Unique Cable Condition Assessment System
Unique Cable Condition Assessment System
Unique Cable Condition Assessment System
LIRA Portable is a unique Cable Condition Assessment System that helps you gain control of
the condition of your cables.
By using a non-destructive test method, LIRA Portable can measure all kinds of electrical
cables, ranging from less than 50 meters to several hundred kilometers.
LIRA Portable is sensitive to small impedance changes in the insulation material, which allows
an early indication of challenging areas, detecting and localizing single and multiple
faults/damages/failures and their severity.
LIRA Portable allows you to monitor the global, progressive degradation of the cable insulation
and cable conductor, caused by either harsh environment conditions, or mechanical stress.
www.wirescan.no info@wirescan.no
LIRA Portable helps you Manage Risk and gain Cost Control through:
Feature: Benefit:
Runs on battery or AC power Four hour battery operation without the need
for AC power for use in remote locations
9.7” sunlight readable color touch screen Easy operation in challenging light conditions
Rugged design: IP67 closed - IP52 in operation Measurements possible in harsh environments
Total weight less than 10kg Easy transportation and possible to hand carry
on flights
Local database Cable data and result files stored locally on LIRA
Portable for playback and later optimization of
measurement results
Phone: Address:
Snorre Tangen: +47 945 20 225 Sundløkkaveien 75 www.wirescan.no
Vidar Bergli: +47 959 39 500 NO-1659 Torp, Norway info@wirescan.no