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Xi Urges Youth To Make New Contributions: Offshore Bond Issuances by Chinese Firms Rebound

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Learning choices Chip R&D gets

US college students adapting to policy support, All joking aside

study options amid COVID crisis financial boost Comedy especially challenging for women,
successful performer says LIFE, PAGE 18

TUESDAY, August 18, 2020

 chinadaily.com.cn RMB ¥2

Xi urges youth
to make new
Message delivered to meetings of two
mass organizations opening in Beijing
By LI LEI prosperous society in all respects by
lilei@chinadaily.com.cn the time the CPC celebrates its cen-
tenary in 2021. He said the nation is
President Xi Jinping encouraged embarking on a new journey to
China’s youth on Monday to have achieve the second centenary goal
firm ideals, hone their skills and make — building China into a modern
new and greater contributions as the socialist country that is prosperous,
country is nearing its goal of building
a moderately prosperous society in all
strong, democratic, culturally
advanced and harmonious by the
Ancient town
respects and embarking on a journey
to achieve the goal of building China
time the People’s Republic of China
celebrates its centenary in 2049.
into a modern socialist country. The president called on Chinese Above: Huanglongxi, a town with a history
Xi, who is also general secretary youth to have firm ideals and convic- of more than 2,000 years in Chengdu,
of the Communist Party of China tions, cultivate a noble character, Sichuan province, is flooded on Monday
Central Committee and chairman of hone their skills, be innovative and by two rivers that swelled as a result of
the Central Military Commission, creative and work hard in the new era. recent downpours.
made the remark in a congratulato- Xi said the work of the ACYF and Left: People wait in line to be relocated from
ry letter to a session of the All-China ACSF is an integral part of the Party’s Huanglongxi on Monday. More than 7,000
Youth Federation and the congress youth work. Party authorities and people in the town have been evacuated to
of the All-China Students’ Federa- governments at all levels should safer areas, officials said.
tion. The combined meetings strengthen leadership over youth PHOTOS BY LIU ZHONGJUN / CHINA NEWS SERVICE
opened in Beijing on Monday. work, support the work of the two See story, page 4
About 3,000 members and repre- organizations and create a favorable
sentatives attended the opening environment for young people to
meetings either in Beijing or via tele- enhance and apply their talents.
conference at venues across the The president urged the youth
country. During the two days, they organizations to deepen reforms
are reviewing the work reports of and produce innovations. They
the ACYF and ACSF over the past
five years and plans for the next five,
revising charters and electing new
should work to mobilize young peo-
ple to firmly follow the Party and
forge ahead in the new era.
Offshore bond issuances by Chinese firms rebound
leadership for the two organizations. Leaders attending the opening
The two organizations are part of session included Wang Huning, a By OUYANG SHIJIA total value of $12.4 billion. Bonds Chinese enterprises issued 264 Experts say that the signs of a
the mass organizations guided by member of the Standing Committee ouyangshijia@chinadaily.com.cn issued by financial companies medium- and long-term bonds rebound offer bond investors good
the CPC that represent people from of the Political Bureau of the CPC jumped 25 percent to $14.28 billion, overseas, with a total value of opportunities as many Chinese
different sectors of society. Central Committee; Chen Xi, head New offshore bond issuances by and the money raised was mainly $103.31 billion, Meng said. enterprises gradually recover from
On behalf of the CPC Central of the Organization Department of Chinese companies rebounded in used to support the real economy. Meng added that although the the novel coronavirus crisis.
Committee, Xi extended congratula- the CPC Central Committee, and June and July, as the nation’s effi- “The rebound in offshore corpo- total value declined year-on-year “With the government’s effective
tions on the meetings’ opening, and Vice-Premier Sun Chunlan. cient COVID-19 pandemic preven- rate bond issuances in June and July due to the turmoil in the interna- measures to contain the pandemic,
sincere greetings to students and While addressing the meetings tion and control measures boosted is mainly because China has tional capital market, the bonds China’s economy is gradually return-
young people of all ethnic groups on behalf of the CPC Central Com- foreign investors’ confidence in achieved positive results in its pre- have shown strong resilience with ing to normal, showing strong resil-
and all walks of life in China, as well mittee, Sun praised young people’s the Chinese economy and corpora- vention and control efforts in fight- their role in serving the real econo- ience,” said Sun Binbin, an analyst at
as overseas Chinese youth. role in combating COVID-19 earli- tions, the country’s top economic ing the novel coronavirus outbreak. my becoming more prominent. TF Securities. “With ample liquidity
Xi said that with the concerted er this year, adding that young regulator said on Monday. With the orderly resumption of “Particularly, the China-issued dol- in the global market and China’s eco-
efforts of the entire Party and the Chinese have proved with their During the June-July period, 84 work and production as well as the lar bond market is showing strong nomic resurgence, the China-issued
people of all ethnic groups in the actions that they are qualified for Chinese enterprises issued 125 restored economic order, foreign signs of recovery since the second dollar bond market will continue to
nation, China is about to secure a the tasks ahead. medium- and long-term bonds in capital’s confidence in the Chinese quarter of this year,” Meng said. recover in the second half of this year.”
victory in completing the first cen- overseas markets, with a total value economy and corporations contin- By the end of June, the China- After experiencing a sharp decline
tenary goal — building a moderately See Youth, page 3 of $45.92 billion, said Meng Wei, a ues to increase,” Meng added. issued dollar bond index hit a record in March, the current valuation of
spokeswoman for the National Continuous quantitative easing high of 201.85 points, up by 6.21 per- real estate bonds has been restored
Development and Reform Commis- practices in major advanced econo- cent year-on-year. Market analysis to a certain extent, Sun said. “Due to
Editor's Note: The world faces huge challenges during the global sion, at a news conference in Beijing. mies, an overall inflow toward showed that Chinese enterprises the lower US interest rates, dollar
spread of COVID-19, and maybe even greater ones when it is over. Here, Among them, industrial enter- emerging markets and safe haven issued overseas medium- and long- bonds issued by Chinese real estate
in the 18th part of a series titled “One World, One Fight”, we look at how prises issued $12.33 billion in bonds, demand amid global economic tur- term bonds at a weighted average firms still remain highly attractive
countries can work together to fight the virus and meet the challenges up 30 percent year-on-year, while bulence also helped boost the rate of 4.94 percent in the first half for investors.”
when the pandemic ends. real estate companies saw a 24 per- rebound in issuances, Meng said. of this year, a year-on-year rate
cent year-on-year decline with a In the first half of the year, 164 decline of 1.3 percentage points. See Bond, page 3


Making tracks for Xiong’an
FACES UNCERTAIN FUTURE Beidou-backed app used
Unemployment rises,
to track cattle in pastures
GDP falls during pandemic By YUAN HUI in Hohhot and be used in a wide variety of fields,
CHEN MEILING in Beijing such as agriculture, fisheries,
By CHEN YINGQUN transportation and disaster relief.
chenyingqun@chinadaily.com.cn It’s 6 am and Otgonbileg, a Herdsmen in Ordos use the sys-

55-year-old herdsman from Hang- tem to control water pumps,
or Dellon Francis, the meas- gin Banner in Ordos, Inner Mongo- fueled by solar power, in the wild
ures taken to contain the lia autonomous region, is in no to give thirsty animals a drink.
COVID-19 pandemic in hurry to take his cattle to graze in “They don’t need me now. The
South Africa — the country Containment measures have the pastures like in the old days. cattle can graze by themselves,”
worst-hit by the virus on the conti- meant that people have been una- Instead, he checks their location Otgonbileg said.
nent — have been particularly “dis- ble to travel, work from offices or over real-time video in a phone app. For decades, herdsmen like
turbing and challenging”. socialize for months. Francis said A “boss ox” among Otgonbileg’s Otgonbileg had to get up at dawn
Governments worldwide have the restrictions have triggered cattle wears a black collar with to take their cattle to the pastures
enforced lockdowns and social dis- numerous underlying psychologi- installed chips that can transmit and spend hours daily following
tancing regulations, but Francis, cal issues that have affected many and receive signals, enabling him them around while riding on
founder and operations director of people. to track the herd’s movements. A horses or motorbikes, to ensure
the investment company Capvest As of Sunday, there were 583,653 The last section of track for the Beijing-Xiong’an Intercity Railway solar panel on the collar keeps the that the cattle were safe and
Associates, said: “From a cultural cases of COVID-19 in South Africa, is laid on Monday. The high-speed railway is set to start operating device charged. Telephoto camer- returned to their farms on time.
perspective, South Africa is a rest- with 11,677 deaths, according to a all the way to the Xiong’an New Area in Hebei province by year’s as installed on high ground along “The technology has released me
less nation. We like to be outdoors number of sources. The country end. It is expected to shorten the travel time to one hour from the the area’s pastures are controlled from such labor. I get more free time
and don’t like to be constrained. has a population of about 58 mil- current two hours, according to China Railway Beijing Group. remotely to record and transmit to do other things I like,” he said.
“The situation is also very chal- lion. XING GUANGLI / XINHUA See story, page 5 videos to his phone. Otgonbileg has about 100 head
lenging for companies in South Afri- The Africa Centres for Disease The app is backed by China’s of cattle and 200 sheep. His pas-
ca, as many of them don’t have Control and Prevention said there Beidou Navigation Satellite Sys- tures, located to the west of the
systems in place to support working were 1,108,837 confirmed cases on tem. As one of the four global net- Kubuqi Desert, cover 266 hec-
国内统一编号: CN11-0091 国际标准编号: ISSN0253-9543 邮发代号:1-3
remotely.” He added that cases of the continent as of Sunday and the works providing navigation and tares. The harsh environment
domestic violence have risen as a death toll was 25,337. © 2020 China Daily positioning services, the Beidou makes grazing tough.
All Rights Reserved A member of the
result of employees operating from system has provided full-scale
Vol.40 — No.12568 Asia News Network
home. See Virus, page 2 global services since July 31. It can See Grazing, page 3
2 | Tuesday, August 18, 2020 CHINA DAILY

Virus: Many Private aid
from China

areas lack helps fight


key services
in Africa

The private sector in China has

From page 1 phones due to background noise or made considerable efforts to help
frequent disruptions,” he said. Africa fight the COVID-19 pan-
On March 5, South Africa report- Before the onset of COVID-19, the demic, as the continent may lack
ed its first COVID-19 case, and South African economy was techni- sufficient resources to tackle the
enforced a national lockdown later cally in decline. outbreak.
that month to curb the spread of the According to Statistics South The Jack Ma Foundation, set
virus. Borders were closed and most Africa, in the third and fourth quar- up by the Alibaba founder in
people ordered to stay home, apart ters last year, the country’s GDP 2014, said: “The epidemic is a
from those making essential trips. contracted by 0.6 percent and 1.4 common challenge for all man-
While there has been a gradual percent respectively. kind. The virus knows no bor-
relaxation of the restrictions since Statistics South Africa said GDP ders, and only when all
May 1, the lockdown measures are for the first quarter of this year fell mankind joins hands can we
reviewed from time to time. by 2 percent year-on-year, while the defeat it. Our foundation will
Francis said he has seen many Ministry of Finance has said the try its best to offer help and
restaurants, shops and real estate economy is expected to shrink by 7.2 share experience with those in
agencies close permanently in percent in 2020, the largest contrac- need.”
recent months. tion for nearly 90 years. One of the foundation’s four
There is still a huge wealth gap Some 3 million people have lost key focuses is medical support
in the country, with many people their jobs nationwide as a result of and environmental protection.
living on less than the equivalent of the lockdown, representing an 18 Since the first coronavirus case
$15 a week, he said, adding that the percent decline in employment, in Africa was reported on Feb 14
amount of poverty in the country, according to findings from the in Egypt, the outbreak has
coupled with unrest, is making the National Income Dynamics Coro- spread to all 54 countries on the
battle against the virus more diffi- navirus Rapid Mobile Survey. continent.
cult. “COVID-19 may be with us for Through cooperation with
“As the outbreak has resulted in some time. One of our greatest qual- local governments and interna-
lost jobs and many people current- ities as human beings is the ability tional organizations, the founda-
ly being unable to earn an income, to learn, adjust and adapt. This is tion has donated medical
there has also been a lot of unrest what COVID-19 requires from all of materials urgently needed by
and sporadic protests. That’s a real- us,” Vhumbunu said. these nations, including rea-
ly important issue for the govern- To survive the pandemic, indus- gents, ventilators and protective
ment to start tackling,” he said. tries and companies in South Africa equipment.
“Many areas of the country don’t have innovated. In March, the foundation ini-
have basic services such as clean With visitors unlikely to return in tially donated 20,000 testing
water, electricity and face masks, or the short term, virtual tourism has kits, 100,000 face masks and
sufficient space to maintain social become an important way for desti- 1,000 protective medical suits
distancing,” Francis said. “Unless nations and individuals to connect and face shields to each African
the government tackles these with tourists worldwide. country.
grassroots problems, there’s no For example, during the lock- The following month it made a
way that it can effectively contain down in Cape Town, virtual tours of second donation to the nations
the virus.” the city’s leading attractions were that included 500 ventilators,
launched. 200,000 medical suits and face
Signs of hope Itineraries include street art shields, 2,000 thermometers, 1
South African President Cyril walking tours with an artist giving million swabs and 500,000 pro-
Ramaphosa said in a recent letter to visitors firsthand information, 3-D tective gloves. A third donation
the nation that he had seen signs of tours of modern art and interviews made to the African Union and
the rapid rise in cases stabilizing. with artists, and virtual safaris that African Centers for Disease Con-
The country’s health system, which include footage of animal sightings trol and Prevention included 4.6
is under severe strain, is managing and close encounters experienced million face masks, 500,000
to cope, he added. by rangers on patrol. swabs and test kits, and 300 ven-
“The number of new infections Graham Wallington, founder of tilators.
has slowed in the provinces of West- the South African company Wild- The foundation has also
ern Cape, which includes Cape Earth, which takes viewers on virtu- launched an online platform,
Town, Eastern Cape and Gauteng, al safaris through a camera Global MediXchange for Com-
which includes the major cities of attached to an open-top vehicle, bating COVID-19, through which
Johannesburg and Pretoria,” Rama- said there had been “a dramatic rise Chinese frontline medical work-
phosa said. in viewership of our live safaris” ers share with counterparts in
Referring to hard-hit Western and “a fivefold rise in the first two Africa their experience in fight-
Cape, Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal, weeks in March.” ing the pandemic.
he said, “The health system so far Early this month, South Africa’s Top: Doctors inspect a quarantine center in Johannesburg, South Africa, last month. YESHIEL / XINHUA A handbook published by the
has had sufficient capacity to cope Department of Tourism released a Center: Restaurant employees protest against a lockdown in Johannesburg. YESHIEL / XINHUA foundation on the prevention
with the number of admissions.” draft recovery plan for the sector. Above: A teacher screens students as schools begin to reopen after a lockdown in Langa township, Cape and treatment of COVID-19 has
He said, however, that in the The plan envisages tourism in the Town, South Africa, in June. MIKE HUTCHINGS / REUTERS been translated into more than
Eastern Cape several public hospi- country being likely between 30 languages, including Swahili
tals were overwhelmed and a spe- August and May next year, depend- and Hausa in Africa.
cialist team has been deployed to ing on the spread of COVID-19 in bers, Vhumbunu added. Bank should all work together to eration with the African nation. The foundation said: “No
help. different provinces. He Yun, an assistant professor at help not just South Africa, but Afri- Medical supplies donated by Chi- matter how powerful a country
He added that the government Vhumbunu, from Rhodes Univer- Hunan University’s School of Pub- ca in general fight the devastating na arrived at O. R. Tambo Interna- may seem, it is vulnerable to the
acted quickly to deliver adequate sity, said that the biggest challenge lic Administration in Changsha, consequences of COVID-19, tional Airport in Johannesburg on virus, and no country can deal
supplies of personal protective in fighting COVID-19 in South Afri- the provincial capital, said that because Africa cannot do this April 14. with it alone. We hope that
equipment to areas where there ca is the reluctance to observe lock- compared with Europe or China, alone,” she said. More donations, including face through the sharing of experi-
were shortages. It is also working to down regulations, especially social living conditions in some areas of Tang Xiaoyang, a researcher in masks, disposable protective cloth- ence, medical staff in other
crack down on corruption during distancing. South Africa mean that pandemic African studies at Tsinghua Univer- ing and forehead thermometers countries don’t have to learn
the buying and distribution of “Some people are ignorant, while control measures do not work. sity in Beijing, said the pandemic from the Chinese authorities and about the virus starting from
medical materials, he said. others are taking time to adjust to “For instance, in slums, condi- has weakened South Africa’s health organizations followed. scratch.”
Clayton Hazvinei Vhumbunu, the reality of wearing masks, avoid- tions are so cramped that social systems, ravaged its economy and The Chinese embassy in Pretoria Diana Chen, chairman and
technical officer with the Faculty of ing physical contact, and sanitizing. distancing is impossible, while cit- added to the misery of people living recently handed 20,000 surgical founder of Choice International
Humanities at Rhodes University in The fact that COVID-19 can be ies such as Cape Town are experi- in poverty, which together will have masks and 2,000 medical gloves Trading, a company based in Chi-
Eastern Cape province, said COV- spread by asymptomatic carriers is encing chronic water shortages, so a long-lasting effect on the country. donated by the China Medical na, has donated an ambulance,
ID-19 will “definitely have far- worsening the situation,” he said. people are finding it hard to wash A considerable amount of global Association of Minorities to the 50,000 face masks and the equiv-
reaching implications not only on Moreover, there have been challen- their hands frequently,” she said. support will be needed to help the South African government. alent of $55,000 to combat COV-
our social life but also in economic ges in enforcing the 10-day self-isola- As South Africa may lack suffi- nation deal with the pandemic Since April, the Chinese govern- ID-19 in Nigeria.
terms”. tion period at home for cient resources to fight COVID-19, and for its economy to recover, he ment has also invited the country’s “Now, more than ever, we all
He said people working from asymptomatic carriers or those sus- international cooperation is need- added. medical experts to share with need to show serious concern
home find it hard to form new con- pected to have contracted the disease. ed to build up health structures, South African officials and health and commitment to eliminating
nections and networks, and have to Some people are conducting train personnel, secure food and China vows help workers China’s experiences and the threat of this virus so that life
socialize through online platforms. their business and activities as medical supplies, and offer finan- China has provided continuous best practices in fighting the pan- can return to normal,” Chen said.
With restricted working hours usual, defying rules, regulations cial relief, He added. help to South Africa in the fight demic, including treating coronavi- She added that private orga-
enforced at most businesses, shop- and advice. Others do not have suf- “Major economies such as China, against the virus. On April 8, Presi- rus patients, controlling the spread nizations and individuals
ping and banking have become ficient space at home, especially in the United States, the European dent Xi Jinping talked with Rama- of the virus in communities and should join hands with the Chi-
more difficult. densely populated townships and Union and Japan, and multilateral phosa by phone and pledged to using big data technology to track nese government in fighting
“I have taken part in several webi- crowded informal settlements, to institutions like the World Health provide assistance as requested, potential patients. the virus, as defeating it cannot
nars where some participants have self-isolate without being in close Organization, the International share pandemic control experience be achieved by the authorities
been asked to mute their micro- contact with other family mem- Monetary Fund and the World and strengthen public health coop- Agencies contributed to this story. alone.
He Yun, an assistant profes-
sor at Hunan University’s
School of Public Administra-
tion in Changsha, said COVID-
19 has had a devastating effect
on the African economy. The
price for raw materials, such as
minerals — one of the main
sources of income — has fallen
dramatically, while the service
and manufacturing sectors
have also been badly hit.
“In South Africa, there is a
growing problem of hunger and
the danger of social unrest on a
large scale, but the country can-
not effectively deal with these
Left: A boy reminds people to observe social distancing in Johannesburg. YESHIEL / XINHUA Center: A water cannon is used to disperse restaurant workers protesting against coro- problems unless it has the pan-
navirus lockdown regulations in Cape Town last month. MIKE HUTCHINGS / REUTERS Right: A South African medical worker collects a nucleic acid sample. PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY demic under control,” He said.
CHINA DAILY Tuesday, August 18, 2020 | 3

Grazing: Ready for fair

Incomes on
Li hails move to
rise thanks channel funds
to system
From page 1
to grassroots
“Before this system, we main- Key meeting says finances will enhance
ly judged locations for cattle by
experience,” he said. foundation of economic recovery, growth
One time he failed to find
them after searching on his By ZHANG YUE keeping, detailed usage, and
motorbike for about five hours. zhangyue@chinadaily.com.cn matching accounts. Rigorous fis-
Later he found out he was only cal discipline must be enforced.
about 10 meters away from China will make further plans Any fraudulent reporting, false
them at one point. “I didn’t see for increased fiscal funds to claims, retention and embezzle-
them because sand dunes had directly benefit businesses and ment of the funds will be strictly
obscured my view,” he recalled. the people in a bid to enhance the dealt with.
“I don’t think I could have foundation for economic recovery Efforts will be made in intensi-
continued working that way as and growth, and ensure the full fying reform and firming up
I grew older.” delivery of financial policies to confidence in development to
He bought two collars for The temporary outdoor venue and facilities of the 2020 International Fair for Trade in Services stand support the real economy, the fulfill this year’s targets and the
about 12,000 yuan ($1,730) each, nearby the National Stadium in Beijing on Monday. The fair will be held in Beijing at the beginning of State Council’s executive meeting tasks for economic and social
and a water pump-control sys- September, and there will be eight industry themes, including cultural services, financial services and chaired by Premier Li Keqiang development.
tem for about 4,000 yuan in 2017. 5G. MA WENXIAO / FOR CHINA DAILY decided on Monday. The meeting also urged stronger
“It’s a bit expensive for herds- By early August, among the 2 financial support for the real econ-
men, but I think it’s worth it,” he trillion yuan ($288 billion) in omy across the board. In the first
said. increased fiscal funds, 300 billion seven months of this year, finan-
Now he has time for interests
such as handicrafts. “I earned
40,000 to 50,000 yuan by selling
Chinese diplomats return from Houston yuan has been used for tax and
fee cuts; and out of the 1.7 trillion
yuan under the special transfer
cial incentives including interest
rate and fee cuts and deferred loan
repayment in principal and inter-
handicraft items in recent years.” payment framework, apart from est have saved businesses over 870
In August, Ejin Horoo Banner By CAO DESHENG core interests of the country and tions will have a bright future after the reserved fund of a set propor- billion yuan.
in Ordos launched a smart pas- caodesheng@chinadaily.com.cn national dignity, as well as the legiti- the turbulence. tion raised from the special trea- “In view of the impact of COV-
ture project in Shavartai village, mate rights and interests of the dip- China’s destiny is in the hands of sury bonds for COVID-19 control, ID-19, financial institutions have
with plans to enable 53 families All of the diplomats who worked lomatic mission, Wang said. the Chinese people, and under the 97.8 percent of the funds had notably intensified their support
to use the system for free. All at China’s consulate general in Washington’s decision to close leadership of the Communist Party been distributed to prefecture for the real economy, especially
devices are to be installed and Houston, United States, returned the Chinese consulate demonstrat- of China, nobody and no force can and county-level governments. for micro, small and medium-
tested this month. to Beijing by chartered plane on ed that anti-China elements in the block China’s national rejuvenation, The policy is making a differ- sized businesses. Their efforts
Bayanduuren, Party secretary Monday evening. US are trying every means to harm Wang added. ence in supporting market enti- have paid off,” Li said.
of the village, said locals mainly Speaking at a ceremony mark- China-US relations and maliciously The US ordered the closure of ties, stabilizing employment and “Unlike previous unforeseen
make a living by selling beef cat- ing the return of the diplomats at impede China’s development, he the Chinese consulate in Houston ensuring people’s livelihoods, and situations, the novel coronavirus
tle. For decades, incomes were Beijing Capital International Air- said, adding that their attempts are on July 21. As a countermeasure, has driven the economic rebound. has hit smaller businesses direct-
low because of the high cost of port, State Councilor and Foreign doomed to fail. the Foreign Ministry informed the “The special transfer payment ly. The financial and fiscal sup-
raising cattle and low sale prices, Minister Wang Yi praised them for Wang said he is confident that US embassy in China on July 24 of mechanism has delivered notable port has been instrumental in
and most people were depend- their outstanding work at a diffi- developing dialogue instead of its decision to withdraw its con- outcomes, showing the decision is staving off massive business clo-
ent on jobs tending herds. cult time and in a dangerous envi- resorting to confrontation remains sent for the establishment and right, and the intensity is appro- sures and job losses,” he said.
“It’s important to modernize ronment. the mainstream public opinion in operation of the US consulate in priate,” Li said. It was agreed that liquidity will
animal husbandry,” he said, add- They have firmly safeguarded the both countries, and China-US rela- Chengdu, Sichuan province. It was urged at the meeting that remain reasonably sufficient,
ing that if herdsmen can monitor the prefectures and counties will without resorting to massive
their cattle remotely, they can be guided to promptly channel stimulus. The direct, structural
make extra money by working at
nearby tourist resorts or joining
the bed-and-breakfast business.
Immediate release of Huawei CFO urged the allocated funds to market
players and people’s livelihoods.
Steps will be taken to redress any
monetary policy tools will be bet-
ter leveraged to ensure the money
goes to where it is needed the
Only about 10 families in delays in fund allocation or utili- most, especially to smaller firms.
Shavartai have used the system By MO JINGXI Zhao told reporters at a regular source code, it is still not spared zation. A special treasury account Small and medium-sized banks
since the village introduced it in mojingxi@chinadaily.com.cn news briefing in Beijing. from the clutches of certain US poli- reconciliation mechanism will be will be supported in using big
2016 because of its comparative- The spokesman said that the pur- ticians who are acting like robbers set up for the directly allocated data to better meet the needs of
ly high price. Bayanduuren said China reiterated on Monday its pose of the US was to suppress Hua- out of their own selfish political funds, to ensure clear book- businesses.
the government plans to pro- firm resolve to safeguard the legiti- wei and other Chinese high-tech interests, Zhao said.
mote the system in the whole vil- mate rights and interests of its citi- companies, and Canada was acting “These politicians insist on fabri-
lage in the next two years.
Otgonjargal, 50, a herdsman
zens and companies, and called for
the immediate release of senior
as its accomplice.
“This is a serious political inci-
cating various excuses to strangle
TikTok,” he said.
Safety first
from Shavartai, has been using Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou. dent,” Zhao said, noting that this is a According to the spokesman, while
the system since last year. He Foreign Ministry spokesman view shared by the rest of the inter- the CIA assessed that there is no evi-
said his family’s income has also Zhao Lijian made the remark as national community as well as dence suggesting that the Chinese
increased. They have more time Meng, the chief financial officer of many insightful people in the US authorities have intercepted TikTok’s
for planting corn and making Huawei, was to attend hearings in a and Canada. data or used the app to access people’s
dairy products. Canadian courtroom via telephone “We once again urge the Canadi- smartphones, some US politicians
His parents used to graze 60 on Monday to argue for the Canadi- an side to take seriously China’s sol- still used national security as a one-
head of cattle for about nine an attorney general to release more emn position and concerns, and size-fits-all pretext to cause trouble
hours a day, and now they don’t confidential documents relating to immediately release Meng and let and harm non-US companies.
have to work as hard, he added. her arrest to show that her rights her return to China safely as soon as He called the hegemonic act of
Chuluu, a local technical were violated. The Canadian attor- possible,” he said. the US side “a public rejection of its
instructor for the Beidou system, ney general has held back some of The spokesman also responded to a so-called market economy and fair
said it can function in places the documents related to Meng’s new executive order issued by US Pres- competition principles”. The viola-
with no signal as well. The app arrest, claiming privilege. ident Donald Trump on Friday giving tion of international trade rules will
can count the number of steps “According to information ByteDance 90 days to either sell or also hurt the interests of US con-
taken by animals to prove they already disclosed, the United States spin off its TikTok business in the US. sumers and businesses, he added.
are in a pasture, and not just on a and Canada abused their bilateral While TikTok has done almost “We urge the US side to immedi-
farm, which will help herdsmen extradition treaty, and arbitrarily everything required by the US ately correct its mistake, stop slan-
also sell them at the higher price took compulsory measures against including hiring only Americans as dering and smearing China and
that range-fed beef commands. a Chinese citizen. This violated her its top executives, hosting its servers stop suppressing the companies of
legitimate rights and interests,” in the US and making public its other countries,” Zhao said. Medical workers take throat swabs from students to test for
Contact the writers at COVID-19 at a primary school in Handan, Hebei province, on
yuanhui@chinadaily.com.cn Monday. Work is underway to ensure the students’ safety before

Experimental COVID vaccine gets patent the start of the new semester. HAO QUNYING / FOR CHINA DAILY

Bond: Frail
economy, hot
amounts in the lungs and to induce
proper immunity. In addition, “the
vaccine can be manufactured in a
erty regulator has acted very rapidly
and forcefully to offer legal protec-
tion,” he said.
Youth: Combine personal
market must China has recently granted its
first COVID-19 vaccine patent for an
experimental vaccine jointly devel-
rapid and convenient manner and
can be mass produced in a short span
to cope with sudden outbreaks”, the
The vaccine in the spotlight,
Ad5-nCoV, was the first to enter
first-stage clinical trials in China in
pursuits with national goals
be balanced oped by the Academy of Military
Medical Sciences and Chinese bio-
document said.
Ma Yide, an intellectual property
March and the first to begin second-
stage trials worldwide on April 12. It From page 1 National Biotec Group, which is
tech company CanSino Biologics, a professor at Zhongnan University of uses a weakened common cold virus leading the nation’s COVID-19
From page 1 decision that validates and protects Economics and Law in Wuhan, to introduce genetic material from Sun said millions of members of vaccine development efforts, said
the innovation of the country’s vac- Hubei province, said: “Patent the novel coronavirus into the the Communist Youth League of more than 44 percent of the staff
Hua Changchun, global chief cine development. approval is meant to protect the cre- human body and train the body to China have become involved in at the State-owned conglomerate
economist at Guotai Jun’an The adenovirus vector vaccine ativity of a new product or technolo- produce antibodies that can fight off controlling the virus in communi- are younger than 35.
Securities Research Institute, candidate was found to be safe and gy. Winning a patent means the the virus. ties, treating patients and making Zhou said the young profes-
said China is rebounding to able to trigger an immune response development of the experimental According to a study published in essential medical supplies. Anoth- sionals are the very people who
growth after a steep slump in the first and second stages of clini- vaccine has achieved substantial the medical journal The Lancet on er 1.7 million young Chinese offered made China a leader in vaccine
from the pandemic, adding that cal trials. However, the vaccine, as progress in terms of innovation.” July 20, the phase-two clinical trial their services voluntarily during development.
China’s GDP growth may reach well as a few other promising candi- “The move will also help prevent involving 508 participants shows that the novel coronavirus outbreak. “Currently, our branch in
6.3 percent in the third quarter dates, must complete the third and infringement, misuse and imitation the vaccine is safe and generates anti- They organized blood dona- Wuhan, Hubei province, has made
and 7 percent in the fourth largest phase of trials before gaining of the latest scientific progress in bodies in nearly all people who tions and fundraising and won the the world’s first inactivated vac-
quarter. market approval, although some lee- vaccine research under the legal received effective doses. praise of the Party and people. cine, and our branch in Beijing
“Policymakers need to strike way will be offered to speed up the framework, and curb the negative The phase-three clinical trial will Sun said that today’s young peo- owns the world’s largest manufac-
a balance between a frail econo- process, according to documents influence of such behavior on bat- be conducted overseas and is cur- ple are in the best period of the turing facilities,” he said.
my and the relatively red-hot released last week by the National tling the epidemic,” he added. rently in the pipeline, but developers development of the Chinese nation, Zhou said there is still room
capital and financial markets,” Medical Products Administration. According to Ma, China has been of the experimental vaccine have yet and are the new force for realizing for youth organizations to pro-
Hua said. “On one hand, the The application for the newly focusing on manufacturing generic to announce a specific timetable or the nation’s great rejuvenation. duce improvements in educating
government needs to rev up fis- issued patent was submitted on drugs for a long time, resulting in location for the trial. She explained that they have the young about combining per-
cal, monetary and financial March 18, and was approved on Aug fewer patents in the biomedicine sec- been presented with rare opportu- sonal pursuits with national
support for the real economy 11, according to the patent docu- tor compared with drug research Contact the writers at nities to make contributions and development.
and micro and small enterpris- ment published on the website of powerhouses worldwide. wangxiaoyu@chinadaily.com.cn achievements and to accomplish As a member of the ACYF, he
es. On the other, the country the National Intellectual Property “The development of a home- the great missions of the time. said he will perform his role in
should also reinforce financial Administration. grown vaccine against the novel cor- Inside Zhou Song, a new ACYF mem- uniting more young people around
supervision and prevent finan- Animal studies have demonstrated onavirus is a landmark action, and ber who heads the discipline him to shoulder responsibilities
cial risks.” the vaccine’s ability to reduce viral this time, the top intellectual prop- Comment, page 8 inspection commission at China bestowed by the times.
4 | Tuesday, August 18, 2020 CHINA DAILY

Expert warns not to let
Free-entry policy draws
over 3 million to Hubei
seasonal flu mingle with
Over 3 million people visited Hubei
province about a week after it waived
COVID-19 this autumn
entry fees at tourist sites for Chinese
visitors, according to local authorities. By ZHANG ZHIHAO
As of Sunday, scenic spots in Hubei zhangzhihao@chinadaily.com.cn
received a total of 3.26 million visitors,
with a significant rise in group and Noted respiratory disease
There is quite a
cross-provincial tours, after the free- expert Wang Chen advised Chi- sizable number of
ticket policy was put in place on Aug 8 nese public health authorities to
as a token of gratitude for nationwide
people who are killed
expand the scope of vaccination
assistance during the COVID-19 out- for the flu before October to pre- by the flu each year.
break, according to the province’s cul- vent the possible concurrence of
ture and tourism department. Over
If the two diseases
the flu season with the COVID-19
the past weekend alone, the number pandemic, which may pose a seri- were to mingle, their
of tourists reached more than 1 mil- ous public health risk. impact on the public
lion, with Wuhan, the provincial capi- “The COVID-19 situation in Chi-
tal, being the top destination. na is generally manageable, with and social stability
occasional small outbreaks in should not be
BEIJING parts of the country,” Wang, presi-
Anti-poverty product dent of the Chinese Academy of
Medical Sciences, said in a speech Wang Chen, president of the
sales exceed 100b yuan at the 22nd annual meeting of the Chinese Academy of Medical
Sales of products from China’s pover- China Association for Science and Sciences
ty-stricken areas have topped 102 bil- Rescuers transfer local people in Jintang county after heavy rainfall brought floods in Chengdu, Sichuan Technology on Friday.
lion yuan ($14.8 billion) this year province, on Monday. YIN GANG / FOR CHINA DAILY “So now a lot of people are say-
amid the country’s consumption- ing we have entered the post-COV- focus its limited resources on big-
powered poverty reduction efforts, ID era. Let’s be clear: Now is not ger issues.

Sichuan floods lead

official data showed. The amount the post-COVID era, we are actual- “Timely flu vaccination is the
was generated by over 76,000 prod- ly still in the thick of it,” he said. most cost-effective way to cope
ucts from the country’s 22 central “There are so many things we with a flu season,” he said.
and western provinces, according to don’t understand about the dis- A country pulling out all the
the latest data from the State Council ease. It is too early to discuss what stops to fight an infectious disease
Leading Group Office of Poverty Alle- stage we are in, especially when for a prolonged period is unsus-

to mass evacuation
viation and Development. Nine pro- we don’t have concrete evidence of tainable, ineffective and extremely
vincial-level regions in East China how the epidemic can progress.” costly, he said.
purchased products worth 26.4 bil- Wang said what worries him “We must take appropriate
lion yuan from impoverished areas, right now is the possible return of measures in accordance with the
the office said. COVID-19 in autumn and winter, risk, and based on sensitive, accu-
and whether a new COVID-19 out- rate and timely monitoring of the
GUIZHOU Neijiang issues orange alert as more several provinces and regions. break could mix with the seasonal situation,” Wang added.
More than 80 ancient thunderstorms threaten the region
From 2 pm on Monday to 2 pm flu, creating a new complicated The scope of the monitoring
on Tuesday, torrential rain and and challenging public health sit- should also cover areas that are
reef organisms found rainstorms were expected to lash uation. not typically on an epidemiolo-
Chinese and British paleontologists By HUANG ZHILING in Chengdu parts of the Sichuan Basin. Certain If the flu and COVID-19 were to gist’s radar, such as cold-chain
have recently found a number of huangzhiling@chinadaily.com.cn western areas of the basin would exist concurrently, given how sim- logistics for seafood, Wang said,
ancient marine organisms in a patch experience downpours, the ilar some of their symptoms are, it adding the COVID-19 outbreaks in
reef in Guizhou province. The Nan- A total of 119,780 people had
The road leading to National Meteorological Center would be more difficult and costly Wuhan, Beijing and Dalian were
jing Institute of Geology and Paleon- been relocated by Monday in Nei- the town has been said. to diagnose and quarantine all related to seafood markets.
tology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, jiang, Sichuan province, following It advised local authorities to patients, he said. Seafood manufacturing compa-
said fossils of 83 species of reef orga- flooded and the town
rain-induced floods. stay vigilant for possible flooding, “In fact, there is quite a sizable nies in South Korea and the Unit-
nisms, dating back 385 million years, In Zizhong, a county under the itself has become an landslides and mudslides and sug- number of people who are killed ed States had also reported
were identified in the patch reef in administration of Neijiang, the ris- gested halting outdoor activities in by the flu each year. If the two dis- outbreaks in March and July,
Jiwozhai, Dushan county.
isolated island. A
ing water levels in rivers in many disaster-prone areas. eases were to mingle, their impact respectively.
towns exceeded the level in 2018 total of 3,116 people … Sichuan’s flood control and on the public and social stability When a shipment of seafood is
XINJIANG when an extraordinary flood peak have been relocated, drought relief headquarters on should not be underestimated.” frozen and transported, the novel
Diversion helps restore passed, said Zhou Sheng, Party
which accounts for
Monday upgraded its flood-control As a result, Wang advised the coronavirus may also be preserved
chief of Guide town. response to Level II, the second public to take the flu shot before on the surface of the package due
ecology in deserts In the wee hours of Monday, the more than half of the highest in the four-tier emergency the end of September, especially to the low temperature, he said.
The Tarim River, China’s longest Tuojiang River, a tributary of the response system for floods, from for medical personnel, the elderly, The contaminated shipment could
inland river, in the southern part of Yangtze River, overflowed the dike town’s permanent Level III initiated on Saturday. essential workers, children, peo- then travel around the world.
the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous in the town. population.” The upgrading came in the after- ple with chronic conditions and “When dealing with a pandemic
region, has been diverted to flow “More than half of the area of the math of excessive rainfall that other vulnerable demographics. like this, we can no longer analyze
across the world’s largest desert Zhou Sheng, Party chief of
town has been inundated,” Zhou Guide town in Neijiang, Sichuan
swelled rivers. The water level of 32 The purpose behind the and handle the situation on a case-
poplar forest as part of an ecological said. “The road leading to the town rivers in the province exceeded expanding scope of vaccination, by-case basis. We must find some
restoration campaign. The sluices has been flooded and the town their warning lines on midday on Wang said, is to nip as many fore- overarching patterns that allow us
along the Tarim River are being itself has become an isolated Monday. seeable public health risks as pos- to establish systematic and worka-
opened gradually during the high- island. A total of 3,116 people from areas to direct rescue and relief Heavy rain also wrought havoc sible in the bud, so that society can ble control measures,” he said.
water season to channel water 986 families have been relocated, operations. in the Sichuan capital of Chengdu,
across about 1 million hectares of which accounts for more than half China has a four-tier, color- resulting in the evacuation of more
desert poplar forest in the river’s
basin. This is the fifth year for the
project designed to nurture the
of the town’s permanent popula-
At 11 am on Monday, Neijiang
coded disaster warning system,
with red representing the most
severe, followed by orange, yellow
than 1,000 people on the weekend
from the Tianfu New Area in the
city as well as five districts, two cit-
Xinjiang offers mental
support to battle virus
drought-resistant plant that serves issued an orange alert for floods, and blue. ies and one county under the city’s
as a major greening force in south and 14 leading officials headed by China’s national observatory administration.
Xinjiang’s deserts. the city’s Party secretary Ma Bo on Monday continued to issue an
XINHUA went to different disaster-stricken orange alert for rainstorms in Xinhua contributed to this story.
URUMQI — Doctor Ma Rui’s Chen Xiaoying, director of the
words are considered to have a psychological treatment center at

As deluges subside, villagers get busy replanting healing effect on residents of the
Xinjiang Uygur autonomous
the Urumqi fourth people’s hospi-
tal, said patients who receive psy-
chological support are more
At a time when the region was cooperative in treatment.
By ZHU LIXIN in Hefei gates are opened to divert the exces- fighting a recent wave of COVID- About 4 million residents in
zhulixin@chinadaily.com.cn sive floodwaters to the Mengwa area 19 infections, the practicing psy- Urumqi have avoided unnecessary
to protect people from the upper chologist has helped soothe many outdoor activities as part of efforts
Since floodwaters started to and lower reaches of the river. anxious minds either under quar- to reduce possible cross-infection.
recede in late July, villagers affected On the morning of July 20, the antine or treatment. Thus, some residents have experi-
by deluges in Anhui province have gates were opened for the 16th time After a 24-year-old resident in enced mental health issues after
been racing against time to replant since they were built in 1953. the regional capital of Urumqi test- being confined indoors for a pro-
their fields. By the time the gates were closed ed positive for COVID-19 in mid- longed period.
It’s hot in Fuyang’s Funan county, on July 23, 375 million cubic meters July, Xinjiang has tightened Wang Xiaozhen, a certified psy-
with the temperatures reaching as of water had submerged all the epidemic prevention and control chological consultant, has seen
high as 37 C during the day. Despite fields in Mengwa. measures to contain the spread of surging inquiries lately.
this, both Lang Kehong and his wife The floodwaters came in rapidly the virus. “Most of the people have never
in Liying village, governed by Wang- but drained slowly. Ma was among the first batch of experienced such long-term isola-
jiaba township in the county, have Among the four submerged town- psychologists dispatched to a desig- tion, and from my experience in
spent hours in the heat every day ships, Wangjiaba, which is closest to nated COVID-19 treatment hospi- post-disaster psychological assist-
planting scallion. the gates and the highest in eleva- tal to offer mental health support. ance, I know how much help they
The seedlings were provided free tion, is the first and only area whose “We fully understand the anxie- might need in this situation,”
by the local government. farmlands have emerged from ty and fear among patients. Their Wang said.
“If we don’t plant in time, they water so far. mental stress should be eased She recalled participating in a
will easily rot, and the earlier we “Direct economic losses in the Armed Police officers from Fuyang, Anhui province, help flooded through a better understanding of two-hour video call with a deaf-
plant them, the earlier we will har- Mengwa area could reach over 500 villagers replant vegetables on Aug 6. LIU YANGYANG / FOR CHINA DAILY the disease,” said Kang Yan, a pro- mute woman using sign language
vest,” said Lang, adding that some million yuan ($72 million) this fessor at West China Hospital of to mediate her family conflict.
senior neighbors who can’t bear the time,” Zhang said. Sichuan University. Hundreds of psychological
heat plant at night. Though the villagers will be com- “Though we know better and will For fields that have emerged with- COVID-19 case Wang Jing said counselors and psychologists like
Besides scallion, villagers have pensated, the current compensation make sacrifices again in the face of in the last week, villagers have he felt better after meeting with Wang have offered to join hands to
been focused on replanting fast- standard hasn’t changed since 2007, another flood, we have never waited begun focusing mainly on planting Ma. battle the mental trauma triggered
growing vegetables and crops such when villagers were last forced to to be flooded. We cannot do that,” vegetable species suitable for “When I was diagnosed with by COVID-19 in Xinjiang. The
as cabbages, green beans and buck- sacrifice their land because of the Cui said. autumn and winter, such as carrots COVID-19, I was afraid that I local government has launched 10
wheat, according to Zhang Zhiyu, floods. “The replantation is key to not and garlic, according to the local would never see my family again hotlines to answer queries.
head of the Funan bureau of agricul- “The standard should be updat- only reducing the villagers’ losses, agricultural authorities. and encountered sleepless nights,” Echoes of laughter emanating
ture and rural affairs. ed to meet the latest losses, though but also to the supply of agricultural Another 100 hectares of ponds Wang said. “I was finally able to from the hospital wards have
A few days ago, the village was it will by no means be an easy job,” products,” Zhang said. have been disinfected and supple- calm down after chatting with become a positive sign in Xin-
submerged by floodwaters from the said Cui Li, Party chief of Funan, He said the replantation is a race mented with 1.13 million fish to fur- Doctor Ma every day. Now I have jiang’s anti-epidemic fight. Daily
Huaihe River, which is several hun- which had been a key county for against time, and they have been ther restore local farming. almost recovered and will be new confirmed cases dropped to
dred meters away. the country’s poverty alleviation doing it inch by inch. Zhou Deqiang, an official ready to return home soon.” zero on Sunday. Further, from July
Wangjiaba and other three towns campaign until April this year, “Once a plot of land is uncovered deployed to assist the villages before Psychological counseling has 15 to Sunday, 448 people were dis-
lie in the river’s Mengwa Flood when it was officially lifted out of by the water, disinfection and the opening of the sluice gates, is been a critical part of COVID-19 charged from the hospital after
Diversion Area, which covers 180 poverty. replantation will follow,” Zhang based in Xiaomatai village of Lao- treatment in China. It has also recovery, and another 110 asymp-
square kilometers of land and is He said many modern farm facili- said. guan township, which is still isolat- proven effective in relieving stress tomatic cases were dismissed from
home to about 195,000 people. ties have invested in the area over By Thursday, only 15 square kilo- ed by floodwaters. among those under quarantine or medical observation in Xinjiang.
Every time the river swells from the years to increase the villagers’ meters of farmland in the Mengwa “We are still waiting, but nobody people who are over-worried
heavy rains, the Wangjiaba sluice incomes. area had emerged from the water. knows for how long,” he said. about the situation. XINHUA
CHINA DAILY Tuesday, August 18, 2020 | 5

Gala dancer
Test grader village
removed after turned into
valley of
sharing essay flowers
NANNING — Wang Guangren
trotted down to his motorcycle at
Materials related to marking the gaokao 6 am, though he still had an hour
before his shift began at his work-
should not be revealed, ministry says place only 1 kilometer from home.
“I am a permanent staff mem-
By ZOU SHUO 39 points, while the other two had ber of our village’s scenic spot, and
zoushuo@chinadaily.com.cn each scored it 55. Ultimately, how- I can’t be late for work,” Wang said.
ever, the grading team had decided For decades, the 63-year-old had
Anyone who grades national to give the composition the full 60 few opportunities to work outside
tests should not profit by sharing marks, putting it among only a the village and stuck to his farming
their standards for marking, the handful of gaokao essays that can roots on a small piece of land.
Ministry of Education said after a receive top marks each year. Wang used to be an impover-
veteran test grader in Zhejiang The essay, which quoted Europe- ished farmer in Datian village of
province was removed from his an philosophers including Nietz- Hepu county, Guangxi Zhuang
post for publicly sharing a high sche, MacIntyre, Heidegger and autonomous region. The county
school graduate’s unconventional Wittgenstein, soon aroused heated once served as a port of departure
essay. discussion on Chinese social media, along the ancient Maritime Silk
Graders for the national college with some finding it impressive for A dancer performs in front of the A-Ma Temple in Macao on Sunday during a cultural gala. The gala Road because it offered conve-
entrance exam, or gaokao, should a high school graduate to have such follows traditional ritual ceremonies in praying for good fortune. ZHANG JINHUA / XINHUA nient land-sea transportation.
not bring any materials concerning high command of rarely used Yet, walled in by mountains,
the test, including answers, grading phrases and others lamenting that Datian is one of the most remote
standards and students’ answer the essay was too abstract to com- and poverty-stricken villages in
sheets outside the grading room or prehend and pretentiously book- XIAOKANG@GRASSROOTS the county, with its weak infra-
share it with other people, said an ish. The post has since been structure hindering the develop-
official from the ministry’s National
Education Examinations Authority.
The ministry conducts training
for all test graders every year and
According to media reports,
Chen, an associate professor at the
Department of Chinese Language
Farmers becoming artists amid ment of the local economy and
leaving villagers in poverty.
“It took me one hour to ride to
the town in years past, and even
lays out specific requirements for
hiring, management and supervi-
sion to make sure they understand
and strictly follow such rules, the
and Literature of Zhejiang Univer-
sity, has been head of the province’s
composition grading team for the
gaokao for 20 years. Chen, 66, has
rural Shandong’s development longer on rainy days,” Wang said,
adding that the dirt roads in the
village were not paved until 2018.
There is only one large block —
official said. edited two gaokao essay writing By ZHAO RUIXUE a few hectares — of arable land in
In a notice issued on Thursday, guides that are sold on a number of in Sishui, Shandong the village, and smaller blocks are
the Zhejiang Education Examina- domestic e-commerce platforms. and XIE CHUANJIAO scattered in the mountains, said
tions Authority said Chen Jianxin, He has also hosted an online in Qingzhou, Shandong Huang Yi, a former official from
the leader of the essay grading team course for gaokao composition Beihai city who was appointed to
for the gaokao, seriously violated writing, priced at 199 yuan ($29). Shandong province is synchro- help with poverty alleviation in
grading rules by disclosing and According to a promotional poster nizing poverty alleviation with Datian in 2017 as part of the coun-
commenting on a student’s exam for the course, Chen oversees all rural revitalization by introduc- try’s efforts to eliminate absolute
paper without permission. essays that receive perfect scores. It ing high-end talent and develop- poverty by the end of this year.
It decided to remove Chen from further describes Chen as “a ing projects to enrich residents To cultivate poverty alleviation
participating in future test grading famous grader who teaches stu- while maintaining a friendly eco- industries, expand the village’s
of the gaokao and has started to dents how to score points on the logical system. collective economy and increase
investigate some of the “personal gaokao essay”. A typical example is Shengshui- the villagers’ income, Huang led
issues” netizens have raised about Chu Zhaohui, a researcher at yu town in Jining’s Sishui county, local farmers to blaze a new trail
him, the notice said. National Institute of Education Sci- which is known as the home of by developing industries and
The full text of the essay, titled ences, said that it’s definitely inap- Confucius. tourism.
“Living in a Tree”, and Chen’s com- propriate for the leader of a After driving along a mountain A plantation base for great bou-
ments were published on the official composition grading team to pub- road nestled in greenery, visitors gainvillea was built in Datian,
WeChat account of a publication lish how-to manuals for gaokao arrived at the town’s Dongzhong- which has rich mountain resour-
run by Zhejiang International Stud- essay writing and seek profits from du village, where they came upon ces and a suitable climate for
ies University on Aug 2. the position. some youth exercising, drawing Wang Huaqin shows her painting skills to fellow villagers in her growing the flower species. Great
According to Chen’s comments, “They can’t be both the coach and landscapes, doing woodwork and studio in Qingzhou, Shandong province, last month. bougainvillea is in high demand
one grader had awarded the essay the referee,” he said. working with clay. XIAO DA / CHINA DAILY for use in the landscaping of
“This is really a fantastic place urban construction, Huang noted.
for my students to learn from Thirty impoverished house-

Track laying finished for nature. They learn fast when they
get themselves involved,” said Hu
Jicheng, who led a group of stu-
Sishui Qingzhou Art Museum of China.
In 2017, she established a paint-
ing studio and has helped more
holds in Datian and a neighbor-
ing village joined a specialized
farming cooperative dedicated to

Beijing-Xiong’an railway dents from Chengzi primary

school for field studies.
Last year, by contrast, the village Shandong
than 70 farmers learn painting.
Each of them can earn as much as
70,000 to 80,000 yuan every year.
establishing a great bougainvil-
lea plantation.
“Everyone was enthusiastic
was seldom visited by outsiders. Wang and her team also dabbled about participating in site selec-
By WANG KEJU Beijing-Xiong’an BEIJING
Many houses were dilapidated, in commercial wall paintings. tion, leveling terrace belts on the
wangkeju@chinadaily.com.cn and roads were narrow and mud- “We have been invited to draw hillside, building earth dams and
Intercity Railway dy. Things began changing last CHINA DAILY on the walls in Qingdao and cities installing spray facilities,” Huang
Track laying for a high-speed SQUARE year when Shengshuiyu was desig- in Hebei province,” Wang said. recalled.
railway linking Beijing and Beijing West nated as a demonstration area for around 2,000 yuan ($287) every “Each of our farmers can earn In 2018, more than 60,000 pots
Xiong’an New Area in neighboring Beijing Daxing
the province’s rural revitalization month,” Kong said, adding that more than 10,000 yuan per month of great bougainvillea were
Existing section
Hebei province was completed on campaign. she also sells the fruits and vege- when business is good,” she told a planted in the base, with flower
Monday, marking a countdown to Since then, local governments tables she grows to the restaurant. media tour on July 21. sales exceeding 2 million yuan
the full operation of the line, Daxing have invested in roads, water sup- “The price the restaurant offers There are more than 30,000 ($287,000). The base also grew
according to the local railway oper- plies and a drainage system, as is usually higher than the mar- farmer-painters like Wang in golden passion fruit.
ator. well as computer network sys- ket,” she said. Qingzhou. Every year, they create To expand operations and
Scheduled for operation by the To open in 2020 tems in the demonstration area Li is especially glad to see so 500,000 paintings with total reve- increase revenue, the coopera-
end of this year, the Beijing- that are home to 3,576 families in many young people. nues reaching 300 million yuan, tive upgraded the plantation and
Xiong’an high-speed intercity rail- 18 villages. “Seeing young people in our vil- thanks to the local government turned into the “Datian Flower
way will shorten travel time HEBEI Xiong’an After completing the infra- lage makes me feel confident in efforts to extend the industrial Valley,” a rural scenic spot with
between the two places from the CHINA DAILY structure, local governments ini- our future,” he said. chain of farmer paintings and recreation facilities like a cable-
current two hours to one hour, said tiated a campaign to woo talent to Shandong has been putting combine it with tourism. way and a children’s playground.
China Railway Beijing Group.
The railway, which stops in 350 develop projects in the communi-
ties. To date, local governments
efforts into building environmen-
tally friendly rural areas over the
A farmer-painter with a medi-
um skill level or above can earn an
The flower valley generated an
income of more than 300,000
downtown Beijing, Beijing Daxing km/h have signed 30 projects with 37 years. It has developed 1,500 villa- additional 20,000 yuan annually, yuan in the first six months after
International Airport and Designed maximum speed of
partners. ges that feature beautiful land- the local government said. it opened for business in June
Xiong’an, will improve the high- Beijing-Xiong’an intercity “We have changed 48 old, shab- scapes and sound living “What we are portraying are 2019, creating over 20 jobs for
speed railway network in the Bei- railway in Hebei province, by houses that were not being environments by improving infra- the most common activities in our local villagers, according to
jing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the which is expected to open by used into places where students structure such as toilets and sew- everyday lives — stories happen- Huang. Revenue from the scenic
company said, adding that it will the end of this year and tourists can read, have coffee age treatment facilities, ing nearby, harvest scenes and spot has been paid to the two vil-
play a significant role in facilitating and tea, work with clay and do according to the provincial places where we live and work,” lages and their poor households
the coordinated development of woodwork,” said Tian Bin, 46, one Department of Ecology and Envi- said 74-year-old Ma Jiqing, a as regular dividends.
the region and supporting the con- “It’s a new challenge beyond the of the partners. ronment. locally prominent painter who In 2019, the flower valley was
struction of the Xiong’an New current track smoothness across “The local government has Based on a sustainable ecology, has been involved in the arts for rated as a four-star rural tourist
Area. the world,” said Gao Zengzeng, a built the platform for us. What we local governments are helping more than 60 years. attraction by the autonomous
Stretching more than 92 kilome- track expert from the China Rail- need to do is to develop a rural enrich the lives of local farmers. Ma is a heritage successor of the region, and the net income of
ters, the new intercity railway line way Design Corporation, adding environment in which people and For example, farmers in Qingzhou farmer-artists. His Datian’s collective economy
consists of two sections. Apart from that with precise soldering of the nature can coexist in harmonious Qingzhou, a county-level city of work has become an essential exceeded 120,000 yuan, with all
the link between downtown Beijing track in place, the high-speed ways.” Weifang, Shandong, have a profit- part of his family life, persuading impoverished households in the
and the new airport, which opened trains are able to run more smooth- “Our village is changing every able sideline. When free from fellow villagers to learn. village lifted out of poverty.
last year, the section linking the air- ly and steadily. day. The environment is getting farm work, they pick up brushes The local government has been Only about half of the 40-hec-
port with Xiong’an will see trains China announced plans to estab- better and better, and so are our to portray their real lives in rural making great efforts to encourage tare planned area of the scenic
operate at a maximum of 350 kilo- lish the Xiong’an New Area in April lives,” said Li Baoyu, the Party areas through art. the development of farmer-paint- spot has been developed, and
meters per hour when put into ser- 2017 to take over functions nones- branch secretary of Dongzhong- Wang Huaqin had never thought ers in a bid to boost tourism sec- more entertainment projects will
vice, said Deng Yinjie, deputy sential to Beijing’s role as the du, adding that the projects devel- a farmer like her could earn 400 to tors and rural revitalization, said be introduced to attract more
director of the company’s project national capital. Xiong’an’s city oped by the partners are bringing 500 yuan a day by painting. The Chen Tongzhou, head of the tourists, according to Huang.
management department. proper will be a new home for Bei- more income to the village. 49-year-old has become a skilled Qingzhou publicity department. Wang Guangren is comfortable
To make the line a world-class jing’s colleges, hospitals, business With more tourists coming to painter, though she started learn- By 2023, Qingzhou is expected with his daily routine in the flow-
high-speed railway offering fast, headquarters and financial and the village, restaurants and shops ing just four years ago. to have more than 100 painting er valley, which mainly consists of
smooth and comfortable service, public institutions. are getting busier, providing jobs Several of her paintings have studios, 100 rural cooperatives weeding the garden, cutting flow-
railway experts relied on the con- Later in 2018, the country kicked for residents. won prizes in provincial and and 100 online companies selling ers and cleaning the roads.
struction experience of the coun- off construction of the Beijing- Kong Deyun, 44, found a satis- national competitions, and one of farmers’ paintings, Chen added. “Now I have two incomes, the
try’s previous high-speed railways Xiong’an intercity railway, with a factory job at a restaurant. her works is the first of the farm- dividends and my salary,” he said.
and carried out technical research total of 33.5 billion yuan ($4.83 bil- “It takes me five minutes to ers’ paintings in Qingzhou to have Contact the writers at
on the rail track structure. lion) invested in the project. walk to the restaurant. I can earn been displayed in the National zhaoruixue@chinadaily.com.cn XINHUA
6 | Tuesday, August 18, 2020 CHINA DAILY

Chip R&D receives welcome boost
Policy digest

Cabinet calls for steps to

stabilize foreign trade
Governments of all provin-
cial-level regions and State
State Council to use government investment funds to aid growth of IC and software sectors Council departments should
take steps to stabilize foreign
By XU WEI trade and foreign investment,
xuwei@chinadaily.com.cn the General Office of the State

Council said.
he State Council has In a guideline released on
unveiled a package of poli- Wednesday, the office said the
cies offering tax cuts and authorities should enhance the
incentives for research and role of export credit insurance.
development in the country’s semi- It also encouraged regions
conductor sector. with the right conditions to
Experts have welcomed the Cabi- support their governments’
net’s move, saying it will help more financial guarantee companies
domestic businesses attain break- in sharing the risks of export
throughs in core technologies. businesses.
The latest mix of policies to pro- The office said the authori-
mote the high-quality development ties should take measures to
of the integrated circuit and soft- enhance credit for foreign trade
ware sectors was released on Aug 4 companies and guide financial
and pledged greater efforts to institutions of all kinds to
improve the business environment, strengthen financial support
facilitate international cooperation for small and micro-sized for-
and bolster the two sectors’ capacity eign trade companies.
to innovate. It also called for more credit
Eligible IC producers that have to be extended to small, medi-
operated for over 15 years will be um- and micro-sized compa-
exempt from corporate income tax nies and for more pilot markets
for 10 years if they employ the to offer “market procurement
28-nanometre process or more trade” to boost exports by such
advanced nodes. Producers with companies.
projects between 65 nm and 28 nm Under the “market procure-
will have their corporate income tax ment trade” mode, companies
waived for five years and halved for can purchase a relatively small
the following five years. amount of goods for export in
The government will also waive pilot markets and go through
corporate income tax for two years customs clearance procedures
for businesses that design, package there.
and test chips and those that pro- The authorities should also
duce related equipment and materi- promote other kinds of emerg-
als, and then halve it for the ing business, such as overseas
subsequent three years. warehouses, and encourage
Financial institutions will also be regions in Central, West and
encouraged to offer more mid- and Northeast China to take up
long-term loans to businesses, and labor-intensive industries to
eligible IC and software companies make goods for export, the
will receive support to list publicly office said.
and raise funds at home and abroad. They should lend more sup-
Yang Jungang, a senior semicon- port to companies in labor-
ductor sector analyst at research com- intensive industries, further
pany CCID Consulting, said the latest support exporters of textiles,
policies would provide a strong boost clothes, furniture, shoes, plas-
because they offered more favorable tic ware, bags and other prod-
tax policies and helped businesses ucts, and help major foreign
expand their funding channels. trade companies overcome dif-
“The IC sector is the core part of the ficulties, it said.
information technology industry, and The authorities also need to
facilitating the development of the further facilitate customs
sector will offer a strong shield for the clearance, keep improving the
growth of related sectors,” he said. business climate at ports and
Yang said the policies highlighted shorten the time needed for
the need to promote the study of inte- clearance of goods.
grated circuits at universities, includ- They should also make it eas-
ing steps to establish institutions ier for foreign business person-
specializing in microelectronics, nel to come to China, and
which would be a key step toward continue to discuss building
solving the shortage of talent in the “fast lanes” with other coun-
sector. tries while implementing strict
Another highlight of the new poli- disease-prevention measures,
cies, he said, was that they empha- the office said.
sized the protection of intellectual
property rights. SHI YU / CHINA DAILY COVID-19 body releases
“For chip designers, a main part of guidelines for markets
their work is IC design, and stronger The State Council’s joint pre-
IPR protection will safeguard their vention and control mecha-
legitimate interests and thus benefit The Cabinet has also pledged to panies from overseas to set up R&D Chen Yuenan, an analyst with technologies in the IC sector, he said. nism to tackle COVID-19 has
the healthy growth of the sector,” make full use of government invest- centers in China. Chinese compa- semiconductor industry website iji- Chen said the system, which will set out specific technical guide-
Yang said. ment funds to aid the growth of the nies will also be encouraged to go wei, said the latest policies offered promote cooperation between pub- lines for agricultural produce
China remained the world’s largest IC and software sectors while at the global and set up R&D centers in unprecedented support for the lic research institutions and private markets to prevent the spread
semiconductor market last year, with same time encouraging private capi- other countries. whole IC industry chain. enterprises, will help break the tech- of the disease.
the country spending about $305.6 tal to set up investment funds. The government will step up anti- The Cabinet had proposed the nological monopoly held by West- Joint prevention and control
billion on chip imports, down 2.1 per- It said it will further promote trust law enforcement and target establishment of a new system ern businesses and enable domestic mechanisms of all provinces,
cent year-on-year. global cooperation in the IC sector, monopolistic behavior to ensure fair mobilizing the resources of the manufacturers to attain more tech- autonomous regions, munici-
The latest policies follow incentives take proactive measures to optimize competition in the IC and software whole nation to support the devel- nological breakthroughs, a prereq- palities and the Xinjiang Pro-
rolled out by the State Council in the business environment for for- sectors, the document detailing the opment of high-end chips, equip- uisite for dominance in the duction and Construction
2000 and 2011. eign businesses and encourage com- new policies said. ment, core materials and domestic market. Corps should focus on disease
prevention and improve every-
day health management in the
POLICY RESPONSE markets, as well as their
hygiene, the mechanism said

Safety of explosives and cruise ships on agenda in a statement released on

They should improve sani-
tary facilities such as rest-
rooms and garbage collection,
By WANG QINGYUN out comprehensive inspections of cruise ships carry out their disease- rebates has dropped to no more step up sterilization of eleva-
wangqingyun@chinadaily.com.cn stored explosives, as well as semifin- prevention duties fully, the ministry than eight workdays from 10 work- tors, escalators and door han-
ished products and inflammable said, adding that cruise ships should days last year, Xie Wen, head of the dles, and urge business
A number of ministry-level raw materials, it said. cap their occupancy rate at no more administration’s Goods and Services operators in the markets to do
departments, including those They must strengthen inspection than 70 percent. Tax Department, told a news confer- everyday cleaning, the state-
responsible for industry and infor- and management of the sale of The ministry said the authorities ence on Thursday. ment said.
mation technology, transport, and ammonium nitrate, and make sure it should follow the weather closely, The prompt processing of rebates The authorities should also
tax administration, have responded is sold only to companies making civ- issue timely alerts of potential floods had helped ease the financial pres- strengthen public health edu-
recently to issues of public concern. il use explosives, medicines and and typhoons and restrict sailings in sure on exporters and contributed to cation and promote preventive
refrigerant, and educational and the face of such extreme weather efforts to keep foreign trade stable, measures in the markets,
Campaign to make storage research institutes, as prescribed by Maritime Safety Administration, the events. he said. including wearing face masks
of civil explosives safer the State Council, the ministry said. ministry said the authorities must Tax authorities had raised the rate and gloves, keeping hands
The Ministry of Industry and It said the authorities should attach great importance to the 895.3b yuan of export tax of export tax rebates for 1,464 pro- clean and maintaining social
Information Technology will launch impose strict punishment on compa- impact floods and typhoons may rebates processed by July ducts since March 20, with up to distance, it said.
a campaign to make the storage of nies and individuals that violate have on cruise ship operations. 25,000 exporters benefiting from the They should enhance
civil use explosives safer. related laws. They must make sound emergen- move by the end of June, Xie said. inspection of markets to detect
The campaign is part of efforts to cy plans to deal with COVID-19 and The authorities have been working risks, and pay special attention
strengthen the safety of hazardous Alert on flood and typhoon exercise caution when allowing the to further improve the processing of to large ones and wholesale
chemicals storage in the wake of the risks to cruise operations resumption of cruise ship opera- tax rebates by promoting paper-free operations, including seafood
deadly explosion in Beirut on Aug 4. Authorities should take scientific, tions after approval from local pan- and online processing and other markets.
Authorities at all levels that over- reasonable and powerful measures demic control and prevention measures, he said. The mechanism said the
see the civil use explosives industry to ensure the safety of cruise ship voy- authorities, the ministry said on Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, authorities should regularly
and companies that make explo- ages during the flood and typhoon Wednesday. the authorities have allowed all inspect the environment of
sives must carry out their obliga- season, the Ministry of Transport The transport authorities should Tax authorities around the coun- exporters to apply for tax rebates markets, their storage of frozen
tions strictly, follow laws, said. also strengthen cooperation with try processed 895.3 billion yuan online, Xie said. meat and other food and the
regulations and industry standards In a notice issued to the transport local emergency response, water ($129 billion) of export tax rebates in The authorities have reversed nor- management of freezers, and
and keep improving long-term authorities of Hubei and Hainan resources, health and tourism the first seven months of the year, an mal procedures and are processing respond in a timely manner to
mechanisms to ensure work safety, provinces and Chongqing, the departments, it said. official from the State Taxation rebate applications for companies in any weaknesses detected.
the ministry said on Aug 10. Changjiang River Administration of They should remain vigilant and Administration said. urgent need before conducting field
They should immediately carry Navigational Affairs and the Hainan enhance inspections to make sure The average time to process examinations, he said. WANG QINGYUN
CHINA DAILY Tuesday, August 18, 2020 ADVERTORIAL | 7

Mass industry potential

waiting to be tapped
By HU YUYAN for entertainment products dur-
huyuyan@chinadaily.com.cn ing the COVID-19 outbreak and
e-sports products have been a
Top video game developers and major part of that.
industry representatives expressed “COVID-19 has actually bol-
confidence in the burgeoning stered the e-sports industry,” he
e-sports scene in Beijing and China said, citing the prize pool for the
at the Beijing International 2020 edition of The International
E-Sports Innovation and Develop- Dota 2 Championships that “is set
ment Conference held on Saturday. to top last year’s amount”.
Hosted by the Beijing State- Nicholas Aaron Khoo, adviser to
owned cultural assets manage- the board of the Global Esports
ment center, the conference Federation and chairman of Singa-
consisted of a main forum and four pore’s Cybersports and Online
sub-forums. Participants discussed Gaming Association, said e-sports
the commercial value of the is now an incredible platform for
e-sports industry, the development global youth exchange.
of e-sports clubs, cross-industry “Underpinning all our work is a
collaboration and the training of firm belief that young people can
professional e-sports players. be empowered through different
“The flexibility of e-sports has passions, even e-sports, to impact
made it a good complement to tra- and change the world,” he said.
ditional sports during the COVID- Cheng Wu, vice-president of the
19 outbreak,” said Kenneth Fok Global Esports Federation and
Kai-kong, president of the Asian vice-president of internet giant The final round of Honor of Kings World Champion Cup 2020 is held in Beijing on Sunday, attracting more than 350 million viewers
Electronic Sports Federation and Tencent, said e-sports has become online. PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY
vice-president of Hong Kong’s “a new language” for China to bet-
Olympic Committee. ter communicate with the world.

Ready player one: E-sports hit

“Cycling simulators, golf simula- “Beijing invests heavily in
tors and interactive soccer games e-sports and will definitely set an
enable athletes and enthusiasts to example that has lasting implica-
continue their training or even tions,” he said.
have a match at home.” “As e-sports become global, Chi-

Beijing, bringing gaming fun

On the prospects of the Chinese na should have the courage and
e-sports industry, he said: “Asia assertiveness to transform itself
has led the world in the develop- from a follower of rules to a maker
ment of e-sports. And the Chinese of rules,” said Ying Shuling,
market, by virtue of its sheer size, founder and CEO of Hero Sports.
is strong enough to lead the devel- To boost the local e-sports indus-
opment of e-sports in Asia.” try, Beijing’s Haidian and Shijing- Officials say digital trends creating new opportunities for comprehensive upgrading
Xiao Hong, vice-chairman of shan districts and the Beijing
Beijing-based cultural and enter- Economic-Technological Develop-
tainment company Perfect World ment Area unveiled their support By LIANG KAIYAN attract more qualified resources
Investment & Holding Group, said packages for the sector at the con- liangkaiyan@chinadaily.com.cn from home and abroad,” said Liu
more people chose to shop online ference. Shaojian, director of the Beijing
The exciting growing industry of State-owned cultural assets man-
e-sports was spotlighted at the agement center.
2020 Beijing E-sports showcase That also helps optimize e-sports
held last weekend, with numerous products and promotes the indus-
events and activities for gamers try to a professional, refined and
and industry experts to enjoy. standardized level.
The event furthered the current Data from internet consultancy
wave in enthusiasm in the e-sports iiMedia showed that in 2019, the
industry, and featured the Beijing Chinese e-sports market was worth
International E-sports Innovation 98.22 billion yuan ($14.13 billion),
and Development Conference, the making it the world’s largest
Light of E-sports Expo and the final e-sports market.
round of Honor of Kings World “As a culture and high-tech inno-
Champion Cup 2020. vation hub in the country, Beijing
Business insiders delivered boasts unique advantages in devel-
Shijingshan district partners with e-sports players at an e-sports speeches both online and offline oping the e-sports industry,” Liu
conference held in Beijing on Saturday. ZHANG WEI / CHINA DAILY sharing insights into industry said.
trends and focusing on topics “Professionals from colleges,
including commercial develop- high-level technology research and
ment and innovation in the development teams, strong capa-

Team TS clinch Honor e-sports industry.

In addition, a host of e-sports
products were exhibited, with visi-
bilities for producing contents,
diverse cultural spaces and vibrant
environment for entrepreneurship

of Kings crown in final tors encouraged to play on site.

“E-sports has more than 20 years
of development in China and has
have provided favorable conditions
for the rapid development of Bei-
jing’s e-sports industry,” he added.
entered a new phase of compre- This year, the Beijing government
By YIN RUOWEI that, the number was 60 million. hensive upgrading and develop- issued a long-term guideline (2019-
yinruowei@chinadaily.com.cn Tencent, the developer the high- ment in recent years,” a local 35) on constructing a leading zone
est-grossing mobile game in Chi- official said. for cultural industry development.
Chinese professional e-sports na, offered a prize pool of 32 The 2020 Beijing E-sports is an According to the guideline, the
team TS took home the top prize of million yuan for the event. ongoing industry event and aligns city will build e-sports industrial
13.44 million ($1.93 million) at the According to The Esports with concepts of new consumption From Top: Visitors try out e-sports products at the Light of E-sports brands focusing on the capital’s
final round of Honor of Kings Observer, a source for e-sports and services, the official said. And Expo held in Beijing last weekend. The expo showcased the latest e-sports competitions, public
World Champion Cup 2020 held in business news and insights, Honor there is definitely “a new step for industry trends for e-sports fans. ZHANG WEI / CHINA DAILY events and local clubs.
Beijing on Sunday, attracting more of Kings World Champion Cup is the development of e-sports in the To adapt to consumption trends,
than 350 million viewers online. the highest prize money tourna- 5G era”. Liu said accelerating the develop-
The success and popularity of ment in the Honor of Kings Co-organized by the publicity last until January 2021. sional leagues, public events and ment of the e-sports industry is a
the event showcases the capital’s e-sports ecosystem as well as in the department of the Beijing Com- Featuring branding activities, performances to an annual awards crucial measure for the city in
commitment to e-sports which it Chinese mobile e-sports scene. mittee of the Communist Party of competitions, industrial meetings ceremony, the organizer said. development of cultural enterpris-
has been promoting in recent It is not the first time interna- China, the Beijing State-owned and interactive entertainment, the “Organizing these events helps es.
years. tional e-sports competitions have cultural assets management cen- event includes more than 20 Beijing explain its positive poli- It’s also part of the city’s effort to
The championship was the first been held in Beijing. Tournaments ter and relevant local authorities, e-sports-related activities ranging cies for supporting the develop- foster new forms and models of
large-scale offline cultural event to of popular games including Cross the event started in May and will from forums, trade fairs, profes- ment of the e-sports industry and business, he added.
be held in Beijing after epidemic Fire, FIFA and QQ Speed have
prevention and control moved been held in the capital many
back toward normality, said Liu
Shaojian, director of the Beijing
State-owned cultural assets man-
times. In 2017, S7 League of Leg-
ends World Championship was
held at Beijing National Stadium.
E-game sector attracts hosts of high-tech companies
agement center. There are more games to come
The ticketing platform for the according to Tencent and the Beijing By LIANG KAIYAN its launched in 2019,” said Chen
event said it was also the first e-sports government, as they collaborate on a Feng, operations manager of Migu-
competition to resume public ticket plan to integrate e-sports into city lives. From games to animation and play.
sales. Over 2,000 tickets for the final “We hope the city and e-sports competition clubs to cultural crea- “Our platform requires real-
round sold out in just eight minutes industry can create mutual success,” tions, the Light of E-sports Expo in name authentication and has a lim-
when they went on sale on Aug 10. said Hou Miao, vice-president of Beijing has showcased the charm of itation for playing time of one to
The hugely popular Honor of Tencent Games and general manag- e-sports in China. two hours per day for registered
Kings is a multiplayer online battle er of Tencent e-sports. The expo attracted more than 10 users,” he said.
arena and is the most played China’s e-sports industry is grow- video game companies from People’s E-sports, an e-sports
mobile video game in China. Video ing fast in scale and popularity. around the country to demonstrate service provider affiliated with
games industry analyst Daniel According to South China Morning the application of technologies People.cn, highlighted e-sports
Ahmad told the UK-based Inde- Post, China’s e-sports revenue including 5G and virtual reality in competition clubs at its exhibition.
pendent newspaper there were increased by almost 55 percent year- e-sports. Its city competition tour, Peo-
over 100 million daily active play- on-year to 71.9 billion yuan in the Among the demonstrations was ple’s Premier League, launched
ers during the pandemic. Prior to first half of this year. World of Tanks, a multiplayer last year has incorporated popular
online battle arena game produced games such as the Honor of Kings,
by Qihoo 360 Technology and Chi- QQ Speed and FIFA Online 4, pro-
nese game operator Kongzhong. viding an arena for e-sports fans
Produced by Belarusian game The cultural and entertainment company Perfect World solidifies and grassroots players around the
developer Wargaming, tanks in the its presence at the Light of E-sports Expo. ZHANG WEI / CHINA DAILY country, the exhibitor said.
game are designed based on tank’s “The number of e-sports users
prototypes from World War II to in China is increasing every year,
the 1950s-60s, said Chu Xu, a staff since March, and it has attracted through mobile phones, personal and e-sports fans have expanded
member at Qihoo 360. nearly 10 million registered users,” computers, televisions and VR from young adults to middle-
Players can select their favorite he said. “We also plan to launch equipment. aged people,” said Li Xiaodong,
tanks for a “15 vs 15” combat on the online and offline trials while pre- It has developed three functions executive director of People’s
virtual battlefield with 3D scenes paring professional training in the for mobile phone users, which E-sports.
including downtown areas, ice future.” allow them to choose to play games “That presents a huge opportu-
fields, deserts, hills and plains, Chu Migu, a subsidiary of China while livestreaming, joining games nity for the industry in the future,”
said. Mobile, demonstrated its multi- in progress or participating in mul- Li added. “It means that the
The game provides players with a functional video game platform tiplayer. e-sports industry has a bright
truly immersive experience, he Miguplay. “So far, the platform has more future ahead as it captures the
Chinese e-sports team TS takes home the top prize at the final of said. Utilizing 5G and VR, Miguplay than 3,000 games, and has attract- imagination of more and more
Honor of Kings World Champion Cup 2020. PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY “We have been running the game offers players access to games ed more than 20 million users since people.”
8 | Tuesday, August 18, 2020 CHINA DAILY

Wang Heng
Washington guilty of stickups
in its targeting Chinese high-tech

ashington’s attempt to purge the joint of other successful Chinese tech companies
United States of Chinese high-tech are just further evidence that the US administra-
companies continues apace, with US tion despite its claims to be cleansing the US of
President Donald Trump saying on security threats is simply committed to breaking
Saturday during a news conference that he was and entering Chinese tech companies.
“looking into” whether Chinese technology giant With a number of Chinese tech companies hav-
Alibaba should be banned in the US. ing developed into world-class players compara-
That possibility comes hard on the heels of his ble to their US counterparts, the US
executive order on Friday that ByteDance, the administration is clearly intent on mugging them
owner of short-video sharing app TikTok, divest its as part of its stand-and-deliver “America first”
US operations within 90 days, on the grounds that agenda.
there was “credible evidence” TikTok might What the US administration wants is by no
“impair the national security of the United States” means a “clean internet” but an internet that has
— although, as ever, none was forthcoming to sup- only US genes. Its self-proclaimed efforts to safe-
port this allegation. guard data security are only blasting points for it
The latest executive order came a week after his to get into the virtual vaults of these Chinese
executive order banning US companies from con- companies and so extend the US hegemony in
ducting business transactions with ByteDance cyberspace.
within 45 days. A separate executive order bans Its claim to be protecting privacy and the individ-
any transaction that is related to WeChat, the ual liberties of citizens is nothing but a high-sound-
most-used messaging system in the world that is ing pretext to cover up its shadowy online presence
owned by the Chinese company Tencent. and the online transgressions of US corporations
Given the pace of the current negotiations and government agencies. Opinion Line
between ByteDance and Microsoft, insiders say Beijing will never sit with folded arms while
it is impossible to finish the transaction and Washington ransacks its corporations. Although it
“destroy all the data” tied to US users within 90
The latest order concerning TikTok and the
is not Beijing’s intention to escalate the tensions,
Washington will reap what it sows if it continues
with its heists and holdups of successful Chinese
Huge campus spending by
admission that the administration is casing the enterprises.
poor county uncalled for
Facts speak louder than smears The news of a “luxury campus” of impoverished regions. However, luxury campuses. Instead of build-

coming up in Zhen’an county of such extravagant spending by a not- ing an expensive campus, the funds
ince the promulgation of the national secu- secession, subversion, infiltration and/or sabo- Shangluo, Shaanxi province, has so-rich county is questionable. could be better utilized improving
rity law for the Hong Kong Special Admin- tage against the country. These are crimes that triggered a furor online. Reports said the local government teachers’ salaries or providing subsi-
istrative Region, hardly a day has passed no country tolerates. Zhen’an shed its poverty-stricken is spending a fortune on the cam- dies to needy students.
without members of the city’s opposition Those residents who are law-abiding have county tag just last year. However, pus garden and the upcoming The local government reacted to
camp staging one political farce after another in nothing to fear from the law and will not exhibit the county with total revenue gen- library is modeled after the Hall of the news saying the upcoming
their attempts to stigmatize the law. such paranoia. Those members of the opposition eration of less than 200 million Prayer for Good Harvests in the school merges two local middle
Some members of the opposition camp have camp claiming to have been marked out by the yuan ($28.8 million) in the last fis- Temple of Heaven in Beijing. schools and the construction is in
cal year, is spending 710 million Besides, they are carving a part of accordance with relevant regula-
staged illegal protests in total disregard of social law are merely putting on public display their
yuan to build a luxury middle the nearby mountain to build an tions and policy. The question is
distancing rules. Their unlawful gatherings have guilty conscience. school. A large part of the invest- artificial waterfall with rocks on the how the plan received approval.
significantly increased the risk of the novel coro- That some members of Hong Kong’s opposition ment comes from bank loans, campus, a luxury that will in no way The Shangluo government says it is
navirus further spreading in Hong Kong amid the camp have tried to disown their previous remarks which means the local government serve the cause of education. investigating. It is hoped the con-
current upswing in infections. after the law was put into effect on June 30 shows will have to repay about 50 million In August 2018, the General Office troversy is handled properly, and
They also staged their so-called primaries to the law is acting as an effective deterrent. yuan to the bank annually for 12 of the State Council, China’s Cabinet, serves as a warning for other
engineer fake popularity for the candidates they With the introduction of the national security consecutive years. issued a guidance report on optimiz- regions that education funds should
favor for the Legislative Council election of the law in Hong Kong, the space for political extrem- Investment in education is defi- ing the use of educational funds, be spent only on students’ welfare.
SAR. Some have even repeatedly spread rumors ism has been further squeezed. The “burn togeth- nitely crucial for the development strictly forbidding the building of — WANG YIQING, CHINA DAILY
that they are being “followed” or “watched” to er” gang has no future at all as they will only be
grab public attention and throw mud at the further marginalized and eventually become irrel-
national security law.
Yet they cannot hoodwink the majority of Hong
evant in Hong Kong society.
If Hong Kong’s political zealots continue to
Close to a vaccine, but not quite there yet
Kong people, who have long realized that the real indulge in the wishful thinking of misleading the
intention of the opposition camp is to create tur- public and creating confrontation through telling
On Sunday, the National Intellec- using for research and the need to before it can be
moil in the global financial hub so as to sabotage lies and orchestrating political farces, it will be tan-
tual Property Administration protect the method from dupli- approved for use. The
the “one country, two systems” principle, which tamount to a betrayal of the city’s millions of law- reportedly approved the first cation. Such checks vaccine was among the ear-
has been the cornerstone of the city’s stability and abiding residents. domestic patent for a COVID-19 definitely help the liest ones to have cleared phase
prosperity since the resumption of sovereignty 23 As such, it is hoped the opposition camp will vaccine. A joint team led by Chen researchers in I and phase II clinical trials, and its
years ago. make the right choice between allowing them- Wei from the Academy of Military their quest but it safety and effectiveness have
In fact, the national security law in Hong Kong selves to be hijacked by the political zealots or Medical Sciences and CanSino Bio- does not mean already been proved. Phase III clin-
only targets a very small number of people who working together with the SAR government for the logics Inc had applied for the pat- that we already ical trials are like an additional lock
have committed or intend to commit acts of common good of Hong Kong society. ent. have a vaccine. on an already locked door to make
Although a significant achieve- In its letter of JIN DING / CHINA DAILY it foolproof.
ment in Chinese scientists’ fight approval, the It is hoped the vaccine will hit

Mindful actions can end shocking food waste against COVID-19, many people
wrongly shared the news on social
networking sites, such as commu-
NIPA said it approves of the materi-
als the researching team is working
on. The details have not been made
the market soon. However, that
success will be impossible to
achieve without the painstaking

nications app WeChat Moments, as public, but the scientists are known efforts of the research team, the
y adhering to a policy of ensuring basic estimated to be equivalent to the food consump- “The first domestic COVID-19 vac- to be working on a recombinant doctors and nurses, and the con-
self-sufficiency in grain production and tion of 30-50 million people a year. cine has come to the market.” vaccine based on a replication-defi- siderable numbers of volunteers
absolute security in staple foods, China How much progress has been made in this People must understand that cient virus. who received the vaccine for trial.
now has enough food to feed its huge pop- regard? And what measures have been taken to approval of the patent means the People’s Daily reported that the Their contribution should not be
ulation. Not only has it eliminated hunger but it tackle the food waste beyond the dining tables, State recognizes the uniqueness of vaccine is in phase III clinical trials, forgotten.
has remarkably improved people’s nutrition and emanating from the storage, transportation and the technology the applicants are which are a necessary prerequisite — ZHANG ZHOUXIANG, CHINA DAILY

quality of life. processing of foods?

But in a country where famines have been Such questions need to be properly answered to
haunting tragedies for its people throughout its ensure the success of the latest initiative. What They Say
history, there can never be too much emphasis on It is necessary to not oversimplify what is a com-
the need to save every grain of food. plicated social and economic problem, and to
That is why President Xi Jinping’s announce-
ment of a set of instructions last week to prevent
strike a balance between trying to promote the
public good and not intruding too much into peo-
Domestic demand will offset manufacturers’ flight
the wasting of food in the country, which he ple’s private lives.
described as “shocking and distressing”, has Some measures rolled out so far in the name of Taiwan’s Hon Hai Precision Shortly after he took office, US India has launched an enormous
received an enthusiastic response nationwide, “saving food” have been widely mocked. A restau- Industry Co., whose Chinese main- President Donald Trump called on investment program encouraging
with local governments and businesses rushing rant in Changsha, Hunan province, reportedly land subsidiary, Foxconn Industrial Apple to return its manufacturing Samsung and other electronics
to roll out rules and policies to reduce food waste. placed two scales at its door for customers to make Internet, is the world’s largest con- base to the US and put pressure on manufacturers to set up assembly
There have even been reports about the country’s their orders based on how much they weigh. tract electronics manufacturer and Hon Hai Precision Industry Co. and lines there.
top legislature planning to revise or enact rules to While in Wuhan, Hubei province, the local cater- a major supplier for Apple Inc, has Taiwan Semiconductor Manufac- Some manufacturing enterprises
address the issue. ing industry association advised restaurants to said it will gradually increase pro- turing Company to build factories have moved production bases from
Nearly eight years have passed since the gov- adopt an “N minus 1” ordering model whereby cus- duction capacity outside the main- in the US. The two enterprises the mainland to other countries, but
ernment launched its crackdown on extrava- tomers must order one dish fewer than the total land. promised to invest in the US, but they still remain within the main-
gance in the form of the “Eight Regulations” to number of diners. An “N minus 2” model has been Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., a have not started production there land’s supply chain. For example,
fight corruption among members of the Commu- reported elsewhere. contract manufacturer of electronic yet, given that information and India’s electronics, pharmaceutical
goods for the United States, now electronics products manufactur- and other industries are heavily
nist Party of China, as well as an “empty your Such measures do nothing to meet the goal of
has 70 percent production capacity ing has a complex supply chain sys- dependent on the mainland’s supply
plates” campaign to raise public awareness to saving food because they are little more than on the mainland, besides having tem and requires a large number of chain. Taiwan’s contract factories,
save food. stunts to catch people’s eyes. factories in India, Brazil, Mexico, skilled engineers, which the US whether based in Southeast Asia or
China can fully guarantee food security. It has Meanwhile, people have a greater choice of what Vietnam, Indonesia, the Czech does not have. in India, still rely on the mainland’s
raised grain productivity, modernized its food dis- to consume than ever before and they can con- Republic, Australia and other coun- However, because of the US gov- engineers and managers.
tribution system and improved its food-supply sume more thanks to their higher incomes. tries. Its move must therefore be ernment’s requirement that gov- The active deployment of 5G
structure. Nonetheless, the whole of society has to Despite this they should still be mindful not to guided by comprehensive consider- ernment procurement or communication infrastructure and
cherish food, especially when annual food waste is waste food. ations, and does not threaten the important components of key industrial internet and the develop-
mainland’s status as the “world’s enterprises should not be “made in ment of informatization, automa-
factory”. China”, some Taiwan companies on tion and intelligence in China will
CHINA DAILY WORLDWIDE It is no secret that in recent years, the mainland have shifted some of continuously boost the production
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CHINA DAILY Tuesday, August 18, 2020 | 9

Fan Shenggen and Andrew Steer

Double efforts to reduce food loss, waste Kang Bing

resident Xi Jinping has reiterat- As China becomes more urbanized, The author is former deputy editor-in-chief
ed China’s commitment to dras- food waste is likely to increase at the of China Daily.
tically reduce food waste. In a retail and consumer levels. Hence, kangbing@chinadaily.com.cn
recent speech, announcing the steps to facilitate food donations,
Clean Plate 2.0 campaign, Xi empha-
sized the importance of introducing leg-
islation and regulations, and
improve food date labeling, and bet-
ter educate consumers is vital. Chang-
ing behaviors regarding food waste at
Greenhouses have
establishing a long-term mechanism to
prevent food waste. The Clean Plate 2.0
the dining table, particularly in
restaurants, is important too, as
played a vital role
campaign should be welcomed, not
least because there is an urgent need to
tackle food loss and waste both in China
on average, Chinese people waste
11.3 percent of the food when din-
ing out.
in alleviating
and across the world.
The United Nations Food and Agri-
But more importantly, consumers
should be made aware of the best prac-
poverty in China
culture Organization estimates that tices in safe food storage, package dat-
about 30 percent of all the food pro- ing, and household as well as societal Editor's Note: China is set to realize its target of
duced around the world is either benefits of reducing food waste so eliminating absolute poverty by the end of this year.
lost or wasted each year. This is they can start reducing food waste at What are the factors behind China’s imminent suc-
equivalent to 1.3 billion tons of home. And retailers should be dis- cess? In the eighth of a series of commentaries, a sen-
food, $1 trillion in economic costs. couraged from following unnec- ior journalist of China Daily tries to find the
essary standards for the color, answers:

Nutrient loss weakens shape and size of fruits and
fight against hunger vegetables which result in o matter if it is a white cat or a black cat, a
Food loss and waste food waste. cat that can catch rats is a good cat.” This
also imply loss of nutri- The role of the private remark of former leader Deng Xiaoping is
ents, due to the loss and sector is crucial, particu- the core philosophy behind China’s suc-
waste of vegetables, larly those organiza- cess in 42 years of reform and opening-up and during
fruits, and animal tions involved in its final sprint toward realizing the goal of eliminating
source foods that have transportation, proc- absolute poverty by the end of this year.
essential micronutri- essing, packing, Poor villages and families are scattered across Chi-
ents which the human wholesale and retail na, from the tropical Hainan province in the south to
body needs. Consider- services. More than 30 the freezing northern region, from the frequently
ing the micronutrient of the world’s largest flooded eastern region to the deserts and high pla-
deficiency worldwide, global companies have teaus in the west. So a one-size-fits-all approach could
nutrient losses could set targets to reduce not help eliminate poverty in the country.
have a significant food loss and waste by While the central and provincial governments
impact on the efforts to half. But since Chinese improved education, communication and medical care
reduce hidden hunger companies have been for the poor families, only the local governments and the
and undernutrition. less active in this sphere, million-plus officials and professionals sent to rural are-
Food loss and waste con- financial incentives as well as to provide on-the-spot support could help the poor to
tributes to climate change, as laws and regulations for increase their incomes. And the most effective way to do
too, accounting for about 8 per- the private sector are needed so is to find a job for a member of a poor family.
cent of annual global greenhouse to make them take measures to China has a huge rural population — about 551 mil-
gas emissions. If food loss and reduce food loss and waste. lion by the end of 2019 — but limited cultivable land.
waste were a country, it would be the Each farming family usually works on a plot no bigger
world’s third-largest emitter. Measurement helps than half a hectare, so even if it puts in backbreaking
China is the largest food producer understand key issues labor to grow rice, wheat or corn, it can only earn only
and consumer. Thus, it would not be More efforts also need to be made to a few thousand yuan a year.
surprising if a huge amount of food is collect timely and accurate data on food Finding a poor family’s member a non-farming job
lost and wasted in the country. While loss and waste, and the national statisti- can make a big difference, however. At present, more
the exact amount of food waste and loss cal system must embrace this key indi- than 290 million rural residents are working in facto-
in China is not known, the FAO says cator. Measurement is vital to reduce ries and the service sector in the coastal region, earn-
China loses more than 8 percent of food loss and waste — as it helps better ing between 3,000 yuan ($432) and 5,000 yuan a
foods from farm gate to wholesale mar- LI MIN / CHINA DAILY understand where the key issues are, so month while getting free accommodation and food. If
kets. There is also substantial waste at action can be taken to resolve them. such a worker can bring home 30,000 yuan a year, he
the retail level, and by the hospitality At present, governments at different or she can help lift a family of seven out of poverty.
sector and consumers. setting an even more ambitious goal, for percent rate of return. This is two times levels and companies do not quantify
A recent survey by the Chinese example, by aiming to reduce food loss higher than other types of investments. how much or where food is being lost or
Greenhouses have played a not so
Academy of Sciences and World Wide and waste by two-thirds from 2020 to But only 5 percent of agricultural wasted. So China should also consider
Fund for Nature estimated that 17-19 2030. On the basis of the vision, a research funding is currently spent on setting up a technical or knowledge minor role in poverty alleviation.
million tons of food is wasted annual- national strategy based on the value research on how to reduce post-harvest platform, similar to IFPRI, and the FAO They can be seen in many rural
ly at restaurants alone, equivalent to chains should be developed by incorpo- losses. Such funding needs to be Technical Platform on Food Loss and
the annual food consumption of 30-50 rating plans for investment, changes in increased significantly. Waste, to facilitate calculating and pre- areas around the country. To farmers
million people. Therefore, urgent laws, regulations and governance, as venting or reducing national, and who don’t want to transfer their plots
actions must be taken to prevent this well as engagement plans with the pri- Reprioritizing subsidies regional level food loss and waste.
loss. vate sector and civil societies. could reduce food waste Among other things, such a platform to investors, the government
As a first step, China should develop a It is likely that most food loss in Chi- Agricultural subsidies lead to over- would help users navigate available provides preferential loans which
national vision and strategy for reduc- na occurs during production and stor- production of certain types of foods data and learn the best practices in
ing food loss and waste. The UN Sus- age. Therefore, investing in better and thus increase waste. Reprioritizing quantification. they can use to build greenhouses.
tainable Development Goal 12.3 calls for infrastructure to improve storage, proc- and refocusing these subsidies to sup-
cutting per capita global food waste by essing and transportation is critical. port smallholders’ handling and stor- Fan Shenggen is a chair professor at
half at the retail and consumer levels, Such investment could have very high age capacity and supply chain logistics China Agricultural University, and That’s why the local governments in poor regions
and reducing food losses in production economic returns, as International Food could improve those smallholders’ Andrew Steer is the president of World are busy trying to find jobs for poor farmers. Which
and supply chains by 2030. Policy Research Institute studies show income, reduce food loss, and increase Resources Institute. explains why, when strict pandemic prevention and
China has committed to the SDGs, that investment in projects to reduce the overall efficiency of the value The views don’t necessarily reflect those control measures were imposed on many parts of the
and it could show global leadership by food loss and waste could have a 6-15 chains. of China Daily. country, the local governments in poor regions were as
eager as the authorities in the labor-thirsty coastal
region to ensure the laborers returned to their work-
Zhao Hai places in cities.
By cooperating with the employers thousands of

Pompeo’s bid to launch new ‘Cold War’ to hurt US

miles away, they managed to send millions of such
workers by specially arranged trains and buses, even
chartered flights.
In recent years, land transfer has been widely used

as a new method to help the poor. In China, farmlands
he US administration is trying pointed out Pompeo’s conceptual error although the country has thwarted all documents and blowing it out of pro- are collectively owned. Each household is given a plot,
to trigger a new “Cold War” — and said that “there’s no Cold War with such attempts. portion. but it cannot sell that plot. This rule is to ensure no
this time against China. A China — and if there were, we couldn’t Coats also said that China’s strategy In recent years, many US policy family is forced to live in “absolute” poverty even if its
series of talks on China by top win”. And yet he misrepresented many “aims to encircle the West technologi- experts and politicians have distorted members lose their city jobs, as they can return home
US officials concluded with Secretary of aspects of China’s international strate- cally, dominating all the advanced sys- China’s strategic intentions, misrepre- and work on their plot of land and earn a living.
State Mike Pompeo’s speech at the gy. tems of data collection”. This is the senting them to the American people, But since many farmers who get relatively well-
Richard Nixon Presidential Library and First, Coats’ claim that the Belt and point — the fear of a global “big broth- and the current US administration has paying jobs in cities “desert” their rural plots, the
Museum in Yorba Linda, California on Road Initiative is aimed at “shifting the er” — on which most Western elites used such misrepresentations and mis- government introduced the model of land transfer.
July 23. center of the world economy to Eura- could unite. Pompeo has been visiting interpretations to also claim the novel Under the model, a farmer can lease his/her plot to
Richard Haass, president of the sia” is a misrepresentation of China’s countries around the world preaching coronavirus pandemic is a Chinese con- an investor, who conducts large-scale farming, and
Council of Foreign Relations and a initiative. In no document has China the dangers of such a “dystopia” and spiracy. The US administration wants earn about 6,000 yuan per hectare per year and
prominent voice of US foreign policy, said anything even close to such a pressuring them to ban all Chinese to cut off all communication channels enjoy the privilege of being the first to be hired for
has pointed out the ignorance, hubris thing. In fact, from the very beginning, technologies. This divisive call — to and refuses to continue bilateral dia- any new project.
and self-contradiction of the surreal the Belt and Road Initiative has been build an “information wall” between logue with, and demands unilateral I once visited a poor village in Ganzhou, Jiangxi
“Pompeo doctrine”. It may be easy to misinterpreted by many US scholars China and the “free world” — is essen- “results” from China. In other words, it province. A flood had just hit the area and destroyed
dismiss the new Cold War warriors, and politicians as a geopolitical tool for tially an ideological “Cold War”. wants to replace diplomacy with pres- the mini-pumpkins planted in dozens of greenhouses.
such as National Security Advisor Rob- China to “dominate the world”. In reali- China does not see technological sure, negotiation with intimidation, A farmer, who had transferred his plot to an investor a
ert O’Brien, FBI director Chris Wray, ty, countries along the Belt and Road advancement as a zero-sum game. The and cooperation with capitulation. year ago, was present at the site.
Attorney General William Barr, and routes are relatively less developed, and consequences of US sanctions against Without addressing these deeply “It could have been deadly for my family, but I don’t
Pompeo, saying they are detached therefore need infrastructure, invest- Chinese high-tech companies, includ- misplaced narratives, China cannot have to worry about it ,” he said, because “I will get my
from reality, and claim they are ment, and technology to better partici- ing telecom giant Huawei, may suggest stop the downward spiral of China-US rent, and since cleaning the greenhouses calls for a lot
“doomed to failure”, but many other pate in globalization. China does not have the capability to ties. At this critical moment, peace-lov- more work, and I can earn some more money along
opinions — of more moderate and pro- Second, Coats repeated the consen- threaten the US, but the opposite is ing and truth-seeking US citizens must with other villagers by being hired to do so.” He
fessional officials from the Barack sus in Washington that China “is pur- true, and history has shown it is the US speak out and act to counter such false earned 100 yuan a day working for the investor.
Obama administration and the current suing increasingly aggressive that is the real “big brother”, which con- and malicious propaganda against Greenhouses have played a not so minor role in pov-
administration — indicate there is territorial ambitions”. The fact is, in the ducts surveillance against other coun- China. erty alleviation. They can be seen in many rural areas
widespread misreading of China’s stra- past three decades, China has settled tries, including its allies, in blatant But it is also important that China around the country. To farmers who don’t want to
tegic intentions. land borders with all its neighbors, violation of international law, posing a clearly explain its intentions to the transfer their plots to investors, the government pro-
If a doctor’s diagnosis is wrong, except India. And it has not made any grave threat to those countries’ national world so neo-McCarthyites cannot mis- vides preferential loans which they can use to build
whether because of wrong test results new territorial claims, or started a war security. interpret its good intentions as evil greenhouses. Normally, it costs about 20,000 yuan to
or the doctor’s bias, then the prescrip- to take exclusive control of a disputed Some US politicians and scholars designs. build a greenhouse. The government also sees to it
tion will not fix the problem. territory. have been deliberately misinterpreting that quality seeds are given and technicians sent to
Take former US director of National By contrast, there are plenty of China’s “long-term goals”. Some of these The author is director of International teach the farmers how to grow vegetables and fruits in
Intelligence Dan Coats for example. If threads showing that certain agents of are the result of a general lack of knowl- Political Studies, National Institute for greenhouses. The harvest from one greenhouse can
anyone should have a clear-eyed under- the US have plotted, funded, coordinat- edge of Chinese history and culture, Global Strategy, Chinese Academy of earn a family about 20,000 yuan a year.
standing of China’s international strate- ed, assisted and/or propagated interfer- owing to over-exaggeration of a few Social Sciences. Therefore, in China, people know that a family that
gy, it would be him. In a recent article ences in China’s internal affairs, which cases, or gross misrepresentation of or The views don’t necessarily reflect those owns a greenhouse must be a family that has bid
in The Washington Times, Coats rightly is an affront to China’s sovereignty — quoting out of context certain Chinese of China Daily. good-bye to poverty.
10 | Tuesday, August 18, 2020 CHINA DAILY

Pain felt as remittances fall Marine activists warn of
PPE’s dangerous side
Reliant on overseas workers, Philippines Development, said that unlike dur- for 70 percent of the Philippines’
ing the 2008-09 global financial cri- GDP and “with consumption also By HAN BAOYI in London
reckons with hit from lost jobs abroad sis or the SARS outbreak, COVID-19 dependent upon remittances, the fall hanbaoyi@mail.chinadailyuk.com
pandemic is having a more serious in wages and loss of employment by
By PRIME SARMIENTO 2018 National Migration Survey. impact on migrant workers. our migrant workers will affect While masks and gloves have
People should
in Hong Kong Their remittances also provide for- “This is not just a financial prob- household demand”, Roces said. been shown to reduce the risk of realize if you throw
prime@chinadailyapac.com eign exchange revenues to the lem. Businesses have to shut down Remittances have long powered transmitting the coronavirus, the something on the
country’s coffers. In 2019, remittan- because the virus is spreading fast,” domestic consumption in the Philip- widespread increase in single-use
The coronavirus pandemic is ces reached a record high of $33.5 Ang said. pines, but these cash inflows are personal protective equipment, or ground, it can end up
clamping the flow of remittances billion, accounting for roughly 10 The Philippines’ Department of slowing as the pandemic batters the PPE, is worsening the problem of in the ocean.”
from the Philippines’ army of over- percent of the country’s GDP. Foreign Affairs had repatriated global economy and puts millions plastic pollution, conservationists
seas workers, hurting families at “Remittance-receiving families 124,717 overseas workers as of Aug 8. out of work. Bangko Sentral ng Pilipi- said. Julie Hellec, volunteer from
home as well as government coffers. may not be from the poorest of the Apart from losing their jobs, these nas, the country’s central bank, said Julie Hellec, 41, a volunteer from Operation Mer Propre, a
French nonprofit ocean
Jeremaiah Opiniano, executive poor, because they cannot migrate workers are also among the most remittances from January to May fell Operation Mer Propre, a French
conservation organization
director of the Institute for Migra- without financial resources. But if likely to get infected, given their large by 6.4 percent to $12.84 billion. nonprofit ocean conservation orga-
tion and Development Issues, a they rely only on overseas remittan- representation in the services and Before the pandemic, the Philip- nization, said the plastic pollution
Manila-based think tank, said COV- ces, they are vulnerable financially,” healthcare industries. The depart- pines was one of Asia’s fastest-grow- stemming from the COVID-19 pan- mammals, fish, turtles and birds —
ID-19 is the “most challenging crisis Opiniano said. ment said that as of Aug 9, over 9,000 ing economies and expanded by an demic has become “a huge problem”. are killed each year due to plastic
facing the migration management These remittances have long cush- Filipinos living overseas had been average of 6.6 percent. The organization, which has 60 debris in the oceans.
system of the Philippines”. ioned the economy from external infected by the novel coronavirus. Nicholas Antonio Mapa, senior volunteers and is divided into sep- Plastic has a life-span of approxi-
The Philippines is one of the shocks, such as those caused by the economist for the Philippines at arate groups for the oceans and mately 450 years. It can shrink into
world’s biggest labor exporters, with severe acute respiratory syndrome, or Decreasing inflows Dutch investment bank ING, fore- the shores, picks up litter along the smaller pieces of plastic called
more than 10 million Filipinos SARS, in 2003, the global financial cri- Ang forecast that the department casts the economy will return to the Cote d’Azur, the Mediterranean microplastics, which have become a
working in nearly 200 countries and sis in 2008-09, and the Sept 11, 2001, might need to repatriate 400,000 “lower 3.5 to 4.5 percent growth tra- coastal strip in southeastern major marine pollution source that
regions. Ferdinand Marcos started terrorist attacks in the United States. Filipino workers this year as the pan- jectory”. France, every week. also put people’s health in danger.
promoting labor migration as an Analysts said this is because demic weighs on the global econo- “We do not expect a quick turn- Hellec joined the organization
economic policy in the 1970s, during migrant workers have always sent my. He also sees remittances falling around in consumption behavior, last October. She said disposable Disposal problem
his long presidency. The first batch money back to their families, no by as much as $6 billion this year. all the more with COVID-19 cases masks and gloves had never been It is known that the novel corona-
of overseas workers went to the matter what. But the pandemic has Robert Dan Roces, chief econo- still on the rise,” Mapa said in his lat- found before the outbreak, but virus is primarily transmitted
Middle East, as rising oil prices changed that narrative, as lockdown mist at Manila-based Security Bank est report. recently, countless such items have between people through respirato-
spurred demand for migrant labor. measures have shuttered businesses Corp, said the decreasing inflow of He said household spending will begun appearing on the shore and ry droplets and contact routes. This
Around 12 percent of Philippine and increased unemployment rates. remittances may “dampen growth “be sidelined for the foreseeable in the sea. means the use of face coverings has
households depend on the remit- Alvin Ang, director of the Ateneo recovery”. future due to a fractured labor mar- “People should realize if you been encouraged, and even made
tances they send, according to the Center for Economic Research and Household consumption accounts ket and a downturn in remittances”. throw something on the ground, it mandatory in some countries.
can end up in the ocean,” she said. While importance has been
Around 8 million metric tons of stressed on the proper ways to

Grim virus plastics enter the ocean every year,

according to a study published by
the journal Science in 2015. And
wear masks, guidance for disposal
of single-use PPE is unclear.
Environmental experts say that

one of the reasons is careless and even if we put them in bins, they
improper waste disposal. could still end up in rivers and
Plastic can be washed out to sea oceans, or end up filling up more
from beaches, streets and high- landfill sites.

reached ways. It can flow out through drains

into streams and rivers, eventually
ending up in the stomach of marine
Hellec said one possible solution
is for authorities to take action to
collect used PPE, no matter what
WASHINGTON — The United animals, even in our food chain. the setting. She also suggested that
States surpassed 170,000 deaths “Animals in the sea will mix people use washable masks.
from the coronavirus on Sunday, a waste with food, which can kill “A simple gesture that not
tally by the Johns Hopkins Universi- them,” said Hellec, adding it is throwing a glove or a mask on the
ty shows, as health officials express important for everyone to “open ground could save the planet,” she
concerns over COVID-19 complicat- their eyes” to see the consequences said. “And it would be better to use
ing the fall flu season. of sea pollution. reusable masks.
Deaths rose by 483 on Sunday, According to a report from the “It’s time to realize if we don’t
with the states of Florida, Texas and Sea Turtle Conservancy, over 1 mil- protect oceans, we are slowly kill-
Louisiana leading the increases. The lion marine animals — including ing ourselves.”
US has recorded at least 5.4 million
cases of COVID-19, more than any
other country and likely an under-
count given that testing has not been
ramped up to recommended levels.
Volunteers keep hunger
Public health officials and author-
ities are concerned about a possible
resurgence in cases in the fall with
Community health volunteers take the temperature of a baby during a checkup campaign against the
coronavirus at a slum in Mumbai, India, on Sunday. FRANCIS MASCARENHAS / REUTERS
at bay for young Kenyans
the start of the traditional flu season.
This would likely exacerbate efforts NAIROBI, Kenya — In a long Jumila Wanjiru flashes a broad
to treat the novel coronavirus. worldwide, rising infections is also Martin, 58, at a rally in Madrid breaks appeared, including one queue meandering through a smile after receiving her portions
US Centers for Disease Control threatening further disruption in where many promoted debunked linked to a church where more than densely populated suburb in the at the feeding center, and at just 14,
Director Robert Redfield, in an inter- Europe, where summer holiday- conspiracy theories about the coro- 300 members of a congregation Kenyan capital Nairobi, a group of she has assumed the responsibility
view with Web MD, warned that the makers are helping fuel a resur- navirus’ being a hoax. have been infected. children wait to receive cooked of feeding her immediate family.
US may be in for its “worst fall” if peo- gence in cases. The disease has killed That came after Britain removed The latest cases took the country’s food — perhaps the only meal they “This smaller pot is for my little
ple do not follow health guidelines. more than 766,000 people globally. France, the Netherlands, Malta and total infections to 15,515, including will have the entire day. brother and food from the other
Months into the pandemic, the three other countries from its list of 305 deaths. Steve Mbugua, an inspirational two pots will be split between my
US economic recovery from the Election delayed places exempt from self-isolation In India, health ministry data figure in the poor suburb, has won mother, father and two sisters,” she
recession triggered by the outbreak Italy — once the global epicenter rules. showed on Monday that the country’s the hearts of some 1,000 children said. “My mother, who was our pri-
is still staggered, with some hot — has ordered the three-week clo- New Zealand Prime Minister death toll from COVID-19 hit 50,000, that he has been feeding since mary breadwinner, stopped work-
spots slowing their reopenings and sure of all dance venues after a pick- Jacinda Ardern on Monday post- with more than 900 new fatalities March when the COVID-19 pan- ing after being diagnosed with
others shutting down businesses. up in infections over the weekend poned a national election to focus added since the previous day. demic rendered their parents job- diabetes.”
The Institute for Health Metrics blamed in part on young partygoers. on fighting an outbreak. The poll’s India last week overtook Britain less. Mbugua is well aware of the
and Evaluation expects an uptick in But government attempts to curb postponement to October 17 came as the country with the fourth-high- “These young ones come from social ills, such as alcoholism, that
COVID-19 cases in the coming the spread of the virus in parts of after the shock discovery of COVID- est number of deaths, behind the desperate families. Some of their are rampant in the slums, and that
months, resulting in around Spain and Brussels have been met 19 in Auckland last week, ending the US, Brazil and Mexico. It has record- houses are caving in while others such problems have only worsened
300,000 total deaths by December, by skepticism and protests. nation’s 102-day streak without ed 2.6 million infections, trailing walk on bare feet under the poverty, hunger and malnutrition.
and a nearly 75 percent increase in “They are forcing us to use a community transmission. only the US and Brazil. scorching sun fending for their
hospitalizations. mask. They want us to stay home South Korea on Monday warned families,” Mbugua said. “The pan- Easing economic burden
With more than 21.5 million cases practically locked up,” said Pilar of tighter restrictions as new out- XINHUA—AGENCIES demic has undoubtedly made “All of these children come here
their circumstance worse.” with more than one dish for food,
Children from poor families in some carry even three. If you

College students come to grips with learning choices Kenya have been severely affected
by the global pandemic.
The loss of informal employ-
inquire they will reveal that the
food is for other family members
who are either sick, jobless or disa-
ment by their parents and dimin- bled,” Mbugua said.
By MAY ZHOU in Houston tual environment,” he said. “The ished vibrancy of feeding Efforts by the government to
mayzhou@chinadailyusa.com potential risk of COVID-19 was out- programs had placed the young alleviate the economic burden in
weighed by what I could learn.” ones in a dire situation. poor households have been signifi-
As US colleges and universities Park said that because he’s not A UN report on the food situa- cant but not sufficient to fulfill
roll out plans to reopen this fall — around his parents or any other tion, released in July, predicted their needs.
online, in-person with social dis- high-risk people, he feels less wor- that about 130 million people glo- Simon Chelugui, Cabinet secre-
tancing or a hybrid of both — amid ried about the coronavirus even bally could go hungry by the end of tary for labor and social services,
the coronavirus pandemic, students though he views it as dangerous and 2020 due to the economic down- last week said the government
are making their own choices about said he would get nervous if some- turn caused by the pandemic. would end weekly cash transfers
how to proceed with academic one nearby started coughing. Mbugua said the motivation to that propped up poor families in
learning in a whole new world. He said he has no plans to attend provide for disadvantaged chil- these tough times.
Those who value face-to-face any large parties but will hang out dren came from not wanting them “Targeting is still ongoing for
interactions have opted for in-per- with a few close friends occasionally to engage in vices in order to afford the remaining balance of 327,042
son learning despite the risk of and maintain his gym schedule. a decent meal. households into the program who
infection, as Daniel Park, a junior at Valerie Teoh, a sophomore at UT “Before embarking on mento- will be paid up to the first week of
the University of Texas at Dallas, or Dallas, will take all her classes College students walk to dinner at the University of South Carolina ring these boys and girls years ago October 2020,” Chelugui told law-
UT Dallas, has chosen to do. online for the coming semester even on August 10 in Columbia, United States. SEAN RAYFORD / GETTY IMAGES I acknowledged that I cannot talk makers.
Park, from Houston, has chosen though she lives in Dallas. to them on an empty stomach and With a baby swaddled on her
to take two classes in person. “All of my professors opted for that is how the feeding program back, Rita Achien’g waits patiently
“They are professional sales class- online teaching only, so all my class- “Online learning is harder because taken: single-occupancy dorms, stu- was born in 2017,” Mbugua said. to receive her share of the day’s
es. I thought it’s very important to be es are automatically online. Person- there is more of a disconnect between dent virus tests twice a week, daily His organization, Faith Rescue meal: rice and beans.
able to engage the teacher in what ally, I would choose online learning- the teacher and you,” Teoh said. health screens and social distancing. Center, was providing meals to “I used to work in the events
we learn. Unlike other classes, in only anyway because it’d be a little “It’s much easier to ask questions Wang is eager to return to school children from poor homes once a industry, and I became redundant
sales you have to talk to people, safer,” Teoh said. and interact with your teacher in to enjoy some semblance of campus month but the pandemic forced due to the economic downturn.
make networks and relationships, person in real time than watching a life. Like Teoh, he finds online learn- him to feed them daily. Hence my full reliance on this
and get to learn the etiquette of busi- Concerns on class quality recorded lecture. Also, you can inter- ing inferior to in-person learning. “My wife and a number of vol- food,” Achien’g said.
ness. That’s very hard to do in a vir- Despite her preference, Teoh act with your classmates better.” Wang said the biggest impact of unteers help with preparations of The feeding program has since
tual environment,” Park said. acknowledged that online learning The social interaction is what is the coronavirus is the lack of a nor- the meals very early in the morn- expanded its outreach to single
Last semester, Park participated in suffers in quality based on her expe- missed most by Wang Zhiyu, a Chi- mal social life on campus. ing. Because the children start lin- mothers, underage pregnant girls
a virtual sales competition and found rience last semester after her school, nese student at Brandeis University He also said he’d like to see the ing up by 6 am, I have also brought and the disabled in a bid to reduce
it a completely different experience like others in the country, went com- in Waltham, Massachusetts. school offer some tuition discount in some of the teenagers I mentor suffering.
from everything he had learned in pletely online after lockdowns Wang, a sophomore, said he’s hap- because of the diminished college to help with food distribution,”
person. “It just doesn’t work in a vir- began in mid-March. py with the measures the school has educational experience. Mbugua said. XINHUA
CHINA DAILY Tuesday, August 18, 2020 | 11

2m UK jobs seen going after furlough scheme ends
By JULIAN SHEA in London
Global tourism
recovery faces

A leading independent think tank

has warned that as many as 2 million
jobs could be lost unnecessarily

grave challenges
when the British government’s fur-
lough scheme ends in October.
The Observer newspaper report-
ed that the Institute for Public Policy
Research, also known as the IPPR,
has warned that unless steps are tak-
en, unemployment levels across the
United Kingdom could match those Expert says at least two years needed
seen during the Great Depression of
the 1930s.
for a pickup tied to efforts against virus
“The chancellor has said he will
never accept unemployment as an By CHEN YINGQUN fall of 300 million tourists and $320
unavoidable outcome,” the IPPR’s chenyingqun@chinadaily.com.cn billion lost in international tourism
Associate Director Clare McNeil told receipts — more than three times
the newspaper. As countries across the world the loss during the global economic
“But by ending the job retention have cautiously started reopening crisis of 2009.
scheme too early, and with no plan their economies ravaged by the Tourism has been a pillar industry
for protecting jobs in local lock- COVID-19 pandemic, global tour- for the economies of many Europe-
downs or a second wave, that is pre- Offices of the Jobcentre Plus, such as this one in London, are set to get busier when the furlough ism has seen a glimmer of hope but an countries, which have eased cor-
cisely what is happening.” scheme ends in October. PHOTO PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY still faces an uphill struggle. onavirus lockdowns trying to save
The job retention scheme was The restart of tourism is under the summer tourism season. But
introduced early in the pandemic way globally. According to the latest many countries have seen a
to stave off the prospect of mass such as construction, entertain- find themselves particularly at risk, “As the furlough scheme ends, analysis from the World Tourism rebound in virus cases and the pace
redundancies. ment and hospitality. with the danger they may not be that number could snowball. Failure Organization, or UNWTO, a United of reopenings is faltering.
It saw the government pay 80 per- Anneliese Dodds, the Labour able get back into the employment to act now risks long-term social Nations specialized agency, 40 per-
cent of the salaries of nonworking Party’s shadow chancellor, said a market at all. and economic scarring that could cent of all destinations worldwide Blow to quick revival hope
employees, up to a set monthly limit, sudden stop to the furlough system “We fear that unless the govern- take decades to recover from. It’s have eased restrictions they placed For instance, Germany last Friday
and was originally scheduled to run would “plunge the country even ment intervenes to help, unemploy- crucial the government takes fur- on international tourism in declared nearly all of Spain, includ-
until the end of July, but was extend- further into a jobs crisis … we’ve ment among older shielded workers ther steps to prevent redundancies response to the coronavirus and ing the tourist island of Mallorca, a
ed until the end of October. already seen nearly three-quarters is set to soar,” she said. and strengthen the safety net for adapted to the new reality. As an coronavirus risk region following a
Numerous prominent businesses of a million jobs lost since March, The head of Citizens Advice, the people who have struggled as a expert says the industry will take at spike in cases there. This is a blow to
in the UK have already announced and now millions more risk being nationwide umbrella group for hun- result of this crisis.” least two years to recover. Spain’s hopes for a quick revival of
major job losses recently, including lost if the government doesn’t dreds of charities offering advice on However, a survey carried out last This latest outlook, recorded on mass tourism.
several leading high street stores change course”. financial, legal and consumer month by King’s College London July 19, is up from 22 percent of des- Separately, the British government
and British Airways, and the IPPR issues, has also expressed concern. shows a slightly more upbeat mood. tinations that had eased restrictions reimposed a 14-day quarantine for
report has said the government Workers above 50 “We’re already supporting one It revealed that the number of staff on travel by June 15 and the 3 per- travelers from France and the Neth-
urgently needs to come up with a Caroline Abrahams, charity person every two minutes on a who feel they are certain or likely to cent previously observed by May 15. erlands from last Saturday, sparking
successor to the furlough scheme, director at Age UK, has said that redundancy issue,” said Chief Exec- lose their jobs has fallen slightly, “It confirms the trend of a slow a dash for home by many of the esti-
with particular emphasis on sectors workers over the age of 50 could utive of Citizens Advice Gillian Guy. from 29 percent to 25 percent. but continuous adaptation and mated 160,000 British holidaymak-
responsible restart of international ers currently in France.
tourism,” the report said. Eduardo Santander, executive

Pandemic puts New York subway on rough track However, of the 87 destinations
that have eased travel restrictions,
just four have completely lifted all
director of the European Travel Com-
mission, said that there is still a frag-
mented picture across Europe with
restrictions, while 83 have eased almost every country establishing its
By SCOTT REEVES in New York “You are always going to feel nerv- ting a coronavirus infection. the Sept 11 memorial in lower Man- them while keeping some measures own rules and schedules for reopen-
scottreeves@chinadailyusa.com ous,” he said. “There are fewer people than usu- hattan, a trumpeter played The Girl such as the partial closure of borders ing, which will hinder the revival of
“You try to avoid tough situations. al riding the train,” he said, gesturing From Ipanema — Antonio Carlos in place. the tourism sector.
New York City transit officials are You do what you do and hope for the to seats in the half-empty car during Jobim’s hit Brazilian bossa nova Meanwhile, the report said that “While it is true to say that we
pursuing two apparently contra- best.” He wears a mask and main- the morning rush. song from the 1960s — as a young 115 destinations, 53 percent of all expect a recovery in 2021, it will take
dictory goals: draw large numbers tains at least 1.8 meters between He manages a homeless shelter in woman wearing a floppy hat pulled destinations worldwide, continue to at least two further years for the
of people back to the subway while co-workers and riders. Brooklyn, which makes him an over her ears, goggles, a mask and keep their borders completely world tourism economy to return to
not packing them shoulder-to- “You have to pay your bills, so you essential worker. latex gloves stepped into a Brooklyn- closed for tourism. 2019 levels, given the interwoven
shoulder during rush hours. take the risk,” said McMillon. “We “My wife does not say much about bound train. UNWTO Secretary-General Zur- nature of the health and economic
It’s part of the effort to curb the have to be on the same page with this how I ride the subway five days a Acutely aware of her surround- ab Pololikashvili said that the impacts of the coronavirus,” he said.
spread of the novel coronavirus and thing or it just goes around and week,” Marvin said. ings, she recoiled when asked about restart of tourism can be undertak- In Asia, countries that rely on tour-
to get the city up and running amid around. It makes you paranoid — “I’ve got to make money to pay her protective gear. en responsibly and in a way that ism have similar experiences. On
a pandemic. there’s so much uncertainty.” the bills. I ride the subway every “Get away!” she said. safeguards public health while also Monday, Thailand said its economy
The city cannot fully recover until About 90 percent of the subway’s day, and I am not nervous. I am Fares cover about 40 percent of supporting businesses and liveli- suffered its worst contraction in
riders return to mass transit. With- 5.5 million weekday passengers careful, and I stay away from other the system’s operating cost. The hoods. more than two decades, shrinking
out hordes of people flooding into stopped using the system when people as much as possible and decline in ridership puts the subway “As destinations continue to ease 12.2 percent year-on-year in the sec-
Manhattan five days a week, tax rev- state and local officials ordered the avoid big crowds.” deeply in the red and threatens to restrictions on travel, international ond quarter, according to the Office
enues have crashed and punched a economy to largely shut down in At Times Square, Shawn Smith, slow upgrades needed to make the cooperation is of paramount impor- of National Economic and Social
huge hole in city and state budgets. March as part of the effort to curb 36, shrugged off concerns. trains more reliable and attractive to tance,” Pololikashvili said. “This Development Council.
But mutually conflicting con- the coronavirus. “I am a New Yorker,” he said. “It riders, creating a double bind for the way, global tourism can gain peo- Xu Xiaolei, the chief brand officer
cerns suggest there will be no Before the pandemic, the subway takes more than a pandemic to make transit system. ple’s trust and confidence, essential for China Youth Travel Service, said
quick turnaround. People will not ran 24 hours a day. Now, the system me nervous.” “At the beginning of 2020, we foundations as we work together to that China’s domestic tourism is
return to Manhattan in pre-pan- is closed each night between 1 am expected a $100 million operating adapt to the new reality we now reopening gradually, as the country
demic numbers until they feel safe and 5 am to clean stations and sub- ‘There’s good out there’ surplus in 2020,” MTA Chairman face.” has effectively curbed the coronavi-
using public transit — and many way cars. A subway advertisement behind a Patrick Foye told Yahoo Finance. The latest “UNWTO World Tour- rus. But its inbound and outbound
remain wary. Ridership has recovered slightly woman scrolling through photos on “We had a $51.1 billion capital ism Barometer” showed that the tourism is still halted and is unlikely
Damien McMillon, 53, a transit but is still about 75 percent below her iPhone reads, “THERE’S GOOD plan, the largest by far in MTA histo- near-complete lockdown imposed to see a revival this year.
worker usually assigned to the West pre-pandemic levels, according to OUT THERE”. ry. Now, everything has to be on the to contain the pandemic led to a 98 “As long as the battle against the
181st Street station on the A line, the Metropolitan Transportation So far, few riders have found table. We’ve got a $12 billion ask into percent fall in international tourist coronavirus is on, it would be diffi-
said at least 10 of his friends and sev- Authority, or MTA. good as evidenced by some of their the federal government to cover the numbers in May globally when com- cult for destinations to attract inter-
eral more acquaintances were On a downtown-bound A train, dispirited demeanor. Nevertheless, deficits in the remainder of 2020 and pared to 2019. The gauge also national arrivals, which requires the
among the 131 subway and bus a 33-year-old man who identified the subway continues to generate 2021. If we do not get that level of showed a 56 percent year-on-year restoring of international transpor-
employees killed by COVID-19 while himself only as Marvin, said that odd scenes. funding, we have got to delay or drop in tourist arrivals between Jan- tation links and the assurance of
keeping the system running. he was not too worried about get- At the Fulton Street station near defer the capital plan.” uary and May. This translated into a safety for tourists to travel,” he said.
12 | Tuesday, August 18, 2020 CHINA DAILY


Japan’s slide BELARUS

Lukashenko prepared
to share power

erases gains Facing growing protests that have

posed the biggest challenge to his
26 years in power, President Alex-
ander Lukashenko said on Mon-
day that he was ready to share

from stimulus
power in Belarus, although not
under pressure from the streets.
His remarks came after opposi-
tion politician Sviatlana Tsikha-
nouskaya had said she was willing
to lead the country. Lukashenko
said on Monday that there would
Quarter’s 27.8 percent shrinkage takes be no new presidential election,
economy back to birth of Abenomics something the opposition wants,
until he was killed. The official
Belta news agency quoted him as
By WANG XU in Tokyo the United Kingdom, it was much saying he would be willing to
wangxu@chinadaily.com.cn bigger than the 17.9 percent drop share power however, and to
posted in the first quarter of 2009, change the Constitution, but that
Japan on Monday reported its when the collapse of investment he was not prepared to do so
worst economic contraction on bank Lehman Brothers triggered a under pressure from protesters.
record in the second quarter, though global financial crisis. Demonstrators protest against changes in the US postal service, outside the home of US Postmaster
experts expect a gradual recovery The second-quarter decline General Louis DeJoy on Saturday in Washington. DeJoy is a major Republican donor. LEBANON
will head off the prospect of a deeper means Japan’s real GDP has shrunk MICHAEL A. MCCOY / GETTY IMAGES VIA AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE Compensation sought
coronavirus-induced recession. to 485 trillion yen ($4.56 trillion),
Japan’s GDP shrank by 7.8 percent wiping out the growth under the
after Beirut explosions
for the quarter to the end of June,
compared with the previous quarter,
the Cabinet Office said. That trans-
Abenomics policies.
“The pandemic’s total impact on
the economy up to this point is almost
Pressure stepped up against postal cuts The Lebanese economy minister
announced on Monday that 2,500
people have applied to insurance
lated to an annualized rate of decline the same as the 2008 financial crisis,” companies for compensation
of 27.8 percent, the steepest in the 40 said Michinori Naruse, an economist WASHINGTON — Democrats Attorney General Maura Healy providing more funds for mail-in totaling $425 million for the dam-
years since modern records started at the Japan Research Institute. have stepped up pressure against a said in a telephone interview, add- voting and election infrastructure. age caused by the Beirut explo-
and marking the third-straight quar- “But with the financial crisis, cost-cutting campaign by US Presi- ing that the Republican president’s Trump later walked back on sions. Raoul Nehme said the
ter of contraction. things got worse slowly,” Naruse said. dent Donald Trump’s handpicked actions raised constitutional, regu- those comments, saying he would number of applications is expect-
It also erases the gains made by “This time, they got bad all at once.” US Postal Service chief that they latory and procedural questions. not veto a bill that included funds ed to reach 10,000, the National
the economy under Prime Minister To curb the economic downturn, fear will hold up mail-in ballots in Healy added that counterparts for the postal service. News Agency reported. Nehme’s
Shinzo Abe’s “Abenomics” stimulus the Japanese government ended the November’s election. in Virginia, Pennsylvania, Minne- White House Chief of Staff Mark remarks came during his meeting
policies deployed in late 2012. country’s state of emergency in May As several states consider legal sota, North Carolina, Washington Meadows told CNN on Sunday that with President Michel Aoun and a
Already weakened by a tax and issued a stimulus package action against the cost cuts, House and other states were conferring. Trump was open to $10 billion to delegation representing insurance
increase and a spate of natural dis- worth around 40 percent of the of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the country’s top elected $25 billion in new postal funding. companies. Two huge explosions
asters last year, Japan’s economy nation’s GDP, including cash hand- Pelosi is calling lawmakers back in Democrat, said on Sunday that she The House approved $25 billion in rocked the Port of Beirut on Aug 4,
became the first among the major outs and zero-interest loans. a bid to shore up the postal service. was calling the Democratic-con- a bill passed in May. shaking buildings all over Leba-
countries to officially slip into reces- “The economy was hit severely in Top Democrats in Congress on trolled House back to Washington Mark Dimondstein, head of the non’s capital, and killing at least
sion — defined by two consecutive April and May, but it started to bottom Sunday called on Postmaster Gen- later this week to vote on legisla- 200,000-plus-member American 177 while wounding 6,000 others.
quarters of contraction — at the out in May, and in June it was actually eral Louis DeJoy and another top tion to protect the postal service Postal Workers Union, said on Sun- The explosions also caused bil-
beginning of the coronavirus out- a pretty sizable rebound,” said Yuzo postal official to testify this month from what she called Trump’s day the postal service’s Republi- lions of dollars in losses in the
break. Social-distancing restrictions Tanaka, a professor of economics at at a hearing looking into a wave of “campaign to sabotage the election can-dominated governing board Middle East country.
and official requests for people to Ryukoku University in Kyoto. cuts that has slowed mail delivery by manipulating the postal service sought more than $25 billion.
stay home had further slammed “Meanwhile, as Japan’s export-de- across the country. The trend is to disenfranchise voters”. Appearing on Fox News, he said SYRIA
consumption and trade. pendent economy relies heavily on alarming lawmakers ahead of the the service required emergency US helicopter attacks
Japan’s Economy Minister Yasut- growth in China and since China’s Nov 3 election when up to half of A Trump donor funds because of the coronavirus
oshi Nishimura, who is also in coronavirus situation has subsided, voters could cast ballots by mail. A senior Democratic aide said pandemic-driven economic slow-
army checkpoint
charge of the country’s coronavirus it is expected that Japan’s economy Democrats have accused Trump, House lawmakers would likely down, pointing out that it received Syrian state media reported that a
response, said the plunge was main- will also recover gradually.” who is trailing presumptive Demo- return on Saturday to vote on the no funds in a stimulus package US helicopter gunship on Monday
ly caused by the measures brought cratic nominee Joe Biden in opin- bill, which would prohibit changes passed in March. attacked a Syrian army checkpoint
in to arrest the spread of the virus. Health speculation ion polls, of trying to hamstring the to postal service levels that were in Meadows told CNN’s State of the in the country’s northeast, killing
“In April, May, a state of emergen- Meanwhile, Abe, whose first term cash-strapped postal service to place on Jan 1 this year. Union that the White House feared one soldier and wounding two
cy was issued. It was a situation in office ended in part for health rea- suppress mail-in voting. Congressional Democrats also a surge in mail-in voting could others. According to the reports,
where the economy was artificially sons, sparked fresh speculation on Trump has repeatedly and with- called on DeJoy, a Trump donor, delay election results and leave the the attack came after the Syrian
stopped, so to speak, and the impact Monday about his well-being with an out evidence said that a surge in and Postal Service Chairman Rob- naming of the new president to the army prevented a US convoy from
was severe,” he said, adding that the unexpected, hourslong hospital visit. mail-in voting would lead to fraud. ert Duncan to testify at an Aug 24 speaker of the House. passing through. There was no
government will continue to priori- Abe emerged from the Tokyo hos- Voting by mail is nothing new in hearing of the House Committee “A number of states are now try- immediate comment from the US
tize support for those who are in pital where he was previously treated the United States, as one in four on Oversight and Reform. ing to figure out how they are going military on the reported incident.
dire circumstances. It will also seek for ulcerative colitis more than seven voters cast ballots that way in 2016. Senate Democratic Leader to go to universal mail-in ballots,” Tensions have been rising in
to boost domestic demand. hours after he entered, and left by car Several Democratic state attor- Chuck Schumer said the postal ser- Meadows said. “That’s a disaster northeast Syria between govern-
Takeshi Minami, chief economist without saying anything, according neys general said they were in dis- vice’s board of governors should where we won’t know the election ment forces and US troops in
at the Norinchukin Research Insti- to TV footage of local media. cussions about potential legal remove DeJoy if he “refuses to results on Nov 3 and we might not recent months. In several instan-
tute, said: “The big decline can be His previously unannounced arriv- action to stop postal service come before Congress”. know it for months and for me ces, Syrian troops prevented US
explained by the decrease in con- al on Monday morning prompted a changes that could affect the elec- DeJoy did not respond to a that’s problematic because the forces from entering several areas
sumption and exports. local media frenzy and comes after tion outcome. request for comment. Constitution says that then a Nan- in the region. Syrian state TV said
“I expect growth to turn positive weeks of speculation about his health. “It is outrageous that Donald Trump said on Thursday he had cy Pelosi in the House would actu- the helicopter attack took place in
in the July-September quarter. But A weekly magazine report in July Trump would attempt to under- held up talks with Congress over a ally pick the president on Jan 20.” Tal Dahab village near Qamishli.
globally, the rebound is sluggish claimed Abe had been vomiting mine the US Postal Service for fresh round of coronavirus stimulus
everywhere except for China.” blood, but government spokesman electoral gain,” Massachusetts funding to block Democrats from AGENCIES—XINHUA AGENCIES—XINHUA
While Japan’s contraction was Yoshihide Suga insisted the prime
smaller than a 32.9 percent decrease minister was healthy.
for the same quarter in the United
States and a 20.47 percent plunge in Agencies contributed to this story. Greenland ice has shrunk beyond return, study finds
By JONATHAN POWELL that annual snowfall was no longer canary is already pretty much into the ocean from glaciers,” King
in London enough to replenish glaciers with dead at this point”. said.
jonathan@mail.chinadailyuk.com the snow and ice being lost to sum- The Arctic has been warming at The researchers said that the
mertime melting. least twice as fast as the rest of the entire ice sheet has experienced
Greenland’s ice sheet has likely The ice sheet has been shrink- world for 30 years, while polar sea periods of melting at different
melted past the point of no return ing for several decades due to ice hit its lowest extent for July in points in time since the 1980s, but
and has already caused a signifi- increased meltwater on its sur- 40 years. an acceleration of melting between
cant rise in sea levels, according to face, higher rates of evaporation Oceans have already been 2000 and 2005 led to an irreversi-
new research. and submarine melting, which impacted by the melting ice sheet ble “step-increase” of ice loss.
A study in the scientific journal happens when the comparatively and are rising about a millimeter Even if global temperatures
Nature said that no matter how warm ocean water touches the on average per year. somehow managed to stop rising
quickly the world reduces climate- glacier. or even decrease, the ice sheet
warming emissions the largest ice If Greenland’s ice goes, the water Largest single contributor would continue to melt because its
mass in the Northern Hemisphere released would push sea levels up While this increase may seem functioning is out of equilibrium,
is now likely to melt away. by an average of 6 meters — small, ice melting is the largest the study stated.
The ice sheet covers roughly 80 enough to swamp many coastal cit- single contributor to global sea The sobering findings should
percent of Greenland and was ies around the world, though com- level rise, the study’s lead author spur governments to prepare for
formed by layers of compressed plete melting of the ice sheet would Michalea King told CNN. sea-level rise, King said.
snow that accumulated over the not be possible until several more “Greenland’s glaciers have “Things that happen in the polar
past 100,000 years. decades of sustained melting. passed a tipping point of sorts, regions don’t stay in the polar
A woman walks past sales promotions at a shopping district in Scientists studied data on 234 Glaciologist Ian Howat said where the snowfall that replenish- region,” she said, adding that con-
Tokyo on Monday. Japan’s economy shrank at annual rate of 27.8 glaciers across the Arctic territory Greenland “is going to be the es the ice sheet each year cannot taining global temperature rise
percent in April-June. KIM KYUNG-HOON / REUTERS for 34 years until 2018. They found canary in the coal mine, and the keep up with the ice that is flowing could still slow the rate of ice loss.

At least 16 left dead after Mogadishu hotel siege four guards were killed when securi-
ty forces beat back the rebellion.
A witness, Ahmed Ali, said on
said the exchange of gunfire was
“terrible”. “Stray bullets reached us
near the beach,” he said.
Sunday that he had heard “a huge The hotel attack shattered a peri-
MOGADISHU, Somalia — Mili- At about midnight, state news the hotel. “The total number of casu- the hotel, said Mohamed Hussein, a blast at the hotel, gunfire followed, od of calm that had lasted for a few
tants stormed a high-end seaside agency SONNA said the operation alties at the Elite Hotel attack is 16. captain of the security forces. and then clouds of smoke”. months. Earlier this year Somalia
hotel in Mogadishu on Sunday was over and that 205 people had Five of the 16 people killed were the The hotel is owned by Abdullahi Aamin ambulance service head had a spate of bomb attacks.
night, killing at least 16 people and been rescued, “including ministers, attackers, while one police officer Mohamed Nor, a lawmaker and Abdikadir Abdirahman had earlier The country has been embroiled
wounding dozens as they detonated lawmakers and civilians”, citing Far- was killed in the rescue operation.” former finance minister, and is fre- said the service had transported 28 in violence since 1991, when clan
a car bomb and then opened fire han Qarole, a security forces com- The attack also claimed two sen- quented by government officials and injured people from the scene warlords overthrew leader Siad
with assault rifles in the latest attack mander at the hotel. ior officials from the ministries of members of the Somali diaspora. before exchanges of gunfire started. Barre and then turned on each other.
in the Somali capital. “Militants armed with AK-47 ... information and defense. “There were officials of (President Hotel owner Nor posted on Face- Since 2008, al-Shabab has been
Somalia’s homegrown Islamic They were aboard the car bomb, Omar said 18 people had been Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo’s) book after escaping the building: fighting to overthrow the interna-
extremist rebels, al-Shabab, who are they got off ... and the militants went injured but a medical charity, Aam- government inside the hotel when “May Allah have mercy on all those tionally-recognized central govern-
allied to al-Qaida, said they were in the hotel to fight,” SONNA said. in Ambulance, had earlier said 28 we attacked,” said a statement broad- who died in the attack by the terror- ment and establish its rule based on
behind the assault on the Elite Hotel Government spokesman Ismael who were injured during the attack cast on al-Shabab’s Radio Andalus. ists on civilians particularly on Elite its own interpretation of Islamic
in Lido beach, and that their gun- Mukhtar Omar said five al-Shabab had been rushed to hospitals. The attack followed unrest at Hotel in which I was in.” Sharia law.
men battled security forces who fighters were also killed by security Most of the hostages were young Mogadishu’s central prison on Mon- Mohamed Nur, a government
rushed to the scene. forces when the attackers stormed men and women who were dining at day. SONNA said 15 prisoners and worker who lives near Lido beach, AGENCIES—XINHUA

ChiNext hikes yuan trials
‘on in four
‘swing limits’ regions’

of 800 shares

The People’s Bank of China, the

central bank, is testing its digital
currency in four areas and some of
the sites for the 2022 Winter Olym-
Listings under registration-based IPO pics, but has not set any specific
timetable for its formal debut, a
system to start on bourse from Monday source familiar with the matter told
China Daily on Monday.
By ZHOU LANXU restrained the market from freely “The pilot program has not yet been
zhoulanxv@chinadaily.com.cn pricing the equities and dampened expanded on a large scale,” and the test
market efficiency, said Dong. is just “internal and closed”, said the
China’s Nasdaq-like ChiNext The Shenzhen-based ChiNext source, who did not want to be named.
board’s plan to double the daily board’s shift to a 20-percent limit is At present the tests are being held
fluctuation limit of its over 800 list- seen as the boldest move by China Employees work on the production line of Yihai Kerry Arawana Holdings Co Ltd in Lianyungang, in Shenzhen, Chengdu, Suzhou,
ed stocks to 20 percent from next to ease fluctuation restrictions after Jiangsu province. WANG CHUN / FOR CHINA DAILY Xiong’an and some areas where the
week will not only boost market Shanghai’s smaller STAR Market 2022 Winter Olympics will be held,
efficiency and vitality but also fur- piloted the 20-percent limit last and facilitate equity financing of Finance and Economics, said the registration, including Yihai Kerry said the source. “As far as I know, the
ther reforms, experts said on Mon- year. Such restrictions are rare in innovative firms, topped by replac- ChiNext reforms will help expand Arawana Holdings Co Ltd, a food pilot plan remains unchanged so far.”
day. overseas mature markets. ing the initial public offering regu- direct financing and minimize producer that plans to raise as Before expanding the pilot pro-
The changes will take effect as With share prices allowed to see latory approval with administrative administrative controls in the capi- much as 13.87 billion yuan from its gram on a large scale, there are still
the first batch of listings under the sharper daily spikes or declines registration. tal market. ChiNext IPO. some key problems that need to be
registration-based initial public than before, ChiNext investors are The Shenzhen Stock Exchange The market expects 18 firms to Expectations over the upcoming solved by the monetary authorities,
offering system make their market expected to become more selective, said on Friday that the first batch of get listed on the ChiNext from Mon- ChiNext reforms catalyzed the rally including the technical and market
debut on the ChiNext from Aug 24. a process that will boost the valua- ChiNext listings enabled by the reg- day, whose IPOs have raised 20.07 of mainland-listed stocks on Mon- promotion matters, to make more
“The loosened daily fluctuation tion of industry leaders while the istration-based IPO system will billion yuan ($2.9 billion) in total. day, with securities brokerages, people accustomed to the use of the
limit will give sellers and buyers less competitive ones may slowly debut on Aug 24 and pledged to The firms are mainly in sectors like whose earnings are expected to get digital currency, analysts said.
more say in pricing ChiNext-listed lose their appeal, analysts said. ensure a smooth and steady imple- electronics, special-purpose equip- a boost from the reforms, leading Currently, the tests include salary
equities, vitalize trading activities “Investors should weather the mentation of related reforms. ment and medicine. the rise. The benchmark Shanghai payments to civil servants, payment
and enable stock prices to attain potential greater volatility by stick- Reform measures like exempting More companies are waiting for Composite Index surged by 2.34 for public transport services and
reasonable valuations,” said Dong ing to listed firms with robust the new shares from the daily fluc- the registration-based ChiNext percent to 3438.8 points, while the energy and supply chain trading.
Dengxin, director of the Finance financial performance and bright tuation limit in their first five trad- debuts. Five firms have finished ChiNext index rose by 1.04 percent “Most of the applications are
and Securities Institute at the future earnings prospects,” said ing sessions and making shares registration with the top securities to 2696.39 points. designed for consumer consump-
Wuhan University of Science and Chen Li, research head of Chuancai eligible for margin trading and regulator, the China Securities Reg- Analysts also cited the bigger- tion, and it still needs time to find
Technology. Securities. short selling once they get listed ulatory Commission, and are yet to than-expected liquidity injection by the appropriate model for business
Stock exchanges on the main- The loosened trading limit will will also be implemented on the complete the IPO process as of the People’s Bank of China, the cen- users,” said Yang Dong, head of the
land have adopted the daily rise or be part of ChiNext’s registration- ChiNext from the same day. Monday, according to the Shenzhen tral bank, on Monday as a key driv- Financial Technology and Block-
decline limit of 10 percent since late based reform, which includes a He Qiang, a national political bourse. er of the rally, as the move dispelled chain Research Center of the Law
1996 to reduce market volatility. slew of measures to give the market adviser and a professor of finance Another 16 have passed IPO concerns that the PBOC is rolling and Technology Institute at the Ren-
However, this practice has a greater say in resource allocation with the Central University of reviews and are awaiting the CRSC back support for the real economy. min University of China.
E-payment services in China are
dominated by internet giants such

Fonterra sets up innovation center ment environment and resources

for R & D businesses. The Shanghai
office was also upgraded to the
the pandemic has spurred spend-
ing on higher margin products like
cheese, whose consumption level
as Alipay and WeChat Pay which
allow transfer of money by a simple
scan of the quick response code. The
regional headquarters for Fonterra has remained rather low” said Yu. sovereign digital currency may need
By HE WEI in Shanghai Washer said during a launch cere- sumer science, nutrition science to China. “This suggests the huge potential of to find ways to make the payment
hewei@chinadaily.com.cn mony on Friday. “For Fonterra, packaging. In the first half of this year, the all-category dairy consumption in options more convenient and the
China is not only a consumer mar- China has been the biggest and city became home to 26 regional China.” costs will have to be competitive
Fonterra Cooperative Group Ltd, ket, but also a very important most important market for Fonter- headquarters and 10 research and “The most evident trend in the with other third-party payment ser-
the New Zealand-based multina- source of innovation and an ra, and accounted for nearly 25 per- development centers of multina- China market we see is the trade- vices. “Otherwise, it will be a chal-
tional dairy cooperative, has estab- important part of the global indus- cent of the volume in the overall tional corporations, taking the total up in a lot of areas, which is good lenge for the central bank to earn
lished its first overseas innovation try value chain.” business. The company said its to 746 and 471 respectively. news for us as our high qualified users for its digital currency servi-
center in Shanghai, a fresh move Hou Haifeng, chairman of the Anchor brand accounted for half of Fonterra is also gearing up for the products could meet the rising ces,” said Yang.
demonstrating its confidence in Anchor Center for Research and the mozzarella cheese used in piz- upcoming China International needs of good and nutritious prod- The digital currency could choose
and long-term commitment to Chi- Development and Certification zas in China, and it served half of Import Expo, bringing not just ucts people are looking for,” Wash- payment methods involving the
na, according to a senior company (Shanghai), said: “The partner the mainstream bakeries and tea everyday milk, yogurt, cheese and er said. “near field communication” tech-
executive. agency of the innovation center.“I houses. butter, but a few new launches such Yu said that Fonterra also sup- nology, or NFC, which means the
The Fonterra & ACC Shanghai believe this will be a win-win coop- “The Fonterra chef team will as premium ice cream brand Tip- plies to many business-to-business transaction can be finished offline,
Innovation Center, serving all con- eration, and we will be able to pro- cook some fancy, tasty, fun and top. companies, including bubble tea as long as the two devices are close
sumer and food service businesses, vide safe and high-quality products innovative applications that fuse Dairy consumption has main- shops, cafes and restaurants. which to each other. But that will cost more
stands to help the company develop to Chinese customers and consum- New Zealand dairy and Chinese tained a steady growth momentum saw noticeable recovery of business if it needs to use new terminals or
products that “are much closer to ers at a faster pace of innovation.” cuisine,” Washer said, adding some given the influence of COVID-19, after June. equipment. “The central bank
the needs of Chinese customers”, As an extension of Fonterra’s new debuts included cheese walnut suggesting people’s recognition of “These are the long-term drivers should consider cooperation with
said Paul Washer, chief financial research capabilities worldwide, pastries and black gold cheese pas- lactoferrin’s role in enhancing of China’s consumer market,” he the third-party payment platforms
officer of Fonterra in China. the Shanghai facility is designed to tries. immunocompetence, said Jason said. “Locally relevant innovation (to save costs),” he said.
“As one of the world’s largest be responsible for everything from He said the choice of Shanghai as Yu, general manager of Kantar in product and services offered by Some experts told China Daily
dairy companies, Fonterra is very product development, technical the first overseas innovation center Worldpanel in China. Fonterra will help empower suc- that before the official launch of the
optimistic about China’s future,” skills, sensory assessments, con- is due to the city’s favorable invest- “The ‘stay-at-home’ trend due to cess of these business.” central bank digital currency, or the
“DC/EP” (digital currency and elec-
tronic payment), adjustments of the
Crude oil output rises
Shenzhen leads peers in 5G stand-alone deployment initial plans are possible, as the situ-
ation is “much complicated”, and
whether it can debut in the second
half of the year is still not clear.
by 0.6% last month By ZHOU MO On Aug 3, the PBOC held a meet-
China’s crude oil output edged in Shenzhen, Guangdong ing to ramp up plans for the second
up by 0.6 percent on a yearly sally@chinadailyhk.com half of this year, wherein it said it
basis to 16.46 million metric tons With the would “actively and steadily” pro-
in July, slightly retreating from Shenzhen has become the first construction of 5G mote the research and development
an increase of 0.7 percent regis- city in China to achieve full-scale of the DC/EP.
tered in June, official data 5G deployment and will look to
networks The Commerce Ministry issued a
showed. During this period, Chi- play a leading role in driving the accelerating in document on Friday, which outlined
na processed about 59.56 million country’s technological develop- plans to start trials of the digital yuan
tons of crude oil, up 12.4 percent ment, officials said on Monday.
China, their in some regions — the Beijing-Tianjin-
year on year, according to the Chen Rugui, mayor of Shenzhen, industrial Hebei region of northern China, the
National Bureau of Statistics. In said that the city in southern application is turning city cluster in the Yangtze River Delta
the first seven months of this Guangdong province has achieved region including Shanghai, the Great-
year, China’s crude oil output full stand-alone 5G coverage and from the stage of er Bay Area including Shenzhen,
gained 1.4 percent year- on-year leads its peers in officially entering exploration to the Hong Kong and Macao, and some
to 113.5 million tons. the 5G era. developed areas in midwestern China.
There are two architectures for stage of real practice.” The PBOC is in charge of making
Mobile phone 5G networks. While the non-stand- Wang Zhiqin, deputy director the policy measures, and the pilot
alone architecture refers to 5G net- A 5G-enabled vehicle on show during the China Information Tech- of the China Academy of Infor- program could be extended to other
shipments fall works that ride on existing 4G nology Expo in Shenzhen, Guangdong province. mation and Communications areas, but that depends, the Com-
Mobile phone shipments stood at network infrastructure, stand- CHEN WEN / CHINA NEWS SERVICE Technology merce Ministry said in the document.
22.3 million units in July in Chi- alone architecture relies on build- “Although the technical design of
na, down 34.8 percent on a yearly ing brand-new infrastructure. industries to further its application. export-driven economy to one pow- from the stage of exploration to the DC/EP has changed several times so
basis, according to data from the Despite the novel coronavirus More than 1.6 billion yuan ($231 ered by technology. stage of real practice.” far, the final target is to partly replace
China Academy of Information epidemic, Shenzhen has continued million) will be poured into 20 As an important part of new 5G application in smart medical the cash in circulation, or M0,” Zhu
and Communications Technolo- to make progress in building 5G demonstration projects in the city, infrastructure, 5G networks, with treatment is the most widespread Taihui, a researcher of the National
gy. In the January-July period, networks, said Jia Xingdong, head with the next-generation wireless superfast speed and low latency, among various industries, account- Institution for Finance and Develop-
shipments fell by 20.4 percent on of the Shenzhen Municipal Indus- network being first applied in 10 will be the backbone for powering ing for 23 percent, followed by ment, said in a recent research paper.
a yearly basis to 175 million units, trial and Information Technology areas in government affairs, includ- the internet of things, autonomous media, smart city, internet of vehi- The introduction of the DC/EP
said the CAICT, a research insti- Bureau. ing medical treatment, transporta- vehicles and smart cities. cles and industrial internet, with 17 will promote the internationaliza-
tute under the Ministry of Indus- The city has till date set up more tion, and in 10 industrial fields, Wang Zhiqin, deputy director of percent, 14 percent, 9 percent and 8 tion of the yuan, as foreigners can
try and Information Technology. than 46,000 5G base stations. including ultra high-definition vid- the China Academy of Information percent, respectively, she said. have their digital wallets and partic-
In the same period, 256 new mod- “Shenzhen tops the world in the eo and industrial internet. and Communications Technology, China had deployed more than ipate in the DC/EP transactions
els were introduced in the mar- number of 5G base stations and in China is ramping up efforts to a government think tank, said: 410,000 5G base stations by the end through a simple registration proc-
ket, of which 119 were 5G models. shipments of 5G terminals,” Jia said. speed up the construction of “new “With the construction of 5G net- of June and plans to build 500,000 ess, by just providing their email
The city is also stepping up efforts to infrastructure” as part of its push to works accelerating in China, its new ones this year, according to the addresses. It can also simplify cross-
XINHUA integrate 5G technology with various transform from an investment and industrial application is turning CAICT. border payments, said Zhu.
14 | Tuesday, August 18, 2020 CHINA DAILY

challenges to
pose concerns
Experts call for efforts to protect users
from risks of using emerging techs
By OUYANG SHIJIA efforts are needed to protect data
ouyangshijia@chinadaily.com.cn from external cyberattacks and
solve data breach issues.”
The rapid adoption of emerging Currently, the digital economy
technologies has dramatically is gradually becoming a major
increased convenience along with driving force to boost growth in
dynamic cybersecurity challenges, China. The added value of China’s
with risks moving beyond virtual digital economy reached 35.8 tril-
attacks to damaging the physical lion yuan ($5.16 trillion) in 2019,
world of homes, cities and even accounting for 36.2 percent of
key national infrastructure, offi- GDP, according to a white paper
cials and experts said. released by the China Academy of
Xu Hao, executive vice-mayor of Information and Communica-
Guiyang, Guizhou province, said tions Technology in July.
evolving cyber vulnerabilities and “With the advent of the digital
threats need to be addressed as era where everything will be con-
China is moving toward building a nected, cybersecurity profession-
digital network and smart society. als need to deal with new
Xu cited the annual China Inter- challenges brought by digital tech-
national Big Data Industry Expo nologies such as the internet of Visitors check out a drone during a high-tech exhibition held by Shenzhen-based drone maker DJI in Los Angeles in September.
held in Guiyang, saying the expo things,” said Liu Quan, director of LI YING / XINHUA
once fended off about 4 million cybersecurity institute, a CCID
cyberattack attempts. “Cyberat- think tank affiliated to the Minis-
tacks do threaten our code-enabled
physical world companies, regions
and even a country,” Xu said.
try of Industry and Information
“Previous protection measures
Shenzhen steps up investments in BRI regions
“In face of the expanding cyber won’t be able to deal with the risks
risk landscape, we need to build a that may damage both individuals
new paradigm in terms of global and organizations”. By ZHENG YIRAN in Beijing and According to CMPort, it has been brand image, he added.
communication, copyright protec- With booming 5G, the industrial PEI PEI in Shenzhen, Guangdong actively implementing BRI in recent The foreign cooperation depart-
tion of digital data as well as the internet, AI and other digital tech- years. By the end of 2019, its busi- ment of the Commerce Bureau of
governance of data standards,” Xu nologies, there are both growth The overseas direct investment by
With the help of the ness involved 50 ports in 26 coun- Shenzhen Municipality said that
added at a data security governance opportunities and security chal- Shenzhen, Guangdong province, initiative(BRI), tries and regions related to the BRI-related economies are mainly
forum held in Beijing on Sunday. lenges ahead, said Li Jingchun, ranked second among mainland cit- Shenzhen enterprises initiative. In 2019, its container ter- developing countries, which have
The forum is part of the 2020 Chi- chief expert of the China Cyberse- ies in the first half of this year, and minal throughput reached 112.9 large demand for capital, and have
na International Big Data Industry curity Review Technology and Cer- the contract value for foreign con- can make full play of million metric tons, and its bulk car- broad market potential. Investing
Expo, which is now underway until tification Center. tracted projects is ranked at the top, the advantages in go throughput was 490 million tons. in these countries is beneficial for
the end of September. “Since 2016, the cybersecurity with investment in Belt and Road It has invested in Sri Lanka, the enterprises to obtain a higher rate
Xu said new technologies such threats have been increasing rap- Initiative-related economies serving local labor force, land, Republic of Djibouti, Brazil, France, of return and enhance the eco-
as artificial intelligence will play a idly, such as ransomware virus and as a main driving force. tax and business Nigeria, Togo, Australia and Turkey, nomic vitality of Shenzhen enter-
key role in providing solutions to mobile application security risks,” The Commerce Bureau of Shen- taking advantage of the BRI to prises.
counter sophisticated cyberat- Li said. zhen Municipality said that between policies, to lower expand its investment layout over- Meanwhile, BRI-related econo-
tacks as AI is good at handling Li believes more efforts should be January and June, Shenzhen’s ODI production costs. It seas. mies have rich production factors
massive amounts of data. made to raise awareness of cyberse- reached $4.7 billion, up 50.59 per- Zhang Lei, an attorney at Zhong with relatively low costs. This helps
Xu’s views were echoed by Zhou curity, continuously improve the cent on a yearly basis, and its newly also benefits the Yin (Shenzhen) Law firm and a Shenzhen’s enterprises with relative
Hongyi, chairman and CEO of the network security protection system, signed contract value for foreign firms’ exports to the former professor at Hebei Finance competitiveness, such as energy
360 Security Group, who believes make cybersecurity a national strat- contracted projects was worth $9.9 University, said that Shenzhen enterprises and communication
the future world will be powered egy, promote security industrial billion.
European countries enterprises’ investment into BRI- enterprises, go global and boosts the
by software based on running pro- development, craft technological Specifically, Shenzhen’s invest- and the Americas.” related regions breaks through the city’s transition and upgrade, it said.
grams. standards, achieve innovation in ment in countries and regions relat- domestic market, which has excess As promising as the future is,
Zhang Lei, attorney at Zhong Yin
“Entering the digital era, all security technologies and cultivate ed to the BRI remained strong and (Shenzhen) Law firm domestic production capacity, ris- Zhang noted that risks should be
industries and cities will be trans- more cybersecurity talents. showed robust momentum. ing costs and fierce competition, noticed when Shenzhen enterprises
formed from business-centric to “First, data protection depart- The Commerce Bureau of Shen- and moves toward the overseas invest in BRI-related economies,
big data-centric,” Zhou said. “On ments should take their own zhen Municipality said that between Youming, director of the Com- markets which contain numerous and multinational corporates with
one hand, new types of cyberat- responsibilities in accordance January and June, there were 45 merce Bureau of Shenzhen opportunities. good reputations should be taken
tacks have evolved with the emerg- with relevant laws and regulations newly added enterprises and institu- Municipality. “With the help of the initiative, priority.
ing new digital technologies. On and work out training to improve tions in BRI-related economies that A batch of major projects overseas Shenzhen enterprises can make full In addition, the return of funds is
the other hand, data sharing also data protection capabilities. Sec- Shenzhen enterprises invested in, were implemented in an orderly play of the advantages in local labor important. Invisible investment
brings new cybersecurity risks. ond, we should tackle the root growing 28.57 percent on a yearly manner, having an increasing dem- force, land, tax and business policies, risks still remain. It is easy to invest
Thus, we need to continuously cause for the data security prob- basis. Contracted investment in the onstration effect, Wang said. to lower production costs. It also money into a project, but once the
revisit our cybersecurity meas- lem, such as promoting the issu- regions by Shenzhen enterprises Numerous projects from Shen- benefits the firms’ exports to the project is put into operation, invisi-
ures.” ance, use and management of surged by 432.54 percent year-on- zhen enterprises including projects European countries and the Ameri- ble costs go up. For example, the
Zhou, who is also director of digital ID cards as soon as possible. year to $705 million. from China Merchants Port Group cas,” he said. increasing frequency of work strikes
National Engineering Laboratory Third, China should carry out “Shenzhen’s ODI continued to Co Ltd, China General Nuclear Pow- In addition, Shenzhen enterprises may increase the actual operation
for Big Data Collaborative Security cybersecurity evaluation and post steady growth, and the con- er Corp and Huawei were included that invested in the BRI-related costs for enterprises, he added.
Technology, warned around 70 to reviews. Last, companies need to struction of the BRI laid solid in the national BRI key project list, economies can take advantage of
80 percent of data breaches are revisit their measures to protect foundation for the country’s inserting an increasing influence in the governmental platforms to raise Contact the writers at
related to internal causes. “More and use data,” Li added. ‘going global’ strategy,” said Wang overseas markets. their domestic popularity, building zhengyiran@chinadaily.com.cn

Carriers relaunch in-flight meals as epidemic wanes Most Chinese carriers

options such as rice with bean curd
and pork, rice with cured meat, and
noodles with pickled vegetables
and shredded pork, China Eastern
By ZHU WENQIAN have resumed the said.
zhuwenqian@chinadaily.com.cn offerings of in-flight This month, the number of sched-
uled daily flights operated by China
More domestic carriers have meals, and many of Eastern exceeded 2,400 on average,
introduced better complimentary them have launched and the volume has exceeded 95
in-flight meals that one would actu- percent of the regular level seen
ally want to eat in the economy class upgraded meals as before the epidemic.
as part of their latest approach to they hope to stay Meanwhile, State-owned Air Chi-
attract more passengers after they na will provide upgraded meals
were negatively affected by the competitive and such as braised beef brisket with
COVID-19 pandemic. attract more tomatoes, fried rice with mushroom
Since the outbreak of the conta- and sliced chicken, and roast pork
gion earlier this year, most domestic passengers after they with honey sauce for in-flight meals.
airlines suspended their in-flight suffered losses during The carrier has improved its set
hot food services because people meal in taste, food materials and
traveled less and social distancing
the pandemic.” designs for economy class after col-
precautions were placed on planes. Lin Zhijie, aviation industry lecting opinions, it said.
As the domestic air travel market analyst, Carnoc columnist After six months of no meals pro-
gradually is picking up with the epi- vided during flights, Air China
demic getting under better control situation. There is an oversupply of resumed hot food service at the
in China, airlines are working on flights in the air travel market, and beginning of this month for its
resuming and expanding their pre- carriers have to make some efforts to flights that connect major cities such
packed food offerings. stay afloat. Thus, they chose to intro- as Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing,
Haikou-based Hainan Airlines duce even better in-flight meals to Chengdu in Sichuan province and
fully resumed offering hot food in China Eastern Airlines employees prepare in-flight meals at a facility in Taiyuan, Shanxi province. draw in passengers,” he said. Hangzhou in Zhejiang province.
the air since mid-July. This month, ZHANG YUN / CHINA NEWS SERVICE Shanghai-based China Eastern Other domestic flights will eventual-
the carrier further upgraded its Airlines first resumed hot food servi- ly resume meal services as well.
in-flight meals and introduced new options of fried noodles, fried rice, regular epidemic control and preven- and a columnist of Carnoc, one of ces on 12 of its major domestic busi- Juneyao Airlines, a Shanghai-
dishes for both business class and Chinese pastries, and marinated egg. tion. Most Chinese carriers have China’s largest civil aviation websites. ness flights starting from Aug 1, based private carrier, also launched
economy class passengers. The new variety of dishes will bet- resumed the offerings of in-flight “Last year, domestic carriers fared launching more than 500 varieties of brand-new in-flight meals for econ-
For flights lasting more than 90 ter cater to the appetite of Chinese meals, and many of them have well and they didn’t worry about dishes. Since Monday, the carrier has omy class passengers recently. In
minutes, economy class passengers passengers. It is expected to help launched upgraded meals as they ticket sales. Then, they opted to offer resumed offering hot meals for most July, it transported more than 1.1
will be offered hot food. The meals create more high-quality and com- hope to stay competitive and attract simpler meals or canceled food ser- of its domestic flights that connect million passengers, close to 80 per-
include rice or noodles paired with fortable experiences, a Hainan Air- more passengers after they suffered vices for short-haul flights to save regions with low risk of infections. cent of the volume recorded in the
dishes of local cuisines of the depar- lines statement said. losses during the pandemic,” said Lin some costs,” Lin said. For economy class passengers, same period last year, the airline
ture cities. For breakfast, there are “Currently, China is at a stage of Zhijie, an aviation industry analyst “This year, it has been a different the carrier will provide food said.
CHINA DAILY Tuesday, August 18, 2020 | 15

is becoming
Kuaishou, Douyin among platforms
banking on country’s rapidly growing
e-commerce segment for greater reach
By FAN FEIFEI That agreement also enabled
fanfeifei@chinadaily.com.cn Kuaishou’s key opinion leaders to
choose and promote products to
Tapping into livestreaming has their audiences through livestream-
become a hot trend in China. Short ing during this year’s 618 Midyear
video platforms including Kuaishou Shopping Festival. Some 1.42 billion
and Douyin are banking on the yuan worth of products was sold via
country’s rapidly growing live- live broadcasting during a 24-hour
streaming e-commerce segment, special online shopping campaign
which has become a powerful sales on June 16.
channel for traditional industries as Since the coronavirus outbreak
more consumers switched to online began, many physical store opera-
shopping amid the COVID-19 pan- tors have turned to short video plat-
demic. forms to sell their products via
Kuaishou announced that it will livestreaming. The number of daily
invest 3 billion yuan ($428 million) active users on Kuaishou surged 40
to set up its livestreaming e-com- percent year-on-year during the directly from Douyin’s e-commerce
merce headquarters in Chengdu, Spring Festival holiday (Jan 24 to Feb livestreaming platform without
Sichuan province, as part of its 2). Douyin also saw a 26 percent rise leaving the video platform, where
broader attempt to expand its pres- in DAUs, according to QuestMobile, celebrities and livestreamers will
ence in the booming e-commerce a mobile internet big data company. promote products. Suning.com will
industry and speed up monetization Dong Mingzhu, chairwoman of also provide delivery and after-
efforts. Chinese home appliance manufac- sales services.
Located in the Chengdu Hi-Tech turer Gree Electric Appliances, sold “Through the in-depth collabora-
Industrial Development Zone, over 310 million yuan worth of prod- tion, we can further reach young
Kuaishou wants to build a live- ucts during a three-hour livestream- users and gain insight about their
streaming ecosystem in the city, ing event via Kuaishou on May 10. needs in an attempt to provide more
with the nation’s first 5G-powered Ding Lei, founder and CEO of high-quality and precise services,”
short video industry base, a short games giant NetEase Inc, generated said Fan Chunyan, vice-president of
video incubator, a public technology over 72 million yuan in sales after a Suning.com, adding that Douyin’s
service platform for video creation livestreaming debut on Kuaishou e-commerce platform will help con-
and a training institute. on June 11. Five days later, Zhang sumers find and get good products
“We will give full play to the Yuqi, a Chinese actress, set a record at good prices.
advantages of technology, products of 223 million yuan in sales during Chinese entrepreneur Luo Yong-
and platforms to attract multichan- her livestreaming debut on Kuai- hao raked in more than 170 million
nel network institutions, well- shou. Xinba, an online celebrity, yuan during his livestreaming
known internet celebrities and attracted over 25 million viewers in e-commerce debut on Douyin in
brand owners to jointly build a good four hours’ time. April, with 48 million users tuning
livestreaming e-commerce ecosys- Livestreaming shopping is a in. Over 910,000 sets of products —
tem,” said Yu Haibo, senior vice- brand-new way of thinking and including tech gadgets, foods and
president of Kuaishou. doing business, a win-win solution snacks — were sold.
MCNs are third-party service pro- for brands, manufacturers and con- Ma Shicong, an analyst with Bei-
viders that affiliate with short video sumers, said Dong. jing-based internet consultancy
platforms to offer services that may “The COVID-19 pandemic had a Analysys, said the commercial use of
include audience development, con- significant negative impact on tradi- the superfast 5G and ultra-high defi-
tent programming, creator collabo- tional industries and offline retail. nition technologies has boosted the
rations, digital rights management Companies including Gree suffered Top: Two online celebrities promote agricultural products from Jiangxi province via livestreaming livestreaming industry, adding that
and sales. from sudden drops in revenue in the platforms. SIMA TIANMIN / FOR CHINA DAILY she is bullish on prospects for the
According to an action plan from first quarter of 2020,” said Yu Above: Farmers in Zhoushan, Zhejiang province, showcase the plums they grow via livestreaming sector.
Sichuan province released in April, Shuang, vice-president of Kuai- platforms. YAO FENG / FOR CHINA DAILY “Short video platforms have
the local government is aiming to shou’s e-commerce business. entered a new phase by teaming up
make the province a regional center “E-commerce livestreaming can with online retailers and tapped
for live broadcasting e-commerce help to unleash more spending. It active users of its featured live- e-commerce platforms is an explo- of the popular short video platform into supply chain construction and
with annual sales volume reaching will become the ‘new normal’ for streaming function reached 170 mil- sive commercial model as the Douyin, is also eyeing the lucrative the whole e-commerce ecosystem,”
10 billion yuan by the end of 2022. more brands and provide a new lion during the first half, a 70 million former can drive online traffic to the livestreaming e-commerce sector, as Ma said.
Livestreaming e-commerce has kind of brand marketing scenario. surge since the end of 2019. latter. users have expressed an interest in Ma added that more efforts are
been gaining traction in China since We are dedicated to creating new For the e-commerce function, cat- As of March this year, users of combining shopping and creative needed to standardize the behavior
the outbreak of COVID-19, as tens of marketing channels for business egories that saw the most substan- livestreaming services in China experiences. Douyin recently of livestreamers and video-sharing
millions of Chinese were confined owners and making shopping easy, tial increase in vendors were reached 560 million, accounting launched an e-commerce depart- platforms in response to mounting
indoors and moved shopping online affordable and secure for consum- apparel, local services, household for 62 percent of the country’s total ment to offer users greater options complaints over misleading or false
due to restrictions on large gather- ers,” Yu said. goods, automobiles, beauty prod- internet users, said the China on the platform. information, substandard products
ings and travel. Kuaishou first tapped into the ucts and cosmetics during the Janu- Internet Network Information In addition, Chinese retail giant and a lack of after-sales service.
The announcement comes a already competitive e-commerce ary-June period. Meanwhile, new Center. Suning.com announced on July 30 Sun Jiashan, a researcher at the
month after Kuaishou and Chinese market in China in 2018 with the businesses that took up livestream- Revenue from China’s livestream- that it inked an agreement with Chinese National Academy of Arts,
e-commerce giant JD signed a stra- launch of Kuaishou Shop, a sales ing during this time primarily came ing e-commerce market stood at Douyin to carry out in-depth coop- said there is a lot of potential for
tegic partnership with a focus on platform within the short video app. from autos, smartphones, house- 433.8 billion yuan last year, and is eration in multiple fields, such as e-commerce aspirations of short
supply chains in June. Kuaishou And now there are more than 100 hold goods, cosmetics and educa- expected to more than double to 961 supply chain services and live- video platforms. “The introduction
users will be able to purchase JD’s million daily active users engaged in tion service, the report said. billion yuan this year, said a recent streamed branding. of professional MCN operators and
products without leaving the app, its e-commerce business. Zhang Xintian, an analyst from report from market consultancy According to the agreement, con- paid knowledge services will gener-
and enjoy fast delivery and after- The Beijing-based company said iResearch, said cooperation iiMedia Research. sumers will be able to purchase ate profits for the short video indus-
sales service offered by JD. in a report that the number of daily between short video apps and Beijing-based ByteDance, owner products sold by Suning.com try,” Sun said.

Short video applications eyeing even bigger slice of booming market

By FAN FEIFEI been pursuing the “AI first” strategy potential for video streaming plat- an earlier interview with China Dai-
by investing heavily in AI. forms, following the increasing pop- ly, adding that Meipai’s content is
An increasing number of tech “The country’s rollout of new ulation from the post-2000 still valuable and has huge growth
companies have stepped up efforts infrastructure will accelerate the generation growing up to become potential. “We don’t think opportu-
to launch short video apps with integration of new technologies internet users in China,” said Flora nities have dried up in the short vid-
livestreaming functions in an such as 5G, cloud computing and AI, Tang, a research analyst at Counter- eo segment. Instead, we see the
attempt to grab a bigger slice of the thus bringing unprecedented point. dividend will be maintained for a
booming short video and live- opportunities to the internet indus- Moreover, selfie app operator long period of time.”
streaming market. try,” Lu said. Meitu Inc has increased its invest- Wu added that WIDE will keep on
Joyy Inc, a leading video-based Lu added that in-depth coopera- ment in the short video sector, exploring its potential as a tool that
social media platform, recently tion with Huawei can give full play announcing it will provide data brings more new things to its users.
inked a strategic partnership with to the synergies of the two compa- flows, incentive bonuses and com- Founded in 2008, Meitu’s apps
Huawei Technologies Co to build a nies’ advantageous technologies mercialization models to attract had gathered about 280 million
joint innovation center and speed and jointly explore innovative appli- premium content creators. monthly active users by the end of
up research and implementation of cation scenarios in 5G era in fields The company launched video last year. The apps help users to
new livestreaming business scenari- like livestreaming, pan-entertain- sharing and streaming app Meipai appear more attractive in photos
os powered by 5G, artificial intelli- ment, education, healthcare, the in 2014, and short video app product and videos by slimming their faces,
gence and cloud computing. industrial internet and the internet WIDE in 2018, which caters to crea- buffing their skin and even applying
The partners will also strength- of things. tive young people. makeup.
en collaboration in the enterprise Founded in April 2005, Joyy ena- WIDE provides subtitles, filters “The commercial application of
services segment to build immer- bles users to interact with each oth- An anchor from YY Live holds a livestreaming session during the and music for users to save on post- 5G will inject new vitality into the
sive and interactive experiences er in real time through online live South China Book Festival in Guangzhou, Guangdong province. production work. It makes a com- short video industry,” said Liu Jie-
and provide one-stop audio and media and offers users a uniquely PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY prehensive analysis of the figure, hao, an analyst at iiMedia Research,
video ecosystem solutions in a bid engaging and immersive entertain- scenario, time and weather to esti- a market consultancy.
to help enterprises quickly create ment experience. financial results, its net revenue 6.76 billion yuan in the first quarter, mate the user’s mood and style pref- “In the new round of competition,
real-time audio and video calls, The Nasdaq-listed company owns increased 49.6 percent year-on-year up 50.6 percent. And global average erence and then smartly generates the application scenarios of short
interactive live broadcasting and livestreaming social media platform to 7.15 billion yuan ($1 billion) in the mobile monthly active users stood suitable background music. videos will be continuously expand-
other scenarios. YY Live, Bigo Live and short video first quarter, while net profit was at 520.1 million, among which 77 “We won’t consider giving up our ed, and the enterprises that realize
Lu Pengjun, chief technology offi- platform Likee. 386 million yuan. percent were from outside of China. short video business,” Wu Xinhong, monetization successfully will be
cer of Joyy, said the company has According to the company’s Its livestreaming revenue reached “We still see an immense growth founder and CEO of Meitu, said in more competitive,” Liu said.
16 | Tuesday, August 18, 2020 CHINA DAILY

Mongolian yurts
making a comeback
HOHHOT — Yurts have been The largest one he made was 30
transformed with modern encase- meters in diameter and can hold
ments and glass domes in Buren- more than 100 people. It is meant
bayar’s “experimental yurt field” for performances.
on the vast grasslands of the Inner “I have replaced the central
Mongolia autonomous region’s wooden pole with a steel one to
Hulunbuir. make the large yurt stable and
The 39-year-old operates a yurt wind-resistant,” he says, adding
company in Chen Barga Banner. that he has filed patents for several
Over the past 20 years, he has man- of his innovative ideas.
ufactured over 3,000 kinds of yurts. He has designed yurts to resem-
A traditional yurt, or ger, is a ble hotel rooms, equipped with
A sailfish print created by Yu Qinyuan. The art form usually features calligraphy, stamps and seals. PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY portable, round tent covered with card-activated door locks, a show-
animal skin or felt and used as a er section and a flush toilet.

Paintings to scale
dwelling by ethnic Mongolians “Staying in an ethnic Mongolian
and other nomadic groups. As yurt has become a must for grass-
nomadic life has gradually faded land tours, and a hotel room-like
into history, people rarely use yurt makes tourists feel safe and
yurts as dwellings, aside from comfortable,” he says.
tourists who hope to catch a Based on tourists’ preferences,
glimpse of past lifestyles. Burenbayar has also designed
With Burenbayar’s innovative yurts with glass domes so that peo-
ideas injected into the manufac- ple can enjoy starry night skies. A
The ancient practice of ‘fish printing’, once used to record the achievements of Chinese turing technique, traditional yurts trinity yurt has been created to
have taken on a new look, attract- house family members and friends
anglers, has evolved into a treasured traditional art form, Cheng Yuezhu reports. ing orders from across the country in three interconnected rooms.

and raking in profits. Despite innovations, he contin-
nglers are likely to commissioned by clients would Born into a herders’ family, ues to incorporate some tradition-
recount “big fish” stories often use red, as many consider the Burenbayar has been a fan of yurts al elements, such as the central
about herculean battles red koi fish to be auspicious. since he was a child. pole and leather ropes used to hold
with silver-scaled kraken. Yu is currently working on a “Although I was raised in a brick up the walls.
These usually end with the declara- 20-meter scroll that incorporates 22 house, I loved staying at my rela- “I was told by the older genera-
tion, “It was definitely at least this varieties of fish that inhabit Shand- tives’ yurt on the grassland,” he tions that the dome of a Mongoli-
big!”, as they exaggeratedly gesticu- ong’s Weihe River. says, adding that his parents an yurt is a symbol of ethnic unity
late with their hands to indicate the Yu led the successful effort to always had to drag him home as he on the grassland. It is impossible
vastly overstated length of their include fish printing on Gaomi’s was reluctant to leave the yurt. to support any dome if the central
former aquatic nemesis. intangible cultural heritage list and He was thrilled to hear that one pole is missing,” he says, adding
It was probably much easier to the equivalent list of Weifang city of his relatives opened a Mongoli- that traditional culture has to be
persuade people that these tales this June. an yurt workshop and offered to preserved no matter what innova-
were true before the age of camera- “To be honest, fish printing does work there in 2000. In the plant, tions are made.
laden smartphones. not have a standardized system like he learned how to erect a pole in His company has generated an
However, even before the inven- Chinese watercolors or calligraphy. the center, assemble windows and annual revenue of 4.6 million yuan,
tion of photography itself, avid There are only a handful of practi- the door and cover the main struc- with a profit of roughly 1 million
anglers around the world came up tioners around the country. So each ture with felt. yuan. The company also brings
with inventive ways to prove the year we will meet up a few times to Despite the meager income of income to some 80 herders, includ-
legitimacy of, and record, the out- discuss the techniques, tackle prob- 1,000 yuan ($140) per month at the ing five from households previous-
standing fish they managed to land. Yu Qinyuan hosts fish-printing trainings in his studio in Gaomi, lems together, learn and progress,” workshop, Burenbayar was ly living below the poverty line.
While those in the West opted for Shandong province. PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY Yu says. delighted as he had acquired all the His company has produced
things like fish taxidermy, in China a Yu now has his own studio in skills of manufacturing yurts in about 70 percent of the yurts in
different method was used to, liter- Gaomi that aims to promote fish three years. Hulunbuir’s resorts. His yurts
ally, mark an impressive catch — The origin of fish printing printing. He occasionally hosts He decided to leave the work- have even been sold in Beijing, and
one that has since evolved into a tra- remains unclear. short-term training courses in Bei- shop in 2003 because his relatives the provinces of Sichuan and Lia-
ditional art form. According to Yu, there is no writ- jing. So far, more than 100 people rejected his proposed innovations. oning.
The method is called yuta, or fish I grew up with my ten record of the art form in histori- have learned the skill from him, “Times have changed. And “I hope more people will fall in
printing. People apply paint to the cal records, and no ancient works either in one of these courses or at yurts should be adapted to mod- love with Mongolian yurts like me,
fish and press it on paper to record
grandparents ... have been found. his studio. ern needs,” he says. as well as traditional Mongolian
its exact shape and size, and such who knew the basic But experts believe that the art Yu considers Yan Beiyu one of his In 2006, he set up his own work- culture and the beautiful grass-
details as the texture of its scales, fish-printing form might date back to ancient best students. She has attended four shop. He has explored different lands of the region.”
fins and tail. China, as the techniques resemble of his training sessions. ways to make the yurts larger and
Yu Qinyuan, a native of Gaomi, a techniques. When that of stone rubbings from the Song Her interest started in 2018, when more comfortable for tourists. XINHUA
county-level city of Weifang, Shand- they caught a big fish, Dynasty (960-1279). For instance, she enrolled her 4-year-old daugh-
ong province, has been a leading fig- both art forms use a dabber. ter on the course as she thought it
ure in inheriting, practicing and they’d print it and The art form is now known best in would be a good approach to intro-
promoting the art form. frame it as a Japan as gyotaku, meaning fish rub- ducing children to traditional art.
The 56-year-old was first exposed bing. In China, a small group of She did not expect to develop an
to the practice as a child. memento.” practitioners are working to pro- interest in the subject herself.
“I grew up with my grandparents, Yu Qinyuan, a practitioner of mote the art form. Yan took the next three sessions
a scholarly family, who knew the fish printing Yu estimates that fewer than by herself and went back to teach
basic fish-printing techniques. 1,000 people in the country have her daughter. Now, the entire family
When they caught a big fish, they’d mastered the skill. practices the skill.
print it and frame it as a memento,” its distinctive texture, like a per- “The Chinese style of fish printing “Yu’s teaching method is very
he recalls. son’s fingerprint. The texture can- has influences from traditional Chi- detailed and approachable. It’s easy
Yu has been practicing fish print- not be drawn by even the most nese painting. Upon completing the for people of all ages to understand
ing full time for 10 years. During perceptive painter but is clearly vis- printing, usually we would adorn it and master. He also explains a lot
that time, he has learned from mas- ible when rubbed onto the paper.” with drawings of plants and land- about the origins of the genre and
ters from around the country and He says that a fundamental rule of scapes, calligraphy and also stamps discusses the future of fish printing,
developed his own systematic fish printing is to not use a pen or and seals,” Yu says. and what we can do to promote the
approach to the art form. brush to add any details to the fish. The Chinese aesthetics are also art form. It really is a traditional art
The uniqueness of fish printing, The only exception to the rule is the reflected in the color choices. form suitable for all ages,” Yan says.
Yu says, lies in that it is able to pre- eyes, which require a great painting While most of the time the artists
cisely capture the details of the technique and often take longer would select colors to create the Contact the writer at Burenbayar experiments with innovative ideas to modernize tra-
fish species. “Each fish scale has than the printing process. original shades of the fish, works chengyuezhu@chinadaily.com.cn ditional yurts in the Inner Mongolia autonomous region. XINHUA
CHINA DAILY Tuesday, August 18, 2020 | 17

Kenya eyes
NAIROBI — Kenyan President
Uhuru Kenyatta said earlier this
month that the country’s tourism,
the sector hit hardest by COVID-19,
was now on a recovery path after
months of downturn.
Kenyatta, who spoke during a
virtual meeting with elite Kenyan
marathoner Eliud Kipchoge, Ken-
ya’s new goodwill ambassador for
tourism, expressed satisfaction
with the measures being taken by
stakeholders in the hospitality sec-
tor to protect tourists from the pan-
“Safety is not really just a govern-
ment issue. It is an individual
choice. To remain safe and by so
doing, keep everybody else safe,” he
said in a statement issued after the
Kenyatta urged Kenyans and visi-
tors to continue observing out-
break-containment protocols.
Kipchoge was in the Masai Mara
Game Reserve with his family to
witness this year’s annual wilde-
beest migration.
The president says Kenya is ready
to receive tourists and encouraged
local and foreign travelers to take
advantage of the prevailing low
rates to visit the country’s famous

Top: The 1-square-kilometer village of Wulin in Fujian province features foreign architecture dating back to about a century ago.
Left: The post office that opened in 1938. Right: Wulin’s first Romanesque building was constructed in 1930. PHOTOS PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY

An international village Zebras drink water as wilde-

beests prepare to cross the Mara
river during their migration to
the greener pastures between
the Maasai Mara Game Reserve
and the open plains of the
Serengeti, southwest of Nairobi,
The hamlet of Wulin in rural Fujian province hosts a thicket of ancient foreign-style buildings, in Kenya on Aug 8. REUTERS
leading local authorities to develop the settlement into an attraction, Yang Feiyue reports.

“We have also opened up our
ost people wouldn’t overseas Chinese culture and archi- skies, and flights are coming. We
imagine a place like tectural culture,” says Gong Linna, an welcome all those who choose to
Wulin village exists. It official with a company in charge of come,” he says.
not only does but also Wulin’s protection and development. The East African nation’s tourism
is drawing a growing number of History and original culture sector had slumped to its lowest lev-
travelers, who come to see its should be integrated with modern el in decades following the outbreak
unlikely structures. lifestyles to capitalize on Wulin’s of the COVID-19 pandemic in
Indeed, it’s extremely rare in the advantages, Gong says. March, as restrictions put in place
country to find a rural settlement “So, people today can really see, locally and internationally curtailed
like the one 15 minutes’ drive from feel and experience its profound- travel.
Fujian province’s Jinjiang city’s ness,” she says. Since March, the sector has lost
downtown that features foreign In addition to restoring historical 81.8 billion shillings ($770 million),
architecture dating back to roughly buildings, artisan workshops, roughly half of its average annual
a century ago. hotels, a tourism service center, lei- revenue, Tourism Minister Najib
Some buildings in the 1-square- sure facilities and gardens have Balala says.
kilometer hamlet feature Roman- been developed. The pandemic had literally
esque and Gothic styles. Some carry “These businesses will offer more grounded the industry to a halt,
Southeast Asian elements. And choices for tourists and jobs for with over 2.3 million employees sent
some are typical of Fujian’s south. locals,” Cai says. home, a majority on unpaid leave
They were built by Chinese who Visitors to Wulin are greeted by a field of flowers near the village’s gate. PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY Visitors can enjoy coffee at dis- and the lucky ones receiving half
returned from such Southeast tinctive cafes, watch traditional pay.
Asian countries as Malaysia and operas and otherwise experience All the top hotels, lodges and des-
Singapore. opment in 2016, and local authori- ties have increased and been upgrad- southern Fujian.” Wulin’s intangible cultural heritage. tinations were shut down over the
Some weren’t yet completed dur- ties have been working to make it a ed, as have green spaces,” Cai says. The village’s overseas Chinese Cultural celebrations were held past months as they grappled with
ing the Minguo period (1912-49), destination. “Most (villagers) have finally compatriots’ history museum hosts during the Spring Festival holiday the lack of visitors.
when their owners joined the War “The whole village used to be in come around to our principle and exhibitions and historical items, this year, and more will be staged in During the meeting, Kipchoge
of Resistance Against Japanese ruins, and many of those buildings spirit of protective restoration and such as lattice windows, bamboo the future, authorities say. said he was grateful to represent his
Aggression (1931-45). were in shabby condition,” says Cai development,” Jinjiang official baskets and rifles. Wulin has launched an initiative country as a tourism goodwill
A standout is the three-story Huangyi, a senior official in Wulin. Chen Xinxin says. It provides a vivid picture of how to recruit 99 leaders from various ambassador and assured the presi-
Xiuyang Building, constructed as a The Jinjiang government set up a A great deal of time has been villagers left for Southeast Asia to fields of society, such as govern- dent that he will do his best to pro-
watchtower in 1934. leadership team to protect the set- invested to study the ancient build- make a living and later returned to ment officials, tourism players and mote the country as a top travel
Today, it offers travelers a pano- tlement in 2017. ings, and professionals were invited Wulin to support the country’s fight cultural scholars. destination.
ramic view of the settlement. The All of the old buildings have been to participate in their restoration. against foreign aggression. They’ll be invited to run the his- Balala says hotels in the Maasai
outer wall is pocked with bullet holes. restored to how they were to fully “It’s all worth it,” Chen says, add- The museum stands next to an torical building cluster and apply Mara were fully booked, mostly by
Wulin is home to more than 1,800 present the past to travelers. ing that those buildings have wit- ocean of potted marigolds. their expertise to Wulin, helping it local tourists, for the current high
villagers and the place of ancestry of Visitors to Wulin are greeted by a nessed history. They carry local The authority aims to turn the to become a leading cultural and season and encourages Kenyans
about 15,000 Chinese living abroad. field of flowers near the village’s culture and the memories of those village into a getaway that offers tourism destination. and inbound travelers to visit desti-
It was named a “traditional Chi- gate that took shape during the who live abroad. immersion in Southeast Asian and nations across the country.
nese village” by the Ministry of Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). “We’d like young people to know southern Fujianese cultures. Contact the writer at
Housing and Urban-Rural Devel- “Roads have been built, toilet facili- this inclusive and broad culture of “Wulin abounds with profound yangfeiyue@chinadaily.com.cn XINHUA

Russian visitors resume travel to Turkey

ISTANBUL — Russian tourists among the sectors that suffered the epidemic controls, local media 10, according to the TURSAB.
started flocking to Turkey’s Medi- most from the pandemic under the report, showing photos of the Rus- “We have been informed that 735
terranean province of Antalya on travel bans in March. sian tourists passing through ther- charter flights from Russia are
Aug 10, after four months of halted Turkey hosted 45 million tourists mal cameras. planned to arrive at Dalaman Air-
travel amid the COVID-19 pan- last year and expected a higher Airport officials have continuous- port until the end of October,” Bagli-
demic. number this year by hosting more ly warned tourists to obey social dis- kaya says, adding that 1,100
A total of 11 charter planes carry- Russians before the pandemic tancing, always wear masks and use Russians would arrive at the airport
ing tourists from several Russian erupted. hand sanitizer, which has been on the day alone.
cities landed at the Antalya airport, However, only 4,006 Russian placed in many locations through- Turkish and Russian authorities
the Association of Turkish Travel travelers visited Turkey in June, out the terminal, media report. had earlier decided to resume air
Agencies says. down from just over 1 million dur- “I had a difficult time because of travel between the two countries, a
“We are expecting a total of ing the same month last year, Tur- the pandemic. Now, I don’t want to move that had prompted hope
23,000 Russian visitors to Antalya key’s Culture and Tourism Ministry think about anything but a vaca- among Turkish tourism representa-
today,” Firuz Baglikaya, head of the reports. tion,” a Russian tourist was quoted tives.
TURSAB, says, adding that the regu- “The tourist arrivals are now as saying in a video aired by the NTV COVID-19 cases in Turkey sur-
lar daily flow of tourists from Russia increasing again, especially from broadcaster. passed 249,000 on Monday, with a
is significantly increasing tourism our main markets ... offering hope Additionally, the Bodrum and death toll of 5,974, according to the
professionals’ morale. for the future of the sector,” Bagli- Dalaman airports in Turkey’s south- latest official data. A view of Konyaalti beach amid the COVID-19 outbreak in Turkey’s
Baglikaya says Turkey’s travel kaya says. western province of Mugla started southern resort city of Antalya on June 19. Russian tourists started
agencies and tourism industry were Antalya has introduced strong to welcome Russian tourists on Aug XINHUA flocking to the city after four months of halted travel. REUTERS
18 | Tuesday, August 18, 2020 CHINA DAILY

It’s high time we revisited the full-scale movie experience
Mulan, the new, live-action adap- level at home is likely to linger in sweeping scenes of the towering gigantic Cinerama screen of Indian ters in 1980, upgraded sound sys- mas, which began long before the
tation of the animated 1998 Disney many ways, for good or bad. Alps allowed me to feel power and Hills Theater, the finest in my tems shook the floor as the pandemic but was exacerbated by it,
blockbuster, will initially skip thea- But we shortchange ourselves beauty I’d not yet witnessed first- hometown, the massive, murderous humongous Imperial Walkers thun- has signaled a serious compromise
ters and debut online only — an when we opt, quarantine or no, to hand. shark moving quick as a bullet dered their way across the screen. on our part. We’ve settled for conve-
unfortunate sign of accept and be satisfied with a mini- As Bruce Lee pursued the evil through the water had everyone riv- Also unique to cinemas are the nience, for the comfort of our easy
the times. mized film-viewing experience — Han through the fateful Hall of Mir- eted in their seats, hearts pounding. collective gasps, groans, tearful sobs chair. We no longer sit in awe before
The novel coro- via phone, computer monitor or rors in Enter the Dragon, the mes- Let’s not even talk about Linda and sniffles, laughter and sighs of the roaring lion of the theater screen,
navirus has even big-screen TV — rather than merizing visual effects worked so Blair’s spinning head, or that freak- relief rippling through a full theater, but opt instead for the purring kitten
changed so much the expansive, wall-to-wall silver well because, like Lee’s character, we ishly evil face that flashes for a all of which amplify, and sometimes of home cinema (or, worse yet, the
about life as we screen of the cinema. found ourselves dazzled and bedev- frightful split second during the dis- contrast with, our own reactions. fit-for-a-mouse mobile phone).
knew it before The reason motion pictures have iled by the distorted illusions that turbing dream sequence of The Compare that with the experience Let’s do the film industry a huge
James 2020. Among the worked is that, while we’re nestled loomed large before us. Exorcist. of lying on the sofa or bed while favor. Let’s return in earnest to the
Healy questions on many comfortably in a darkened theater When Jack Nicholson suddenly The point is that stories on the watching a movie in the comfort cinema, a bucket of popcorn in one
Second minds are, which with friends and strangers, we can poked his head through the axe-de- cinema screen captivate us because and relative seclusion of your own hand and a big, cold soda in the oth-
Thoughts changes will be forget our daily lives and suspend stroyed door in The Shining, it was they are larger — much larger, in home. The movie will still have an er, and sit in wonder once more, our
temporary, and our disbelief to collectively watch the sheer scale of his sinister, grin- fact — than life, and we simply can- impact, of course, but the degree to eyes sweeping from one end of that
which ways of life will we never action-packed, emotion-laden ning face that struck terror. On a not escape that big world up there which you are thrilled, unsettled or giant screen to the other as we fol-
revisit? moments playing out on a screen so smaller screen, it would have been (short of shutting our eyes). amused can be quite less. It is like low the action.
Being cooped up for so long has large that almost any image on it is no more frightful than The Terror of Our ears are also brought into the drinking a heavily diluted whiskey, Let’s live large again.
made us even more glad we have daunting. Tiny Town (an actual movie title, by picture, by way of the movie’s missing out on the heady thrill that
computers, televisions and smart- When I first saw The Sound of the way). soundtrack or special effects. When the full-strength version gives you. Contact the writer at
phones, and our increased comfort Music as a child, the magnificent, And as I watched Jaws on the The Empire Strikes Back hit thea- Simply put, the flight from cine- jameshealy@chinadaily.com.cn

Candid camera: Drying season

Epic TV series to tell
story of Korean War to
mark key anniversary

Cameras began to roll on Satur- It (the Korean War)

day, kicking off the shooting of a
new TV series which marks the was a key choice to
70th anniversary of the Chinese decide history ... this
People’s Volunteer Army joining
the Korean War (1950-53). project also gives us
The 40-episode production a rare opportunity for
with China Media Group is titled
Kua Guo Ya Lu Jiang (Going
Across the Yalu River), named Xue Jijun,
after the bordering river producer, Kua Guo Ya Lu Jiang
between China and the Korean
Peninsula. It is also a line from
the lyric of a famous Chinese throughout the three-year war,
fight song during that war. including the Battle of Chosin
The Korean War broke out in Reservoir and the Battle of Tri-
June 1950. And when forces led angle Hill known in China as
by the United States went across Shangganling.
the 38th parallel and brought an Shooting of this TV series will
imminent threat to China, the last for about 100 days in Bei-
People’s Volunteer Army joined jing, Tianjin, as well as Hebei,
the war in October that year, Heilongjiang and Liaoning
allying with Democratic People’s provinces. The crew includes
Republic of Korea to defend the 1,300 people and “tens of thou-
homeland and thus secure the sands” extras and soldiers will
safety of the newly founded Peo- also join the production.
ple’s Republic of China. Xue admits the difficulty of
Corn is spread out to dry in Gaoqi community, Qianjiang district, Chongqing, on Saturday. August is a
Online Nevertheless, the sacrifice was making such a massive produc-
traditional time for farmers in the district to harvest corn, pepper and peanuts before drying them for Scan the QR code for huge. Chinese official statistics tion, and the need to ensure the
storing. YANG MIN / FOR CHINA DAILY subscription or to get a show that at least 110,000 sol- crew’s health by remaining alert
copy of today’s paper. diers of the People’s Volunteer for COVID-19.
Army died on the battlefield and “But this project also gives us a
over 300,000 were wounded. rare opportunity for creativity,”
“It was a key choice to decide he explains.

It’s funny, but no joke for female comedian

history, ” Xue Jijun, a producer Kua Guo Ya Lu Jiang will be
of the TV series, said on the news shown during prime time
conference on Saturday. “We’d through Channel One of China
like to reflect Chinese people’s Central Television, and the spe-
strong spirit to safeguard their cific piloting schedule will be
By WANG QIAN 2010, she graduated from Duke Uni- But for Yang, “a man who really home and how they bravely decided later.
wangqian@chinadaily.com.cn versity’s Fuqua School of Business in appreciates me will understand my fought against hegemony during Also according to the news
the US for her master’s degree in career, which makes me shine”. a tough time when the country conference in Beijing on Satur-
It’s no joke being a female stand- management studies in 2011. Then Dating back to the 1800s, stand- was still in rubble.” day, Dong Yachun, a veteran
up comedian. In any other walk of she worked in Hong Kong for about up comedy has been a popular art Over 300 roles will be por- director on military-themed
life you would be judged a failure if five years, where she went to her first form in Europe and North America. trayed in the “panoramic epic”, productions, will take in charge
people laughed out loud at your stand-up show live in English. She Still a new thing in China, open mic the producer says. They obvious- of the new series. He is best
work. But all joking aside, one came back to work in Shanghai in nights first emerged in big cities, like ly include then state leaders like known for his well-acclaimed
Shanghai comedian is making a suc- 2016. Beijing and Shanghai, in 2009. Chairman Mao Zedong, premier series on World War II including
cess of it. The art form impressed her. When The successful stand-up comedy Zhou Enlai, and Peng Dehuai, Chinese Expeditionary Force
Working as a sales director in the she and her boyfriend broke up, it shows, such as 80’s Talk Show and the direct commander of Chi- (2011) and The Fight of Changsha
daytime, Yang Mengqi (also known was like a catalyst that motivates her Rock and Roast, have seen comic nese forces in the Korean War. (2014). Actor Tang Guoqiang will
as Norah Yang) does stand-up at var- to explore her hidden talent in style grow roots in China, attracting Huang Jiguang, Qiu Shaoyun, play the role of Mao and Ding
ious clubs and pubs at night in stand-up comedy. many young fans. The performance and other household names and Yongdai will play the general
Shanghai. She performs both in “I wanted to break up with the old by humorist Joe Wong, born in Jilin wartime heroes for the Chinese Peng.
English and Chinese. me and stand-up came to my mind,” province, at the Radio and Television will also appear in the produc- The Korean War has provided
In a world of stand-up comedy Stand-up comedian Yang she says. Correspondents’ Association Dinner tion, but some roles are fictional a great deal of inspiration to Chi-
dominated by men, the 32-year-old Mengqi performs in Shanghai. Her first English stand-up show at in Washington, has inspired Chinese to allow a review of the war from nese TV screens and cinemas.
admits the journey was exactly a bel- PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY the Shanghai’s Kungfu Komedy Club comedians to bring Chinese humor multiple perspectives. The pro- For example, the vintage film
ly of laughs. failed to make the grade. into the American-style art form. ducer said accuracy of major his- Battle of Shangganling (1956)
“Compared to our male counter- “As the only female comedian, it As a bilingual comedian, Yang torical events will be followed and Peking Opera film Raid on
parts, female comedians face greater Some netizens commented that lasted five minutes with most of the gradually gets her own observation fully but some trivial details may the White Tiger Regiment (1972)
challenges,’’ Yang says. “We have to good humor should be self-deprecat- audience being male and foreign. In and understanding about the differ- not be stubbornly identical. gave generations of Chinese peo-
handle some topics, which are con- ing, reducing distance between the the first four minutes there was no ence between English and Chinese The TV series will cover over ple proud stories and tales of her-
sidered — in the traditional point of comedian and the audience. laugh,” Yang remembers. stand-up comedies. 20 major campaigns and battles oism on the silver screen.
view — indecent for a woman to Although shocked at the time, But the club’s owner, Andy Cur- “For English and Chinese, it is sim-
speak of, in a smart way.” Yang reflects on her performance tain, who is an Australian comedian, ilar in the topics, such as difference
She hopes that more women can and says: “The biggest problem was encouraged her to come back between men and women, conflicts
show their talent onstage. that it failed to make people laugh.” onstage, believing in her talent. between old generation and young,
Breaking into the spotlight in late In her later shows, she used Li’s “It is really important for comedi- and regional differences,” Yang says.
2016, Yang has performed hundreds comment as her material to laugh at ans, especially female, to have some- However, the cultures behind is
of shows across China, the United herself. She joked that in many peo- one to encourage them when they different, she adds.
States, Thailand and Japan. She has ple’s eyes, she is a very arrogant first enter the industry,” she says, One example she explains about
opened for big-name touring acts, Shanghai native, whose daily image adding that although new comedi- the difference is her routine about
including Mark Normand and Kate is with an identification card in her ans come every week, women are “ironman”. Her joke goes like, “If Chi-
Willett. She attended the 2018 San left hand, a graduation card in her easier to drop. na stopped exporting iron, there will
Francisco Comedy Competition. right and property ownership certif- Since then, she has been frequent- not be Ironman, there will only be
She has gone viral on social media icates on her waist. ly showing up in nightclubs and man.” It works for English speakers,
after participating in the ongoing If you cannot get enough of the bars, but didn’t tell her parents what but not for a Chinese audience,
season of Rock and Roast, a show to Amazon’s breakout comedy The she was up to. according to Yang.
promote stand-up comedy culture. Marvelous Mrs Maisel, Yang’s story At the beginning, they were wor- British online newspaper The
A judge on the show, Li Dan, com- is definitely what you expect to read. ried, “but now they support me. Independent described her perform-
mented that her act “brings a sense Like Maisel, Yang has an idyllic life They have inspired more than half of ance as “there’s an international
of oppression”, claiming she spent — born in Shanghai, in a supportive my jokes”, Yang says. quality to her comedy, coupled with
too much time talking about her edu- family, been to good schools and a But they still think it is not a good levels of calm and confidence that
cation background and decent job. well-paid job. She found her hidden career for a woman and may scare belie her youth’’.
Li’s comments on Yang have been talent after a heartbreaking breakup. men away, because the traditional For Yang, comedy comes first. In
a hot topic on Zhihu, a Chinese Getting her bachelor’s degree in path expected to be taken by most her future plan, she wants to quit Shen Haixiong (center), head of China Media Group, unveils a
equivalent of Quora, which has been English linguistics and literature in Chinese women in their 30s is to find her sales director job and focus on symbolic camera to launch the shooting of the TV series Kua Guo
viewed more than 1 million times. Fudan University in Shanghai in a husband and start a family. her comedian career. Ya Lu Jiang in Beijing on Saturday. PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY
CHINA DAILY Tuesday, August 18, 2020 | 19


Endurance challenge

The BMW Hood to Coast China

Relay has become an annual feast
for the nation’s ever-growing legions
of endurance enthusiasts in recent

goes the extra mile

years. The news, therefore, that the
2020 edition has avoided the pan-
demic-enforced cancellations that
befell many long-distance running
events nationwide comes as a timely
boost for fans of the race.
Better again, this year’s edition
will be bigger than ever after it was Hood to Coast China Relay returns bigger and better than ever
announced on Thursday that
Zhangjiakou, a co-host city for the
2022 Winter Olympics, in Hebei
province will host an expanded field
on Aug 28, with runners able to
choose from two categories.
In previous editions, five-member
teams were challenged to finish an
180-kilometer course within 24
hours. The track was divided into
more than a dozen sections, with
one team member required to com-
plete each section while the other
four traveled by car and inter- This year’s Hood to Coast China
changed at the end of every leg. Relay will be open to 2,370 run-
Different challenges await this ners in total. PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY
year’s hardy souls — a 234.3-kilome-
ter race will be open to 37 10-mem-
ber, two-car teams, while 400 five- in Beijing scuppered that plan.
member teams will contest a 147-km The setback prompted organizers
course. Organizers say that to invite runners to share their expe-
although the distance of the regular riences from previous editions of
course has been shortened, it is the race on live-streaming plat-
more challenging than last year’s forms. The aim, according to Li, was
route. to “connect the runners who had no
The longer relay will start at race to run and craved to return to
Daqing Mountain, while the regular the relay”.
group will begin at picturesque Local authorities have also made
Senado Field. Both groups, compris- big efforts to help the race return.
ing a total of 2,370 runners, will trav- “Since the Hood to Coast China
erse tough mountain terrain and Relay arrived at Zhangjiakou in
bucolic grasslands en route to the 2017, the quality of the race has
finish line at Wanlong Paradise grown year by year. And the number
Resort, where a grand party will be of the participants has been increas-
waiting for the finishers. ing,” said Feng Xiangqian, the depu-
The original Hood to Coast Relay, ty director of the sports
founded in 1982, takes place in the The BMW Hood to Coast China Relay’s picturesque scenery — such as this grassland terrain in Hebei province — makes the race an enticing administration of Zhangjiakou.
US state of Oregon every August, prospect for endurance runners. PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY “The relay has become a flagship
with the race debuting in China in event in our city during the summer,
2017. and it makes a significant contribu-
Staging this year’s event has been “I thought about the possibility of teams. Apart from the scenic views has been the epidemic. At that time, need to cancel this year’s race.’ If we tion to Zhangjiakou’s sports and
more challenging than previous canceling this year’s edition due to along the track, one of the primary no one knew what the future would have to cancel it, we need to come up tourism industries.
years due to the COVID-19 pandem- the pandemic. And we thought attractions of our event is the team- hold,” Li added. with alternatives. And as long as “The year of 2020 has been unu-
ic. Organizers admit that they gave about organizing an online running work involved.” “To be honest, we were really anx- there’s a tiny possibility, we will sual for all of us. Since February,
serious consideration to holding an event,” Li Lu, the general manager of Ultimately, though, China’s suc- ious in the first half of 2020, but we work hard to bring back this year’s running events everywhere have
alternative online event, whereby event organizer Starz Sports Run- cessful containment of the coronavi- realized that worrying wouldn’t do event.” faced an unprecedented suspen-
runners would record their progress ning Culture, told China Daily. rus, allied to Li’s hard work, has us any good. We needed to face the The 2020 edition had originally sion. But now, thanks to everyone’s
on smart devices and upload their “Even in an online event, our run- paved the way for the race to make a difficulties directly. been scheduled for June, however a efforts, we are emerging from those
progress. ners could finish the challenge in full return. “The biggest challenge “We never thought, ‘Well, we just brief resurgence of COVID-19 cases difficulties.”


Daze of glory as entranced Hamilton revels in record triumph

BARCELONA, Spain — Lewis fourth in consecutive years in Spain today it was really sweet and I was top performances. ered and won in the same kind of
Hamilton said he was in a “beauti- and fifth in seven years at the Circuit away off the line and perfectly “And it is a lot closer than people conditions.
ful” trance on Sunday as he raced to de Catalunya — a remarkable feat by straight. After that, it was about think in the drivers standings. Max “It’s down to the great work done
another record-breaking triumph to him and his team after last Sunday’s managing the tires and I had the set- is right with us, but today I was just in the factory, by all the team on the
open up a 37-point lead in this year’s defeat by Red Bull and Max Verstap- tings spot on. in such a different headspace in the engineering side and it shows the
Formula 1 drivers’ championship at pen at the 70th Anniversary Grand “We didn’t know how quick they car. It was a beautiful feeling, lap by strength of the team.”
the Spanish Grand Prix. Prix at Silverstone. (Red Bull) would be, so in the early lap, a great feeling — the best I have Talking of Hamilton, he said he
His Mercedes team boss, Toto The six-time world champion is laps I was just trying to get the had in a long time.” was amazed at his understanding
Wolff, agreed, but he put it another now within three of legend Schuma- measure of them and let things sta- and decision-making in the car —
way after the six-time champion’s cher’s record of 91 wins. bilize and let the tires last for me — ‘Total control’ controlling and switching the
88th victory earned him an unprec- “It was really hard work,” Hamil- the difference today was tire man- Wolff added his own tribute to the engine to preserve mileage for a lat-
edented 156th podium finish to sur- ton said. agement. work of the Mercedes team in trans- er date, choosing his own tires for
pass Michael Schumacher’s “Firstly, the heat is crazy... And “At the end, I had a safe gap and forming an unexpected defeat — his second pit stop and looking after
previous all-time record. then there is everything else — the the medium tire was safest tire to due to blistering and worn tires in the tires.
“At the moment, I have to say that start, the tires... You can lose all the put on. sweltering conditions at Silverstone “He was totally in control, he has
he drives in a league of his own,” said hard work that goes into qualifying “I must say today the guys all did a — into a comfortable victory. such instinctive feeling and under-
Wolff. “I was in a daze, just another at the start. fantastic job — everyone back at the “I think what makes me most standing,” he said. Lewis Hamilton celebrates
zone,” said Hamilton. “I was conscious of that and I factory, the whole team, everyone happy is that after such a difficult winning F1’s Spanish Grand
The Briton’s success was his practice so much for the start — and here... It was really one of our top, week at Silverstone, we have recov- AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE Prix on Sunday. REUTERS

BASEBALL EPGA Celtic Classic da-LCR) 6.403, 7. Danilo Petrucci (ITA/Ducati) Russell (GBR/Williams-Mercedes) 1 lap, 18. Nich-
Leading final scores after the fourth round of the 12.498, 8. Fabio Quartararo (FRA/Yamha-SRT) olas Latifi (CAN/Williams-Mercedes) 2 laps, 19.
Results of the MLB games on Sunday (home
team in CAPS):
Washington 6 BALTIMORE 5
European Tour’s Celtic Classic, The Celtic Manor
Resort, Newport, Wales on Sunday (GBR/IRL
Sea you again 12.534, 9. Iker Lecuona (ESP/KTM) 14.117, 10.
Maverick Vinales (ESP/Yamaha) 15.276, 11. Aleix
Romain Grosjean (FRA/Haas-Ferrari) 2 laps
Fastest lap: Valtteri Bottas (FIN/Mercedes)
unless stated, par 71): Espargaro (ESP/Aprilia) 17.772, 12. Michele Pirro 1:18.183 on 66th lap
Cleveland 8 DETROIT 5 (ITA/Ducati-Pramac) 23.271, 13. Alex Marquez DNF: Charles Leclerc (MON/Ferrari)
266 - Sam Horsfield 67 64 68 67
MINNESOTA 4 Kansas City 2 (ESP/Honda) 24.943, 14. Bradley Smith (GBR/ World championship
268 - Thomas Detry (BEL) 67 66 68 67
HOUSTON 3 Seattle 2 Aprilia) 24.868, 15. Cal Crutchlow (Honda-LCR) Drivers
269 - Andrew Johnston 67 66 68 68, Connor Syme
CHICAGO WHITE SOX 7 St. Louis 2 27.435 1. Lewis Hamilton (GBR) 132 pts, 2. Max Verstap-
68 67 63 71, Thomas Pieters (BEL) 64 68 70 67
Tampa Bay at TORONTO, sus, 1st game Moto2 pen (NED) 95, 3. Valtteri Bottas (FIN) 89 4. Charles
270 - Adrian Meronk (POL) 66 71 64 69, David
Tampa Bay 7 TORONTO 5, 8 innings, 2nd game 1. Jorge Martin (ESP/Kalex) 19min 24.723sec, 2. Leclerc (MON) 45, 5. Lance Stroll (CAN) 40 6. Alex-
Horsey 68 71 65 66, Sami Valimaki (FIN) 71 68 65
COLORADO 10 Texas 6 Luca Marini (ITA/Kalex) at 2.195sec, 3. Marcel ander Albon (THA) 40, 7. Lando Norris (GBR) 39, 8.
66, John Catlin (USA) 68 68 69 65
Oakland 15 SAN FRANCISCO 3 Schrotter (GER/Kalex) 4.782, 4. Sam Lowes (GBR/ Sergio Pez (MEX) 32 9. Carlos Sainz (ESP) 23 10.
271 - Sebastian Soderberg (SWE) 66 69 65 71 Kalex) 7.249, 5. Xavi Vierge (ESP/Kalex) 7.325 Daniel Ricciardo (AUS) 20, 11. Sebastian Vettel
LA Dodgers 8 LA ANGELS 3
272 - Wil Besseling (NED) 67 69 67 69, Callum World championship standings (GER) 16, 12. Esteban Ocon (FRA) 16, 13. Pierre
NY YANKEES 4 Boston 2
Shinkwin 68 65 69 70, Gavin Green (MAS) 70 69 70 MotoGP Gasly (FRA) 14, 14. Nico Hkenberg (GER) 6, 15.
63 1. Fabio Quartararo (FRA) 67 points, 2. Andrea Antonio Giovinazzi (ITA) 2, 16. Daniil Kvyat (RUS)
Atlanta 4 MIAMI 0
Pittsburgh at CINCINNATI, ppd Dovizioso (ITA) 56, 3. Maverick Vinales (ESP) 48, 2, 17. Kevin Magnussen (DEN) 1
Milwaukee 6 CHICAGO CUBS 5 Ladies Scottish Open 4. Brad Binder (RSA) 41, 5. Valentino Rossi (ITA) Constructors
Leading scores after the final round of the Ladies 38, 6. Takaaki Nakagami 37, 7. Jack Miller (AUS) 1. Mercedes 221 pts, 2. Red Bull-Honda 135 3. Rac-
ARIZONA 5 San Diego 4
Scottish Open on Sunday at the Renaissance 36, 8. Franco Morbidelli 31, 9. Joan Mir (ESP) 31, ing Point-Mercedes 63, 4. McLaren-Renault 62, 5.
Club, North Berwick, Scotland: 10. Johann Zarco (FRA) 28 Ferrari 61, 6. Renault 36, 7. AlphaTauri-Honda 16,
Stacy Lewis wins in 4-way playoff Moto2 8. Alfa Romeo Racing-Ferrari 2, 9. Haas-Ferrari 1
Stacy Lewis,$225,000 71-66-70-72—279 1. Luca Marini (ITA) 78 points, 2. Enea Bastianini
Wyndham Championship
Leading final-round scores on Sunday in the US Emily Kristine Pedersen, $83,827 68-74-69-68—279; (ITA) 73, 3. Jorge Martin (ESP) 59, 4. Sam Lowes SOCCER
Cheyenne Knight, $83,827 72-68-69-70—279; Aza- (GBR) 59, 5. Tetsuta Nagashima (JPN) 55
PGA Tour Wyndham Championship in Greens-
boro, North Carolina (USA unless noted, par-70): hara Munoz, $83,827 68-69-69-73—279 UEFA Europa League
259 - Jim Herman 66-69-61-63 Nanna Koerstz Madsen, $43,203 69-71-75-65—280; MOTOR SPORTS UEFA Europa League semi-final result on Sun-
260 - Billy Horschel 66-64-65-65 Danielle Kang, $43,203 71-71-69-69—280 day:
262 - Kevin Kisner 69-64-65-64, Webb Simpson Lin Xiyu, $32,241 72-71-69-69—281; Chun In-gee, Spanish Formula One Grand Prix At Cologne
$32,241 71-71-70-69—281; Amy Olson, $32,241 The 12th edition of Qingdao International Sailing Week ended Results on Sunday, the sixth round of the 2020 Sevilla (ESP) 2 (Suso 26, De Jong 78) Man Utd
66-66-65-65, Doc Redman 67-64-63-68, Kim Si-woo
(KOR) 65-65-62-70 68-71-71-71—281; Jennifer Song, $32,241 68-70-70- on Sunday at the Qingdao International Sailing Center, venue Formula One world championship: (ENG) 1 (Fernandes 9-pen)
263 - Zach Johnson 70-67-61-65, Harold Varner 73—281; Andrea Lee, $28,372 69-71-73-69—282 1. Lewis Hamilton (GBR/Mercedes) 1h 31:45.279, Playing Monday
Kylie Henry, $25,148 71-75-69-68—283; Haru Nom- for the 2008 Beijing Olympics, after nine days of city-to-city 2. Max Verstappen (NED/Red Bull-Honda) 24.177, At Duesseldorf
264 - Denny McCarthy 67-68-66-63, Patrick Reed ura, $25,148 72-70-72-69—283; Nasa Hataoka, and offshore events along the coast from Shandong to Shenz- 3. Valtteri Bottas (FIN/Mercedes) 44.752, 4. Lance Inter Milan (ITA) v Shakhtar Donetsk (UKR)
65-68-67-64, Russell Henley 68-68-63-65, Im Sung- $25,148 73-69-70-71—283; Lydia Ko, $25,148 70-72- Stroll (CAN/Racing Point-Mercedes) 1 lap, 5. Ser- - Final on August 21 in Cologne
jae (KOR) 69-64-66-65 67-74—283 hen, Guangdong province. This year’s event boasted a total of gio Pez (MEX/Racing Point-Mercedes) 1 lap, 6.
265 - Sam Burns 67-68-65-65, Tyler Duncan 68-64- Hannah Green, $22,246 72-72-70-70—284; Minjee seven competition categories. PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY Carlos Sainz (ESP/McLaren-Renault) 1 lap, 7. TENNIS
66-67 Lee, $22,246 68-73-70-73—284 Sebastian Vettel (GER/Ferrari) 1 lap 8. Alexander
266 - Cameron Davis (AUS) 71-65-65-65, Bud Caul- Albon (THA/Red Bull-Honda) 1 lap, 9. Pierre Gasly WTA Lexington
ey 66-68-67-65, Jason Kokrak 69-63-67-67, Mark ICE HOCKEY (FRA/AlphaTauri-Honda) 1 lap, 10. Lando Norris Result of the final on Sunday (x-denotes seed-
Hubbard 67-65-64-70, Rob Oppenheim 66-66-62-72 Results of the National Hockey League games on Chicago 3 Las Vegas 1 Prix in Spielberg on Sunday: (GBR/McLaren-Renault) 1 lap, 11. Daniel Ricciar- ing):
267 - Chris Baker 71-63-68-65, Dylan Frittelli (RSA) Sunday (home team in CAPS): St. Louis 3 Vancouver 2 (OT) MotoGP do (AUS/Renault) 1 lap, 12. Daniil Kvyat (RUS/ Jen Brady (USA) bt Jil Teichmann (SUI) 6-3, 6-4
69-65-66-67, Peter Malnati 68-65-64-70 1. Andrea Dovizioso (ITA/Ducati) 28min AlphaTauri-Honda) 1 lap, 13. Esteban Ocon (FRA/
At Toronto
268 - Shane Lowry (IRL) 68-63-70-67, Harris
NY Islanders 2 Washington 1 (OT) MOTOR CYCLING 20.853sec, 2. Joan Mir (ESP/Suzuki) at 1.377sec, 3. Renault) 1 lap, 14. Kimi Rkken (FIN/Alfa Romeo Prague WTA
English 64-67-68-69 Jack Miller (AUS/Ducati-Pramac) 1.549, 4. Brad Racing-Ferrari) 1 lap, 15. Kevin Magnussen (DEN/
Philadelphia 1 Montreal 0 Result of the final on Sunday:
269 - Ryan Armour 73-64-65-67, Talor Gooch Austrian Grand Prix Binder (AFS/KTM) 5.526, 5. Valentino Rossi (ITA/ Haas-Ferrari) 1 lap, 16. Antonio Giovinazzi (ITA/
65-65-68-71 At Edmonton, Alberta Simona Halep (ROU x1) bt Elise Mertens (BEL x3)
results from the Austrian motorcycling Grand Yamaha) 5.837, 6. Takaaki Nakagami (JPN/Hon- Alfa Romeo Racing-Ferrari) 1 lap, 17. George
Dallas 5 Calgary 4 (OT) 6-2, 7-5.
20 | Tuesday, August 18, 2020 CHINA DAILY


Solskjaer sets sights on reinforcements

Ole blames lack of ford was wiped out by Diego Carlos
after his initial effort was saved by
squad depth for Bono.
United’s Euro exit Fernandes spot-on
COLOGNE, Germany — Ole Gun- Portuguese playmaker Fernandes
nar Solskjaer admitted Manchester has ensured United’s early season
United faces a busy few weeks in the woes from the spot are long forgot-
transfer market after losing a third ten as the 25-year-old converted his
semifinal this season as Sevilla eighth penalty for the club.
reached the Europa League final by Sevilla grew back into the game
coming from behind to win 2-1 in and leveled with a fine team goal on
Cologne. 19 minutes.
United was made to pay for its On-loan Madrid leftback Sergio
profligacy in front of goal after Bru- Reguilon is in demand from a host
no Fernandes’ early penalty put the of top European clubs and his run
English side in front. opened up the United defense
Suso quickly leveled for Sevilla before his cross was swept home by
before goalkeeper Bono kept his former Liverpool winger Suso.
team in the game and substitute Despite the lack of a crowd in
Luuk de Jong continued the Span- Cologne there was no lack of pas-
ish side’s remarkable Europa sion or tension as Sevilla were roar-
League run in recent years by slot- ed on by their substitutes, staff and
ting home the winner 12 minutes directors, and tempers flared with
from time. both benches exchanging words.
United had already secured its “It is one of the curiosities of this
place in the Champions League next situation (playing behind closed
season by finishing third in doors),” added Lopetegui. “The
England’s top flight, but an over-re- support of your teammates is
liance on a small core of players was important.”
again exposed as Solskjaer did not United rode out the Sevilla storm
make a single substitution until and had a host of chances early in
three minutes from time. the second half to go back in front
United’s new Premier League but a combination of Bono, poor fin-
campaign is scheduled to begin in Bruno Fernandes (right, foreground) and Fred cut dejected figures as they trudge from the pitch following their team’s 2-1 Europa League ishing and brave last-ditch defend-
just over four weeks’ time and initial semifinal defeat to Sevilla in Cologne, Germany, on Sunday. REUTERS ing kept them at bay.
talks over the signing of Jadon San- Anthony Martial was the biggest
cho have stalled with Borussia Dort- culprit in terms of United’s missed
mund insisting the England Julen Lopetegui. “We are very excit- many chances to be honest,” chances. The Frenchman was
international will remain in Germa- ed for the final, but it will be the Maguire told broadcaster BT Sport. denied three times when one-on-
ny next season. hardest game yet and we have to “We worked our socks off and one with second-choice stopper
“We need to strengthen the squad prepare.” deserved to win and get through. We Bono as United began to cut
depth of course. It will be a long sea- Lopetegui is enjoying a renais- fell short in a semifinal for the third through Sevilla at will.
son,” said Solskjaer. sance in Seville after a tough couple time this year. Lopetegui responded by sacrific-
“I cannot say when or if transfers of years when he was fired as Spain “Losing is not acceptable. Getting ing top scorer Lucas Ocampos for
are going to be done, but we are coach on the eve of the 2018 World to semifinals isn’t acceptable. We de Jong and his changes worked to
looking at it. It is a quick turn- Cup for accepting the role as Real have to take it to the next step.” perfection as Sevilla regained its
around. We just have to be 100 per- Madrid manager and then fired The defeat means United is now composure before landing the
cent sure when we do those deals.” again just months into his time at without a trophy in three seasons. sucker punch.
Sevilla has now won 25 of its last the Santiago Bernabeu. “We want to win silverware as De Jong has had a difficult first
26 Europa League knockout ties and soon as possible,” added Maguire. season in Spain, but went a long way
will believe it is destined to win the ‘Best team lost’ “Tonight we turned up and the to redeeming himself as he was alert
competition for a sixth time when it United defender Harry Maguire best team lost. Perhaps that bit of to turn home a cross by former Man-
faces Inter Milan or Shakhtar Don- insisted the “best side lost” after the inexperience cost us — we shouldn’t chester City winger Navas with the
etsk in Friday’s final. defeat. have conceded that second goal.” United defense sleeping, leading to
“This is the best Manchester Unit- “The boys are devastated. We cre- Sevilla is now unbeaten in a club- a confrontation between Fernandes
ed of the last few years and the form ated numerous chances. The best Luuk de Jong (left) celebrates scoring Sevilla’s winner with Sergio record 20 games but was unsettled and his teammate Victor Lindelof.
team in England so it is normal that team lost. They punished us for Reguilon as the Spanish side advanced to the Europa League final by the pace and movement of Unit-
we had to suffer,” said Sevilla boss missing chances. They didn’t make with a 2-1 win over Manchester United. REUTERS ed’s front four early as Marcus Rash- AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE


Arduous journey resumes toward Ultimate destination

By SUN XIAOCHEN Once a niche sport in China,
sunxiaochen@chinadaily.com.cn MMA is rapidly gaining main-
stream recognition here thanks to
China’s next-gen mixed martial the rise of homegrown fighters such
artists have officially resumed their as reigning world champion Zhang
pursuit of Octagon stardom thanks Weili.
to the reopening of the Ultimate After winning the UFC’s straw-
Fighting Championship’s Perform- weight belt at home last August and
ance Institute in Shanghai. then retaining it in March, the
The 8,600-square-meter down- 30-year-old Hebei native has single-
town facility, which was converted handedly elevated MMA’s profile in
from an abandoned warehouse, has China to a whole new stratosphere.
welcomed back 24 fighters since “It’s been phenomenal,” Chang
Aug 3 after being given the all-clear said of Zhang’s impact. “Weili is the
by authorities with the coronavirus north star and a great inspiration to
successfully contained in the city. all of our fighters in China. There is
Athletes returning from across no question that she’s entered into
the country must observe stringent Chinese kickboxer Shang Zhifa (left) and judo specialist Lyu Kai are among an initial group of 24 MMA fighters to resume intensive training the collective consciousness in
virus prevention procedures upon at UFC’s Performance Institute in Shanghai since the facility reopened on Aug 3. GETTY IMAGES Asia.”
entry, including centralized isola- Now with their training back to
tion and nucleic acid testing, the requisite intensity, both Shang
according to Kevin Chang, UFC’s kickboxer, who reported to the insti- program in China. A 30-strong sup- The training expertise, which training centers,” said Lyu, who start- and Lyu are eyeing potential bouts
senior vice-president of Asia Pacific. tute the first day it reopened. “With port team assists athletes using a includes tailor-made plans to cater ed judo training aged 12 at Chang- at Dana White’s Contender Series
“The pandemic had put our the facilities and all the training wealth of amenities, including to each fighter’s style, is what makes ning district’s junior sports school, a Asia, which has been postponed
efforts to develop local talent on support available here, I feel like I cardio and strength training equip- the institute so unique, said Lyu Kai, State-run facility, in Shanghai. until next year due to the pandemic.
hold since February. We’ve taken am building up my strength gradu- ment, hypoxic labs and cryotherapy a judo specialist. “If you are looking for real combat The series, which is debuting in
some extra precautions, but are ally and everything seems safe here.” chambers. “The biggest difference here is the skills from actual experiences in the Asia and is based on its original
finally at a point where we feel it’s Opened in June last year, the The PI also hosts the UFC’s abundant resources provided to each Octagon, and know-how on how to American model, offers fighters the
the right time to reopen,” Chang told institute is considered the anchor of Asian headquarters and the pro- athlete and the variety in training excel in MMA as a pro, then you are chance to impress UFC president
China Daily in a telephone inter- UFC’s ambitious talent-cultivating motion’s content production unit. courses compared to the traditional in the right place.” White and ultimately earn
view last week. contracts.
“We test them on their way in, “To put it simply, it’s the biggest
monitor where they go and we have opportunity of their career,” said
a housing facility just next door. Miocic cements legendary status Chang. “It’s a great opportunity for
They just move between the PI and these prospects to showcase their
the housing facility. In that sense, it skills in front of the matchmakers to
is relatively a safe bubble.” Stipe Miocic defeated Daniel Cormi- UFC 252 in Las Vegas. “I can’t see any- between the two but dropped two heavyweight champion, attempted to hopefully earn their spots in the
The PI will also educate athletes er by unanimous decision in a five- thing out of my left eye,” Cormier said. straight to Miocic. stir the pot on social media by throw- UFC. They have to win in an amaz-
on anti-COVID-19 protocols on their round bout on Saturday night to win “It’s black.” “I’m not interested in fighting for ing his name into the pot for a fight ing and impressive way.”
arrival, including visit management, the rubber match in a fantastic trilogy Cormier was taken to the hospital anything but titles and I don’t imagine with Miocic. For talents produced by China’s
a report mechanism should they between the fighters and retain his after the bout. The 41-year-old (22-3, 1 there’s going to be a title in the future,” “Heavyweight world championships traditional sports system, diversify-
come into contact with high-risk heavyweight championship. NC) is a former two-division champion Cormier said. “That will be it for me. I will be seeing you real soon. Victori- ing their skill set is the most critical
people and an application process Miocic (20-3) swept the scorecards and has already cemented his status I’ve had a long run, it’s been great, I ous,” Jones tweeted. area for improvement, Lyu reckons.
should they leave Shanghai. 49-46, 49-46 and 48-47 to stake his as one of the greatest pound-for- just fought my last fight for a heavy- Miocic nearly got the finish at the “Zhang Weili has proved that Chi-
Having stayed isolated from each claim as perhaps the greatest heavy- pound fighters in UFC history. weight championship and it was a end of the second round and had nese can also stand out in UFC,
other while working out at home for weight in UFC history. The amiable Cormier, who has pretty good fight.” Cormier in trouble until time ran out. giving us a big motivation and a
almost half a year, the fighters have Miocic tagged Cormier with a found his niche as a successful broad- UFC president Dana White had said Cormier knocked out Miocic at UFC clear goal to chase in our own way,”
been raring to shake off the rust and vicious poke to his left eye late in the caster, had vowed to retire after Satur- Francis Ngannou was next in line for a 226 in the first round in their 2018 he said.
sharpen their punches at the cut- third round that sent the challenger day and end a career in which 10 of his heavyweight title shot. bout to win the heavyweight belt. Mio- “As long as I can continue perfect-
ting-edge facility, which is three staggering to his corner. last 11 fights were fought with a cham- “Great performance to both guys. ... cic defeated Cormier last August in the ing the combination of judo, wres-
times larger than UFC’s original PI, Cormier’s eye was almost swollen pionship on the line. Congrats to Stipe on the performance. rematch at UFC 241. tling and boxing skills as I do at the
opened in Las Vegas in 2017. shut, but he gamely fought on in the Cormier said he stood by his deci- See you soon,” Ngannou tweeted. PI, I believe I can earn a UFC
“I was like over the moon when I final two rounds in the main event of sion to retire. He won the first fight Jon Jones, the reigning UFC light ASSOCIATED PRESS contract and a title shot in three or
was called back,” said Shang Zhifa, a four years.”

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