Fluoric Acid - Allen Handbook
Fluoric Acid - Allen Handbook
Fluoric Acid - Allen Handbook
Fluoricum Acidum.
For use, 1 part of the pure acid is dissolved in 99 parts of water and
preserved in gutta-percha vials. This should be well diluted before taking.
General Action :- º It is an irritant to mucous membranes and a profound
tissue remedy. º Indicated in deep destructive processes (periosteal, osseous
and connective tissue generally affected.). º It also seems to affect the veins
and restore their tone.
Allies :- º º Boron (Borax and Boracic acid), Silicon (Silicic acid, Silica).
Generalities :- º Writhing about in indescribable agony. º Motion of hands,
fingers, toes feet jaws, lips, eyebrows lids, muscles of face, etc. ; fond of
movement of the whole body when sitting. º Pain, agg. hand, arm to elbow
and in foot, with lameness ; transient P. in different parts in evening, in
neck, knee, right forearm, left leg, right foot, right shoulder and left arm,
sometimes below, sometimes above elbow ; erratic in left half of body in
arm, chest, nates, etc., with itching ; jerking, in different parts, behind left
ear, on left middle finger and in small of back ; jerking burning, almost
boring, in a small spot ; burning, at 9 P.M. in different places, agg.
externally, on thighs, left upper arm, fingers, etc.
º Shaking sensation in forenoon when sitting, with pressure and compression
in occiput, agg. towards right side, with internal numbness in left forearm
and pricking in it on stretching it. º Sensation almost like rush of blood,
though rather as if caused by the nerves, somewhat like numbness and
confusion or burning, in right side of forehead, then in right side of jaws, in
posterior half of occiput, in bladder, and so on in various places. º Lameness.
º Lassitude ; in forenoon ; at night when walking ; sudden, in evening. º
Many symptoms worse when standing, though better when standing than
when sitting ; S. agg. right side ; during rest ; in the room when reading or
writing ; as soon as she rises. º Amelioration on motion, on walking ; pains
amel. after breakfast, except pain in head on motion of it.
Clinical :- º It has been used in typhoid fever, especially for the
bed-sores, and tabes dorsalis and in other diseases where there has been
tendency to decubitus. º In a general way it is a remedy for an unhealthy
condition of the tissues in broken-down constitutions, as in drunkards,
varicose veins, bed-sores, syphilitic destruction of tissues, exostoses and
bone-pains ; diseases of the bones generally ; also in diseases of the skin,
Ears :- º Sticking in right. º Jerking behind left. º Pain in right ; behind right,
extending upward ; about right in forenoon as, if ringing in ear would
begin ; peculiar P. in left, amel. stirring in with finger, with itching. º Itching
in right, then left. º Sensitiveness of hearing increased in morning.
Clinical :- º Otorrhœa, with hardness of hearing.
Nose :- º Pain on left side, nose had not been sore or painful for several
months ; sudden P. in left side after some emissions. º Sore feeling, agg.
towards left side. º Crawling. º Feeling as from a bad cold. º Sneezing in
afternoon ; violent S. seven times in morning, with scanty discharge of thin
mucus from nose, salivation and sensation in nose as from very cold
weather. º Suddenly full of mucus in morning on rinsing mouth with cold
water, as quickly passing over. º Coryza ; in frequent attacks, suddenly
appearing and disappearing, coryza, amel. excitement ; fluent, and on right
side, with crawling before sneezing ; fluent at night in sleep or next
morning, after drinking red wine in evening, constant dropping and stoppage
of nose ; sudden fluent, all day after drinking ale in evenings, suddenly
disappearing ; sudden tickling fluent, all day after ale in evening.
Clinical :- º Chronic nasal catarrh and ozæna.
Face :- º Appears to have become suddenly old, he sees in the glass
superficial whitish, puffy folds beneath the eyes, extending towards nose,
etc., without discontent thereat. º Constant motion of muscles. º Spasmodic
sensation in zygomata at 5 P.M., drawing towards larynx. º Jaw, gnawing
near angles ; pain in right upper, with heat, reflected in lower ; drawing pain
in right lower, towards the middle ; peculiar sensation near bone of right
lower in evening, with drawing in entire right limb ; sensation in right joint
as if a spasm would occur ; cramplike confusion in joints, agg. left ; warmth
in right upper, with confusion ; burning pain on outside of right lower near
first or second molar ; numbness in right joint, with warmth and sensation as
if it would begin to pain. º Lips warm ; burning like a sore near inner edge of
lower, towards the right.
Mouth :- º
Teeth :- º Digging in a right lower incisor. º Pain in left ; left lower ; P. in a
right tooth disappears for a moment and jumps to outer part of left thigh
above knee ; P. on right side, extending to outer part of left thigh above
knee ; in right eye-tooth in evening ; in a right upper carious incisor in
evening from the cold air of the room ; so that he could not bite upon the
teeth. º Drawing in left lower. º Right eye-tooth, which was once rough but
afterwards smooth, is now rough and begins to ache, agg. at upper part of
root, and along roots of upper teeth there is pain on pressure, agg. evening,
temporarily amel. cold water. º Bluntness ; with sticking, contraction and
tension, then the mucous membrane of mouth became whitish and peeled
off. º Lower incisors feel sharp, as if broken and pain on touch of tongue. º
Warm feeling, agg. left upper, especially incisor and canine, then warmth in
pharynx. º Acrid offensive taste coming from the roots ; acrid putrid T. from
root of right upper incisor, on which an artificial tooth is fixed, in morning ;
like ink in evening, from a left lower. º Pain where the roots of left teeth had
been taken out. º (Painful excoriation near first right lower molar.).
Rectum and Anus :- º Urging and soft stool, next day stool protracted and
small ; ineffectual desire ; indefinite desire, scanty odorless wind and pappy
stool, in a tertian type, one day with copious micturition, after the stool
better appetite than usual. º Constriction of anus on attempting to emit flatus.
º Feeling as if wind were retained in anus. º Determination of blood to A.
after drinking wine. º Itching in and around A.
Stool :- º Fluid, profuse at 2 A.M., with pinching. º Two watery immediately
after rising in morning. º Diarrhœa at 4 A.M. º Loose. º Large, pappy,
yellowish-brown, offensive. º Pappy and frequent. º Free, twice a day. º
Hard, twice a day. º Constipation. º Scanty and delayed ; S., intermittent and
lumpy. º (In lumps and difficult.). º (Every other day and every time later.).
Urinary Organs :- º Pain in region of bladder ; above neck of B. after
micturition ; in lower part of B. before and after micturition and on
pressure ; in region of B., like an electric shock, extending into right thigh ;
burning quick, nervous pain from region of B. extending to right thigh,
when in bed. º Frequent desire to urinate. º Micturition twice at night ;
frequent M. of light urine, leaving him more comfortable, and during and
after micturition elasticity (in muscles ?) of urinary organs, then agreeable,
sensation, he drinks less than usual. º Burning in urethra during and after
micturition in morning. º Urine copious in evening, and of strong odor ; C.,
with the diarrhœa ; C., and of clear color ; C., then more thirst. º Urine
diminished ; evening and morning, with odor like Benzoic acid. º Urine
offensive ; and acrid. º The habitual whitish sediment is mixed with a
copious purple one.
Sexual Organs :- º Erections, with desire and voluptuousness ; E. in
morning without desire. º Occasional sticking, through left testicle to
abdominal ring and spermatic cord. º Drawing from left testicle to spermatic
cord. º Sensation of pushing towards spermatic cords, in evening. º Desire
increased ; with erections at night in sleep ; diminished ; lost. º
Menstruation eight days too soon, copious, thick and coagulated, lasting five
days instead of six to seven, the next time at the regular period according to
the former calculation.
Respiratory Organs :- º Pain in forepart of larynx, as if in cartilage,
inducing him to swallow. º Scraping in larynx, provoking hawking and
swallowing. º Soreness in larynx when coughing or hawking. º Itching in
larynx, causing swallowing and hawking. º Breathing oppressed deep
internally, not amel. deep breathing. º Difficult B. as from an impediment in
region of pit of throat and upper part of chest, with itching pimples on back
and pain in chest below point of scapula. º Deep B. as if the breast within
and below were full, in forenoon when sitting and writing. º Sighing
inspiration in afternoon and evening, more observed by others than by
himself, he has to bend backward in afternoon on the bed if he wants to take
a full breath. º Breathing continued after radial pulse had failed and even
action of heart had apparently ceased.
Chest :- º Stitches in side ; under ribs to left of ensiform cartilage in
evening ; from left to groins, from 9 to 10 A.M., agg. deep respiration, agg.
in groin and back ; pain as if a stitch would appear behind heart ; burning S.
in left. º Pain close to right nipple ; in last right rib, near spine ; in centre of
sternum in afternoon, after retiring at 10 P.M., a pain in middle of chest
lasting till he fell asleep ; in left side beneath skin, on moving and a similar
pain in left shoulder at 10 P.M., next morning or rising P. again in left chest.
º Oppression on reclining, with trembling in lower limbs ; O., with pain. º
Tightness as if something were fixed in upper part, more towards the front,
impeding inspiration, not amel. deep inspiration. º Soreness. º Burning from
left breast to groin. º Throbbing in C. and abdomen on feeling them.
Clinical :- º Ascites, with great dyspnœa. º Hydrothorax, with wheezing
respiration, and small, frequent, irregular pulse.
changing from one set of muscles to another, but is always in more than one
the omohyoideus is decidedly affected, but not the sterno-cleido-mastoideus.
º Pain in right side in forenoon ; P. in nape, beneath scapulæ and in left side
of chest ; extending from nape through centre of head towards forehead,
gradually concentrating towards the left, as if throbbing would arise there. º
Drawing pain along right side ; in afternoon. º Constriction of left side at 9
A.M. º Soreness of left half of nape. º Stiffness.
from the time of waking in morning till noon, several days, with prickling in
ball of thumb on stretching arm and hand.
Wrist :- º Pain about right wrist and finger-joints. º Drawing in right from 8
to 11 A.M.
Hand :- º Redness internally ; R., agg. in palms, as if finely mottled, with
fulness and warmth. º Pain and swelling next day fingers and especially
thumb inflamed, the hot bright red skin on the tips discolored, the last
phalanx almost immovable, the pain in hands extended to shoulders, and
fever, towards evening of second day the pains were throbbing and
finger-tip more swollen on the third day the finger-tips were white and
thumb was enveloped by a white blister, on which the nail rested, with
throbbing pains, on opening the blister a thick, brown, offensive, acid fluid
was discharged, under these blisters was seen on fingers the uninjured true
skin, on thumb there was underneath a second blister, upon opening which
commencing suppuration was found, the thumb continued to secrete thin
pus. º Pain in right metacarpus in evening after a cold from exposure to
snowy air, like that formerly in right leg. º Lameness of right. º Powerless
sensation. º Internal numbness in left, different from that produced by long
pressure, extending to forearm, not amel. exertion. º Left asleep in morning
after lying on right side, lasting all the forenoon.
Fingers :- º Jerking in left thumb in forenoon, extending to middle of
forearm. º Prickings ; in tips of index, agg. left and in right thumb ; outward,
in tip of left little ; intermittent burning P. in fleshy part of left thumb at 11
A.M., passing out at tip ; sensation of a splinter under thumb-nail and in
cellular tissue when touched, pulsating pain in hand, agg. in tip of thumb,
which was sore to touch, the whole hand swollen and hot (Bor.) ; pricklings
in tips, then violent pains, with chilliness of left arm, then of whole body ; in
ball of left thumb. º Inflammation, agg. thumb, with throbbing pain, then
suppuration. º Pain in first joint of right little finger as if being pulled out of
joint ; jerking P. in left middle ; intermittent, in left index as if in bone,
during the day, the whole finger is painful internally, agg. in evening ;
frequent throbbing in bones of tips, like a contusion, in evening. º Soreness
in left index. º Burning about bone of right middle, amounting to pain about
first joint, with itching prickling in skin ; jerking B. in tip of left little, at 10
A.M. º Paroxysmal painless sensation as if something were working its way
out beneath left nail, in forenoon. º Sensation of a hair on back of left little,
in forenoon, till 2 P.M. º Numbness of right in forenoon, with rigidity.
Clinical :- º Inflammation of the phalanges of the fingers, agg. index,
like a felon ; indeed most violent inflammations of the index finger, with
purulent discharges and terrible pain, have been relieved. º The nails
become crumbled or have longitudinal furrows. º In panaritiums the pain
in violent and throbbing, sometimes with sharp stitches when the nail is
pressed upon.