Waste Guidelines For New Developments
Waste Guidelines For New Developments
Waste Guidelines For New Developments
Developed by TALIS May 2020 and revised by the City of Vincent August 2023
Waste Guidelines for New Developments
Developed by TALIS May 2020 and revised by the City of Vincent August 2023
Table of Contents
1 Terms and Definitions ........................................................................................................... 4
3 Objectives ............................................................................................................................ 6
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Waste Guidelines for New Developments
Developed by TALIS May 2020 and revised by the City of Vincent August 2023
Table 7-1: Three Bin System Residential waste and recycling generation rates / storage requirement
Table 7-2: Commercial waste and recycling generation rates / storage requirement
Table 7-3: COV general waste and recycling bin dimensions (WALGA, 2014)
Figure 7-1: Vehicle Dimensions
Figure 7-5: FOGO Kitchen Caddy and Education Materials starter pack
: Waste Generation Rates
: WMP Checklist
: Bin Dimensions
: Collection Vehicles
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Waste Guidelines for New Developments
Developed by TALIS May 2020 and revised by the City of Vincent August 2023
Term Description/Definition
Mobile Garbage Bin or Mobile Recycling Bin used to store general waste,
comingled recyclables or organics for collection.
A waste storage facility used to store bins between collections. This may
Bin Store
be also a bin room or compound.
Bulk Waste Verge
Collections of household appliances, furniture and other oversized items
Collection Service
which should not be disposed of in the bins.
(Bulk Waste)
Caretaker Person(s) or party appointed by the managing agent to be responsible for
the management of waste at the development. A caretaker may be a
resident of the development or a third party.
City of Vincent (the) City
The point where general waste, comingled recycling and organics are
Collection Point
loaded onto collection vehicles.
Also refers to recycling. Material that is collected separately from general
Comingled Recycling waste for the purpose of recycling. This may include paper, cardboard,
glass, plastic, aluminium and steel containers.
Food Organic Garden
Organic wastes such as food waste and green waste from the garden.
Organic (FOGO)
Also referred to as garbage, rubbish, household waste or landfill waste.
General waste is the remaining waste after other materials have been
separated for comingled recycling and FOGO collection.
General Waste General waste is collected in red lidded bin if an organics service is in use,
or a green lidded mobile garbage bin.
Hazardous and bulky waste should not be included in the general waste
Includes batteries, chemicals, paint, cleaning products, medicines and
Hazardous waste
flammable liquids.
Multi-Unit Dwelling In this guide, the term is used to refer to residential development of more
(MUD) than one dwelling. This ranges from dual occupancies and attached
dwellings to high-rise residential flat buildings.
Mobile Garbage Bin Receptacle used to temporarily store general waste and FOGO that is
(MGB) generated at a property.
Mobile Recycling Bin Receptacle used to temporarily store comingled recycling that is
(MRB) generated at a property.
Onsite Collection When the collection vehicle enters the property and services the
development within the property boundary from a designated loading
Presentation point Location/s in which the MGBs are presented for collection.
Western Australia Local Government Association – Multiple Dwelling
Waste Management Plan Guidelines
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Waste Guidelines for New Developments
Developed by TALIS May 2020 and revised by the City of Vincent August 2023
Term Description/Definition
Waste generation These are average general waste, comingled recycling and FOGO
rate generation volumes associated with developments.
Waste Management Document that defines how waste will be managed for a proposed
Plan (WMP) development.
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Waste Guidelines for New Developments
Developed by TALIS May 2020 and revised by the City of Vincent August 2023
These guidelines outline the requirements of a Waste Management Plan for all new residential,
commercial and mixed-use developments. The following sections will detail development application
requirements with regard to solid waste management including generation, storage and removal of
general waste and recycling.
3 Objectives
The objectives of these guidelines are to:
• Ensure the long-term waste management needs of each development are met in an efficient
and sustainable manner and provides for waste minimisation in a manner that protects the
• Minimise the impacts of waste storage and collection facilities on the streetscape, public
realm, building entries and the amenity of residents;
• Maximise safety for waste collection staff, residents and the public;
• Minimise traffic and footpath obstruction; and
• Minimise impacts on the visual or other amenity of the building or neighbourhood.
The City encourages designers to be innovative in developing the most efficient and sustainable waste
management system to meet these objectives and encourages early consultation with the City
regarding waste management requirements. This can be initiated by calling City on 9273 6000 or
emailing mail@vincent.wa.gov.au.
In most cases a WMP shall be submitted as part of the following categories of Development
• Residential
o 2 or more multiple dwellings;
o 2 or more grouped dwellings;
o 2 or more aged or dependant persons dwellings/beds;
• Accommodation uses (as determined by the City);
• All proposals where there is insufficient lot, road or verge frontage for collection vehicle access
(as determined by the City);
• Mixed Use Developments; and
• Commercial, Industrial and Other Non-Residential Development, as determined by the City.
Waste management must be considered at the design stage of a development. This will ensure that
sufficient waste capacity has been catered for, enough space has been provided to store waste prior
to collections, recycling of waste has been considered, sufficient space allocated to allow for
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Developed by TALIS May 2020 and revised by the City of Vincent August 2023
collection, clearance for a waste collection vehicle has been considered and vermin, pests and odours
have been minimised.
The City currently provides the following standard residential waste and recycling collection services:
Residential group and multiple dwellings (i.e. units, townhouses and apartments) are provided a
standard waste service, based on the waste generation rates in Appendix A.
The City’s collection services operate Monday to Friday only for residential properties. The City does
not collect waste from residential properties on Saturdays and Sundays (except for make-up days
related to Good Friday, Christmas Day and New Years’ Day Public Holidays, if applicable)
The City currently offers a standard weekly FOGO collection, fortnightly general waste collection and
fortnightly recycling collection service to residential properties. Depending on the density of the
development, the City may provide residential waste collections up to 2 times per week by application
and subject to approval by the City.
Note: Increased collection frequency approval is at the City’s discretion and will incur additional
The City’s internal Waste Team and Waste Contractors operates the following collection vehicles:
The City may collect MGBs onsite under special arrangements, subject to approval by the City.
Note: Preference will always be to collect from the verge, unless this presents a safety risk/concern.
Onsite collection approval is at the City’s discretion and a waiver form needs to be signed by the
Developer to fulfil the City's waste collection agreement. Additional fees may apply for onsite
collection. The City has limited capacity to provide on-site collection of waste and recycling, which may
result in the property being required to move these services to a private provider at their own cost.
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Developed by TALIS May 2020 and revised by the City of Vincent August 2023
Commercial bin stores are required to service the maximum number of bins that may be required at
the property and cater for potential future uses/occupancy.
The WMP must allow for a 3 bin FOGO collection best practice system aligned to the requirements of
the Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery (WARR) Strategy 2030 objectives/targets.
All WMPs must provide explanation (including appropriate drawings/figures) on how the applicant/s
will achieve the outcomes of these guidelines. The checklist in Appendix B should be used as a guide
to ensure the City’s core waste management practices have been considered and incorporated in to
the design of the development and addressed in the WMP.
The development will be undertaken and operate in accordance with the WMP, as approved by the
City. Details of how the WMP will continue to be applied in perpetuity across the life of a development
and the process for changing a WMP and the City’s involvement in such, are to be included in the
WMP (e.g. reference in the strata management statement).
Anticipated waste generation for general waste, comingled recycling and FOGO must be calculated
using the figures in Appendix A. A summary of the anticipated waste generation calculation and
estimated quantity of bins required should be included in the WMP.
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The intended land uses, floor areas, apartment sizes etc. should be indicated, to clearly show how the
waste generation of the development was calculated, with any assumptions explained.
Where specific commercial tenancy uses are not known, the City requires the use of restaurant
generation rates in Appendix A to ensure the development has adequate storage capacity to cater for
potential future uses/occupancy.
The number of bins required for general waste, comingled recycling and FOGO should be clearly
Details of the size and quantity of the bins to be used must be provided. Appendix C contains details
of the bin sizes that the City use. Other size bins may be used in commercial developments, subject to
the City’s approval, and details of these bins must be provided with the WMP.
Design details of the bin store must be included in the WMP covering the requirements outlined in
Section 7.2. This includes:
Details of waste systems must be provided including waste chute systems, compactors, and any other
waste management equipment or devices to be used.
A description of internal source separation systems, bulk waste storage and educational/equipment
signage must also be included.
The WMP must provide a description of how waste will be transferred internally by residents to the
waste storage facility.
• room be provided for interim storage of general waste, comingled recycling, and FOGO on
each floor in an interim storage area, with a caretaker that takes all materials from the interim
storage area to a communal waste storage facility; and
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• the use of separate chutes for general waste, comingled recyclables in conjunction with an
interim storage area on each floor for residents to place oversized items such as cardboard
boxes that should not be put into the chute system.
The WMP is to include chute specifications and details for mitigating glass breakage at the termination
of the chute as well as ongoing cleaning and maintenance of the chute system.
The WMP must establish and delegate responsibility for the tasks required for ongoing monitoring
and maintenance of waste management services and equipment.
WMPs must contain details on collection method to be used. This should include the following
The WMP must nominate if the City or a private waste contractor will service the development. For
all residential collections, the City is the required waste service provider.
The City’s Waste Education Officer may assist Strata and / or Caretakers with relevant waste sorting
materials for a three bin FOGO service, where applicable. The following resources may be offered per
unit: one kitchen caddy, three waste sorting fridge magnets, one pack of compostable caddy liners, a
Waste in my Apartment flyer and Waste & Recycling Guide. Digital versions are also available for
circulation via email by Strata, upon request.
6.8 Drawings/Figures
To assist in the assessment process WMPs should provide drawings/figures to support the above
information, including:
• Generic floor level showing the interim storage area with adequate area for all residents to
easily access;
• Bin store/s including configuration of the required quantity of bins and waste equipment
within the store to demonstrate functionality and adequate size to comply with the City Local
Health Law. Drawings should include bin store floor area (m2), bin sizes and configuration,
chute/compaction equipment size and layout, and bin wash taps and sewer points;
• Bulk waste store;
• Ramp gradients;
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• Bin presentation point, with the maximum required quantity of bins to be presented to be
shown; and
• Swept path analysis of the waste collection vehicle (onsite servicing).
7.1 Bins
7.1.1 All general waste, recycling and FOGO material generated within a development is required
to be stored in appropriate bins, as determined by the City.
7.1.2 Specialty waste other than general waste, comingled recyclables and FOGO must be stored in
appropriate bins, as approved by the City. This can include, but is not limited to used cooking
oil, medical waste and hazardous substances.
7.1.3 The number of bins provided must be sufficient to store the anticipated waste generation as
derived from Appendix A.
7.1.4 Commercial bin stores are required to be able to service the maximum number of bins that
may be required at the development to cater for potential future changes uses/occupancy.
7.2.1 All developments shall be provided with a waste storage facility for the storage of general
waste, recycling and FOGO in appropriate bins.
7.2.2 Developments with shared bins must include an easily accessible communal bin store within
the development, to the satisfaction of the City.
7.2.3 In the case of mixed-use developments separate residential and commercial bin stores are
7.2.4 Where a waste storage facility cannot be incorporated into the development, an enclosure
with walls of not less than 1.8 metres in height and access point with self-closing gate of not
less than 1000mm must be located behind the front building setback.
7.2.5 All bin stores shall have a floor area of no less than 5m2. Use of roller doors are acceptable if
space is an issue.
7.2.6 All waste storage facilities must be sized to be capable of containing a minimum of 2 weeks’
worth of general waste and recycling and one week of FOGO, regardless of any reduction in
bin quantity or waste volume estimates from compaction or increased collection frequencies.
7.2.7 Equal access is to be provided to all bins (i.e.: no stacking of rows of bins). Each bin must have
a minimum 50mm spacing around all sides, including between walls, other bins and aisles.
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Developed by TALIS May 2020 and revised by the City of Vincent August 2023
7.2.8 All bin stores to have an aisle width of not less than 1000mm for easy manoeuvring of bins,
refer Appendix E for example bin store.
7.2.9 All bin stores to have an access point of not less than 1000mm for easy manoeuvring of bins,
refer Appendix E for example bin store.
7.2.10 Sufficient space must be provided to store general waste, comingled recycling material and
organics (FOGO) in separate bins.
7.2.11 The storage location of bins must be located behind the front building setback.
7.2.12 Bins must not be visible from the property boundary except when presented for collection.
7.2.13 Bins must be stored in locations that are reasonably secured from theft and vandalism.
7.2.14 Bin stores shall have 100mm concrete floors (in accordance with AS2870) grading to an
industrial floor waste (including a charged ‘water-trap’ connected to sewer or an approved
septic system), with a hose cock to enable bins and/or the bin store to be washed out.
7.2.15 All waste storage facilities must be undercover and be designed to not permit storm water to
enter into the drain.
7.2.16 All waste storage facilities must have enough space to facilitate the cleaning of bins inside the
bin store.
7.2.17 Walls and floors of bin stores must be constructed of a material which facilitates the cleaning
of the bin store.
7.2.19 Enclosed bin stores must be ventilated to a suitable standard as approved by the City.
7.2.20 Where mechanical ventilation is used, the outlet for vented air must be in a location which
will not adversely impact residents.
7.2.21 Bin stores shall be provided with artificial lighting, sensor or switch controlled both
internal/external to the room or area. All lighting in open areas is to comply with AS4282-1997
(Control of Obtrusive Outdoor Lighting).
7.2.23 Sufficient space must be provided to allow the easy passage of bins in and out of bin stores or
7.2.24 Council approved signage shall be used in all communal waste storage facilities to inform users
of the appropriate bins for disposing of waste and guidance for the separation of general
waste, comingled recyclables and FOGO material (See Appendix F).
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7.2.25 General waste may be compacted to a maximum compaction ratio of 2:1. Comingled recycling
material must not be compacted, unless it is clean cardboard in a separate collection to
comingled recycling material.
7.2.26 The distance between the last bin in the bin store and the presentation point should be
ideally no greater than 10m.
7.3.1 Bins must be presented to the verge on the specified collection day for collection.
7.3.2 Bins placed on the verge for collection must not be placed on a neighbouring verge.
7.3.3 Bins should be stored behind the property boundary line, within 24 hours of collection.
7.3.4 Bins placed for collection on the verge must not obstruct pedestrians, street furniture or bike
lanes. Bins must be placed at least 1m from cars, street signs or power poles and 1m away
from trees, not under the tree canopy. A discussion with the City’s Waste Team regarding bin
placement under tree canopies is required if there is no other option for bin positioning.
7.3.5 Bins are to be lined up neatly and in a single row along the verge and have no less than 0.5m
spacing between each bin.
7.3.6 Where more than 5 x 240L bins are to be presented to the verge, an area must be paved to
accommodate the bins on the verge and allow passage to and from the storage area.
7.3.7 Surfaces of all bin travel paths must be designed to allow easy transportation of the bins.
Travel paths should be level and with smooth non-slip surfaces and be finished in a way which
reduces the noise of the bins as they are manoeuvred.
7.3.8 The travel path between the bin store and the collection point is to be kept free of obstacles
and steps.
7.3.9 Gradients of bin travel paths must not exceed 1:14 for two wheeled bins and 1:30 for four
wheeled bins.
7.4.1 The City’s preferred collection point is the verge, however where space is limited or this
creates a safety risk/concern, onsite collection may be required, as determined by the City.
Additional charges may apply.
7.4.2 Where onsite collections are required, sufficient clearance for the collection vehicles must be
catered for. Clearances for collection vehicles are outlined in Appendix D.
7.4.3 Where onsite collections occur, roadways and infrastructure traversed by the collection
vehicle must be constructed to accommodate a 30 tonne Gross Vehicle Mass.
7.4.4 Waste which is likely to become putrid such as organics must be collected at a frequency
which reduces the likelihood of this material causing offence. Alternatively the City may
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approve at its discretion, storage of this waste in a way which reduces this likelihood, such as
refrigerated storage rooms.
7.4.5 Where private collections are employed the collections must comply with all local, state and
federal laws and regulations.
7.5.1 All developments are to provide a bulk waste store to allow temporary storage of bulky items
while awaiting disposal such as cardboard boxes, mattresses, appliances and other oversized
household waste or material which should not be disposed of within the bin system or down
a chute system.
7.5.2 A bulk waste store is an important safeguard against residents illegally dumping bulky waste
on the footpath or within common areas of the building.
7.5.3 The bulk waste store should be readily accessible to all residents.
7.5.4 Areas for bulky waste can be next to or within the main residential communal bin storage
7.5.5 The bulk waste store should be located at ground level (screened from the street) or in a
basement and can be incorporated with the bin storage facility.
7.5.6 Be secure, and caged if required, to allow the contents to be visible from the outside.
7.5.7 Have a minimum doorway width of 1500mm to allow for easy movement of large waste items.
7.5.8 A minimum area of 4m² is to be provided, or 0.5m² per dwelling, whichever is greater. The
0.5m2 area may be reduced if all units have their own equivalent sized store, at the discretion
of the City.
The City offers a pre-booked Verge collection service for bulky household items. For apartments over
25 units bookings are to be coordinated via the Strata/Property.
Developments have an annual allowance of one Verge Valet™ collection per unit. Each allowance is
up to 3m3 and multiple allocations can be collected at the agreed collection frequency. Multi-Unit
Dwelling developments will be required to complete the Verge Valet™ Contact Details and Collection
Authorisation Form prior to commencing collections.
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7.6.1 The City has developed several waste education resources specifically for use in multi-unit
dwellings using a three bin FOGO system. These are detailed below and in Appendices F – H.
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80L/week (can be
1 bedroom 60 L/fortnight 80 L/fortnight reduced with
Waste (on 160L/ week (can
2 bedroom 100 L/fortnight 120 L/fortnight be reduced with
240L/week (can be
3+ bedroom 140 L/fortnight 160 L/fortnight reduced with
2 bedroom 120 L/fortnight 80 L/fortnight 80L/fortnight
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Developed by TALIS May 2020 and revised by the City of Vincent August 2023
Example A: Sizing of a communal storage area used for general waste, comingled recycling and
FOGO bins that service 8 units.
Future development with 8 units containing the below bedroom mix would be calculated as follows:
• 2 x 1 bedroom units,
• 4 x 2 bedroom units; and
• 2 x 3 bedroom units.
*800L equivalent to 4 x 240L MGBs serviced fortnightly – or 2 x 240L MGBs weekly collection (subject
to City approval) please note that increased frequency might result in additional costs
*1120L equivalent to 4 x 360L MRBs fortnightly – or 2 x 360L MRB weekly collection (subject to City
approval) please note that increased frequency might result in additional costs
*680L equivalent to 5 x 140L MGBs collected weekly – or 2 x 240L MGB weekly collection (subject to
City approval based on likely garden organics generation onsite)
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Developed by TALIS May 2020 and revised by the City of Vincent August 2023
Example B: Sizing of a communal storage area used for general waste, comingled recycling and
FOGO bins that service 55 units.
Future development with 55 units containing the below bedroom mix would be calculated as follows:
• 19 x 1 bedroom units,
• 24 x 2 bedroom units; and
• 12 x 3 bedroom units.
*6320L equivalent to 27 x 240L MGBs serviced fortnightly – or 14 x 240L MGBs weekly collection
(subject to City approval) please note that increased frequency might result in additional costs
*4840L equivalent to 14 x 360L MRBs fortnightly – or 7 x 360 MRB weekly collection (subject to City
approval) please note that increased frequency might result in additional costs
*2060L equivalent to 15 x 140L MGBs collected weekly – or 9 x 240L MGB weekly collection (subject
to City approval based on likely garden organics generation onsite)
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Table 7-2: Commercial waste and recycling generation rates / storage requirement
General Comingled
Use Type FOGO Metric
Waste Recyclables
Delicatessen 50 50 50 L/100m²/day
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General Comingled
Use Type FOGO Metric
Waste Recyclables
Showrooms 20 20 20 L/100m²/day
Education/Training (teaching
5 5 L/100m²/day
Gym 10 10 L/100m²/day
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: WMP Checklist
The checklist below should be used to show that the City’s core waste management practices have
been considered and incorporated into the design of the development. The WMP should include a
brief description of the below considerations.
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Developed by TALIS May 2020 and revised by the City of Vincent August 2023
Waste System
Details of any waste management equipment or devices to be used.
• Chutes
• Compactor
• Bin Lifter
• Other
Waste Service Provider
Provide explanations why the applicant seeks to engage a private collection
contractor to service the development rather than the City waste services
Has clear signage been included to provide instructions on how use the waste
Ongoing management
Does the WMP delegate responsibility for ongoing monitoring and maintenance
of waste management services and equipment.
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: Bin Dimensions
The information presented in below table is the typical dimensions of common bin sizes that the City
For other bin sizes please refer to the manufacturer’s/private waste contractors specifications and
include these in the WMP. Other bin sizes must have a minimum 50mm spacing around all sides of
the bins, including between walls, other bins and aisles.
MGBs with capacities up to 1700L must comply with the Australian Standard for mobile waste
containers, AS 4123.
Table 7-3: COV general waste and recycling bin dimensions (WALGA, 2014)
Bin Capacity 140L 240L 360L
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: Collection Vehicles
Waste collection vehicles may be side loading, rear-end loading, front-end loading or crane trucks. The
size of vehicle varies according to the collection service. Developers should consult with the City
regarding the type of vehicle to be used.
For onsite collections (if required) the development must be designed to allow the required clearances
for the rear lift vehicle dimensions in the below table. An additional 2m clearance is to be allowed at
the rear of the truck to allow for operation of the bin lifting mechanism.
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The sign is a lightweight Aluminium Composite Material (ACM) with predrilled holes in the top corners.
It is weatherproof and has UV and graffiti protective coatings, suitable for indoor or outdoor bin
storage areas. It is A1 sized (594 mm x 841 mm).
We suggest the sign be placed in either a high foot-traffic area of the complex or in a well-lit,
prominent position in the bin storage area.
A QR code featured in the top right corner links to the City of Vincent Waste & Recycling waste sorting
page where the same artwork can be found in 12 different languages.
The 12 languages can be downloaded as PDFs from our website to print off copies as needed for
distribution to Culturally and Linguistically Diverse residents in your complex, or refer residents to the
website: https://www.vincent.wa.gov.au/how-to-sort-your-waste-correctly.aspx
Signs are available upon request from the City of Vincent Waste and Recycling Team.
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The City of Vincent, in collaboration with WasteSorted, has developed an educational flyer targeted
at multi-unit dwelling residents, titled ‘Waste in my Apartment’. The flyer provides verbal and pictorial
details of how to sort waste with a three bin FOGO system, as well as other waste and recycling
services available to Vincent residents. The flyer artwork is shown below.
The flyers is a six page DL sized document printed on 100% recycled paper.
We suggest the flyer be included in all welcome packs for new residents by developers or strata. It
may also be circulated as a digital copy to residents via email.
QR codes featured in the flyer link to the City of Vincent Waste and Recycling webpage and to the
‘Find my Nearest’ page of the Recycle Right website, referencing drop off locations for household
hazardous waste.
Flyers are available upon request to the City of Vincent Waste and Recycling Team.
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- Kitchen caddy
- 3 x waste sorting fridge magnets
- 1 x pack of compostable caddy liners
- Waste & Recycling Guide
Figure 7-5: FOGO Kitchen Caddy and Education Materials starter pack
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Contact Us
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