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Patna Smart City

Request for Proposal

Setting up of Megasize Screen for cultural
Events/Open air theatre at Gandhi Maidan in Patna

NIT No: 07/MD/PSCL/2018




ADDRESS: 2nd Floor, Maurya Lok, Patna, Bihar
Request for Proposal For
Setting up of Megasize Screen for cultural Events/Open air theatre at Gandhi Maidan in Patna


1. Though adequate care has been taken while preparing the RFP document, the Bidders/Applicants shall
satisfy them that the document is complete in all respects. Intimation of any discrepancy shall be given to
this office immediately. If no intimation is received from any Bidder within fifteen (15) days from the date
of notification of RFP /Issue of the RFP documents, it shall be considered that the RFP document is
complete in all respects and has been received by the Bidder.

2. PSCL reserves the right to modify, amend or supplement this RFP document including all formats and
Annexure. Any such change would be communicated to the applicants by posting it on the website

3. The information provided in this RFP not intended to be an exhaustive on account of statutory
requirements and should not be regarded as a complete or authoritative statement of law. The Authority
accepts no responsibility for the accuracy or otherwise for any interpretation or opinion on the law
expressed herein.

4. The Authority, its employees and advisers make no representation or warranty and shall have no liability
to any person including any Applicant under any law, statute, rules or regulations or tort, principles of
restitution or unjust enrichment or otherwise for any loss, damages, cost or expense which may arise from
or be incurred or suffered on account of anything contained in this RFP or otherwise, including the
accuracy, adequacy, correctness, reliability or completeness of the RFP and any assessment, assumption,
statement or information contained therein or deemed to form part of this RFP or arising in anyway in this

5. The issue of this RFP does not imply that the Authority is bound to select an Applicant for the project and
the Authority reserves the right to terminate the process at any time without assigning any reasons
whatsoever. The Applicant shall bear all its costs associated with or relating to the participation in this
process regardless of the conduct or outcome of the process.

6. The Bidder shall bear all its costs associated with or relating to the preparation and submission of its Bid
including but not limited to preparation, copying, postage, delivery fees, expenses associated with any
demonstrations or presentations which may be required by The Bidder shall bear all its costs associated
with or relating to the preparation and submission of its Bid including but not limited to preparation,
copying, postage, delivery fees, expenses associated with any demonstrations or presentations which may
be required by PSCL or any other costs incurred in connection with or relating to its Bid. All such costs
and expenses will remain with the Bidder and PSCL shall not be liable in any manner whatsoever for the
same or for any other costs or other expenses incurred by a Bidder in preparation for submission of the
Bid, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the Selection process or any other costs incurred in
connection with or relating to its Bid. All such costs and expenses will remain with the Bidder and PSCL
shall not be liable in any manner whatsoever for the same or for any other costs or other expenses incurred
by a Bidder in preparation for submission of the Bid, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the Selection


Managing Director
Patna Smart City Limited (PSCL)

Page 2
Request for Proposal For
Setting up of Megasize Screen for cultural Events/Open air theatre at Gandhi Maidan in Patna

NIT No: 07/MD/PSCL/2018 Date: 19-06-2018


Request for Proposal
Setting up of Megasize Screen for cultural Events/Open air theatre at Gandhi Maidan in Patna

Bidding Schedule: Important Dates

Sl. # Activity Timeline & Address

From 25.06.2018 (10:00 Hrs) Till

Online Sale/Download date of
1 19.07.2018(14.00Hrs)( (Under Patna
Tender documents
Nagar Nigam)

Pre-bid Meeting date (Only two 03-07-2018

2 members per bidder are (15:00 Hrs.)
allowed). (At Divisional Commissioner’s Office,Patna)

Last date for submission of Bids 19-07-2018

(online) and hard copy. Till 15.00 Hrs

5 Opening of Bids 19-07- 2018 At 16:00 Hrs

Date of opening of Commercial

6 To be informed later to technically qualified bidder.

Tender Fee Rs 10,000 (Non Refundable) to be paid through

Cost of Bidding
7. Demand Draft (DD) in favor of “Managing Director,Patna Smart
Document(Tender Fee)
City Ltd" payable at Patna.

Rs 4, 00,000 (Four Lakhs) (Refundable) in the form of Bank

8. EMD
Guarantee (BG).

RFP document shall be available on website:

For Queries & Clarifications, send e-mail to:


Managing Director
Patna Smart City Limited (PSCL)

Page 3
Request for Proposal For
Setting up of Megasize Screen for cultural Events/Open air theatre at Gandhi Maidan in Patna

Instructions for Online Bid Submission ............................................................................................ 7
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 9
1.1 About the PSCL ......................................................................................................................... 9
1.2 Introduction to Patna Smart city Project.................................................................................. 9
1.3 RFP Format ............................................................................................................................. 10
1.4. Fact sheet ................................................................................................................................. 10
Instruction to Bidders ............................................................................................................................................... 13
1.1 Scope of the projects: .............................................................................................................. 13
Setting up of Mega size Screen for Cultural Events/Open Air Theatre with proper sound system
at Gandhi Maidan in Patna along with operation and maintenance for Three years Under
Smart City Mission. ................................................................................................................. 13
The design of the open air theatre should be totally flexible, portable and removable when
required along with no physical structure. The major components of the open air theatre are
listed below:- ............................................................................................................................ 13
a) Inflatable projection screen. .................................................................................................... 13
b) Projectors with Edge blending. ............................................................................................... 13
c) Audio System. .......................................................................................................................... 13
d) Two Light Commercial Vehicle with open Top to carry the Audio system. ........................... 13
1.2 General .................................................................................................................................... 13
1.3 Eligible Bidders ....................................................................................................................... 14
1.4 Compliant Bids/Completeness of Response ............................................................................ 14
1.5 Bidder to Inform...................................................................................................................... 14
1.6 Bid Preparation costs .............................................................................................................. 15
1.7 Pre-bid meeting & Clarification .............................................................................................. 15
1.7.1 Bidders Queries ............................................................................................................... 15
1.7.2 Responses to Pre-Bid Queries and Issue of Corrigendum .............................................. 15
1.8 RFP Document Fee .................................................................................................................. 16
1.9 Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) ............................................................................................... 16
1.10 Bid Validity Period .................................................................................................................. 17
1.11 Contents of Bid ........................................................................................................................ 17
1.12 Bid Formats ............................................................................................................................. 18
1.12.1 Pre-Qualification Bid Format ......................................................................................... 18
1.12.2 Technical Bid Format ..................................................................................................... 19
1.12.3 Commercial Bid Format ................................................................................................. 19
1.13 Language ................................................................................................................................. 19
1.14 Authentication of Bids ............................................................................................................. 19
1.15 Amendment of Request for Proposal ...................................................................................... 20
1.16 Bid Price .................................................................................................................................. 20
1.17 Deviations and Exclusions ....................................................................................................... 21
1.18 Late Bids .................................................................................................................................. 21

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Request for Proposal For
Setting up of Megasize Screen for cultural Events/Open air theatre at Gandhi Maidan in Patna

1.19 Right to Terminate the Process ............................................................................................... 21

1.20 Non-Conforming bids .............................................................................................................. 21
1.21 Acceptance/Rejection of Bids .................................................................................................. 22
1.22 Confidentiality ......................................................................................................................... 22
1.23 Disqualification ........................................................................................................................ 22
1.24 Fraud and Corrupt Practices .................................................................................................. 23
1.25 Conflict of Interest................................................................................................................... 25
1.26 Sub-Contracting ...................................................................................................................... 25
1.27 Withdrawal, Substitution, and Modification of Bids .............................................................. 25
1.28 Site Visit ................................................................................................................................... 26
2. Selection Process for Bidder .................................................................................................... 26
2.1 Opening of Bids ....................................................................................................................... 26
2.2 Preliminary Examination of Bids ............................................................................................ 27
2.3 Clarification on Bids................................................................................................................ 27
2.4 Evaluation Process................................................................................................................... 27
2.4.1 Stage 1: Pre-Qualification ............................................................................................... 28
2.4.2 Stage 2: Commercial Evaluation .................................................................................... 28
2.5 Pre-Qualification Criteria ....................................................................................................... 29
3. Award of Contract................................................................................................................... 29
3.2 Signing of Contract.................................................................................................................. 29
3.3 Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG) ..................................................................................... 29
3.4 Warranty & Maintenance ....................................................................................................... 31
3.5 Failure to agree with the Terms & Conditions of the RFP ..................................................... 31
3.6 Arbitration post signing of contract ........................................................................................ 31
Annexure 1 – Template for Pre-Bid Queries ................................................................................... 47
Annexure 2 – Formats for Submission of the Pre-Qualification Bid .............................................. 47
c) Company profile ...................................................................................................................... 51
d) Declaration of Non-Blacklisting (To be provided on the Company letter head) Declaration for
Bidder: ..................................................................................................................................... 52
e) Declaration for WARRANTY: ................................................................................................ 53
f) Annexure 3 – MAF .................................................................................................................. 54
To 54
MANAGING DIRECTOR .............................................................................................................. 54
Patna Smart City Limited ............................................................................................................... 54
2nd Floor, Maurya Lok, Patna, Bihar. ............................................................................................. 54
We .......................... (Name of the Manufacturer), who are official manufacturers of
............................................. (Names of Items), having factories at
................................................... (Name of Country), do hereby authorize M/s
..........................................................................................., (Name of Address of Firm) to submit
a bid & supply Products against your tender enquiries for the Goods, manufactured by us. 54
We give undertaking that this bid complies with specification in totality. We understand that any
technical deviation, ever discovered, may be treated as criminal breach and will attract
punitive action against us. ....................................................................................................... 54
We hereby extend our full onsite guarantee / warranty for Three Years in accordance with the

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Request for Proposal For
Setting up of Megasize Screen for cultural Events/Open air theatre at Gandhi Maidan in Patna

terms & conditions mentioned in the RFP either by ourselves /or through the service center,
with respect to the Goods offered in this Bid, for which we shall maintain sufficient
replacement/spares/equipment in Bihar. ................................................................................ 54
We shall follow the time lines as per tender terms. ......................................................................... 54
This document of authorization is signed by an authority having appropriate legal authority. .... 54
Name : .............................................................................................................................................. 54
Place : ............................................................................................................................................... 54
Date : ................................................................................................................................................ 54
Designation : .................................................................................................................................... 54
Signature : ........................................................................................................................................ 54
g) Self-certificate for Project execution experience (In Bidding Entity’s Letter Head) .............. 55
3. Annexure 4 – Formats for Submission of the Technical Bid .................................................. 56
c) Credential Summary ............................................................................................................... 58
d) Bidder’s Experience - Client Citations ............................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
e) Overview of Proposed Solution ............................................................................................... 59
B. Project Plan ............................................................................................................................. 59
g) Technical Datasheet ................................................................................................................. 59
4. Annexure 5 – Formats for Submission of the Commercial Bid .............................................. 60
Annexure 5 (a) – Performance Bank Guarantee ............................................................................. 61
Annexure 5 (b) – Bank Guarantee for Earnest Money Deposit ...................................................... 63
Annexure 8 - Format for Power of Attorney to Authorize Signatory ............................................. 65

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Request for Proposal For
Setting up of Megasize Screen for cultural Events/Open air theatre at Gandhi Maidan in Patna

Instructions for Online Bid Submission

1. The RFP document containing the project profile, invitation for qualification and criteria for
evaluation may be obtained from the website:

2. For support related to e-tendering process, bidders may contact at following address “e-
Procurement HELP DESK, First Floor, Plot No.- M/22, Road No.-25, Sri Krishna Nagar, Bank
of India Compound, Patna-800001, Contact No: 0612-2523006; 7542028164”. Vendor may visit

3. Detailed N.I.T can be seen of website

4. PSCL will not be responsible, in case of any delay, due to any reason whatsoever, in receipt of
Bid Documents by the Bidders.

5. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all Bids or cancel/withdraw the Invitation for
Bids (IFB) without assigning any reason whatsoever and in such case, no Bidder/ intending
Bidder shall have any claim arising out of such action.

6. The bidder must have the Class II/III Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) and e-Tendering User-
id of the e-Procurement website before participating in the e-tendering process. The bidder may
use their DSC if they already have the DSC. They can also take DSC from any of the authorized
agencies. For user-id they have to get registered themselves on e-procurement website and submit their bids online on the same. Offline
bids shall not be entertained by the Tender Inviting Authority for the tenders published in e-
procurement platform.

7. Those whose are not registered in e-tendering systems, they may contact “e- Procurement HELP
DESK, First Floor, Plot No.- M/22, Road No.-25, Sri Krishna Nagar, Bank of India Compound,
Patna-800001, Contact No: 0612-2523006; 7542028164 ” for registration.

8. Tender Processing Fee (TPF) to be paid through e-Payment mode (i.e. NEFT / RTGS, Net
Banking, Credit / Debit Card) only.

9. PSCL, Patna intends to undertake a competitive bidding process in order to shortlist and qualify
suitable Bidders, who shall be eligible for evaluation of their price bids towards selection of the
successful bidder in terms of the RFP for award of the project.The detail of the bidding process
and summary of the scope of construction works for the project is included in the RFP

10. Any clarifications may be sought online through the tender site, through the contact details or

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Request for Proposal For
Setting up of Megasize Screen for cultural Events/Open air theatre at Gandhi Maidan in Patna

during pre-bid meeting if any. Bidder should take into account the corrigendum if any published
before submitting the bids online.

11. The bidders are requested to check their file size of uploaded documents at the time of
submission & they should ensure that work file is uploaded. If they feel that the complete file is
not uploaded then they should click on cancel & update the same before submission. The bidders
should satisfy themselves of download ability/ visibility of the scanned & uploaded file by them.

12. The bidders must use MS Office- 2003 version. File size should be less than 5MB and should be
in M.S. word, M.S. Excel, PDF and JPEG Formats.

13. No claim shall be entertained on account of disruption of internet service being used by
bidders. Bidders are advised to upload their bids well in advance to avoid last hour’s technical
14. In exceptional circumstances, the competent authority, PSCL may solicit the Bidder’s consent to
an extension of the period of validity.

15. Bids that are rejected during the bid opening process shall not be considered for further
evaluation, irrespective of the circumstances

16. The bidders shall submit their eligibility and qualification details, Technical bid, Financial bid
etc., in the online standard formats given for respective tenders in e-Procurement website
( at the respective stage only. The bidders shall upload the scanned
copies of all the relevant certificates, documents etc., in support of their eligibility criteria /
technical bids and other certificate /documents in the e-Procurement website. The bidder shall
sign on the supporting statements, documents, certificates, uploaded by him, owning
responsibility for their correctness /authenticity.

17. Corrigendum/ Addendum, if any, will be published on the website itself.

18. Bidder should submit the Tender Fee/ EMD, pre-qualification bid and the Technical Bid in hard
copy also as per Clause of this RFP. The Financial bid should be submitted only online. The
Financial bid submitted in hard copy shall be treated as non-responsive and eligible for rejection.
The hard copy should be posted/couriered/given in person to the Tender Inviting Authority,
within bid submission due date and time as indicated in the tender. Scanned copy of the
instrument should be uploaded as part of the offer.

19. The bidder has to select the payment option as offline to pay the Tender FEE/ EMD as
applicable and enter details of the instruments.

20. The details of the DD/any other accepted instrument, physically delivered, should tally with the
details available in the scanned copy and the data entered during bid submission time, otherwise
submitted bid shall not be acceptable or liable for rejection.

21. For any queries regarding Tendering process, the bidders may contact at address as provided in
the tender document.

Note: "Bids along with necessary online payments must be submitted through e-Procurement portal before the date and time specified in the NIT/Tender Document. The
department/Tendering Authority doesn't take any responsibility for the delay / Non Submission of Tender /

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Request for Proposal For
Setting up of Megasize Screen for cultural Events/Open air theatre at Gandhi Maidan in Patna

Non Reconciliation of online Payment caused due to Non-availability of Internet Connection, Network Traffic
/ Holidays or any other reason."

1. Introduction
1.1 About the PSCL

Patna Smart City Limited (PSCL) is the special purpose vehicle created by Govt. of Bihar and Patna
Municipal Corporation under Smart City Mission to deliver several Pan City and Area Based Development
initiatives with a focus on both infrastructure and ICT advancements in the city and at strategic locations.

1.2 Introduction to Patna Smart city Project

The Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD), Government of India (GoI) has initiated Smart Cities Mission
(SCM), under which selected cities will be developed as smart cities with a focus on improving citizen services
with ICT intervention. Smart Cities Mission is an urban renewal and retrofitting programme by the
Government of India with a mission to develop 100 cities all over the country making them citizen friendly,
sustainable and investment destination. Under the smart city scheme, Government has emphasized to improve
the basic civic amenities of the cities on one hand and the provision of modern technological advances for ease
of living on the other hand.
The Smart City Proposal for Patna envisions to implementing a number of projects categorized into Area
Based Development (ABD) projects and Pan City components. The ABD projects focuses on physical
infrastructure components, whereas the Pan City components focuses on the ICT interventions in the city. The
components being undertaken as part of the Area Based Development and Pan City Proposal is as under:
To achieve Patna’s vision for a smart city, large numbers of measures are required to be implemented.
Considering the priorities echoed by city stakeholders during the consultative process and practical feasibility,
the main project umbrella initiatives shortlisted are:
 ‘Aadharbhoot’: Provide the city with citizen oriented Core & Resilient Infrastructure which will be a
major backbone of various services like water supply, sewerage network in ABD area ,sanitation etc..
 ‘Visankulan & Gatisheel’: To address the key concern of traffic congestion as emerging from public
consultation, promoting mixed land use to decongest the ABD area and also to increase average travel
speed and mobility and reduce travel time including increased carriageway and improved parking
 ‘Jan-Kshetra’: To create organized public spaces that will improve the livability quotient and quality of
life and also to optimally utilize its resources and reduce carbon footprint through various measures, viz.,
by restoring riparian wetland and infusing native urban forest concept, and promoting bio-diversity,
Rooftop farming, Solar rooftop on govt. buildings etc. .
 ‘Sampoorna Nagar Vikas ’: By leveraging on its strengths like location, connectivity and “ease of
starting-up business,” Patna aims at boosting public services and governance with the help of ICT
intervention proposed Integrated command and control Centre, Jan Seva Kendra, LED street lighting and
Intelligent SWM etc. for PAN city development.
 ‘Samagra Vikas’: Introduction of slum free ABD area through an easily replicable model built around
housing for all and land leveraging. It will also focus on improving service delivery and cleaning &
maintaining drains that are now in a state of disuse.
 ‘Vaisvik’: Under vaisvik international convention Centre, Urban Incubation Centre proposed to get global

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Request for Proposal For
Setting up of Megasize Screen for cultural Events/Open air theatre at Gandhi Maidan in Patna


1.3 RFP Format

The intent of this RFP is to invite bids from the Bidders for Setting up of Mega size Screen for
Cultural Events/Open Air Theatre with proper sound system at Gandhi Maidan in Patna along with
operation and maintenance for Three (3) years under Smart City Mission. Bidder is advised to
study this RFP document carefully before submitting their proposals in response to the RFP Notice.
Submission of a proposal in response to this notice shall be deemed to have been done after careful
study and examination of this document with full understanding of its terms, conditions and
implications. This RFP document is not transferable.

1.4. Fact sheet

S No. Item Description

1 Method of Selection The method of selection is LCS.
Successful bidder or L1 will be chosen with Lowest price
among the financial proposals under consideration.

2 Availability of RFP Documents Download from (Under

Patna Municipal Corporation)

3 Tender document fee (Non- INR 10,000/- (Ten Thousands Only)

refundable and Not –exempted)

4 Bid Security/Earnest Money INR 4, 00,000/- (INR Four Lacs) in the form of BG valid
Deposit (EMD) up to 180 days from the actual date of submission of the

5 Bid validity Bid must remain valid up to 180 (One Hundred & Eighty)
days from the actual date of submission of the Bid.

6 Currency Bidders are required to quote the price in INR only.

7 Name and Address for

Correspondence/ Bid MANAGING DIRECTOR,
S u b m i s s i o n / Opening Venue PATNA SMART CITY LIMITED,

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Request for Proposal For
Setting up of Megasize Screen for cultural Events/Open air theatre at Gandhi Maidan in Patna


In this “Bid / RFP Document” the following words and expression will have the meaning as herein
defined where the context so admits
1.1. ““ABD” Shall mean Area Based Development in the Smart city proposals.

1.2. “Authority” Shall mean PSCL

1.3. "B.I.S" shall mean specifications of Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS);

1.4. “Bid/Tender” shall mean the Techno Commercial and Price Bid submitted by the Bidder
along with all documents/credentials/attachments/ annexure etc., in response to this
RFP, in accordance with the terms and conditions hereof.

1.5. “Bidder/Bidding Company” shall mean Bidding Company submitting the Bid. Any
reference to the Bidder includes Bidding Company / including its successors, executors
and permitted assigns as the context may require;

1.6. “Bid Bond” shall mean the unconditional and irrevocable bank guarantee to be
submitted along with the Bid by the Bidder as per format given in this RFP.

1.7. “Bid Deadline” shall mean the last date and time for submission of Bid in response to
this RFP as specified in Bid information Sheet.

1.8. “Chartered Accountant” shall mean a person practicing in India or a firm whereof all the
partners practicing in India as a Chartered Accountant(s) within the meaning of the
Chartered Accountants Act, 1949;

1.9. “Competent Authority’’ shall mean Managing Director of PSCL himself and/or a person
or group of persons nominated by Managing Director for the mentioned purpose

1.10. “Commissioning” means Successful installation and operation of the Project / Works by
the Contractor to the satisfaction of Authority as defined in RFP.

1.11. “Company” shall mean a body incorporated in India under the Companies Act, 1956 or
Companies Act, 2013 including any amendment thereto;

1.12. “Eligibility Criteria” shall mean the Eligibility Criteria as set forth in this RFP;

1.13. “Financially Evaluated Entity” shall mean the company which has been evaluated for
the satisfaction of the Financial Eligibility Criteria set forth in this RFP hereof;

1.14. "IEC" shall mean specifications of International Electro-technical Commission;

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Request for Proposal For
Setting up of Megasize Screen for cultural Events/Open air theatre at Gandhi Maidan in Patna

1.15. “PSCL” shall mean Patna Smart City Limited

1.16. “[Name of the Organization]” Shall mean PSCL.

1.17. “Net –worth” shall mean as per Company Act 2013 and amendments if any.

1.18. "O&M" shall mean Operation & Maintenance of entire system (3 Yrs.).

1.19. “Owner of project” shall mean Patna Smart City Limited (PSCL)

1.20. “Project Cost / Project Price” shall mean the price offered by the Bidder for the Scope of
work as per RFP document.

1.21. “SPV” Means “Patna Smart City Limited” a special purpose vehicle created under the
Patna Municipal Corporation.

1.22. “Parent company” shall mean a company, which holds more than 50% equity either
directly or indirectly in the Bidding Company or Project Company or a Member in a
Consortium developing Project.

1.23. “Project Company” shall mean Company incorporated by the bidder as per Indian Laws
in accordance with Clause of this RFP.

1.24. “PSCL” shall mean Patna Smart City Limited (SPV formed by Government of Bihar &
Patna Municipal Corporation)

1.25. “Price Bid” shall mean the Bidder’s quoted Price as per Financial format of this RFP;

1.26. “Qualified Bidder ”shall mean the Bidder(s) who, after evaluation of their Technical Bid
stand qualified for opening and evaluation of their Price Bid;

1.27. " RFP " shall mean Request for Proposal (RFP)/Bid document/Tender document

1.28. “SCP” shall mean Smart City Proposal of Patna.

1.29. “Statutory Auditor” shall mean the auditor of a Company appointed under the
provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 or under the provisions of any other applicable
governing law;

1.30. “Successful Bidder(s) /Contractor/Project Developers(s)” shall mean the Bidder(s)

selected by PSCL pursuant to this RFP.

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Request for Proposal For
Setting up of Megasize Screen for cultural Events/Open air theatre at Gandhi Maidan in Patna

Instruction to Bidders

1.1 Scope of the projects:

Setting up of Mega size Screen for Cultural Events/Open Air Theatre with proper sound
system at Gandhi Maidan in Patna along with operation and maintenance for Three years
Under Smart City Mission.

The design of the open air theatre should be totally flexible, portable and removable when
required along with no physical structure. The major components of the open air theatre are
listed below:-
a) Inflatable projection screen-1 No’s
b) Projectors with required lumens.-2 No’s
c) Audio System.-System with components as mentioned in Technical Specification.
d) Two Light Commercial Vehicle with open Top to carry the Audio system.
e) Arrangement of Power backup
f) Any other component as per requirement

1.2 General

a) While every effort has been made to provide comprehensive and accurate
background information, requirements and envisaged solution(s) specifications,
Bidders must form their own conclusions about the solution(s) needed to meet
the PSCL’s requirements. Bidders and recipients of this RFP may wish to consult
their own legal advisers in relation to this RFP.
b) All information supplied by Bidders as part of their bids in response to this RFP,
may be treated as contractually binding on the Bidders, on successful award of
the assignment by the PSCL on the basis of this RFP.
c) No commitment of any kind, contractual or otherwise shall exist unless and until
a formal written contract has been executed by or on behalf of PSCL. Any
notification of preferred bidder status by PSCL shall not give rise to any
enforceable rights by the Bidder. PSCL may cancel this public procurement at any
time prior to a formal written contract being executed by or on behalf of PSCL.
d) Sealed bids shall be received by the PSCL by physical posts along with the online
submission, in person before the time and date specified in the schedule of the
tender notice. In the event of the specified date for the submission of tender
offers being declared a public holiday by the Government of Bihar, the offers will
be received up to the appointed time on the next working day. The PSCL may, at

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Request for Proposal For
Setting up of Megasize Screen for cultural Events/Open air theatre at Gandhi Maidan in Patna

its discretion, extend this deadline for submission of offers by issuing

e) The physical submission of bid should be in the form of hardbound with each

page numbered and signed by authorized signatory.

f) Telex, cable or facsimile offers will be rejected.

1.3 Eligible Bidders

The Bidder should be a Single company an Audio video system integrator .No
Consortium/Joint venture arrangement is allowed to bid for this project.
The Sole Bidder must be a single company which has the capabilities to deliver the
entire scope as mentioned in the RFP.

1.4 Compliant Bids/Completeness of Response

a) Bidders are advised to study all instructions, forms, terms, requirements and other
information in the RFP documents carefully. Submission of the bid shall be deemed
to have been done after careful study and examination of the RFP document with
full understanding of its implications.
b) Failure to comply with the requirements of this paragraph may render the bid non-

compliant and the Bid may be rejected. Bidders must:

i. Include all documentation specified in this RFP, in the bid

ii. Follow the format of this RFP while developing the bid and respond to each element
in the order as set out in this RFP.
iii. Comply with all requirements as set out within this RFP

1.5 Bidder to Inform

The Bidder shall be deemed to have carefully examined the Terms & Conditions,
Scope, Specifications, and Schedules of this RFP. If bidder has any
doubts/clarifications as to the meaning of any portion of the Conditions or the
specifications he shall, before the last date for Submission of Pre-Bid Queries, set
forth the particulars thereof and submit them to PSCL in writing in order that such
doubt may be removed or clarifications are provided.

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Request for Proposal For
Setting up of Megasize Screen for cultural Events/Open air theatre at Gandhi Maidan in Patna

1.6 Bid Preparation costs

The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its

1.7 Pre-bid meeting & Clarification

1.8 Bidders Queries

Any clarification regarding the RFP document and any other item related to this
project can be submitted to PSCL as per the online submission mode and timelines
mentioned in the Bidding Schedule. The pre-bid queries should be submitted in MS
excel sheet format, along with name and details of the organization submitting the
PSCL shall not be responsible for ensuring that the bidders’ queries have been
received by them. Any requests for clarifications post the indicated date and time
shall not be entertained by PSCL.
Bidders must submit their queries as per the format mentioned in this RFP.

Maximum of 2 members per Bidder will be allowed to participate in the Pre-bid

conference and a letter from the Authorized Signatory from the intended bidder will
clearly specify the names of the participants.
1.9 Responses to Pre-Bid Queries and Issue of Corrigendum

PSCL will organize a pre-bid conference and will respond to any request for
clarification or modification of the bidding documents. PSCL shall formally respond
to the pre-bid queries after the pre-bid conference. No further clarifications shall be
entertained after the date and time of submission of queries.
PSCL shall endeavor to provide timely response to all queries. However, PSCL makes
no representation or warranty as to the completeness or accuracy of any response
made in good faith. PSCL does not undertake to answer all the queries that have
been posed by the bidders.
Any modifications of the RFP Documents, which may become necessary as a result of
the Pre- Bid Conference, shall be made by PSCL exclusively through a corrigendum.
Any such corrigendum shall be deemed to be incorporated into this RFP. However, in
case of any such amendment, the bid submission date may be extended at the

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discretion of PSCL.
Any corrigendum/notification issued by PSCL, subsequent to issue of RFP, shall only
be available/hosted on the website URL mentioned in the fact sheet. Any such
corrigendum shall be deemed to be incorporated into this RFP.
1.10 RFP Document Fee

RFP can be downloaded from the website URL mentioned in the fact sheet.

Tender Fee of Rs. 10000 (Rupees Ten Thousand Only) shall be paid at the time of
submission of bid. The tender fee shall be non-refundable.

Without the payment of tender fee the bids will be taken as incomplete and non-
responsive and shall not be considered.

1.11 Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)

EMD shall be paid at the time of submission of bid through a Bank Guarantee
addressed to Patna Smart City Limited,valid up to 180 days from the actual date of
submission of the Bid. No exemption for submitting the EMD will be given to any
agency. Bid security in any other form will not be entertained.
For Unsuccessful bidders: The bid security of all unsuccessful bidders would be
refunded without interest by PSCL on finalization of the bid in all respects.
For Successful bidders: The bid security, for the amount mentioned above, of
successful bidder would be returned without interest upon submission of
Performance Bank Guarantee by the successful bidder.
In case bid is submitted without the bid security then PSCL will reject the bid without
providing opportunity for any further correspondence to the bidder concerned.
The EMD may be forfeited in any of the following circumstances:

 If a Bidder withdraws or modifies it’s Proposal during the Proposal validity

period or any extension agreed by the Bidder thereof.
 If a Bidder is disqualified in accordance with Clause 2;
 If the Bidder tries to influence the evaluation process or engages in corrupt,
fraudulent, coercive or undesirable practice or restrictive practice as set out
in this RFP.
 If a Bidder is declared the first ranking Bidder and it:
 Withdraws its Proposal before contract agreement. However, failure to arrive
at a consensus between the Client and the first ranked Bidder shall not be
construed as withdrawal of proposal by the first ranked Bidder;
 fails to furnish the Performance Security
 fails to sign and return, as acknowledgement, the duplicate copy of the letter
of award;
 fails to fulfill any other condition precedent to the execution of the Contract,
as specified in the letter of award; or
 fails to execute the Contract.

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1.12 Bid Validity Period

Bid shall remain valid for the time period mentioned in the Fact Sheet i.e. 180 days.
The bidder shall be required to extend the bid validity period, if requested by client
to do so. Accordingly the bid security shall also be extended by the bidder for such
The request and the responses to the request shall be made in writing. A Bidder may
refuse the request without risking forfeiting the EMD, but in this case the bid will be
out of the competition for the award. Bidder agreeing to the request will not be
required or permitted to modify its bid, but will be required to ensure that the bid
remains secured for a correspondingly longer period

1.13 Contents of Bid

The four sets of documents (each enveloped separately and packed in a master
envelope) are required to be submitted for evaluation. The sets will comprise of:

Document Set Name of Content Mode of

per envelope Document Submission

RFP a. RFP Document Fee Online and Hard

One Document fee receipt Copy
& Bid b. Bid
Security/ Security/Earnest
Earnest Money Deposit
Money (EMD) receipt

Pre- Pre-Qualification Online and Hard

Qualification Bid bid along with the Copy
Two required supporting

BOM, Technical
Online and Hard
Certificates, Approach
Three Technical Bid Copy
and Methodology etc.

Four Financial Bid Financial Bid Online only

a) Please note that Prices should NOT be indicated in the Technical Bid but should
only be indicated in the Commercial Bid.
b) All the pages of the bid must be sequentially numbered. The bid documents must

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contain in the beginning of the document, a list of contents with page numbers.
Any deficiency in the documentation may result in the rejection of the Bid.

c) The original bid shall be prepared in indelible ink. It shall contain no interlineations
or overwriting, except as necessary to correct errors made by the Bidder itself.
Any such corrections must be initialed by the person (or persons) who sign(s) the
d) All pages of the bid shall be initialed and stamped by the person (or persons) who
sign the bid.
e) Failure to submit the bid before the submission deadline specified in the Bidding

Schedule Sheet would cause a bid to be rejected.

f) PSCL will not accept delivery of bid by fax or e-mail only. Hard Copy & Online
submission is mandatory.

1.14 Bid Formats

1.14.1 Pre-Qualification Bid Format

Section # Section Heading Details

1. Pre-qualification checklist As per format provided in the RFP
2. Pre-Qualification Bid As per format provided in the RFP
Covering Letter
3. About Bidder As per format provided in the RFP

1. Copy of Certification of
4. Legal Certificate
2. PAN Card
3. GST Registration
5. Annual Turnover Details of annual turnover along with
audited financial statements as
6. Certification Relevant certification
7. Self-certificate for As per format provided in the RFP
non- blacklisting
Power of Attorney Documentary evidence as per format
provided in Annexure of the RFP

9. Project Experience Citation details of projects as per format

given in this RFP, as applicable.

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1.14.2 Technical Bid Format

Section # Section Heading Details

1. Technical Bid Checklist As per format provided in the RFP
2. Technical Bid Covering As per format provided in the RFP
3. About Bidder Details about bidder
 Bidder’s General Information as required in
Technical Criteria
4. Proposed make and model Details as required in Technical Criteria
of various components.
5. Work Plan & proposed Details as required in Technical Criteria
6. Project/credential As per format provided in Section 7.3
7. Bidder’s Experience Project citation as per format provided in
section and supporting documentary
evidences and Self-
certifications as per format in the RFP as

1.14.3 Commercial Bid Format

The Bidder must submit the Commercial Bid is the formats specified in the RFP.

S No. Section Heading Details

1 Total Price Summary As per financial format provided in the

1.15 Language

The bid should be prepared and submitted by the bidders in English language only. If
any submitted supporting documents are in any language other than English,
translation of the same in English language is to be provided (duly attested) by the
Bidders. For purposes of interpretation of the documents, the English translation
shall govern.

1.16 Authentication of Bids

An authorized representative (or representatives) of the Bidder shall initial all pages
of the Pre- Qualification, Technical and Commercial Bids.
Bid should be accompanied by an authorization in the name of the signatory (or

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signatories) of the Bid. The authorization shall be in the form of a written power of
attorney accompanying the Bid or in any other form demonstrating that the
representative has been duly authorized to sign.
1.17 Amendment of Request for Proposal

At any time prior to the due date for submission of bid, PSCL may, for any reason,
whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by
prospective bidder(s), modify the RFP document by amendments. Such amendments
shall be uploaded on the PSCL website, through corrigendum and shall form an
integral part of RFP document. The relevant clauses of the RFP document shall be
treated as amended accordingly.
It shall be the responsibility of the prospective bidder(s) to check the eprocurement
website under Patna Municipal Corporation given in advertisement from time to
time for any amendment in the RFP document. In case of failure to get the
amendments, if any, PSCL shall not be responsible.
In order to allow prospective bidders a reasonable time to take the amendment into
account in preparing their bids, PSCL, at its discretion, may extend the deadline for
submission of bids which would be uploaded on website.

1.18 Bid Price

Commercial Bid shall be as per the financial format given in this RFP. Bidders shall
include all applicable taxes, duties, other levies and charges etc. in respect of direct
transaction between PSCL and the Bidder.
The price quoted by the Bidders shall be fixed and firm for the duration of the
Contract and shall include all taxes, duties, levies. The Bidders shall quote the price
for the entire system and installation services on “EPC Single Point Responsibility
Basis” such that the total Bid price covers all the Contractor’s obligations mentioned
in or to be reasonably inferred from the Bidding Document in respect of the design,
manufacture, including procurement, delivery, construction, installation and
operation of the system for three years . The price bid should also take into account
the comprehensive maintenance for Three (3) years. This includes all requirements
under the Contractor’s responsibilities for installation, maintenance, operation and
such other items and services as may be specified in the Bidding Document, all in

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accordance with the requirements of the General Conditions of Contract and

Technical Specifications. Items against which no price is quoted by the Bidder will not
be paid for by the Owner when executed and shall be deemed to be covered by the
prices for other items. A bid submitted with an adjustable price quotation shall be
treated as non-responsive and rejected.
1.19 Deviations and Exclusions

Bids shall be submitted strictly in accordance with the requirements and terms &
conditions of the RFP. The Bidder shall submit a No Deviation Certificate as per the
format mentioned in the RFP. The bids with deviation(s) to the clauses/ outlined
scope mentioned in the RFP are liable for rejection.
1.20 Late Bids

a) Late submission will not be entertained.

b) The bids submitted by telex/telegram/fax/e-mail etc. shall not be considered. No

correspondence will be entertained on this matter.

c) PSCL shall not be responsible for any non-receipt/non-delivery of the documents
due to technical snag whatsoever at Bidder’s end. No further correspondence on
the subject will be entertained.
d) PSCL reserves the right to modify and amend any of the above-
stipulated condition/criterion.

1.21 Right to Terminate the Process

PSCL may terminate the RFP process at any time and without assigning any reason.
PSCL makes no commitments, express or implied, that this process will result in a
business transaction with anyone. This RFP does not constitute an offer by PSCL.

1.22 Non-Conforming bids

A bid may be construed as a non-conforming bid and ineligible for consideration:

a) If it does not comply with the requirements of this RFP.

b) If a bid does not follow the format requested in this RFP or does not appear to
address the particular requirements of the project.

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1.23 Acceptance/Rejection of Bids

a) PSCL reserves the right to reject in full or part, any or all bids without assigning
any reason thereof. PSCL reserves the right to assess the Bidder’s capabilities
and capacity. The decision of PSCL shall be final and binding.
b) Bid should be free of over writing. All erasures, correction or addition must
be clearly written both in words and figures and attested.
In the event of any assumptions, presumptions, key points of discussion,
recommendation or any points of similar nature submitted along with the Bid, PSCL
reserves the right to reject the Bid and forfeit the EMD.
If there is any discrepancy in the commercial bid, it will be dealt as per the following:

a) If there is a discrepancy between words and figures, the amount in words shall prevail.

b) If there is such discrepancy in an offer, the same shall be conveyed to the bidder
with target date up to which the bidder has to send his explanations. On the
above lines PSCL reserves the right to take appropriate decision which needs to
be agreed by the bidder. If the bidder does not agree to the decision of PSCL, the
bid is liable to be disqualified.
1.24 Confidentiality

All the material/information shared with the Bidder during the course of this
procurement process as well as the subsequent resulting engagement following this
process with the successful bidder, shall be treated as confidential and should not be
disclosed in any manner to any unauthorized person under any circumstances. The
successful bidder will sign a NDA. Confidentiality agreement will be mutually
applicable on both the bidder and PSCL.

1.25 Disqualification

The bid is liable to be disqualified/ a proper explanation can be called in the

following cases or in case bidder fails to meet the bidding requirements as indicated
in this RFP:

a) During validity of the bid, or its extended period, if any, the bidder increases its
quoted prices
b) The bidder’s bid is conditional and has deviations from the terms and conditions

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of RFP.

c) Bid is received in incomplete form or is not accompanied by all the requisite


d) Information submitted in technical bid is found to be misrepresented, incorrect

or false, accidentally, unwittingly or otherwise, at any time during the processing
of the contract (no matter at what stage) or during the tenure of the contract
including the extension period if any.
e) Financial bid is enclosed with the same document as technical bid.

f) Bidder tries to influence the bid evaluation process by

unlawful/corrupt/fraudulent means at any point of time during the bid
g) In case any one party submits multiple bids or if common interests are found in
two or more bidders, the bidders are likely to be disqualified, unless additional
bids/bidders are withdrawn upon notice immediately.

1.26 Fraud and Corrupt Practices

a) The Bidders and their respective officers, employees, agents and advisers shall

observe the highest standard of ethics during the Selection Process.

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this RFP, PSCL shall reject
a Bid without being liable in any manner whatsoever to the Bidder, if it
determines that the Bidder has, directly or indirectly or through an agent,
engaged in corrupt practice, fraudulent practice, coercive practice, undesirable
practice or restrictive practice (collectively the “Prohibited Practices”) in the
Selection Process. In such an event, PSCL shall, without prejudice to its any other
rights or remedies, forfeit and appropriate the EMD or PBG, as the case may be,
as mutually agreed genuine pre-estimated compensation and damages payable
to PSCL for, inter alia, time, cost and effort of PSCL, in regard to the RFP,
including consideration and evaluation of such Bidder’s Bid.
b) Without prejudice to the rights of PSCL under Clause above and the rights and
remedies which PSCL may have under the LOI or the Agreement, if a Bidder is
found by PSCL to have directly or indirectly or through an agent, engaged or
indulged in any corrupt practice, fraudulent practice, coercive practice,

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undesirable practice or restrictive practice during the Selection Process, or after

the issue of the LOI or the execution of the Agreement and there is a written
proof of such practice, such Bidder shall not be eligible to participate in any
tender or RFP issued by PSCL during a period of 3 years from the date such
Bidder is found by PSCL to have directly or through an agent, engaged or
indulged in any Prohibited Practices.
c) For the purposes of this Section, the following terms shall have the meaning
hereinafter respectively assigned to them:
a) “corrupt practice” means (i) the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting,
directly or indirectly, of anything of value to influence the action of any
person connected with the Selection Process (for avoidance of doubt,
offering of employment to or employing or engaging in any manner
whatsoever, directly or indirectly, any official of PSCL who is or has been
associated in any manner, directly or indirectly with the Selection Process
or the LOI or has dealt with matters concerning the Agreement or arising
there from, before or after the execution thereof, at any time prior to the
expiry of one year from the date such official resigns or retires from or
otherwise ceases to be in the service of PSCL, shall be deemed to constitute
influencing the actions of a person connected with the Selection Process);
or (ii) save as provided herein, engaging in any manner whatsoever,
whether during the Selection Process or after the issue of the LOA or after
the execution of the Agreement, as the case may be, any person in respect
of any matter relating to the Project or the Award or the Agreement, who
at any time has been or is a legal, financial or technical consultant/adviser
of PSCL in relation to any matter concerning the Project;
b) “fraudulent practice” means a misrepresentation or omission of facts or

disclosure of incomplete facts, in order to influence the Selection Process;

c) “coercive practice” means impairing or harming or threatening to impair or
harm, directly or indirectly, any persons or property to influence any
person’s participation or action in the Selection Process;
d) “undesirable practice” means (i) establishing contact with any person
connected with or employed or engaged by PSCL with the objective of

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canvassing, lobbying or in any manner influencing or attempting to

influence the Selection Process; or (ii) having a Conflict of Interest; and
e) “restrictive practice” means forming a cartel or arriving at any understanding
or arrangement among Bidders with the objective of restricting or
manipulating a full and fair competition in the Selection Process.

1.27 Conflict of Interest

a) A bidder shall not have a conflict of interest that may affect the Selection Process
or the Project delivery (the “Conflict of Interest”). Any Bidder found to have a
Conflict of Interest shall be disqualified. In the event of disqualification, PSCL
shall forfeit and appropriate the EMD, if available, as mutually agreed genuine
pre-estimated compensation and damages payable to PSCL for, inter alia, the
time, cost and effort of PSCL including consideration of such Bidder’s Bid, without
prejudice to any other right or remedy that may be available to PSCL hereunder
or otherwise.

b) PSCL requires that the bidder provides solutions which at all times hold PSCL’s
interests paramount, avoid conflicts with other assignments or its own interests,
and act without any consideration for future work. The bidder shall not accept or
engage in any assignment that would be in conflict with its prior or current
obligations to other clients, or that may place it in a position of not being able to
carry out the assignment in the best interests of PSCL.

1.28 Sub-Contracting

The bidder would not be allowed to sub-contract work. Outsourcing of any services and/or
subletting of any scope of work, in part and/or full, is strictly prohibited. The bidder shall be
held responsible for any delay/error/non-compliance etc. of its sub- contracted vendor.

1.29 Withdrawal, Substitution, and Modification of Bids

a) No bid may be withdrawn, substituted, or modified in the interval between the

bid submission deadline and the expiration of the bid validity period specified by
the Bidder in the Bid Submission Form, or any extension thereof agreed to by the
Bidder. Withdrawal of a bid during this interval may result in the forfeiture of the

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EMD/Bid Security.
b) Any alteration/ modification in the Application or additional information supplied
subsequent to the Application Due Date, unless the same has been expressly
sought for by the Authority, shall be disregarded.
c) Bids withdrawn shall not be opened and processed further.

1.30 Site Visit

a) The Bidder may wish to visit and examine the site or sites and obtain for itself, at
its own responsibility and risk, all information that may be necessary for preparing
the bid and entering into the Contract. The costs of visiting the site or sites shall be
at the Bidder’s own expense.

b) It is strongly recommended that bidders may conduct their site surveys as per the
requirement of RFP wherever necessary, prior to the proposal submission.

c) No site visits shall be arranged or scheduled after the deadline for the submission
of the Bids and prior to the award of Contract.

2. Selection Process for Bidder

2.1 Opening of Bids

The Bids shall be opened by PSCL in presence of those Bidders or their

representatives who may be present at the time of opening. The representatives of
the bidders should be advised to carry the identity card or an authorization letter
from the bidder firms to identify that they are bona fide representatives of the
bidder firm, for attending the opening of bid.
There will be three bid-opening events as follows:

1. Set 1 (RFP Document fee & Bid Security/EMD)

2. Set 2 (Pre-Qualification bid)
3. Set 3 (Technical bid)

a) The venue, date and time for opening the Bids bid are mentioned in the Fact sheet.
b) The date and time for opening of Technical bid is specified in the bidding schedule
and that of the Commercial bid would be communicated at respective stages to
eligible bidders.
c) The Technical Bids of only those bidders will be opened who clears the Pre-

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qualification stage.
d) The Commercial Bids of only those bidders will be opened who qualify in Technical

2.2 Preliminary Examination of Bids

PSCL shall examine the bids to determine whether they are complete, whether the
documents have been properly signed and whether the bids are generally in order.
Any bids found to be nonresponsive for any reason or not meeting any criteria
specified in the RFP, shall be rejected by PSCL and shall not be included for further

Initial Bid scrutiny shall be held and bids will be treated as non-responsive, if bids are:

a) Not submitted in format as specified in the RFP document

b) Received without the Letter of Authorization
c) Found with suppression of details
d) With incomplete information, subjective, conditional offers and partial offers
e) Submitted without the documents requested
f) Non-compliant to any of the clauses mentioned in the RFP
g) With lesser validity period

2.3 Clarification on Bids

During the bid evaluation, PSCL may, at its discretion, ask the Bidder for any
clarification(s) of its bid. The request for clarification and the response shall be in
writing, and no change in the price or substance of the bid shall be sought, offered,
or permitted.

2.4 Evaluation Process

PSCL shall constitute a Tender Evaluation Committee to evaluate the responses of

the bidders. The Tender Evaluation Committee shall evaluate the responses to the
RFP and all supporting documents/documentary evidence. Inability to submit
requisite supporting documents/documentary evidence by bidders may lead to

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rejection of their bids.

The decision of the Tender Evaluation Committee in the evaluation of bids shall be
final. No correspondence will be entertained outside the process of evaluation with
the Committee. The Tender Evaluation Committee may ask for meetings or
presentation with the Bidders to seek clarifications or conformations on their bids.
The Tender Evaluation Committee reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Each of
the responses shall be evaluated as per the criteria and requirements specified in
this RFP.

The steps for evaluation are as follows:

2.4.1 Stage 1: Pre-Qualification

a) PSCL shall validate the “RFP Document fee & Bid Security/Earnest Money Deposit
b) If the contents are as per requirements, PSCL shall open the “Pre-Qualification
Bid”. Each of the Pre-Qualification condition mentioned in this RFP is MANDATORY.
In case, the Bidder does not meet any one of the conditions, the bidder shall be
Bidders would be informed of their qualification/disqualification based on the Pre-
Qualification criteria through Email and Phone and subsequently, the Bid Security
amount shall be returned to the respective disqualified Bidders after the signing of
Contract by the successful Bidder.
c) Technical and Financial bids for those bidders who don’t pre-qualify will not be
opened. Financial bid will not be opened for those bidders, who don’t qualify the
technical evaluation. Bid Security shall be returned promptly to the unsuccessful

2.4.2 Stage 2: Commercial Evaluation

a) All the technically qualified bidders will be notified to participate in Commercial

Bid opening process.
b) The commercial bids for the technically qualified bidders shall then be opened on
the notified date and time and reviewed to determine whether the commercial
bids are substantially responsive. Bids that are not substantially responsive are

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liable to be disqualified at PSCL’s discretion.

c) Commercial Bids that are not as per the format provided in this RFP shall be
liable for rejection.
d) The bid price shall be inclusive of all taxes and levies and shall be in Indian Rupees.

2.5 Pre-Qualification Criteria

a) The Bidder should be a company with Incorporation/Registration under Companies Act

1956/2013 (for Indian companies).In case of Global companies they are required to
provide equivalent proof of incorporation/ registration.

b) The Bidder shall be an audio video system integrator/Solution provider.

c) The bidder should be in the field of audio video visual business including projector and
outdoor panels for last 5 years.

d) Bidders should have experience of minimum 3 projects of installation of audio video,

outdoor LED wall and projection based screen with audio systems at three different

e) Bidder should have average Annual Turnover of INR 25 Crores during the preceding
three completed Financial Years.

f) Bidder should not have been black listed by any Government Department,
Organization, Agency, Authority or any Public Sector Undertaking

3. Award of Contract

3.1 Notification of Award

PSCL will notify the successful Bidder in writing by e-mail followed by courier to be
confirmed by the Bidder in writing by email followed by courier.

3.2 Signing of Contract

After the notification of award, PSCL will issue Work Order (WO)/Letter of Intent
(LOI). Accordingly, a contract shall be signed between successful bidder and PSCL or
the agency designated by PSCL. As an acceptance of the PO/LOI, the Bidder shall sign
and return back a duplicate copy of the Purchase Order to PSCL or the agency
designated by the PSCL.

3.3 Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG)

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Within fifteen (15) working days from the date of signing of contract, the successful
Bidder shall at his own expense submit unconditional and irrevocable Performance
Bank Guarantee (PBG) to the PSCL. The PBG shall be from a Nationalized Bank or a
Scheduled Commercial Bank in the format prescribed in this RFP payable on demand,
for the due performance and fulfillment of the contract by the bidder.
Performance Bank Guarantee shall be 5% of Capex value valid till successful trial of
system and thereafter 10% of opex value valid till expiry of Operation and
Maintenance period of three years. PBG shall be invoked by PSCL, in the event the
a) fails to meet the overall penalty condition as mentioned in this RFP or any
changes mutually agreed between the parties,
b) fails to perform the responsibilities and obligations as set out in the RFP to the
complete satisfaction of PSCL as per conditions and scope mentioned in the RFP
c) Misrepresents facts/information submitted to PSCL

The performance bank guarantee shall be valid till successful installation & successful
trial. The performance bank guarantee may be discharged/returned by PSCL upon
being satisfied that there has been due performance of the obligations of the bidder
under the contract. However, no interest shall be payable on the performance bank
In the event of the Bidder being unable to service the contract for whatever
reason(s), PSCL shall have the right to invoke the PBG. Notwithstanding and without
prejudice to any rights whatsoever of PSCL under the contract in the matter, the
proceeds of the PBG shall be payable to PSCL as compensation for any loss resulting
from the bidder’s failure to perform/comply its obligations under the contract.
PSCL shall notify the bidder in writing of the exercise of its right to receive such
compensation within 40 days, indicating the contractual obligation(s) for which the
bidder is in default. After 40 days of notice, if the bidder fails to rectify the default,
PSCL shall be entitled to make recoveries from the bidder’s bills, performance bank
guarantee, or from any other amount due to him under this contract, an equivalent
value of any payment made to him due to inadvertence, error, collusion,
misconstruction or misstatement.
In case the project is delayed beyond the project schedule as mentioned in this RFP,
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the performance bank guarantee shall be accordingly extended by the Bidder till
completion of scope of work as mentioned in RFP.
On satisfactory performance and completion of the order in all respects and duly
certified to this effect by the Project Coordinator, Contract Completion Certificate
shall be issued and the PBG would be returned to the Bidder.
3.4 Warranty & Maintenance

Bidder shall also provide complete maintenance support for all the proposed solution
as outlined in this RFP for a period of three Years from the date of Installation.
During the warranty period, the bidder shall covenant that the goods supplied under
the contract are new, unused, of the most recent version/models. The bidder further
covenant that the goods supplied under this contract shall have no defects arising
from design, materials or workmanship.the bidder has to submit an undertaking that
the goods supplied by him are new and unused.
PSCL or designated representatives of the bidder shall promptly notify successful
bidder in writing of any claims arising under this warranty. Upon receipt of such
notice, the bidder shall, within the warranty period and with all reasonable speed,
repair or replace the defective systems, without costs to PSCL and within time
specified and acceptable to PSCL.
If the successful bidder, having been notified, fails to remedy the defect(s) within the
period specified in the contract, PSCL may proceed to take such reasonable remedial
action as may be necessary, at the successful bidder’s risk and expense and without
prejudice to any other rights maximum to the value of the defected item, which PSCL
may have against the bidder under the contract.

3.5 Failure to agree with the Terms & Conditions of the RFP

Failure of the successful bidder to agree with the Terms & Conditions of the RFP shall
constitute sufficient grounds for the annulment of the award, in which event PSCL
may call for new bids.
In such a case, PSCL shall invoke the PBG and/or forfeit the EMD.

3.6 Arbitration post signing of contract

In case, a dispute is referred to arbitration, the arbitration shall be under the Indian
Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 and any statutory modification or re-
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Request for Proposal For
Setting up of Megasize Screen for cultural Events/Open air theatre at Gandhi Maidan in Patna

enactment thereof.
Except as otherwise provided elsewhere in the contract if any dispute, difference,
question or disagreement arises between the parties hereto or their respective
representatives or assignees, at any time in connection with construction, meaning,
operation, effect, interpretation or out of the contract or breach thereof the same
shall be referred to a Tribunal of three (3) Arbitrators, constituted as per the terms of
and under the (Indian) Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996. Each party to the
contract shall appoint/ nominate one Arbitrator each, the two Arbitrators so
appointed/ nominated by the Parties herein shall together choose the third
Arbitrator, who shall be the Presiding Arbitrator of the Tribunal. The consortium of
the three Arbitrators shall form the Arbitral Tribunal.
All arbitration would be referred to the Chief Justice of Patna High Court, and their
decision would be final and binding to all parties.
In case PSCL chooses to award the contract to an eligible bidder through this tender
process, and its subjected to a third party litigation, PSCL would be free to proceed
with the contract award and works process. If the litigation is in favor of the third
party resulting in termination of awarded contract and retendering process, PSCL
would pay out the existing bidder to the tune of work completed upon submission of
sufficient proof of material supplied and manpower invested.

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Request for Proposal For
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1. Scope of Work

A. As a part of ABD initiative PSCL is interested in setting up of mega size display screen with
proper sound system in Gandhi Maidan to hoist cultural events simultaneously to be used as
an open air theatre purpose for general public. In continuation to this endeavour, PSCL
intends to avail the services of interested, qualified audio video system integrators for
implementation of the said project. In this connection, PSCL invites Bid through this RFP
from eligible firms / entities for Setting up of Mega size Screen for cultural Events/Open air
theatre at Gandhi Maidan in Patna.

B. The scope of work for the bidder includes installation of outdoor Mega Size Display solutions
along with proper audio system and suitable technology at Gandhi Maidan, Patna which
should be suitably visible for a large number of viewers inside the ground. The display
should be such that it has an optimum visibility so that it could be used for the purpose of
hosting cultural programs as well as can be used as an open air theatre including
Comprehensive Maintenance (CMC) for a period of Three years after installation under the
Smart Cities Mission.

C. The arrangement will be an inflatable framework with an attached projection screen on

which two numbers of projectors will be used with edge blending/Stacking to display video.
There will be no permanent structure or civil construction required for this purpose.

D. The audio system can be vehicle mounted or can be kept near screen connected with proper
cables and connectors for sound reinforcement. They can also be removed once the show is
over and can be kept in the store room.

E. The Successful bidder hereinafter called “Contractor” is expected to execute the work in Six
(6) months’ time. In case if the completion period is delay beyond this time line it will be
subjected to a penalty of 0.1% per week to a maximum of 10%.Once 10% level is reached,
the authority has all the rights to terminate the contract at their discretion.

F. The contractor will be responsible for operation and smooth running of open air theatre for
three years after successful installation.

G. The contractor is required to submit the tentative details of location of screen with
alignment plan, location of projector and audio system based on exhaustive study of site
and as per expected size of along with all technical parameters to the authority before
commencing the installment.

H. The design of the open air theatre should be totally flexible, portable and removable when
required along with no physical structure. The major components of the open air theatre
will be Inflatable projection screen, Projectors and Audio System along with other items
necessary for open air theatre.
The bidder needs to take this into account while bidding. No extra cost other than this
computed contract value will be paid to the contractor.

I. The computed contract value shall be fixed and firm for the duration of the Contract and

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Request for Proposal For
Setting up of Megasize Screen for cultural Events/Open air theatre at Gandhi Maidan in Patna

shall Include all taxes, duties, levies including the GST. The Bidders shall quote the price for
the entire system and installation services on “EPC Single Point Responsibility Basis” such
that the total Bid price covers all the Contractor’s obligations mentioned in or to be
reasonably inferred from the Bidding Document in respect of the design, manufacture,
including procurement, delivery, supply, installation and completion of the . This includes all
requirements under the Contractor’s responsibilities for operation and management and
the acquisition of all permits, approvals and licenses, etc.; Comprehensive maintenance,
regular operation and maintenance and running of the theatre and such other items and
services as may be specified in the Bidding Document, all in accordance with the
requirements of the Conditions of Contract and Technical Specifications.

J. Warranty shall be given for a period of Three (3) years starting from the date of satisfactory
installation, commissioning and successful testing. The bidder shall provide the “after sale
service” and the replacement of defective / or any part(s) of the equipment or rectification
of defects of work of the equipment will be free of cost. The replacement of the parts shall
be arranged by bidder, at their own cost and responsibility. The bidder will have the overall
responsibility for satisfactory and faultless functioning of the system for three years
continuously at site.

K. Bidders are free to consider and factor standby multiple projectors / Screens / audio system,
in their proposal, in order to maintain 90% uptime, failing which penalties and deductions
shall apply.

L. The successful bidder will be required to operate the open air theatre as per the schedule
and time as decided by authority. The bidder has to manage the entire event with sufficient
manpower to run the show as per mandate of PSCL, however PSCL will facilitate the
deployment of administration and security to maintain law and order during the show time.

M. The bidder will have to broadcast live events like sports events, national programme, and
cultural events etc. which are possible through use of internet at the direction of PSCL.
However if any content which needs to be displayed requires buying of copyright the same
will be in the scope of PSCL and the bidder will have to facilitate the process.

N. The Bidder shall be responsible for obtaining approvals for any Statutory and Regulatory
requirements (if any) from the authorities. Further, the Bidder shall be responsible to get
required documentation completed for obtaining such approvals. The Bidder shall
undertake to do all such acts and deeds as required to ensure that the approvals are
obtained only with prior approval of department. PSCL shall extend all reasonable assistance
to the Bidder in this regard.

O. The authority will facilitate the availability of grid electricity to the bidder however the
charges will be borne by the bidder.The bidder should also have a power backup system in
case there is failure of grid power.

P. The bidder has to manage all the ground activity which is required to manage the shows
peacefully and in an organized manner. The overall scope of work is given below:

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Request for Proposal For
Setting up of Megasize Screen for cultural Events/Open air theatre at Gandhi Maidan in Patna

Work Head Scope
Designing and Implementing of the “Open Air Theatre” in the
relevant area of the Gandhi Maidan keeping in view the
following attributes:
 Identifying the area at Gandhi Maidan for open air
(i) General  Maximum audibility & visibility for visitors.
 Crowd management.
 Optimum uses, keeping other uses during various
events inside the Gandhi Maidan into consideration.
 Operation & maintenance of the entire system.
 Surveillance Security of the entire system
Bidder must ensure that the design generally meets the
following industry standards:
 ISO standards for processes and procedures.
 ISO certified products.
 Outdoor enclosures for equipment.
 Service office & support at local level.

Since any permanent structure/construction is not

permitted inside the Gandhi Maidan, hence all equipment
should be movable or vehicle mounted & Bidder shall be
prepared to dismantle the truss etc. as per the direction of
(ii) Technical
The system shall follow high-efficiency design in equipment
type / capacity as per minimum specifications given in this
document, to achieve high overall operational efficiency at
optimized expenses.
The design of the passive infrastructure shall comply with
the industry standard. Each and every capacity components
and Distribution paths shall be concurrently maintainable.

Hence redundant capacity components and redundant

distribution paths shall be incorporated in the design
Electrical connectivity from the Electrical Power
Distribution & Control panel to “Open Air Theatre Area” is
required, by which the projector & other audio equipment
could be connected.
(iii) Electrical
Adequate size of UPS & Silent genset to be installed for
ensuring “minimum failure”, subject to force majeure.

All cables must be of industry grade, suitable for outdoor

Supply, The entire system would be under the operation of the
(iv) Installation, successful system integrator for a minimum period of 3
Operation & years. The responsibility of the SI would be as follows:-

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maintenance 1. Supply & installation of all related equipment.

2. Operate the system during the time slot finalised by
the PSCL.
3. Deployment of sufficient number of Manpower for
operation & maintenance.
4. Maintain the system throughout the project period as
per SLA.
Note** Contents to be displayed which requires Copyright will be provided by PSCL


The arrangement will be an inflatable framework with an attached projection screen on which
required number of projectors will be used with edge blending/Stacking to display video. There will
be no permanent structure or civil construction required for this purpose .This screen can be used
for movies, drive-in theatres, sports, social, fundraising and other events requiring outdoor
Based on the size of the projection screen two numbers of projectors are required which will be
adjusted based on the technology of edge blending/Stacking to project clear animation. The position
of the projector will be changed as per requirement and once the show is over they can be kept back
in the store room provided by PSCL.
The audio system can be vehicle mounted or can be kept near screen connected with proper cables
and connectors for sound reinforcement. They can also be removed once the show is over and can
be kept in the store room.

A. Inflatable movie screen

Inflatable frame to include the following:
• Theatrical professional .96 gain seamless front screen surface
• Theatrical screen ties to attach and stretch screen surface
• Eight ratchet straps and two take down tethers
• Lower panel with valence
• Heavy duty carry bag
• High pressure blower
• Repair kit
• Color illustrated manual
• Three-year limited warranty
Technical Specification:
 Projection Screen Width : 65' 7" (20 m)
 Projection Screen Height : 33' 10" (10 m)
 Overall Width : 73' 6" (22.4 m)
 Overall Height : 44' 0" (13.4 m)
 Screen Surface form Ground : 9'10" (2.7 m)
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 Air Inlet : 6' 0" (1.8 m)

 Blower : 12.0 amps
 Weight (Maximum) : 1256 lbs (570 kg)

B. Projector
(Minimum Quantity: 02 units)
Since the venue for operation is open area with sufficient exposure to light hence two
numbers of projectors with below given specification will be used through edge
blending/Stacking for maximum clarity and high definition video pojection.

Projection Technology : RGB liquid crystal shutter projection system (3LCD)

LCD Size : 1.43” or better
Native Resolution : WUXGA (1920 x 1200) or better
Projection Lens Type : Power Zoom / Power Focus / Power Shift / Power
F-Number : 1.9 - 2.1
Focal Length : 54.7 - 73.0 mm
Zoom Ratio : 1 - 1.35
Throw Ratio : 1.74 - 2.35 (Wide - Tele)
Lens Exchange :Must be available
Lens Shift Mode : It should be powered
Vertical (Up/Down) :±65%
Horizontal (Left/Right) : ±30%
Lamp Type : Laser Diode Bank
Lamp Life : (Normal / Eco) 20,000 / 30,000 hours
Lumens in White Light : 25,000lm
Lumens in Colour Light : 25,000lm
Contrast Ratio :25, 00,000
Vertical /
Horizontal Keystone : ±45° / ±30° (Zoom: Tele with Standard Zoom Lens)
Quick Corner : Must be available
Curve Surface : Must be available
Point Correction : Must be available
Corner Wall Yes : Must be available
Network Connectivity : Must be Wired & Wireless
Operating Temperature : 0 - 50 °C
Direct Power On / Off : Must be available
Start-Up Period : Less than 8 seconds,

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Warm-up period : 30 seconds

Cool Down Period : Instant Off

For optimal deployment of projection system, various Input-Output options/ connector,

Content Server etc. compatibilities are required. Installation costs should also be factored in.
Installation should be ‘zero-keystone’ in so far as the projection geometry is concerned, and
should be otherwise compatible with other subsystems (sound systems, screen, etc.)

C. Audio System
As per requirement of the project the technical specification of the audio system is given below:-

SL. Minimum
Item Description
No. Qty
Weather rated (IEC 529 IPX5 or better) Mid-High loudspeaker fulfilling Free
field performance parameters listed below.
Arrays to have separate LF augmentation
Two extended range cone drivers for lower breakup distortion and better
transient response
Frequency Response : 180Hz - 16kHz or better (+/- 3dB)
Frequency Range : 150Hz - 18kHz or better (- 10dB)
Nominal Dispersion: 90° H x 40° V or better pattern control to approximately
250Hz (horizontal) and 1KHz (vertical) to form coherent zone arrays with other
speakers in the system
Sensitivity (free field): 106 dB SPL with 1 watt input or better
Maximum SPL : 127 dB SPL (133 dB SPL peak on axis at 1meter) or better
Crossover Type : Passive, BiAmp, Switchable
1 Crossover Frequency : 1.6KHz 4
High Pass Filter : 150Hz with 4th order filter (24 dB / octave)
Internal filter network with crossover of 1.6 kHz shall allow passive or bi-amp
Loudspeaker EQ: Required
Long-Term Power Handling: Passive 140 W; Bi-Amp (Mid) 140 W & High 75 W
or better
Nominal Impedance: 8Ω in Passive; Bi-Amp Mid & High.
HF: 3" VC or better compression driver
MF: 2 x 4.5" in an acoustic manifold (Dual)
The loudspeaker shall contain a 3" (76 mm) diaphragm compression driver and
two (2) midrange manifolds, each summing two (2) 4.5" (76 mm) cone drivers
in a heat-sink/acoustic summation assembly.
Weather rated (IPX5 or better) Mid-High loudspeaker fulfilling Free field
performance parameters listed below.
2 4
Should have separate LF augmentation
Coverage : 30° x 20°

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Frequency Response: on axis 220Hz - 16kHz or better (+/-3dB) with crossover

and active equalisation.
Frequency Range : 150Hz - 18kHz or better (-10dB)
Nominal Dispersion: large format waveguide and narrow 30° H x 20° for use
with above speaker to form coherent zone arrays
Loudspeaker to minimize overlap in arrays to reduce comb-filter interference
Sensitivity (free field): 110 dB SPL or better (1w @1m)
Maximum SPL at 1m : 134 dB SPL (140 dB SPL peak) on axis at 1mt or better
High Pass Filter : 150Hz with 4th order filter (24 dB / octave)
Long-Term Power Handling: Passive 280 W; Bi-Amp (Mid) 280 W & High 75 W
or better; Dual-Mid Bi-AMP Mid1 140 W & Mid 2 140 W
Nominal Impedance : 16Ω in Passive & Bi-Amp Mid; & 8Ω in Bi-Amp High,
Dual-Mid Bi-Amp Mid 1 & Mid 2.
HF: 3" VC or better compression driver
MF: 2x4.5" in an acoustic manifold (Triple)
The loudspeaker shall survive water incursion consistent
Low-frequency loudspeaker shall contain two (2) 12” (305 mm) high excursion
woofers fulfilling Free field performance parameters listed below.
Frequency Response (+/-3 dB) : 40 Hz – 280 Hz bass response on axis
Should have Front Loaded tapered transmission
Frequency Range : 36 Hz (-10 dB)– 290 Hz
Nominal Dispersion : Omni-Directional below 200 Hz
Sensitivity : 94 dB SPL with 1 watt input
Maximum SPL : 123 db SPL
3 6
Peak output: 129 dB SPL on axis at 1 meter.
Recommended High-Pass Filter : 30 Hz (24 dB / octave)
Long Term Power Handling & Normal Impedance : Parallel - 4 Ω at 800 W;
Discrete Driver 1 - 8 Ω 400 W & Discrete Driver 2 – 8 Ω 400 W
It shall handle 800 watts of amplifier power at 6 dB crest factor, for 100 hours)
Transducers: 2 X 12” woofers with 4” voice coil.
Compact enclosure for bass-array applications when cardioid or other
directional-bass configurations are required for reverberant spaces
Digital Sound Processor
Ready to accommodate an optional Dante™ network audio card
Signal Processor : 32 bit fixed / floating point – 456 MHz
Maximum Calculation : 3.6 GIPS / 2.7 GFLOPS
Delay : 43 S
Audio Latency : 860 μs (analog in to analog out)
4 A/D and D/A Converters : 24 Bit 1
Sample Rate : 48kHz
Frequency Response : 20 Hz – 20kHz (+0.3 dB/-0.1 dB)
THD+N : 0.002% at +4 dBu (A-weighted/20 Hz – 20 kHz)
Channel Separation (Crosstalk) : < -105 dB at +4 dBu input and output level, 1
Dynamic Range : > 115 dB A-weighted 20 Hz – 20 kHz, analog through
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Capable to handle both mic and line-level I/O, operates with ultra-low noise
Input Channels : 8 analog (balanced, mic/line level), 16 digital (via option card)
Input Impedance : 12 kΩ @ 1 kHz (with or without phantom power active)
Maximum Input Level : +24 dBu
Equivalent Input Noise : <-119 dBu (22 - 20 kHz, 150 Ω input, 64 dB gain)
Phantom Power : +48 VDC, 10 mA, selectable per input
Gain settings : 0/14/24/32/44/54/64 dB
Output Channels : 8 analog (balanced, line level), 8 ESPLink, 16 digital (via
optional card)
Connectors, Output : 3.81 mm Phoenix Contact®, 6-pin (analog), EIAJ optical
Can handle 56 audio channels through analog audio connections.
Onboard connectivity includes Serial over Ethernet, RS-232, 5 control inputs
and 5 control outputs.
Output Impedance : 66 Ω
Maximum Output Level : +24 dBu
Inputs (Control) 5 analog or digital inputs, 2 kΩ internal pull-up resistor to 5 V,
3.81 mm connector, 6-pin.
Analog Input Voltage Range 0 V to 3.3 V (maximum 5 V)
Digital Input Voltage Range 0 V to 3.3 V (threshold voltage = 1.6 V)
Outputs (Control) 5 digital outputs, 3.81 mm connector, 6-pin
Output Voltage High: 8 V (open circuit), 2.5 V @ 10 mA, Low: < 1 V @ 100 mA,
Output Current 10 mA source, 100 mA sink (24 VDC max external supply
Configuration of a system using a standard drag-and-drop user interface.
Certification for safety and Regulatory :- UL, C-Tick, PSE & IEC/EN 7th edition,
FC Class A
Dante Card with 32x32 Channels In-Out
Port Modes : Switched (default)
Redundant Legacy Hardware Isolated (control only)
5 Interface Data: Dante network audio and control data 1
Format 48 kHz 24 bit PCM
Supports redundant connections complete with standard accessories.
Shall fit fixed I/O audio DSP offered.
8 channel Power amplifier
Audio Gain : 17dB – 47 dB
Default Gain : 32 dB
Output Noise A-Weighted @ 8 Ω - Analog to Analog / Digital to Analog : < -70.0
6 Dynamic Range A-Weighted @ 8 Ω - Analog to Analog / Digital to Analog : 1
114,3 dB
Damping Factor @ 8 Ω, 20Hz - 500Hz : > 5000
Slew Rate (input filter bypassed) : > 50 V/μs
Frequency Response ( -3 dB, 1 W @ 8 Ω) : 5 Hz - 30 kHz
Crosstalk (1 kHz) : -70 dB
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THD+N (from 0.1 W to Full Power) : < 0.5% (typical < 0.01%)
DIM (from 0.1 W to Full Power) : < 0.5% (typical < 0.01%)
Input Impedance : 20 kΩ Balanced
Input Acceptance : +27 dBu
Suitable to Single Phase, Bi-Phase or Three Phase operation from 85 VAC up to
460 VAC.
Power Load Balancing with Power Factor Correction.
Wi-Fi remote monitoring through smartphone and tablet.
Multi-stage signal processing
AD converters : 24 Bit @ 48 kHz
129 dB Dynamic Range - 0.00056 % THD+N
DA converters : 24 Bit @ 48 kHz
121 dB Dynamic Range - 0.00084 % THD+N
Sample rate converter : 24 Bit @ 44.1 kHz to 192 kHz
140 dB Dynamic Range - 0.0001 % THD+N
Internal precision : 40 bit floating point
Delay : 2 s + 100 ms for time alignment
Raised-cosine, custom FIR, parametric IIR:
peaking, hi/lo-shelving, all-pass,
band-pass, band-stop, hi/lo-pass
Crossover : linear phase (FIR), hybrid (FIR-IIR), Butterworth,
Linkwitz-Riley, Bessel: 6 dB/oct to 48 dB/oct (IIR)
Limiters : RMS voltage, RMS current, Peak limiter
Fan Noise - 1/8 Maximum Output Power @ 8 Ω (1m) 40 dBA SPL
8 channel Power amplifier
Peak Output Voltage : 71/142 V (Mono / V-Bridge, I-share, and Quad modes
Voltage gain : 36/42/36/42 dB (Mono / V-Bridge / I-share / Quaod modes)
Frequency Response : 20 Hz – 20kHz (at 1 W and +/- 0.5 dB)
Signal to Noise Ratio, Analog Input : > 102 dB (1 dB below rated power, A-
THD : < 0.4% (at 1 W, 20 Hz to 20 kHz)
Intermod Distortion – SMPTE : < 0.4% (60 Hz, 7 kHz)
Channel Separation (Crosstalk) : >65 dB (adjacent channels, at 1 kHz)
Damping Factor : > 1000 (10-1000 Hz, 4 ohms, at amplifier output
7 2
A/D and D/A Converters : 48 kHz / 24-bit
Total Latency (Analog In - Amp Out) : < 0.95 ms
Input to Output Signal Routing : 8 x 8 matrix
Input EQ : 5-band PEQ (+/- 20 dB), notch, shelving, high pass, low pass
Bandpass Filters (Crossover) : Butterworth, Bessel, or Linkwitz-Riley, up to 48
Loudspeaker EQ : 9-band PEQ (+/- 20 dB), shelving, high pass, low pass, 2-band
array EQ
Maximum Output Delay : 3 S
Output Limiter : Peak and RMS voltage
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Input Channels : Analog 8 (balanced line level)

Input Impedance : > 100 kΩ
Sensitivity : 0, +4, +12, +24 dBu, selectable
Maximum Input Level : +24 dBu (at 24 dBu sensitivity setting)
Output Channels : 2 to 8 (configurable)
Shall have an IEC 60320-C20 16/20-amp electrical power inlet.
The amplifier shall be capable of continuous operation at 1/3 of rated power
into 4-ohm loads, in ambient temperatures up to 104° F (40° C).
The typical current draw at 1/3-rated power shall be 15 amps with 120 VAC
and 7.5 amps with 230 VAC.
Certification for safety and Regulatory :- CE, UL, FCC & IEC 7th edition.
Dante Card with 32x32 Channels In-Out
Port Modes : Switched (default)
Redundant Legacy Hardware Isolated (control only)
8 Interface Data: Dante network audio and control data 1
Format 48 kHz 24 bit PCM
Supports redundant connections complete with standard accessories.
Shall fit fixed I/O audio Digital Amplifier offered.
2-line by 40-character backlit LCD
Sixteen Gain/Selector controls (four banks of four)
 Four rotary encoders for changing the gain level or selecting scenes / sources
 Each encoder includes a15-segment LED array for indicating the control’s
current level or state
 The encoders feature push buttons for muting gain controls or making
 Ten character descriptions of the gain controls appear on the LCD above the
9 1
Four bank switch buttons with label area
Lock function in software prevents local changes
10Base-T Ethernet network based
Power over Ethernet cable or separate cable
LEDs for status, link and network transmit/receive
Fits standard 5-gang electrical box
UL6500 listed and CE approved
Power supply : 7 VDC/1000 mA
Operating Voltage : 100-240 VAC/50-60 Hz
Weatherised Paging Microphone
Compatible systems per frequency band: 4
Selectable frequencies: 8
Included Antennas: Internal 1/4-wave
Transmitter Display: LED
10 2
Battery, Endurance: 2AA, >10h
Working Range : Line of Sight
HI power mode: 75 m (250 ft)
LO power mode: 18 m (60 ft)
Audio Frequency Response : 50 Hz to 15 kHz
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Total Harmonic Distortion (Ref. ±48 kHz deviation, 1 kHz tone) : <1%
Positive pressure on microphone diaphragm: positive voltage on pin 2 (with
respect to pin 3 of XLR output) and the tip of the 6.35 mm (1/4-inch) output.
Dynamic Range : 90 dB A-weighted, typical
• Available Frequencies: between 794 –806 MHz
• Transmitter RF Output Power: LO power mode:1 mW maximum
HI power mode: 10 mW maximum
• Audio Output Connector : XLR balanced and ¼" unbalanced
• Maximum Output Level : -19 dBV (XLR), -5 dBV (1/4”) (ref. +/-33kHz
deviation with 1 kHz tone)
• Battery Life: Up to 10 hours with 2 AA batteries
• Dynamic Range : >90dB, A-weighted
• System Distortion : <1 % (ref. ±48 kHz deviation, 1 kHz tone)
Microphone type : Less susceptible to feedback in high volume settings
Microphone polar pattern: Cardioid for most sound from in front of the
microphone and some sound from the sides. .
Microphone Frequency Response : 60 Hz - 15 kHz
Microphone Sensitivity (1 kHz) : -53 dBV/Pa / 2.2 mV/Pa
Handheld - RF Level Switch between 1mW and 10mW, Up to 10 hours of
battery life, Bottom on/off switch design, Power and battery status LED
Battery, endurance: 10 h, Audio Input Level: –20 dBV maximum, Input
Impedance: 22 kΩ, HI power mode: 10 mW maximum, LO power mode: 1 mW
maximum, Receiver - Microprocessor-controlled External antenna diversity, up
to 8 selectable frequencies per band & up to 4 compatible channels per band,
Maximum Output Level: -19 dBV (XLR), -5 dBV (1/4”) (ref. +/-33kHz deviation
with 1 kHz tone) mW, 2 Audio Output: 1/4" Connector, XLR Connector
All above audio equipment must be under Three year’s comprehensive warranty.
D. Vehicle

In this project there will be requirement of two vehicles preferably two numbers of Light
commercial vehicle in order to carry Audio System during the ShowTime and also to transport the
entire set at a different location if desired so by PSCL.

E. Power Backup and any support equipment if required.

The bidder should factor in a power back up support in case there is a minor grid failure.The
bidder should consider a power backup of fifteen minutes in order to save equipments from
damage due to sudden power failure. In case of major power failure the show must be stopped
and proper announcement should be made to public after consulting the Authority.

F. Operation & Maintenance

The operation and maintenance of entire system will be in the scope of Bidder who will be mainly
responsible for safe custody of materials as well operation and management of Air theatre.The
Bidder will be further responsible for running the shows as per approval of PSCL and managing
the entire venue during showtime.

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Request for Proposal For
Setting up of Megasize Screen for cultural Events/Open air theatre at Gandhi Maidan in Patna


The installation is proposed at Gandhi Maidan, Patna. Gandhi maidan, which is a historic ground
in Patna near the banks of Ganges River, in Bihar, India. The Golghar falls to its west. The proposed
site is flat in general.

Gandhi Maidan

Location Patna, India

Operated by Patna Municipal Corporation
Open All year

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Request for Proposal For
Setting up of Megasize Screen for cultural Events/Open air theatre at Gandhi Maidan in Patna

Base map of Gandhi Maidan is given above for the reference of Bidder in order to plan the project
implementation.However the bidders are advised to conduct their own survey for site assessment
and work planning.

Term of Payment of Contract Price

a) For the purpose of payment the total quote submitted by bidder will be considered in two parts i.e
95% of total bid price will be considered as Capex and rest 5% as Opex cost.

b) The total payment shall be paid in two part (i) Capex (95% of total bid value) (ii) Opex (5% of
total bid value).The payments will be made as per the given payment schedule:

 Fifty (50) percent of the Capex Price on delivery of all equipment at contractors’
Warehouse/Site in Bihar within thirty (30) days after material dispatch clearance
certificates and submission of invoice with all the required supporting documents
.Payment will be released after receipt of invoice in triplicate with all the requisite
documents . PSCL shall make inspection in this regard within 15 days from receipt of
invoice and payment will be released soon after the inspection completed by PSCL.

 Rest Fifty (50) percent of the Capex Price on completion of erection, testing and
commissioning of the system and Equipment’s to the complete satisfaction of the Owner
and after successful trial run. The payment will be released after the successful trial run.

c) Opex portion of the contract price shall be paid over 3 years’ time in equal installments (33.33%
per year) towards Comprehensive maintenance (which shall include regular Operation and
Maintenance and satisfactory operation of the facility).

d) The bidder will have to raise the invoice after end of every quarter along with the monthly report
and submit it to PSCL.

e) The payment will be made promptly once the invoice is submitted to the PSCL.

f) If successful bidder requests for Mobilization advance, following conditions shall be applicable –

a. Mobilization advance can be maximum of 10% of capex value

b. Mobilization advance shall be released only after receipt of Bank Guarantee of 110% of the
requested amount and shall be adjusted from first invoice.

g) Deduction of TDS shall be made as per the Income Tax provisions.

Mandatory Terms &Conditions:

1. In the part relating to Technical Bid, the OEM/Bidder must provide the followings: -
a. Details of the technical features of the offered equipment and solution vis-à-vis
specification complying to tender.

b. Authorization certificate for projector & audio system to sell the quoted item in
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Request for Proposal For
Setting up of Megasize Screen for cultural Events/Open air theatre at Gandhi Maidan in Patna

Government Department, from the OEM of quoted Items brand specific to this tender,
as per the format provided.

Note*:- Any document other than case specific authorization will not be accepted & their bid will
summarily be rejected.
2. The bidders are required to enclose copy of GST number.

3. The Bidder should have a registered office in Bihar as on date of bidding. In case, Bidder does
not have his registered office as on date of tender submission, then Bidder can submit an
undertaking that within 15 days of award of order, they will establish a project office in Bihar,
failing which their EMD will be forfeited.

4. Bidder should have his own service office and infrastructure in Bihar. In case, Bidder does not
have this service infrastructure as on date of tender submission, then Bidder can submit an
undertaking that within 15 days of award of order, they will arrange their own service
infrastructure, failing which their EMD will be forfeited and their company shall be
blacklisted. Outsourcing of any services and/or subletting of any scope of work, in part and/or
full, is strictly prohibited.

5. The quoted brand / OEM of projector, audio items should have Service Facilities in Bihar and
details in this regard shall be made available by bidder to PSCL.

6. The quoted brand / OEM of projector and audio items (in case of non-Indian) should have
been into business operation in India, through their sales and service offices in India, for
minimum five years as on date of bidding.

7. Bidder to enclose Technical Literature along with tender.

8. The Technical compliance of specifications should be under signature of respective OEMs and
the developer, where ever relevant.

9. Rates: Rates quoted should be on F.O.R. Patna. In INR and Quoted rates must be valid till bid
validity. All aspects of safe delivery shall be the exclusive responsibility of the Bidder.

10. Bidder shall at his own expense adopt suitable Risk Management methodology to mitigate all
risks assumed by the Bidder under this Agreement. Bidder shall underwrite all the risk related
to its personnel deputed under this Agreement as well as all hardware components, tools and
any other belongings of the Bidder or their personnel during the entire period of their
engagement in connection with this Agreement and take all essential steps to reduce and
mitigate the risk. PSCL will have no liability on this account.

11. The bidder has to submit MAF i.e. manufacturer authorization form as given in Annexure with
this RFP.
12. This is a turnkey based tender. Bidder must quote for all items in each schedule. The L1 shall
be evaluated on the total cost basis. No partial compliance of any terms, specification, etc.
permitted. Partial compliance and deviation of any terms and or condition will automatically
lead to rejection.

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Request for Proposal For
Setting up of Megasize Screen for cultural Events/Open air theatre at Gandhi Maidan in Patna

Annexure 1 – Template for Pre-Bid Queries

Bidder shall submit all pre-bid queries in MS excel format in the following format to be
emailed at clearly specifying in the subject column- “ RFP for Setting up of Megasize
Screen for cultural Events/Open air theatre at Gandhi Maidan in Patna” under the Smart
Cities Mission’.

SL # RFP Section and Page no. Clause/ Content in Clarification sought/ Change
sub- section the RFP Request (highlight the portion
with red color which is
intended to be changed.)

Annexure 2 – Formats for Submission of the Pre-Qualification Bid

A. Pre-qualification bid checklist

Compliance Page No. and Section

SI# Checklist Items
(Yes or No) No. in bid
RFP Document fees

Earnest Money Deposit

Pre-Qualification Covering letter

4. Technical specification and Data sheets of

Major Components.
 Copy of Certification of
 PAN card
 GST registration

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Request for Proposal For
Setting up of Megasize Screen for cultural Events/Open air theatre at Gandhi Maidan in Patna

Audited financial statements for the last three

financial years
Certificate from the Statutory Auditor/ CA
Declaration of non-blacklisting

8. Power of attorney

Project Citations and Self-certifications,

as Applicable

Category of Bidder/Type of Organization

Manufacturer/ Audio Video System Integrator
10. under the Companies Act, 1956 or 2013 A copy
of certificate of incorporation shall be furnished
along with the bid in support of above.
a. ……, b. ………, c. ………,
11. Makes of components offered for the system: d. ……. etc.

(Test Certificates shall be

Valid certification

And all other documents and compliances as per

13. this tender document

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Request for Proposal For
Setting up of Megasize Screen for cultural Events/Open air theatre at Gandhi Maidan in Patna

B. Pre-Qualification Bid Covering Letter

Date: dd / mm / yyyy



Bihar, India

Subject: Request for Proposal for Setting up of Megasize Screen for cultural Events/Open air theatre
at Gandhi Maidan in Patna under the Smart Cities Mission’

Ref: RFP No. <<…..>> dated << …..>>

Dear Sir,

With reference to your “Request for Proposal for Setting up of Megasize Screen for cultural Events/Open
air theatre at Gandhi Maidan in Patna under the Smart Cities Mission.”, we hereby submit our
Prequalification bid, Technical Bid and Commercial Bid for the same.

We hereby declare that:

a) We hereby acknowledge and unconditionally accept that the PSCL can at its absolute
discretion apply whatever criteria it deems appropriate, not just limiting to those criteria
set out in the RFP and related documents, in short listing of Agency for providing
b) We have submitted EMD of INR [ ] lakhs and Tender fee of INR [ ] in the
<<Account details>>.

c) We hereby declare that all information and details furnished by us in the Bid are true and
correct to the best of our knowledge, and all documents accompanying such application
are true copies of their respective originals.
d) We agree to abide by our offer for a period of 180 days from the date of Submission of
bid prescribed by PSCL and that we shall remain bound by a communication of
acceptance within that time.

e) We have carefully read and understood the terms and conditions of the RFP and the
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Request for Proposal For
Setting up of Megasize Screen for cultural Events/Open air theatre at Gandhi Maidan in Patna

conditions of the contract applicable to the RFP. We do hereby undertake to provision as

per these terms and conditions.
f) In the event of acceptance of our bid, we do hereby undertake:

i. To supply the products and commence services as stipulated in the RFP document

ii. To undertake the project services for entire contract period from the date of signing of
the contract as mentioned in the RFP document.
iii. We affirm that the prices quoted are inclusive of design, development, delivery,
installation, commissioning, training, providing facility management and handholding
support and discounts etc.
g) We do hereby undertake, that, until a formal contract is prepared and executed, this bid,
together with your written acceptance thereof and notification of award of contract, shall
constitute a binding contract between us.
h) We understand that the PSCL may cancel the bidding process at any time and that PSCL
is not bound to accept any bid that it may receive without incurring any liability towards
the bidder.
i) We fully understand and agree to comply that on verification, if any of the information
provided in our bid is found to be misleading the selection process, we are liable to be
dismissed from the selection process or termination of the contract during the project, if
selected to do so

In case of any clarifications please contact , email

, contact no.
Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,

(Signature of the bidder)

(Printed Name)
Seal Date: Place:
Business Address:

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Request for Proposal For
Setting up of Megasize Screen for cultural Events/Open air theatre at Gandhi Maidan in Patna

C. Company profile

Brief company profile

S No. Particulars Description

1. 1
. Name of Bidder
2. 2
. Legal status of Bidder (company, Pvt. Ltd., LLP etc.)
3. 3
. Main business of the Bidder
4. 4
. Registered office address
5. 5
. Incorporation date and number
6. 6
. GST No
7. 7 N.A
. VAT number
8. 8
. PAN details
9. 9
. Primary Contact Person (Name, Designation,
address, mobile number, fax, email)
10. 1Secondary Contact Person (Name, Designation,
mobile number, fax, email)
11. 1
1EMD details

Valid Certificate of Incorporation

Financial Turnover of last 3 years

The financial turnover of the company has to be provided as per the following table:

Annual Turnover details (certified)

S No. FY- 2015- 2016 FY- 2016- 2017 FY- 2017- 2018

Copy of audited financial statements or declaration from the appointed statutory auditor to be
provided as proof of the financial turnover

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Request for Proposal For
Setting up of Megasize Screen for cultural Events/Open air theatre at Gandhi Maidan in Patna

D. Declaration of Non-Blacklisting (To be provided on the Company letter head) Declaration for


Patna Smart City Ltd,
Bihar, India
Place Date

Subject: Self Declaration of not been blacklisted in response to the Request for Proposal for Setting up of
Megasize Screen for cultural Events/Open air theatre at Gandhi Maidan in Patna under the Smart
Cities Mission.

Ref: RFP No. <<…..>> dated << …..>>

Dear Sir,

We confirm that our company or firm, ,is currently not blacklisted in any manner
whatsoever by any of the State or UT and or Central Government in India on any ground including
but not limited to indulgence in corrupt practice, fraudulent practice, coercive practice, undesirable
practice or restrictive practice.

(Signature of the Bidder)

Printed Name
Seal Date: Place:
Business Address:

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Request for Proposal For
Setting up of Megasize Screen for cultural Events/Open air theatre at Gandhi Maidan in Patna

E. Declaration for WARRANTY:

(To be provided on the Company letter head)


Patna Smart City Ltd,
Patna, Bihar, India

Subject: Self Declaration of not been blacklisted in response to the Request for Proposal for Setting
up of Megasize Screen for cultural Events/Open air theatre at Gandhi Maidan in Patna under the
Smart Cities Mission.

Ref: RFP No. <<…..>> dated << …..>>

Dear Sir,

I/We certify that the warranty shall be given for a period of three year starting from the date of
Satisfactory installation, commissioning and handing over of the equipment conducted under the
Work Order. During the warranty period, I shall provide the “after sale service” and the
replacement of defective / or any part(s) of the equipment or rectification of defects of work of the
Equipment will be free of cost.
The replacement of the parts shall be arranged by us, at our own cost and responsibility. We
Undertake that the above warranty shall begin only from the date of installation for satisfactory and
faultless functioning of the equipment for three year continuously at Gandhi Maidan premises.
Uptime Guarantee: During the warranty period, we will be responsible to maintain the
Equipment including all the accessories in satisfactory faultless working conditions. All complaints
will be attended by us within 4 hours from the receipt of the complaint and the system would be made
Operational as soon as possible. We shall try to repair the equipment at site premises. However, in
case it is not possible to repair the equipment at site premises, we will take out the equipment to our
site on our own expenses. We shall take the entire responsibility for the safe custody and
transportation of the equipment taken out for repair still the equipment is rehabilitated to the site after
repair. If any loss of equipment occurred during our custody, we will replace with a new one totally
on our cost.

(Signature of the Bidder)

Printed Name
Seal Date:
Place: Business Address:

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Request for Proposal For
Setting up of Megasize Screen for cultural Events/Open air theatre at Gandhi Maidan in Patna

F. Manufacturers Authorization Form

Patna Smart City Limited
2nd Floor, Maurya Lok, Patna, Bihar.

We .......................... (Name of the Manufacturer), who are official manufacturers of

............................................. (Names of Items), having factories at ...................................................
(Name of Country), do hereby authorize M/s
..........................................................................................., (Name of Address of Firm) to submit a bid
& supply Products against your tender enquiries for the Goods, manufactured by us.

This is to certify that item no …………….. Having serial no’s …………… are brand new. The
manufacturing year is ……………… and month of import is …………………” It is hereby also
certified that the said item with said serial no’s are warranted / guaranteed by us for ………. Years.

We give undertaking that this bid complies with specification in totality. We understand that any
technical deviation, ever discovered, may be treated as criminal breach and will attract punitive action
against us.

We hereby extend our full onsite guarantee / warranty for Three Years in accordance with the terms
& conditions mentioned in the RFP either by ourselves /or through the service center, with respect to
the Goods offered in this Bid, for which we shall maintain sufficient replacement/spares/equipment in

We shall follow the time lines as per tender terms.

This document of authorization is signed by an authority having appropriate legal authority.

Name :

Place :

Date :

Designation :

Signature :

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Request for Proposal For
Setting up of Megasize Screen for cultural Events/Open air theatre at Gandhi Maidan in Patna

G. Self-certificate for Project execution experience (In Bidding Entity’s Letter Head)

This is to certify that < Name of the Bidding entity > has been awarded with < Name of the
Project > as detailed under:

Name of the Project

Client's Name, Contact no. and Complete Address

Contract Value for the bidder (in INR)

Current status of the

Activities completed by bidding entity as on bid
submission date
(N.B Only relevant activities as sought in the
Criteria to be included)

Value of Work completed for which payment has

been received from the client.

Date of Start

Date of Completion

(Authorized Signatory) Signature:

Name: Designation:

Bidding entity’s name Address:

Seal and Date:

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Request for Proposal For
Setting up of Megasize Screen for cultural Events/Open air theatre at Gandhi Maidan in Patna

Annexure 4 – Formats for Submission of the Technical Bid

Technical Bid Check-List

Sl # Checklist Item Complianc Page No. and Section

e (Yes/No) No. in the Bid

1 Technical Bid Letter

2 Credential summary

3 Project Citations and Self-

certifications, as applicable

4 Detailed proposed solution

5 Projection Screen offered with

Technical Datasheet
6 Projector offered for the system with
Technical Datasheet

7 Audio System offered for the with

Technical Datasheet

9 Manufacturers'/Producers’
Authorization Form

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Request for Proposal For
Setting up of Megasize Screen for cultural Events/Open air theatre at Gandhi Maidan in Patna

H. Technical Bid Covering Letter

Date: dd/mm/yyyy

Patna Smart City Limited,
Bihar, India

Subject: Request for Proposal for Setting up of Megasize Screen for cultural Events/Open air
theatre at Gandhi Maidan in Patna under the Smart Cities Mission.

Ref: RFP No. <<…..>> dated << …..>>

Dear Sir,

I <<name of the undersigned Bidder and consortium member>>, having read and examined in detail all
the bidding documents in respect of “Request for Proposal for Setting up of Megasize Screen for
cultural Events/Open air theatre at Gandhi Maidan in Patna under the Smart Cities Mission.” do
hereby propose to provide our services as specified in the bid submitted by us.
It is hereby confirmed that we are entitled to act on behalf of our company / corporation / firm /
organization and empowered to sign this document as well as such other documents, which may be
required in this connection. We declare that all the services shall be performed strictly in accordance with
the RFP documents.
We confirm that the information contained in this response or any part thereof, including its exhibits, and
other documents and instruments delivered or to be delivered to PSCL, Government of Bihar is true,
accurate, verifiable and complete. This response includes all information necessary to ensure that the
statements therein do not in whole or in part mislead the department in its evaluation process. We also
confirm that we shall not attract conflict of interest in principle.We hereby declare that in case the
contract is awarded to us, we shall submit the contract Performance bank guarantee in the form
prescribed in the Annexure of the RFP .
We hereby declare that our bid is made in good faith, without collusion or fraud and the information
contained in the bid is true and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief.
We understand that our bid is binding on us and that you are not bound to accept a Bid you receive.
This bid is valid for 180 days after opening of technical bid. We shall extend the validity of the bid if
required by PSCL.

Thanking you,


(Signature of the Bidder)
Printed Name
Business Address:

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Request for Proposal For
Setting up of Megasize Screen for cultural Events/Open air theatre at Gandhi Maidan in Patna

I. Credential Summary

Project Documentary Status
Sl Project Client Client Value Project evidence (Completed
# Name Name Type (in Details provided or
INR) (Yes or No) Ongoing or

 Client type – Indicate whether the client is Government or PSU or Private

 Project Details – Indicate the major project components like hardwares or equipment’s.
 Documentary evidence provided – Indicate the documentary evidence provided with the
detailed project credential like work order or purchase order and completion certificate.

 Project Status – Completed (date of project completion) or Ongoing (project start date)

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Request for Proposal For
Setting up of Megasize Screen for cultural Events/Open air theatre at Gandhi Maidan in Patna

J. Overview of Proposed Solution

A. Approach & methodology

Bidders are required to provide a detailed approach & methodology to execute the entire
project. Bidders are advised to comply with the below provided headers/Approach
components while detailing out their solution.

B. Project Plan

A Detailed Project Plan covering break-up of each phase into the key activities, along with the
start and end dates must be provided as per format given below.

Activity-wise Timelines

Sl. No. Item of Activity Month wise Program

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 Project Plan

1.1 Activity 1

1.2 Activity 2…………..Contd

K. Compliance to Requirement (Technical / Functional Specifications)

The bidder should provide compliance to the requirement specifications (both technical and
functional) specified in this RFP in form of self-certification.
L. Technical Datasheet
The Bidder should provide the Technical Datasheet of each Component along with certification if
available.. Bidders are required to mention the details of the make/brand and model against each line
item, wherever applicable. The bid can be considered non-responsive in the absence of such details.
Once the bidder provides this information in the submitted bid, the bidder cannot change it with any
other component / equipment etc. of lower specifications / performance.

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Request for Proposal For
Setting up of Megasize Screen for cultural Events/Open air theatre at Gandhi Maidan in Patna

Annexure 5 – Formats for Submission of the Commercial Bid

Total Price Summary

We hereby submit our best offer for Setting up of Megasize Screen for cultural Events/Open air theatre at Gandhi
Maidan in Patna under the Smart Cities Mission.

Amount (in
Amount (in
Sl # Head Rs.) (in
Rs.) (in figure)
Total price Including Projectors, Inflatable Screen,
1. Audio System ,Vehicle, power back up arrangement
and any other Item required including three years
comprehensive maintenance and operation as per
RFP (Inclusive of all taxes, levies, duties, etc. as

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Request for Proposal For
Setting up of Megasize Screen for cultural Events/Open air theatre at Gandhi Maidan in Patna

Annexure 5 (a) – Performance Bank Guarantee

Ref: Date

Bank Guarantee No.



<Address> <Phone
Nos.> <Fax Nos.>
<Email id>

Whereas, <<name of the supplier and address>> (hereinafter called “Contractor”) has undertaken, in
pursuance of contract no. <Insert Contract No.> dated. <Date> to provide Implementation for
<<Name of the assignment>> to Patna Smart City Limited (hereinafter called “the PSCL”)

And whereas it has been stipulated by in the said contract that the bidder shall furnish you with a bank
guarantee by a recognized bank for the sum specified therein as security for compliance with its obligations
in accordance with the contract;

And whereas we, <Name of Bank> a banking company incorporated and having its head/registered office at
<Address of Registered Office> and having one of its office at <Address of Local Office> have agreed to
give the supplier such a bank guarantee.

Now, therefore, we hereby affirm that we are guarantors and responsible to you, on behalf of the supplier,
up to a total of Rs.<Insert Value> (Rupees <Insert Value in Words> only) and we undertake to pay you,
upon your first written demand declaring the supplier to be in default under the contract and without cavil
or argument, any sum or sums within the limits of Rs. <Insert Value> (Rupees <Insert Value in Words>
only) as aforesaid, without your needing to prove or to show grounds or reasons for your demand or the
sum specified therein.

We hereby waive the necessity of your demanding the said debt from the bidder before presenting us with
the demand.

We further agree that no change or addition to or other modification of the terms of the contract to be
performed there under or of any of the contract documents which may be made between you and the
System Integrator shall in any way release us from any liability under this guarantee and we hereby waive

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Request for Proposal For
Setting up of Megasize Screen for cultural Events/Open air theatre at Gandhi Maidan in Patna

notice of any such change, addition or modification.

This Guarantee shall be valid until <<Insert

Date>>) notwithstanding anything contained herein:

I. Our liability under this bank guarantee shall not exceed Rs. <Insert Value> (Rupees <Insert Value
in Words> only).

II. This bank guarantee shall be valid up to <Insert Expiry Date>)

III. It is condition of our liability for payment of the guaranteed amount or any part thereof arising
under this bank guarantee that we receive a valid written claim or demand for payment under this bank
guarantee on or before <Insert Expiry Date>) failing which our liability under the guarantee will
automatically cease.


Place Signature

Witness Printed name

(Bank's common seal)

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Request for Proposal For
Setting up of Megasize Screen for cultural Events/Open air theatre at Gandhi Maidan in Patna

Annexure 5 (b) – Bank Guarantee for Earnest Money Deposit


<Phone Nos.>
<Fax Nos.>
<Email id>

Whereas <<Name of the bidder>> (hereinafter called Contractor) has submitted the bid for
Submission of RFP <<RFP Number>> dated <<Date>> for <<Name of the assignment>>
(hereinafter called "the Bid") to <<PSCL>> .

Know all Men by these presents that we <<… >> having our office at <<Address>> (hereinafter
called "the Bank") are bound unto the << Patna Smart City Limited >> (hereinafter called "the
PSCL") in the sum of Rs. <<Amount in figures>> (Rupees <<Amount in words>> only) for
which payment well and truly to be made to the said PSCL, the Bank binds itself, its successors
and assigns by these presents. Sealed with the Common Seal of the said Bank this <<Date>>.

The conditions of this obligation are:

1. If the Bidder having its bid withdrawn during the period of bid validity specified by
the Bidder on the Bid Form; or
2. If the Bidder, having been notified of the acceptance of its bid by the PSCL during the
period of validity of bid

(a) Withdraws his participation from the bid during the period of validity of bid document; or

(b) Fails or refuses to participate in the subsequent Tender process after having been short

We undertake to pay to the PSCL up to the above amount upon receipt of its first written demand,
without the PSCL having to substantiate its demand, provided that in its demand the PSCL will
note that the amount claimed by it is due to it owing to the occurrence of one or both of the two
conditions, specifying the occurred condition or conditions.

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Request for Proposal For
Setting up of Megasize Screen for cultural Events/Open air theatre at Gandhi Maidan in Patna

This guarantee will remain in force up to <<insert date>> and including <<extra time over and
above mandated in the RFP>> from the last date of submission and any demand in respect
thereof should reach the Bank not later than the above date.


I. Our liability under this Bank Guarantee shall not exceed Rs. <<Amount in figures>>

<<Amount in words>> only)

II. This Bank Guarantee shall be valid up to <<insert date>>)

III. It is condition of our liability for payment of the guaranteed amount or any part thereof
arising under this Bank Guarantee that we receive a valid written claim or demand for payment
under this Bank Guarantee on or before <<insert date>>) failing which our liability under the
guarantee will automatically cease.

(Authorized Signatory of the Bank)



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Request for Proposal For
Setting up of Megasize Screen for cultural Events/Open air theatre at Gandhi Maidan in Patna

Annexure 8 - Format for Power of Attorney to Authorize Signatory


[To be executed on non-judicial stamp paper of the appropriate value in accordance with relevant
Stamp Act. The stamp paper to be in the name of the company who is issuing the power of

We, M/s. (name of the firm or company with address of the registered office) hereby
constitute, appoint and authorize Mr. or Ms. (Name and residential address) who is presently
employed with us and holding the position of , as our Attorney to do in our name and our
behalf all or any of the acts, deeds or things necessary or incidental to our RFP for the Project
(name of the Project), including signing and submission of the RFP response, participating in the
meetings, responding to queries, submission of information or documents and generally to represent
us in all the dealings with Client or any other Government Agency or any person, in connection
with the works until culmination of the process of bidding till the Project Agreement is entered
into with
(Client) and thereafter till the expiry of the Project Agreement.

We hereby agree to ratify all acts, deeds and things lawfully done by our said Attorney pursuant to
this power of attorney and that all acts, deeds and things done by our aforesaid Attorney shall and
shall always be deemed to have been done by us.

Dated this the day of 2018

(Signature and Name of authorized


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Request for Proposal For
Setting up of Megasize Screen for cultural Events/Open air theatre at Gandhi Maidan in Patna

(Signature and Name in block letters of all the remaining partners of the firm Signatory for the Company)

Seal of firm Company

Witness 1: Witness 2:


a. To be executed by all the members individually.

b. The Mode of execution of the power of attorney should be in accordance with the
procedure, if any laid down by the applicable law and the charter documents of the
executant(s) and when it is so required the same should be under common seal
affixed in accordance with the required procedure.

Page 66

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