States of Guernsey: Waste Management Plan

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Appendix 1

States of Guernsey
Waste Management Plan

Approved by the States on [insert date]

Raymond Falla House
PO Box 459
Longue Rue
St. Martins
Telephone: +44 (0) 1481 234567

Document title: Waste Management Plan

Status: Draft

Drafted by: Committee for the Environment & Infrastructure

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1. Purpose of the Waste Management Plan (WMP) .....................................................4

2. Context ......................................................................................................................4
2.1 Waste Types ...................................................................................................4
2.2 Background.....................................................................................................4
2.2.1 Components of the Solid Waste Strategy and Inert Waste Strategy .......... 5
3. The Plan .....................................................................................................................8
3.1 Description and quantities of waste ..............................................................8
3.2 Methods to be employed for the management of waste .............................8
3.2.1 Existing Facilities ..........................................................................................9
3.2.2 Existing Supporting Facilities and Services ................................................10
3.2.3 Future Facilities .........................................................................................10
3.2.4 Associated Future Facilities and Services ..................................................11
3.2.5 Waste Flow Modelling Assumptions .........................................................11
3.3 Estimated Financial Costs .............................................................................13
3.3.1 Existing Operating Costs ............................................................................13
3.3.2 Future Operating Costs .............................................................................13
3.4 Recovery of the financial costs ....................................................................13
3.4.1 Existing Cost Recovery Policies..................................................................13
3.4.2 Future Cost Recovery Policies ...................................................................14
3.5 Public waste management sites...................................................................15
3.6 Existing Public Waste Management Sites ....................................................15
3.7 Future Public Waste Management Sites ......................................................16
4. Policy in Relation to Strategically Important States/WDA Facilities .......................19
5. Plan Monitoring and Revision .................................................................................20
Appendix 1 Extract from ‘The Environmental Pollution (Guernsey) Law, 2004’ .........21
Appendix 2 Waste data based on 2016 tonnages ........................................................27
Appendix 3 Waste Flow Model....................................................................................29
Appendix 4 Description of Facilities and Processes .....................................................30

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To identify the wastes generated by the Community for which provision for
management needs to be made for the period of 20 years from [insert date approved by
the States], detailing the methods to be used for the management of that waste, and
related matters, in accordance with section 31 of The Environmental Pollution
(Guernsey) Law, 2004 (as amended) (“the Law”) (see Appendix 1). This Plan identifies all
solid waste and certain liquid wastes which are specially controlled wastes1 as waste for
which provision for the recovery or disposal of which needs to be made by the Waste
Disposal Authority.

This Plan outlines the methods for the management of wastes, including methods for
the prevention, reuse, recycling, recovery and disposal of the various types of waste
generated on Guernsey. The Plan excludes the management of waste water and
agricultural farm slurry which are primarily recovered and disposed of through waste
water infrastructure, spreading on agricultural fields or other methods and not at public
waste management sites.

This Plan replaces the previous Waste Management Plan approved by the States of
Guernsey in August 2014 (as appended to Billet d’État XVI 2014).

2.1 Waste Types

For the purpose of this Waste Management Plan (WMP), the waste produced in
Guernsey and requiring specific management is broken down into the following

 Household waste
 Commercial waste (including inert waste)
 Specially controlled wastes (e.g. asbestos, batteries, florescent
tubes, oils, chemicals, etc.).

2.2 Background

The States approved the Waste Disposal Authority (WDA) recommendations for the Best
Practical Environmental Option (BPEO) for the management of solid waste, as set out in

Specially controlled waste is waste which is so dangerous or difficult to dispose of that special
measures need to be taken in respect of it. Substances prescribed as specially controlled waste are set out
in the Waste Control and Disposal (Specially Controlled Waste) Regulations, 2010.

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Billet d’État IV 2012, by approving a strategy based on high recycling and waste

This was reflected in the Waste Management Plan approved by the States in August
2014, where the WDA recommended option for future waste management was
endorsed by the former Environment Department as being within the Best Practical
Environmental Options for Guernsey, described by the Environment Department as
being minimisation followed by high recycling including kerbside, with either on or off-
island incineration with or without Anaerobic Digestion (or potentially In Vessel
Composting) of food waste.

As the Solid Waste Strategy has been implemented several changes have been necessary
due to a number of factors. Although these changes have not materially altered the
objectives of the Solid Waste Strategy, the Waste Management Plan requires updating
to include approved changes, such as those approved following Billet d’État No. V of
February 2017 in particular in relation to management of food waste. Household Waste
Charging Mechanisms have also subsequently been approved (see Article X of Billet
d’État XXVI of 2014, Article XIII of Billet d’État XXIV of 2017, and Article V of Billet d’État
No. XI of 2018).

The approved Solid Waste Strategy focussed on the management of Household and
Commercial waste, but excluded detailed information on Inert Waste produced by the
Construction and Demolition industry, largely due to existing facilities for managing this
waste stream. More recently it has been recognised that Longue Hougue Reclamation
Site is nearing the end of its life; an Inert Waste Strategy has therefore been developed
to address the future management of Inert Waste. This was considered by the States
following Article XIV of Billet d’État XXIV of 2017. The policy in relation to inert waste is
now being further developed in accordance with the resolutions following that States

This WMP, therefore, as well as identifying the existing waste disposal and
management methods used on the island, also sets out the future methods proposed
to be used in accordance with the BPEOs recommended by the WDA, subject to the
various actions and approvals referred to in the resolutions approved by the States on:
 15th February 2017, pursuant to Article III of Billet d’État No V of 2017, and
 14th December 2017, pursuant to Article XIV of Billet d’État No XXIV of 2017.

2.2.1 Components of the Solid Waste Strategy and Inert Waste

The individual elements of the Solid Waste Strategy and Inert Waste Strategy include,
but are not limited to:

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a. A strategy based on the Waste Hierarchy, as defined in the European Waste
Framework Directive2;
b. Waste Prevention and Minimisation;
c. 60% household recycling by the end of 2022, and 70% household recycling
by the end of 2030;
d. Household kerbside collections for dry recyclables and food waste, with an
option for small businesses to opt in to the kerbside collection scheme;
e. Provision of kerbside collection vehicles (if required);
f. Material Recovery Facility (MRF) for co-mingled dry recyclables collected
via kerbside collections from households and small businesses;
g. MRF for commercial waste – for sorting and separation of waste for
h. A Household Waste Recycling Centre (formerly referred to as Civic Amenity
site), incorporating Repair and Reuse;
i. A rationalised bring bank service, and recycling on-the-go litter bins;
j. Green waste reception and processing at Mont Cuet via windrows to create
a soil conditioner;
k. A Transfer Station to receive:
o residual waste from household and commercial sources that is not
suitable for recycling, for processing into Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF)
for export for energy recovery;
o segregated food waste collected from household and commercial
sources for pre-processing prior to export for treatment;
o glass for recycling;
l. Export of RDF for off-island energy recovery via a R1 compliant Energy
Recovery Facility (ERF);
m. Export of pre-processed food waste for off-island treatment via Anaerobic
Digestion (or similar process);
n. Landfill of certain specially controlled/hazardous wastes only;
o. Storage of certain sspecially ccontrolled wastes that cannot be managed on-
p. Export of sspecially ccontrolled wastes for disposal via a Duly Reasoned
Request acceded to by the Environment Agency in England or similar
agreement with another relevant competent authority;
q. Incineration of certain hazardous wastes (either on or off-island) (e.g. animal
carcases and clinical waste);

Directive 2008/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, Article 4.

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r. Site Waste Management Plans for construction projects, as defined in the
Island Development Plan (IDP)3;
s. Reuse and recycling of inert waste where possible, and where markets are
t. Recovery of inert waste through diversion from disposal routes for a specific
project where inert waste is required;
u. Disposal of residual inert waste (where no recovery option is available)
through land reclamation or infilling of former quarries subject to further
development of the policy in accordance with the Resolutions of the States
on Article XIV of Billet d'État XXIV of 2017;
v. A household charging policy of a standing charge and pay as you throw
element, and for the commercial sector cost recovery through gate fees;
w. Legislative requirements relating to the presentation of recyclates and other
waste for collection limited to households and small business premises
admitted into the Parish kerbside collection services4, with compliance
encouraged by civil fixed penalty notices;

The Environmental Pollution (Guernsey) Law, 2004 has been amended by the
Environmental Pollution (Guernsey) (Amendment) Law, 2015 (“the 2015 Law”), to
enable the implementation of the various elements of the solid waste strategy detailed
above. The majority of amendments came into force on 17 December 2015, the
exceptions being amendments in:

(a) section 11 of the 2015 Law, in so far as it inserts a new section 32A
(charging for waste management services) into the Environmental
Pollution (Guernsey) Law, 2004, and
(b) section 24 of the 2015 Law (amendment to the Competition (Guernsey)
Ordinance, 2012).

Billet d’État No XXVII, 2016
Defined in relevant legislation as the Parish waste collection and transfer service.

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3.1 Description and quantities of waste

Under section 31(3)(a) of the Law, the draft Waste Management Plan is required to
identify the descriptions and quantities of waste for the recovery or disposal of which
provision needs to be made during such period as may be specified. The period specified
in this Plan is 20 years starting from [insert date approved by the States].

The descriptions and quantities of solid waste currently requiring provision for disposal,
recovery, or other waste management are shown below:

Summary of 2016 Waste Arisings Data (tonnes)

Waste Category Household Commercial Total

Inert Waste 81,312 81,312

Inert Recycling/Recovery 59,185 59,185
Inert Sub-Total 140,497 140,497
Residual Waste 13,190 25,860 39,050
Recycling 12,050 18,599 30,649
Sub-Total 25,240 44,438 69,699
Total Waste 25,240 184,941 210,196

A more detailed breakdown of quantities of waste is provided in Appendix 2.

Notwithstanding government policies on net inward migration, increasing the housing

stock and growing the island's GDP, the WDA and the States have adopted zero waste
growth in the BPEO evaluations. The Plan reflects this approach in setting out the
quantities of waste for disposal, recovery or other waste management.

It should however be noted that the overall figures above represent a significant
reduction compared to the figures included in the previous Waste Management Plan.
This is largely down to a significant reduction in inert waste, although minor reductions
in Household and non-inert commercial waste have also been experienced. The large
reduction in inert waste represents variable activity within the construction industry. A
shift to increased reuse and recycling of inert waste on construction sites is likely to have
contributed the reduction in inert waste; however tonnages are not currently recorded.

3.2 Methods to be employed for the management of waste

Under section 31(3)(b) of the Environmental Pollution (Guernsey) Law, 2004 (the 2004
Law), the Waste Management Plan is required to identify the methods to be employed

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for the recovery or disposal of waste identified in section 3.1 above. Facilities for
recovery as well as for final disposal have been identified.

3.2.1 Existing Facilities

The table below details existing key infrastructure in Guernsey for the
management of solid waste, using 2016 data in the tonnage column. These sites
are operated, where appropriate, under licences issued by the Director of
Environmental Health and Pollution Regulation (the Director):


MRF (Commercial) Fontaine Vinery WDA c. 4,000

MRF (Commercial) Private c. 21,0005

MRF (Dry Recyclables) Fontaine Vinery WDA c. 2,500
MRF (Dry Recyclables) Private c. 9,000
Windrow Composting Mont Cuet WDA c. 11,500
Civic Amenity Site Mont Cuet WDA c. 1,000
Household Waste Recycling Longue Hougue WDA c. 2,000
Facility (Temporary)
Carcass Incinerator States of c. 300
Healthcare Waste Incinerator States of c. 600
Inert Waste Longue Hougue WDA c. 81,000
Inert Recycling Private c. 13,000
Residual Landfill (Waste) Mont Cuet WDA c. 27,000
Residual Landfill (Site Prep) Mont Cuet WDA c. 43,000
Metal Recycling (including Private c. 7,000
End-of-Life Vehicles (ELVs)
Specially Controlled Waste – Mont Cuet WDA c. 700
On-island Disposal
Specially Controlled Waste – WDA, c. 1,600
Storage and Export for Private
Specially Controlled Waste – WDA, Up to a
Storage and Export for Private maximum of
Disposal 1366)

Assumes Private facility is operating to capacity for permitted quantities of waste
Tonnages are specified in the Duly Reasoned Request (DRR), which is required under Article 11 of the
Basel Convention and Article 41 of Regulation (ED) No. 1013/2006 in order for Guernsey to export
specially controlled waste to the UK for disposal.

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In addition to the above, there are a number of smaller operations that manage
waste material prior to being recycled or reused.

3.2.2 Existing Supporting Facilities and Services

In addition to the above facilities, the WDA also manages an interim dry
recyclables kerbside collection scheme, and provides bring banks for the
collection of further dry recyclables and a public drop off facility for green waste
at Chouet Headland.

3.2.3 Future Facilities

Based on current fill rates, and to enable windrow composting of green waste
and the disposal of specially controlled waste to continue at Mont Cuet for the
medium to long term, it is recognised that the disposal of residual waste at Mont
Cuet is likely to cease to be a viable option beyond the end of 2018. Mont Cuet
is also the last site licensed under the 2004 Law for the on-island disposal of
specially controlled wastes.

The Solid Waste Strategy approved by the States (Billet d’État IV 2012) focuses
on ensuring that waste is dealt with at the highest level possible in the Waste
Hierarchy. This is to be achieved by minimising waste, increasing recycling and
exporting residual waste for recovery.

To support this strategy, the following facilities are required:


MRF (Commercial) Private TBC
MRF (Optional) Longue Hougue WDA TBC
MRF (Dry Recyclables) Private c. 12,000
Windrow Composting Facility Mont Cuet WDA c. 12,000
(with public drop-off area)
Animal Carcass Incinerator States of c. 400
Clinical Waste Incinerator (or States of c. 650
alternative off-island facility) Guernsey
Waste Transfer Station to: Longue Hougue WDA
1. Process residual waste to
produce RDF for export; c. 26,000
2. Process food waste for
export; and c. 4,000
3. Prepare glass bottles for
export c. 2,500

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Residual Landfill (including Mont Cuet WDA c. 2,000
on-island disposal of Specially
Controlled Waste)
Household Waste Recycling Longue Hougue WDA c. 4,000
Centre (HWRC)
Inert Waste Land Short Term – Longue WDA c. 100,0009
Reclamation/Infill Site Hougue,
Medium Term – TBC7
Long Term – TBC8.
Inert Waste Recycling WDA/Private c. 56,00010
Metal Recycling (including Private c. 8,000
End-of-Life Vehicles (ELVs)
Specially Controlled Waste – Longue Hougue/Other WDA/Private c. 1,600
Storage and Export for
Specially Controlled Waste – Longue Hougue/Other WDA/Private Up to a
Storage and Export for maximum of
Disposal 136 (as
within the

3.2.4 Associated Future Facilities and Services

In addition to the above facilities, the solid waste strategy is reliant on:
 kerbside recycling (for dry recyclables and food waste);
 a rationalised bring bank network;
 recycling on-the-go litter bins;
 a Repair and Reuse service (delivered through the HWRC);
 export contracts for RDF, pre-processed food waste and other
 site Waste Management Plans for individual developments (as defined
in the IDP), administered by the Development & Planning Authority;
 education and training programmes;
 data collection and analysis.

3.2.5 Waste Flow Modelling Assumptions

Appendix 3 shows the waste flow model based on the 2016 waste arisings and
2015 waste composition analysis. Predicted tonnages assume the first full year

Subject to planning approval and the further approval of a full business case for a recommended site.
Subject to further review of options and subsequent States approval.
The quantity of inert waste received for land reclamation fluctuates considerably.
Includes material previous used for Site Preparation at the residual landfill site.

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of operation of new services and facilities required to deliver the waste strategy
approved in 2012 will be 2019. A number of assumptions have been made in
developing the model:

 Linear increases in recycling to achieve the 70% recycling target for

household waste by the end of 2030. No step changes resulting from the
introduction of new services/charges/legislation have been factored into
increases in recycling performance;
 Waste wood that is currently shredded and mixed with waste soil/inert
fines for use as cover material at Mont Cuet Landfill Site will return to the
residual waste stream, as there will no longer be a requirement for this
material. The soil/inert fines will be required to meet the waste
acceptance criteria for the current WDA inert waste recovery/disposal
site if alternative routes are not available;
 Alderney waste will continue to be received in Guernsey, and that the
tonnages remain constant as Guernsey does not have influence over
Alderney in terms of waste and recycling collections. Alderney Waste is
assumed to have the same composition as Guernsey waste;
 An initial capture rate of 36% is assumed for food waste, increasing to
60% by the end of 2030. Assumed improvements in other recycling
material capture rates are detailed against each material category;
 Litter is excluded from recycling rate calculations, as per revised UK
 Larger quantities of contaminated soil should be remediated in situ, or on
site, with encapsulation on site if necessary. Only small quantities of such
waste will be accepted at the specially controlled waste cell at Mont Cuet
Landfill Site in order to preserve this valuable void space.
 Some Site Preparation materials/cover (soil, hardcore, and waste tarmac)
will continue to be required at sites operated by the WDA. Remaining
material will be directed to other engineering/building projects or will be
required to meet the Waste Acceptance Criteria at the current WDA inert
waste recovery/disposal site.
 Fines from the production of ‘Fragmentiser’ Waste (from Scrap Metal
Processing) will still be used as cover material for the specially controlled
waste cell at Mont Cuet Landfill Site. The remainder of this material will
be exported for recycling/recovery.
 Tonnages for waste wood are based on historical data from waste audits
and information provided by the private sector. With the introduction of
Waste Management Licences in 2010, the practice of burning at specific
sites was ended. It was expected that this wood would return to the
residual waste stream; however evidence shows this not to be the case.
Some wood has subsequently been used as blended cover material (see
second bullet point above), but this use is not sustainable. From
discussions with the industry, it is assumed that the remaining waste

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wood is being burnt in small quantities privately across the island, or is
exported for recovery within baled RDF produced by the private sector.
 Waste Derived Material - 6,000 tonnes
Approximately 6,000 tonnes per year of waste derived material will be
spread on land after treatment. This material results from the processing
of green waste. The ongoing long term viability of this process and the
long term capacity of the island's soils to take up these additional
outputs, without adverse impacts to the land and water resources is
unknown. The WDA has assumed that this waste derived material will
meet quality standards and would be applied to the land in line with
nutrient management plans where appropriate.

3.3 Estimated Financial Costs

Under section 31(3)(c) of the 2004 Law, the Waste Management Plan is required to
identify the estimated financial costs of the management of waste by the methods
identified in 3.2.

The costs detailed below are in relation to waste disposal and other waste management
operations provided, managed, arranged or funded by or on behalf of the WDA. All
private facilities detailed in sections 3.2.1 and 3.2.3 above will have a set gate fee or
similar charging system to recover the costs of providing and operating such facilities.

3.3.1 Existing Operating Costs

It currently costs in the order of £6 million per annum to provide and operate
the States owned key infrastructure and services for the management and
disposal of solid waste (including recycling activities).

3.3.2 Future Operating Costs

The WDA estimates future costs for operating waste management facilities and
services, based on a 20 year strategy, to be approximately £13 million per

3.4 Recovery of the financial costs

Under section 31(3)(d) of the 2004 Law, the Waste Management Plan is required to
outline arrangements for recovery of the estimated costs identified in 3.3 above.

3.4.1 Existing Cost Recovery Policies

Costs at public waste management sites managed by the WDA are recovered by
way of gate fees applied at the receiving facilities. Gate Fees are set annually by
Regulations, and are based on the tonnage and type of waste being deposited,

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recovered or otherwise managed. The gate fees have been set by the WDA to
encourage segregation of inert material and the segregation of materials for
recycling. Contamination rates are applied at Mont Cuet for loads containing
material that could have been segregated.

The income received from the gate fees at Mont Cuet and Longue Hougue covers
the running costs of the two sites, along with the cost of running WDA managed
recycling and segregation facilities.

It is noted that a proportion of the gate fees were used to cover the costs of
previous solid waste strategy investigations and are currently being used by the
WDA in implementing the solid waste strategy.

3.4.2 Future Cost Recovery Policies

As outlined in Article 1 of Billet d’État II 2014 (paragraph 31.16) and in the

resolutions on Article XIII of Billet d’État No. XXIV of 2017, the following charges
are proposed for domestic waste:

 The Douzaines will make a direct charge to households for the costs of
collections and transfer of waste, recyclables and food waste to licensed
facilities based on a fixed charge per household. This is on the basis that
the collection service represents a fixed cost regardless of how much
waste is placed out by each household.

 The WDA will directly charge households to cover the costs of processing
the materials after collection and to pay costs of all other public waste
management services and initiatives provided, arranged or funded by the
WDA (i.e. the States), and made available to households and the
commercial sector. This charge will comprise:

o A charge per bag (pay-as-you-throw)

o An annual fixed charge per household.

As outlined in Article I of Billet d’État II of 2014 (paragraph 32.2), commercial

waste delivered to sites provided, operated, managed, arranged or funded by or
on behalf of the WDA will be charged a gate fee at a per tonne per load rate to
cover the cost of providing the service. Gate fees at the different facilities may
be set at differential rates to encourage businesses to deal with their waste
through methods such as re-use and recycling which are higher up the Waste
Hierarchy than recovery and disposal.

As outlined in resolution 1 following Article X of Billet d’État XXVI of 2014,

businesses producing waste of a similar nature or composition and of a similar
or lower volume to that produced by households may have the opportunity to

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opt into the parochial waste collection and transfer service for black bag waste,
recyclables and food waste, such businesses to be accepted by the Douzaines at
their discretion, subject to available capacity within the collection services

3.5 Public waste management sites

Under section 31(3)(e) of the 2004 Law, the Waste Management Plan is required to
identify the sites or facilities provided, managed, arranged, operated or funded by or on
behalf of the WDA where such recovery, disposal or other waste management
operations are to take place (“public waste management sites”).

Section 32(1) and (2) of the 2004 Law states that it is the duty of the WDA to make
reasonable provision for the reception and recovery or disposal of waste at one or more
public waste management sites (see Appendix 1) but that it need not make provision for
facilities other than in respect of the public waste management sites identified in the
current Waste Management Plan.

3.6 Existing Public Waste Management Sites

The following are existing WDA public waste management sites that are managed by the
WDA or via arrangements with the private sector:

Civic Amenity Site (Mont Cuet)

A Civic Amenity Site is located at the entrance compound where the public can
drop-off household waste (including black bag waste and bulky waste) and
certain recyclable materials.

Household Waste Recycling Facility (Longue Hougue)

A temporary Household Waste Recycling facility is provided at Longue Hougue

where the public can deposit potentially recyclable or reusable household

Green Waste Processing Site (Mont Cuet)

Green waste processing, involving the composting of green waste using

windrows, is currently undertaken at Mont Cuet Landfill Site, with public drop-
off of green waste at the nearby Chouet Green Waste Site. Soil conditioner
produced by composting green waste is publicly available at the Chouet Green
Waste Site.

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Inert Waste Disposal Site (Longue Hougue)

Longue Hougue is a marine reclamation site. Only inert waste is accepted at this
site as the material has direct contact with the marine environment.

Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) (Fontaine Vinery)

A facility is provided at Fontaine Vinery for the processing of dry recyclates

collected from bring banks, and for the segregation of mixed commercial waste
(excluding black bag waste) delivered directly to the facility.

Residual Landfill Site (Mont Cuet)

Mont Cuet Landfill Site is the only site on Guernsey in respect of which a licence
is held under the Law (licensed site) for the disposal of mixed household and
commercial residual waste. Licensed operations include the discharge of
leachate via the leachate treatment plant and landfill gas control measures.

Specially Controlled Waste Disposal Site (Mont Cuet)

Mont Cuet is a licensed site for the disposal of certain specially controlled wastes.

Waste Oil Storage Site (North Side Oil Yard)

Waste mineral and vegetable oil will continue to be stored at the North Side Oil
Yard prior to reuse on-island (e.g. as a biodiesel) or being exported for recovery.

3.7 Future Public Waste Management Sites

The following are WDA public waste management sites that will be managed by the
WDA or via arrangements with the private sector following the implementation of the
waste strategy:

Household Waste Recycling Centre (Longue Hougue)

A Household Waste Recycling Centre is to be opened at Longue Hougue

Reclamation Site, incorporating a reuse service. This replaces the existing Civic
Amenity Site at Mont Cuet Landfill Site and the temporary Household Waste
Recycling Facility.

Green Waste Processing (Mont Cuet)

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Green waste processing, involving the composting of green waste using
windrows, will be undertaken on a capped area at Mont Cuet Landfill Site, with
a public drop-off area for green waste also at this site. Soil conditioner produced
by composting green waste will be publicly available from this site.

Inert Waste Disposal Site

Inert waste will continue to be accepted for land reclamation at Longue Hougue
Land Reclamation Site in the short term; however this site is expected to be at
full capacity in 2021.

Following completion of the current Longue Hougue Land Reclamation Site,

further inert waste disposal is proposed at a new site, subject to completion and
consideration of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), and subject to
obtaining the relevant planning permission and waste management licence.

The follow-on site will be one selected from short-listed options, as detailed in
Article XIV of Billet d’Etat XXIV of 2017 and following further work directed by
the States following the States debate. The short list was is based on
identification and evaluation of the Best Practical Environmental Options (BPEO)
for this particular waste stream. This process has also identified further options
for the management of inert waste in the longer term, which will be reviewed
and progressed as required in the future, subject to obtaining the necessary
approvals and licences. The recycling and/or reuse of inert waste shall take
precedence over recovery or disposal of inert waste.

Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) (Dry Recyclables)

A facility is required by the WDA for the segregation of co-mingled dry recyclates
collected from kerbside collections from households and small businesses that
are admitted into the kerbside scheme, and from a rationalised bring bank
service. This is to be provided by the private sector on behalf of the WDA.
Provision is also made for a MRF to be operated by the WDA should this be

Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) (Mixed Commercial Waste)

A MRF is required to sort mixed commercial waste for the recovery of inert and
recyclable materials. Provision is also made for a MRF to be operated by the WDA
should this be required.

Residual Landfill Site (Mont Cuet)

Although it is proposed that residual household and commercial waste,

excluding specially controlled wastes, should be exported as RDF to an energy

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recovery facility, there may be particular waste types requiring on-island
disposal, or times when due to exceptional circumstances there is a need to
dispose of residual wastes on-island.

As the last licensed landfill site, provision is maintained for such ad hoc wastes
requiring disposal at Mont Cuet during the life of the approved Solid Waste

Specially Controlled Waste Disposal Site (Mont Cuet)

Certain specially controlled wastes requiring disposal on-island will be landfilled

in an engineered cell at Mont Cuet Landfill Site.

Specially Controlled Waste Storage (Longue Hougue)

Certain specially controlled wastes requiring recovery or disposal off-island will

be stored in a specially engineered secure compound at Longue Hougue
Reclamation Site.

Waste Oil Storage Site (North Side)

Waste mineral and vegetable oil will continue to be stored at the North Side Oil
Yard prior to reuse on-island (e.g. as a biodiesel) or being exported for recovery.

Waste Transfer Station (Longue Hougue)

Residual household and commercial waste, excluding specially controlled

wastes, will be received at the WDA Waste Transfer Station located at Longue
Hougue Reclamation Site. It will then be exported for energy recovery after
processing to produce a Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF). The Waste Transfer Station
will also receive segregated food waste from both household and commercial
sources for pre-processing prior to export for energy recovery at an anaerobic
digestion (or similar) facility in the UK, and glass bottles and jars for bulking in
advance of recycling.

Page 18 of 31
Policy to be taken into account by the Director in making waste management licensing
decisions in relation to private waste operations which may compete with the Waste
Transfer Station.

Section 33(2) and (2A) of the 2004 Law require the Director to take into account this
Waste Management Plan and consult with the WDA, the Constables of the Parishes and
certain States Committees when considering an application for a licence, or for any
variation of conditions of a licence, under the Law permitting the disposal of waste other
than at a public waste management site or the carrying out of an operation which might
divert waste from a public waste management site identified in this Part of the Waste
Management Plan. Section 35(1) of the Law also requires the Director to attach to any
licence permitting certain waste management operations all such conditions as appear
to the Director to be necessary or expedient to ensure.....the sustainable management
of waste in the longer term.

When consulted, section 33(3) of the 2004 Law clarifies that the WDA's representations
to the Director are not confined to Section 15 of the 2004 Law (Grant or refusal of
Applications), but may include the public interest in ensuring that waste is not without
good reason diverted from public waste management sites. This applies to the
States/WDA provided, operated and funded Waste Transfer Station (the States/WDA
Waste Transfer Station).

The States policy is to impinge as little as possible on private waste operations whilst
recognising that it is essential and in the public interest that the States/WDA Waste
Transfer Station can remain available and economically viable in the long term to
manage the waste identified in relation to those facilities in this Plan.

In a small jurisdiction such as Guernsey, given limited economies of scale and the
relatively small quantities of waste to be managed, it may be in the public interest to
restrict diversion of waste from the States/WDA Waste Transfer Station to private
facilities, given the cost of providing public waste management facilities.

Page 19 of 31

As detailed under section 31(3) of the 2004 Law, the Committee for the Environment &
Infrastructure shall from time to time, following recommendations made to it by the
Waste Disposal Authority, lay before the States a draft Waste Management Plan for

Should any of the necessary Local Planning Brief, planning permission, waste licence,
business case or other approvals and consents not be adopted, approved or granted, so
as to allow delivery of the various elements of the waste strategy as detailed in Section
2.2.1 above, the WDA will consider whether it needs to recommend to the Committee
for the Environment & Infrastructure any changes to the Waste Management Plan to
enable the management of waste produced on Guernsey, following the procedure
under the 2004 Law.

Page 20 of 31
Appendix 1 Extract from ‘The Environmental Pollution
(Guernsey) Law, 2004’

Waste Management Plans

31. (1) The Waste Disposal Authority shall from time to time make
recommendations to the Committee for the Environment & Infrastructure in
connection with the preparation by the Committee for the Environment &
Infrastructure for consideration by the States of draft Waste Management Plans.

(2) In performing its duties under subsection (1) the Waste Disposal
Authority shall consult –
(a) the [Committee for the Environment & Infrastructure],
(b) the [Committee for the Environment & Infrastructure],
(c) the States [Committee for Economic Development],
(d) the Douzaine of each of the Parishes of Guernsey,
(e) the [Committee for Health and Social Care],
(f) the Director, and
(g) such other bodies or persons as it thinks fit.

(3) The Committee for the Environment & Infrastructure shall from time to
time, following recommendations made to it by the Waste Disposal Authority,
lay before the States a draft Waste Management Plan identifying –

(a) the descriptions and quantities of waste for the recovery or

disposal of which provision needs to be made during such period
as may be specified,
(b) the methods to be employed for its recovery or disposal,
(c) the estimated financial costs of such recovery or disposal,
(d) arrangements for the recovery of those costs, and

Page 21 of 31
(e) the sites or facilities provided, managed, arranged, operated or
funded by or on behalf of the Waste Disposal Authority where,
subject to subsection (4), such recovery, disposal or other waste
management operations are to take place ("public waste
management sites"),

and when such a draft Plan has been approved, with or without modification, by
the States it shall become the current "Waste Management Plan" for the
purposes of this Law.

(4) For avoidance of doubt the designation of a public waste management

site by a Waste Management Plan –
(a) does not override the terms of any Development Plan, Subject
Plan or Local Planning Brief for the time being in force under the
Land Planning and Development (Guernsey) Law, 2005, or avoid
the need for a planning inquiry to be held where required under
that Law as respects any amendment to such a Plan or Brief
intended to enable the implementation of that designation, and
(b) does not absolve the Waste Disposal Authority from obtaining
and complying with the conditions of any licence required
pursuant to this Law in respect of its operation of that site.

Licensed waste operations

Public waste management sites.

32. (1) Subject to the following provisions of this section, it is the duty of the
Waste Disposal Authority to make such arrangements as may be necessary for
the reasonable provision of facilities for the reception and recovery or disposal
of waste at one or more public waste management sites in accordance with the
Waste Management Plan.

Page 22 of 31
(2) For the avoidance of doubt, in discharging its duty under subsection (1)
the Waste Disposal Authority need not make arrangements for the provision of
facilities for the reception and recovery or disposal of waste other than in respect
of the public waste management sites identified in the current Waste
Management Plan.

(3) In discharging its duty under subsection (1) the Waste Disposal Authority
is entitled –
(a) to reserve particular sites for –
(i) particular descriptions of waste, or
(ii) use by particular categories of persons,
(b) to specify limited times at which, and other conditions subject to
which, waste or waste of any particular description will be
accepted at any site or any particular site, and
(c) to prescribe by regulations the charges or rates of charge and the
basis on which charges must be paid as a precondition of its
acceptance of waste, or of waste of any particular description,

and need not accept waste in respect of which all such requirements are not

(4) Regulations of the Waste Disposal Authority under subsection (3)(c) may
for the avoidance of doubt and without prejudice to the generality of that
subsection –
(a) prescribe charges with a view to recovering the capital,
operational and administrative costs reasonably incurred by the
States in providing facilities and services at all public waste
management sites, and
(b) apply a discount or surcharge to a charge calculated on the basis
of paragraph (a), based on the position in the waste hierarchy of

Page 23 of 31
operations carried on at the site, with the highest charge being in
respect of sites where disposal is carried on.

(5) In this section and in section 32A "waste hierarchy" means applying the
following waste hierarchy as a priority order –
(a) prevention,
(b) preparing for re-use,
(c) recycling,
(d) other recovery, including energy recovery, and
(e) disposal.

(6) In the exercise of its powers under subsections (3) and (4), and generally
in its management of public waste management sites, the Waste Disposal
Authority must –
(a) have regard to the current Waste Management Plan,
(b) comply with the conditions of any licence under this Law to which
the operation is subject, and
(c) comply with all other obligations imposed on it by or under this
Law and any other enactment.

Private waste management on land.

33. (1) Without prejudice to the generality of section 22(3)(a), an Ordinance
making such provision as is mentioned in section 13 as respects the disposal of
waste (or, whilst such an Ordinance is in force, any other Ordinance made under
this Law) may –
(a) prohibit the disposal of any waste, or of any description or type
of waste, otherwise than at a public waste management site,
(b) preclude the Director from granting licences permitting the
disposal of any waste, or of any description or type of waste –
(i) except at a public waste management site,

Page 24 of 31
(ii) except with the consent of, and in accordance with any
requirements made by, the Waste Disposal Authority,
(iii) in excess of such volumes as may be specified in the
Ordinance, or
(iv) at such locations, or other than at such locations, as may
be specified or described in the Ordinance.

(2) In considering an application for a licence, or the variation of the

conditions of a licence, under this Law permitting –
(a) the disposal of waste on land otherwise than at a public waste
management site, or
(b) the carrying out of an operation which might divert waste from a
public waste management site identified under that Part of the
Waste Management Plan detailing policy in relation to
strategically important Waste Disposal Authority facilities,

the Director shall comply with the requirements in subsection (2A).

(2A) The requirements referred to in subsection (2) are that the Director –
(a) shall not grant the application in contravention of subsection (1),
(b) shall take into account, in addition to the matters set out in
section 15, the current Waste Management Plan, and
(c) shall consult, and have regard to any representations made by –
(i) the Waste Disposal Authority,
(ii) the Constables of the Parish concerned,
(iii) the Committee for the Environment & Infrastructure,
(iv) the Committee for Health & Social Care,
(v) the Committee, and
(vi) the Committee for the Environment & Infrastructure,

Page 25 of 31
provided that compliance with this subsection does not modify the effect of
section 23.
(3) For the avoidance of doubt, the representations of the Waste Disposal
Authority to which the Director is obliged by subsection (2A)(c)(i) to have regard
are not confined to the matters set out in section 15, but include the public
interest in ensuring that waste is not without good reason diverted from public
waste management sites.

Page 26 of 31
Appendix 2 Waste data based on 2016 tonnages
The following information is based on 2016 waste arisings data (tonnes) provided by the

Residual Waste 13,190
 ‘Black bag’ waste 11,312
 CA Site/Bulk Refuse 1,878
Recycling 12,050
 ‘Dry’ recyclables 6,769
 ‘Green’ waste 3,862
 Other Household Recycling 1,419
Inert Waste 81,312
 Inert Builders Waste 81,312
Inert Recycling/Recovery 59,185
 Inert Recycling 12,936
 Site Preparation Materials (Recovery) 46,249
o Cover 32,933
o Commercial MRF Output 7,360
o Hard-core/Tarmac 5,956
Residual Waste 25,860
 Compacted 4,863
 Residual Commercial 9,177
 Fragmentiser Waste (disposal) 142
 Fragmentiser Waste (cover material) 1,019
 Specially Controlled Wastes 427
 Waste Wood 7,636
 Healthcare Waste 588
 Abattoir Waste 293
 Exported as Refuse Derived Fuel 1,715
Recycling 18,599
 ‘Dry’ recyclables 4,790
 ‘Green’ waste 7,125
 Recyclables (metal, pallets, WEEE) 5,345
 Specially Controlled Waste 1,116
(off-island recovery)
 Fragmentiser Waste (recovery) 223

Page 27 of 31
The waste categories detailed above are currently processed as follows:
‘Black bag’ waste 11,312
CA Site/Bulk Refuse 1,878
Compacted (Commercial) 4,863
Residual Commercial 9,177
Fragmentiser Waste (on-island disposal) 47
Fragmentiser Waste (cover material) 1,019
Specially Controlled Wastes (on-island)12 411
SUB-TOTAL 28,707


Fragmentiser Waste (off-island disposal) 96
Specially Controlled Waste (off-island disposal)12 16


Inert Builders Waste 81,312
SUB-TOTAL 81,312


‘Dry’ recyclables (Household) 6,769
‘Green’ waste (Household) 3,862
CA Site/Bulk Refuse 1,419
Inert Recycling 12,936
‘Dry’ recyclables (Commercial) 4,790
‘Green’ waste (Commercial) 7,125
Recyclables (metal, pallets, WEEE) 5,345
Specially Controlled Waste (off-island recovery) 1,116
Fragmentiser Waste (off-island recovery) 223
Export of RDF (off-island recovery) 1,715
SUB-TOTAL 45,300


Waste Wood 7,636
Healthcare Waste 588
Abattoir Waste 293

TOTAL 163,948

Excludes site preparation materials
Does not include bottom ash or Air Pollution Control residues generated by the clinical waste and
carcass incinerators as raw data is provided for these waste streams.

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Appendix 3 Waste Flow Model
Appendix 4 Description of Facilities and Processes
Anaerobic Digestion
The processing of organic waste in the absence of oxygen in tanks resulting in the
capture of biogas which is used to generate energy and a nutrient rich digestate that
can be applied as a fertiliser to land.

Brink Banks
Bring banks and receptacles provided for the collection of recyclables/ recyclates.

Household Waste Recycling Centre (HWRC) (or Civic Amenity Site (CA Site))
A household waste recycling centre (HWRC) is a facility where the public can deposit
household waste and recyclables. HWRCs are typically run by the local Government in
a given area. Collection points for recyclable waste such as green waste, metals, glass
and other waste types are available.

Kerbside Recycling
A service provided to collect recyclables and source segregated food waste put out in a
prescribed manner and collected from the kerbside.

Materials Recovery Facility (MRF)

A Materials Recovery Facility houses operations that process incoming waste so that it
may be recycled and/or directed to an appropriate treatment/disposal facility.
Separation is achieved by a combination of manual and automated processes.

Refuse Derived Fuel

Residual waste that has been processed in preparation for transport to an energy
recovery facility under European Waste Catalogue code 19 12 10: combustible waste
(Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF)).

Repair and Reuse Centre

Facilitates the transaction and redistribution of unwanted, yet perfectly usable,
materials and equipment from one entity to another.

Waste Transfer Station

The Waste Transfer Station will accept residual waste from both household and
commercial sources. It will then be prepared for export as RDF to an off-island energy
recovery facility. The Waste Transfer Station may also receive other wastes for pre-
processing in advance of distribution to an appropriate recycling, recovery, or disposal
facility. In the case of the facility at Longue Hougue, segregated food waste will be
received and processed into an “AD Soup” to enable transportation to an Anaerobic
Digestion facility, and glass will be received for bulking for shipment to at glass recycling
Windrow Composting
Windrowing is the composting of organic matter by piling in long rows (windrows),
which are turned regularly to improve porosity and oxygen content once the required
temperature is achieved (typically 65°C). This method is currently used to process both
household and commercial green waste, producing a soil conditioner which can be
applied to the land. It is not suitable for food waste.

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