G.R. 190144, 01 August 2012, 678 SCRA 171, 182. G.R. No. L-34589, 29 June 1988, 163 SCRA 9, 17
G.R. 190144, 01 August 2012, 678 SCRA 171, 182. G.R. No. L-34589, 29 June 1988, 163 SCRA 9, 17
G.R. 190144, 01 August 2012, 678 SCRA 171, 182. G.R. No. L-34589, 29 June 1988, 163 SCRA 9, 17
Carlito Lee 1,
garnishment takes effect as of the date of the levy, to wit:
The two (2) exceptions in which a garnishee can disobey a writ of execution and,
consequently, the writ of garnishment that follows is stated by the Supreme Court in the
case of Engineering Construction Inc. (“ECI”) v. National Power Corporation
(“NPC”)2. These are (1) a defect on the face of the writ; and (2) actual knowledge on
the part of the garnishee of the lack of entitlement on the part of the garnisher, to wit:
G.R. 190144, 01 August 2012, 678 SCRA 171, 182.
G.R. No. L-34589, 29 June 1988, 163 SCRA 9, 17.
To detect a defect on the face of the writ of execution, the elements of a valid writ
of execution must be known. Section 8 of the Rule 39 of the Rules of Court provide that
a valid writ of execution must contain (1) the name of the Republic of the Philippines
from the court which granted the motion for execution; (2) the name of the court, the
case number and title, the dispositive part of the subject judgment or order; (3) the
directive to the sheriff or other proper officer to enforce the writ according to its terms
and in the manner provided by said section; and (4) the amount of the interest, costs,
damages, rents, or profits due as of the date of the issuance of the writ, aside from the
principal obligation under the judgment, as follows: