Formica - Allen Handbook
Formica - Allen Handbook
Formica - Allen Handbook
Formica rufa, L. A tincture made of the live ants, crushed.
Allies :- º Apis.
Generalities :- º Pink, flat, spreading swelling of the bitten part, with
itching, the S. increased so that it was tender on bending wrist, then the S.
went up arm, red like erysipelas, with itching pitting on pressure, leaving a
white indentation with crimson areola, aching in wrist, S. amel. warm
bathing, the itching by Arnica. º Shooting from back and hips down thighs,
and in shoulders shooting to bands and fingers, with pricking in skin over
region of the pain, the pain agg. left side ; darting S. in arm, neck and chest
of right side. º Sharp, corroding, sore feeling or pain here and there, more or
loss all day. º Aching in bones, with feverish state of system and with
fulness and dullness of head ; before a snowstorm. º A. in aponeurosis and
muscles of head, neck, shoulders and back. º Discomfort.
º Wretched condition, causing gaping and stretching. º Indisposed in
evening, forgetful, sleepy and tired, much affected on hearing of a
threatening evil. º Liability to take cold and bad effects from it. º Lightness. º
Agility increased. º Dullness in morning with heaviness and bruised
sensation. º Indisposition to exercise muscles, they pain when exercised,
agg. extensors of legs. º Languid feeling in whole system, pain in all limbs,
with chills and horripilations along spine. º Weakness, with paralyzed
feelings in muscles. º Powders taken at night have most effect. º Aggravation
in open air. º Symptoms all on right side. º Pains recurred after a slight cold ;
P. agg. study and sitting quietly, amel. smoking ; P. agg. at 10 A.M., when
sitting after a walk.
Clinical :- º Articular rheumatism and gout ; the rheumatism appears
suddenly, with restlessness, but motion aggravates the pain, pain amel.
pressure, right side most affected (Hering).
Mind :- º Exaltation, desire to run but soon tired, agg. evening ; E. almost as
from champagne, after pain in vertex had abated till after 9 A.M., with
internal coldness as from mint. º Very happy during the day, and able to
study, everything seemed easy to accomplish ; H. changed by trifles to
transient despondency. º Excitement. º Sudden return of mortification and
grief. º Irritable and low-spirited. º Morose in evening, disinclined to work
and apprehensive. º Very active during the day. º Inability to study long at
Gum Gamboge, obtained from Garcinia Hanburii, Hook, f., is dissolved in
alcohol (1 to 9) for a tincture.
General Action :- º A powerful drastic cathartic, often producing nausea
and vomiting.
Ally :- º Aloe.
Generalities :- º Sticking, agg. evening ; burning, at times in fingers, at
times in hand, also in malleoli, then over whole body ; like a pinching over
whole body. º Pressure on head, stomach and chest. º Congestion of head,
chest uterus. º Feeling of ease and lightness in all movements. º Faintness. º
Aggravation in evening or night ; A. when sitting, amelioration on motion in
open air ; aggravation on right side.
Mind :- º Cheerful, talkative. º Ill humor in morning on rising, with
vehemence ; I., with vexation, anxiety and desire to work, though the work
does not advance as he would wish.
Head :- º Pain in forenoon and beating in forehead towards nose ;
oppressive P. in afternoon, amel. open air, with heaviness in forehead or
with general heat. º Compressive pain ; from both sides in forenoon. º
Heaviness, with inertia, drowsiness and pain in small of back. º Vertigo in
morning on rising or in forehead when spinning (then anxiety). º Heaviness
in forehead in forenoon, with beating. º Tearing in left temple in afternoon. º
Stitches in right side and in temples. º Bruised pain in vertex in forenoon,
amel. open air.
Eyes :- º º Burning in evening or afternoon, photophobia, both amel.
walking in open air, but returning next morning. º Itching in evening. º
Dryness with redness of canthi ; D. as from sleepiness, with yawning and
sneezing. º Nightly agglutination, burning in morning, photophobia through
the day, and frequent stinging in eyes. º Pressure in right internal canthus as
from a foreign body, obliging rubbing. º Itching of inner canthi (and in
forehead), with acrid lachrymation after rubbing. º Open air ; I. of left lower
lid. º Biting in external canthus, amel. rubbing. º Dim vision of right eye
Ears :- º Sticking. º Deep-seated tearing in evening. º Painful drawing from