Formica - Allen Handbook

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Formica. - Hand Book of Materia Medica and Homoeopathic Therapeutics. - By T. F. Allen. - Presented by Médi-T.


Hand Book of Materia Medica and

Homœopathic Therapeutics.
By T. F. Allen.
Presented by Médi-T.

Formica rufa, L. A tincture made of the live ants, crushed.
Allies :- º Apis.
Generalities :- º Pink, flat, spreading swelling of the bitten part, with
itching, the S. increased so that it was tender on bending wrist, then the S.
went up arm, red like erysipelas, with itching pitting on pressure, leaving a
white indentation with crimson areola, aching in wrist, S. amel. warm
bathing, the itching by Arnica. º Shooting from back and hips down thighs,
and in shoulders shooting to bands and fingers, with pricking in skin over
region of the pain, the pain agg. left side ; darting S. in arm, neck and chest
of right side. º Sharp, corroding, sore feeling or pain here and there, more or
loss all day. º Aching in bones, with feverish state of system and with
fulness and dullness of head ; before a snowstorm. º A. in aponeurosis and
muscles of head, neck, shoulders and back. º Discomfort.
º Wretched condition, causing gaping and stretching. º Indisposed in
evening, forgetful, sleepy and tired, much affected on hearing of a
threatening evil. º Liability to take cold and bad effects from it. º Lightness. º
Agility increased. º Dullness in morning with heaviness and bruised
sensation. º Indisposition to exercise muscles, they pain when exercised,
agg. extensors of legs. º Languid feeling in whole system, pain in all limbs,
with chills and horripilations along spine. º Weakness, with paralyzed
feelings in muscles. º Powders taken at night have most effect. º Aggravation
in open air. º Symptoms all on right side. º Pains recurred after a slight cold ;
P. agg. study and sitting quietly, amel. smoking ; P. agg. at 10 A.M., when
sitting after a walk.
Clinical :- º Articular rheumatism and gout ; the rheumatism appears
suddenly, with restlessness, but motion aggravates the pain, pain amel.
pressure, right side most affected (Hering).

Mind :- º Exaltation, desire to run but soon tired, agg. evening ; E. almost as
from champagne, after pain in vertex had abated till after 9 A.M., with
internal coldness as from mint. º Very happy during the day, and able to
study, everything seemed easy to accomplish ; H. changed by trifles to
transient despondency. º Excitement. º Sudden return of mortification and
grief. º Irritable and low-spirited. º Morose in evening, disinclined to work
and apprehensive. º Very active during the day. º Inability to study long at (1 de 6) [17/4/2005 10:13:17]

Formica. - Hand Book of Materia Medica and Homoeopathic Therapeutics. - By T. F. Allen. - Presented by Médi-T.

night. º Confusion. º Unconsciousness.

Head :- º Aching all day, amel. combing hair ; A. daily from noon till 10
P.M., agg. stooping ; in afternoon ; in afternoon, with occasional fluttering of
heart ; with nausea ; with vertigo and occasional boring in right temple and
pain in left ; at base of cranium, extending upward, agg. temples ; sick, in
afternoon after unusual exertion in garden, with nervous shudderings and
vomiting, is subject to these headaches from overfatigue, but this was more
severe than usual and was accompanied by shooting neuralgia in temples,
which, she never had before. º Confusion. º Dullness with pressure between
temples and ears. º Stupid feeling, with stiffness of neck. º Heaviness, with
sensation as if brain were too large and heavy. º Congesting, and to chest. º
Vertigo ; in morning when writing after dressing.
º Frontal pain from noon till 10 P.M. ; over eyes every day from 12, earlier
every day and in morning ; P. in right, over left eye ; with pricking and
itching ; heavy ; in front of head in afternoon, with occasional shooting from
right temple into head. º Lancinations outward in right temple. º Pain in
vertex and forehead, agg. through temples. º Surging in upper part of brain
at 10 P.M. then dim vision. º Headache on left side after dinner. º Drawing
headache on left side in afternoon, amel. after supper. º Tearing in occiput at
10 P.M. º Headache in right upper posterior part ; headache in posterior
upper and inner part in morning, agg. drinking coffee and washing with cold
Eyes :- º Pain in morning on waking, agg. washing. º Irritation as from sand.
º Fulness, and in ears, with stinging in ears. º Cool burning as if snow were
falling on conjunctiva and cornea. º Itching of conjunctiva in morning, with
burning when rubbed. º Shooting in left ball at night. º Itching or right outer
canthus, with soreness, dimness of vision, sensation of sand in eyes,
lachrymation and soreness of lids. º Stitchlike tightening posteriorly and
inwardly over left as if a stick were pressing around something, with
burning, then painful dullness of head, except upper back part. º Boring in
right orbit, then pain in right orbit, then pain in left ear. º Pain deep in orbits.
º Vision misty.
Clinical :- º Rheumatic inflammation of the eyes and its sequelæ
leucoma, pterygium, ulcers of the cornea, etc. º (Hering).

Ears :- º Swelling of all surrounding parts, with discomfort. º Shooting in

left ; at 10 P.M. º Sharp twinges of pain in right in morning in bed (perhaps
attributable to a thin nightcap). º Pain ; in left, then agg. right ; in the deaf
ear, extending into temple, with external sensitiveness. º Itching deep in left,
at times almost painful.
Nose :- º Sneezing at 9 P.M., with fluent coryza, then sticking in left side of
vertex. º Coryza ; sudden transient in evening ; thin, acrid, nose sore to touch
and feels stopped.
Face :- º Cheeks red and burning in evening. º Paralyzed feeling in left side
as if everything were hanging loosely. º Lower lip dry and cracked. º Lips (2 de 6) [17/4/2005 10:13:17]

Formica. - Hand Book of Materia Medica and Homoeopathic Therapeutics. - By T. F. Allen. - Presented by Médi-T.

sore at the corners.

Mouth :- º Periodical tearing in right upper incisor, with drawing,
grumbling soreness and elongated sensation. º Pain in a carious tooth, with
inflamed gum and swollen cheek. º Tongue sore at root. º Stinging in palate,
agg. eating smoking or touch, extending after two days to tip of tongue. º
Watery, offensive taste. º Long aftertaste after using fresh and sweet fat with
his meal, changing to a rancid taste.
Throat :- º Soreness mornings on getting up with earache ; S. with
huskiness. º Pain in right side of pharynx at noon during empty swallowing.
º Coldness, as from mint-drops. º Difficult swallowing at noon, with
contracted sensation in œsophagus.
Stomach :- º Hunger after 9 o'clock. º Thirst. º Eructations of sour wind ; of
fluid tasting like sour food, causing smarting in mouth and throat. º Nausea ;
after sweat, with vomiting and depression. º Cramplike pain in evening,
amel. emission of flatus. º Pain in epigastrium at 10 P.M., extending from
left to right, then shifting to vertex, followed by creeping down back ; P. in
S. as if something had lodged at cardiac end at 6 P.M., four hours after
dinner ; burning P., with oppression and weight. º Heat in epigastrium,
extending over a large space.
Abdomen :- º Forcible emission of flatus ; difficult, scanty emissions in
morning, then diarrhœa-like urging ; fetid, almost putrid F. (had eaten at
dinner only barley soup and beef). º Sensation as before diarrhœa, with
much yawning, then regular stool, the last part of which was thinner and of
peculiar odor. º Sticking in region of liver ; in right hypochondrium. º Pain
beneath short ribs ; in deep inspiration ; in region of spleen ; in lower
umbilical and upper hypogastric regions, amel. after diarrhœa, with
tenesmus ; in pelvis, from one acetabulum to the other ; in hypogastrium,
amel. transiently by emission of flatus, then soft stool with heat and burning
irritation of anus and weak sensation in bowels ; in transverse and
descending colon from incarcerated flatus on waking, papescent stool, then
constriction of anus, another stool at 9 A.M., with tenesmus, then
constriction of anus. º Bruised pain in umbilical region after drinking cold
water, extending across abdomen.
Rectum and Anus :- º Painful, protruding piles without constipation. º
Constriction of anus. º Itching of anus at 10 P.M., amel. scratching ; also A.
in afternoon, amel. scratching. º Sensation in A. all the evening, as before
diarrhœa. º Pressure in rectum ; agg. in evening and in bed.
Stool :- º Scanty, painless diarrhœa twice in morning ; painless D. in
morning on waking, compelled to go at once, with rumbling, another stool
immediately after breakfast, with urging. º Pappy every morning, with
inclination to sit at stool and feeling as if mucous membrane were thick and
stiff. º If two small balls after straining. º Twice daily.
Urinary Organs :- º Urine copious, even at night. º Urine like saffron,
passed often. (3 de 6) [17/4/2005 10:13:17]

Formica. - Hand Book of Materia Medica and Homoeopathic Therapeutics. - By T. F. Allen. - Presented by Médi-T.

Sexual Organs :- º Feeling on ascending stairs as if asleep. º Hot red

swelling of prepuce. º Increased secretion under prepuce. º Nervous
fluctuations in left half of penis, in region of prostate, with jerking pain. º
Erections in forenoon when riding in a carriage ; strong, in morning, with
increased desire ; long-lasting, in morning, on lying down after urinating ;
insufficient, during coition. º Itching of scrotum. º Excitability. º Menses
eight days too soon, scanty and pale, with bearing-down pain in back, darker
next day, cramplike pain through hip-joint and pelvis the third day, next day
scanty and pale again.
Respiratory Organs and Chest :- º Cough from irritation in larynx, with
loose expectoration during the day. º Sticking in right side of chest at 4.30
P.M., arresting breath. º Pain in chest on full inspiration ; P. in lower part of
left breast, then of right at 8 P.M., with chilliness down back and lower
limbs ; sudden P. in left lung, then sensation as if I were falling. º Warmth in
lower part of chest and in abdomen.
Heart and Pulse :- º Palpitation in afternoon. º Heart's action increased. º
Pulse 92, irregular.
Neck and Back :- º Pain in neck in evening, agg. looking up ; P. in left side,
sometimes with itching or burning ; as if it would break, agg. left side of
spine, in region of ninth rib. º Shooting in region of left scapula from 11.30
to 12 P.M. ; S. in left lumbar region. º Acute pain in lower part of scapula at
noon. º Pain in chest and dorsum of ilium at noon, extending across sacrum
with traction at attachment of muscles ; P. in sacrum and dorsum of ilia as if
muscles were strained and about to be torn from their attachment, at 5 P.M.
and after going to bed, agg. motion.
Extremities :- º Tearing down left arm and leg at 10 P.M., with drawing. º
Pain in bones, shifting about in right arm and leg, agg. joints.
Upper Extremities :- º Soreness, very painful in anterior part of left axilla. º
Twitching in left triceps at 9 P.M. º Shooting in arms at noon, extending to
elbows. º Left arm and hand asleep in morning on waking ; asleep sensation
in arms and agg. hands, when riding in a carriage. º Intermittent pinching in
middle of left upper arm, then on various parts of body lower down. º Pain
inwardly on inner side above right elbow, agg. in direction of upper arm. º
Rheumatic pain in right elbow. º Pain in right elbow and wrist. º Shooting in
forearms and hands at 1 P.M. ; S. in course of left ulnar nerve to little finger.
º Rheumatic pain in right forearm and wrist ; in right wrist and course of
ulna. º Shooting in carpal bones at 9 P.M. when writing, extending down
third and fourth finger. º Burning pain in left carpal bones at 11 P.M. º
Indefinable sensations in and around left wrist. º Inflammation of backs of
hands, with redness and swelling, then suppuration under finger-nails, then
loosening and falling of nails. º Tearing in left middle finger at noon. º
Burning sticking in finger-ends, first in left and agg. evening, then on right
and agg. morning, agg. middle finger.
Lower Extremities :- º Bruised sensation ; in left hip-joint, interfering with
walking ; in hips at night in bed, causing him to change from side to side, (4 de 6) [17/4/2005 10:13:17]

Formica. - Hand Book of Materia Medica and Homoeopathic Therapeutics. - By T. F. Allen. - Presented by Médi-T.

Shooting in thighs down to knees at noon ; in hips at 7 P.M., agg. 10 P.M.,

extending down thighs. º Rheumatic pains from left hip to right. º Pain in
hips, small of back and sacrum. º Uneasy painful sensation in hips, and
thighs, with desire to change their position often when sitting. º Lancinations
in knees, waking him. º Rheumatic pain in left knee ; agg. walking. º Right
knee gave way in evening when walking on account of pain below it, next
day the same and hindrance in walking from a similar pain in left middle
toe. º Pain below knees and in shins at 9 o'clock ; P. in right tendo-achillis. º
Sharp rheumatic pain in ankles, agg. walking. º Cramp in feet at night, agg.
under toes, and always in a small spot ; C. in soles, agg. in forepart and
under toes, agg. right, waking him at 3 A.M., and the same when lying on a
lounge in a warm room. º Stinging in left great toe at night, with burning. º
Sharp intermittent pain in left fourth, toe then burning pain behind ball of
left great toe, then pain in lower of left tibia.
Skin :- º Creeping down back. º Pricking stitches, agg. in region of right
nipple, then on left side of back then on other parts. º Tingling of left
fingers. º Itching on scalp, arms, abdomen and whole trunk ; at right nipple ;
in left palm ; in left axilla, then soreness with a sore place inwardly,
afterwards the soreness, agg. scratching ; in right axilla, more outwardly
mornings, instead of in the inner and anterior part of left ; intermittent on
left scapula and left thigh near groin, in evening, night and next day, always
amel. scratching ; burning in bend of left knee, agg. at 9.30, the same
sensation, which is a union of itching, burning and pressure, here and there
on body.
Sleep :- º Frequent yawning at 1 P.M., with necessity to stretch the limbs. º
Sleepiness, with heaviness of eyelids and inability to study ; sudden S. after
water-soup, and falling asleep in his chair, on waking he does not feel
refreshed, but goes to bed and falls asleep at once. º Sleeping easily in
evening ; easily falls asleep at night after bring disturbed. º He does not feel
like getting up in morning he has scarcely aroused himself when he falls
asleep again. º Can do with less sleep. º Went to bed at 1 after drinking beer
and wine in evening, woke at 3 and felt as if he had slept enough. º
Sleeplessness the first twenty-four hours, then alternations of waking and
sleeping. º Difficult falling asleep, with frequent waking on alternate nights.
º Sleep disturbed, night restless. º Dreams lewd, with erections some nights ;
vivid, lewd, with erections and emissions ; D. not unpleasant ; a mouldy
sausage in his room caused a D. that he saw a funeral procession with a
large coffin and many smaller ones, the persons had died of scarlet fever, the
procession almost came up with him and stopped at the corner, as he
attempted to get out of the wind which blew from the procession he woke.
Fever :- º Susceptible to cold ; agg. walking against the wind in evening. º
Chill at night. º Cold feet. º Heat ; agg. scalp ; of hand and face ; of palm ;
pressing burning in spots on skin. º Clammy sweat on walking ; disagreeable
S. at night ; copious S. after whisky.

Copyright © Médi-T 2005. (5 de 6) [17/4/2005 10:13:17]

Formica. - Hand Book of Materia Medica and Homoeopathic Therapeutics. - By T. F. Allen. - Presented by Médi-T.

Main (6 de 6) [17/4/2005 10:13:17]

Gambogia. - Hand Book of Materia Medica and Homoeopathic Therapeutics. - By T. F. Allen. - Presented by Médi-T.


Hand Book of Materia Medica and

Homœopathic Therapeutics.
By T. F. Allen.
Presented by Médi-T.

Gum Gamboge, obtained from Garcinia Hanburii, Hook, f., is dissolved in
alcohol (1 to 9) for a tincture.
General Action :- º A powerful drastic cathartic, often producing nausea
and vomiting.
Ally :- º Aloe.
Generalities :- º Sticking, agg. evening ; burning, at times in fingers, at
times in hand, also in malleoli, then over whole body ; like a pinching over
whole body. º Pressure on head, stomach and chest. º Congestion of head,
chest uterus. º Feeling of ease and lightness in all movements. º Faintness. º
Aggravation in evening or night ; A. when sitting, amelioration on motion in
open air ; aggravation on right side.
Mind :- º Cheerful, talkative. º Ill humor in morning on rising, with
vehemence ; I., with vexation, anxiety and desire to work, though the work
does not advance as he would wish.
Head :- º Pain in forenoon and beating in forehead towards nose ;
oppressive P. in afternoon, amel. open air, with heaviness in forehead or
with general heat. º Compressive pain ; from both sides in forenoon. º
Heaviness, with inertia, drowsiness and pain in small of back. º Vertigo in
morning on rising or in forehead when spinning (then anxiety). º Heaviness
in forehead in forenoon, with beating. º Tearing in left temple in afternoon. º
Stitches in right side and in temples. º Bruised pain in vertex in forenoon,
amel. open air.
Eyes :- º º Burning in evening or afternoon, photophobia, both amel.
walking in open air, but returning next morning. º Itching in evening. º
Dryness with redness of canthi ; D. as from sleepiness, with yawning and
sneezing. º Nightly agglutination, burning in morning, photophobia through
the day, and frequent stinging in eyes. º Pressure in right internal canthus as
from a foreign body, obliging rubbing. º Itching of inner canthi (and in
forehead), with acrid lachrymation after rubbing. º Open air ; I. of left lower
lid. º Biting in external canthus, amel. rubbing. º Dim vision of right eye
Ears :- º Sticking. º Deep-seated tearing in evening. º Painful drawing from (1 de 5) [17/4/2005 10:13:19]

Gambogia. - Hand Book of Materia Medica and Homoeopathic Therapeutics. - By T. F. Allen. - Presented by Médi-T.

right to vertex in forenoon. º Throbbing pain in left as in an abscess. º

Frequent ringing in morning. º Frequent buzzing in afternoon and evening,
amel. after a sensation as if leaflet were bursting.
Nose :- º Ulceration of right nostril, with burning pain. º Tearing in bones of
dorsum. º Itching of nostrils all night. º Sneezing ; violent chronic, only in
daytime, agg. forenoon, agg. strong smells, with irritation in right nostril,
above wing of nose, dryness of right nostril, the sneezing caused tearing in
forehead, sticking in left side, heaviness of lower limbs and flushes of heat
all over body. º Stopped coryza ; then discharge of offensive mucus. º
Mucus smelling like pus. º Hæmorrhage, and from mouth and throat ;
bleeding from right nostril in evening.
Face :- º Tearing in right malar-bone in evening and in right lower jaw
frequently during the day. º Burning vesicle on inside of upper lip.
Mouth :- º Tearing in right molars and in gums, with sensation as if gums
were sore and swollen. º Beating in a right lower molar in cold air. º Cold
feeling in tips of incisors. º Burning in tip of tongue, which feels hard ; B. in
anterior half of T. º Sensitiveness of palate like a smarting or soreness, amel.
cold. º Dryness. º Salivation. º Taste sweetish in mouth and throat, then
expectoration of bright red blood ; taste S. in throat, with expectoration of
bloody mucus. º Taste bitter.
Throat :- º Tearing in tendons of sides of throat, with choking, lancinating
tearing in throat under left ear, agg. external pressure, descending to region
of larynx, with stinging in throat when swallowing. º Stinging in right side in
evening ; S. on swallowing, amel. eating ; S. in the goitre. º Sore pain, which
is felt on external touch. º Swollen feeling internally. º Sore burning
posteriorly in fauces when not swallowing. º Roughness and burning,
causing constant hawking.
Stomach :- º Violent hunger. º Increased appetite and much thirst (loss of
thirst in the first days of the proving). º Aversion to food. º Thirst after
dinner, and agg. evening ; violent T. in evening and at night, preventing
sleep. º Frequent, violent empty eructations. º Hiccough in morning after
rising. º Nausea ; in morning on eating soup, amel. bread ; when walking in
open air, with salivation, gulping up of sour water and movements in
stomach ; with stomachache ; with ptyalism and roughness in throat ; then
pinching in umbilical region and diarrhœa. º Constant heaving, amel. dinner.
º Violent vomiting ; horrid V. and purging, with faintness. º Dartings. º
Gnawing, with movements of flatus in abdomen. º Ulcerative pain, amel.
eating, then rumbling in abdomen when walking in open air, and papescent
stool. º Paroxysmal pressure in S. and chest at 3 and 9 P.M., impending
breathing. º Pain as if sore, with sensitiveness to touch ; with contraction. º
Constriction after dinner. º Beating, agg. leaning against anything. º
Emptiness, and in abdomen. º Weakness as after fasting, with salivation.
Abdomen :- º º Rumbling. º Inflation and accumulation of flatus (Aloe) ; I.
and tension, with pinching in umbilical region. º Frequent emission of flatus,
agg. evening and night. º Inflammation of intestines. º Cutting, with (2 de 5) [17/4/2005 10:13:19]

Gambogia. - Hand Book of Materia Medica and Homoeopathic Therapeutics. - By T. F. Allen. - Presented by Médi-T.

wanderings, then emissions of fetid flatus. º Pinching after eating ;

immediately after eating, P. in abdomen or sleep ; frequent P. without urging
or else succeeded by diarrhœa and burning in anus, after which the P.
ceases. º Flatulent sensation, agg. small of back, then urging. º Burning and
movement of flatus ; painful B. in hepatic region. º Pinching around
umbilicus from morning till evening, with frequent urging to stool, and
protrusion of rectum. º Contraction at umbilicus ; beneath U., with twisting
and urging to stool. º Gnawing in a spot beneath U. º Sticking in groin, as
from flatus. º Sudden darting in G. when sitting. º Pinching in G. ; in right,
as with a nail. º Constriction deep in left G. º Tension in G. ; when standing.
Anus and Stool :- º Sticking in anus before stool. º Ineffectual urging. º
Yellow and green diarrhœa, mixed with mucus, preceded by cutting
around umbilicus (Aloe) ; repeated D., with discharge of green mucus,
preceded by pinching in abdomen ; D., with burning pain and tenesmus of
rectum, protrusion of anus, and pinching around umbilicus, sometimes with
discharge of mucus ; watery, profuse, with colic and tenesmus ; fæcal,
forcible, with burning in anus, preceded by cutting in abdomen, waking him
about midnight, amel. compressing abdomen, which is small as if
eviscerated, awakened again by pain in back ; with cutting ; frequent, with
burning and tenesmus. º Frequent soft S., with rumbling in abdomen, or
followed by pain about umbilicus and pinching. º Soft scanty S., with
sensation as if arrested by a hard body in anus. º Constipation. º Hard,
insufficient S., with urging and protrusion of rectum ; hard, before midnight,
then burning at anus and passage of a lumbricus or with sticking in groins
and emissions of flatus. º Repeated S., rather hard then soft, then a hard, then
a soft stool. º S. late in evening, with frequent emissions of flatus, which
seems to press on bladder, causing stinging, hardness and tightness in region
of bladder and shortness of breath.
Clinical :- º The diarrhœa of Gamboge resembles that of Aloes in
respect to the suddenness of the movements, which are expelled in one
gush ; the evacuations are thin, yellow, generally watery, or with some
mucus, associated with burning in anus and protrusion, griping below
umbilicus, with sudden urging and sudden expulsion ; the stool is
followed by a feeling of great relief. º Intense itching of the eyelids, so
that children rub them frequently, is said to be a marked indication for the
drug in diarrhœa.

Urinary and Sexual Organs :- º º Micturition rare ; frequent, but little at a

time ; of one or three drops at a time, then intermitting and finally returning,
with burning at orifice. º Urine increased ; scanty. º Leucorrhœa. º Menses
too soon and too profuse.
Respiratory Organs :- º Scraping in region of larynx at night, causing dry
cough. º Cough in afternoon, with hoarseness and hawking of mucus ; C.
agg. night, with soreness in chest ; agg. night after lying down ; violent, at
night, with expectoration of loose mucus ; dry, at night, forcing him to sit
up ; hacking and dry, in daytime.
Chest :- º Sticking ; in axillæ, etc. ; beneath right mammary region ;
repeated S. in forepart of sternum, in afternoon and evening ; intermittent, in (3 de 5) [17/4/2005 10:13:19]

Gambogia. - Hand Book of Materia Medica and Homoeopathic Therapeutics. - By T. F. Allen. - Presented by Médi-T.

forepart in afternoon and evening ; deep in forepart in evening, alternating

with S. in right mamma ; beneath C. in evening, then pressure in middle of
chest, with want of breath ; under left axilla, amel. rubbing ; in right side,
extending from ribs towards axilla, after carrying a heavy load, arresting
breath. º Digging in subcostal region in evening, or gnawing. º Pain as if
every part were sore, even when not coughing. º Pressure in middle, with
sticking from both sides towards each other ; pressure upon C., not affecting
breathing. º Weight at eight, preventing sleep. º Oppression and heaviness,
with sticking in back, agg. subcostal regions. º Tightness and heaviness, with
sticking extending to back, agg. hypochondria. º Choking sensation
ascending into throat, arresting breathing.
Neck and Back :- º Tearing in nape and left shoulder ; lancinating T. in side
of neck. º Sticking in region of left kidney ; in right sacral region ; sudden,
in sacral region, amel. walking. º Bruised pain in small of back. º Gnawing
in os coccygis.
Upper Extremities :- º Intermittent sticking in top of right shoulder. º
Tearing in shoulders or in axilla, in tendons of extensor muscles of fingers,
in ball of thumb and index and between metacarpal bones of index and
middle fingers, so that the skin is drawn backward. º Pinching in right
humerus. º Sticking through palm to back of hand, then burning in hand ; S.
in last joint of left index ; in ball of right thumb and middle finger, with
numb feeling, then S. from palm through to back of hand and extending to
forearm, with heat.
Lower Extremities :- º Spasmodic condition. º Sticking in bend of left
thigh. º Tearing in left hip ; in bend of left thigh, with drawing. º Cramp in
calf, amel. rubbing, with tearing and with contraction of toes. º Sticking in
left calf. º Tearing from middle of right tibia, extending above knee ; T. in
tendo-achillis, with drawing as if too short. º Pain along right tibia in
afternoon and evening in bed, with stiffness and with difficult stretching of
foot. º Bruised pain below left patella with ulcerative pain on touch. º
Pressure as with a hand above left externus malleolus, amel. pressing foot to
the ground, with sensation as if asleep. º Spasmodic constriction in region of
right externus malleolus and great toe, when walking, causing limping. º
Sticking in right sole, agg. rubbing. º Pinching in dorsum of right foot,
towards toes. º Heaviness and languor of feet. º Cramp in right great toe
when walking and in evening in bed. º Sticking beneath right great toe. º
Spasmodic tearing in two right smaller toes.
Skin :- º Pimple above orbit, with tensive pain ; P. on inside of forearms,
with redness and itching in evening. º Itching blister, pale, then red, on
hands. º Biting over whole body as from ants, agg. evening and at night,
even walking. º Itching, agg. evening and night, and after scratching
generally a burning ulcerative pain, with swelling and redness ; I. of ball of
left thumb ; I. here and there on head, left side of forehead, face, upper
surface below elbow, ball of thumb, index bend of foot, dorsum of hand ;
voluptuous here and there over whole body, agg. evening and night, even
waking, usually with burning, at times followed by redness and swelling. (4 de 5) [17/4/2005 10:13:19]

Gambogia. - Hand Book of Materia Medica and Homoeopathic Therapeutics. - By T. F. Allen. - Presented by Médi-T.

Sleep :- º º Sleepiness all day. º Uneasy sleep. º Disturbed by anxious

dreams. º Vexatious, anxious D. º D. about dancing, lice, etc.
Fever :- º Chilliness all day or only in forenoon ; in morning, with elongated
sensation in anterior teeth ; with chattering of teeth, thirst so that the lips
stick together, but skin warm to touch ; with empty eructation, yawning,
thirst, pain in small of back, and biting as of ants over whole body, (at night)
or sticking in ears, in the beginning ; sudden transient shaking C. waking
him at night ; internal and external, beginning at 6 to 8.15 P.M., lasting from
a quarter to two hours or till 5 A.M., sometimes with thirst ; shaking from 7
P.M. till 4 A.M., proceeding from back, with external coldness, even of
forehead ; in left temple in afternoon, as from a wet cloth. º Remittent or
intermittent, quotidian or tertian fever, rather postponing than anticipating. º
Heat in afternoon, with anxiety and sweat ; H. in flushes ; H. mounts to
head, with sweat. º General sweat in morning ; on waking at 4 A.M. ; at

Copyright © Médi-T 2005.

Main (5 de 5) [17/4/2005 10:13:19]

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