Adventure Framework Collection 1
Adventure Framework Collection 1
Adventure Framework Collection 1
Author Stephen J. Grodzicki, Copyright © 2019 Pickpocket Press.
Cartography copyright Maciej Zagorski, The Forge Studios LCC, Pawel Dobosz,
The Forge Studios RED, Dyson Logos, and Ramon Mur (aka S0ulafein).
Some art copyright Dean Spencer, Matt Morrow, Maciej Zagorski The Forge
Studios LCC, Earl Geier, Publisher’s Choice Quality Stock Art © Rick Hershey
/ Fat Goblin Games, Claudio Cassini, Jacob Blackmon, Ship Map copyright 2018
Toby Lancaster of Dark Realm Maps, Shutterstock, Randy M (all Call of the
Colossus art), Krysdecker @deviantart, 123RF, JEshields, William McAusland,
Bartek Blaszczec, Roman Mur aka S0ulafein, Tamas Baranya, Ramon Lucha,
David Guyll, Lawrence van der merwe, Jason debit, Brett Neufeld, Critical-Hit
(website, Headless Hydra Games - artist Peter Szmer, Art of
War Games, Dave Allsop, Kimagu, Luigi Castellani, Scott Harshbarger, John
Kapsalis, Jeremy Hart. All art used with permission, all rights reserved.
Halls of the Dwarf Lord 105 Dungeon Flip: More Skulls for Ulgoth 232
During the witching hour, while sitting on sentry The next morning, after the party get underway to
duty, one of the PCs notices their shadow detach wherever they’re heading, the PCs are visited by a
and slip away into the darkness, faster than they herald of the hunt; an animated 20 ft “treeman”
can follow. At about the same time, other PCs’ that communicates with a creaking, wind addled
shadows also detach and depart in the same rustling.
The treeman is non-violent (unless attacked). It
does not speak, but sprouts a single green leaf on
the tip of its finger, and leans down to one of the
party, showing it to them. The leaf turns yellow
then drops off of its own accord, drifting lazily to
the ground. The herald then departs.
In any event, the site is currently occupied by small 1. Temple Ruin, missing most of the ceiling,
warband of Skorn; scouts from the prevalent housing 2d6+12 skorn. One or more
Shezgak (fleshfeasters) tribe, identified by their cookfires are burning. 50% chance of one
dark purple warpaint. or both sisters. Stacked around a broken
altar are stolen goods (1 x 4 HD Lair
The warband is led by twin sisters Mogru and Treasure). In the southern towers, 1d4
Ormus; 7ft, powerfully built warriors with shaved skorn keep watch with primitive bows.
heads tattooed purple. The sisters are “blessed”
with wolf lycanthropy, and command a pack of 2. Dire Wolf Kennels. 1d6+1 Dire Wolves
Dire Wolves. lair here, compelled by the authority of
the sisters. If the sisters are slain, the
The Bruhga has no power or influence over the wolves turn on the skorn, exacting
skorn. She has however concealed one of the PCs’ vengeance for past cruelties. There is a
shadows with one of the dire wolves; it appears as 50% chance the wolf with the PC’s shadow
part of the beast’s shadow, as if it were riding it. So is here.
far, none of the skorn have noticed (indeed, if this
is pointed out to them, they immediately attack the 3. Dire Wolf Kennels as in Area 2. If the
beast – correctly assuming it is cursed with shadow wolf is not in Area 2, it is here.
forbidden sorcery). Killing the dire wolf releases
the shadow (same as earlier sites). 4. Shaman’s Hut. This ruin houses the
skorn witchdoctor, Raakma (5 ft, squat
Skorn, AC 11, HD 2, Club 1d6+1, 19: the target is and obese, greasy, blood dyed hair, facial
clubbed in the head, losing its next action (Luck scarring). Raakma has 5 HD, grants Adv
(Will) save resists), S15 D10 C13 I7 P12 W8 Ch8, on nearby skorn morale checks, and
L5, Mv 30 ft. Rudimentary dark vision, advantage carries a random Potion.
when detecting danger or scents.
5. Prison. This largely intact stone outhouse,
Mogru & Ormus, Werewolves, AC 13, HD 6+4, patched up with crude wooden panels,
Bite 2d6, 19: a wolf (60%) or dire wolf (40%) houses a prisoner; Miridine, the only
comes to the lycanthrope’s aid, S18 D14 C14 I10 survivor of a caravan set upon by the
P15 W13 Ch8, L8, Mv 30 ft. Lycanthrope with all
5. A half mile line of water is releasing large 7. The decaying remains of a half sunken
pockets of deep water gas (huge bubbles wreck is spotted on the horizon, washed
burst on the surface), causing light onto a shallow reef. Searching the wreck
headedness. Crew must make a Luck scavenges 1 x Carry Loot in and a locked
(Con) save or suffer 1d2 Dex loss. box with 1 x Valuables within. There is a
50% chance of a Giant Octopus lurking
6. A nest of infected rats (and/or Mr within the deeper corridors of the reef.
Rumples) on the lower deck mutate into
Leech Vermin, dropping onto an 8. An enormous Sea Serpent (12 HD, Bite
unsuspecting PC from the rafters at an 3d6, Swim 90 ft, water breathing) can be
opportune moment (eg: when asleep). seen undulating across the waves towards
the ship, before disappearing below. It
attempts to eat 1d4 crew before departing,
its hunger satiated.
End Game Once joined, the Final Form grows larger and
If the virus hosts are not killed and burnt, or larger, tearing the boat apart within 4d6 rounds.
removed from the ship, the infected eventually The vessel sinks into the darkest trenches of the
gather in the main hold, merging into a single, lake, and the abomination with it.
terrifying gestalt of slapping, slurping flesh. The
incalculable horror of the virus’ final form burns a Aftermath
hole into the human psyche, requiring a Luck If the PCs survive the wreck, a group Luck save
(Will) save to avoid turning catatonic (helpless) for results in a merchant caravel passing by within
1d4 rounds. On a successful save, the PC gains a hours, retrieving any survivors from the flotsam.
madness instead (1d6: 1-3 minor, 4-5: moderate, Whether the virus survives, or is ever seen again,
6: serious). is a matter for the GM.
Adventure Overview
When the adventure begins, the PCs are the only
escapees of a caravan massacred by ogres in the
Ulgoth Foothills. Womek, a mutant sorcerer and
cultist, has an arrangement with the Gruutar ogre
clan to deliver captives to him for sacrifice at the
Colossus; a 150 ft Temple of Yargoth (long
forgotten goddess of wealth, commerce, and
accords), about a day’s march distant. A number
of NPC travellers are taken prisoner by the
giantkin, and conveyed to the Colossus. Heading to Therg’s End for reinforcements leads
to disappointment. The outpost has been recently
The scattered party has the opportunity to group raided by barbarians, decimating the population
up and (perhaps) take down the last few scavenging and protectors. With so few guards remaining,
ogres before combing the battlefield for supplies. there is no help to be found. Furthermore, half the
After this they are presented with two obvious outlanders are secret cultists (including Overseer
Kinnon), and careless PCs might end up victims of
the sect.
Zero Level Rules Lastly, (i) when testing to see if a zero level PC is
The process for creating zero level characters for All Dead or Mostly Dead, they require a successful
LFG is outlined below (assuming 4 PCs per Luck save instead of a Con check, and (ii) when
player): using the Party Retreat rule, zero level PCs always
treat their Luck score as 10.
1. Roll 4 sets of Attributes.
2. Luck is set at 4. HP is 4 + Con bonus. Pre-Gen Characters
3. No class attack bonus, Reroll Pool or For tables that prefer to jump straight into the
Skills. action, the (free) DTRPG Call of Colossus PDF
4. Roll 4 times on the Background table. includes 21 pregen characters in the back (plus six
5. Allocate one background to each PC blank templates). Participants need to name their
(background might be usable in lieu of pre-gens, but otherwise they’re ready to print and
skills, see below). play. Relevant stat modifiers for HP, AC and
6. Roll for Bonus Gear. weapons are already included in the pregens.
7. Choose culture(s) if any.
8. Name your PCs. 1. Roll for Attributes
Attributes are randomly generated by rolling 4d6
As might be surmised, initial character creation is and dropping the lowest die. Numbers are
a highly unpredictable affair; which classes might allocated in order, that is Str, Dex, Con, Int, Per,
ultimately be available for the player to choose Will and Cha. At the GM’s option, one randomly
from is subject to the dice and decisions made determined attribute is automatically 15
during the adventure. Be assured however that this (determine before rolling the remainder).
adventure has been crafted to provide
opportunities to engage with various class related 2. Roll on the Background Table
roles, laying the foundation to develop into any of Players roll 1d66 (1d6 twice, the first die is the
the LFG classes (including magic users, monks, tens, the second die is the ones) on the
cultists, and artificers). If using PC races other than Background table to determine their PCs’ recent
human, players will need to choose/randomly history and default starting gear. Characters also
determine which. start with 1d6 days rations, a waterskin, and 2d4
silver coins.
To simplify dealing with many PCs, GMs might
consider (i) having all of a player’s PCs act at the
The Colossus is a towering, 150 ft statue of stained,
yellow-orange bronze, heavily corroded with green
verdigris and spotted with dark creeper vines.
The ogre trail leads to the tunnel entrance at the Copper Gargoyle, AC 14, HD 3+3, 2 Claws
temple base, then continues southward. An Int (1d3+1), Bite (1d4+1) and Gore (1d4+1), 19: the
check suggests the giantkin gathered at the tunnel target’s weapon shatters against the gargoyle’s
for a time before moving on without their captives supernatural hide (Luck save resists, blunt
4. Roll on the Dark & Dangerous Magic Most of the captives are injured, and all in a drug
table. addled stupor, in no condition to fight (unless the
party is severely depleted already, in which case
Area 3 – Iron Door the GM might make some captives available to
This iron door is marked with the icon of a fight if a PC inspires them into action with a
battered shield with wings (an archaic symbol for successful Cha check). One captive is particularly
determination, resilience and persistence). unusual: Lopai, a one eyed, 80 year old Shenzu
pilgrim with a penchant for cursing (see
Pulling or pushing on the door will not open it. Aftermath).
Instead, the door must be raised up into a vertical
recess where it locks in place (Str check, or by There is a 50% chance each of the PC’s kidnapped
depressing a secret stud button on the left border; friends/partners/mentors etc are alive, as well as
Perc check). The door locks into place before Kiriana (and PCs kidnapped by Therg’s End
lowering itself after 10 minutes. Banging or cultists, if any). If the PCs do not head straight for
attempting to break down the door draws attention the Colossus after the ambush, each day of delay
from Area 6. increases the risk of death by 5% (max 90%).
Check for each potential survivor individually.
Cultists, AC 11, HD 1, Ceremonial Knife 1d4, 19: Beyond the door is a steep 30 ft staircase leading
poison causes 1d6 extra damage (Luck (Con) directly to Area 10 (the High Priest traditionally
check for half), S11 D10 C10 I9 P10 W12 Ch10, used this sacred corridor to reach the Palm of
L 4, Mv 30 ft. The cultists are fanatical and fight to Sacrifice). The staircase has shelf recesses
the death. containing candles, but they are unlit. At the top of
the stairs is a door with a pull handle.
If Womek hears the sounds of battle below (Perc
check), he will appear from Area 10 in 1d4+1 Area 9 – Palm of Sacrifice
rounds to aid his brethren. If the cultists are The enormous clawed hand of the Yargoth
defeated, 1 x Carry Loot and 1 x Valuables may be Colossus cradles the bones of several recent
looted from the sarcophagus (crumbling remains sacrifices; some of whom were
of Sersulamor). friends/mentors/relations of the PCs until
butchered by Womek - see the captives entry in
PCs investigating behind the statue find a Area 5). If the bones are sorted through, 1 x
concealed stairway leading up (a narrow archway Trinkets & Curios may be retrieved.
The door is unlocked. There is also a secret door Womek, AC 12, HD 5+1, Heavy Mace (1d8+1)
in the western wall, which may be opened by and Claw 1d6+1 or spell, 19: Womek invokes a
pressing on a golden panel (careful inspection word of power; roll on the Dark & Dangerous
reveals handprints, leads to Area 8). Magic table, S13 D15 C9 I14 P9 W14 Ch14, L8,
Mv 30 ft. May choose from the following spells
The room beyond is 25 ft by 20 ft, with a 10 ft three times per combat (5th level): Lash of
ceiling, lined with panels of tarnished gold (worth Unerring Pain, Fusing of Flesh, Shennog’s
2d100 + 100 gp) and lit by a hanging lantern. A Blessing, Gaze of Beguilement, Strands of
broken bookshelf is in the northwest corner, and Ensnarement, Tainted Vigour, Runic Rite of
Harriman’s strongbox beside the southern wall Wonderment, Call Forth Simulacra I.
(locked, may be picked or broken open with
sufficient time/crowbar, 1 x 4 HD Lair Treasure).
On Womek’s person is the key to Area 5 and a
If the party have been quiet, Womek is here pouch containing one dose of Blackbile Fungus
kneeling over a drugged captive, cutting runic tincture (highly rare, potent hypnotic, if imbibed
symbols into their flesh in preparation for sacrifice victim enters a drug addled stupor for 2d6 hours,
(50% chance it is an NPC related to a PC). A Dex Luck (Con) save resists).
vs Perc contest (at disadvantage for Womek) will
allow the party to take him by surprise. If the bookshelf is searched, a hidden
compartment behind it (Perc check) may be
If Womek knows the party is coming, he casts found. Within is the Nova Scriptora, or Book of
Tainted Vigour upon himself (+4 bonus on melee Stars, containing the discoveries of an anonymous,
damage instead of +1), and then stands at one side long dead Yargoth Confessor (spell casting
of the door, hoping to ambush them. exorcist), worth 2d4 x 200 gp to the right collector.
Wasp Monstrosity, AC 13, HD 4+1, Stinger 2d4 + PCs wanting to rob the graves will find 1 x Carry
poison (Luck (Con) save or paralysed for 2d6 Loot and a cold iron longsword buried about the
rounds) and Claw 1d4+1, 19: target is severely various plots. One recent corpse however is
stung, roll 1d6 on the Injuries & Setbacks table, swollen with foul gas and Flesh Grubs. If
S19 D15 C12 I5 P13 W16 Ch7, L7, 30 ft or 60 ft disturbed, the corpse ruptures, showering the PC
flying. If there are no enemies to fight, but the with the flesh burrowing grubs (Luck (Con) check
duration has not yet expired, the wearer must or the PC dies in 1d4 rounds when the grubs reach
make a Will check to resist attacking an ally and their heart). Only fire or acid can kill the grubs, but
end the transformation. requires an Int check to apply correctly, and
causes 1d4 damage to the subject in the process.
The mask is hidden in an empty wax pot. If worn,
the user immediately feels angry and aggressive. If Aftermath
attuned (takes several weeks), the wearer may Without Womek to hold the cult together, the last
spend an action to transform into the Wasp sect members turn on each before being ousted
Monstrosity (duration 2d6 rounds, usable once and hung by the remaining outlanders. In this case,
every 2d6 months). Activating the mask Therg’s End is almost certainly is abandoned, and
automatically requires a roll on the Dark & the site razed by barbarian, ogre and skorn forces.
Dangerous Magic table. A PC interested in taking
the Barbarian class (but without an appropriate If Womek lives, the outpost thrives and expands,
background or other event), might find this ancient rising to 90% cultists. The sect spreads to the
relic unlocks their inner rage (see Aftermath). closest city, swiftly recruiting followers from the
poor and merchant quarters. With time and
Area 14 – Hunters’ Hall increasing popular support, the cultists leverage
2d6+2 hunters live here, some with families the Church of Argona into recognizing Yargoth as
(statistics as Outlander, but with longbows), and a lost saint of The Starmaiden, legitimizing their
2d6 hounds. Half of the hunters are new cultists place in Midlander theology. The truth behind
(might be turned, with the right persuasion). A “Yargoth” is left to GM determination.
search of the premises garners 1 x Carry Loot but
no yellow robes (they are stored in Area 2 of the As far as the surviving PCs are concerned, they
Colossus). gain 1st level in a class of the player’s choice.
Players and/or GMs preferring a clear connection
Hound, AC 12, HD 1+2, Bite 1d4+1, 19: target is between the PC’s actions and their chosen class
knocked prone, S13 D14 C15 I2 P12 W10 Ch6,
As it happens, the Great Games are due to return, Disciples of the Lucentum are agnostic or atheist,
or at the GM’s option have been brought forward and worship no gods. Magic is considered a clear
to mark an important event (eg: military victory, and present danger that cannot be ignored; casters
important marriage, child born to the Empress, and magic items are hunted by inquisitors of the
etc). Ordo Malefactos.
Street Encounters
2d4 legionaries throwing dice
down a side alley. One has a
1 particularly large grin and
declares “Hah! The fates are with
me brothers!”
A gang of 4d4 slavers decide to
Assuming the PC wishes to compete, there is only waylay the party, attacking them
one family member that poses any real 2 in a side street (as guard, but with
competition, a female cousin named Setoya; 1d4 doses of the highly rare
Black Lotus poison (Luck (Con)
Gladiator Bouts
The gladiatorial games take place in the Ogorien
Fighting Pits, a colossal, stone arched arena
allowing thousands of spectators in the tiered
galleries and overhead rope walkways that
crisscross the fighting grounds. The central sands PC gladiators are required to fight a total of seven
may be configured in a number of different ways, bouts of combat, one battle every 48 hours, with
including a series of “pits”, segmented by the final occurring on the last day of the games.
mechanical stone walls that rise out of the floor. PCs may wear any armour, but must use the
weapons allocated to them each bout - roll 1d10:
A PC involved in the gladiator games (either as a
free warrior or slave) must fight a series of duels in (i) trident & net, (ii) twin shortswords, (iii) spear &
shield, (iv) axe & dagger (v) great hammer, (vi)
AC 13 (hardened leathers & shoulder plate), HD • 6th battle: “Twister” Slade, master thief of
3, Spiked mace 1d8+2, 19: prone, S14 D13 C12 the Red Hooks guild; 5 ft 8”, bundle of
I10 P10 W12 Ch10, L6, Mv 30 ft. The veteran muscle, incredible acrobat.
slave fights with a flourish if he can, to better
entertain the crowd. AC 15 (ornate leathers), HD 8, 2 x Daggers 1d6+2,
19: Twister gains a bonus attack, S15 D18 C10 I13
4. Double Trouble. The PC must face off P15 W11 Ch11, L9, Mv 30 ft. The wily thief has
against two steely eyed, female Nydissian Major Exploit Protection, Backstab, Skirmisher
twins with ornate breastplates (Veltrix & and Finisher abilities like a 8th level Rogue, and
Simba). may choose from the following tricks four times
per combat: Choking Dust, Hidden Blade, Flash
AC 16 (breastplates and leather skirts), HD 3, Powder, Unseen Whip. Amazing Acrobat: once
Scimitars 1d8+1, 19: disarm, S13 D15 C12 I10 per combat Twister may make a Dex check to
P10 W14 Ch10, L6, Mv 30 ft. The twins never negate an attack.
check for morale, and each may attempt one
Rescue benefiting the other (breaking the usual PC • Final battle: Lofvirr, towering 7 ft
only Rescue rules). northmen and ex-champion gladiator, has
come out of retirement to reclaim his title.
As might be expected, the final duel opens to great (b) There are 1d4+4 other chariots in the race
fanfare, including music, dancers and primitive (other players might like to control some
fireworks, and includes Imperator Setirus of them to assist the GM). The NPC
(Melek’s ruler) in the audience. riders are as Guard (Dex 15).
Defeating Lofviir in combat earns the PC the title (c) The race lasts 2d4+5 legs, the leader at the
of Victorem (see below). end of the final leg is the victor.
3. Dire Wolf
5. Giant Serpent
6. Giant Wasp
7. Hammer Snail
8. Mammoth
The executions draw large, jeering crowds, If Setoya is bested in the gladiator bouts, the PC
overseen by highly trained legionaries. Any earns Grandfather Rebus’ villa/baths/tavern; worth
attempt to intervene is met with overwhelming, many thousands of gold coins. If Setoya was killed,
deadly force. there will be fallout with other family members,
some of whom may seek a blood debt or other
Cult of Bok’Surrpesh
Morgaine (early twenties, athletic build, brunette
with a prominent chin) is the third born daughter
of the Everton noble family, an old, enduring and
well respected highborn line in Crow’s Keep.
Greedy, impatient, and of limited business
acumen, Morgaine resents that her elder siblings
will inherit most of the family’s wealth, and that as
the third born, she is expected to uphold the
crown’s interests as a knight in the armed forces.
Try as they might, there are far too many kids for
the priestesses to keep an eye on, and many of the
youngsters spend their days exploring the city.
Lividia is aware that Merrick is missing, as is his
female friend Drini (a northerner; pale, blonde,
blue eyes, heavy accent), and has reported such to
Captain Larsen of the city watch. The two went
missing at the same time, and Lividia is not sure
whether they have simply run off together.
Slavers, AC 11, HD 1, Baton 1d6+1, 19: knocked Street Kids, AC 10, HD 1 (1d4 hp), Knife 1d4, 19:
prone, S14 D10 C10 I9 P9 W9 Ch9 L8, Mv 30 ft. 1d3 street kids appear at the cave mouth to assist,
The slavers carry batons and large sacks to stuff S8 D13 C10 I10 P12 W11 Ch11 L3, Mv 30 ft.
unconscious would be slaves in. The street kids look after their own, gaining
advantage on morale checks.
Nox, Boss Monster, AC 13, HD 5, 2 x Fists
1d6+1, 19: knocked back 10 ft, prone or disarm, The Bald Bison
S14 D16 C13 I10 P10 W16 Ch9 L8, Mv 30 ft. The Bison is a wooden, single storey drinking
Nox is a Boss Monster with all the usual benefits. hole, tucked away in a quiet corner a few blocks
He has Martial Arts like a 5th level Monk, and may from the shipyards. Large flagstones are set into
choose from the following techniques three times the common room floor, the plaster walls
per combat: Fork the River, Formless Water, Iron decorated with mildewed pictures of old or distant
Fist, Deflect Projectile, Impossible Leap. landscapes. The ale is not particularly good, nor
cheap, which keeps most of the customers away,
and that suits the cult just fine.
Finding Drini
Drini is hiding in the small cave colloquially
known as Underhang, a secret safehouse the
orphan kids (and other children) sometimes
If Merrick is rescued and returned to Conlon, he
is overjoyed, and pays the party the bonus, with an
additional reward (1 x Valuables) if the cultists
were slain. Although Conlon cannot publicly extol
the party’s deeds, he is sure to surreptitiously send
work their way, and will owe them a debt as long
Either way, the cultists can’t allow the party to as he lives.
reveal their secret, and attempt to kill or shackle
them for future sacrifice. If Morgaine and her cult are not destroyed, they
relocate elsewhere and continue their practices,
Morgaine, Boss Monster, AC 14, HD 7 (61 hp), with more adults and children going missing from
Ritual Blade 1d8+4, 19: special, S17 D17 C17 I10 time to time. Eventually they open an orphanage
P10 W13 Ch10 L9, Mv 30 ft. Morgaine is a Boss of their own, and begin experiments with merged
Monster with all the usual benefits. She has the children and the unborn.
Fighter Adaptable ability, with the Single Weapon
style. She may change styles three times per Some merges are quite successful, at least for a
combat. On a 19+ attack roll, Morgaine triggers a time, but joining with a Bok’Surrpesh sentience
roll on the DDM table. fundamentally transforms the host; the person
they were is no longer. Over time they become
If defeated, the cultists carry 1 x Carry Loot. increasingly insular, callous and wholly uncaring
towards non-cultists, considering them primitive,
mewling meat sacks, good for only two things:
sacrifice or merging.
In this deposit, the alloy of gold, silver and copper
exhibits a reddish-yellow hue; electrum weapons count
as silvered, but not armour.
Fennorn’s Run
The mine is located at a branch in the Fennorn
River, a series of connected wooden structures
perched beside a 50 ft waterfall. The buildings are
now old, weather beaten and greatly decayed,
although there are signs of recent repair (the urgot
have made some improvements over the last year,
see below). Seeking to scale the outside, rather
than use the climbing stairs and platforms is
certainly possible, but requires a Str (Athletics)
check (or fall 1d4 x 10 feet into the water). The
river is fast and will swiftly carry away swimmers
(Str (Athletics) check if against the current, and a
Con check to avoid losing 1 Con).
Dungart Dukes
“Jester” (5½ ft blonde, left leg limp, never without
a knife somewhere on her person) leader of the
Dungart Dukes, a small but expanding cutpurse
gang in Port Brax, needs help. Her crew of
miscreants has crossed knives with the Sumptown
Rats (the largest and most proliferate gang in the
city, controlled by Udan the Slip, Rogue 6,
inhumanly agile Dex 19) one too many times, and
now Udan wants her dead.
masquerade as a single person - going by the name
In recent weeks, twelve of Jester’s gangers have Belor.
been murdered; stabbed in back alleys, strangled
in steam baths, tossed off rooftops, etc – grizzly, At the start of the adventure, two of Jester’s most
public deaths meant to intimidate and undermine trusted henchmen (Griego and Morgara) have
Jester’s leadership. been killed in the last four days (Griego thrown
from a rooftop, Morgara cut down in a back alley).
And the strategy has been successful; more than Word on the street is that both were killed by a
half of the dukes have gone into hiding or intend lone warrior.
to depart the port on the next ship out. Those that
remain believe in Jester’s leadership, and will fight Jester is offering 1,000 gp to hire competent
with her (expecting to be made trusted lieutenants, mercenaries with a range of skills to (i) protect her
should the gang survive), but all agree more swords and her remaining lieutenants (Corben, Lucia and
are needed if the dukes are to endure. Brohk), (ii) identify and locate the assassin, and
(iii) kill him with extreme prejudice.
For his part, Udan has decided enough “brother
thieves” have died, and now means to target Jester The guild boss is convinced that Udan’s assassin
and her top lieutenants directly. To this end, he knows all of the dukes, and that the only way to get
has hired a highly secretive and successful trio of close to the hitman is via (expendable) third
cold blooded killers – identical triplets that parties.
Butterwood Map
If the PCs hole up here for long enough, Note many of the buildings are close enough
eventually the Belors come for them (Day 4+), together that a PC can attempt to leap across (Str
attempting to sneak in through the rooftop. They (Athletics) or Dex (Acrobatics) check or fall,
bring 3d6 Sumptown Rats with them (who remain buildings are 1d3 x 10 ft high). Additionally, the
atop nearby buildings) as backup, a fighting map includes ladders/planks positioned across
rearguard, or to provide a distraction. gaps, sturdy eaves, and other outcroppings to assist
with movement (left by chimney sweeps, burglars,
Disrupting the Next Attack etc).
The PCs might wish to follow (secretly or
otherwise) one or more of Jester’s lieutenants, or If one or both of the Belors are slain, the
Jester herself, hoping to be on hand when an remainder flee, seeking to escape. The brothers
assassination attempt is made. are experts in disengaging, and if not grabbed or
otherwise restrained, may make a Dex check at the
Further to the Belors’ timetable, this strategy is end of a round to transition into a Chase scene.
eventually successful, with Belors 1 & 3 attempting
a quick kill and getaway. Subject to the target being For the purposes of a Chase, the following
on the street at some point, the attack comes from complications might ensue:
above, shooting poison bolts at the victim until the
PCs intervene. • Large Crowds
o Street: Funeral procession,
The exact time and location of the attack is shepherd with herd of bison,
flexible, but the default is at dusk below Korrin’s packing up street stall.
Belltower in the residential quarter; a particularly o Rooftop: Chimney sweeps
crowded district of winding alleys. The assassins playing cards, meeting of star
attack from the rooftop of the belltower and gazers, flock of bats.
nearby buildings, shooting at the target and PCs,
before eventually making their escape across the • Dangerous Hazards
rooftops of the city. o Street: a boisterous bar fight
engulfing passers by, gang of
The belltower is 80 ft high and scaling it requires a 1d6+2 thugs, falling debris from
Str (Athletics) check (half movement, or at disad above, starving or rabid dog pack,
for 2/3 movement). Failing a check results in a fall startled horse kick, glass from a
from about halfway through the current broken window.
movement. Alternatively, PCs might simply o Rooftop: barbed wire, collapsed
return fire, scale nearby buildings, throw grappling chimney rumble, poison snake
Belor #2 is a fearsome close combatant. He has If the brothers suspect they are walking into a trap,
Major Exploit Protection and the Fighter they arrange for 3d6 Sumptown Rats to
Adaptable ability, with the Two hander style. He accompany them as backup.
may change styles four times per combat. Gains
Off Turn Attacks when staggered. Aftermath
The Belors do not give up as long as they live. If
Belor #3, AC 14 (leather), HD 7, 2 x Scimitars they are driven away, they retreat to safety, bind
1d8+1, 19: disarm, S12 D17 C11 I14 P14 W13 their wounds, recruit more rats and/or other
Ch15, L12, Mv 30 ft. Dagger, climbing gear, mercenaries to aid them.
caltrops, disguise kit, 1d2 doses Whisperfog.
If all three are killed however (3 x Carry Loot and
Belor #3 is an expert in infiltration, impersonation 3 x Valuables), Udan decides he has expended
and disguise, gaining adv on Deception and Stealth enough energy (and funds) on the dukes, and
related abilities. Belor #3 has the Bard abilities magnanimously allows them to be (for now).
Inspire Greatness and Rally, which he may choose Unless the PCs went out of their way to kill Rats,
from up to 4 times per combat. May parry missile Udan considers them competent mercenaries, no
weapons by making a Luck (Dex) save. Major more, no less, and might even offer them work in
Exploit Protection. the future. If the PCs did slaughter more rats than
necessary, Udan takes note and holds a long
8. Roaring, screeching and the snapping of Freakish Batbeaks are 4 ft alien entities from
branches can be heard before two fighting another dimension; hideous amalgams of
Owlbears burst into view. octopod, bat and netherworldly horror. Their
overriding instinct is to feast upon or impregnate
9. An ancient elven dream spire stands in a mortals with their vile, squirming larvae.
cluttered grove; a curling 7 ft horn of white
stone, marked with sorcerous runes. The 10. A band of 1d6 Green Croakers (with
grove is located on a leyline crossing. 3d6 shortbows) riding Giant Dragonflies are
Freakish Batbeaks guard the area, patrolling here, determined to drive off
recently spawned from a twist in the Veil. any humans they encounter.
The abominations cannot venture more
than 1,000 ft from the spire. Giant Dragonfly, AC 15, HD 4, Stinger 1d6 +
poison, 19: random limb paralysed for 2d6 rounds
Freakish Batbeaks, AC 14, HD 3, Acidic tentacle (no save), S14 D19 C14 I3 P10 W10 Ch4 L7, Mv
2d4+1, 19: special, S8 D16 C10 I4 P13 W10 Ch2 120 ft flying. The giant dragonfly’s poison causes
L6, Mv 60 ft flying. On a 19+ attack roll, the paralysis for 1d6 x 10 mins (Luck (Con) save
batbeak attaches itself to the target’s head and resists).
vomits larvae down their throat (Luck (Con) save
resists). The target dies 2d4 days later when a fully
grown batbeak bursts out of them. An Apothecary
may perform surgery to remove the parasite (Int The Myurp occupying the temple come in three
(Apoth) test at disadvantage, if successful the target varieties according to skin colouration; green, grey
lives, but requires 2 weeks recovery). and black.
Grey Croaker, AC 13, HD 3, Club 1d6+2, 19: The underground complex is generally dark and
special, S15 D13 C12 I10 P10 W12 Ch8 L6, Mv damp, with the sound of constant dripping and
30 ft inc swim/climb. Grey croakers are bulkier splashing. The croakers have good night vision,
than their green cousins, with stronger hindlegs. but are blind in complete darkness, and keep the
On a 19+ attack roll, the grey croaker launches interior lit with luminous moss, glow bugs, torches
itself at the target, causing 2d6 extra damage, and and self made lamps (using oil extracted from
pushing them 15 ft (no save). If the target is pushed plants).
into a wall or similar, they are also knocked prone.
The temple is constructed of expertly cut
Black Croaker, AC 13, HD 5, 2 x Sword 1d8+2, sandstone, 8 ft high ceilings shored up with
19: disarm, S15 D15 C12 I13 P15 W13 Ch10 L8, petrified beams of forest oak. Elven runes of
Mv 30 ft inc swim/climb. Black croakers are more foresight, protection, winter and inspiration are
intelligent than their kin, and highly agile. When carved into some pieces, including petrified
staggered, they emit an ribcage rattling croak, wooden doors.
causing humans within 20 ft to be stunned (lose
next action, Luck (Will) save resists).
Lost Temple
Situated in a wind sheltered valley, little remains of
the above ground portion of the temple (a few
crumbling structural walls, fallen blocks, etc), most
of which are concealed by heavy overgrowth.
Pinpointing the ruins requires an Int (Wilderness
Lore) check. Once in the correct area however
one structure is readily apparent; a dark green
trapdoor of malachite, decorated with an ice crown
The mirror is enchanted and immovable, a true The sealed 12 ft by 18 ft chamber beyond is
relic of the fey, impervious to mundane damage. unknown to the Croakers, and has not been
The frogmen sense the magic here and are fearful opened for thousands of years. The water from the
to enter. Cleaning the mirror, then staring deeply corridor pours in, swiftly rising to just below waist
into one’s own eyes might activate it (Will check height.
required). If successful, the user instinctively
understands a supernatural offer is being made to The interior is painted with vistas of distant lands,
them: they may sacrifice part of their future to gain or perhaps distant times, depicting snow clad fir
an immediate gift. trees, mountain peaks, and elves riding triceratops.
In one corner of the room is a submerged chest
containing 1 x 5 HD Lair Treasure (consisting of
1. Once every 1d4 days the wearer may The columns are approx. 5 ft wide, carved with
spend an action to cast Globe of Silent elven prayers that have been defaced by the
Contemplation. croakers and covered with blasphemous litanies.
Blood, bile and faeces have been employed to
2. Once every week, the wearer may spend paint images of anurans fighting, fornicating and
an action to transform into shadow (as feasting, interspersed with leering icons of
Cradle of Formlessness, but cannot fly, Tebu’saat, the Croaking God.
however may move along any surface).
An old elven skiff is located near one of the rock
3. Once every three months, the wearer may columns, now petrified, but sealed well enough
spend an action to summon a Shade that that it still floats. The frogmen sometimes use it for
obeys commands for 1d6 x 10 minutes. If sleeping and spawning, evidence of which can be
the wearer is knocked unconscious, the found inside.
shade goes uncontrolled.
3d6 Green Croakers and 1d6 Grey Croakers are
A non-elf attuned to the boots inevitably develops socialising in the sacred cavern, paddling, diving
extreme haughtiness (as Elf racial trait, subsides in for fish, or spawning in lurid mating rituals unfit
1d6 months if the attunement ends). for human experience (the throaty croaking and
stinking, frothy egg pools are especially revolting).
They will be incensed at any intrusion.
Area 10 – Ante-room
This large ante-room once housed the elven
priests ceremonial gear, including robes, sticks of
incense, oils, and so on. All of it has been damaged
or destroyed by the croakers, but some remnants
are woven into their straw/mud nests. 1d6 Green
Croakers reside here.
The 40 ft corridor beyond has not been set foot in As Arcane Aegis, but the disc is made of magical
since the Second Age, dusty floor tiles of blue and ice. If the shield is used to negate a physical attack,
white portraying a winding river with ice floes. The the attacker must make a Luck (Con) save or be
corridor is completely dark, quiet, and smells frozen (helpless) for 2d6 rounds. If the caster is
stale/musty. subject to fire based attack, the Shield of Winter
automatically negates the attack, then ends.
If anyone other than an elf (or person blessed by
the mirror) approaches the east/west doors, a Aftermath
hissing sound is heard (as ice binding golems in If Rovos is able to retrieve any genuine elven
each chamber swiftly melts, issuing large clouds of artefacts he considers the expedition to be a
steam from beneath the doors). In 2d4 rounds, the success (especially any of the items in Areas 6 and
doors swing open to release twin Sandstone 18), and will recommend the party to others. If
Golems upon any intruders. The golems do not Rovos dies, word eventually gets back to Port
communicate, and will not stop until all non-elves Brax, tarnishing the PCs’ reputation there.
are driven from the temple.
The elderly druid Fendrel (70’s, slight hunch, The rift’s direct link to Three Moons’ dimension
wispy white hair, miraculously fit and able to walk is affecting surrounding life forms (animal, plant
for days) is a devotee of the Sun Goddess, living and mineral), upsetting and unhinging all creatures
behind the safety of city walls, making occasional of sentience.
sojourns to sacred groves for ritual blessings.
Shennog’s Eye
Over the last few months, the druid has noticed an Fendrel is not the only party interested in the
alarming shift in animal behaviour in the vicinity of strange disturbance. Keeper Eldenee, a priestess
Yellow Cliffs. Bears, wolves and hunting birds are of Shennog (goddess of darkness, mystery and
more savage, and even normally timid creatures deceit) secretly prophesised the shift in the Veil,
such as hares seem to be growing more aggressive. and has dispatched agents to investigate on her
Even more worrying, monstrous creatures such as behalf. Unlike Fendrel, Eldenee has no interest in
owlbears, giant spiders and skorn are increasing in wildlife, but is keen to understand what has
frequency. occurred, an in particular whether there is any
Plague Worm, AC 17, HD 3, Batter 2d4+1, 19: The portal may be closed by (i) destroying the rift
special, S17 D10 C13 I3 P10 W10 Ch5, L6, Mv anchors, (ii) slaying Three Moons (if the tentacle
30 ft or 5 ft burrowing. On a 19, the target suffers spawn is killed, the rift anchors starve within
Worm Fungus (skin hardens and cracks painfully, hours), or (iii) successfully casting Sever Arcarnum
causing one random limb to become unusable for on the anchors.
1d4 weeks, per Injuries & Setbacks table, entry 2
or 3). Jumping into the shaft without a rope or other
means of restraint, prior to the rift being closed,
Area 9 – Centipede Nest causes a PC to pass through the portal, requiring a
This enormous 30 ft wide cavern has a 25 ft ceiling Luck (Con) save to survive the journey. The
and extends north into Area 10. In the centre is a specifics of Three Moons’ home dimension are
10 ft wide sinkhole that disappears several left to the GM to determine.
hundred feet into the earth, branching out into
smaller tunnels and winding passageways. Rift Anchor, AC 10, HD 4, Tentacle 2d4 + special,
19: the target is helpless, constricted by a tentacle,
A nest of 3d12 Giant Centipedes lives in the hole, spend an action to break free (Str contest), S15
for the most part studiously avoiding the recent D13 C6 I4 P11 W17 Ch3, L7, Mv immobile. Rift
influx of aberrations. They have been sustaining Anchors are Aberrant Terrors with the usual
themselves on smaller insects and the bodies benefits (LFG p.98). Their tentacle attacks have a
If battle goes poorly, Three Moons will attempt to If Three Moons is not killed or driven back into
flee through the rift, or into the sinkholes in Areas the rift, it continues to explore the underground
7 or 9. Depending on the circumstances, it might catacombs. As a tentacle spawn, the creature is
attempt some kind of telepathic parlay with the overwhelmed by wide open spaces, and cannot
party, or Keeper Eldenee’s agents if they are leave via Area 1. Given sufficient time, and
present; offering some manner of alien assuming Eldenee learns about the creature, she
technology, extra-terrestrial metal or other eventually strikes a deal with it, supplying brains in
desirable item in exchange for a truce or retreat. return for alien technology (perhaps mind reading
or suggestion effects), vastly increasing her
The precise details are left to the GM to personal power and order’s political clout. Over
determine, and might be of interest to Captain time, the tentacle spawn draws more of its kind
Rutger/contrary to Feldren’s/PCs’ interests. through the portal, excavating an outpost in the
depths of the cliffs.
Halls of Dûmora
In the Second Age, long before the last of the
dwarves were made slaves to trading houses of
Dol-Karok, the Fortress of Dûmora stood on the
border of Griffon Rock and the Viridian Forest, a
testament to Stonelord Tolbren’s wealth and
5. An ancient Harpy (9 HD, Off Turn The bridge is in good repair, 20 ft wide, 120 ft long
Attacks) named Ebecinzyr lives here high and 60 ft high. It has a 3 ft lip on either side to
in a grand pine tree. She has sung her prevent falling off. The river is about 60 ft wide
beguiling song for over a century and beneath the bridge, and 40 ft wide at its narrowest
devoured more beastmen and barbarians point further south.
than most creatures in the forest. She will
be intrigued by a party in heavy armour In addition to the bridge, further upriver is a
and foreign garb, and might be inclined to collection of fallen mountain rocks that have
talk to them, rather than eat them. The formed a makeshift ford. Crossing here requires a
old harpy knows many secrets of the Dex (Acrobatics) check to navigate the slippery
woods. rocks, and a Str (Athletics) check to swim some of
the submerged sections.
6. 5d4 Giant Rats spring from cover, intent
biting chunks out of the PCs before Swimming the river to cross at the narrowest point
fleeing into the undergrowth! requires a Str (Athletics) check at disadvantage due
to the powerful currents. A character that fails a
7. 2d6 Griffons are wheeling overhead, swimming check is dragged down river into rapids,
screeching to each other while they search banged into rocks, and almost drowned, causing
for meals between the trees. A party of 2d4 damage and 1d3 Con loss.
adventurers is exactly what they need, if
they can find them.
Hiding in the rubble to the east are 2d4 Xornlings Gorvex uses this chamber as a Brain Eating
(they caused the cave in). If they remain hidden, Zombie holding pen. Locked in the pit are 4d6
they follow the party by climbing along the roof, brain eating zombies, horrific, fast moving variants
waiting for an opportunity to drop onto their of the walking dead. If an adventurer enters this
backpacks and steal/eat their gold/gems/metal room, the zombies immediately begin moaning,
before slipping quietly away. climbing each other to reach through the grate,
thumping their fists and biting the bars.
Xornling, AC 15, HD 1d4 hp, Bite 1d2 + special,
19: bites a chunk from the target’s weapon, The grate can be wound open by using a winch on
reducing the damage die by one category until the ground nearby. Releasing the zombies would
repaired, S6 D17 C9 I4 P13 W12 Ch9, L3, Mv 20 be an extraordinarily bad idea for any nearby
ft inc climbing walls, etc. Xornlings “hear” gems humans (or cyclopes).
and metals within 120 ft and will eat 1d10 coins,
gemstones, or a chunk of a metal every few hours. Brain Eating Zombie, AC 11, HD 2+2, Bite 1d6 +
Xornlings are natural chameleons and gain 2, 19: special, S15 D10 C14 I- P12 W- Ch-L5, Mv
advantage when hiding. Bites cause 1 Str loss 30 ft. On a natural 19, the target must make a Luck
(Con) save or become infected, transforming into
(Luck (Con) save resists). An adventurer reduced
a brain eating zombie in 2d4 hours (Purge the
to zero Str is turned to stone. Accursed or similar transform them back). An
adventurer reduced to zero hp must be recovered
Area 3 – Memorial Plaque from a zombie in one round or they die.
An 8 ft bronze memorial plague is set into the floor
here, marked with old dwarven runes. If none of Some of the undead still wear jewellery, carry
the party speak dwarven, an Int (General Lore) pouches, etc. Looting them returns 1 x Carry Loot
check at disadvantage deciphers the gist of it. The and 1 x Trinkets & Curios.
plaque commemorates the Battle of Ank’rmon, a
subterranean complex infested with aberrations, in Area 6 – Audience Chamber
which many dwarven soldiers perished and were This 45 ft by 30 ft audience chamber was once
ultimately repelled. If the plaque can somehow be used as a waiting or receiving area for visitors. The
removed from the floor, it is worth 500 gp. northern section has a two stepped tiers where
Additionally, two pits have been placed between Area 14 – Defiled Chapel
the columns (Luck (Dex) save to avoid, or This 30 ft by 45 ft chapel has been destroyed by
plummet 20 ft. The “lid” of the pit then springs the cyclops’, the altar broken and holy frescos
back up and locks into place (Dex (Traps & Locks) smeared and defaced. Only the two large holy
check to open, or break open with a Str check at a water basins attached to the two pillars remain
-1 penalty at disadvantage). unbroken, filled with treasures and trinkets of the
current residents (Gorvex uses the chamber as his
Crossing the cavern requires a Luck (Dex) Fungi Pod, AC 11, HD 4, Tendril 1d10, 19: puff
check to avoid being randomly scalded for of toxic spores causing 1d4 Dex loss (Luck (Con)
3d6 damage (taking precautions, such as save for half), S12 D10 C17 I3 P12 W16 Ch4, L7,
moving past geysers just after they’ve gone Mv 30 ft inc up walls and ceilings. Fungi Pods are
off, grants advantage). Living within the 4 ft tall balled masses of toadstool, bowl and
pools themselves are 3d6 heat resistant branch fungi, with elongated tendrils dragging
Giant Mud Crabs, hungry for soft flesh. them forward. A PC reduced to zero hp must be
recovered in one round, or the body is lost
(infested with toxic fungi spores, which grow to
maturity in 2d4 weeks).
The urgot generally go about their daily life either Unless already encountered or drawn away
half naked or in coarse robes weaved of fungi plant elsewhere, Xochnomogu is here, meditating above
fibres, some quite colourful. The “priests” wear the Mask of Distant Suns. In addition to the
bleached white robes, spotted with black eye aberrant terror, 2d6+5 Chaagi cultists are present,
designs, and deep hoods. intoning sacred litanies to their demigod. One of
them, Ochnimyru, is an Urgozer.
The city itself can be broadly separated into five
enormous subcaverns as outlined below. Unless Ochnimyru, Urgozer, AC 11, HD 3+3, Dagger
otherwise indicated, the caverns are mostly 1d4+2, 19: uncontrolled magic, roll on the Dark &
cloaked in darkness, with occasional luminous Dangerous Magic table, S10 D14 C16 I14 P14
moss or mushroom oil torches/slow burning W14 Ch9, L7, Mv 30 ft. May choose from the
“lantern” bowls. following spells twice per combat: Insidious
Slumber, Riddle of Bones, Shennog’s Blessing,
Sneaking about the caverns is entirely possible, in Lash of Unerring Pain (as 3rd level).
the sense that most spaces are unoccupied. Bright
light sources give away PCs or resident urgot from The Mask has four levels of attunement, granting
a distance, but creeping about with phospherant the following effects. Whether the mask if magical,
moss, shuttered lanterns, or dim glow stones a device of high technology, or something else
allows greater stealth. entirely is a matter for the GM.
4. 1d4 Plague Worms burrow up from the 8. From or in a remote, shadowed area, 3d6
surface, hungry to feast on the party. If Flying Lizards (as Vampire Bat, but scaled
pressed hard, they attempt to retreat into and spined) dive bomb the party for their
their burrow holes. If any escape, they life giving blood.
return 4d6 minutes later with 3d6
reinforcements. Aftermath
Whether or not the mask is retrieved, if
5. A serious tremor rocks the complex, Xochnomogu lives, its encounter with the party
causing large shards of rock to drop from galvanizes it into action. It sends cultists to the
above. All PCs must make a Luck (Dex) surface, scouting for slaves and breeding stock.
save to avoid 4d6 damage, and a roll on
the Injuries & Setbacks table.
Grand Librarian Bridonna, Disciple of Wodon, is fluid based attacks, and lose 1 HD per round if
offering good coin to investigate recent rumours of submerged in water. They see as well in darkness
mudmen appearing along Northgate’s as in light.
The subterranean Core, a 50 ft tall, 70 ft wide
Outlanders are reporting strange, humanoid mound of ancient mud in a colossal cavern, is
creatures seemingly made of mud, traversing the where the mudmen spawn from, seeping into
borderlands of Northgate. As the months go by, being via a kind of mitosis. The Core itself is a
the appearances grow closer and more frequent. living entity in its own right; an overarching
intellect that binds all of the mudmen together,
East of the city of Northgate, beneath the foothills supporting and directing their activities.
of the Ironhull Mountains, are the hidden
catacombs of a unique tribe of sentient
humanoids; the Mudmen.
A Hive Mother, you say? 2. A pack of 3d4 Wolves are prowling the
Grand Librarian Bridonna (50’s, silver haired, area, on the hunt for some easy prey. The
stern but insightful, Bard 3), of the Tower of pack is led by two ferocious white Dire
Wodon, is offering 500 gp to investigate the recent Wolves (a male and female).
appearance of the mudmen. She is concerned that
the Anointed (a religious order controlling 3. Cedric, the sole survivor of a ranger patrol
Northgate) are not taking the threat seriously, and that ventured too far, is dozing under a
has decided to organise a response of her own. stony ridge. He is bloodied and
dishevelled, in a state of persistent shock,
The librarian has researched the creatures, and unable to process the horrors he
whilst her information is patchy at best, believes witnessed.
the mudmen spawn from a controlling “hive
mother”; a large subterranean monstrosity almost 4. The occasional red flower with crescent
certainly resistant to conventional weapons. shaped, purplish leaves appears from time
Bridonna has therefore commissioned three to time in the party’s vicinity. An Int
backpack sized, alchemical bombs to deal with the (Wilderness Lore) check reveals they are
monster (configured with one minute mechanized rare Pepperblood plants (one flower may
timers). Bridonna would be content if the PCs be converted into a poison with 3d20 gp
return with some concrete information re the scale worth of herbalism ingredients (contact,
of the mudmen threat, but if they find the immediate effect, causes agony in living
progenitor, they are to destroy it if possible (500 targets imposing disad on attack rolls, lasts
gp bonus). Bridonna is able to provide the general 1d4 rounds, Luck (Con) save resists).
area the mudmen were last seen by rangers.
5. A colossal shadow darkens the sun as a
Traveling the Foothills Roc (if day) or Gargantuan Bat (if night,
The GM decides how long the journey is to the blocking the moon, as Roc but with
hive site, somewhere in the foothills of the echolocation) swoops overhead. The
Ironhull Mountains. The terrain is initially flat and monster is either on the hunt (50%) or
9. An odd, and very loud clicking noise There is a 40% chance of 1d3 Mudmen climbing
heralds the approach of the Bald Dread up the sinkhole as the party descend (they are
Worm (see Area 2). It is out hunting, about to set off on scouting mission). If they spot
tracking the party via scent/echolocation. the party, one attempts to flee back down and warn
its fellows. The others attack, seeking to drive off
10. As the party crests a steep rise, they spot a the invaders.
Mudman keeping watch on the next hill (a
group Luck (Dex) check allows the party If the party reaches the bottom, they enter Area 1.
to duck down and remain hidden from The hive is dark but generally lit by phospherant
view). If the mudman notices the party, it moss (disad on sight checks), cool, and damp. The
flees, heading for the sinkhole (use the tunnels appear naturally formed, about 6 ft in
diameter, and slick with mud. Humans running 2. 2d4 Mudlings (see Area 9) are oozing
through the passages require a Dex check to avoid their way around this chamber, practicing
falling prone part way through their movement. their chemical signals and body
morphing. Their progress is being
Random Encounters in the Hive monitored by 1d3 Mudmen.
The following table provides some possible
random encounters while the party explores the 3. The hive has Sensor Tubercles spread
hive’s winding passages and chambers. GMs about it, implanted by mudmen drones,
might like to roll on the table (1d10) when the with hidden tendrils connecting back to
party lingers in one spot for too long, or when the Core. The tubercle here appears as a
entering a chamber that is not otherwise detailed. dry patch of mud that weeps a black, tar
like substance.
1. 1d4 Mudmen are in this area, or enter it
from a side passage, carrying random The nodule is immobile, senses living
pieces of equipment (weapons, armour, creatures up to 60 ft (Perc 13), and can
trinkets) with them. They are on their way emit/receive chemical signals. If the
to/from Area 5. nodule detects the party, that information
is immediately known by the Core. If
damaged, the nodule has 10 hp, and
Area 3 – Sentries
This approx 30 ft cavern is 20 ft high with a 5 ft
wide passage branching off to the west. Most of the
space has been naturally formed but sections have
been crudely dug out by the mudmen (which are
able to dissolve rock/earth, given sufficient time).
2d4 Sentry Mudmen (larger, 6 ft, specially
spawned for this purpose) wait here. They will
attack any intruders and attempt to push them
down the hole in Area 1.
Lower Map
7. The skeleton of a long dead giant 10. A Grey Ooze begins tracking the party
scorpion is here, brittle with age. Its skull from behind, attempting to lure a PC away
is caved in by means of blunt trauma. Two with its telepathic abilities.
human skeletons are also present, armour
broken and torn. One lies slumped again Temple of Nogerzu
the wall, a hammer by its side (still in The Nogerzu were a race of goatmen, proficient in
excellent condition, random permanent stonework and bronze metallurgy. Their main
magical item). civilization thrived in the high mountains, but
explorers also scouted new southern lands. The
8. A truly enormous 12 ft Giant Centipede temple served as a stop over while journeying the
(but 7 HD, Luck 9, 2d6+1 damage, deep roads, and as a marker of the goatmen’s
poison causes 1d3 Dex loss, Off Turn southernmost boundary.
Attacks), is curled up into a ball in a
Temple Encounters
Whilst exploring the unnumbered sections of the
temple complex, there is a 30% chance of an
encounter every 15 mins. Roll 1d6 or select from
the following:
10. 1d3 N’tarc are hiding in a nearby copse of 8. Bathroom, water closet, privy, steam bath,
willow trees, spying on the party. If one of etc. Bloodstained and defiled, 90%
the PCs becomes isolated, they will chance of a skeleton with 1 x Carry Loot.
attempt Monstrous Subjugation to kidnap
them. If not, they soon move off, seeking 9. Loungeroom, decorated with broken
easier prey. couches and what were once luxurious
chairs. 50% chance of a solitary Giant
Ruined Manor Spider, newly arrived and hidden in the
The old Magnus manor house sits on a low hill in high rafters.
one of the moor’s drier regions. Once a proud
and imposing outpost on the borderlands, what 10. Music room containing a variety of wind,
remains is a silent ruin; dark stone walls worn and string and drum instruments, most of
crumbling, evidenced by numerous piles of which have been broken. 50% chance of
collapsed brick, fields and gardens completely locating an intact, rare oak flute, worth
overgrown with shrubs and weeds. 1d6 x 50 gp.
Scouting the area reveals the tracks of several 11. Reading room with a small desk and some
humanoids, leading to the front door (a great sitting chairs, most of them badly burnt,
success on the Perc (Detection) test also spots along with walls and floor. The ceiling is
some mucus droplets). badly smoke stained. 50% chance of a
headless skeleton still wearing an ivory
Sunlight penetrates the outer rooms during the ring (2d6 x 10gp).
day, but at night the interior is mostly unlit, barring
lantern light from Areas 4 and 11. Inside are 12. Servants dining room with a largely
wooden floorboards, tiles and masonry walls and undamaged table. Whatever chairs were
ceilings with exposed beams. GMs will note that once in here have been removed. 1d4+1
many of the interior rooms are not numbered on charmed barbarians or beastmen (50/50
the map. For unnumbered rooms, roll 1d20 and chance) are here, drinking, boasting
consult the following table below to determine and/or wrestling.
their nature:
13. Guest room with one more single beds, a
1-5 Spare or empty room (possibly in “mid clothes chest and small table, all of which
renovation” when the manor was sacked); have chopped into pieces by some kind of
nothing of interest. axe. There is a 30% chance of 1 x Trinkets
& Curios in the debris.
6. A small bedroom or sitting room,
decorated in feminine style, most of the 14. Wine cellar or small brewery room,
furniture broken or otherwise defiled. containing empty racks or broken barrels
50% chance of 1 x Trinkets & Curios. with no remaining fluids. The barrels are
still highly flammable despite the passage
of time.
Upper Map
Area 4 – Guardroom
This 15 ft room was once a small sitting room, and
contains old stools, motheaten chairs and a
Area 1 – Entry reading desk. 1d4+3 charmed Skorn wait here,
Entry to the manor might be via several means: the sentinels for their new alien friends. They will
overgrown path leads to the front door which was attempt to scare the party away with a show of
broken down decades ago. Alternatively, there are strength (loud hooting, lifting something heavy or
wall breaches large enough to squeeze through to breaking a chair) before resorting to actual
the north, east and west, or the back door (also violence. They understand that their friends do
broken down) might be utilised. Explorers keen to not wish to be disturbed by outsiders, but not
enter by unconventional means might also scale much more than that.
the building (Str (Athletics) check) and enter via a
window or ceiling hole (of which there are several, Skorn (Beastmen), AC 11, HD 1, Club 1d6+1, 19:
or tiles might simply be pulled up to make a new the target is clubbed in the head, losing its next
hole). action (Luck (Will) save resists), S15 D10 C13 I7
P12 W8 Ch8, L4, Mv 30 ft. Advantage on checks
Area 2 – Back Gardens to sense danger or detecting scents.
The rear gardens include large willow trees and
what were once sculpted hedges, well overgrown Area 5 – Secondary Pantry
into a huge tangle of wild plant life. A pack of 3d4 This 12 ft by 8 ft room was once a storage room or
Wolves (including 25% cubs) have made their den secondary pantry, and still has a number of old
beneath the shrubbery, and will defend it against barrels and empty crates within. Most of the
encroachers, growling menacingly. barrels are broken, or contain salt, but one tucked
away at the back contains potent whiskey. If the
Wolf, AC 12, HD 1+2, Bite 1d4+1, 19: target is brew can be conveyed to a dealer, it is worth 1d4
knocked prone, S13 D14 C15 I2 P12 W10 Ch6, x 100 gp.
L4, 60 ft. Advantage when tracking and on attack
rolls when flanking. A nest of small poisonous vipers are hidden
amongst the largest crates. Disturbing them risks a
Area 12 – Stairs
This approximately 12 ft by 12 ft room is
essentially an oversized landing for the western
Skitter Eye, AC 13, HD 1 hp, 2 x Claws 1 + stairs (an equivalent room mirrors the eastern
poison, 19: special, S5 D14 C7 I4 P17 W15 Ch3, stairs). The walls are panelled wood and dark
L4, Mv 30 ft. On a natural 19 attack roll, the target black stains mark the floor from some desperate
is momentarily hypnotised by the pulsating eye, battle decades before. A Perc (Detection) check
losing its next action (Luck (Will) save resists). The notices small mucus droplets on the floor, leading
skitter’s poison causes 1d3 Will loss (Luck (Con) into the northern hallway, then trailing off towards
save for half). the east wing.
Skitter Eyes are 5 inch blood red mutants from If the barbarians in Area 11 are aware of the PCs,
another planet, the bizarre merging of a furtive, they take up barricading positions here, firing their
yellowed eyeball and six spindly, insectoid legs. bows and dropping large stones from above (Luck
They skitter across the floor, walls and ceiling with (Dex) save to avoid 3d6 damage).
surprising celerity, leaping up to 10 ft to attack
their prey. A skitter’s foot claw injects a numbing Area 13 – Grand Hall
poison; targets reduced to zero Will are rendered This 35 ft by 15 ft hall is richly appointed with leafy
unconscious. Skitters have animal like intelligence, frescos, elaborate cornicing and moth eaten (but
and if raised as a hatchling may be trained as site once luxurious) dark blue curtains. A lavish
guardians or concealable bodyguards. fireplace adorns the western wall, set with a life size
alabaster statue of a man holding a book and staff
If the aliens are defeated and the room searched, (a tribute to a long dead historian and reputed
a two inch yellow fibrous cocoon is located wizard).
beneath the large table. 1d4 half inch scarlet skitter
eggs are inside (males only). They are due to hatch The walls, ceiling and floorboards are badly
in 3d4 weeks. If sold, a collector of rare insects damaged; indeed a large 5 ft hole occupies the
might pay up to 500 gp per egg/hatchling. central floor. The room otherwise appears empty.
Area 14 - Library
This roughly 15 ft x 25 ft chamber was once a
library, its many bookshelves and reading desk
broken, shattered or burnt. Most of the tomes and
maps are ash, all but one: an archaic map from the
prior age, written in a dead language. If translated,
the map ostensibly reveals directions to Yusu
Kherra, sunken city of the underlake.
A single n’tarc is meditating in the tower room As long as the n’tarc portal stands, the aberrants
when the party arrive, its consciousness elsewhere have a connection back to their home dimension,
in space and time, sensing somehow the terrible which allows them to remain manifest in the
history of the house, and the atrocities that Midlands (and send the occasional farmer back
occurred here. The alien is in a highly distracted through it).
state and will not notice the party unless they
provide some obvious impetus. If the n’tarc is Damaging the portal beyond repair requires
snapped out of its reverie, it is automatically 3d10+40 hp damage (the structure is immune to
surprised and reacts hostilely. piercing based damage, such as arrows, and
reduces all other non-magical damage by 3 points).
If the portal is destroyed, the n’tarc are instantly
sucked back into the void, never to return. Any
humans in the room must make a Luck save to
avoid being sucked in with them (instantly killing
PCs, or at the GM’s discretion, leading to strange
adventures in another reality).
Dropped by Skanta or his helpers.
Delph, the Red Nosed Lundfrend. Blonde, pale, 6 ½ feet of scary ass muscle. Delph is ex-military, burnt out and
pissed off. He was dishonourably discharged after an unfortunate dancing routine cost him his nose (of which only a
red smear remains). Surprisingly skilled unarmed combatant and chemist.
spikes (as dagger). His knuckles are tattooed with from the following tricks five times per combat:
the Varnori words styrgg (naughty) and trevlug Choking Dust, Hidden Blade, Quick Reflexes,
(nice). Smoke Bomb, Cat’s Grace, Flash Powder, Rapid
Dose, Unseen Whip, Blind Sense, Glue Pot.
Skanta is a 6 ½ ft Varnori, 50’s with ruddy skin and
a silver beard. He is lively and quick, belying his Skanta is a veteran climber and roof ninja and has
age and corpulent build. Skanta has a cheeky advantage on climbing and parkour related tests.
twinkle in his eye, and irrepressibly hails any street When bloodied, 2d6 Skanta’s Little Helpers
walkers he sees with the declaration “Ho Ho Ho”, appear to aid him from nearby rooftops, alleyway,
“Vixen!” and so on. etc. Skanta’s sack contains the grisly head of
Krampus, plus 1 x 6 HD Lair Treasure and a
Skanta Claws, Boss Monster, AC 14, HD 13 (99 Cradle of Formlessness Potion which he only uses
hp), Claw 1d6+4 and Whip 1d4+3 + target tripped, as a desperate last resort.
pulled or disarmed (Luck (Str) save resists), 19:
with a wink of his eye and a twist of his head, 1d8 Skanta’s Little Helpers (Sprites/Pixies), AC 12,
Skanta’s Little Helpers appear from nearby HD 1 hp, Knife/Arrow 1d2 + poison, 19: target
rooftops or alleyways to aid him, S15 D16 C17 I14 cursed and loses 1 Luck, S3 D17 C5 I12 P13 W15
P15 W18 Ch14, L13, Mv 30. Skanta is a Boss C5, L3, Mv fly 30 ft.
Monster with all the usual benefits.
Depending on their direction of approach, the 6. 2d4 Rovog Ogres can be heard throwing
party might find signs of skorn (northern skull large rocks at a beastman they’ve trapped
poles), ogres (large footprints in the west) or odd against a ruined wall. If rescued, the
humanoid tracks (strangely mismatched (mutated) beastman might have useful information
footprints of urgot in the east). or assist in gaining an audience with the
Ruin Encounters
As the party explores the ruins, there is a 30%
chance of a random encounter every few hours. If
an encounter occurs, roll 1d8:
The interior is dimly lit in the day or dark at night, Manticore, AC 13, HD 7, 2 x Claws 1d6, Bite 1d8
with ancient stairs leading to four distinct levels. and 1d6 Tail Spikes 1d6+1, 19: special, S19 D16
One floor is especially damaged and requires a C16 I3 P12 W15 Ch6, L5, Mv 60 ft. The
Luck (Dex) save to avoid collapse (dropping manticore may fire its tail spikes up to 180 ft. On
adventurers 30 ft). Any furniture here is broken a 19+ attack roll, the target is knocked prone or
and decayed, but a handful of stone benches and moved 1d4 x 5 ft in any direction (Luck (Str) save
fire places remain. A thorough search unearths 1 resists).
x Valuables hidden in a cache behind a sliding
stone. (2) Shaggash Skorn
The northern ruins are controlled by 2d100 + 80
The tower was originally home to a noble recluse, beastmen (half of whom are too young to fight),
but the current occupant is an elderly Manticore. spread over a wide area of individual buildings.
The beast is usually sleeping and is considered Sharpened stakes are dug into the ground in some
sacred by the Shaggash, who worship him as one places to form crude perimeters, and skull poles
of their totems. The skorn occasionally offer the mark the skorn’s territory.
If the ogres are defeated, their cave like ruins The monastery is not without guardians. 2d4
contain 1 x 4 HD Lair Treasure. Shades linger here, sacred warriors who dedicated
their souls to Ashabat and the Nezarim’s path.
(5) Tomb of Mor Thûrim They silently follow any intruders, hoping to pick
After the Mor Thûrim longbeards slew the last of off stragglers or otherwise ambush them. The
Ashabat’s residents, they held a week long feast, skorn, urgot and ogres are aware of the guardians,
celebrating their victory and the restoration of their and do not enter the monastery.
ancestor’s honour. Hundreds of dead were
entombed beneath the city’s meeting hall, which
was repurposed as a tomb, and consecrated with
the rune of the Stone Father.
Drar Fjorg, AC 15 (chain shirt and shield), HD 5. 3d6 Cyclopes lair in a nearby cave system,
4+4, Axe 1d8+2, 19: injury, S15 D13 C14 I10 P12 picking off skorn, thuel and ogres as
W13 Ch10, L7, Mv 30 ft. May rage like a meals. If killed, 1d4 thuel of the Yellow
Barbarian three times per combat. May use his Tusks clan are tied up as captives, along
shield to negate a single directional attack. with 2 x Carry Loot and 1 x Valuables.
Area 2 – Shrine
This small pyramid mausoleum is 30 ft on each
side, made of basalt and quartz, marked with the
skull mask icon of ancient Baalec. Various Area 3 – Skeletal Horsemen
religious and warding scripts are etched into the The main ravine leading to the valley proper is
corners in Old Ramoran, reciting hymns of protected by a contingent of 3d6 Skeletal
devotion, honour and eternal service. Horsemen; poor souls cursed as unthinking
undead by long perished necromancers. Any
There is no door, but with the right tools and humans or other intelligent living creatures
sufficient time the tomb may be ruptured. Defilers entering this area are charged by the mounted
must make a Luck (Con) save or suffer Baleful warriors, their skeletal horses sending up plumes
Withering (magical curse, lose 1d3 Str each day of dust as they thunder towards the PCs.
until zero Str, at which point turned into dust. Gain
a new save each dawn). Skeletal Horsemen, AC 15, HD 3+2, Spear
1d6+3, 19: a defeated skeleton reanimates to aid
Inside the tomb are various embalming pots this one, S15 D7 C18 I- P12 W- Ch- L5, Mv 60 ft.
containing the innards of the skeletal horseman in The skeletal horseman cause double damage
Area 3, as well as 1 x 4 HD Lair Treasure (LFG when they charge, and gain the usual mounted
p.140). If the innards are destroyed, the horsemen benefits (LFG p.50). They are immune to piercing
shatter into fragments of bone. projectiles such as arrows, and automatically detect
living creatures within 60 ft.
Ochre Jelly, AC 11, HD 8, Pseudopod 2d8, 19: Area 8 – City Entrance Tunnel
the jelly splits in two, S18 D10 C16 I2 P13 W16 Huge 20 ft wide, 40 ft tall basalt doors, decorated
Ch1 L9, Mv 30 ft inc walls, ceiling, etc. Jellies with the skull mask icon of Baalec, are set into the
absorb any adventurer reduced to zero hit points valley wall. The doors are shut and sealed with a
in one round, making recovery of the body None Shall Pass spell at 4th level. Devotees of Baal
impossible. They are immune to fire and split in may open the doors without effort. Alternatively,
two via cold damage (divide hit points in half). with sufficient time and right tools, the doors may
be breached to allow access.
Area 7 – Rock Spire Watchers
These tall rock pillars are 70 ft higher than the Beyond the doors is a 20 ft wide corridor,
valley walls. Perched atop each are 3d6 Winged gradually descending for 200 ft before emerging
Abominations; 4 ft tall blasphemous fusings of into a hidden valley.
man, avian and reptile, bound together with dark
By a quirk of fate, a primordial dragon skeleton Of most import is a locked trophy room (Dex
was unearthed when the craters formed. After (Traps & Locks) check to open), trapped with a
generations of exposure to the fortress’ poison needle (Luck (Dex) save or paralysed hand
necromantic power, the wyrm’s skeleton for 1d6 days). Inside are stuffed animals and
reanimated as undead. humanoids, including various humans, a dwarf,
and an elf. The elf is wearing a mithral breastplate
The unholy monstrosity is mindless, and knows (worth 1d8 x 1,000 gp to the right buyer).
only the base instinct of hunger. It seeks to devour
any and all living creatures it detects. The dragon’s Area 9 – Necromancers’ Tower
animus is inextricably bound to the citadel; it The necromancers’ 90 ft tower is fashioned of
cannot exit the boundaries of the hidden valley (if black basalt, highlighted with capstones of shiny
forced outside, it permanently deanimates). obsidian. The entire structure has been magically
preserved throughout the ages and is in excellent
Undead Dragon, Boss Monster, AC 22, HD 18 condition. The tower is windowless, with a single
(154 hp), 2 Claws 2d10 and Bite 3d10+2, 19: stone entry door patterned with white glyphs.
special, S23 D14 C23 I- P18 W- Ch-, L16, Mv 60
ft or 120 ft flying. Boss monster with all the usual The door is protected by a None Shall Pass ward
benefits, and Dragon traits. The skeletal dragon
at 7th level (manifests as skeletal hands holding the
may breathe a 240 ft long, 60 ft wide cone of
impenetrable life leeching shadow, causing 16d8 door shut), but may be broken apart with sufficient
damage and 1d6 Str loss (Luck (Con) save for half, time (albeit noisily, drawing the attention of the
30% recharge at start of undead dragon’s turn). dragon in Area 7, and abominations within).
If the undead dragon is defeated, its bones and The interior is remarkably well preserved,
teeth are worth 2d4 x 1,000 gp to the right primarily consisting of a series of bedrooms,
collector/alchemist/artificer. A handful of scales laboratories and a grand library, still holding many
may also be retrieved, enough to fashion a single forbidden tomes (3d6 x 100 gp to the right buyer,
weapon, shield or armour piece (special qualities as well as 1d3+1 Scrolls).
left to GM discretion).
As a general rule, in the confines of the Midlands,
goblins are nowhere to be found. Nor are
bugbears, gnolls, kobolds, orcs and many other
monstrous races. But this rarity does not
necessarily mean such creatures do not exist. In
the heart of the Wistwood, hidden deep
underground, far from the stinging rays of the sun,
lairs a singular tribe of unique greenskins: the
Gryndersnouts are 4 ft tall, with blotchy green skin,
small pointed ears and bulging, oversized noses
(through which they snort regularly, similar to
horses). Despite substantial numbers, and control
of the western tunnels, Gryndersnouts are quick to
flee from real danger. A sibling duo, the
Jabbernook Brothers, rule the clan. Having fought
together for more than 700 years, the Jabbernooks
demonstrate uncanny synchronicity when fighting
Random Encounters
There is a 30% chance of a random encounter
every hour the party spends in the vault, or any
time the adventurers engage in conduct that is
particularly loud. Although the goblins are initially
hibernating, they are unlikely to stay that way the
further the intruders delve. If an encounter occurs,
roll 1d8, adding a cumulative +1 for each incident
of party “loudness”.
Inserting a foot into the barbs causes no damage, The walls here are painted with goblin murals
but pulling it out quickly inflicts 3d6 damage and a depicting huge underground hives of greenskins
likely foot injury (Luck (Con) save at disadvantage sheltering from flaming suns. A secret door is
to negate the injury; entry 3 on Injuries & Setbacks hidden on the western wall (Perc (Det) check to
table). Extracting the foot slowly over 2d4 rounds spot the outline, opens by depressing a pressure
causes 1d8 damage only. plate in a goblin’s chest). The 10 ft by 13 ft
chamber within houses the sleeping Jabbernook
Part 2 of the trap is linked to a timer and activates brothers and their valuables (small chests holding
the round after a PC becomes trapped in a foot 1 x 2 HD Lair Treasure).
snare: a hatch drops from the ceiling, dumping a
barrel of tar like, highly flammable oil onto the Area G – Ancestor & Sleeping Chambers
victim (causes 2d8 damage if the victim has a torch The northern chamber, and two eastern most
or other open flame). If the character has a shield rooms, each contain 5d6 sleeping goblins (one of
or similar large item, they make a Luck (Dex) save each of the three clans). Clearing each space earns
to deflect the majority of the oil (half damage). 1 x Carry Loot.
After the oil has dropped, a grinding sound can be
heard as the firing ports concealed in the goblin
heads rotate to take aim at the triggered area. If
more than one PC is trapped, the heads divide up
the targets.
The worship chamber is watched over by a Goblin 1. Kitchen and/or Mess Hall, including
Stoneblood named Zornog, cursed by dark magic benches, carving implements, bowls, and
to watch over the bones of the founders. pantries containing barrels of rotted food,
hard tack, and other foodstuffs.
Zornog has been quiet for more than five hundred
years, and will be slow to awaken (1d4 rounds). 2. A filthy latrine Cesspit is located here,
Once activated however, the half goblin half stone possibly with a resident Slop Gorger in
sentinel will not stop until all intruders are hibernation.
3. A deep water Well is located here, with a
chain bucket. The well is big enough for
person to be winched down. Goblin
crawlways litter the walls. Whether there
are further tunnels below is up to the GM.
Journey Encounters
The trollbridge is located in high cliffs overlooking
coastal waters, at least 5 days trek from Crow’s
Keep, through increasingly hilly and mountainous
terrain. Whilst travelling there is a 40% chance of
an encounter every 12 hours. If an encounter
occurs, roll 1d10 or select from the following:
Area 1 - Highbridge
The ancient stone bridge is 70 ft long and 15 ft obvious stone staircase and secondary bridge,
wide, fashioned of mountain granite, with high 4 ft which descends another 15 ft or so before joining
railings. Despite its great age, the bridge is in good a tunnel on the eastern face. Thick, oversized webs
repair, and will not crumble away if the can be seen wrapping about the lower bridgeway.
adventurers set foot on it.
If the party lingers on the bridge for any length of
From the apex of the bridge, the ravine drops time, the Trollspider in Area 7 will spot them and
approximately 200 ft to its lowest point, where a alert his kin with a strange clicking noise that
shallow and slow moving river runs north to south. echoes through the ravine.
About 25 ft down, on the western face, 3 arrow slits At the GM’s option, depending on the weather,
might be seen, although they are somewhat thick fog might shroud the lower confines of the
overgrown with clinging shrubs (Perc (Detection) ravine, concealing the secondary bridge or other
check at a -2 penalty). At about 60 ft down is an locations.
Gort sleeps atop the rocky shelf in the upper half Yellow Mould, AC 10 (automatic hit in melee),
of the cave, overlooking the rest of his kin. He has HD 3, Projectile Spore (see below), 19: the spore
2d4 spears that he can throw while taking half is extra strong, bursting in a 10 ft radius, S6 D- C16
cover (+2 AC) at the overhang’s edge. If the trolls I2 P14 W- Ch-, L6, Mv immobile. Yellow mould
are defeated and the cavern searched, 1 x Carry is immobile but attacks by way of projectile spores
Loot is found hidden amongst the furs and small up to 60 ft that burst in a 10 ft diameter. Failing a
piles of bones. Luck (Con) save against the spores means that the
adventurer dies a horrible choking death in 1d6
rounds. An adventurer protecting their nose and
mouth with a mask gains advantage on the check.
Area 14 - Stream
A shallow, low lying river (approx 25 ft deep) runs
north to south along the bottom of the ravine.
Swimming across is generally straight forward but
jumping requires a Str (Athletics) check at
disadvantage (the run up is uneven and littered
with scree). The trolls might use the river to try and
drown heavily armoured PCs, or douse
themselves if on fire.
If the trolls are slain and Thraani lives, she is
proud to have avenged her tribe, but flooded with
deep sorrow, and uncertain as to her future.
Depending on how the adventure unfolded, the
barbarian might offer her services to a PC of
similar views and martial prowess as a loyal
henchmen. Any troll blood the party manages to
return to Siripid is gladly paid for, with the
alchemist keeping the party in mind for future
Tower Approach
The tower itself is located at Area C on a high
bluff. There are two primary approaches,
following old, overgrown paths ascending the rise
from opposite directions.
with all the usual benefits. He is fearless to the Vardova comes here to feed when he has the
point of recklessness, leading his “tribe” from the choice, reluctant to eat in his tower lair, given the
front or not at all. mess that usually results. Searching through the
remains garners 1 x Valuables hidden in the
Malmogg respects the manticore’s strength and bottom of a boot.
serves him in the hope of convincing the beast to
destroy his old clan. He might let the party pass There is a 50% chance 1d4+1 Giant Worker Ants
the bridge for a suitable bribe, but only if he gauges are at the site when the PCs arrive, picking over
them as little more than a snack for Vardova. If some recent corpses. If they detect the party, they
defeated, the exiles have 1 x Carry Loot hidden prefer to carry a live human back to their nest
amongst their bedding and travelling furs. instead. If the workers are killed, 3d6 Giant
Soldier Ants swarm the area in 1d6 x 10 minutes.
Area B – Manticore Feasting Ground
The top of this 50 ft high cliff is blood stained and Giant Worker Ant, AC 13, HD 2, Bite 1d6, 19:
scattered with bones, old and new. At the bottom knocks prone, S16 D10 C16 I1 P10 W10 Ch4,
are more skeletons, overgrown with glass and L5, Mv 40 ft and may climb walls, ceilings etc.
other plant life. Workers may swarm a target, gaining +1 to hit for
each additional ant beyond the first (max +4).
The entry hall beyond is compact and covered in The laboratory is dusty, tables laden with beakers,
dust. A few long dead pot plants sit by windows, flasks and chemical stains, all manner of strange
along with walking sticks, boots, hooded walking bric a brac (organs, crystals, powders, etc) scattered
cloaks on wall pegs, and so on. A short corridor about or stored in pots, boxes, etc. The various
leads to a decaying lounge covered in mildew, ritual components are worth 1 x 4 HD Lair
stairs wind up to level 2, and a door opens into a Treasure.
The lab is watched over by twin guardians. Whilst
Sometime after the sorceress died, the bathroom the young sorceress lived, she animated two sets of
was taken over by 3d4+5 Horned Worms that spiked armour to serve her. Originally charged
burrowed their way through the buckled northern with patrolling the tower grounds, the suits were
wall. The room is covered in worm faeces and temporarily housed in Area 2 for minor repairs
smells awful. The invertebrates sleep by day and just before their mistress died (each suit shows
hunt by night, sometimes daring to scavenge the signs of denting, etc). Although motionless for
manticore’s left overs. Vardova is aware of the decades, the guardians creak to life if the PCs
infestation and pays it no heed. pocket any of the lab’s valuables (adhering to their
prime directive).
Horned Worm, AC 13, HD 1d4 hp, Bite 1d3+1,
19: worm’s horns emit a hypnotic hum (Luck Animated Armour, AC 14, HD 6, Spiked Mace
(Will) save or lose next action), S3 D14 C8 I2 P14 2d8, 19: opponent’s weapon is shattered by a
W6 Ch4 L3, Mv 20 ft or 5 ft burrowing. Bite has spiked mace (Luck (Dex) save resists, magical
a 50% chance of Puckering Filth, causing 1d3 Dex weapons are damaged/unusable until repaired),
loss each day until bedridden at zero Dex. A Luck S17 D8 C18 I- P14 W- Ch-, L8, Mv 30 ft. The
If you’re never seen Willow, stop reading this and
go watch it right now! You’re welcome.
The rat cannot be defeated through brute force, 1. “I dunno, it’s magic or something”.
magical or otherwise. It is immune to hostile
sorcery, including charms and suggestions, and its 2. “Bloody stupid adventure writer obviously
outer flesh far too thick to be pierced by tiny didn’t think about that. Let’s handwave it
weapons. The vermin has an acute sense of smell, for now.”
good enough to track down a slow moving invisible
target, and is much too fast to outrun. 3. “I hear what you’re saying, but hold up let
me just check something… (rolls dice)
Swallowed PCs are immediately engulfed in uhuh - RANDOM ENCOUNTER!”
darkness, soaked in saliva and battered by the
tongue and oesophageal pipe before being Random Encounters
shunted into the stomach moments later (see Area
The party’s first stop is the stomach (see Area 2)
2 below).
where they must contend with bubbling acid and
The PCs might become involved in this adventure grinding walls. If they survive that location, the PCs
by (i) finding the Golden Rat as treasure, (ii) being are pushed through a number of other dangerous
paid to retrieve it by a wealthy antique collector, or places before any real chance of escape arises.
(iii) the GM running the scenario as a dream the
whole party shares when camped in the deep Whilst moving between locations, there is a 90%
woods one night during a blood moon. chance of a random encounter. If an encounter
occurs, roll 1d6:
Fluctuating Size
As the adventure progresses, the party continues
to change size, sometimes shrinking to 1. 2d6 White Blood Cells appear from the
microscopic form, other times enlarging back to a blood steam or emerge from membrane
few millimetres tall. Upon escaping the rat they are walls. They instinctively attack the PCs as
restored to normal size. foreign bodies, seeking to absorb and
neutralise them.
At the microscopic level, a bluish bioluminescence
covers everything, allowing the PCs to see long White Blood Cells, AC 13, HD 3, Partial
distances (relatively speaking). Additionally, while Ingestion 2d4+1, 19: special, S16 D7 C16 I- P12
at this size, their basic life functions are magically
W- Ch-, L6, Mv 30 ft. White Blood Cells absorb
maintained without the need to drink, eat or
breathe. This elementary protection does not foreign bodies, breaking down their constituent
extend to injuries, exhaustion, disease and so on. parts and eradicating them. On a 19+ attack roll, a
piece of random non-magical equipment is
Although magically shifting size is not ideal from a destroyed (1d4: (i) weapon, (ii) armour, (iii) shield,
consistency point of view, it allows the PCs to (iv) other). The cells are relentless; if an adventurer
interact with a wider variety of locations and is reduced to zero hp, and the body not recovered
hazards within the rat’s body. Given the degree of in one round, the PC dies.
suspension of disbelief already required for this
adventure, a little more probably won’t hurt.
Organ Locations
Area 8 - Brain
PC’s deposited into the brain press through the
protective membrane in microscopic form. The
brain landscape appears as an all-encompassing
field of white flesh, interlaced with huge, scarlet
red fissures of canyon like proportions. Between
the brain and skull floats a colourless sea which the
PCs effectively float in; the cerebral fluid.
Movement in this area is effectively swimming.
The rat’s back nasal passage is completely blocked Although there is no obvious reward at the end of
with mucus, so much so that it cannot breathe this adventure (apart from perhaps a tall tale that
through its nose. As a result of the blockage, there not even their grandchildren will believe), if the
is no chance the party will be inhaled back down party meet any rats, giant rats or dire rats in the
into the lungs. future, the verminous beasts are automatically
cowed by the PCs, bowing their heads in
Unfortunately it also means the adventurers must submission before slinking away.
“swim” through air towards the nostril exits using
their own motion, an ordeal that will take some At the GM’s discretion, a single PC might develop
considerable time, sped along by outside breezes this ability further over time (similar to additional
circulating through the nasal cavity. At the GM’s magical item attunements). With study and
discretion, a random encounter check might be practice, the PC unravels the riddle of the golden
called for. rat, learning to summon and control vermin and
vermin like monsters.
Before the PCs may escape, there is one final
hazard to contend with. A cold virus has been
multiplying here, and millions of wriggling,
spasming virions (virus particles that have not yet
attached to a living cell) are tumbling in the air,
forming a kind of biological asteroid field.
Warning: this is not a normal Adventure
Framework. Taking inspiration from 2e’s Reverse
Dungeon module, in this scenario the players take
control of the monsters and their underground
lair. The players’ objective is to defend their
subterranean complex, holding together a
monstrous alliance in the midst of a concerted
assault by NPC adventurers.
If only the Owlbear is available, it is uniquely intelligent
with Int 8 and speaks a chirping/screeching common, and
has a mute skorn slave to open doors, etc for it.
2 Catastrophic failure
3-4 Failure
5-6 Success with great cost
7-8 Success with minor cost
9-11 Success
12 Great Success
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