NO CANCER RISK EPA 2012 Chemicals - Evaluated

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November 2012 Chemicals Evaluated for Carcinogenic Potential Office of Pesticide Programs U.S.

Environmental Protection Agency BACKGROUND What is this list? The following list provides an overview of pesticide chemicals evaluated for carcinogenic potential by EPAs Pesticide Program through October 2012. The evaluation of many of these chemicals is an ongoing process. Therefore, the information in this list may be subject to change as new and/or additional data are submitted to EPA. This list will be updated annually. How should the information provided in this list be used? Although this list is available to the public, note that the list represents only the potential carcinogenicity hazard for the chemical with no consideration of exposure information. This list is not intended to be used independent of the full risk assessment for the chemical. When EPA completes a risk assessment on a pesticide, a variety of toxicity information, including potential for noncancer effects (e.g., neurotoxicity, developmental and reproductive toxicity, immunotoxicity, etc) and carcinogenicity, are considered in determining whether to register a pesticide and what requirements for use of the pesticide need to be in place to protect human health. The simple fact of being listed here does not imply that the pesticide poses a significant cancer hazard to the public from use What does the report date mean? The date included in the list for each chemical is the date of the most recent review of potential carcinogenicity hazard for that chemical. This date provides a key as to which set of cancer guidelines were used in the review. Note that the classification of potential carcinogenicity generally is not reevaluated unless new data are submitted. How does EPA review pesticides for potential carcinogenicity? In evaluating and describing the potential carcinogenicity of a pesticide, EPAs Pesticide Program follows the Agencys Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment (see for more information). The Health Effects Division of the Pesticide Program performs an independent review of all the available evidence to determine the carcinogenic potential of pesticides. The results of the independent review are peer-reviewed by the Cancer Assessment Review Committee. This committee recommends a descriptor (e.g., likely to be carcinogenic to humans, not likely to be carcinogenic to humans, suggestive evidence of carcinogenic potential) to convey the cancer hazard potential of the compound. This descriptor is also referred to as the cancer classification. The evidence for the human cancer potential and the extent to which a person might be exposed (how much time and to what quantity of the pesticide) will determine how the Agency regulates the pesticide. In some cases, EPA may request a review by the FIFRA Scientific Advisory Panel.

What does EPA consider in its review of cancer risk? In determining the cancer-causing potential of a chemical, EPA considers the full range of available evidence. This information includes laboratory animal findings, metabolism studies, structural relationships with other carcinogens, and if available, mode of carcinogenic action information and epidemiologic findings in humans.

All of the information is considered in a weight-of-the-evidence approach. In this weight-ofevidence evaluation, EPA undertakes a critical analysis of each available study to determine its quality and reliability. Then the entire body of evidence is integrated and examined for consistency (repeatability of findings in studies), cohesiveness (a logical pattern of responses), and for biological plausibility (i.e., are the observed findings consistent with current understanding of carcinogenic processes). How the Agency determines the cancer potential of a compound can be found at: Most of the cancer determinations for pesticides are largely based on laboratory animal studies because, under its statutory authority, EPA requires registrants to submit an extensive range of laboratory studies on pesticides including long-term rodent cancer studies ( The findings in laboratory animals are generally assumed to be relevant to humans unless there is evidence to the contrary. When human information is available, EPA would consider that information (for example see When does EPA review pesticides for potential carcinogenicity? EPA reviews studies submitted when a pesticide is proposed for registration. Studies are required in two species (mice and rats) and two sexes (males and females), as well as a battery of mutagenicity assays. These studies are required for all pesticides used on food and some non-food pesticides that could lead to long-term exposures in humans. In future reviews of the pesticide, the cancer classification may be reevaluated if new studies have been submitted. All existing pesticide tolerances that were in place as of August 1996 were re-assessed for their human health and environmental risks by August 2006 as required by the Food Quality Protection Act of 1996. However, if there was no new information on carcinogenicity, the compound was not re-evaluated simply to determine how it would be described under the 2005 cancer guidelines. How have the Agencys cancer assessment guidelines changed? There have been a number of different documents issued by the Agency for cancer evaluation.
In 1976, EPA issued its first set of principles and interim procedures to guide evaluation of human cancer potential. In 1986, EPA issued guidance, which included a letter system (A-E) for designating degree of carcinogenic potential. o In the 1986 guidelines, hazard identification and the weight-of evidence process focused on tumor findings.

See for a detailed description of this classification system. In 1996, EPA released Proposed Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment, which used a weight of evidence narrative and standardized descriptors to replace the 1986 alphanumeric classification to classify carcinogenic potential. o In the 1996 proposal, emphasis was placed on available mode of carcinogenic action information and discussing characterization of hazard, dose-response, and exposure assessments. o The hazard and weight of evidence process embraced an analysis of all relevant biological information and emphasized understanding the agent's mode of action in producing tumors to reduce the uncertainty in describing the likelihood of harm. o See 1996 - In 1999, EPA issued a revised version of its 1996 proposal that responded to public and peer review comments, which included: o a framework approach to evaluate the mode of action in the assessment of potential carcinogenesis. o See- In March, 2005, EPA released its final Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment (EPA/630/P03/001B). These guidelines represent the culmination of a long development process, replacing EPAs original cancer risk assessment guidelines (1986) and its interim final guidelines (1999). Key changes included: o Five weight of evidence descriptors chosen for use in narratives (Carcinogenic to Humans, Likely to Be Carcinogenic to Humans, Suggestive Evidence of Carcinogenic Potential, Inadequate Information to Assess Carcinogenic Potential, and Not Likely to Be Carcinogenic to Humans.) o Emphasis on analysis of data will precede use of defaults o Improved guidance on modeling and expanded discussions of sensitive subpopulations including children (supplemental guidance) o See o

Why are there several different cancer classifications in the list? As discussed above, EPAs guidelines for evaluating the potential carcinogenicity of chemicals have been updated over the years to reflect increase transparency in describing the cancer potential of a compound and to reflect the understanding of ways chemicals may cause cancer. Not all pesticides have been evaluated under EPAs 2005 Cancer Guidelines. Agency policy states that for risk assessments that were completed before issuance of the 2005 Guidelines, the need for a re-assessment should be determined on a case-by-case basis by the program and that the existing assessment should continue to be considered scientifically sound based on the guidance used when the assessment was completed ( How can I find the basis of EPAs decision regarding the carcinogenicity of a pesticide? The Reregistration Eligibility Decision for each pesticide contains a discussion of the available data and information used in the human health and environmental risk assessments, which includes a description of the evidence used to determine the cancer potential of the chemical. Also, the Cancer Assessment Review Committee report is available by requesting it through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) (link to

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Annual Cancer Report November 2012

Chemicals Evaluated for Carcinogenic Potential Office of Pesticide Programs U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
CHEMICAL 1,3Dibromo5,5 dimethylhydantoin 1,3dichloro5methylhydantoin 2,4DBA 2,4D+Salts&Esters CAS NO.* 77485 PC CODE** 6317 CANCER CLASSIFICATION*** NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans GroupDNotClassifiableasto HumanCarcinogenicity GroupDNotClassifiableAs ToHumanCarcinogenicity GroupCPossibleHuman Carcinogen GroupDNotClassifiableAs ToHumanCarcinogenicity GroupCPossibleHuman Carcinogen NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans GroupCPossibleHuman Carcinogen NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans SuggestiveEvidenceof CarcinogenicPotential REPORT DATE**** 8/28/2000

89415872 94826 94757

128826 30801 30001

8/28/2000 6/13/2003 1/29/1997

2,4DCholine(Ethanaminium,2 hydroxyN,N,Ntrimethyl,2(2,4 dichlorophenoxy)acetate(1:1) 2Benzyl4chlorophenol 4aminopyridine Acephate Acequinocyl Acetamide Acetamiprid




120321 504245 30560191 57960197 63114772 135410207

62201 69201 103301 6329 111101 99050

9/5/1995 8/6/2007 5/8/1985 11/13/2003 5/29/1990 12/11/2001





AcibenzolarSmethyl Acifluorfensodium

135158542 62476599

61402 114402

NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto 12/9/1999 Humans LikelytobeCarcinogenictoHumans 7/9/2003 atHighDosesNotLikelytobe CarcinogenictoHumansatLow Doses GroupDNotClassifiableasto HumanCarcinogenicity 7/15/1996




ADBAC Alachlor

68424851 15972608

69105 90501

NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto 12/8/1999 Humans LikelytobeCarcinogenictoHumans 6/27/1997 (HighDoses);NotLikelytobe CarcinogenictoHumans(LowDoses) GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforHumans 7/17/2002




For information about future review of these pesticides, see the Registration Review schedule/status at

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Annual Cancer Report November 2012

Chemicals Evaluated for Carcinogenic Potential Office of Pesticide Programs U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
CHEMICAL Ametryn CAS NO.* 834128 PC CODE** 80801 CANCER CLASSIFICATION*** DataAreInadequateforan AssessmentofHumanCarcinogenic Potential NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic ToHumans NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic ToHumans REPORT DATE**** 9/17/2004

Amicarbazone Aminocyclopyrachlor

129909906 858956088, 858956351, 858954833, 124423843, 1759531 150114719 348635870 33089611

114004 288008

8/10/2005 11/9/2011

Aminopyralid Amisulbrom Amitraz

5100 16330 106201

NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic ToHumans SuggestiveEvidenceOf CarcinogenicPotential SuggestiveEvidenceof CarcinogenicPotential NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenicTo HumansAtDosesThatDoNotAlter RatThyroidHormoneHomeostasis

7/12/2005 12/2/2010 7/18/2006





Aquashade Asulam Atrazine

2650182 3337711 1912249

110301 106901 80803

NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic ToHumans GroupCPossibleHuman Carcinogen NotLikelytobeCarcinogenicto Humans GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforhumans DataAreInadequateforan AssessmentofHumanCarcinogenic Potential NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforHumans SuggestiveEvidenceof Carcinogenicity,butNotSufficientto AssessHumanCarcinogenicPotential GroupCPossibleHuman Carcinogen NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans

9/27/2005 12/6/2001 12/13/2000

Avermectin(seeEmamectin Benzoate) Azafenidin

65195553 68049832

122804 119016

6/27/1996 10/18/1999

Azinphosmethyl Azoxystrobin Bendiocarb Benfluralin

86500 131860338 22781233 1861401

58001 128810 105201 84301

04/20/98 1/14/1997 12/16/1997 12/27/2001

Benomyl Bensulide

17804352 741582

99101 9801

9/21/2000 6/10/1999

For information about future review of these pesticides, see the Registration Review schedule/status at

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Annual Cancer Report November 2012

Chemicals Evaluated for Carcinogenic Potential Office of Pesticide Programs U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
CHEMICAL Bentazon Benthiavalicarbisopropyl CAS NO.* 25057890 177406687 PC CODE** 275200 98379 CANCER CLASSIFICATION*** GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforHumans LikelytobeCarcinogenicto Humans NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic ToHumans NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic ToHumans NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans GroupCPossibleHuman Carcinogen SuggestiveEvidenceof Carcinogenicity,butNotSufficientto AssessHumanCarcinogenicPotential NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic ToHumans GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforhumans GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforhumans GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforhumans SuggestiveEvidenceof Carcinogenicity,butNotSufficientto AssessHumanCarcinogenicPotential GroupCPossibleHuman Carcinogen GroupCPossibleHuman Carcinogen REPORT DATE**** 1/14/1992 10/18/2005

BenzylBenzoate BetaCyfluthrin Bifenazate Bifenthrin Bioallethrin

120514 68359375 149877418 82657043 584792

9501 118831 586 128825 4003

6/28/2007 1/27/2010 8/28/2001 2/19/2003 12/02/2003

BispyrabacSodium Bitertanol Borax Boricacid Boron Boscalid

125401925 55179312 1303964 10043353 7440428 188425856

78906 117801 11102 11001 128945 128008

8/2/2001 11/30/2005 11/24/1993 11/24/1993 11/24/1993 11/14/2002

Bromacil Bromoxynil Bromuconazole Bronopol Buprofezin

314409 1689845 116255482 52517 69327760

12301 35301 120503 216400 275100

1/13/1993 03/12/1997

4/24/1995 GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforhumans GroupEEvidenceofNon 6/12/1995 carcinogenicityforhumans SuggestiveEvidenceof 3/15/2000 Carcinogenicity,butNotSufficientto AssessHumanCarcinogenicPotential LikelytobeCarcinogenicto Humans NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans 2/24/1999 7/11/2003

Butachlor Butafenacil

23184669 134605644

112301 122004

For information about future review of these pesticides, see the Registration Review schedule/status at

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Annual Cancer Report November 2012

Chemicals Evaluated for Carcinogenic Potential Office of Pesticide Programs U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
CHEMICAL Butylate Cacodylicacid Cadusafos Captafol CAS NO.* 2008415 75605 95465999 2939802 PC CODE** 41405 12501 128864 81701 CANCER CLASSIFICATION*** GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforhumans GroupBProbableHuman Carcinogen GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforhumans GroupBProbableHuman Carcinogen REPORT DATE**** 11/25/1992 12/14/1999 5/28/1992 5/19/1987




9/22/2004 Likelyatprolonged,highlevel exposures,butnotlikelyatdose levelsthatdonotcausecytotoxicity andregenerativecellhyperplasia

Carbaryl Carbendazim(MBC) Carbofuran Carboxin Carfentrazoneethyl Chlorantraniliprole Chlordimeform Chlorethoxyfos

63252 10605217 1563662 5234684 128639021 500008457 6164983 54593838

56801 128872 90601 90201 128712 90100 59701 129006

LikelytobeCarcinogenicto Humans GroupCPossibleHuman Carcinogen NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic ToHumans GroupBProbableHuman Carcinogen GroupDNotClassifiableasto HumanCarcinogenicity

2/12/2002 4/7/1989 6/17/1997 6/5/2003 5/16/2001 3/4/2009 12/20/1985 3/9/1995




SuggestiveEvidenceof 3/18/2003 Carcinogenicity,butNotSufficientto AssessHumanCarcinogenicPotential NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic ToHumans NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic ToHumans NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic ToHumans GroupBProbableHuman Carcinogen 7/10/2006 2/5/2009 6/12/2007 4/27/1995

ChlorflurenolMethylEster Chlorimuronethyl Chlormequatchloride Chloroaniline,p

2536314 90982324 999815 106478

98801 128901 18101 17203

For information about future review of these pesticides, see the Registration Review schedule/status at

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Annual Cancer Report November 2012

Chemicals Evaluated for Carcinogenic Potential Office of Pesticide Programs U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
CHEMICAL Chloroneb CAS NO.* 2675776 PC CODE** 27301 CANCER CLASSIFICATION*** DataAreInadequateforan AssessmentofHumanCarcinogenic Potential NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic ToHumans LikelyToBeCarcinogenicTo Humans REPORT DATE**** 12/18/2003

Chloropicrin Chlorothalonil

76062 1897456

81501 81901

6/30/2010 10/20/1997

Chlorpropham Chlorpyrifos Chlorpyrifosmethyl Chlorsulfuron Chlorthaldimethyl(DCPA)

101213 2921882 5598130 64902723 1861321

18301 59101 59102 118601 78701

GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforhumans GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforhumans NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforhumans GroupCPossibleHuman Carcinogen NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic ToHumans SuggestiveEvidenceof CarcinogenicPotential GroupCPossibleHuman Carcinogen GroupCPossibleHuman Carcinogen NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforhumans NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans LikelytobeCarcinogenicto Humans GroupDNotClassifiableAs ToHumanCarcinogenicity NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans

10/11/1994 11/23/1993 5/17/1999 7/17/2002 2/10/1995

Clethodim Clodinafoppropargyl

99129212 105512069

121011 125203

9/28/2007 2/8/2006

Clofencet(MON21200) Clofentezine Clomazone Clopyralid Cloquintocetmexyl Cloransulammethyl Clothianidin CocamideDiethanolamine

82697710 74115245 81777891 1702176 99607702 147150354 210880925 68603429

128726 125501 125401 117403 700099 129116 44309 224600

7/23/1996 4/3/1990 1/31/2001 12/20/1999 8/31/1999 9/30/1997 1/6/2003 10/17/2001









For information about future review of these pesticides, see the Registration Review schedule/status at

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Annual Cancer Report November 2012

Chemicals Evaluated for Carcinogenic Potential Office of Pesticide Programs U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
CHEMICAL Cresol,pChlorom CAS NO.* 59507 PC CODE** 64206 CANCER CLASSIFICATION*** GroupDNotClassifiableasto HumanCarcinogenicity GroupDNotClassifiableasto HumanCarcinogenicity SuggestiveEvidenceOf CarcinogenicPotential GroupCPossibleHuman Carcinogen NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic ToHumans NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans LikelyToBeCarcinogenicTo Humans NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic ToHumans GroupDNotClassifiableasto HumanCarcinogenicity DataAreInadequateforan AssessmentofHumanCarcinogenic Potential NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans GroupCPossibleHuman Carcinogen NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenicTo Humansatdosesthatdonotcausea mitogenicresponseintheliver REPORT DATE**** 11/28/1995





Cumyluron Cyanazine Cyazofamid

99485764 21725462 120116883

27902 100101 85651

6/11/2008 7/30/1991 6/3/2009

Cyclanilide Cycloate Cyflufenamid Cyfluthrin Cyhalofopbutyl Cyhalothrin

113136779 1134232 180409603 68359375 122008859 68085858

26201 41301 555550 128831 82583 128867

4/9/1997 9/25/2003 6/22/2010 5/21/2002 12/20/2007 8/25/1993





Cymoxanil Cypermethrin Cyproconazole

57966957 52315078 94361065

129106 109702 128993

1/2/2003 9/27/1988 12/4/2007

Cyprodinil Cyprosulfamide

121552612 221667318

288202 877400

NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic ToHumans

1/14/1998 2/29/2008




GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforhumans


For information about future review of these pesticides, see the Registration Review schedule/status at

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Annual Cancer Report November 2012

Chemicals Evaluated for Carcinogenic Potential Office of Pesticide Programs U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
CHEMICAL Daminozide CAS NO.* 1596845 PC CODE** 35101 CANCER CLASSIFICATION*** GroupBProbableHuman Carcinogen REPORT DATE**** 7/26/1991

Dantochlor(BCDMH) Dazomet

118525 533744

28501 35602

NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans GroupDNotClassifiableasto HumanCarcinogenicity GroupDNotClassifiableasto HumanCarcinogenicity NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforhumans NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans GroupDNotClassifiableasto HumanCarcinogenicity GroupCPossibleHuman Carcinogen NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic ToHumans GroupDNotClassifiableasto HumanCarcinogenicity

8/14/2000 12/7/1993





Deltamethrin Desmedipham Diazinon Dicamba

52918635 13684565 333415 1918009

97805 104801 57801 29801

9/9/2003 11/20/1995 6/17/1997 7/29/1996

Dichlobenil Dichlormid Dichlorobenzamide,2,6

1194656 37764253 2008584

27401 900497 27402

7/18/1995 11/15/2005 11/28/1995




SuggestiveEvidenceof 3/1/2000 Carcinogenicity,butNotSufficientto AssessHumanCarcinogenicPotential LikelytobeCarcinogenicto Humans SuggestiveEvidenceOf CarcinogenicPotential NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans GroupCPossibleHuman Carcinogen SuggestiveEvidenceof Carcinogenicity,butNotSufficientto AssessHumanCarcinogenicPotential GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforHumans 5/24/2000




Dicloran Diclosulam Dicofol Dicrotophos

99309 145701219 115322 141662

31301 129122 10501 35201

09/05/2006 11/9/1999 6/24/1992 10/18/1999

Didecyldimethylammoniumchloride (DDAC)




For information about future review of these pesticides, see the Registration Review schedule/status at

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Annual Cancer Report November 2012

Chemicals Evaluated for Carcinogenic Potential Office of Pesticide Programs U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
CHEMICAL Difenoconazole Difenzoquatmethylsulfate Diflubenzuron DiflufenzopyrSodiium Dimethenamid Dimethipin Dimethoate Dimethomorph Dimethoxane Dimethylether CAS NO.* 119446683 43222486 35367385 109293983 87674688 55290647 60515 110488705 828002 115106 PC CODE** 128847 106401 108201 5107 129051 118901 35001 268800 1001 900382 CANCER CLASSIFICATION*** GroupCPossibleHuman Carcinogen GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforhumans GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforhumans NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans GroupCPossibleHuman Carcinogen GroupCPossibleHuman Carcinogen GroupCPossibleHuman Carcinogen NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans SuggestiveEvidenceof CarcinogenicPotential GroupDNotClassifiableasto HumanCarcinogenicity NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforHumans GroupCPossibleHuman Carcinogen NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforHumans NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforHumans SuggestiveEvidenceof CarcinogenicPotential GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforHumans Known/Likely REPORT DATE**** 7/27/1994 5/24/1994 4/27/1995 10/6/1998 9/15/1995 1/5/1990 3/26/2002 5/13/1998 12/21/2000 1/12/1994

Dimethylhydantoin Dinocap Dinoseb Dinotefuran Diphenylamine Diquatdibromide Disodiummethanearsonate Disulfoton Dithianon Dithiopyr(MON7200) Diuron

16079882 39300453 88857 165252700 122394 85007 144218 298044 3347226 97886458 330541

6315 36001 37505 44312 38501 32201 13802 32501 99201 128994 35505

8/28/2000 6/22/1994 6/19/1986 3/5/2004 4/1/1997 5/12/1994 7/26/2000 4/21/1997 2/23/2006 5/29/1997 5/8/1997

Dodine Ecolyst


44301 69089

NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic ToHumans NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans

1/24/2008 10/19/1999

For information about future review of these pesticides, see the Registration Review schedule/status at

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Annual Cancer Report November 2012

Chemicals Evaluated for Carcinogenic Potential Office of Pesticide Programs U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
CHEMICAL EmamectinBenzoate(Deoxy Avermectin) Endosulfan Endothall Epoxiconazole CAS NO.* 137512744 115297 145733 106325080, 133855988 28434006 PC CODE** 122806 79401 38901 123909 CANCER CLASSIFICATION*** NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic ToHumans LikelytobeCarcinogenicto Humans REPORT DATE**** 3/19/1998 1/31/2000 10/23/2008 1/24/2001



SuggestiveEvidenceof 12/2/2003 Carcinogenicity,butNotSufficientto AssessHumanCarcinogenicPotential GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforHumans SuggestiveEvidenceof CarcinogenicPotential GroupCPossibleHuman Carcinogen GroupDNotClassifiableasto HumanCarcinogenicity GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforhumans SuggestiveEvidenceOf CarcinogenicPotential GroupDNotClassifiableasto HumanCarcinogenicity LikelytobeCarcinogenicto Humans 7/1/1996 3/23/2006 9/14/1994 8/15/1994 1/26/1994 10/28/2010 2/24/1994

Esfenvalerate Ethaboxam Ethalfluralin Ethephon Ethion Ethiprole Ethofumesate

66230044 162650773 55283686 16672870 563122 181587019 26225796

109303 90205 113101 99801 58401 5550 110601





Ethyldipropylthiocarbamate (EPTC) Ethylenethiourea(ETU) Etofenprox

759944 96457 80844071

41401 600016 128965

NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto 8/31/1999 Humans GroupBProbableHuman 7/7/1999 Carcinogen Notlikelytobecarcinogenicto 2/8/2006 humansatdosesthatdonotalterrat thyroidhormonehomeostasis.

Etoxazole Famoxadone Fenamidone Fenamiphos

153233911 131807573 161326347 22224926

107091 113202 46679 100601

NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforHumans

8/7/2003 4/16/2003 7/12/2002 11/23/1993

For information about future review of these pesticides, see the Registration Review schedule/status at

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Annual Cancer Report November 2012

Chemicals Evaluated for Carcinogenic Potential Office of Pesticide Programs U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
CHEMICAL Fenarimol Fenazaquin Fenbuconazole Fenbutatinoxide Fenhexamide Fenitrothion Fenoxycarb Fenpropathrin Fenpropimorph Fenpyroximate Fenthion CAS NO.* 60168889 120928098 114369436 13356086 126833178 122145 72490018 39515418 67564914 134098616 55389 PC CODE** 206600 44501 129011 104601 90209 105901 125301 127901 121402 129131 53301 CANCER CLASSIFICATION*** NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic ToHumans GroupCPossibleHuman Carcinogen GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforHumans NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforHumans LikelytobeCarcinogenicto Humans NotLikelytobeCarcinogenicto Humans NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic ToHumans NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforHumans GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforHumans SeeZiram GroupCPossibleHuman Carcinogen NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic ToHumans SuggestiveEvidenceof Carcinogenicity,butNotSufficientto AssessHumanCarcinogenicPotential REPORT DATE**** 9/5/2001 5/15/2007 4/15/1996 3/2/1993 3/4/1999 7/13/1993 12/22/97 12/22/2003 10/19/2005 2/19/1997 3/11/1996

Fenvalerate Ferbam Fipronil Flazasulfuron Flonicamid

51630581 14484641 120068373 104040780 158062670

109301 34801 129121 119011 128016

2/10/2003 4/6/2000 7/18/1995 11/16/2005 2/24/2005

Florasulam FluazifopPButyl Fluazinam

145701231 79241466 79622596

129108 122809 129098

NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic 5/31/2007 ToHumans 9/19/2008 NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic ToHumans SuggestiveEvidenceof 3/29/2001 Carcinogenicity,butNotSufficientto AssessHumanCarcinogenicPotential NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic ToHumans NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans GroupDNotClassifiableasto HumanCarcinogenicity 4/3/2008 7/19/2000 9/19/1996

Flubendiamide Flucarbazonesodium Fludioxonil

272451657 181274179 131341861

27602 114009 71503

For information about future review of these pesticides, see the Registration Review schedule/status at


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Annual Cancer Report November 2012

Chemicals Evaluated for Carcinogenic Potential Office of Pesticide Programs U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
CHEMICAL Flufenacet(Thiaflumide) Flufenoxuron Flufenpyrethyl Flumetralin Flumetsulam(XRD498) CAS NO.* 142459583 101463698 188489078 62924703 98967409 PC CODE** 121903 108203 108853 123001 129016 CANCER CLASSIFICATION*** NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic ToHumans NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic ToHumans GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforHumans GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforHumans NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans GroupCPossibleHuman Carcinogen NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans LikelyToBeCarcinogenicTo Humans NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic ToHumans GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforHumans NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic ToHumans NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic ToHumans LikelytobeCarcinogenicto Humans GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforHumans NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic ToHumans NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenicTo Humans:belowadefineddoserange REPORT DATE**** 7/16/1997 8/15/2006 6/8/2003 6/21/2007 3/24/1993

Flumicloracpentyl Flumioxazin Fluometuron Fluopicolide Fluopyram Fluoxastrobin Fluridone Fluroxypyr Fluroxypyracid(seealsoPCCode 128968) Flurprimidol

87546187 103361097, 141490508 2164172 239110157 658066354 361377299 59756604 81406373 69377817 56425913

128724 129034 35503 27412 80302 28869 112900 128968 128959 125701

9/7/1994 2/22/2001 8/28/1996 12/12/2006 11/25/09 1/24/2005 7/1/1985 6/26/2003 6/26/2003 9/29/2005

Fluthiacetmethyl Flutolanil Flutriafol Fluxapyroxad

117337196 66332965 76674210 907204313

108803 128975 128940 138009

11/20/1998 6/9/1994 6/1/2009 6/9/2011




Notlikelytobecarcinogenicto 10/13/2010 humansatdosesthatdonotcausean irritationresponseinthemucosal epithelium NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans 11/3/2005




For information about future review of these pesticides, see the Registration Review schedule/status at


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Annual Cancer Report November 2012

Chemicals Evaluated for Carcinogenic Potential Office of Pesticide Programs U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
CHEMICAL Fonofos Forchlorfenuron Formasulfuron Formetanatehydrochloride FosetylAl Fosthiazate Furiazole(MON13900) Furmecyclox GammaCyhalothrin Glufosinateammonium Glutaraldehyde Glyphosate Halosulfuronmethyl(MON 1200) Haloxyfopmethyl Hexaconazole HexavalentChromium(CrVI) CAS NO.* 944229 68157608 173159574 23422539 39148248 98886443 121776338 60568050 76703623 77182822 111308 1071836 100784201 690806402 79983714 18540299 PC CODE** 41701 128819 122020 97301 123301 129022 911596 122601 128807 128850 43901 417300 128721 125201 128925 021101; 068302 CANCER CLASSIFICATION*** GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforHumans NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic ToHumans NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforHumans NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic ToHumans NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans LikelytobeCarcinogenicto Humans GroupBProbableHuman Carcinogen NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforHumans NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans GroupBProbableHuman Carcinogen GroupCPossibleHuman Carcinogen LikelytobeCarcinogenicto Humans REPORT DATE**** 11/10/1993 3/11/2008 9/19/2001 5/20/1996 4/22/1999 9/15/2003 10/15/1999 7/3/1985 3/1/2004 5/17/1999 5/18/2006 10/30/1991 2/26/1998 9/18/1989 1/21/1999 07/01/09




GroupDNotClassifiableasto HumanCarcinogenicity LikelyToBeCarcinogenicTo Humans NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans GroupCPossibleHuman Carcinogen GroupCPossibleHuman Carcinogen GroupDNotClassifiableasto HumanCarcinogenicity






HOE107892 Hydramethylnon Hydrogencyanamide Hydroprene

135590919 67485294 420042 41096462

811800 118401 14002 486300

11/24/1998 3/28/1991 9/15/1993 6/8/1995

For information about future review of these pesticides, see the Registration Review schedule/status at


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Annual Cancer Report November 2012

Chemicals Evaluated for Carcinogenic Potential Office of Pesticide Programs U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
CHEMICAL Imazalil Imazamethabenz CAS NO.* 35554440 81405858 PC CODE** 111901 128842 CANCER CLASSIFICATION*** LikelytobeCarcinogenicto Humans GroupDNotClassifiableasto HumanCarcinogenicity NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforHumans GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforHumans REPORT DATE**** 12/7/1999 6/11/1987

Imazamox Imazapic Imazapyr

114311329 81334603 81334341

129171 129041 128821

2/27/1997 9/27/1995 10/5/1995

ImazaquinAcid Imazethapyr Imazosulfuron Imidacloprid Indaziflam Indoxacarb Iodomethane

81335377 81335775 122548338 105827789 950782862 173584446 74884

128848 128922 118602 129099 80818 67710 11

NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic 10/31/2005 ToHumans 1/31/2002 NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic 3/13/2009 ToHumans GroupEEvidenceofNon 11/10/1993 carcinogenicityforHumans NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic 4/22/2010 ToHumans NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto 7/17/2000 Humans NotLikelytobeCarcinogenicto 11/10/2005 Humansatdosesthatdonotalterrat thyroidhormonehomeostasis

Iodosulfuran Ipoconazole Iprodione Iprovalicarb

144550367 125225287 36734197 140923177

122021 125618 109801 98359

NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic ToHumans LikelytobeCarcinogenicto Humans LikelytobeCarcinogenicto Humans GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforHumans GroupCPossibleHuman Carcinogen LikelyToBeCarcinogenicTo Humans

1/5/2004 5/28/2008 2/26/1998 4/11/2002

Isofenphos Isophorone Isopyrazam

25311711 78591 881685581

109401 47401 129222

1/13/1998 9/2/1999 2/2/2011


SuggestiveEvidenceof 10/7/2008 CarcinogenicPotential 1/29/2001 Isoxadifenethyl 163520330 823000 NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans Isoxaflutole 141112290 123000 LikelytobeCarcinogenicto 09/30/97 Humans For information about future review of these pesticides, see the Registration Review schedule/status at




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Annual Cancer Report November 2012

Chemicals Evaluated for Carcinogenic Potential Office of Pesticide Programs U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
CHEMICAL Kasugamycin Kathon886 CAS NO.* 6980183 55965849 PC CODE** 230001 107106 CANCER CLASSIFICATION*** NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic ToHumans GroupDNotClassifiableasto HumanCarcinogenicity REPORT DATE**** 8/17/2005 5/18/1995

KBR3023 Kresoximmethyl Lactofen

119515387 143390890 77501634

70705 129111 128888

NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto 6/9/1999 Humans LikelytobeCarcinogenicto 8/19/1999 Humans LikelytobeCarcinogenicinHumans 10/17/2006 atHighDoses.NotLikelytobe CarcinogenictoHumansatLow Doses GroupDNotclassifiableasto HumanCarcinogenicity 9/12/2002







SuggestiveEvidenceof 11/29/2001 Carcinogenicity,butNotSufficientto AssessHumanCarcinogenicPotential GroupCPossibleHuman 11/20/2001 Carcinogen 4/28/2000 SuggestiveEvidenceof Carcinogenicity,butNotSufficientto AssessHumanCarcinogenicPotential GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforHumans GroupBProbableHuman Carcinogen NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic ToHumans GroupBProbableHuman Carcinogen NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic ToHumans SuggestiveEvidenceof Carcinogenicity,butNotSufficientto AssessHumanCarcinogenicPotential NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic ToHumans 11/10/1993 7/7/1999 1/21/2009 7/7/1999 12/6/2000 10/29/2003 10/1/2008 3/13/2003

Linuron Malathion

330552 121755

35506 57701

Maleichydrazide Mancozeb Mandipropamid Maneb MB46513(photodegradateof Fipronil) MCPA+Salts MCPBAcid MecopropP

123331 8018017 374726622 12427382 120067836 94746 94815 16484778

51501 14504 36602 14505 600050 30501 19201 129046

Mefenoxam Mefluidide

70630170 53780340

113502 114001

5/17/2000 5/30/2007

For information about future review of these pesticides, see the Registration Review schedule/status at


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Annual Cancer Report November 2012

Chemicals Evaluated for Carcinogenic Potential Office of Pesticide Programs U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
CHEMICAL Melamine CAS NO.* 108781 PC CODE** 777201 CANCER CLASSIFICATION*** GroupDNotClassifiableasto HumanCarcinogenicity LikelytobeCarcinogenicto Humans NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic ToHumans GroupEEvidenceOfNon CarcinogenicityForHumans GroupCPossibleHuman Carcinogen NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic ToHumans GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforHumans SuggestiveEvidenceof CarcinogenicPotential LikelyToBeCarcinogenicTo Humans NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans GroupCPossibleHuman Carcinogen GroupDNotClassifiableasto HumanCarcinogenicity GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforHumans NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic ToHumans Thereareinsufficientdatato characterizethecancerriskofMITC. NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans GroupBProbableHuman Carcinogen REPORT DATE**** 7/21/1993

Mepanipyrim MepiquatChloride Meptyldinocap(DE126/Dinocap II) Mercaptobenzothiazole,2

110235477 24307264 131726

288203 109101 36000

4/20/2004 2/19/2003 3/17/2009




Mesosulfuronmethyl Mesotrione Metaflumizone Metalaxyl Metaldehyde Metamsodium Metconazole Methamidophos Methidathion Methiocarb

208465218 104206828 139968493 57837191 108623 137428 125116236 10265926 950378 2032657

122009 122990 281250 113501 53001 39003 125619 101201 100301 100501

3/4/2004 4/12/2001 1/24/2006 4/20/1994 6/23/2005 5/14/2009 4/14/2006 02/12/1998 2/19/1988 3/2/1993

Methomyl Methoxyfenozide Methylbromide Methylisothiocyanate

16752775 161050584 74839 6317186

90301 121027 53201 68103

10/25/1996 7/1/1999 06/20/2001 4/30/2009

Methylparathion Metiram

298000 9006422

53501 14601

12/1/1997 7/7/1999

For information about future review of these pesticides, see the Registration Review schedule/status at


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Annual Cancer Report November 2012

Chemicals Evaluated for Carcinogenic Potential Office of Pesticide Programs U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
CHEMICAL Metofluthrin CAS NO.* 240494706 PC CODE** 109709 CANCER CLASSIFICATION*** NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humansatdosesthatdonotresultin amitogenicresponse. GroupCPossibleHuman Carcinogen SuggestiveEvidenceof CarcinogenicPotential GroupDNotClassifiableasto HumanCarcinogenicity NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic ToHumans GroupCPossibleHuman Carcinogen GroupBProbableHuman Carcinogen REPORT DATE**** 7/26/2007

Metolachlor Metrafenone Metribuzin

51218452 220899036 21087649

108801 325 101101

11/16/1994 7/6/2006 5/16/1995

Metsulfuronmethyl Mevinphos MGK264 MGKReplellent326

74223646 7786347 113484 136458

122010 15801 57001 47201

3/14/2002 5/17/2000 6/7/1995 11/12/2002




SuggestiveEvidenceof 12/14/2000 Carcinogenicity,butNotSufficientto AssessHumanCarcinogenicPotential LikelytobeCarcinogenicto Humans 12/9/1999




Monosodiumacidmethanearsonate (MMA) MSMAcalciumsalt Myclobutanil NAApotassiumsalt Naled Napropamide

2163806 5902954 88671890 15165794 300765 15299997

13803 13806 128857 56003 34401 103001

NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforHumans NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic ToHumans GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforHumans NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic ToHumans GroupDNotClassifiableasto HumanCarcinogenicity

7/26/2000 12/14/2000 6/16/1994 3/14/2012 8/31/1994 7/7/2005






NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic 3/5/2009 ToHumans Nicosulfuron 111991094 129008 GroupEEvidenceofNon 9/1/1998 carcinogenicityforHumans Nitrapyrin 1929824 69203 SuggestiveEvidenceOf 3/1/2012 Carcinogenic Potential For information about future review of these pesticides, see the Registration Review schedule/status at




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Annual Cancer Report November 2012

Chemicals Evaluated for Carcinogenic Potential Office of Pesticide Programs U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
CHEMICAL Norflurazon Novaluron Orthophenylphenol(seealsoPC 064104) CAS NO.* 27314132 116714466 90437 PC CODE** 105801 124002 64103 CANCER CLASSIFICATION*** GroupCPossibleHuman Carcinogen NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto 2/4/2004 Humans NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto 10/12/2005 Humans(quantificationofcancerrisk isnotrequiredsincetheNOAEL selectedforthechronicReference Dosewouldaddresstheconcernsfor theprecursoreventsleadingto developmentofbladderandliver tumors) REPORT DATE**** 11/2/1990

Orthophenylphenol,Sodiumsalt (seealsoPC064103)



10/12/2005 NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans(quantificationofcancerrisk isnotrequiredsincetheNOAEL selectedforthechronicReference Dosewouldaddresstheconcernsfor theprecursoreventsleadingto developmentofbladderandliver tumors)

Orthosulfamuron Oryzalin Oxadiazon Oxadixyl Oxamyl

213464778 19044883 19666309 77732093 23135220

108209 104201 109001 126701 103801

SuggestiveEvidenceof CarcinogenicPotential LikelytobeCarcinogenicto Humans LikelyToBeCarcinogenicTo Humans GroupCPossibleHuman Carcinogen GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforHumans NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans LikelyToBeCarcinogenicTo Humans GroupDNotClassifiableasto HumanCarcinogenicity GroupBProbableHuman Carcinogen GroupDNotClassifiableasto HumanCarcinogenicity

10/26/2006 6/25/2003 5/1/2001 1/4/1989 11/5/1996

Oxydemetonmethyl Oxyfluorfen Oxytetracycline

301122 42874033 2058460

58702 111601 6308

7/24/1997 4/20/2010 12/18/1992

Oxythioquinox Paclobutrazol

2439012 76738620

54101 125601

2/15/1996 6/23/1994

For information about future review of these pesticides, see the Registration Review schedule/status at


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Annual Cancer Report November 2012

Chemicals Evaluated for Carcinogenic Potential Office of Pesticide Programs U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
CHEMICAL Paradichlorobenzene Paranitrophenol CAS NO.* 106467 100027 PC CODE** 61501 56301 CANCER CLASSIFICATION*** NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic ToHumans GroupDNotClassifiableasto HumanCarcinogenicity GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforHumans GroupCPossibleHuman Carcinogen NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans GroupCPossibleHuman Carcinogen SuggestiveEvidenceOf CarcinogenicPotential SuggestiveEvidenceof Carcinogenicity,butNotSufficientto AssessHumanCarcinogenicPotential GroupCPossibleHuman Carcinogen GroupBProbableHuman Carcinogen SuggestiveEvidenceOf CarcinogenicPotential LikelytobeCarcinogenicto Humans GroupDNotClassifiableasto HumanCarcinogenicity REPORT DATE**** 6/5/2007 5/14/1996

Paraquatdichloride Parathion,ethyl

1910425 56382

61601 57501

4/19/2000 9/11/1991

Pebulate Pendimethalin Penflufen Penoxulam

1114712 40487421 494793678 219714962

41403 108501 100249 119031

12/7/1998 7/24/1992 3/30/2011 3/24/2004

Pentachloronitrobenzene(PCNB) Pentachlorophenol Penthiopyrad Permethrin Phenmedipham

82688 87865 183675823 52645531 13684634

56502 63001 90112 109701 98701

12/18/1992 1/3/1991 10/18/2011 10/23/2002 4/28/1993




SuggestiveEvidenceof 07/16/2003 Carcinogenicity,butNotSufficientto AssessHumanCarcinogenicPotential GroupEEvidenceofNon 12/30/1993 carcinogenicityforHumans NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto 8/12/1999 Humans SuggestiveEvidenceof 10/27/1999 Carcinogenicity,butNotSufficientto AssessHumanCarcinogenicPotential GroupCPossibleHuman Carcinogen GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforHumans GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforHumans 5/31/1989 4/27/1993 4/1/1994

Phorate Phosalone Phosmet

298022 2310170 732116

57201 97701 59201

Phosphamidon Phostebupirim PicloramAcid

13171216 96182535 1918021

18201 129086 5101

For information about future review of these pesticides, see the Registration Review schedule/status at


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Annual Cancer Report November 2012

Chemicals Evaluated for Carcinogenic Potential Office of Pesticide Programs U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
CHEMICAL PicloramAcidEthylhexylEster PicloramAcidPotassiumSalt PicloramAcid TriisopropanolamineSalt Picoxystrobin Pinoxaden CAS NO.* 26952205 2545600 6753475 117428225 243973208 PC CODE** 5103 5104 5102 129200 147500 CANCER CLASSIFICATION*** GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforHumans GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforHumans GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforHumans SuggestiveEvidenceOf CarcinogenicPotential DataAreInadequateforan AssessmentofHumanCarcinogenic Potential GroupCPossibleHuman Carcinogen LikelytobeCarcinogenicto Humans CannotBeDetermined InadequateInformationto AssessCarcinogenicPotential SeeHexavalentChromium (CrVI) NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans GroupDNotClassifiableasto HumanCarcinogenicity GroupCPossibleHuman Carcinogen GroupBProbableHuman Carcinogen GroupCPossibleHuman Carcinogen GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforHumans NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans GroupDNotClassifiableasto HumanCarcinogenicity GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforHumans GroupBProbableHuman Carcinogen REPORT DATE**** 4/1/1994 4/1/1994 4/1/1994 11/15/11 5/18/2005

Piperonylbutoxide Pirimicarb

51036 23103982

67501 106101

6/7/1995 7/13/2005

Pirimiphosmethyl PolymericBetaine

29232937 214710346

108102 103679

1/29/1998 10/3/2006

Potassiumdichromate Prallethrin Primisulfuronmethyl

7778509 23031369 86209510

68302 128722 128973

07/01/2009 6/27/2003 5/3/1990

Prochloraz Procymidone

67747095 32809168

128851 129044

7/1/1988 4/5/1991

Prodiamine Profenofos Prohexadione

29091212 41198087 127277536

110201 111401 112600

6/10/1991 2/6/1996 4/14/2000





Prometryn Pronamide

7287196 23950585

80805 101701

7/26/1994 12/10/2001

For information about future review of these pesticides, see the Registration Review schedule/status at


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Annual Cancer Report November 2012

Chemicals Evaluated for Carcinogenic Potential Office of Pesticide Programs U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
CHEMICAL Propachlor CAS NO.* 1918167 PC CODE** 19101 CANCER CLASSIFICATION*** LikelytobeCarcinogenicto Humans REPORT DATE**** 10/16/1997

Propamocarbhydrochloride Propanil

25606411 709988

119302 28201

NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic 5/31/2000 ToHumans SuggestiveEvidenceof 6/19/2001 Carcinogenicity,butNotSufficientto AssessHumanCarcinogenicPotential GroupBProbableHuman Carcinogen NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans GroupCPossibleHuman Carcinogen GroupBProbableHuman Carcinogen NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans DataAreInadequateforan AssessmentofHumanCarcinogenic Potential NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic ToHumans LikelytobeCarcinogenicto Humans NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans LikelytobeCarcinogenicto Humans SuggestiveEvidenceOf CarcinogenicPotential NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic ToHumans NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenicTo Humansatdosesthatdonotcause mitogenicrepsonseinthelivercell proliferation GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforHumans NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic ToHumans 7/23/1992 12/8/2005

Propargite Propazine

2312358 139402

97601 80808

Propetamphos Propiconazole Propoxur PropoxycarbazoneSodium

31218834 60207901 114261 181274157

113601 122101 47802 122019

10/31/1998 9/11/1992 6/17/1996 4/6/2004





Prothioconazole Pymetrozine Pyraclostrobin Pyraflufenethyl Pyrasulfotole Pyrazon Pyrethrins

178928706 123312890 175013180 129630199 365400119 1698608 8003347

113961 101103 99100 30090 692 69601 69001

12/31/2007 9/22/1999 2/15/2007 10/8/2002 5/17/2007 7/28/2005 2/14/2008

Pyridaben Pyridalyl

96489713 179101816

129105 295149

5/11/1994 08/03/2004

For information about future review of these pesticides, see the Registration Review schedule/status at


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Annual Cancer Report November 2012

Chemicals Evaluated for Carcinogenic Potential Office of Pesticide Programs U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
CHEMICAL Pyridate Pyrifluquinazon CAS NO.* 55512339 337458272 PC CODE** 128834 555555 CANCER CLASSIFICATION*** NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic ToHumans NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenicTo Humansatlevelsthatdonotalter rodenthormonehomeostasis REPORT DATE**** 1/24/2000 6/21/2012

Pyrimethanil Pyriofenone Pyriproxyfen Pyrithiobacsodium Pyroxasulfone

53112280 688046619 95737681 123343168 447399555

288201 28828 129032 78905 90099

GroupCPossibleHuman Carcinogen NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic ToHumans GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforHumans GroupCPossibleHuman Carcinogen NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenicTo Humansatdosesbelowthosethat causeurinarybladdercalculi formationresultingincellular damageoftheurinarytract

2/11/1997 12/14/2011 8/15/1995 9/5/1995 05/17/2011




NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic ToHumans





GroupDNotClassifiableasto HumanCarcinogenicity NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans GroupDNotClassifiableasto HumanCarcinogenicity LikelytobeCarcinogenicto Humans NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforHumans NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic ToHumans SuggestiveEvidenceof Carcinogenicity,butNotSufficientto AssessHumanCarcinogenicPotential LikelyToBeCarcinogenicTo Humans


Quinoxyfen Quizalofopethyl

124495187 76578148

55459 128711

1/28/2003 3/17/1988

Resmethrin Rimsulfuron RoteNone Saflufenacil(BAS800H) SBioallethrin

10453868 122931480 83794 372137354 28434006

97801 129009 71003 118203 4004

5/25/2005 2/19/1998 10/5/1988 7/22/2009 12/2/2003





For information about future review of these pesticides, see the Registration Review schedule/status at


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Annual Cancer Report November 2012

Chemicals Evaluated for Carcinogenic Potential Office of Pesticide Programs U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
CHEMICAL Sethoxydim Simazine CAS NO.* 74051802 122349 PC CODE** 121001 80807 CANCER CLASSIFICATION*** NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans NotLikelytobeCarcinogenicto Humans GroupCPossibleHuman Carcinogen GroupEEvidenceOfNon CarcinogenicityForHumans GroupDNotClassifiableasto HumanCarcinogenicity NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic ToHumans NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans LikelytobeCarcinogenicto Humans NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic ToHumans NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic ToHumans NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforHumans GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforHumans NotLikelytobeCarcinogenicto Humansatdosesthatdonotcause crystalswithsubsequentcalculi formationresultingincellular damageoftheurinarytract. REPORT DATE**** 3/19/2003 4/14/2005

sMetolachlor Sodiumbentazon

87392129 50723803

108800 103901

9/28/2001 01/14/92





Spinetoram Spinosad Spirodiclofen Spiromesifen Spirotetramat Spiroxamine Sulfentrazone Sulfosate Sulfosulfuron

187166401+ 187166150 131929607 148477718 283594901 203313251 118134308 122836355 81591813 141776321

110008 110003 124871 24875 392201 120759 129081 128501 85601

9/20/2007 7/18/2002 6/10/2004 5/21/2008 3/26/2009 11/14/2003 5/7/1996 7/26/1994 12/16/2008

Sulfurylfluoride Sulprofos Sumithrin Taufluvalinate TCMTB(Busan72) Tebuconazole

2699798 35400432 26002802 102851069 21564170 107534963

78003 111501 69005 109302 35603 128997

NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforHumans NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic ToHumans GroupCPossibleHuman Carcinogen GroupCPossibleHuman Carcinogen

5/24/2001 3/26/1996 5/30/2006 9/29/2005 8/28/1996 9/15/1993

For information about future review of these pesticides, see the Registration Review schedule/status at


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Annual Cancer Report November 2012

Chemicals Evaluated for Carcinogenic Potential Office of Pesticide Programs U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
CHEMICAL Tebufenozide Tebufenpyrad CAS NO.* 112410238 119168773 PC CODE** 129026 90102 CANCER CLASSIFICATION*** GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforHumans SuggestiveEvidenceof 7/15/2002 Carcinogenicity,butNotSufficientto AssessHumanCarcinogenicPotential GroupDNotClassifiableasto HumanCarcinogenicity NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic ToHumans GroupBProbableHuman Carcinogen SuggestiveEvidenceof CarcinogenicPotential DataAreInadequateforan AssessmentofHumanCarcinogenic Potential GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforHumans GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforHumans GroupDNotClassifiableasto HumanCarcinogenicity GroupCPossibleHuman Carcinogen GroupBProbableHuman Carcinogen LikelytobeCarcinogenicto Humans 3/1/1993 REPORT DATE**** 8/29/1994




Tefluthrin Telone

79538322 542756

128912 29001

5/30/2012 3/19/2002

Tembotrione Tepraloxydim

335104842 149979419

12801 121005

5/22/2007 2/27/2001





Terbufos Terbuthylazine

13071799 5915413

105001 80814

3/9/1994 8/24/1994

Terbutryn Terrazole Tetrachlorvinphos

886500 2593159 961115

80813 84701 83701

3/3/1988 6/29/1999 3/7/2002

Tetraconazole Tetramethrin Thiabendazole

112281773 7696120 148798

120603 69003 60101

LikelytobeCarcinogenicto 1/11/2000 Humans GroupCPossibleHuman 12/11/1989 Carcinogen LikelytobeCarcinogenictoHumans 3/8/2002 atHighDoes;NotLikelytobe CarcinogenictoHumansatLow Doses LikelytobeCarcinogenicto Humans NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans SuggestiveEvidenceOf CarcinogenicPotential 10/31/2012 6/13/2005

Thiacloprid Thiamethoxam

111988499 153719234

14019 60109





For information about future review of these pesticides, see the Registration Review schedule/status at


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Annual Cancer Report November 2012

Chemicals Evaluated for Carcinogenic Potential Office of Pesticide Programs U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
CHEMICAL Thidiazuron Thiencarbazonemethyl CAS NO.* 51707552 317815831 PC CODE** 120301 15804 CANCER CLASSIFICATION*** NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic ToHumans NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenicTo Humansatdosesthatdonotcause urotheliumcytotoxicity NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic ToHumans GroupDNotClassifiableasto HumanCarcinogenicity GroupDNotClassifiableasto HumanCarcinogenicity GroupBProbableHuman Carcinogen LikelytobeCarcinogenicto Humans NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans LikelytobeCarcinogenicto Humans NotLikelytobeCarcinogenicto HumansatDosesthatDoNotAlter RatThyroidHormoneHomeostasis REPORT DATE**** 8/31/2005 2/29/2008

Thifensulfuronmethyl Thiobencarb(Bolero)

79277273 28249776

128845 108401

12/12/2006 6/10/1996





Thiodicarb Thiophanatemethyl Thiram Tolyfluanid Topramezone

59669260 23564058 137268 731271 210631688

114501 102001 79801 309200 123009

6/10/1996 8/24/1999 4/14/2003 6/18/2002 5/19/2005




SuggestiveEvidenceof 6/30/2004 Carcinogenicity,butNotSufficientto AssessHumanCarcinogenicPotential GroupCPossibleHuman Carcinogen GroupCPossibleHuman Carcinogen GroupCPossibleHuman Carcinogen GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforHumans NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans GroupCPossibleHuman Carcinogen LikelytobeCarcinogenictoHumans (HighDoses);NotLikelytobe CarcinogenictoHumans(LowDoses) 12/4/1996 1/29/1988

Triadimefon Triadimenol

43121433 55219653

109901 127201

Triallate Triasulfuron Triazamate Tribenuronmethyl Tribufos

2303175 82097505 112143825 101200480 78488

78802 128969 128100 128887 74801

1/12/1994 2/27/1991 12/1/1997 7/14/1989 5/22/1997

For information about future review of these pesticides, see the Registration Review schedule/status at


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Annual Cancer Report November 2012

Chemicals Evaluated for Carcinogenic Potential Office of Pesticide Programs U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
CHEMICAL Tributyltinmaleate CAS NO.* 14275571 PC CODE** 83118 CANCER CLASSIFICATION*** GroupDNotClassifiableAs ToHumanCarcinogenicity REPORT DATE**** 3/31/2005




LikelytobeCarcinogenictoHumans 7/15/1999 (HighDoses),NotLikelytobe CarcinogenictoHumans(LowDoses) GroupDNotClassifiableasto HumanCarcinogenicity NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic ToHumans GroupCPossibleHuman Carcinogen NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforHumans GroupCPossibleHuman Carcinogen GroupCPossibleHuman Carcinogen SuggestiveEvidenceof Carcinogenicity,butNotSufficientto AssessHumanCarcinogenicPotential NotLikelyToBeCarcinogenic ToHumans GroupBProbableHuman Carcinogen NotLikelytobeCarcinogenicto Humans NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans GroupBProbableHuman Carcinogen GroupEEvidenceofNon carcinogenicityforHumans GroupCPossibleHuman Carcinogen GroupCPossibleHuman Carcinogen GroupCPossibleHuman Carcinogen 5/9/1996




Triclosan Tridiphane Trifloxystrobin Trifloxysulfuron Triflumizole Trifluralin Triflusulfuronmethyl Triforine

3380345 58138082 141517217 290332104 68694111 1582098 126535157 26644462

54901 123901 129112 119009 128879 36101 129002 107901

1/4/2008 4/22/1986 6/16/1999 7/22/2003 8/10/1993 4/11/1986 5/28/1996 6/29/2004

TrinexapacEthyl Triphenyltinhydroxide(TPTH) Triticonazole Troysanpolyphase(IPBC) UDMH UMP488(PAL6000) Uniconazole Vinclozolin ZetaCypermethrin

95266403 76879 131983727 55406536 57147 111578326 83657221 50471448 52315078

112602 83601 125620 107801 600018 129025 128976 113201 129064

9/5/2008 5/24/1990 6/15/2006 12/4/1996 7/26/1991 5/6/1994 10/11/1990 6/20/2000 9/27/1988

For information about future review of these pesticides, see the Registration Review schedule/status at


Page 26

Annual Cancer Report November 2012

Chemicals Evaluated for Carcinogenic Potential Office of Pesticide Programs U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
CHEMICAL Ziram CAS NO.* 137304 PC CODE** 34805 CANCER CLASSIFICATION*** SuggestiveEvidenceof Carcinogenicity,butNotSufficientto AssessHumanCarcinogenicPotential NotLikelytoBeCarcinogenicto Humans REPORT DATE**** 2/6/2003





For information about future review of these pesticides see the Registration Review schedule/status at *CAS No.: a chemical identifier designated by the Chemical Abstracts Service **PC Code: a unique chemical identifier used by the Office of Pesticide Programs ***Cancer Classification: Simple descriptors used to express conclusions regarding the carcinogenic hazard potential of a chemical based on all relevant information, which is usually laboratory studies. These phases changed over time, as the Agency's guidance for carcinogenicity assessment was updated and revised. ****Report: Date of the Carcinogen Assessment Review Committee (CARC) report. The CARC report date does not necessarily reflect the date of the pesticide risk assessment. For example, all existing pesticide tolerances that were in place as of August 1996 were re-assessed for their health risks by August 2006 as required by the Food Quality Protection Act, and if there was no new information on carcinogenicity, the compound was not re-evaluated by the CARC.

For information about future review of these pesticides, see the Registration Review schedule/status at


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