Unit 2 Differential Amplifier
Unit 2 Differential Amplifier
Unit 2 Differential Amplifier
a) -17v
b) -27v
c) -39v
d) -15v
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Answer: b
Explanation: Since VB=0, the configuration becomes as an inverting amplifier. Hence, the
output due to VA is
Vo = -(RF/R1)*VA = -(15kΩ/1.5kΩ)*2.7v = -10*2.7 = -27v.
5. Compute the output voltage if the input voltage is reduced to zero in differential
amplifier with one op-amp?
a) Inverted Voltage
b) Same as the input voltage
c) Amplified inverted voltage
d) Cannot be determined
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Answer: d
Explanation: It is not mentioned clearly whether inverting input or non-inverting input is
reduced to zero. Therefore, the output cannot be determined.
6. The difference between the input and output voltage are -1v and 17v. Calculate the
closed loop voltage gain of differential amplifier with one op-amp?
a) -51
b) 34
c) -17
d) 14
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Answer: c
Explanation: Voltage gain of differential amplifier with one op-amp, A D=Output voltage /
Difference of input voltage
=> AD = 17v/-1v = -17v.
7. For the differential amplifier given below, determine the V x and RF value. Assume that
the circuit is initially nulled.