FBS Module 1

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Escuela San Gabriel de Colegio de San Gabriel

Arcangel Foundation, Inc. Arcangel of Caloocan

Phase 10 Package 6 Block 1 Lot 1-5, Bagong Silang Caloocan City

GRADE 11 Food and Beverage Services

Module 1: Providing Link in Kitchen in Service Area

Lesson 1: Workflow Structure in the Food and Beverage Service

Flow of food – the movement of food in food service operation.

Workflow Structure – the process of food is monitored to ensure to efficient pick up of

food items.

Food Storage

1. Dry Food Storage

2. Non-Food Storage
3. Refrigerated Food Storage

Food Service Systems

Conventional food service system – the food is prepared in the kitchen of food service
establishment, the food is held for a short time before it is served in the dining area.

Ready-prepared food service system – the food is prepared on the premises then the
prepared food is chilled or frozen and stored for use at a later time.

Most Common Service wares used in Food Service

 Dinnerware
 Flatware
 Beverageware
 Linens

Lesson 2: Communication and Interpersonal Skills

Vertical Communication - an announcement of policies or rules starts from the manager

goes down to the heads of units then trickles down to the rank and file.
Horizontal Communication - the heads of different units or members of the rank and file
in the different units can communicate between and among each other on issues and
concerns that affect unit or resolve problems to effects a smooth, well-coordinated

Positive reinforcement - it is based on the assumption that human behavior is
determined by responses and stimuli or environmental conditions and a person’s
behavior can be changed by changing the environment to which the person responds
Tangible reinforcement Such as bonuses, prizes, and other rewards are used in food
Intangible reinforcement such as praises or words of appreciation and encouragement
also yield positive response from employees.

Activity 1
For activities 1 – 3, think that you already have your own restaurant. Follow the
directions to complete each activity.
Design the general floor plan of your restaurant showing the location of kitchen, dining
room, and other related areas.

Activity 2
Design in detail your kitchen showing entrance for deliveries to storage areas and
preparation and cooking areas, to the pickup area for the prepared food that is ready for
delivery to the dining area.

Activity 3
Make an organizational chart of your restaurant.

Activity 4

Answer the following questions.

1. Explain: Food and Beverage Services is to Restaurant while Heart is to Man.

2. Why do we need to establish a link between the kitchen and the dining area?
3. Does Food and Beverage Services affects the food industry? Why or Why not?
4. How does communication and interpersonal skills affect the performance of the
5. What is the impact of Positive Reinforcement to the employees?

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