Maximum Mark: 30: Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
Maximum Mark: 30: Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
Maximum Mark: 30: Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced Level
PHYSICS 9702/05
Paper 5 Planning, Analysis and Evaluation For Examination from 2016
1 hour 15 minutes
Question 1 Planning
P Vary pressure.
M Method of varying p: e.g. use of pump to remove air/valve to allow air in.
D Method to determine the period of the wave including the use of the timebase.
D f = 1/period.
Method of analysis
A k = gradient.
D Use a safety screen/goggles to prevent glass entering eyes if glass container shatters.
D Use of y-axis on c.r.o. to check that initial sound has constant amplitude.
Award P, M and A marks where seen. Award a maximum of 6 D marks. [Total: 15]
U1 From ± 0.4 to ± 0.6 Allow more than one significant figure. [3]
(c)(i) G1 Five points plotted correctly Must be within half a small square. Penalise
‘blobs’. Ecf allowed from table.
U2 All error bars in R2 plotted Must be accurate within half a small
correctly square. [2]
(c)(ii) G2 Line of best fit Allow ecf from points plotted incorrectly –
examiner judgement.
G3 Worst acceptable straight line. Line should be clearly labelled or dashed.
Steepest or shallowest possible Should pass from top of top error bar to
line that passes through all the bottom of bottom error bar or bottom of top
error bars. error bar to top of bottom error bar. Mark
scored only if all error bars are plotted. [2]
(c)(iii) C1 Gradient of best fit line The triangle used should be at least half the
length of the drawn line. Check the read-
offs. Work to half a small square. Do not
penalise POT. (Should be about 1.1 × 10−5)
U3 Uncertainty in gradient Method of determining absolute uncertainty
Difference in worst gradient and gradient. [2]
(d) C2 c = gradient Gradient must be used. Should be about
Do not penalise POT.
C3 m MeV −3/2
U4 Absolute uncertainty in c Check working. [3]
(e)(i) C4 E given to 2 or 3 s.f. [1]
(e)(ii) U5 Percentage uncertainty in E
2 ∆R ∆c
3 R
c )
× 100 =
3 R (
1 ∆R ∆m
2 +
× 100 ) [1]
[Total: 15]