Testing Computational Toxicology Models With Phytochemicals

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186 DOI 10.1002/mnfr.200900259 Mol. Nutr. Food Res.

2010, 54, 186–194


Testing computational toxicology models with


Luis G. Valerio, Jr.1, Kirk B. Arvidson2, Emily Busta2, Barbara L. Minnier1,3, Naomi L. Kruhlak1
and R. Daniel Benz1
Informatics and Computational Safety Analysis Staff, Science and Research Staff, Office of Pharmaceutical
Science, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, US Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD, USA
Division of Food Contact Notifications, US Food and Drug Administration, Center for Food Safety and Applied
Nutrition, Office of Food Additive Safety, College Park, MD, USA
GlobalNet Services, Inc., Rockville, MD, USA

Computational toxicology employing quantitative structure–activity relationship (QSAR) Received: June 4, 2009
modeling is an evidence-based predictive method being evaluated by regulatory agencies for Revised: August 6, 2009
risk assessment and scientific decision support for toxicological endpoints of interest such as Accepted: August 8, 2009
rodent carcinogenicity. Computational toxicology is being tested for its usefulness to support
the safety assessment of drug-related substances (e.g. active pharmaceutical ingredients,
metabolites, impurities), indirect food additives, and other applied uses of value for protecting
public health including safety assessment of environmental chemicals. The specific use of
QSAR as a chemoinformatic tool for estimating the rodent carcinogenic potential of phyto-
chemicals present in botanicals, herbs, and natural dietary sources is investigated here by an
external validation study, which is the most stringent scientific method of measuring
predictive performance. The external validation statistics for predicting rodent carcinogenicity
of 43 phytochemicals, using two computational software programs evaluated at the FDA, are
discussed. One software program showed very good performance for predicting non-
carcinogens (high specificity), but both exhibited poor performance in predicting carcinogens
(sensitivity), which is consistent with the design of the models. When predictions were
considered in combination with each other rather than based on any one software, the
performance for sensitivity was enhanced, However, Chi-square values indicated that the
overall predictive performance decreases when using the two computational programs with
this particular data set. This study suggests that complementary multiple computational
toxicology software need to be carefully selected to improve global QSAR predictions for this
complex toxicological endpoint.

Computational toxicology / Phytochemicals / Quantitative structure–activity
relationship / Rodent carcinogenicity / Safety assessment

1 Introduction products. Phytochemicals are natural products and are

present as constituents in conventional foods, components
Phytochemicals are widely prevalent in normal dietary of natural mixtures (e.g. flavoring agents, botanicals) used as
sources and can be found in many regulated consumer food ingredients, and botanical extracts used as ingredients

Correspondence: Dr. Luis G. Valerio, Jr., Informatics and E-mail: Luis.Valerio@fda.hhs.gov

Computational Safety Analysis Staff, Science and Research Fax: 11-301-796-9997
Staff, Office of Pharmaceutical Science, Center for Drug
Evaluation and Research, US Food and Drug Administration, Abbreviations: v2, Chi-square; LMA, Leadscope Model Applier;
White Oak 51 Room 4128, 10903 New Hampshire Ave., Silver QSAR, quantitative structure–activity relationship
Spring, MD 20993-0002, USA

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Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 2010, 54, 186–194 187

in dietary supplements and botanical drug products. toxicology software programs is being employed
Unfortunately, a common problem with these substances is to help support regulatory decision-making in the safety
the lack of toxicology data that are useful for evaluating the evaluation of human pharmaceuticals, their metabolites,
safety of chronic human exposure. Chronic toxicity of a and impurities, and indirect food additives [6, 9–14].
chemical is often pivotal evidence for regulatory decision- Given the aforementioned rationale for regulatory use
making on the safety of the product in which the chemical is of in silico approaches, its potential application with diverse
present. The carcinogenicity endpoint is among the most sets of chemicals, and the data poor situation for
important chronic toxicities used to assess risk for human phytochemicals in terms of available chronic toxi-
exposure to chemicals and in safety evaluations of regulated cology study data, the use of in silico modeling for predicting
products. Regulatory guidance recommends the use of 2- rodent carcinogenicity of these substances is of significant
year rodent carcinogenicity studies in two species and sexes interest. The purpose of the present study was to examine
to support the safety of US Food and Drug Administration the utility of in silico QSAR-based tools in current use at the
(FDA) regulated products (http://www.fda.gov/downloads/ FDA (ICSAS and DFCN) for predicting rodent carcino-
drugs/guidancecomplianceregulatoryinformation/guidances/ genicity by employing two computational software programs
ucm078924.pdf [1], and there is internationally to screen a data set of 43 phytochemicals. Predictive
harmonized guidance (http://www.fda.gov/downloads/ performance was validated by comparing computational
drugs/guidancecomplianceregulatoryinformation/guidances/ predictions with empirical data. This analysis is considered
ucm074911.pdf) [2]. Evidence that a chemical is a rodent to be an external validation study because the phytochem-
carcinogen can adversely impact the regulatory approval of icals that were screened in silico were not used to construct
products and knowledge of carcinogenic potential is of great the predictive QSAR models used by the computational
importance to protecting public health [3]. Although the need software.
for rodent carcinogenicity study data for a chemical is great,
relatively few substances, especially phytochemicals, have
been tested for carcinogenicity. There are several practical 2 Materials and methods
reasons for the lack of carcinogenicity test data, including the
exorbitant financial cost ($3 million for species/sex standar- 2.1 Computer hardware and computational
dized study), intensive resources (experts and review) and the software programs
long period of time required to conduct the study according
to standardized protocols such as those described in The computer hardware used for the computational toxi-
US FDA guidance documents [1]. These challenges not cology software programs in this study was a PC with
withstanding, assessing cancer risk for chemicals humans Microsoft Windows XP Professional version 2002. The
are exposed to in regulated products is important in the computational software programs used were Leadscope
context of hazard and risk characterization, which may lead to Model Applier (LMA) version 1.0, available from Leadscope
regulatory action, and for prioritization of these substances (www.leadscope.com) [15], and MC4PC version,
for further study in the interest of protecting public health available from MultiCASE (www.multicase.com) [16].
[3–5]. The following seven QSAR rodent carcinogenicity models
In silico methods have been proposed as a way to predict were employed with the LMA in the Rodent Carcinogenicity
both efficiently and accurately the outcome of rodent carci- suite: carc mouse, carc mouse female, carc
nogenicity studies on the scientific basis of structure–activity mouse male, carc rat, carc rat female, carc rat male, and in
relationships [6]. The use of in silico methods is now the Miscellaneous Toxicity Endpoint Suite: carc
supported in the EU by enacted legislation in reaction to rodent. The QSAR prediction paradigm used in the LMA
public desire to reduce the use of animals in testing [7]. software has been described previously [17]. The following
Moreover, these methods have been recommended by the seven QSAR rodent carcinogenicity models were employed
US National Research Council [8], and are considered to be with the MC4PC software: carcinogenicity – rodents
useful in setting testing priorities [8, 9]. In silico models of (1proprietary) AGU, carcinogenicity – rats (1proprietary)
rodent carcinogenicity using quantitative structure–activity AGV, carcinogenicity – male rats (1proprietary) AG1,
relationship (QSAR) analyses of phytochemicals have been carcinogenicity – female rats (1proprietary) AG2, carcino-
previously reported to be a predictive tool indicating some genicity – mice (1proprietary) AGW, carcinogenicity – male
degree of promise for predicting naturally occurring carci- mice (1proprietary) AG3, carcinogenicity – female mice
nogens derived from plants [6, 10]. At the US FDA Center (1proprietary) AG4.
for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER), Office of Phar- Details on how the carcinogenicity models were built
maceutical Science (OPS), Informatics and Computational (including the acceptance criteria for rodent carcinogenicity
Safety Analysis Staff (ICSAS), and the Center for Food data, classification, stratification, and scoring of rodent
Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN), Office of Food tumor findings) have been described previously [17, 18]. The
Additive Safety (OFAS), Division of Food Contact predictive paradigm for the QSAR computational software
Notifications (DFCN), the use of computational has also been described previously [17].

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188 L. G. Valerio et al. Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 2010, 54, 186–194

2.2 Data set predicted carcinogens from the total number of carcinogens.
Specificity is defined as the percentage of correctly
Forty-three phytochemicals with rodent carcinogenicity predicted non-carcinogens from the total number of non-
studies were identified from sources in the public domain as carcinogens. Positive predictivity is defined as the percen-
described previously [6]. Briefly, these substances are tage of correctly predicted carcinogens from the total
organic molecules with a known activity or inactivity for number of positive predictions from the test, and negative
rodent carcinogenicity. In addition, a data set of ten predictivity is defined as the percentage of correctly predic-
synthetic chemicals with known rodent carcinogenic activity ted non-carcinogens from the total number of negative
was added to the test to increase the robustness of the study predictions from the test. The false positives represent the
by adding statistical power to the analysis of predictive percentage of incorrectly classified non-carcinogens from
performance. The synthetic chemicals were a group of the total number of non-carcinogens. The false negative
constituents obtained from CFSAN files that are known parameter represents the percentage of incorrectly classified
carcinogenic chemicals [6]. All molecules described in this carcinogens from the total number of carcinogens.
study were non-proprietary and two-dimensional molecular Concordance is defined as the percentage of correctly
structures may be found in the public domain at the predicted non-carcinogens and carcinogens from the total
US National Library of Medicine’s PubChem web site number of chemicals tested. The w2 test is an overall
(http://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/). measure of the association between the predicted and
experimental results for the test chemicals, and is used to
express the degree of association relative to a confidence
2.3 Assessment of experimental evidence for rodent level (p-value). Coverage is a measure of the percentage of
carcinogenicity and external validation chemicals in the test set for which the model is able to make
experiment a prediction, and is a reflection of the relationship of the
molecular diversity of the training data set with the test
The assessment of experimental evidence for rodent carci- chemical being screened by the computational software
nogenicity was performed using published chronic bioassay program. Test chemicals containing structural features not
data and conclusions published in the US National Toxi- well represented in the training data set are considered to be
cology Program, International Agency for Research on uncovered and, consequently, no prediction call can be
Cancer, Priority-based Assessment of Food Additives, and made for them and these outputs by the computational
Gold Carcinogenicity Potency Database resources. Because software are referred to as ‘‘no call’’.
of the small number of phytochemicals with rodent carci-
nogenicity study data, the carcinogenicity of the phyto-
chemicals and synthetic chemicals was evaluated 2.5 Combining predictions from two software
irrespective of target organs for tumor formation. Any programs
positive or negative finding from the published literature of
carcinogenicity studies was based on the author’s opinion in Predictions from both MC4PC and LMA were combined to
the published paper. Phytochemicals lacking chronic carci- assess whether the overall predictive performance improved
nogenicity studies were excluded from this study. as compared with that of any single program. The following
In order to perform the external validation study, the protocol was used: if at least one of the two software programs
predictive performance of the rodent carcinogenicity QSAR predicted a test chemical (i.e. phytochemical) to be positive
models was tested with a set of 43 phytochemicals, then the molecule was given an overall positive call. The only
comprising 24 active (high carcinogenic potential) and 19 situation leading to an overall negative call was consequently
inactive (low carcinogenic potential) molecules, and a set of when both software programs gave negative (consensus)
ten synthetic chemicals to increase the robustness of the predictions. In cases where a test chemical was covered in
statistical analysis. None of the 53 external validation only one of the two software programs, the prediction from
chemicals were ever part of the QSAR model training data the single software program became the overall call. In the
sets. single case where a compound was uncovered by both soft-
ware, no overall call was made (i.e. ‘‘no call’’). The w2 test was
used to determine whether the degree of association between
2.4 Statistical analysis of predictive performance the combined predictions and experimental calls was higher
or lower than that of each software alone.
The QSAR model performance for predicting the carcino-
genicity endpoint was calculated according to the method of
Cooper et al. [19]. The parameters include sensitivity, 3 Results
specificity, positive predictivity, negative predictivity, false
positives, false negatives, concordance, and Chi-square (w2). The 43 phytochemicals used for this validation study are
The sensitivity index is defined as the percentage of correctly presented in Table 1, along with their respective natural

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Table 1. Forty-three phytochemicals tested with computational toxicology software programs in external validation

Phytochemical Natural occurrence

10 -Hydroxyestragole Basil, Ocimum basilicum; metabolite of estragole

2-Ethyl-1-hexanol Sassafras, Sassafras albidum; metabolite of safrole
5-Methoxypsoralen Parsley, Petroselinum sativum
6-Methylcoumarin Oregano, Origanum vulgare
Capsaicin Hot peppers, Capsicum annum
Dehydromonocrotaline Russian comfrey, Symphytum uplandicum
Estragole Basil, Ocimum basilicum
Heliotrine Russian comfrey, Symphytum uplandicum
Vanillin Vanilla, Vanilla planifolia
Ptaquilosin Bracken fern, Pteridum aquilinum
Ptaquilosin (APT) dienone Bracken fern, Pteridum aquilinum
Hydroxysenkirkine Medicinal herb, Crotalaria laburnifolia
4-Methylphenylhydrazine Edible mushroom, Agaricus bisporus; metabolite
Allyl hexanoate Tea tree oil, Melaleuca alternifolia; flavor
Anethole Fennel, Foeniculum vulgare
b-Apo-80 -carotenal Carrot, Paucus carota
Citrate Lemon, Citrus limon
Crotonaldehyde Potato, Solanum tuberosum
Curcumin Turmeric, Curcuma longa
Epicatechin Green tea, Camellia sinensis
Formic acid Carrot, Paucus carota
Gallic acid Mango, Mangifera indica
Indole Corn, Zea mays
Indole-3-acetic acid Strawberry fruit, Fragaria vesca
Linalool Apricots, Prunus armeniaca
Lipoic acid Spinach, Spinacia oleracea
Maltol Roasted coffee, Coffea Arabica
Piperonal Vanilla, Vanilla planifolia
Piperine Black pepper, Piper nigrum
Intermedine Comfrey, Symphytum Officinale
Isosafrole Oil of Sassafras, Sassafras albidum
Jacobine Ragwort herb, Senecio jacobaea
Lycopsamine Comfrey, Symphytum Officinale
Methylglyoxal Roasted coffee, Coffea arabica
Parasorbic acid Rowan berry, Sorbus aucubaria
Propionic acid Tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum
Retronecine Medicinal herb, Crotalaria laburnifolia
Senecionine Ragwort herb, Senecio jacobaea
Seneciphyllinine Ragwort herb, Senecio jacobaea
Tannic acid Tea, Camellia sinensis
Hydroxymethylphenylhydrazine Edible mushroom, Agaricus bisporus
1-Octacosanol Perilla seeds, Perilla frutescens
Protocatechuic acid Shallot onions, Allium cepa

sources, and the set of ten synthetic chemicals, which are determined high risk for inducing carcinogenicity in rodents,
known rodent carcinogens, are listed in Table 2. Together the program predicted only 47% of the compounds correctly.
these 53 compounds were run as a test set against the This sensitivity value is considered of low or poor perfor-
MC4PC and LMA computational software models in order mance. Concordance for accurate predictions was 63%, a
to assess each program’s respective performance in marginal value overall since it is only slightly above 50%.
predicting rodent carcinogenicity. However, a low false positive rate and high positive predic-
The predictive performance statistics for MC4PC on the 53 tivity (94%) was observed. A total of four phytochemicals were
natural and synthetic compounds are summarized in Table 3. not in the domain of applicability of the MC4PC QSAR
MC4PC made correct predictions for 94% of the phyto- training set, and thus a prediction could not be made for these
chemicals with experimentally determined low risk for rodent molecules (i.e. no call). The w2 test gave a value of 8.4835 with
carcinogenicity. This specificity value is considered to be of p 5 0.0036, showing the overall predictive performance of this
high performance. For phytochemicals with experimentally model to be highly statistically significant.

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Table 2. Ten synthetic chemicals known to be rodent carcinogens the phytochemicals with low risk for rodent carcinogenicity
tested with computational toxicology software programs and only 50% of the high-risk rodent carcinogens, leading to
in external validation an overall concordance of 53%. Positive predictivity was
higher at nearly 70% suggesting that when a positive
Synthetic chemicals
prediction is made it will be made with a higher level of
confidence for this class of chemicals; however, the negative
3-Chloro-1,2-propanediol predictivity was low at 38% suggesting that the opposite is
4-Aminoazobenzene true of negative predictions. A total of four phytochemicals
4-Hydroxyphenylacetamide were not in the domain of applicability of the LMA training
Ammonium perfluorooctanoic acid set, and thus a prediction could not be made (i.e. no call).
Diazoaminobenzene The w2 test resulted in a value of only 0.3470 with a
Dibutyltin diacetate
p value 5 0.5558, indicating a correlation between predicted
Permanent orange
Quinoline and experimental values that is not statistically significant.
Tri-n-butyl phosphate A comparison of the predictions made by MC4PC and
LMA software is provided in Table 5. Comparing the
predictions between MC4PC and LMA, 51% of the predic-
tions were concordant between the two programs while 49%
Table 3. External validation statistics for the MC4PC computational
of the predictions were non-concordant between the two
software program for predicting rodent carcinogenicity of programs. Of the concordant predictions, 63% corresponded
43 phytochemicals and ten synthetic dietary chemicals to low-risk predictions made by both of the programs.
based on QSAR analysis of seven models Within the non-concordant predictions, MC4PC made a
higher percentage of correct low-risk rodent carcinogenicity
Performance parameters: MC4PC Value
predictions. However, LMA correctly predicted a greater
number of high-risk calls (54%). An analysis of the predic-
Coverage 92%
Specificity 94% tive performance when combining the results was
Sensitivity 47% performed and is presented in Table 6. The protocol used
Concordance 63% for combining the results favored sensitivity by accepting
False positives 6% any single positive as the basis for an overall positive call.
False negatives 53% This led to more positive calls and an increase in sensitivity
Positive predictivity 94%
(to 68%) as compared with the use of any one software
Negative predictivity 48%
w2 8.4835 (p 5 0.0036)
program alone. Specificity slightly increased compared with
one software program but by comparison decreased with the
other program. However, the level of negative predictivity
was maintained upon combining results due the consensus-
derived negative calls. False positive and negative rates were
Table 4. External validation statistics for the Leadscope Model comparable. The increase in sensitivity while maintaining
Applier computational software program for predicting negative predictivity when results from two different
rodent carcinogenicity of 43 phytochemicals and ten computational toxicology software are combined supports
synthetic dietary chemicals based on QSAR analysis of
the use of multiple (two or more) computational software
seven models
packages in applications where tolerance for risk is low. The
Performance parameters: Value association between experimental carcinogenicity and the
Leadscope Model Applier combined predictions from the two software programs gave
a w2 index of w2 5 3.9878 with a p value of 0.0458. This
Coverage 92%
indicates a statistically significant association, but the asso-
Specificity 59%
Sensitivity 50%
ciation is lower than that of MC4PC used alone.
Concordance 53%
False positives 41%
False negatives 50% 4 Discussion
Positive predictivity 70%
Negative predictivity 38% Human exposure to phytochemicals occurs on a daily basis,
w2 0.3470 (p 5 0.5558)
mainly through dietary sources. However, few chronic toxi-
city studies have been conducted for this class of chemicals,
and this information is needed to help understand potential
Table 4 summarizes the performance parameters for the toxicological risks. Therefore, validated tools for risk assess-
LMA when assessing the 53 natural and synthetic ment of these substances would be useful to help assess their
compounds. The LMA was able to correctly predict 59% of safety. In the present study, the objective was to evaluate the

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Table 5. Concordance between the MC4PC overall rodent call and the LMA maximum positive prediction for rodent carcinogenic potential
for the 43 phytochemicals and ten synthetic chemicals

Phytochemical Experimental MC4PC overall LMA Concordance (O) or

evidence based rodent call overall rodent call non-concordance (x) of
carcinogenic risk MC4PC prediction with
LMA prediction

10 -Hydroxyestragole High   O
1-Octacosanol Low   O
2-Ethyl-1-hexanol High 1  x
4-Methylphenylhydrazine High 1 1 O
5-Methoxypsoralen High 1 1 O
6-Methylcoumarin High 1  x
Allyl hexanoate Low   O
Anethole Low  1 x
b-Apo-8’carotenal Low No call  x
Capsaicin High 1  x
Citrate Low   O
Crotonaldehyde High  No call x
Curcumin Low 1 1 O
Dehydromonocrotaline High 1 No call x
Epicatechin Low   O
Estragole High 1  x
Formic acid Low  1 x
Gallic acid Low  1 x
Heliotrine High  1 x
Hydroxymethylphenylhydrazine High  1 x
Hydroxysenkirkine High 1 1 O
Indole Low  No call x
Indole-3-acetic acid Low   O
Intermedine High  1 x
Isosafrole High  1 x
Jacobine High 1 1 O
Linalool Low   O
Lipoic acid Low   O
Lycopsamine High  1 x
Maltol Low   O
Methylglyoxal High   O
Parasorbic acid High   O
Piperine Low  1 x
Piperonal Low   O
Propionic acid High   O
Protocatechuic acid Low  1 x
Ptaquilosin High   O
Ptaquilosin (APT) dienone High No call  x
Retronecine High  1 x
Senecionine High 1 1 O
Seneciphyllinine High 1 1 O
Tannic acid Low No call No call O
Vanillin Low  1 x
1,3-Dichloropropanol High 1  x
3-Chloro-1,2-propanediol High 1  x
4-Aminoazobenzene High 1 1 O
4-Hydroxyphenylacetamide High   O
Ammonium perfluorooctanoic acid High  1 x
Diazoaminobenzene High 1 1 O
Dibutyltin diacetate High No call  x
Permanent orange High  1 x
Quinoline High   O
Tri-n-butyl phosphate High   O

() indicates a negative prediction, low-rodent carcinogenic risk, and (1) indicates a positive prediction, high-rodent carcinogenic risk,
while ‘‘No call’’ means the chemical is not in the domain of applicability of the training set data.

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utility of in silico predictive global QSAR-based tools currently product representation in the training data set could be
used at the FDA for predicting rodent carcinogenicity of a set another point to consider; however, the training sets are
of phytochemicals. Rodent carcinogenicity is the most considered ‘‘multipurpose’’ in that they contain pharmaceu-
commonly computationally modeled endpoint for several ticals, food additives, industrial chemicals, pesticides, and
reasons, including cost- and time-efficiency as compared with some natural products, so a lack of phytochemical repre-
that of a traditional 2-year rodent bioassay, and its promi- sentation in the model may not be an issue. Other consid-
nence as pivotal evidence for regulatory risk assessors and erations are that the software evaluated in this study use
safety evaluators. In this study, two different in silico QSAR- global QSARs, pooling knowledge of carcinogenicity by
based tools were employed to screen an external validation set multiple mechanisms of action, in contrast to mechanism-
of phytochemicals and synthetic dietary compounds in the specific local QSARs. The latter often show good predictive
interest of assessing the predictive performance of the soft- performance for test compounds within a narrow applic-
ware programs and determining their usefulness as a ability domain but are limited when predictions are needed
substitute for in vivo testing. The results found excellent for a broad range of molecules.
predictive performance with MC4PC in the context of With respect to objectively assessing performance, the
predicting non-carcinogens (Table 3); however, the perfor- real dilemma in conducting external validation studies is
mance for predicting carcinogens was poor for both MC4PC that when new carcinogenicity studies are published, they
and LMA, with sensitivity of approximately 50% (Tables 3 are rapidly incorporated into predictive models rather than
and 4). Examination of the internal validation statistics used used in an external validation study. Thus, it is difficult to
to establish the models clearly demonstrates that perfor- find a large data set of chemicals with toxicology study data
mance was optimized for predicting non-carcinogens: the that were never used to construct the QSAR model.
models were constructed to provide higher specificity with The calculated association between the carcinogenicity
less concern for sensitivity or negative predictivity [17]. The results and the predictions in this study, as measured by w2
best approach(s) in terms of model performance for sensi- values, indicated that one software program had statistically
tivity or specificity is still being evaluated at FDA/CDER and significant discriminatory power over the other. When the
CFSAN. Thus, because of this fact and larger relative number predictions from the two software programs were combined,
of inactives in the QSAR training sets of these models, the the degree of association between experimental and
expectation in predictive performance would be for high predicted findings was still considered statistically signifi-
specificity not high sensitivity. The results of this study are cant but at a lower confidence level than when one of the
consistent with other validation studies for these models [17, software programs was used alone. While this may suggest
18, 20]. Overall, concordance was not optimal for both soft- that there is no benefit to combining predictions from the
ware programs for predicting the known rodent carcino- two software programs, the significant increase in sensitivity
genicity of the test set, but when results were combined observed by applying this methodology supports its use in
between the two computational software programs, the some situations, particularly in a regulatory environment
analysis yielded higher sensitivity at the expense of specificity where the goal is to minimize the risk to human health
(Table 6). It could be argued that a larger training set of A comparison of the predictions from the two software
chemicals is needed in order to improve performance, or that programs one to another found a 50% concordance for the test
there is a lack of appropriate descriptors in the QSAR set, and within the set of concordant predictions, specificity
programs that are needed to identify SAR relevant oncogenic remained high at 90% (Table 5). Over the entire test set, it was
activity of these molecules. In addition, lack of natural also notable that a high positive predictivity value was observed
with both computational toxicology software programs either
when assessing the results from the perspective of each indi-
Table 6. External validation statistics for the consensus predictions vidual program (Tables 3 and 4) or combined (Table 6), giving
made by the LMA and MC4PC software programs
the user a high degree of confidence in a positive prediction.
combined for predicting rodent carcinogenicity of 43
phytochemicals and ten synthetic dietary chemicals These results taken together with previous external validation
based on QSAR analysis studies with natural products using other computational soft-
ware suggest the desirability to use multiple computational
Performance parameters: consensus Value platforms for high or low throughput screening. This notion is
supported by the outcome of a previous external validation
Coverage 98%
Specificity 61%
study with phytochemicals where high sensitivity (97%) was
Sensitivity 68% achieved for predicting rodent carcinogenicity but poor speci-
Concordance 65% ficity (53%) was observed [6]. One logical approach given the
False positives 39% limitations of computational predictive modeling is to combine
False negatives 32% techniques that perform well for specificity with those
Positive predictivity 77% computational methods that have demonstrated high sensi-
Negative predictivity 50%
tivity, and then perform a weight of evidence approach for
w2 3.9878 (p 5 0.0458)
using multiple predictions from different software programs.

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To take this one step further, added confidence can be the training sets were constructed for each model and so
assigned when predictions from different software programs expectations may be tempered by model construction tech-
are in complete agreement, since the software are each inter- niques. Perhaps with an expanded training set of chemicals
preting molecular structure using different parameters and the statistical parameter of specificity for the LMA might
arriving at the same conclusion. Some studies have tested this improve. The results of this study also indicate a need for the
possibility with in silico methods showing some success; development of additional training sets emphasizing sensi-
however, only a few phytochemicals were examined [10], or the tivity, with follow-up studies to analyze their predictive
chemicals were not natural products [17]. The problem arises potential within the regulatory framework. Depending on the
in interpreting conflicting predictions and there is no clear anticipated application, screening of drug candidates or use
level of confidence to assign to the weight of evidence. In such in regulatory review for safety, one could select the most
a scenario, the solution may be that it is simply not solvable by appropriate set of models, or combination of models, for a
the computational predictive software and based on current particular need. Computational toxicology methods could
technology there is no way to address this conundrum. potentially serve as part of an in silico toolbox of techniques
From the perspective of regulating food additives, the 1958 for prioritizing further testing of phytochemicals when used
amendment to the U.S. Food, Drug, and CosmeticAct states in combination with other evidences (e.g. structural alert
that ‘‘yno additive shall be deemed to be safe if it is found to classification schemes and empirical data). Further research
induce cancer when ingested by man or animal, or if it is needs to be done with larger training and test data sets
found, after tests which are appropriate for the evaluation of containing different classes of compounds, like industrial
the safety of food additives, to induce cancer in man or chemicals, pharmaceuticals, etc. to further investigate and
animal,y’’ (Delaney Clause). Therefore, from a regulatory establish computational toxicology software-predictive
standpoint, it would be more desirable to better predict possible performance. In addition, this study also suggests the need
carcinogens with the aim of identifying them and keeping for construction of additional training sets emphasizing
them out of the food supply. Under this paradigm, the poor sensitivity in order to further evaluate their predictive
ability to predict potential rodent carcinogens by an in silico potential within the regulatory frame for cases when
method would not be acceptable. Thus, the low sensitivity (poor consensus predictions are not adopted.
ability for predicting potential rodent carcinogens) of both In conclusion, the application of QSAR-predictive compu-
MC4PC and the LMA when used by themselves is not ideal for tational models for rodent carcinogenic activity of phyto-
regulatory purposes. However, given the software programs’ chemicals is found to be useful for predicting non-carcinogens
higher sensitivity with combined or consensus predictions, and and, if a consensus approach is adopted, an improvement in
the higher specificity when used alone (better predictions for sensitivity for predicting carcinogens is achieved. The deploy-
rodent non-carcinogens), use of these programs in drug ment of multiple computational platforms may well be the
discovery might be envisioned as a desirable predictive tool for optimal way of utilizing this type of predictive information in
filtering a high volume of molecules. This notion has also been order to best fit into the safety and risk assessment paradigms
recommended by a recent industry paper on the prediction of in which these substances are encountered; however, the
genotoxicity of human pharmaceuticals [21]. The study also software used for this approach must be carefully selected to
asserted, however, that for predicting the potential of genotoxic ensure complementarity in predictive performance. Further
impurities in the final drug product, a high sensitivity would be research is needed to help make this determination.
desired [21]. The whole issue of whether it is best to have a
predictive model with higher specificity or sensitivity is para- The authors acknowledge Dr. Edwin Matthews for building
doxical since arguments can be made for either, and it is likely the QSAR models.
most dependent upon the intended use of the in silico method
and potential regulatory framework where it would be applied. This research report is not an official US Food and Drug
One feasible solution suggested by this study is to employ Administration guidance or policy statement. No official support
multiple computational platforms that are complementary or endorsement by the US Food and Drug Administration is
in the sense that each takes different approaches to mo- intended or should be inferred.The authors have declared no
lecular structure interpretation. One advantage of such an conflicts of interest.
approach is if one falls short in covering an area of chemical
space another can assist in giving a needed prediction for
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