from both sides. Those participants may take an
action to assist themselves or act against the opposing side, provided they declare their
action within a 5 second count down! The GM adjudicates what kinds of actions are
possible in the circumstances, but might include making ranged attacks, casting spells,
attempting to lasso a quarry, dropping caltrops, etc.
Major Obstruction
The GM improvises a physical obstruction of some kind (eg: Street – end of this alley has
been freshly bricked up, plague of mimes accost all bystanders, Rooftop – unrelated
18 thieves have just set fire to this thatched roof and are making their escape, freak gust of
wind blows dust and grit into the leader’s eyes, momentarily blinding him/her). If the
characters cannot bypass or resolve the obstruction, the opposing side rolls to widen or
close the gap.
Major Dangerous Hazard
The GM improvises a physical threat of some kind (eg: Street - explosion from adjacent
alchemist tower, poison knives(s) from an assassin3 hired to kill/intimidate the party,
Rooftop – secret cultists mid ceremony attack any intruders, Skanta’s Little Helpers
ambush the party with a barrage of poison arrows). All characters must make a Luck save
or suffer 2d6+level damage and 1d2 Dex or Str loss.
All in!
The whole party and up to the same number of characters from the opposing side, may
take an action to assist themselves or act against their opponents, provided each player
declares their action within a 5 second count down! The GM adjudicates what kinds of
actions are possible in the circumstances, but might include making ranged attacks, casting
spells, attempting to lasso a quarry, dropping caltrops, etc.

Delph, the Red Nosed Lundfrend. Blonde, pale, 6 ½ feet of scary ass muscle. Delph is ex-military, burnt out and
pissed off. He was dishonourably discharged after an unfortunate dancing routine cost him his nose (of which only a
red smear remains). Surprisingly skilled unarmed combatant and chemist.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Street Fight
If the party catch up to Skanta, he throws down his Skanta has Backstab, Skirmisher and Finisher
sack, and fights with his claw, whip and throwing abilities like an 12 level Rogue, and may choose

spikes (as dagger). His knuckles are tattooed with from the following tricks five times per combat:
the Varnori words styrgg (naughty) and trevlug Choking Dust, Hidden Blade, Quick Reflexes,
(nice). Smoke Bomb, Cat’s Grace, Flash Powder, Rapid
Dose, Unseen Whip, Blind Sense, Glue Pot.
Skanta is a 6 ½ ft Varnori, 50’s with ruddy skin and
a silver beard. He is lively and quick, belying his Skanta is a veteran climber and roof ninja and has
age and corpulent build. Skanta has a cheeky advantage on climbing and parkour related tests.
twinkle in his eye, and irrepressibly hails any street When bloodied, 2d6 Skanta’s Little Helpers
walkers he sees with the declaration “Ho Ho Ho”, appear to aid him from nearby rooftops, alleyway,
“Vixen!” and so on. etc. Skanta’s sack contains the grisly head of
Krampus, plus 1 x 6 HD Lair Treasure and a
Skanta Claws, Boss Monster, AC 14, HD 13 (99 Cradle of Formlessness Potion which he only uses
hp), Claw 1d6+4 and Whip 1d4+3 + target tripped, as a desperate last resort.
pulled or disarmed (Luck (Str) save resists), 19:
with a wink of his eye and a twist of his head, 1d8 Skanta’s Little Helpers (Sprites/Pixies), AC 12,
Skanta’s Little Helpers appear from nearby HD 1 hp, Knife/Arrow 1d2 + poison, 19: target
rooftops or alleyways to aid him, S15 D16 C17 I14 cursed and loses 1 Luck, S3 D17 C5 I12 P13 W15
P15 W18 Ch14, L13, Mv 30. Skanta is a Boss C5, L3, Mv fly 30 ft.
Monster with all the usual benefits.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Skanta’s pixies are six inch Amazonian warrior Aftermath
women he won in a card game with an obnoxious If Skanta is defeated, Krampus’ estate gifts the
druid. They attack with cute little knives and wee party a generous bounty, and the family’s thanks,
bows. Their poison is unique; a potent charm opening the door to a favour in the future.
effect that convinces targets that Skanta (and
helpers) are benevolent, gift giving philanthropists If Skanta escapes, gods knows where he might turn
(Luck (Con) save resists), who deserve to be aided up next. Rumour and speculation are rife in the
in their endeavours. weeks that follow, but the best reports suggest the
jolly assassin’s skiff was last seen bearing north.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)



Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Ruins of Ashabat
Any woodwork the Morghura employed
The Cerulean Stone, an enchanted gem of (furniture, doors, etc) has long since decayed,
antiquity, is said to be lost in the ruins of Ashabat, allowing for easy access to building interiors.
somewhere in the Sunstone Ranges.

The Crone of Sumptown is looking for a band of

capable explorers to bring her the head of Vog, an
ogre living in the ruins of Ashabat.

In the Second Age, an enduring human culture

known as the Morghura occupied the eastern
ranges of the Sunstone mountains, vying with
human, ogre and dwarven rivals. Faithful
worshippers of the moon and stars, the Morghura
built Ashabat atop a high mountain plateau where
they could be closer to the sacred heavens.

Throughout the centuries, the city raised many

proud warriors, resisting a multitude of invaders,
and courted infamy as the birthplace of the
Nezarim; a fatalistic cult of deadly assassins
employed to murder and intimidate rivals.
Unfortunately for the Morghura, such defences
were powerless against their final foe.

A deadly plague known as Slop Bowel, a horrible

wasting disease that ends in digestive and renal
failure, took hold of the populace and eliminated
half their number in a matter of weeks. Many
citizens took their chances in the wilds, only to Over time various powers have controlled
perish at the hands of predators, while those that Ashabat, but for the past few years three opposing
remained were slaughtered by the dwarves of Mor
factions have contested her crumbling walls: the
Thûrim, who exacted vengeance for atrocities
committed against their ancestors. Shaggash skorn (aka beastmen or halfmen) lairing
in the northern ruins, the Rovog ogres to the west,
In the present day, Ashabat is but a shadow of her and the urgot mutants (calling themselves the
former glory; an assortment of stone and mortar Exalted) in the east.
ruins, most of which are only partly intact. The city
is spread over approximately 1 mile x 1 mile of The party might become involved in this
steep and craggy terrain, connected by a series of adventure by (i) seeking out the ruins in search of
timeworn stone steps. Architecture is a mix of the Cerulean Stone, (ii) being hired as bounty
squarish buildings with multiple levels, decorated hunters to claim the head of the ogre mage Vog,
with pillars, arches, domes and spires, once or (iii) happening upon the ruins by chance while
brightly painted but now faded to dull grey. exploring the Sunstone Ranges.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Mountain Encounters following the chemical trail of their
The ruins are at least 3 days trek into the eastern nestmates.
Sunstones, nestled on a broad flat on the northern
face. The air here is cool and crisp, often layered 6. A single Cyclops exile is camped nearby,
in morning fog, and dotted with small trees. The talking to himself and weaving a hat of
higher one travels the more sparse vegetation shrubs. He is quite mad, believing himself
becomes. the prophet of a benevolent, vegan god
named Gonmog. He refers to himself in
There is a 35% chance of a random encounter the third person as the “Shouting of
every 12 hours whilst climbing the ranges. If an Gonmog” and often mixes up grammar
encounter occurs, roll 1d8 (plus 1 during the final (ala Yoda). The Shouting wishes to recruit
day): others to Gonmog’s fold, and might
become a staunch ally to the party under
1. A hunting party of 3d10 barbarians (as the right circumstances.
Berserker) are waiting in ambush behind
nearby rocks. They were expecting 7. A set of stone cut stairs leads down into a
beastmen or urgot, and are not sure what dark and narrow ravine, barely 4 ft wide.
to make of the adventurers. At the bottom, a low entrance to a cave
may be found, edged with worn runes of
2. A huge pack of 6d4 mountain Wolves judgment and protection. Perhaps an
can be heard howling as they close in on ancient tomb is inside, a tiny clan of
the party. They might be appeased with dwarven ex-slaves that somehow managed
food or driven away with fire. There is a to escape their human masters, or a
50% chance they are led by a grey furred hibernating Owlbear.
Dire Wolf.
8. 4d6 Skorn (see Area 2) are hiding on
3. 1d4 Dire Bats (if night) or 1d4 Giant ledges above a mountain pass, waiting for
Eagles (by day) issue a piercing shriek the party to come within range before
before diving out of the sky. They attempt peppering them with javelins and rocks.
to snatch a single party member and carry They then scrabble down the mountain
them away for eating. side, eager to capture the PCs and take
them back to their tribe’s campsite.
4. Quake! Whilst the party are traversing a
series of narrow ledges, a localised but 9. The Ogre Mage Vog (see Area 4) is
powerful tremor shakes the region, travelling in disguise, masquerading as a
causing part of the mountain to slide away. human ranger from the far eastern
A Luck (Dex) save avoids falling/being kingdom of Shenzu. He is intrigued to
buried under chunks of stone (3d6 find (non-barbarian) humans this close to
damage and roll on the Injuries & Ashabat, and wants to learn more about
Setbacks table). them. There is a 50% chance Vog’s
appetite gets the better of him and he tries
5. 2d6 Giant Ants (workers) come skittering to eat the PCs afterward.
around the bend, antennae twitching as
they smell the air for edible creatures. If
combat ensues, there is a 50% chance 1d6
soldier ants appear in 2d4 rounds,


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Ashabat 5. A storm blows through the city, dropping
Ashabat’s ruins sprawl over about 1 mile x 1 mile heavy rain for several hours. Nearby, 1d3
of difficult terrain, interlinked by steps carved into Ochre Jellies submerge themselves in a
the mountain. The area is often cloaked in rising pool, hoping to ambush their next
morning mist that abates a few hours post dawn. meal.

Depending on their direction of approach, the 6. 2d4 Rovog Ogres can be heard throwing
party might find signs of skorn (northern skull large rocks at a beastman they’ve trapped
poles), ogres (large footprints in the west) or odd against a ruined wall. If rescued, the
humanoid tracks (strangely mismatched (mutated) beastman might have useful information
footprints of urgot in the east). or assist in gaining an audience with the
Ruin Encounters
As the party explores the ruins, there is a 30%
chance of a random encounter every few hours. If
an encounter occurs, roll 1d8:

1. 4d6 Shaggash Skorn (see below) are

hiding in nearby ruins, hoping to take an
urgot or ogre by surprise. A representative
Perc (Detection) vs Dex (Stealth) detects
their foul stench or shadowy movement
before they attack.

2. A nest of 2d4 Giant Spiders is concealed

in a building, waiting for new prey to
wander by. Within the building are 1d4
cocooned urgot (50%) or skorn (50%),
half of which are still alive and might be
(reluctantly) grateful for being rescued.

3. From a tall spire, 2d6 Harpies are singing

their song of beguilement, calling their
next meal to join them. If the party resist
(Luck (Will) save), 1d3 urgot will be seen
walking into the building in a trancelike
7. A Giant Winged Ape (see Owlbear
4. A thick fog envelops the ruins, reducing variant) has taken up residence in a
visibility to 60 ft and making hiding much broken tower, and is growing hungry. It
easier (advantage). There is a 50% chance emerges from an archway and spreads its
3d10 Skeletons or Zombies (even wings, scanning the ground for food.
chance), staggering from the gloom,
triggered by an ancient abjuration. 8. The Urgozer Slilb (see Area 3) is sneaking
about the ruins alone, seeking solitude to
precipitate a vision. If he spots the party,


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

he hides and observes, considering monster food (primarily captives but also their
whether he might somehow use them own sick or elderly).
against his enemies.
When the PCs visit here, there is a 50% chance of
Main Points of Interest 3d4 beastmen being nearby, bringing the
A number of points of interest are outlined below manticore an offering (a captured urgot).
for the party to investigate and engage with as they Trespassing within the tower by non-beastmen is
please. punishable by death, and they will wake the beast
to exact his judgment.
(1) Old Manticore
In the central ruins looms a tall, 60 ft stepped The old manticore is suffering dementia, and does
tower with multiple doorways and a flat, not speak any language. He might mistake the
rectangular rooftop. The bricks of the tower are party for beastmen depending on the
particularly fine, but dreadfully worn; there circumstances. Otherwise however the manticore
appears to be writing over a central arch but it is will be keen to taste new flesh. A search of the
no longer discernible. bones of left over victims earns 1 x Carry Loot.

The interior is dimly lit in the day or dark at night, Manticore, AC 13, HD 7, 2 x Claws 1d6, Bite 1d8
with ancient stairs leading to four distinct levels. and 1d6 Tail Spikes 1d6+1, 19: special, S19 D16
One floor is especially damaged and requires a C16 I3 P12 W15 Ch6, L5, Mv 60 ft. The
Luck (Dex) save to avoid collapse (dropping manticore may fire its tail spikes up to 180 ft. On
adventurers 30 ft). Any furniture here is broken a 19+ attack roll, the target is knocked prone or
and decayed, but a handful of stone benches and moved 1d4 x 5 ft in any direction (Luck (Str) save
fire places remain. A thorough search unearths 1 resists).
x Valuables hidden in a cache behind a sliding
stone. (2) Shaggash Skorn
The northern ruins are controlled by 2d100 + 80
The tower was originally home to a noble recluse, beastmen (half of whom are too young to fight),
but the current occupant is an elderly Manticore. spread over a wide area of individual buildings.
The beast is usually sleeping and is considered Sharpened stakes are dug into the ground in some
sacred by the Shaggash, who worship him as one places to form crude perimeters, and skull poles
of their totems. The skorn occasionally offer the mark the skorn’s territory.

Most important of the halfmen’s dwellings is Karg

Torgak’s shelter; a series of tents connected to a


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

ruined tower, their most honoured feasting and At the base however is a genuine treasure of
sleeping quarters. 4d6 beastmen are present in the antiquity, the Cerulean Stone, clutched in the grip
Karg’s tent at any one time (mostly breeding of a fragile skeletal hand, mixed amongst piles of
females), and a similar number in the tower. There other bones (Perc (Detection) check at
is a 75% chance of the Karg present in one location disadvantage to locate quickly).
or the other.
The size of a knuckle, sky blue in colour and
Karg Torgak, Boss Monster, AC 12, HD 4 (30 perfectly cut, the gemstone was enchanted by one
hp), Club 1d6+2, 19: the target is clubbed in the of Ashabat’s holiest clerics. Once attuned, the user
head, losing its next action (Luck (Will) save may summon a Genie (use the Summon
resists), S17 D10 C13 I7 P12 W8 Ch8, L4, Mv 30 Primordial Guardian rules) once per month. If the
ft. The Karg is a Boss Monster with the usual user commands the genie to use Forbidden Wish,
benefits. Rudimentary dark vision, advantage to the stone vanishes afterwards (reappearing
sense danger or detect scents. elsewhere in the game world). Summoning the
genie automatically generates a Dark & Dangerous
Skorn, AC 11, HD 1, Club 1d6+1, 19: the target is Magic effect. Whether the stone has any further
clubbed in the head, losing its next action (Luck attunements is for the GM to determine.
(Will) save resists), S15 D10 C13 I7 P12 W8 Ch8,
L4, Mv 30 ft. Rudimentary dark vision, advantage (3) The Exalted
to sense danger or detect scents. The eastern ruins are inhabited by 5d10+40 Urgot;
aberrant humans whose bloodlines have been
tainted by ancestral pacts made with supernatural
The Karg is a simple creature; he loves to fight, eat, powers.
and breed, and his tribe controls the largest
portion of the ruins. He despises the mutant urgot, Each tribe is unique, but all display serious
but tolerates their presence as a convenient food mutations, in this case distended skulls and
source (he is blissfully unaware of Slilb’s spell malformed limbs. For the most part, urgot are
casting abilities). The Rovog ogres on the other intelligent, cruel and depraved pack hunters,
hand he takes very seriously, and battles with the burdened with insanity and bound forever to
giants are frequent. Torgak hates the sorcerous inscrutable masters.
Vog most of all, and longs to skewer his head upon
a skull pole. For now however, Torgak concedes The Exalted’s progenitors committed themselves
the tribe is not strong enough, and bides his time. to an ephemeral entity known as the Seeker of
PCs inclined to speak with the Karg might find a Dreams; a mercurial sentience that drifts across
willing ally against the giantkin. realities, communicating in visions and gathering
followers for a purpose known only to itself. The
At the base of the Karg’s tower (a ruined temple), mutants believe that when they die they will merge
hidden beneath a secret door and unknown to the with the Seeker, forming a glorious and eternal
beastmen (covered in thick hides) is the Well of gestalt.
Bones; an excavated shaft lined with the skeletons
of the ancient Morghura people. The shaft In the meantime however, Urgozer Slilb leads the
descends many hundreds of feet, and is sprinkled tribe, enacting rituals of sacrifice and
with valuable offerings to the gods (4 x Lair appeasement. Consuming the marrow of the
Treasure if fully looted, taking many hours if not urgot’s enemies engenders stronger visions, which
days). Slilb takes advantage of as often as possible
(primarily skorn and barbarians, but ogre marrow


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

is highly prized). PCs inclined to bargain with the beastmen’s acute sense of smell tipping them off
urgot might find an ally against either (or both) each time. PCs inclined to treat with the ogres
rival factions. might find an ally against the skorn.

Urgot, AC 11, HD 1+4, Club 1d6+1 or Bite

1d6+1, 19: as weapon, S13 D13 C16 I7 P9 W12
Ch6, L5, Mv 30 ft. A group of urgot may issue a
simultaneous howl or chitter once/day, causing
creatures within 20 ft to suffer a minor madness
(Luck (Will) save resists).

Slilb, Urgozer, AC 11, HD 3+3, Dagger 1d4, 19:

as weapon, S12 D14 C16 I10 P13 W14 Ch9, L7,
Mv 30 ft. May choose from the following spells
three times per combat (3rd level): Shennog’s
Blessing, Wings of the Starless Abyss, Lash of
Unerring Pain, Arcane Aegis.

(4) Rovog Ogres

The 3d10+20 Rovog ogres of the western ruins are
not unlike most of their kind; 9 ft, powerfully built
brutes with limited wits and voracious appetites,
but for by one very important fact: their Ogre Vog considers the urgot an unwelcome
Mage master, Vog the Destroyer. complication, and is wary of the Urgozer Slilb. He
has forbidden his kin from entering the eastern
Vog was always clever compared to his siblings, ruins alone, cognizant that the mutants covet them
delighting in terrorizing and eating smaller as sacrifices. Generally speaking the clan complies.
humanoids as much as any ogre. One day he
captured a witch, broke her legs, and forced her to Ogre, AC 12, HD 4+3, Spiked Club 2d8, 19:
teach him sorcery (which she did until he ate her). special, S19 D8 C15 I6 P7 W8 Ch7, L7, Mv 40 ft.
Shortly thereafter he slew the chieftain and took When Staggered, an ogre enters a murderous rage,
control of the clan, renaming them Rovog (“ruled gaining a free attack against every foe within reach.
by Vog”). On a 19+ attack roll, the target rolls on the Injuries
& Setbacks table (Luck (Con) save resists). 10 foot
As far as the clan are concerned, Vog lead them to reach.
Ashabat to feed on local beastmen and barbarians.
And that is true. But Vog has also heard tell of the Vog, AC 15, HD 7+4 (45 hp), Big Sword 2d8, 19:
Cerulean Stone, and secretly searches for it in the Vog summons spirit warriors equivalent to Call
ruins. Forth Simulacra II, S19 D10 C15 I15 P14 W15
Ch10, L9, Mv 40 ft. Vog may cast Rightful
Vog has searched large sections of the site, but has Ascension, A Wisp Unseen, Place of Perfect
not yet had the opportunity to check the old Night, Insidious Slumber, Gaze of Beguilement,
Morghura temple the Karg has made his home. Waking Dream and Blast of Frozen Ruin once per
He is keen to know what, if anything, is inside. day. May spend an action to assume human shape
Unfortunately for Vog, his shapeshifting powers or shift back to ogre form. On a 19+ attack roll,
have not been sufficient to gain him access; the


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

the target rolls on the Injuries & Setbacks table might turn up 1 x Trinkets & Curios and a handful
(Luck (Con) save resists). 10 foot reach. of bronze throwing spikes.

If the ogres are defeated, their cave like ruins The monastery is not without guardians. 2d4
contain 1 x 4 HD Lair Treasure. Shades linger here, sacred warriors who dedicated
their souls to Ashabat and the Nezarim’s path.
(5) Tomb of Mor Thûrim They silently follow any intruders, hoping to pick
After the Mor Thûrim longbeards slew the last of off stragglers or otherwise ambush them. The
Ashabat’s residents, they held a week long feast, skorn, urgot and ogres are aware of the guardians,
celebrating their victory and the restoration of their and do not enter the monastery.
ancestor’s honour. Hundreds of dead were
entombed beneath the city’s meeting hall, which
was repurposed as a tomb, and consecrated with
the rune of the Stone Father.

The tomb’s traps were set off years earlier by skorn

(spear, pit and arrow traps primarily), but 1d3
Grey Ooze are currently hibernating in the dark
tunnels. They awaken ravenous if a humanoid
approaches within 60 ft.

Grey Ooze, AC 12, HD 6, Pseudopod 2d4 +

special or Emotion Burst, 19: a psychic lash drains
the target 1d4 Int (Luck (Will) save resists), S18
D16 C16 I4 P14 W16 Ch1, L8, Mv 40 ft inc walls,
ceilings. Emotion Burst extends up to 120 ft, single
target, Luck (Will) save or suffer a moderate
madness. 40% chance of recharging each hour.
Shade, AC 12, HD 4, Touch 1d6+1 + Str drain 19:
Various dwarven valuables may be looted here (2
the target’s weapon or armour (50%) is
x Valuables) as well as aging shields, helms and
transformed into shadow (Luck save resists), S-
similar armaments. In the centre of the tomb is a
D16 C- I10 P13 W10 Ch7, L7, Mv 40 ft inc walls,
stone altar marked with dwarven runes. A secret
ceiling, etc. Shades are Incorporeal Undead with
compartment at the base conceals a small niche
the usual benefits. On a hit, the target loses 1 Str.
(Perc (Detection) check at -2 to locate), containing
Targets reduced to zero Str are slain and have a
a preserved strip of flesh bearing a dwarven grudge
50% chance of rising as a shade.
brand (a tattoo referring to Morghura attacks on
dwarves millennia ago, flayed from the back of
King Barador after Ashabat was sacked). The
If any of the factions is wholly destroyed, the other
grudge brand is worth 1d6 x 500 gp to the right
parties seize larger swathes of territory and/or go
to war, perhaps leaving only one faction in control
of the entire ruin. If Vog gets his hands on the
(6) Nezarim Monastery
Cerulean Stone, he takes over Ashabat, enslaving
This domed ruin, with a tall and dangerously
the Shaggash and purging the urgot. Over time he
askew spire, was once the training monastery of the
gathers further skorn to his banner, building a
infamous Nezarim assassins. Little remains of the
force that could threaten the nearest human city.
order’s splendour, but sifting through the ruins


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)



Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Shadows & Dust
Ortu Menon
Raider captain Drar Fjorg is seeking hardy Perish the cultists did, along with the greater
adventurers to accompany him into the Valley of Ramoran Empire several generations later. But
Dust, in search of a lost fortress of the ancient before they disappeared, the cultists built Ortu
Ramorans. Menon; a hidden citadel and temple, somewhere
near the Valley of Dust.
Ancient texts make reference to the Altar of
Resurrection, an artefact said to be capable of Of potential interest to PCs, in rare texts it is
restoring the dead to life. The altar was last recorded that the priests fashioned an altar of
located in a Ramoran temple in the Valley of singular necromantic power; a shrine dark and
Dust. dangerous, said to be capable of summoning
spirits, and perhaps even restoring the dead to life.
Civil War
Early in the Second Age, hundreds of years into
the dynasty of the Ramorans (a powerful human
culture that embraced slavery, stargazing, and
mummification) came the Hazr Yucrim or Great

A fundamental schism arose between the Old

Ramorans, who embraced slavery and genocide,
and the Morukzakir, cultists of Baalec (Master of
Bones, God of the Dead), espousing blood magic
and necromancy as the solution to Ramora’s war
torn woes.

Relations between the two factions were

increasingly strained until the empire lost a third
of her lands (their conscript forces decimated by
steel wielding dwarves), precipitating a civil war in
the eastern provinces.

A bloody and bitter conflict followed, citizen

slaughtering citizen across the Twin Cities and
beyond. In the end, the Old Ramorans prevailed,
and the Baalecs cast out. What meagre lands the
cultists managed to retain were excised from the As one might anticipate, such power is not simply
Empire, and left to perish. waiting to be plundered. The treasures of the
citadel are bountiful, but protected by all manner
of undead servitors, including an ancient undead


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

The PCs might become involved in this adventure Peaks and Troughs
because they (i) wish to investigate the ruins of a The Valley of Dust is located on the eastern
(dead) magical cult, (ii) hope to raise someone outskirts of the Ironhull Mountains, requiring a
from the dead, (iii) stumble across the ruins in week’s navigation of steep slopes from the closest
their travels, or (iv) are hired by Drar Fjorg, a one outpost. There is a 40% chance of an encounter
eyed Varnori (viking like) raider who wants to every 12 hours. If an encounter occurs, roll 1d8:
investigate bringing his infant son Borgov back to
life. 1. At the bottom of a narrow gorge, a nest of
3d6 Argosan Stranglers are hibernating
If hired by Fjorg, he explains his son was downstream, submerged within a deep
murdered by rivals, and is offering 500 gp for an pond. If any injured PCs enter the water,
escort to the Valley of Dust, to find a temple his they detect the blood and awaken (similar
Rune Seer says still exists. Fjorg is a little unhinged to sharks).
and unable to accept his son’s demise, even after
reaping bloody vengeance on his foes. He must 2. 2d4 Giant Eagles are hunting overhead,
accompany the party on the expedition, and riding the thermals as they survey the
carries the preserved corpse in a carefully wrapped lower canyons. There is a 50% chance the
pack, marked with holy seals of loyalty and eagles are being ridden by bow slung
protection. thuels (barbarians) of the Three Storms
clan; a particularly hostile and xenophobic

3. Hundreds of Skorn (Beastmen, including

the Norgu, see Area 5) are descending
into nearby ravines, drums sounding
across the peaks, converging for a once in
a generation conclave of intertribal
breeding. As with every prior conclave,
this one will end in bloodshed and
cannibalism, but not until the tribes have
mixed gene pools. If the PCs are detected,
they will be hunted for days.

4. A steep cliff face has recently crumbled

away, revealing a small vein of rare
adamantine (Perc (Detection) check to
spot). If harvested, there is enough ore to
make a suit of armour/two weapons.

Drar Fjorg, AC 15 (chain shirt and shield), HD 5. 3d6 Cyclopes lair in a nearby cave system,
4+4, Axe 1d8+2, 19: injury, S15 D13 C14 I10 P12 picking off skorn, thuel and ogres as
W13 Ch10, L7, Mv 30 ft. May rage like a meals. If killed, 1d4 thuel of the Yellow
Barbarian three times per combat. May use his Tusks clan are tied up as captives, along
shield to negate a single directional attack. with 2 x Carry Loot and 1 x Valuables.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

6. A swarm of biting insects descends on the 8. 2d6 Griffons are perched upon a high
party at night, carrying the bloodborne ledge, scanning the low lands for easy
disease Four Finger Rot (Luck (Con) save meals. Characters in metal armour attract
or lose 1d4 digits from one hand, as they their attention, glinting in the sun.
blacken and die over 1d6 days). An
apothecary with the right healing herbs
might cure the disease. Valley Map

7. A solitary Hill Giant named Goff is Valley of Dust

sleeping with her back to a tree. The 12 ft The Valley of Dust is a particularly arid ravine,
matron has a toothy grin, wild hair, and basalt walls interspersed with pockets of chalk rock
carries a large rock carved with a face spires, flanked by steep 200 ft cliffs. The climate is
(throws for 3d6 damage). She sometimes cool, with chill winds blowing in from the north.
talks to the rock as if it was her friend. If Footing is poor, scree and grit riddle the ground,
treated kindly, Goff might join the party turning to slippery mud when it rains.
for a time, protecting them like adopted


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Area 1 – The Harbinger
The most striking aspect of the 90 ft wide valley
entrance is the unmissable 200 ft idol of a cowled
cultist in a skull mask (reflecting the ceremonial
dress of the Morukzakir), and the decorative arch
spanning the valley’s mouth.

Also immediately noticeable is the complete

absence of greenery, including the enormous
petrified tree to the right hand side. The entire
valley is cursed; tainted by potent necromantic
forces that still permeate the region, despite the
passing of millennia.

Living creatures entering this valley feel

increasingly parched, old injuries suddenly ache,
and current wounds reopen slightly. A Luck (Will)
save is required; on a failed save the PC is cursed,
recovering only half the usual hp damage from
short rests (until the next long rest outside of the
valley). Worshippers of Baal are immune to this

Area 2 – Shrine
This small pyramid mausoleum is 30 ft on each
side, made of basalt and quartz, marked with the
skull mask icon of ancient Baalec. Various Area 3 – Skeletal Horsemen
religious and warding scripts are etched into the The main ravine leading to the valley proper is
corners in Old Ramoran, reciting hymns of protected by a contingent of 3d6 Skeletal
devotion, honour and eternal service. Horsemen; poor souls cursed as unthinking
undead by long perished necromancers. Any
There is no door, but with the right tools and humans or other intelligent living creatures
sufficient time the tomb may be ruptured. Defilers entering this area are charged by the mounted
must make a Luck (Con) save or suffer Baleful warriors, their skeletal horses sending up plumes
Withering (magical curse, lose 1d3 Str each day of dust as they thunder towards the PCs.
until zero Str, at which point turned into dust. Gain
a new save each dawn). Skeletal Horsemen, AC 15, HD 3+2, Spear
1d6+3, 19: a defeated skeleton reanimates to aid
Inside the tomb are various embalming pots this one, S15 D7 C18 I- P12 W- Ch- L5, Mv 60 ft.
containing the innards of the skeletal horseman in The skeletal horseman cause double damage
Area 3, as well as 1 x 4 HD Lair Treasure (LFG when they charge, and gain the usual mounted
p.140). If the innards are destroyed, the horsemen benefits (LFG p.50). They are immune to piercing
shatter into fragments of bone. projectiles such as arrows, and automatically detect
living creatures within 60 ft.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

If defeated, some of the warriors’ armour and outside the valley entrance, hoping to
horses’ barding is studded with precious track/ambush the PCs at a later time.
gemstones worth 1 x Valuables. One of the spears
is silvered (magically preserved and in fine Skorn, AC 11, HD 2, Long bow 1d8 or Club
condition). 1d6+1, 19: the target is clubbed in the head, losing
its next action (Luck (Will) save resists), S15 D10
Area 4 – Scattered Rubble C13 I7 P12 W8 Ch8, L5, Mv 30 ft. Rudimentary
This rubble strewn area might at first appear to be dark vision, advantage when detecting danger or
as a result of rockslides from the valley walls, but scents.
is in fact the result of a pair of mating Bulettes.
There is a 50% chance the mating is occurring Werespider, AC 15, HD 3+3, Bite 1d6 + 1d3 Dex
when the PCs arrive (earth shudders are loss (Luck (Con) save negates), 19: a giant spider
noticeable), otherwise the pair are asleep (if so, comes to the lycanthrope’s aid, S16 D17 C12 I10
careful perusal of the valley walls (Int (Wilderness P10 W10 Ch8, L6, Mv 30 ft inc up walls, ceiling
Lore) check) suggests internal movement caused etc. Lycanthrope with the usual benefits. By
the rocks to fall, not natural weathering. spending an action, may exert control and issue
orders to spiders of all kinds. Rudimentary dark
Bulette, AC 18, HD 9+4, Bite 3d6, 19: the target vision, advantage when detecting danger or scents.
is dragged underground and begins asphyxiating. Skorn lycanthropy cannot be spread to non-skorn.
A Str check at disadvantage is required to dig free,
S22 D13 C19 I2 P13 W14 Ch3, L10, Mv 30 ft inc
when burrowing. Detects movement tremors
within 120 ft, Causes Injuries on critical hits.

Area 5 – Norgu Dumping Ground

A number of mangled skorn corpses lie in pieces
on the ground here (some limbs etc are scattered
about). It is obvious from the blood stains that the
beastmen were thrown from the high cliffs, and
broke apart when they hit the ground. The nearby
Norgu tribe (red war paint, file their teeth to sharp
points, the leaders are infected with werespider
lycanthropy) sometimes throw rivals or outcasts off
the cliffs as punishment.

The Norgu are deathly afraid of the valley’s magic

and will not enter it under any circumstances.
There is a 50% chance 3d6 Norgu are in the
middle of throwing a victim into the chasm when
the party arrive here. If they spot the PCs, they
shoot at them with bows, and scamper about the
high grounds hooting and roaring at them; beating
their drums impotently. At the GM’s option, a
larger force (3d10+20) might subsequently camp


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Area 6 – Rock Pillar witchery. This unique flock of monsters has
This high plinth of rock is 80 ft higher than the watched over the valley since the Second Age,
valley floor (but lower than the 200 ft walls). The sustained by the region’s magic.
top is largely unremarkable but for a narrow 10 ft
fissure. Lurking within is a hibernating Ochre Jelly. Winged Abomination, AC 14, HD 3+3, Claws
The creature will not emerge unless warm 1d8+1, 19: special, S6 D10 C18 I- P15 W- Ch-,
blooded creatures approach within 30 ft, and even L6, Mv Fly 90 ft. An abomination may breathe a
then only if overcast, raining or night time cone of sickly yellow gas, 30 ft long and 10 ft wide
(otherwise a burbling, popping and sucking noise at the base, causing 4d8 poison damage (Luck
might be heard, but there is no sign of the predator (Con) save for half, recharge 30% at start of turn).
within. At the GM’s option, the monstrosity might On a Nat 19, the monster emits a dreadful wail (30
attempt to track the party later, following their ft radius, living creatures Luck (Will) check or lose
spoor). 1d2 Will). Sees as well in darkness as in light.

Ochre Jelly, AC 11, HD 8, Pseudopod 2d8, 19: Area 8 – City Entrance Tunnel
the jelly splits in two, S18 D10 C16 I2 P13 W16 Huge 20 ft wide, 40 ft tall basalt doors, decorated
Ch1 L9, Mv 30 ft inc walls, ceiling, etc. Jellies with the skull mask icon of Baalec, are set into the
absorb any adventurer reduced to zero hit points valley wall. The doors are shut and sealed with a
in one round, making recovery of the body None Shall Pass spell at 4th level. Devotees of Baal
impossible. They are immune to fire and split in may open the doors without effort. Alternatively,
two via cold damage (divide hit points in half). with sufficient time and right tools, the doors may
be breached to allow access.
Area 7 – Rock Spire Watchers
These tall rock pillars are 70 ft higher than the Beyond the doors is a 20 ft wide corridor,
valley walls. Perched atop each are 3d6 Winged gradually descending for 200 ft before emerging
Abominations; 4 ft tall blasphemous fusings of into a hidden valley.
man, avian and reptile, bound together with dark


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

The entire region is concealed by a potent illusion There are a number of means of entry into the
that causes the area to appear as impenetrable fortress, the most obvious being the southern 15 ft
rocky badlands. The Norgu are well aware of the double entry doors, flanked by twin statues of skull
badlands’ accursed sorcery, and her guardians, masked cultists (Area 1). The shortest walls are
and stay well away. Characters approaching the approximately 30 ft high, dotted with numerous
citadel through the entry tunnel are immune to the open windows. A second set of doors may be
illusion effect. found on the western face (Area 5).

Ortu Menon Citadel Encounters

Characters entering the hidden section of the As the party explores the citadel, there is a 40%
valley via Area 8 see through the concealing chance of an encounter every half hour. The GM
illusion as a momentary haze. A Pierce the Veil might also choose make a check if the party is too
spell radiates illusion and necromantic magic. flashy or loud. If an encounter occurs, roll 1d10.
Add an extra 1 to the result for each prior
The entry tunnel opens up into a 1,000 ft wide encounter (eg for the 3rd encounter, roll 1d10+2,
ravine of similar climate to the unhidden valley; and so on).
the area is dry, littered with scree and absent any
plant life. In some places are obvious, very large 7 1. 2d6 Skeletons with spears and chainmail
ft long claw tracks (the undead dragon in Area 7). are on eternal patrol, clattering along the
If the tracks are followed, they quickly disappear street or into a building. They attack
(as if the creature had flown away). anyone not dressed in Baalec cultist robes
(or displaying some other icon of Baalec).
In the centre of the valley, approximately 2,000 ft Destroying the skeletons adds an extra 1
distant, is Ortu Menon. Part stronghold, part to any future encounter rolls.
temple, the cultists’ citadel towers above the valley
floor, stone walls decorated with jutting spines. 2. A mob of 3d8 Zombies are shuffling along
Three large vertical tablets are inscribed with the street, or in a nearby room, moaning
litanies praising the Master of Bones. On a high awfully. They attack all living creatures.
tower to the west, a gigantic iron brazier emits a
gossamer yellow haze, which swiftly evaporates 3. 2d6 Shades glide silently into the PCs
into nothing (Area 3). chamber from under a door, beneath a
chest, sliding down walls from the ceiling
The hidden citadel was destroyed not by the or nearby rooftops. They crave the PCs’
cultists’ enemies, but by their own folly. Dark and living essence.
terrible magic inevitably got the better of the
necromancers when a grand ritual went 4. The pitted remains of an iron wrought
catastrophically awry. Ortu Menon’s population flower is somewhere nearby (on a shelf,
was struck dead or worse (transmuted into unholy on the ground covered in grit, sitting in a
horrors, trapped in vile demi planes, rendered crumbling drawer). The rose was a lover’s
utterly mad, etc). Now, no living creature remains gift to a (now) incorporeal Banshee.
here, but the keep is far from unoccupied. Its Uzerhet (wild haired, naked, emaciated)
monstrous denizens are bound to the valley, appears through a nearby wall etc in 2d6
unable to set foot beyond her confines (if forced rounds to throttle any who dare touch it
outside, they crumble to dust). (she ignores others).


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Citadel Map

5. A Barrow Wight, an ex-Baalec 6. 1d6 Wraiths suddenly materialize

necromancer named Shupnek, enters the through the wall, or appear from a
chamber or is passing nearby. building down the street, luminous figures
wrapped in curling smoke, armed with
Shupnek is quite delusional, whispering hooked swords.
and cackling secretively to himself. If he
detects humans, he pretends to be a 7. 2d4 Will o’ Wisps appear in the distance
zombie, attempting to gauge their threat as floating, gaseous lights of pale green
level. He will gladly transform the PCs and flickering purple. They attempt to
into zombies if given the chance. lead the party into the open to attract the
Undead Dragon. If the wisps are defeated,


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

add an extra 1 to any future encounter Brain Eating Zombie, AC 11, HD 2+2, Bite
rolls. 1d8+1, 19: a defeated zombie reanimates and
comes to aid this one, S15 D17 C18 I- P12 W- Ch-
8. 1d4 Gibbering Terrors are hibernating in L5, Mv 20 ft. An adventurer reduced to zero hp
a nearby room or building, sustained by must be recovered in one round or their brains are
the necromantic energies permeating the eaten, turning them into a zombie in 1d4 minutes.
citadel. They awaken if living creatures Brain eating zombies may put on a brief burst of
approach within 60 ft. speed (move 40 ft) for 1d3 rounds up to once per
hour (recharge 30%).
9. The PCs’ presence in the undead citadel
has triggered the summoning of an Area 3 – Iron Brazier
Invisible Stalker. The void beast stalks the This 60 ft tower is filled with crumbling artefacts of
PCs, locating them within 1d4 hours, and the cultists, including broken tables, beds, shelves,
strikes to kill. It will wait till the PCs etc. Scavenging through the debris returns 1 x
separate, or some are asleep, before Carry Loot and 1 x Curios & Trinkets. The
attacking. wooden stairs are dangerously rotted, requiring a
Dex (Acrobatics) check to avoid crashing through
10. The Undead Dragon from Area 7 has a particularly damaged section (fall 1d6 x 10 ft).
caught the party’s scent and is seeking
them. If outside, it descends on the PCs At the top of the tower is a huge, 15 ft iron brazier,
from above. If inside, it’s terrible from which twinkling yellow smoke issues,
shrieking can be heard in the skies seemingly from the centre, though no source is
overhead. apparent. Pierce the Veil indicates potent illusion
magic. If any part of the brazier is broken (not
Area 1 – Main Entrance easily done, immune to non-magical weapons, but
The great 15 ft double entry doors are not locked not cold iron, requires 100 hp damage to break a
but are stuck, requiring a Str (Athletics) check to section), the Citadel’s illusion enchantment is
open. Opening the door makes a very loud broken forever. Damaging the brazier summons
creaking noise. the Undead Dragon from Area 7 (arrives in 2d4
rounds) and the Skeleton Warriors from Area 4
Area 2 – Southern Square (arrive in 2d6+10 rounds).
This plaza is 100 ft wide and flanked by two large
towers to the east and west, plus a large welcome Area 4 – Barracks
hall to the north. Numerous smaller buildings are This 60 ft by 80 ft building is decorated with
scattered about the edges. shields baring the skull icon of Baalec, and was the
barracks for the keep’s guards. The vast majority
Standing about the square, in a state of semi stasis, of the gear has rotten or rusted over time, but 1d3
are 3d8+10 Brain Eating Zombies (wearing what suits of metal armour and 1d4 metal weapons (inc
remains of cultists’ robes, travellers’ cloaks and one silvered sword) are salvageable.
guard dress), amidst long rotten carts and stalls.
The zombies awaken within 2d4 rounds, or if 5d6 Skeleton Warriors remain here in a state of
attacked, and track the party’s scent. semi stasis. If they hear a ruckus in Area 2, or the
PCs approach within 60 ft, they awaken within 1d4


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

rounds. The skeletons seek to disarm and bind the wall and impassable. Scaling the walls is
the PCs, then drag them to a rusty cell to be kept relatively easy with the right gear, or requires a Str
as prisoners (indefinitely). (Athletics) check to free climb (else fall 15 ft,
causing 1d6 damage).

Beyond is a 100 ft by 200 ft grand plaza, with

ornate flagstones and 30 ft prayer pillars (carved
with Baalec litanies). Standing to attention along
the sides are 5d6 Skeletal Warriors (see Area 4),
but with tattered capes inlaid with web like silver
(worth 2d6 x 10 gp if all collected). Living creatures
entering the plaza are attacked. Reciting orisons
from the prayer pillars (in Old Ramoran, a
character fluent in Ramoran may read it with an
Int check) keeps the plaza guardians at bay.

If the warriors are defeated, 1 x Carry Loot may be


Area 6 – Temple of Baalec

The 80 ft wide, flat roofed temple of Baalec,
consists of a mixture of black basalt and white
quartz, framed with decorative pillars of flying
ravens. Moving past the entry arch, one enters a
short hallway before emerging into the nave
proper; a circular chamber with 45 ft ceilings and
stone congregation benches, divided by narrow

An iron altar rests against the far wall, rusted and

Skeletal Warriors, AC 15, HD 1, Sword 1d8+1, pitted with age. Whatever ancient prayers once
19: a defeated skeleton reanimates to aid this one, inscribed it are no longer readable. 2d6 fire opals
S15 D7 C18 I- P12 W- Ch- L5, Mv 60 ft. Immune are still relatively untarnished however and may be
to piercing projectiles such as arrows and pried loose (1d4 x 200 gp per opal).
automatically detect living creatures within 60 ft.
The church is not unguarded. A single 14 ft Stone
If defeated, 1 x Carry Loot and 1 x Potion may be Golem of black basalt (in the likeness of a cowled
seized from crumbling chests. cultist) stands to one side, keeping perpetual watch
over the inner sanctum. Anyone defiling the area
Area 5 – Western Entry and Prayer Plaza is attacked. The golem cannot leave the confines
A single massive 20 ft iron drawbridge decorated of the temple.
with motifs of cultists holding skulls aloft to a
colossal raven serves as the western entry point. Stone Golem, AC 16, HD 11+3, 2 x Fists 2d8,
The door is long rusted and effectively encased in 19: bear hug, S21 D11 C23 I- P13 W- Ch-, L11,
Mv 20 ft. Usual Golem benefits as well as 60%


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Magic Resistance, except against Stone to Flesh, PCs attempting to descend the craters find the
Melt Crag & Ridge, Bending the Stone or Master edges slippery with scree, requiring a Str (Athletics
of Earth & Stone which cause 6d8 damage (once or Acrobatics) check to free climb (or slip into the
only). A golem that hits a target with both attacks
crater holes, which drop > 200 ft). Using ropes etc
crushes the target (Luck (Con) save to avoid rolling
on the Injuries & Setbacks table). negates any fall chance. There is no dragon hoard
at the bottom of the drop shafts, only the broken
Area 7 – Sulphurous Craters corpses of long dead Morukzakir (1 Carry Loot, 1
These huge (150 ft and 100 ft diameter) craters x Valuables).
opened long centuries after the temple was
abandoned, swallowing many buildings and their Area 8 – Noble Villa
undead or monstrous inhabitants. Sulphurous This building was once a richly appointed villa, but
fumes curl upwards from time to time, poisoning is now a crumbling ruin. Entry is via a broken door
the air (50% chance when the PCs arrive, requiring or hole in the roof. Inside, various trinkets and
a Luck (Con) save or 3d6 damage and lose 1d2 treasures may be searched for (1 x Carry Loot, 1 x
Dex). Trinkets & Curios).

By a quirk of fate, a primordial dragon skeleton Of most import is a locked trophy room (Dex
was unearthed when the craters formed. After (Traps & Locks) check to open), trapped with a
generations of exposure to the fortress’ poison needle (Luck (Dex) save or paralysed hand
necromantic power, the wyrm’s skeleton for 1d6 days). Inside are stuffed animals and
reanimated as undead. humanoids, including various humans, a dwarf,
and an elf. The elf is wearing a mithral breastplate
The unholy monstrosity is mindless, and knows (worth 1d8 x 1,000 gp to the right buyer).
only the base instinct of hunger. It seeks to devour
any and all living creatures it detects. The dragon’s Area 9 – Necromancers’ Tower
animus is inextricably bound to the citadel; it The necromancers’ 90 ft tower is fashioned of
cannot exit the boundaries of the hidden valley (if black basalt, highlighted with capstones of shiny
forced outside, it permanently deanimates). obsidian. The entire structure has been magically
preserved throughout the ages and is in excellent
Undead Dragon, Boss Monster, AC 22, HD 18 condition. The tower is windowless, with a single
(154 hp), 2 Claws 2d10 and Bite 3d10+2, 19: stone entry door patterned with white glyphs.
special, S23 D14 C23 I- P18 W- Ch-, L16, Mv 60
ft or 120 ft flying. Boss monster with all the usual The door is protected by a None Shall Pass ward
benefits, and Dragon traits. The skeletal dragon
at 7th level (manifests as skeletal hands holding the
may breathe a 240 ft long, 60 ft wide cone of
impenetrable life leeching shadow, causing 16d8 door shut), but may be broken apart with sufficient
damage and 1d6 Str loss (Luck (Con) save for half, time (albeit noisily, drawing the attention of the
30% recharge at start of undead dragon’s turn). dragon in Area 7, and abominations within).

If the undead dragon is defeated, its bones and The interior is remarkably well preserved,
teeth are worth 2d4 x 1,000 gp to the right primarily consisting of a series of bedrooms,
collector/alchemist/artificer. A handful of scales laboratories and a grand library, still holding many
may also be retrieved, enough to fashion a single forbidden tomes (3d6 x 100 gp to the right buyer,
weapon, shield or armour piece (special qualities as well as 1d3+1 Scrolls).
left to GM discretion).


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Of all the denizens of Citadel, the necromancers Other Buildings
fared the worst when their grand ritual backfired, For other buildings not numbered on the map, roll
transforming 3d6 of them into mewling, fleshy 2d6 on the following table to determine the nature
masses of slime ridden blubber. The Vile Terrors of the building. Approx 50% of structures are in
are pure manifestations of sloth and greed, ruins:
subsisting on the necromantic energies of the
fortress, trapped in unending, torturous starvation.
If the terrors detect the party, they lurch into
motion, ravenous for their succulent flesh. Necromancer’s abode. 50% chance of a
Potion or Scroll.
Vile Terror, AC 15, HD 6, Fleshy Slap 2d6, 19: 3-4 Rich Villa. 40% chance of Valuables.
Void Channel: target must roll on the Dark & 5 Shop. 25% chance of Carry Loot.
Dangerous Magic table, S17 D9 C18 I3 P11 W17 Domicile. 20% chance of Trinket or
Ch1, L8, Mv 30 ft. Vile Terrors have the usual 6-8 Curio.
Aberration benefits. 9 Shop. 25% chance of Valuables.
10 Complete ruin. Nothing of interest.
The Altar of Baalec (fashioned of human bones)
Domicile infested with undead (2d4
is present at the top of the tower, behind a locked
11 Skeletons, Zombies or Shades, equal
door (Dex (Traps & Locks) check at -2 penalty to
open, or the key may be found in one of the
Cursed Domicile. This building is
cultists’ bedrooms). The altar is magical and
particularly infused with dark magic,
radiates blinding necromantic and transmutation 12 requiring a Luck (Con) save to avoid 1d2
magic if Pierce the Veil is used. The altar loses its
Will loss.
magic if removed from the fortress.

Forbidden tomes in the library reveal how the altar Aftermath

works. Once every four years, when the stars are If the Citadel’s illusion is broken, other forces
properly aligned, a dead human may be placed might begin to investigate and take up residence in
upon the altar. If a young child of good health is the fort, but only if the undead dragon and the
sacrificed, and the proper prayers intoned, the other guardians are removed.
dead human is restored to life in 1d4 days.
Otherwise, the inhabitants are effectively
There is a 50% chance the body is in fact inhabited imprisoned within, and will not venture out. If
by a demonic or alien force masquerading as the word of the resurrection altar gets around, other
original identity (it gains some of the original’s powerful (and desperate) folk might possibly risk
memories, but not all). If the original soul is journeying here to use it (perhaps unwittingly
restored, it suffers an incurable serious madness. unleashing a demon/alien force on the world,
which could also be the outcome if Borgov is
Activating the altar automatically triggers a Dark & restored to life).
Dangerous magic effect (rolled at disadvantage).
Looting the tower in its entirety garners 1 x 8 HD
Lair Treasure.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)



Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Vault of Goblin Dreams
before slipping into stasis like hibernation for
A lost dwarven bestiary makes curious reference centuries. When the party arrives, the greenskins
to the “Druvtog”, or goblins, reportedly lairing in have been slumbering for sixty years, protected
a deep vault hidden in the Wistwood. The tome only by their deathtraps and warning systems.
suggests the goblins were extraordinarily long Whether they stay that way is up to the PCs.
lived, hoarding precious metals before slipping
into generations long hibernation, protected
only by devious traps.

As a general rule, in the confines of the Midlands,
goblins are nowhere to be found. Nor are
bugbears, gnolls, kobolds, orcs and many other
monstrous races. But this rarity does not
necessarily mean such creatures do not exist. In
the heart of the Wistwood, hidden deep
underground, far from the stinging rays of the sun,
lairs a singular tribe of unique greenskins: the

Referred to only in secret dwarven texts of the

Second Age, the Druvtog are thought to have
spawned from the blackest veins of the earth, a
twisted curse upon (and some say reflection of) the
longbeards themselves.

Goblins share the dwarves’ diminutive height and

rapaciousness for gold, but are green skinned, with
pointy ears and sharp teeth. Singularly cruel, the
Druvtog revel in the suffering of others, seized with
unique insights into contraptions meant to capture, The Vault
injure and maim. Entry to the goblin halls is via three different sets
of stone stairs: see Area A, D and E (all of them
More so than dwarves, the Druvtog are trapped).
extraordinarily long lived, often surviving
hundreds if not a thousand years unchecked. The interior is cool, spookily quiet, and crafted of
Unlike their cousins however, they shun daylight, enduring, quality stonework. The corridors and
which causes them severe optical pain. chambers are completely unlit; adventurers will
need their own light source to see. Living within
Such remarkable longevity however comes at a the vault are three competing goblin factions;
price; the goblins are only active for brief periods


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)



Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

(i) the Jawjacks (massive mouths brimming with Jawjacks
teeth), (ii) Gryndersnouts (bulbous noses with a The Jawjacks are approximately 3½ ft high, with
sharp sense of smell) and (iii) the Eargoffs (huge smooth, dark green skin and enormous maws
pointy ears, superb hearing).
filled with a multitude of teeth. They are the least
The goblins speak their own language (a rare numerous of the goblinkin, but are better
equipped than their cousins. The Jawjacks are led
dwarven offshoot, unknown outside the complex)
by the brightest greenskin in the complex,
as well as common, which they learnt from
countless barbarian victims. Whilst technically on Snerkles, the vault’s premier trapsmith, and
friendly terms, the clans have developed a natural inventor of multiple strange technologies.
rivalry over millennia, and will be reluctant to draw
the other tribes into their “fun” if they manage to
Jawjack, AC 12, HD 1d4 hp, Shortsword 1d6 and
Bite 1d4, 19: as weapon or Bleeding Bite causing
capture any of the PCs. On the other hand, if
genuinely threatened, the goblins will unite against 1 damage each round for 1d6 rounds (action to
bind wound and negate), S8 D14 C10 I10 P11
a common foe.
W13 Ch8, L3, Mv 30 ft. Goblins see as well in
darkness as in torchlight, but suffer a 33% miss
chance in daylight.

Jawjacks have a 30% chance of being equipped

with one of Snerkles’ artifices (roll 1d4):

1. Steamhorn: 2 handed, one shot per

combat, blasts scalding steam in a 15 ft
line causing 3d4 damage (Luck (Dex) save
for half).

2. Thunderpod: single use, throw 40 ft,

unleashes concussion blast in a 10 ft
diameter, stunning targets (helpless for 1
round, Luck (Con) check negates).

3. Ironward: oversized belt buckle sprouting

wires, single use, grants a 50% chance to
deflect a metal weapon hit with an
electromagnetic burst.

4. Boomstick: one shot per combat, two

handed, range 120 ft, 4d4 damage
(“exploding” 4’s). On a fumble the
boomstick explodes causing damage to
the wielder.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Snerkles, Boss monster, AC 14, HD 3 (21 hp), Eargoffs
Lightning Rod 1d8+1 and 1d4 Dex loss, 19: target Eargoffs are the most diminutive of the greenskins,
is hurled backwards 1d4 x 5 ft, S8 D14 C10 I15 about 3 ft tall with comically large, pointy ears.
P11 W14 Ch13, L6, Mv 30 ft. Snerkles is a Boss Their skin tone is a light yellow-green, smooth and
Monster with all the usual benefits, and comes hairless with shiny bald pates.
armed with each of his odd inventions, plus the
Lightning Rod (2d4 charges before needing to
recharge in a lightning storm). Goblins see as well
in darkness as in torchlight. Snerkles’ unique
googles allow him to see and fight in daylight
without penalty.

Gryndersnouts are 4 ft tall, with blotchy green skin,
small pointed ears and bulging, oversized noses
(through which they snort regularly, similar to
horses). Despite substantial numbers, and control
of the western tunnels, Gryndersnouts are quick to
flee from real danger. A sibling duo, the
Jabbernook Brothers, rule the clan. Having fought
together for more than 700 years, the Jabbernooks
demonstrate uncanny synchronicity when fighting

Gryndersnout, AC 11, HD 1d4 hp, Spear 1d6+1

reach 10 ft, 19: broken spear, check for morale,
S10 D14 C10 I10 P11 W7 Ch8, L3, Mv 30 ft.
Advantage on scent related tests (including More than any of the other vault occupants, the
tracking). Goblins see as well in darkness as in Eargoffs love to inflict suffering and strife, exulting
torchlight, but suffer a 33% miss chance in in the pain and terror their victims experience.
daylight. Ideally, Eargoffs like to be up close and personal
during their target’s misery, revelling in their
Jabbernook Brothers, Boss monster, AC 13, HD helplessness.
5 (38 hp), Spear 1d8+1 and Snoutblade 1d6, 19:
target is disarmed, S11 D13 C13 I10 P13 W12 The Eargoffs are controlled by the Grand High
Ch15, L8, Mv 30 ft. The Jabbernooks are a Boss Hobnobbler, also known as the Majestic
Monster with all the usual benefits and fight as a Keymaester, Duke of Doors and His Most Perfect
single entity, occupying a 5 or 10 ft space as they Puffery, depending on his mood.
please. When Staggered, all enemies within 5 ft
suffer one attack, then one of the brothers dies Larger than most of his kin (4½ ft), the
(remove 1 of their 2 attacks). One of the brothers Hobnobbler is an abhorrent psychopath and
carries a shield which may negate a single attack (as sadist, ruthless in his exercise of power; a
shield rules). Goblins see as well in darkness as in loathsome despot of the highest order.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Eargoff, AC 12, HD 1d4 hp, Bite or dagger 1d4, Goblin Crawlways
19: Luck (Con) check or suffer goblin rabies (see Running above, below or parallel to most of the
below), S6 D14 C9 I11 P13 W10 Ch9, L3, Mv 30 vault’s corridors is a network of criss crossing
ft. Advantage on hearing related tests. Goblins see tunnels (not marked on the map). The crawlways
as well in darkness as in torchlight, but suffer a 33% are only 1 ft in diameter, just enough room to
miss chance in daylight. 1d4 hours after squeeze a lightly armed goblin or small child
contracting goblin rabies, the subject salivates through. Secret hatches allowing access to the
uncontrollably and develops a serious madness tunnels may be spotted with a Perc (Det) check.
that cannot be cured until cleansed of the disease Once awake, the goblins use the tunnels to secretly
(Purge the Accursed, or apothecary care for 1d4 reposition and outmanoeuvre the PCs. There is a
months allows a second save. If this is also failed, 75% chance of a crawlway hatch along any long
the victim slips into a coma and dies). corridor, 30% for shorter passages.

Random Encounters
There is a 30% chance of a random encounter
every hour the party spends in the vault, or any
time the adventurers engage in conduct that is
particularly loud. Although the goblins are initially
hibernating, they are unlikely to stay that way the
further the intruders delve. If an encounter occurs,
roll 1d8, adding a cumulative +1 for each incident
of party “loudness”.

1. Nothing but the flickering of the party’s

torches, and their darting, suspicious

2. Water drips from the ceiling nearby,

forming a small puddle of the ground. If
the PCs inspect the ceiling, water marks
clearly outline a crawlway hatch.

3. 2d4 Xornlings have dislodged part of the

wall, leaving a pile of rubble in its wake.
Grand High Hobnobbler, Boss monster, AC 15, They are hidden in the rocks, eager to
HD 4 (30 hp), Dagger 1d4+2 and Bite 1d6, 19: feast on the PCs’ gold and gems.
Luck (Con) save at disad or suffer goblin rabies
(see Eargoff), S13 D14 C11 I13 P15 W15 Ch15, 4. A Grey Ooze is hiding amongst a series
L8, Mv 30 ft. The Hobnobbler is a Boss Monster of natural pools. 1d3 half consumed
with all the usual benefits and advantage on goblin skeletons are littering the area.
hearing related tests. He never makes morale
checks and his kin have advantage on such checks 5. 1d6 globules of Green Slime are spread
if he is within sight or hearing. The Hobnobbler across the ceiling, hibernating. They
has a keyring with keys to all of the locked doors awaken within 1d4 rounds.
in the vault.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

6. A pressure plate (Perc (Det) check to 2. 2d4 Gryndersnouts appear at both ends of
spot, else 50% chance of stepping on) the next corridor the PCs move through
releases a 5 ft cloud of toxic gas (4d6 (ie 4d4 total), bristling with spears and
damage and 1 Str loss, Luck (Con) save javelins. They yell taunts and snort like
negates). horses, attempting to trap the PCs and
draw more of their kin (3d6 arrive in 1d10
7. A Gelatinous Cube occupies this corridor rounds).
or a nearby passage. It senses the party’s
footfalls on the floor, and is coming to 3. 6d6 Eargoffs armed with knives and teeth
consume them. ambush the party from all angles
(emerging from secret hatches in the walls,
ceiling and floor), hoping to overwhelm
the intruders in one large wave.

4. 2d4 Gryndersnouts armed with light

crossbows take pot shots from the end of
the next long corridor (+0/2d4+1 damage,
150/300 ft range). They flee immediately
thereafter, yipping and barking like mad

5. A strange creaking and whispered

bickering can be heard from a nearby
corridor or room. 2d4 Jawjacks are
pushing/pulling or setting up a 200 kg,
iron tubed blunderbuss, on a wheeled
wooden frame. They flee at the sight of
the party.
8+ Goblins in the nearest sleeping chamber,
There is a 50% chance the blunderbuss is
or secreted in a crawlway junction as
a trap, exploding in a 10 ft radius for 5d6
sentries (1d4 goblins), awaken. Their first
damage (Luck (Dex) save for half) if fired.
objective is to learn more about the
Otherwise it is one shot, 8d6 damage in a
intruders, then alert others of their kind.
30 ft long 10 ft wide cone, Luck (Dex) save
for half.
After at least some goblins have awoken, for
further random encounters, roll on the original
6. Snerkles, Jabbernook brothers or the
table as well as the below, and use the most
Grand High Hobnobbler (even chance)
interesting result (roll 1d6):
are tracking the party, along with 4d6 of
their kin. They mean to encircle and
1. 2d6 Jawjacks are moving through nearby
capture the PCs for later torture.
crawlways, manoeuvring to ambush the
PCs from behind.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Area A – Gryndersnouts’ Entry
The vault entry in Area A is located at the most
westerly point on the map; a 5 ft wide stairway of
several hundred descending steps. At the end of
the steps is a stone door with a pull ring (locked,
Dex (Traps & Locks) check to open).

Like all of the vault’s entrances, the entryway is

locked and guarded. Once unlocked, pulling the
door open is automatic for Str 12+, otherwise a Str
check is required.

Beyond the door, a narrow 10 ft passage quickly

opens into a 10 ft wide, 200 ft long corridor, lined
with pillars bearing goblin images. The corridor is
trapped. Three separate pressure plates (30%
chance of triggering for each one) cause darts to
fire from the eyes of certain pillar carvings (+5/1
hp damage plus paralysis in a random limb for 4d6
hours (Luck (Con) save resists the paralysis).

The northern door is made of sturdy, aged oak,

and is locked (Dex (Traps & Locks) check, or Str
check, to open). Beyond are three sleeping
chambers, each housing 3d6 Gryndersnout
goblins. If the door is opened quietly, PCs might
sneak into the rooms without waking them. Their
acute sense of smell however gives them advantage
on any Stealth vs Perception contest (if successful,
the goblins awake). If the door is broken down, the
goblins are automatically roused.

Besides woollen bedding, each of the sleeping

chambers contains 1 x Carry Loot, held in small
chests, crates, shelves, etc.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Area B – Gryndersnouts’ Den The large hall that follows has jet black tiles and
The four wooden doors to this chamber are marble pillars etched with goblin verse (their
locked (Dex (Traps & Locks) check to open, or creation story, seemingly from a cursed dwarven
Str check to break). The 35 ft by 15 ft chamber has bloodline). A subterranean lake burbles quietly in
14 narrow sleeping alcoves adjoining it, each one the southwest corner, black as night but glinting in
containing 1d3 sleeping Gryndersnouts (unless the party’s torchlight. Hibernating in the pool is
already woken). Searching the entire chamber the goblins’ Giant Serpent pet guardian; if
reveals 1 x Carry Loot. disturbed it is ravenous and doesn’t hesitate to
devour the party.

Giant Serpent, AC 13, HD 5, Bite 1d8 + poison,

19: special, S19 D16 C13 I3 P10 W12 Ch5 L8,
Mv 30 ft. Poison causes 1d6 damage and 1d4 Dex
loss (a Luck (Con) save resists). On a natural 19-
20 attack roll, the target is constricted, rendering it
helpless. A trapped victim may spend their action
to make an opposed Str check to break free.

The western wall contains 5 alcoves holding 1d3

slumbering Eargoffs (the first sentries), who gain
advantage on any hearing based Stealth vs Perc
contests. The corridor heading east leads to
further sleeping chambers (exact numbers up to
Area C – Meeting Hall the GM, or alternatively 1d6+4 hideyholes with
The doors to this split level hall are unlocked. The 2d4 Eargoffs each, along with the Grand High
interior is decorated with goblinoid murals of Hobnobbler himself. If this area is cleared, 1 x 2
greenskins torturing humans, skorn, elves, and HD Lair treasure worth of precious metals may be
dwarves (more than any other). Here and there, scavenged from the Hobnobbler’s personal
other unfamiliar humanoid races also appear quarters.
(dragonfly winged humans, dog headed halfmen,
etc). Oversized chairs studded with precious Area E – Jawjacks’ Entry
stones (1 x Valuables worth), stolen from some lost Like the entries in Area A and D, stone steps lead
kingdom, are spread along the walls. When active, to a locked stone door with a pull ring handle.
the various greenskin leaders often use the hall for
formal meetings. The 20 ft by 25 ft room beyond is flagstoned and
the walls expertly hewn. Carved into each ceiling
The northeastern alcoves hold 1d3 sleeping corner (20 ft high) is an oversized goblin head, its
goblins each (random clan). Searching through mouth agape and eyes bulging.
their bedding garners 1 x Carry Loot.
Across the centre of the room is a 5 ft wide line of
Area D – Eargoffs’ Entry trapped flagstones (the goblins use crawlways
This entry to the vault is similar to Area A, stone hidden in the walls as a bypass). Standing on a
steps stretching down into darkness, ending in an trapped tile (80% chance, studying the floor grants
locked stone door with a pull ring. a Perc (Det) check to spot the pressure plates)


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

breaks the false top and the character’s foot Area F – Jabbernook Brothers Hideyhole
descends into a 1 ft hole. The hole is lined with This area includes 6 smaller sleeping alcoves (1d3
metal spikes pointing diagonally downwards at 45 Gryndersnouts each) and two larger ones (2d4
degree angles. Gryndersnouts each).

Inserting a foot into the barbs causes no damage, The walls here are painted with goblin murals
but pulling it out quickly inflicts 3d6 damage and a depicting huge underground hives of greenskins
likely foot injury (Luck (Con) save at disadvantage sheltering from flaming suns. A secret door is
to negate the injury; entry 3 on Injuries & Setbacks hidden on the western wall (Perc (Det) check to
table). Extracting the foot slowly over 2d4 rounds spot the outline, opens by depressing a pressure
causes 1d8 damage only. plate in a goblin’s chest). The 10 ft by 13 ft
chamber within houses the sleeping Jabbernook
Part 2 of the trap is linked to a timer and activates brothers and their valuables (small chests holding
the round after a PC becomes trapped in a foot 1 x 2 HD Lair Treasure).
snare: a hatch drops from the ceiling, dumping a
barrel of tar like, highly flammable oil onto the Area G – Ancestor & Sleeping Chambers
victim (causes 2d8 damage if the victim has a torch The northern chamber, and two eastern most
or other open flame). If the character has a shield rooms, each contain 5d6 sleeping goblins (one of
or similar large item, they make a Luck (Dex) save each of the three clans). Clearing each space earns
to deflect the majority of the oil (half damage). 1 x Carry Loot.
After the oil has dropped, a grinding sound can be
heard as the firing ports concealed in the goblin
heads rotate to take aim at the triggered area. If
more than one PC is trapped, the heads divide up
the targets.

Part 3 of the trap is linked to a timer and activates

the round after the oil dump. Firstly, the entry
door locks shut (may be opened with a Dex (Traps
& Locks) check). Secondly, all four of the goblin
heads release a stream of sleeping gas (a narrow
cloud, 5 ft wide, stretches to the floor, the target
and anyone adjacent must make a Luck (Con) save
or fall unconscious for 1d4 hours, an apothecary
with the right healing herbs might brew an

Part 4 of the trap activates a series of bells in the

sleeping chambers to the immediate east and west
(these doors are locked; Dex (Traps & Locks)
check to open, housing 3d6 Jawjacks each), and
also the far eastern sleeping alcoves (1d3 goblins
per alcove, as well as the Grand High Hobnobbler


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

The central chamber is a small worship hall with a Zornog, AC 15, HD 3+3 (22 hp), Hammerfist
20 ft high domed ceiling. A round pillar expertly 2d6+1, 19: Head smash; target is prone and
carved in the shape of a great goblin arm and claw stunned (loses move and action) for 1d2 rounds,
holds up the roof. The hand’s claws have beaten S16 D7 C18 I11 P13 W14 Ch10, L6, Mv 30 ft.
silver fingernails (worth 2 x Carry Loot if pried Zornog sees as well in darkness as in torchlight, is
from the ceiling). immune to morale checks and has Off Turn
Obsidian statues are set into the north, east and
west walls, depicting long dead goblin leaders Unkeyed Rooms
(especially grotesque and ancient specimens, the A quick perusal of the map reveals multiple
founding members of the complex, buried below). unkeyed rooms. When the party enters these
Each of the statues has jade stones for eyes (1d4 x spaces, roll 1d10 to determine (or choose) the
100 gp each). nature of the chamber as indicated below:

The worship chamber is watched over by a Goblin 1. Kitchen and/or Mess Hall, including
Stoneblood named Zornog, cursed by dark magic benches, carving implements, bowls, and
to watch over the bones of the founders. pantries containing barrels of rotted food,
hard tack, and other foodstuffs.
Zornog has been quiet for more than five hundred
years, and will be slow to awaken (1d4 rounds). 2. A filthy latrine Cesspit is located here,
Once activated however, the half goblin half stone possibly with a resident Slop Gorger in
sentinel will not stop until all intruders are hibernation.
3. A deep water Well is located here, with a
chain bucket. The well is big enough for
person to be winched down. Goblin
crawlways litter the walls. Whether there
are further tunnels below is up to the GM.

4. Torture Chamber. 50% chance of 1d4

chained skeletons (naked) missing
random body parts. Various implements
of torture lie on shelves and tables. A strap
chair occupies the centre of the space.

5. Holding Pit. Sheer 20 ft pits with metal

grate covers. Padlocked. 50% chance of
1d3 skeletons at the bottom (left to suffer
and die prior to the last hibernation).

6. Activated Trap. A recent adventurer’s

skeleton or rotting corpse is skewered
here on spring loaded stakes (1 x Carry


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Loot and 1 x Valuables. If this is found, Aftermath
one of the entry ways has been unlocked). The goblins have been lurking in their vault since
the Second Age, and have no intention of straying
7-8: Common Area used for socialising when far. They are acutely aware of the many dangers
the goblins are awake and between beyond their doors, and have survived by staying
victims. Rickety chairs, table and throw out of harm’s way, hiding below ground and
rugs abound. hibernating for extended periods (sometimes for
multiple human generations).
9-10: Sleeping chambers or alcoves, with 1d3
Goblins per 5 ft space. If the area is From time to time, during periods of wakefulness,
carefully searched, 1 x Carry Loot may be the Druvtog kidnap barbarians or beastmen for
found. torture or other dark amusements. A determined
armed force would likely wipe them out (although
a few might withdraw into their deepest crawlways
to escape, and plot their revenge).


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)



Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Vengeance at Trollbridge
Thraani, a barbarian and recent resident to Crow’s Thraani counted six trolls during the battle, which
Keep, is seeking mercenaries for a troll hunting were enough to ambush and kill her forty strong
expedition into the wilderness. tribe in short order. More than most, she knows
the terror the trolls instil, and is seeking warriors
Sole Survivor of stout heart.
Thraani (tall, blonde, grim faced muscular female,
missing one eye), is the sole surviving thuel
(barbarian) of the nomadic Cliff Striders tribe, and
she wants only one thing: vengeance.

Driven from the Ulgoth Foothills three months

earlier by rival clans, her small tribe of forty made
their way south, following the clifftops above Lake
Argos into unfamiliar territory. One day they
camped by an ancient stone bridge that crossed a
deep ravine. Unfortunately for the tribe, a troll
warren was concealed below, and they were
attacked during the night.

Knocked off a cliff during the troll battle, Thraani

fell upon a small ledge. And there she hid,
cowering against the rock face, hating her
weakness but unable to summon the courage to
return to what was almost certain slaughter. When
the battle ended, Thraani quietly climbed her way
to safety and fled to Crow’s Keep. And there she
has remained, wallowing in her shame but vowing

Thraani’s plan is simple: to recruit able

adventurers with strong backs, mighty thews, and Whether the PCs come looking for Thraani, or
sharp swords, guide them to the stone bridge, and she seeks them out, the barbarian quizzes them
kill the trolls - every last one of them! about their exploits over a few jugs of ale before
making any deals.
By way of recompense, Thraani has found a buyer
for troll blood (Siripid, a gangly alchemist who A great story of might and martial prowess
lives in a tall spire in the merchant’s quarter), impresses her the most (possibly requiring a Cha
willing to pay 100 gp per quart of blood (a full (Persuasion) or (Deception) check), but any
grown troll has up to 15 quarts, but after being mention of sorcery is met with narrow eyed
burnt, the amount harvestable is typically 3d4 suspicion and scornful muttering: “Bor kuufa
quarts). uchawi” (better dead than a demon/wizard).
Thraani might be persuaded to grudgingly take a


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

spell caster (or magic item wielder) with them, but Bloody ruffians! A serving wench whacks a
only on the strict condition that they refrain from 6 PC on the head with a skillet, stunning
invoking any “accursed sorcery”. them (lose next action).
Where’d you come from? A small dark
Bar Brawl haired child, Rani, suddenly scuttles out
At the GM’s discretion, a “test of might” may be 7 from under a table, about to be crushed by
required, in which case Thraani picks a fight with a toppling brawler! (Dex check to
the biggest, most dangerous looking northmen in intervene).
the tavern (she tells them she has a message from Fire! A shattered lantern flares in some
the PCs, spits in their food, flips their table, or 8 spilt alcohol, setting part of the tavern on
similar). The inevitable brawl that follows embroils fire!
the entire drinking establishment, giving Thraani a Barkeep. The PC glimpses the tavern
chance to vent some anger whilst gauging her 9 owner unconscious on the floor, being
potential recruits’ capacity for violence. Select a looted by an opportunistic brawler.
random player to roll on the Bar Brawl table each Cat Projectile! A flying feline rockets across
round the brawl persists. the tavern, claws outstretched, latching
onto the PC’s head (blind, spend an action
Thraani, AC 13, HD 3, Axe 1d12+2, 19: Causes to make a Str check to remove).
Injuries, S15 D16 C16 I10 P10 W13 Ch13, L6, Duck! A shower of mugs, bottles and plates
Mv 30 ft. When fighting the trolls, Thraani is 11 hurtle across the tavern. All PCs must
immune to morale and will fight to the death. make a Dex check or suffer 1d6 damage.
Who is that? A mysterious patron in a
Tavern Brawler, AC 10, HD 1, Fist 1d2+1, 19: deep hood sits unperturbed in the midst of
roll on the Bar Brawl table, S11 D10 C10 I10 P10 12
the fight, eating their stew as the brawl rages
W9 Ch10, L4, Mv 30 ft. around them.
A bard, Devin, begins beating his drum,
d20 breaking into song as the brawl unfolds. All
Roll brawlers gain advantage on their next
Break it up. 3d6 city watch enter the tavern, attack.
putting an end to the brawl. Cutpurse! An opportunistic pick pocket
KO! The PC is knocked out by a lucky 14 tries to steal something from the PC (Perc
2 haymaker for 2d6 rounds (Luck (Con) (Detection) contest vs Dex 15).
check resists). Hard Steel. One of the PC’s opponents
Wear the Chair. A brawler breaks a chair 15
turns serious, pulling a knife.
on the PC (roll on the Injuries & Setbacks The biggest, meanest looking warrior in the
table, ignore permanent results, Luck tavern (Fighter 3) cracks the head of his
(Con) save resists) 16
current foe before pointing at the PC and
Pile on! 2d4 brawlers pile onto the PC, making a bee line for them.
4 pinning them down (helpless, Str contest vs Bitey. An old woman with crazy eyes
Str 16 to resist). suddenly bites at the PC from under a
Grunnit, a skinny thief skirting the edges of 17
nearby table, causing 1d4 damage and
the brawl, yells out 3 to 1 odds on the PC tripping them (Dex check resists).
5 being the last to be knocked out. 1d6 Bar Slide! The PC is grabbed by two
brawlers take up the wager and converge 18
brawlers and thrown across the bar,
on the PC.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

knocking off mugs and plates (1d6 damage stealthily, positioned in the opposite
and lose 1 Dex, Luck (Con) save resists). direction to the drum party.
Window exit! The PC is hurled out the
nearest window into the street (Str contest 3. A solitary Hill Giant exile (Int 12) is
vs Str 15 resists). 50% chance of being making his way along the cliff tops,
knocked out for 1d6 rounds. searching for something he doesn’t
Ale Refreshment. In the rafters, a understand, drawn by strange whispers.
mischievous child pours a pitcher of ale on Marked by the void, Norwug may cast up
20 the PC, then gives them a cheeky grin. The to three of the following spells per
PC restores 1d6 hp (including regaining combat: Channel Lightning, Hunger for
consciousness if at zero hp). Blood, Strange Joining, Call Forth
Simulacra III.
Fire, Acid, and … a shovel?
At the GM’s discretion, the party might know 4. The party locates an ancient staircase
(perhaps with an Int (Arcane Lore) check), or leading to a secret underpass through part
previously heard/read that trolls have supernatural of the mountains, shortening their travel
regeneration, but that fire and acid help to kill time by one day. There is a 50% chance
them. On a great success, they might also know of finding a dwarven relic in the dark
that completely burying a troll’s remains prevents roads (iron pendant in a hammer shape,
them from healing. worth 500 gp to the right buyer).

If the party heads to the nearest alchemist to stock

up on fire pots and acid vials, the GM determines
how many are available (or alternatively 3d4 each).
With respect to ordinary lantern oil, the party can
probably obtain as much as they wish to carry.

Journey Encounters
The trollbridge is located in high cliffs overlooking
coastal waters, at least 5 days trek from Crow’s
Keep, through increasingly hilly and mountainous
terrain. Whilst travelling there is a 40% chance of
an encounter every 12 hours. If an encounter
occurs, roll 1d10 or select from the following:

1. 1d4 Giant Eagles can be heard screeching

high overhead, somewhere in the cloud
cover. Suddenly, a low flying eagle
appears from a nearby rise, slowly
flapping skyward with a struggling
barbarian (Guda) clutched in its claws.

2. 4d6 Skorn are hunting nearby, banging

their war drums. There is a second
hunting party also nearby, moving


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

resulting in death (50%, swept off the cliffs
or utterly buried) or (50%) 6d6 damage
(landing on a ledge).

9. A series of ravines dots this area, requiring

numerous difficult and taxing climbs.
Each PC must make a Luck (Str) check or
lose 1 Str due to exhaustion.

10. On a high and windy tor sits an old and

weather beaten tomb, its entry archway as
black as night. Hidden inside is 1 x 4 HD
Lair Treasure, guarded by the Spectre of
a priest from a past age.

5. A colossal 40 ft Horned Crawler bursts up

from the earth, launching rock and party
members in all directions as it burrows out
of the ground, instinctively ravenous.

Horned Crawler, AC 15, HD 16, Horn 3d10,

19: special, S22 D10 C22 I3 P10 W14 Ch4 L15,
Mv 50 ft or 30 ft burrowing. The horned crawler
has Major Exploit Protection and Off Turn
Attacks. On a 19+ attack roll the target is skewered
on the horn: roll 1d6 and consult the Injuries &
Setbacks table.

6. A hunting party of 3d10 thuels (as

Berserker) is camped nearby with 1d4
wandering sentries. There is a 50%
chance they are Stone Bloods, allies of the
Cliff Striders. Otherwise they are dreaded
Bone Jaws and bitter enemies of
Thraani’s (now effectively extinct) tribe. Trollbridge
The trollbridge corridors and stairs are mostly cut
7. A pack of 2d4 jet black Dire Wolves stalk stone, excepting the south eastern tunnels. The
these mountain passes, hunting for western wing is lit with candles, allowing Yoggzul
humanoids (or anything living, really) to to navigate the otherwise dark tunnels.
sink their fangs into.
In the eastern wing, excepting where daylight is
8. The weather turns poor, showering able to penetrate Areas 8 and 13, the tunnels are
heavily, and causing part of the cliffs to completely dark. The trolls are able to see in the
collapse at an inopportune time. The dark without difficulty but PCs will need their own
party must make a Group Luck save or be light source.
swept up in a devastating mountain slide


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)


Area 1 - Highbridge
The ancient stone bridge is 70 ft long and 15 ft obvious stone staircase and secondary bridge,
wide, fashioned of mountain granite, with high 4 ft which descends another 15 ft or so before joining
railings. Despite its great age, the bridge is in good a tunnel on the eastern face. Thick, oversized webs
repair, and will not crumble away if the can be seen wrapping about the lower bridgeway.
adventurers set foot on it.
If the party lingers on the bridge for any length of
From the apex of the bridge, the ravine drops time, the Trollspider in Area 7 will spot them and
approximately 200 ft to its lowest point, where a alert his kin with a strange clicking noise that
shallow and slow moving river runs north to south. echoes through the ravine.

About 25 ft down, on the western face, 3 arrow slits At the GM’s option, depending on the weather,
might be seen, although they are somewhat thick fog might shroud the lower confines of the
overgrown with clinging shrubs (Perc (Detection) ravine, concealing the secondary bridge or other
check at a -2 penalty). At about 60 ft down is an locations.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Area 2 – Bridgehouse Ruins dark magic (he emits a constant smell of
Only rubble and a few sad feet of foundations brimstone, and occasionally launches into random
remains of the bridgehouse that once occupied bouts of non-sensical slurping and croaking).
this spot a thousand years ago. The stone is
overgrown with weeds, but digging around in the Under the protection of his troll allies, the
collapsing floor unearths 1 x Carry Loot. PCs necromancer studies the dead in his lab in Area 4,
probing for descending stairs will find them filled experimenting in the hopes of unlocking a secret
with fallen rubble, blocked for centuries. nirvana betwixt life and death. He is fixated upon
Determined PCs with the right tools might the subject, barely eats, drinks or sleeps, and has
excavate a tunnel to Area 3 (albeit noisily and not spoken with a human for years. He refers to
taking many hours). the living as the “dying”, and (if not hostile) will
greet the PCs with an guestimate of years until their
passing (eg: “ah, a dying, how interesting. How did
you find me? Twelve years I think for you, yes.
Your friend with the axe, tut tut, just two. Superb
musculature, however. Perhaps when you are
done with her you might bring her here, hmm?”).

Yoggzul is not inherently hostile to the PCs, and

might even offer them work (bringing him
cadavers for 10 gp each). He considers the
trollbridge his home however, and any assault
upon his quarters will be fiercely resisted. If the
eastern tunnels are attacked, Yoggzul may or may
not come to the aid of his troll allies, depending
on his assessment of the situation. His preference
is to use his magic through the arrow slits in Area
4 or through the doorway in Area 6.

Yoggzul, AC 12 (heavy robes), HD 6, Knife 1d4,

19: as weapon, S11 D9 C10 I16 P12 W12 Ch10,
L10, Mv 30 ft. Yoggzul may choose from the
following spells four times per combat (6th level):
Arcane Aegis, None Shall Pass, Fusing of Flesh, A
Wisp Unseen, Purge the Accursed, Place of
Area 3 – Necromancer’s Lair Perfect Night, Bestial Communion, Riddle of
This 35 ft long by 70 ft wide chamber has a 10 ft Bones, Runic Rite of Wonderment, Gift of the
ceiling, and used to form an underground barracks Fiery Furnace, Spectral Transfixion. Yoggzul has
for the tower guard stationed here. The stairwell advantage when resisting adverse mind effects such
leading up to Area 2 has been blocked with rubble as sleep, charm, fear and madness.
for centuries.
If the necromancer is killed and his quarters
The chamber is now used as a sleeping chamber searched (cot, stone slab for writing, scattered
by the necromancer Yoggzul (50’s, 6½ ft, beard, scrolls and parchments, handful of eating utensils),
bushy eyebrows, long hooded robe). Yoggzul is an 1 x Carry Loot and 1 x Trinkets & Curios are
exile by choice, permanently marked by his use of found.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Area 4 – Laboratory Skeletal Warriors, AC 14, HD 4+2, Sword
This narrow 35 ft by 10 ft wide chamber has a 7 ft 1d8+2, 19: a defeated skeletal warrior re-animates
ceiling and three shuttered arrow slits facing east. to aid this one, S17 D10 C16 I- P13 W- Ch-, L7,
Yoggzul uses the chamber as his lab, presently Mv 30 ft. Skeletal warriors are Undead with the
there are two cadavers rotting away on two usual benefits, automatically sense the living within
roughhewn slabs (the trolls dragged the stones into 60 ft and are immune to piercing weapons such as
the chamber for him). If combat breaks out on the arrows. Each warrior carries a shield which they
bridge, or the party assaults the door to Area 6, may use to negate a single directional attack once
Yoggzul might hail them from here (or cast spells (as shield rules).
at them).

Area 5 – Trapped stairs

This stone staircase is approx 20 ft high and carved
with runic symbols of the arcane, magically
trapped by Yoggzul (via an abjuration ritual).
Anyone other than Yoggzul or a troll that ascends
the stairs is overcome with escalating lethargy,
every step weightier than the last. Each step taken
requires a Will check to resist losing 1 Str. There
are approx 40 steps to the top of the staircase.
Flying or traversing the stairs by other means does
not invoke the curse.

Area 6 – Western Entryway

A roughly lashed wooden door has been installed
at the eastern end of this corridor. It is unlocked,
but may be barred from the inside (breaking
through requires 3 successful Str checks at

A long, defensive tunnel lies beyond, 55 ft long, 10

ft wide and 5 ft tall, except where the middle roof
rises to 7 ft. Characters fighting in the cramped 5
ft sections with weapons larger than short swords
fight at disadvantage (inc trolls). In the raised
section stand four human skeletal warriors. They
allow none but Yoggzul or trolls to pass.
Area 7 – Lowbridge
This 35 ft long, 10 ft wide steep staircase-bridge is
spotted with moss and underhung with thick
strands of sticky webbing. A 10 ft Trollspider lurks
here (a horrifying troll arachnid mutant, appearing
as a giant spider with green, noduled troll skin,
able to parrot a few random “troll” words in a
hideous, chittering voice).


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Trollspider, Boss Monster AC 13, HD 7 (54 hp), Troll, AC 13, HD 7, 2 Claws 1d4+1 and Bite
Bite 2d4+1 + poison and 4 Claws 1d8+1, 19: the 1d8+1, 19: if the target is accompanied by a pet or
target is encased in webs (helpless, spend action to henchmen, the pet/ally is eaten by the troll (or has
make a Str contest vs Str 17 to break free), S19 a limb torn off), S19 D12 C17 I6 P7 W8 Ch7, L9,
D14 C15 I3 P10 W13 Ch3, L9, Mv 40 ft inc walls, Mv 30 ft. Trolls regenerate all damage at the start
ceiling, etc. The trollspider is a Boss Monster with of their next turn, or in 1d6 rounds if reduced to
the usual benefits. It regenerates like a troll, and its zero hit points. Damage from fire or acid is not
poison Bite causes 1d4 Dex loss (Luck (Con) save regenerated. A troll reduced to zero hit points and
resists). The monster’s webs are infused with a fire completely burnt or buried does not regenerate.
retardant mucus and do not burn, instead giving 10 ft reach.
off a poisonous fume causing 1d3 Str loss in a 20
ft radius (spiders and trolls are immune, otherwise Area 10 – Elevator Shaft
Luck (Con) save resists). This 30 ft high drop shaft was harvested for bronze
before being reinforced and turned into a winch
The trollspider is an abomination, twisted into its elevator. A number of thick iron chains dangle
current form by Yoggzul’s magic gone awry. It from the roof, looking worse for wear, but still
retains only the basic vestiges of its former troll life, perfectly functional. The winches and platform
but knows allies from enemies, and remains loyal rotted away years ago, but the chain may be
to Gort. If defeated, the monster’s webs contain climbed (automatic unless during combat, in
the bodies of recently slain barbarians and which case a Str (Athletics) check is required).
beastmen (1 x Trinkets & Curios).
Area 11 – Weapons Cache
Area 8 – Eastern Entryway This small 10 ft square side chamber was an
This defensive tunnel is 10 ft wide, 60 ft long and emergency weapons stash for the original
5 ft high, except in the middle where the height occupants, in case of a quick retreat through the
rises to 10 ft. A single troll sentry is on guard duty lower caverns. It now holds a broken weapons
in the raised section, sitting on a heap of furs (50% rack with 1d6 spears, swords and maces spread
chance dozing off after a meal, the half eaten about the floor. 1d4 shields are also lying about.
corpse of a beastman beside it). Characters fighting There are also a large number of further weapons
in the cramped 5 ft sections with weapons larger broken by the trolls, or otherwise deteriorated
than short swords fight at disadvantage (trolls also over time.
fight with disad in these spaces, and will retreat to
Area 9 or 12). Area 12 – Main Troll Den
This large, natural cavern is approximately 50 ft in
Area 9 – Secondary Troll Den diameter, with a rock shelf separating the highest
This 30 ft long, 50 ft wide and 40 ft high chamber 10 ft. In the south eastern corner is a section of
was the original ore cavern for the bronze mine underground river (up to about 7 ft deep).
that founded the outpost here. After it ran dry, the
cavern was reinforced and converted to a storage The trolls use this cavern as their primary den. 2d3
area between caravan runs to the city. The trolls trolls, plus their leader Gort, are usually here. Gort
now use the chamber as a secondary living area, is not the biggest, fastest or most vicious of the
littered with piles of furs and the cloaks of dead trolls, but he is the smartest and most determined.
barbarians. A thorough search of the area turns up Smart enough to learn a simple fire spell from
1 x Carry Loot. 1d2+1 trolls are here at any one Yoggzul, in fact, which cemented his position as
time, sleeping or eating a recent beastman kill (red leader and consolidated his partnership with the
stains cover much of the area). necromancer. Yoggzul is in the process of teaching


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Gort Shadows & Dust, but it is slow going (and the Area 13 – Bone Pile
longer it takes, the better for Yoggzul). This 30 ft wide cavern has a 12 ft ceiling, in the top
reaches of which lurk 1d4 Yellow Mould. The
Gort’s stats are as Troll, but Int 8, 32 hp, Major trolls’ regenerative abilities make them immune to
Exploit Protection and may cast Flame Bolt once the mould’s effects. A large collection of bones,
per combat (120 ft range, single target, 3d8 more than two feet high, are piled up here. Sifting
damage, Luck (Dex) save for half). through the pile reveals 1 x 4 HD Lair Treasure.

Gort sleeps atop the rocky shelf in the upper half Yellow Mould, AC 10 (automatic hit in melee),
of the cave, overlooking the rest of his kin. He has HD 3, Projectile Spore (see below), 19: the spore
2d4 spears that he can throw while taking half is extra strong, bursting in a 10 ft radius, S6 D- C16
cover (+2 AC) at the overhang’s edge. If the trolls I2 P14 W- Ch-, L6, Mv immobile. Yellow mould
are defeated and the cavern searched, 1 x Carry is immobile but attacks by way of projectile spores
Loot is found hidden amongst the furs and small up to 60 ft that burst in a 10 ft diameter. Failing a
piles of bones. Luck (Con) save against the spores means that the
adventurer dies a horrible choking death in 1d6
rounds. An adventurer protecting their nose and
mouth with a mask gains advantage on the check.

Area 14 - Stream
A shallow, low lying river (approx 25 ft deep) runs
north to south along the bottom of the ravine.
Swimming across is generally straight forward but
jumping requires a Str (Athletics) check at
disadvantage (the run up is uneven and littered
with scree). The trolls might use the river to try and
drown heavily armoured PCs, or douse
themselves if on fire.

If the trolls are slain and Thraani lives, she is
proud to have avenged her tribe, but flooded with
deep sorrow, and uncertain as to her future.
Depending on how the adventure unfolded, the
barbarian might offer her services to a PC of
similar views and martial prowess as a loyal
henchmen. Any troll blood the party manages to
return to Siripid is gladly paid for, with the
alchemist keeping the party in mind for future

If Yoggzul survives but is driven from his home, he

might turn up in a remote tower elsewhere in the
realm, a secret laboratory in the sewers of Crow’s
Keep, or be caught by beastmen and swiftly


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)



Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Whitestone Tower
The monster is a recent arrival to the area, the only
Rumour has it a winged beast is picking off manticore to descend from the Sunstone peaks.
Vorngard’s messenger ravens and the occasional His mate and cubs died from Ribcage Rot, a
scout venturing too far west. If the tales are true, horrible lung disease, during the last winter.
Borgotha, one of Vorngard’s best apothecaries, Vardova is also afflicted, but is showing only early
is offering good coin in exchange for the symptoms at present (occasional wheeze, and
monster’s wings. spitting up bloodied phlegm).

Vardova Though dull witted, Vardova understands what is

In a tract of forested land, between the Sunstone happening to him, and has decided to spread as
Ranges and outermost borderlands of Vorngard, much misery and suffering as he can before he
stands a decaying tower of white stone. dies. Whether there are other manticores living in
the high peaks is a matter for the GM, but if so,
The age of the dwelling is uncertain, but weather they shun him as cursed, offering no assistance.
stained stone and collapsed walls suggest several
generations have past. What happened to the Since taking up residence in the abandoned tower,
original resident, a sorceress, is a mystery, but Vardova has managed to draw a deal of attention
there is no mistaking the current master; a to himself; eating barbarians, skorn, Midlanders
fearsome 12 ft Manticore named Vardova. and any other intelligent beings he can get his claws


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

The manticore speaks old common, with a heavy, 2. At the base of a huge fir tree is the outline
growling accent, and enjoys taunting his prey of a door covered in heavy moss. If
before devouring them live, like a cat toying with a scraped clear, silver elvish script can be
field mouse. Following the death of his pack, seen along the edges.
Vardova has grown ever more reckless and
murdersome, taken to slaying humanoids for the 3. The desiccated husk of a dead Skorn with
bloody sport of it (as opposed to eating them), yellow warpaint lies on the ground. The
leaving corpses where they drop, or dangling them body is several days old and laden with
from high branches in gruesome displays. grubs. In the high trees, a Veil Spider is
watching, hoping to ambush the
In recent weeks, the beast has upped the ante, outermost party member if they stop to
eating any messenger ravens to/from Vorngard, investigate.
seeking to disrupt communications and draw more
humans out of the walled city to be feasted on. 4. 4d4 Frost Eater barbarians are camping
nearby, roasting game. They are in good
Apothecary Borgotha spirits, high on fermented alcohol. The
Borgotha (6 ft, robust, auburn hair, never without thuels will be suspicious of the PCs, but
her wiry ratdog Gibbit), an apothecary living in the might be talked or bribed into sharing
city, spotted the monster whilst collecting herbs their fire, with a demonstration of the
one afternoon. She is willing to pay 400 gp for its party’s strength.
dragonesque wings, and another 300 gp for the
spiked tail. Borgotha does not require that the 5. The weather turns treacherous,
beast be slain, necessarily, but in order to claim the unleashing a thunderstorm and powerful
appendages it will likely need to be incapacitated. winds. The freezing cold saps the
explorers’ strength as they slosh through
The party might become involved in this slippery mud. All PCs must make a Con
adventure by (i) accepting Borgotha’s bounty, (ii) (Athletics) check or lose 1 Str due to
stumbling across the ruined tower whilst travelling, exhaustion.
or (iii) discovering an old letter referring to the
sorceress Trinnien said to dwell there. 6. In the midst of the night, a single Tree
Abomination emerges from the forest,
creaking and groaning with inhuman
Random Encounters
Travelling to the tower is at least 3 days trek
through forested, alpine hills. There is a 50%
chance of a random encounter every 12 hours. If
Tree Abomination, AC 14, HD 11, 2 Batter
3d6, 19: a sliver of the Veil is unleashed, the target
an encounter occurs, roll 1d10:
rolls on the Dark & Dangerous Magic table, S22
D10 C20 I3 P13 W17 Ch4, L11, Mv 20 ft. The
1. A lone Dire Wolf begins tracking the PCs,
abomination Causes Injuries on a natural 19-20
howling to its pack. A single responding
attack roll, 10 ft reach. If both batter attacks hit, the
howl is very, very distant. If the PCs
target is also bitten (roll on the Injuries & Setbacks
attempt to catch the wolf, it baits them
table). The abomination has Off Turn Attacks.
deeper into the forest, where 2d4 of its
Advantage on saves against magic. Particularly
pack members are silently waiting to
susceptible to fire which causes double damage.
ambush them.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

10. Vardova the Manticore (Area 3) wheels in
the sky overhead, on the lookout for fresh
prey. Depending on their location, the
beast might try to kill one of them with his
long range tail spikes before retreating to
the tower (if pressed).

Tower Approach
The tower itself is located at Area C on a high
bluff. There are two primary approaches,
following old, overgrown paths ascending the rise
from opposite directions.

Area A – Grey Star Tribe

This access point involves a 30 ft rotting bridge
spanning a 25 ft wide stream. The bridge is very
old, mostly termite ridden timber but patched in
critical locations by the manticore’s human
followers. Crossing the bridge is safe unless
fighting upon it, in which case a Dex check is
7. The sounds of horns can be heard required to avoid falling into the river (and being
minutes before 5d4 Varnori scouts appear swiftly dragged downstream).
along the rise of nearby hills. They seek to
extort the “Jarl’s tithe” from the party, at 3d4+10 barbarians, known as the Grey Star tribe,
the cost of 20 gp per PC, for “the right to camp near the bridge, keeping watch on behalf of
bear arms”. The captain, Geira (blonde, their monstrous master. The Grey are a mix of
brazen female who likes to “pat down” tribal exiles banded together for protection,
handsome PCs to check for “weapons”), beholden to Malmogg (hulking young teen, bald,
might give one PC a pass in exchange for skin covered in battle scars, exiled for seducing his
a tussle in the bushes instead (well chief’s second wife).
respected in Vorngard, Geira might make
a useful future contact). Barbarians, AC 13, HD 1, Spear 1d6+1 or Axe
1d8+1 or Sword 1d8+1 or Long Bow 1d8, 19: as
8. Beneath the rotting trunk of a fallen fir weapon, S12 D10 C13 I10 P10 W12 Ch11, L4,
tree crawl 2d12 Giant Centipedes, Mv 30 ft. 50% of the Grey are berserkers with S13,
antennae twitching curiously. The nest is +2 bonus to attack, +2 damage, and never check
very old; a handful of barbarian skeletons for morale.
can be seen amongst the bracken (1 x
Carry Loot). Malmogg, Boss monster, AC 14, HD 4+4 (31
hp), Huge Club 2d6+4, 19: target stunned and
9. Within the branches of a tall fir tree are loses next action, S18 D10 C15 I10 P10 W12
the bodies of two Frost Eater barbarians, Ch15, L7, Mv 30 ft. Malmogg is a Boss Monster
brutally torn apart and missing large strips
of flesh. They appear to have been
dropped into the tree from on high.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Area Map

with all the usual benefits. He is fearless to the Vardova comes here to feed when he has the
point of recklessness, leading his “tribe” from the choice, reluctant to eat in his tower lair, given the
front or not at all. mess that usually results. Searching through the
remains garners 1 x Valuables hidden in the
Malmogg respects the manticore’s strength and bottom of a boot.
serves him in the hope of convincing the beast to
destroy his old clan. He might let the party pass There is a 50% chance 1d4+1 Giant Worker Ants
the bridge for a suitable bribe, but only if he gauges are at the site when the PCs arrive, picking over
them as little more than a snack for Vardova. If some recent corpses. If they detect the party, they
defeated, the exiles have 1 x Carry Loot hidden prefer to carry a live human back to their nest
amongst their bedding and travelling furs. instead. If the workers are killed, 3d6 Giant
Soldier Ants swarm the area in 1d6 x 10 minutes.
Area B – Manticore Feasting Ground
The top of this 50 ft high cliff is blood stained and Giant Worker Ant, AC 13, HD 2, Bite 1d6, 19:
scattered with bones, old and new. At the bottom knocks prone, S16 D10 C16 I1 P10 W10 Ch4,
are more skeletons, overgrown with glass and L5, Mv 40 ft and may climb walls, ceilings etc.
other plant life. Workers may swarm a target, gaining +1 to hit for
each additional ant beyond the first (max +4).


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Giant Soldier Ant, AC 15, HD 3+3, Bite 2d4 + Tower Map
poison, 19: the soldier spits acid on the target,
causing 2d4 damage, S19 D12 C16 I1 P12 W12
Ch8, L6, Mv 40 ft and may climb walls, ceilings
etc. Soldier ants have a venomous bite that
requires a Luck (Con) save or the target loses 1d4
Con. Soldiers may swarm a target, gaining +1 to hit
for each additional ant beyond the first (maximum

Area C – The Tower

The tower is approx 100 ft tall with a 40 ft wide
base at the lowest point (ground level), cut from
white stone. The entire structure is riddled with
lichen and decaying daub adorns the tiered

About 30 ft southeast of the tower are a pair of

gateway stones, 10 ft high, carved with swirling
symbols akin to some kind of elvish writing (but
not elven). The stones are enchanted, working a
potent charm on any humanoid that comes within
30 ft of the tower (Luck (Will) save or suffer a
serious madness; “This place is cursed, I feel it in
my bones. No brother, I won’t let you make the
mistake of entering here”).
There is a 50% chance the manticore is home in
The interior of the tower is fairly bright during the Area 3 or 4 when the PCs arrive, alternatively he
day, sunlight penetrates the windows and large is out hunting (and returns in 2d6 hours, in which
holes, allowing light to stream in. At night, the case, a fresh, mostly devoured barbarian corpse is
tower is dark, but for a strange glow in Area 5. All left in Area B. He then settles in to sleep for a
doors are made of pine. time). Vardova is too large to fit through the stair
ways leading to Areas 1, 2 and 5.
Numerous entry points are available, from
breaking down doors (Str (Athletics) check), to Area 1 – Main Entry, Lounge, Bathroom
windows (automatic or Dex check perhaps), or The iron banded pine entry door is locked tight,
climbing (up to the big hole in Area 3, or deck in sporting a brass turning knob and keyhole. The
Area 4, automatic with a grapple and rope or else door is trapped, any attempt to yank violently on
Str (Athletics) check). the handle detaches the knob and unleashes a
small cloud of choking dust (5 ft diameter, 5d6
poison damage, Luck (Con) save for half). A Dex
(Traps & Locks) check picks the lock or Str
(Athletics) check (2 successes) busts the door


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

(Con) save resists. An apothecary may be able to
cure the disease with the right healing herbs.

Horned Worms are 2 ft, carnivorous annelids with

undulating “horns” that sense motion. Their
rubbery hides are surprisingly resilient, maws lined
with sharp, flesh rending canines.

Area 2 – Laboratory, Storage Room

Stairs from the ground floor lead to this level and
continue up to Area 3. Two doors at the end of a
short corridor open to a laboratory, and a storage

The storage room contains timber, some blocks of

white stone, and other building materials, as well
as an assortment of tools (shovel, mattock, saw,
etc). Additionally, there are three crates containing
3 x random weapons, a suit of chainmail, and two

The entry hall beyond is compact and covered in The laboratory is dusty, tables laden with beakers,
dust. A few long dead pot plants sit by windows, flasks and chemical stains, all manner of strange
along with walking sticks, boots, hooded walking bric a brac (organs, crystals, powders, etc) scattered
cloaks on wall pegs, and so on. A short corridor about or stored in pots, boxes, etc. The various
leads to a decaying lounge covered in mildew, ritual components are worth 1 x 4 HD Lair
stairs wind up to level 2, and a door opens into a Treasure.
The lab is watched over by twin guardians. Whilst
Sometime after the sorceress died, the bathroom the young sorceress lived, she animated two sets of
was taken over by 3d4+5 Horned Worms that spiked armour to serve her. Originally charged
burrowed their way through the buckled northern with patrolling the tower grounds, the suits were
wall. The room is covered in worm faeces and temporarily housed in Area 2 for minor repairs
smells awful. The invertebrates sleep by day and just before their mistress died (each suit shows
hunt by night, sometimes daring to scavenge the signs of denting, etc). Although motionless for
manticore’s left overs. Vardova is aware of the decades, the guardians creak to life if the PCs
infestation and pays it no heed. pocket any of the lab’s valuables (adhering to their
prime directive).
Horned Worm, AC 13, HD 1d4 hp, Bite 1d3+1,
19: worm’s horns emit a hypnotic hum (Luck Animated Armour, AC 14, HD 6, Spiked Mace
(Will) save or lose next action), S3 D14 C8 I2 P14 2d8, 19: opponent’s weapon is shattered by a
W6 Ch4 L3, Mv 20 ft or 5 ft burrowing. Bite has spiked mace (Luck (Dex) save resists, magical
a 50% chance of Puckering Filth, causing 1d3 Dex weapons are damaged/unusable until repaired),
loss each day until bedridden at zero Dex. A Luck S17 D8 C18 I- P14 W- Ch-, L8, Mv 30 ft. The


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

suits are Golems but lack resistance to non-magical If Vardova is defeated, searching the chamber
weapons. They have 30% Magic Resistance, reveals 1 x Scroll, secreted in a fire blasted bronze
except against Curse of Searing Steel which Slows case, buried under the remains of some charcoal
them (50% lose action each turn, for 2d6 rounds). shelving.

Area 3 – Manticore Lair Area 4 – Viewing Deck, Kitchen, Dining

The 25 ft wide central chamber was once a large This 20 ft roofed platform provides excellent views
study, filled with shelves and books, until a magical over the surrounding area. The ceiling is
accident obliterated the contents (inc the dangerously unstable, any attempt to climb up
sorceress), and blew out the eastern wall. The walls causes it to collapse (3d6 damage, and Luck (Dex)
are still blackened by fire, and burnt pages make save or knocked off the edge (60 ft drop). Two
up part of the manticore’s bedding (along with doors to the east lead to a small kitchen and dining
clothing torn from victims), massed on the western area (grimy and untouched for decades). Stairs in
side. A burnt out stairwell (no longer intact) is the kitchen lead down to Area 3 and up to Area 5.
located by the northern wall.

If the beast is home when the PCs arrive, he is

most likely here. If the PCs manage to take
Vardova by surprise, he will be shocked, and fly
into a rage. If he sees them coming however, the
manticore will attempt to speak with them (who
are they, why have they come here to die, what
crime have they committed to deserve such a fate,
which one should he let live to spread word of his
might, and so on).

If battle commences, the manticore will take wing

and use its tail spikes to shoot from afar, using flyby
style attacks to rake his foes or grab them to drop
from great heights. He will not willingly land to
engage in protracted melee, except perhaps to
finish an almost downed PC.

Vardova, Boss Monster, AC 14, HD 7 (54 hp), 2

Claws 1d6, Bite 1d8 and 1d6 Tail Spikes 1d6+1
(180 ft range), 19: special, S19 D14 C18 I7 P11 The manticore sometimes settles himself on the
W12 Ch8, L9, Mv 60 ft or 120 ft flying. Vardova platform, surveying the forest and hills. If Vardova
is a Boss Monster with all the usual benefits. On a is home when the PCs arrive, he is either here or
19+, Vardova wing buffets the target prone, pushes in Area 3.
them up to 1d4 x 5 ft (Luck (Str) save resists), or
grabs them and flies away (Str contest to resist). Area 5 – Bed Chamber
This 10 ft diameter sleeping chamber contains a
mouldy hammock and rug, small trunk, tarnished
mirror and dressing table.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Silently lurking within is the ghost of the sorceress Once this request has been made, whatever other
and mistress of the tower; Trinnien Cinderil reveries Trinnien might fall into, she remains
(female, 30s, translucent, ethereally shifting form acutely aware of the PCs’ actions, and will move to
as if seen through water). prevent any of them leaving the tower. As far as the
ghost is concerned, their sole purpose is to keep
her company, and she will kill them rather than let
them leave.

Trinnien, Ghost, AC 12, HD 8, Touch 1d4 +

special, 19: the target ages twice as much as usual,
S- D15 C- I10 P13 W17 Ch3, L9, Mv 30 ft flying.
Ghosts are Incorporeal, able to pass through
objects, and are harmed only by magic or cold iron
weapons. A ghost’s awful caress instantly ages the
target 3d10 years (no Luck save permitted) and
requires a Luck (Will) save to resist suffering a
serious madness. If a target is aged more than its
expected lifespan, it dies a desiccated husk.

If one or more PCs agree to remain as her

companion, Trinnien treats them well, and
manages long stretches of lucidity discussing a
wide range of subjects.

After 2 weeks, assuming the PC(s) build a rapport,

the ghost invests part of her power into a single PC
(her favourite “student”), granting them the ability
to cast a single 1st or 2nd level spell of their choosing
(castable once per long rest, or alternatively if a
Trinnien barely remembers her name, and recalls Magic User, learning 2 new spells of their
only a colossal explosion before she “woke up this choosing).
morning”; some kind of nightmare, to be sure.
Trinnien is lost in her own world (materializing In order to bestow this ability on the PC however,
into view reading tarot cards, brushing her hair, she must touch them on the forehead, aging them
gazing upwards as if studying the sky, etc), and will 3d10 years.
mostly ignore the PCs. A PC attempting to touch
her ages 3d10 years (Luck (Dex) save to pull away After conveying her gift of secret knowledge,
at the last moment). Trinnien’s soul is finally at peace. The PC(s) may
leave unmolested, and Trinnien fades away, never
Every now and then however (1-2 on 1d6, check to be heard from again. Alternatively, at the GM’s
every minute the PCs are in her presence), option, she might remain as a strange and volatile
Trinnien will have a moment of lucidity, wailing scholar whom the PCs might consult from time to
about the utter loneliness of her cursed existence, time, provided they are willing to stay with her a
prevailing upon at least one of the PCs to remain period (longer and longer on each subsequent
with her as a companion. occasion).


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

If the bed chamber is searched, the trunk contains to Borgotha earns the agreed fee, and a degree of
1 x Carry Loot, 1 x Valuables and 1 x Trinkets & fame amongst other apothecary, explorers,
Curios. caravan guard, rangers and so on. If Trinnien
endures, she stays put in her tower, engaging in
Aftermath necromantic rites meant to extend her lucidity.
If the manticore is allowed to survive, he slaughters Over time however it becomes clear that her sanity
all messenger ravens and begins harassing is eroding. Eventually she will turn on the PCs, or
caravans, causing ongoing supply shortages in any other humans entering her crumbling home,
Vorngard. Returning the beast’s wings and/or tail until she finally slips through the Veil forever.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)



Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Riddle of the Golden Rat
Infused with the blood of the unseelie crone
The Golden Rat, an enchanted idol from a prior herself, the idol’s magic is especially potent,
insusceptible to Purge the Accursed or Sever
age, is said to grant the power to summon and
Arcarnum spells (but may be countered by
control vermin of all kinds. Eldritch Mirror or Forbidden Wish).

Any human touching the idol triggers its curse,

“Oh Rool, you and that stupid rat dream!” instantly affecting not only the touching mortal but
all allies in a 30 ft radius. Targets immediately feel
- Franjean the brownie to his friend Rool nauseas and sway precariously, dropping to one
(also a brownie) in the 1988 movie knee or grabbing hold of a nearby wall to steady
Willow.4 themselves. After a moment, the true curse is
unleashed, rapidly shrinking all mortal targets to a
Crafted by the capricious hag Menethorii during a mere 3 mm tall (including their gear); no larger
past age, the Golden Rat is a 4 inch statuette of than a tiny bug!
pure gold, shaped to resemble a field mouse
standing on its hind legs, pawing at the sky. Furthermore, as the PCs shrink, the idol begins to
move, its metallic form transmuting into a
In fact, the idol is a trap; a cursed object intended common variety field rat. Scrunching up its nose,
to punish greed and school mankind in the the furry colossi issues a deafening squeal before
importance of perspective, vulnerability and scooping up any tiny humans and swallowing them
wonderment. whole. At the GM’s option, PCs with a cunning
plan or the right magic might be able to


If you’re never seen Willow, stop reading this and
go watch it right now! You’re welcome.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

avoid this fate (eg: perhaps by turning invisible and Ain’t nobody said nothin ‘bout no science
immediately flying away). If some PCs do escape, At this stage some GMs might be concerned that
they have successfully avoided this adventure, and their players have a better knowledge of anatomy,
might like to join the GM behind the screen or chemistry or micro physics than them. Phah! Use
play a trapped henchmen, hireling, faithful hound, your best judgment, and if any complex sciency
etc instead. Escaped PCs return to normal size issues arise that you can’t explain or don’t make
when the trapped PCs escape, or in 4d6 hours, sense, consider deploying one of the following
whichever occurs first. venerable GM solutions:

The rat cannot be defeated through brute force, 1. “I dunno, it’s magic or something”.
magical or otherwise. It is immune to hostile
sorcery, including charms and suggestions, and its 2. “Bloody stupid adventure writer obviously
outer flesh far too thick to be pierced by tiny didn’t think about that. Let’s handwave it
weapons. The vermin has an acute sense of smell, for now.”
good enough to track down a slow moving invisible
target, and is much too fast to outrun. 3. “I hear what you’re saying, but hold up let
me just check something… (rolls dice)
Swallowed PCs are immediately engulfed in uhuh - RANDOM ENCOUNTER!”
darkness, soaked in saliva and battered by the
tongue and oesophageal pipe before being Random Encounters
shunted into the stomach moments later (see Area
The party’s first stop is the stomach (see Area 2)
2 below).
where they must contend with bubbling acid and
The PCs might become involved in this adventure grinding walls. If they survive that location, the PCs
by (i) finding the Golden Rat as treasure, (ii) being are pushed through a number of other dangerous
paid to retrieve it by a wealthy antique collector, or places before any real chance of escape arises.
(iii) the GM running the scenario as a dream the
whole party shares when camped in the deep Whilst moving between locations, there is a 90%
woods one night during a blood moon. chance of a random encounter. If an encounter
occurs, roll 1d6:
Fluctuating Size
As the adventure progresses, the party continues
to change size, sometimes shrinking to 1. 2d6 White Blood Cells appear from the
microscopic form, other times enlarging back to a blood steam or emerge from membrane
few millimetres tall. Upon escaping the rat they are walls. They instinctively attack the PCs as
restored to normal size. foreign bodies, seeking to absorb and
neutralise them.
At the microscopic level, a bluish bioluminescence
covers everything, allowing the PCs to see long White Blood Cells, AC 13, HD 3, Partial
distances (relatively speaking). Additionally, while Ingestion 2d4+1, 19: special, S16 D7 C16 I- P12
at this size, their basic life functions are magically
W- Ch-, L6, Mv 30 ft. White Blood Cells absorb
maintained without the need to drink, eat or
breathe. This elementary protection does not foreign bodies, breaking down their constituent
extend to injuries, exhaustion, disease and so on. parts and eradicating them. On a 19+ attack roll, a
piece of random non-magical equipment is
Although magically shifting size is not ideal from a destroyed (1d4: (i) weapon, (ii) armour, (iii) shield,
consistency point of view, it allows the PCs to (iv) other). The cells are relentless; if an adventurer
interact with a wider variety of locations and is reduced to zero hp, and the body not recovered
hazards within the rat’s body. Given the degree of in one round, the PC dies.
suspension of disbelief already required for this
adventure, a little more probably won’t hurt.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

2. Rush of Blood. An adrenaline burst to escape before the hole is sealed (a Dex
causes a rush of blood, flushing the party check at -2 is required). Any PCs that
downstream. The roller coaster like ride make it out immediately morph back to
causes PCs to knock into each other, normal size, but may have to deal with up
organ walls and red blood cells, causing to 2d6 random predators (GM
2d6 damage (Luck (Con) save resists). discretion). Escapees may also want to
After the rush stops, the party could be catch hold of the rat if any PCs remain
anywhere in the body (determine location trapped inside.
6. Quake! The rat goes for a tumble, falling
while climbing or thrown by a predator.
The PCs collide with such force that they
must roll on the Injuries & Setbacks table
(Luck (Con) save resists).

Organ Locations

Area 1 - Mouth Cavity

If the party makes their way back up towards the
rat’s mouth cavity, the enchantment begins to
reverse, the PCs enlarging up to three millimetres
tall. The mouth cavity is a dark red cavern, foul
smelling and lined with slippery saliva, the tongue
a roiling mass of pink doom.

The tongue, saliva and jaws are deadly hazards at

this size; anyone attempting to traverse the rolling
tongue must make up to 1d4 Dex (Athletics or
Acrobatics) checks to avoid being crushed against
the wall of the mouth (50% chance, 3d6 damage)
3. 1d6+1 Cancer Cells (see Area 5) peel or thrown into a pool of diseased saliva (Luck
themselves off some discoloured red (Con) save or infected with lethal (for humans)
blood cells and swim towards the PCs, Purple Cankers (bloody mouth and throat sores,
intending to fuse with them. spread by coughing up fetid purple phlegm,
causing 1 Con loss per day. The disease may be
4. A random permanent magical item comes cured by an Apothecary with the right healing
floating down the blood steam, or is herbs, recovering 1 Con per week).
embedded in a flesh wall, etc. Although
the poor sod that owned the item is long Passing through the yellowed fangs is to court
dead, his/her supernatural trinket still death itself. The rat is liable to open its jaws at any
endures. time, but just as likely to snap them shut again,
biting at small insects or responding to strange
5. The rat suffers an injury (bitten by some itching along its gums (ie the PCs). A successful Str
random predator), and is losing blood. (Athletics) check is required to climb the teeth to
Platelets are already forming around the a suitable height for crossing, and a Luck (Dex)
wound, but up to 1d4 PCs might be able save to cross the fangs at the right moment. On a


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

fail, the PC either dies instantly (50%, torn to round to avoid being pushed or washed
pieces by the towering fangs), or is reduced to zero into Area 3.
hit points (50%, crushed against the teeth by the
flailing tongue, before dropping to the gum line, PCs attempting to make their own exit by hacking
still inside the teeth perimeter). through a flesh wall find it surprisingly rubbery and
resilient. Small holes can be made with time,
PCs attempting to use torches or fire, and/or by however such damage causes the stomach walls to
irritating the ulvula, to encourage the jaws to open grind that area with extra force, causing 1d6 extra
are met with a thrashing head and waves of saliva damage and forcing a Str contest (as above) to
instead (Str check at disadvantage or swept down avoid being squeezed out of the lower sphincter.
into the stomach). If the party manages to cross the
teeth they earn their freedom. Area 3 – Digestive Tract
The tubing of the digestive tract is a nightmare of
Area 2 – Stomach biblical proportions: a colossal tunnel of
After being thrust down the oesophagus, the party undulating flesh, grinding and folding together to
is dropped into an almighty, lightless chamber, half squeeze food along as it melts in digestive juices.
filled with acidic digestive juices. The stomach Foul gasses fill the tunnel, which is partially filled
acids are bubbling and echoing as walls of muscle with organic acid.
grind against each other in an attempt to break
down food into smaller components. And to top Each round a PC remains in the digestive juices
things off, the PCs are still shrinking, now down to causes 1d4 damage, and requires a Dex check to
about 1 mm in height. avoid being hurled or pushed further along the
tube. The intestines stretch far longer than any
Being submerged in the acid extinguishes torches PC could possibly survive, but happily for them,
and lanterns. A PC with quick reflexes might be they don’t have to stay here.
able to use a grapple rope (or blade thrust into
stomach lining) to hang from a wall, and keep their Shortly after entering the tract, the PCs shrink
light burning. down to microscopic size (comparatively speaking
about half the size of a red blood cell, or a quarter
Those in digestive juices suffer 2d4 acidic and of the size of a white blood cell). In this miniscule
grinding damage at the start of each round. Those form, the tract becomes all encompassing, so large
hanging from flesh walls suffer 1d4 damage that the far walls cannot be seen, the juices a
(grinding only). veritable sea, dominated by a sickly white, fleshy
sky. By now, even the most hardened adventurer
There are two main exits from the stomach: is struggling to hold it together, and all PCs must
make a Luck (Will) save or suffer a moderate
1. Scaling the stomach walls, forcing open madness (recurring night terrors of being eaten by
the upper sphincter, and climbing back up a colossal rat, and/or waking delusions of the
into the oesophagus (requires three Str same).
checks at disad vs Str 19), or
More importantly, the PCs become small enough
2. Being sucked and/or squeezed out the to squeeze through the tube walls and enter the
lower sphincter into the digestive tract. veins and arteries of the rat, gaining them access to
After 2d6 rounds in the stomach, PCs other organs. The party will see red (and
must make a successful Str check each occasional white) blood cells doing exactly this;
wriggling their way through fleshly crevices in the


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

translucent walls. A Str check is required to pass
through. 5. The PCs are deposited into Area 6 – the
Area 4 – Veins & Arteries
If the party enter the veins or arteries, they are 6. The PCs are deposited into Area 2 – the
microscopic and swept along in a surging torrent Stomach.
of clear yellow plasma, within which hundreds of
red blood cells are travelling nearby, tumbling and 7. The PCs are deposited into Area 3 – the
jostling with each other as they ride the circulatory Digestive Tract.
8. The PCs are deposited into… roll 1d4: (i)
PCs caught up in the general flotsam are inevitably Area 1 (Mouth Cavity), (ii) Area 2 (Poop
hammered by careening red blood cells, causing Chute), (iii) Area 9 (Ear Canal) or (iv)
1d10 damage. The party might be able to protect Area 10 (Nasal Cavity).
themselves against bombardment by hitching a
ride on a red blood cell or other benign organism Area 5 – Heart
(requires a Dex check at disadvantage), by forming PCs deposited into the heart do so at microscopic
a protective ring of their own and deflecting cells size, emerging into a gigantic chamber that thrums
with long weapons or tools (requiring a successful with sound so loud it cannot be heard by the party,
attack roll vs AC 13), or by some other means at only felt. The shockwave of the beating heart
the GM’s discretion. causes nausea and disorientation, requiring a Luck
(Con) save to avoid 1d3 Str loss.
In any event, the party are largely at the mercy of
the rat’s circulatory system, and might be hived off
into any location within the body. At the GM’s
option, riding a red blood cell (or by some other
means) might enable the PCs to “steer” towards
(or away from) specific locations, granting a +1
bonus on the following 1d8 roll (max 8). The party
may not visit the same location twice before visiting
another new location (reroll).

1. No exit this time. The party is caught up

in a turbulent artery and suffers 1d10
damage due to bombardment (or must
make a check, as noted above).

2. As above, but instead of hp damage, each

PC must make a Con check or suffer 1 Str Upon stabilising to the environment (as much as
loss due to exhaustion. that is possible), the adventurers find themselves
in a relatively steady corner of a lower chamber
3. The PCs are deposited into Area 5 – the near a partially blocked valve. The cause of the
Heart. blockage is immediately obvious: a black, slimy
looking cancerous growth. Within a few rounds,
4. The PCs are deposited into Area 8 – the the cancer detects the party and spawns 2d6
Brain. Cancer Cells to feed on them.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Cancer Cells, AC 15, HD 5, Cankerous Polyp honeycomb morass of pasty white air sacks
3d4+1, 19: special, S19 D9 C18 I- P9 W- Ch-, L8, drawing in oxygen and expunging carbon dioxide.
Mv 30 ft. Cancer cells appear as black, misshapen
The atmosphere in the lungs is highly toxic, filled
growths with grasping polyps. They seek to attach
with CO2. Whilst the PCs need not breathe, mere
and meld with other living tissue, then multiply out skin exposure to this (relative) volume of noxious
of control. On a 19+ attack roll, a random body gas requires a Luck (Con) check to avoid 4d6
part is lost; transmuted into a new cancer cell (1d6: damage.
(i) foot, (ii) below knee, (iii) hand, (iv) below elbow,
(v) arm, (vi) head), per the Injuries & Setbacks Those that survive initial exposure are either
table (loss of head causes death). A Luck (Con) drawn into the sponge like air sacks when the rat
save resists this effect. inhales (50%), or expelled into the mouth cavity
when the rat exhales (50%, see Area 1).

A PC sucked towards the air sacks may make a Str

or Dex check (their choice) to grab hold of a
stringy air sack web or lip, preventing them from
being drawn in. If drawn in however, the PC has
one round to be freed or braced by his/her allies,
else they are automatically bound by the sticky
fibres of the deep lungs (helpless). At this point, if
allies cannot come up with a plan to retrieve their
comrade, 2d6 White Blood Cells emerge from
nearby flesh walls in 3d6 rounds to annihilate the
foreign body.

Area 7 - Poop Chute

PCs entering the bowel pass through the flesh wall
in microscopic form, but swiftly grow to about 1
mm tall. The lower digestive tract is a revolting,
feculent tunnel of discoloured flesh, mostly filled
with reeking excreta. Swimming through the
sloshing faeces is horrendous at best and
debilitating at worst, requiring a Luck (Con) check
to avoid contracting Vermin Palsy (causing 1 Dex
loss within 1d4 hours, and over the course of a
week paralysis in one random limb. The disease
may be cured by an apothecary with the right
If the party fend off the cancer cells, they may
healing herbs).
resume their travels through the circulatory system
(Area 4). The colossal source cancer cannot
As the PCs navigate the bowel, they come upon a
detach itself from the valve it has melded with, and
solidified island, upon which 3d6+20 strange,
has the equivalent of 30 HD, strikes for 4d10
mushroom like creatures are milling about.
damage, and Causes Injuries on a 17+ attack roll.
The creatures are approximately ½ mm tall, with
Area 6 – Lungs mushroom like heads, twin eye stalks and leg like
PCs deposited into the lungs do so at microscopic tentacles. They are sentient, but without language,
level, floating through a vast void, between sponge making only a series of “Flurp” noises as they
like cliffs that tower higher than any mountain. scoop excrement into their undermaws. The
The lungs spread out in all directions; a Flurps have never seen humans before, and are
highly territorial. Whether they can come to some


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

understanding with the party is up to the GM. If Being in the brain however allows the PCs to
not, the Flurps attack. orientate themselves with respect to three possible
exits: (i) the nasal cavity, (ii) the mouth cavity, or
Flurp, AC 14, HD 1, Tentacle Slap 1d6+1, 19: (iii) the ear canals. If the party attempts to move in
special, S12 D15 C10 I4 P10 W10 Ch6, L7, Mv one of these directions, a successful Int
40 ft. Flurps employ a swift, loping movement, (Apothecary) check steers them to veins that will
flowing across terrain on their many tentacles. deposit them in the intended location. Otherwise
They make excellent floaters due to their muffin the party ends up back in the veins/arteries at large
top bodies. On a 19+ attack roll the flurp’s gas (Area 4).
filled torso explodes, causing 1d8 damage in a 5 ft
radius and causing humans to gag uncontrollably Area 9 – Ear Canal
on nasty after fumes (helpless for one round, Con When the party first emerge into the ear, they do
check resists). During the explosion, miniscule so at microscopic size, but quickly enlarge to a
baby flurps scatter across nearby terrain like height matching that of some black hairs lining the
dandelion puffs (some of which the party might canal. The enormous chamber magnifies sounds
unwittingly carry into the outside world, enlarging many times over. A Perc (Detection) check picks
to 1 inch tall if so). up a hint of odd clicking noises coming from the
outer ear.
If the flurps are defeated, it is only a matter of time
before the rat relieves itself, and the party is
released back into the world via a ghastly
commotion of excrement.

Area 8 - Brain
PC’s deposited into the brain press through the
protective membrane in microscopic form. The
brain landscape appears as an all-encompassing
field of white flesh, interlaced with huge, scarlet
red fissures of canyon like proportions. Between
the brain and skull floats a colourless sea which the
PCs effectively float in; the cerebral fluid.
Movement in this area is effectively swimming.

The hazards of the brain include 3d6 White

Further along, in the outer ear canal, are 3d6 Ear
Blood Cells (see Random Encounter 1)
Mites. The bugs, slightly larger than the PCs, are
somewhere in the vicinity of the PCs (either carrion feeders, gnawing on dead rat flesh or wax
cleaning up some random toxin or “patrolling”), covered hairs. They are easily spoked and unlikely
and make a bee line for the party if they detect to respond favourably to the party, intent on
them. defending their feeding grounds. Intruders such as
the PCs must be killed or driven away.
Secondly, the brain is constantly firing off and
receiving electrical nerve impulses, some of which Ear Mite, AC 16, HD 2, Bite 1d8+1, 19: special,
lose their way and escape into the brain fluid. S16 D8 C14 I4 P10 W11 Ch5, L5, Mv 30 ft.
There is a 30% chance of this occurring every 1d10 These scaly, beetle like insects have a hardened
carapace, six powerful legs and snapping, beakish
rounds that the party spend here (causing 6d6 hp
jaws. On a 19+ attack roll they crush their foe
damage and rendering the target blind for 1d2 beneath their rigid bulk, requiring a Luck (Con)
months (Luck (Dex) save for half and to negate the save to avoid rolling on the Injuries & Setbacks
blindness). table.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

If the party defeats or bypasses the mites, they may Aftermath
exit the rat’s body via the outer ear. If the PCs make it out of the rat, they immediately
begin to revert to normal size, slowly expanding
Area 10 – Nasal Cavity until they reach their full proportions (most likely
The party enters the nasal cavity in microscopic soaked in various bodily fluids).
form, floating in an immense space, the far walls
fading to black. Hairs the size of mountains poke While this process is going on, the rat stands up
out from the flesh wall the party entered through, on its hind legs, pawing at the air, then hardens
but on the horizon is a bright light (either daylight, back into a statue before vanishing in a flash of
moonlight or torchlight from beyond the rat’s golden fire. Whether the idol reappears elsewhere
nostrils). in the game world is a matter for the GM.

The rat’s back nasal passage is completely blocked Although there is no obvious reward at the end of
with mucus, so much so that it cannot breathe this adventure (apart from perhaps a tall tale that
through its nose. As a result of the blockage, there not even their grandchildren will believe), if the
is no chance the party will be inhaled back down party meet any rats, giant rats or dire rats in the
into the lungs. future, the verminous beasts are automatically
cowed by the PCs, bowing their heads in
Unfortunately it also means the adventurers must submission before slinking away.
“swim” through air towards the nostril exits using
their own motion, an ordeal that will take some At the GM’s discretion, a single PC might develop
considerable time, sped along by outside breezes this ability further over time (similar to additional
circulating through the nasal cavity. At the GM’s magical item attunements). With study and
discretion, a random encounter check might be practice, the PC unravels the riddle of the golden
called for. rat, learning to summon and control vermin and
vermin like monsters.
Before the PCs may escape, there is one final
hazard to contend with. A cold virus has been
multiplying here, and millions of wriggling,
spasming virions (virus particles that have not yet
attached to a living cell) are tumbling in the air,
forming a kind of biological asteroid field.

Navigating the virions without incident requires

1d4 successful Dex checks. If failed, the PC and
some virus particles end up on a collision course.
A final Luck (Dex) save is permitted to avoid being
engulfed. If failed, the PC dies: instantaneously
transformed into a gloopy, amoeba like virus cell,
drifting down to implant in the nasal cavity. If the
virions are avoided, the party may exit the rat’s
body via the outer nostrils.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)




Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Dungeon Flip:
More Skulls for Ulgoth
below). This might cause some tension later in the
In a fungi lit corridor, Jordak sniffed the air, adventure, if/when the tablets are revealed.
drawing the scent deep into his lungs. “Men?”
he queried. Grouda nodded, licking her lips
expectantly. “Brugmaw will like. More skulls for

Warning: this is not a normal Adventure
Framework. Taking inspiration from 2e’s Reverse
Dungeon module, in this scenario the players take
control of the monsters and their underground
lair. The players’ objective is to defend their
subterranean complex, holding together a
monstrous alliance in the midst of a concerted
assault by NPC adventurers.

Dungeon Flip: More Skulls for Ulgoth is intended

as a one off change of pace, an entertaining
novelty, perhaps when an essential player can’t Set Up
make game night. Alternatively it wouldn’t take Before the adventure begins, there are a number
much to switch things back to normal, with the of dungeon keeping matters to attend to. As
GM running the monsters and the players’ their outlined further below, players should:
usual PCs, seeking out the Tablets of Baal.
A. Determine starting Monsters and
Objectives Leaders,
The players’ objective is to repel the foreign B. Determine Dungeon Politics,
incursion (and, ideally, eat the humans). The C. Review their copy of the Dungeon Map,
adventurers are brutal, merciless, and efficient, D. Allocate Traps,
sternly fixed upon their prize: the Tablets of Baal, E. Allocate Custom Architecture, and
a “spellbook” of sorts, recently liberated from F. Allocate monster starting positions.
nearby ruins and conveyed to Area 10 by one of
the monster Leaders. The dungeon itself is all that remains of a human
keep that perished in the outlands nine hundred
For better or worse, the Leader has hidden the years earlier, at about the end of the Second Age,
tablets in Area 10 for later study, unbeknownst to when Mount Rokan scorched the land. No
the other inhabitants (including other players – records exist to explain who lived here, nor what
reveal this fact only to the relevant Leader – see brought them low, but no surface buildings


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

(A) Starting Monsters & Leaders
The players make six rolls, at least once on the MONSTERS
Humanoids table, and at least once on the
Monsters table, to determine their starting forces 1 Western Panther
(reroll any repeats). Players may choose either 2 1d4+1 Dire Wolves
table for the remaining four rolls. These creatures, 3 Hammer Snail
plus 3d6+20 Skorn, make up the players’ baseline
4 1d4+1 Wild Boars
5 1d4+1 Giant Spiders
Each player must nominate a single monster as 6 1d10+15 Stirges
their personal Leader (inc if desired/necessary
individual monsters such as a Dire Wolf or Stirge, (B) Dungeon Politics
in which case the GM might permit a degree of Players roll 2d6 on the Politics table to determine
“Lassie” like communications). The Leader is the initial attitudes between the various monster races:
player’s PC for the purposes of the adventure. If
their Leader dies, a player may nominate another POLITICS
monster to take direct control of.
2 Hostile
3-4 Unfriendly
5-6 Cautiously Neutral
1 Skorn Werewolf
7-8 Friendly
2 Minotaur
9-11 Allies
3 Owlbear
12 Strong Allies
4 1d4+1 Ogres
5 Cyclops
6 3d6 + 10 Skorn

Importantly, one random Humanoid5 has access

to a secret stash of magical items:

(i) Two random scrolls,

(ii) Two potions: Burrowing and

Borrowed Talent, and

(iii) The Tablets of Baal (see Area 10).

Given the skorn’s loathing for magic, the Leader

has secreted these items in Area 10.

If only the Owlbear is available, it is uniquely intelligent
with Int 8 and speaks a chirping/screeching common, and
has a mute skorn slave to open doors, etc for it.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Monster Stats 19-20 attack roll, a giant spider wraps its victim in
Statistics for the various monsters appear on the webs, rendering them helpless (a Luck (Str) save
following two pages (for easy copying and handing resists). Trapped victim may spend its action to
out). All Leaders gain +4 Cha and have Major attempt to break free (Str contest vs Str 17). Bite
Exploit Protection. causes 1d6 damage and 1 Dex loss (Luck (Con)
save resists). 25% chance of harvesting 1d3 doses
Cyclops, AC 12, HD 7+2, Oversized Club 2d8+1, of poison from a dead spider.
19: special, S19 D12 C16 I6 P8 W10 Ch9, L9, Mv
40 ft. Lacks depth perception suffering Hammer Snail, AC 16, HD 5, 5 x Hammerstalks
disadvantage on ranged attacks. 10 ft reach and 1d4+2, 19: special, S12 D7 C15 I3 P8 W17 Ch1,
Causes Injuries on a natural 19-20 attack roll. L6, Mv 30 ft inc up walls etc. On a natural 19-20
Cyclopes retain vestiges of augural ability and gain attack roll, target is crushed, losing its next action
a free attack on a natural 19 or 20 attack roll. (Luck (Con) save resists). Snails attack the same
target with all 5 attacks until incapacitated. If struck
by 3 or more hits in one round, target rolls on the
Injuries & Setbacks table.

Minotaur, AC 15 (armour), HD 5+4, Big Axe 2d8,

10 ft reach, 19: roll on the Injuries & Setbacks
table (Luck (Dex) save resists), S19 D14 C19 I6
P14 W15 Ch7, L8, Mv 30 ft. Charge 60 ft, gain
adv to hit for 2d8+2, target makes a Luck (Con)
save or roll on the Injuries & Setbacks table.

Ogre, AC 12, HD 4+3, Spiked Club 2d8, 19:

special, S19 D8 C15 I6 P7 W8 Ch7, L7, Mv 40 ft.
When staggered, an ogre enters a murderous rage,
gaining a free attack against every foe within reach.
On a 19+ attack roll, the target rolls on the Injuries
& Setbacks table (Luck (Con) save resists). 10 foot

Owlbear, AC 13, HD 6+3, 2 Claws 1d6+2 and Bite

2d4, 19: bear hug, S19 D12 C16 I3 P10 W15 Ch4,
L8, Mv 40 ft. A hit with both claw attacks draws
the victim into a crushing hug, forcing the victim to
Dire Wolf, AC 13, HD 3+4, Bite 2d4+1, 19: a wolf roll on the Injuries & Setbacks table (Luck (Con)
(60%) or dire wolf (40%) comes to aid the dire save resists). Owlbears cause 20 hp damage on
wolf, S18 D15 C17 I2 P13 W14 Ch6, L6, 60 ft. critical hits and have a 10 ft reach.
Advantage when tracking and on attack rolls when
flanking. Skorn, AC 11, HD 2, Club 1d6+1, 19: the target is
clubbed in the head, losing its next action (Luck
Giant Spider, AC 13, HD 2+2, Bite 1d6+1 + (Will) save resists), S15 D10 C13 I7 P12 W8 Ch8,
poison, 19: special, S14 D16 C12 I2 P12 W10 L5, Mv 30 ft. Rudimentary dark vision, advantage
Ch4, L5, Mv 40 ft inc up walls etc. On a natural when detecting danger or scents.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Skorn Werewolf, AC 13, HD 6+4, Bite 2d6, 19: a After hitting auto drains 1d4 hp on their turn. PCs
wolf (60%) or dire wolf (40%) comes to the suffer -2 to hit an attached stirge (won’t hit host) or
lycanthrope’s aid, S18 D14 C14 I10 P15 W13 may swing with abandon (25% chance of hitting
Ch8, L8, Mv 30 ft. Lycanthrope with all the usual both stirge and host). An attached stirge drains an
benefits. By spending an action, may exert control unconscious PC to death in 1d6 rounds.
and issue orders to wolves and dire wolves, which
are compelled to obey. Rudimentary dark vision, Western Panther, AC 14, HD 6, Bite 2d6 and 2
advantage when detecting danger or scents. Skorn Claws 1d6, 19: random limb torn off (Luck (Con)
lycanthropy cannot be spread to non-skorn. save resists), S19 D16 C16 I3 P15 W13 Ch6, L8,
60 ft.
Stirge, AC 12, HD 1d4 hp, Sting 1d3 + blood
drain, 19: blood disease, lose 1d4 Str over 1d6 Wild Boar, AC 12, HD 3, Gore 1d8+2, 19: severe
hours (Luck (Con) save resists, S4 D16 C6 I2 P10 gore, roll on the Injuries & Setbacks table, S15
W5 Ch4, L3, 60 ft flying. D10 C17 I2 P10 W14 Ch4, L7, 40 ft. Boars go
into a bestial fury when staggered, gaining
advantage on attack rolls.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

(D) Allocate Traps 2d10 damage and 1d2 Str, Dex or
In addition to their (mostly) humanoid forces, 10 Spikes Con loss (even chance). Luck (Dex)
each player rolls 1d12 on the Traps table. Players save negates.
may place their traps anywhere on the map. A wall turns on its axis, pushing the
Reloc- nearest PC into an adjacent room
ation (50%) or into a Spike trap (50%).
Dex (Acrobatics) check resists.
10 ft diameter pit, 1d3 x 10 ft deep, Gelatin-
with Spikes (extra 2d6 and roll on A secret door or ceiling hatch
12 ous
the Injuries & Setbacks table), 33% releases a Gelatinous Cube.
1 Pit Cube
chance the pit trap locks itself shut
after a PC falls in. Luck (Dex) save (E) Allocate Custom Architecture
negates. Each player rolls on the Custom Architecture
15 ft cloud of gas, causing choking Table. Players may place their modification
2 /suffocating for 3d6 rounds. Luck anywhere on the map.
(Con) save resists.
A heavy 1 ft block drops from
3 Deadfall above. Luck (Dex) save or 3d20 CUSTOM ARCHITECTURE
damage. 1d3 Secret Passages joining up two
Luck (Perc) check to notice trigger. spaces (rooms, corridors, or both).
If activated, the alarm sounds in this 2d4 Reinforced doors (Str
4 Alarm 2
or a nearby room: a sentry or (Athletics) check at disad to open).
random monster investigates. 1d4 Locked Doors (Dex (Traps &
5 Arrows 1d4 targets, +8 to hit, 2d8+2. 3 Locks) check to open). The PCs’
Chamber seals with portcullises. Leaders have the keys.
Luck (Dex) save to wedge Locked Portcullis, raising winch on
Lock- something in an opening before 4 one side only. 2 x great success Str
6 (Athletics) checks required to lift.
down they seal. 1d3 x Str (Athletics) great
successes required to lift a 1d3 Barred Doors from one side.
portcullis. 5 A Str (Ath) check great success is
A series of man sized rolling required to open.
Rolling boulders must be dodged (Luck 6 Player Special.
7 Boulder (Dex) save). Failure causes 2d20+5
s damage and a roll on the Injuries & (F) Monster Starting Positions
Setbacks table. With reference to the Dungeon Map, players
30 ft line (floor, ceiling, wall). 4d8 select starting rooms or corridors for their
8 and roll on the Injuries & Setbacks monsters to begin in. Once play commences, the
table. Luck (Dex) save negates. GM controls the monsters (excluding Leaders)
20 ft rope net. Luck (Dex) save to like any other NPC, but Leaders may attempt to
avoid being helpless. Action to direct their fellow monsters activities if desired.
9 Net make a Dex/Str check to
disentangle/cut self free. Nearby
Directing Monsters
alarm activates.
Players have complete control over their Leader,
like any other PC. Other monsters however are


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

NPCs, and may or may not be disposed to taking • Course of action is obviously very
orders from the Leaders. dangerous (-2 penalty, disadvantage,
and/or requires a great success, depending
Each time a Leader attempts to order, persuade, on the base recklessness or bloodlust of
cajole or otherwise influence an NPC monster into the target).
action, the GM may require a Charisma check. • Leader and monsters have an unfriendly
Suggested modifiers are outlined below. The GM or hostile relationship (disad and/or great
may simply veto suicidal or similarly fanciful success required, or impossible).
Dungeon Locations
• Leader has 2+ higher HD (advantage). The majority of the granite dungeon is dimly lit by
• Monster has 2+ greater HD than the gloomspore, a softly glowing fungi on the
Leader (disadvantage). walls/ceiling of the ancient corridors. As noted
• Monsters outnumber the Leader by more below, some rooms also benefit from torches
than 3:1 (-1 penalty for each monster maintained by the skorn. The air is generally cool
beyond this ratio). And vice versa. and still, tinged with bestial scents.
• Leader offers significant bribe (+2 bonus).
• Leader threatens the monsters (+2 bonus, Unless indicated below, most chamber exits have
but monsters will violently retaliate on a aged wooden doors (despite no doors being
fail). marked on the map). If the presence or absence
• Leader and Monsters are the same kind of a door becomes important, there is a 1 in 3
(+2 bonus). chance of no door (just an archway,
removed/broken door, ruined curtain, etc).


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)
Dungeon Entries/Exits 7-8. Storage - primitive tools, foodstuffs,
On the default map, the NPC adventurers (and hanging meats, and so on. 50% chance of
monsters) may enter/exit the complex via the a torch.
northern or southern tunnels (Areas 1, 12), or the
stairwell below Area 3. The stairwell is rarely used, Area 1 – Northern Guards
concealed on the surface by a trapdoor covered This 30 ft by 20 ft barracks houses 1d4+1 Skorn,
with tall grass. The NPC Adventurers may or may ostensibly to keep a lookout for intruders, but who
not know about the secret entrance (depending on mostly argue/fight. There is no door and the 5 ft
the Under Attack! rolls, see p.12). wide tunnel is strewn with rubble. The interior is
lit by a torch. Convincing the guards to leave their
Unkeyed Areas post and assist elsewhere is difficult unless the
A large portion of the map is unkeyed. If the intruders are very close (disad on any influence
contents of an unkeyed location becomes check). A large drum is in one corner.
important, roll 1d8 (or choose from the list
below). Potential loot has not been included (given Area 2 - Workroom
the GM plays the adventurers). This 20 ft square messy but serviceable workspace
contains a handful of old tables cluttered with tools
1. Refuse Pit - bones, faeces, general waste (knives, hammers, crude nails, etc) and half
the monsters are too lazy to deposit finished armaments. 1d6 javelins, a shortbow, 2d6
outside of the complex. arrows, 1d4 shields and some hide armour may
also be found. Half finished armaments (1d6
2. Drinking Well. 20% chance the well is spears, 2d4 javelins and 1d3 shortbows with 4d6
befouled in some way; using its water arrows) may be completed with another 1d4 hours
requires a Con check to avoid Skorn Lung work (per item).
(hacking cough, bloody phlegm, all
endurance related checks (fleeing, long Area 3 – Great Hall
wilderness treks, combat exceeding 10 The Grand Hall, 60 ft wide at its broadest, 100 ft
rounds) made at disadvantage for 3d6 long, with 30 ft ceilings, was once gilded with
weeks). elaborate silver and gold finery. Over the centuries
it has been picked bare, the walls now stained with
3. Cook Fire with chimney for blood, bile and pinned human skins; the primary
roasting/cooking the occasional meal. den of the man eating beastmen and their allies.
Skorn generally prefer their flesh raw, but 3d6 Skorn are here at any one time, feasting,
sometimes cook it. fighting, dozing or mating (even chance).

4. Kennel. 1d3 pet Wolves (tethered to a

Area 4 – Prison Cells
stake or wall). Bracken/straw or rag piles,
This 20 ft square chamber has a locked door.
a few left over bones.
Within are 2d6 humans or skorn from competing
tribes, shackled or roped to stone pillars. If the
5-6. Sleeping Chamber - furs and bracken for
NPC Adventurers free the prisoners, they might
most of the humanoids. 50% chance of a
gain some useful reinforcements.
sleeping Skorn.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Human Prisoners, AC 10, HD 1, as weapon, 19: and skorn warpaint, converted to the worship of
as weapon, S10 D10 C10 I10 P10 W10 Ch10, L4, the beastmens’ immoral deity, Ulgoth. The phrase
Mv 30 ft. The prisoners are desperate to exact Var Khora nok Ulgoth (“More skulls for Ulgoth”)
vengeance and/or escape and don’t check for is painted on the altar/floor. Monsters fighting in
morale. the chapel gain advantage on morale checks,
inspired by their divine tyrant.
One of the prisoners is Grindo, a veteran ranger
taken by surprise two days earlier. Area 8 - Infirmary
This relatively central 40 ft by 20 ft infirmary has
Grindo, AC 12, HD 3, as weapon, 19: as weapon, no doors, and is lined with crude wooden cots. At
S15 D15 C13 I10 P13 W9 Ch9, L6, Mv 30 ft. any one time there are 1d4 maimed or sick skorn
Grindo may choose from the following or other monsters here having their condition
Rangercraft talents twice per combat: Off Hand tended by the healer, Solob (as Skorn but 3 HD,
Adept, Veteran Scout, Nature’s Venom. He gains rudimentary healer’s kit).
advantage on all wilderness related checks.
Solob wields considerable power among the
Area 5 – Trophy Room beastmen; those she deems as unsavable (or
This chamber has no doors, opening into a 25 ft undeserving of respite), are eaten. For the
by 30 ft space housing the monsters’ trophies. purposes of the Leaders, wounded monsters
Skulls, ear necklaces, fingerbones, etc (mostly tended to by Solob regain 1d8 hp after 1 hour
human, but also bison, panther, rival skorn, other (once only per creature). Finally, Solob has a 1 in
humanoids/giants) line crude wooden shelves and 4 chance of saving any apparently “dead” monster
tables, and skin tapestries hang from the walls. The brought to her within 5 minutes, restoring it to 1
monsters exult in their trophies and will fight hard hp after 1d3 minutes (once only, and not
to preserve them (adv on morale checks). If the applicable if the NPC party begins “making sure”
NPC Adventurers take control of this room, the dropped foes are dead).
trophies might be valuable bargaining chips and/or
reduce monster morale. Area 9 – Torture Chamber
Prisoners and other unfortunates marked for
Area 6 – Master’s Bedchamber torture are conveyed to this 50 ft by 30 ft death
This 20 ft by 25 ft room was once the master’s bed chamber, which is filled with all manner of blood
chamber. A large wooden bed, ragged linen, stained tables, blocks, racks and torture
cupboard and desk still remain (the room is easily implements. The room is lit by several torches,
set alight). At the player’s option, one of their and all the exits have doors.
Leaders might lair here (if so, a box, crate or chest
of loot is also located here, roll 1 x Carry Loot if Area 10 – Mating Chamber
the value is required). This 20 ft by 15 ft study is the exclusive province
of the Leader with the hidden magic item cache.
Area 7 - Chapel There are locked doors on all exits (the Leader has
This 40 ft by 20 ft chapel is falling apart, its many the key). Ostensibly, the Leader uses the room as
splendored tiles cracked and littering the ground. his own exclusive torture and mating chamber
On a northern dais is an iron altar dedicated to a (either because they are a boss, or because they
manifestation of Graxus, the war god. The altar earned some kind of a special temporary reward).
has been defiled with human skulls, skin banners


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

Whilst the Leader does enjoy such activities, the Area 13 – Alchemy & Poison Cache
true purpose of the room is to study the Tablets of This 20 ft by 15 ft store room contains the
Baal (if studied for 3 months, the reader may monster’s rare weapons, under lock and key (a
become a 1st level Magic User), recently random Leader starts with the key). Inside are 2d4
recovered from a nearby ruin. The stone panels, fire pots, 1d3 acid vials and 1d3 doses of random
along with the two scrolls and potions (referred to poison (roll 1d6, check for each dose: 1-3: Giant
on p.234) are hidden beneath a trapdoor under an Spider venom, 4-5: Ghoulsheen Admixture, or 6:
ancient rug. If the skorn discover the true contents Purple Worm poison.
of the room, the Leader will be held to account
(horribly tortured then devoured alive).

Area 11 – Brugmaw’s Kitchen

This 20 ft square chamber has a stove and
chimneys, which the skorn sometimes use to cook
their food. Meat hooks hang from chains, 3 x oil
barrels are stacked in a corner, and human organ
stew boils in a large, steamy cauldron.

Brugmaw, an especially callous and unhygienic

Ogre, is the kitchen despot, feared for eating those
that complain about her gritty gruel. Convincing
Brugmaw to leave her kitchen, or lend her
cauldron, oil, chains, hooks, etc, is unlikely. She is
however deathly afraid of Stirges and Dire
Wolves, should the Leaders have access to any.

Area 12 – Southern Guards

This 20 ft by 40 ft entry hall is occupied by 2d4
Skorn guarding against intruders (they have
horns). Doors are situated at the northern and
western exits. The 5 ft wide southern tunnel has no
door, and is strewn with large rocks and debris. Adventurer Assault
The interior is lit by a torch. The NPC party makes its initial appearance as
noted on the table below. The GM might also use
The eastern alcove contains a ruined human statue this table if the adventurers retreat before making
(a human female prophet, stopping a blade with a counterattack from another entry point.
her open palm) and a barrel of spirits. The guards
have been binge drinking Mrudnuk (a highly If the first sign of the party implies they are already
potent fermented grain spirit), and are very drunk within the complex, assume that the closest entry
(disad on all checks, 50% are dozing). Confiscating guards have been overcome (perhaps with a Sleep
the barrel might cause a riot, and/or weaken spell, or overwhelming ambush), and other
morale. monsters remain unaware. Alternatively, the party
might have taken advantage of one off teleport
magic to enter the complex.


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

A war horn sounds from the northern or
southern complex (even chance). The
1 sentries in Area 1 or 12 are under attack
… or perhaps it’s a decoy to lure the
monsters away from another Area.
A bloodied skorn staggers into sight of a
Leader, then collapses (dead)…
A Leader hears muffled sounds
(grunting, thumping, the noise of
something metal falling to the stone
floor) coming from a nearby corridor.
Mombo, the man eating monkey, is
suddenly sighted by a random Leader
(via nearby corridor or doorway, etc).
Has the monkey been caught scouting,
or is he bait to lead the monsters into a NPC Adventurers
trap? (see Ranger Kynali). By default, the NPC party begins with four
A random Leader may make a Perc individuals. GMs are encouraged to swap in other
(Detection) test to smell that a human is classes or characters if preferred. If the party is
5 driven off, they return 3d6+12 hours later with 3d6
nearby (Nebbers, scouting, turned
invisible by Gwideon). men-at-arms and 2d4 hirelings in tow (porters,
The party descends the secret stairwell torchbearers, etc).
just south of Area 3. From there, they
6 Ruckus, AC 16 (heavy amour), HD 5 (40 hp),
cautiously scout around, killing any
monsters they find. Silvered Great Axe 1d12+3, 19: as weapon, S16
D10 C16 I10 P8 W10 Ch10, L10, Mv 30 ft.
Once the party becomes known, the GM plays Ruckus has the Fighter Adaptable ability, with the
them like any other NPC group, bearing in mind Two Hander style. He may change styles twice per
their objective to obtain the tablets (hidden in Area combat. Ruckus is relatively pale skinned with
10). With incomplete knowledge of the complex,
the adventurers might fall prey to traps, dead ends,
miss secret doors, etc. If the GM wishes to quickly
abstract a result or decision, roll 2d6:

2 Catastrophic failure
3-4 Failure
5-6 Success with great cost
7-8 Success with minor cost
9-11 Success
12 Great Success


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

dark hair, wearing chainmail and wielding a large S14 D17 C10 I10 P15 W14 Ch14, L11, Mv 30 ft.
axe. When in melee with more than one foe, Kynali may choose from the following Rangercraft
Ruckus may make two attacks per action instead talents three times per combat: Sharpshooter,
of one (must be against different targets). Veteran Scout, Slip Away and Cover Fire. She
gains advantage on all wilderness related checks
Gwideon, AC 13 (leather), HD 5 (23 hp), Sword and crits on 19-20 ranged attack rolls.
1d8+1, 19: disarm, S10 D16 C14 I16 P10 W17
Ch8, L8, Mv 30 ft. Gwideon has a 5th Level Magic The ranger’s beast companion is an albino Man
user’s spell slots (4/2/1) until the end of the Eating Monkey named Mombo. Kynali raised the
adventure. He knows the following spells: carnivorous primate as a babe after a visit to the
(1st) Gaze of Beguilement, Fusing of Flesh, Suurat Jungle.
Insidious Slumber, None Shall Pass, (2nd) A Wisp
Unseen, Fetid Fog of the Rotting Horde, Waking Mombo, AC 13, HD 1 (19 hp), Bite 1d6, 19:
Dream, (3rd) Gift of the Fiery Furnace, Hunger for throws faeces in his opponent’s eyes, blinding
Blood. Gwideon’s DDM tally starts at 3. them until they spend an action to clear their
vision, S10 D17 C10 I6 P13 W8 Ch12 L special,
Mv 30 ft inc climbing. On a critical hit, Mombo
climbs the target’s back and knocks them prone
(Str check resists). Mombo communicates with
sign language, may use tools (but not weapons),
open doors, etc. He sees as well in darkness as in
light, and has advantage on Athletics related

Men-at-Arms, AC 14 (chain & shield), HD 1+3,

Axe 1d8, 19: as weapon, S14 D10 C12 I10 P10
W10 Ch9, L4, Mv 30 ft.

Porters, AC 10, HD 1d6 hp, Knife 1d4, 19: as

weapon, S10 D10 C11 I9 P9 W10 Ch10, L4, Mv
30 ft.

Nebbers, AC 14 (skullcap & leather), HD 5 (30 Major Exploits & Rescues

hp), 2 Shortswords 1d4+3, 19: disarm, S15 D17 The party has access to Major Exploits and
C13 I10 P17 W14 Ch10, L12, Mv 30 ft. Nebbers Rescues, as if they were regular PCs.
has advantage on Stealth related checks, and
Backstab, Skirmisher and Finisher abilities like a Aftermath
5th level Rogue. He may choose from the Given this adventure is a one-off, there is no real
following tricks three times per combat: Choking aftermath to contend with. If the monsters prevail
Dust, Hidden Blade, Flash Powder, Smoke however, the players might like to know that
Bomb, Unseen Whip. Ulgoth appeared pleased, gifting the next birth
litter with many fierce, man eating skorn babies.
Kynali, AC 13 (hardened leathers with hood), HD
5 (28 hp), Long bow (1d8+3), 19: arrow to the eye,
throat or heart, killing the target (Luck save resists)


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)


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The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a notice Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, Rodney Thompson, Peter
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License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. No Townshend, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
terms may be added to or subtracted from this License except as described by the
License itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open Game Swords & Wizardry Core Rules, Copyright 2008 Matthew J. Finch.
Content distributed using this License.
13th Age, Copyright 2013 Fire Opal Media.
Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your
acceptance of the terms of this License. DCC RPG, copyright © 2012 Goodman Games, all rights reserved, visit or contact
Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, the
Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license Low Fantasy Gaming © 2016 Pickpocket Press.
with the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content.
Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original material
as Open Game Content, You represent that Your Contributions are Your original
creation and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this

Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion
of this License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open


Jonathan Potter (Order #36717568)

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