Lesson Plan For Demo 2

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in ENGLISH 5

A. Determine images/ideas that are explicitly used to influence viewers such as
stereotypes, point of view and propaganda.
B. Differentiate the stereotypes, point of view and propaganda.
“ Images and Ideas that Influence Viewers”
EN5VC-IIe-7, EN5VC-IIe-7.1, EN5VC-IIe-7.2, EN5VC-IIe-7.3
Curriculum guide pg. 7
Teacher’s Guide pg. 40
Learner’s Material pg. 37-39
Video clips of TV Commercials, Pictures/ Cut outs of Advertisements, Teaching chart

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
A. Preparation
1. Review
Last time we talked about

2. Unlocking of Difficulties
As we go on with our lesson
we will meet some new words.
Let’s try to find out what these words are.
Based on the given definition.

Arrange the jumbled letters to spell the word correctly.


- the power to affect people.

- a person who view specially in televisions


- pertaining to a people such as groups


- In order to sell something in a public notice.


- something that is believeable.

3. Motivation
Are you familiar with TV commercials? Yes,Ma’am

Who among you use the brand Colgate Pupil’s using it will
when brushing your teeth? raise their hands

Let us all stand and sing and act out Pupil’s acting and
the toothpaste tv commercial singing the tv
that I will show you. Commercial

B. Lesson Proper
1. Presentation
Today, we will watch the
Downy TV Commercial.

2. Discussion
How does the advertisement - It influence me by
of Downy influence you? - its colorful
packaging packaging.
-I love watching its
-the model said her clothes
smells good
These are the images/ideas
used to influence viewers.
 Stereotypes- this is the belief
that all people within the same
ethnic or cultural group will act alike
and share the same beliefs and attitudes.
An exaggerated belief that can be
positive or negative but generalizes
without allowing for differences.

Examples of stereotypes:
 All milk product are healthy for the children.
 All candies that we eat are sweet

 Propaganda- the spreading of ideas,

information for the purpose of helping
an institution, a cause or a person.

Examples of propaganda:
 The 555 sardines is delicious
 The papaya soap can make as
whiter than ordinary soap..

 Point of view- the angle of considering

things which shows us the opinion or
feelings of the individuals involved in

Examples of point of view:

 She is happy eating the ice cream.
 I use downy when washing clothes.
Its smell is so good.
3. Fixing Skills
You are going to watch another they will watch
tv commercial. Observe the lines or and observe
dialogue of the endorsers/characters that the tv commercial
capture your attention.
(Commercial- Nido Fortigrow)

On what scene in the commercial is - The scene that she

Captivating. Then determine the idea don’t want to drink milk.
Used to influence you. Because it is not a Nido.
It’s a propaganda.
-The scene her
mother sacrifice for them.
It’s a stereotype
What ideas/images are used to
influence viewers? -The images that they
make it cartoon
-The idea of loving the
family is a propaganda.
C. Generalization
What are the images/ideas The images/ideas explicitly
explicitly used to influence viewers? used to influence viewers
are the stereotypes,
propaganda and
point of view.
D. Application
The class will be divided into four
Groups. Each group will be given Group 1- Ariel will act out
A commercial to act out, to sing Group 2- 555 sardines will sing
It’s jingle, to draw an advertisement, it’s jingle.
to dialogue. A representative from Group 3- Safeguard will draw.
each group explains the ideas used Group 4- sunsilk shampoo will
to influence viewers. make a poster.

Determine the image/ideas used to
influenced the viewer as stereotypes,
propaganda or point of view.
Write S- if it is stereotypes,
P-propaganda and PV-for point of view,
___________1. Fear is generated to change people’s behavior.
___________2. All Americans are friendly,generous and impatient.
___________3. Girls are not good at sports.
___________4. All armed men are terrorist.
___________5. Sometimes you cannot clearly discern between anger and frustration.

Cut out an advertisement from newspaper or magazines. Identify whether it is stereotypes,
propaganda and point of view.

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